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After ono or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, a new year has commenc ed, end she paper will not be discontinued until arc...ages are paid. Ono No. 1. air The above terms will be rigidly adhere 1 to in all cases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be charged at the following rate. I insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Sla lines or less, $ 25 $ $ 50 One square, (16 lines ' ) 50 75 1 00 Two (32 ) 100 50 . 2 00 3 ino. 6 mo. 12 mo. One square, $3 00 $3 00 $8 00 Two squares, 600 800 12 00 i column, 800 12 00 18 00 dn., i 110., 12 00 18 00 25 00 1$ 00 27 00 40 00 1 do:, 22 00 35 00 45 00 Business Curds or sit tint F, or less, $4.00. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this , fluid been. •es vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure ar, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to bo the rod of Rim who says, a I will visit tho iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only sutler• from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many •destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. Ono quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse 'it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine' we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is coin bined Prom the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should he employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affee t4ons which arise from it, such as ERUPTIVE and SKIN DISEASES, Sc. ANTHONY'S FIRE, ROSE, or ERYSIPELAS. PIMPLES, PUSTULES, BLETCRES, BLAINS and BOILS, TUMORS. 'FETTER and •SALT Rums, SCALD Mao, lirsowonm, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL Dla- RASEa, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA TED OR IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief in o impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, fur scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, wkhout which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayels Cathartic Pills; FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are an comfosed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health ,r enerpit restored by a remedy at once so simple :Aid Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costive ness, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pam in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its function.. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR vns RAPID Conn OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. Hon, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost li v ely ry k s n e a i n o , n r ' llo c l o irelce a n bo r u e n s c t i o s re ti rgo e m " riTa a milig b. and even aesperate diseases of the lungs by Sts use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of - the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Joule READ, Agent IJuntingann, Ps. Nor. 10, 1858.-Iy. SE - LE PffETRIP THE OLD PLAY-GiROUND. I sat an hour to-day, John, Beside the old brook stream, Where we were school-boys in old time, When manhood was a dream : The brook is choked with fallen leaver, The pond is dried away— I scarce believe that you would know The dear old place to-day. The school house is no more, John, Beneath our locust trees; The wild rose by the window side No more wares in the breeze; The scattered stones look desolate. The sod they rested on Has been plowed up by stranger hands Since you and I were gone. The chestnut tree is dead, John, And what is sadder now— The broken grapevine of our swing Hangs on the withered bow; I rend our names upon the bark, And found the pebbles rare, Laid up beneath the hollow side, As we had piled them there. Beneath the gress•grown bank, John, I looked for our old spring That bubbled down the alder path, Three paces from the swing ; The rushes grew upon the brink, The pool is black and bare, And not a foot this many a day, It seems has trodden there. I took the old blind road. John, That wandered up the hill ; 'Tis darker titan it used to he And seems so lone and still! The birds sing yet among the boughs, Where once the sweep grapes hung ; But not a voice of human kind, Where all our voices rung. I sat me on the fence, John, That lies as in old time, The same half panel in the path, We used so oft to climb— And thought how o'er the bars of life Our playmates had passed on, And left me counting on this spot - • The faces that are gone. BEI7E{. I 2r ST RY?. THE SCALPED TRAPPER, BY EDWARDS When the fact bees= known that gold existed in fabulous quantities within the wilds of California, th. greatest excite. meet probably that has ever taken place in modern times convulsed the world, Thou sands from the remotest ccrners of the civilized world hastened to the El Dorado to delve the precious metal. The wild, romantic valleys of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range, which had never been trodden by the foot of n white men, were now thronged with hundreds, eager and excited; the streams which had flowed undisturbed for ages were turned from their natural course, and their beds anal yzed, and the adamantine ribs of the great mountains were forced asunder by the one impelling desire. The Overland Route was alive with human being., and, for a time, it seemed that n new era had dawned upon the world. Saute morths atter the wild reports had been confirmed beyond a doubt, there en tered the city of Independence two trap pers who hod just returned from their so. journ at the head waters of the tributaries of the Missouri. Snapper Jack, as he was termed, end Steve Haie,, at first treat ed these rumors with indifference and even contempt. Not even the affirmations of their own companions could convince them and they started upon their next trapping journey. fully believing that the multitude that had left the States were sadly deceived When a few days distant from the Missis• sipii, they met a tropper, who was an old friend, and who, in the short time Ito had been in California, had mode his 'pile.' This fact was a convincing argument, and did really convince Snapper Jack that there was a fortune to be made in that coun try. Ilale, however, was immovable.— Even the most earnest declarations had no eflect, and he sneered at Jack's credulity. The three trappers spent the night to gether, nod the conversation that then took place fixed the determination of each. In the morning they separated, each taking different directions- The trapper from the West continued his journey towards the States; Snapper Jack kept on towards California, and Rule started in a north west direction towards 'trapping grour.ds.' Leaving the former and the latter to them selves, we will follow the strange fortunes of Snapper Jack, as he proceeded hope fully and cheerfuily on his way. Jack, although he mentioned it to no one, had entertained a belief that gold ex isted in any quantity in the Wahsatch Mountains, and it was Its determination to visit them alone and satisfy himself in regard to it. For the purpose of greater safety, however, he joined a company of emigrants, and remained with them until they had nearly proceeded as far as Pike's Peak. While he u as with these travelers he was the means of saving the company from a wholesale slaughter by the Indiens,• As Is generally the case, they placed too great a reliance upon their numbers, and paid no attention to the suipicious appear. ance of several savages hovering in the distance during the daytime.. Jack an. nnunced to them the startling fact that they were watched by a large number of nava. gee, who meditated an at'ack the next night " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND PORIEVIER, ONM AND INSEPARABLI. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1859. and, as a consequence, they were fully prepared. The prediction was true; and the whites, about midnight, were set upon by an overwhelming number of Indians, who after a short but terrible struggle, were repulsed and scatteree by the deadly discharge of the rifles of the emigrants; this occurrence was a lesson to the com pany, and no night After that was spent or; the prairie without a sufficient guard. Jack, as we said accompanied them for some distance further, when' binding them adieu, he alone with his horse, struck bold :y southward toward the Wahsatch Moun tains. He was a too experienced hunter to be heedless or careless of the danger which he knew he had incurred by this proceeding, and when he encamped upon the prairie, it was not until he wos assured of his safety. More then once he spent the twenty•four hours without a moinent's sleep, and proceeded cautiously and slow ly through the day, watching anxiously, and avoiding the slightest appearance of danger At length, however, he reached the mountains one afternoon, and spent the night at the base. The grass was rich and luxuriant, and choosing a secluded spot he turned his horse to graze, intending not to disturb him again until he left the mountains. Then taking his traps' and 'fixin's,' and marking the spot, lie deposi ted them in a sort of half cave, where he judged there was no danger of their being disterbed by intermeddling Indians. Here, in his cave, he spent his first night in the Wahsatch Mountains. At morn, lid ascended the mountain and was somewhat startled when ho discovered that there had been Indians very re , :ently in the vicinity. He was, however, can• fident that with due caution he could nvoid an encounter with theta, and had really little to fear from an attack. Ile was, howe•ser, disappointed. At noon, weary with wandering over the rug. ged wilds of the mountain, he stopped at a smell, crystal stream to slack his thirst. While drinking, he noticed a quantity of yellow shining particles of sand, and he believed at once that he had discovered the gold. Delighted with his success, he gathered a few grains in his hand and hold ing, them between his thumb and finger held them up to the light to survey them. As he did so, several cracks from behind the surrounding rocks and web, and a oullet whizzed directly het veen his thumb and finger, scattering the grains to the winds. At the same instant a score of reverberrated through the forest and as many dusky savages sprang exultingly toward him. The trapper saw that hut one was directly in his way, and taking a half aim, he sprang over his writhing body and darted like a wounded animal towards the hose of the mountain, the is hale pock plunging after hits. • Ile had gone but a short distance when he found that be had been wounded by the fire of the Indians, and would he unable to continue his flight for any length of time. He turned his head and saw the blood trickling down his thigh,and at every step it seemed as if a knife were thrust in his flesh. Finding matters desperate he gath ered all his strength and made towards the point where he supposed his borne was grazing Providence favored him, and he• came directly upon him, without loosing a moment in the search. Springing on his back, he brandished his rifle over his head and giving an exultant yell, galloped away. 'Now catch me, you cowardly devils,' he shouted. lS'pose you'd like to lift ha'r, wouldn't you. How does that cult?' In an incredible short space of time he had reloaded his rifle; and as he uttered the last words, lie covered the form of the foremost Indian and fired. The wounded savage returned the fire ns he limped fo - - ward; but the aim was wild, and the bul let sped wild its mark. Whore's another of the same sort, How does that suitr The shot, however, owing to the diffi culty of aiming while on horseback, but slightly wounded a savage; and the trap• per deemtng it prudent to get beyond the reach of his pursuers ris soon as possible, turned and struck his horse into a fast The savages, fearful of losing their prey, fired together; yet strangely enough, missed Jack, who returned a yell of defi ance, no he again brandished his gun above his head. He was startled, however, to find that, although unhurt himself by the shots of his enemies, his horse was se- verely injured, and limped painfully. l'he savages seemed to be aware of this; for again giving vent to their yells of tritr,riph, they plunged forward and continued the . . Luckily for Jack, the night was coming on; and he felt confident that, could he avoid his pursuers until then, he could elude them a:together. Still, his chances were desperate, indeed. As he re-loaded his rifle, he urged his horse forward, and the animal seemed conscious of the dunger hanging over his master, and strove man fully to carry him beyond the reach of it. Jack turned to fire, and, as he did so, he saw that two of the foremost of the sava ges had halted and brought their pieces to their shoulder, and the next instant a red jet of flame sprang from before them. As quick as lightning he dropped upon h:s face, and the bullets whizzed over his head, passing clejtn through the neck of his horse. The noble ani:nal vented forth a groan, seeminglyns much of sorrow as of pain, staggered o moment, and as his rider leaped (rout his back, fell to the earth, .'l'hunder, lightning, redskins. beavers, and bufflerv, if Snapper Jack isn't in n tight place I' exeluimed the trapper, leap. 7 ,l'he eludes of night were now settling, yet there was a faint moon ; and it NEM necessary for the trapper to keep his par• suers at a considerable distahce in order to be beyond their sight. His pursuers numbered about a dozen, and as he turned he saw that two were rapidly gaining upon him—too rapidly indeed for comfort or as surance. His wound was becoming in. tensely painful, and he could hardly bear the weight of his body for an instant upon it. The savages feeling confident that the trapper was within reach, halted, and but two continued the pursuit. hick discovered this, and took hope. Gathering his strengb, he ran forward for a short distance, when from the great pain sank to the he ground. The darkness had become so intense, that the savages were not in sight; but in a few moments the . two nppearedoand gave a simultaneous yell of triumph,as they beheld the prostrate form of the trapper. Jack's face was turned from them ; une waiting until he judged they were nigh enough, he rclled over toward them, and before it could be avoided shot one of the savages in the heart. The other with a howl of fury, leaped toward the trapper, who fvllback and fainted, for the first time in his life. The savage thinking hint dead from his frightful looks, jerked his cap from his; head seized the hair in his hand, one running the keen point around the crown, commenced scalr ing him. This new pain revived Jack, who, realizing his danger, plunged forward, and drove his knife to the hilt in the body of the savage. The la. dian gave his death yell as he sprang aloft, his hand still clutched the hair of the trapper, and carried it with him, thus ac tually scalping him. The two beings closed-round each other, in their death struggle : and as the eivage breathed out , his life, Jack also became unconscious. When the trapper came to.himaell, the sun was high in the heavens ; and he was alcove upon the (treat ptairie. The blood from his wounde d head had flowed clown over his face t and, drying, had so closed his eyes that it was only with great diffi culty that he opened them. His head seemed burning with pain; and hardly conscious of what he was doing, hecrawled a few rods to the left, where was a stream of water, and washed his wounds. ibis done he felt considerably relieved , and placing his cap upon Ins head, began to really think that It was not time (or bin - . to 'go under.' I'he wound in hi., thigh pained him little, but his scalpless head was terrible. 'Ugh ! you thundering devil I' hissed he, as he surveyed the fallen savage, •you got enough o' ha'r liftin' that time, didn't yer. Whoop.' As if some sudden hope had sprung up in the trapper's heart, his ghastly counte nance twisted into a sickly smile, 'Spoon we trade ha's!' As he said this, he stooped, and seizing the tuft upon the savage's head tore tt off by the route, and then gave the body a con temptuous kick. 'Flint ar sflair, I calclate, is wot !lain% never been done. Just think, a decent white man tradin' ha'r with a theiving, cowardly, nll.fired copperakin ! Wagh I' Jack felt a strange feeling darting through his system. His pain seemed to cease, and the prairie appeared alive with Indians, all with horrid visages ' hurrying towards him. Full of terror, he uttered a fierce yell, and darted away. He was de lirious. Late one afternoon, as a company of emigrants wore slowly wending their any over the far plains of the West, toward California, they espied a solitary hunter in the distance approaching. They watch. ed him with intertst until he came up when they seemed ate loss to tell whether he was an inheiitant of this world or some strange phantom that their imagination had conjured up. His bloodshot eyes protruded from their sockets, and his sunk en face was covered with grizzly hair, while hardly a fragment of his garments remained upon him. In reply to their ques• tions, he gave a vacant stare, and seemed unconscious that any person was near him. Ile permitted himself to be handled and examined, and was as docile as a child.— When by accident his cap was removed, the spectators shrunk back in horror. He seemed literally a walking corpse ! The good emigrants came to a halt for the day, and the trapper way committed to the care of a physician who accompa nied them. Day after day they nursed him until they arrived at California, where he was still taken care of, rind finally re covered—thus presenting the strange spec tacle of a living man who hall been scalped I He related his story to his friends; end thanking them As beet he could, left them. But whet is probably as singular as anything that has been related, is the fact that Snapper Jack actually visited the Wahsatch Mountain again upon a horse. He affirmed that he came across the two mouldering skeletons of the savages who caused him so much trouble ; and in the whitened bones of one hand he beheld lila own scalp, and carried it with him. But what affected hint the most was the remains of his faithful horse. He remained a number of month, in ihe mountains, without encountering an ene my ; and finally returned to Independence seemingly well pleased with his fortune. Whether he actually discovered gold is un known and will probably remain so anti! he chooses to tell. or- A clam merchant, meeting one of his own fraternity the other day, whose pony might be co'sidered as a beautiful specimen of an equine skeleton, remons trated with the owner, and asked him if he ever fed him. Ever feed him ! Come, now, that's a good tin,' was the reply ; f he's got a bushel and a half of oats ut home now, only be ain't got no time to eat • ein !' 3SIZSCELLANEUM [From the National Intelligence r.l THE LAST EIILLETi AN INCIDNNT OF COMMODORE STEWART'S ALOE RINE EXPERIENCE. The United States ship of-war Constella tion was anchored in the harbor of Algiers, whither she hod proceeded under com mand of Commodore Preble, having on board, among other officer•, Charles Stew art, then an acting Lieutenant, It was the watch of young Stewart, and he was pacing to and fro on the deck, about half an hour after sun set, when he sow a small boat containing a single per son, coming off from the Old Port, as the western part of the town is called, and heading for the ship. This person was rowing with all his might, and Stewart was not tong in dis covering the cause. Close behind the sin gle boatman tons seen a large rover filled with men, whose presence was announced by a continued firing at him of whom they were In such determined pursuit, holding on their way until they were un der the very guns of the ship. 'Now, by my soul !' cried Stewart, may I be shot if I don't teach those fel lows a lesson. Stand by, Mr. Rogers,' he added, addressing a favorite gunner, 'throw a lit"le grape into that fellow,. . . An rnaCant later a wreath of smoke I curled up Irom the side of the ship, arid as 'he report went booming over the wa ter the iron messenger sped on its way, crashing into the ['sensing boat, severely wounding two or three of her crew. She instantly turned .to put,bnck, nt the same I time that the fugitiVe reached his destine- Lion and come up the side into the presence ! of the officer of the deck. He was no elderly men, with a stout frame and brown• ish features ; bet it required but a stogie glance from the Lieutenant to see that he Was English or American As soon as lie j was sufficiently recovered from his over exertion to breathe he went on to tell his story, to which Stewart listened with much j excitement. The new comer was an ! American citizens, named James Collins, a native of New York, who with his wife and daughter, had been taken from an American vessel at the same time as its commander and crew, titre years before, I by an Algerine pirate. Ills wife had since died, and he and his daughter had b •en enduring since his capture all the horrors of a hopeless and aggravated cap- tivity ; but the worst part of the poor man's story, and that which moved Lieutenant Stewart the most was the announcement that his daughter, a gentle ow/ beautiful girl, was on the eave of being forced . into detestable union with the very wretch who hod bought her and her father ns slaves. . My agony at these circumstances eul• urinated not two hours ago,' finished the father, 'when I strack the persecutor' insensible to my feet and ffud. By dint of exertion I managed to reach the water side, and embarked before the pursuers could prevert it. But though I have sue.cee 'ed i i reaching this place of safety, my poor Alice is still in the power of her tormentor, exposed to his vengeance ; and 1 am almost crazy at thinking that she may even now be subject to a fate worse than death. If I could only guide a bent's crew under your orders'—, 'Ono moment,' interrupted Stewart.— . Stay where you are until I have seen Commodore Preble.' One moment the young Lieutenant was engaged with his commander in the cabin, and then ho came forth with a stern smile of satisfaction on his features. Ten min• utes had not passed before n cuttt r with twelve chosen men pushed off in the dark ness, with the Lieutenant and the stranger in the stern and nipidly struck out (or the •shore. Our owner,' said Mr. Collins, resides in the western part of the city. There is a coast guard established, but 1 do ni.t ap prehend that toe shall have any special trouble from that source. 1 think we can land below, go up the streets to the house, and curry off my child, and all without losing a tnan.' The boat landed, after twenty minutes 01 rapid progress, at a small whirl near the Geleta, in the western part of the town. The arrival was certainly observed, but not a great deal of attention wan bestowed upon it by :he stupid Algerines. Leaving part of his men in the cutter with orders to lie down under the it hart, Lieut. Stew art and the remainder of his lorco followed the footsteps of Mr. Collins, who led the way rapidly up the intervening streets. On arriting at his late-prison, an old, dingy looking structure, extremely spa cious, having all the looseness of the Moor. ish wyle. the party discovered that silence and darkness we re the principle features of the scene. Not a sound was beard nor a word uttered. The whole building seemed deserted, '1 he agony of the fath er was extreme. 0, my child, my child !' he cried, no longer able to control the terrible emotions which had been surging through his soul during the last hour, shall I never sce thee snore ?' A Moorish slave came around from the rear of the building, and assured his fel low captive that the girl had been carried off by the noisier, and the , no one was at home save himself. But even as the lying rascal uttered the concluding words a wild shriek was heard in the chamber, and the next moment a young and beautiful girl of seventeen summers appeared at one of the front windows, looking like a spectre in her garments of spotless white. My child, my Alice !' said Collins. Save me, father !' was the response ; and while shouts and groans proceeded from the interior of the building the maid en threw herself from the low window, fal• ling into the very arms of her father and Lieutenant Stewart. - The Very moment of this re-union was destined to be that in which a company of Algerine troops came round the nearest corner, marching up the street in the direc tion ol Lieut. Stewart and his men. It was also at the same moment thot the old Moor, .vho had so long considered himself the proprietor of Mr. Collins and his daughter, came to the window and set up a startling yell. 'This way !' cried Mr. Collins, and he dashed open the front door of the building, and conducted the entire party within. Look to your weapons, and take the rat cols oil their pins the instant they halt!' said Stewart. A sharp and determined struggle soon commenced, in the course of which half the Moorish soldiers were killed, and the remainder finally gave way, But the res cuers had exp,niel all their ammunition, and only a single bullet was remaining ; that won in a large horse pistol, in the hands of Lieutenant Stewart. He was just wondering what he should do with it, when the old Moor came down stairs with a hugh sabre in his grasp, and mode a fdrious dash at Mr. Collins and his daugh ter, with murder written on his features and flashing from his eyes. This sudden arrival decided the destination of the last bullet. Take It, you black devil I' aald Stew. art,just or the blow was descending, and he fired his weapon. the ball passing through the miscreant's head, and bringing him dead to the floor. - Now, boys,' added Lieutenant Stewart, we ore a going to finish with a hand to hand fight. The powder and ball are out we must trust to the sword.' Closely followed by his men, as well as by Collins and Alice, the Lieutenant led the way towards the boat. It seemed as if Algiers had turned out to witness the tri umphal retreat, the streets being filled with I thousands of men and women, collected together by the brief contest at, the Moor's house, - but not an attempt was made to Its. tercept the progress of the party, the Al gerinee contenting themselves with scowls and denunciations: Ten minutes later and the rescuers were at the cutter, twenty minutes more and the entire party were safely back to the Constellation, not hav ing lost a man. The young Lieutenant received the hearty thanks of his superior, to say nothing of the gratitude of Mr. Collies and his daughter whose family proved to be of consequence in New York; and we are assured that Charley Stew art was never happier in his life than when Miss Alice was united to one of his 'chums,' a noble hearted Lieutenant, now a corn ' tnodore who fell in love with the rescued maiden, during the Constellation's home ward passage. A Tilltit AT VISTICIIFtS. During the operations of the allies in the Crimea it was resolved to tarry the water from a beautiful spring of the finest Croton, to the camp. Leather pipes, of hose, were employed, which wete laid on the ground, One morning, while the Water Was being supplied, the minaret sounded to prayet, and one of the Turkish soldiers immediate ly went flop on his knees to praise Allah Unfortunately he Went cluttn right upon the hose, and his weight consequently stopped the current of that 'first of elements' as Pinder calls water, in his first Olympiad. 'Get up,' cried an English soldier.— 'Vouley yeas avez, la bonze, mon cher Monsieur le Torque,' cried a Frenchman with his native politeness, 'to .0t up.' 'That ain't the way to make e 'Putt move,' cried another, 'this is the dodge.' So saying, he knocked his turban off.— Still the pious Musseltnan went on with his devotions. make him stir his stumps,' said an• other Englishman, giving him a remarka bly smart kick. To the wonder of all, still the unturbaned, well kicked follower of the Prophet went on praying as though he was a forty-horse parson. .Hoot awn, mon—l'll show ye ham we serve lbstinnte folk at mild Reckie,' quiet. ly observed a Scotchman. He was, how ever; prevented; for, the 'l'urk having fin• ;shed his 'Allah.vis en allah,' rose and be gun to take of his coat—then to roll up his sleeves, and then to bee,' w his palms with saliva, and then to put himself into the most approved boxing attitude, a la Yan kee Sullivan. He then advanced in true Tom Hver style to the Englishman who had kicked bum on the lumber region. 'A ring ! a ring !' shouted the soldiers and saihrs, perfectly astonished to see a Turk such an adept in the fistic art. . . . The Englishman, nothing loath to have a bit of fun with a Turk, of such a truly John Bull state of mind, set to work, hut found he bad met his master—in bye rnm• tiles ho had received his quantum sa, As the Turk coolly replaced, his coat and turban—he turned round and said to the admiring bystanders, in the pure brogue— 'Bad luck to ye, spatpeenst when yere af thee kicking a 'Park, I'd advise ye the next time to be sure he's not an Irishman !' The mystery was solved—our Turk was a Tipperary man !_ ._ A KEEN KEPROOF.—Did our readers ever hear the dry bon•mot of Talleyrand, which so took the conceit out 01 a young coxcomb at tome table in Paris where he chanced to be dining ? .My mother,' said the dandy, . was renowned for her beauty, She was certainly the handsomest woman I have ever seer.' Ah I' said Talleyrand, looking • him through and ' taking his measure' at once, 4 it was your father, than, who was not good•looking !' * Editor & Proprietor. NO. 37, POETICAL?: PRAYER. There is an eye that never sleeps Beneath the wing of night; There is an ear that never shuts When sink the beams of light ; There is an arm that never tires, When human strength gives way ; There is a love that never faila When early loves decay ; That eye is fixed on seraph throngs ; That ear is filled with angels' songs ; That atm upholds the world un high; That love is throned beyond the sky, But there's a power which man can wield, When mortal aid is vain— That eye, that arm, that love to reach, That listening ear to gain, ' That power is Prayer, which soars on high, And feeds on bliss beyond the sky. OUR CHIP B.S.SELETTt COMPATBETWEENTWO Faoos.—A few weeks since some masons were at work repairing Rol. lie' oil factory at Somerville, Mass., when they became the witnesses of a singular combat of about an hour's duration, between two monster bullfrogs, inhabitants of two pools in the rear of the building, about 11 o'clock in the fore. noon, and approached each other cautiously, each eyeing the other, until they were about a foot apart, when they jumped at each other and commenced the fight. They struck, bit, and clinched furiously, and when a fall decided a round, both would draw off and puff for a moment, when they would renew the combat. After about an hour spent in uninterrupted fighting, with the exception of two or three brief respites, each crawled off to his pool and disappeared. Neither was "exactly dead "but both were "kinder gin eout." The fight itself was singular enough, but the Net that it was witnessed, but not interfered with, by some thir. ty or forty frog spectators, of all kinds and si zes, adds to the novelty of the incident. Our informant, (Mr. Edward Orate, officer of the U. S. Courts,) says that at the beginning of the fight the frogs assembled about the fighting ground .from the surrounding pools attracted doubtless by the noise made by the combat. ants, and that they continued peaceable spec tators of tTie "tnill," occasionally intarrupting it by excited croaking. but at no time approach• leg the parties engaged in it nearer than with. in two or three feet. When the contest was ended, they nearly simultaneously departed, 1 --Boston Traveller. Comoro x Woaus.--The last edition of Web , ster's Dictionary gives the following dofni• dons I &waves—The name of an active and hardy body of soldiers in the French service, origin. ally Arabs, but now Frenchmen who wear the Arab dress. It is derived from the Arabia word 7mtmona, a confederacy of the Arabia tribes who live on the mouutains back of Al• . . . . Magyars is the name of a'people who in the 9th century invaded and overrun Hungary, previously settled by the Huns. The Magyars are still the dominant rare in Hungary. Coolie, or C myl, or Kuli, is a Hindostan word and means day laborer. The Europeans in China have adopted it to designate Chinese day laborers. The term is therefore applied to the day laborers both of India and Chine, . Sepoys sephui), means a native of India employed itt the military service of II European power," le'The secret band of Douglas Democrats seems to be spreading. Already there is an organization in every city, and soon will be in et•cry village and hamlet in the country. The object of the secret order is to secure delegates to the Charleston Convertion, who will go for Douglass and pull the wires to secure his nom• ination. Douglass is the oldest, and at the same time the most corrupt politician in the Democratic party. As a statesman he has many superiors, but as a wire pulling, unscru• pulous demagogue no equal. His friends are sanguine of success, and if fraud and trickery can secure his nomination, NI, may expect to see bim a candidate. If he cannot succeed in muting that nomination, then we may expect to find him an independent candidate, (or can• didate he is bound to be. Toe SLAVE TRADE.—It. has been the cry of the northern democratic preen, for same months, that the alave trade has not been re•opened— that all the atones circulated to that effect are bash —mere inventions of the enemy. What mean, then, the reaolutious which Democratic State Conventions in the north are now begin. wing to adopt, denouncing the reopening of this traffic? If it is or bee not been re eased why denounce it? Aud if it has been re-vened, is cot the Administration responsible for what it could easily prevent, if it would? BALTlMoll4,—Rowdlism has reached such a height, and the authorities seem so powerless to repr,ss it, that the citizens have called a public meeting to take such measures as may be necessary to preserve the public peace. The latent notable incident in the reign of rowdy. ism was the attack, by one of the notorious blackguard , ' of the city, upon au editor in an omnibus. The latter shot the rowdy in three places, successfully defending himself from at tack. SHE " FLU THE TRACK l"—A Mississippi cod Court Clerk, having issued a marriage license for a young 'non, shortly after received the following note from him : STEAM. us' Miss July the 5 1859: Mr. Moody pies let This matter stand over ontill further orders the girl has Flu the track By her own Request and Release my name off of this Bond if you pies. /16)"The Pittsburgh Pod, a Democratic pa per, which, a few weeks since, with a flourish, announced James Buchanan as a candidate for reelection, appears to have found out timk that was a foolish movement. It has now a call fur a meeting of the friends of Stephen A. Douglas, rannerowdy signed, for the purpose of nominating him as the Democratic candidate for that office. Ten EXPORT or Srame.—The export of ape. cie from New York, from Jan. let up to Sate nrday last was in round numbers, $41,000,000, and from Boston about slo,ooo,ooo,—total $27,000,000. The receipts iu the same period, from California and other sources, have not exceeded $28,000,000. The difference, $29,- 000,000, has been drawn from. the banks arrel the pockets of the people.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers