MBE guntin g hn Editor and Proprietor. Wednesday Morning September 22, 1858 The Circulation of the Hun tingdon Journal, is great er than the Globe and Alll erican combined. PEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR SUPREME JUDGE, JOHN M. READ, OF PHILADELPUIA, TOR CANAL COUNIISSIONETI, WILLIAM E. FRAZER, Or FAYETTE COUNTY. FOR CONGRESS, S. STEEL BL •IR, ESQ., OF BLAIR COUNTY. PEOPLE'S COUNTY TICKET. FOR ASSEMBLY, IL IL WIGTON, OW CROMWELL TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, JOHN FLENNER, 07 HENDERSON TOWNSHIP. TOR POOR-HOUSE DIRECTOR, DAVID CLARKSON, Or CAUTILLE. FOR AUDIT OR, T. W. GRAFFIUS, 01 BIRMINGHAM. FOR CORONER, WM. K. BAUM, OF HUNTINGDON. COUNTY COMMITTEE. E. F. PATTON. MAJ. W. MOSHE, EATS. LYTLE, JOHN CUMMINS, 8 Muni GREEN, JACOB lIALLMAY, F. LIVINGSTON, DAVID HAwN, JOHN P. STEWART, A. G. NEFF, E. MCDIVITT, LEVI EVANS, BAWL PEIGHTILL, RALPH CROTSLEY, JAIL ENTRIBEN, ADAM HEATER, J. GRIFFITH, Joo. A. DOYLE, H. F. CAMPBELL, T. E. Onntsox, W. H. GORSUCH, ago. WlLso's, EsQ., Ictec WoLvenToN, J. A. HA M., Do. J. A. SHADE, Cot,. A. KEITH, CLUBBING WITH MAGAZINES, The Huntingdon Jonasat. for one year, and either of the Magazines for the some period will be sent to the address of any subscriber o be paid in advance as follows The Journal and Godey's Lady's Book, for sae year, $3 50 The 101411101 and Graham's Magazine, for •nn year, ,V 3 30 The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and Putnam 's Monthly, fur one year, $3 30 Th. Journal and Frank Leslie's Family Magasine and Gazelle of Fashion, fur one your $3 50 The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine, kr one year, $2 75 The Journal and Peterson's Magazine, fur one year, $2 75 Ths Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one Year, $3 a The People'. District Ticket and the Americana. Speaking from what we deemed ample, and know to be reliable facts. we have Ire• quently declared through our column, that, since the fatal mistake of 1856, a vast ina jority of the Americans of this county, in cluding all the respectable leaders of the party, have been sincerely opposed to the dangerous doctrines and corrupt practices of Locofocoism, and that they have always. held the same principles with the Republi cans, only giving the Slavery question a little less protnin'-nce. This vast majority of the Americans have no just ground of difference with the Republicans, and are now, as they always have been, for honor able union with them, and steadfast co op. eration against the common enemy. Ac tuated by this teeling and belief, both par ties have, by spontaneous consent, laid aside, for the present, their distinctive names, nod agreed to battle, in the more potent name of the People, for principles dear to both. We hesitate not to say, that every patriotic heart rej-ncee at this union, based, as it is, on principle, and demanded. as it was, by the honest masses who cure but little for party names, and have a strong distrust of party intrigue. The People, the reel sovereigns of the country —however basely they m iy fora time be despoiled of their sovereignty by an un scrupulous party with its hoard of plun dering spoils, men and hungry, hireling subordinates—have broken the thraldom of party and inaugurated, in all parts of the Free States, the means of deliverance front Locofoco tyranny and misrule. In this county they have thus far, nobly vin dicated their ability as well as their right to rule and regulate the political iiitereets of the county; ■nd the same spirit per vades, we believe, our Congressional dis trict. In this county, an intelliger t Con vention contained and organized the pri mary action of the people, by nominating, with great unanimity, a strong ticket of good-and true men, most of whom have never sought office ut the hands of the pen. ple, 'to 'lerve them. Fifty years ago, when wise legisletivn, economical govern ment, and faithful execution of law were dish/If/tusking glories of Pennsylvania, this is just the kind of men a I,,,ted fur public trusts, and this was, ionpliatically, the manner of selecting and calling them into the public service Office-seeking was not then a regular pursuit, governed by no principles of integrity or honor. DI ficiul stations were not then a purchasable come milts; nor did bribery and corruption, peculation and fraud then disgrace our name, or demoralize our citizens, or threat en our liberties, The evident determina tom f the people to recover the goiid. old landmarks so long trampled clown poli ticians, is a hopeful token of party rotor illation. if the People are true to them ,elves, honorable men of till parties will give their standard; and dein agogties and political vampires, di-iirased of all power to betray, divide and plon,ler, Will be forced to avow their. Locitfoco pro clivities mid sneak back to the barite°tm and ruin-pal .s )f their master.. Sei, to it then, people of Huntingdon minty, that you advance the good work you have in auguruted, to its glorious consummation t ;ire no heed to the surmises that c noun Reptitsbl.caHs are dissatisfied with the ue miners for Congress and State legislature, except so far as the rumor may serve to awaken your vigilance and augment yoar efforts. Suffer no vague fears of defeat to depress your energies and weaken your exertions for the triumph of prinei,de as embodied in your catiditlatos. Messrs. Blair and Wig,. are known and acknowl edged, t y friend and foe, to b • honest and capable men. They are eminently quell fled by talents. integrity anti character, to honor the station., they have been called to fill. They are thoroughly imbued with the pure, old Republican doctrines, and firmly I attached to sound American interest;; and,' . th -refore, no true Republican will so far forget his dnty to the people of this district and the party they have organized, as to oppose any worthy candidate of their choice. Of the Americans of this county we can speak with equal conlidenee. They - a in, a Cr „ zine —The Ucw h er hold, as we have already stated, the ilenti!number is now before cal views of the Republicans on the oh. this Al"gaz:ne us. It has five co tired fesbier virile., to sorbing subjects of free territory, the rights of free labor, protection to have industry gether with a vest amount of the mast. choice ['totter for Indies and gentlemen.— and property guarded suffrage. hey have For Price see our club list. the credit, ton, of making the first move 1 towards the pt,rinatteut union of the Op• position under ,he broad banner of the Emerson's Al.tg,zine.—The Septem bee number of this in enittiable Mae izitie People, trod have three of the four condi is on oar tattle. It contains a vast smonet dates that compose the county ticket. They cheerfully admit, in common with the Call. of interesting mutter nor to be did men of all parties, the high character where. For prce see our club list. of S. S. Blior and B. B Wigton. It ts, therefore, a slander on their integrity nod °Alunble ' lit erary periodical f .r Occoher is new before common sense to suppose they can prove tie Amon!! its eneteres are : The New unfaithful to the ticket. For nn A tneri• can, in this county, to oppose any part of World view V ia " The (3. "'"'" the People's ticket would bury him s P°P"l",... of 11r, F,ns its \lass full exp{„tioooft .e Jeep under the reproaches of his own par!, Wign i" e's A ty that the hand of plaice! resurrection h language &e• Svc 1".”' price could never reach hint. Nay, it would tit- '" our club taint his friends, if he had any—which is &dry 116 knelt. -Ilickiiell was nit hardly supposable- and: drive hint and them together into the congenial embrace old established Bank Not. Repartee in of the coininon enemy. With the facts of Philadelphia, and has now jellied etch fr the case before them, men of ordltiar3: holey. We may rem rely on n t o„ i sense can not doubt the littegrity of the porter Americans of this county. We admit, Due Jnerned and always have udiniited, that a leer who 1 As Editors are not often trouldnil v o,llthe i nsOves will vote ugainst cemintinications front th- liter. o! a part, perhaps the greater part, of the place we (though not of tiro !.1 ' People's ticket. We deny that they will time to seed you this brief do so from any peculiar regard for Jlauri- withstanding every thing in cuaism, but solely because they ate Lore arouitd us is ao•I drooping p, locos, riad.,r Locators itiflu..ue, mot tee e sCurcdy 0 livino feature, nemr anything iit kart. It would be hippy to soy, the e.ditc,drin os louical to call Arnold a pal riqt. oi the young of tht• I, cult t, are nor Point, because he wore the p ing nets .cted--durit g thn hint two eve_ form, as to call these hirelings Auteric ins rings we have been Pere iiktis only, nu I because they wear the in ignia of the ;we believe profitably, ers rained witi. Order, whilst they persist in diS,raciog Exhibition of the Select School or this the honorable name they unworthily bear place taught b 3 fir. %V. A. Houck. 1 1.1 0 • They belong to our loss, the enemies. not; 09 entering the school ream, we wore th • of American Republic iiiisin only, but of lighted with the .asetul manner in which American institutions and American fiber. I the house sus decornted with wreaths, ty. The sooner they throw off their dis guise and show their colors the better for us and for the country. We have endeavored to give a plain mat. ter-ol fact statement of the prospects in our own county. Row is it with our sis ter counties of the Cringre,sional district As far as informed, we believe ell is rigla in Cambria and Somerset. 01 the post lion of our younger sister, Blair, there is at present writing, NOIIIII doubt. There is reason to fear that the Locofoco element is much stronger in the American party of that, than of any other county in the dis- trict,and may work mischief. os it has al ' ready given just ground of alerts. But we are not sufficiectly i formed to discuss the matter now. %h e will wait the devel opments of the week, fearing evil, but tin ping our fears may prove to be without I foundation. It may not, however, be out of place at this time, to remind our Amen ' can friends in Ilttle'Blitir, that the candidate is one of their own most worthy citizens, a man of unbenditig integrity, of continuo. (hog talents, high literary culture. profound legal attainments and a moral character without a state—a man above suspicion and without reproach in all the relations of life, public and private. W e would re mark, too, (list, Mr. Blair's political opin ions and principl?s are knows and appro. ved hydl/ sinc!reopponents of Loctifocuisin, of whatever name or party. not in this Con gressionul district only, but wherever Mr. Blair hlinsalf is known. The defeat of THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. such a man at such a cri , is. l.dl ith crushin weight on the !qui.) , that Cllll,eS it, whether by open opposition or luke warm support. We treat o ur f r i s md, whose position is in doubt, will speedily set themselves right. nut ovoid the cuhuui ty of el, cting n Locofoco to Congress, and destroying the American p.m), in one of its strongholds. eir- We intend far our part to give Mr, Blair, the Republican candidate fin. Con, gross, our hearty and earneat suppirt, he is 0 young nut of fine talents, and will represent the Helm bl'e.ot liNrty to the best of his nhility—and nu thtithi could he re tertained of a majority ro this couitty, if his merest and that of the party wore lett in the hands of Irue and tried Dire 14 the comity. But aheu we See two or three broken down pohtical hacks, who have been denounced and repudiated by the par ty—and who have always been year al er year, aspirants for Wilco, end leg , i v.. honors, with mit o single qualthicalion fer such places. We greatly doubt wile' lit r their I.tlining the paternity of 11r. Blair s nomination, and his con,cience keeper. will have no salutary influence where they are known, Could not th• or new fledged worthies he restrained, mid tarry nt Jer lien until their Republican beards should grow. CliarM.s Kale H truant) has our sincere thanks for it baski , t of most delicious grapes May the vines continue their fruitfulness Earlueogs Reply to the • uperitoen• ,vam too I•tte for publilntion loot vrt ek, it trill be found on the first page of to ke§..l'lie Exhihition of the M iln wood Aced.my will take place on Wednesdny 20th of Septeokber. The friend,' at Edo- Cation ere invited in attend. 1 BOOK TABLE garlands and flowers, presenting on up le- Fn. the Lorain Co. Engle, 011'o.— ptarance at once pleasing and attractive.fori..t. kinds of ionic ore advertised that wo urn a.•sur.••l will stret;;iLeia the i boinit•r sos, , ended over the stage, andout,nunu that w 1 w: 1 11 1 :: . , k ; MOW all arch VI flowers, Colltailling the .1,01 dies all that if. pruiniritt4 ; save uuw cnpuun ''Kul,"l.'dge wo l i!,7u u o r d j i Ci l e \ ct ri Tt d orr i tii n we ms is e J is very approprhtte to the occa-ion. tint, it, tr u l y b er „.L.i n i etli•ria. lie. but lila teridl decorator's were n em We .1 wit, hit d enough to send is at couple of lust night o f , no the y outhful ()""°"' p th rt i ti t iTtr l :o t t e t ' l l e ( lo r sayiets ant' Drainittibt.i, performed their dif• I u fri,,el ,tlor had been bald t'or ut leant teirty it has . re k store c t i l heir entirely, in.d it 1•1 , -tit part ,to the pleasing admiration of was large end attemive audience. The exec. tswe't:ty aw Ll'invet.h":fltisanwe whet lit nod clot's consisting of 10 or 51) pieces. Essoys we shall he glad to have taw trendy try d for Orations, Declamotions, u„,,,,i„g Di n. I form-elves, as we believe it in just shut it pro. 1nt41034, &c., interspersed and enlivened (rants t° be, with appropriate pieces of vocill music. The exhibition was truly praise-worthy, and reflos great credit upon te u .:l,,r and pupils. While observing the talent (Its play,d by loony of the pupils, we thought we beheld the budding of future flower: which would, in their season, shed forth it beauty sod a Iragrance• that would tell la vorably upon the community in which their lots may be cast. Those pre: eat, (with u few exceptions.) by their emhust aunt and smiles of approb:ition, evinced their a,•preciution of the purlorinancts.— tt e are sorry, however, to say there are those around us, who speak in unqualifi• ed term. of disapprobwion of the exercis es of the exhibition whilst we refire', that fogyism Is so rampant in our midst, we rejoice in hopes of the times Com ing," when those swop to the wheels will be removed; nod the Edueational Chariot will move onward with locomotive speed, freighted with the rich treasure of knowledge, to he disseminated among the youth of our laael, and to•rpetuated to the unborn inilhons of flume s. We hunt) thut 11r. Ilnuck in about to resign tenchilig, to engagviii th.• tr. which event. the profession will lonic a bright orna• .meat We hope. however, that his n of tis. fulness will not he it he h.i as fiiithful in his future culling ac he has hemn in his past. we prong, f o r hi m a rich nut only in the heart, of it 'generous penple, but in the ov,rinqing ki”gdoin of 1.6 heavenly muster, in whose im yard he is called to labor. fIOSPE Jlaikl g. '5B j Buchanan and Cass Repudiated. ! A grrat battle h,twt, th • Buchanan and anti-Buchanan factions of the Democratic party has jest. been (might in Michigan. Every imaginable de vice• was resorted to by the Badman party to defeat ow woo in•oion of Charley E Stewart, for Govt, hu , Stewart is, noiwithstanditor all this tim Democratic nominee Buchanan and Cass newel heaven and carat to defeat thi p nominalion..othl we 7.11 , 11' 1 ." they sill now spare no pains to defeat, if possible. his eh-ction They will enalo. war upon him as they are now waging it against "the little giant" in Illinois PIMPLEi Am, lit.t7rtra77b—Are the results of impure blood. Th 4 blood becomes thick and el , tgatlt The s• in is not tilde to cast 0' the impurities so impotant to health. Hew many younif men mid wemen we see with thefts et-•e emit with pimples nod blotches, who are en dea,ring to remove them by the uee it soups Rod washes of various kinds. This is very dart germ's nod should never Ii practised by per -130143 111,401 s of coed lve th. :let hero wlot have children allbeted with arid veep. tinuv should lu,, dry them up by exit:foal atit phi whole, for in this x•ne they will alit , ; is the 111111101, Mill prodnee ill health ti e • the child an riog its whole life• bate. There is no Ili, lit, that likes to bee her children afflicted with t'ett.. hle health. S 1 Itil:'3 INIIIAN ROOT 1'11.1,S pre• pared expressly 1, the care at crap; ions or tioP sltio, such as Pimples, Blotches, Sore., &e. They elca:.se the blood from all impolitic, pro• dociog n. hcaotifol, clear and healthy shin. so Int, admired by all peopleof taste awl rctinc. mcia• Mor,'s Rout are sn'al I all avitkrs itt Tut: VALUE OF A Nl.l,—A /ewe hi irseli , de 0, IVrt Irvin a ttt is opparootly ot very Mil. th;•lr 111141. 10V5,141 . w,..1.1 , .:Ivs..r Awry .pf x 110.0. I. 1,41 Cl1:1:11. 3,2 , 1 o,eaintl uutly.r. K,, .., hwy. •ii rt•••,;.l..)ca. d I•::,•i.iy thoui.vol ju h ., Al,l worb r Ow , r T,c, her J. 11,!:. ~hi.•(•,..1 to the match h i , ,el.;e!,:tl Lowyer, who ho,ol iii 4 tlttlry. tt:l , l hliu he would pet h!.n threl,ll I t a 1 1.....00ive f rthd he W. tts: gtod wool. tirse mike.' the young long i. he would 10 teke twenty th.eti•ci„l NOSE? .1%, this the yo , kitg follow gxve a ,keided any. OA Euxy the Attorevy then weni, to tho and ;ohl him that it was all at "hem" aired, h. v 101111 ;; holug so [mot., that eer tt. isw,wlerl,e he let,l ~tat jewel alone l'or which rehise,l tWI,III, 11,11ill1111 010,4! . 1 . 1114 ,a 1 is. titu,itliatt, 11.01 the W... 11111, 1,111 I tilY. when he got it sight uf the jewel he • • his nos, but. forsona, 10,4.1 a Lilidmei, • , %oda hit, not only bavtql thu hit face, hot iketnolly prevented one ,!•• painful nod horriN,, .1: nnmaginahl, Rood thu :11.1 is known, and Ow marks on his face nn >t t6a truth of his Matement. For mile by Juba It a,l, Heleing.lo.l ; Wm. G. Murruy..l.. It. Putt..., 0. W. Puttee, 1.. v vi G. I....tiner, 51eFat.blee Leue..., Geo. A. Jere., ; Whit.. l Co., Gayspert, and all the principal Druggi6t3 itt the Cuite.l Suttee. Tne letter broke oat, soinethit4t ever a year ago, tat the inside of my at ito.,,.xteudtugji,„, the elbows dosett to the wrists; also 011 01.3 Nee, intawilittittly round the mouth and chin, aml eon t i ne d to ben pei:fret iOrofrOt to me WWII cored by t 1 t I,l o od :skGrriar. .Ni) arms, at time,, were ann., eSS, U.. 4 to thou etaois WWI 8000 , I/11 VALI:B LIALVANIII 01 io n blessing to „„ t h,„. ne „ o t o weed at „„, fist. e on invalid, f o r it will relieve then, , or mitts ..X..111 , 11 lit lin or work and ,onlvtitoe, n, it is token internally, orI t! sti3uam been r , eely hr trout (rutin' l'ain anti Inisery can nut exist where the GA le ! Mid 'eel it floe to Mr. and to the. pub_ V A SIC OIL iit used. tic r!vtall to ttukttlis atlteitten.,!it !lope I mei oo.rrsl, : ke try self may bo heuUtfitsd If you have a sore or pinful and using " gel a bottle of Do YALCR Get,vv:vie Ou„ tool you will nut rue it —no! you will purchase. Thi„ Imo h etet the ' , me , en d will h e ee : Sworn and mit.seriheti bffore me, one or rho i.. time in cot.. Aldermen in Innd tor the City of rinnhurg, thin ANIt uNIA STE it AVermea. SILADELPHIA MARKETS.' 110110a)elitir, hew. 22,58 Yn HO ! THIS WAY. PHILADELPHIA, July 38, 1838. FLOUR ••Superflue. per burrel, 10(iyil 110 xlrn•• " 5 6 25(50 50 4 00 family Atir Flour and Cuia 'Maul I%'hoa—n;(l.. por hushed, Whiie Rye fore I;I °AA operseed 14 3°g4 50 per G 4 pounds Timothy eyed " rpr bp phol $1 68 TM: ' LETTER OF ACCEPTANCNe!'.•ThO follow GREAT BEUTIFIER in g k the letter oriouN M. READ, ..1 , 1,48- ~o long tenstlecessfully sought, Pil to Gov. A. 11 (eider,l President of the FOU NI) AT LAS ' , People's State Convention, tccepting the nouatiation for Judge of the Supreme Olt it tc-1 , ,, p 0111qt:tidy gray li,iir to it 4 Court. F original col., ~ , e, .s I oviri.intly the bold head; rem 'v., ell dandruff, itehimt awl all ..cruf- L POILADEF,PIIIA, July 27. 1 / 3 58. iiiii, se itil bend and all eruptions; makes the ' DEAD •;IR: —I received this morning your hoe soft , healthy, ii... 1 glosiv ;,eel ,vill preserve letter of the 2.lth inst., infortning ale of ill° nap i 1111011.41,10 %Igo, remov, s, . if by mag my inianituous noinination by the people's le, sli I teaches,Ste.front etc face, and cur. all neuralgia and nerve!as head ache. Sac circular. Conventiott, usseiniiiiiil at I larrisborg. for and the tol,toving. : the office of Judge of Supreme CIIIIrt , anti ' I enclosing a ropy of the reSoltitions passed Itover. N. ii., Feb, 2.1, 1857. • PI2IIF. U. J. WOOD Sc CO--Limits; W•thin • by that body, which I have reAd tv:th great ~ fi,,, ,I, y, we 1„,,,, i . e „, e d ~ „, ~,,, 0r .d., r4 Care. I cordially approve of ihe senttinenis no.l coll. is, Prof. .t. H. Waist'a Hair 'Rasters. or geti , rai policy cipressed in them, and ii,, i 1,,i iu do) we were compelled to send to occ.•pt Ilith great iliffidence the ontnina -1,0,-,.“ .or ii Wuu•litS , (the 8 dozen P. or. tion thus tendered me. If elected, I can 5 ,,,,,1, 1 Ai helm; suld,) wild.) we might order it • only pr"in Ise, so far as my ability will per. t• g e " ;;1. 1 : i j '. /I ri ' L l. : ' ;lrU ' li . 1 1 1 1: 14 atone i''ri or i jt e r :,: e w i c ' u l , v t e ont a c y r i s d , mil , an impartial and faithful discharge of iiii.l we iiiiiiiiih..tiiiii, i.iiii idinninge it reuelves the ditties of this high judicial office. n o . the ii,.,,, siii..ia i ,t;al and worteY eit l, .." . I ton very respectfully nod truly yours. of.mr v.,,ity. linty e.inviiiee us tla.At it 1, .1 MOST VALUABLE PRI.:PAILATION. JOHN 31. READ ,Cad ll' I. MAUI 1, tang bli one bra,:: of $1 1 -----.4.4141.1.1. , Si , •11111 one dozen $2 size; and uclieve us , S TATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. yoia, cur) iweetielly. I The President of the People's State .. —........... ~. 1). LATHROP CO.& l c en on H.. A. H. ;in igtiLd, Hickory Grove, St. Charles co. 1110. I nuanced the u ueotleinen to act Nov. 19, 1856.—Pr0r. t), 4. \Vood.-I)eur ' a State Central Committee cur the pms sir r sometime Lan autioner we ware tiolu,ed to n.O :won) meets were se e . edderm, we few our de . , •. Fu ll er , ty to p,..01111 the alliteteil to report it. Ulla] les A Close, do. tior little soo ' s head lie l/sie Mlle tool boon , ,iattul, do• perilmle revered with curesond some cello" it do tee......a Lead. Tbe heir aluaest ent,reiy canto J. Ch ., eter. ot, conseq... nee, 0 1 100 Ilielld001:1,4 ' Jlllnn S Brow., 1)11 1 ,, .t0wn• nolferniv, une IMMO your lie, - toratice, we alas. with but little hope of coo - Henry kinar, :111.'llivie ii. cess,out totinrmorptise, and that of all nor very few ,ipplAtatiutis removed tile diseane I ll: l i b :Lc ,. E Ni c . k i,7: / ',,, 1 !; " ; " 1 1 , i , " ,,, ' ,: v i1i e. tatty, loxitrient crop ut hair „ 'l.l , bnOtt started out, out we call s. that our ' 1 -.." , Ilt. ht. „ Chun k . % 1 o tt r B I ,,i r I I, nere.uru, alb” H"r i rq 11. 1 1 1 1 k. 0) 1,1 V llkaharre, do lieteby reeountiend US a juin, li See .on sVarren pelf:et rein. IL , r d,sui,o4 ill too se.tid and hair. I , J. „_, Hair. Wu ate, ;oar:, reopeetfully• raimer, atm cy. LiEO46E tiluutNiloTti,kat, (3,,,e A. Prick, Danville. SAItAII A. tlluuiNftol'it.ol. Udmurt Todd, Carlid, O. J. Wood & co., Proptictor , 312 Broadway Judi. Wool. `.2otisholloclren. Y.Uk, in Vie ginAt S. Y. wire raitiog Cab- Joust \Vollmer, Darisburg. awl lit Alaritet St.. St. Lou;, Jlu. A S }lenders.. Lancaster. Aii.l b.: 411 )rtienhlt.• OIIVer J Dickey. do, Sept. 22, 1859.-3 r David E. Small, York. III: GREAT PURIFER ! Tin: %Villa]) CIIALL ENGEI;!-- AK. McClure, Uhambershurg. David NlcNlartrie, fluntingdon. Alexander Ebetighurg. PII.ODUCF: ITS EQUAL! TIII7 51.001) SEA ItellElt Darwin Phelps, Edgar ('mvtf, Greensburg. te.GI,OIIIOUSLY TII,II.I,MPII.IN'iI I W... Nicl(ennen, Wiishinuton. Swoni stotement of Davil Iticere,y, of Na- Thoinas 51. Oarshall, Pittsburg. pier Town4iio, Iledforil count v. liobt Ll.Carnitchan. Ibritlinghatn. 185 n, as near US i Call eeMeillern'er Joh. , N. i'urvionce, Butler. .1,41 Hlople sonde its appeuriowe iny al'- pyr w•Aoll beeititio ettlorged and mare. „ Si .,) , Nkret, ~„. iti 1 , 111 . 1,1, and a wadi or blue Alte c Ilu nick pm , r. Meadville • in-.... without ell , . Pin'ing the Oro ext. o . l " Philip Clover. Sirattonvillt, in, I ...me.: on Pr. rly, tit Sieliell.hure;„ who roootviee.l it CA NCI . 11. nod o wit•lt ut .'' al bre ad poultices. Fitanou t h e ., ..o avail 1 culled upon Dr. 5.,..,••r. of 1),..01,111e, 000001 , e1 1001110, who 104., prop 81,1,0 th • Canner anti uavr ow intern ll RUA b xtcrn.tl 10.1iodit.S—the latter NI. 4 1.1'.112 ;tr. 0011,60 ; but all Iu nu pia as .4.1,51,'150c10ti51110. spreatling In -1 11001 'O.l a preparNtitill or or •eti',•, in 5 fora, ,ilve This iur a tl,ns nitlaimaation Soon itivreased. I hoot oallod upon 1)r. Stiller of St. 11110 Pronoun the di toile Coneer, and applied it Sidl . o S•nlrl to 1111 a out er-titiliag remedy, but it hod no etlert what •ver in etteeking the spread of the :.ore lo Deeionlier, of the same year, the J.:- 1 , e.! hull Olden 110110 .1 E.:rumor part or tor ini .er Lit. hod attacked tbe nu., wool 1 west to . .cli^re I eonsolted Ile. It. ti. of t •, Fleetie Cl/110111'. 01,1 0, .114,, , • a Calaliei , s ('‘,110,0, super., dare 1 ri in .0 1 .1 a, or inereary.'' . Lv nrnlirll tel 11 z.l O bib rhinos, And giioo limo inter- Nl)' fitee i.eateli 111.. but 11,0 ill ii:kommiti 1 11,1 11 A !hot , I_lllV 1,1110,33, lu r e ,.„„„,. , lora, he ia , oe.a.ieui 1110 hal for :1.1111". I' 0 A0....1 agaiii re torneil. vii VitAelir Site 5 1 .1111 111.11 1 could 1111 t r,,tnt do ' ,,. f .t~Olll. , liy I lA:Rooted to Coicitnion, 11.11 .t.,; tri t 01,1 It . under the charge of Ile. e Watt • vnt, wibbtl l remained u nto Se;01,111 , ,t 0 . A I , I I IA . .O.IIOA 11 1110 Ito llietl evert kit', 1.1 1 . , ,1 soceuivietl iu i • •, Niii I rut timed noon. th , red dts:draing ulevis upon e•.• 1 0 Ail 111, I using . Nu wton's preparati 1110 , 1101 th: that I got Solo ul'. I . 1 kit f'.tntl . l cot,tinuyd growing on nil it !tad ":urn Olt li'e leit ut thy tioe, toe actle . .l , , ueL . . j o curt I, since lie. Ely ,11.1 he could uu.y 0,..,ef Ina that a vitro wit inllooollllc. In )lurcli, .1 bought a hottic ill - Mood se:At elier," I , ut 1 must lei Moll in it. I trite utak 1 ,thimvitucti 100111 g it ; but I :,.out that 1 _omen ~ty mty. and olso tout ilio ut,ra c•, dry tug I euatlt:iied, ait.l li the tutr , l WM.; ta ken ine Lice Wa: 11101 101, :04 It 110 a ..-.• beine spa I 11400 boo. 0.1,11 I have t.cen ror am lost :A:yea .11 . .A1 0 1, Illt fact, I.a ioolly alb flg m e ` i 011,1 poatetol 111 II 1.).1g. r W , it, i1.1. .pa 0011 my lire, 01111 widen lota lieen doi:e 11,1 :.0011 ate ia,truawar.a.ty ar EL, o"uu 1)4 VIA) t Sworn 0101 slll,scri ll cll. than 31,1 Oa.; I). 1800, holtire 10, uln of toe 01 lie I'rat'e in 111,1 fib' the Boraugoo. burg, Muir eillibt) rd. itliebs- 11 J Junes. Jolts GOBLE V. NEW EVILPEN(E. B e in g amioed wint at g res tuns Tetter on the arm, tun thee—after trying litany rout adios w hi c h u t te rly latioo to oust.-1 wu• purattatlod by W. U. Bu t ros 3, Cu. to try Litylso's Itultau ,ed Blood Suaroltur tool ouw t niter 'limiting the a toad Witt, ptunut.uou ot) ,, eir cured. 11. All that tract marked (3) in said Dia gram emitaining 203 acres 39 perches and culled t h e one * L i fr i Ptas r t S ra P e ll t n i g 's ll e ° l " ete7 and G. & J. 11. SIIDENRERGER. Huntingdon Furnace. Sept. Ilth, 1958.-31. has thereon a dwdlling house saw.mill .d au exeellent spring a wuier. To he sold 41,8 the r p,„,„ vi n a t.hd &roil dee'rll real estate a Josuha W. Kerr, deed, under ,N. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. his last will. 12. All that tract marked in the said Dia ., , , ---- .......................... --;•-; - ~---,----7 grunt with the letter (F) containing 179 acres mut o, too Th e mm e m e ned enpotmeo anintoir b y the ' 124 perches and called the "Creek Farni."— .".%. clii ,, ("mut to ascertain and report the liens agninqt ~ About 80 acres thereof are cleared and a dwel. MA Ectste I.f . 1 tliVil Enyeart, lota or Cromwell , CEII Xclensto. Tow ns hip deed., end to make dhoriliiition „e liag . house thereto, erected, the uncleared part ,08 3to. the proceed.; (tribe some will amen.. for that of this tract is heavilytimbered: To he sold raliawa ai h i s t a ce , t o th e itneto ng h of Hon - us the real estate of HenryU M. Ker, dee'd. un- A.RIS WAY. :ingol,t, on Thursday the 14th /lay llf October der his h i ., st ill . 1107,1, when and where all persons interested eon All diese lamis except Afilnwood lie in one pine their attendance. body 'tear the borough of Huntingdon and Does to,3budy want to get into good bust.JACOB MILLER. will he sold together or sepurately GO as to suit nets, by x hid, they eau melee from $75 to • Huntingdon. Selpt, 15 1858.-4 t. I purel avers terms. k..ne third of the purchase .. , I eo n non,,li wAlood hard labor? If so hentl SCHOOL TEICHERS W INT ED. 1 mousy ") l''' ',aid on confirmation of the sale, moo . mos in tromps or money, for retort, mud the residue to be payable with interest at posio, o, and by return mail, you will seceive • Teachers of a go o d and Moral character, and such times as may 1,,, agreed upon on the . day ~....i., a the grandest money•nauking well qualified to Teach the various broom,. of sale. 'lke unpaid purchase money to be xenon, ever appeared to . Di een t tre cl by taught in COllllllOll Schools will be employtxl, secured by hoods and mortgage. a 0 ,., a . 4 i,. „„d proved to h e i n v e h ot hi e by and receive liberal wage.. by nipplyinu: inim& ; Sale to commence ut ten o'clock of cold . one million of Southern people. Address, 1 diately. By order of the Board of Directors. 1 Attendance will be ' h given y A. C. DENSON, Mobile Ala. ' JOHN HONG, SKI. I . DAVID •13. - -It.ER, , 41 4 / 6 10 . If* Sept. 22, 'sB.—ly. Week tit Sop. SI, 1860. ' ' Lap Al* lain- 41k JANE De WILSON mark 1 25(.1 1.) 1 ;i5,!! . . I .141 New SLTTLENIENT.— A hew smilt scent has item loomed at llammontoon New Jersey, w hivh for 14heeese 111111 pheiress rivahl anything we have heard t f in the West. There is a large end. gratiton having oolojectionito the West on tuoc.7otoot of unhealthiness. distance and assoviation, which enoloraces this new enterprise. The land is is a panel climate, and the soil is said to he amongst the hest Jersey soil. 4101'Sey, 33 will be:,,,, bt e m . 6 . ,ri(mitklrtil *Stllti3tit, tot the Patent 011iee, is the first aurieultural Slate in the l'idon lor the value of its pianist la. nal. 111011 bMI is within thirty miles of P . iladelphia loy railroad, and enjoys one of the he-n markets in the Unionn. The tide of ethigration to this place is immense, is well from the west. us from the North.—Manv of the best grape grow ers of Ohio have lovat!il, with a view of mak it, wise. To Judge of its progress, the poop• tdootlon one year ugh is numbered at only five petsoonss it now 11111.1. en; over right hundred , s •da. has she. liiiihlrol find IWell l y lire boil ' din,. three stores, two (douches, Episcopal and Methodist. stmts. mill, !nick yard, marble. yard, poololie school, sewspaper, &C., some t wen ; ty-live miles of hell Mills opened, six square ; stiles loeing improved. a new railroad station. and all the elements of as old plate. Wi. are satisfied that this place must possess merit from its unparalleled progres, N7V-A..INT'PMIC). Six eonit.et•tt to take Outgo of the Sehoul: of Carbon I)i•triet fur the nothing net • 6111.11hCrai Wagne will be given. Alpints will elect the count,. Supt. et Coalment on Thur, dry, the 23d Sept. inst LEVI EVANS. So c'y. of Board of Directors. Codllll.l Sept. 15, 1858.—st. lITHIVIMBP'II Lid@ UM— rioneetfully announces to his Men& moll the pahlie generally. that be has Vasetl that ohl unit well enablished TAN I'IIN STAN') kno,Wll ns the Mitt/jay/104 on the cornet it Ilil find (lharles Street. in the Borough of Ilittitit , 7 I ■ B thm. M ile has recently put the house througha them nal, course of repairs, and is now equal to any in this plate. Ills TABLE will always he stored with the heeei the se eleeon can afford, to suit the tastes a ted ani'f l ti ,( N i ~fguest , His nit „.. , 11 always he tilled nide Choice Li quors. a n d Ilia ST.,III.EIIIWiIyS attended by care. hit ~nil :mete the o,thers. hopes 1,, strict att,...m00 to hugituros and a spirit 1.5 neeonallation, to leer:: and receive slyave or public patronage. Sept. 15, 1858-Iy. 1. MeATEER. HORST) sTovr.tvr. $5O REWARD. The above reward will be paid by the un•ier. signed fur the apprehen ,, ,n ct inn thief and re• weer • et the lire stolen from then, at lion• tininlon Furnace, on the Add of the 31st of Au• - - 53111 llOrgelP SI large fine boy. nhont nine years old. with White hind legs. left torn!, hoof white, 111111 white stripe in 11. s flee, with rather light 111411 e aoll Nil. $25 will be pail tit r either the opprehention of the thief, or the recovery of the Verne. . 4 Thick Darkness covers the Earth. 4 lnel •Gross Darkness the people. - 11;i1TIVI MEICRANTIP '"':end all Others, will take Notice! THAT they can supply themselves, in any quantities with Jones' Far Famed Patent NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE or COAL 011, LAMPS, At the Wholesaie . :11;111:441; HEAD QUAIL TER, 38. South SECOND Street, 38 Pll LAPELPHIA. • The onlyplare where exclusive Agencies can be obtained fur the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. These Lamps give a light equal in intensify of flame, and eimilar in appearance to Gas, and lire claimed to be superior to all other portable lights, now in use. No fear of Explosion—No ofl'etisive odor. —No snmke.—Very easily trim. mcd.—As easily regulated as a Gas Light.— Can be adapted to all purpmes.—And better than all for a poor matt,-50 per cent. cheaper than any other portable light, now in common use. SOLE AGENCY AlBO, FOR Knopf% Paten! Rosin and Coal 011 . Lamp. piy-f,:unim, Oils, Wicks, Shades, and every article in the line. S. li. souTuLAND,. No. 38 South Second Savo, Philads. Sept.B;sB.• I Egole of John Shinyler, (he'd.] ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC ' Letters or Administration on the estate of John Shingler, late of Todd township, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate will present the same far payment. and all persons indented will make payment to .1011 N E. KETTERMAN, Adner. Parndise Fuririee, Sept. 8, 1858. Diountain Female Seminary. The Wiener Penn a Mountain Female Su. urinary will open OCt. 281 h. G. GRIER. Principal. 50vt 1 5,'.57..3m, r br..lornh Hoffman. &TV.] AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 'l•he undersigned Auditor, uppoinied by the Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, to die• tribute the balance in the hands of Jane D. Crewit, kixecutrix of Alfred D. Crewit, dec'd. who wax adisinistrator of the estate of Dr. J. cob Hoffman, Into of the borough of Hunting. don &Cif., amongst those legally entitled there• to, hereby gives notice to all persons interested that. lie will attend at his office in Huntingdon o n Saturday the 25th September next, at 1 o'• p. m.. for the purpose of making said this. trilliniOn, when and where all persons having irgaiwt said eslnte are requested to pros• eat them to the undersigned auditor or be de. barred from corning in upon said fund. T F.: O. H. CR E MEIR, Aug. Slot. 1838.--4 t. • Auditor. TIIE HA AIAItINTON FAILNI E A newspaper devoted to literature and agri culettire, also setting liirth tall accounts of the nr•w soden!, nt• ilanimantoe, in New Jersey eon he suliwri hod for at only 23 eta. per annum.. Inclose {.outage mumps for the amount. Ad• ,rrc•st-t Editor att., filllool liatnia,lon Atlantie Co. New Jorsey. Those w ishing cheap Intel of the very bent quality, in one of the healthiest ntel most delightful climates in the Union, see advertisement of Hammon ton Lnnds.•2t VALUABLE REA:KS - TATE DAT MAAR. HUNTIAGDON PA. ORPHANS , COURT'SALE. I N pursuanue of Orders of the Orphans' 1 Court of the county of Huntingdon, the Tracts of Lund, &e., hereinafter described, sit uate in said comity, and near the borough of I luntingdon, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, Ott friday, September 24th, 185 S, As the property of JOHN KER, lute of said county. d e el, to wit; 1. All that tract marked (A) in the Diagram annexed to the return of the inquest, contain• tag 237 acres and 130 perches, it being the• Mansion Farm of mid dee'd. About one half of this tenet is cleared and under cultivation ; about 40 acres of which is meadow. Run ning water for cattle, Ae., luny be readily in troduced ion, almost every field upon this (brit. There al, up.. It a two story triune dwelling house a large lo irk barn and other buildings.. Also, 'I, g 1 , ill 2. All thne tract marked (C) in said Din , . gram, containing 37 acres and 68 perches, and called the Moore Farm. Somewhat more 1111111 Ilia of this tract is cleared sod under eel. tivation, a fair proportion of' which is meadow. On account of the nearness of these two farms to the hurough of 11 untingdun and a large quantity of meadow upon each, they would be well suited for grazing or stock farms. 3. All that wave marked (11) it; said diee gram. tat:alibiing 183 acres 132 perches; about one half of this tract is cleared and under cut. tivatiop, and has thereon erected two tenant houses. 4. Al: that tract marked (E) in enid groin, containing 214 acres, 87 perches ;About In° ores of this tract are cleared mid under cultivation. No buildings thereon. 5. All that tract marked (0) in said Di. gran', containing 110 aeres; woodland. i 0. All th e ; tract marked (K) n said dia. grain, containing 87 acres 147 perches, wood. land. 7. MI that tract marked (L) in said Dia gram containing 148 acres, and 83 perches woodland. 8. All that tract marked (M) in said Dia• .. ram containing 117 acres 147 perches; wood rand. ...... 9. A lot of ground in the village of Smith• field marked (0) in ooid Diagram, having thereon erected u small lug stable, 10. An undivided interest in Inwood Aead emy in Dublin townslip, the extent of which interest will be made known upon the day of sale.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers