P1a146 ItOtei .00i11 . .ek bf .):Iffirket and fra"ii4l4fdtedi b:,:rre l yan • •--- retillk ) ' • ru HIS large and . commodious house 111 (lately occupied' br-Capt. J. P.: Dennis,) has been thoroughly repiired and put in the best of, order throughout; rendering it one of the most convenient public Housed in Northerti,PennsylvatiL ia. There has also been erected on the pretniies extensive new stables , and sheds. The bar is furnished with the most choice liquors, and the table with all the varic 4 . ties of the season. The proprietor hopes by furnishing his house with everythitis necessary to promote ease and comfort; to reude - r the 44 Eagle" a home for strati gers. and travellers and to receive a full share of their patronage. Irr Horses and carriages at al and low terms. TRUE E CON OM To BUY where you can get L'h Goods for the Least .hone, This can be done at the • : People's Store, OTIH E Subscriber respectfUlty . anti to the Public in general tnat opened a-new stele on Turnpike et few _doors, below' Bogart 's tore. u t has just received from Philadelphia. and 3 w..ll selected- assortment- of Dry Gootis,Groceries,Hardware,Queen's . , Ware, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Li- • quors, Dye Stuffs, . 4.c., Sc., which he Will sell at very reduced prices, for ready pay. -Ail Kinds of Country Pmduce and Bom ber ken in combriorro for Go-Av. - • - SARGENT KELLY, 20. - Tunkhannock, Nov. 'l9, 1850. SARTAIN'S MAGAZINE OF ~ , LI7'BRXTURE .4XD ART. Great Indacenieats TO 4GUBSCCMC THE, COMING 'VOLUM% JANUARY, .185 - TnEpublishers of Swain's magazine 'announce that they have compli ted such arrangements for The fottncoming volume as shall make it decidedly superior to all former-issues The E fitorial Depattirnent will e ,ntinue *ender the control of • PROF. JOHN S. HART, of Phila., • MRS. C. M. KIRKLAND, of N. N., who. hestaea 'the coustani rontramlio ns from their own pens, wit continue to,se corelor it that finrivalled array of writets which has given this Magazine such sitin; riority over all itsq eomppti , ers. 'The prolirietora are now reavino an .- reirittetnent which. wt•eo c•dripleted. trill secure for ittPir work a series nt artielei or stihieets, and of a style and cherieterer. lively different from the u , nal tun prodaction'L Thee wiiirecommend toe r selves to the readtog poiliio for tt ) pi, b r d. Ilare'v Qtvle. as well as fur propripti e' the eithject chosen. ia nn (19).4rttnent of the Ylegazint wilt. there be such InafLed improverneza as in The Embellislazents for 1851. In (hi.; r es p e .. l hr prow irt .v• p..sN.F.P pecu!iar mivAntat.ter. Mr John Narhito Metzotidto Etigraver, tieing one of the inc. privtot-, etvrit'thv Eittsi ftuihr of hie ow• 1011, evert; inon , h io M 12azio. ,' . h. - sides vapertn - ending and directing the r•ti embellishnienht. To 'early into effe.4 more ful4 their views on this point.'.lne proprietors have doting. the last spasm' sent Mr. ~roue' Sarmio. son of the tr.i mer;and himself distitimo,,h, , ,{ as nn on a special toisAon t E trope, to neu.e for the Magazine some of the choicest sr tintiedl Went in London arid on the cat .; I'he Pictorial ProhelliAmente now,pre• paring rotSartath'eNlanazine are of a char• slier at (wee strikingly heauttful and non el. In addittos to the rich and careilntly f!n ta v - Mezzobnio steel (Brew n 1 M John Sat./ail;, there •till he en intere.4ing beriee'nf subieete illpstretincr the Life of Man 'and of the Year, combined in the woe pictures. The Mag. wile - will also be enriched by a number of Illustrated Print., which will add greatly , to the splendor of the work. In Line and Stipple engraving the Qin talent has been secured. Po a4sur;- the 'patrons of the Mairazitte of the perfect. lion that may be expected in this departl• ltrienr; we need only stale that the celobriL lad E.Triver, FIN DEN, has engaged -to exibute it number of superb ennravinibt oir steel; expressly for this work, in a style of unsurpassed beauty. JV Elf FE:ITURE. $, Begities the flregoind eplendid aeries of illustrations. we have prepared for the year 1850 a series of illustrated articles to d ,eca 8 Muer-in the Life and Teuehiri ,, 's of our ~, t Saviour: "T s 1)e togravings arc not mere fanciful pterini - taken from any quarter and eAlled tarter • tpitiral name:, hut am pr.llp4red with elt• t historicil fidelity from a ce.reful Attfdy 1 thq recent explanations of Pates. title, as well as the more ancient tradtii,ms int:regartito Me, Holy Land. The pp o r a . a itigs are to bei accompanied with approp prhite explanations and ennintenm by t h e 4t,f!v - John Todd. U. D., and , trlional Oil) :•!. 4 rative Poems - b y c l ergymen and othera cl different religious 6nontinatione. ': , Single euhneriptionab, 41 0 itfv f i 10 00 Ten'T.Op:es. 20,00; and en extra copy to. the person Feuding cluWiirten. Addrea4 - i , Philadelphia • .c - Lor • H A. G , edi itarktlii . 4 , 4 isi l iciy,)i..l ! -(l)iotftn ak;.of44ll•l l ,fatille , '; f0r . :406 214 . 44tP8p, lan bR batusbr at anyestabliihment inth :,ountry, -by. _ e. Z. STARK ()O. Dec 11,-1849, plri i tite' 'II • tatittritE '4 positivelk neve jcultng Remedy for ' - - .. t-. PI ; 4 . 4 9 , • Whether Internal, .External, Blind. of Bleedino— croful ; 'White Swellings, ITliset's and . I.7lcerat d Sore Throat, Can • . ker , Scre Mouth, tlamatisin, Cutane ous Diseases, • \ . • afercurial- . eitions, 4-e. klsr• for scal.te, hunt crit•., s i tralt 9,bruirt. e.,&.. V% e leel jit tified in proelatromg the filet to the wt that of all ineditinte, ever brought before the nubile, NI t to F. have ever been mar becifirial to alittit.e humanity 'than • 4 yer ' . Liquid Cure." Vk e know that this a saying Winncools .'tot great dri ; , i ) hut if we wt re to to voles, we coo. not say ion much in raise of 11. t• !main - restoring, Ille-preseriving Remedy. Hu. - dreds, nay thmisen s, bless the hiepo hour when first they were im.de a.:qu.tint.. -II with its tratiscenent virtue.; and our otesent purpose is IS inform ether thou sand, h-vr and W ere they atay obtain rr,m . retitAl. which :11E4 perhaps eve lake it sought Itir in vatn. 1 I he sup.rior escei lion over all oultor mi dy and perm-nenr cn: known to ell silo ha heen proved in rboti-ai has NlsVt:tl tAll I MOST OBSTII and we are confidenl FAIL if used a pros cording to directitros entire confidence in ii all pu - chasers that I tkpto)te ineflectual, LI wits be returned. L The " Liquid Cure edy for Kingworms, I bees Itch. Frosted . salt Rheum. Mu/ poisonous insects, & digea•es of (-very dealt it is both sale nntl ;l , , • RHEU giving immediate an No preparation n 4 rrsira surpass tit- elm Cure fur wards. borne . F, swelling., &c. 118 efr.ets as a Real Pain Sill '-'very Minh) itt l toe hemseivrs with ihi non, the ; cheapness WI. hi the reach at al Full direct' •ns arcr Pntophleis, rowan cater (vim itopte who{ quit; Cult," may oe atithnriz d agents. "" Myers' I.icrttl 'rim" is prepared nisi 4 -I IE •0 : & l's'.. 21 spruce-sr. Nl..w York. For Sale at the- F ast Offiee in I unit nmnork, by C. K. 1..% 1141V-IP, general A 4..1 for Wyoming 117nlinti. 1 times 16tf .11los 'oOnees ha has rept. 24 ere ha a full 'MI MA mittoTH CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT! Tankhanaoek, Wyoming Co., Pa. sways &BIATER, [J wick AYE just returno from the city wi the a nest l am gtork of CLOT! NG e brni.2l4 into this! seetto ni coontry of which will he siltl at the very low• est prices for eneh or prod Moe. Their articles are Iwril made end ttir work t.-warrmted. A I kinds of ciothitig made to order on .aiorr rvoicr• • The puhi , c are invt dto call and • T .",. • their aas.Olown-.Vet; 1850. reat and Choice Bargains, N Boots and Shoes, of Men's, Boys, I Woman's, Childre 's and Etabie's wear t all kaids euu t' I. .1L 0, PPie-nOid Int of Metre Rubber; are now in b' h-id, hich for stylic, durßhalit‘ !airr ., can't be beat.', all and examine it the 1 James Fr E gerald, • FASEIONAB TAILOR, Next door& Winch - ter's Law offi..ci,in • Stark's brick b pck, up stairs; Itlv.NeE:U f rine hi% Iripndp• am' the public generally, that he Is Prepared to do work of all desi•riptions in ttie lute in -the most approtted at.d 'west -Vie and fashion. 141 e lono in the bu-in.ss is a .st ffi • Pot eu•trraelee the public that Al IL w.-eg done at hi' shorwill be done Iti the best man• en. A 2artni , -rite cut and made by him ate war= rented to fit, Unlike his compel what ht, CAN do. and do. He a sks a share for himself end Falun 4 - 17 Orders for - wo l ed apt promptly at , ''llf7P in order. STILL .ANOTESR LOT - N rich and eiegantae aeli as pioin and pripap Ph'LL WIJVTER GOOPS, ni eve , y - variety and kind, are now ['clog 'received al thp Tele_gralih . Store ! ! Etnnu.ein g ii-od4 a large stock of We 1 Setrarti g O P 4 i • OF ALL KINDS, ('onFisting of a NO rialrlit of I, flirt etiess I;ond0 fiPnts wen in full. Lunt , *rid square :114svls--tllnft+ and Vlrtoiiner. i'lltornia :Hats: Pova and Met to i:ors GioveriPi, tiardwa , r, t'rewiter‘, r"otz and shoes, in whio I 'tiould.lootte of area begains to e. I I and exa•nitin To Bottiity Land- Claimants. TH.E unde,rsigned, general ; agent for .1 ohlaining BountriAnds, and the.ad justment of all other claims connected with Pensions, is, prepared with all the necessary forms and will give partic,ular , attention to all cases that may be entrust ed to -his care, and• will, if necessary, and- the !business will pay the expense and trouble, go to Washington and give his personal attention tithe Subject. S. S. WINCHESTER. 'Thunkkanwock, Dee. 9,1960. lence of 'hi, Herr; . , d.eltiri , for ,lie tirp.e -6e oi r j. ace tPstoii it It b of inrrao , 3eB, and D In c rrtlr NATE CASES, it NI. VEII 411,1 er len t! th of time a,- A 9 a proof of MP anOre , alter a prc , pei.: , ia', tflulley paid far I J . ' is an effectual rein , Pimples, li t- I Liont)s. Chithlainf, itt) fiate9, Stings and for cutaneous yription. kffec.u4! for OM! pelm.n-nt relief V hetn'e the puhtir tlened of the outs, %nettle, brut,— are Tied. laud anon d proved • invalun9e Prepare.• of which Wares l i mpany each bedtln enpies ot fief tib -11. VP IPSIPd c Li ad 4, gratis" - 01 Ott Telegraph Store tors, he only boasts I'ot %hot he- Cell NOT 01 pitri•naap as much aer fur " the public k thankfully reedy. em d to. Cultivp 10i1 1.0 c; .K'!` McAI i LISTEV:t .`ALL-ItEAM,G 'OINTMENT 4 ) OR .THE 1 WORLD'S SALVE, Contains no Mercury or other Mineral. VlOtst the • I:e n ning rao,„v 1 here 1.4 never, 'perhaps. a medirini ,t , rought before! di- (white, 1114 ttp in .t 'thus. won- 6.ltelt a reputailigi ae . 1- Mi-A t. 1.1 8 .1 K hiS 1.1 - 1 1 it; LI (VG evers .llPrd.".ll that !ins made trial sp.aks warmly in its prAlail • 0 • ~its be. n cured by it of the rrio-t miinfo Rheumatism ; another ot the ;dies; a Miro a tronhipt.onie pain in the elite; a tourti. ut a sty. Mil in the linihs, etc. It It doer not cite immediate relief in every rase. It can never do u.jury. betrig applied o u r. wavily. As another evidence of the woe. dertul healing power possessed by this 3aivv, we subjoin the,tollowing ner i itinare, fr ima respectable citizen of littsidencreelt township, in this county. Itrideocreek, Berke nil .Marrh3o. 0, leo ••••••1 11 desire to toform volt that I vias entirely cured o" a severe pain to the hack. hv .the use of .11ealingiSalve, which I pu:chasit riot+ you.' I suffered vi oh it ahimt iweiii3 v. are, and at night was wi.ble to sleep furl. g that time I vied various remedies. wtiwh were prescribed to me by pop-1- , inns. and, other persons, wiihou r reeeivirip any Tulip!, and at last made trial of 'hi, -alve:with a result tavorable hevond ex iieetation. lam nosy entirely free iron! the pain. and enjoy at roghi a swe e i ant peaeeful slglip. I have also used the Salv. -time, for other complaiiitv. with simile. •appy result-. Your tri,nd. RO N GOLLEN For Tumors, Ulcers, and all kinds ni .re-, it has no equal. 13 Llt Ns—lt is one of the heat thi ga in .he world for Bur is. (See dtreetiuns In none PILE .—'Thousands are yearly. cur s got: Ointment. It NEVER falls In gimp -rile( tor thr round the box are directinee fn , •ing Ale *tee Otnnernt to Seroful-, Er%sipelae. 'hilhlain, Scald Hear- WP E% VS, Sere I hum.' Nrrauus Alfe4 I . 1 , 8 , pmee, Hean ,- -Ache. Deal - mike, E , Burns. (Inre-, Sore Law:, p imp l e , ; I:tvelle.l fir Br" Len "it—% h , Ague in the ;'a=te, etc. If Mother. null Nur-es lines., its valu., fiVafie o Sore Hressi t th e% weuld always Apply 0. II! such Cittg). I; and aceoleing. to the. direr. loss vow d each box, it gives relief in e opiv JPW hours. "rtes Ointments is gond for any part 01 he holy or Limbs when inflamed. In rap. g gtmulti he applied often cirrioc—No Ointment will be geuine I wee. the name ()flames MeMister is wilt t. n q p.-n itn rape I ho Price Twenty-five cents a Bar. For kw guy A2ria% w HII ii.f princl - town- in ine JANES N'ALISTEB. 8,4 pr nt rioto. ,of the ab..vir utedtel, Prictelpal•rffi-e No. 28 North 3d st. 'Phil. adelphia. Agents Wyomirg Co. Dr. A'l-1 Bolles, Turk pain - ruck. I'. D. Spring. Lacey ville, D. T. Sterling. Si..rfingvilici, LPvIR `.l 7 ,hipple,' . lllehnopetty., March 5.1'50. ATTENTION TO THE ETIN G! . 14e .h'rrivul of - . Spring and Summer Gooda, A t . th• of I &C• valet+ the y will h- F.ll • at lowe. pines thin aete,ever knn•a a In sell at in th; , f` parts bet ., re. hat this is "froth and m• car r p v.rfieo by •-a , 1 1, .e dl the BRICk EMPORIUM, Corner, of Bridge and Tioga streets, hicli siahtis ihr hrdd nl tht lie', then , •- taming the knosi General Stack eve , rflered 111 this ID It et—, romp , ism,/ black. bine, and brown, Fri act and American ERE 0211. 1) a LOT 111% ! Fine Dress, Goode for the Ladies, Lawns, liagac , s,f iguri-o,Chan gpablu, French, Frpnch Cashniirea, Silk Fringed Thibet i Shawls, 4:loves, satip, silk rid worsted VESTINGS, great variety lou DiIF, I.pgh3rn, and Palm i.raf A for teen and bur, ; boot' and f I. Foods of !A.! wao loon and Nall', ware ) Groeerica, Cud' sh an. I.ckerel, bast. 10,000 4 , her articles en trrely •oo exien ive t.. itemize, all of which will be sold frill Ca,h of exchanged for am Lind of cow tironne.e at unheard of Ina priepp, tia d 4'l to`wer•fh• 1 4 , 04 E nn ,ri um store. H STARK Sr. CO. F. SU B 1 BLit , 11(0fInti his fritnds and the pot); og -• • to g,euerall). t at he has lake , • fl a he stand. lately kept by fi riere, and completed his arrangement, fw he aerawnionation ofcustomers. Ite flat ters himself thau all who fav•l him ,web heir peroroge. will and his house a QUIET H Mg Where el welt fornioMed tattle eorturro elous amotwents and netiPrlowny. Hear .nd eomfortahle, will finder their sojourn tleasant and agreratite• Ilia stables are in he hest order. and supply of hay. PM, &c • bundant A continuance of favors from old custom rs, and dve4 I train new oues, is respect of) solicited f:Etr!WE W. P FIRM:BEAU. Tunt.honnock..lan 22. . N. Y. & Paris Fashions TUSI` received by R.J. WELCH, who J is prepared to do work in the most , fashionable, style and workmanlike mart ner.l He solicits a share of public pat ronage. Sept. '24, 1850. NVHEAT Rye, corn, 'Buckwheat, Oao,' Beams, °atone; putter, Bees wax-, Tallow,' Rags,: Bp,s, To* Cloth, Furs, Beet-hides, Calf-skins, ta ken in exchange for Goods, at the high est prices, at the North Branch. LUTHER READ. : . . trirto'N • EtTata - ".- than by the nand. of rtiIEDILNAPP. has tortexa .stii a prang man of the eame ef S. P. Townsea.i nd'isses•his Jaime to 'Put nit eil'Snrsepaillia, 'which hay can Dr, Townsend's dancapatilla. denominating it ENUINE, Origlinl. etc. This Tchvniend Is . no doctor nth never watt but was rorinerly a worker tut salt bads, canals. mild. the like. Yet he assumes the title lir Dr. for the porpoqi of gaining credit for what ere in in.: He is also seilding eateardi(hended, '' Tricks In itliwickit." in which he says. I hive 'sold the use ii, tilt name for $7 n week. I will give lk P. Tovin , en saw If lie will pmdece one "itishii. wilitacv proof this. This is to amnion I he' public not to lie•decev., end purclisse none but the 61.:NUINE. Ammo; J 4 I. OLD Di.J.icnh Towtesesid's itsrsaporilk, %ovine .0 i. the Old tir'ilikeness, nu Candy coat'of arms , end lii• Signature across the coat of non,. • • i /rJACCM TOWIVSkNIo. principal Ojee, Yr. ,lielsaats-14 , Neap: Perk Citg_ 1 OLD Jacob J ae Original , OF THE TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA. Old Dr. Townsend Is Allow about 20 ye-:s i.f azn. end has long been known its the AUTHOR stad DIA ..toVERER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL ••TOWN 'SEND AAR2APARI W.A." Being poor. he was com pelled to limit Its tunnufscture, by which meaos It has been kept out of market. and the sales circum scribed to those only who bed prorted its worth. and known Its value. it had'renclied the ears of mint nevertheless, as those persons who Mot been healed of sire dise.ael, and saved from death, proclaimed Its excellence And wonderful HEALING POWER: Knowing, many years ago,' That he had by hi., skill, science and experlenceolevised an article which would be of incalculable advantage to mankind When the means would be furnished to bring It jut. onlvental notice, whert its inestiumple virtues:pimp' be known end impreCiated. This time his come, the queens are suppiied. this ttrnnd rind nos:quailed Preparation ts manufactured on the hugest se.aie, and Is called for this:llllu the length and breadth of the land. es pecially it la found Incapable or degoneuttion or deterlorat Unlike ye_ ng B. P. Townsend's, it impmves with age, and nevi changes, but for the better ; her:rinse it Is prepared oneciortificprintip/es by a scuarlifte man. The hilliest knowledge of Chemistry_ and The latest dlscovenes of the art, have all been .brought Into requisition in the manufacture of the Old lire Bar sapuilla. The Sarsaparilla t i nt it Is well known to medical men contains many medicinal properties, and going properties which are Inert or useless and others, which If retsined In preparing It for use, produce fermentation and and, which Is injurious to the system. Some 'nf the properties of Sarsaparilla -are sa volatile, that they entirely evaporate and are lost In the preparation, if they are nal preserved rry!a set entific process, known only to those experienced in as manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles. Isiah fly off in Vapor, or as an exhalation, under -eat. are the very essential medical properties of the oot which give to It all Ra value. Any person can boll or stew the me tell-they p a dark colored liquid, which is more from the cola ring matter In the root than from any thing else; they can then. strain this Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with- sour molasses, and then call it" SAIL BAPABILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP:* But such is not the article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWN- This Is soprepared, that all the inert properties of the Sampan!' Ma ate first removed; every thing capable of becoming acid, or of fermentation, is el tittered and rejected ; then every particle of medical virtue Is secured in a pure and concentrated form; and thus it Is rendered. incapoble•of losing any of Its valuable and beating 'properties. Prepared is this way, it Is made the must powerful agent In tne Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every side in its favor by men, women and children. We find it doing wonders in the cute of„CONSUMP TION, DYSPEPSIA. mud LIVER COMPI.9INT and in RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, PILES, COSTIVENESS. all CUTANEOUS ER UP. TIONS. PIMPLES, BLOTCHES.and all aftectiens arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy In all complaints arising limn Indigestion. from Acidity of the Stomach, from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head. palpitation of the heart cold feet and haulm, cold chills and hot flashes over the body. It has not Its wind in COLDS and COUGHS; and promotes easy expeetnmtloq and gentle perspiration. relating air* tures of the lungs, throat, and every other pan. Bat & nothing is Its excellence inure manifestly seen and acknowledged than In all kinds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. . It works wonders in cases of Kirov Albus or Whites. Falling of the Womb, Obstructed Suppressed or Peale Neuss, Irsegularity of the menstrual pe riods, and the like; and Ices effectual in curing all the forms of Kidney Diseases. By removing obr , tructions, and regulating the gene ral system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body. and thus cures all forms of Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of lithe/ maladies, as Spinal irritation. -Verve/ea. St. View's Dance. Swooning. Epileptic Eds, tbnonlsiOns. du. it cleanses the blood. excites the liver to healthy action, tones the stomach. and gives good digestion relieves ,the unwell; of torpor and constipation, al lays inflanimnfion, purifies the skin, equalises the circulation of the blood, enduring gentle 'warmth equally all over the body, and the insensible perspira tion ; relaxes all strictures end tightness, removes all obstractions, end invigorates the entire nervous sys tem. Is not this then the Medicine 41. yo n pre-eminently need t But enn any these thins be snld of 8. P. Town send's inferior article 7 This young man's liquid is not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, bermuie of one GRAND FACT; that one la INCAPA tiLE of DETERIORATION. and NEVER SPOILS while the other krt.,; eaartape,yeernenting. and blow in; the battle* containing it lota fragments; the sour, acid liquid &spindles and &magi, g ether goods !-• hdr , t not this horrible compound be pelionnus to the system (Pleat! pat acid into a system already dis. eased with acid! %Vhat envies-Dyspepsia but acid Do we not .all know that when fend sours In our stomachs, what mischief it produces I flu Vence, heartburn. palpitation of the heart liver complaint, aiarrhena, dy.entery. colic.. and corruption of the bland? What if Scrofula but an acid humor in the bady 1 What produces all the h .. s which bring en Erup tions Of the skin, Scald Head', Salt Rheum, Ery Opener. White Swellings, Fever Sores. and all nicer ,tinny internal nod external 1 It Is nothing under b en v en , but an acid •-utitutnce, whirl sours, and thus spo.la all the fluids of the body.,more or less. W rawer Rheumatism but a tour, or acid fluid wh 'alienates Itself between the joints end else whe,e, Irritating and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which it acts 1 So of retinas diseases, of Im purity of the blond, of deranged circulations, and near If all the elle which afflict human nature. Nnw Is It not horrinte w make - and sell, and in. Oldety worse l Use-this . . ';"'" ' . , ScitTlll N(;„vEIZNIENTING ACID "COM POUND " OF S.T. TOWNSEND, nud yet he would fain have it understood that Old Dr. i ncn b Tow ns p ne rs Sarsaparilla, Is sat I II ITATit tti 'ef his inferior preparation !!' Seaton forbid Oral .we *twain deal In an article winch would hear the most distant resemblance to & I' Townsend's 'orriele/ and which should bring down upon the Old 114 such it conuntain.load of tom plaints and criminati tans from Agents who have sold. Hod. p N urchasers who have used S. P. Townse ß d'i COPOIIND. Hotel. We wish it tinders!, old. because It Is the absolute /nut, that rt. P. Townsend's article end Old Dr. Jecot 'Poe usend's'Parsapiirillis tire heaven wide apart and in finitely dissimilar; that they are entitle In every par decent having not oneaithtithing fa tenni:ten. Au 8 P. Townsend Is me doctor, and never was. Is on chemist, nn phartna.s.entist.—kniiwe no more of medicine or disease than ar..y' tither common, elution • tilic. unprofessional Inns, wi nt fiserantee can the pub lie have that they are rece.lving a genuine scientifil contnining all the virtues or the articles used in preparing -IL and which are Inca (table 1h changes which Intent render them the IGLNI . I3 Disease instead of health. But what elite shnitld be htpaited (elm 'One whit knows within* ciimparativel) of medicine a &serum! It requires a person of coma cep science p ettoi and serve up even n common depent weal. Mar much more important Is it that the,persoi ii who manufactu re mediates, designed for • %Feick atuinaeha and, epleebas% ,Sye testis, should know well lhe rttedteal . properties - et plants, the he4t mannerlitgOnitintrnarig mil.SCCUring their betiling virtues, Men nn extensive Ittlnviledge nt the ssiseeles•which talent the hum an system amt: bow tchtutillt tentedbn.. its t hele.diontetes It ip In arrest - o , mb' upon the uhrorta mate., tei.pour balm Into wounded bionanity,"to kindle.' hem In' the despairing bosom, to restore health and bl nom; and vi • gor into the crushed r.nd broken, and go- banish In dimity that 01.1) tilt, JAColl TQWNISEND ,Iln tioUGIEF and F , t JND the opPorktnity and Mewl to Grand Universal Coneentraited • , Remedy,— - - Within the reach., and to the knowledge of ail '• Fqr-salr, Abe, post °pa, in Vunlr - bannock, lakraaor, General Agent for Wyoming Bounty. DOoTon SFND'S SARSART'A RILLA. ittle's 00. be. rp. 1. tureen •tus port enO l i nmorn, in Hun 2sry, ate doing a tremendous business.-- l'iiele is nothing, that cAn compete With Tht re •is tiolftaliials Or titiriti bank - • lia t cAre %top them ; and they. 're constant; v smpplving the •übsbriberS with a wag ,ificent assortment of Cheap ) New, and Seaga*le Goode. ~emery Oariety that can be found in a coun v Stpre : Cloths;Cassimers,Satinetts,Beeverteeni, Kentucky Jeans, Flannels, 111 kinds o' Don.esties. Frem3+l vierinnes. Dunn CrE, Germania, Cloths ty .11 cokes. and gala Plaid. Gimps and vel. eta, Bats,. Cabs, Boots. Shoes, Iron, Steel, Nails er,d rail Itch ! Toffees, Teas'. Stigma. Molasses, Dr stuffs. rod Fish, Buskers, Are. Etr., all of whi r h will he nerd al very low prices for Cash or any kind of Barter. THOS OSTER.' HOUT & CO. Oct. 30,1 4 449. . • Towrc4a Disencrer GE.NUINE PH(L , IDELPHIa • MEDICAL HOUSE, _ Established 50 Years age, by , I) k s • .N W. Corner of Third and Union Sts., between. Spruce and Pine streets, PHILADEVIIIA. _ _ _ Fl FT 1 CMGS of eilensive and uninterrupted practice spent in this city have rendered Dr. K. the roast expert succeasfu practitioner far 'add near, n he treatment of all diseases of a private nature. Persons afflicted with•ulcers on Ihe body. throat or legs, pains in the head ~r bones, mercureal rheumatism, stric tures. gravel, disease arising from youth ful excesses ~r impurities of the blood, tb.Teby the constitution has become en feebled. are all treated with success. He who pleLes himself under the care ut Dr. K., limy religiously confide in ht.. 'honor as a gentleman, and confidently is upon hi. 4 ski it as a phy.tieian. Take Paiticular Itoface, yc,un g web whol - have 'opined them selva. by Et certain practice indulged in— habit frequently learned trim et it C 0,,. portions or atschool-.-the effects of which are pithily felt, even when asleep, and .lestioy both Wind and body, phould apply irtnedia.ely. Weakness and constitu. iona I debility, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general rrostra-' irrilatillity and all nervous affections, inn igestion 3 stuguisliness of the liver ; and every disease in any way connected with the disorder of the procieative functions and full Vlan.• , , --- :7: - fj TOUTII a ilinfOOD. TREAD,L a * vigorous Life,. -•' oR A 2_2._.-.-- ----: Premature Death. liINILLLIN , -on Self Preservation. This hook just published. la tidied with useful ieformalion, on the infirmities ano diseases of to generative oust's. It ad- Aresses Itself alike to Youth, Manhood' and Old Age, and should he read by all. The valuable advice., and impressive warning it g ,ives Orevent years ot misery and save annually thousends 01 AVria, Parents by reading it will learn how to prevent the destruction of their children. A remittance of 25 rentF, enclo.sed in a letter addres4ed too UrAvinuelin, N. W. oorner of l'hird and Union streete,between Serene and Pine, Philadelphia"' will en• ;tire a book; under envelope, pet retui nof ru a tt. Nt.rsons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter, (port paid,) and be cured at hmne. Packages of Medicines, Directions, etc., fora ertird by sPoding a remittance, and put up -ecore from Dall'Oge or ,Curinsity..; Bookellers. News Agents: Pedlitrp, Cativaa t ierK, and all others supplied tivi+t‘ the shove cork et very low rates. 4431 Professor A. C.,Barry's TRICOPHEROUS. OR MEDIC.RTED COMPOUND.... L 7014 restoring, preserving, and beautify; ins the hair, eradteatirg scurf and dandruff, and outing diseases of•the mu•mies, . stings, - cuts.bruises, sprains, &c &41 The foll..veing testimonials, selected_ from titindrhis . of others of slimier import; will serve to rhow the value of the prepa 7 ratio,', and the estimation in i,ehich hid liy:ttiose who have giver it a trial. Copy of a Letter from, William Dams Corner of Hicks and ..dtlardic streets, Brooklyn. • . • • in,. niirooklyn. April 19th. 1849 Professor Berry—Sir— I should be de icient in gratitude to you. and in feeling. for °their; mtib may be Similarly afflicted. if 1 neglected to inform you that your Mi. eopherceis has entirely • removed from my" face a painful and disgusting eruplion.eon smiting of large red pimples, with Which. 1 fiad'heen annoyed many years. A' regular applioation of tile fluid according to the directions, for a little 'better than three ‘,L eelis, completely relieved me of the nuisance, and the skin or my face ri"er as fret froni - diheolOiiiiion as in MY boy hood.'' nor's tfuly, bold jif , 'stag hoillert'..price , 2s eta. at the princf{ial.'fce.l37 Ilroadwav, 'SIPA? Y.or!:. For Hale by ,iho principal iiirrchants and droggistil,.-:lhrnuehout the United States h. " • ' - STARK, Tunichannocli. Caution'. • W . HFLR,E A . Wise Cimilotte s has V V' left ,roi, bed' and' board Without soy : lust eauie or prov'deat Mil, this is theterspre to potily t alk, personsnot . to r lttist.ber wt. my 'K91)011E019 I *prosy 66 debts of Contractlo. - brr E: PH I.: N . ALLEN. • Miy,ll4 Hop ; - CRADLEg; Rakes and Scythee for sale elm% by W. STARK & CO. ONLY 25 cErrrs. WILLIAM DAVIES. ~ raiwilifA.t etiii ' If, Attkuss ~.. ill 'BlAltru:rAotoity . ' , " ''''' ! • Ttie tinbairiber iiotild ' . , . ; , 7 , .reaPectfull* notify' oa t , ; 1 .lif•o;,', Publ i te % et he hao-cont. " .I,` , menced - •• - I, ; ' f7 ' The Saker &mai' t4j) business. to the horoligh ,r. # _ ofTunit annock. lit R, ' - ''' • ' litarkiii rick BloCkiett 1 - . ~, , - ~ .aridtre 0 reels two deer, abovs H. Stark ii t.lev's tore., ,Ire here he itondalo keep on band a' d Manufactu re ". t o rini. r, Boddie, Bridles. Rata , - :. r,iedie i ye,. ' Skee t Hallers t ra tam, T an d every artide connecte eteut c . t hi a i m,. nese., ay strict at , ention o bs s i besc and promptness 1 0 fuiftl li DR al 1 -elittattementtr. he hOpes to' meet with a libetul tlll4 0 , public pattonege. • Ali kinds of produce tat, for work—Crib not refuiOt 0#211 . ..1 TtinkhAnnon, Oct. 30, • IBM Doctor :Tel:wadi' fo '2s:Contr.. By in a ne of the pock.- •et ES.O bIiPIUS. or Evely i . one :ins owe Physituan 1 Tweilty-: fourth' edition, With upw'erds of a bundnid segirafings,:stiowiag: miss ti" disealies at ev. ery shape and ,form, and la:formations of the ge erative system, by N. . Yount, M.D. 'arrived, thit "Omni _..4 _..:ret - sdiliease.'. need - no. more to become the victim of quackery ' s'. by the prescription contained in this book soy one may cure' himself 'without hitt.- drance to business. or th knowledge of the mime intimate „friend .and.witb one. tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general - routine of litivitte dlacusev; 11 fully explains the cause ollmanhOod's ear ly decline, with observatiOns - On marriagti —besides wavy other derangements which'• it would not be proper to enumerate is the public prints. . . Any itereon eentlingrrwelity.Five cents enclosed in a letter,. W i lli t t eceive one copy of this book, by m oil 1 , or Ifiye - copiest ill he se - nt tor one .dollar.! itdress. Dlr. W. - Y OEING.ts o. 1518Piftl E atreet,PHlL. "A DE; LPIDA.• Poet imi . , . 41 ., Dr. Young can be Consulted on any of the diseases described jin his different pub. ii„,i ona . at his 0 61. t eL 152 Sprece,ittteet, every day between 9 find o'clock, (ban d kip: IF IC ed.) . M. 21 IPSO. MI The People's iend. T.T. POND'S or UTIC • ,NEW YORK, lin,Deitroya an 4 • gahng Extrad. —An extract tram the shrub, ogled IA itch .Hezel. tied puiPly from hat. with , he exception of a litilo kilo of to pre serve it. It will cure . all lucal, pain and Lion, old spree, ftesh wounds an Piles, and tilt dimes sof the A chronic . iisture, toothache. an. female complaints. &c.. ike. It in purely what it professes t People's Friend P' krovldence leiguralong the rugged ,paths of things that contribute pre tip t tort and happiness " of l ev ry bo • weir great value, and / ell- rat called ' friends of the People.' One word here to g u ard i again don. Amen men by the name of Sp manufactured and offeredrfor pa 'los ariiele'called the b• Cdryll E. Ihdt would be extract of the hat the genuine is as white and purJ, while the spurious article is col enables the public to dint nnuis None genuine, but tilos MT Pair. DeAtrOyer. For sale by G *ark, Tur.khannlk .I'S Garwood,-Nichols n I, .1 Racsell, - ' s' E R Grow & aros.;'3ol .1 0 Gulick, Ransom Wm. Meliune, Falls W E Swetland, " E & I; OsterhOld, La THE , i Wyoming co. Mutimi Insurance Com., I Nt-olt PO R Al EI: by iAct ofiPeen.Ler' 11. ieldlure, approved April Ie . 1113(1., is now ready to r. ceive applications for In , . -urAnce. on the Mutual principr, on moat k in4e of property exposed, to des ruelion by fire: All who inst4e in thiaL Company will share equally, ow theprl on, to the i s , Amount insured, in the profits rid loafer, i and each will have a vote in t e election of officers and 'a voice in the kettle:l of its operations. 1 , The ((Mowing are' i r the Directors and Of. ficors for the ensuin rim r ' DIRE, TOlill. , John Bunnell, Blley Via enian,Ja bez Jenkins, Sher an D." - P l elpe, -Ste ph& Cipwell, A. C . Peckh ;ry Hen Rolm's, Andrew ' rdinier, sa S. Da na,R. R. Little, hos., Ostettout i ,Al- Z s frd Hine, John F ette ovriumuse , . S. D:Phelpi,r e resident.l . Milton Dina, cretary. R. ,R. Little, Vice Presient. ' . John ,Bunnell, Treasure I . S. H. Taylor, General Agent. t tint more han=ll , fat aken in one risk, and no Steam or other extra•hnirdous property inaured. , Amount qt' Advance Premium paid, on $l,OOO, en e live•years insurance, lor . • sate ,tAttn property, 13.00, —Aunt une-forth the amount charged by mock - companies. Other-property is pros portion to risk. Applications kir insurance or for Agee• cies to be addressed to R. H. Little,Obsir• man - Executive Committee, or to 51113014 DANA, See. Tunkbannoek. June 4:1850.1 Bedsteads ! Bedsteads!! A !.arks hisortmirit supertir quality A Bedstesdi just rionved sod for isle at very low iiiicep,st the Telegrliph Store. • ' ' JOHN HOGART. thsr r July 16, IPSO. BOOK STORE. LSCHOOL BQOKS, and:a vieetyot Books' and',Sbit;opetyl • =tool ruing 'Of the mairrehle pufaieetiori day., Y.Ytbeter i e quarto. and octavo in lianlq,:fOttdloy'e Vic OAS, 804,s vane, too greaf.to - rueettod.'. common and focal schoo l .:Onoks.; - For Boots of any kinp r ys, r eldol eaee al. X ,t SO @UtoreK oSr. ea hrexeliett. d.- .849, , nfismmi btuip.es. .owele of r•aclu!t be, ban seat ' ife many tise.cu¢; y ; hence 1 .y - they d• t imposi .POCet le a spoq tract."7 el-aut : 7 AP W ater. , fed:wich ed nes mia =ll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers