il - .4 lirOitingDo; II ;jOll. TR It WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. INAT;OLEXTOR! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD, Compounded entirely of Gums. In one of the best purgative and liver medi eines now before the public, that acts as a Ca thartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any ther medicine known. It is not only a Ca thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that matter. thus lICCOM. pfishing two purposes effectually. without any of kilt painful feelings experienced in the operation Of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system et the same time that it purges it , and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strenghtcn and i build it up with unusual rapidity. 1 The Liver is one of .1 the principal regula- i lore of the human bo- Ittl dy ; and when it per- I forms its functions well 0 the powers of the sys- 1 tem are fully develop- isi ed. The stomach is almost entirely depen- al dent on the healthy action ado, Liver for ;,',.. the proper perform ance of its functions. IN When the stomach is at fault, the bowels are 0 at fault and the whole system suffers in con- a sequence of one organ —the Liver— having 1.1 ceased to do its duty. For the diseases ciii Oi. that organ one of the proprietors has made as it his study, in a mac• tire of more than twen- i ll ty years, to find some remedy wherewith tol counteract the many dsrangementi to which at it is liable. To prove that this E 2 remedy is nt last dis covered any person ~..7 troubled with Liver Complaint in any of its 1 1 . forms, has but to try a bottle and conviction ,"' , is certain. These gums remove .., all morbid or bad matter from the system a supplying in their place a heal by flow ss,.. of bile, invigorating the stomach, causing q food to digest well, purifying the blood,gi- ad sing tone and health to the whole machine. 7.3 ry, removing the cnuse of the disease, and ef L. fleeting a radical cure Ono dose after eat- LT ing is sulilicient to re- Here the stomach and f prevent the food from rising and souring. Isli Bilious attacks nrer: cured, an.l what is better prevented, by . the occasional use of , the Liver Invigorator. at Only one dose to - i 7.',' i ken before t- in t prevents Nightmare. MR i Only one dose taken at night, 10 , ens the bowels gently, and cures Costiveness. One dose taken after each meal %ill c "e Bt s pepsin. GrOne dose of two teaspoonfuls will alt ys remove Sick Headache. . One bottle taken for female obsetrnetionre morel the mince of the disease, and makes n perfect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves Cholic, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, and a preventive of Cholera. 'Only one bottle is needed to threw out of ths system the effects of medicine:after a long itfir One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken n short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest well. One dose often repented cures Chronic 'Mer ril= in its worst forms, while Summer and Dowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cores attacks catt.ed by Worms in Children ; there is no surer or speed. its remade in the world, as it never fails. CFA few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommendi ngtbis med icine at a preventive for Fever and Agile, Chill, Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and thousands aro %ti ling to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are giving, their unanimous tes timony in its favor. tir Mix water in the mouths with the Invigo &tor, and swallow both togethet. The Liver Invigorator. Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It sures as if by magic, even the Brost dose giving benefit, and seldom more than ono bottle is re quired to cure any hind of Liver comphiint, from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a sum mon Headache, all of which are the result of a diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Pa. SANFORD, Proprietor,34s Broadway, N.Y. Bold by 11,MeManigill, f.J. Read Huntingdon. Apr:7258.-1 y, BANK NOTICE. Thu undersigned citizens of the county of Huntingdon, he.eby give notice that they intend to make application to the next Legislature for a Charter, for the creation of a Corporate body with Bankinuor Discounting privileges, to he styled "Ten HUNTINGDON COUNTY BANE," to be located in the Borough of Huntingdon, coun ty of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the specific object of issuing Bunk paper, and doing all other things ordinarily pertaining to a Bank of issue. W. B. ZEIGLER, B. E. Alatutrutte, DAVID Bt. IR, A. JOHNSTON, J. SEWELL STEWART, WM. COLON, Wx. MCMURTRIE, JAMES MAGUIRE, THEO. H. CHEM., GRAFFIUB MILLER, A. W. Bermoicr, Jxo. McCuLLoo , R. Bauca JGHB WHITTAKER, THOMAR P. CAMPBELL. -------- - • - THE CASSVIL I LE SEMINARY `244 50 ) PER QUARTER TEE PRESENT FACULTY. McN. WALSII, Principal, Prot of Languages and Philosophy. Chas. S. Joslin. A. M , Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc. James W. Hughes, ...... Prof. of Mathernntics." Beniantin F. Houck. Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics. 11;e0. W. Linton. Prof. of Vocal Music. Mrs. M. "WI. WALSH, Preceptreae, Teacher of Botany, History, Reading; etc. Miss E. M. Faulkner. Teacher of Penis Work, Painting, Drawing, Miss D. L. Stanley, Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flo'rs, Mrs. Dr. Darwin . Teacher of English Branches. Miss J. M. Walsh. Teacher of Primary English. The recent success of this school is extratn , dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the kind ever establiehed, it is now the largest in Ibis section of the State. All branches are taught, and students of all ages, and of both sexes, are received. The expenses for a year need not be more than $9O. Students can en, ter whenever they wish. Addrese. JOHN D. WALSH, Caseville, Huntingdon Co., Pa. June33:6B. MACKEREL of all Noe., Herring, &c., can be had of the best quality, hy culling on Fr. 11.10 MUMURTRIK. WICKS XW GLOVES MITTS chea G. P. OWLIPS TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. TERMS The "HuNTINouoN JOURNAL' is publish.' at the following rates t If paid in advalice si,no If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1,75 ' If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid tillafter the expiration of the year. No subscrip- , lion taken for a less period than nix months. I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, sod no paper will be discontinu ed until urrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. 2. Returned numbers are never received by us. All numbers sent us in th it way are lost, and never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions, must pay up arrearages, and send a wraten or verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub lication in Huntingdon• 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a legs or a proper notice. . . . . 5. After one or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, a new year has commenc e!, and the paper will not be discontinued until arrearage9 ere pad. See No. I. The Courts have decided that refusing totake a newspaper from the office, or cc...wing and kering it unrolled tin, is mum A FACIE evidence of intentional fraud. t 4 ulitirribers living in distant counties, or. in other States, will be required to pay invariably in advance. gilThe above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all eases. A DV EUTISENIENTS Will be charged et the Following rates insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37i * 50 One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Too " (32 " ) 100 150 2 110 3 incl. 6 mo. 12 mo. One square, $3 00 $5 OU $8 00 Two squares, 500 800 12 00 column, 800 12 00 18 00 I do,, 12 00 18 00 27 OU do., IS 00 27 00 40 00 do., 28 00 40 00 50 00 Beninese Catlin or six lines, or less, $4.09. Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising com munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensively helm° the pub lie ; that the Journal has the /a, gest cir culation of any paper in the county—that is °lnstantly increasing;—and that is goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi• tens. We would also state that our facilities (or executing all kinds of JOB PRINT ING are equal to those of any other office inthe county; and all Job Work coitus. ed to our hands will be done 'wady, promptly, end at prices which will be satisfactory. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. List of Premiums Desolution of Partnership. Public Sale. Haininnaton Notice to Coil Purehesers. DuVall's Galvanic Oil. Scientific American. Great (Jilt Boon Store. Publre Notice. Administrator's Notice. Administrator's Notice. Literary Bureau. A Card. A. H, C. Brocken. A gricultoral Meeting. Notice. Attention. Register's Notices. Cheap Goods. Consumption Cured. Warm Springs. Bank Notice. Dentist.—Dr. R. A. Miller. Novel and Extraordinary. Administratdr's Notice. The Golden Prize. Hair Restorative. Notice. A Prize for Everybody. Foundry.-11 C. McGill. Cloth• Cleaning —Zachanah Johnson. Portable Fence—H. Cornrrobst. Drugs.—McMaitigel & Smith. Wigs & Toupees.—Geo. Thurgnland Sewing Machine —Grover & Baker. Cook Stove.—Call at this Office. Liver Invigorator. To Merchants and Farmers. Saving Fund. Stage Line. Dr. Hardman.—To Invalids. Gunsiniihing. Dr. John McCulloch. Cassvilie Seminary. Burr Mill Stones. H. Roman.—Clothing. Dry Goods.—Fisher & McMurtry. Nicholas' Bank Note Reporter. Hardware.—J. A. Brown. Dentjet.—Dr. J. R. Iluyett. Attorneys.—Scott & Brown. Paper Hanging.—llowell & Bro's. Letter Coppier for ante. Electric Oil. Lindsey's Blood Searcher. Dry Goods —D P. Gwin. Antiphlogistic Salt. Books.—W. Colon. Huntingdon Mill. Foundry.—Cunningham & Bro. Dry Goods &c•—David Grove. Attorney.—T. P. Canipbea. Railroad rime. Dr. 14. K. Neff. Attorney. -Wilson & Petrik Dupont. golden Pills. f n litiral. FORNEY ON EVOHANAN. A SCATHING SPEECH. Col. John W. Forney, Editor of the Philadelphia Press, delivered a speech at ~ LIBERTY AND UNION. NOW AND FOREVER, ONB ANn INSRPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON. PA.. WEDNI , NDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. an anti Lecompton kleeting. assembled on Thursday of not week, at tarryttiwo, New York, in John 13 Ilt.kin s It was n most suathint: expose of the fills, fication of pledge.; and li.suhle dealin t r on the part of President Buchanan. re gret that we hove not man to pit' !Ash the entire document, which enters at lame op• on the secret history of the Kansas e•!- broglie. We select n few of the tuto,l 1 , 1 ling extracts: Mr. Buchanan'3 Pk .'gts h , In., hi . Election. We went into the canvass 1.41 t.i tut lot to be at the head of the Slnl.• Demi. rninnottee (.1 Petiost :v.mia 1I• my offi•cunns were to Ova St..+.• ; emotions of my 111111111*, phySie4.i iii,ll nu n tat, were d on the side of .mill date she Inni presented. reer, his character, toy ott,ei. went and the sincere d.-v,apiti I felt to , hon. his tinnily. his cam , tn.d nli titoitit him, nude me so mix oils for Min to suc ceed. that 1 indidg •inno v e•xpresston of speech, when 1 any unto you that I would have lorfeited my life for him. Nly devotion for him knew no bounds, Day and night, night nod day. l toiled in Oita campaign And there are Mune here tu d•ty from my own State who will boor wit ness to the fact when I say that all toy own resources, all my fortune, my every exertion, end every aid that could be en listed, was enlisted to produce the final re stilt. Above all others in that campaign was the great principle of popular sover eignty. [A ppla use That was the stan dard which morshaled the way. 'feat was the shibboleth—that wen the war cry. From !Ake Erie to the Delaware River— front l'i.teburgh to rhiludelphia—in every village nod town in the tfidite , everywhere that 1 could induce a pen to wrne, or a tongue to speak, that was the theme upon. which those pens wrote and those bingurs spoke, Why, gentlemeu, Mr. Roc aims had no confidence or res •eve upon this sithj,ct He wits public. he was open, he was unreserved in his declarations to eve rybody. lie sent to the traduced John Dickman. in an adjoining county. He told him.. hrough his friends and agents : Nlr. f-licktiont, occupy tt peculiar relation; you voted fur the Topek n 'oust lotion; yon denounced the Kausas•Nebrav ka hill; you were opposed to the rep.' of tile• Nlissouri Compromise line; the D • cystic pony of your district have entitle toil you ; the Republicans like you; they believe to you'. Nov, 1 want you to take the slump and go before your people, and pledg , me, Jame. Buchanon, thin I intend standiag by, and if n •cessitry dying by this principle of Popular Sovereivity."-- For tnyself, if [could descend to tin' have ness of republishing private letyrs, I might fill it voluint, with monitor I .l”liges from si miler authority. Soon niter coming into power, 'Jr Bu chanan, as is well known. appointed Robert J. Walker, Governor of Kau,. Mr. Forney gives the followinen,count of that gentleman's appoir.tinent Buchamin's hite , Tiew with He (Mr. Buchanan) looked orbited to see whom he should ell ill IWO t.l • for the purpos of settling the v. x..,1 Lion which has rendered Knostis, what it has been graphically termed, "the urnv.• yard of Governors." Ile sought nt. rior Irian ; he would not he tempted to mkt an ordinary man. He selected a gen.le man, a statesman, who had beau presented by a large portion of rho leading and pro rninent men of the South for a oast in the Cabinet. and who had for years tepreseitt ed his State in the domicils of the n dion lie selected Robert J. Walker. An whet. he called upon .Mr. Walker, nod asked him to proceed to the erntory. tl r. Walker sold to him, ..Why, Mr. Buchanan. that would ruin the forever ; it hits ruined eve, ry man who has gone there ; it will ruin me. I have reached that tune of life when 1 . I cannot oflord to risk all my prospects, and probably the peace end happiness of my family." Arid he soul further, as if gifted with a knowledge of the future.' I cannot run the risk of being most probably betrayed and deserted by Cie Administra tion that appoints me." Mr. Buchanan said to him, "'Mr. Walker. if you will go there. you will settle the question in a few weeks. Everything is reedy ; here are your instructions. I pledge you my word that .‘ verything you desire. you .hall have. Mr %Volker. oe if inspired by a sublime sus retort. said "Mr. Buchotten. I will not go to Kansas, until you allow me to meet your Cabinet face to face. end us certain from that Cabinet in person wheth• er th. y will agree that I shall go there anti carry out the pledges of tie campaign of 1850 " Accordingly a meeting of the Cabinet of Mr. Buchanan was called. At the meeting every member of the Cabinet French despot wields—this patronage in. woe pr's. ni. Mr. Bitch:mon and Mr. filmed Mr. Buchanan to believe that he were 1 resent--Mr Hoohnnon in could make his tesi successful. How %vas th , chair. Gov. 'talk e r ,aid, -I have it 111E04 Gentlemen, when the chapter determined not to go to Kansas unless l which shall detail the manner in which the hove full instructionv to carry out these Administration has used its patronage is pledges and those prineipies ;if there is written, it will be a black one When opp, voice, 1 will not go ; it Is by I our children and our children's children nn m eo,,, envoitile position ; but, if come to rend it, they will not believe that have ii, p , rmission and consetit at you, an American citizen. devoted to the presi nmillettimi for Ow I nave aslorl, I will go.' deniinl chair, in the face at such n people, v. t.• ; hut one covered with such an armor of pledgee, wotild hove gone into that chair to have used his army--ay, his army and the trees tire— your money and mine—your officers and mine -for the purpose of putting down' a walloat hoed of men for minding by the plain God's truth; and I wouid wish that when the histuran comes to write, he •olj. row, and I would not be compelled to write that that I r .• • '0.1,-. (1 , 4 :CI 1.:11. pro , , .• (3- ',V,,lkor I t 0 h.' now., Gott. lAnlk• 0 1 , 111 • f 11 ,111,41 V • r.. , lre. from the, ti I. u• • y , !.ba member of it.. r ;teit ;.,.• i dim Cloy 1106 President was horn in Pennsylvania." They returned and gave . .-So much for Mr. Forney's 'experience. Ile wein to Kati That of Mr. Buskin. who spoke at the •..ti ito•troc,rons in his picket. and ,anne meeting, is to the same effect. Mr. ~et.,,,p,,,,t ed by a mau well ken wa to the Iltiskin's evidence in given in the follow coettriy, Mr. Manton who went out with ing words: ptedges Inbrciew &mem Mr. Buchanan and flow thou ',ledges were falsified is well I Mr. Harkin. Imo,wn to the Clitif.l7--an is also the fact called sit the President on Saturday tit' ttr Fern y's dherence ni the doctrine before he sent his message to Con of 'emitter sovereignty, and his establish grass. and my little daughter was with mem of the •• The Press" to •naiiitain that I me. I said to him, "Sir, I was olect. doctrine. lie soon found himself ie direct ed us a friend of your Administration antagonism to the President and his Ad lam your personal friend. and I desire to ministration, and as he could not believe hen friend of your Administration when that the Administration entertained a de• it is right ; but upon the subject of the liberate intention to abandon the principles admission of Kansas under the Lecomp which had put them in power, he proceed- ton Constitution, peso it me to tall you. ed to Washington to have an interview Sir, where you stand in the present House with his "old friend' on the subject. That of Representatives. There are 22 Dem interview is thus described : ocrats from the Free States who are not foctionisia or conspirators. who have met at my house every-night, and lam proud of havittg those anti-Lecompton Demo crats there at my house to take aerial inea• 811 , s against 'he admission of Kansas on. der the. Lecouipton Constitution, because it was a cheat and a fraud. lam one of : there are 22 of them. lie said to me, "Nome them." I named them. Ile sold to me. "You make some mistakes; sev..ral of these men will ad vo c tie niy policy for the admission of Kan sas I admit you have been my friend, end I twlive you desire to be the friend of my Administration ; but, if you do not go with the Administration, I ill you from my long polittcal experience that you will be out tide of tilt Democratic party, and that will be ha I for vou." [Laughter ] said I. • when I tuns nominated by earl onvention which did rtie that honor, Interview betice,l Foroey Buchanan, went to Washington and called upon my Mil friend. I slid to him, ..Mr Bu chanan, for the first tune in our lives we ore at variance; I find myself standing by one principle, having followed your lead, and yo • have deserted it." "Well," said ho,,a,,'t you change too? [Lnught,.] If I can qffor.i to clomp?, why cr,n't you offord to changt? [Renewed laughter.) If you, nod Douglas, and tt alker, still unite in su,port of my policy, there will not hen whimper of this thing; it will pass by like n told hint WAIL was very well with nn Administra tion surr minted by office•holders, and 11, 01l tbe time ID the utionsphyre nt fist tery. thin was followed by 11,01.n:tits of gentlemen who expected , d uce; that they could came to hilllnnd stir. • You a, right Mr liachitnitiq we are ilimn on our hel lies; please to walk orer us —pkase trample up and we will he hippy nod content' awl hope you will ladtevr your pr,licy is ;lulu •'liut I tel , you." said I. ' tie. !hens is a still ss snail voice in the people Unit i• iuuct vi•ly rsj..cts frauds, and this is nut only a Iraud, but u dishonor. I do lint claim to he inure honest than any ether inun. I have done ns all politicians have --sortie things which may not exactly sq•sare with the ruins of seligion and right, nod which. if I have. 1 regret theini but this thing will not do. [Load I have t sint,ir.. nod t Oars of onto_ ,od I esss.inst go hack to l'etioeylvanin ~y IN tleenine t to slave I, •neyt , •ii ate,l enitnot. lloolio,ulll. you must tolerate 'hi- d p•-•••, 0. of ()Onion, nen Jackson t.,1 • 0, , nI opinion oi his frieds. .reed dilf..ten..s of opinion, • yo.i ditlerod with hint in his views on i,:ctr,sti yet you remained in his Cab. 'ii Pierce tolerated differences of m•mani. B hre you are. Men who ut ‘m where you are—who ask nothing et you , hands—who have refused your fa vors—who have trampled all patronage that liar bees offered them under feet; here they ore. asking to be tolerated in the in dulgmice 01 on Limiest opinion." The re ply to that was. "Sir, I intend to to nntke lily Hansa: policy n teat." -Well, Sir," ,nod I„ -I regret it; but if you make it a te,t with your officers, se will make it a te-t ill the balloi•box.' [Loud cheers.] - Repeated eitorts were made to heal the different., but it seems to me, get Heinen, that when the Presidency is conferred up on a poor mortal, it tree lorms him into a god, in his own estimation, or n lunatic. [Laughter ] Nobody is permitted to tip. proach power to tell the truth. Power never hears the thundar voice of the pen pie. sitting as it done in its cushioned chairs between its marble walls. The indepen_ dent inan, loud and bold, with a clear eye, who comes to tell the truth. is waved from the Presidential presence as a rude intro. der. Then we went home. As I said, replited efforts were made, and in •de in vain, to heel the difference. The confer ring of this presidential patrunage--ol vast millions--store than the monarch n( Great Britain enjoys, and nearly es much es the I told my people—those that were kind etwegh to support me—that I never would v.', for the admission of Kansas under ut v t ' , m,titution. unless that Constitution reflected the will of majority of a the pea , and had teen fairly submitted to theta for approval or disapproval, at a le. gal election. And, Sir, if lam to be out side of tho Democratic party, I had rath• rr he there than to have my little daugh ter disgraced by my going back with a hang-dog look, feeling that I had betray ed my constituents." --Democrats of Huntingdon county-- what think you of Mr. Buchanan's info- MOUS surrender to the South. us above doscrihod by two of his staunchest sup porters? Do not the abuve'extracts place the President in a most disgraceful light, and osiiihn him guilt.; of conduct alto geti unworthy of your continued confi• dente and streport. - - Fur Me Journal. Educational. A few weeks ago, a simple statement appeared in the Journal in reference to the County Superintendent. It contained no offensive language, and was published to the hope that, if incorrect, the Superin tendeet would avail himself of the lirst opportunity to place himself right before the people. For the truth of that state Meta, we have authority. We never had nor hove we now, any disposition to misre. present the Superintendent: tor Heaven knows, his consistency, personal and offi cial, is pitiable enough without any ntisre• presentation. To the charge preferred, the Superintendent has given us two re_ plies; in neither of which. however. dues he even attempt a denial of its truth.— But believing, it seems, that recrimination is argument, he justifies himself by accu. stilt; us of the same wrong of which he snouts self.convioted ! This is logic with a vengeance Mr. SupePintendent, “thou reasonest well." This controversy hes taken a course un sauulti and unexpected by us. But its the ;-uperintendent has given “the stoke, he must take the scorpion." An eye for on eye," dm The Superintendent proposes several questions which we proceed to answer; sorry, bowever, that we are compelled to 1858. disappoint him in his estimate of our dis cretion To the first, the fourth and the sixth interrogatory, we reply emphatically in the negative. The second and the third we answer in the affirmative. As IV? have no ' , darling institution," the fifth and seventh "go by the board," As to the eighth, we would say that even if our ar ticle aoes contain errors, we very much doubt the Superintendent's ability to de tect them. Are the above answers satis factory I If no, Mr. Superintendent will please give us the catecl,ism. We indulge the hope that the Superintendent will bear this change of position with his usual equanimity. Why does the Superinten. dent,in making his charges against us, shield himself behind the innocent it ? Is not the Superintendent extremely anxious that the people should know that he has read Father W hately ? Would the Super. intendant hold the office he does, had he not made the basest misrepresentations I Did not the students of a "certain institu tion," in which the Superintendent was a teacher, sign a petition for his dismissal 1 Has the •uperintendent any "conscten ions scruples" about his late "Norinal School" enterprise ? Did the conduct of the superintendent toward a lady teacher in n certain instituti in, contribute to his respectability ? Did not the Superinten ' dent, a few months ago, grant a certificate zei , hout examination, to a person who had serer taught school an hour ; and ten., that the-way to correct abuses ? Do the people of this county believe that the Superibiritendent is competent to dis ' charge the duties or the office he now holds ? We may add to the above, if it be . cornea necessary. We are the "whispering advocate" of no schools. But when the educational servant of the whole county, labors to in. "e J • r the educational interests of any part of the mainty, it is our right—ay. our duty, to expose his treachery. Against any attacks made in consequence of doing this, "the blood of Incog can defend itself." The superintendent is. evidently in trouble ; he becomes desperate; and as, , men catch at straws," he cries "Help one, Leroy. or I sink." Let us examine the superintendent's logic. He is the fri nd of all our literary institutions; hut one of our literary institutions it a 'swindling instillment ;" therefore, he is the friend of ' , swindling instruments." Shades of Blair Protect us! In justice to the Superintendent, we acknowledge that his conduct adds force to his logic. We will now make the superintendent "glad' , again by putting some inquiries to him as to the correctness and construction of parts of his last article. Does he not know that his first sentence is palpably incorrect? Is he so cruel as to think that we would, for one moment, entertain a private antip athy against him T Shall ''our name," or our self, be "a law se udent?" If the former, when will tt be admitted? Is it really so that the Superintendent tends to give a newspaper review of each with which his knowledge will justify ?" Do the bands of some persona "work to injury ?" Whose injury ? Will the "Superintendency," or the Superintendent .meet oppososition at the threshold ?" Did the Superintendent ever look for. ward upon the past? At whose "early convenience," will be favor us? If at the people's convenience," will it be "ear. ly?" But we ask no more, lest we make the Superintendent too "glad." We thank the Superintendent for a re baptism ; but as he is not remarkable for his orthodoxy, we scarcely thought he be lieved in the ordinance. Now. as he in tends "to present smo new ideas," he will pardon us for suggesting that, if he should nerd any assistance it can be had by applying to "Mr. Wise, Eaq." And we desire the Superintendent. if he has read -Rusty, musty, fusty. crusty. Chris topher," to give us, in the course of his uncles, his opinion of the work We confess we were foolish enough to believe that the superintendent, before attemptiti to correct orthography, would consult his everlasting enemy, Noah Webster. But alas. vain hope! He feels large, and al most forces us to ink, in the names of all the gods at once," upon what meat he feeds, that he is grown so great." When the future historian shall write ;he educa Lionel history of Pennsylvania, let him do justice to our Superintendent. On the frontispiece, let him give a portrait; and beneath it, let there be inscribed in char acters of living light, the name of "Ale BERT THE WISE! it is said that Achilles was vulnerable only in the heel. But the Superintendent is vulnerable in a much more prominent part; his mamma not hav ing been blessed with a Styx into which she could plunge her "ifa , lifig boy" But not withstanding this , he is, to himseq,a 'huge prospect ;" and his, may yet be VOL. XXIII. NO. 38. "One of the few, the immortal names, That were not horn to die." Mr. Superintendent, "more in sorrow then in anger," we now bid you. farewell. INC OG. Geographical andPhilocophioal Quo. tions. 1. How much higher (approximately) that is, how much farther from the centre of the Earth, is the mouth of the Missis sippi River than its source? 2. Why do the waters of the Mississip pi thus run up hill? 3. At which season of the year iv the sun the farthest from us-•-in summer or in winter? 4. Why is it warmer to this latitude in summer than in winter ? 5, What is the effect of heat upon air I 6. If warm air rises, why is it colder the higher we ascend mountains! 7. Why is it darker the higher we as cend from the earth! 8. Saussure relates, that at the summit of Mount Blanc, the report of a pistol was not louder than that of a small cricket in the plain below. How is this accounted for ! 9. In what conditions of the atmos. phere is sound heard the most distinctly 10. If a tree should fall in the wilder ness, acd there were no ear within a hun dred miles of it, would the falling of the tree produce any sound? 11. What occasions the snapping of wood, or coal, when laid upon the fire? 12. Which makes the most snapping-- porous wood or dense wood, green wood or dry? 13. Why is it painful and difficult to breathe at a great elevation from the sur face of the earth? 14. Why is the water salt in all lakes that have no outlet 15. Can the probable age of the world be deduced fiom the saltness of these lakes --and, if so, upon what principle SY IEXILEGIUMIL DREADFUL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. One Person Killed & Many Monti. PITTSBURGH, September 2.—A terrible disaster occurreu last night nt 8 o'clock, en the Allegheny Valley Railroad, near I lulton's Station, 12 miles above Pitte. burgh. The Framing train coming down, stop ped at taretitum. and hitched to a car eon. coining a large party who were return ing from Camp Meeting. When the train reached the point mentioned, the Tarren tum car was thrown from the track by a broken cross.barconnecting with the brake. The car rolled down a steep embankment turned over twice. At the first revolu tion, the roof wag torn off, and the passen gers were scattered aver the ground, man. gling the bodies of some terribly. Mrs Mary Anne, daughter of J. T. Kincaid, of this city was in.tantly kill. ed. A large number were more or less in. jured. John Rockl.y had his sk ul I fractured. J. M. McCleneary had his arms bro. Among those sightly injured are. Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid. Mrs. R. Donaldson. Mr. and Mrs. Craver. Mr. and Mrs. John Slidell. Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Loernan, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. E. Hazleton. Dr. John Parchment. Mrs. Kauffman. H. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Maw. The killed and wounded reside mostly in Pittsburgh and vicinity, They wars brought here last night. A Coroner's in quest wits held over the body of Miss. Kincaid, and a verdict rendered esculpa. ring the company and their employees from blame, WASHINCITON,Sept. 15, 1858. The President has ordered the furtter postponement of the Kansas land sales till July next. The reasons for this is stated to be the financial pressure in the country and the consequent inability of settlers to prove up and pay for rite preemption by the time fixed by the proclamation. order. ing the sales in November. The lands comprise three millions of acres. our A spoiled child is en unfortunate victim, who proves the weakness of his parents judgement much mnre foreicible than the strength of their affection. JOURNAL JOB PRINTING mum Main Rt. QYnWyd Vs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers