ate II litilig.4ll HlTratat. WM. BREWSTER, ED : HISfELLANEODS ADVERTISEMENTS, TERNS OF THE JOURNAL. • a fray weeks. There was a great curios-j %t hen Mrs. Maynard heard the story TERMS 4..clect * wto ity to see her and especially after it was I of 'Little Patchey.' she felt that she was The."IIUNTINODON JOURNAL' is puhlislien at !he following rates : THE CALICO CLOAK. dime**. hood. Rock." located about seven miles from Pe - If paid in advance $1,50 , PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. If paid within six months after the time of I 'Have you seen the new scholar 1' ask Soon after, Nlr Maynard gratified --.........--___ ru e near the foot of the rapids of the MinOir Compounded entirely of Gums. sawrrthhte 1 t d h e r s i e n r i v n i:g t n o c f i d r , : river. This rock may justly be regarded 1s one of the best purgative and liver flied' If ;mid Lame the ex pir a tio n o f th e year , gm eel Mary Lark, a girt of twelve or leerier isBY PETER SPORUM ESQ. Nees now before the public, that acts as a Ca- And two dollars and fifty cents if not pal yi.grg, as the run t o 'ur n( g grr,iip of school. W 'l' his P"IIIII wile Ironing nn his n". an quite a natural curiosity, and is also !Well, you see nether the 'poker' scrape t c s uli n ar on i rTe e o r t e e %bailie, easier, milder, and more effectual than (Wafter the expiration of the year. No subscrip.. 5:.,. was a IMy of great intellectual beau. d s t from wiwith the. tit. -any ther medicine known. It is not only a Cu- lion taken for a less period than six months, mates who were coining towards, the school me and Sal got along only midlin well, for Iyon 1 everybody (as they always are at 'Mamie bet a Liver remedy, ac ti ng tint on th e 1. All subscriptions are continued until nth- house ; 'she cuts the mum comical 6iint" SUM time, tell I made up my mind to fetch 'Liver to eject Its morbid, then on the stomach erwise.rdered, snd newer will be discontinus 'I These incidetas form an interesting 'fie Y u ever sow. Iles &oak is wide out of lil••• ... "- d' ,ply it in the young thin led, f I hived h harderan d '0 y seed bowels to carry off that matter. thus accent. eel unlit urreurages are puid, except at the option ;"-, things to a ur her . • i code in aboriginal history. P,'.;,!•. l .iig two purposes effectually , without any of of the publisher. 7 CaliCo, and her • hoes tire broqinis such . 'lli .."( ...1 I'ls wife, harder every day, an I had a idea that she ' t ,oral Ptittniltrts 1 . .. Starved Rook,, is composed of a large the painful feelings experienced in the operation 2. nritiroed numbers are never received by us. m d boys ~,,,,,, r t re. i-iris we'd, the Indies flocked b a d h. h • • el most Cathartics. It stregthens the ewe.. at All Lumbers sent us ii. th a 1,1,1 are lost, and ; - ' ll I ' - ' ' sorter sneaking kindness fur me, _ ._ ~.., _ _ mass of sandstone, rising from the we she same time that it purges it ,and wh e n token nev e r accomplish the purpose of the sender. I 'Oll yes, I've seen her,' repl .- bet. Isini Cho initnited to meet them ied Lucy '" " ! . hut how to duo the thing lip rite peaturee Fbr the Hitntingdon Journal. ter 's edge to a perpendiovlar height of daily in moderate thews, will strenghten and 3. Persons wishing to :don their subscriptions „, iii, next gathering of the sewing eir• build it up with unusual rapidity, must pug up arrearages, and mid a wrallen Or • ' Brooks. she is the new washer woinan's, me or ful. I get sum luv book, and red NO. 13-CONVERSATION. nearly two hundred feet. It is inaccessi. Ih s Liver is ono o the principal regula- , verliti order to that effect , to the MU° of pub. daughter. I shouldn't hove thought ii r. el '• 1 how the fellers got down on thar marrer- Nothing in our intercourse with the ble from the point fronting on the river would have taken her into the .Icio- . Wiles and talked like polio, en how the , world at large is so immediately interes- and can only be approached with ease from 'lees of the 11111111111 LO- 11V ; and when it per- ' Vivien in Huntingdon. ell Q il iv . arrived. and although it was Corms its functions well adm powers of the s l ays- I 4. Givin g notice to a postmaster is neither a 131. " wi ! 91, stormy. Mrs. Descre, Brown'. par. ten( are fully develops pt ed. The stomach is ; l eg ., e r a proper n o t i ce , I Benny, but I suppose he likes the money gals they tend gently full into the feller'e : Ling and in s tructiv e , as conversation, when ' one side. This approach is rugged and .almost entirety (tepee. hi m dent on th e healthy I 5. After One or more numbers of a new veer tha t , ,„,„. ,b,„„,„ b , b ,, , m,b , .. „. , I , ...,,,, ler fill, d with stud ine• faces. The 'action of the Li , . for .d, the P. P. Porl , rtn- have lie. forwarded. a new veal. 11118 (.11111111111111 , -' -- - - -' " - .... - - ' ' -'' " ' -' • 1 ann., but surnhow or other that way didn't directed to proper subjects. The recipro. 1 narrow„ and could be obstructed with lit e./ of its functions. WI When the stomach is sd. and the paper will not be . 1 % --scontinued uniil It is cleurer of curse . 11,11,011 I, carriiii2e n'as sent to the person :ate my notion. 1 sited mom how dad • cal communication of ideas is one of the : ale labor. at fault, the bowels are aat fault and the whole' „,.,.,„ r „ g „ „ re void. dye No. i. 11g. lift, l i re. \tit. mad, an d !it dim time l And the air rang with the loud laugh tifcoated her, but she set' It had bin so long' principal sources of intellectual wealth, The diameter of the surface of tde rock system suffers in con- 0 sequence or one ur •:.n 9he l'ourts have derided that refusing totake -the Liver- having art °eased to do iis duty . 7 a , e , 7 ,-, th• gisls. it e mewl. hrieuititz !be le 'Y w !Il it The . that she'd forgot all about it, (Uncle Jo i i rin ge r front the office, or retnnvivg andit ia one of the noblest privileges of th ~ is probably one hundred feet. It is mow For the diseases o f lip, th a t organ one 0 1 the 'e.,iin g it uncalled Ent', is ri<isi , s .....vidence , C I ind • her • shutting alms& that Itil'on ill her ordeal Coale. et tie go nail examine ter 'IV b•• iniaained b • those whe have . tillers owl mein dun till the coaten.) At Power of reason , and has a greater influ- wed with a soil several feet in depth in Pr oprietors has made e it his study, in a pie. „, i „,,,, i , i , 11 ,, ~,,,,,, ticeolmore than twen. .... ty years, to Mal soots et 71 ,7 7, 0 7 , 7, ti e i ng i n di,,,,,,,, aa „,,,i 7 . 8 „ r ,„ continued Wry. es they ascen d d iht• St its "" 1 • e 3 • law i mode up my tihnd to go ti blind, for term in elevating. mankind above the brute , many places , and which has given growth :remedy wherewith to) counteract the nein): States,been resent 1111 such 1111 .ocresunn will he required to pay invariably of the scheol h ouse : •I am thiuk mg she this thing was fnirly a consuming my vii- Icr anon, than any other faculty we pos to nuoterous trees and vines. Verangement3 to which eg 'it is liable. 1 ia advance. To prove that this ce remedy is at last di,- .. k g The above terms will be doily e ap er ,. 7l Will • .111.1, roam fun f or tie.' !How are yips p le a s e d with our wllitge?' ale, vo 1 era over to her daddy's (that'. ; nen". Conversaiion calls into light ninny The tradition connected with the rock is sneered any person ,7 troubled with Liver to in all eases. 7 The girls went into the dressing room "stied it M rs• Britton. after the opening Sal's,) and when I got titer, I. nut bk.., ; plans or ideas which have been lodged in to the effect that about the time of the death Complaint in eny of itsde. form, has but to try , 4 a bottle and convietionir, is certain. I - where they found the n..w liClIOI:Ir Sie l'ESret,e, were over, us she took it seat I,e- ; j ia 1 - 0)1, Ilitil king bow to begin. Sal the inner recesses of the mind, by the oc. of Pontiac, the great chief, a band of Ili a bottle gums remove 1. , all morbid or Imd i ~ IDV En EIS En 1:7111',4 side Mrs. Maynard. matter front the spasm z supplying in t h eir ; 11. 111 he charged at the tolioaia c noes. • was a mild , itit,lbriont lookine child but • I st d suinthin wits a truhlin uv me un asa p , casional occurrences of our lives; and ilia- • nets Indians wets engaged in a deadly place a heal by Ho. of bile, invigorating,. . 1 nisi:Mon. 2 1111 • l I di • v ,• e y po o rly. 'llllOOll Cllll%. chi I. The Rill, .1 Ilk.. its appearance very much ;it car , sea s h 7 ,, ,Air, you sick. Peter 1' , plays grandly prominent the hidden at ores . strife with the Pottawatamies, who in a bl the stomach, causing W food to digest well, x "" " l ""' s 2 ' $ 374 "" w . lit 1,01110.1 her whi • . d - 1••• t..htly hits improved wontlesfolly w i t hi n the , purifying 11,01,10,0,0- fitving tone and Width !Jo , , Iloars, (18 lines 50 75 Imu /Tering and out? it.,g :she Ned this miry Fit soft , u. of knowledge laid away for future refer. ' greet battle, succeeded in routing them. re e eho whom machine- de) rye removing the cense re. " (33 " ) luu 150 2 ott with each other, senile she stood treat , ling last twelv • years.' • •yea - nn' says I. •iliat is-I stint a d.. ence, end lastly, it oige s the intellectual The diecomfitted band, in their flight, took of the disease, and of r fleeting a nelthal cure 1 3 nut. 6 ISO. 12 t ' O map.." Ore yOU OW in Bridgeville hecore ?' ' One dose after eat. 12 in, is suffiicient to r e - One square, $3 04 $5 00 $8 oil en d Ili t shing i n ow e corr...r of the rerun, • - zactly well. I thought I'd cum over to !towers Cu greeter vigor and perseverance refuge upon this isolated rock, and soon Rees the stomach and IM 'prevent the food front Iwe squares, sou ano 12 UU W11,1;0111 venturing to rake her eyes; from mike I another Indy, as those around looked nit, says 1. in the purs•dit of truths yet undiscovered. in , de their position impregnable to their siting and souring. It ' I velum, 800 12 (10 18 'al e sone. what surprised. Bilious attacks or ; (cured , and ohm i s I d o ., 12 uo 18 00 27 toi the imor. , • It a putty be main any how IL i, a means given us to digest the knowl. enemies. They repulsed all the assaults 1 was here a fact mout h s when a child, thinks, Utter, prevented, u .7 the occasional use of ..;' do., 18 tin 27 00 40 0, Wheri I,IIOV eaten d the school they • thinks, so I tried it again- , edge we have. Feed received into the made upon them, and would have remain. also Liver Invigorator. er _ , I do., 28 00 40 110 20 ut. Mood the little girl was for in advance of rillied Mrs. Maynard. I • 'Sal,' ors I, rind by this time I felt mi• , system is by a peculiar set of vessels dis- !ed masters cf this rocky tower, but for Only one dose ta.l7: 7 ti before re I•• 1 Business Cards of Mx lines, or less, $4.1)0 , b ri e ellriosite wag excited 'prevents Nightmare, tom i -•-- • • • • - thus,. of her age it) her studies. and wits .1 be . J • • .ty uneasy like. i solved and incorporated, so as to become a I the impossibility of obtaining water. Oniv one dose taken at mg , 10 , ens the' 'Have you friends. here ?' asked a third • i beware gently, and cures Costiveness. I Advertising and Job Work. ;I' ,laced . . , I • eed with Owe .w., or three yen rs li •r ' 'WM se* Sid. part of the very system and composition They had secures abundance of prowl. of er a moment's silence. of our nature. Ono dose taken after each meal will cat Dvs. • • This Fet•llled, on the whole, to ' . 'She,' pies I nits. $o is it with the reception signs, but their only resource for the for- We would remind th e Advertiei. cent- ' se "" oap.iii. " ' titik. • those ac h e were disposed to treat her .1 hour n o t. 1 resided tv ith my mother • „ w h.?. says she. :of knowledge. It must not only be grate. tner, was by !citing down vessels with 'One (1.6 of two teaspoonfuls will alw ys j munity and all others who wish to bring ' the widow 1.,..e We lived in a Mite counze : • remove Sick Ifeadaehe. , 111 'l3 s•t•.,l , I do tl pub toil:m.lly dislike her the noire ; and she, fully taken in, but analyzed, before it can 01rk ropes to the river . Their wilynoel. One II gis ti it ;trier a while, thinks I. •• otie bottle taken for female obsctructmore- ' - ten. tames. tx t 11,, e) ,c ie it. p I 11 . h stood h d ' v te sum upon t e spo• now occupie beim, 111 . 11. retiring. disp,ition throw ! ' Peter,' ses she, thar's suinthin a trot)• he really possessed. A reader may peruse noire perceived this, and managed to corns leaves the ennee a the disease, and 'Dukes a 'lie. that the Journal has the 1r gest cis- . , - by a burp shire, on the corner of Pine perfect cure. • wr itillueitce, ' had iiii friends, hut went, lit • u pate erlul, I im• it's rang for you . y.. g a work understandingly, but the good guin• with crnoes close under the rock, cut the ciliation of any 'miser in the county-that t street.' Only one dose immediately relieves Cholic, d if cot used, or circu l ated, is , as undi- ' ropes as fast as th ey were let d own, and and returned from Scheel alone um keep a from a body, fur un tanned sot e ! ' " • ' oldie iis o instantly incrensing;- and that is ' The widow Lee 1. re ...riled Mrs Brit One dose oft. repeated is a sure cure for I into the ond do you really think.' :Aid Mary • ' • P • ' ter is ti Eollsllllll fire.' , rated nintter, a worthless incumbrance, thus deprived them of water altogether. Cholera Morbus, and a han d sf Ih . • ' ' pr ,„.„„,,,,.„ or M a h on , , goes into the o our wea t 1.1. Cal- Lark. us she went up to the little girl a tot r; I well remember the couege, but do She aril this, she did, the deer sly eras- Now conversation o ff ers an excellent means 'Time relied on-the brave Indians could IllirOnly one bottle is needed to throw out of Zeus. not n•collect the name.' ' of so digesting w hat is read or heard, and gaze for miles up and down the silvery the system the effects of medicine:after 11 ;011g ; ... „ facilities few wi Ika .. • after she entered school, • that ter ; she need whet was the matter all the I h • e wow(' els° state that our eiekness. also tower of In ot go and stream thst threaded the and hs practice gives a 1 go plain , tg? - one bottle taken for driundiee removes for executing all kinds of JOI3 PRINT- 1 you at e going to get the medal. It will •I think I attended echoic withyou at the I time. tin WUS list tryin to fish it out, but I All sallow.. ur unnatural Color Irony the skim ,N G L. are 1 001 eto those o any outer c One dose taken a short time before eating I And she caught hull of the cape. nod we r" Nil'. "HU L'lrk, were yo ' 11° ' ?' lest. I setter gulped down the lump ate the useful corjunctiye we are blessed with, their impregnable fortificatsan, and spark gives vigor to the appetite,.d makes feud digest inthe couuty; and all Job Work (citrus- , . ... . . . . .. 11 .,, hilis.,hy Houle: i.,, iii,ted the lady .,; • L. . r4led.uatvnur.s- „..I%cnnabio.rjiw i th,,arleon... ted_in the light of the mid-day sun, but it eeell. held it out from her. while the gins around • •••• • ••e" "`•""•" "'• " . .h.;.• CrStif, 'ilii ,c'oir Vitt day - body f' Ono dose often repented 0111•01. eltritoin one - ed to our hands will be done neatly. ~..,,,eu in ner iouc union. ,as a smile Pe e - ' of this faculty. and in reflecting on its drop to quench their burning - tiro... • _s_ Thom in its worm Milos, while Summer and i•rom [shy, and at prices semen win ue mg recogroied; but lam really ashamed 1 • • tVell.' ere she •thetr's dad-an niam 'Odic° cloak get the medal ! 1 (MOSS ulnae, inclined to offer to result was f 1 I f eel • inevitable - their doom was seal- Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. t.....,,,,,1, . , • that iny memory 1.10.1 priived so recreiiiil• at , (a contain on her fingers all the time, si ' nw u no or two doses mires mucks yawed by ett 1..1 . • he will ! I shrink. like to see Dr. Brown . e . he public a few general remark a d rules, ed. ' They all died, and the mighty rock Worms in Children ; there is no surer or speed _________....mweiweeeemmeeet..„,eeeepepa.p.s.pansem. `I was known iu the Artidwity as ti with her kr sorter shut like a fell,. shoo • iving it •n her !' °aid another girl as she iesreme . de in the world, as it never filth, e INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. g ._ i whichl f• .1 assured will prove useful to become their tomb as well as monument. ' old Pide' (that Ile k Perha ts ott COll ,- ,• little Willi. , 1 ) it, UV 0 gun) an their s -65-A few bottles cures dropsy, by ext.' mg _ caught hold of her arm, and peeped under ( that those ea willing to attend to them. The first • For many years afterwards their hones in List of Premiums ineiier by I hit 111111/1 • • • ' weir tie o ld cow ov h orn,' ) all I cant think 1 ° the absorbents. the child's bonnet. is, to observe all forinulas of politeness in : bleaching in the sun, a sad relic of a de- We take pleasure in recommendi 10 hi , ...d . - Desolation 01 Partnership. Fee smile 1 i..k.1 from Mis Bniton , '3 111E1' liana as a prevent 'Jr: for Fever and Ag . n . c, Chth, Public Sale. The girl stru-gle nre ea, Bled I, I •se herself. . 11 v (only body else jis now, ors she. versation. This is indispensable to parted race. Many curiosities, in the nod it deep Mush over g reed her features : , . con Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious I ype. .It i• Hammonton ',nude. and when she was free, ran home as fa t " Now this was orful fur a feller ded i , k our remarks instrnctive, and to in ' shape of Jane and antique pieces of pot. operates with certainty, and thousands aro wi • which in a few 111111.•InS was sesn deepen Notice to Coal Purchasers . love so after a while I trim another shute. m a ° ling to testify to its wonderful virtues. . as she could go. sure patience in our listenere. Though , tery, have been picked up by visitors, who All who use it 111 e giving their munitions tee. DuVulPs Galvanic Oil. Oh to she said, us e1,......tere1l - it, item. the f ces of others present , •Ses I, •Sal, I'm powerful lonesome at simony in its favor. Scientific American. T here tens 11 11/I,llCe 1.. r some Illiolll, ; boats, and 1 ennitimea think el I only all have not the power of wit in talking, repair to the spot M great numbers. Hin tenter in the mouth with the Invigo. Great Gift Boou Store. her mother's bumble kitchen '.ln a ,ver wham Mrs Maynard looked up she (moot every one may by modesty and prudence, nStarved Rock," the mighty monument atom,and swallow both togethet. Uncle William's lever, and iel! t ens we had it nice putty wife to luv and folk too Puthic Notice. elie 1.. d caused considerable disturbance make themselves agreeablefriendsd b • the hand f the rent architect to their reared 3 eo e g The Liver Invigorator. Administrator's Netice. will seine to New York to live ! I d.tit't iiin,,,,,, . to have my being with, I would be a the ladies of her own age by make W'although'• fwill remainwhile the prairie ,by means of speech. it. it o nature, Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily It Administrator's Notice. like Lo live iti Bridgeville 'lll,. girl- e.II . . ', tremendous feller ' great ID believe : . toirlierseli known. , sometimes pleases, often offends. Good Bower blooms, or the Illinois rolls a crys workieg cures, almost too I't ar • Bureau , tbe begins nn names over all W ith the ee asif by megic, seen the firsst dupe g . tving JI e , r y . me 'calico cloak,' and •brogatts • a nd yoll .01, 1. I rententKir very well when Ow ' 'onse and plain language is much more en - sal wave, to perpetuate the memory of this benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is . re. A Card. ' ' five miles ev there au never (mired to cure any kind of Liver complaint, A. H, C. Bracken. don't know. umber, how unkin dl y they b „ 1 ,,, r .,, 1 w n (1 1,,,,k, wen , ,„ ~,,, Aced ,, rny, • the ga sin ' gaging, mid politeness is sure to please. heroic band, who so -nobly died on no grey *um the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia I 11 COT. Agrtcultoral Meeting. treat 1.11e.' said an old lady,os tel lotiked up over her wunst come a nigh namin uy herself, ; 1 The second rule is, to suit ourselven tothe d e an craggy summit. ion Headache, 01 of which arc the result 0 a ~ . .1 . 1[ 1 k I ie . e , ~ ~„ ' and sed I orter git win) uv ...em tit . This ' Nonce. •Lizzie, my dear; said h •.r mother. you g it,....e5„ 11111 11111 . I 111E' l 111 ry .ery . , taste or character of those in our company, Standing upon the summit on this Indi• diseased I.iver. sorter got my dander up, so I hitched I , PRICE ONE DOLLAR l'Elt BOTTLI:. . Attention. nowt expect to meet with those w i i ,i wi ll me riglii, some of the ladies present will ' sy and keep within the bounds of our knowl. an mausoleum, you can gaze for miles a rts. B.otv ono , Proprietor, 345 Broadway, ISA. 1 1 Register's Notices. ; cheer up close to hero, and shot my ise I Sold by H. MeNtoigill, &J. Head Huntingdon. Cheap Goods. treat you unkindly ea 11EC011111. Of your taw- 0,,,, lid m ,,, , „„ rd „ n npolimv., edge (nvoiding all unnecessary suspicion round upon the most beautiful and enchant arty; but you MUM DO( 111. dku(1111•11 ( 1SI --• •I had tin mtentinn whatever. I ,dies; , I and sed- Apr.7.'58.-le. ' _ _____ _____..- Consumption Curedof facts we cannot be sure of). The most ing scene. The prairie stretches out is ----•-- Do right my child, and you •v ill he sure to pbed Mrs. Maynard; •to reprove any one 1 • 'Sal you are the very gal . I've been BANK NOTICE. Warm Springs. f Blink Notice. come o ff conqueror.' nr• sent by making myself loosen; but. as lon time I luv ; a haukorin tater fur a g , ' common foible of human nature is; egotism front of you, and rolls away to the distant and nothing is More unentertaing than to hcrizon like a mighty sea, whilst to the The undemigued eltleens of the county o f Dentist -Dr. R A. Miller Although Mrs. I. tried to en, ourer it tinny seem to POllll. that such w as my in. • d I don'twho nose it, an, o f i , yu h .care t 1 • no t icethat they inten d• • hear a person endeavoring to amuse a corn- youth the broken cliffs rear their heads an Huntingdon, ite.eby give . I for Novel nnd hairaordinery. • - re make application to the next Lego attire . . Notice her child, yet she kite w that *he had to iention, I will mld ~. few word.. Most of I you eity i3O, we'll be jilted together in the party with long stories of self, or a self- if to break the monotony of the panoramic •creation of a Corporate WY Adomilstrutor s. et Charter, for o ho meet with severe trials f or one so young, the yelitio, ktlieri present will romm i d, ' holy bends uv matriinony, e pluribus with nankin , . ur Discounting privileges, to,hto. The Golden Prize. laudatory nature. Another fault, no less view. The scene is gorgeous-magnill '"d "T"*""i""N C'''' ' ' r'Ke'ci'un- Bair Restorative. 'But mother, they aro a ll unkind to M.', , th,.. 11•,,Ij e t, e1,,..1(;' but 110 one hut the unton; NUS 1; an I felt so releved. With , offensive, yet much more common, is the I cent-sublime, and should be visited by a• tau.] itt the Borough of Hunting en, . , , I trolled Lizzie ; .there 'snit one te2;:,•, j,,,,... that she fetched a s orter screens an aster a f Huntingdon, and State of Ponnsyli!inia, i ° wearer kIIOWS how deeply each unkind . habit of diverting one's self at the expense I every lover of the beautiful.--Peru MI.) ey o w i t h a capital Ql . Yi2c lli!!!`lre'd thousand, ~„oars, I me? ' word pierced the little heart that heat be• ' while sea-- of others. How many precioue hours tire Sentinel. with the specific 01 juct of issuing Bank paper, I sStS she, .1-Niter.' Ids% in exercising the ill natured talent of I ..---.........-- And the child buried her I nca in her newts • it. Aiid us I Again hear the old I and doing all other things ordinarily pertaining 1 ,GIANTB.-The bed of Og was 17 feet to a Bank of issue. hands and sobbed aloud. .1e ile•iiv hell ring, it brings back fresh •o I 'WI!. • t Sally sea T. turning to ridicule the character, the man. I W. B., D. E. Metstenram, In Bridgeville A t ...4...y Owe were e nn mind the sorrows of childhood But • , , !Yee 'vs she a hiddin uv her putty oars , f f • d or acquaint - or actions o our rten s j lung and 7 feet broad. The height of Go- DAVID 111. 114 A. JOIINSTON, - ace behind her hens. You may depend I halt was 11 feet-his coat weighing MO (et:wet+ beewaaT, Wu. COLON, few selfish , unprincipled girl; and the 11th b., „„ h,,i y ~,,,,,,,k,. ~,,.. by ~i pp ,,,,i,,,,.. 1I i emcee, which might be spent in rational be. , land his speer head 19 Pounds . 'The bo. rs. 01 h e JA3IES MAGEINE, era joined them in teasing the little •Calicti 'Aerie!) nit unkind feeling toward any one inu it I felt good, neficial enjoyment ? Tartu, tt. Ottesten, 0 RAFFIUS MILLEN,' • 'Glory " ors I. .1 must holler, Sal. , dy of Orestes, son of Agamemnon, leader A. W. 11211201ev, .180. MeCuid.oc , Closk,' as they celled her • from thought., I know ihitt whatever the past may have , • . `Hail social converse ! source of purest I lof the Grecian expedition against 'Froy, R. Dan'CH PETIIIKIN, JOIIN Witurrauen, leesnees, and from a love of ,po r t 11111 yeit are now my friends. But, ladle., let I Y Illoorar fur Burn --I kin Jump over a ten pleasures, TUONAS P. CANIUDELL , rule fen. ; I kin do witty an every thing Sweet nail reviving as the rosy morning , I was 1 11, feet high. ' the giant Gotham, they knew not how deeply each, sportive tile ntlil if you have children leapt a le.son ! . ',her feller could, would, should I W hen fret the dao•st ur gilds Inc f , ace of ' brougl. from Africa to Rome, in the first THE LIVER INVIGORATOR ! THE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. O:MY $22.50 PER QUARTER THE PRESENT FACULTY. 11. MeN. Prot of Languages and inciP Philosophy. Chas. S. Joslin. A. M , Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc. James W. Hughes, Prof. of Mathematics. Benjamin F. Houck. unet Prot. of Mathematics. &WO. W. Linton. Prof. of Vocal Music, Mrs. MeN. WALSH, Prereptrese. Teacher of Botany. History, Reading; etc. Miss E. ID Faulkner. Teacher of Penis Work. Painting, Drawing, Miss D. L. 'gantry, Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flo'rs, Mrs. Dr. Darwin Teacher of English Branches. Miss J. M. Walsh. Teacher of Primary English. The recent success of this school is extraor .dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the kind ever established, it is now the largest in this . sectiott of the State. All branches me taught, and students of all ages, and of both sew, are received. The expenses fora year need upt be more than $9O. Students can en ter whenever they wish, Address, JOHN D. WALItiN, Huntingdon Cu., Ps. Jene23,'3B. MACKEREL of all Noa., Herring. can be bad of the best quality, railing on Fr. lat . & M CMURTRIE. 111_10 ft T. !WWI TOR & PROPRIETOR. ,Notice. A Prize for Everybody, Foundry.— R C. McGill. Cloth Cleaning —Eliolitiriah Johnson. Portable Fence—H. Corn, robot. Drugs.--McManigel & Smith. Wigs & Toupees.—.ooo. 'I horgaland Sewing Machine —Grover & Boker. Cook Stovt .—Call at this Office. Liver Invigorator. To ‘lerchants and Farmers. Saving Fund. Stage Line. Dr. Ilarfointh—To Invalids. allosmithing. Dr. John McCulloch Cassville Seminary. Burr Mill stones. 11. Itoman.—Clothing. Dry Goods.—Fisliiir & Mc M ortne. Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter. llardware.—J. A. Crown. Dentist —Dr. J. It. lloyett. Attorneye.—Scott & Brown. Paper Hanging.—llowell & Bro's. Letter Coppier for sale. Electric Oil. Lindsey's Blond Searcher. Dry Goods —D P. Gavin. Antiplilogistic Salt Books.—W. Colon. Huntingdon Mill. Foundry.—Cunningham & Bro. my Goods &c.—David Grove. Attorney.—T. P. Campbe;l. Railroad Dr. H.. K. Neff. Attorney , -Wilson & Petrikin. Duponci: golden Pills. Dtn you Even!—Did you ever buy a new hot, when the hatter didn't look into the old one to gee who mode it 1 Did you ever go to a new barber to have your hair cut that he didn't melt you who cut it last, and gay poorly done " LIBERTY AND UNION. NOw AND FDRIvEIt, ONE AND INSEPARABLE." H UNTINGI )ON, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1858. word pierced the heart of the hide 1111.10 inv ex erience. and treat kindly the that catty uti ger, and how (nosy bitter tears she stied tit peer nnJ despised. A calico cloak may or orter do., secret ove r their unkindness. cover a lienrt as warm wtth nlfeci ion, and I 'With that I sorter sloshed myself down Mrs Lee, learning that Lil 60 1 101 1 1 r: Still its sensitive of s orrow, es ono th a t beats ' bi her, nod smiled the burgain with a kiss, continued their unjust treat.. eat teward b en eath a Meet, coverint,. Wh e never tool such 11 kiss-- talk ..bout yet shutter. her child, resolved to accept her brother's you 1.1 , 4 it child who shows a disposition talk about yer blackberry jam, they would invitatiou, although lie was a poor limn, to despise the poor. tell the story of the'. all a tasted sour orter that. and become a member of his family, a co Cletik; it will carry its own moral 'Oh these wimotin ! how good and how ping that, while there, her child could con w i t h i t ,. bad, how hi and how 10, they kin make a tinue her studies, and perhaps throueh his er.,nt is the shortest hut best sermon 1 feller feel. Ef Sul's daily haen't holler. influence lead a happier life illll , /fitf he' ever heard,' said ti,e viii May again, as she ed out, 'tt wur time fur all onest fakes to schoidmittes. Accordingly nt the end of put her handkerchief under her glosses ; be in bed,' Ido beleeve I'd stayed that the term she left the school, yet she gain 'end I chi not believe its moral effect will all night. You orter a seed me when I ed the medal, mid it was worn !rein the be lost upon any of Us.' gut home. I roared, I lolled an hollered. Academy beimath the dispersed gar. The aid lady was right. The story went I crude like a toaster, I dansed about. and meet from one to another until it found its way mitt up more capers than you ever here tt erica, months and years glided sway i n to the old Actioeniy. At that very time tell in tell cad thought I was crazy, an to the students of the Bridgeville (triode. a little boy was unending school there, gm a rope too tie me wuh. my, end the little 'Calico Cloak' was for- who, mother was struggling with lisr ' 'Dad,' ses I, "Pon a gwir.e to be mar gotten. Those who were ot eared with needle to give him an education. The rid.' her had left to enter upon the business of boys often made sport of his patched knees qlerrid !' bawled dad. life. and elLowe, and he would run sobbing 1 . tlerrid ! ' squalled intim. Twelve piers after bits Lee and her I home to his mother. But when the Cell. "Marria !' squeaked ant Jane. (laughter left town, a Mr. Alaynord. aco Cloak' reached the scholars the little •'Yes tenure', sea I. •Marrid, too be young clergymen, came into Bridgeville. boy (for he was naturally a noble hearted sure—marriti like a flash—jitied in wed and settled its this pAttot 01 tire village Child) hecatne very po t iular in school ; and I lock -.hooked on fur weaver or fur better, church. It was re i gnited at the sewing , and tit- children, front thnt time, were fur life all fur death to Sal I am—that very circle. the week following his ordination. I very kind to •Little Patchey,' as he bad thing---me Peter Sporum Esq.' that he would bring his bride into town in always been called, 'With that I ups mod tells em ail about it, from Alpher to Omeger. They was I all mitely pleosed and willin, an I went too bed as, proud ass young rooster with I his foot spurs I did'nt sleep a wick; but keep a rollin about, an a thinkin, tell I felt like my cup uv happiness Wll9 choc full, pressed down, an a runnin over. I'll tell yu sum uv these clays about the weddin." Novae, With his blest radiance, century, A D., was 10 feet high, mod a woman 10 feet—maximus, a native of Spain "Thy cheerful influence smooths the ruf- , the Roman Emperor, was 9 feet high. fled passions. Nluximus originally from Thrace, another While pale mislortune sinks the weary apt Roman Emperor, was S 1 feet high. His efts wife's the clouds vanish where the radiant wile's bracelets served hint for finger rings aunbe mis, ! Hi • strength was such that he could draw Shine in full aplando r" . a loaded wagon, break a horse's jaw with EDUCATOR. ' his fist, crush the hardest stones with his --...........---- fingers and cleave trees with his hands. A Guoor Szza.—A uegro named Day , Ilis voracity was equal to his strength, w s arrested in Washington, on Monday. eating 40 pounds of flesh and drinking 18 on a charge of malicious mischief, it being bottles of wine daily. Byrne, and O'Brien alleged by a sub.tenant of the house or- Irish giants, were eight feet high. A Ten cupied that he was the cause of certain nrase . ean giant lately died 71 feet high. weighing more than one thousand pounds. mysterous knockings and not n ghost, as he said. It was stated on his trial howev- The Kentucky giant was 7 feet ll inches er. and pretty clearly proven, that Day high. The Canadian giant 8 feet was on fortunate as to have been born with ----.......-- a caul, which, according to the African igrAn Irishman, near Boston, oecoin• ing greatly alarmed recently at the severs superstition, gives to the person so born the power of seeing all sorts of earthly ici, of the thunder and lightning, fell sad things, and particularly ghosts of deceased enly on his knees, and exclaimed : .0 persons A number of Day' a witnesses Lord, forgive us , and stop thin.' testified that he had often warned them —.-----......—__ when in their company of the presence of amr-A Quaker having sold a fine.look• a ghost; that they had stepped aside to ing blind horse, asked the purchaser :-- give the disembodied spirit passage, and ' .•Well, my friend, dust thou see any fault had felt the damp and clammy pressure i n hi m ?" "No," wee t h e answer . "N e i. ,flier will he see sate in thee," answered pare them, though there was no visible sign of any unearthly visitor. ' old lloadbrim. VOL. XXIII. NO. 39. "STARVED ROCK."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers