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After . .o tie or more numbers of a new year have Been forwarded. a new year hos commenc ed, mid the paper will not be discontiaued until arremsetoes are paid. See No. 1. The above terms will bo rigidly adhered to in all cases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged et•the following rates: I Insertion. 2 du. 3 to. Six lines or less, $ 2S $ 50 One squnte, (IC lines,) 50 is 1 00 Two " (32 " ) 1 00 . 150 2UO 3 into. 6 mo. 12 010. $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 8 00 12 00 18 00 12'00 18 00 25 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 Ono equnre, Two acinnres, 1 column, do., do., do., 22 00 35 00 45 00 Ensinegii eniaii of six lin CS, or less, $4.00. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a eoruftitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out In disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy ford, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, . above ali, by . the venereal infection. 'What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution' descending from parents to children unto the third and thitrth generation 1" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, will visit the iniquities of the lathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood; depress% the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions slot only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far leas power to with stand the attacks of ether diseases; conse quently, vast nowhere perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates else Ironies; family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and mossy destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or arc aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is Undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wo supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedial. that have been dinovercd for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should he employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eaurriva and SKIN DIHEAM3, ST. ANTRONY'S FIRE. Ross, or ERYSIPELAS, Plumes, Pustorns, BLOTCRRS, BLAINA mad Bons, TUMORS. Truce and SALT RIIEVSS, SCALD BRAD, RINGWORM, ItosUmATMM, Symitrarto and MERCURIAL Die. EASES, DROPSY. DYSPEPSIA, llssarri, and, indeed, ALL CoMPLAINTS AItIBINO FROM TSD Olt IMPUItS BLOOD. The popular belie! in . 4 impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for sernfnla is a degeneration of the blood: The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without Which buund health is impossible in contaminated coomitutiona. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, ere so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the Menne organ ism, correcting itS diseased action, and restoring 'its healthy vitalities. Awn consequence of these properties, the invalid who is heaved down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his , energy restored by a remedy at once so simple Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of eves) , body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, captaining certificates of their cures and directions for their nee in the following complaints: Costive ness, Heartburn, Headache orisiterons disordered Stomach, Nausea, Itligution, Pcunist and Morbid Madam of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite,' Jaundice, and other kin.l.c.l complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; ron THE RANI; MIRE or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Crotty, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. tiou, and for the relief of Constunotive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. wide is the field of its usefulnetie and so ntt- T oU r r o y t e s ec o t r i e o„ U ol c a oWry o n f li j o t t o inrfi r l ptie'ras't„n'ellpnut licly known, who have been restoredfrom alarming and oven desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once, tried, its superiority over every other medicine of As kind is too apparent to serape observatiom.and where its virtues ace known, e public no longer hesitate what antidote to Corp oy for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are •faeident to our climate. While many, Inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded. this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they'eon nevk forget; and pro duced curve too numerous and too remarkable t 0 be forgotten. PREPARED LW 1:118. J. C. AYFR & CO. LOWELL, MASS. JOIN RVLD, Agent. tiofitiorlaw Pa . Nov. 10. 1958.--Iv. SELEGT P,GETRY. A RIADDNA MAN FOR A , THAT, 'WRVS. Is there, for honest poverty That hang 4 hig head, and a' that ? The coward•slave, wo pass him by ; We dour be puir for n' that. For a' that, and a' that, Our toils obscure, and a' that, The rank is but the guinea•stanip— The man's the gowd for a' that. What though on homely fare wo dine, Wear hodden.groy, and a' that? Gio fools their silks, nod knaves their wine; A man's a man fur a' that ; For a' that, and that, Their tinsel show, and a' that, The honest man, though e'er sac pais. Is king o' men for a' that. Ye see yon birkie, cad a lord, Wha struts, and stares, nod is' that ; Though hundreds worship.at his word, He's but a cuif ,for a' that, Fur a' that, and a' that, His ribbon, star, and a' that, The man of independent mind, He looks and laughs at a' that. A king can make a belted knight, A marquis, duke, and a' that; But an honest man's aboon his trCeht, C ale faith, he mamma fa' that ditit, and a' tint, Their dignities and a' that, The pith a' sense, the pride a' worth, Are higher rank, for a' that. 'rhea let us pray that come it may, AS come it will, ror a' that, That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree, arid a' that. For a' that, and a' that, It's coming yet ror a' that, That man to man, the w•arld o'er, Shall brothers be for it' that. A gETZ: LIT ST &MY?. From the Dublin University Metzezine. The Last Victim of the Seoltlsli Maiden. A Scottish maiden ! What a pleasant vision do sot these words call up 'Who that has ever kept hi!,, twelfth of August on the northern moors could fail is be re• minded by them of some bright eyed Highland lassie whom he has met at early dawn of doy crossing the mountain stream lia , e foot, with her plaid thrown over her fair hair, nr.d her Clear voice singing out an old sweet ballad of her native hind; or hap pily, if he had an entrie to the homes of . • the Scottish aristocracy, they will bring, before him some yet fairer picture of a pure, pale face, where eyes of a blue, ten der as the morning sky, spoke of a noble and truthful soul within ; and tins learned to love the race that once had such dead• ly feuds with his Saxon ancestry, because of the 'glamour' cast around Min by the golden haired daughters of the land. But very different is the real picture of that Scottish maiden of whom we are about to speak . ; nor was she any vision of the fancy, but a terrible reality, whom nil item knew and feared throughout broad land, two hundred years ago. A dirk and stern lady was she truly, and one who brooked no rivals—for they whom she had once embraced were never cla-ped to mar i tul heart again; and the lovers whom she ! pi Ilowed on her bosom, slept a sleep that knew no waking. New there were, even of the bravest, who did not shudder ROM, what as they saw her keeping her un changing watch through stores and sun. shine, beneath the shadow of the old Si. the principal church of the Northei cup'tol; and °Senn ems, when they saw how tire'„,44ound beismtli her kel was stained with blood, they muttered curses on the gaudily' maiden,' that bed done to diriath so many a gannet Scot. Yet to soine this lady (which was none other than the public guillotine) appeared to have at tractions, such as• a bright eyed dims,' would have envied; for it is recorded of theemOble-Alarquis of Argyle, the lust who • had died in her embrace, when our story commences, that. he eon eagerly up the steps . , and exclaimed as he laid his head ou the block : ends is the sweeiest maiden I..laire ever kissed.' This saying of his was often cited, and the world wondered , what.hidden pang had so darkened life ter this gallant noble, whose homage tuns court ed by the Wrest ladies, that he should die with words of such bitter meaning no his • ; lips; hut when, some sew years later, the maiden prmsed with • lier.,oeld Inter' the throat of hits who proved to be her last vic- LIM, the strange and tragic' . circumstance of his death obliterated all recollectionsof 1 the Marquis and his dy Mg 'words. It happened singularly enough, !tower- er, these too; the Lord of Argyle, and I • Kenelm Hamilton who succeeded hint on the block, had•been in life the deadliest en . ensies ; nod by a peculiar chain of circum :,tati4es, Which we now shall proceed to detail, the death of the one caused that of the other. . If was about a month after the execution of the Marquis, that Flatmlion, whose rice, so closely allied to the hinge of Scotland, was' ~ v en imouder than Argyles found liiinst If, compelled by pylitical business, to pus o tight tu the little town of Inverary, elude , ip which mood the magnificent castle oflthe sturte..name, which had been the her. itage of hia dead Tirol. Never; perhaps. did any one opploach that beautiful spot with greater ill wilt than Keuelm litunthou ; he wasp young man of pecaliarfirry and impatuoncdispo, " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HLNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1859. i skier', of whom it Was often said that his love and his hatred were alike to be dread ed, so ardent and passionate was be in ei ther; he was the second son of that noble family of Hamiltons, between whom and the Argyles there had been a (featly feud tor many generations past ; Never, how- • ever, had it burnt more fiercely than in. the time of which we write, when the'fam. dies had been represented by the Marquis who had just been compelled to lay his lof ty•head at the maiden's feet, and Kenehn, with his wild and angry•temper ; fur his elder brother was an third, who,. bore the faintly title, hut lacked the wit to defend their honor when agailed. Deep hod seen the halo between Argyle and Hamilton, which the new shed blood of the former had not availed to quench; for, in addition to the old clan feud, there was a private quarrel between them which had fearfully embittered their traditionary hatred. 'rho Marquis of Argyle had been betrothed al., most front boyhood to his cousin, the lady Ellen Graham, and although theilkrigage. meat had been a matter of family arrange ment, he loved her well and truly : not so the lady, however. She had sot been Con sulted when she was bound, : while yet a child, to the Marquis and with the true feminine spirit of contradiction, she re• solved to choose for herself, and accepted the addressee of Kenelin Hamilton. who by some unlucky chance hd . fallen in love with his rival's bride. Their wedding was even now fixed to tike place in n few months, and this circumstance, no doubt, explained the last words of Argyle, which were destined to be the means or one 'day bringing his enemy to the arms of this same cruel maiden, whom he himself had ein• braced with so touch fervor. And filmy the recollection of that lust bloody scene was doubtless, heavy on the heart of Hamil'on as he rode down the path which led to In verary Castle and the little village that lay at its foot. It wits a cold and gloomy will ter night : the darkness woe intens', and the wild. north wind went shrieking and hmting 0 rough the past as if it bore upon its so logs the souls of those who had ex 'wed in some gr eat agony, while the dark Scotch firs stood up like scepters among the bleak, Gray rocks. Truly it tuna an even ing no which the stoutest heart might gladly seek aslieher,and Ilnuillton was fain, h sorely against his will, to rest for the Maio in the domain of his enemies. 'Phis find been no part of his intention when he eet out on his journey; Ice had been 'memoir, rile!d Icy too of Ins Pl.aillren, and he de • signed to have passed at a Bills distance from Invetury eArlk m the. day,and to have iodged for ths night in a castle at some dis• lance, and belonging to a kinsman of his own; but unhappily that morning one of his guides had bees thrown from Ii horse end injured so severely that sin lilt was despaired of. flood hours were spent in c inveying the w o unded mar to a resting place ; and Hamilton, whose mission ail• omitted of no delay, was Ob'iged to leave hint iii charge of his comrade and push on his road, although the short December day was already closing in when Its started her pale lace exposed to view, hich was Highlander fell lieusily to the groutel as ing, which never left him night or dnv marked •by a singularly frigid iind vet by his aesailnnt plunged the dagger into his Canipbell wits not the first mun he hod : no means %recant expreeeims This teas breast up to the very hilt, exclaiming slain in the course of his stormy career; caused in pore no don't, by the fixed stare Die then, with the foul lie in your but he wits the first he had murdered; the of her large blue eyes, which nit-err moved ' thrria first whose life he had taken otherwise ' in their sockets no brightened with u spar- One deep groan—one strong convulsion then in honorable warfare; and already the kle - of life,; it was evident that she was of the stalwart limbs end Campbell was a unfailing retribution of mutual crime had stone blind. while there lurked eertnin lines • corpse. commenced in the deep secret of his heart. round the thin compressed It; a which seem HaMikon stood transfixed, while his boil. Wherever he went, alone or in crowds, to indicate that she had all the acuteness, ing bleed gradually subsided , sod his pet. , from the hour when the low ,solemn war- Ft...fie a Inine , to curinitig which often sion cooled in the presence of death. The rung of the blind girl came to him as he characterize, persons thus 'Aimed. while thing bed token place in:suddenly, stood with his feet dabbling in the blood t The countenance was fur from beautiful thnt he could hardly believe the livin g. of her father. He heard that voice ring- , —scantly even plemitig—yet it impre,eed breathing man he hed been talking to ens mg in his ear, and telling him that ven- Hamilton with n sense of power such its amicably. but a few moments before, Wil3 gvance would surely find him yet, and the .ve often feel and yet cannot define in the lying there unordered by his own hand,— sleepless justice of the Invisible, track hint • presence of tiereous unknown to us, She' But suddenly as he g a zed, lie felt his flesh out when !rest he looked for it. Not even gave no signs of being conscious of hie' creep with a strange horror, as he saw the the joybells, on his wedding morning, presence, but he felt she wan !mere that he s e allese eyes of the blind maiden upturned could drown that ominous whisper in his was in the roam ; end us he continued to towards him, as she knelt on the ground soul, 'nor the sweet tones of the gentle La. wetch her sitting there in her strong iin by her dead father, towards whom she had dy Ellen, while she murmured her bridal paseivenees. an indefinable feeling of crept with a step SO stealthy that he had vows. Still, was it. sounding there, when shrinking, nod dread took,pesseseien of him, not heard her. Hamilton drew hack, the feeble cry el his first born spoke of for which he could not ;mean. He had shuddering from the fixed stare, so dread. , new ties to metre life :meet; apd, later still. been thiutring of hie rivers bloody death, fel seemed the expreseion of hate on her , lie heard tt. through the firing of the sa• mid it struck him that the implacable white ghastly face ; but as he receedeel lutes that greeted Win as ambassador on a , ' maiden' who had taken Argl le's young she crept towards him on her knees and foreign shore. Years passed on, most of life might. have been fitly repreemited b 3 laid her hand, which she had steeped in her ' which were spent at one of the continent , this weird damsel who sat there 60 like a Dither's blood, on his till it bore the .mine tat Courts ; and when, at last, he returned, blind intexoratile Lite weaving a web of in. red stain, and said in a low stilled voice; 1 with his wife and family to Edinburg, the evitable doom. You have murdered him, and von shall 1 murder of the inn keeper had not been The gallant knights of those times who die for it. None rem tbe inurde'r, for my thought of by any one for a long time past. feared ueither death nor banger, were blind eyes saw it not ; but think not to 1 One day, about a month after his ;mitre' greatly erome to. ,uperstition ; and [Tenni- ' escape, the vengeance of Heaven will • in the Scottish colon'', Huumiton was wadi ton, hot-blooded and impetuous as he was, ' track yea out one day.' Then flinging up ing along the most fashionable part of the therefore, heartily- glad when the nikeeper her arms to Heaven, site exclaimed— , Ale old town, where the houses of the nobility returned mid broke the ominous silence father, 0 my father !' and fell upon the , were chiefly to be found, when his num). whielabad so oppressed hint.. • ' corpse with a shriek so wild and piercing, lion was attraoteo by a fray, which was Here, Elspeth &t ie Curripbell, ad- ' that laitilion felt as 1' it meat have rung gluing on in the streets between two young dressing the fleece in the limed Scotch of upon the ears of every pers on in the town, men. Such a sight was by no melt ns un• those days whicti we trill not attempt to and reached even through the massive crimmon in those days; but the fury of the 1 ; reproduce,' Here's it gentleman, cold nod 'walls walls of Inverery Castle. 1 lads tens so great that it was eeident :mine ; hungry, come rind see what ybu can find 1 'That cry recalled him to himself; he' serious mischief would ensue if they were ' for his supper" : I must escape 'right speedily, or another not separated. Hamilton, whose rank in Hamilton listened anxiously for the mctnent would See him surrounded by the city entitled him to interfere, at once sound of her voice, feeling as if it would ' these whom it must rouse, the instinct of rushed in between them, calling to them hi I be a relief to hear her speak, but she sell-preservation at once took the place of a loud unite to desist immediately from ' never opened her lips ; she rose up, how- . every other feeling. and with one bound furtbm quarreling, nod with a firm grasp of ever, at once, and beg AI to move about in he darted- to the outer door, opened it, his strew; hands on the shoulder of each in a strange mechanical' manner, Iter blind- embed to the stable, mounted the horse he sem them reeling to the opposite side of , ties: becoming more apparent us site paid- without saddle or bridle, and the clntturitig the ,ireet. cut herself by the touch, while the staring oI hie lioree'e feet, as he galloped away. , The affair had collected a considerable glassy eyes seemed to bite absolutely was all that the iiihabannts heard of hen crowd• and Hamilton's rank and position ghastly' as she lensed near him, i lii .is they rushed to the inn. whence the, were well known amongst them, se that placed some oatmeal cakes end dread blind girl's shrieks were still heard echo• they nll made way for him as he turned on the table, alone, with a jug of whiekey, Ito resume his walk. One tnotnent be stood and then returned to her piacn by the lire, I Hamilton never slackened his price till ! there in all hie proud prosperity, receiving , where she sat itunisvable as before. • !he had laid ten miles between hull and the homage of the people as his right, and le thus your daughter i• reed Hemilton ! Ins-crony. In thous days the course o! eciirce molding his lofty bead in nchnow I ,to the innkeeper, es he ,uvited him to draw' . juetice was in stern as it was summery ; edgetnetit of it—the sunshine of a bright , near and eat. mid be felt well insured that the present auuuuer sky streaming clown upon hie nun- My only child ; nail blind front her Mertittis of Arge le, the younger brother of ble nee eole111:111Liiiig form seemed 'but mu birth,' Bray the reply, unered almost with his rive:, would never rest till he lied Mum' typify the brilliancy of his worldly pros sternnese, on if the sithject were naititul. out the murderer of his retainer, especially pecan.—One moment he stood thus, and Elspeth's not like other folk , and you had when lei heard front Eta peth the circuit, ' the next, the vengeance that hod no long better tithe tio heed of her.' I stances of his death ; and if he succeeded ' tracked his steps unseen laid hold upon Hamilton tank the hint and said no more, in his search, the services of the maiden' 1 him with a tiredly grasp, and the sun of while he applied hinvie , f to the rude fare wiaild right speedily be called into actors I Hamilton's carver sunk down to set in wit before hint with a to en set appetite (or Kenelni himself. blood. A shriek no thrilling and iutenee Nor did he spare the whiskey, which was W hen at last he ventured, under cover t that it seemed to pierce Ins very heart sad. wonderfully diem ine alter his wet ride ; of A for wood, to stop his furious course, I denly rung through the air, and all eyes, and tutu .11 lie had finished his relent, he he legan to consider the be-1 means of avoid us well as his own, were turned to 11)1. spot felt, in he said, I,ke e new nein eliegeffier. iliecovery, wit'. rid small nnxiely as to - front whence tt appeared to have diem— Pillitee los glass agent, he invited Campbell the is-ue. Ills best linpe teas in the fact, and there a sight presented itself which to joie him, and the two began to concur, ilea none bad beee present during the inure I caused the stately Hamilton to grow mile ' together ou the events of the (ley, Ken- der but the blind girl, who could not idea- told tremble like n child, On the highest ' elm set with his back to the thud girl ; and thy him; end Unit not a single inhabitant s'ep of the stone stair which led to the door as she never moved urepoke, ho sons for. id lverary had seen him except her dead of the alnrquis of Argyle's town residence got her presence eltogether, told hint well father himself. Ile was now not very tar a tall haggard-lookiug woman was stand . itigh forgotten, alo, the iteceesite of coma (rein the hone' of hie I; mem., win re he ing—her arms were outstrechod towards , coiling his rattle mei lineage from thee, originally intended to have lensed the night Ilemilton, and her eyes, whose glassy va remitter, of his fetes when lie wee vier led . The time he had spent no fatally in the ten cancy showed that they were sightless, into u sduden Telll , ll:' , 3l , Ce of hie pot limit. at Invernry lied not extended beyond an . seemed to glare upon him with a horrible n hiding In suite pulih itI e•evut, he Won- bear, end the rapid pace et which he had triumph its she shrieked out in tones that tigue. tietted that he lied teen tit Holyrood the I unversed the last ten mites had rally bre% were heard far and near: 'Seize him! seize In these turbulent time!, when 'wary day before. ! him to the time when he would, nocording that man whoever he may be—he se the man's hand was aeninet his fe11..., there 1 Ti: come frnitt Edinbriro,' then' Enid the to his ordinary style of traveling, have murderer of my father, I know hint by would here been considerable tied; in Ham- innkeeper, kindling wuh a emiden fierce. re.lied his destinution. Ile therefore re- his voice.' Many of Argyle's retainers ikon venttring into Insernry, slid esp, ' ness, .d his list, he struck it . solved to primeed thither et once, as if he were among the crowd, and the Marquis ctelly this perticular Hemiltora had he' the ruble With a violent blow, excleiming ; were only arriving front the village where I himself had been drawn to the window by been •ktinwit ; but lienelin meted that the a Curses oo the bloody cey I—the city of lie bail left his servants, and to trust that the noise of the pierrel.. All knew Elspeth darkness of the night would prevent his , murderers ! and may the fire from heaven no sue would ever suspect Inin, of having Campbell, wife blind woman, and remenn t e eing Seel] by tiny but the 'limiter(' of the come down upon it and consume it !' , made hie unfortunate detour into the do• hared her father's mysterious murder, all inn where he meant to sleep, to whom he I Amen,' said a deep, stern voice, alinnet main of his enemy. This plan succeeded • could testify to the acuteness of her sense was perinitelly unknown, end who would at ICenelm's ear, and hr startedinvoluma. perfectly; he tuns expected by his cousin ;I of hearing, and to the repeated expressions not be likely In suspect that a :miner; rily as he suiw that it had cotme (rout the and thenext morning his tierynnt joined him of her longing desire that ale might hear lunsemen, unattended Ii a eitegle retainer, hlitel vainum's lips. Something too in the tin ving, left huts centred', doing well; so that the voice of the assassin so long sought in could beer an proud a name, sudden passion of the Campbell hod stirred tin doubt was for a moment entertained th a t vain, fur site remembered the full rich In this supposition he tens proved to the miery blood within himself, and whit's. he had ever deviated from the road he had tones that had called on her (ether to no. h a ve judged rightly. I{enenn rode unino• an involuntary instinct told hem whin train been expected to tithe, and he had mice say his words one instant ere he full a corpse teem(' end unobserved through the tittle 'of thought had thus fired the retainer of Ilione started fur Edinburg before the news and she felt certain she could know them town, and the streets of which were in Argyle, he lied much ado to hide his owe of the murder letilopread beyond Inverary• I iteitin if she could but once hear the mu r f,,e.t, almalt d,setted; as the tempestuous antneenistic feelings. Nevertheless when the fact did become direr speak; and now, niter the lapse of wenetier had driven all the itillithitants unto' You speak sharply, duster Campbell,' keno n, it cleated a sensation. chit fly owing all these years, the well known voice lind their houses, and he, sew, to his great sat- !he ,nil at last. The Capitol of Scotland to the peculiar circumstances of the case— struck her ear, and again and again she tr Licit an, that es'ee the door of the inn wasie beholding to you In. truth.' I a murder committed by an unknown assns- screamed out; oSteze him! I krmw he is shut-en eu ffi cient proof that no 'guests wer I e Ay.' said the Highliinder, his brow sin in presence of one sole witness, mid !lint my father's murderer," In another mo expected nt the 'Argyle Aries' that night, rowing red with suppress d rage, but rie deprived of the power of seeing the j meat Argyle WllB confronting lininitten. Tim lanellinet, 11 •il couree, and on why should I curse the Fell , elest• mite:, murderer, wits oven in those days ot.blood• j too thankful to have such a charge climb :de n ote a Scot as one would with 'io see, though they were slanted with blood of t shed, a etrileing °Vent. and the meritorious fished agniust his ancient enemy, '1 . '116 himself, came to the door CO welcome the tllianside Lord Ares le. Rather IM Me curse I escape of the criminal seemed altogether j people crowded round, and if any had been stranger, and after sending his tired louse Ili, ententee, who diove hint to the death— inioccountatle. disposed to doubt the blind woman's rec ta the stuble, he ushered him into the huge Ida bitter foes, V,IIO made his Iffiest) dark to The alert - pis of Argyle, wlio was nt his ognition, Hamilton's own awe struck con. atone kitchen, briefly retouching, aim he , him that he was laitete Week some petty castle on the fatel meta, left negate. an. science set it seal mien its truth, for he at must be commit with Such cheer as the law that lie might tlie. Curses, then, turned in his elicits to discover the perpe- tempted no defence, but kept his appalled family provieions could nflord; for that he say, upon the traitor Hamilton, who stole totter of the deed; being stimulated to all look still fixed upon the lulled woman's little expected any visitors on a night eel his bride. , unusuul activity in the search, by the oat ghostly face, lie' let his hands full pt his 'uncanny.' , Amen,' the deep voice answered, but picion he entertained that the assassin was I side 'lnd exclaimed; 'lt is the hand of God Hamilton assiired him he was not dis• this time Keeeln) 'ward it not ; his finl y uu the moo way connected with the family i and I not lost.' posed to he Astidoeus end having thrown , ',lesions were aroueed beyond control; lie el his foes. the Handltons. l'his he gash- He spoke truly, he was lost indeed.— ' off his dripping Mantle and diseticuintered , forgot all but taint he had been celled a crud from the convereation between the :stir Argyle epeedily brought 'Lim to justice. himself of his heavy riding hoots, he sat I traitor, end starting to his feet, he advanced di r and his victim ' which Elspeth de- The blind woman's evidence was unques down on the oaken settee opposite the huge I on the Campbell, saying : tailed wort: for word, bat it afforded no tionithle, nor did he attempt to controvett fireplace ; while Campbell went out loser% Mural:now you to whom you are' spank- clue whatever to the actual individual, and , I it; it was as if the very blood, of th e tour that the horse was [mended to. ing.' lavenletn, himself was never suspected. tiered man bud risen up to cry vengeance; Left to himself, Kenelin began to look g 1 neither know norcere,' suet the inn , After a few weeps of useless inveseigni . tied all men deemed it a righteous sentence around ilia, and he was much struck be, ,keoper, rising, also. But I say yet more tten the stench was given up; but the de. V. hich doomed bile to the scaflold, the scene which presented itself within the not only conies upon hint, the trailer, but tails of the murder were ' , carefully record-' Not many days after that bright Mom. room. The huge fireplace, which Wits I upon her. his lady light.o.love, weeld ill by the court of jostles, mid the Lord of ine when lie stoat', as it seemed, on the filled up with wood, sent a bright and have brought a stein upon Argyle', thee- Argyle declared dint if ever in his lifetime pitintiele of fortune with admiring crowds re'ddy glow over the whole room, and honored houses hail elite beriorne his brid.•.' the ...ill was demovered, he would around him, he found himeelf again the lighted up with a brifliant glare the fig. This tens too much. .In another Ming him to the sca ff old, be the interval centre of a large assemblage, the object of ure of a young woman, who sat at out coo. meat Ilitinthett's drink wan gleaming in ever so long. Elepath found a home in t interest to all. The deadly maiden had' ner of the mople hearth, mid wbo was the ! his hued, Villuiti, unsay thin word,' he the Mnrquisefs household, after the need been prepared to receive another victim, oily other occupant of the apartment be- thundered out ; nine is us pure as driven I old faellion of these times„ which recog- I and at her feet the etible Lady Ellen Hum. sides himself. There was something vein?' snow.' I sized II claim en the pert of all the help- t ikon sat weeping'bittereet tears, an she saw I:emitter 'in the appenrance el this girl,' ' His Indy light o love,' repeated the less and afflicted of the elan to. find refuge the lover of her ym,th, the husband of her .which riveted Flinnilten'e gaze in spite of Campbell, with it mocking etude; at the with the family of their chief, and Ken- t riper years, led up to die. ! himself. She sat perfectly inotionlese, ex same c u te preparing to defend Itinte e df ; but elm had, to all nppearrince, eicaped with I They let him pause one instant to take: ceptitie for the rapid movement of her fun the furious had closed with him perfect impunity. I leave of her, •Nly Ellen, do not weep,' gore, she was eipployaog in knitting; ere the wends had well passed his lips--. Yet he, goy and reelr'a.ss as he seemed l he raid, 'this Is but hut work of Cod's .tine her plaid thrown back from her heed left one fierce struggle followed, then the was secretly haunted .by one dark forbad- sleeping justice. 1 ever knew that I must Ho rode on as rapidly as he could. but the darkrieiia soon became so impeirtrahle that he repeatedly lost his way; aud , vhen, rt list, the lights ot . liiverary git owed dire' the driving mist and rah!, he fel , that it had become a mutter of necessity that he should rest alert , for the night, as•his jailei horse was stumbling at every step from cheer ; 1 1 ITU Editor & Proprietor. NO. 38, die (or that.rash deed. The blind wcannn's voice has haunted me through all these years, as it same mine has haunt- d her. She told me vengeance would overtake me, and it has chine--rdel•cifil it Wilt,* it nieces me on the scaffold tend not 'in ehe tires of hell.' Ile kissed her pale lip, and pos,ed,on. Still nearer to the (Atli maiden stoOd the bitted woman, whom hod murdered hem as surely tea tee had kii:ed her father. He laid his hand or hers. , Ekpetli, you sire avenged,' he said. am about to die.— Now, let your hatred pass a wci, and peay ler me.' Cd will,' she answered, and tears fell from her sightless eyes as he passed on to suffer.. • .. In another instant the maiden hod done her work, and• the last at her victims lay slaughtered in her terrible etnbracial , ..iT. The to:Aiment of death thus strangely named. was never used again._ It was su perceded by the more nioderh 44144 of executing criminals and it may now be seen in the Museum of the,Society of antiquaries in Edinburg, with the deck stains' yetcor ing on the fatal knife, which were left there by the blood of him who in very deed and truth, was brought to justice by the signal retribution we have recorded. The Invisible Armor General Bohuyler was one of the Ameri can officers in the army which fought for our freedom. He figured largely in those stirring scenes which took place on the (Nilson and Mohawk rivers, when•,the English Generals hired the Indians to come and fight on their side. General Schuyler had great influence with the red men; they toes d and feared him; so the English wished he was out of she way, and as he did not get shot on the field of battle.a plot wns hatched to waylay and murder him. Two men were picked out to do this deed, an Englishman and an Indian. The day and time were ,Ct ; they shouldered their rifles and took their stand behind a clump of trees which he had to pass by on his way home. After '•eiring and watch ing some time, the General hove in sight. Ile was on horseback and alone. Now or in.ver ! They took aim. In a minute micro, the General would have been a dead man. At that instant, the Indian !pocked down the Englishman's gun, arcing: ' I cannot kill him :I have eaten his bleed too often.' rhe General rides on unharmed; has bucketed on an invisible armor nit ver than brass, And 'he is safe. What wis it ? The armor of friendly actions,— The General had often relieved the dis tresses of the poor red mon ; he had often fed them when hungry nod clothed thew when naked ; and now British gold cannot buy up the grateful memory of his kind ness, as it melts the murderer's heart. I can't kill him ; I have eaten his bread too often Oh, what poorer there is in friendly action,. They not only make you friends, bat disarm your enemies. Remember, boys, they may defend you when a great name, a stout arm, n good rifle, a fleet horse can avail you not. Think of this. 'Jun POPULAR CREED.—A poor man is not of much account in the world these 'fast' times. There is a magic in the jin gle of the almighty dollar which is irresis. Leidy, and if a torn only has 'a pocket full of rocks'—no matter how obtained, wheth- Sr by rubbing the widow and orphan, swindling , his neighbors, or filching front the public treasury—he it pronounced all right, and passes current everywhere.— The question is not, 'how did he get it ?' but 'has h. got it ?' It used to be that , woreril mode the man;' but in these latter days, 'WEALTH makes the man, the want of it the fellow,' A wealthy scoundrel is honored socially, religiougy and political• ly, and ndmitted into the 'first circles,' while on honest poor Inen is rudely thrust and obliged to take is ' back seat:— The popular creed of the day is— , Dimes and dollars! dollars and dimes I Au empty pocket's the worst of crimes I Tin man is down give him a thruit-- - "I'l ample the beggar into the dust Presumptuous poverty's quite appalling— K nue!: him overt kick him for falling I It u man is up, oh, lift biro higher . Your soul's fur sale, and lie's a buyer I • Dimes and dollars f dollars and dimes I Z.n empty pockeeo tha worst of crimes I A GOLDEN HULE.—lDthiStry will ;MAD a man n purse, and frugality will find him Strings for it, Neither the purse or the strings will cost blot anything. He who has it should only draw the wrings as fru .galoy directs, nod he will be sure always to find a useful, penny at the bottom' of it. The servants of industry air known by their livery ; it is alwa) e whole and whole some. Idleness travels very leisurely, and poverty soon overtakes him. Look at the rugged slaves of Idleness, and judge which is the best toaster to SerVII—INDLISTRY 011 IDLENESS. Ct.nssics rOn ARKANSAC-A story is told of -a Bostonian's first appearance io polite society in Arkansas. The company were ongaged iu dancing, but the !ardent female present occu. pied a chair at the window without a partner. Stepping up to the lady with at' nalpitating heart, his mind greatly excited by fear g a re fusal, exelaiined, " Will you do Me the "honor to grace Inc with your comrinny flit. the next set r" flee lustrous +yen shown with unwonted brilliancy, her widen pearly teeth fairly glisten ed ill the dickering candlelight, her heavenly suowy bosom rose and tell withoyful rapture, us she replied, " Yes since ! for I have not, aed not, and sol; till I've about tuk root." Twa'n So.—The Louisville Aorind says " it cannot be, denied thut the Republituta poly is rosily .at, time the ,only can% nut, tun and united political organization An the • 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers