SEW TESTAMENT CHANGES. Familiar Ptuvage* a* they Road in the Rrvixed Edition. The revision of the new Testament, which was beguo under 'he direction of the Convocation of Canterbury ten Tears ago, was completed last October, and tbe new version i» now in print, although it has not yet been given to tbe public. The work is the result of the deliberations of two committees, one of fifty learned Biblical scholars in England aud one of thirty in thiscouu trv. In verv few instances has any text b en changed so as to alter the meaning which attached to it i:i the King James version, aud in still fewer instances is the change material Irom a doctrinal point of vew. As a general thing, the changes consist of the pres-; ent for the past tense in the verbs, the use of tbe indefinite article in place of; the definite, and the changing of prep- j ositions. In several instances verses have been omitted altogether, hut as a general tbing tbe omi.-sion detracts | nothing from the sense of the lesson As an example of this, Mark ix: 41-46 may be cited. Iu the preseut version the verses read as follows: "43. And if thy land offend thee, cut it off; it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched : "44 .Wbere their worm dieth not and the fite is not quenched. "15. And if tby foot offend thee, cut it off; it is better for thee to enter bait into life, than having two feet to be casfe into bell, into tbe tire that Lever shall be'quencbed *' Ven-es 44 and 46 in the above, old version are entirely omitted }rom tbe new version, but verse 48 of the same chapter, which is in precisely the same words, is allowed to stand. Tbe work Is arranged in paragraphs, and the chapters and verses are printed in tbe margins. The familiar head-lines to the chapters which serve so well as a means of reference are expunged. This will make the book seem strange to the ordioary Bible reader. Tbe text of each Gospel is thus made continuous in tbe body of tbe book from the begin ning to tbe end, and in order to find the subdivisions with which one has been familiar, the margins must be con sulted. The work of translation has been very faithfully performed, and the committees have adhered scrupulously to tbe idioms of the original language instead af adopting the Knglisb idiom, as the public was led to believe thev would do. The result is that the work is very scbHarly, but tbe text is not so plain as it might have been made by a translation. The changes, on the whole, are not of a character to create any alarm in the mii.ds of Christians. Not a single accepted truth has l*-en eliminated, and no special doctrine of tbe Church is assailed jltnofg the more striking changes majfbe ftoted an alteration in the Lord's rendered iu Matt hew vi: 9-13 In tbe new version the DoXologv is entirely omitted, and the Prayer reads thus: 'Uur Father which art. iu Heaven, hallowed be Thy name Thy kingd >m come. Thy will be done, as in Heaven, so on earth. Give us day by ■ay our daijv bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation." In Matthew iv: 5, wbere tbe temptation of Christ is re lated, the old version says: "Then tbe devil taketb him up into the holy city aud settetb him on a pinnacle of the Temple." In fbi-* verse "a pinnacle" is made to read "tbe pinnacle," and the change is manifestly proper, since there was only one pinnacle to the Temple. Very many of the alterations are of pre cisely such nature as this, the definite article being substituted for the indefi nite and nice vtrna. Matthew vi: 1— "Take beed that ye do not your alms before men"—is made to read: " Take beed tbat ye do not your righteousness before men," which is looked upon as a much broader command, aud more in accordance with tbe whole spirit ol Christ's teachings. In Matthew xix: 17, the entire meaning of the text is changed, but no new doctrine is put forth, aud no old one is assailed. In the King James version tbe verse reads, "wby callest ibou me good ? There ia none good but one, that is God. But if thou will enter into life, keep tbe commandments ! In the new version tbe verse is as follows : "W by askest thou me concerning that which is good? One there is who is good; but if tbou wouldst enter into life, keep tbe commandments.', Tbe question in Mark, viii, 36, 37 "For what shall it protif a man if be shall gain the world and lose bis own soul ? Orwhatshall a man give in exchange for his soul? is rendered ;.. "For what doth i. profit a mail to gain tbe whole world and for feit bi» life ? For what should a man give Jn exchange for his life?" In Luke, I*., 35, "And then came a voice out of-Uw cloud, sating, "This is My beloved Son ; hear Him," the new work reads, "And then eame a voice out of tbe cloud saying, 'Tuis is My Son, My chose®.'" In speaking of Capernaum, Christ said, 8s recorded in Luke, X, 15 16, of tbe accepted version: 'And thou, Ca pernaum, which art exatled to heaven, shall lie thrust down to bell. He that bearetb you [speak'ngto 11 is disciple*-] bearetb Me, and he that despisetb you deipiseth Me.' Tbe committee have changed this passage very materially. It reads: 'And tbou, Capernaum, shall tbm be exalted unto heaven? Thou shall IKS brought down unto Ha des. lie that bearetb you heard h Me, and be that rejecteth you rejectetb Me, and be that rejeuted Me rejectetb Him that sent Me.' Luke, XVI, 8, 9, have aiso been materially changed. In the presen' version they read*. 'Ami the Lord commended the unjust steward because be bad d./ne wisely ; for the children of this world are in their gen eration wiser than the children of light. And I say unto you, make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, tbat when ye fail they msy receive you into everlasting habitations.' In the revision these two verses read as follow: 'And the Lord commended the unjust steward becausf be tywl done wisely. Fcr the sons of this world are. lor their own generation, wiser than the sous of the ,'lijfbt. And 1 say auto you, make to S? yfty*elves friends by means of tbe * mammon of unrighteousness, that whe:: it Shall fail, they may receive you into tbe eternal tabernacles ' In tbe para ble of Lazarus and the rich manias t#ld in Luke, the word "hell" is chnnv edxo Hades, so tuat the verses reads, 'Aw in liadcs he lifted up his eyes, being io torments ' Without having ttyb cotirto ttMSjJto tli tttburifouf (t U impossible to pay whether the word 'hell' is expunged in every instance w here it occurs. and the memliers of the committee in this city refuse to! give anv information on the subject, but here are two ca.-es in which it is stricken out, aud presumption appear-* to he that the old hell «»t our fathers has I teen abuli.-bed by the Committee on Revision. The storv of the Pool of Bethe-da, as told in Johu \ . is ruateri Ily ehang ed bv taking fr« in it that portion which : relates to the miraculous p twers of the ; water of the pool. Iu verse 3—ln ihese lay a great multitude of impo tent folk, of blind, hair, withered waiting f>r the moving of the water' the last seven words are stricken out. |and verse 4—'For an anje! went down at a certain season and troubled the wat> r ; wh 'soever ihetf lirst after the troubling of tbe water step >e 1 in was made whole of whatsoever disei.-e , he had ' is omitted altogether. Acts XI, 47. 'And the Lord added to the chnrch daily such as should be paved is made to ~ead. "And tbe L"rd added to them day by diy those that were being saved." In Acts \ 111, ->7, •And Philip said, if thou believest with all thine heart th >u mayest And he answered and said, I believed t at Je sus Christ is the son of God.' compris ing the eunuch's professi >n of faith, is expunged, as is also the expression, 'Let us not fight against God, in Acts XXIII. 9. In Acts XVII. 25. 'For as J passed by and Is- held your devo tions I found an alter with the inscrip tion : 'To the unknown God. Whom therefore ye iguorantly worship. Him declare I unto you,' the latter part is made to read, 'To an unknown G>d What, therefore, ye worship in igno rance, that declare I unto you.' In the tri I of I'aul before Agrippa, recorded in Acts xxvi. some rather im portant changes a e made in verses 24 to 29 inclusive, aud the impression that Agrippa was almost persuaded to be come a Christian by Paul's eloquence is dispelled. The verses io the present version are as follows: 'And as he thus spake for himself Festus said, with a loud voice: Paul, thou art beside thy self; much learning doth make thee mad. But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak forth the words of truth ami sourness. For the King kowetb of these th ngs, before whom also I speak freely ; for I am persuaded that none of these things are bidden from bim ; for this thing was not done in a corner. King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thou believest. Then Agrippa said unto Paul, almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. And Paul said, I would Io God that not only thou, but also all that hear this day were both al most and altogether such a-< I am. ex cept the.-e bonds' In the revised Ver sion this scei.e is describe 11 bus: 'And a- he thus made his defence. Fetus saitb with a loud voice, Paul, thou art mad ; thy much learning doth turn thee to madness. i'.ut Paul saith. 1 am not mad, most exec lent tesius; but speik forth word- of truth and -o b'Tiiesw For the King knoWelh of these things, unto whom I also speak freely; tor I am per-uaded that none of these thing* is hidden from him ; for this h;ith not been done in a c irner Kng Agrippa, believest tloii the pro phet-? I know I lint thou be|ic«cst And Agrippa xaid unto Paul, with but little persuasion thou wouldst fain make me a Christian And Paul suid, I would to God, tbat whether with lit tle or wiih much, not thou only, but also all that hear me this flay, might become i-uch as I am, except these bonds.' Tbe above pxnropleH of the text of the revicfri New T«i»tHm«*iit,which have been ffiven to the public in advance of tbe meeting of tbe Convocation of Can terbury, give a fair idea of the charac ter and ccojie of the ten years' work wbirb han bt-en ('one by the twi> com mittee* in England and America. The book will probably be published within the next month, and it i« naid that a cheap ten cent edition will be among tbe first given to tb public Hut little doubt is expret>wd by any member of the committee that the Convocation will approve and adopt tbe new version. Whether other Churches than the Church of Kugland will accept il is a question to be decided in the future.— N. Y. Times. F»rfc<»ifulii«*MM of We would not by enticing headings and other devices lead you into reading of the virtuea possessed by Pierce's Celebrated Medicines were it not that we are aware of tbe forgetfulness of pecple, and that must be our excuse, dear readers, for again telling you that I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is without an equal as a blood-purifier. It cures all hun >rs from the common blotch, piin ( >le, or eruption, t'> the worst scrofula, fever sore or ulcer. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are a pleasant but efficient catharrc. Hold bv druggists St. Claud House, Chicago, 111., Jan. 20, '7<». Hon. 11. V. I'-'i rce, flf. I) : DEAR DOCTOR —I have been using your (jolden Medical Discovery and IVllets for liver complaint and general debility. It is impossible to express the gratitude I f ecl. It is simply wonderful the effect your medicines hav»- had uoon me. I alii in every way u thousand p* r cent, better. I am, yours gratefully. .1. C. Davidson. "Elizabeth!" shouted a hr.ikcmau as the train glided into the New Jersey station of that name. "Yaw," re hponded a mild and pleasant looking German in the corner of tbe car, "dot ish mine sister but she doaud var on dis ear, already." The last New Jersey proline! ion is a laughing family. Its members, of ! whom there are several, strike up a cacbinnatory chorus twice a day and at regular hours. It is entirely invol untary and is a source of the gri.ate-t annoyance to those afflicted and to their neighbors. "I HAVE used Dr. Simmon's Liver Regulator myself and in my family for years, and pronounce it one of the most satisfactory medicines that cart be used Nothing would induce me to Is; without it, and I recommend all my friends, if they want to secure health, to always keep it on hsud. U. L. MUTT, Columbus, On " Ridicule is very much stronger than argument. Many a man who can't be overcome by argument can be made, as the Irishman said, "to stand prostrate before the victor" by n sharp turn of wit "What I want," mid a very ' p>.inpoii* debater, "is just a grain of j (j/IHUlou sen-e in this matter. "Well." I retorted bis opp nent quickly, "it will 1 reqaife the efforts of a special Pfov i | fruCU tV giVV ft ttt jtfu f*., SRwygfr g, 18^1. -vc\ - with *?»« - ! V- : . N/ VK S .; . . v l ---' —SM H' I -o'_ \'vV .if\' . .., a o7 - >•- 4 \ >si \ i s? V fc • \ ' -'- Y \'V*\y. - r >-Wr . g .""^ss^.;' -< ' N -^:fCfTx.o is -'J 4[i \V- >* I TPtFS / ~?>/Mts p4uRI 4 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. IS TIIE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST! 1,1 1 HL. 1 1 ' 7 1 " • i.sni. in line rum from « nicsufo to « oun< ii El'itfs wu.-i I .Hot. Ottawa. I.a Salle GtP'-e'" 11-ltnf!. I!lnland. Dayenport, Went MMtt I . !• u>.Mar, Bru.HiWn.liPj.. ML l»< « *T'ilfM - f*»c p; ' 11 J I i'f 1 '*a , titiMrt. t- i'll \v •- ; wit.: bran he* from Bureau Ivi'-ti .r; to iv nui: Wik »n JNNITT .N IOMUMU- , I,V» • V. I Md«»n. lieljtn .p. « .-.itr'-TiUc. i'rir»« eton Trenton (iallntin. t anie rr>r I/Mveiiworth. Au.*liiiM*n »n«1 Kansas -ity; v: to Slgourn •>', < *i!tuloo«itt ami Knox- Yill,- ■ K < .. i: ■ to Fanuln-rton II ,n!i parte. Ben t -ii port. Independent Kldon Bildf v.l O Vowton to Monroe; I>e*M.ine» i>< Indlanolaaml \Vi-it' rwt: Atlantic t" l**h and Audubon: and A V'KM to llnrlun. Tin* i.< ponltWely «]•« '™jj Railroad. who'll owns and operate* a through lino from t °li»ea'«> Into tbe ;»t iU! of Kansas. ■ T.trotia.i n«|.rw« Pa ,-emter Irani* with l 01l- | mat, I'al • e. ar* attai ned, are run n.:h way daily batwenti I :iit A.;I» and I'koitiA. KANSAS CITY, j TO-VCII. Bl.fKff. I#AVK*W >IJTH lipd ATTHI- K«, : Tnroilffliearsareß torim between Miiw.iu kce'and K n*.* < »ty. via the Milwaukee and R T iV '""reatl^'.'iT lsland "Is m**nllleentW eonipped. Its road o*"i i* iiaplj perfect, aod IU tr.'t* in laid Tltli eieel rail*. V.'hnt "ill plcue you raoat will be the pleasure of i nJ, , yI"K your meal* wln-p pasemjc over the be mtif il prairie* of 1 lll**' is and lowa. In one of our m.'SrnliHcnl liinin.' • am that accompany all 1 nrouiili Kit"" 1 Trains. \of eel an entire meal as go .1 a«l»»erved in any hotel. ?, r-<*ventF-!lve centv . . Appre. , iljr-if the fact that a of «be peopl? prefer *<-P«*a;u :ip.|ftrtieni.- nurpoae*'and tlie Immense pa*.maife, IIUH-IM of tlii* Ine warranting it " ■ are pleased noußce that thj» < oinpuny -uri* fudimin £«'•'« HUrpinq Cart lor sl<»e|»i:u t . rpone*. I ytUici I'.'. . ftff t V- PII t, c i *KH uri- rni through to PEOBI A, DF<H MOINES, A.. m ICI M "' W TKT AN.I I'a-sVr AkL. AFFECT 3TR?tngthini-R.A r.URr R^vr/^ JT-O'J niTTnriS on hi"~ } .J recommended for r.'l diseases re qairi • rtal 11 icnl (OSklc; '.' ■ J' Iz-ri'rcvrr*, Y/nrJ '/ AppctiU, Lost tfttrcnylU, L-'h ,J l.ncrrj,t.c. I.r.nchc# t'.io hl'»> 1, ctrengiiicna t!io i.;usc!w, ar.d give ;ne w 1..c to t.»e nerves. 1 art li'- n a c'nrm < 1 i!ie digestive &r';ar.s, removing all t.v. pt.crymr.oms, BIICIi -3" 7 lUl'ocrf Ddcl.nnJ; lin tie Komnch, Heart jum, etc. i-O only Iron I'rcpamtion thu.t v.lll not blacken t-ie tcct.i or {?ivo headache. Hold by all dru t -"jL;s. Write for the Als C Loo.:, pp. of useful ari'l aaxini reai'ln^ —tcrU free. L.iovr.i' CHEMICAIj CO., Baltimore, ?-cl. w;- - v: / ; u'W w 3 b wki 1/ gr~ %rl , A PURFLY VIGE t -3LE REMEDY V. i fir l;<l and External Uco, /• ' -»\ | a f'JIE C'J!JZ f..r i'l t.. t : . fw v.t.lrh it !» rccorr.meiKl'jJ, yf . V\ " and i! ALV/AYj PEI'-ICILY CAFE In tho Kandi of y ' \'\ mi IK3 r.(st Inexperienced pcrioni. ' ill I' :■ a • «:r" red 1,1::-!'. remedy f-r COfCIItH, PORK ( 1 { Y *■ TI ' ,'P. ('!!!{. 1.-;, ICI'I :ir tr.i-.1.'.i i(T'r > T'ti'f \ fo . J 'v ;/l f'ri' ' r.,.,"n»*r< / .r:, iff l/II -I'il llltlAi I* itlf? IM 1 - t 1 v LIHIVNI rciifCy for UHWIIMATIH* I M,L L!,M<(»IA. - J,j i ra2 OLDEST,BEST, AND HOST WIDEtY KHQWN •F1»? *5... ' t5 <> fAKIW MCUCIK6 IH THE WORLD. 'M iifea -V y "?*/' rt II- < •»«! nca d villi Mi' li «omtrrrnl en rcr*n <n a». 5 , j1 39 | Wwi. ; ' ' !■' • -t-t 1•"f IA -ri'H, CIIOI.KKA, I»I Al*. tIHJ.A, hi'. »£) \\-V,\ W.wA |>v NT' WV, i;l : I'OWT.I. MI.MI'I.AI.NTH, iM U f r\ §si yj r. \l. - »' • •/'"■'■ 1 /»' liU aHA 3 2TCCD TME TEST CF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT P If I S S V 'M Ui ALI COUHTRIES AND CLIMATES. K» t, I T !' V/"y I! >*r." h> ri.i>uii:n», i»|l«i!oi:rarle«, i? iSIfS! 3 K'&U MliiSater'. alanniieri i f I'lantallona. Hork-Hl »|m. ar.d B 5H VUO® |» I'nelor , Nir.nn It- lloapilnti I"' »'* I-verjbody Wi ?k1 ifj /JJJ B /y. everywhere «bo haw'ver flea It a triel. |j ! ?! I IT 13 WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. §□. ' 1 Si) 8 It rU 1(1 p.'wajm U-. 1 ' I.r Pain In the Knelt nnd t ide, tQS 1181 IBJ M] ... | i /f i. "ttf 1/ mil fp.rpi'ii".' rriitj In tI I are* of Uruli * 111 T/X S 5 ? \\EV Hi U ! am 1:-, Neve-e r nm, Keuldn, Mr. m w 'w a« r\ /, f-'/i'.iir.v c: •: ; Ar::i.v ri: WITIIOIT IT. it mm —J M , a .,. • ■! t'lai-K i: ■■ "' t In CorUr*' IIII.m, uail lt-i |irlr« W&s&mi " J- , * Y |,' r i !t vitM llt - r .-#« rt ar Tt l« w.' lrt «sc. OOc.uul gi.OU V „ 1 , («•<-. nail > aIK ' Mai:. t fr< in ail (Jniinricta. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! GRAND DISPLAY THIS WEEK AT Rosen ban m & Co.'s, Jl2, 114, /l(S, Market Shed, Cor. Liberty Street, PITTMiUHOJ I, 1' A . FOR I JBUIT KI r» fJLOVES, li > 1 r.i> 1 A 1 ~A , A , miuikm.AH, 1.1.A I lli:i: H\T< 111.1-H, |'OUT\iONMI.H. I'iJl SKNTS (,i 1 * U:|M ASKM -1 1 sn.K Ml II 1.1.1t5, HI.K 11 VNI>K i;i:« IIICI'H, i,1N1..\ HAM)!-1 If 111 l IM. Pl.' 5-' SI \TS 111. . IIH lll.l" II \ MiKKIM nil in, M< 11 'if> IIA.M'KI;I;I 1111.1 S, riIKSKXTS. s.vlr ( I 1 I lit I IONS, „„ M Al l I'INS, PI.KSKN I S. 1 NIH I.U 1 \ii. HII.K M N.N I»I.t:H. » All 11 iA N .lAI K1; IS, |)|; |,'CL' V" w I.A« I. M AIM i li r>nlVN 1 f.| \'l> Al IS, KNIVKS. I,A IDII IAM S SI.TH, IMIKSKNTS. 1 1 i'- 1 1 ■ 11 1: <ai m. 'I I'.l M M I.l' IIATS A Nl' lI<>XNETS. r?r Af.fl 1,0"0 fithft" nsffnl JYr lits r I OW PRIG S- HVERi KIDNEY D I |l fty Hl <»fi n'i, !• r* D b U U IV All .In i-.*i ••" ' * !»"> nnijrii'nV ' "»'i» »» REM£iL> Y .lr » ... -r . .I.M- r-. •;V rf II a.' 4 Antl-Bllioua>; akin fVix •««« I i 11.'.. • i »«)• I •*laalT-ill'>in "HI '• y • ■ T ANVLW :••••»* !.»'»'l''TlL' A. Jfrr .I" •.. ■■-,*> >f - • 1,..if. >'■■! 1 .It'll <' ■ ■ •a 1 < *.■■»•> U lunik. MI.IIK'I • T ' ' ■ F'LILMN 11"*. •'■«■ tec, week In yum 11 luwii. Irn :nid - yubiii ,[): Ire- Ad'lre . 11. llAi.i.i.ri A. i'. . fortl ii'l. Maine. ____ , in tk« OllltßN. DWuOm for oat ins perpowotiy. -SJSSftK crcat featu-eof "ur Palace ' an is a SMOKING HAI/OON" where t 'U (an enjoy your "Havana at all hours of tlie • ay. MutJn Mci nl Iron Uridines span the Mississippi anil Jli- 'uri i v. rsat :•!! I olnts rn>s*e.| by this luif ri d transfers are avoided at I onni-ll Bluff*. Katisus ' Ity. rtli. and Aubison. con. neetiur.4 lieinK made in Union Depots. THE I'lllW IPAI. H. I'- < ON S ECTIONS OF THIS <;I:EAT THKUUUH I.INE AIIB AS ,\V ''< HICAGO with all diverKlna lines for ths East and South. „ At ENiiLKwooD. with the 1.. S 4c M. 9., and 1 F At IVA.«UINCTOji IIEIGHTS. With P., C. & St. At i.A SAI.LE. with 111. Tent. R. R. At PKOKIA. with P. I*. A .1 ; P. D.4E.; I. 8.4 ' W : IH Mid : and T. P. Ac W. ltd*. . _ At I:IK K HLAM". with "Milwaukee 4 Hock Island Hi 'rt Line." and Roek I-I'd Ac Peo. Itds. At lia v KMMiur, with the Uareoport lJlvi».o& At \VES r 1,1111 HTV with theß . < ■R. A N. R. R. AtliltlXN'KT.i. with < entral lowa It. 1!. At l>» - Mniv&, ttlih I > M. &K. IJ. K. R. At i 'iI'MIL BLtTi * with Union Paiitlc It. R. AtOJIAIIA. with 11. X Mo. It It. It. in Neb.l At < OLI'M ill "S Jt NOTION.with B |{. A N. R.R At 'ITR in A. with ' entral lowa It It. ; W., St. I. X I'ac and <ll lids. \t m.t»Ki K. with To!.. P<". It War.; Wab.. u t. UmU A Pac -I <1 St. 1- Koo 4N.-W. It. Rds. At ' AMEHKN. with H. St. .1 It. It. At All 111 -on. with Atrh.. Toi>eku X Santa re; Atch A N'e!< in d < en. llr. U. P. R. Ibis. At 1.1.A v CSWIIKTU. with Kan. Pac., and Kati. CITY, wlti all for the West and HoutiMTtest %<1 111 1 »l int I'IIIIDI N \«D«ll*e. ice n( S:n il' 111 r ;'i ill, I ill* of Middle .e* low • if, BUIICT «i.iliity, t'i, l.i l era ol <1)1, • i'f r .11..11 I. 1 lie IIIM.V. I i .ii' I nvlntr lieen jr j||,|« ( |(i I 1 I' ll< It I" IM 1, ill | 'l' fH» »f|H kl)«»W --,, « iiu'eM'll I" ui. VU I— Lille will jil',, ehi 11 t: In; h i 111 1 |< ■> 'in nt. nnd HIIV hiir i„ , | ,in.i >i'ii 1 * 111 t riaent them 111111 11111 lien LL' N i-.'l I'N I' ll iiii'i'l .Ii ill N ;t. VI MIAN. Ailm'r, • eIII fil nle MI.IK. I'. I Hller n iintj, I'a. I ll'i'iilorN \ «il I IT. 1...| 1 i-r• I-■'':iiii' 111 11 V Ii ulnlf tM'en ifriilited to t '•• u ili i-luiied i'n ltn*e-'iile ol HIIIIIIII Klllllh, nl \ 11 ■.* 1 . 1 * i • v in vn-iil|i Hntli-r e.'Uiitv, Pa., ■I. 1 '•, il ihi» l« I" ui l '*' ' 'l l '' loiill I" r una, kin.*'!"- 1 ii.-n. MI 1 11 • li'e Ii di liled In »dde». I,iii-111 i 1 n 1 1111111' 1 ; n VIIII I 1 I* i' '|iili"|'d, nnd ii,,,., , in.- 111 in- 1 iln lit ii'' rru- nt I Un iuai lv - < "lu v lui li-'in ieaie-l I T el I lemelit. A lilt »I' AVI VI ITU, 6 AUuj . r-k | fcKrtJ tAMUHLDMrfIK f* aUir * ( J. PALMER O'NEIL & CO. Ba EOBEp UO * B *> 63 FIFTH AVENUE, - PA.j (f' 1 ' . . TEIS STYLT, 12-Eore. | J) $45.00. To m#et (he demand for n roli:»b!o !i-i d el.xe slitting l.rrn-h 1 ad- \; er. at a 111 nitrate price, we n »w offer a liaeof Ft » E fcIN 1 Lk.. I ! • b N >, at the lollowing Greatly liedmcd Pi-ioois: 12-bnre. 10-bore. No. 845, C. G. BON Ell ILL, Top lever, <1 >uble bolt, bar rebounding lock-;. low set hammers, solid stri kers pistol irrin stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, line Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely engraved and finish d - - - - \ 0 §SO do " do. With extension rib fastening I • >,> 00 v 0 gjg* do do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately en-raved 55 00 1 60 00 Vll - in: n weight tn>ni !• » 1 ' 1»».. nink ioe .*r ! trap shootta* where heavy ,h , ,■- are n Any »t .!,«« uw.d I* ; ,,,j I .^ <( J* examination ami trial on receipt oi a remittance sufficient to cov« r i x|»res> <. i.irge? . ° t .J pNLMI l! O'NKII A* <<> these prices under anv circumstance". '• -' ' _ Planing Mill —ANL»— Liinil>ei' Vard. J. L. PURVIS. 1- (). PUKV ' S. G.Purvis & Co., MANCrACTI'RFK? AMI DEALEKSIS Rough and Plansd Lumber OF EVF.KY OEACHIP'IJON, FRAMES. MOULDINGS, SA^Il DOOHtv FLOORING, SIDING, BATI ENS Brackets, Gauged Cornice Foaids PORCH POS'I>, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN SHINULKH, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; Hem lock Hill Stuff, such as Joist Rat ters, Scantiinu. &e.. all sizes constantly on hand. All of which we will fell on reasonable tern:* i'id guar siitisluction. PLANING MILL AND VARD (Jeriiiaii < I'llodle t fnircli j n 7- w O-'y LIBERAL OFFERS FOIt IW.-41. Twa Ysais for ths Price tf One! THK IIF.I til NTS OF TIIE BRITISH QUARTERLY (/i'i aiiyclLal), LONDON QUA RTERLY (Conxt+ralive), EDINBURGH ( Whig), AVi) WEST.M INSTER ( Liberal), ■« K w ■ k mv„ AND Blackwood's K<!inl)i!r«li Msisazinr, prenrnt tl.e tort fin.ign periodical* ill a cimveu leut fnirn anil without abridgement or al'erilion. Terms of Subscr ption. Including Pjctage. Blackwood or any one one Review S I It'l per Blackwood ami »ny win Review " (HI am um lilac wots! and Itavif Rlaekwood kti'l three Reviews 'I ItQ Any two Review* 7 (I i Vny thiee Review* Tim four laview* Blackwood aoil the four Review* 15 (K) 'J'liOHe are aliout tialf the price* charged l»v the Eniili-I' Publwhera. ('irci lars giving the Content* of Hie Periodi cals fur the year IHHI. and many oilier |«aiti'-u --larn, may be nad on applicat on. PREMIUMS: New anbscriberH mav have the number* for ISSI) ami issi at the price of one year's Btib*crip tion only. To any unbecriber. new or old, wo will fnriiiah the periodical* for IH7'I at Irilf price. All orders to he rent to the publication office. To secure proiniurce applv promptly. The Lnonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 Illicitly Nl„ .\«'w YorU. Cathartic Pills Comtilno the iln ;< iMt cafhnriic priwiple* in ini'ili. liu-, in proportion* wenrately ml jintid to Heriip; ntlvitv, rertitiiity, ati'l uniformity of eflV' t. Tln-y M l ' the ri'Kiilt ,f venr.4 «>f enrefill atmlv nml pnn tlnil • peiiment, ami are the W"*t elTei'tiliil retii- Mlv VI ■' illneo-.t n il for iliHi :iHe« entiled by derangement of the Htoimv h. lii < _c. nml Imiwi'l i, wliii li reijllii e i.roinpt ntid riff Uml tre.ltliient. AM U'X I'll.l M lire Hp'-iilMly Ipjlliculllw to tlllx I'lll < of dlSMlNel. 'I he V i t ilirectlv on the illuentlve and uxninii ■lli v e pio'-i-'HeM, and real ore re-jnlnr I ilttlV net 1011. Tlnlr exfeimive liae by I i:111H in their pnnli'i-. jiiml by ;ill i ili/ed millon«, in one of the many , li of their vain- M a Mfft« *N . rf. illy l-elliible plirjjatlve 'lll lue. ill ill" eotlipoilllded of the co||eeiilrated irtifH of purely vedetahle (iibstam e«, they nr" positively free Irom < uomel or nilV illjltl i'HH plopelliex, Jill'l i nil bl' aillllill inlereil to rliildreii Willi perfert- Hafely. Am-ii'i I'll.l « are an i ffe< Mial "ire for < onitlpitlon or I 'OHI I \ eiiesn, lnili«eH tlon, I lyspep .|i, I.OHM of App« , llt«*, I ml Sloin.ieli and Itroatli, I»i/./.lm-Ha, lte.ida< be, 1.0*.s of >lemoi v, Niiiiilwii Ma, liilioiiMietn, .faini'tlee, Kliillliinl I-in, I rnpI IOIIH ami Skill IHteaaea, Ilropsy, T.lliiolH, W'OIIIIH, Neiiriilula, folic, 1. ripen, IMnrb<ra, l>y»eiilei y, font, I'ilen, llUiii'ilern of I lie<T, and all -jiher dlwane* reuniting from a duordered tale of till! digestive apparatus. A* a Ihmier I'd I they have no equal. While ptentlM In tlieb ... mese PII.IJI are the iinHt tlioroiitfh i».nl HJ-ari 111113 eaihar ti, lan he eiiiolo. eil. and m-ver gift i iin nnh'M* the Iniwela ine inl' lined, anil then their inlliieiiee in bean ie Taev ati;*i 1 l.iie the ap|»etHe and dl(|i"«tive or^an ; 'aev operate to purify and enrieh the l.lood. anil imparl renewed health and to tlin whole nyatein. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., I*r:n tl al mid Anal) Ileal Cliemlata, Lowo I, Mai*. am.ll ur a 1.1. ORUiibiara i.vnitTwuEni. Ar * *biy al lioiiie. Saiiit'l'- 1 * woith vbo <0 vjlifc ' ir, [jute. SUi\! IS. G R I E H> DEALER IN* FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. «v AT 1 1 K> AND clocks repaired, and WARRANTED -%j» Oj:iiiioii* of :In* WABASH. INI 'TA NA. Tim Pad" i>r* cpllli.g well. Hnve Hpvpml (ilil cbrotii' - mi-en c.f Kidney tri.ntdo w-ing tlcm. i*«l tli«v re|M>tt m iitur.'Vfiiicni Mid tliinU muoli of (bom. A. L. lIOHUOf'K X lO„ PruggiHt*. COURTNEY. IF.X Yotir Pud h 'H flufifi HIP nrnm »ny Remedy I fcver used. JAB. I! CALLAWAY. MT. rr.KMKVM MICH. Yonr I'm) lifit* cured tfie of Pain ir tlu> Puck &nd Kidney Tioubie. M. J. IIOLOII, Addremi DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., hole proprietors, TOIEDO, . - - OHIO. .1. <'. ItrilK K. Agent fr.r HulUr'o. ■ *■■■•■ -■ i SUHKCURE FOIC Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Asthma. Consumption a'd All Diseases of THROAT and LUNGS. Put up lii Quart <<!/<' lintiirM fin Family ' ir. Swriitiliially prrimrrd of Halsliin Tolli.t rywijl ll/.-.l Itoitk Candy. «»!<• Kv<\ niidiitlii-rtnlllr*. Till' Kormulii I* known to our ti«»t |> lyidiljuiK, I" liH;li- IV ri'i-oniiiK'nili'il l>y tlK'iu. ami tli<- niuilytl* of our inoMt prominent clu-iiiiHt. Prof. •>. A. MAHINI I!. 11l Clifn-Ko, H on tlir IlllX'l of every liollle. It I* well known to lln -dlral |>iofr».Hlon I hat TOM J IK M K ami IT VK will Hlforil llie create >1 relief for (VMIICII*. I oltls. Intiuen/.'i. Hronililtl*. Son- fTirnal, Weak l.rnuv IIIKO f 'oll*ll in pi lon, In Hi'" llielpleiil »nil ndviuieed KlHK<**> , . ... ... I'MIMI :it a lIKN r II AIIK. iiml A II nuke* n delightful tonic for finuil> u«e. Is |.|fu»iilit to take . If "''ilk or lieMliiiiieii, II irlve* lone. netlvlty ami HtrciiKtli to llir whole liumun frame. /t* I 'll/ V \ III. N'T UK lItrCKIVKII \ /(, y\ ■ I |l ) • !.>' Uliprlnelplleil ileal- \ / cin wlio Irv to IKIIIII oft ii'lH'li >ou l!<wlc (t |tyr ) 111 plni i-of our Till I I!I <l< AMI 111 I wliU'll / I ilio only inedlniled itrllr'r wade. 11K''""' / 11jiMVlltff >• \ I llMl'llt oil ••IH'II I'Oll l«* I.AWItMM V. *: MAIM'IN. Proprietor*. 11l Maill liou Ml reel,i lil'v; I «r~ A<k your l>rrnr , J ' f°r It ' • \«V your I .101 rr for il ! ~r- A ii sour Wine Merel. 111 f < »r il ! k rr- Children. a»k your Mamma for It! • S( ,t,| |,v Ml Id HANTS cviivvlir .i I ill li". I.AWIIKM •'■ x M \ It'l l N. No. •• Itarelay Mt.. New Voik. OTGS ■lint iiii'tli**ii<*'l. 'i to w i"llil oi ol ll' f iily i WI liV ( liliriilidK m on l lie mil no I ritrr o 8|» inuilorrl ««• i "r M mlnnl WiTkiirM, lov. I iii»i.ii v hi'ioloiil 1.0- < linl'olciH'.y. Vli-ii il >iii'l I'll \ • it-ii I lin»|to H v, Ii" |M"liiii"i I" to M iri II etc; ui'o, I ion. I i l'i ;'-* ui'l Kit-, I d'.ewl liy M'li lidultffiu'i* or'fxiiul i xlrnv i. fO' <■■■. <fci' 'I In- < elelirnted mil tin'. In 'III* .iniplrii'tle K». N Y CLEAR I \ IL'-IUI O«II IT OP. IN'IN ;I HUM YN« .(ill 1-KIIII |irnrtlif, Unit III" II ii-iiiliitr I'OIIW. qin-iiri-» ol HI lliihu»e tuny i inli iillv iu- il ; llOlll' luif inn II in'<ili- ol ONl l* if IIIIIT -Hii|i i cri ill mill, liy in- ol whleli every Mllh-rer. IM iioilliir wlul 111- i"»"dill II in'.V in v -nr. lilniM'lf rlii*iiply,|ii Iviili-ly .mil null en I If/ (f jp |'|,|. I.i'i itiri' • linulil •« In I'm liiiilil* of (•vii) »otti)i nod rvi-n IIIHII In Hi' - I mil r-■.lll iioiicr »• ill, n II pl.ilo .•ovi-lii|n', t'i .my pout /iiiitl, o i lui'i l|il* ol i*l* i'* uli* °r I W«» **•*•••• j"" Aililif'' tin- Pull l" 1 THE CULVERWELL MFF)!CAL CO . 41 ANN nr.. NI W V»IIK. N V : II I if. | y Pimt I NIL" lioX. Rheumatic Cure. I)ON InTF T Lj' - lillgl'MATlC RO.MI'OI ND li»-'cmwl rlminiMl-in xnr U " iroitui-ut of fourli«ii iliK'li.rn I ml fnlU-'l i»od«fti r li« h»d u>«il RINNILN"- for M.*l < N VI-.H •. |i ujik iliroovorwU'.v K 111 1.1.1 11, 111 tne trn»t nii-iit of liiuiinilf So -I I y i>. ii. \\ i 1.1.KH. lATllililif I'A* Pnpt r*pWire I'm ! iii ll.e principal CI relie*for Connnunion purj« • 3£;* c lirio For X-sdles ami '* cuk'y l'cr»o-iM s l*i! Lite Ag il, .. r\li '• 't % uv ' j(-« ... . - • 1 \ ~ PASS/'C.N. J7~- 1 ~ i! p : >, v- }A "-c> STEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! FOUR YEARS OI.D. This Celehraleil Native Wine Is made front the juice of I tie < tporto Orape.rtilsed tn I nis count ry. Its lvuliialile Tonic and Strengthing Tropertips .lie unntrpavsed by any other Native Wine. Being the pure juice ol the lin'p;'. produced under Mr. Spier's n\> :i prfMitiitl sit|H - i vlsinti. its ptticly and I" uimipin*!*- are Ktiaraiileed. The youngest ehl.d I'IIIH i.atlake of lis lieneious i|lla!llies. and lite iveake-t lina'lil i:n- ll larilj h nelleliil lo the it«eil and debiliUlled. and ■iii'l'v! I" til'' various :il!lii"Hts thai alfeet llie iv. i ak< r sex. It is in cverv res|M-cl A WINK 'FO HE i ON. M • * 111:i»•-« :p_ J" S B "R> T?1 Y. The P. .1. SII I.'IIV Is a wiin ol Superior Char tie; i f. ninl i make' o| the go den <pia:ilie »f the I:ti'|" liotim Itl'-LI II Is made. For purity. RICIIIICNH. Flavor ant) Meciiameal Piopertles, It will lielound unexcelled. <-< i» i: i TP cr bi a isr :n y 'l'lli IW A N i)Y • tnmls mirlvjilrd in this Country, .h • ; M- ..• ■»lor lleinittl p li ISA I*; 'l*i iIN: i'.-Mioii 11 (Mil iin* ;cr.i|K* a'.d co it tin . v ilr.a'Hr lui ilicinial |»io|«*riirs. It has ;i •!*•!i<*:* 1«• II:?vor. < iniiiir lo that of the m |ICH frn;:i which it h <llstlilcd. in<l is in n»cat fuvnr lltMt-cla* famllic*. S«m» th:.t Hi signature of Al<KltEl> Hl'l'l'lf. l*;u»- salc. N. .1., is over the cork of each bottle. ftivltl l»y l». 11. H I'lilil K. »i>r2B-iyr Union Wcclsn Mills. I tlrnirp to call the nttentioii of the public to the Union W.mloii Mill. I'nthT, I'*., wl.erc I tiHve new mid improved uiachinety for the inaiiiifHcture of Burrtd and Gray FiannolH, Knitting and Wraving Ynrns, and I can lecotninenil them .m being very dura ble. r.- they are manufactured of pure I'uller county wool. They are beautiful in eolor, i-n --perior in texture, and « j!l be sold at very low prices. Foi sanililts and prieee nddiesn. 11. FIJLI.F.ItTON. |nlCI4 '7« Hn»W T*. IVroiicaoie iiuaumg lor tverybocly j K ll' -in .ii• »| j I »< !i« i .in *lint»i- ' li i iniiiUtct molhri-, and .ail wlm • . C lit'' <• r-Mit by tin- constant i ll a..«i worry of your woik 'f | 'I. ink inti»*i< »f in 'no r ,'■ M i *. . . Arc y.u ■■ .n ■ . i. ~4. I iti .in, Ncur.i or wall IWm« i, kutne). I »\« 'l'riiuiry complaint*. you can l» »tii»*»« l»\ no • ■ "".V ' HEj ' If you ar<* W idling . v..y wn( . i nan j>t i <»i. lc-1 'rn.«lc wcakn* ««r any i nc ■; i \< u!l»vr | 5 .ill- ' nc relief 1 : jLidTZ. Li 21 ■, , If you arr cnfccoh i i»y i.t old ajje »i cli* , '•upation, and your *y%tcm need* invigorating. o < [if you have pimplrr* and Wnlclicv and your l#lo<- ' .need* purifying. v« n fah n'<« • « .♦#» • .Madefo-m tiieger, (luchu, Mandrake, flHillinnr, •and many other o t*ie heut roedi« in*** known it i«< the Beat Health aid Btre«alh Reatorer Ever XJted, ■nc I* far |o ilitter*, ofl | linger and othrr Tonic*, a* it never intoxicate* .< 'and combine* the beat curative projwrtif of ..11. < | li Ilea **»r«l llnndr*iU of l.lves; It May 1 Sate lnur>, • liny a »oc. bottlr of yonr druk'K»*t, and t'» nvoi«'< I 1 'lunterfriu l»c »*ir«* our kirnaturf i* onth* out ,*idr Una «»\( & ( ('lieinint •», N. Y. , Parker's Hair Balsam. I'vrfotly li»inilrM. The li st A Most Ironoitilral Hair llrntaluf Containing only Ingrn'^t»ta thai are beneficial to the hair and *>• J{», the lIWAAM will b© found far more *ati ' lory than i«i«y other prc^.oa'ion. It >e?er I'alW to tteatore (.my or Faded Pair to 11.4k origin >1 youthful « lor an li* warr*m~d i» i • v, liiilf, I'-evrttl b:il'lnr»* and Mop t ailing of the h «ir. ' A V ni v «/«/ i. improv. t " »'Our. a :% f TRADE (f^MARK. C'JEriTiiEr.'j L J n < F.V rn cuiiji CO:T,UZ:?aTC:T. ■> • <r I'rmrtilt «, Arihrai. ' i. i. I » I <1 ii i - n of t ! ■ IM m ■ »i / (i • , » t*- fi ) ( fill < nil 1 0;l« f . OU-TJT!: n < \ I o I .<■ ore. 39 AVO.iua. Pirr .SwrX.i. I'A. ♦ t «mr IkriiKuiMi furl'. V ori Ii Mulitiil l ire ln»in - iiimt i nni|>Hiij|'. lire Ipl* Kinl I'*|n 'iililnri nof Wollh Mu'iul Fix. In-nr iin-H I "o . fir ' '• Pre mi ii in * *> AH>f>-H|||l'lll 1 ll .s IKJ M»I»I.<!h of I*7o I i ♦ * • ,4 'SI HO rirr.Mf iTliitr* •*»l«rlon. cimmiliwl.HK'i'" ♦ I'n. I (.•••, | Itilling. IlllWeft. . II" IjliuhH'N |iml<I I ""4 'At *1 I (HI II |!»1 .Inn. let, IKHI 2411 75 *i,ro K0 W. F. T\ Y i nit. I WM. M'UuY. f An>Uloi-». j MILL FOR SALE. A t* tie \ i i Qii \ It'll lit **IM I• • t r«h% ellii-ilu in- i V\ i I i ►!«»** 11, hul.vt,<:«» . I'u . Imm»I eirnin mill * ill r r ; Kft i-ft*** i> land, t*t9i*(i cl , *il lltl', Oll'll Hi. lon I li . | k , »\'l- , le U «l« •It llld» It'll* lion ..nil mill ciolnu . 1 n ' ' l,u ►oil ii i i>« 'j>l|ll, twin.' t'li- i'ro|«.-ri v <'i "in Ali-'ii (|it'«' II i.oi mi'il i> l«»r«* Ai rii I-'. Wil li ~i. . x|...'l. ni Mill.' «li •■ ■" iuiiil-Ii good H i'i. ni o K-i|»rti nat - M'.A i'»C.*. | TRAVELERS' GUIDE. CTI.BK, KARNs CITT AND PAKKKU K.II.HOAD Trains IIMVC Kntler tor i>t. Iw, VilknUiwt, <a< • • 5-* '• ■> in, Parker, tic., a! a. in., aul 2.&\ and T.? 5 p. in. Trains arrive at Butler from the above named in -.11 1 .1. ui. ma -M ), nuil 7.15 p in. flu' 2.1S linin nmiiM'lf willi train nu the West Penn ro-ul -liroiiirti So Plltshuncli. MIEVVXOo AND \LI.EOHENT KAIt.HOAD. •i .1 ii - ir.ivi- Milliard's \tiu, Bullet county, or Harrisvllle, (irii-nville, etc., at 750 a. m. mi! '£ "J5 p. in. I ■ I.rive at tiiili.nd's Mill® at 1:45 A. U., Hid 5 ;V> 1' si. II rk» t<> and from Pctrolia. M-rilnshurc. Fair* Ll-W, Mo ami r UIIIIII IK. (IIM:N I at Uil .id >\ iili a I r ini> I lie - »V A road. I'ENN-Tl VAM* KAILKoM*. fraiii- leave Hut lei (But lei ot Piti<-t>nr»rb Time.) i/.i rktt II .S (*• n, in , tr«f> to Alle {lienv, vinir at W.Ol > m '1 hit. tiain con ii t- at Frei i ori with Freepori Aceoinnioda • •!i. »li'i-li arrives at Allegheny at 8.24) a. in., H'roid dim*. Erprtt* ai 7.21 a. ni , connecting m Butler Ulii'li 11, without «liaune ol ral>, it 8.-B with \|. <• s west. arriving in AllegM*n\ at Wstt .in nd Ex-irrrt* east arrivim: ut BWirsvllla it 105S a. in. railroad time.. W ni at 2 2>> p. in . connecting at Butler Juuo -101 without marge cars, witli Kxpreso west, in .vini: in Allcifb. Ny at 5 ll' p. in., and Ex- arriving at Blaiisvile Intersection .1 5 5T p. HI riilroml time, which e> nnri't# w'th Phil iilc'i'liia f xpr> .» wir.l, » ln-u on lime. Tin- T.'-JI a. iii train connects at Blair»ville it II."5 ii m a ilh (lie Mad east, and the 2.36 D. m. train at rtliV wnb the Philadelphia Ex iir east. Train* arrive at Butler on West Penn It. R at .5' a. in , 4 ..V* ut p. m.Butbr time. The •M! and 458 inline connect with trains on the Bullet «& Pari;er R. K. .Stain Line. Through train* leave Pltutburifh toi Hie Eaf* i j..Vi atul «. M. and 12 51, 421 at <2 BOK p. n , arrlvmir al Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 • 111 and S.OO. 7.0 and 7.40 a. in.; nl Baltimore ui the Name t tne. at New Y..rk three hours ater, anil at Washiuiftou about one aud a hall inn™ later. lime ol llnUilitc Conri»». The scvetal Courts of the county of Bntfer .•ounreiice on til.-tiist Monday < J Marcli, June, Hiptemher ai.d Dec< tnber. and contain* two week*, oi so as ii ccssatv to dispose of tliG iiiisttn-ss. No causes Me put down for tria or ra*erse jurors siiuniioned lor the tirst wiek of lie Heveial tonus. VnnUNKVS AT LAW. BUTLER. PA " A M CO LLX E LUTS, Ofllie with a. D. Biatidon, Berg Building. Main Strtet. Butler, Pa. J F TJRITTAIN, Office with L Z Mitchell. l>iamoud. A7M CUNNINGHAM." Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S. 11. PIERSOL. Office ou N. E. coiner Diamond, Kiddle build ing. .uuvl'i JOHN M. GREER. Offico on X. E. corner Diauiond. no»ll "wFIT ru.-^K^ Office with W H. H. Kiddle. Kaq. ALU ION HL \('K, Office on lliaimniil, near Court Hotise. sontb ttlde. E. I. littUUll, Office in Kiddle's Uiw Uuildlnif. > l* . liii A - I', 1 ;. Office in lUddie'a Law Building. * [marH'76 J. U. MEL L > KIN. Special attention irlven to coiloctlon* Olllet O; j.USUI V\ ilia id House. JOSEI'LI It. BIiEUIN, < (lllee iiot'th-easi corner ol' Diamond. Butler P... 11. 11. GOUCIIER, Ulliee in Sclnieideinan's builillui:. up ataiia. J. T JX)NLY I Office near Court House. * 74 V.. 1). BRANDON, i.bl7-76 (Hiiro In Hur>;'n lunlding OLARKNCK WALKJCR, Oflice in Uiodiii building- mai 17—4 KliltiJ KKIHEK, Otllci- In Ht-r^''i'lu-w building, Muiu *trt-ct.np9l) F. M EAST AN, Oil)co in llredin building. I.h\ , Mi-yUKS'IION, Oilier Mam Hticut, I door noutb oi Court Honrs ,|()S. 0. VANDKIiLIN, Olllec Mrln ntrret, 1 door wiutli of Court HOUDO. Win A. KOKQUEH, •aT'OOlce on Main xtroet, oppoHite Vogeloy lll.llHO. GEO It WHITE, < >llii-«- N. K. ci riii-r til Diuiiioria EKANI lS S I'UUVI ANCK, lliiioe wiili (lon. J S. rurviftiiac, .Main htreat, eolith ol Court Uuuet*. .1 D MitJUNKIN, < MUi r In . s rliii' id«iiiHii*» I.illl l, Wl'hi nlde ol Muiii •trert, -ml H(|u.ut* in mi Couri Uou.r. \ li VV I MAMS. Onictt on l>i»nioud. twodoorn wont of CiTtzu ofllcv. *piW T C. CA^I'UELL. Hnrg'i) new building, 'id Door, aa*4 •ide Miuu Hi., » few door* south ol ix>»r> Houne. nifcril—tl "77~A. a >I. SUITLIvan, niayT Oltice S. VV. c«»r of Diatnond. BLACK«fc BRO, Olllif on Mitln Ktreit, one door miutli v. Hrr.dv Ulork, Huilcr. Pa. (•«]•. U. 1874. JOHN M MI M.Kit A ItltO. Oflion in Itrvly'n l.»w IbilMing. Main ntreet, nOlltll of Court lluuno. EllllKMC O. MII.I.KH, Notftry PubllU. JU'<4 If THOMAS HO BIN SON, WTLH, l*A. JOHN n. NECIUtY* partieulm attoiition to t raimioUona Ih ri'.il nntitii tliroilgllollt the oollMtjr. ifrrn-.f. '•« liummit. ME** COIIIIT Hon»B. tw I'ITIZKN ItI'II.I.INII K. ii. Krki.RT, KKNNKUT MAH»UAbI» (L.IHO ol Olilu.) K( KM.Y <t MABSIIAI.L. . Ollirr lii HrnilyV l.nw Hulldlnif. H<,74 f II CHItIHTIE, Atiornay «i /.-i<». tiu»ln«*« curnfully Iriii-iMi.'il Collivllnin. in ail r mid promptly r.iinllt.Ml Itn-liH-"-. rorri»poiidittic-o promptly iitti-mli-d to mill .ill-wrrod. <H||. «. II|I|MN>II«- H.nmr, lliillfr. Hi. I'll VSH L\i\S. JOHN E. DYERS, IMIVSICIAN ANDSIJKGKON, inyKl-lv| HUTI.KI4. I A. DKNIIMH. l_j ajJ>4 L J. JCC Y . 0 1/ vVAI.I»Kt»N, (4»- dame ol the Plill- II ,iil< Ipi'lii I><-nini Colleuc.l" prepnri-d . Il • i<i do >ni> Ililntf in thr line of prolef lon Ii ti limnner (nil,, oil Miil ii •treet, Butler, Union H'orli, up »t.ilrn, ' T38K29 Only SQO iiHCi mJ " pmianriPHU g " M.NtiKlt. 1 'jual toanytlluier in llve- L *"'■•/][ "/' V v'* imo It' nu mbvr, »/•#■ mmd j-AJI 4t to b* *Xot9nbtr<i hrfnrr MMaiM V yftll ;»o»/ fnr It. TUia ta (he Mwe jM •lYlenlh* rrompamea retail for Vjf nr j Ail M-»ch»n«* warrae*ri l«»r i... • fjr KJ\ I ii *. Crnit for our Illuklrnlt-ii < 1 eulai and T« aiiumaialn. uuuu: s 4. v tHiD a ro.. |jy tiubixxilw fur ibu ClTizka.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers