0 , Constipat ion. . 4 CERTAIN AND PER SiENT CURE. r . of liferredlapose ttiCoal Wined, ih allow s but little e5...r015e. 4 Per hie unfortunate atilt of body, nceti, !night prettily be retie% or ei a, r y t oiptoyins:as for otle-itii I; but tide li,be 00 mottle cer tipatton le a tery olimin ite ill - a. y ISO dolled reakedlea Invariably inc can be ' niercittlo claw. than ' p.treng aVer;enta.\_They at tlrht IIMOdt• pa rilze t ie bowels --rttio , d that else twine doeits of cal bar en effect upan them:\ A mild with a. maid: , ellmuLoif, ie the o . i ntlilnaloii iii the hapideo yr., I -reilleiiiii, Is found In itosTET s onarrts. Thl 'humus !Stum m whole latestittal MAI. weile I' 1/111 Its coot °inflows all Impudk . age thniugh them:, No nie•e , itoohle tip...ration. No ordi-,n.y e desired object. Ca,,yl 'f Con I d as boveliaa by diatin2u shed n cured in a few ‘,...tiel;‘ii by the -ho have tried all the rotilielnea vain ' we say try thla ti red.4t11)1.3 • eat. There 1. , no entlicient reason .110111 , 1 le• the con-pones ce bf eyd- STETTF.R'S BITTER: 4 , by sop doll would iitherwlee be,4l.w't. - ed tln all ei03..24 re mialde the . iiyati-tin to ry functlot.sregularly and health. Elabltila nog oyo inrEm : . mit t . . . some occupations sspeolally tliuer. whit no who contract • tinder such circutn-t by o baniriug their .1 au more active kin min. 11:th:t nal con order Ali the nolo Aggravate it. Nth the continued u-e o Irritate, and Rawly darMg them AO TOM t c mud:cows have aperient. combined true retrfilY; a. d a portion, of these in TERN i3Tt /MAC! sonic invigorates I quietly removing f metu to a free p purgative has thl stimulant etTects t stipation abamioni medical men have Sitieis. To those of the dtspenaary I stimulant mail a pu r why Coestlpation witary habits, 11( plying I,lle vigor, fern exercise, wilt perform Its 01Cret fully. h y Pectoral. PID CtIRE. Of Influenza, 11,Pararne,,ss, Croup, cipient Conruniption, and foi; usuniptive Patients in advanced flyer's Coughs, • Colds, Bronchitis, It the relief of C , stages of the d Co wide Is the f • one ere Its cu the count o ry d by nre been restre disease. of the lu try over every ott escape observallot the public no lon. - prey for the distr the pulmonary or Many infe.ior ren lisi-e.falled and be by every trial, cot can never tercet, and too retristrkat 1 i We can n..sure frilly kept up to t may ho relied on ever done. treat numbers men, and other ei names to earthy remedies, but spa of them. The A our American withal.. full de „ edie. core. Those who req ffy thu blood wi 1111. LA the one 10 cede Its vain.. . 'Prepared by ll_ . ..T. C AY ER &C.0.,L0w11.N1a5 . . , nod sold by all .11ruggists and dealers in medicines everywhere. 1 --- r=l2 cid of its us• fullrefit. snd Co nurner, es, that ln almost every section of, minis publicly keown, i‘vito have t from alarmlna and even d sp , ratte t‘ hun 0. ce tried, its saperlot , ler exbeetorant is too apparent to , and where its virtues are known, er heetate what antidote to em. sing and •latteerOus 'affecl ions of ana incident to our climate. Whil . p. cdies 01114 upoit thol community n discarded,this has triti ,, ed 6lend a feared benefits oil the atn;ctol they %lid produced cures too 111171.1erOUli to to he forgotten. he pu`blic, that its quality Is carv e best it e.or has byvn. and that I: [43 do for their relief all that it has . . I of Clergymen, rhyi,inilinP, States -1 nent perimmllred. - have lent their til ir he u stralleled usefulneps 2.f oar e here will not 1 , 4•1111 i the loser:ion .etitit beh-w ! omned fornieh erotic .Imanlte in which they are iven; ;Hitch-nil of the complaints our rem- llre an Alter:oh - 0 Melt •In' In rn find ATISIVS COMP. Err. SAUSAPA- I ry it ollee, abd you will con• FRIGHT' i L EXECUTI N! is (Inns upon tho sands of tree hew's,by endeWcoring to darken them lett!' metallic dyes that Scp l rch and Mast, the fibres num t to ro t. 5.1'3 Avoid these horrible • "DIS IGURING AGENTS ! great toilet staple of Anterica, ORO'S EXCELSIOR DYE, iustaidaneously prodre.ea alt shadse ~en, but also nourishes . stret.gtla .. e hair. Mann t:.et tr red by J. t 'lt IS . it I louse, New Yo' k Sold by Di ug ly all hair iessers. • 's P roue Plasters. , 'OrruE. l Nil P-LASrEIt IN TILE I e t • W ItLD. , . Allcoiles orbits PlAsters resalve and as tiltqe pt:. by .46.111 g 113 , 144 1.4 U aer d hunt.,as Iron. I..arts talon .1 t the skin It: d general ch...:tilal la., - tiles, in ma..y . ases. posti.ely eraporatinz the '1 . ease. J AM..:Iil LULL, M. I) There is noth, l -g equal in the way of a plaster. 'I 1 to the Porous 'hez.ter of Mr: ALLCOCK I. Vent. i thing. is p C 36411 t 31101.11 1111 . M. .1 hey are the plank il the day, and a t type 'of our present aril an :ern.. i iii oole..ce and :011 In Asthma, Come., hid ry t dial 1 tioas,Ovat. ici,9 ,m at i6.11,:.•..d lora: deep-,ca•jd pain.. they :aunt p.rtnarreat re in . II E J‘sizis!iiv, m. I)., oil "Topl all Remedies.” ' I .From a perso nil k .owlvd,re ~f tla,.e plastets, wi call state that In.y are clecid. , .ll N. , rvfrral•lr to 3111 , 0., 14 br /11 Ur, -. :lierever relief is to be obtained ny the nee of a pi. lister, we aboult recorumeml them- • 6. 15G11.6 HA 11, NI. I. ,Edi.or New 1 oil: Mentor. Agency, Bripreth 'Louse, New York. Sold by La, ruggists. fled Vgiottly the CRISTAD mrbielr not °eV, or - black rnd bro end beautified tl T.ADUI:O,6 Act .stele. Applied Allcoc BEST STICEN _. -_ O 'l - ERI. BS' OF VOlliTil. h . . A-GOntlemm who eut"Nred for rears from 17ervoiot Debility, Prim • Mut e Decay, mot oil the ettects id youthful ludic retioa, well, for the sake of stair rim/ „hummu.recity, liou 8 1413 10 all w the ho : simple remedy in mid' it, the reetpe i *lid d for making' i , whictt he wits bur- i d. tin ferers widowt to profit by the atiVerasurli etperktlev, mei do .o by :vbi re l . lhLT 1 t . JH ON B. 80 EN, No. 11, Chambers St ~ N..- %,,,h.—t tvt, C T HE CONIESKON . AN D• EXPERIENCE t4l , • i AN INVALID. Published for the benefit ttad .' l3 +I t lautioa to Yotiiie Men and oths s, who suffer trout Nowous Denil4 , , est Premature 1.) yof Mau he id. Ste., -tippyit tat the same time the means ur of S If-Cure. By ti..... who Ints cured hanselft [ter uadergoingeonslderable quackery By enclosing pow.-paid addressed envelope, sitm:e copies, free of ehante, may he had sf the nuttier: NA:rilesiEt. MAYFAIR, Esq., lyspJ)3o 13,0, , k1yn, K nits Co., N. Y. , • writ' NI GE, BUT -I'BUE. lady and gmtleman in the United r something much t . t their a vantage it .(frso of obargej by addiessing the Those who hays fea.s of Itenctiuni lige by not noticing. this card: All • .e address their obedient 0. , r an,t, I, TILOS. F. ClIA' MAN, -4131Bootdway, New York. -11 , 3‘8 I DR. TOBIAS' Evcis yowl States egpi he. bg;t2tufru .m: ttadereigera. thiged win 0 others wilrpt, et ian Liniment. Ve Al q-. INS: chroinc co: ,e, quinsy, body. C Remo, 'ex; erirnent ; Ncine ever' In Lae %corked'i. in its praise who had laid I walked .witt!. plaint, call Meld. Item I cute Is enrol warrant to c Iberia. are ro • the i Venetia! past Ih ree ml • Otnco, 53 cur Drugg•st,.. ICANTANEOUS REM Eltti hetunation,head,eltrooothaehe,croap.=. sure throat, and pains in nay par t oft he nbrr, this in :min is a surre,,,—not :in I or 19 yeas It PISS ben tested. No Wed such a reputatain a. this Is way before the ;iublie and all are loud '' I ...Chronic rileuttiatisnLy Tnousands, 'for wecks on a bed of agony, and never • lit the aid of croteheS. with tU s Coot- \ 1-stify to the miaLeal effects of t h , FCI nt• tuber, relief is certain, :IA a. pusill. to follow. Ileadoicho of all kinds wo re. Vuteid sore throat,ouinsy, and dip ha I of their terrors by a ttawly, use of Lin meat. It lots saved handredc the ciths Price 40 and $O orals a h: too. land[ street, New Y rk. Sold bj• To CONSUM I ) I' I W ES. • r..lThe advert ;ler, haeibg hove restored to health in a few weeks 0• a veryloisople . !erne(' v, sip,r having suffers i fors:vend years with a severe lis. , g affection, and,,that.dival disease ' Consumption—is anxious to makeil Itnelti 'to his ft, llow•suffe e. means the 1 • f t To all who desire it, lie will send n copy or the pre scription usej ai l (free of charge), with tee dlr. cti•oss for . prep:trio , Al using toe same, which t hey' ! wso :find a .SURIU CURE Pa. Colleilo ption. A,thruss. Brenchetis, Coughs; Colds, and a:I Th:oat and Lapin' Affections. The rely (Ovct of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to bentiii the afflicted, and spread-information which h co. ccives to be i ii• valseMle,4la 'he hop-s every sufferer will by 'his irerneds;Ouly will costliseM uothosy, and may prove la blessing. . . I Parties wi hing the prescription. rata, by return s r.mall wilt pl asr address , Raw. EDWARD A. WILSON, iVillia tabu , gii, Kings Co., New York% --Tlyk 8 1 ',.-- - H7,IA LECTURE T'''''"" -Alen. Jowl. l'eaLieutio,.4ll a Sealed -I. l :iivelmiy. T. tee S x Geoff'. A Lector on on the Nature. Treatment. nod ttadical Curti id . Spe matobrrhoeft or Son tole Weakit.4e,lh volAmt.fry I n 1 1 ,4,1011. Sexual Debil,ty, and liii,perli roefits to III:1 Haim ttetienilly. Ner,ou r neg.,,Coro.l3lll'll- t 1 0:1 Epllep y alit Fite : Mental eml Pliyetea . 1 .ra prioi'ty regul i. er , from 6elf Abuse ..tf c. By limiest' .1. , Cut.veßwer, i &I: I)., ant} or of tile fireen Book, sze The wo.idlretiowned inn h. , r, in tlit . adny ruble Lec ture, cl in iNily'peorvi 4 from hi. own experi , ce that , i he i me' ethos, a glees of self-abuse may be e n e ei °a lly . e . moved with ut meil'elne, affd w•thout daneerous go, gicalpper iti ine,biluzlen,r itini,i itstr um eit tii,or L.,' .11..1111, poOtillir.PUt MO 'e ofcure at once ern:it..awl . lr,r dal; by sfshiah . ev ry sufferer, initnatier.whio.hiseo clo;on may be, :m ay cure himself cheaply, privately; and radically. lis lecture will prove a boot to f hon.:lnds and thougai de. i Sent, on. reell,ln n plain envelope, 'a any ad.l reps, poet p.id, iitio -eCeret of.-lx coots, or aau goat stamps' Address the publiAlt . ent. - • . CUAS. J. C,N.LINE 6:1;0 , /wary, New York, Post Office boa 4.586 1 127 13! NEWS Gao CM AND GOODS NE , 1 1i fiANGE BUT T 3 ! ! ST OSOL;EPRICES THE LOW 1, iiS ! BARGAINS'! 1 . ti. paid , tOthe \cost o i , , GOODS} , I ~ , j informityl I to ti l e LoweSt I 1 1 .' tees Is. our established BkLE. I I 1 r i , ' terutined to j give the 1 1 ! ILI Benefit! of the I! ALL, this; tithe. [ 1 • I , try to 'prove Ithe Rule orks both Ways :" 1. I, 1 j high pries wit I n goods l '1 • I we will! sett it that _ 1 j L I tow prices nA 7 GOOD S , are down. 1 1 I if go down, but we do 1 gelid to be beaten. , di - is to give us a Cail.l.l 1 uuch as you please. It 1 i jour prices we of a sale. for the trade th 11 ,BARGA ItE No att Ir Prom. , MarKe t i Pr th, Ell EEO We s, 1710 , 1 ww: You up, OM you OEM 1 ET MI 333 Shop you kno mi :ire 1 and _ re determined' Ltd S. JC the Ilead in Ain! the ,country the leastornonept CHA Shaq t Zak section' of 1 artic fa i r tor.ci whe! SEE,C, and CO e that can tie do '.e CONMICED. , • I . II • • kinds of - . Goodsl. L : w offerin. at prides . l which cur: strike the purchaser as 11 • 1 ; - 74' , c001130' ,s fl TIIE EFIMMI not fail CALICO, OUT DF BOTH ci.dru AND • t 1 , I 2E2°X:el ' I [l 1 1 . • : , ut li ° ' 1 131 tl OAD•CLOTHH Plain: F.i'ilov Caspimeres sTANDIitn MUSEINS Bleached lind Un b leached - , llvlii.ling of all l_rices. .1 4flels of all. Colors, i• SIIAC &, LINEN Sltool, COTTON.. T;ic'isl g, S'trip%d Shirting, Crash, TOwelifig .• T,AbIES' DRESS GOODS, Delaines, Amer. Delailies . , ffoh6,ir Lustrds '&6. GROCERIES, Of nil kinds: 'IGFFEES, WHETE•a: BROWN SUGARS SYRUP COMMON MOLAS ES, GREEN 4 BLACK TEAS, SricEd of nll • kinds. great variety of the nest brands of SIIIIKI'N & CHEWING t e orocco. C irn I Br Toms, Cedar Burkett!. No 1 and 2 Mackerel, Labr'doi Herring, Haul's t t DRUGS Om! MEDIOINES, I 1 READY-MADE CLOT4I6 BOOTS nd SHOES, 11 • • HARDWARE, Sr.( REMEMHER WE PAY THE HIGH- • 0011 CIaINTRY CII.IIIII.CS Cuudeigort, Jung 5, 18 f youl want ALL KINDS OF RY-GOODS, such ps DRESS GOODS; Ai.,APAC AS, ME RIICOES, ADIES CLOTH*, DE LAINES, iSrc.ll P. A. Stebbins ar.. Coss. AGENTS WANTEDI - • FOR THE MOST POPULAR And best selling Subscription Book publiskcd! We are the mostextensive pubiliber 4 in the United ' tales, (having six houses) and therefore can altyd to sell hocks cheaper and . pay akents a more liberal commission than any other company. Our hooks dy out p iss through the hands of Osn ral Avian. (nit nearly nil othei subscription works do,) therefore we are enabled to give our canvassc. 10ie cite , per cent, which Is usually allowed to Oen cral Agtotts. Extterithiced canvassers will see the advantages of dealing esir ctly with the publishers. lOur series embrace, th mo a popular wane on all A n utijeedii of Importance, nod is selling rapidly both North and South. I Oid agents and all others, who w,tint the best pay ngetieles, will please send for circulars and see oar 6, lint] ^haractev of .our termer nrd cur e them atm ...to _ with tho e .•f otherfothlisliern. Ai ,d - ress, - NATIONAL, I'IJBLItiIdING 0., I l'ht WWI phln 144,4044 asitt , int,Lionatl, tido. Chicago, 11l , It. Loul4;Mo pr Richmond, Va. \l, -1 • IKID GLOVE .CLEANER , 1 1 ESTABLISHEp 12 NEARS. Tide ;Intel,. has bees. used in Perlis for many years, !!awl islwhat the tnan,factitrers of lov , is It, to ITU ipar. !t., them the delicate !finish :41 .r they Lay- left •the hands of the sewers. It was int °limed int . Ml= 1 . ) , c.e..riti'y ever 12 yea a asts, and it Is at.this day the ~,, }Mr ' Dif ALLY GOOD KID (..ODYF. CLANICK. has per fecily it odorous, ansi.the glove can e cleaned 'with it while. 11•7011 Ille hand, awl wo,n i ihediately. ('hie _ bottle els ing 25 cents will cleats 5 pairs; thus for oNE pin! a pair, any hislyi can clew s her globes in a few plo nods and have Mem io .I,llg like new. Moat 1 lestiers in F ‘ stncy Goods keep it f r so's, but when they' do not and wili.hot s'en t for i , la.ne- may club ogether for n'd..zen .hottisk and gelid us $2, 50. ad we i willissnd them 'tle• dozen ts a ! packe I i wooden box. Thii 6 is 00. loa est`wlnde-rtle in lee niderders. Al dre,s, ! s)OUVEIVA.AID GLOVE CLEANER ant : ' •i Depot, 62i r ultua Street, New V° , k. it. ns \ If tau want SEASONABLE G Lyon's Pen - l odicii D7opsl 914 e Geent Female Remedy for Irregn. • lit Time drops oeo at oc.et t.tieally cone ',minded fluid prep:valid, ,a*.d better. tha , hue I'i 1 Puw.l.l . - or Nostrums. Tleia g liquid, iii,elr ,e•t , on is ii, eel and I,i,o'tive, ronclOci th• m a renal le, op edy ,t,, e, nun spec fi.tt , r the care 011111181.r11,0011880 1 suppressions of nature. Their popularity is bell:Wed ~ the fad, that. over 101,000 butt lea tir , ,,kntittall , • so d' ~•d consumed by the holies of the :United Stales. ••vecy one ~f whom st enk in the Str •- meekt Lent of mai, of their grim' niss• Its Thee are rapidly Inking, .I,e p ace of ever: other Female I•temedy,and are con• silt red by all who know 'aught pf.them, no the our -pt. and most infalltble preminttloi, in the wi,rld, for the enr•-ut all• Female complaints, the removal of all obstriictlo a of tin , ure,ned the promotion of health regularity and strength. Expl , cit dirootiot.s stn•ing i when they luny be used. and et plaining when a, why they should a 1, n. r eoulg not la• used without Teo toeing ear eta contrari• to nature's c:mfen Inwit. will be found careful y a•o nil each tottle. with wtlt en tignature of JOHN L. LYON, wltho: , l which it Me are cenuine eel s re MEM that N . S fishing t Prep:tr.! by Dr. "., lber 11.1 Ann .II) ..r I .•n 'la all private d .111 by all Drtigt.ti the l best Ours ' is the 1 EMI Ml= e.. COME, If you want rtOCERIES,s WHITE an SYRUPS and Pros 3 HARM ECYEG E One year. in ruled, Six moths, ID ad Three " F.n. the Seas s on. :N0 riihre Tite W A9ll c t:sin n r. ni•Ted , ep ,Its arl 11. ii aid c Fi 4144,4 tee .R•ary't,a I.',lerary bud F.:mill,: One pear, in ,d s i Puree e.• ee • t • t I. . ;r)ve copie - 4 t.• on 1 0 he INo 1 1 1:1111 VA will t c 3.11 aceurupviie, Add; e e *,,,* i 'Oll% be ; relish "—You can make Sig )tiliars from Fl ty Cents Call and examine in invention ur6ently needed by everybody. Or a sample sell free by mail for !Weems, that etads tartly In T $, 6, by R L. Wolcott, 170. rliatham Squar+ ist ew York. If you w SHEETIK I S. JONES. id I GO ,TO JOUVEN'S \;. ODS pr, all Kinds TO WE gebbins Cops. - 1 P. A'. S orrs L. LYON, los CI apel Cohn.. wi 0 cqn be con-ulted .t maii (eticloAilvr eboup.) . 011- .ene's ell I 11.111Ille We:11.11e -1,4. t- e,.-erywhe , e. ice :1 5) p r G. CLARK & MIEMMEM=I3 .uch as TE AS,C OFFEES, BROWN SUGARS, 'MOLASSES, SPICES, I~ G 0 TO. . Stebbins & Cols. P A ' l eans of the RG TELEGRAPH OR 1867 'BERG ER. Prow •thailt•: ... $7 00 3 50 .. ... .... .. .... 1.75 / tlo,en Cor ler a 11104111 m, montha, cols IrOeg p h, ____ .meOt the Imp° taut bt•leiti e 0r ...s sw., the . 11,,,,1 , W., urn, l'i , o I appear in th I):t h•... ()mute t e th:zoneo, mid ,nhor im . rt .1 t t i in ‘F :u up a Lire dune VOIR 0 ii IY NeW6l.._ er. i , - I I TErillti :. ' ' e niblrretti, oil :ulni,er • addre:4l4 d all xn.o club . 0 plac 41 on our in :k• ante" ilie ordr . . • • GEORGE BEnt - i:s: EU. t ot. 1181 , 11rg. Pa S & SHIRTINGS, GO TO . Stebbins & Co's. MI .... 1 __ . • --- • i, .AGENTS -w Ex!...- .• ,- 7. , ..- - . 11.4.ivri_atri-s' 0 (SEI..f,;:-..:4. ''. ..V• * Mlle L 1 67 ., -• tO - silty Um - . Stir •• re territory girt's... ,01 • y from $5O to IltAiti • •• ...i11... For W ws ,41,.• • :, toil Circulars. a- . ••• - . ith .romp. ' 15 " 4 P t '. liOniniFis,_... i lAgen t, •• 0 ".• , i 4 Chestnntet,prns....c. s ...!, , =Semis 5t. , ,, Toledo, O. - , : i;... HE .40,W:bp-ZS v•• .. V..M. I • BINGI.IIIAIIISTATE. I fit; Nailer notice, the )ftle. of t E he sta C te In I• mdereport will be oen only du Mg ourt eht ; at which time 11r. Ensworth -dill be there. wit also be In Smetbport. during the Weeks of tl ,In't in llcKean County. 1 Cr-' na who have brno nes with the Estate are re e,..t to meet him at those time.. I .ett rion bus' nese. ad bees •dt.. the Offtee at Wells ro', ill be prOmptly :111ISV, Ted. •lii3 1, 1566. . WILLIAM R. CLYILER. lit 2 irth's Flusic Store , -4 2". THADDEUS FLE,TII,• iSuccessor to Firth, °on Company,,) . I SIC PU ManUfacturer and Itukotterof • as cal Instruments Plana Fortes, • Melodeons, Cabinet Organs, d very description of 3.lttsical merehnndise S le "N, se York Aeeney for the culcbuted G. ore % Cos Band Inst.rnaneatk4 r :and Depart mese is meter the perseuel superel .f DONNEs7O. r.,:d Retail Dept for the unrivalled F Z la.rdett Cott,,arze Or.aan cl,allenges comp ‘rleon as the most effective str me: t yet Afered to tne New and Choice ~lfusk.! Published Dairo. Cittaloumes a: d I'ttce I.lst. ol lisstrutnesds fur sh 41 appiic ,tim. Dltest 91usie front all the leading Pubilshersin nit flea. •'ny piece of Music, Ur gusic• 130 .k, eent pO , I-pa d, nii eceipt of retied price.. Orders by Iliad for-Mtn-icor inedrunients receive i;:u.d careful attention. . Alt wi..acis unnamed to prove 214 reorercnted ,ot ' fel MUSIC STORE,' 1S 23.1 year 503 Cro.dway, New York. • • NATIONAL 1-I,IOTEL, I i .. 1 • (LATE VAN BITItE.N . TIOUSE,) WELLSVILLE. N. Y. 1 t iRu.-d,rsig..o..oul tcspectfally inform tlq.ir 9 frieo , le and the 1 rive nr. itl.te generall):, th It • Lave lelle,d the nho,'u Hotel, (former)* 1 town m %%in Bar . o 110n, , e), alai will at all times be 3 - -. to turni..ll' them with lire' class .nccomnio.lu :on re..eimhle. t• roat. An onlota w.II lull to fr .m the l I noei• nwelii-g i'llelt t rat, rassengers .2, to and fro : o the Hotel, free otcharze • e ivil.r Ihw of S• :sues In -n , rl from Cot drrsroll, au 1 White Vi:le, leave the I 41111:y.. ' JONES 4: BURT, Proprietors. _ trill'llfri.or*yys 11 . 10.1 NE T. ' ORGANS ! Piano Fortes H ' ,„ , \. lIE subscribers have nro.n, 3 n Music S:ore'in the new blihlings recently erected by. the LUMINA' ACADEMY Ot MUSIC t 1 i the village of Friend-ship. where they krep.o:rl.tl . extenaivean a , sirttneui of . i lelodeons,Organs, and Pianos, as can be foun i .l In any Music Store hi,' NlYork or i o ton. I The e is screly anything 1.1 which there is en noel. deceit a in the manufacture of three In-t ru r wins. The oots . •i.. is the se..rk of/lallinet•toa here. Anyone who will reflect how mitcly.lier.r , 11-O4weoty I.vt, dollars will make in tiis appe'aranee 0: O I , llr-.0 . table, can r , atiily untlersitual how- a . feu' .1 liars dxp•nre may i npr..ne ti.e Outside of an hat rum tit. .Iriliie the insit llbil no.y . he utterly worthies-. As, ...le q,, , , judge of t ie O 'C. a D., , earance, but only exi•e iel,ced judgel Call der la t he %%du, oft e Inside. yThe .-reada want .ht . Which the ...I.e. There trai..r to fln . ) , :toe) gan, or Mensfeon or a . P.atif , , is lila, every aiNt rument 11,0 Imve / ..n bfnot I,tvvry ti.. 11.10) select .l(d nom the best nuilters, by i I / i ONE OF THE PROFESSORS A 1 • / I / A . .. LLEGANI . ACADEMY OF MUSIC . ; .. . ffhtts rentlerhtt it ct-rtn:tt Olt the inStrntnst.t-is per ect. The. tear mit every itfst 11110111 n'lti ' , lil • x rte -nee or rein ri the Irene y, fin e ery thst• 'totem that prof P d teetive Tle yea : al-o sett ut le•s pikes [then Orli usic tztores an thyy tin not lime witty the lettnn ~,,, Is city I,llllt. our firm is - cump0.41.1.:1 thozzc who own the Allegany Academy of Music. As this I. et t is min) isientiy in to r•tvilnn • Me;,,,l4l.tirc nr ^13,,,, ly t• f from A rre , l.Ailr.b:e. Luuee b cued Elear Lem. • J. SAXTER & CO., .A.adenly MUSiC STORE. Friendship, N Y , • , .T. 13: k: C ~ stre :Ilso.pfeptretl to ..t..w-r orler; f r iii Omln of N111:4Cal Inkrutucilt4. 11on:cal I. iood, S.IVa ILu ic, 11 .41 J 1 ti,ical Mc: ch." ndisv; ge ,I y. 1 ituv 30 1326 Li ' I.____L !•_2 00 - 4 50 • Notice. Pol l l.l* GI., Pa.. V MICE is livrehy given that l liar sh.ir. tiov ur laie rounty. I 1,141, the :ollo . wing described pn.pc-rty. has 1111 paidnny consideration whatever fc-r t 6; satto-, anti all persons : Are M•relly %yarned t 0 47,, 0 pnr ehase any of said property of the said 3itsitor before the ileek-ion of the Court is I.iYen in this case and C. Unshor huts ,paid to me tile 7 , com-ideration money therefor. . I The folloWing is the property : i . Ist. A t..rtain tract of land nenr tile Ger nap fa M ill. in warrant 5075. Alihatt tot •ti;:hip. *otter county, l'lk., containirg 100 :Tres.- 1.50 245 acres ill 't -- atrrzint 5078 and adjoining h e ntio ve. ' I • I 2ini. A .!..I..rtrin tract of land, with girl and 'mproYements thereon. near'liettle Cileek, in warrant 5819, in Stewartsom township Patter •oirtity, Pa.. tont:doing idiom 204 ;it'll S. I C. Bitchor lien's also in 1 rart ‘‘lirrfTli nit. .1501. in Gaines ioanAiii. Tioga emtnty, Pn., on the marl leading from Germania COO:tines. containing 850 acres ti OF THE WM. RAIXDB. • you wq.nt ALL KINDS HARDWA.RE, such as IR; CUTLERY, - PLO BLA.CR'SMITH'S TRIMMINGS,, &c., &c., &c., 1 • I GO TO ,1 : bbins 'Zc Cola. 'P. A. St „, GROVEST Elt p & CO., , Piano-Forte 31 nu acturers. [ ,I I 4t93 Eroadwa Nowl York. THE, rittOtt.On of the i uttlie and the trade is in• vltot ti ''our New Seale Seven Petavo ROLtett obet l'iann-Frete r o, whirl, b•r v thane Mid purity of tune are unrivallisi by toy Lithe to oilled ht ilhe, mai ket, 'I hey eontaiii all the mode n imp ovements. Fret.ch, entail ~ net oh, harp petiali it rot tfara.., over•strune bass, etc., :lid cool, nttrunteil. I ibitg Made under the pare:moil eupe. vision of qtr ',Jr U. Grovesteen,! who has had It practical expetieice of over story yeas in liii,lr manufaet um, ha lul , p 'war fraldtki to every part fetilare 1 . THE ,40Ht iVESTLEN PUNO-FORTE” Medved the highest award of rniott over all utters' :it the (Melo...led Worlirs Fair l ' Where eve.rt; exhibited iestrinnihts from the hest mak. rs of London, Paris, G: rutty, Philadelphia. Baltimore.:ll , :sto , , aral N..w York ; :nt al-o at ti e Ante lean Institute for live suceeS iveyVars, the gold and silver Medals from both of , W i;ch can I"eett at our wart...room-. , By the hit: , &teflon 4:f iraprov4 l melds ii•i , make a still more Perfect Ptaie•Fot t.-, .an l.by maitufacturing lamely, With a -trietly each Fyst on, are enabled nu otre , thee°, paint:none to a'priee !vitich will preclude compei Won: PIM ES. • i 7'. - - -,---• i, Ni. 1, Seen Octave, round cernere, Resermorl l'lnie- Owe t— • ::, - •• $3OO NO. 2, Seven Octave. naked corbels, liorew. od Heavy Menial - 11z—, 1-- - ....... ...1'..',25 .., N o . 3 seve, °elev.., round cornerr, riogettoo.l • I...tt's ' XIV, ..t vie 1 $350 TEI:Mti--Ny'r eA6II IN Crllit6;T FUNDS. . I Thlter Ovt• U rt•ttla.. t•etit. flee,' . DOBBINS' a E_ectric Soap SAVES[TIME ! SAVES - NIONEY !i SAVES LAI I ' SAVE AND ALL GROC It usi.d ctittin into salving ui hbt water. then So: minutes, Mel n Wl_ hand rtil cicnu u• hours-of i r 4 machi NV.ti ord4 aty smtp, met the ceive I:0 juju y. We can refe' lies sea nr, I.l,!Tig it, aid,ho to da,n Mann It. DOLIIIVSS I ELECTRIC SOAP SOLD !:BY ALL LEADI.VG GROCERS TIIRO UG TEI E STATE. I 1 ' Ilantifactiimal only by DOBBINS, & LOVE r., • i 3 . 1..: OFFICE : ! ! i Street, Philade!phia.l • . i _c4---‘ • I 107 South FifiY - *4"==i7 sk Si vs =be. GA rl=Mll • c„. .." 0 1 \ .Z6EC'awatZ ?2‘ 54g . eff..Qa petia4tl - 4 . 3! 00 1 1 . 04 • 1 12 k e7; 7 1="'" . ..41L 47-Tven ••'l 4 w 4, J Er437 , - , m3 crxecoli - 10$,Vik • 4. 4 % --• , 1311V . ve 4 Mon= , 0 41 5 - etio alivrop „ , 1141:1°5111a „...r..- rittr.749l: I THE SILVER SKIRT P.A.ented March 1, 1265. MORE CURABLE, MORE GRACEFUL, MORE, ELASTIC. And will keep itsshape and retain its place better than any other Sldrt. T 1 1•••• int or t waA airarded I , v t (lug held ill ' kett N' , 111: y, ) . ISGS a THE HIGH ST PfEr3lU6l EIiERI GIVEN FOR A MCP SKIRT: .; 1•11,• Ste.l Spriiaga nr wtoula! .edit O 11110 ,Plain WI, (I, plare of t 011011 CO ~r- . g), ‘ ,l it). t 'o, WC:O . Otr nr 6. e-tae>..'rd, curd bole Sldr , MON he W.A;;HE ,, WITH LT INJpla or Itfar of ; ustb.g wii be as guutl new. CO7IIDINATHIN SILIEP. SKIRT . 'Mitt I \Toth:it cornbloeta nit, the iirclit4try ettluo Skirt tlie li.l.:lnt:eu...s of our Sit •t- Skirt ; II;;; 1.01101; hottys :ire lite •ttllit' Il- 010,0 11. V. 41 .II; the Si tyr . .. 1 il.e c ves log of Set Sell 1,111 of ojitnr . elf, ‘chile 111. ul Fe. ot,e, are coverrd with c I 'f;t!. No t:;33- i.nvii;; ~... WW - .1 - II o-1;i• ,t,iii• S Irt2 "V W ll It I i.e -11 i, Wt, e titiy olio r. :i. tie , Ice ur hoop:" rof :61 cttle r I:isolet,ai. ,1,(01 tido. d :it ti,,citi it. i Tlie ILint nrovitittl • :ire olottlil i'.eir 'colocrocii , .. :, T I 1 ~,n , i 1 e , r , tu t,o, t lity :mil mail CF-, lfiej :iee ily, Ike ti .. IA C,1111e• i A FAVORITE SM 'I! . ' Ir.c):•:Salle. I , In C' , lnleesport, by P. A. STEBEINS t. CO.,r' D. E. ODi s.TE: D OIIAIt I ES .`....... -I , ...• , •• e . a 1J ONES, :lint \. n{. G-L4V.Srm 111 E. • - Ai Ronl..t, I.v 0. IL WEJII3. E 2. S. dui-1)2011i. i'r.v , .. 1:11 , 2: Ag . 1.. A wiz 13 —dm . :;t2. ettOrlit't dt S .N. Y. r T• Ita i •J . I,M STE 3i : c2ToliE etu always lir.t fillip,' the Cr•lskittg, 8,,x arid T (). V - E S Also. TIN arid SHEET !FUN WA RE, POTS KETTLES, 41'IDERS. SCOTCH IiONV Ls . FRYING-PANS, SA?-PANS. ibd CAULD• Ross. 1 • • .11gricultx1 linp!expetts. inch as mows. scr,APElls. ccurivA TUBS. ,CIIRN-SHELLER.S. 11ORS1 , ;-RAKES DUG-POWERS, • HIS WOlllt. . is. wel mnde and the TIV11(.1in1. good. Good and :übstantial EAYES-ITOUG HS putup it any u:i-rt of the Fount ---Trtnisyns'y. Rend s NT of itielciling,,Cazh, seldom rt fused. Store ou Main Street u pposite the Old Court House, Couderititort. Aug. 1, lEp.-54 - ; 1 ! \ THE . • •Btrd)rtirE STRA.W.-'4OVtkW-. PATENTED, JITLY,I6fpi, BY PORTER. 452 EMIT!" TAVCSANIiS of thett.e\'Machlues aieibtl4 am& , ; and cold, and give mare \ - i Universal Satislaction than any other \ : • Straw or, StaTll• - Cuttr i in tharitet. • It has nacastings nbutts.nd Can be wad, or 3.4.1).1h-ea irt any comity) town. \ ill" Knife is ..cationitis—Box vlb*ta--feeds 1t,.!! —ants - on.top of the , it:Me—cuts . ever hl: stsgrurre:off any length yOu ,whih. and you cannot noak lagged work of it even wi l i r t a dull kiLife. i rire, $l2; ~ samples of Machines can be seen at. at p e Iltit undcrAgnect Mariuracturtli and for sale by \ 1,1 . - •14, Hi GOODSEtti couder port, Fa:, Oct. 2, ISGS. \ . N, WE , • \ • BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE i\ • - MITE sabscriber 7p7.cifully It form. tbe eitizaaid jj coot.,, T ort a u piadla g at.end,:tbat hit •I' Li~yoTcurda ' - READY MAD N CkOT lIING ST Ont./. OILLF,TT'S gLocit. WELLSVILLE, Ope door below zi2VDERSO.V . 6 - DOO.I,ITTLES . : . . lIARD WARE STO I ,E, / Where : trill be lotted at all times; a Complete Alit* 14enti and tau's: .tylea of Lutimcd, .1 . . HATS . H i • ~ CAPgi 11 FURNISHING GOODS, H I i •-' ' - ' '.I*RUNg,6 &Ct: (fns motto Is Cheab for Cash, Ouitik Sari SLaall Profits, Bat. One Pike, N4w Gods r ved every Week. Call end examine. our (lo' Lis and l'r:erg befdre gal! Octciber !sot; Plkiladelphia & Erie itallrilad •FITIS g reathinetravrrses the Illttrth.,ra dnd North whet eountivs of l'ennsylvastia to the rip. ) lit Elit . on l: tie Erie; It i):1 , 4 - 1..e); leased and is operated lot the l'eNt:srt.t-ANIA RAt,noSo Comrliqr. I Tam: of pdsseoger ti;ors et EMPORIUM. LEAVE EASTWARD. . Erie Mail Train EriesExioont , TreO • LEAVE WESTWARD, OR! cLcIT.Rt§! • 'AYES W011MT! rs SELL Irg. 311 and dis. the clot her aye to t 411: 4•1•• c c. 10,11 g 10:t licl ; cal4. fabric • • in thous:lnds 104.. ba per-uadtd Erie Mail Train— ..... - .. A. M. Erie Express Train • • •iilii• Pioistinger cars run through on the r.rie Expre•s rains. without change both waye. bei'Weted Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTON , Leave New York . at 9.00 IlrriVt . at Eni- 9 :ilft A. 31: LC:LVC Erie at 4 45 P. at., to rA e at New York 4 10, ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Nottit }anted i•di rospect Paiiset . g ... pl27 k ai. Curlier of 30th and Market streets, Philad-Ipliti And for Freight 'mousiness of the Porn! a: A gt•niel S. Kin..ston, Jr., Cur. 13th and Market eitreAN Philadelphia. .1. W. Reynolds, Erie. i• Win.. Brown, Agent. 1. C R. R .'Baltimore. • U. 11. HOUSTON; General Freight Agt. Philaida. GWI ER; General Ilefidt Agit. Philwirt A. i. TS LEtt, General Su 7 Erin.. EC ...FOR ,IC , ! - COM=S2O. I IT - Oct. 23. 1866-3 m 'This prearation,,i long and favorably known, .wili thor: oughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited horses(' by strengthening end cleansing the' stomach and int. , tines. It is a Sere Dm , ventive of all die , eases incident •td IL-I—NREnSt C0:1.7G lIS, Di TEMPER. VERS, F01.7257D1 Ltbii;i3 OF APP TITE AND VIT. ENERGY, d:c. useh improves wipd, the ;appetittc.o a smooth glossy traitiforms t miserable akel horse. In all diseases of Swim, Such as Couglis, titers . : the Lungs, Liver, &c., this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of sseill the above diseases 4 . - -- , -- 4 ,,0.;...... `- ' _'— will be eradicated `--• • • t•-e•:-. -..7...2. ----' -.:.., .ti or entirely prevented. 1 4 given in tiro., a Efrhlitf preventive and cure- for e Bog Cl.taera: Price 25 Cents per Pa er, or 5 Papers for tit AT TliEllt WHOLE.SILE DRFD AND 3IEDIC% I : Prwr. No.l 116 Franklin St., 13altin - .ore, For Sale by Druggists illatt Storckc*r3 arc4:x out the United States. - Sold by V.,STE7,DINS 02' Port: Pet. .F 1 I ALLEGANY CO. Nil U. li. OPP; 'SH FOR HIDES. Highest Market Price ilia AT THE Wm. Shear.; F 0 1.1 S ! CELEBRATED , • - • • I To keerms of Cows this preparation is itrmilnablek: • , Rd imp' viS thy talk. "I . lal4 n•ovtn Lj sko apeemrnt tlie goat, )f milk sm.! twenty poi tnd inakcS. • .er 11:m am! . In fattPninif , it thent p: tith loox F* bide. afC !lit= thrii ' PRLTAMED SY S. A.. T•cruTrz .s may ME - 4 32 P. Si .1x:34 ♦. 8 I= len
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