thin.Rnoolis Attonts.—A wfiter in the New York Ind.pendent gives the ft& Unving account of the painfully. discordant sounds which are to be heard in the Christ ian City of New York in a midsmuter night: .. It was triy ill-fortune to be obliged - to spend several of tile! hottest !veeks of last summer in New York.i Within hem neighborhood of my, rooms were blocks of buildings occupied ,by stores .on the first flocr acid by tmein i ents sihwe. In these lived the families ofj small tradesmen - and mechanics of , the better order. During: thcOe scorching nights 'every window was thrown' open, and all sounds were borne, with great distmetness, throtigh the hot, still air. ' ChieJfest among them were the shrieks and cries - of tittle childien, and bloWs and ang-ry Words frOrn tired and over-work ed mothers; at timOs it became almost. un bearable; it was bald to refrainfroin a wild attempt at resc e; ten, tWelve, twenty sharp, hard blows, iwhose sound rang' out plainly, I counted! again and ag7in; And mingling with theta the comlu'sive screams :of the poor children, and the most piteous thing of all, the reiteration of "Oh, main mad ,Oh, mammal" as if through all the belplesi . httle !creatures had in instinct that the word ought to be, in itsel i f, the strongest appeal. These families were, all the better claSs of work-people, comtlirtable and re ! spectable.—What sounds were to be heard during those nights in the really wretched, haunts of the city the heart !strugg,!e• - I away from! fancying. ! But the shrieks of those children,those habies,will 114-erwholly cease . in the air; ever since then the question has been ringing in,lmy ears, "thy doe Snot the h i e- iirotepi i•lii:l.lreli. 1,441 P the - point at which life is endangered i" If a cartman cm be 41 sestet4 to Itier.tletft" f o r bruin- betitnot of a horse, wlik4l his isstwt by r i g ht o f pu r .,and wltivli he can 141 , fur sake of hi.le and hair, any; day that be, o chooses. ought not a man ot• a woman t be at least as severely dealt with for t i e cruel wippitor Of a child, who is not their, but God's, an7l the taking whose life by o'(i.e blow is mu der I - THE Clegymt FAILUE . excitement has been revived in theoil region, by the effort of Cono es gess to take Mr. Culver from pris on, and as an M. C , and by the appearance of a letter frpm Culver hintself, in which he seeks to palliate the criiitle of his failure by asserting that it was the result of a com bination of circumstances in business which neither he ori others con ected with him could controlj, It is hardly possible that the diffiaulties of that unfortunate failure can be satisfactorily sett by criminating letters between the parti involved. The courts must adjudicate tl l e affair. - . 1 .THE, NATT j ONAL BANE are to be placed under the inpeetion of a person or persons to be appointed by ,the Controller 'of the Treasury, whose do:pit 3119,11 be thoi-ongli ly to examine into the afrairs of such insti tutions and report them to the Secretary of•tho Treasury.' APPLICATION having additional bounty by a lost his discharge, the officer decides that the 1 went of the claim, and however hard it may o ity is vested in any oflie !pent to dispense with the law has imposed. I' tion of the act Of July to says,' "Tiat no clait! shall be entertained by t erat, or otbef account upon the receipt of the papers." J. C. Fremont prop United Stat 6 Senato The DoylestOwn In lion. M. Rtissell Thay candidate foi U. S. Se, FURNITURE, 1 1 „would call the attention of the people of Potter to t ! ut ' Very Large' Stoe of Furniture. PARLOR SUITES, DINING ROOM SE RUCH Work of all kinds. Our also M 1003.1.23. is larger than ever befo - Photograph Fra a O: all varieties From out long ex. baying better facilities any other establisLinen ,We feel confidant t er than any-other Fu In the heady - 1H Reptconstautly on ha COATS' WE LLSV le-ele CEIE POTTER COUNTY .roup.N4L Coudersport, Tuesday F.vening. Dec. 18, 1E63 Local and • General. One of the silly e.preSs ; irizis used by the advocates of Gov. Curtin for the Onited States, Senate, is, "be has saerificed the six beSt years of his life for his State!, and Coutitq.'" IV give 1 that as a reason for his' further promotion is I simply ridier;lnus: If he -has ' , eacrifieet.l" so I . many yews_ his frieudS should tale care that he , dues not sacrifice any inore.;. If being Governor of the great Keystone State is a sacrifice. :what I would six years in the United' States Senate be considered 7 :If he thought hi position de-1 manded too much of his time andnergies; why I did be repudiate hiapledges and become a can-, ' didate for a second term. Surely others could, have been f.tund who would ; have performed the duties equally well _ nd not 't.ot.sidered it a "sacrafice." It is an ungrateful 'cxpresion and 1 an 'insult t) the people wile i l otecl for him. There is one thing conriectidlwith:GoVernor Curtin's ad IMinstration fwhicji •, not :forgotten —Every time he went to 't i tishington tiring the Rebellion. to wrap , le witq the Prc ident about the course the ationtillAdminis ration was pursuing Le bad it eleg i raillied all otter tbe 1 1 country that he.had got e!tlre!iit the le i interests iof the. Soldier& No the r e i iis no q i about the fact, of his ha Ing- altfn a great est in the Soldiers, as did InMsailds 01l who remained at home and While we 1 ling to accord him all he ere* he deSel the part be acted in t)r4 great !tlraina,,,i willing to concede that hccalish he did Ole people'of Pennsybtania insist keep! office for the length °Otis naikal life. is an equally notorio fact Ott he gav,r,. dent Linetilii more 1 ouble t. tan the Governor of any other loyal St, te. , Tlte in vest iiationof 1 ut a man's past acts is tl e surest mode tif deter-' t ; c __ mining Lis future coo ,e, ;mule hasty dlance at 1 the course persued byl :Gov. qurtie sinc i e his re election will convince us thee, there are reasons why he should not be the qxt Unit+ States, Senator.. It was a fac t noterions at the time. that' for a long , time a ter "the itoniiiiatio i n . cf Gen, 1 Geary be was'clairned by brl4ll the Clymerites and Johnson men: IA dentleman of lunbleni idled character andveraciq, and a relative of , the Governor's, told its ;itSllate as April `?,6th thAtTit was very doubtful if ire remained true to 1 .. our party, and that* wail - very mdch worried 1 about him: The Ilt4ublicali party slid not trust' him six months ago, and We consider it a Sur prising instance of forgetfu4tess th'at be should I now be seriously thought of as a candidate ofl that party fur anyillivg,,tionch less For apositionl which will require si.x lo hg and mornentous . years of trial. We •rani understand, how men who were almost ,bankrupt six years ago, mid i are now reckoned as millirMaires, by reason oe: the "close corporation," 7 .at , lfirrisburg, should ; be interested;; and we liaVe some charity HI those who belieVe' he be a Ref publican, but that the intelligent leaders ofia party should ft.) a moment countenance h I demand for the Senate is trulisurprising. Lik ; I manntopular leaders lie has always eneleav-' ored to keep back the real issue, and coverwit 1 glittering generalities his I opinioq of men an I things. We challkinge any one ittpred uce a sittgle 1 expression from hisltiessages,letters or speeelleS) that would jitstly,iplace him in the ranks of 'prti -1 gressie Republicans. 'We all :remember , bi l s special Message to Arbitrary Arrests, in whici) If I I he carne very 4 arl vup in the full measure 'Copperhead grtfarbliog. We remember b the Democrats in the Legislature endorsed hil 'and that bodies largely corapiiserl of Denute at passed, ustarth4ruly,i resoltiti-ria, favoring li courbe. We rimer hard) from hip lips.a II•id teal Itepublicanlle?:pressiri Mitillhe ri disce ff that the Blairs ,had defeated his!, attempt t Sc cure the French l MispoM) ) He lia4 never b eil:: Republican in the. true cease of thh term.—.,:'eli -1 J 1 I , ler taken the position of: sine 1 men as Stevo i r, Cameron, or Fot . iteY4 lie hari been conservative in act; word and 'deed.. i'hat be is popular. o one will deny. None. Inlerstand better than he does. how to gain he public eye arid ear, 1 arid how to, keep them when g4ined. He is a wonderful .popular or l or-apptoacliirigl very I nearly the line of such i 6ien. as' Clay. He has ; the gifts of a five personal appear;ance, a smooth! tongue, an impief)siVe rillnincr, atol fortune has favored him with a position at la time in on ; iI history calculated; to give him dreat control o the popular syn4illy,ibitt undir it all be ha a coldness of hCart., and a selfishheas of prirpds that impress . oili - cOlo I become liotiinately ae quaitited with: him. and, as beiianot the only candidate in the I keld it might be well to con. sider these truths, Mid ' weigh them' well. W do not wish to Idl? Goy Curtin any iojustice,lni are oppoSed to . tile election of any but an unl r doubted radical. We. waned neimore Cowan' , Dixon's or Dtio:ittle's.ll Let uS take warnin • *Emu tire i i ! I I ! 1 .: • i * ,een made fur the soldier who had roper accounting w forbids the pay- that in such cases, )(;rate; no author . - r of the Govern condition which 'he fourteenth sec 8. 1866, referred 1 for such bounty e Pavnuister Gen. ng officer, except Inimaut's diharge I : -a to himself the hip from Missouri. elligencer suggests r as a compromise ator. HAMBER SETS, S• L N and COMMON 1 , 1 The Union men of Louisiana and, Arica ERS are urging , ongress tti aholish the , -tat governments est thlished by!Prksident JulIliSOR, i in -- theit4especti •e*States. J II 1 ..; 1 , •; , , - A cousin l o Lord Napier has recently amr chased a fermi, Temikssee f0i525,000 in gold and has sent . to •ragland for blunied stock', ..... I —Ow Dec. Gt ,ithe, French titlicers held Ititeir farewell interVi NS; with the nne, prior tolheir evacuating Rome: . 1 1r• f. 1 • '1 , • I • --Confederide !Gen. Hindrnan is practieino - Mexican law }it Gordo la •1. 1. '1 ° - 1 i i Why is Ia semsqcss like a rpickpobkell i s . Becensa she cu and runs. '. , ~ , i • . .i i - 1 I I ! 1,- —The Loqi. - ille DOnOcial says the popula tion of that city is 1551 I 00. II 1 1 .1 ! !. I —Moie parer is used in the United States than in buth FrSiice _mild EnglandEngland['' I i . 11 • ' [lather ' oninous r tto be importuned by I your-young weito getlyour life insured. I i 1 1 / ii —Fitt'! thousand i pc l tseins crai,seil the ,new suspension brge at l ,oinciinndti !on Saturday, Dec. Ist. 1 1 1 • .1 . ! ' • ' ;- An abset.t , Mitide4' r , man, 9p river. sunk lee hcOre he recoil could swinir. I 1 I I . . I —Firebrevvera .01, ,Schuylkilf. di frauded theu Goverp,Meint rota within a Year. : 11. 11 I . ' Nebraskt will [soon be ach Union as a :tate. -IS l enator W ducod s bill for thisrptirpose. 229 Gil.a,ssososs l e offered. d; i Gilt Mouldings, fence in the business. for manufacturing than in Western New York 'at we can sell cheap- niture Establishment ountry. do Collins ROTHE t RS, LLB, 11. Y• EOM • t'V'',-Lucien Bird adyertises sonic }ray fu: Sale. Read the advertisement, • Ili'.There Will be.a Quarterly Meeting at the Methodist Cliitreh in this .tillage on Satur day and Sunilay next : 14'''Our sulilseithersiliave net raid very gen a attention the i . .cluuning letteia." We nt it andeistiliill that we 'really- mean a-bat M say. AFTER THE FIRST OF JANI/H Ity THE ' JOURNAL 3IU:4T BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE.—A few day& Ago we heard of ,a man joking about having received the Jorantr, for two; or tlt'ree years without paying for it. This very man begged of us to send it because of his wife and children; and said that be would surely pay us some day t We do net know hoW many more such there may be, and . intend by asking pre-payment hereafter; to pierent . ri repetition of the kind ness. AS we ash the;ame terms of all—me do not ice how a 4 can reasonably find 'fault, Coats dt Brc's., Wellsville, advertise their l fine Stock of Furniture. Persons in uur Count purchasing rill find it to their advan tage t call on •thisi firm. They have nil the latest.styles and ar4les,-and will warrant any thing they sell, to be as represyited. AA .The Corn niirisioners advertise-'for pro posals for a New I Febee around the Court House lot—this is a much needed improvement =MEI MIMI tr" The first of 9iis week brought with it a fine fall of snow, and at present writing the sleighing is pai.sable, but a little rough. V otherb ,re wil- 111201 Rev. Win. S r I uttle, Presiding Eider of the Olean Diitrict iif the Methodist Church, wil deliver "a Teinperance Lecture in the M. E. Church in Ors place on Friday evening, the s.'lst aped. (Coutr week). are not s day him in And it Presi- rgr As a Christina r; oift nothing can be more appropriate than one of Shaw S. Clark's Sew-, ing 31achmes. A new supply of the improved under feed jost received by Mrs. V .C. Dyke, Inquire atthe JOURNAL Office. Speci mens can be: seen a r t Ellison's it Thompson's Drug and Book Shire. A. resse) 1 came into Toledo harbor no Tues day with the "greeii above the red," having a genuine Peniaii flag a her masthead • —Liberty will !lot descend to :a people; a people must raise itself to liberty; it is a bles sing that must be earned beforu it can be en joyed. Why are rival railroad companids like laundresses? Because they have iroodd the whole country, and they sometimes do little mangling. —lt is reportedifrom Detroit that tlJ.Dem ocratie party, of Michigan will sbon !pronounce ii, favot of sairrAge, without 4i:slim, tion of 'color:. —tellers-tellers atxd tilting hoops erate differently. The pxruer reveal what tie lady will be in the future; the latter reveals -what she is at present. -The apoleo'n ileclinesto sup port:Gen. Stedman f'l- Governor saying . :. "We miglitsuppoft Peter, who merely dewed his Lord, but can't go Judas, who betrayed Him," -Weddings haCe been on the increase since the : ; war. In this, and several: of the other States, statistics show that ..they areat least twenty per cent.. greater than at at ny time during the war. • In consequence of the many fliers of gor eminent bonds, fillipersims holdm,7 thillas an investment should return the old one. and get .1 the new registered' bonds. thereby preventing loss to the owner in ease they are stolen. k-'California is in trouble about her taxes. Her earrency is in gold, but in parin.k tax up "' on inconies they are first reduced (0 the green ., back standard. As this fluctuates 6y by day, q, the people s arc all in a fog about it and the ,Itiewspapers\call it an "outrage." . \ - Mr. Se war and the Presidenti differ in their fOreign policies. and tin iry disclaimed ttol. de llontholon aii lisibility for the latignag,e of the .11e - .0 a i lgard to the action Of France. , : t —Gov. Wells and oilier leading of, Louisiana have petitioned Congrek• fish ayi•ovisioual.Government in tha Frazier SMith, EST, Chesii has been appointed Reporter of thel Court of Pennsylvania, by Governoi, - —The coal fields of Ameriea, earl square miles, an area opal to , „ M auch States as Massachusetts. -- Officers havc.l)een sent to an the principal cities in the S adh to recruitifor the iegolar in fantry: Bad policy, that. \ lii. - .llanc,e, . \ We deem it t. 4 be our duty to say t' our readers, that the most implicit reliance can be placed on Con's Cough lia Rim. J t will curel u .your children of, croup, al d yourself of any', cougn.'cold, sore throat or p lmonary affection 1 It is tho cheapest and best preparation in the nim het. . Dyspepsia can `be surely, amt permanently cured by One's Dyspepsia! Cure. Thousands, of dyspeptics are; sending ii, their testimonials' tO the. propriUtorr, .saying it I:as cured them. We say to tlic*e who arc s.fferino• from dvs. . 0 pepsim constiatiOn, sour stomach, or B :ow &- order of the stomach or bowels, gii'e it a trial. : : I ; i TlieAtilaiiktic for January. The ATiA4IO IMONTEILY enters on its nine teenth volumb' . v s ith an array of distinguished names and sterling articles that promise well fur theyear. The January number Contains the 'Arst instalment of Dr. Holmes's Story, , 'The Guatthan Angel," in which will be found the saMepold charm tat so fa-cinated the readers Of the Avrocitsr, the PROFESSOR, and ELSti ‘ l. .l.;:itia; a humorous story in verse, by James*iisAell Lowell; a graphic sketch of Henry Ward! liedchet's church; with Fome per tinent reflectionif upon modern church-going, by James Paitod t ; a legion in verse, told only as ! hittier cat tt ; a poem entitled" Terminus," (on Growing Old,) by It. W:E.nerott ;a spirited and faithful tran4atiou of the contest between Achilles antbAgememooni from the First Book the I 'limb by IW. C. I3ryai,t %fr. Higginsou contribmes a Plea fur Culthre; Mr. Trowbridge ' furnishes anOther of his attractive stories tinder the title, The Men who stole a Meethr-House;' Bayard Taylor ,tells a characteristic story or The Strange Friend; Air. :quotly gives animus sketch Of Capilary Freaks; E. C. Sted man Offers a Poem on Pan in Wall Street; and Walter MitchOdescribes the. Kingdom of I it fitticy. The story of Katherine Monte, by the author of “Hernian," is coidinned. Topaz: of cur enC political !interest arSthoroughfy treated, —the Causes fotwhiclk a President can he Im peached are lueitLy set forth. and Frederick Couglass makeS a powerful AK eel to gress for Impartial Suffrage, The ?mother closes with nuties of several Opular new pub , lie stions; ij • ' t ftilling into a eketi chit he comity ibare $31,611 &9 - I itled info flip .e has iHtre- As winter is ra fires will become more your buildings are ittsu 1 NM. OFFICE AG=ICY• best Companies of the ti Farmers who ha sunimerz' crop in them they are Insured. No I mon discretiori will ret son of the year. Don' and then say: “.I mean crastination not only S both time and tuoney. Doctor SDHENCV A Substitute -The Pills are c pi Mg the power to re, liver as promptly and mercury. and without disagreeable or dang follow the use of the I In all billions diso used with confidence, charge of vitiated bil struetions from the by 'are the cause of .hub SCHENCK'S MA S ck Headache. and ' indicated by sallow tiveness. drowsiness. wearriness 'and lassit is in a torpid or obst In short; these Pil Aage in all Cases wh medicine iS required P lease aik for ,‘ Dr. and observe that tw, . on the Government last stage Of consum present health. i Please Obserce.w en pnrchasing,that the two likeness tf the do itor, hue when in the last stage of consumptio 140116 the other as he now is, in perfect healt , are on the government -stamp. I I Suld-by all Dru,ists Ind Dealers. Price 25 [ cents per box. Pri icipai Office; N 0.15. North 6th street, Philade W phiri. f I General' holesa 9 Avast Demas Barnes it Co., 21 Park Row, New York ; S. S. _Untie°, 'lOB Baltimore St.,l altinre, Md.:Jchn D.Park, ' N. E. horsier of Fourth aid Walnut St., Cincin nati, Ohio; Walkorl it Ti vim, 134 mid 136 Wa bash Avenue,Chi ago, IL; Collins Brothers, southwest corner if Se ond and Vine Sts., St. Louis, MO. ff3dw.4a.ino.lyrOctt.l2 ._,_ XElittIEN PATENT STlit IV-CUTTER. iIE undersigned having purchased the right T for Potter Connty, is now prepared to fur nish the thrums of)the county with this excel— lent Machine. Were it has been tested it has proved itself to begone l)f the best straw-cut ters in use. 'ls cheap, durable, does not get out of repair easily, and is' warranted to give sat- Persons desirous to; purchace or examine this Cutter, can no so by calhng at P A.Steb bins & CO's., Coudersport, ('a. • !JAMES FRANCIS. Dec. 18, 18G6.-2 PROPOSALS. VOTICE is hereby riven that the Commi-- - sinners of Potter County will receive pro flosals for building a .fence around the Court. House square in Coudersport. The contract will he given to the lowest and best bidder, on the 15th day f January next, at which time plans aud•specificatious can be seen at the Com missioners' Office. At the same time the ritsls of the old fence wdFbe sold to • the highest and heSt bidder. By order of the Commi..,Eioner.s. Attest: L. E. COLE, Clerk HAYS for vile HAY 20, Tons at Jas. 1 vei', on Genesee Forks of Pine Creek. '0 Tons near John .L. Wilbur's, in Elector. LUC lEN BIRD. Brookland, Pa., Dec. 17, IStiti. t.t'. ROY'S C AA su -are. had Cholera Ifforb .hootno,t and the beea. :tutid St The Great Aro certain WO' it, 1:1i-t y, C iok in 111,. vt,rlll,:tlill the her it is said. Seen ta • 1 CSpoll ge iu re- S, Potter, mon men b tu estab. State. IME MASON F..rty ( st osle, for ;;`,O to Si ver , 1 -I rated attal. I LIN, or MASON r count), Supreme urliu. r 225.000 United Sta Vac;toil STEEL P: Warekons4 . TiICPC Ce Manufacture, an Mortice, and are of point to the tr sure to Unill the ( Samples a LOTS MADE TO REQUIRED. Fo I ten s , M, arehoust tini•ra, .Bvokeel State's. ily COLTDERS \ tki ESS S R.S. "' -taues notice, at 8 o'el. Iwn about 4 &al , Slappen on the Arrivinu In Con Ttaveiers are n.1(2111103 t Eric tieed In this p-vi' advantages oftl SAVE 30 M 141vng this Railway. NO fiIIIPPFN A faro. bin wroson' Rants. Paekal with care. Coudersport A NEW PER PhalonN Phalon 7 6 Phalan's Phalon's Phulonle i- • 1 , , tii4te, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, the irare and beautiful flower from its name, A mn.t ex diati led trots which It take on. I IY by INAILON ac EON, Nesr*ork. Manntactu AEG OF COUNTERFEIT 4. MA I LON'S-TAKE 24i0 QT 8r.3 ASK FO r 1 c.r" 1 lidly aitping and aUlllen2US, tii it that I - t etl. Call at the dont olicies isseed in the out.try at for rates. e' large barns with their I will do well to see that one who eiues res cow- Ise to insure at this sea wait until it is too late, obe insured." Pro rats tinie, but very often i - - MANDRAKE !ILLS. .for Calomel. Ised cif various ronts, ax the secretions of the rffeetually as blue pill or producing any of those rous effects which often itter. • !tiers these Pills may be as they proinote the dis- I -, a• d remove those oh- Ir and biliary . ducts,which s affections in generate DRAKE PILLS cure ll disorders of the Liver !.kiii, coated tongue, cos and a general feeling of de, showing; that the liver ucted condition. s may be used with advi a purgative or ‘rulterative •eh enck's Mandraicel'ills" liknosseSof the doctor are stamp—one when in the nion, and the other in his OLERA DROPS, effectual remedy for Diarrhoea, tts, Dysentery. Colic. Cholera In i ping raiim In the Bowels, , te for C:it LUTIFER • ernal Remedy of the Age r (1 . 1.m.y k;rsio.. !lilt ism aiato,Sul7ll 1/.0 u luck, apical Cr:ornl , t e 1;m1,8. Ii 11,1 ti• - 1 , external npliiicat:on for Dy FOR SALE Rl' C.l.ndersport. and by liurti; e Penna. ly. I HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS Icteo. (ripte.l to sacred a..dfaccola !Ili() 010. FIFTY ONE G., t o I tne, il;ro* premiums awarded 111 , n , Address...MA:MN SC ALA L HAMLIN, Ncw Y,rlr. es Steel Pen Works 3, . almihm, N. J. I RB6 03E , C.& CO. IN MANUFACTUItERS: : 403 Arc. Sari et, Phtlade!plan, : .42.161 m Street. Ni3w-York. red Pena are of tie:mine American comp, ice every leading style In the nual In tinish,elagtteity and finenese '' .. t , Imported. They are, the, ef. , re, '4ati.iettee of the A merimm pithlic.i id Prices on Application. IRDER, OF ANY PATTERN OR STAMP 1 eole to tiro Trade at the Nfauttfaetu. ',. , eil above: ant at retail by n.I Stn. erg, and NewFdealers in the United ;7.49 . Estcrbrook dz Co. ORT AND SHIPpEN GE ROUTE. ASSIIIRE & WHITE'S dairy line ill leave Couderepo , t until further .Ok in the morning, arriving In Ship .tk in the site. noon, and will leave arrival of the tanning train, at 10:00; eri , port about 5 ..'clock, P. M, refered to the Time• Table of the Phil- Railrowt, which A, ill bb found adver . r, for s t:umber paritcula.s about the its route, New York prtesengerevrill \ , LES TRAVEL AND 5 HOURS TIME n•tte in preference to that of the rrie CII.I . KOE OF C %RS BETWEEN D NEW YORK P•ne, new, COM • and ¢n-.l tearnewre kept on the Stage cc and EXtICORB 141 A IV Pa attended to D. P. GLAS ,, IIIRE, WIUTE, Propre Pa.,Oct, 0, 1865. \ L2Mi Foit atAiiI4II,CUIEF "Night !Ellooming; H '.Night .131 looming Cerieniks , • j I \\ • "Night Blooming Ccreatt' '..night Bloomingt cerenaoi “Night Blooming, Cereno.” COUIIERSPO2T PRICE CURRENT. Reported every Tuesdai by • 1 I • Bktolicpb . .l23.all • Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, .1, Condom:Ku t,„ Apples, green per bustle' • " dried, " - Pehns, B caws:, per lb., Reef, B .rrlea, dried, per qn.rt, ltuelmne..t, per bue4el, IL ,ckwheat"Flour, Buller, per lb., th,etee, _" Cloven wed, - Core, per bushel, Corn rueal, per owl., , Ede -A, per dozen, Flour, extrn, per barrel rupertine, Ilmno, per lb., Ray, p r ton, Ron. y, per lb., Lard, El.renr, per lb., o..tx, per benne, (Oll{ol.lB, Pork, per bbL, " in whole hoe, per lb., Potntoe., - per bushel, Penel , to, filled, per lb., Poultry per , per lb., Rye, bnehel, Silt, per bbl., tete.k, Timothy : Seed Trot!, per half bbl., Wheat, per hoehel, White nen, per heir bld., If you want , . CLOTHING, GO TO 1 P. A. Ste"-bin9 & Cols. E.REBRINCTON &, SOK'S i VV . .ii... 1 1 _ ~,. ~ ! A 1: ,, ..;- - .? .0- lIANCTFACTURERS OF i . ::: ' REVOLVERS RIFLES, IV/ . '1L11.15i33.0t 1 E 3 d 4:=l42xlcol.23Leils For the United States :Atm-ice. Also, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS. REPEATING PISTOLS, R",'''il kANGEit; It E rr \ :l ° 9 l n A ti l lat i Nl F lL E rl S i ltl VI I by Gun Dealers and .he Trade gene- ails'. In the ,, e days of llonsetreaking and kobbery ' every' youse, Store. Bank, and Oflice should hay . of Remingtons' Revolvers. raittas desiring to 'wail theurseives of the Int.-irn provem.i.ts iu Pistolii, and oup..rior workinnu.hipaud fuim, will Lind all corittiti.ed the new Remingtone' Revolvers. Citeulars e. ntatin.tig cuts and descriptions of our Artus wit be fu , ni.lied noonntipliest ion. E. In.:MI:COT( >IN: sc Si >NS !Ilion, N. Y. Moose SG Ntentn.s, Agent:', 1)1) ! No. 40, Coortland St; New York 'lf you want IDOOTS & SHOES, GO TO P. A. ' Stebbins '& C MARVIN'S Patent, Alum and Dry Piaster Fire and - Burglar Safes, 1 House and Stora-Door Lo,elts! • . Send for' Catalogues — 7 - 1 MARVIN &, C0.,.' 41% Vj V.. Au.l7ly 26 Bi:oadway, 721 Clieslut4 St.,l If yen want DRESS GOOD GO TO P. A. Stebbins Ar. A. S. StithnOn, • WELLSVILLE,' N. YL fieeps e I:trest most complete assortment of SCHOOL, and . 1 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, • • • POCKET BOOKS, Meniorandums, Diaries, Gold & Steel Pens, Pocket Knives, Law Blank, and Stationers Goods bo found In the country, Ile ha-also added . LaOliing Glasses, OVAL. A ncn-Tos and Sen.% es. lift 1! Lot/KU:GO LA SS PLATES. for .fittilm broken glass.... Also, Picture Frames Tied Mouldino•sin ever- variety. Deis Agent for tho ' "DOMESTIC SEW/AV CHINE" the et and Bret. Machine yet alibied 'o he public and the ONLY 11,,elitte that week a Mardet ed Cast Steel Shuttle. It will la t a life time. Ile it , PIM. Azrit for several Filet Cla.del PIANO FORTES, . C A BINE T ORO ANS I. and EEL 011E01ltS which be will se:l on very Et o r rahle terms. Beautiful Holiday Gdods, in tbe ' lr season. Si:mei:datum' ion a I:l be le vet. to orderslriym abroad forial , y tirtielvs In his line. . furniebed . with School Books at Publisher's Prices. emiespondence Melted. A. Steleart Stillman. Dee, 11, 1669.i1y. \ 1 . Sumniet Gimd OLMSTED'S. II 1 (Mt.& 1 gn 260 1 3 la 11 2 90 H 260 30 , 35 . i2l 1 35 62 1 75 360 14 00 30 S 6. 90 25 ' gDO 0.00 100 1.26 3 00 5O 20 14 00 1 00 .• 10 00 1' 00 00 22 125 8 On- 10'00 15 • 20 20 . 25 15 18 50 1 25 1 .1 50 20 00 25 00 12 18 . . 19 • .12 37 50 10 15 100 150 4 60 - 5 - 00 15 2' 1 4 50. 55 0 8 00 . 900 2 00 200 800 900 ,OCR. atttention is invittd to the laigt md attractive stock just received, and for sale as low as the same qualities can be bought anywhere in the;county. , We hay.a on liand a large and varlet as. -moment of Dort.iesttig Cottons, co-prisiug BROWN SIIERTINGS, and SHIRTLIGS, BLEACHED musuNp, . DENIMS, STE/PE4, ODEON'S, TICKING% and COTTON FLANNELS, on Which we cannot be unOrsoid. , We purchas4 one goods for Cash and offer them at a very small advance 1. • From !Cost. IF you wanilto pur PLAID.FRENL SB DRESS GOODS; . • • DELAiNES, ?RI.!4;TS, BROCRE, and WOOLEN SHAM'S, EIOODS, SONTAGS, iNUBIAS , BALMORAL SKIRTS, CLOTHS .and . ; CASSIMERE4,' lfull mipply CLOTHING. DON'T Tail to call before purchasing . and see tce l assortment • ! " , !At jimsted's , , & SHOES F . . 1 , . , . ClR•Meni Women ..t . Children, in great va. Fin). and cheap . , 1 At I Dusted's For Iklolass l r Syrup, Sugar, TO find Coffee, ! ' thing in the Grocery!line, Call METE A full uszo kept in n'eountry Store on hand.; We intend to keep Go i ods that will eive,sati#lletion and sell good zrtieles at the lowest lit ing proiit. • Grain of all kinds, • Untter,'Wool, . Sbeer Deer Sins- Atco Connivi,-Township nod School i ftt of whidit the biglieAt priers %vitt ;ti AI 01zuste - dlfi [ Coulersport. Pn,Nov'r 18. 'R9bll JOURNAL INSURANCE AGENCt CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE CO., I . 11ARRFORD, CONN. Cash dapitul, MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 91, Cash Assets, Ell NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE to., Cash ) Assets, WIDOWS & ORPHANS sliWitall' NEW YORK. $2,00 ,000 Capital, an .ZETITA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Tleo RD, CON N. , $ 3,009,C 00' Assets, INSURANCE CO. of NORTH Capital, PITMAN FIRE Capital, Hari PIKE INSURANCE COMPAInr Cash Ksiets, Travelers Ircsurance ;Cora'y of Hartford Capital, $600,000 :143URING AGAINST AcamErs OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND AGAINST LOSS OF . . $9 060 A *earl monde by any ono •vith 415 t Stelieli Tools. No experience neee,sarY• The I'. esidr nt-. C-older, , , and. Treasurers of 3 Banks Indnree the circular. bent free with sant4.les. lid d reit • the Amodiauk Eitxuell Tug' Mocks, 6 2rW isids Vervacmt. . . . . . 133 N ELS. chase j. • ItED, GRAY, BLUE, or LUTING FLANNEL; call At (limited's. At Olmsted's. AT OLMSTED'S. itmont of almosi every!. AT OLMSTED'S Vautela. 0,000,09 p NEW YORK $14,000000 SEW TORE. INSURANCE RD, CONN. $569,600 lIARTF NEW YORK. Lin FROM ANY CAUSE. W. McAlarney 5:1 0 K 3 ing that is Pelts, Furs, rders, for all ie paid $5,000 COG 'ffl $1,731,900 i $3,596,922 Dll 31 El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers