s::l l lw:Petaisyliirania. Senaloiship A ROOD WOAD FOR GEN. grmo, CAMERON. , To the Editor. of lli"4.;1 1 zo York ffc add: • • .17 . ,EW Y ORE, Nov. 3 ,18.66, 4- !Tlie last Oetober election. held in Penn ,sylvania resulted lathe success of l a majority 4. the Union candidateS for the ! egisinture. It 'then . became apparent tlm the Hon: Edgar Cowan,:whose term of o ce expires! on the 4th. of March next, wo ild not be! r e-eleetel :Itfi% Cowan was elegy tea United States Senatpr in 1361, by - lepublican Union votes, as the Successor 6 the Hon. Wm. Bigler (Dew.) He unit t rinlv - acted Nvith,the: . Union party up to: the last session of Congress; but early at the commence ',Merit br . that' session he ennoun ed his in tention Of Supporting the Presidimes policy, and subsequently did so, therti-Ity deserting the organization and' waking with the Democracy.: , : ! ' The candidates proposed for ill are: General Simon: Camron, burg; Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, ter; and Hon. Andrew G. Curti county. General Cameron,.wh list, has filed many public pos antY. national, With ! credit Both as a RepresentatiVe and Congress, lie early acquired a Lion as an able and judicial He was one of the Cdunders of can:Tarty in:Pennsylvania. Ii of 1860 he labored with!, zeal fo .- i'Lineoln anchlLMilin, and h ure of witnessing their ti•iumF State by 60,000.- majority: -;._-' afterward he Was called tb the went, sitieli office he held- ti 1862, at which time he resigt ,physical inability to give that bor to the service which its a ed for. He had previously of September, 1861 ) written of this communication, Canon tention'of - leaving the War • reason stated "as soon as lie with justice to the state of 1 It wits not until the Military partments of the service wen.. flourishing 'coalition, and n i any 'victories had crowned our arms, that ie sent in his resignation, Whic.i, being !pre l sed, was re luctantly accepted. The Piresident, desi rous of expressing his consideration for the able and patriotic manner in which Mr. Cameron had served the con itry, at once appointed Min Minister to Russia, and ! he being of thOpinion that a brief sojourn at' St. Petersburg would prove of beriefit to . his • impaired health, accept ed the ; office, li and Soon' afterwards sailed for the Continent. Ueneral Cameron returned ho ne in l e s s th a n ' brie year &MU the time of hi l s departure for Russia—to be precise, withi i ten months -the state.of his business rtjairs and the 'requests of, his political flinds weighin p., - Much as.his wig to be again 1 1 ,. with him as in his native State. Darin b his absence abroad the republican majori:ty of 1860-1 Ind been swept, away by t' e Demecrats, 'who. at the bctOber election f 1802,carried the State by 3,382 majority and elected a .niajority of the meirthcrs oft ie Legislature.. Mr...lV ihnot's Senatorial ,t rm was to ex pire on the 4th' of March, 563, and he seeing that he could not be r elected, with . drew from' the canvass, and is f r i en ds urg ed' Mr.- Cinneron to beco o a candidate for the ale°. He at first r fused * to per mit the use of his name:in tint connection;, but finally, at the request o ' zealous but- inj trdieious friends, consetcd ' whereupon be, was duly nominated by thelUniOn caucus. .p, however, the Democrat had three ma- jority in joint ballet; the L gialature elect ed their candidate, Mr. ackalew, who nbw holds a Senatorial ;Sea by virtue of that election. Quite a nut. her of partisan t calumnies resulted from th s contest; but w time, which inVariably doe . - justice to all, has thoroUghlylTefuted• the a - The e:'Seci•etiary of Wanpa'rtieipated in the- Gubernatorial : canvass- of 1803 . wit_i his accustomed .ability and zeal, : and gave his Villore timn„to the . eau e.. The result i tpthe electionwas the liau,lsome majority 5f 15'325,1in a poll of-nearly' 525,000 votes. Mr- Caineron, at the close of this last con,' test, devoted himself to private - affairs un til (in May, 1864) he !was summoned by the - Union men of the Keyistone State (in ConventiOn assertiblecO to attend the Balti more CoaventiOn, as their leading delegate. He-did-atteod that Conveu _ion, and contri-, tutted towarA 'the unanimous neinination of President Lincoln. _. It i vas Mr.Uamer on Who, at the first convenient opportunity that presented itself after th ; organization of the Conv .l ention, moved th unanimous re nomination of bOth Line° n and Hamlin. The eflOr l t to renominate fr. Hanilin. for the Viee, presidency failed ! because of the strenuous opposition, manif,sted there-to by Messrs. Seward, Raymond and a portion ( of the New England delegates. Retur- I . inn to Harrisburg and .en erht upon the ' :titles appertaining to the thee, of chaiman of the National Union Executive Commit tee of the State, Mr. Canieron planned and fought that splendid Campaign, which eventuated in giving the • electoral vote of PennsVlVania to Lincoln and Johnson by. 20,07.5' I majority. Gen, Cameron's in flame° and ability were (ilietly but efilic tuaVy given to the Union candidates for State officers iu 1805, and they received 22,060 :majority. The; last election can vass in Pennsylvania called forth all the en- 1 crgy and power of the Union organization, and resulted in ono of the Most decisive vic tories 4nrncord. Gen. lameron's labors were not rurpassed ev those of Gen. Geary and Gov.. CUrtid, aPli from lake Erie to the Delaware thy were felt and iippreciated. . The. foregoing sketch of Gen. Cameron's ro laical er.ner since the orgiujzation of the Republican part . yovill to" show that be has fairly earned the Senatorial success ion belonging to PennsPviinia, and which commences on. the 4th - .!of - ISO 7. I.; , The other candidates I reseited lr their respective friends need nti little n(ention here, as they are lilies. Tiwtral I known t* the public to connection„i. n. 4 ,he polities, of the last four years. I , ir) tens is sat isfied'to lead the radicil' initEiVity of the House of Representati4s : l dud Governor Curtinorhose pop Ittt 14 Isl t great as it lila.' .' is deserved, \yid be cOntOt tn succeed Sen ator Buckalew in 1869. g . Bothfitiessrs. Ste xens and Curtin will ino, It islbelieired, be candidates against Gen.ECunecon . ; but, on the contrary, will Ultirantely •vittfrat , i, in his favor, just as Senainrj NV linotfdid in 1862. C ', I 4 •. ... Tile policy of sending ?tn 1 lest 'men to Congr 1 h: - bi -:‘ , Prsalir )gnized during inia , has not fai r act upon Tit( ly rep( tracte( e succession - of Harris of Lances 'n, of Centre o heads this dons, State nil ability. Senator in ,00d repute l; .legislator. le Repubh the canvass and energy ,jd the pleat 11 in his own ome months %Vat. Depar t- February, led, ow inz to Itime and la ecesities call in the month to the author Icing his in trice fel. the could 'do so be country." md naval De in a most 9f Con 4. _ _ _ :ss the value of slaves enlisted into! j the United States army during the War have been ap pointed for Missouri, AL . trylarld, Kentucky and Tennessee, but their, reptorti hale not yet been received." • i - 1 We,agree with 'the WeShingten Chron icle, that if these statutes ard ca!rried into effect the Government will befoinpel,ied to. pay at least thirty millions toillis; owners of slaves who fought for', their ()St fredon3 and! the salvation of the Ooveinmelit. Of course the law proposes' ito l pay , I+l 'owners of, such slaves, but . in i nearly every 'ease 'the slaveholder makes Ihiurself loyal to obtain the money, and the I vey y (filet, that such a man is willing to receiveTir4 , for the labor and courage of another ':proles that ho is ready to consent to any degradation. It is the duty of Cona'resslat the, c4irliest mo't Intent to repeal all; these istatutes. ever may have been theirroqe that proinp= te4 the law, the idea atjthe jpreSdnt day .of paying one man for the,icc4rage and self- I s:;crifiee of another, has the appeimuice equ. ray of barbarism and insanity. 1 1 Let CoM, (Tress repeal the law a(ence: • •1' c' _ _ SENATon I , OSTER. will! nnt retire, from 1 the Pi esidency of the 'S'enate until] the 1 ! i close of the present sessiott.':l It was hintea that he would re'sign;ltai l t . there is no `ouncli 1 ation for such a imam', 11 ft; i therefore staL 1 ted that the. Senate via ne elect a iiresicr. ing officer until stichl4e,l i ction bel3omes legally necessary, when,. it IttoW seers cer i tam, Ben Wade, ;of ioilib ;will be 'made Vice President of the "Milted, States.' • CoxcitESS gives thsi coun4 early as surance of no intention il tp indulge in bum.. combo. The disPositioti ',is to i proceed im• tn ediate/y to..husiness Ind ithe,discharge of • the pressing duties of 04, session. ' A large number of important 'bills i atilt' resolutions have alreadj been presentd i d, and the work of the session opens Willh ;a Omering dis play of vigor and . earrieStn6ssi ' . _ _________....,....-....• . 4 • , ' ' nil23ltll inaqi l r9SSteS. I Our rural friends . 41. e, i top hospitable, when we visit them . they 'treat us ;during the day With t e greatest kindness:, but i. they are often cruel to us .at night, and must always cousin n to a feather beds in the smothering deprAsions,of Iwhich we pass a sleepless night. That a feather bed is a fit 1 thing to sleep upon, is an idea rapidly dis appearing, we tire; Nappy', !tn. gay; yet in many communitiities featherS gtill prevail. and they are looked upon4silkl . dresses are, in some measurd' an indeX - Otilthle wealth, or competence of the owner. ,I It t quite time that all this was i ichange, cointer and health 1 - Q , consulted, ratheT than Show. ‘ e say coati fort,—for no one after having, slept for a few weeks on ailtar& b6d, :iN-,kitikl ,willing,lg return to feathers. ."Cdrled hair makes the very best mattress, , but isf expensive; the next best thitig lis corn hasks4 a icheap ma. terial, and accsible Ito: all: f .The inner huSks, or shuck , as they are called in some places, sllowed ,:' curl np ii Tittle: are often used without aly preparation. A softer bed is made by slitting th 6 !husks in strips, half an inch or so in width a fork may be used to facilitate stripping:: The best htisk bed we ever sa4 S was made from the husk of green corn, shredded by drawing through a flax hatchet. .I-Itsk-beds; should be open- ed' about once in Six month's, the` husks . shaken out froth th;r fine particles and dust, sprinkled, and allowed:10 lay in the sun for a while.- Treated in this way the hu'sks will be almost, its good as new. We give this timely hint, in order that at husking time, those who would enjoy the luxury itif -a husk-bed may take meastires to secure the necessary inaterial.---Merican Agri iculturst. 1 , 'l' ~ A F. "1-11.1 LY 31..i...4. -J-Men are about the same in all ages, as Will lie Seen!by the•fol lowirm passage frbm ISociates, written long I ago: " Whenever you see la, man whom you know but late aboutJ, Oddly , dressed, or talk ing ridiculously or exlibiting any eccentric ity of manner , you may feel tolerable sure. that he is' not a married I man; for the little corners are rounded .btf, the little shoots are : pruned away in a iinarricci man.—Wiveg generally ,have much more sense than their husband, especially\ w heti the !husbands 'are clever men. The wife's; advices aro like the ballasts that ke,ep 'the I •ship steady. They are like the Wholesome!!though pain ful shears nipping ()tithe little, growth• of self conceit. ! !!! _. . AN Ohio paper, haring Ili a l sted that the widow of °lie Jelin Baxter iio a child six months old, while them itlmr'S• age was but thirteen years, the Alameda (Califor nia) Gazette "sees 4, and gOtis one better,l bylaw statement that a ladyi in California became a;grand Mot d er on her wenty-fottrth birthday. li ' MADAME ANNII i BISHOP is giving con; cells in Hong Ko ings the bat lads of the country di•brolteii icEvir N: -. -eury-TStore.fi: , - MEW GP OD Blessrs. Jones & Lyman IMO 1 1 Successors to S. B. REST, are offering their t arge and new stock of master las atl , • Drugs & 6ment. Chemicals,: Perfumery, i i GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES OF THE NEWEST AND MST POP- PAINT, OILS, VARNISHES, PUTTY 0, BRUSii-lES, OF ALL QUALITLEi • I Glass of all SiZes. LAMPS OF THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES, KEROSENE OIL, &c., &c., &c. ALSO A LARGE STOCK Or ST I, TIONERY AND THE BEST ASSORTMENT ions and .Childrens' To No found in tbO:whole County, for sal ITo be LOW PRICES' se of any other estahlishmerit of the ':tern New Stork. As th< in We mber, rtext door, to West's old maid Bern ~ JONES & E. B. LYMAN. El CM lsville, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1866. tf Ir YOU WANT Anything to !Eat, or Wear, or for the Louse, the Farm, or' the Garden, GO TO P. A. TERMS & Co's. CQFFEE SBORIV'S JAVA! COFFEE.-The moat debt O CIOUN and healthful beverage known. • I .It,is prepared fiern the best JAVA COFFEE. and while it has all the flavor of ftnelold (leveret:put. Java, sells for lesS than half the price. OffisllzscoraVgai arab'gra Clcafree• lias been steadily used for years, by thousands of persons in all parts ofthe Country, and Is univereall* acknowledged td beat once nutritious; delicioun, healthful and and cal. The same quantity wil,l make a richer sttonger cup of Coffee than any other known. Clossic>c)3r2l3. 7 ist Tatra Ce=selree. parttcutarly ;recommended as a healthful bevel' : age and is most beneficially used by those who suffer with Ifenclacbe,l lierVollBl3o3l3 and other injuriouil effects from the use of other Coffee. • •- , senared th—reatest -notaina It is prepared with the greatest care, and cootaim no ingradient which is not more harmless and ben+ fielal to the hnman organism than pure Coffee, tb which fact the most skilful Physicians and Chemist testify. , 410)/Eik - k>coraVgst .Tana Cco.flrp• Has been.exteesively need at numerous Sanitary'. Pairs throughout the Union, and received certificate of the highest reeommendation. . ' It has also been thoroughly tested, and receive the diplorna of:t.ho American Institute and other. Prpminent inatitlit ions. Put up in 1 lbpactmees bearing. the fan simile Sid. nature of iLewisA. Osborn, and in boxes of 30aind 16' lbs. and Sold byi Orocsrs generally. Wholesale Depot and Trade, Supplied by , THOMAS HEED doCO. iff..onE.mmts, 1 Inporters and' Wholesale Dealers, in Tea, ,Coffeef and Spices. l : 13.01 84, 173 W/rrri as ;Etreeto r New York, April 3.-1 y 'J.- GURNEY & SON, 'PELOTOGR4PHIC ARTISTS, '7o'7 Brdadway, N. - T.l In addition to our I Photo.raphie Art Gallery, Established 184 f . . i , We haZ : e for the last five yent 7 shad advantages sup - rior to any other establishment in obtaining 'BMW s from life. of all the prominent celebrities of the der, ie:B in CARD PORTRAITS, and are now pelling a Catalogue of over .. i 2500 §nbjects,• , American and Foieign,' also a large list of Copies of . : I. Works of Art and Engravings, , , Catalogues sent on re c eipt of Stamp, An order for one do4en pictures from our Crataiegnw will be filled at S2.SO and sent by mail free.. Sia. 1 gle Pictures 25 cents, Copies of engroJegs 15 eta. each. i N. B. We 'also deilre to, call attention to the ad- vantage we • have for reproducing, or copying, Old Dangerreotypes, Ancrotypes, Curd Pictures; &c. Of Dce - eased Relatives and Friends, - , enlarging than to anyl size ' and finishing in Oil, Water C lore, or India Ink, iwlththe old of, I Ten Talented Artists. i , Parties desiring copies,eltould therefore correspond with ha direct. Send for a Catalogue. The Trade Supplied at a Liberal Discount. Gallery open Ifor Free Inspection. and strangers i:isiting the City, will find our Galldry one of the most aeree:able places in the City, wherein to 'while away.an hodr. 1 J. ar. - 12.3=2.4D - efC.,.s;!sc?uvr 18.03 Smo $9O entirely nt 0.7'. GARB I I P ; a • ~, ULAR DESCRIPTIONS /NM kind ta,;bi 3 233 W stril 1 I 7 " L .E. iriTOGI - tAriiER7. I 707_ BROADWAY, N. truth I—AGENTS for six ipluurticles, just out. Address ity Buildius.BiddeforchM.alue. - - - 1 • • g• - '1 years established ha New "rock eity. ll "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from poistms.li - . • • "Not dangerous to the human family." • "Rata come out of their holes to die." "Costar's", Bat. Reach, &O. Exterminator Is a o tate —used for Rata. Slice, Winches, Blank and F t ed Ants,Ao. Costars Belt Bug Exterminator Is a NUM or irash--naid to destrei, and also as a Torso' &tiro for Bed-Rugs, eze. Costar's Electric Powder_for , insects is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed. : Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fnwls, Animals, Sr:e. wir.! I I BEWARE I I 1 of all wortblees imitation liiirSee that COSTAR'S name is on eaeh Boa,Bov In, and Flash, before yen buy. darAddress Henry R. Costa*. 484 Broadway; N. ISiirSold in Coudersport •, ter :y the Merchants generally. And'.ll Druggists aid Retailers everywhere. RI i [ " Cfc•sotza,e" : r l l CELEBRATED • BUCKTHORN SALVE , For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, ,Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid, and Bl•conditioned Sorest-Ulcers, pitindular Swellings, Eruptions; Cuta neous Affections, Ringworm, Itch, °erns, Bunions, Chilblains, dr.e., Chapped Hands, Lips, 3 . c., Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, &c. Ha 'Boxes, cte., 50 cts., and $1 sixott riairSold by lull Druggists evofywhere bY HENRY R. Coiratt, 984 Broadway,N.Y. And by Druggists in Coudersport. ; Clcoosites,x 4 is" _ I , lINIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, Fuorns, Bunions Warts, 6:c. Ca - Boxes,cents, 50 cts„ and $1 sizes. Bar Sold byl all Druggists everywhere. ' —Andby HENRY R. CosTAR, 484 BrAWay, N.Y —And - by Druggicts in Coudersport_ = ". #Oll3 taiV 7 fg " PRERARATION OF Bitter-Sweet Orange Blotist)lgg, 1 'FOR BEAUTIFYI NG THE COMPLEXION. Used to soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freak lee,ll'imples, Eruptions, Ste; Ladies ate now sang it In preference to all otbeiS —Bottles, .41. by Druggists everyvvhere. —And by HENRY R. Comm, 4134 Broadway,N.Y ' —And by Druggists In Coudersport. " ociesteawfos" PECTORAL Cough Remedy,. Por Cough's. Golds; linarseness. Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Consumption Bronchial Affections, and all 'diseases of the Throat and Lungs. —Bottles, 25 eta., 50 cents, and $1 sizes. • —Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ' —And by Maar R. COSTAR, 484 13roadway,N.T --And by Druggists in Coudersport I= II "Costar's" CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS A UNIVERSAL- DINNER PILL, For Nervous add Sick Ileaduche, ,Coativenese r nestion, Dyspepsia Biliousness, Cpostipation, Diarr toeir, Callas, :!liills:Fererr aud general derangement, of the Digestive Organs • Boxes, 25 cents, 50-cents, an $1 Blom Sold by all Druggists everywhere. And by $ENar 1L Cosven, 484 Broadway,N.Y. And by Druggists in Coudersport. dec4 E„,, Ok • HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS .W-RICII HE WILL SELL ASLOW, AS THE. LOWEST, CONSISTING 'OF BEINIMI Dry Goods,l Cloths., Cassimeres, along, 'Eats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, EterdWaTei NOtiOTIS9 &C ■ S EVERYTHING USUAIII FOUND IN A GOOD STORE 'GUEST PRICE PAID FOR VENISON, FURS, SHEEP-PELTS; KEEP THE EADY-PAY SYSTEM WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED 'TO, THE , N.—.THOSE OWLYG WILL PLEASE Ar..4..YE ,DA EVENT W/271 , 0 17T1DELAY: decS,66C OLLINS SMITH . W.DRUG .ny, Where ou can B 4 the 1- 2 Stoze with Fre: E L lilol4_.' & i Havi q located in the room, fornzerly occupied y C. F. More, have rejitted,re farizished, and thoroughly sliocked the i .. and best stock, . . DRUGS, - PATENT DITIDICINES, 1 3 / 1 I 1 TS; 0..f1,5, VARNISHES, i GLUES _DYE- STUFFS,. HOWE AND sig r iEVENs! PATENT' DYES, • . PURE . . ll • WINES AND LIQUORS FOR EDICINAL PURpOWS, i k.. I . A G RERAL OF PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES 1 VA RIET Y , - PAINT, BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BR USHES, &C. 1 i 1 . . • 1 TV l 'll also keep -on ha' the following with itzany other Patent lredicincs 1• 1 • re Dr. indsey's Blodd Searcher, Dr. L i iiidsey'S Cholera' Mixture, ..., , ALL THE -I'OPIT.I.g AR 'VARIETIES OF BITTERS. isc:i7.l.lclor IFV.-."2.-..v.cega for ^.F.74:z.u.sag Zit , 23.61. COML : 4 D . Janye's and Dr.- Ayer's and Dr. Kennedy's Preparations, cf the proprietors be ug a graduate of the New il - ork Medical- Cidleg,e the public Imre urauce that all presc”ii)tiuns seht in will b e pronialy and, carefully uepat:ed. E••O.K. ' I ' I . 0 Aka . ST.A.TIONERY, i. io. Books, Blank BOWES, NiNovels, Toys, Notions, Pens, Inks, Penctist, die. ELT4 SON, i . dee5.66 I . 31. S. THO3IP§M.T..., On the , , OUFFALO,DUNKIRK& DAN SVILLE 6 I ME OB.IIING old announce to large dealers that he Las consummated arrangementi mitt. Liirge asto % FLOURING ESTABLISHIVIE TIS 1 - : tti ship 43irect to , us, instead of sending to Ne* York. And we are now" Pite.ii..4r,Od-,:te......:.:5.e . ...• Lauver TEA Buffalo, bwAirk, I)ansiMi FREIGHT, TINE, EXPENSE Every Barrel *arra,nted as Represented. LW - SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. FOR •ANY AMOUNT. December,lB66 EOLLiNS:::::ir--sMatt AND MOST KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE . , A , 1- - 9 , CPT.TIEZ ,„ • - • - . •F' 1••;•- • S , - 4".4 . •—• • . -c 7 ll-1.1; mak 'co _ Having made extensive arrangements for 1 AS WELL AS D_) : . ! ' .-;.".). ~..,_ :.,1 I ,±, i ,1. ' j or roost any other• establishment, saying all in this section 'W - czoiargaseery ctfl:l3l.t,-, . . • R I S US opt MI 1 1 .LOTJR, OS C. H. sinnwgN STORE Cheapest .11.:aioigsf SON' ;fanning for a Jewelr,y ulidittg ;with the largest U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers