2 Precocious I'iely. A Michigan lawyer tells the following j .vrv : " Several years ago I was prac lww law in mc of tlie many bear.;iful 0.m- in isvon.in. Uue very warm ! (i.iv, wiiiic sv.iei ill my uiii u m hui k, 1 was interrupted by the entram-e of a boy, tin- -on vf one of my clients, who haii walked into town sax miles, in h blazing sun, for the purjMse ot procuring a bible had been told, he said, there was a I IV IvIlPIV lhfV l:IVB I hlTl :IVVIV fO IK1- j 1 ' - - - . . . . - v - - - - j jilt who hud no money, and he said he was very anxious to get one of the Irooks, and ask-J me to go to ihe place where :!.ey vveivkept. Anxious to encourage l.rii in linearly piety. I left the brie! on wi icli I was mid went with him ver the jtaad of a 1'ivsby lerian deacon who had i)w much coveted books in charge. I introduced him to the di:ieoi, telling him t!?f circumstances. II praised the h..y u-rv highly; was 'delighted to see the voting man so early seeking alter the tiuth, ect. : and prcs tiled him with the b st bound bible in hiscuil.-c.'ioti. Ihihhv put it iii hi pot ktt, and was starting oil", when the deacon paid ; N""', ,: "on, tli.it yon possess what y.Mi iL:i'ed, I suppose you will i'etl Wi T, I do, olil lioss ; for between vim and I. I knew where I can trade it fur a phoney jo.d ti.ldle !" iUMi Ut.T. ' The well known W'-'l MitonSzfd Tavern Stand in thu jtv.'reiiii t' Eiiensburg. known as the Union ii .w. i- i-r reut and ( ossessi. in given ill' t: :t if April next. For partituiur ai'i'iv to the proprietor. JOHN A. CLAIR. Fib. 1, ISC I. 0 D F.Y1.S MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET :;!' Hr:g Low to speedily rotore sij'hi and jive up .-j ectacles. without aid if doctor or ii.t-iiieiiie. Sent by mail, liee. on. rectipt i t 10 cents Address. E. 15 FOOTE. M. D.. 1130 P.n.aday, New York. Feb. 1. 18(55 Cm. iFYOU WANT TO KNOW J A LITT. E 1F EVERY THING relating to the human t-v-tem. nii!e n:d leiiiale ; the auses aial T-t?.tn:.-i.r of dicaes; the marra aje cufo!i:s ri-i ; how tu mairv -ll m-d a !iu.ns!id thirds n. vt r piiblisi.ecl hefore i.ui tiie n vicd ami e:n-irre I edition of ".VfliaAl. C MM N Skssk.'' aCU:ioiis b.n.k fi r nirii'iis cp:e, aial a pid book f-n-v(-v in- 4"0 pai.es. li'H) Illustrations. Prie Jl.'O. (N'l.'ents table s-nt fne t ary a ! ire s. B,H.ks iney bo had at the i" k .-its. ;ir will i seiit liy mail, p-st 'a: i i'ii r.iipt of the price. AddreH Dr. E. P.. IH)TE. M. D., ll::ii P.-. ..v Vn..v V...1- K'.l). 1. IS'Jo Cm. QTIl.lY ISOC. 0 Cur.ie to the resi liince (( ti ie fiubseriber in Snmii'.-r!ii!l tfwiisl-ip. Ciini-ria .ouhty.f ncr Wi'tnore.) ll.ree Ueeks a. i. vsl.ite hoar, ab lit I ea.r o'd. ('io ear i5iik j T lie owner is rqert- 01 t pa expenses and take- i.liji Hay. ... 1 .....;..'.!..., i '. i: I . '!-1 i; tic u. l-C III - 1 I ill- "lill; to hw. PEN SON CKUM. Fh. i. Jo.' St. ffHKNMJI'KC. MAl'.KHf. J Coir eted Weekly. Fl. ur per bbl F.xrra Faud'y, Extra. Petf. ptr lo. P.-tstoiM, per busbtl. Apples, Pinter, per jb. PRICKS. SIC 00 10 0 02 40 75 2.25 I.5( l 25 1 25 75 C.ibi.a-e. p-jr doz. Wheat, per bushel. 1; ye. Buckwheat, Corn. O.tts, App-lw. Peaches, Beans, Clover seed. dried, 1.50 , 3 .CO i 2 50 8.00 , AVEUN STAND Ft) P. KENT. The trtaMished 1, iiirt known as the UNITED STATES HOTEL. j now kej.t y . lames 1). Hamilton, in Wil 1 n.oie will le li j-.-c.J . r a term ..f e.rs. I For teri-ij,. apj.lv to the subscriber usis i i . . . i iiing niur His. premises. JOHN M'COLGAN Jan. 24, I8c5 3t ST BAY HEIFER. Came to the risi. ler.ee jftlie undersized residing in Su queh-uma towi.i-hip. Cuinl.ria county, about the 10th ot D-.ceml er, lfG4. a red "hiifei about t(, vearn old. no marks. The owner is reipie-t d to c.ni,e f. i ward, j rove propeity. pay chatjies am' take her awav, otherwise ..he will be di.-poMd f accoi,!i"i,jr to :,w. William oarmon. Jan. 25, 18Gi -3t TO THE NEUVtiUS 1 1" PiILITAT' D AND DcSPOX DENT OF BOTH SI NES A gtea. sufferer having In en re .titled to health in h few days, afier many jears.el misery, is w iiiing to assist his s-if Ictiti fellow -creaturch by M-nding (free) mi the iec-ipt.fa )t.paid add res)-eil i.re l"pe. a c. j.y of tht formula of cute emph-y. d. Direct to JOHN M DAGNA1 L. Box 183P.i Office, Brooklyn. N. Y. Jan. 18. 1805. Tire Lite iu.u rtf viie 1 (Jtneial Grant or tal hy JAMES MURRAY. The Constitution of the United State ith eXp:aiiaUr- otex f..r iav bv J a M ES M I R I ! A Y . An essay on the Harmonious Relation between DiviiiO Faith aiid Natural Reason, yr by JAM3 MURRAY. R EUJPi'S AN i-XP. NDl : ( It .s siF DaY Or JaNUaRV, 16. TO I If IJuTlI DAYS DR. ISAAC W1KE, 'A'o aui't of Oainty Tax from Collectors lor lf04 an I previous years, P.H.I lleiitf " -Military " G'lm y tax from seated ami un-Miui lands f -r 18(53 i previous years, P....r " " Relief " lioad tCi.K'l lec ive 1 from misceila neons sources. Ueeeivid In.in Coui fissitners s.ijes. U-celved on h'eiiclnp- lloll of i:ttld. Kxoin-rati' 'lis athiwed C-! lect-irs oa County Tax. G-nin.'s.M ins. ' " Kx-'iieratioiis alloweii Collectors ou Poor Tax. C-muiissions " Lx-'t!-r.ti -us aPowed Collectors on Helief T..x. O-iHinis-ions " bx -t eratioiis all-w-td C 'lleetoi' on Mili tary Tax, C'UiUJltsioll3 " " $13 8;: lo 4.57S n. 05J 07 1.4(54 12 73 (3 3'.! 72 1.:177 'Ji 1,500 bo 392 42 C03 50 482 50 5taG 29 712 VJ 202 8(5 855 7n 209 53 203 .4 372 SO 61 53 T.tal. Balance due County. $3.2J9 3.M9 95 Ojtota inline Debts due from Collectors f..r 18(54 and previous years. 18G0. Jacith Bury'ioii, Wasliii Rton tp , 1G1. D.n.'i Lttzint" r. Che.-i Spi ines Imr. I Bu'ledfrie. J hllsloMU. 2 U. Michael Lntz Wijtnoie It., doseph Wi t. Cleaiti.-ld tp . 1802 John Williams, El.ensl ur;i. E, W. E J Mills. - W. W. 18G3. N. Iblirich. Chest tp.. Joseph M'-yer. (;ieaiiie!d tp., T J Davis Ebei.s-bnr, East W. West W. Geome Orris. R chl.tnd tj .. II D tl'tti. Washington tp., John (Jiasn.i. W Lite ip.. 14 1 1 47 82 1 5'. 92 1G 208 5 208 145 I8G4. Francis Dili, AMehtiiy tp., John Gillan Blackl.ck tp., Jacob Mack, Camhri.i A'latn Kurtz. Cambria lor., J A. D.-eliu h. CaiO-11 tp.. A. F-irnbaui-h. )i.rr i!ton bor., 3M 17 03 153 Henry Nutter, Ciie.-t Springs " Antlionv Anna. C' est tp., J. H. D'.ulass. Cleaifidd " J. It. Cooper. O.ole. J. P. Murrav, EhensburK East W 190 D3 137 125 197 ;.; Wist W. 125 S P D iiiinire. Jackson tp.. 197 Wm Flattery, Johintou, lt W. 2d W. 77 3d VV. 57 " 4th W. 127 5t!i W. 154 John Bradle", L -u-tt" bor., li5 George M.Dow ell. Mil!v!l!e bt.r., S4f5 John C H niier. lii-hland tp.. 78 Henry Walters. JMimmcrhill lp.. 150 B -t.j jiiitn Yanh. Summitlvilie r, 23 Wm. A. 51.1-s. S.isfpiehanna tp., 43 Win M'lMioHt. Washii;i;ton tp., 245 F. N-wkiik. Wiltnore, U.r., 8r J .l.n Bears, White tp , 440 T. L. Hunt, Ymk-r tp., W Total. 85403 Due Cambria Count V oil JlldAumelifs ic. Thi lnas )'iD, Isaae Ptrpit, Peter li-uer. A. S.iii'-ti. t al. $14 10 38 13 55 5i 89 30 60 79 T.t,,l. $250 13 Amounts due C' U'l'V, Miscelitln oils. C D. Miinay.late Treasurer, i'i'i 91 R P Linior.. Sheriff. 02 07 D. T. Sun in, " C iu!iiissiouer. K 78 1a nii.iTi O'ttstandinp O-deis. Balance in la.vor of County, Total, $JM5 1437U i 78 $10392 53 Given under our hands, at Ehenshurg, the Attest. Wm. H. Sechler, Cleik. We. theund.-rsined. Auditors of Camhria. Cunty. d- rep..,t thu we have carefudy exMiiin.-d the accounts am! vouchers ..I re.fi pt. and . Xe:,.l,inr. s . I sai.t C ur.ty Com missioners. fn in the 2Gth dav ,.f Janurry. I8G4. M tne 20ti day of January. 1855 b tl, dajs mcludec!. and rind them to be correct, a is also the loregomg statement oi the l.a biiuies ami assets ot said County. , , , T Witness our bands at the Commissioner's ary. 1805 Alic-st. Geo. W. Oatmau, Clerk. GEORGE C K Z VllM, Tressurer. In ac count with the Directors of the P-r and House of Enipl.y mint of Cambria County. ls(54 DR. To County Orders. $7,000 00 Balance duoTieasurer, 73 Total, $7,000 73 CR 18G4. By balance due Treasurer. Amount paid indebtedness paid to January 18G4, Interest on same, Merchandise and Groceries, 1.654 19 123 45 1,090 10 A.NiPdMA COUNTY. FUOM nr itl E 2nTI f)A OF JANUAR1, 18oo. INCLUDED. Tkkasvh u. tit. Dy ain't paid Auditors County Accounts, $21fi 00 A.ses.ors. (57 (55 lirnlgen. 8 3 tl Commissioners. 1.33U 43 Clerk, K0 OO j Ceunscl, D O Q . Constabl. s, 513 72 0 urt (Jiier. 91 5 0 ,i t lloi.se, 25 1 II; Ci'iniual Pr.secutii us, 972 'M Dama-es, 8H 21 ; Dis-rut Attorney, S."8 00 , F.'eciiotis. 238(5 1 1 i F.' Scalps, 198 25 j Fiu I, 72 25 ! Iiieid-ntals, ill 90 Inquisitions, 218 95 J.o; tV -la. lor, 1:0 81 Jio-n (Gr.ii'l). 47( 43 Jllt'y (Tiaver.-e). Ki03 38 Jury tTa-esmei.), 94 90 i Miuiary, 183 50 j Piitiiii.". 442 00 j 1 n hases. 203 40 I l'rothoiiotar' & Clerk Q Se-iors, 588 38 Poor thaisc. 7.000 Oo " Directors, 75 00 1 Il-demti m of Lauds, 30t5 Hi ltelunduig, 1G 04 j b'eiuf, 4.83) 85 j It., airs, S.354 74 j ll ia1s. lmt 50 ! SSb'H,l, 4ij j Stiilionery, 131 32 tSupei visors, 21 54 ' r-aUs t,t Lamis. &i 00 Wild Cat Scalps, 04 30 Pv ConimiS'ioiis to Collector? for Co, P-.r IIl-I'I & Mil t'ry, 1 383 05 I'xoneiations do. 1,461 18 07 lHed8 t County for Land at $2 87. 192 (52 By advertising 14 tracts of land; 7 00 C'-Ii i mission ii $28,495 93, 854 88 Amouut in Treaaurcis liamls, 3.549 95 Total. $oti,249 82 V I L'NTI. 5UU 72 54 01 111 14 33 40 155 37 P oi: Statu. Ki l;ef. Military. ! 43 94 13 21 ' CG nG 55 2 bl 14 40 74 71 97 0 1 42 1 30 29 9 tj G 0(5 50 50 5 50 50 50 00 01 58 3i 1G 322 50 Di5 97 1 93 15 3 G 43 h2 74 51 42 72 3.5 ;l IK 50 78 11 02 t0 57 80 53 00 8 35 2 05 2 C5 24 ?.l 27 35 13 50 41 07 42 45 20 01 78 IG 4G G 4G r' 4-i 08 34 23 30 22 8 77 134 52 94 04 89 G4 48 43 T.2 50 33 52 104 90 07 01 07 01 73 98 50 ti8 49 08 179 88 124 09 124 09 8 78 5 95 5 9o 31 53 21 42 24 42 74 37 52 ;5 52 (.5 9'. 41 (55 19 04 19 f! 01 33 74 33 74 G9 01 4'5 94 40 91 10 5 77 43 28 99 1 9 159 88 (59 58 So 01 20 16 15 IG 37 22 42 52 33 27 28 47 23 22 22 22 (.3 -ll 4 2 s4 41 59 77 43 54 05 51 05 33 2G 20 14 23 34 173 8G 100 Gl 100 (5 1 38 3i 17 05 17 05 75 53 52 32 51 22 11 S 8 92 7 92 20 43 12 57 10 07 122 21 83 22 82 22 43 58 S3 9G 30 90 218 3(5 154 HI 154 So 32 90 8 1 88 80 17 "-.59 10 1938 02 D507 42 18 50 18f.4. 2A 50 Feb. 29ih 15 00 i - 18 00 ! Mar. " 15 50 ! A. rf. 27. lo 00 : Ju.'v 2d 19 ;0 i " 12, 4 1 :0 ! 1. 12 (0 j 27, 25 O0 I 5(5 50 ! 4 on j 29. 30 00 j 31, 24 00 i 12 50 ' Sept. 22, I 00 i 41 00 ! 27, 1(5 50 i 13 00 I 37 00 N -v. 29," 15 00 I 44 58 iS 74 i7 47 14 53 75 '9 30 00 20 97 43 27 05 01 2i 08 Indebtedness of (-an hria Jarmarv 2Gth 1805 Ouistandinp C-.utity Orders $854 25 Bief " 11 i.l 50 $2015 79 County iiu to ' $140 39 ' STATEMENT. Asskts. Amount due from Collectors Judgments &c. Miscellaneous. $I4G 39 J.idjjmcnts. i:5: is Ane unt in hands of frfa-mrer, 354'. 95 Amount due from Collectors, 124JG 0G Total. $IG 392 5: 18'55. 2Gth .btv of J""" ) A D. J()ll. UUU lira.!;, E 'JLA-iS. Commi.-ssoiKTS. V. II DUNN EG AN. Otoje. ai- r.wei ? urs, u.e otii nay o. oa:,,. WM. J WILLIAMS. F. P. TIE.tNEY. J. A- KENNEDY, Auditors. Flour and G ain. steward's Salaiy (in j art). Pork and 1$ if. Labor ' I. bartu, Iloii-e servants Relief of outdoor- Paupers, G.nstabVs Fees, .In-1 ice's Fts, G flius. Rlacksmiihing, P:iy-ici in. Provisions, llirdvare and Tiuwarc, Printing, Paving, Stoves, 998 Hi 7, 3 "Ml 00 j 5315 4S ' 23, 247 55 June 20. 31 07 . 885 43 ' July 2, 57 45 Aug. 5, (5f 00 j 20 00 j 18. 4 5 31 Sept. 8. 12ft 00 15, 117 48 34 4 5 29, 9 75 225 00 22, 10 00 -, 82 78 100 00 1:J0 oil $7,000 71 STOCK ON FA KM. 3 Horses, I '.8 Sh.-ep, 7 CoW8. I 5 APTICLESON HAND. Sad Ii ry and Pet-airs. Incidentals and R 'pairs, Treusiir r's Salaiy, Sli-ck for Farm, T.tal. (.5- -iTee, Tail r .rk, ISeef. L;rl. lintier. 30 Wo J (car'd) 300 lbs Mutton, 2400 " Beef. Hides sold $31,30. 10 Tons 1 1 Hay, 250 bus Oats. 100 Poiar.es, 20 " Onions, 5 " IVans. 2G " Parsnips, 5 Ton Hny, 20 H. 00 hu. Potat-es, 250 20 Ii. ans, 27n0 1 bhl. M.i'asses. 4OD0 1 Suuar, 90 " 13 " F'l-.nr, 85 2 Vinesrar, 30 jj Pckles 5 bus Cumbers CO Parrots. 20 T mat.es, 20 ,:t.ts. "0 " Apples. 8 " Peais, 2 " .V! 'ni .us. 4000 Dead Cab ' banc. AR'IICI.ES MADE IN THE HOUSE. 4 4 y.Is. I.insev, 43 " Dresses 32 Vests. l2ti Sl.irts. 8 Suits for P.ovr, 12 Dresses f-jr Ci'iil- dien, 31 "-heets. 4 2 Pillow- Slips, (.5 Maps. 10 B -d Ticks. 12 Caos. 4 Sir nu Is. for women. 35 Chemises 10 .S;in i$"i,r.ets, 19 Aprons. 23 nr' w'a hose, 82 M. ns i 13 kir:s. 7i pr'-. pantaPu. 21 ;ont:.l;jloiits. NUMBER OF INMATES REMAINING IN THE HOU6E, January 1. 104. 53 No., admitted during tlie year, 51 Discharged 23 " A':Colid-d " " 2 Died " " 4 Remaining Jammy 1, 1805, 51 Sne .. .. 3t Iisane, " 13 Outstandinpr debts due by P.r II usc. Ani'l Outstaniinr C)rders jirior to Jauuerv 1804 i4' 58 Am't Outs anoV. O.vJ'rs for 1SG4 IMS 99 Tot d, $2,193 57 WE the underdone. Auditors i f Cambria County respectfully report, that we have nuditi-d. sett'! and adjusted the accounts of Poor and House f-f -mp' yment of said County, with George C K. Z hm Treasurer, theieuf. accord in- to law. an, .. fl.i.J , ,.,, ati'-i due tlie Treasurer of seventy-three cents. Given under our hand this 13th January, A. D.. 18G-"i. day WM. J. WH.I I MS, J. A. KKXNE Y, F. P. TIEKNEY. Aest. A u liters Geo. W. Oilman, Gerk. JAM!'S J. KAYLOB. Steward of the poor and Il..u-e of Kuudo nifnt. in account v it!i vl.eDirectors of the Poor of C.tmbria County. III. $ 00 33 On 90 OO 10 On , To Order No. 23. $ - " Cah f -r bie'es. 45 vis C.iic-i at 25cts 2 1'i.isVteis oats 10 ds Mii-mu at 50ct Or.ler N . SG. " 89. 11 25 . 5 00 100 CO 00 75 j CO ' Ca.-h f r hides " Cash relundetl bv N P..er " Ci.yh per J. M'Donald for 2 pi ft-', ' Cash per Thomas R - ensteel lor damaged tUir, lb 00 G 00 8 00 " Ca--h per James Stew art O vet set r ,,f thu l'.H.r of Pine townslep, Intli.ilia Co.. f ir siip-p-.it of J;t::e Hartmss and family. 57 00 Ca.-h per John Evans f.t hides, IG 30 ' Order No. 132, 100 00 Ca.-h per Overseers of Pool of Wfiite township lnii-ni Co . for sup it rt of D.ivi.i Abbot, 22 4 " 18. Order N .. 22S 100 00 Ca.-h per William Williams, 13 00 Total, $727 18(54. J iii. 25. Feb. lft. CR. By b.-il. at setttlement $ 58 cash fa Postage " pro ale, " freight, 3 hire of thteshing machine one ear, 15 By freight, 1 " postage, 50 Mar. 11. April ' "1 1 1 May 2. 10 " Cash paid N. f t straw, Bi- cash paid Shank 7 00 37 1 00 12 u0 to R. Davis for lime. P.y cash paid William Kayl'-r for flax seed, II) '800 lbs. of hav at $1.50 Bv 8j bushels bailey alSl..-0 By cash paid P. Stoltz f.r seed coin. L5y cash paid for stamps .. .. ., t-:lL,bjge 'plants. Bv cash f r freight. By cash paid Jor.es & Oiwi is, Blacksmiths, By cash f-.r siamps, .4 .. fiht. " paid to Joue & Yener f..r carding. Bv cash paid to A. Young for rye. By cah paid to send sway Mrs. Davis, 4, 4, 12 1 50 1 50 1 2 1 7G 4 65 10 00 5 SO 1 Dcc. 21. j 20. I ieo5. ' JaU. 5, P.y ca!i f r freight on tea, Uv cash paid f r c--al to Me- sl.ach Thomas, mend inf shoes, Bv cash paid for coal. 50 75 29. 8, Nov. 30 11. 22. G. C, 2 95 3 05 c. By cash paid J. II. Drav. Allegheny Co.. Pa . f r fcupport of I 4-Wlrt By ca-h paid Geoifje Eekenrode lor weavitTj P.v eish paid for toal. 43 00 1.5 95 10. 12, 1805 Jan. 14, 14. 13. By cash paid for ficigi.t on Hour, 6 55 Bv ireitrht paid fur Ex press charges 53 By ca.-li paid f-r si am ps. 1 00 By salary for ne year less 7 das at $00 rer year. " 4 Ho 41 By cash p d-i fur c-al 12 7.) Amoiiu t cue to Di rectors 12 19 18. 18, Total, $727 75 WE the ui.lers:gned Auditors i.f CaniOrin Oounty, respectfully report that we have . X imincd the aovc aecoii.it and do tind it ct.irect. with the amount f tw. lve duliars and niueteeu ci:i:t ie favor of the D: lectors of the P.w.r asul Ibnise of Employment i f Cambria CoU'.lV. Given under our hands this 18th January, A. D . 18'".t day of WILLIAM J WILLIAMS. JO iN A KENNEDY, F P TIEKNEY. Attest, Auditors Geo. W. Oatmau. Clerk. '- -. . i-ii. ifcLi SHIPPING TO AND FROM ENG LAND, IRELAND AND sui'LANU. CY THU G LWAY LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, MONTREAL d. do. AND WASHINGTON LINE OF SAILING VESSELS. Dialts ?t s:s:ht for 1 and unvards, on National Boikand Pranches. Payable it. all the Cn 's and T wn- in Enla-.d. Ire land, Scotland and Wa esOee f Discount R. A. 0 KKlMt. May 25, 1804 ly. Alt. :l. I' M POIITAN T NOTICE. The NOTES and BOOKS of E-bfard Md'sr. lately d -M g bttinej in Mim-ter, have Ineil left v ith tue Inr c illec'ioii Tnis ii.ti.-e i- -jivti. to Ep j: iz the parties in-Yl ted f lliefict AU aecoutits rem ii' in unpaid ..f:e.- the first f March next, will be t-ued f r WM. K ITT ELL. Jan. 4. 18G5-6t ADMIXISTRATtR'S NOTICE, letter f Adnvni.-tration upon th etate il El ward 15'lik. deceased, have bee!, granted to the subset l her. resi-'in in Wahiugton tow liship Tiiose indebted to said estate kill please pleas" ;nak p iviii.-ni. and th-s-h iving claims against the same il! j resent them proper' v pr -wn t'nr settlement. WILLIAM BEHE, Jan. 11. 1805-Ct Ailiur. I I CENSE NOTICE. L The following Peti- tor.s for License have K-eu filed in this of. lice lor ; res ntation at Argument Court ot. 7th of F.btnaiy. 1805. to vir : (.f (forg Winderoth. "A'dniore Bor . Tavrni Joseph Sh'.rey, Black In k. JOS. M' DON A ID. (a'k Quaiter Sessions. Eben.-burp, Jan. 4, l8t5. tO aNSUMI 'lIVES. C nsumptlve snffoters will receive a valnal-ln pn-siiipii- n for r:.' ill"'- f (-n.-ump'ion. Asthma. liori'hui. ind aii iliri lit and Lunj nl'ieel i 'lis. (free of charg .) bv si'i.iiitig their ad.'iess to Pev. EDWARD A. WIL'ON. Wii'iamshurg Kings Co. New Yolk. Sept. 21 1804 3ni. rllila u-ii- fir l.orrllo. Clir.1 V pi Ing. I AND ST. A I nl Nil N E. Th subscriUr. havina purciiased the en- i tire stock of IJotses. I Lit k-. (Urnaires. ic., 0;t, 2(1 j of the late firm ol Itxati - Durbiti, 1m sj. 30 j l.-ave to inform bis tri-uds and tlie l oil -I o- iii j veoeral that he is i,..w piepated t furi.ish 00 them with every accommodation in his line O'i i ,.f business. His line of Hacks connects 5" i with all the trains on tl e Pa R R.. nd.-.v- inr passcn;ers n- dclav whatever. Cabs 15 aiwavs promptlv attei.-'td to. JOE F. DURD1X. Lreto. June 20. 184-ly. JOTICE. In the matter of the petition ol Thomas B. Mi re and Wiiiim I", pjper. for the sj.tvltic pel f 'i m ince of t he coi.tr. ict made between Uici.;.n' Lewis, d eased. aii't George J. 1 in. !-;eis. for tin Coiivevanr-e of 75 the div ded . ne-haif of a tract of land! situate in .lacks-n (now B'.ack'.ick) town i ship. Cm. hri t county. j To the heirs am! legal iepreen?nti vt s of Richard Lewis. .kcea--d. residing outside of j 50 j t.r,,- limits of Cambiia c -lint-, ; 50 TAKE NOTICE, that y'. u end eveiy of you. are commanded t l. and appear at 30 nur Orphm's fi-urt, to be held at E-h-iishurg j in and f. r the trinity . 1 Caini-tia, on the I Fir.--t Monilay of M.iicli .if xt. t show cause if any '.u have, why the said contract should not be proven and perf. .nuance there of decreed. .TAME MYERS, Sheriff. Sherifi's OaBce, EUnsburg, "1 i Jau. 25, 1865-St J 1 -.ran It W. IIi Having adopted the Ca-h system. ffer the following War8 at less than rttv retail prices : SUGAR KEITLES. 10 to 40 sal Ions Um ! COPPER KE'lTI E. 3 iiarti fo 40 J all out- I TINWARE. all rwrtji nnd Itindn. SIICCT 1 11 OX WARE, every vfrtetv ENAMELED Sr TINS ED JRON WARE. coppt-R wakk made to ordeu sad hm ins or siiooTitrxa moxs ZINC WASHBOARDS. COOKING STOVI.S. EGG STOVES, HEA TlXO CO OK STO VES. BRADLKV COKING STOVES. TA- TENT. AIJIK'TT NOBLE, and every other Pittsburgh ..r Philadelphia mauufuctim-r's stoves always on baud or procured ! 5 dtvs litice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves slwavs on liand. CR BON OIL LAMPS rm C2et.. to $1.25, CUIMNEiS and WICKS l wiyi on hai.J. 8 POUTING. MINElt'S LAMP. OIL CAN?. I'O-VDER CANS, all s!22s, cnnstantlv on haud. COFFEE M I LLS. TOASTING F'iPKS. OYSTER BROIL- :p. JKLI Y Cake Moulds. i" nt. COAL Lil'CKETS. Table and Ta Price li-t now rea.lv for tbn Trrde, ind M-rrJianis are respoetf:dlv inv-'ed to call and examine our Wares, send fjr for a catalopti'? before puicl.aaiujj els vvhere. The nlmrr "ws wi'tj he fu t. ;sh tl WnOLHSALK OR HKTA Tl AT TIIK JOIlXSToWS SToVK IlOfsE FCRXIS1US STr.pF CANAL STREET. Oj'posite the eijih Iock. ASK FOR FRANK W HAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save f'rentijrfrctnf. on your urcs Johnstown March. 13. 1SG3. tf. L 3GO acre- 1-27 prrd p sn I alio vaiices. i f v-oi.tbie ( O L LAND, situ ate m'ar tie l'.m.sy I vutiia I.'aid-.'Sd. at uitiMiei bill Station, in Oroy'e Township, (Jimi.iia Connt . Pa. A-nt 50 acres of th 'and leiiig cleared, and thereon erected a duelling house and barn, and th.-r iin.pve i.ients. als. an excellent orchard of fruit riees-. The ab.ve tract c-ntairs and abun dance of fo.il of a supetior quantity. ( drift being opened.) and wid be sold on rea sonable terms. Apply o. Poland. Jerri: ins A- Co., BiUi more. Md.. or t.-.l. W. "Srtattoti, New York, citv. or to Wm. Kittell, lsq.. A-ttorney-at-Law, E'.a t.-burg. P-.i. POLAND JENKINS & CO. .1. vv. XTKATTON. April 15. 183 tf. O i nw. y A L CABLE REAL ESTATE fob SALE. A tnrt of Innd (formerly owned by G oie M"Ci arv) -itn.ife in SuMp.ehann T wuship. Cambiia county, adj ..niug 'ands f Joseph Lute. William Ciaunau. .b"xph P. Miller, and oth ts. cont jining 152 aces and 21 p. tches and ailowju-e. aUut 50 acres f which is et-ared and thereon erected ie nd a half story Log House and & L g Earn Apply to Wm. Kittell, Attorney at-Law E etisbitrg. P.-nn'a.. or to the nudersigneil ( iwi e) Cherry Tree, ludiani coimtv. Pa. E B. CAMP. D-c. 14. 1801-tf 0 II I 0 P E T R O L I U M CO M PA N Y. The r.ndcrsi'rnr'd having been appointe-1 an Az nt for the snKsctiption i f STOCK to the C tnpatiy, bej;s leave to submit the fjl- low lnjj siatement : Tins Compar.v is chattered bvT th ? Tiss la tun of New Y--ik in couforn.ity wi,h the lnwscf O'ii.1. lis capital sikisotie mil lion (.f dollars in shares . f one hundred dob i . i . f . - ia:s earn. ,- oi'. n cl ll-s slock I ojn ) f-.r suiiM-iii.tiou. Ti.e or .teitv is sin; iird I 111 -lors-an county, (,i.,i .. and embraces ab ut , 'ift-en hlir.ibid n"r s o I.1111J. the m t of i l.eli i.i fee m"ii: le and the bal in-e held bv h'ase. Two milts o' broad -rail- y land si;5t a! le for t-i.iiui; .Weils Tie re are six't-en ".i-ils in sucies-ful .iio-ration pr Mpe i-, ir 295 barrels )ier dav. s. llii n at $3 , t r battel rupnuy ana Miccissllillv lii ye' U To any person wishing t-. invc-t in this 1 enferpiiM. I will h. w tb.-'.a phji t:nd vive iiit-m a onmphlet Utailine tie whole o,.era ti m. M. 1IASSON. Ojt. 2G, 1804-tf , Aurt. J ATKIMCNlAL! i ladies a ?c d g n tlfm e n it von wish to n.ariv, aiidnssibe undiT- j si;ii-iL who will staid V"ii w j hotif money und witl.nur cnari-e, vailtaS-le iiif. rmut ion that w id enabie you to marry happy and spidily. irrespective e. wealth or b au ty. T his inf. rmation will cost y.. t o-hin.;, and if j-.ii wish to matry. I will cheetfully assist ou Ad letreli striody Coi.ri.leiitia!. The desired h-formation sent bv leturn mail. ami no 'I'lesli.-us isked. siddiess SxRAUR L vMPEftT. Greenpoint. Ki. gs CvUuty. New Yotk. Oct. 1J. I864s2m. ' JOB WORK . O F L L KIN DONE AT THIS OFFHT.. A 1" THE SIlOU'iEST NtrllcfC A ND CN 1FA.VVNA1U. TRittS-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers