ttittitigbon 13ttrnal. WM. BREWSTER,. Wednesday Morning, September 21,1859. PEOPLE'S STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL: THOMAS E. COCHRAN, OP TORY COI7NTY. POR 817RVETOR GENERAL: GEN. WILLIAM( H. KEINE, OF BEM COUNTY, People's County Ticket. ASSEMBLY: B. B. WIGTON, of Huntingdon Borough. BIIERIFF JOHN C. WATSON, of Brady Township. COUNTY TREASURER : HENRY T. WHITE, of On Aa Township, corNry COMMIRSIONEIL : M. F. CAMPBELL, of Union Township POOR DIRECTOR: WILLIAM MOORE, of West Township. DISTRICT ATTORNEY JOHN W. MATTERN, of Huntingdon. COUNTY SURVEYOR: JOHN F. LIMEY, of Huntingdon. AUDITORS W. L. CUNNINGHAM, of Clay Township ISRAEL GRAFFIES, of Uexandria. PEOPLE'S COUNTY COMMITTEE. WILLIAM H. WOODS. Dublin tp., Chairman. J. H. Kennedy, Alex'a. J. A. Doyle, Mt. Union. J. B. Clark, Birm'g'm. Adolp. White, Oneida. J. F. Wilson, Barret). Jas. Baker, Orbisonia. J.Vandevander, Brady. Benj. Hopkins, Porter. Ralph Crotaley, Cass. John Garner, Ponn. E. B. Wilton, Cass bor. L. G. Kessler, Pet. bor. Bend. Stevens, Clay. Wm. B. Leas, Shir. bor. T. T. Cromwell, Crom. J. Brewster, Shirley. Geo. Tate, Carbon. R.Madden, Springfield. John Kiner, Franklin. B. Wilson, jr.Shay.Ck. J. Williamson, Hunt. Henry Green, Tod. J. Flenner, Henderson. Geo. Wilson, Tell. J. Entriken, Hopewell. Sim. Wright, Union. W. B. Smith, Jackson. Henry Neff, West. Wm. Dean, Juniata. IJ. J. Patterson W 'mk. Perry Moore, Morris. IS. Peightal, Walker. Jacob Lutz, (ot Jacob) Shirley. Tickets ! The tickets are now ready for distribution.— Call ar.d get them, friends. He Retracts. The editor of the Union, in his last issue, says "we have never charged Mi. Wigton with having voted for the repeal of the tonnage tax" I I This is quite a novel method of talc. fug back insinuations which, it is well known, have beer. thrown out by the Union, from week t, week. Will not some honest soul exercise a little watchfulness over the Union's inexperi• enced youth. Will he stand It ? "We think there is but one paper besides the Press professing to be Democratic, that does cot support the State ticket. Forney and his immediate followers 7 :ed but cu other dip and o little wool to make good Republicans. ' We take the above Spear thrust from the lest Union; it is intended for "ye Globe man."— The question now is,—will he stand it? We shall see. We think it will ruffle the Bantam's feathers a little, especially as the Union adds, "the sooner the Republicans get them the bet ter for the Democracy." Cheering Prospect. The news received from all parts of the coon ty is of the most cheering character. From present indications we think we may safely say the majorities for the People's State and Coun ty Tickets, in Huntingdon county, will range from six to nine hundred. The people are be coming fullifaroused to the importance of get ting up a good old.fashioned majority for the whole ticket ; and we say to our foes, you will hear thunder in this "neck of timber," next October. There Is no nse in the Locos whist. ling to keep up their courage ; Salt River they are bound to navigate, and go they must, and go they will. Freemen of old Huntingdon ! rally I One more blow for Freedom and the Right. "Strike for your altars and your fires, God and your native land!" County Treasurer. The Union, of last week, appeals to the vo ters of this county to support Mr. Jacob Miller, for this office, because he is 'an old gentleman' whdee "present circumstances appeal to the people with peculiar force." We are free to say Mr. Miller is a "good, and honest citizen," "an Israeliteln whom thereto no guile," buthe ban always been a most bitter party man—nev er, we believe, having voted anything but the clear grit Locofoco ticket ; carrying this prin. ciple, as we know, into practice, even in the moat insignificant borough elections. The Lo cofocos have had repeated occasions of giving Mr. Miller au "evidence of their confidence," but, they have never seen fit to improve them. lie was an applicant for the office of postman ter at this place, and his "circumstances" ap pealed with as "peculiar force" to the people then, as they do now, but his claims were over• looked, and instead of giving him the sinecure, one was appointed who, in the language of a cotemporary, was better fitted for cutting cord. wood and loading stone than handling letters. if we have principles that are worth anything, we should support them. And we here say, fearlessly, that any man in our party who votes against Mr. White on the ground above indica ted,ia not a loyal party man, and should forever atter be treated as a traitor. It is a presump tion which the Union alone could be guilty of, of &Abut for totes for Mr. Miller, from our par ty, atter it. oa, party has seen proper to throw Ills ...board. Shame' Mama Another Mare's Nest. The Huntingdon Union of last week exhib ited that peculiar boldness and smartness for which it has become distinguished I by charg• ing upon Mr. Wigton, our candidate for the Legislature, the henious offence of voting for The indefinite postponement of the bill offered, making the marriage of whites and blacks il legal, in this State. It'goee into a lengthy and labored article, denouncing that which every sensible man in Pennsylvania has ever and does now oppose. It sets up a man of straw, to prove how dexterous it is in knocking it to piece.. It forgets to mention, however, that this bill, about which it makes so much ado, was the creature of its own political leaders, introduced for the purpose of making political capital, and that it was met and sternly rebuked by a Republican House—by "postponing it in definitely." We think, with the members of the last Legislature who voted for the indefinite postponement of this clap -trap, that it would have been an insult to the intelligent white free. men of Pennsylvania, to suppose they had so far degenerated, become so degraded, so loose in their morals, as to make a restraining law, in this particular case, necessary. No such law was ever before considered necessary for the people of Pennsylvania ; the common sense of our Legislators repudiated the idea of offering such an open, direct and monstrous indignity to the morality and intelligence of their con• stituents. But it has been left for the astute editor of the Union to offer the insult. If there is a white man or white woman in this Commonwealth so lost to decency and self-re spect, as to marry with a black, such man or woman we consider no better than their black companions, and it is a blessing to the comma. nity that they thus place themselves outside the pale of respectable white society. If men who cry so loudly for the passage of a law of this description, do it for the purpose of re• 1 1 straining their own inclinations, and placing a barrier between their appetitiss and their self. respect, we advise them to remove at once to the "Old Virginia Shore," where they may give free scope to their passions without an act of Assembly ; but do not, we pray you, outrage our moral community by asserting we are all like yourselves, and require such a law, or that Madan Snow Flake or Julianne Jonsing have the same fascinating charms for us that she ex• ereises over you. Editor. We are very certain that there is not an Op. position voter in Pennsylvania but will see through this whole scheme, and treat it as it deserves—with an indignant frown. The ass's bray of "amalgamation,' is simply ridiculous. We do not hesitate to say that the sentiments of every Republican in the United States are opposed to anything of the kind.— No Republican, and no Abolitionist, even, that we have ever seen, desires to bed and board with negroes. Such charges entenate only from little-souled and gullible dunces. DOUGLASISM. This once hated ism has now become a sync,- nym for Northern Democracy. One short year ago and no Democrat in good standing sopoor as to do him reverence. An avowed Douglas man, was looked upon by National Democrats as a bastard, as a Black Republican in disguise as a disorganizer, a heretic, an accursed anom• sly. But now how changed! since the venera ble J. B. has positively declined to permit his name to be used in connection with:the Chief Magistracy for the campaign of 'GO, the little Giant is looked up to by partizan demagogues as the most available, the most suitable and the most orthodoxical of all Presidential aspi rants. New merits are being discovered in him every day, and men who one year ago, scouted his Democracy, now toady to his office dispersing prospects. We are not aware that Douglas has changed in this interim, and De• mocracy, we are told, never changes, and yet these late antagonistic elements have come to• gether, have fused, and . are now like apples • floating down the stream of time in delightful harmony. Well, "the longer a man lives, the more he finds out." Some opposition politi• cians were weak enough to suppose that the Democratic party was about to split upon prin. ciple, and that we should be able to make an easy conquest of the divided factions, but the fallacy of their hopes is now too apparent.— The only principles which animate the breasts of the "unterrified" are the spoils and plunder of accomplished victories. The banner under which they flea is a matter of no moment, and the principles inscribed thereon, if called Dem ocratic, will rally the whole host. The freedom or slavery of Territories, the sovereignty of the people or of Congress, the opening or closing of the slave trade, weigh nothing in the scale against the spoils of office. Douglas is stump. ing Ohio, not for Ranney but for himself.— He treats solely upon National Politics, upon squatter sovereignty. He tells the people they shall be perfectly free to regulate their own domestic affairs in their own way, it they will only elect him President. He packs tons of documents through the mails, and he writes for popular Magazines to mystify his doctrines and the doctrines of Democracy. He is the most politic of Deniocratic politicians, the most successful demagogue, the most unreliable of Democratic aspirants for the Presidency. He is more of a Federalist than Buchanan and has ten times his energy and force of charac ter, and at the s me time he is more danger ous, because more powerful. His Administra• than, if he should be elected, will not be imbe• cite, but reckless, profligate and Anti Republi• can. Fillibusterism will be one of its chief characteristics, and rapine and plunder of our weak neighbors, one of its prominent aims.— "Manifest Destiny" will be one of its mottos and national dishonor its end. Goon News FKOM MAINE I—An election for Governor in the Slate of Maine occurred a few days ago. The candidates were Morrill, Re. publican, against Smith, Locofoco, and, as far as heard from, Morrill's majority is 8,801. In the same towns, last year, Gov. Morrill's ma. Rrity was 6,712 st owing a net gain for the Republicans of 2,089. The whole vote will reach nearly 100,000, and Morrill'a majority will exceed 11,000, and may possibly reaeh 12,000—the largest majority ever given for the Republican ticket. The Republicans have elected thirty out of thirty one Senators, and nearly three fourths of the Representatives in the Legislature. Well done for mainel What Locotocohnt has Done. The Locofoco party in Congress voted for the annexation of Texas and involved us in a war with Mexico, for the purpose of enlarging the area of slavery. They passed the odious Fugitive Slave Law, because southern Locolocos demanded more security for their niggers. They repealed the Missouri Compromise and revived the agitation of the slavery question, at the demand of the south in order that terri tory, once concentrated to freedom, might be cursed with slavery. They tried to enslave Kansas, and enact ed scenes of blood, rapine and arson and ti sally passed the infamous English Bill, in order to bribe her into the talon its a slave state, or punish her if she refused. They have time and again, deafeated the Homestead Bill, the object of which was to grant actual settlers a limited quantity of the unoccupied lands of the West, thus showin, themselves the avowed enemies of the poor white man. They have caused the Government to deport from the ancient landmarks, reared by Wash. ington and Jefferson, have misinterpreted the plain teachings of the Constitution and submit. ted every department of the Government to the dictation of the slave power. They have, by a wreckleu prodigality and • system of political favoritism and public plundering destroyed the credit of the country, increased the national expenditures to nearly $30,000,000 annually, have drained the tress• ury of a surplus of some $30,000,000 and borrowed $40,000,000 more to save the govern. meat from bankruptcy, within two short years. Such is the fearful record, which the demo cratic party has made and on which they will have to stand or fall. Lel the free people of the North examine the long catalogue of crime and then consider whether or not they will support such a party and help to elect men to office, sehc will directly carry out such meas. Ines. Our State Ticket. Do our friends realize that it is only three weeks to the election ? The time in slipping rapidly away, and an yet but little has been done. If anything is to be done, it most be done soon. We hare a watchful and wily enemy to fight, ant it will require all our vigilance to keep him under. The significance of the present contest lies in the fact that its result will be taken as an in• dcx of the fight in 1860. It may be that the result will not be a 'air index of what is to fol• low; but it will be so regarded. The party that carries Pennsylvania in 1859 will be con sidered able to carry it in 1860; and the par• ty that can carry Pennsylvania in 1860 will be able to decide the Presidential contest. Neith er party can succeed without this State. Our friends will see, at once, from these pre mines, that the whole Presidential contest hing es on the result in Pennsylvania this full. If we carry the State, as we are able to do on a lull vote, it gives no, not mersly the power of deciding the Presidential contest itself, but of deciding who our Presidential candidate shall he. The Republicans of other States will defer, in that event, to the judgment of those who have the control of the battle ground—who are, as the French say, masters of the position. Much of the responsibility for the result, this year, will fall upon the Republicans of the strong Republican counties. The close coun ties will be well contested, as usual ; but in thb counties with decisive majorities, the natural tendency will be to indolence and supineness. Assuming that there is not much directly at stake, our friends are apt to forget or overlook the more important risks directly at issue. It is against this we are now essaying to warn them. The predominant desire in the heart of every man in the ranks of the opposition in this State is to overthrow the present corrupt administra tion and put one more worthy in its place. To accomplish this each man in those ranks would go through almost any labor and endure almost any hardship. Let us assure them that the first and decisive step towards accomplishing an end so desirable is to be taken this fall. If we elect our State ticket this year, the work of 1860 will be more than half done I if we. fail, much that is already done will be neutralized, We appeal, therefore, to every opponent of the administration, to go to work at once and unite with his neighbors and friends in accom plishing all the work needed to bring out a full vote this year. Huntingdon county is under pledge to give a lousing majority to the State ticket, and it behooves us to redeem the pledge. Friends ! see to your districts, repectively, without further delay. A Small Matinees The unanswerable letter of Mr. Wigton ad dressed to the nominal editor of the Hunting don Union, which we published last week, has proven clearly the utter want of truth which characterizes that editor. It is a fact worth considering, that not one of the chargea of pre varication made in that letter against the edi tor of the Union, has been squarely met or fair ly answered by him. Instead of confining him. self to an answer, and endeavoring to clear the record which stamps falsehood upon him, he bends his enormous energies to the task of mu tilating Mr. Wigt,m's letter, so as to convey the idea that Mr. W. .as no scholar. We have only to say, that an exact copy of the letter fur ' nished to the Uhion, was handed us by Mi. W. and which we printed verbatim, as it appeared in our last issue. We have it now in our pos session, and we will agree to forfeit one reputa tion as an honorable editor, if it contains the least error as printed in the Union. Any hon. eat man can be convinced by calling at our of fire and seeing it for himself. Let the public note this scurvy trick of the accomplished - of the Union. Ifir•Ex-Gov, David R. Porter, of Harris. burg, has been elected Vice President of the Sabine end Rio Grande Railroad company, and designs leaving for Team, in a month or two to enter upon the duties of his office. Dr. Baartnarrit, of pill celebrity, is a Dont. °cretin candidate (or the next Legislature in the Seventh Senatorial District. Gen. George P. Morrie its hie pppooeet. Funny. The doctrine that a man who quibbles about recognizing the Supreme Ruler of the Universe as his God, would be a fit one to trust with re ligious matters. That a man who can fearlessly break a col. emn oath, would have any conscientious !tem ples about abolishing our Sabbaths. That a man who denounces the members of religious denomination' as hypocrites, would be the one to uphold them 'in a pinch." That a man who has belonged to every po' litical party of the day, is a fair representative of that jewel consistency. That a man who occupies both sides of the fence on every political issue, will not deceive somebody. The Slave Trade. "Occasional," of Forney'. Press, adds his testimony to that of Senator Douglas, in regard to the prosecution of the African Slave Trade on oar Southern coast. The former person says: "I repeat upon the moat distinct authority, that the traffic le now vigorously prosecuted, and that lutudreds of Africans are being landed on the Southern coast. Owing to this state of things, the Adminis• tration have enured it to be ostentatiously an. nounced that a coast guard is to be established from Charleston to New Orleans, and that a part of the Paraguay fleet will be sent into the gulf for the purpose of enforcing the law. Dep uty marshals are to be stationed at all the avail able points from Charleston to Mobile, so that you see a conflict is by no meass among the improbabilities." In the face of these declarations there ate demagogues, in the north and south, unprinci• pled enough to pass the whole affair off as s joke. They will find it s serious matter enough before they are through with it. ifirAccording to an Official return of the Austrian Government, just published, the total less of the army in Italy in killed. wounded and prisoners, was 1,164 officers, and 38,300 men. OUR BOOK TABLE. *Er The 3d number of Petersons' com• plate and cheap edition of the entire writings of Charles Dickens, to Le completed in twenty eight weekly parts, at 25 cents each has been received. COSMOPOLITAN ART JOWL/AL.—The Septem ber number has been received. It is published at 598 Broadway, N. Y., by the Cosmopolitan Art Association, every three months, at 50 do. a number. Lanus' 110M11 MAGAZINS.—The October number of this excellent publication in on our table. Thin is one of the best two dollar mag azines published. Send two dollars to T. S. Arthur, r,23 Walnut St., Philad'a., and try it for o, a year; and we are persuaded that you will continue taking it. GODISY'S LADY'S Boox.—The October num ber of this monthly, is now before us. It fully sustains its unsurpassed good reputation.— " Wai;ing for the Verdict," is a master-piece engravir4 ; the fashion plate is beautiful ; and the reading matter is good. Those who have not got the work should send $3 to L. A. Gcvleh 323 C hesinut St., Philad'a., and try it. It .Kennedy's Bank Note Review is now before us—published at Pittsburg, monthly, at one dollar a year; and semimonthly, two dol. tars a year. This is one of the best and most reliable Detectors that we are acquainted with. He has albo issued the fourth edition of the Book of Descriptions. It is said to be very complete. Will you please send us a copy. SW - The Boston "Olive Branch and Atlantic Weekly" is one of the best Family Papers pub. lisped. It contains solid and brilliant editor'. ale on all the live subjects of the day. Its lit erary ability is everywhere acknowledged ; and it is full of thrilling Tales, sparkling Sketches, accounts of Travel and Adventure, Wit, that cuts like a razor, 'and Rumor that overflows with laughter, and makes lean people fat and jolly, the choicest Poetry, the cream of the News, bundles of family Receipts, Agricultural informrtion, Prices of Produce, Cattle Market Reports, dc. Henry Ward Beccher's sermons aro reported weekly. These are worth double the price of the paper, which is only $2 per year. Address HENRY UPHAM & Co., Olive Branch Office, Boston, Mass. A ITticronv ov ALL RELIGICNS: containing a statement of the origin, development, loc• trines and government of the religions De nominations in Europe and the United States, with biographical sketches of eminent di. vines. By Samuel M. Smucker, Published by Duane Rulison, Quaker City Pub'idling House, 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia. Pa. The subject of Religion nod the Doctrines of Sects must always have an absorbing inter. est for the thoughtful observer, and a work which affords the desired information, in a con• venient and accessible form, at a moderate price, has been urgently demanded, and will be sought for with avidity, and must command a large sale. _ In the present work, the origin, development doctrinal belief, Church government and pecu liarities of over eighty different religious secst, are treated inn style clear, compendious and accurate, and will afford all the information which might be procured with great difficulty .d expenses, and much labor and research, from the larger polemical works and encylo• . . Dr. Smucker has evidently prepared this work with much care, and it exhibits great ability and learning. The articles on the different religions are very impartially written, and show the careful study of an unprejudiced and sound mind ; and the importance and value cannot be too highly estimated of such superi or and unbiassed effort in a work of this kind, as too often, those pretending to give correct information upon such subjects are prejudiced in favor of some particular sects or denoinina• tions. Mr. Rulision has brought out the work in a very handsome form, and the public is indebted to him for a very valuable, instrutive and useful beok. The price, $l,OO, is remarka bly low for such a work, and in order that it ma have a rapid and extensive circulation, he will send it to any address, accompanied with a valuable Gift, on the receipt of the price and twenty cents to prepay 'postage. Mr. Rulsion will send free, on application, his new enlarged and revised Catalogue of Books and Gifts, containing all information relative to the establishment of Agencies in the Gift Book business. Address DUA NE RULISON, Quaker City Publishing House, PO South Third St., Phila Pen, Paste and Scissors. stir- There will be two storms this fall—the equinoctial, and the storm of overwhelming in dignation which will greet the Locofoco candi dates, the 2d Tuesday of October. sirAn arrival from announ ces the assassination of a daughter of General Oeffard, the President of Hayti, an event which had very naturally caused much excitement in that capital. *if'An extend re conflagration at Chicago, on Thurseay night last, is said to have des' troyed property to the amount of half a million of dollars, with insurance to half that amount in New York , and New England offices. LAasn tIELD.—The editor of the York County Sim:says: " We planted in our garden, the past season, three large sized potatoes, of the California mercers, from which we raised and took up a yield of about 150 good sized potatoes, measuring nearly a bushel. NEW JERNEI , —The Republican and Amer. ican Conventions. at Trenton, New Jersey, on the 7th, united upon the nomination of CHARLES& OLDEN, of Princeton, for Governor. Mr. Omar is stated to be an Old Line Whig and a strong candidate. *®`The Houston Telegraph, a Democratic paper in Texan speaking of the election of Gen. Houston, says: "We are now pleasantly located on the banks of Salt River, that famous place for retrieving broken political fortunes.l The fact is, old Sam is elected, and he can't be euchtle oat of his Governorship in any way but by sending him to the Untied States Sen ate." 116r-The Missippian saye that the agitation in favor of the repeal of the slave trade law is confined to no political party nor class of our citizens, but is fast becoming the popular sen timent of the Southern people. "The sooner," it adds "our Nothern fellow-citizens are con vinced of the fact, and make up their minds to accede our just demand, the better for the peace and prosperity of our political union." A FAMINE 051050 THE Beans,—The fact that an unusually large number of bears have muds their appearance in many sections of Pennsylvania, this season, has heretofore been referred to. There is said to be little or n 6 mast in the mountains this season. The con sequence is that bears are becoming excee dingly troublesome in the settlements. They have come down from their retreats in the mountains, and are playing sad havoc with corn fields, cattle and sheep. Ur Senator Douglas is killing himself oft; politically, as so many of his predecessors have done, by writing letters. One of his latest is addressed to Lucy Stone, in reply to one from her inviting him to be present at a Woman's Rights Couvention, which convened at Chicago, lest Monday. The Little Giant assures Lucy of his undivided sympathy in her endeavors to obtain fur women the liberty of govern ing them selves in their own way—subject only to the Constitution of the Uuited States I *le` Twenty•six clergymen, of Philadelphia, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, German Reformed and Dutch Reformed, have united in an address to "Christians of all de. nominations," in which they propose that the first Monday in October next be set apart as a day of special prayer "that God would grant that his believing children may be made per feet in one, and that by the operation of the Holy Ghost, all Christians may he so j Dined together in unity of spirit, and in the bond of peace, that they may be an holy temple, Sc. Ceptable unto him." WPMr. Greeley, while in Utah, attended a sale of mules by the government. They were sold at about onelialf what they were worth, to speculating friends of the administration, he cause they were nobody else there to buy them. jiad they been taken to California, to sell, the government would have saved largely by the opperation, but then those "friends" would not have made the handsome thing they did. An other economical operation of this economical administration is refer.] to by Mr. Greeley.-. The Government pays its favorite contractors eleven dollars per bushel for men in Utah, while it could have been bought there for $2 per bushel. These are the kind of achievements we have in the Mormon war--the chair part of the war seeming to be an attack vEdm the U. S. Treasury. tar The Democracy of New York had a beautiful "row" at their State Convention, held at Syracuse, on Wednesday last. In the effort to organize they broke up into two separ ate bodies—the "Sods" composing one, and the "Bards" the other. Two Chairmen were appointed, ono of whom, a Mr. Stryker, was knocked from the stand, Fernando Wood headed the "Hard" wing, and such men as Capt. Rynders, the Benicia Boy, and other noted prize fighters, flourished conspicuously on the occasion. The "Bards," being in the minority, wanted to send double sets of Del.. gates to the Charleston ConventiOii, pursuant to Mr. Wise's advice. Finally, most of the Delegates from tne Wood Convention deserted and joined the Sorts, and the happy family went through with their work of forming a State Ticket, and closed by a sort of peace. making all round, and adjourned amid great I enthusiasm. Ser Mr. Senator Douglas has written the following letter to Mrs. Lucy Stone, which is made public through the columns of the Bath (Maine) Sentinel : Washington July 14. 1859.—Mrs. Lucy Stone : Dear Madame—Your kind letter of the Bth instant, wishing me to be present at a convention of the ladies of the Northwest, to be convened at Chicago on the 12th of Septem ber next, to devise meausures for the promotion of the happiness and protection of the inter eats and rights of the female sex, has just been laid before me. You are right dear madam, when you say I take deep interest in all that concerns the ladies of our great and glorious country, and I need not now, after so many years of faithful labor in the cause of Popular Sovereigsty, assure von that you have, in your endeavors to obtain the liberty of governing yourselves in your own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, the full con fidence of my undivided sympathy. I regret, dear Madam, that buieness of great impor tance will prevent me from being present at your convention. I hare the honor to temain,&c. SA. B'oooLsa. WASHINGTON, Sept. 10.—General Scott left here this afternoon for New York, and will sail in the steamer of the 20th, for the Pacific. The present delicate and complicated state of affairs at San Juan. growing out of Gen, liar. ney's movements, require great care and cau• firth on the past Of our government, to prevent a collision. The President, in conferring with General Scott in regard to the matter, suggested the the propriety of sending some one there who was less impetuous and more prudent than General Harney. Gen. Scott at once informed the President that he would go, and that as soon as his instructions were prepared, he would be ready to start. The instructions were partially prepared and considered in Cabinet council to-day. They will probably be completed tomorrow, end for warded immediately to New York. The Ad ministration received some aditional advicea from General Harney, brought by the Star of the West. There had been no material change and matters remained in static quo. SUICIDE Or HON. JOHN SCOTT.-W 0 are pained to learn that Hon. John Scott, former ly a Representative from this county in the Legislature, committed suicide by hanging him. self, on Monday, the 12th inst. Mr. Scott was elected to the Legislature in 1832, and served one term; and was afterwards chosen at a ape. cial election in January. 1858, to fill the vacan cy in the same body caused by the death of J. B. Backhouse. lie was a very amiable and worthy man, clearheaded and well informed, and made an excellent member. He was also a very useful citizen, and was very highly es• teemed wherever he was known throughout the county. Last year, some time after his return from the Legislature, he showed a slight ten• dency to insanity, or rather monomania, which continued until his death. His Elollolllllllilt, however, was of a harmless kind, and no steps were taken to restrain him. It was doubtless a fit of despondency, induced by his morbid state of mind, that led him to the act of self. destruction.—lillsburg Gazette ter t gang of villains have recently been detected on the Ohio and Mississippi Rai,road, whose object has been to throw the passenger train from the track for purposes of plunoier. They were discovered by two detectives, who played the part of miscreants, and permitted them to go so far as to place a log and chain across the track, in s piece of woods, and near an embankment and ditch. The arrangements were made by the detectives to arrest the lea. der of the gang, and it was . well done. The train stopped suddenly, and the officers sprang from it and took their prisoner. Had the plan not been frustrated by the action of the deter• tires, a slaughter of innocent passengers would have taken place. The persons on the train were anxious to lynch the arrested culprit on the spot, but the friends of law and order had the pleasure of finding their wise counsels pre vail. WnOTKRN PCNNSYLVANIA COUNTY FAIRS.— The Vcnango County Fair will be held on the 21st 224 and 234 days of Septeml er..— The Emelton (Venango county) Fair will ha held on the last two days of September and first day of October. The members are making extensive preparations fir the exhibition.— The Crawford County Agricultural Fair will be held on the 14th 15th and 16th of Septem ber. et Meadville, The Fair at Conneautville (Crawford county,) will be held on October sth 6th and 7th. The Mercer County Fair will be held on the 28th and 20th of September. The %Vest Greenville (Mercer county) Fair will be held on the 20th, 21st and 224 days of September. The Lawrence Connty Fair will be held s!, the 20th, 21st and 22d days of Sep. tombs., The Clarion County Fair will be held on the sth, 6th and 7th days of October. The Butler County Fair will be held on the 27th and 28th days of September. -- SERIOUS AFFRAY.—On Saturday evening last, a serious affray took place in the borough of Prospect between John S. Fairman, and Alex. Gallaher. There was a military parade in that place on the day named, and the par ties had several disputes during the course of the afternoon. In the evening they wero near Bailey's Hotel, when, Fairman picked up a stone and struck Gallaher on the head, inflict ing n severe wound and knocking him sense less, and as some say, fracturing his skull.— The injury is considered to be ,of a dangerous character. Fairman was arrested and is now in prison to await the result of Gallaher's inju ries.—Buffler Herald. )-We learn from the Mount Vernon Rec. ord that the work of putting Mount Vernon in good condition has been fairly begun. Since the first of July, workmen, under the superin. tendence of a competent gentleman, have been busily engaged in repairing out houses, tracing and cleaning up the old and almost forgotten paths, and fortifying in some measure the sa cred spot against the ravages of decay. The Record also states that $15,000 of the fourth and last instalment for the purchase of Mount Vernon has been already paid to Mr. Washing. ton, leaving only about $30,000 to be paid to complete the purchase. TUE KENTUCKY HoOatOP.—The Louisville Courier gives the returns of the hogs assessed in the State for the present year embraces all the counties but eleven. The report last year embraced all the counties but two. They were Marion and Harlan, neither of which have reported this year, and the comparative returns of this season with last embrace all but nine counties, as follows: Hogs assessed in 1858 1,069,892 Hogs assessed in 1859 1,309,492 Increase this year 89,600 Eit;mated ineresse in nine counties n;900 Total increase this year 54,600 • A NEGRO EATS NINETY PEACHES.-JORISB Reynolds, a colored man, and by profession a whitewasher, yesterday eat ninety large peaches on a wager. He was fifteen minutes doing it —The wager was $25, he rose from the repast apparently refreshed, ar.d resumed his artistic vocation, amid an enthusiastic cheer of a large and enlightelied concourse of his fellow citi. tens. Hereafter ho shall be known among men as Old Peaches"—a title as distinguish ed as Rowan Citizen once was.—Cleveland Plaindealer. SELLING THE PUBLIC WOREEL—The Phila• dolphin Bulletin says: "The diminution of tho Pennsylvania State debt progresses quietly and steadily at the rate of about $1,000,000 per annum. Tho interest is paid ieguarly with- out borrowing or the slightest financial diffi culty, and we mention the fact to remind our readers of the ;beneficial effect of the publio works, about which interested parties made such a clamor. In getting rid of those public works the Commonwealth threw off the heaviest load it had ever been called upon to bear.' Tue TRUTH AnsurrEn.—The Richmond En. quiver knocks the underpinning from Northern Democracy in this style: "No Black Republicans contemplates inter ference with Slavery in the Stem" The whole cry of the Union savers North is that the black Republicans, if they get in pow. et will make a ferocious attack upon the South and spirit away all their niggers. How are the doughfaces to supply the capital than 80 ruthlessly swept away from them by the Enqui rer ? Sir October's frosts will blast the hopes of Isocofbcos in the "Old Keystone Stets" SAVE Tilt MAN WITE TOE RED HAIVC-Lit requires great coolness and experience to steer a canoe down these rapids, (the Saut St. Marie,) and a that time before our arrival (writes a correspondent) two Americans had ventured to descend them without boatmen, and were, consequently, upset. As the story was reported to us, one of them owed his salvation to a singular coincidence. As the accident took place immediately opposite the town, many of the inhabitants were attracted to the bark of the river to watch the etruggles of the tinfov tunnte men, thinking any attempt at it rescue would be hopeless. Suddenly, however, a person appeared roshing toward the group, frantic with excitement. "Save the man with the red hair 1' he vehemently sheeted land the exertions which were made in consequence of kis earnest appeals proved successful, and the red-haired individual, in an exhausted condi tion, was safely landed. ." fie Owes MB nigh , teen dollars," said his rescuer, drawing a long breath, and looking approvingly on his assts. tants. The red•haired man's friend bad not a creditor at the Sant, and, in default of a cora peting claim, was allowed to pay the debt to natal e. "And I'll tell you what it is,stranger," said the narrator of the foregoing incident, complacently drawing a moral therefrom, " a man 'it never know how necessary he is to society it be don't make his life valuable to his friends as well as to himself." KirOur farmers are busy plowing and sow. ing. New Advertisements. 1 1 10 R SALE.—TiIs Two FnAux DWELLING HOUSES, on the H. & Broad Top Railroad, near the Depot. The purchaser to remove them before the Ist of Jan. nary next. Inquire of . . - J. J. LAWRENCE, Sept. 21, 1859.-3 t. • • S u p' SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT From the Quaker City Publishing Houso I 100,000 CATALOGUES, now, enlarged and revised—now ready for distribution. Superior Inducernent9 to the public! A now and sure plan for obtaining oor.ri and stcvsn wATclins, and other valuable Prizes. Full particulars giv en in Catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon application. 1 Valtit;ble Gifts worth from 50 cts. to $lOO, GUARANTEED to each purchaser.' $lOO,- 000 in Gifts have been distributed to my patrons within the past six months—slso,ooo to be dis tributed during the next six months. The In ducements offered Agents are more liberal than those of any other house in the business. Having been in the Publishing and Booksol— ling ‘3 esteem for the last eight yearn, my expe rience enables see to conduct the Gift Enter prise with the greatest satisfaction to all. erAGENTS WANTED in every town and county. For full particulars address DUANE RCLISON, Quaker City Publishing House, 33 South 3d St., Philad'a.. Pa. Sept. 21st, '59.-2m. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Mercer county, there will be exposed to sale at public auction on the premises, on Friday, October 21st, 1859, at 12 o'clock, 51., the following described real estate, viz : ACRES OF Lab, — • Situate in Millcreek township, bounded on the North by land of Joseph Russell and others, East by land of Levi Milner, South by land of Benj. Thompson, and West by Burrows and Borland; late th e property of Caleb Corbin, deceased. Terms•—One third in hand , and the balance in two equal annual payment; with interest from confirmation of sale. SAMUEL KERR, Administrator of C. Corbin, dec'd. ifillcreek, Septem ,, er 14, 1859.—5 t. NOTICE TO SCHOOL TEACHERS— Five School Teachers Wanted.— The School Directors of Carbon township, will meet in Minersville School House, on Satin , day, September 24th, for the purpose of em ploying teachers to take charge of the public schools of said township, for the coming win :er. A salary of $35 will be paid for No. 1 certificates, in full; $3O for No. 2, and $25 for N 0.3 and under No. 2. By order of President. C. W. MOORE, Coalmont, Sept. 14th, 1850.-2 t. Sec, E STATE OF J. A. HALL, DECD. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of J. A. Hall, late of Huntingdon Borough, dec'd., have been duly granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate will make pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them, duly au thenticated, for settlement. LUCINDA C. HALL, Administralrit. Huntingdon, Sept. 14th, 1859.-6 t. TPALMIERI; CO,. • MARKET STREET WHARF, PHIL'A. Dealers in Fish, Cheese & Provisions; Have constantly on hand an assortment of DRIED AND PICKLED FISH, &e., viz: Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fish, Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, Sides, Cheese,Beans, Rice, &c. Sept. 14, 1859.-3 m. GREAT 'BARGAIN. Valuable Farm at Public Sale. Will be exposed to public sale, on tbo prowl& es, on Friday, the 2181 day of October fled, die vs! farm, known as the Bowman Farm, situate iu Dublin township. Huntingdon coun• ty, one mile north of Burnt Cabins on the pub lic road leading from thence to Huntingdon. This farm is well watered, with a never-failing Branch of Tuscarora Creek running through it, having thereon erected a largo two story Dwelling House; double log barn, Tenant House, out buildings, &o. The farm contains about Mk - 171 acres, 149 perches, and.lua allowance, partly limestone, with fine limestone quarries—of which, eighty acres are farm land and thirty meadow ; balance well timbered, with two extensive apple orchards—is admira bly adapted to raising stock•—and within a mile of p a good market for grain and stock. The situation is beautiful and on the lino of the Sherman's Valley, or Pennsylvania Pacific Railroad, now being constructed, which is ex• pected to be the great line of communication between New York and the South Weet. The owners having removed to the Weet when young, are determined to sell. Atten dance will bo given and terms of Bale made known on day of sale by NATHANIEL K. BOWMAN, SAMUEL E. BOWMAN, DAVID PORTER BOWMAN, Or by Jamison Kelly, their Attorney in fact. serw. S. Morrow, tenant on the premises, or Jamison Kelly, Burnt Cabine, will give in• formation of the premises. Aug. 31st, 1869.—ta. logistic Balt. This celebrated medicine is for solo at the Smith's Drug Store. For all inflammatory di seases it is a certaiu cure. Get a box ano try it, who are afflicted. For mile at Smith's Drug Store, !lumi°a. den, l'a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers