. i'e",', l')•ti.,;.s.'a _ - ..;',.." . .i , 'l'l :.1 , ',.-,:.-f: In RENE MI voLtroß priu.--NunißEAs r. mraiu POTTER JOITRN_A_L, posthstiltri , irt N. W. WcA.I.ARNEY; Proiwrfetoi.. war Devoted to. tge .oariso of Republicanism, them Coreatiof Aurloolture, the advaiicernent of EducatiOu,' lied the beat trocdol ownioguoguide except' that or Principle,. it will endeavor air' iu the work rif more fully Freedutulilu_eder Coo utry, IgirAdvertisernentsitnSerta tit the rollciWi lottcepti where specialbsraltina are made, A"-qu i re" is 10 lilies of Brevler S'of Nonpareil types : I:,,qS n iare, 1 insertion' • $1 50 squittie,2 or .3 insettious-e---- -------- 0 Nash subsequent' iiisertlon less than 13 40 tau:are, 1 IQ 00 300 'ltn - tneas Cards; 1 year_.-"---- "- Ad. ylinlstrator's R'see u Wes Notices-_--_- 300 fElgetnal and Editorial Notices per Hue-- 20 parlAlirranalent advertisements must be paid in lidrunee,and no notice will be taken of tulvertl-omenta from le distance, unless they are accompanied by the honey or satisfactory referees.. , • Illaepb Work, of all kinds, excented*lth neatness I,TildegPatch• ' • BITSI_NESS NOTICES. Ove r land Accepted Aneleni York Ititrisotis 1:f AtIA. . LODGE, No. 342, F. A. M. Stated Mootio4i on the 21 and 4th " , adnesenyg Drench r i ontti Mill, in the 3tl Story of the Olmsted Block. .C.Voillitll3s,v3ee. W3f..STIEAII, Wild. , • . . , 7 , : .-.. O. firi. ELLISON, M. 1)., pRACTICING PHYSICIAN,. Coudersport, Pa., respectfully:informs the citizens &the village and vicinity thathe will promptly respend to all calk for professional set vices. `Office on First street, ftnst deur %vest of hls residence. 1.1-40 JOHN: f 3, 3IANN, - . • jTonliEy; .0113 COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 'CUMIN : sport, w.ll attend the severai Courts In..rotter aid Cameron counties.. Ail businesff en trusted to his care will receive prumpl attention. taticoon Main @creel, in :ro, , ,ltlenco. , `OIO.II4TED iAICRABEE, ATTORNEYS ATILAW, Coudersport, Penn's Will attend to alr.business entrusted to their tare with promptness andti lelity.. Will also attend the IseVeral courts la n the adjohilne counties. Omen In dies ieeinid storey of the Olmsted Block. IS,IkAtI BENSON, A T,TOIINEY-AT- LAW, Conder,port, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to him with care and promptness. Attends Courts of adjoining coun ties.. °nice uu Second street,near the Allegany' bridge F. W. ATTORNEY AND .COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport, l'a-., will attend the Uonrta in Pot 'er and the adjoining counties. • • ' MILLER dc .IIeALARNEY, 1 TTOR qEYS-.A'.T LAW, 111 tinnnoicco, Pen r.— . • Agents for the Collection of Claim znth. t the ' ited States and state Governmeins,suellt:Pellbi oll s, itonnty,Arrears of Pay,dcc-AdOrees 1.9;x 95,, iurrO.hollt. wR. mitten, . . • I .. O. De4LAIt!;6I: I [ _ H - . M. W. :ticA.I.ARNEY, I REAL ESTATE and INSUIL NCB AGENT.— .Land and Sold, Takes paid and Titles - nyostigated. Insures property nsinst tire On- best ioOmpanles - the Country. and Persons inraiti , t !Seel idents , ln the Travelers Irniuranilo Coatpany of Hart ford. 'Business transacted protaytly 17-2:9 •. P. A. STEBBINS 4 - .. Co., APRGHANTS—DeoIers In 'Dry Goods, V.ihey Goods, Grocerleo.Proeision.,Flour,Peed , l' ork, and everything usually kept in a good country store. Produce bought and sold . .. 17 :2'9 ' - le. 11. SIM3IO.IKS, irEICCIIANTT —WELLSVILLE N. Wite,le ,ln s.de and 'Retail Dealer In Dry Goole, Fancy and 43taple Goods. Clothing, Ladies ICressti. , Ods.G ro ceri es, 'loue Feed &., .e • Rliberal etailers supplied on terms CIILARLE.S. S. JO.NES, 4'inCiLiNT--Dualers In Driigs. Medi clne.s, l'aint Oils Fancy rticloo, Statiou,ry, Dry Guutlg.., leirocerles;.t.C., Main Street, Coudersport, Pa .. • E. .01,3LSTED, 11/I"EitCH ANT—Dealer in nu Goods, ileadylnale .Cbdhing,. Cruckury, Groceries, Iced, rork,l.ProtliJous, tic., Afain street, Coudersro , • 'COLLINS SMITH, MERCII.A.Nr—DeaIer in Dry ,Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, QUeellelWare, Cutlery, 'and all H 0.6,18 u.ually found Ina eoutitry store. •11. J., OLMSTED, • AILDWARE• Mercnant, and Dester in Stoves, H Tin and Sheet Iron-Wsre. Main st tact; wailer sport; Pent.'it. Tin and Sheet: Iron War, mode to order, in,ittood style, on shot 1 - tittles. : CIiIUDEBSPOire IXOTEL.. HC.VERMILYEA,PsoPntsTos, Corn. • :slain . and Second stiects.Cooderanort , Pdr Co. Pa. A Livery Stable is also kept in ' connection with this TloteL nnd from the Itallronds.r Potter Journal Job-Office. • 11(TAVING lately added a fine new assortment of 1.1. - 'JOB-TYPE to our alrea•ly large assortment. we are now prepared to do n111:106 of work, cheaply and with tastOand neatness. Orde:s solietted. • LYMAN -HOUSE. teiritaliill6 - , -- tottei'' county, - Pennsylvania. 'T)I/11TON LEWIS. Proprietor,. iiaing. rp, ten.this excellent Hotel, tne proprietor wishe - s o make the acquaintance of the traveling public and eels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may all on Wm.—Feb.l2,U - -"tf At-ARBLE -WORK ly, -monuments and Tomb-Stones gp, of all kinds, bo furnished on reasona bla terms and abort notice by 11111 Uk: Residence : I)?M j i l l r es south of ilOhit ; Or ietive C° kl d o ' ll r r a giTeZte th i n . PhoustB4nlficer-hfelAug DAN BAILER, , VE1031011; BOUNTY and WAR CLAIII•AGENCY Pensions procured for Soldiers of the present ar who are disabled by reason of wounds received or disedse contracted While In the service of the United States •, and pensions, bounty, and arrears of pay ob tained fotiwidoWS Or heirs of ; thoad who have died or been - kilted Whibd In SerVied. All letteti dr ingniry promptly answered. and on receipt by mail of a state-i Mont of -the case of claimant, I will forward the co - 'cossack iispers for their signature. Fees 111'1'01Mo:I rases as fixed by law. Refers to Hone. lease Benson, A. G. Olmsted, John s. Mane and F. W. Knox; Beg. DAN BAKER, 17ene8 64 Claim Agent, Goodorqlort, . _ _ - 41 -♦" " 40 ' . errr Yeiiil Va Niant, i u miiii I.ooo•evL•rywhdre to on our . IMP 4 i6ven A .Sewing Machines. Three now kinds. Under ' and AIPPer feed. :Warranted five years, -Above salary 'or large commissions paid. The ONLY machines sold inthe United States for less than $4O, which are tullv licensed by Howe, Wfieeler'& Wilspn, Grover ,I na ker,Singer dr, Co.. Ez.Bacheider. ALL other cheap ma athiesargleffringemouts .ruld. the seller-or. user are figit6 to'litre4, dee, tiny inierisodnihnt. ' Circulars ree. ;Address, or call upon Shaw ,k, Clark, Blade ord, Maine, or Chicago, Ill.Deo. 26,1865. ' idWiy. . . Itch ! Itch ! Itch ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! ~SCRATCH WHEATON'S_ _OINTMENT, WilkCare Ale, ,Itcb t !in 413:1)(0i.,rs AiSo cures 9ALT RHEUM . , ULCERS, (MITI, BLAANS, end 'all' ERUPTIONS OF TRE4S JUN. Price 56 cents. ' , Per sale-by all drnegiste. By manill: 60 cents to 'WEEKS 8:, POTTER, Sole Aeeri)s, ro . Washington strect,Eostoo, It . will be forwarded by. mall, neknfpostago,to any. part of the United States: kfiat 1,1609, spondee wky lyr. • • = • . . , . . , ... . . • . • .„ . _ . . . ~ . , ~.... . '...--, ,- ;7;7... . - .:. -.., - ''' - ';.:•.i: .1 P .I. r,, i. :: .i t ‘, .'. :4 t ..,.... -- - • - . .. - , . . 0"." -• ... ~. • ~. ~. .. . . .- : , -'---',_,,,.. ..!- - - ,.. - ;,:.i . .,:.. 71 .:. ' ,.. ' , ::-';',.. ,. . , ..;11:37 , '..: 7 , , ::: I_ 7.-:.,1-...•...":.' ~ '-I -' .7- .. i ,' -:;; I . I.. • ••, - ..:, .1....... .. .. . . . .L ' ...• -,•-:... --I • ... '' ' -'..-. - '. .. --'' '.: '.-I "I-- -i. ..'it .. . 1 ) 1. . _ . . . ... . ... .. .. ;.) ( • ''''• ''' '..' I- / I , -,.,. , ~,,, .... . . . . ... .. . . ' 0 i • •:':,•,]..1,1 . ~. . . „ • ' . \ ~..,... . . , ' • , . - „ . . --, \ ---,''. ' - ' -• ' • -- 1 , . - e a _ . . i ' • ' • -. . !'' - 49 - 1I • 1 'I. . . I • tigo . .. _ . ..,..„.....v, ... . . . , .. . . :,• . . „ .......... . ~... .... .......... . . . .......... .. ................. .......... . • ~ .__••• • . • . .. • . . , ... .. ~..,:. . • .... . , .. ..... . . : • • •'_•.• ;Biddy's •• rubles, • ''i ! , ' It's ; trtie for me, Katy,;, that I niver seed 'the like of this people afore. • It's a Sorry ' time like been having since coming :0 this . house,: !tWelva iiiiinthh agene this - week Thurs . < ay. Ifer knO l iiv that my, fourth cous in, Ai' n Miiearthy, Irieomniinded me: to Mrs:: Whale'r,, and, tbid the lady that I knew all abont'ginteel 'houSework and the likes; Vhile,•at the same time, I.- had niver seetriter DM - American lady's kitchen. So iishe e glindi mc, and niv heart was.jist. readyp•O•burSi,t with griefter•ihehtcify hat ' Ann had told, for Mrs. Whaler was a s ate spokeri•lady,irand Diver hioked cross lik in her lifl;thaJ : l.knew by , her kind, smooth face. . Well, jist the firot thing she told me to do, after I. had dressed the children, was to dress the ducks for dinner. I stood lookiag at the lady a couple of Minutes be fore loUld make-out, 'any meaning at all to her wOrds. Thin I Went searching after clothe , fer„the ducks-; and such a time as I had, to be sure., High and. low I wetit, till at a i st my MiStreSS - iiiced.-Die what for I was lo kihg;' and I told her the clothes for the du ks, to be sure.-. Och, and' how she scrcaned and laughed; till mYfabe . .ivea rid as the sun wid shame, and she showed me in her kind, swate way what her, meaning was. 'Then she told'Me how to air tie 1 beds, and:it Was•a- proud day for me, inda e, when I could go up chamber alone aid dare - up the rooms: One day Mrs. Whator said to rrie-- .' • . --, , . "Biddy, atp n yer may (live the baby an . alai) cr, if vees will." • : - : - What should I do—and it is thrue,what I am saying this ble..sed minute—but go up stairS wid the, child, and shake it and thin h i owld it by its arms out. of the chap-l -b-ex +der: • Such a serainingand kicking as that baby givol—but I hild on to it the harder. ! livery man and woman in the_ street looked up. at Erie, mid . at laSt my misthress came leaping up the stairs to see i• what flit' was so much noik. "I anithrying to air the baby," I 4d, but 'it , kiAs and Screams .di•id fu I ly," There' was .company clown belowi and 1 wain Mrs Whaler told them what I had been- aftlicr doing, I thought ,they ivoLtld scare :the folks! , in 114 straw _wid .tbOr serameirigi: • 1 , -1 . -: . i I And 'then I was told that, I mnst do pp 11„tr. Whaler's liDen 'shuts one day, .when my rnisthreSs was out shopping. She told me, ,rdpeatedly to thi them up nice, for , my maSter was phi' away, so I takds the 'shartsJthid did them all up in , some payer that I' :as :tither bringing from the old i counthry wid me, `and 'tied sumo bright 1 pink ribbon about the brindle. ' I "W,here are the charts,. Biddy ?" a g ed Mrs. Wbaler,-when she corned home. '...1 have. been hither (loin' them up in a ,qudiinice.'whY,'' I shid; Margin' her the 'butne. • - 1 I: ' • 1 ' . -'Will you ilveri be 4one . wid yer gram - aess?iiiShe as 'J, wkli a load Serino° 1 I c tn't for 6eilifesnf Me:be tolling what their talking manes. At home, 'we call the lis.es of thisl Work ,fine starching—and a <lea of it Yhave dond ioo. ,Not long ago', Mrs. Whaler *as Ithehing me to:make bin; 1 she 'told 'me to dash my hands in the A Eth,d'ish before pitting them into the dong 1 ..' Thin Whin t washed the „dish cloth in the same dishwid date water ; I got' hit of scolding., . and my misthress sakti,t; was not n ate to be loin' so.. I can't ielli.bf ! a .truth; L i e,' cab's, why the dish I washki my hands in, when I was just put ting ithem in the: bread, was 'not clane enough fol the dish-cloil that was only nare he dishes. Ochl and may the bles sed v rgin bity me, for I never'lrbe cured. of my grWeness. Tic Paixtr,ros Otht.i.nEsGE —A Week or tATo ag o we published the challenge_ made by aeorge A. Barber, of Detroit, in which he , proposed a trial of speed at case, for frhtn 82,000 to 85,000, with any print er i Wilo could plank 'up a like stun. No donbi, Barber will challenge; his challene, i witlaiut, delay, as a, c , otemporary in Posey cotinty, Indiana, - itasla Checkmate for the Detniit King, in the following: , "We have a compdsitor in thin office, ale .., frictiCon f whose Movernents over the type 1 1 in hil stick fusr t4iern solid like stereotype plate 4 j he only waY to prevent this. is to have iht d case submerged in wat'er, and the 1 rapidity "of his motions lteeps - the Water bnilitig and bubbling !so that eggs havefre i gnat ly i teen boiled it the space, box. Pipes lead rom the bottom of his case to a boiler in th press-room, ant. the steam generated by our fast compositor's . motions runs the powei•-prLss.'! In one!. day, he set so much type "that it took all hands, from editor to devil; two }leeks to' 'read the proof, and it wasn't his kood day for for setting type, either i i 1 1 , 1 George cah pack his stick and trari I to PosecountY, if he has in him the stuff of whic)i martyrs argil made. Two hemis phers - will !hreatl4esly await the ' ; result, which will we trurti in consideration-of the terrible "in§pense, announced at the ear liest moment. We f lare ready -1 • tope gold tit De,(lot6a to tfie Vi-iirolpies of irtio'Doilloolrqc9, qlld fete Qissetqiiiglioq of 3),T0i.41if, g,iteillyi.e and Aotos. 111 COUDERSPORT, POTTER NUTTY, PA., TUESDAY DECEMBER 13; 1.866, !MC= 1 at is the difference between a wealthy i l and 4! skilful miner? One tine' his ilto qnarts and the other tur f his into ,goild -1 - L. _ QIFIESTiONS AND A,NSIVERS. SqH.E.WLSE, BUT lIOSTLY OTHERWISE. ' ^ . according to Sam Weller, a soiree be leg of mutton and , trimmings, what is a soiree dansante? Ditto; with capers, to be sure. ' Why are country girls' cheeks like a gooilprint.dress ? . Because they are war ranted to wash and rctain their color. Why. is wit like a Chiest, lady' foot? j c. Becausi, .brevity is : the sole f it.. . ,What kind Of Paperms tables a sneeze? Tisue paper. I Why is the letter S like thunder ? Be cause it makes our cream sour cream. Which is the most profitable of all busi nesSl The shoe, for every pair is soled befiire it is finished. ; I Why are opera dancers like parricides ? Because they execute their pds, • Why may a foolish fellow reckon on having the sympathy of a atter ? 'Be cause a hatter has always fe t for a fellOw in. Want of ahead-piece. .. ' . Why is the coal-scuttle 'which Mary has conveyed from the kitchen to the drawing iooin like an infant put out to dry nurse ? Because it is : brought ,up by hand.. ' What portion . of ,the a tria„nin2s of a lady's dress reseinbles Bast Itidia sherry of thel first quality ? That whidh goes round thel.cape'. ' . I ' r , 11711 y is the Atlantic cable in its present 'condition like a schoolmaster ? BecaUse it is 'supported by Stioys - (boys). . 'Why is one's father's - nose like a well-, trained child le. Because it is always under l a parent's eye. When may the, hand of a barometer be suppOsed to be eugagell in commercial , transactions? • When it's cn 'Change.' If :you detectcda false ghost, on what grounds could you 'accuse shim of Murder ous ihtentlons? Because l i t was trying to frighten (fry ten) people. I What two letters would destroy all oth ers, if allowed to do so ? r) K.. When is Echo like a visiting acquaint ance? When she returns your call ' Why is an offering like a. matrimonial engagement ? Because it beging with an of erland ends with a ring. • - ' What is the gentlest kind of spur ? A whi..- er. • dfl by is irt like a hollow India-rubber b a+e 3p '.? Because she is cry_ . empty and has a great deal of bounce. Why are an ear of cheat and an oak simiktr in origin ? Be luso they both spring from a corn.. ' , - When dr,es'fruth cease to be truth? When it ''/its at the bottom of a well." Why is the ballad of Cock Robin's death like: the letter C ? Because it makes a clack of the' lark. Why are A . l E and U, the handsomest of the rowels i ' Because you cannot' have beauty without them Why should Volunteeit 'especially dis- . like the letter T? Because it turns rifles intol trifles, Why 'is did letter C generous fairy ? Because it turns ash into cash. When are hidies cut to pieces? When they are better halves. Why is a worn out shoe like ancient Greeee? Because it once had a Solon (sole-on,). . -Why is a man Min°. a side of baeon off is hook to be pitied ? Because he is a poor !creature-(pork 'reacher). -- - •NiThat is the only jam a schoolboy will not eat? Dom jamb. How should you measure your lover's sincerity.? By his sighs. Why is a nun invariably disappointed with her mode of life? Because it's "no - end of a tell:", • ' Why is a matt taking a nap like a man reading a paper? Because he is enjoying his (s) n ooze . • Why is one who loves praise, and abom inates all_ sorts of verse,: like a celebrated cornerof •Westmi j nister Abbey ? j Because he is .a poet (*Omer: . •- What is the diffirencd betwc a spider ancr a duck ? One has its feet perpetually other a web perpetually an a webond th on its feet. When do you see . What is invisible?—L-: When you, see h w you feel.. Wily is the ..tish an, eccentric animal Y' BeCause be will have his (s)iv'hitn. .Why is a .soldier acting in Compliance With an order given him, like his most formidable weapon Y Because lie's "obdu in it"' (a bayonet). . Why is the letter L like a precious gem? BecaUse it's in-valuable. ? What is the difference between a chat tering loyer and a pedestrian cidursion through Wales? One is 'talking wooer,. and the other is . a walking tour. Why is a man who his. right t.. a 'certain letter of the alphabet like one. who calls out? Because he X-claims._ Why. is a poker like an angry *word? Beeause. it often stirs up a smouldering fire. , Why is a beggar prevented by his name from -repairing his clothes . ? Because he is mencl , i-cant jf you make' a perforation through a vol ume of SltakespeEtre, why is that a math emati ; Cal absurdity ? Because the "Part is ..reater than the' hole: What is the , difference bet Ween Noah's ark and an _archbishop? One was a very high ark, but the other was a hierarch: Which is the most wonderful animal in a farmyard? A pig, because he is killed first'aud cured, afterwards. Why must on 'analytical chemist be a female? Because if he's not an analyzer (Ann Eliza) he must bo a charlatan (Char lotte Ann). , Which.is the noisiest shop in the .neigh borhood 1.• The confectioner's, because there, is always a (n)ice,(s)crearn there. • When may a, fisherthan who has caught only .a few fish be better off than• one who has landed a greater number? When .he has taken, a good-eel More than the other. Why does a chicien three weeks, three days and three hou-s old walk across the road ? What get to tie other side. What is the difference between a piece of hon4comb and a black eye? One is produced by tho laboring bee, and the other by a belaboring. • What is the difference between i oceopted and rejected lovers? The accepted kisses the miss, and the rejected misses the lass: Goon AnVien.—Never, says an ex change, use a lady's nape in an improper place, .at an improper: time, or in. mixed company. sever .make assertions about her that you think are untrue, or allusions that you feel he herself would blush to hear. Many a worthy woman's character has been forever ruinedd . and her, heart broken by a lie, manufa C tuied by a Villain; and repeated where shbtild not have been, and in . the presence Of those whose little judgment could net deter them frOun circulatin g the foul and fiendish report.' Respect the name of wonin, for your mother and sisters. are women; and as you would liiive their fair names untarnished; and ttieir lives uneMbittered by slanderous biting tongues; heed the ill your own', words , maytue -other, the sister, or the • The following answer' substantially, with names omitted, Was recently returned to a "call" extended by a Home Missionary - Agent to a young minister to "settle" in the interior of one of the Western states: "DE.ka BaornEn:- . —Allow me . to group a few objections against going td ----- , —. 1 : I speak by the card. . "L You know that state is considered the worst in. the Union., that county the' worst iu the state, that town the worst in, tli6 county, and that neighborhood has the worst set of men in the town. One man there is 'such a son of Belial, that a man cannot speak to him ' (1 I•3am. 25: 17.) He is Considered, hoWever, the best man in town. The prophet 'Samuel bad also the advantage in his day to that Nuhul had a good wife; but this man's; wife is worse than himsef. 'The tord also smote Nabul that he died,' but tills man and his wife are still alive. Youl•are' right when,. you call it 'rather a touch country, but the grandest kind of a mission field: "2.-The mud is from threo to five. feet. deep, alluvial deposit of that depth lying upon a subliratuni of Clay impervious to water. This. under Strzitairo of clay; liow. ; _ ever, is the only saltation of the country, preverding everythiiig f from _ sinking and surdiincr,below it. 4l traveling is chine on horseback; but my hbrie is not long-legged enough to touch the under stratum... rri. The tradition is, that whe the 'Creator finished cementing the world,* He threw an . extra hodful of mortar doon in this place. "3.. Mosquitoes.' are ef - the mammoth I kind, generally terme I g,allinippers. Many of thein-will weigh a pound; and they climb 1, up on the trees and ark.. "4. Fever and agt e indiginotis. Coon try flat and streams run b,th ways 'Ague shakes even the barki of of all except- gum tree's. Few have lever crawled out of the sixteen-miles swamp alive. and they were shaken out by thJ chills "5. The inliabi6nts are not as loviitg as Cooing - . doves.. The'. last commandment; 'that ye love one ano her,' probably has not reached them yet, a they live so far in land. Indeed it is t e Killienity tats over again. You kndw the cats fought allnight, when nothing could o found but a cloud of 'fur and the tip of Norval's' tail... -So Norval beat. Well,, a cloud of fur has rested over this district a score .of yens . Bobtails of account. • 0.. That salary of $3OO (maximum) mtist b s that is a larger . sum of Ino4 , 'et. been heard of ha , the c "Tl menti e a mistake, eythaa has e 'untry. ere is one advantage, however, to , be . ned, in this ,e4pnection. Pastel's in 'strictt have generally been 'settled' Their longCvity ' however, has not eniarkable. II thing considered, I think I had decline ;the call, hoping that the sue 'candidate may make his 'will' before • He might get his life insured l ot all the .life insurance companies oned that part of the couritry.. Lis fortunate that 'the - church' has no ,n view'—l mean for the man!"' this d Ibr li been bate cessfu he 'se had I Ell man Pa'ytington says that beeausei dane -1.15 are stars,it is tio reason the) should arded as heavenly bodies. Ali ing g be re. Advicesfroni South America are.import ant. 'Bolivia las concentrating troops and preparing - for an invasidd Of Buezioi Ayers; Tho Paraguayans had assumed the offen sive and bombar(W the !Brazilian camp. Peru had declined tdie'modiation of France and England in her diffictilties with Spain. :Ativices front Mexido continue to be interesting; although not.very important. Canales' surrender to Escobcdo,siruply.con sisted in transferring his command ,to the latter's divisiOn, the comrr.and being retain- ed by Canati Maximilian wfut at:Grizaba oil the gtith ' gowns expected '{u Mexi co soon. It wns believed that he would re ceive Miriister campbell and General Sheri dan fvorably. 'His very sttanfre 'conduct of late warrants the suspicion of insanity. ,e4r. "A;Washington dispatch announces tbat the Senate will pass, by a tv;o-thir s vote, bills far the admission of Colorado and Nebraska into the Uniom The rapid ex tension of one of they eastern branches of the Pacific railway tilrough Nebraska is liastenimz . _ its development, arid Colorado will soon be reackei 14 the laranek that is, beim -, constructed through Kansas. . An ex-rebelr major general in the South' west declines to converse on politica' matters, because he &inside's himself a pa roled prisoner, and a such has riot the right () to dictate what the olicy of Cor.gress or the President shoul be. How much bet ter'it would be for t o country if all who served in the army f treason thought and acted as this officer oes. 1 . . . „ JACK' S RAVER I ANSWER.ED.7—Once upon a time there resided in Peehleshire, Scotland, a half-witted sort :of a ,man who had a notion that he.was rattier religious, and who was in the habit of saying his prayers in a field behind a turf-4 We. One day this individual was followed to his rep ; tirement by some, evil disposed. persons, who screenin,, themselves on .the opposite side, prepared to listen . to What -he should say. Jackammenced his devotions,-and . I amongst other things, e*prssed ;his con= viction that he IrAs s a very great sinner, and that even Were the, turf-dyke: . :at, that Pio , ' ments. to ;fall upon_ him; ;it. would be I no more than he deserved.. _ 1%j . 0 sooner had .he said this ihafi the persOns on th.e opposite side pushed the dyke Over upon him. Scrambling out from, amongst the debris, Jack was rieard saying' "llech, sirs! it' an awfu' world this;_a body. cannot say a thing in a joke but it's t'aen in earnest4' QuicK. Wonic.—We heard a story told of a "Yank" which we must repeat. ye belonged to Shaman's crackery-smashing squlad *lien on their little Pleasure trip , to the sea. Being sepqrated from his com mand one dark night, he found himself hotly pursued by a squad of yellow rebels. Racing down a idugh ravine, his hdrae fell, throwinff and giving him a stunning fall, and then. galloped away. When he recov ered he commenced feeling round in the darkness for his Steed. Presently he en-'', countered the carcass of a skinned horse; , after feeling it carefelly all over frcim raise to tail,- he came to the sage coneluSidn that it was Ills own: 'Well,'.' said he; "I swou to gravy, if that ain't quick work; no soon er down than ihe hide's of I'm glad the y didn't find me:" He gave hi§ -01)inz ion on - his retard td camp that! leather must be "pesky sktiro among the rebs, and that they beat "creation a'skinnin quick." Two good-natured Irishmen, on cer tain occasion, occupied the same bed: In. thelmorning one of ;hem inquired cif the' dtheri "Dennis, did you hear the thuntiqr last allo, Pat; did it railey thunder 1" J,Yes; it ihundered as if hived and airth would come togeiher." - • "Why in the divil; thin, didn't - ye wake ne,! for. ye know I. can't slape when it u nders:" A man who had 19011' a fat turkeY-at afile, and whose pious wife was very in; quisitive about the method of obtaiuing,tim Poultry, satisfied - her at last by the remark thai the 4'Shakers". gaN - e it to him. 40" The Tennessee Rouse of Represen tatives, has tilled a bill to establish fred schools. We'are sorry for.the79,ooo white adults in that State who cannot read or write.. write. 'A little learning is a dangerous thing to leOlatorsilincl these seein to have just, enough education to want , to keep the ,peOplein-iffnorauce. oli*r A cotepporary likens the effect of the Chicago Time.? policy for the Deni °erotic party to that of castor oil on the boy, echo made a wry face and said l td"his mother, "I don't think I quite, like castor oil= its a title too rick" - The most astonishing .NIL - story yet told 18 the statement by. Prof: Agassiz,. th4t in Brazil they have n of fish \Vidal can cliMb trees and bark.. Fact.? thjy ascend 'by a series. of scales. A bell to be staled on the . engpee-botise at Meadevilie , weiabs one ion. 1 1, - a' ~; J 1a~::~ i I NES Mil E: A. e UM 4: 1 4,4 NE TER MS 01111144r' • - : acNditttl., V,Asunstatios,M. D.,8, 1801 i,„ Congress hal been ' ill, A4gioll ibutAl43'o3 and. , a journedloYer till Alwiday.; . lmt the House , n _thatt.hrief apace ,has plaffned,rorii enougli:for it winter.; . Committees, -A p$- .vesti g atiort haTe hgten orderedtt4ePl i d,otil and-tlut departments have beet?. : Called, tilt for a,v riety of usefel l hiformatimi'..Thd New Orleans massacre to to he cleared tip; the ttpeltted , iPpr.dep,of Union men at t 134 South are to helnquired into, and the Viei: idetit's'whol4alo Aeruoyalslffotxt, off '3+4,,,,,t.ii= vestigat4 .1 ' .)., . , The Hottie'd - uts 4onimenced the session ill a prOper spirit, and its .work, promises,.o be conducted in the right manner,: 1" hay seen nothing! in , the . prvceedittg-t of tbd House, whether in its daily ,sessions tif : thd thite caucuses:it has held, which. 41E44 the opinion, fOrnied before Congress met.4 , --- that no serious at,tekipt to ithpeaclithe Piei: ident, will',be ilacla. ~No doubt souip,ierY excellent menibers favor it ;but tiiieetonrip4 if nit five-sixths; are totally : opposed to - any= thing of tho kind, .Miless gs., . i iTolitisori %It: tempts , to do something worse in the ilit4td than he. has done in the pit, ; It,‘, is VI ,13; passibl 3, ihowever, that the investigtiopii ordered u - ky develop ,his • connection 4ii.tlt the, murder of Union men at , the SO4II. It is possible (bur improbable) that he lids been critnit ally negligent - in: the angst of Surrnt; but, inasmuch, as the alleged tifssass: in is iu custody of U. S. autlimities, an itn-: peachmeut on.this_ground. will hardly 'l)4 thought of . by anybody..- As I. understand the matter, the inve.,tif gatious ordered by the Hililhel4:tve u o'rir: tiular reference to an iinpeacliment, Tho House and the country 2.94a,t'he facV.l._ Besides, an : investigation of any kind us'tt ally has-a most wholdsoine effect upuii evil-doers., , The , South" upddsuityls now that 'a c:orianiiiLee or ' invettigittioti is ready at any moment to take up the dild : of 4 .it poorest neg.troi or_ hat of the'p'roadest reb 4 z.l , The world is to know how white, relads Lieut . loyal freedmen, • Nothing . bited'fottlt ts,' i tti bo hid. The field ofiiivestiriti;! , ii nint hs wide_when a man of. theworld, like Sheri dan, says, in his report, that , in ,Texa4 the trial of a white man for the Murder, tit' a freedman ..Pis afarde."„ .Sheritlaii ItA r. Vin "Abolitionist," no ,"Radical," I even titiidif if he is a finepublini;" yet lie reports Ott atrocious state of things 't.o . , Gen. drain: . - The object of these iovOstigations, . them is to elicit facts, and lli with_the etur:tlW the, ,public mind. This i ,is right. A feW of our friends seem toi desire to punish ~li4E! President, for his, had conduct:— No - dOid* he deres punishment . ; hut there is a Ms bier work , for radicals to: engage. in Chad that: It has seemed to me at , times as xi certain Radicals is-ere .inornindignntit'oiei the wrongs. of 'removed office-lioiders, tilt( 1 ; of the freedmen—that they think triOißlialf filling InCratiie OffiCes with Republican.; than theyf doit t :ir diving the black man his political rights tt ril'obalay lam in Isiake,rl but, if I am not, Ifrankly admit that thei 3 O is good ground for intense .indignati4iii at the treachery of the 'President ' hi his' tit,' plnceme.ntolikpiiblic:4s - froni Offied. • . • The Senate takes pp the suffrage ques tion (forJilieDistriet of COluffibia) oil Mew day. ,S'enater Morrill, of Maine; tipene the debate with . ati argnitierit flii. impartial suf: (rage. - It is tolerably certain tit t Congre.4.4 willat itsvioseritsessiou give t the cOlor ed men of the bisitict . the 'sn . " polities rights as th'ose enjoyed by white Men 1t any limitations are_made, they }sill apply to all elite.' ''''': _ _ Nuthino. haS yet been Aldile upon the - sub-' ject of reconstruction; but the House has revived the committee; and this is eigerift cant for the resent , a majority of the-Re publican members scut inclined to - stltuyi upon the. Constitutional .A.menihnPut;l4 in times -like - these - parties drift, for, try cannot anchor. Let the Sr;uth ponder.htis fact ia,the .1V: Y. independFlit. TOE SECII.g, T of Mr. STANTON 13 iii remaining a:Cabitiet• ofiltier is exptined by a Statement that he is _determined not to be drircin Trona his poSititiii, aritl has resolved tn stand by theinteie , ts of tlio . people without any regard . to the poliev of the: Ffresident. - -.This- the.: bY Creorgci of the New Nor's- Spir of iit tteTime.4. • _ . _ SticiTop iii his reityrks (#iiir of his proposed amendment of tho CeMsti tution prohibiting the ie-eleciion of ie dent, stated that one of the — c - hiA2fy;ohices of the politiCi troubles in this country' for the past ii?rty pars had been the ialia'opOr utai of G overnmen t patronage by Presidential hiciiMbent l s to secure it re'-elettiosi; A Duhl in - dispatch ZatCllFritit nigh says "The purposes : and mccet.liligB of ;AM . Fenians in' this,island monopolist: the nt telt titan of-theiliish - GaVernment. :Tfid Gramf Lodge of gin rangeeir have held a riivet and issuca.nn earneStcoLfor . the 4-nemberr; of their order to support the g werinueut itsvadeavors to keep the peace. A . .ttriStri. eti tt.youpg man says t fka yotrnif woman ' s fleart is like the moon; It ethitl! , .... gontiniuil alway 4 It a+-...a m.11:1 in I-1- = pti6i.^,lt•.' 11 ; :!+ MEM EMS MS '.! I_ MEE =ffl ••tt3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers