.1i it i& .IS ?f M . 4 A IS A Irk ft III vl ' i.5 - N"v .5 U-i ; ICS j, :s 1 II S IP IS l I ft 1 3717 NEW SERIES. tC MhL'JI0oh'A T it- SENTINEL' t is published every Wednesday ! JJornin", at Two Poi.laks per annum, n.valile in advance: 1WO DOIXAltS ANI iwfcAii -- x- V , oat l'- sec what wjis ;oi:j; ur:. I nuKi.; of the vrr. , , , . No subscription will be received for a : ii5" to tho i-oni'T ol L.:tMO una i.n shorter period than si; mouths, ami iu ! Uoiph iix-et"; ibr awhile I sit .sitistyin ulmcriber will boat Hlx.Tty to distontimie mv ct; n !ii- siii-riu crowj uf Iji:in:iji- his iler until all arrearages are paid, ex epi " - y ' wn subscribing lor six '"r ', .. ;?,. tit in Kdvatu-e. AdVertlNiu Sintes. One tnserfn. Tuo do. 'Jltree o 1 qur, 12 lines I $ 50 $ 5 1 ,oO 1 (iurc f24 lines I 1 00 1 60 1 50 00 I iquares'l b lines ov - 0 r..l 1 1 C f WIT 111 2 00 3 00 j lines or les, 41 30 1 square, 112 liueBj 2 50 J squares. 24 linet, 4 00 t square, f 3t line! 6 00 half a column, 10 00 One cohur. d, 15 00 $3 00 4 50 7 00 9 00 12 00 22 00 q n- justness (Cnrbs. M'LAUGULIN. D ATTORN EY-AT-LA V. Johuton, CAtnbri.A Co.. P.i. Office in the Exchange br.il-n'a. nri the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all bu-.-i:esj eonn c ed with his profession. Dee. 9, 1863 -tf. WILLIAM KiTTtLi .1. liorntn at ab, (Sbrnsburq, Cambria Couaty Pfenna. Dee. 4. 186 c 'i'Y'kU L. PKRSIIING, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, J'-.hnt.iwu, CttnihriA G.'U:.ty. I'a. Ofcsun Main uret-t, second rl or ovt-r me nar:K. ix 2 D iH. T. C. Gardxtr rilYSICIAN AND SUItGEON. TinderB hi professional wrviee to the iriicDs of e n K N S R U R a , ! surrounding Ttctnitv. OFKICKIN COLON'ADE ROW. Jnne 23, tf .1. S. caniiiiis, A T T 0 R N K Y A T L A V KiKssiirH-o. Pa., (imCE OX MAIN STKKF.T, TIIRKK BO(.)RS LAST of the LO'JAN HOUSE. I Deceml-cr 10, lf.t'..-ty. R. L. JoiissToy. (iro. W. Oatmxn. JOKIJSTOn & OAT III AN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kbensburg (JambrtH (Jonntv IVr.ii.t. OFTIt E RlhMOVRI) TO Ld.OYi) ST., One door West of 11. B. .loiot.'n'.-, ifltnce. I Bee. 4. b . toux fenLox, ATT0RNEY-AT-L W. Kbenkburg, Cnihria comity Fa. flffice fiti Main stiert adj-iimr.g his dwei tn. ir 2 S. NOON, ITTnlCiPV IT l l!V EHEXSBUKG, CAMBRIA U.. PA. Oftlce one door Kast of the Rout Office. Feb. lfi, If-t,8.-tf. korgb ii. ri:el; ATTORNEY AT LAW. EbEXSoURG. Cambria Coxy. Pa OFFICE IN COLON ABE ROW. March 13. 18(34. It'll ALL IIASSON, ATTORNEY-AT-EA W. Eienshurs, Ombriii ('o. Pa. OfBice on Main atrcct, three doors Fast i 4 Julian. ix 2 t. A. Shormakkk. Wm H. Sechlei-i SUOKMAKFR A- RECIILER, A T'l OR X EY'S AT L A V , E B E N s Ii U R G . Cambria CoI nty. Pkn-n'a. fiSce heretof-'re occupied by F. A. Shoe maker. Dec. 7, 180 t tf W. HICKMAN. D. F. HOI.I, G. V. HICKMAN & CO., Wholesale Beaiers in MANUFACTURRI) Ti dlACCO. , rORZIGV AND DOMESTIC SEGARS. SNUFFS. A-c. ' I. COR. THIRD & MARKET STREET. PtIILADELl'illA. Angnst 13. 1863.-I-. 'M- f-981 0Z -fnf qdppp:qcI 5y ismzjBO foi 3" ro; ?ovj :-lTJdV k ohiij. 'SS'dlKKlV ONKlVail (INV K1.WJ.S "7aa 'ami hyo auii.w 5Ihd N3AIO 3I,VH VIHJiaaVllHi iS2Hf)IH BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKE E BENS Jun. 20f.i. j This letter will rontaiu vsirious ifoius. V:i.-sr h. i ...... j .,t i "i.;,...,,.. nng the. Holding t-J one evenieg I sauRttrc-i! ty hiis:lii.g by, going lather :ii:I thither, ! ivassing wtiti j-os.-uig !kM n; a !uu ry, aii u: i ajnm, till one would think that : orid ! haJ iot ,JU ,ls ovi-vM 01 .population 1 and ;ropped th?:n into the heart of that i great city. The position I occupied gavo me quite an advantage during the ga-lit j Lours. a he v, ,i:,e, one could detect th.: I . n 1 various classes ot society ; the hard la . tiit'lliff tll:l. : ir. ttr..;..!....?.. the rue- ; chamc, tlie clciK, the artist, th ie artist, t!ie minor,- 12 qq ! aire, the merchant, the banker, the !hw 14 00 :' vp tfie preacher, tlie pick-pcket, ihe 20 00 ! gentlemen the lady, the youth, the sa-;e, 85 00 : the gay, l!ie harht and the wh ore-longer, -J-c"-1- the black and the white, the christian and j the sinner, the devil and the Aboiitioni-t, I the perfl-ct-fo: rued and tlie d formed, the , Inme, the halt, the blind, '; and every I other man," and a whole string too u;t i merous to nieniion." I Well, as I was going to say, while I 1 sat at the -o;iter id the ssreet on who ! pieces of timber c.-iineetf!1 wit!i the b-iPe j of a " block and ta -kle" or lifting ma- ehiiie, I struck up a conversation with an ! o!d geatlfnrmn that sat c! s; bv. and whom ! I soon discovered to Ik' a sound Democrat and the 1 'resident of a Western r.vbviy I company. ip aking of th.? war an-! the fu tidier v, he told me the circumstance of the mot t .i. r- I.. ... . oruiat treatment oi a iit'te go!, !;(, y;y- : teen years oi' a-jre, at Spri;'t;fi.'d Illinois. i t II II 1 t ! " t T o a nen.sn : nan: oca uevn in re.jprai uniform, wwh a ."trap on his shoulder that denoted the rank of eao'.'on. I -.'ive. the j facts as lie related them to me, for which , i;e cotinl voticli tor tiie;r truth. iast ( spi iog a year ago, was th.- timt tins mont ; b.ifhai-ous and fiendish act was H-ipe-I tritel. A certain c:iptai'!, eo-niuandirig 1 the l'ost of Snrirsgtiel.l. ordered out j twelve of the private soldiers, with loaded j musk' ts and fixed bayonets, to bring in ; j from the city (which as not un'!er hi ! jorisdicti": 1 ' -I o k a certain little till ":siiveo was arrested and broojh j Ids hTidfii:s!ici s, and by his own or- ; j !--: 5 atul hef.'te his eves. sh- w:i3 seized. "'r n:ur s,1-'vet ,J' 1'"'1 rWi aai ; naked and tied by the thumbs to a small J oak ?o that she stood on tip-toe and soon 1 j :d:e could not help throwing the whole, j j weight of h"r body on her thumbs, which J ' caused her to scream, in the agony of the ! ! moment. She cried: ' O my God! : ! Captain whv such treatment as thi.- ?" j j lie MMd coldly -and lirroiriU u loooker ! j on the scene of his own making. Her j j siiner'mg was so intense tint stn was i driven ncarlv wild, and teeing no frscn-1 j was there in the many hearts ii : the bosoms of those arotmd ,at tea .. .at, over I Sj, an;j up. and threw h leg tne ovancn stie was tied to, and got nor iieau u so that s!ie go: one thumb !js? by the m ans of her tc. th. This brave raptum -h nped tip atid wish his wn hands lied the chord around her thumbs the second time, and when she beggod in the nninc of Co-i not to tie her up again, and, while, tho afiair v;:s going on, a gentleman (the name was not v-iven me,) and the girl detected in iiim a triend j and aeq iam:rrrv-N of her f.ifj.'crV. He, I 'inning liimself to ihe Captain reroarked: j "Captain do 301: know who you are treat j ing :n that manner?" "No damn you, j what's it your business, sir '?"' 1 he girl 1 remarked : " Yes, you do know me ; i o1""-4 j tnenlwr the tie.-!? von look iie out in a ouggy a cfriam ; 'I'he. straii'ier place. lie made a denial. then remarked that: "you had better' look out for your hide ; that is Cat tain : 'a d tughttr, the Captain is in the j IJ. S service and commands a Wisconsin Battery." j Upon thai, the little girl was released, j The next day he sent out the same nmn- j ber of guards m tho same manner and had four girls brought into camp, and had j their heads shaved, then lie let them go. j Several of the girls swore that they would i take his heart out of him some time. j My informant knew this little girl and stated that this noted buLgar of a captain j had ruined her, his individual self. Now ! that is pretty work in this "free" country. ! Such acts as are above stated, are in keep- nunded either a cook or a doctor, conse ing with ihe principles and the men of-qUcutly I never attempted any one's life, the Administration. J ,j j'pjrj r tfUM ni.coM : in wiuc.11 wc may sec tlie rebtilt of negro equality, or the effect produced in the ni'mds of the free nigger, and their readiness to use the advantages that at arc so lavishly offered them that of ' lieving themselves equal in every pomt ' be THE DEWS OF HEAVEN, SHOULD BE BURG, PA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1 805. to a vvliUo man, and uncc that ia eanee 'ed, they lrtve a v.;ry natural d;?po-itiou lo Slunk tl'tnis -Ivf-." a little bettor. I low it works, aiti'm" thai cl i may tror.-i a very n.iiior circ:;mr-tu!ice which t'Ktv niacc in one ot i!:c wards in v! t!)e rity "X 1 ;tt;: pirt, ?om-i time a 20. There sfc n great ma ay n s in that place and in coai-";ivi.i- c A lamilie n ' both colors, h v.fj 111 cioc p-roximity oisf! ariot her the children whit m-.i biach wil! riir t'ri i!i.-r th .trct fi d.v th. in? thcmsvuv.s ger,: t'ireii wi re iioy-v.h:-ii o;ie t f th: niggc-r m:-t!:er.s : ed her h.;.d ot;t ot' the .window, iio :-.jpg it-t : ; Y-ii .!-hi. Wiiiiam Jlen v, i : i.'l'.l i t'at . . . i ) W-il now ii.n l th ,t 1: nt ii'ut's 'fw out . -.v hat's ih .ntitter. it otri ti Nigger equh'ty! I guc-ss not t;.-o s cm-;- what in advance of 'j,ki!iIj, if we are any judge. That fi'.tie incident, h '-.vs up for in-i teen.ngi t do norn equais gccwaJy j Noirnwr.-T. ! :.vx;.Ait;i) 1 i to: h;k"t i'OK "I if cv ;. u. "t'he !ol!ovi:'i: M -!! ;;-.- a wittv ( .:)- c.'ii, huoiorou? yet reihied. was wriu- ii by the famt-'i-i p rs-. r!:ie who ordered the buriiiog of Moscow, iu 1812. MY Mli.MOlK. K WHAT i lii;.L- I . i . v .-1 , liJES. A Rl'lT'f'N TN TEN .MIN . IS ! i SIS. .2 V V:rt-i i A: 1 a t , ' it Sii'flerius t'ii h-nehs VI Miir.it I .!.!.. " - 1 I .11 I 1 :'o. -:;s i 'h i.i 'i : i!e ) ! iKi'- A' i f IU.:.!'! f- I at.t Ih si.;ufi..:i Ii I What 1 w!. n.i whn 1 might have ! --er, IX lJ.p-ct.i!!e J 1 ;Ull 1: X r.cUe.-. XI Mv Ave;. ill A'.Vvv. of my hire R -x;v V tuph NY K,.:.-:!- iet';..-:;ory I '.!..; ie. CIlArTEi? 1. r-i r.::.TTi. in iVo.", th-'- 12;!-. of M o eh. ! from dai kncs to broad day. 1 v-s ured, weighed, h ij.tised ; I was .-l." Jean born without kn wiuj ihr vi I it, arid my parents tmiukoa i leaven w::iiout ki'-wm (. ilAlTEB ir. : n I L1 C.Vl !o.N I was buigi!1' ah sorts of thing.-, .id I : ..1 ..! T!-.- .It, t , , , r , ' dence and tsuaekery. I passfd sometimes , . 1 - , , , , for beiog wett iinoini. n.. My beau be- came a library 01 x .4 ,viuui., si Lllll I I kept the key. CI1 Al'TEU HI my st rnaaNOs. 1 have been Jnrr.xmted by masters, bv I tfl t.'iiiors vviio made my c!-!hrs too tiaht. a. bv ambiiion. by seU-Iovc, by usJ- womei ie?S iV'-ri.' bv ic:og Ritd c.,d -ot'ons : J 'HAl'i ER IV. IMCIVATl. i. I I have ieeu depnveti oi three , enjoyments of die human rc theft. ' o.-:y and rid-.;. ! ' " ( U.iBli-iR V. '. y. t -.. I't.K '.r :i"m- ! ; ; rent I hit- j At 1 1 ; 1 r ? T gie up af f)rl3'! -ty pub'ic !h"'- I 'd J txcanv? y !:,r.y oi.-os. 'i !. : it. r;; .iv.It.'-l. i' I was hea.t-fr..!.g a.-j a 010:, e ipr-ciouj rs a coquet gay - a. ci.ilit, 2 v a- a sioili. active -- Butiapurn-. and all :it v- i cii.Yi'i vn. IMiVdt'i'ANr til "S.- .r.'.'T'f iN. I la'. in;t never been a'th-; (0 con' ml my leisures, i ur.'ve loofe rein t.- p;y tong'ic . and I contracted the ba-'t iia'o.t o! thinniiej' aloud : this pra.'ired tne some p.vv ment?. and a great many enemies. CuABTF.U VIII. WHAT 1 W'AS AM .VllAT I MIGHT MA VK i-kkn:. I was very susceptible to friend.-hip, to confidcace, and if 1 ha-l Iwxn lorn dmiug the golden age, I might perimp;.- have been qoitc ti ;-:ood. man. C::ABH:ii IN. !-spt-:oTvi.K fKiscin.ns. I have never been imp'icaf'd in any marriatre or any gossip ; I never recom- 5!Y TASTES. I like society composed of few persons; a Rfp.,11 in the woods ; 1 had an in vol u fl fary veneration for the eun and often felt sad at his setting; in color, I hked uiue ; DISTRIBUTED ALIKK, UP;)N THE - j lo t-ut, hc-t' with iiorsmdislt ; to lri frcs-h wutor in .-l; ri'i.s C( pjedy atsd farce jn men an l ivonv-n, f-p.?i, and exprc;-.e j lattiej ; humpbacks c-i' bo'.li sexes h;;l f.:r which I ih;t couid d ill UlAlT'iK XI. 'P'Jo:ii!:iec ii'ois p.i. 1 U-ii .op-. :ne, rig!!:t2 wciii.iii wlr fcUn o -.- arid oi'j, l 1 i- ail. '(: ;; Jn, pity lor dyed ir.'-is ?:vr.j-iou for r;t.-, liftu w-:-.iii-.-;5, f.'iiysi'js t.nd r;:uh:.;b and JiVi. 0 toi.u-uo.'.a. CilAi'TJCR Nil. ANII.In'S Or Al i ll F.. i .v.vti't d-Miii wit!. out drrad, .and : nuiisirivtf.t-. .iy l;.f ii is been a v.i:h- have -ie-uraG.tj!ii: s'.o-.v, m which i , ?.ie iove! i -lay-"! ihe L. ro. inc tyr-i .t, t; I never the luckey. ' CHAFTl ii XIII . but KF.CoYJl-f-N-,': Or 5 i EAVKS. T . . . t - - , .'iv gretucct na.ipiness is -,o o.j in i..ppu. .0 o.. three mdivi.Ju.ns who rule pendent o I'tnojie. As I am rich enough, have turned hue k on ousiiies.- and am quite inditlex- : er.t to ir.nsic I have consequently noting i 10 co.'oer'd aiotit w uu liotnscijK'J. .iict I tcrnii h and Rossini. liAi'TER XIV. MY krilAI-:?. They huve laid me litre, To rest, With a soul surfeited, A heart exhrtu.-ted, And a I-m1v worn out, A p'.ior I h il. Ia and Gentlemen pass on. CHAl'TKi: XV. La. !!.!: OK1UCA TOUY TO THE V I)g of a public! discordant organ I the ..ts.-i.-.'ss . you, wno cxa't to I Jeavesi 7 . . .. an.! ;n;rc in ihe mud w!-o extol an; j c.l-imniatc without knowing why. 1m I age of hue and cry ! Echo of yourself! Absurd tyrant, escaped from a maddtouse. I Extract of poisons the most subtile and ooors toe ntt-t arctoalio :l' I lie Devil to the Renrest: I omrm race ! Fury! disguised in Christian charity. Bubhe. whosii 1 ieared m my youth, j re.-pected in rip.'i" vcar?, and despised in mv old are. To von I dedi. ate my Me ; moirs. Kind public! tit ieii.t!) I am out J of 3 our reach ; for I am dead, eoiise- , i:.- Miiy you, t '1"-'"; I too enjuy, or.e day, these advantage.-, for I . ' , ' - '. - ' , ' ,. I the sake ol your own ivnoso and tnat ol I . . ! Hi tt:ii iiJiSjle ESurratfve. i T'he foilowiiig account of some recent ! phciioinintt ot' rt eeut date, and in a le- Ulic l'Mi ot' 1,10 worid L take frunj I ..lltAw.' . . A" . 9 a volume tnutlcd "Savage Africa," etc ! h3' W- Kead 'a2- thirty-first. j Tho scene is Maearthy'a Island, an En- gosh military oost on the river tatnUa, oi; the west coast of Africa. At the comtnenccrnont of the rainy sea -en in J 80, Mr. J Scale, a staff as.-i.-t- ;a,t suigtHHt, was seized with malarious i fever. The Do-cr arrive;: .-ooii ait-; ; hrtf.-ginf:' a Mr. Campbell to "cheve him. j air. Beale was taken on board the Dover, 1 i . 1 . ..1.1. j : . . i 1 w.'i.t bekov. and vx-imJ e..nn. iwii'ii wo.' lie.- e;i oiton on oeeK. ihnost i.nime- diau-U. Mr. Tvivi ; to write "'! tl n ;is coh'c.-.gu'--, sat down t-e. It is -t:!l pre.-ered it hook tit the s::r- in ; a-. oi'.a. geiii.-' i.;1.::.! h..nd writing ;o.( -i.i,:.-ti-l orf-. Toward the i-ua-g-.'s, !eeoaies Cliu the 1 uneven, i i .s scarcely leiiibie. A few i htmvs ;ttt:r.v.un 1 re-;ra:i was a corpse. I he. iwo r urgi .ais wen? ouried together. Mr. Cumpteii wrote out a ri-nort ol re tra ,1; icpi tuoti.; the the tef- 111 li ? :. bod i'i whic ot;n-rs ...t 1 Mr. ctv.e.re is a iradni" or. the Isitnul. i A low days tdt.'i wtird C;.ruptell ctune to him inu asKei d ;;o, to iiive !iim a led. s.iage con-piie 1 with his reque.-t. Dv-ii't you like your quarters' said. he No," replied Ctuiiphell. "1 Lave seen Bta'.e. And," he added, 'I shall never ste my poor wife and children any more." Dr. Campbell soon died. No importance was attached to his his word:-, " I have seen Betde." It was supKsed to be merdy a dream of which lie had spoken. The words themselves would have been ruite Ibrgoiten had ii not been for that w hich afterward occurred. 't'he commandents iuarter, a oetached 1 Hbont1 filWn vards from ' budding, stant o . ' "?L n,...r:er, id,, n dettu-hed ! bu'ld" sentry is etationed over each. "dpt. Wilcox aud Dr. Bradshaw j were sitting one evening in the piazza of j the commandant's quarters, when they i heard a shriek from the other building, J HIGH AND THE LOW, THE RICH sui;l a buldi'.r, iiid with fright, and with ; out his uiukct, rushed into the piazza Optain Wilcox, feupuinr him drunk iut tiim under arrvst. The next morning being examined, he declared that while on guard at the ur j.oiis p';ii'!t : , a :'eu;leinan dressel in bhsck had come toward him. Jle had never iiim before. He challenged l-:iii uiid ;;ut 1:0 answer. The gentleman continued till lie was close to him. The litry ihrean n-d to run him through if he did uut answer the chalk-turf. cf-mnrr io answer, be torus', and saw the bayo- 1! nea pass ttirongli the body. The figure giubcred at lum und turned away. It was then that he had shrieked, drooned ins muj-tt and ran awtiv Examined by lh'adhav'? he described the figure iy : the face, bight and dress tallied nreeiselv with iho Hi Bcale, whom . 1 1 .. 1 . - inc ncuo nao i.evi i sen. Drs. Bradhaw and Hind s!rnt 1 the buildmr teuerate rooms. Thev- heard the cause of which thev did not ( know, but to wliieh they paid little at ;it t,(J - Die i;d Fox came on t,,;nn.! ih,.iw -...,.1 .,..;. .i,... j,aJ A lQ Buthurst, and returned in conmanv with i Dr. Duggan. Both of them were in ; gi e! health at the time. Neither of ! them had. heard the gl;o?t story. They i slept, each in an end roijin, (there were ! three tu tut!,) and Dr. Duggan's servant, ; a boy oi' sixteen, in the centre one. ; Dr. Muearthy from whom I had I these particulars now heard peculiar j noises in the night. In the piazza out- side there was a table on which they ; placed iheir tea things alter they bad : done wilh them. lie would hear the , cups and saucers clashed together, and lit' ii.iii'.h. : 1 11 -1 1 it, i.iTii i'iw'i...i . ,1... . i... - 1 ... 1 .- j 1. . 1 i , ' , , . '. . i. .....t i.. ,.. .1. . 2 1. . 1 1 I : loicii.-ij 10 iue grouii-i. oevcrui limes ne j went out m the mormng, expecting to lind everything broken ; but in no in- stance had the position of the things been ' altered in the least. He ascribed these ; noises to some mischievous fellow- who j ,-liiut.-l oito ti. iuiu uuuLerveJ by j the sentry below. j lie heard also noises in the middle j room, as if he ivy pieces of furniture w ere j moved about. AnJ often all night loim i he WL-uhl be annoyed by a pattering sound ! on the floor lound Ids lcd. He thought j at first that these were bats winch had ; fallen on the floor and were unable to j rite. But he tould never tind them in the j morning. Then he "opposed that thev . were mice. j One night, instead of going to bed, he . kept his candle alight and sat on a chair, ! with a ttick across his knee, waiting for I these mice to come out. He heard a I sound at the further end of the room. It was like a man walking cautiously on tip- j toe. ihe same came toward bun, but he could see noinmg. lie MrameU his eyes i hut could see nothing. Then the footsteps ' passed close to him, yet he "could see nothing. j Doctors are essentially materialists. Dr. Macartin- knew that the strangest sights and sounds cttn spring from a disor dered stomach or a checked secretion. But when he mentioned his hallucination to Dr. D.iggan, and Dr. Duggan replied that he had been troubled in the same 1 11:. p a-, they became jorp!exed. Still it did not occur to them that these sounds were SiipernU oral. The mind of 'man is avirse to beiieo that which it cannot isp. In the course of conversation ;hev han- ; jh'n-'d to fjvak to Savage about it. He replied its if it were n commonplace mai- ; ter. ' Oh. don't yon know the house is ham. let! " and related the affair of the ; sentiy. ; On returnintr to their quarters. Dr. ; Dug.-aii observed that fas boy was look ; ing ill, and asked him what was the mat j ter. The l3y s:id he tlnl not know, but . perhaps it was his sleeping in t!ie ojk'ii air. On being asked what he meant the boy replied, with some reluctance, that he had gone to sleep on the flat roof of the house because a tail man in white Used to ; to come and wake him up, so that he could get no rest. This boy I afterward ; examined myself. lie told me that it I came and pulled him by the ear, and said, ; "wake, wake." When he awoke he could see some thing white moving olt' in a manner j which ho said was not walking, iKr run j ning, nor living, but sonieth'm;; difT-reitt fror what he had ever seen. I offered 1dm five nhillins (which to hint would lie large sum) offerm to k.-ep linn company, hkr frightened and refustd. Di-s. McCarthy ami Duggan after that, slept in the same room. And now, which is very extraordinary, these two AND THE POOR. VOL. 12 NO. 4. - ' men, mHtt-n.iii.--t? by eiueMtiin, lin broad awake, with a light burning in the room, would both hear thos noi., and would call each other" t attention to them at the time ; tlie heavy holies moved in the centre of the room, the plates rattled in the piazza, and the light tip-toe foot steps passing between both their beds. Lecture en Ielroeiiiu by Jamci Y". Gerarh A lecture on the all-prevading subject of etroleum, and the "sinking of arti-Man ! wells, was delivered last evening tteiore the pupils of the Twentieth Ward Gram mar School, situated iu 1 wenty-eighlh street near Ninth avenue, by Mr. James W. Gerard. The schitol-room was filled ; with the pupils ot the institution and their j friends. Mr. Gerard was introduced bv ) ilr. Dobbs. ohk of the si hool oiiicers of i the ward. Alter a minute de.-cription of i the internal fires and volcanic upln.avin-9 ' of the earth, t lie lecturer taid : l'etro- j leum was known as far back as the tana - j of the building of the tower of Babel, it . waj. ajj a cement lu the bricks of that edifice together, w ith which our ancestors sought to scale the realms of heaven. It was used by the Kgvpiians for the purjKtse of embalming their dead, by the Ghebers of 1'er-ia to construct their sacred lirc-s, and was known and used by other nations of amiouity for various uses In Italy petroleum was realized from the carta two hundred year a ago, and the streets of Geneva have been lit by means of this lluid for a number of 1 years back. l'etroleum was known to the Seneca tribe of Indians under the name of Seneca oil, an 1 supp s d by them to be n infallible cure lor rheumati:-ra and till manner of pain and bruises. In lNoO the first well was bored at Oi! Creek, in Western Wcnn-jlvaoia, producing im mense streams of the precious fluid. Oil has since been discovered in West Vir ginia, at Lock port on our own state, in Canada, in California, more rvcendy at 1' ishkill, and in other parts of the country too numerous for mention. Millions of dollars have been and are being invested daily in this exciting search alter this new philosopher's stone. The fortune-seekers after jietroleuin are not dismayed at the disagreeable odor emanating from the oil in its crude state ; on the contrary, he rejoices inwardly when knocked down by the stench from a newly-discovered oil well. When gold was first discovered bv the Spaniards in California, they named the country Kldorado, or Land of Gold, and the seekers al'ier petroleum mi'dit have profitably imitated ti cm by naming the oil districts, Oildorado or Land of Oil. Whenever the earth is torn and rugged indicating volcanic action, that is a certain sign tht oil will le found in the cavities and fissures beneath the surface. To find oil you must bore through the solid rock in a diameter ot at least three inchest until you strike the third sand stone, where you will strike the c;iiies or reservoirs of oil, which immediately spurts up in streams of more or l s force. In l'ennsyivania you mav- bore four hun dred feet or more before you Succeed in reacmng inc niiio : in vcsiern Virginia however, halt that depth is only necetary. The truth ol the old proverb "there i nothing new under the son," is proved by the f; ct that the Chinese were bo ing wolfs from five to nine hundred feet in depth for oil, over three thousand years ago. The force of a stream of oil is explained by the fact in those cavities jr figures le neath the surface of the earth, the oil, water, and gasses, arc all pent up togeth er, and when a wall is funk, the gas, petting vent, oil ond water is forced up ward promiscuously by the concentrated force of the gasses. Very ofn n the wells get on fire, and burn fiercely until the soil is thrown into the well, water having no etl'ect whatever, petroleum bein tho most volatile substance known. A hi-r-mi-lica!Jy sealed barrel has locn incepted by some individual for the pu v of pre venting the escaiie of ihe fluid, and should the invention answer the U'iore design ed, t lie enterprise will p ove a .-renter for tune to the discoverer than any oil that j has ever loen bored. The lecturer, at some- length, dcscrilted h conqMjiicnt part of petroleum, and the proco of dis tillation. By putting the crude material in hi 1 utensil over the tire, kt a tempera ture of IB), a vap ir i formed which is known as n.iptha or benzine, uni vernal ly ' uied bv painters. Jvero--ne, which (rivet the naor-t b:i:tint light, is 'o produced from the etude material. Arpb.-!tum is i:oth"r Mihttancc taken tf.nn crude K tn leum wlaoi rectified. A-phaltum is iwd : m dif mid produces the tncH bvNiitifu colors -Among the various uses to which petroleum is put that of lubricating um chinery is one of the most prominent. OONTWCRJ' ON rOlTKTtl PACK-J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers