Coltuu HuMfS I" Mexico. It is but little known or even suposed in the C'liitcd States, ihat sit the present time, while we are engaged in one of the greatest struggles of war ami bloodshed the world evef knew, that the jireat cot ton inteiyst in winch our principal pro duct of 'exj)ort consisted, is rapidly being transferred to a new field, which bids lair soon to the principal producing plantations of the globe. e now spent, of Mexico on the l'acitfc; an I in or der that those who are always behind time iii everything may uiuierMan 1 mat ter?, we propose givinj; a very briei sketch of I he climate an.l soil of .Mexico bordering on the I'atilic. The tempera ture is scarce ever liclow 5') Far., and Bcldoiu goes aliove 'JO in the shade wh;n at the hottest season. Toe soil is among the most productive in the world, yi.rl I'm all the tr.ipieal fruits, mi l corn can Ik. raarfJ abundantly without even ploughing before planting. (Joifec, sugar nnd cot ton is now being extensively cultivated, and we propose lu-re more particularly to speak of the l.itier. Within the past three years, a number of enterprising Americans have linen wan dering abtait the States bordering t.-u the l'acilie, and taking notes of toe resu.irt cs, observing a few of t!ie ii;;livs raising small i tntities of cotton. .r-o;iie lew Culifornians entered into the sa:ne on a large scale, which has pmvt-d ntt inerelv an experiment but a cu.nphte ami ;-; (n. uinjiitiKt success and now cotton links are being erected anl machinery al work manufacturing cloth, not only fur home but also fur export, while mi.nt ions pl.m tations are lie-jjinnwijr to spiing up in va rious Ioe:i'ilies ctiivci-iit E.v fhippi:; port?, an I every d.'V parties ate tuiioa their nttentin tj select tug San. Is for planta tions. 1 1 m id red t-f hales of cotton have been shipjied (via California Mcumer) to the Intimitis and thence t-j Kngiuu 1 tin ring the past year; and the crop this year will fpi idruple that of the pan. Within a space tf twenty miles from the pvrt oi $l: la'.laii, in the State of Suction, there are numerous plantation in a m,ist t l-.ri- Ving stte ; in S ine instances, the cotton t is crown noon i-ooinino s:ml ..11 ! S"-'1"1 h u '""to - Among the plantations worthy of note are those of Geo. I'enn Johnson & Co, 000 acres and that of Ilold.'r- ness, about '2,500 acres ; the latter yen tlcman having 25 acres grvwii:" ami ! tlinving on an island surrounded by the sea, directly oposite the city of Muzal lan. The fiber and texture of the staple jrown in the Pacific Mexican States, is unsurpassed by any produced in the Southern S:ates. The soil is prepared for planting altout June or July, and the cotton is matured nil picked in December Within the past ei:ht month .there ha be n a cotton mill, tor the manufacturing of raauta or cloth, erected in ike city of Mazatlan, and a Lowell company now have on the way immense machinery and spindles for the same purpose. A com pany also from Cuiitoruiu went il,wn on the last steamer with machinery for "in ning out the seed, nlso purchasrng liotn the natives and small planters. We bear of companies of individuals who are prepared to go down, obtain l . i i . i . . : "uu e,, er la W "Mure, so that in another year we should not be as tonished at an immense demand f. r ves sels for shipment ot cotton, coffee and Sugar produced i.. the State of Sin.doa ; and the increased trael and commerce combined will also jusiily H dii'met line of steamers to connect with the I-thnsus, unless our California steamers touch going and coming at the Tort of Maz.ulan. Any plantation within twenty-five miles of the jxjrt, must, in a very few jvar.-, become immensely valuable, and it is lair to presume that the city of 20,000 in habitants will sot in reach 50,00'.), as soon as American enterprise is fairly started. 1W "(iovermentul Decree" uil m.lo. - - , . , . . , ery and agncultuiai implements necessary ; for use are admitted free of doty, and alii individuals or companies are exempt from tax tor ttve years, Mid no matter what I dynasty tr government is in power, the j same decrees will cer bold o.l vate pro,rty of frei;mers must and al- ways will be resected, so upon this jnmt there can be no question Lj funner years cotton was produced in the Lmted States at six and eiht cents per pound with profit, while now it coia. mands imm -nse figures, and unler the mwt favorable circumstances, must con- tindu so fur some time to come ; yet w knoxr that it can lie prtnluwd as c-nro in Mexico to tiiv as it ever coaM in " ,i. ....... - umte.i states. We hnc thus briefly allu led to thia subject, to show our jople where our principle article of commerce and export is alftut to M-conie transferretl to antiiher field, and how war in. itt gorv devasta ting path will not t.nlv '. m.l.wt ..... "? l., t. ii. ' " oery vumi. oy means . which household to a Knuter or lesser extet.f, every snff.rer. n. m.-.ttci -what his co,h.l..n out also to show us wherein our resources y nr,v c,,re himself cheaply, private have passetl bevond our reach forever rasHc'iUy. " i I.ier notes fuit'rt at par, a8 the "d when be picked a gentleman's i ! feller pocket -"If vim k;z . iti t.-. .. i - -- .r c a ii one you. as the pepper pod aid to the boy. j :r-r -n:i. I'KNNaVI.V'ANI UM'. i:o.l SCUKhCLE. LEAVE VK31'v aul, .2 STATIONS. f3 A.M. C.50 7 2 - 7.34 S.02 A. M. IM. P. M. ! Alfoona. Kittaimiiig, (i.iMitzin, Cresson, Li!l3 ' I'm tae.e, Wilin ire, Snr"iii rhid, South Folk. Mineral I'oint, dneuiatie.,, J dll'stoWD, 0.1", 9.&0 9. 0 9.42 8 22 8 40 8 48 11.00 10 40 10.47 LEAVE KASTWA RD3, ls'3 c r -; x P. M. a. STATIONS. : A.M. j A.M. j A.M. j 5 t'-i j 4 08 12.C0 , ti 07 I 4 j ' I't 27 J ; ri j C.40 4 47 j ' p4 Or, 1 P " " !7 0.8 51.-1 l.oyj 7.17; 5 2' ! !-" 4; 2.35 ' 7.50 C 0J 1' ihnat ow,n, !-.-Ilt:l txJi. Mr.eral l'oiu! South F...k, Sit: Huei hid. Williiore. F u ti ;e, Lilly's, CiesHon, ! i.i'Iifzm. ivitt.oiiiing, hoona. 8.47 9 20 !:i;i:xsr.u;;r; & arissnx pAffnoAi) (n :lll :iftT Monday. O :t .-r. ?, 1 . 1.S04 tr ii:s ti.i- r ! win run us follows : i.KAVK KkRNSBCKU Ar. C.CO A. M . eoinctin ; the ildt niorr Kx;. rt-ss We.-,t ami T ;ii ).l.i'ion !vi!. ,ir.u ')i Ace im- ! At 4 l 1. M.. connctii with th Maii Train We.-t art i rUongh Express Kit. Lea vi-: Cukos l 12 30 P NL. or on doom f:.r .if T!,r,. A umo. ifiiU! est. j r-. : I) 4f P. M . or on dopirture of Express Ka.-t aud 51..i! Vet. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen.Supt. "-iBBBXDUHS 110038. rstl.e undeisigtj I having purchased an.i' I t;;Kcn p-.-sesiot; of t:ie Ehen'mr liotwe (f.rmely ocupte.l by Henry Foster) di he hapjy to rec-jve and account) d- t hi? .1.1 eustom.-rs, And all others who may iii-;. .;d t.. j-uron-z.- T:.e Propiietor Ails assured f-o n the sp.teious MOUSE. STABLE & vt her filiiiL that le ean ottrr at lea.-t as iroo-l necotmo.. dattons as c;in l.-e hj.l it an otlicr ia the place. He i.sin of a suj.f 1 v of the choicest li.piors ith u hieh his bar will he f:iniishe.; his tab'u will f,lrn hhed with ai! t!t luxuries of the -eas n. and he intends by his h...pitality attdeare, to merit the patronage of uh those who .-t-.!. withhiin. INAAC on AW FORI). EUusburg Apr:!, 17, I8tl. tf. uMXsntKur. .toiixsnt 11 x LEWIS LUl'KilAl!T.,i... !...... .. .... I nouru-etkat he has always a large and varied a-s -! of all the variou articles neculinr .outs !iiMfe.-,s Kepairs promptly and carefully attei.ded t... Johnstown April. 17 K,1. tf. HAJIWES3 ! A TJD S v The undei signed kerj.s coM.4..t!V on hand and is still manuf.ictut ing ail aitn-!.s in his line Mich a. SADDLES, FINE SINGLE V ImUlil.i-; HAUVES D AFT HARNESS, ULINI) IdUDLES. Uli;.; tiiiiiitvy CIIEClv UNES. I! ALTKltS. WI1IP.S, Ac.. vVc. which he will d';spe of at low prices for cash. Ilis work is all warranted, n.rl bcina ex periei.ctl. he puts the b-st of ie tther in his work. Thankful fir past favors, he ho"s. : . ; 1 ty attenfion tit i.tisn.css t. i;i-jr,t a t:otiii"ij aticu in toe pi.-r iietre ncreioivre si .tofral- ly extenue.1 to lorn. Shop the r.f Hubert -Davis, Persons w-sliit. pwwj Hud substantial llar- Cit,) i,e aecomniod.ite.l by MUr.H M'COV Ebcnsbtirg I)ee, 11 lnai-tf. 9 xZUrrYi M o V I fS- HOW I P T, nr n T bLilOUED. , tSofbS rULVElixrE'X'srF'V1' EilHATEU ESS Yoti the cal cure ( n.e li.i,,,-) of SphttMAT a T ,U::A- "r Kt'"'""' l! w.i.kne-s, I .voluutarV w'11""1, ' I.MPorr:.vcy. Mental anil v1?"-'1" Incapacity. Lnrfiiinent in M tt- a"ip, f,!i',1'!:'r!,f- Kpu" ,. s "l "' 1 -mdulenceor x- .... . . iiiep oeiST rriCe in M enrelope, only sis The celebrated author in this admir-Me essay clearly deiin-nstraten. fri,n, t) irr years su.Aesfiil practice, that the al rtuiii' c- nsequ-nces .f tlf-ahttse mnj be r idi.-a l v cnrel whhout the daii"eriti ..f . . nieoinne or 1 nieilKiee or the of the kRjfe rJ ' -;'ure mioiiiii tie in tti f):lnf veT' y",,t evry tan in the Jau.i " e,'t. "uder sl. in a plain enveloj. t. any, a,',,re. jnst p-zil, ou receint ofwj cerifs. or tWo p.. sillm a, cr l M4 I Arm nra I I l r.. al i - " v. ntKMuu in? iii i f nanoH MX stamtH. A-Mrtss th puuiiM.ers. CjMAS .T i"? k-rrvc.v 197 w.t '""iv w- t Vr C,uy iKw yo K. ! VRlT-fcb' from F.msry A"v.. trr.i-Kunii-u vurvuuin i.f Ojjont, .luur. " I have Mlit laret uanlitim ut your Saksap.-.r-Ii.j.A, iiit :etT ; e: oil Ui'n- w f.i'i: tr.-if i. dt-riit tt f.U-cr jiiitt ni ir ;-c:i:- '. ti:o. v.i:U tut.', ii A- i"n.-t Ei!i- i-'oji ti ii, tl.t-i urtf ti.u- t-.-. r ii i iiu-iiii-jne like it Luitiii- in ii;r i-k ii.i;ii.i.itj ." trtiptiona, lixny'ea, 1 lot. ties,, Ulcoid, ;icrc3. tinJ v.ii itistsiiEes cf tii Vr.t 'r. i,','.t. S'rMiou. J:.i-o. 'M''':i(f. o 1 i.u r.iy uuly lo t on ai.t. t'ie i-buo. v. l -u I r.iitl i.iy feMiuiu'.iy lo iliiil on j- b t-ii ! i!e an uioii.:.: vtitbf!' ofoi:r ai:hapai:ii.4.a ily Cuuli trr. xiretl tii, I ti! mi .lii.cin e i.unwr in i.ri t-urs. eyes, Ui;U i.air hir je:-is, .Ii.c.i nz:e in clic to ture ui.ti; vt- tiieit e i:SAl'Ata:xa. esLe li Lctu lor houit-' 7Vr.:n Mr. E. Rice, a irr'l ir.wn nui n:i;rh cr. rtitr:t tit-:: i.j j.-ti.ul. ,-i,'V. tiit Miff -V. .. ' My tliiu.L'liii i Ii:ih m.ii-.ciI vi h ;. i.i.r i ' nil u FciolitloiiK ertn-tios', wl.ich iu-ti tioulja'.-.if. Joj'l.ii.i; i.ifoiuiu ;.iiv rfiit-j until wetr:fu yoio ,-ai;- BAPA1ULLA, 1 UltilVco!. CUIIiJilt'tf-'J CUT Ml till."' row 7c.irU? P. (In ;: .if tin ir;.'e';-!:i':r'f .fi.nt 'J ilurruj s ( o '. mioiiy'a. -.trtrs -J chum- e!,'f jftjuis in X tlnui, .V. II. ' 1 : tor m.o-!:.I M-ats wry trtiuV'tcn-e 1-v-n.-.r ii. 1 1 1 t::o.', v. incii 'otw t.ulai.'ij hu m- hi iii it i.l'i.u.c l in 't-.iu:t. t.:iu L'-c-Hif ii.'.w .'-:.i;.c vil.'..:.oii. 1 liH'.i t-.riost i-. vt i. a.;' u rjii cw of oili taiice i.i.ii i.-uuicii.i-. liitr viilioii' M.) iri:ii i . t i i-, loitil f tool: our Wi sai'a hilla. It !!::: liiitch limit:' 11; .- ti'io, ' '' " !' it ;::ixnt ! fc tniii-. uui iii : IV .v utc-k.- !! i-w '. : i' i'j tuim ui.uet t!ih'.t ?, t:. i ' ii-i-t i in.'il m. is i in:, t Hi kk :iih Lo5 V Mtvi 1 tt.i V. itliout ut.y (i.M.iiitiiii.s cl t uir.t-r Hat 1 k.i.v M. J t'lij. v irik'ct lni llii. ill d v, it.!uul u uouLt e'. :t to your :.s,'.!,A!:uu.': Erysipelas Ucaeral Debility i'uri'y the Frr.m Dr. pnl,. Farrht, l:fon St., A. V. Jy.i.. A.t.:: 1 t .;. i.! fail ;oiruio.e ..-Tuiiaxnil Scud'oas Snres bj tl.e j foe. ei lag u.e tu ;uir fAKMAr5in. ei-'tl I I.Ht- ju.t t.-c!;t.'l ri nt li'tk of M'j'it.umt .im!tr..jjc.'iis Willi it. No r.n-.a-1ne r Ki!-!-fr-t(iia! ti e &a ksa iai;ili.a ;nt l.te i'j'pi.-u to the intui.--:oii u e.. lo ti.r .. np.1.' J'nuuJ. R. .loll, i'i. .;, '... . U'ii, rm.'i. '". -o. " i or tttclvr t-wii' 1 I j:ti tu- m-i K. r.s oil rov ri.!it ui in. iluuej; u i..t;Ii s;iin. 1 i: u'a.i tl.- cf -t.ti:.:i lui;. Mtiaij I wm U u ucii. i u lot.k 1 u. i.inis t't liOoLI.-' U.l!ll Of '.'tiiCil.t 'I 111'!. V f - l.rti I itllt li.f ci:ii I.tLIllfl. Vli-il-'t , IM hr i.i 00' in t l.ul in . :.rm no.-! le I'tr.i Miuii . ! k ;;-i: liki. i; ; t:u i s.uibai ai:ii.i a l inik t; L n t -. ti oitti-tii M.jir lias 1 -e'i I.e.- l:a.r ctim n; -1 tin i ou us tv.i ::i ) inn it iih imf i:y 1 tins i.' u i'.l if lit r. ::y f:iKt- : knovvi. to hh'j 1km. :ii tins it j . slu i: oi Ur ei a'.:" l-'mm l.'.tti. rtirij Minim. M. p V .of rrrns:lf. '. 1f . . .'.( i nit?.' r tf ( ttiitiiU-iti y..riim.-).'. "J l.uvt'U.-tl our tA r.tiAI'Ai.i i a ii. tin it i.-: . fur (;!. ithI .'.'.'.'. 1 ml tor pur fntt y ll,r with iny l:ti.i l:i -ar ii-m l-. ml liiT. i.i contain Uaijt a to titt! 1-I...L-' .t. Anthr.y'3 Fiie. Eoro. Ea.t r.bcum, cud Ho d. Sore IJyes. ii rarrttt Nir'vV-. .'. q , V .,".v.r if ,', V uncl.hituiiiielc ih-mm-rtif, I , h 'ijt rn, . :tr ox.iy tiiih. a thitt rvif vi Ut.v. ' rH J''-t.H-ke-1 h J.iiu;.i-iA r.ji l-u, loi 1 1.. : u. '1 i.y it; i.'..v in.-rf at. til tl.vy t'o.pit d a loMiimtne i) i u oi.t iu:c. ului'li covet, il !i. free, ai.ti cluajiv Lai.t .-ti t in ej e tor m.m.o i.s; A -ki.n.; h ieisn a i li. it uiir-ie i i'it! i.i:.io1 1: r i eiin-.:t . wi:i.oi.t ci.j i i -...rct.t fiffc. l-'jr tii:ten :u; v-f.:iiirui-ii lu i r.j ust with tln in l. .-i.oi: cl tet'o'tii ei tl.t- h -'i in.jr t.l J eorni;.l w.'iii.d ivhicl: co.iil In- w -1 .!- lice, lia. ii.p tiittl e.try li.i: e to we I. ml un l.o; c lav Hit fiivn. inn . ksa r a uii.i.a". m.'J f -pl i jc the lotti'Je oi )'iiiir:!i 'i.t.ii., i.s on t;I:ti.t. 'liivM.iv li';;j:i lu ln-ai !iii vo' In d pi. eii lie lift boil , Hi l !. Vf.l nl.rii tve 5 ::u I'.l iri.eil ti i:,.o. it. 1 ! ciii eye'ci-l e-, h.cli I utl c- me tint. .-w. ; li ii-. r'.il l.e i l ou u i:m tnv ui i u;ir p- r.i y t-i ci i v. .o c u.:i;!,l.;hoJu J.:c..c.ii. ti.t cL;.n l:iu. t tile.'' 8yphi.i and "Mercurial ri easa. Vr.xi Dr. I limn .SWi. if .-t. I nuis. Mi.nn-ri. 'I ti l ti ).iir Saus a e ai.ii la u n.o:e ;.ic::!r.l reTTii'ily lor tlio Mcui.i:ry mjiti'iiis tit tut lor ?)!' iiic tii-eu- limn c:. i c j :oi.ri-s. 'I l.e itoi.-.!-!oii are ii,-.!i l eu to ; uu lor toiiic oi ;l.e Lii-t lucoic.uo: ut t.avc 'mu .-J. .. I'r.-'ich. M. I) . tn emiyifi f-hii irini rf i.mrr.nrf. M. i.s.. iri.n is n i ri. -ioieitl iiitu.ur f tllf Lrgillll Hit if n7inr. h;:." aty k-ar fir: I l.ave ftm: it m.-.r Sa;'.fai'.i.::h.i.a :..i xei't.ei.t icim-uy to:- V. b--: II ol tl.e jii'.tu try iii.ii ...Viiv t-. -t . i-i o i t., c:- tuai III fitlil.' cilr nut !) Il l) 1. 1, hill .tc lo 1 !..,: lo t.tkiT n im iiiis. I I. ot kl.ov. I ;:t v.c e':iii t 1-o.y with iinv e cc. lui! f. ol tuccts. l.cii: u j v.: t : -lul ailei iili a i-1 e. 'iii cil."' Mr has. S y.iu .,,- rf tr r, :ir.'v,l. X .1., l.:-it tliri:;ial n'cnin en t.i- ). -. tail.-, u In i!.e ol iiK'icu.-y, or r.iere-urini lur'tr. v I.kIi mo.c mil Hioie a.iv'ia.:.'ft lm n-f. i, n,.iZ oi it iiieiti or lre:itni-i t rlint ci'-i ! W "' ' n' She i-t-isee;ii; u -I- ot Aym's s a up a ! a i.i it. a te :,..! '"- I i' ca-vs t-:m Le tc 'ii il iiiuif lovcli'i :.! ::i o tii-iit-s ii.j; t;.:rn t );;-, t;:.ii it took o t ikI lu, t .. Lok- IfS to ClllO lillll. X.3u;orrha, Whites, Fcn.ale V7eancas, aren't er. II.- .nn"ucu hy .iit,-ri 1.1 s. -.,:,',.i(. Cv,r a'ion, uui ui" vi'i-v t.itf.i ciin-ci l.v u.c !..;. .." efl. ! tit' t.i.a ;-ai:h, pa III I.La cv: . . i . ( . n. r. l.iiwox er, in siilof li e Sa i:s a r. s:t lj.a, the tL.:ui icntion ot iocai iciin-i, iv. J-'mm the r. H-l.iii . an, I tru't 'i r I 'ra'n' J r. .hii-i'b M.irri'-. if I iin:i..n tti. "I !.av to; ;..! wmr Sa ta i;i i.i A ev"Vt.t Bitei Mr. e I.. t; oi m Mfi.i e.:: t- tt II- itj;ii.ii! ity. Leiu-orrhaiii. iiititia! r-t'entttiin. i.! locul tiebiiify, tt:'iiii-; liciu tl.t- prinl'u.ori" i.i. ilic -is, lime yieldi-il to it. im ! tin le are leiv tl.tit tin i,i(. when ileir-ct projii-ily aittci! by iocs! tteti'.ii.i-i.'." A lailj. unwilling In n'lnir the ion if l.rr ii rune, irriirt.: ' My !u;!itcr ri.d in . n-'r !.n. i- l.ron c:ir't of n vry oi l.: i:;.i,i, L.-.i.-u:-!,o.'n of 'oe-r i-'::l.iii., I . tno l.oincH ot' lour -Sahhai auii 1. 1 " "Rheumatism v J ier ComD'ain-. De- pepbia Heart Di..eae, X.cara .a. xhftt e.t;i:i-l t.- y. rnr.t't iii i!ih tivttoi.i, r:n;iuiV cuici! Ly :ts tit AYHtiG CATIIAirriC TILLS r,.;.-es ,, .Uly ..,.1, ,... c. 0..(.r p,,r. 's'",s ht tie? iiixi kt-:, vM-l ifieii n;..': ir u. i-icm) tt is-tr-i.llv kii.:-.v.!. t;,-.r v.. ,;;Til ;;,r!.:m ,., assure t'ie jm! i,- their i;i:alt,v is n;! c-.ia il t the i.,--t ir ever has l..n, .-Jij th .r ili,-v may Ik; ot :it t,.i tu do Ail lh:t thev Jim ever .1 an'. I'reriaretl hv .T ( AVM;if I)., & Co., Ok R. S. R!TVX. KUnshuro. 0 T. t' iiAZEii. .J.-hiistuwu.' P. II !SM1E..D;, LorreUo, and dealc rs every wl-ere. Jtn.e 15. 1861. . . Elovvar.;! isiOLla;ion, riiir.ADrdd'iiiA. OtsFASKS OF ThE XkHVOIS. SkVINAI.. I'kinakv a.h!r.i;al r-lsT.-:s new atel reiial.!c! t rt-.ti u.eut in rep.. i ts if the HOWAIt'l ASSf C ATI ON S.r.t by mail in waled Vttrr enveh-pes. free t.f i tinrye Address. Dr. J SKILLKN IIOt7r.llTKNi Howard Asa c-iati.n N'o. 2 South Ninth treet, Phil.tde'phia. I'a. EBENSBURG PA JOHN A. ELAIIS. Proprietor. TIIKPIinPRIKTOR will spare no pain, tu render this ll:el. worthy of a continua tion of the libera! share V public patron a;e it lias hereto"oro received. His talih will always be furnished with the best the market alfurds; his bar with the beat of liquors. His stable is large, and will b ntfnito-i by an attentive and oblijin ho&tler. fcbeuburg Apr.17 lStJl. ! Genuine Preparations. tOMiOLAii KLUi: KXfi;At;f liUCUU. ..It..- il-. a? I. e i " tuMiivt: it i 1 1 i.t.i.eny i f tl.t- l;, r. Ki.lneys, (Jiavel, am! l)mii ical S a eiiii.os. '1 his Me.l;. : :.e iiicteasct; the pow-r of I); Ceti ti, ;ii,ii eXiiie the A us. n iiet.ta nn.i l.eailhy aeiimi. t v wliii h the 'ateiy . r (':ilcaic. US t'epti-iiioii.s. atui all Unnatural Fii.l .lor.-ti.ei.ts are reduced, aa well l'.iin aial j's EXTRACT UrOHIJ. l'nr cakliesst-x ari iij: l i.'io J- x-esr-s. ; Habits ot l)isi,.ati -ii. Kail' Ii.dii-c'ei ..i-.f j Abuse, alteutied with the ;.,ilou in" stiili j t tii.-: i Iiniispi .-ition t Exertion, I.nsf nf I', ! Eos "f Memory, Diflicultv of I'.it i We-. k Ne M's," T- ii,!j!ii,r j Ib'triTi t I)-.'as.e. Va'. iti ci-Mj, : ritiili.'ss i.t Vi.-ion. Piin it. the '.ii.-k, ' 1 tiivt-ri-a'. liMtitude of the To use'ila; SvsU.:,, ! H-l Ila e'.s. r,..-!.it.- ..f the .y L)r l;es of ti',. tlii!. E il'.li'u s nil the I'V.ce. j i'liiiid Oiiii'Uiiaiice. ! symj t.-tiis. if a' toveil to fro on, ; wl.ieh this luetiiciue It.variaioy ivn.ovrs, : stain r.i'i,,v j Ii.'j.HitiMri. Fati-it'j. Ef.H.ji'lc Fits, j In ti,' ot t h tin- i'iiti. ht in:. t-. piie. ; v ho can s- ti at tii-v are imt tre--iiei;flv j'. wed hv 'i.'se -D'Hful l)i-.. n . s 'INSANITY AMKDNMIililV" j Many art aware cl" the cause of ti.etr si.ff Lut none will contW.s the rec-ids of the' Inv it c A-vir.nis. j Ami Mdom.lio'y Deni'i hi C- i.sni"iHim , Uar ample witutta to the Ti'uih of Itie as I ser linn. ! The Utitiiv one fjficltdvcil. O.-ffif.ic ', Wia.intn es ihe 11; . i M.;ici.,e t.. ! ! S' ! 11 ai..! , i..iae tin- .Sv.--' in. : ! MV..VA HK.MBoLna EXT It ACT IU'CJIU ; t.r-iic'i (lY-ejf. A Triai will con the i ! I110I tkt j in al. j Fi ' MAKES FEM A KM-' FEM A I FS. ! 1 Lt tnaii'i A'Tt.:!ii n.i jiu-n'iar in Ftrinii 'i-s '), I i l' E'ii iih ir. u;-i (p.ialieii bv a-i ..:ier i r. nied. as in Ciiii ro.-i., or I!i t. ut'n n. Ine- j ; i.lai ity. l'aiiitu'n. ss. or S.t;.pnsi--u ( ! i Cii-toiiiary Ev.i 11 itions. I'l.'. iiitcl or i Stllil '.n .-t I'e ol t tie L'tt-fiis. I.i Hi i.i 1 1 1 oj t ! ! or Wf ite.-. Stenlitv. ai-1 l -t all! h.n.i.- ; j ir.r'iii lit t ' the stx. wielotr miaii o !.-. m , ;t!i!i.Mi ti.-n llaliisif ! :-,i i : 1 i. .0 . .,r in the i DECLINE OIL x.NwE Oc'l.lFK. i J i j Take im mi-re Ili' ini. 'emira. r : ; ittuau! Jl'-liriiici J r a iij'-ii.mii mul ilii 1 yxle.v iliitruxts. i 1 ill LM! ()ld-S I XT I! ACT !-UC:U ANT) . j ntrivdVElJ l;ol". WAM: 'JUllEb j 1.CUI; ' DISEAm! .S ; 1 1 1 all theii Si..i.-. Al h'ti.- Exi 'i ne ! I. ttieur 1.0 chaiic-i:. Hiit. V.m ;, : hience. i Ami no nXfumire. It cuisr-s a li.iitK'i.t d.-iu and cives ! stierath to Urinate, tinrtbv l!s-in..v:i o ! j j stil,, l'f. vi iiiiKj; am: Cul:.o Striet- i ! ''tf- of the Cr.-tl ta. all-iy-eu I'a m nd In- ! I II ilii:.iatli'ii. mi fr ip-etif 'i. li.e i-Ia-s .);.- j ! ca.-i'S. ate! s x 1 1 1 . ' ToijoH'iiid. l iai J- c i ' j (' iroriiotrl J!it:tr. j Ti.0'1 --.ii is ii..iii T ti.-a t uls who ha1 j ben tl e Vvim- ot Q t-uk-. audv-l o have : I ;ii i i.-e ir: jcrv 1.. o.- i-lih! in a i-li.i't Tiiot have t ti:ev iie or.-. i ed . a' d lint ! tl e -TOIMjV 1 ...s. 1 v t!. n.-e . f I'--it-i- ' fu! Astfiiioents." be' 11 iTin! u: in fi.e s-- ; j telil. t.' break i in all a a ateil f-..lli:. j and j-trlajm aj'Ur Marrhnje. j Use !hh:ib, !,rs Extract Eurl-n f.- r." I ' j :itr . r...i M,.d .'.-..IMS of tl.,. UUIN PY '. j Ui:A.S. whether t x''ii iu l A i E : j l'i'.NiAl.E. from wl'ittv-r e.-ns- . .vu i ..! i m z '.- i, ,!,, ,rt..r,,; II: )V I (r.f; -TAN 1)1 Mi j I '!sei...- i,f ?!. () -tiii'.f l tpc.rt the aid I f'f I'lEl.EIlC. 1 1 K EM i'.i M.I)'- ! X- I 1 T.CT Id C!ilT V THE iI;EAT iI UU- ; 'I It. .! i rertai'. i; have tl 1- ' sr.e I ! etlo t it: a'i LHxtascs f'jT ici.xh it ii A'cc'.-pt - ; rutiih'l. " ! Evidi-nre of ti:e most reliable an l r"s'i.n- . soil, i h 1. aet.-r iii aec-iin jn'.ii . the im iii.-i n.-. I I 'rice IKI-O bi.til.-, or six l'-i S". 0. ! Delivered to any Adilies. Mililtix packetl Iroin obs"i vatii'ti. j Dtscrihe in all CnHimu iiical'ovx Cints Citar,, inn . '! A.ivi.-e U all ! Addtess teiv. i.,r ii f" .rmatiou l- H i' Hi'" EM le d l. Chemi-t. ' , J,04 s,"'!'' T. nth i.,.. (..e.-.,n:. j IIEEMP.O! H....I Ti .,.t ' IE LM',()KI)-s, 'd,i,j and C.'u mical I!u;e. ' LoiLse, i r.nj r.-.-v'anv. New Ymk , , vl : r A n e . r c 1: x TEitFEi rs a n i ) CM'I.INCII t 1) lit.' ill I'-. ..!,.. ei.h.a vor t.. .!i.(..,e . ,.l llivir ofrHv .-tr" . articles 0.1 fie ret'.u1.ifiHn unincd 1 1 j llelliii, ildV ii,.,-.UlUt. p.r.u,.ll ,s. j " Extract iliu-liu. I ' .IP. t " :jrs;s pitilia. j " Impiovcd U"t.e SO! l) p.Y i i-IIl7f!f,-'ST;,i EVI EY'VUI RE. j ,c.1:)u-' KLMl;0I.l)s. TAKE NO i . ';'r "X-r'.l S '"""-ei'ienlnnd sen 1 f.r it j ;V t.VlI '-lOSITUX AND EX j M-ir;ii 0. I8i4."v. I 'g'HE liud-rsi-iatj 'ira.tmtteof the Haiti- ! dilleee f erf:t, Sttr-erv. res,.ec rudy ntnrs us proffei ,l):,l v,, to ,1, f Ctttzens .if Elensb1Jri?. ,lt. ,,HS rei, m, nieans ihorniiirhlt to .ieq,ui,lt limst.if w5ti, j every ttnpr..ven,ent his rt. Tu many j ..,-r.s-iiia! ex,,ern-,.e . l, ls thi.tlsrht ti. add the ,;x ,M.rf. , ,f j.j' ., e-t authorities in Dc.ul Sc,ence. lie s'in, lv nsk that an ..pp.,rntv u. !..r his work t.. ..,k it 4;. , rilj.P. SAMOEMEEFt)lilM). D.S. Ullicc in Cob....,,!,, n iV. IVf fi. A llarrL.T I.' ,. it i . liotnl. ir ; U. Ii. . ! Ar ); !". IV II. Anien. of the j Malum, re Oi'l ice 1 !lr Will heat Enshnrg (,n the f.nrth Mond ty of each nemth. t.,sitv .. w.rk. The Life and Campti.7uf Genet al Me CleJIan, u,r sale by JAMS MURRAY. J0I1 Itkl i It Mrtrhle Wot Its I A N l.W n K 'j'hc sld si riber "has just ri-ce'Ceda -sJ? In 1 ire and hatidsnnie ii. Voice ofcjl. f, ' Italian Ai. e ic.Hi f .!' ' V. A l: , E E . !,i0 " - " . ::trlfT ?oniprii.o tic ru'e-t and Stuck I he kind ev.-r i-r -iml-r r JJ Johiistt wn. a -':ii. H.shti.ent ct s Johlist ... I". Slr,...t . 1... ; A "' ' . ..... . vvirii m. ifi.ijiiati- f..rce of p- Ii-.-o l an ki!ll'! hihIt:'i. to rxf'-i1 a'l Vitals f !ONEM::nTS. Mantels. T m bsi.n,. -. Ta ble and f.rri ai! Tups. tVe . as eh.-it, as thev can be p'.iti ! n.-ed ii; ae v of I ho -tties. A hi IIV- stmk of I j i:sm;stim:s n firnl fi T mi'i' low rroiiipr nt'c.ti .ii paid t. or b-rs m a !ist slice AolK l!i lui icl ". I ere .'e si red. AEirch 13. ?tVJL John PAitr.r.. creatattracti'dn h f S '1 E m'.Ih- ti1 ii.ivit.'r iit'if.. f in 5 li.eti'y. hive t, nj.eatd . I" 1 1 e Iar.t,t aial "tu.t Ca" ftl'lv as-.lte-l st-t k f si'Eixt; and si'MMKK noons. 1 vt-r ib-u . 0 tin- .h..iV i f ( .rri'i:t..-. :i t . 1 tit: sinr- U'ldh j: !! 1. try. u 1. cii llty v. i i Si-ll at as h.M a fj.-nie as rny sttiie n. the ry. Tm ir .-! k cot si.-:s of DEY Ol.. R ADY MAlKi IJ T. I- I ME i'.0.-!S AND r,Jit.S- - ... if a!I kinds, Eoii.s D rs tjoi.-'so! ai kii.d.-, F-t ti h Meii-. -s. ! eta.l... Sl-ks. A-ntas. i'l.o.'s, A:-. I''ei, St..-k ..f floc-l't,- Coe- sist .1 the 1 e-t .1 Vs t: e tii iik-t airoi-!- 01 lUFrES. TGA!l. TOP.Ai CO. $c. Ti (. . i ,1 . 1.. . Th.-ir UF.E.NSWAK!-: .... t Ei'KIO'V- Wall'. -:e of the Ii.,-! o.i iuv I .:;,.. wi,. t..... ..t t.ui 6 .;. call at .i . x.o:.i..e !..r th. o.m iv -. "'ii c - - 1 1 ii.i- tl. .-1 :i 1 1 I 1 : I , - f. Ad i-P. !..! eoiioti-. : r -in. e taken r.nd I!.. ii. t ill iine u a etK:,d vte .1' t-i.iieii'.i.r to giv.- y 11 sn 1 1-1 . 1 1- 1 ' . Slav IK". 14 E UiiA. , Ol - JUilihl hniOni AN I tl T.l I l.ML -M!TPS Uf d'.t,s of ii,e ;.ta: JftrJ Ut-oi -avt.: by -.0..,; j . 11. 11.11 1 V 1 f I k V ; 1 1 ' ' I.' 'II" a V It t '!ttV; ,'v: F Iate,,t.'l,urc,! lo, lc.-a. chu-t a-!v, r htii-f are l.-t Having tr,.tii. pvt.- v Livh!. ..U,er. iv.t: -.j. ,1, .e;...-,,: i ua t.t.'.e.ant .z- en at , I, 4 ;nr!.;. if. liavilii: t . vi .1 . . e.,d ..I--, t.. :,. I.i ! a:i.tMs..-..t.. iii-h,r, , i.-..i::-t. 1 it.-i.. - vi T: I,.. ;r ... 1 1 . ; .111 -. 1 1 . . . 11 t - ; . t- . , . , - ... ... .... .ij. . ti .-. tj u! e P.!!.';. e. 4:' Hi 'i in vii'.'t- o.i.tii' can b- ii:n-k! I:im n 1 11". tlrrv ai.d b..i 1- ..1 . : . ..... .... .;i:i lie . pj i lure r.lier a '-i'. hr .v lb- bar !!i;. ti'-''--t'' : !.! t !rl ;i r Wm..-br,,-.,. ..ov. in; at T .: S.a.hi.e : (..,; .. , .,, . ) ri.l, 1 .0 1 hull.-.' r.j-- I. a :tr- a. .1 im her. Without ',t-- ... t.-...k :iv i t. ... will. !( ..- at,,! er-.i, , f v'.ft An e.::, mili-is r n.i :l- a-ere ed r. GTJ' State and I ' m ti H ''.:-(".. --i'i- 's C '" .X : ' R E'nn-dM. At ii' i) 1 -'v 1 1' l Ufc'mi f; IJiitiU rs.ore. - .I'i- i ee.-; v. .f a lle-n St. k f IV pi r. Vo. 1 ".:li t'lji. V I. ite :': T..I- (-p. !! . 1. int.- r ... V. .-.. : d I-.. '.,! p....:. t '-..111110 -t'. ' it;.r X- t- (ii.dt Kd- . I..!!;': .V-.-t-. li.fttik !.- I--. Miit-rj; it'"-. ne.-J ih.r,.;. 1 :nl; S:i:ii;i.ii.s' in ; Es rati.iin Duel.-. T't i. i'-'s - ih.r kt. 15. ...k r.lnt ftl.a I'm per. All. i.l.i- Writit.jj- Fini.l .t ei I'e..-- H. 1 j'.-!, i! -1 l.-rs. l.rive'.e; -s j.; ,-; tli. I'.ipv heeU :,n.l .'tic. e. iJ.-i.ks ,1: v:;ii. us kii hi. in !0 cis t- S?.-V.. ""''J-'e.-- :im1 T -hsu-ei. at.d vavie-.s ..ther N - t.etts tiii- b..--f .:i'i:'.. bi- lee. .tt '1 tv,- i 11. 't- f!-- v .... r.. l.lll I. i It 1) t'.Sl( " rjj...i. v P. t . a'"l l El!i I.l, rlAoKIiAM.'- !.-. M i: Iha.hl. n AJ...1 13, LSI. JAMES MUtttl vY. i;akki;v- .4 A" l ui, UAKEilv -and'- rd.'-i.eV:; .- i i : tn-.otJi-.KiKs : 1 o.F:-:i TIi EN- ari i.s. 1, ,.i. jilted t . iti.j.i y . '.,.,., st-r... ,.lRY .,., e,,;-. Miei. ' n.Oili:. !r-T'(;.Ml. COFFEE. tMFFsP SET Tuliir. ti v - i'. : i 1,., " Ti.Vn vVi' (iVVv ' K Tn"i n N' 'HON ,, .v. CAIli.(.. !!. l 1 he i '. st relai? tuins. ......v.. . 11. 11 ine si retai: .riets AKl cS and C.-riMn,. FliE.-M.T t.. t 1 . " ! C ot- . iit-n ii-e ot , ,,(,, c in- i a-. ai,. attaei i i: t., I.j;. ,.s, "rV"Tlce. . . All per..n indebted to Pie f..r sUoscripMo'i. a iv. rtisiuo r j , , u.-ik. a e req-t.Med to settle their aee..ts i(,.,..e.'i- atel v. t .o. kj,vt. April 13, l8t;4 S AXiIOX HOESE. Ai the: pevx'a n.ii.noAD depot ... i... . .. o. i.i s'-a: ti,ti i ... - i 1 1 t s . an tinli R .,,! DiilNKKMi SA H! "tfUWt1 flfltlD'v EO'iX wl,:re,,t,h tltst.r,. .sar,lin, U j Ji j jjff , I p....e AEE and FORTidt cat. he had. at t'H.lill f all lioiirn. . such as cnrt,iiii.ii iiiM.) '"hat's. Fret !5.nit OKOKCE Gl'RLFV ' Chant. Viet, na Cl airs. Kastle C'airs. haB Dec. 2. i8ns.-lv. " Eackeil Chilis. tlharrs. 2 I .Tjrc ' wastes oi an. AiEALS liLA i OA ; aRHIVaL Tl..k.i i... pat liiv-rs. h- iwt J IRAI.'iS I'uliy n iieit a hlie al -hire of pnhbe i nin-n- J. IECEvKK 4: CO., l'iorriotor. j age. CliuU-u Sirett. .bu,i:s. n tiaad ii Sept. 23, JS03. tf lCv.1V KuvuUr 20Oi -?.;4J- Zl v.,'A "it:.-'':..X 'v.---'- I. rrL: I t Ci '.--,.'c.'-'v-Vvr.-n CELCtj. RATED STOMACH l'U:' -' '- ' - - '"tiirf jsrjP , rtei:U:Ve I w: Ihitltu; i'-c-.. i:, ,:,H. MoTiAtdJ. uv::: AM I.oU:.s. does y.-;.e(.-, E: . 1 C- in, hi;..;, j , fnl.i , (ic-t via! D i.y. Nei v. i;--,. .p jU ! J s; 1. 0 p,iis. t -i.i-r !;... C. ; ifi'ttt t.t Ftvt Cr.i; pj. atal Spas: w .,. . ' ' ,J " '. 'U " ' ' i,!."r x ai :"!! 'y 'kt-t .v i. ; , i .!(1,: . .,( : !- i-l t l;l 01 1 I .1: lit I'll !- ' in- 111 rjl.M, ' ' ! N.-tf inc that isn- t -tu ..-t. a,J ;,:-!. .talivt it; l' :,t,, t ; t! ... . t nOr-Trl Ti. :-'i". l .( 4 I 'HTt E . T..i.-p..j tii.u pie; a. ',, I ' tail:;- ti-- 11 i e ai . f ni l:;ii l. 1,. . -. ...... :'t:"i,i!' Oc...i.t; ., ta-. fx.-.tam .,., """-"-" ' 1 ' X : r a. t . I n.r- ! ! '!U' U' '',, s t u-.x ! " i'"" ' ' "'' ,,'",'-iv -'iii.i.lai.ts '. tat; t i:i it ii i ii; ,., tie' Xi 'l..i,t I i,i : I i- vvtil to be I. reari ."! ai-i:.- li-p... j " 4l !1 the I in. .01 - . j;, ( ... e I 1 I C-1 1 I v 1 . 1.I1::' r. t:.i a 1 s , j; , r..-i ,1.:.:, , 1 fi-eii. hit ,i h. i,t, . , 'liifin fit. 1 at.d . leer iiii.i ! .11 ! It i- ', Fv ! 1-" I "V- t 1 i" 'E. 'lillll I....V U r. ii a j.i'ei-i atd i;i i s!!., is i! i -e.i with J' it y.nJ 1 " I C 'I it !'.!! i as n v. 1 . . : . . . . ; II r.i 1 i.Iid 1 '' " a;i;,ei..,,;,, ; x. ,,. . , . j,, . . ',. . :, , v. , ,.f , . . . j . .. . , ;, ... I v !...!( ' .' ..' 'v. ' ' ' ! ,-. y ,. .- ' , ' '' , 'j ! j . ,.(.i ,:,v ., , , j .!,...! 1 , .- ,.!;.v ,:,, ; . .; ; r:l 1 . ....... I I j , I . ... ' : M ..i "i - n s T,i... :. :, 1. U I. :vi.; r t- : t - . n ; :- M i - ie i' A K ., .J ; !,;;,, !, - .- .: t; ,:.,! . , , , i-; I. V :i e, , :. ,,, . ; e:- ! .. p.,,, ! 1 1 1 I '.-.-. ::; r- l- t. .... , . ! ,. t . j -.-.- :.-; r- 11 '..!- ve!. ;.- in. 1 1 : ! , , t . ' , ' ' j . , , J. .. , . f 1. .. ,i '. ... , , ;r . f y,,..,, c , 1 j ...,.,,. .t ,. . "'. V. '' ' ' ' '! ' ' I'". .!.-". y . !' p.';':. t; f '.:, 1. '.,..; j.-i et-'r ' : ' : ' ' : .. - ! ! 1 -' a . ii : I ' I .-..- t . 1 i, . t' , n- -' . - . ' . ! .. 1- - - - . ' - -; I t ie. i i .-TE". .F. -'ri I -'ie :, . t t 1. : I: 1 ' ' - i wi i 1 t 1 :" . v ' -! I. . : - . I i' ':.'.- - i i : "ir. 1 v 1 " ; t t .' 1 ,.. "' ' '" ' " ''." I V ' : i E ' i I- 1' I : (! .: A.' i' v i !- . 1- . . ' -:. : : '. a a c ' 1 . ' i . ' '- ! ' -" 1 ' ! X -: - ! c: i! 0 1 f : .' ir... .!..-.,., -' ' ' ' I .1 1 i- T: r ():''. si,:.-. .:,,! ' . :. .. . ,, .,. i,- ... . ' " .". r d-. i . .V:- 1 ir 1 -.1 : h- - r ' 1 ' -I -I ;.' ! 1 .." . - -V til, . ... .. . . i, N" t . 11 P C-t: ' ' . '!" f! -t. i .nr.." 5 t rrs s T ''r v 1 -ivf I'i: 1 - .':.t ' I'i i S-.i-' i t .,1 f. ..... i..s ;,,v,T ,n. .f -r- . k - -v-r. - i.. r(. i Ji..r,-!i 9. '.A--4 -!v. V . r ?1 C fy ' r iii IN ' i, ? - -" -i r. i 1 f-j HA i r, v! V- n ( ,-,v'''V "- l ' M'l'ts. le .ui .ert I-V -"d . t!.!,, s S! (il.,v. .-. h - cnlntf-. . n i v 1 ;...t.-. ns. .c.. v' i MAIN Mi.KET. .JOMN.sTtiV.'N. f N'.iv. -JO. lSiiE ly 1 t'ilM? liFtlSU. Ml ! U U Wit El i! I' 1 TloN. ROCK I NO CHAllJS F EV '.HY S'iF. k' l ?l S M1 P I P i' li t IDT ! li I Ii Ii M i.i i lliiliid , rt-tiies. 1 -.1 in. -p .Vi I irt - r- mr. CABINET ""Fuj5?jltU3i styles, u itji prii es msrr the TTTT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers