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After one or more numbers of a now year bare been forwarded, a new year has commenc ed, and the paper wilt not be discontinued until arrearages are paid. See No. 1. (FrThe above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all cases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the followinWiTates 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 371 $ 50 Ono square, (10 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two ‘, (92 " ) 100 150 200 mo. 6 mo. 12 :no: $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 5 00 3 00 12 00 800 12 00 18 00 12 00 18 00 25 00 Ono square, Two squares, column, o de. 18 00 27 00 40 00 do; 22 00 35 00 45 0 , Business Cards of six line or less, $l.OO. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid heroines vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out an disease on any port of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by . the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending „ from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of fim who says, "I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lunge, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently. vs.r umuliers perish bv disorders which, although not T . . are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, end, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S • Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remcdials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder front the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Enurtiva and SHIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, ROSE, or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, Butteries, BLAINS and BOILS, Tottons, Tar= and SALT RHEUM, SCALD Hun, RINGWORM, ituntuassuus, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL Dui- EASES, DROPSY, Dysrarsts, DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS Amnia FROM VITIA TED Ott Imports lltoon. The popular belief in inumerityqf the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, . FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, ere so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring Its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these reoperties, the invalid who is bowed down with ale ce physical debility ie astonished to find hie alth or energy restored by a remedy at once ea simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. Tho agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions dor their use In the following complaints: Costive ness, Heartburn, Headache arisingjiona disordered ;Stomach, Is'ausea, Indigestion, Patois and Morbid Inaction of the Dowels, Flatulency, Loss of Apps- Site, Jaundice, and other kindred complaint., arising from a low ante of the body or obstruction Of its functions. Ayer's Sherry Pectoral, FOR via 11,:rn) cons op Coughs, Colis, --- Influeri.3 Bl , 11 .arsellesio Croup, Bronchitis, Incipioit fonsuntp. Lion, and for the relief of Onisuinptive ; Patients in advanced stages of !so disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu. Morons are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub. ficly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues me known, the public nn longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of Ms pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro. diced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED IW DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. JOHN READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa. Nov. 10, 1858.—1 y. ne ti. lt Off : rn L PGPllliliat SUNG. - m a ssws in the Cold Ground. LE E. P. CHRISTY. Round the meadow am a ringing The derbies' mournful song, While the mockingbird is singing, Happy as the day is long. Where the ivy it a creeping O'er the grassy mound, There old mama is a sleeping, , Sleeping in the cold, cold ground. Down in the corn-field Hear 60 mournful sound; All the darkies aro a weeping-- Massn's be the cold, cold ground When the autumn leaves were falling, When the days ware cold, 'Twos bard to hear old massa calling, 'Cause ho was so weak and old. Now the strange tree is blooming On the sandy shore, Now the summer days are coming, Massa never call no snore. Down in the corn.aeld, Ida,sa made the darkies love him, Lie always was so kind, No• they sadly weep above him, Mourning,•for he leave them behind, cannot work before to•morrow, So ninny teardrops flow, I try to drive away my sorrow Picking on the old banjo. Down in the corn.field. Coral glorrecToitbence. For tho "Jobroal." Sunday School Celebration. It teas toy privilege recently to attend a Sunday School celebration, which awa kened on interest and produced nn impres• sion such no it seldom has been toy prin.. lege to witness. A brief account of the same, we think, cannot fail to interest your many readers, nut , wo trust awaken a deep. or interest among them in behalf of the S. S. cense. This celebrition was held on Wednesday, September 14th, in n beauti. lul grove, on the farm of M r. Pomeroy, nt the foot of Tuscarora mountain, near Elaine mills, Tell fp., in the southeastern corner oar county—almost on the identical epos ritn tint enti Juniata of Franklin, Perry and tenet. Tins ground hod recently been occupied by a Methodist comp tneeiiug and many of the tents were yet standing.. The day tans' beautiful, a worm, bright sun, and a gen tle breeze. Arrangements had been made for all the schools co meet at the Presbyte rian church, of Upper Tuscarora Volley, • of which the Rev. G. Van Artsclalen is the Stated Supply, and who has borne a con spicuous part to getting up this celebration. About sine o'clock the schools began to arrive in large wagons, drawn by four, six and eight horses. But such wagons ! and such loads of living freight we never saw before. Our school, just established this summer, In a destitute place, numbered one hundred and nine teachers and schol ars, and these were all brought in two wagons. The wagons were all beautifully decked with evergreens, and the horses adorned with flags. Some schools came • singing beautiful hymns, whilst others brought the beautiful, soul-stirring music of the fife and drum. One delegation af ter another arrived, till the whole co tupas around the church, •sins one dense mass of human beings. And still they come ! Excitement was now raised to the high est pitch. The walls and valh-ys echo with the martial music of fife and drum, C.,. chief marshal rides to and fro through the crowd making arrangements for the starch and giving the word of command; ' the banners and Flags float upon the breeze whilst the eyes of hundreds of children sparkle with delight, and clap'd their little hands for joy, saying one to soother. 'this is:the celebration.' Indeed, Mr. Editor, it was worth a ride fifteen or twenty miles, to witness the enthusiasm manifested.-- One individual remarked to us, he canto forty miles, and was amply compensated. About ten o'clock the word of command was given to march to the camp ground— about a mile distant. This parade was perhaps the most Imposing spectacle of the day, and much credit is due to Col. Noss, of Nosavil l e, Chief Marshal, for the good order observed. Firet in the march was the Band, followed by the Orators of the day ; then came the choir; next the b ctiouls—thirteen in number, defiled in regukir order, followed by hundreds of cit. icons, and a long train of vehicles, the whole not less than half a mile in length. By actual count it anti founa there were over eight hundred chiniren in the lino of march. Each teacher accompanied their class. Each school was headed by NI op propiate tanner, not expensive, yet beautl ful and neat, ornament'dvery tastefully with evergreen and flowers. Several of these banners had inscribed on them beautiful mottoes. We noticed the following : 'Suf. ,fer little children to come unto me.' In - -- HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1859. - - the name of God we will pet up our ban ner.' Choose you this day, whom you will nerve.' 'Feed my lambs.' 'The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom.' On ono we observed, the simple, but em phatic motto, 'Onward.' On another, two hearts entwined together, and over them the word 'Union.' Not the least interesting reature In the procession, was a band of lit tle girls dressed in white, and beautifully decked with myrtle and roses. We saw one little girl in the possession, wto, we were informed, had committed to memory, this summer, ihe New Testament as far ns Gallatians, and she hopes to complete the book before ti`;t+ school closes in the full.— This is one of tits bles,?!! effects flowing from Sunday Schools. The 01415 9f the young are richly stored with the plYciou3 truths of God's word, which are as a lamp in their path throagh all the journey of life. The religious exercises of the day, were under the direction of Rev. G. Van Arts dalen. After singing the opening ode corn mencing with "We meet again in gladnes9, And thankful voices raise" prayer was offered appropriate to the'occtt. lion, in which all united. Several addres. ces were delivered, varying in style and ability, but each adapted to do good, and was well received by the large and atten, nye audience. 'nine cod sphco will not allow us to notice these particularly; we pimply remark they were worthy of the men, the theme and the occasion. The interests of the occasion was great ly increased by the excellent performance of the choir, of which all spoke in praise. There was a spirit about their singing we seldom hear. And when we sung the parting hymn, "How pleasant thus to dwell below, In the fellowship of love; And 'hough we part, is bliss to know, The good shall meet shore." many were affected to tears, rhe dotter and refreshments provided were partaken of with a good relish, during a part of which time, the band Waved some of their choicest music. This was another intereqing par' of the programme. bration, embracing as it did—persons of all denominations, denominational differences weie forgotten. all was peace—nothing passed to mar the beauty of the scene, and those who were engaged resolved to devote themselves more entirely to the Sunday School cause. About four o'clock the as sembly dispersed to good order. All were highly pleased with the order of the day, A FRIEND of SUNDAY ScuooLe. For the "Journal." Mn. EntTon—On the 2nd inst. we had the ;treasure of attending n Sunday School celebration, at Mai klesburg , and happy to say, in our estimation was one 'hut was hard to outpace, considering the opposition welt which it was attended in gating it up. We understand that quite a number of ob jections were formed by those who opposed it—one of which was, that it was gotten up by '"a few strips of boys, who had no authority to do so," Now the question oc curs, Who sustains and carries on the Sun day School ir, the vicinity of Marlclesburg? We think we are safe in replying that it is none other than those so called boys, who ore now censured ns being the Instigation of tho pest celebration. If this is nll the objection that can be made, we say—Sue ces's to the boys. We again say if the ol• der portion of the Sunday School patrons have so shamefully fniled to comprehend the benefits of the'Sundny School cause, and have stooped so low as to censure and ridicule those who are endeavoring to in• street and encourage the young, that they tire firstly resenting the principles of the original American. And last but not least if those persons fail in the future as they certainly have in the past to instruct the young in obtaining a moral education; these young med must nail undoubtedly will take their places as teachers nnd pa trons of the glorious Sunday School cause. DEFENDANT. *elect Rtimckann. ROTHCCHH.a; ALd how ho made hie Fortune, FROM TILE FRENCII.] It was towards the end of September, 1793, after having npyeaied to all nations to engage in breaking the scepter of ty ranny, the French Convention raised and dispersed over Europe an army of three hundred thousand men, destined to serve as a support to its revolutionary doctrines. Greet dad small, powerful and weak despots alike fled before them, one and all, nn the wings of fear. Many among them at the approach of the republican troops • did not Coke time to pack up their tram urea. A German prince, the Landgravo of Hesse-Cassel, seeing the revolutionary flag on the borders of his State, had sufficient courage and coolness "not" to imitate those who runaway with empty pockets. Ho packed up his diamonds, with two or three millions of tiders, and took the road to Frankford, where he thought he would be able to place his fortunes securely.— Once arrived in the old imperial city, he hUrried to the dbiellint of a petty . Jewish banker, named Meyer Rothschild' who had more children than dollars, but was a skillful archeologist: l'he Landgrave of - llesse•Cassel hav ing a passion for the antique, prOfessed, great admiration for the Jew's science. For fivd pr six Cars Myer had been the furbisher ci his Serene Highness's medal-maker. lieP: up a succinct cor respondence, and the prince hart never had cause to complain at a dishonest wile, f7p , any kind of deception In their mutual af fairs. To ill!, man did the prince confide his six millions of property. Immediately afterwards Frankford cur' rendered to the French troops, and Meyer Rothschild was completely ruined. Like the ph4.utx , he rose, however, front the ashes of his former self, and became richer titan ever; but the Landgrave's property remained untouched. The rum of iho bantrer had led Prince Iles.,Ca,sel to believe that all his proper tv was swallowed up, of course; but a faint hope led him to Fran Word in 1802 I am as poor as Job, 'bold he to Roth, child, , You poor! my lord ! I Lava your de. pasitfn perfect surety. I have ruerraFerl it even. I can restore you the whole Tire per cent. int ervq.; Thus 'I teas that the house of Roths. child becutne oreh.millionGire. Old Aleyer d'ed id ISI2. At his death bed he made his five stnis, Anselmo, Solo mon, Nathan, Charles, and James prom -I,e to remain Jews ) and never tl;sunite to prosper in the hands of the five som James, the youngest of the family, and the hero of this notice, obblined for his share of the enormous wealth po_scssed by his fan, in 1814, two hundred millions of francs. France borrowed this to pay its ear,;il,s. A financial alliance had been organized by, the brothers, embracing the five capi tals of Europe— Frankfort, Vienna, Na ples, London and Paris. Their house lent to the Russian and Austrian Emperors, to the Kings of Prussia, England, Denmark, Naples and Sardinia. They were informed of the least fluctua tion in public funds of different commer cial head-quarters. They only operated in what was. certain, and their operations were wrapped in impenetrable secrecy, a sure guarantee of success in speculation. Nothing could now arrest these Jews, they were the creditors of kings, and of nations. From one end of the cominent to the other, kings loaded them with hon or. They were made byrons, ned their posterity of both sexes enab..ed by letters patent at the court of Vienna. The King of Prussia, and the Grand Duke of Iless.e. Darmstadt received them among their Aulic counsellors. All kinds of orders and cros ses were worn by these children of Israel -and the haughty autocrat of the north ioaded thein with titles arid with respect. Three of the sons of old Meyer seem to have inherited his genius in financial mat ters, Nathan, Solomon and James. Nathan made a fortune of thirty million francs, which he quadrupled by the inva sion of 1815. This celebrated financit.r died in 18d0. James Rothschild wished at' one time to cause his wile to be received at court, (he had married his o•vn niece, the dough. ter of hie brother Solomon.) This kind of marriage is authorized by the law of Moses. This ,ady—Madame de Rothschild a true lady—of great distinction in hut manners, would have appears el at great advantage at the Miller:es. Unfortu nately the Mchess of Ang,onlerne was consulted. Greatly scandalized, aim ex claimed:— , The place of a Duchess to a Jewess Do you forget that the king is his Very Christian highness?' The Baroness and Baron had to renounce their ambitious hope. Tho king who was too proud to offer incense unto Baal, was compelled, with all other Eurpenn mon archs, to do without the assistenco of Bar• on Rothschild. James Rothschild is noted for his mean , ness. He gave five thousand florins to the poor of Frankfort, which in propoition to his fortune, was the same as it he had given Iwo cents, At a fair a pretty lady asked him ;to The game killed by the Baron's guests give something to the poor, and held out at his hunting parties, is sold by the Ba her bag to him. He had already dropped ron I something into it when her head was turned As regards appearances the Baron is no away. Adonis, although he attempts to be very hat already given somting.' gallant to Indies. 'Beg your pardon,' said the lady, A lady, (a marchioness,) gave orders to belief e it—but I did not see it.' her coachman, to upset her in front of the 'And I,' said the witty Princess C., who Baron's hotel. She pretended to faint,' stood by, saw it but Ido not believe it.' and was carried into the house. The On another occasion, when it was stated Baron was holding salts to her nose, and that 'Barer) Rothschild had lost ten louis pressed her hand, when she opened her nt cards, without saying a word.' eyes, languidly, ant said, 4 Ahrsaid. Scribe, 'I believe it, deep grief is not salts, I want, my dear Baron, I is mute!' I but. hank-notes'!' The same Baron de Rothschild was ca- The Archbishop of Malines, on one oc pablo of acts ot marvellous generosity, anion, bade Rothschild pass first—he did Repnleed by the old court, the Baron-'se. ess Rothschild was welcomed by the new I ‘Monsiegneur,' said Heine, who stood one. by, 'my d may be thought rude—bitt Under Louis Philippe, Rothschild flour- you knowfrien the Old Testament precedes the tshed like a 'green bay tree.' New. Henry Heine, the writer, though car- Sevinian Lapoint, the shoemaker, who dially received by the banker made him makes verses like a shoemaker, and shoes some:mes the subject of his merry jes'a like a poet, npplied to Madame de Roths• 'Whai LaerYma-Christi mean ! child to assist a poor family, and was re. a s k e d th e Jew—srprozZ'e to some splendid fused ; the next day he related his rebuff wine on the table. I to n newspaper of vast circulation, with rs Clic" the additional words : 'lt means that Christ shed Jews draLk such wine as this,' said thine :The rich man who knows of misery, The Baron was obliged to laugh. A I and does not eid it, ought to be branded deputy once asked Rothschild (ivho was with a red hot iron.' sometimes very rude,) whether his health One morning a lady wiio mei with a was good. reception, told a story about Mad• 'Good enough,' said the Baron, ame de Rothchild having run over a 'And Madame la Barronne, is well, I ' blind man in the street, and said that she hope?' left him there, after throwing her purse 'What botleess is that of yours?' an- full of gold at him, without taking him swered Rothschild. lle !mine 'for /ear /de blood would nod her ainns.ed himself sometimes with hit carria ge cuvbioll. miliating those who only tolerated his soci- 1 A coachman having restored to him a ely on accent of his wealth, and had the I pocket-boob lull of bank -notes of immense insolence to receive the Ambassador of value : • Vienna . .vithout offering him a seat. 'Give five hundred francs to the foot' On another occo:ron, when the Prince said Rothchild. of Wurtumburg wan dinin,g:with him-- Cremte m ux, the celebrated lawyer, once 'Paul,' said lie, 'will you have some of visited hi. the stew ?' The Prince looked at him, and then turning to his servant, who stood beside ‘ot , is speakin,7 to you 1' exclaimed he, and rising, immediately, left the table nod the house Lie sometimes, by way of a choice wit icism, says to those who come to his house, which costs three millions— Move you done me the honor to come to this dog kennel.' .Haron,' said Heinc tohint,.you may say such things to yourself, if you like, but it l 8 not polite to say them to other people.' . . Belz:to's 'Baron Nucingen,' is Baron Rothschild. Ile paid six thousand crowns to suppre,s this eharacter front his works. Rothschild occasionally makes a joke at the expense of the 'faithful' themselves. Ills nephew said he would give a thousand francs to know the author of a certain book. 'Nothing is easier, nephew—advertise the reward, end if it is a Jew who wrote it, lie will come for the money.' Rothschild tried to beat down the price asked him by Horace Vernet, for his por trait, which the artist refused to paint for less than five hundred francs. The firm. mar ran away in horror. Vernet stopped him, and told him he would do it for noth ing. It stands in the picture of La Smala, he old man running away with the cas ket of gold and jewels. Sordid avarice and fright are depicted there ns they had been on Rothschild's facewhen running away from the artist's studio. Louis Philippe was obliged to mortgage Madame Adelaide's property on one oc casion, in order to 'screw a loan' out of the old Baron. Re sent thirty thousand francs to Mare Cousidwre, and when com plimented on his generosity answered, !Oh ! I t.hell get back double.' Felix S-, a commercial man of great merit, wished to borrow n hundred thousand francs of Rothchild, for a vast enterprise, the banker refused the loan; 'But canto with me,' said he, 'you shall have it without costing anything.' Re took him to the Bourse, walked arcs-in-arni with him a few moments, and tiles left him. Scarcely had they parted, when as Rothschild expected, twenty capitalists went up to the man honored by the intimacy of the !king of finance,' and placed their money and credit at his die penal. Baron Rothschild has declared France to he the richest country in the world. At Ro.hschild's house is one great curl. osiiy, the sword of Henry the Fourth, car ried by him at Aques and at Ivry. It was bought by ,he Baron for sixteen hun dred franca, at the sale of the Monville collection. Poor, proud sword ! tt never thought to come to such a pees ! 'Are you really Mr. Rothschild the ! banker ?' answered Cremieux, it seems to . . M. de Rothchild is sixty-three years of age. Hoping he may grow less stingy, we bid hint good-bye. ELEPHANT BATHING IN INDIA, Beyond the dhoby, in cleaner water by comparison, a bevy of elephants are en joying their morning bath. And they do enjoy it, indeed! See how they roll away like so many porptlises, right under the flood, and leave the mahouts shoutiug and groping with their feet !or the unstable black islands which after a tints rise up above the surface. Look at the great jets they blow up over their backs, and listen to the deep breath of pleasure or the shrill flourish of delight with which they lie down ou the sand while their attendants knead them all over. These great creatures are so sagacious, so sensitive to kindness, that even in their wild state I cannot feel any sympathy for those who delight to killing them and calling it 'sport.' But these ele phants, fond as I am of them, are, it must be admitted, dangerous playmates. In our camp there were no less than num ikoonits , or , uturderers' which have killed their ma. bouts or other attendants. Ono huge criminal, with a speckled fore head and proboscis, is guilty of the murder of no lest than three unfortunate natives. This magnificent wild monster, which be. longed to Sir Hugh Wheeler, was carried off by :he Nene; and was delivered up to us by the Rajah of Ferruckabad, died a few days ago immediately after carrying coins officers to church. His weakness' was fine French rolls, which he swallowed as an alderman would lake C,ckle's pills, and the twinkle of his eye, as ho gulphed the loaf down, and gave a gentle sigh out of his proboscis proclaimed the Sybarite. I used to take great delight in observing the creatures at bath in the river which flows by our camp. They cane down in files, trumpeting gaily in anticipation of the treat, and floun deredinto the waters of the Goomete, like I so many party Bruxellers enjoying the pea soup of Ostend. Hach takes a long, deep drink, putting his proboscis into the water, and then discharging the contents of it when filled by suction, into the cavernous maw. Having thus filled up a wrinkle or two in hie side, he deposits himself boldly I into the stream, so that one side lies out of water, and the tip of his proboscis is kept above the surface for air. On this ex posed island the mahouts labor diligently, washing the beasts and rubbing with hard brushes, cleaning his es's, kneading and shampooning him, while the pachyderm einits little squeaks of satisfaction, and he is very angry indeed if he does nn, get his share of ortenifulatioa. NO 39, k . (iEWM' ntierirrov: BY ALFRED WARD. Baby crowing on your knee, While you sing some little ditty, Pulls your hair or thumbs your ee,' Would you think it wae'nt pretty? Tell me, could you? If you owned "the baby," would you ? Wife, with arm about your neck, Says you look just like the baby, Wants some cash to make a "spec ;" And you would refuse her—may be ? Could you, should you? If you owned "the woman," would you? Little labor, little strife, Little care and little cot ; Would you sigh for eiugle life? Would you murmur at your lot ? Tell me, should you ? If you owned "the cottage," would yott Health and comfort, children fair, Wife to meet you at your door, Fond hearts throbbing for you there ? Tell me, would you ask for more Should you—could you,? If you owned "the ready," would yon ? Wouldn't Marry a Mechanic,. A young man commenced visiting a young woman, and ippeared to be well pleased. One evening he called when it was quite late, which led the lady to In quire where be had been. 'I had to work tonight.' 'What I—do you work for a living,' she inquired. estoniehment. .Certainly,' said he, '1 am a mechanic.' dislike the name of mechanic,' she said . That was the last time the young me. ' chnnic visited the silly flirt. He is now a wealthy man, and has one of the best of women for a wife. 'l';:e young 'lady' (1) who disliked the name of mechanic is now the wife of a mis erable fool—a regular vagrant about grog shops; and she (soft ; verdant, silly, miser able girl,) is obliged to take in washing in order to support herself and children! You dislike the name of mechanic. eh ? you whose brothers ar, but dressed loafers? of a young man for being a mechanic— one of God's noblemen—the most digni fied and honorable personage of heaven's creatures. Beware, young woman, how you treat the young men who work fur a living, Far better discard the well-fed pauper, with all his rings, jewelry, brazen ness, and pomposity, end take to your af fection the eallous•handed, intelligent, end industrious mechanic. Thousands have bitterly regretted their folly, for having turned their backs to honesty. A few years have taught them a severe lesvon.-- In this country no man or woman should be respected who will not work, bodily or mentally, and who curl np their lips with scorn when introduced to a hard-working man. The curse of God and every human being who has the least amount of common sense, ever rest upon such ladisa as des pise the noble mechanics. A HARD SUBJECT. An 'Old Soaker,' who lives in Weston, Missouri, took ►t into his head, and very sensibly, too, that it was atOout time for him to be considering hi. probable future con dition, end forthwith repaired to the Rev. Mr. 8., the respected pastorof the Baptist denomination of the town aforesaid, to ob tain light. He was received with urbani. ity, and forthwith the following dialogue ensued Old S.—lt's your doctrine, toes, that a feller to be saved Inuit suffer immershun, isn't it Mr. B.—Yes, Mr. S., it is a fundamen tal doctrine of our church, that a MO to be regenerated must repent of his sins, and he immersed. Old B.—Well, boss, eller repenthe of his sins, and bein' slid andet, if he Bashes in the pen, then what? Mr. B.—Although Oacksliding is moth to be deplored, still, if he sincerely repents of hie sine and is again immersed, the church will receive him again, Old s'poee he a'gin kicks out of the ',races after the second time, (for you boo {V what critters there are is this world, ooss,) then what's to pert Mr. o,—Notwithstanding all this, if he will seriously repent, and solemnly prom ise to amend his future life, the church will again receive him into its bosom, after being immersed. Old S., (after a few moments of deep thought) proposes the closing interroga• tory—Well, bow, wouldn't it be a blas ted good idea to keep aid fellers in soak all the thus I Ciur informant did not say whether old 8. joined the church or not, but we incline to the opinion that if he did, the chance, were pretty goad for his being 'kept is poek all the time
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers