MR. J. H. BAITS. Newspaper Adverti-me Agent. 4) I'*rk Bow (Timef Building). New V'ork. is authorized to coi.tract for advertise ments in the CITIZEN. ft ya T) A upn ma" focm! on file a' Oeo Inlo JrAr £iXV p. AOn's Nt-w.pL.ijer Adverttulns Riirvau (HI Spruca St A v. h^r.'' ; <1'" contracts i.u.y Lo laaUc for it 1I". 1.»» \ 011 rv. Y.oral and CJenoral. will produce diphtheria sooner than nnv other nuisance about a house. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low a.f $lO, at E. GRIEB'S. The Washington hotel men are preparing an amendment to the Con stitution, providing for an Inauguration every year. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William A'an.l's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. Oar local military company got home last Monday morning. They re port havine had a good time and being well provided for while in Washington. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolens for men and hovs wear ever offered in Butter The best place to learn to teach is at tbe Normal School. The next term opens March 20th. New circulars now readv. Address, J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Pa. SEE a woman in another column, near Ppeer's Vinevards with a bunch of grapes from which Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so highly esteemed bv the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the aged.—Sold by all Druggists. 2saply We regret to learn that Mrs. Zeig ler. wife of the editor of the Heboid, of this „ place, is laying very ill. Her husb nd and family, however, have hopes of her recovery. A few nights since a flock of wild geese roosted on the roof of a Cambria county farmer's house and k« pt up such a noise as to cause the inmates to think they were to he carried off. Since New Year's Day about 6,500 persons have died in New York, and tbe city has shown s» death vate for the season which puts it among the unhealthiest capitals of the world. The State Normal School offers teachers the best and cheapest oppor tunities for study. It will pay every young teacher to spend at least one term in the chool. For information . address J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Pa. The devout editor of the Norris town Herald remarks : "The revised edition of tbe New Testament has one disagreeable feature. Newspaper men will be obliged to read the work through again in order to correctly quote it hereafter. Let the poor sufferers from female complaints take courage and rejoice that a painless remedy has been f< und. We refer to Lydia E Pinkbam's Vege table Compound. It is prepared at 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., Send to Mrs. Pinkbam for pamphlets. Capt Eads's and all other Isth mus i <ter-oceanic bills and resolutions bad their heads knocked together last Wednesday when Senator Eaton a.-k --ed to have the Committee on Foreign Relations relieved from considering tbem further, and the request was com plied with. The examination of classes at the j close of the Winter Term of Wither- | spoon Institute will take place on Thurs- j day ar.d Friday of this week. Patrons j cf the school, and other friends of edu cation, arc invited to attend The Spring Term will open on Monday, J March 21st iost. Our shoe dealer. Mr. Bcnj. llueel ton, has returned from his usual visit, made at this season, to the centres of ■ the boot and shoe trade. While there ! be purchased a large stock of spring and summer goods, which have already commenced to arrive. His advertis ment will appear shortly. —A brown sbawl with yellow and white cross-bare, was lost last Saturday week, on the Frceport road between Springdale and the Saxonburg road. The finder will either leave it , at this office, or at the Herald, office, in this town. It belongs to a poor woman who is unable to pay a reward. from which the Boers lately drove the British ? The fight recalls one that oc curred over a hundred years ago under similar circumstances. The British won It; but their victory got named after the wrong hill, and to this day j figures under a name to which it has no title. —Years airo a superstition existed and still exists among a goodly num ber of old-time people that if New Year's Day was calm the fruit crop would be exceedingly light for that year. New Year's Dny being very calm, many people believing in the old adago will await with interest the re sult. —SEND IN YOUR PETITIONS—We have been requested to call the atten ion of those who are circulating petitions for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting the manufac ture and sale of alcoholic liqnors except for mechanical and medicinal purposes, to the importance of sending them in as soon as possible. , —The footings as furnished qs by the Census Department for the State of Pennsvlvania are as follows : Males, .2,130,035 ; females, 2.1 40,151 ; native, 3,(595,253 ; foreign, 587.533; white, 4,107,100; colored (including in the State, 100 Chinese, 8 Japanese, 10S Indians and half-breeds, and two East Indians) 85,680. Total, 4, 282,780. —One of the huge jokes over which Warhington has lately been laughing was the condition in which the late flurry ip stocks placed some Congress men. Desiring to improve their for tunes, these statesmen plunged in und oame out pent.iless, being left utterly unable to pay their board bills and g( t their baggage for the mournful journey homeward. MESSRS. ELY BROS. DRUGGISTS, OwEtio, N. Y—For the past time winters I have been afflicted with Ca tarrh and cold in the head. 1 applied several remedies without good results. Last winter I uced your Cream Balm, and found it to accomplish all you rep resented. T. p. (Judge Common Please). Elizabeth N. J. Auir. j<s, 1380—See Ady't. Since the introduction of Ely's Cream Balm my sales of it have daily in creased, and are unprecedented, I confidently recommend it to all suffering from Catarrh or kindred diseases who call upon nve, with that pleasure and confidence that a personal knowledge of its curative powers afford O. 11. &irwftp, Druggist, Wilkcoburre, i'a. Willi I < <l. All kind.* of grain for wh:< h I will pay I lie highest market price in ca>(> at niv mill. GEO. IIEFCFR. Nov. 3, 18SO. Butler, Pa. —The train on which ex-President Hayes and family were returning home, last Saturday, came in collision wth two engines on the trick near Haiti more The three engines were demol ished and several of the ears telescoped. Two men were insiantlv killed, and some twenty badly wounded. The ex-President's family escaped unhurt. How Si Wii« •'Flow do you nannge," >-n'd a lady to her frientl, "'<> ai>p< ar so happy nii'l n atoned all the tin e?" "I always have Parker's Gin ger Tonic handy." wr.s the reply, "and thus easily keep myself and family in good health. When 1 am well I always feel good naiured." Rerd about it in another column. —As sprinir approaches, it is abso lutelv essential for the preservation of health to have all places around one's premises where dishwater has I teen thrown, and parbage has accumulated during the long winter months thor oughly cleaned and disinfected, for in them lies lurking the germs of many different fevers, diphtheria, and other diseases. Give this matter careful at tention as soon as the weather will permit. IN il I'O*>Ktl>lr. that a remedy made of such common, simple plants ns Hops, liuchu' Man drake, Dandelion, <tc.' make so many and such marvelous and wonderful cuees as Hop Bitters do ? It must be* for when old and young; rich and poor; Pastor and Doctor, Lawy. r and Editor, all testify to having been cured by theml we must believe and doubt nh longer, See other column.— Post. The old Sarvermill, in Buffalo tp., was burned last Tuesday evening. The fire was caused by the explosion of an oil can from which the miller was fill ing a lighted lamp. The mill was the property of Mr. David Ilenrv, and will not likely lie rebuib as Mr Ilenrv has pone, or is going. West with Mr. John Martin. It was insured fcr §2 TOO in ihe Hannahstown Mutual. The miller was burned about the arms but not se riously. fir- peJtiicp. —The art of fermenting the Oporto Grape into wine, in this country has been brought to a greater degree of per fection by Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic, New Jersey, than by any other person, and his wine is very popular as a ladies' wine, as well as for the communion table and for invalids. For sale bv I). H. Wuller. —There is said to exist on the farm of Mr. John Shepler in Rostraver township, Westmoreland county, an ancient burying ground. Human skeletons, ancient pottery, arrow heads and many other interesting relics are frequently unearthed. The skeletons discovered are supposed to belong to a now extinct race of people; called the Astecs. their heighth being about three and one half feet, and their heads fiat with scarcely any forehead —There has been a report current on our streets for 'he last few days, to the effect that the Baltimore and Ohio 11. I*. Co. have purchased the Pittsburgh <V Western, Butler & Parker and Fox burg & Clarion narrow guage railroads, and intends building the connecting links from Evansburg to Butler, and from Parker to Foxburg, and a road from Clarion to either Ridgeway or Warren, so as to make tie whole an importan outlet for the oil producing and lumber country. —Speaking of the evtrs of monopo lies and means of remedying them one of our exchanges says: ' The better way, in the opinion of many shrewd and far-seeing men, is to have as little recourse as possible to legislation as a remedy, to surround corporate bodies with careful restrictions in chartering them, and then leave competition to cure minor evils. This appears to be the safest method, as well asthe surest, and the most conformed to the general spirit of American institutions and laws." —The Pennsylvania Rai'road Com pany has issued an order to passenger conductors, brakemen and baggage masters prohibiting them, under pen alty of suspension, for allowing passen gers to ride on the platform of passen ger cars The company is determined to break up this dangerous practice and it is hoped passengers will cheer fully comply, as it will be seen the train men have no discretionary power in the matter. —The list of slaughtered innocents is rapidly increasing, parental careless ness, often of a criminal character, add ing largely to t he casualties. Three chil dren were burned to death the other day in a cabin in Kentucky, in which they were locked bj their mother, while the mother unmindful or careless, perhaps, of the responsibilities of maternity, was absent at a neighbor's. This is a species of cruelty to children which should be severely punished. —Three weeks ago the a most total destruction of the viliage of Waterford, Erie county, bv tire, led to suspicions of incendiarism. Other fires have since occurred, and a strict watch IIMS been kept. A few nights ago Charles Oliver, a youth whose family is highly respectable, was seen pouring oil on a pile of combustibles in a store and set ting fire to them. His mother's house was lately burned and a heavy insur ance collected. The fire bug is now in ; at Erie. More than a mouth alter its intro duction, the bill purporting to be fram ed for the protection of person and property in Ireland has passed the House of Commons. In the history of parliament no measure ever met with such persistent and effective opposition at the hands of a small minority, and its passage involved an exercise of arbitrary power on t|ie part of the Speaker, and a sacrifice of privileges on the part of the House, which are tan tamount to a revolution in Parliamen tary procedure. A bill has been introduced into the Legislature of Wi-eonsin in rela tion to woman's suffiage which is rather novel in its character. It pro vides that the women of that State shall (not simply mo;/) vote at n* xt general election bit the question whether tin y wish to have the elective franchise conferred upon them and as sume the duties of male citizens or prefer to be citizens without the right of voting. A neglect on their part to vote upon this question is declared to be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dol lars or by imprisonment for not less than three uioutba. Ciiiajetx: P«.» SllttKcb 5, tSSt. —Two test wells are to be put down by Millcrstown or l't trolia parties, on the we>t side of Buffalo creek near Worrhington in Armstrong county dur ing the coming spring. The wells will lie located on the line of what is known as the ' Roger's Survey" and is sup posed to be a continuation of the East ern belt. Tbe surface indications are reported good and neighboring resi dents are lookiair forward expectantly and entertaining bright hopes that the oleaginous product may be found in copious and paying quantities. A 810.00 liihJW-sil l*rize. We have received Rullfihji '* }foi t . 1 y for '•'arch and find it an entertaining little Maga zine. It> publishers offer the following easy way for some one to make slo : To the person telling us In * many times the w-ird ".Jerusalem" is found in ihe New Test-merit Scriptures, by Murch loth, i.-Sl, we will give 'to in gold as a prize. The money will IKS forwarded to the winner March to, ls-1 Those who try for the prize inu-t send to cents with their answer, fi>r which they wil[ receive the April number of the Monthly, o. lian'l- .me Magazine of ,{ j pages, i-i which will be published the name and address of the win ner of the prize, with the correct answer there to. In writing to us please say you saw this notice in tli<- ISutter CITIZEN. ' Address, RI"T -LEDGE PCBI.ISiIISG COMPANY, EaSton, Pa. —A few evenings ago tbe inmates of a lumber camp several miles west of Pennfield, Clearfield county, heard a cry for help. On going a short dis tance from the camp a man was found lying in the road, a lighted lantern standing by him. The man's neck was frightfully torn but be was able to say that a panther had sprung upon him and torn him in that manner. lie was carried to the camp and died in an hour. The severe weather has made the wild animals of that regioi hungry and fierce. —The trial of Colonel Cash for kill ing Colonel Shannon in a duel is a sig nificant commentary on the -Mate of public opinion in South Carolina. It was proved on the trial that Colonel Cash goaded his adversary to chal lenge him, and went to the "field of honor" with a set purpose to kiil Col- Shannon. The final plea of the Stale's Attorney was very powerful, and the charge of Judge Pres.-ly bore strongly against the accused. The most reput able newspapers had strongly con demned the killing of Colonel Shannon, and done all in their power to turn public opinion against the murderer. Vet the jury disagreed after all this, only four being in favor of conviction. —Mr. J«»hn Mitchell, proprietor of the hotel nt Free port, h"S brought suit against James Harbison of this county, for conspiring to entice away his wife and rob him of his money, poods and chatties. In his affidavit, the plaintiff charges the defendant with harboring and keeping his wife since last Decem ber and claiming that his household has been broken up and business ruin ed. He claims damages in the sum of S3OOO and our Court allowed a capias to is.-for defendant and fixed the bail at 32.000. Harbison was arrested ami gave bail. The wife is his sister, and she claims that her husband has been abusing her and that she was compel led to leave him. —Among the bills read in place in our State Legislature lately was one to provide for the infliction of corpora! punishment upon all male persons con victed of willfully beating their wives or beating any other female per.on, and the manner and place of inflicting the aid punishment, and the officers by whom the same is to be inflicted. The bill provides that any male per son who shall beat his wife or other female person, shall receive not exceed ing thirty J;:sbcs upon his bare back by means of a whip or la.- h of suitable proportions and strength for the pur pose. This punishment shall be in flicted by the sheriff of the county or by one of his deputies wi'Lin the prison enclosure of the county in which the offence is committed, and in the presence of a duly licensed physi cian and of the keeper of the prison or one of his deputies, but in the presence of no other person. —Those who incline to the opinion that th > British will whip out the Dutch Boers of South Africa befoie they get through with them should re flect that they have a broad continent behind them upon which they can fall back, if necessary lor the preservation of their freedom, as they fell back from Caoe Colony in 1835, and afterward from Natal, and again from the coun try of the Orange and Vaal Rivers. The history of these people has been one of love and sacrifice for liberty for upward of two centuries. They have never surrendered the tradition of their freedom. This is not their first armed resistance to British oppression. After the struggle of IS4S they left tfyeir home rather than submit to domina tion, and established themselves in the Transvaal, where four years later their independence was explicitly recognized by treaty. Out of the contest now go ing on may come forth a destiny which shall make these bardv, God-fearing farmers masters of the Dark Couti nent. A, TROUTMAW. (PATLXTLM j - ;= n T :i, In Black and C«»!or«. Seamless Kid Gloves. Kid Gloves of different kind?. Cashmere (Moves, Lisle Thread Gloves :ind Berlin Gloves. t'uUSKTrt. You will find a large assortment to select from Extra value in Rlack and Colored Cashmeres. I'lack .Silks' and all kinds of dress goods. Notion and Trimming stock corn pi etc. ou yviil find my large ftnt} priced lo,v. please call and examine. A. TROCTMAN, Main Strete. Uutler, I*a , A Card. To nil who arc r-ulteiiujf Iroio tbc error* lyid IndUctvtloiiß pf yun'li, iili vcu# weakliest). cnrlj decay, 10.-» of in>r.)iood, <tc. I «I ] grnd a r*- ripe thnt will rurc >ou, FHKE OF CIiAKf.K Tliin arrant i erectly v;w liim-overcd ly a niis- Utonmy in 8011111 Africa. fend u «eif-:itldrc*Hcd ejivelo: i! to {{ tv , jo«(-|ih liuuuri, Station D. tk-w *WkClty. • II11.1.i;H VI OXV X IIOM II I I>K. ArrtKi ol W lit it*. On Tuesday night ol Inst week, be tween the hours of eleven and twelve, Chas. Eagan, a man well known in this vicinity and who for some years has been in the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Co., as repairman, received bis death wound from a knife in the hands of William White, a boiler maker by trade, and who for some years carried on business at Mil lerstown. The affray happened in a drinking saloon or bottling bouse in Millers town, and seems to have been the cul mination of a:i old feud between tbe two men, who had quarreled and come to blows before. On the evening in question, both men hail been drinking, and it appears from the evidence given at the inquest that Eagan attacked White, pushed him ayainst a wall and was pounding him with his fists, when White who seems to have been expecting an at tack and had armed himself with a penknife with a long, sharp blade, cut him several times in the right arm and side, without inflicting a fatal wound. The two men were then separated by the others in the room, but Eagan again attacked White, who again cut him, this time in the left groin, sever ing a large artery and causing his death in a few minutes. White lingered about the town for several hours alter the affray and, strange to say, was not arrested. lie then disappeared, and no clue to his whereabouts was known till Sun day morning when an unsigned note was put in the hands of the two police men of East Brady, giving them to understand that he could be found in UP. oil well shanty on the Baruhart farm, a mile west of Millc-retown. That afternoon, the two men drove over to Millerstown, where they se? cured the services of some persons ac quainted with the premises, went to the farm and searched the shanties on it without finding him, and were about to leave, when bearing that there was still another shanty on t he farm, they went to it. White was there and at the time was co<>kin<r some coffee. Seeing the men coming be jumped through a window and ran, followed closely by the men, who fired their revolvers, and called to him to stop. This he did. when be was brought to Butler and lodged in jail, arriving here about eleven o'clock that night. Our County Commissioners had of fered a reward of S2OO for the arrest of White, a day or two after the affair, and this on Saturday was, at the sug gestion of Judge Bredin, increased to SSOO, and wo understand that there were also snnie private rewards offered which will increase the whole amount to about The East Brady men are said to belong to the Pinkerton Agency, and this wiil be quite a nice haul for them. The body of Eagan was taken to Columbus, Ohio, for interment. lie was a large muscular man, weighing over two hundred pound', while White is rather a small man. Both men were married and had families living in Millerstown. The ease may be brought before the Grand Jury this week, but it i* not at al! probable that it will be tried next. The following is the most important .if the evidence given at the inquest, held by Coroner Campbell, in Millers* town 1a -1 Wednesday and the verd'et ot the Jury : Win. Morrftey, sworn : I reside in Millers town ; was present at the time of the cutting; saw the quarrel fr<m the beginning; Lagan commenced the quarrel; White was standing against the wall, and Eagan was sitting at.the table; Eagan went over to where While was ; don't know what they said, but heard White say "I am going to protect myselfthen Eagan made a rush at White; 1 saw the kni'e in H bite's hand after they met a second time ; saw White strike at Ea?an; Eagan threatened he would break White's "(J—d d—tl bapk," or something like that | they came tm>ethiir a sec ond time after while; EUJIHH immediately sank; both seemed to be under the influence of drink; White was not to blame in my opinion ; never heard White threaten Eagan ; searched White's two coat pockets before they met the second time, but could find no knife ; an: not positive which hand White bad the knife in ; there were present, myself, Win. Frederick, I'lum mer Holland, J as. Crowley, Win. Perry, Wm. J. Brennan, 1 think were there; 1 just happen ed in and cannot tell who else was there ; I parted White and Eagan when they first rapt and told them there must not be any cutting there; this occurred between II and 12 o'clock at night, on March Ist, ISSL at the Ocean saloon, comluoted I think by Mr. Delamatcr. James Crowley, sworn; reside in Millers town; ama boiler maker; havo Imon In the employ of W. 11. White; was present when the cutting took place; when I came home from work at six o'clock in the evening. White was in the Central Hotel billiard room ; he wa< there sober; he told me at that time that Eagan and a man named Hill were going to knock hell out of him after supper ; asked him how he knew ibis; he said that he over heard Eagan and Hill say so; he I White) asked Dela uiatcr if l.eard about Eagan's intensions ; Dtrln matcr replied, ''yes, iiij 1 yoq b.e.ttur lt>nk out for your-.oil' l >) n,iiM named O'Brien, I think, also told While of the coming trouble ; I told White that lie had better avoid Eagan nnd Hill, and have nothing to do with them; Whits said he would do so, but if these men woubl at tack him, lie would cut them ; he took out a knife and 1 saw it; tlie knife when open would measure about six liiehes ; White and I left the Central Hotel together and went to the Ocean ; White looked in the window nnd Haw Eagan ; he said if he went in there "that man will pitch into me ;" so we went from there to the Sclirei ber House; we stopped in there and had some drinks together; about half pastil >ve |c,ft there and went back d<>iVn t<> theOWUn; White, went in the tjoor of the tVfan, ami 1 went in the fropt door; I was about half a minute behind White getting in ; wlicq 1 >vent it| White and Eaijaii were ttamlitiy i;t Ihe bar j White WHS taking it glitM "I beer, but don't kpow whether Eagan was drinking nt the time or not; 1 took a glass of beer with the party at the lime; I set down the gla-s oil the har and held it by the handle; Eagan was talking to White al the time ami reached over and took hold of my glass; the conversation between White and Eagan «us warlike ; I pulled the giess from him; then Kagan said to W}ii|e, "Rilly, did you come in here wilh the inten tion of licking me WpHy . ; aitl, '.'l'did not," and as near I t#u White -.aid to Eai«h, "rUon'i want to have anything to do with you ;" then While backed over against the wall ; Eagan went over afltr him and grab bed hiin by the shoulders with both hands and shoved him against the wall ; 1 think Eagan struck White twice Willi his right b)ir,d ,timut ihe neek or face before Whifc |ips.;d u hand'; then I saw White lake his left hand out of Ins pock ft and strike at Eagan with ouicr h : ng ihat I took to be a knife ; he struck F-agnu iu the right brea-t < don't think While IM to blame; Mr. Morrissey then grubbed While und pulled him away from Eagnn; I then went out of the back door and went in I lie front door, and tlie next I saw of Eagan he was lying on I lie floor with Mr. Fisher holding his head; this was about n half minute from the lime 1 went out; I wanted White to come out. that I wanted to speak to him before the trouble commenced, and tried to get him out but he said, "l>P, 1 am not going to run ip.vayl dojj'.f think there could have b' I ! , U iiiiy tn'orelicks liom the (l(iip r jj'cptVu't till I came ill. \\ bite was then gone; Eagan was still ctapding when I went out ; I In aid Eagnn say to White something like "P —n you, you nave u knife;" didn't hear While's reply ; While tried to avoid Ea gan all evening ; saw White strike but once; the reason that White went in the bock way WBK because Eagan was standing near ihe front door inside, and I think White did this to avoid Eagan ; when White started in he told me that he expected two or three i>f them might jipup him, aud asked uic to slop tlieui i 1 I '">•}' wOuld ; he told me at supper time that |jill yfa's ')> stsrt a fight on him, -ml tbeli 'EWgk'ii would get u.j ji'i rk ur I'tnldliini that I wouldn't see two or three jump rn him; nobody else attacked White but Eagan ; White told me thai Lagan bud }«Jd K rau two fatmdred Malign ulKnit two , years ago to shoot him ; White was peaceable with me ; never have been intimate with him until about three weeks ago. at which time 1 commenced work for him : was not acquainted with Eagan : Eagan took hold ot me and want ed to wrestle or fight, but through the interfer ence of Mr. Brcnnan I got away from him; have not seen White sin e he left the saloon; White told me in the evening that he wouldn't cut Eagan only in self-defense ; that he want ed to have the law on hi* side; this cutting affray occurred iu the. Ocean saloon ; cannot name any person that was there only Mr IJren nan. and Mr. Morrison, besides White and Eagan. L. Pe'amater, sworn ; I reside in Donegal township; I keep the bottling home known as the Ocean, in Millerstown ; don't know any thing at all ab.tut tlie cutting, as 1 was not there; was culled out of tuy bed about ten minutes to 12 o'elock : dressed myself and came down town immediately : the !a.t I saw of Ea.'an was l>etween four and five o'clock p. n» , March Ist. until I saw him lyi:svr dead on the floor in the Ocean FT'inse; didn't knew there was any trouble between White ami Ea gan previous to this time; did not tra'n White to look out for Eagan ; never heart! any per son threaten to whip White at the °aToon after I came down ; am acquainted with White, and wan acquainted with Eagan; as far n- acquaint ance trees have had 110 trouble with either party ; af'er I got to the saloon, on account of t're excitement I cannot remember who all were iu the room ; I saw Dr. MtC'askfy, '.-'quire Mil ler, James Hill anil I>r. Anderson : d n't know the genera! reputation of either White or Ea_ran. Win. 8. Fisher, sworn : 1 reside in Millers town; am police and night watchman; didn't see tile quarrel ; Eagan died iu my hands in about two minutes after 1 got there ; somebody hollered police, and I ran in ; Eagan did not speak after I went in; can't say who was in the room besides Mr. Morrison; think there was nobody else th"re at the time; 1 met White about five o'clock p. in , March Ist : he told me that Eagan and Hill had set up a job to whip him, as near as J can recollect; also told me that Sam O'Brien had intimated the same to him ; O'Brien said that Hill was agitating the matter; I advised White, and so did O'Brien, not to go where Eagan was ; Whi'e said he didn't wish to have any "truck" with Eagan ; then we advised him again to stay away from Eagan : White said he wouldn't bother Engan at ail; that was all the talk we hud at this t :; in the evening we had about the same conversation in the Central Hotel billiard room ; this was about ten o'clock p. m. ; did not see White after the cutting or since 1 saw him in the billiard room; as near as I can judge, the call for police was made about twenty five minutes past eleven; Eau'an died in my arms at the Ocean saloon; 1 think White told mo that Eagan had hired a man to shoot him some time ago; he told me this last nigl.t, March Ist; heard White say that if Eagan bounced on to him he would defend him self. A. P. Holland, sworn: I reside in Millcrs town ; am working at the Ocean bottling house; White came in the house about eleven o'clock, p. m.. March Ist; Easan was sitting at a table when White came in; he was sitting about the middle of the room. White came in the front door and walked by the bar and back to where Eagan was; some words passed between all parties that I don't remember; White hollered out, "danger." and seemed a little nervous ; I expected there was going to be some trouble, and commenced to close up the house; I thought by the actions of White there would be trouble ; I had the lamps in the back of the iooin blown out anil I was blowing oxt the lamps behind the bar; I was interfered with; then White came e.p to the bar and asked for a bottle of beer; think Eagan walked up to the bar at this time ; think White asked him to take a drink of beer ; Eagan reached out to "get it; White poured it out and -dapped the bottle down on the bar; think White then nsk<d me if he paid for it, and I said no; White then threw a half dollar on the bar; after I gave h'm change 1 went to the outside of the bar and told them all to keep quiet; there wasn't much noise but Rilly was giving some toasts; I think En sail remarket! that White was going to liek hi"i ; Eagan said to White, "If you are going to liek me put- up yo>ir knife;" White said he didn't have any knife; White had his band i:i lii« poc!:ct at the time; Wirt# pi'lled his hand out of his coat pocket and said he didn't have any knife; 1 cnught White by the shouMer and pushed him to one side; White was nervous and white in the .ace ; he appeared to be excited and angry; they seemed to become quiet and then I think I went behind the bar; ll:e next I saw of them thev were clinched and in tlui middle t.f tap floor; don't know which ope made toe ; Engiin then shoved White into a corner back ward ; just at Ilia: I saw White sinke over handed at Eatan and saw n<<met!>:ng in his hand like a knife; Eagan hollowed, "he is eulting rue;" don't know how many times While struck Eagan this way; then I saw- White strike Eagan from nil und*r cut. tliink with the left hand; |;:i:;an men eaileii ''police;' -1 1 tan to Ihe front door to get out, rnd couldn't git out llie front door Win. Morrsey etood against the door blocking it tip, so I run out the back ; I ran into the drug 'K'l'e of W. P. Turner and called officer Fisher, and then ran rigiit back to the Ocean ; when I went hack Dr. McCaskev came along; the Doctor s iid Eagan was gone; I don't know how many persons were in at the time, or not recognize all of them; when 1 started out the following tier suns were in the room : Win. Morrissey, Jas. Crowley I think, Rilly Perry, Hilly F'lvderipk. Mr. Rreiuiah mid soother fuan whom J don't knew ; yrhpn I wept hfIPS I did not s;« White in Ihe room! did n>t see Mr. Morri»sev p:ut White and Eagan ; think Wiilte came in by himself; didn't hear Etiguii thruaten White ; Morrissey Intispferod with ice while putting out the lamps; after Eagan hollowed, "he is cutting me," nobody interfered that I saw ; didn't see Eagan strike White; this all oc curred in the Ocean house about 11 o'clock, p. m March Ist, 1881 ; didn't see any person search White; think Morrissey asked Whitt'if he had a knife, and he answertfj lie did not; Eagan was a little "tjooy," as as I can iudgp, flt'd White dit'u'l stem to be "full;" White took but one glass of beer that night in the Ocean, as near as 1 can tell, and Eagan lijul drank considerable there; hcurd White talk ing about "getting away with F.ijian 1 heard WMt«> «"<)" thut when he hollered "danger," Ratlin had better II yor lookout; Morrissey seemed to he under tho influence of drink at the time of the trouble. Joseph F. Hagnn, sworn.— Don't knew any thing abr tit this ease ; MIW White after the cut ting; 1 live with Itiin in Millerstown; work at boiler making ; have worked with him about five years ; saw him about half nasi aim o'idqvk this morning in the alley hy t'hurley J"liusou's barn; while 1 was *ilU(i.g iu ihe barn office he came aiul looked in the Window ; James l >H\V luy loTd me that Eagan was dead ; was iu bed ween the cutting occurred; don't know whither \\ hitu went home and changed cloths or not; don't know where he wi nt to; did not take him away In a wagon ; went out to S« I liert's to collect money this afternoon for M rs. White; I got S2O from him; it was It. R Kel- Iwrt ; this money was due W. H. White for work on boilers ; Mrs. White is sick and need ed lh»* money , she also collected fij." from the P. t". 1.. Co. to-day ; she also collected frOKl dale and l.arkin, a total of iijltlj \ paid money to Mi's. Whijp ; mWsy for her moth?;'t«t M. V., by telcgrap!i. William Frederick, sworn.—l reside in Mil. J lprs'town : am a blacksmith ; wif at ■)ithii | «»t > a ] ifyUrihf.r House about oVlock last liiijht tiii alj(n,t (ih.'iti. \Vl*iic un l anotiier man cuine | itij (ou't kiio» the latter person; when iliey | uauie in we iiad i\ eoup'c of drinks together; ! While drank beer; Morrissey and I went to the , Ocean after that, and were in there probably I half an hour; we went out and met \V hire and the other party coming up to tile door; White [ asked us back to take a glass of beer, ntui we ' went ; \\ lute asked F/igiiß \vuh Uiui: j White asked in® ho a chew of ; lie cut ei'V'V ! '-'t t'liarlvy Kagan li'le,'' j Sii'tiye CliV kiiife'pttriieulurlv ; it \ya- not a very j t'ig one; diiin't lyiHtv wlieiin-r While put the i kiiil'e in his pocket open or not ; Kagan asked \ him what he was caray in.'the knife for; Wliie ! replied: ' It makes no diflerenre; a ma.i cj\!; carry his •wn property." Kagan s;tiii\\ h.iu j then that he would eithpy his luiek or. his neck, I d'U>'l •• member which ; White then iiaii"|, I giy-s not.'-' then attaeke I White \ ami shoved him up in a corner; h ith ajio ared to he an^ry; then cried, " Y"" n ive a knl'e." .Morrissey |h|ti| went b<twi on them ; F-agan -truck Winlobelorc Morrissey interfered; , Morris-ey hint ihein pretty well nartiil; I thin turned and went li ward the buck door, ami was hardly out until White was right after me. Ilidn't see White strike his hand as though he would strike; when I ; went out \\ bite was alsiut a minute after r.e : think White went iu tlie back door and I went in the front door ; met White i.u the p.:v„inei.i. in front of the hnilsc 'f iv'ere in Hie ri'i in, at Uia ,if of the trouble, t'Ju\ii' ITc>l Wm. Morris-ey, myself, Will lam Brenn nw Hilly Horry; I walked iVom ' the back d'.or to the ffunt door and saw F.agau Iyil1 Lf oil |i|e rt'ioi 1 iii a pool of blo'id ; after the (•'.illliig White went in the direction of .John son's barn. Did not see them get together niter Morriaaey parted them ; think I -aw Mor- | ri sev run Ins hands into W hitc's pockets of coin after lie parted them ; the rea-ni I w»*| out of the back door was to escap - H liH ; didn't know that Kagan g,uiil t came around to ttie (Cor; don't know why . WhUp jHBt 10 v)«y ; heard White say at |\iC House, as near as I can ree d t''-. '.i 'Vs l ' ', ll ' Vo\ild tnl;e no licking off of Kagan; saw knife in Whiti V hand; White had four or five glasses of beer at the Sehreiber Hoa»c ; ►aw Kagan take one at. the Ocean ; Kagan was silling at a table bnck of the stove al the time I went in ; there was bei,r on the table with the lioUela »rrd fe'Taafti*, at tlto XXcaa 1 xtMa*t tlofhre I ?y* I\ X 13 I\ X 1 || x TIIK LXKGEST ST<*'K OF IIATS mid CAPS IX BUTLER.• | II |Go to CHARLES R. GRIEB'S for | 9 r] X i 7 hand- i fcJ =- HATS, (APS. GLOVES, SHIRTS, KEN- * 2 £ i , r CIIIKFS, ,» £ t\ H i ALF HOSE, UNDER WEAR, SU SpS ND ' & t ~ U.H&, Kg jr r || £—• 9 &j > C<>I.LARS. CUFFS, NECK WEAR, &c.&c., . p \ tl / \ J w wns&v w -&> ■ <&• W which pocket White took the knife from to cut the tobacco; didn't fee him open it; when White went in he went up to the bar and called for two bottlesof beer, ami asked ligan to drink: Lgan stepped to the har and he arid Whiteshook hands; don't know who offered to shake hands fir»t; immediately the fight seemed to commence; heard White cry, ''danger" after lie called for the beer ; this s> emed to he a common word with him; I often heard him use it; thought nothing of it as 1 heard him use it often; after I left the Ocean I saw White back of Johnson's barn, about half an hour after the trouble ; White asked me how Eagan was and I told him he was dead ; he cried and made a fuss ; he said he would leave; wa* with him about tw > min n ri-s; White started toward his home; he didn't ssy where he would go; after I left White I met Morrissev ami D. W. Fotd, and went to Lockhart's ; Morrissev and I went to the Ocean and Fowl went to his office, I believe. Wm. J. Rrennan, sworn.—Live in Donesal township ; occupation, boiler maker; 1 went to iH-ittinater's Ocean saloon between nine and ten o'clock, P. M.; nobody was there but Charles En ran, Plum Holland and Jaun-s Hill; Charley Engnn appeared in good humor and was fooling with me ; after a little, Perry and another man came in. and then James Crowley came in; there appeared to be no ill feeling; a short time aft» r Morrissev and Billv Frederick came in the front door and Billy White the back door: Billy White called for some beer, and appeared to be excited ; th:in Eagan and Billy begun talking a little, and thefir-t thine I knew they got in holts, but 1 thought they were only folding as Charley had been with me; I saw no blows struck ; did not think they were angry at the time ; I was about fifteen or twenty feet away; was not looking directly at tliem; I went up after < barley fell and Bill Morrissev turned him over, and I said he must be stabbed, and lie said he was; James Crowley, Billy Morri*»ey, Plum Holland, Billy Frederick and two boiler makers, whose names 1 don't know, were present; Crowley came in the front door. (\ 11. Johnson, sworn.— Live in Milleistnwn; am a hotel keeper; saw White about twenty wnute- after eleven o'clock l». M.; heard some cue nt tins front door; went there and found Tii!! y White; when I opened the door he stood there crying, with Khun! on his Inee and his bleeding, and Wood rtiuuingd own tnesile of his I'.tee ; liis coat was nil torn ; ho savs "My God, I utiess 1 have killed Charley Egan;" I says, "What?" lie says, "1 have k■!led Charley Efigen he had not been gone from my house over twentv minutes; he was in my house yi ••nl half an horr before lie went to tue Ocean; Jim Crowlev, Rilly Morrissey. Rilly Frederick. Humphrey Frail and myself wen- there; White did not take hut one drink there; before they w<'i;i nwny lliilv While said that somebody told him thnt Jimmy Mill hud toid Charley Kagati 111:t he White wis going t ; > kick him Lagan; While said he had been fold toat Eugmi had paid Madden >t) |n kill him jhe said if Kagau ever po;(i;i;eHPed on hini he would never h t him liek him ; "'unless lie fcno ks the life out of n e the first time lie hits me. he v.ill never live to iiit me the sec nd time;" he asked Rilly Frederick to gi ve him a chew of to'woun j ho took his knife out of his pnukcl to cut off a chew, and said if lie hail nothing better he V -i' : ? 11-t-' that; the knife was a black-handled one with three blades, the one opened living a! cut three in flics long nud about itirec-fouithi of an inch wide; he u-ktil me what to do; t told him si" to Ih;>oitoii's and give himself lip I ho taid bo would go and see Fori I; lie wni.itd me to give him twenty five dollars and let him take a horse to get away, both of which I refused. C. C. Ruiiibergf r, sworn.—Am a practicing physician ; examined ihe body of Charles l.a gan, deceased, togfther with" Dr. McCaskev ; ti und wounds; the fir>t examined was a W"Ui:d pentilraliug the skin in an oblique di- W)Ctio;i from the right side ill the infra clavicu lar space, and it was only a flesh wound, in volving no blond vessels of magnitude, and was not ihe immediate of death ; the second wound examined wits situated in the same re gioii, about four inches from the first, pointed iu the same direction,and penetrated to the ar ticulation ol the first rib with the sternum, par tially severing the same—was not the Immedi ate cau-e of death ; the third wound examined was in the right uniilary region ; was a large flesh wuqud, but involved no blood vessels of tiny >ue, and was not the i umediaie cause of death; the fourth wound penetrated Ihe skin in a direction similar |o the others, immediate ly beneath the ihe Htth and severing the sixth rih froiu its cartilaginous union with the ster num, opening the peritoneum, but not interfer ing with any of the abdominal viscera ; the fifth wound examined was in the left inguinal region, nnd penetrated the skin in the same di rection as the others, anil partially separated the internal illiac artery, causing great hemor rhage, and was iu my opinion the immediate cause of death ; the sixth wound examined was a flesh wound of ilie right arm. involving no b'o l w! vessels, and wis not immediately con cerned in eaiisiug death. |»r. C. A. MeCaskey, sworn.— I agree in the above statement in all ixirticulars. RI'TLEU COT STY, HS; An Inquisition indented, taken tit Millers lnwii hor<iigh, in the " i>t Butler, 09 the 2d >tuy nl March .v. !> 1.v.n1, lie.'ore me, J. .J. ' 'umpliell, ( oroiier «»I" the county aforesaid u]kui view of the body of Charles lv/un. (hen and there lying dead, upon the oaths and solemn affirmations of Samuel H. Gamble, H.J. For ijuer, llenry l.ockhurt James Se.llcra, (J. I lli ii-hew uii.l <«. 11. Bole, upd lawful m»u of the county afnre»Hid, who, homg sworn and affirmed, unil tn mquiro, ou the part of tip* (, when, where, how, and af kr what wanner the sanl Chwln Kagan came li> his (hath, i|u say—on their oaths ami affir il'.:tioii* al iremid that the said ('harles Eagun, i.(i i|in uijiht 01' March Ist, between the hours nt I! an.l 12 o'clock, l\ M., at the Ocean Saloon, in Millerstown borough, Butler county i*a., came t> his death from wounds inflicted hv a knife in the hand-of Win. 11. White. Ami the jurors ulo, esaul, upon their oaths affir mations aforesaid, do say Ihut li>« aforesaid Charles Egan, for the tmns\s aforesaid, in tlie manner and P.srin uforesaid, came to his death, and •:!.) «.thviwi-V- Hi witnc:- vfh rc<>f, as well of the aforesaid Vormil'f, WC, (he jurors, have hereiintoo put our hands ami seals, 111 tl.e day and year and at till' place ahove in -ntioued. Coroner—JAK .1. CAMPBELL, fsealj Foreman- Sa.mi 1:1. IS (ia.mhi.i:, seal Hr.SUV LikKIIAKT, sealj ,iAMI'S StLt.KRa, ise-.ilj B. -I. Fouyt'KK, fsealj J. il. Bui.K, [seal] <l. L, I Jk.N.HIEW. [seal | HoTKfJS GRAND EMEy^WHOTEL Corner sQth St. d liroaduay, NEW 10RK. On Moth American and European Plans. Fronting' n Central I'Mfc. the (J rami lloulcvard, Htiiiiilway iiiji\ I'tfty .N;iith St., this Hotel ocen pitss ;>.»* ciuri- 'square, and was luiili anil fur (ii- tied at an eNpciise of over s'lmi.Uo. It Is one of t lie most elegant as well as being I lie finest 1 li ra' I'd Iti the rity: has a passenger Klcvator and all uioilcrn improvemeiits, and is wlllili! one square of the ill |iois of I In- Si vt II and Eighth Avenue Elevated K. U. cars and-till nearer to Ult r.roailway cars coiiveulent tual accessible fr.un all parts of the city. Knoms with ln;»i«l, per ila>. Special rates for families ami permanent Kin"-!". K. -pHR HBHUSIHKH HOUSE. L NIPKLAS Prop'., MAIN STREET, BUTLER, I'A. Having taken poscHi-ioii of the above well ciwa Hotel, and it being furnished in the best of style for the accomodation of guests, the public ir>- rcHpect'ully Invited to give me a call I have *l*o possession of the barn in rear of hotel, which furnishes excellent Ktablinjj, ac comodations for uiy patrons. L. NICKKAS. in the Oiirt**. MARC H Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Extra quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the Bemarkable price of 45 cts , worth 75c to $1 per yard. NEW FOREIGN SUITINGS. Choice New l'laid*. Choice New Home Spin ( hecks. Choice New Stockinettes. All 42 to -to inch goods at 75c to $1 2f> per yard. One case Kxtni Value and Extra Wide, 46-inch COLORFD CASHMERES, at KOe. Special Bargains. Colored French Cashmeres, 37 1 4 c, fioe and G2'*c up. On Sale To-day, 100 pieces 4fi-inch Black Ca-hmere, at (?_'4e up an Cnusual Bargain. 46-inch Black Cashmeres, at 95c and SI.OO. NEW FANCY BLACK GOODS. Quadrilles, Oakka Crepes. Armiires. Jersey Cords, Brocaded Silk Cashmeres. Choice Lines Hest Makes Mourmuc (Joods. Cfepcs and Crepe Veils, Shawls, &c. One ease Double Fold American Black Repps, at 15c. for School Suits, Wrappers. &e., a great bargain and real value 25c. BOGGS & BUHL, 118 and 120 Federal Street, .Alleerlienv. N. B.- Social close prices at retail or by the piece or package on Domestic and Housekeeping DIJP Oo:«K Linens, Towels and Napkins. Very special barjriins in Quilts and Blankets. IVEJW FLdUR&FEED REIBERS BLOCK, Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. All the Flour made by the New Process and sold as low as $1.25 per sack, and up to sll 7.1 per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, and bolted aud unbolted Com Meal. All kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, Oats and all kinds of Mill Feed. All kinds of grain bought at Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid. Custom AV'ork done at Mill by the New Process Machinery and grist* warranted to be equal in quantity and quality to tbose ground anywhere else. George Reibei% Br. HORSE SHOE Iw rl BRANDS. „, D r„ OM tso^ SONE, MEAT, ACID AND POTASH. Without a Itivul as Crop Producers. Goods dry and drill eatlly. Crops are lncreaa«4 Out— tbtrd to hall". nnd mature One and Two Week* earlier w Ith than without theaa Kertiliieri'. All Goods sold under a legal guarantee o! purity and strength -by analysis. Tbpy are Spcflflr .Manure* for bKASS t CORN, OATS aud VKI.ETABLESk NORTHWESTERN FERTILIZING CO., Send for Circular. Cbioasro, Ills., and East St. Louis, I). L. Cleeland, (FORMERLY OF UAIIRIBVILLE) DEALER IN WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY BPECTACI.ES A VIOMN BTBINOS, ft?" Fine Watch nnd Cl-ick repairing a speci alitv All work warrenletl. Store lietween Waller's Drug store and Butler Saving* Hank. M-iiu street, butler. Pa. KIrrLEKWNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSING, PBESIPBNT. WM. CAM I'HKLL. rKK asjl KKH II C HKINKMAN. Skchetakt DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis. E. A. Ilelraboldi. William Catnpliull J. W. Kuikhnrt. A. Trontma:i, | Jacob Schoene, •i.C. Roessini:, John Caldwell, Dr. W. Irvi 11, J. J (.'roll J. W. Christ v H. C. Heineman J AS. T, .M'JUNKIN, Gen Aer't- BTTTLER PA. Notice Extrsordinary. Persons desiring to have their Old Furniture repair <l or New Work made to order, each as Music Stands. Hook Cases. Wardrobes. Ottice Desks. i Ifti 'o Tables. Ac. would do well to call on A. D. WIX.HON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture ma le by hand worth two made by machinery, and will cost out little more, if any. Then whv not have hand made? All work made iu tlie latent styles and of the best material. I guarantee entire sat isfaction in stvle. workmanship and price. Qive me a call. Shop on Mittlin street four doors west of Main street, a id opposite A. Troutman's store, Butler. Pa. »epl7-lv 11. Biclieir I.IYKHY& m:n STABLE JEFFERSON STREET, WEST OF LOWBY HOISE, Bt'TLER, PA. Having removed nil my stock *«» the above Stable, the public are n-*pect fully invited to eoll. The best Horses, Carriages, Bug gies, «fcc. kept constantly for hire. Open sU bdurtJ, tf«y eiid night. (Two lots Extra Choice Biack Satin DamasM*, large elegant designs, at $2 25 and $2 DO per yard, that are fully Mcents per yard less than usual maiket value. I-.rgc line .Satlu Damasses, at SI.OO, $t.J3 ao4 11. W>. SILKS AND SATINS, Blacks untl Colors. Colored Slik-t, 37',c cents up. Black Sllk>. of best known makes. Including; th« celebrated Bonnet Goods. Large lot Ladies' Muslin Underwear, of superlo* style and finish, and at bargain prices. I.adb s' l/nlaututried Muslin Chemises, on coun ter at 30 cents each. Choice line Bridal Sets, H.oo to 520.00 each. New Honilon or Irish Point Embroideries. New Veldenia (Lace Edge i Embroideries. New Hamburgs—great barpiins. New Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries. New White Goods and Figured Swisses. Battle Creek, Michigan, MAXUTACTUBXJU Of TBS OHI.T OBKcm THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engine* and Horse-Power*. Mast Cmplrt* Threat or Faststy I IlttMMlM I. the Warid. J f S4« f\ f\ VP A DO «/ com fin w»< «»d nimi/VI tout. J'g ICAIfO«w, without chiuipe m name, O £, management, or location. K> "bath if"it broad warranty given on all omr foods. STEAM-POWER SKPABATOHi c jffls/¥« SHEWS::* ffib&ZSiZ rver seen iu the American market. A multitude of »pe- «ol featur— and imprmttmmto for 18M. tcvefbcr with eupmriar 9™"*" *» **>n*r*+- U<m an J ma'crialt not dreamed of br otbrr maker*. Four aizoH of Separator*, from 6 to IS mmrm9 crimrity, for »'ram or horn ptmor. Two style*« »f " Mounted '1 . _ 7,500,000 constantly on hand, from whieh is built thi In* comparable wood-work of our machinery. TRACTION ENGINES^ miami, uv*rt tfumllm, and etrr W >Jt H. 10, 13 llorae P»wrr. W Farmrr* nnd Threnhrniei in WW It • avo*tiirate ih> matcAlf Tnrr»mnK IflftinT uroular* wnt fi»«. Address NICHOLS, BHKPARD4 CO., Rattle CrMk. Mleh**e» i;?;w()i,DRN dawn or on tlic Oi tu Future in thia Lire ther tl e I> 'k Viiltf and in the Life Eternal. ILLOS* TBATF/X Sel's fast. Pays over dfel f\f*A MONTH tJpXUUKOR AGKNTS Bend for circular and term*. Also tend addnd of two or more book agents aud ten cents for coet of mailini;. and receive the People'* Man* line of choice literatnre free for 6 month*, mm drew . P W.ZJLEOLEB.* OO.^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers