. . , . - . • 1 ~... ''.:.... ' . I*..ti:t ,t 5 ...1 . . ..6 . t - !::: ' - 'l. -. ... ... .' : I ....., .. .- _ 1 E - ..". ~-. t ; ... 't '4 '`.. -;?... ''- - 4. - --? - -- - it , . 's - . . ' '',:, ..- ~ . 'llil .......; •. 1 t 't . ' .. t - 4 i'l,, .0 . T 1 ' ... 1. • t. . ‘`.... ' , / - .. . E 3Y.A.;..5,,yn'i,010'.t.Pt.., , fi DEMOCRAT AsTUFD.E.ITEIir, itTSDAY ; pVEN/N43,47 kiannoCk;la., , „ • TE.RMS. , I $1 50 in advance, $2 00. at the e v'irdtion of' six Months,,or.s2 net ,0 until .3ttei iiie'cloSe of the yea'. Diseontinuances optional with the pitor where arreariges are not'paid. Advertisements conspicuously in rf7ted at, the, usual rates. Work executed in tle neatest • mariner on' short notice and on reasonable terms. - rr"Letters pertaining to the business o f the office must he post •paid. • BUSINESS DIRECTORY. E. B. & S. B. CHASE, A TToaNRY'S AT Law, Montrose, Pa Office over Tyler's Store. _ E; B CUASC; i . S. B. cniim iMEHOOPANY to6pany, Wyoming Co., Pa. AL LEN 140TT, Proprietor. WM. L. BEEBE; Saddle, Harness arid Trunk Manufactu rer. SLIOP, first door above H. Stark's brick Store, on Bridge st., Tunkhan nnck, LACICAWANNA DandafiStreet, Carbondale, Luzerne Co., Pa. ; Jon GORE, Proprietor: =Rim's HOTEL, Tunkiiannock, Pa.—N. C. INlArtirtN,Pro prietor.. All-the stages arrive at and depart from this house daily.. DR. :J.17. .SMITH; Par,sactas & SuaoEos,—May be found ,at, Martin's ilotel;Thunkhannock, Pa. S. WINCHESTER, 75 1frOvicr AT LAW,, Tunkiaiznock, Pa °lice in Stark's Erick Row. I' FRANKLIN c. ROSS, ArroaNET AT Law,—Otrice with El ` hanan,Smith, Tunkhannock, Pa. D. L. PECKHAM, A:TTORNEY AT LA w—Tankiannock,Wy:. Pes.-oEce with A. K. Peckham,Esq., in Phelps'' brick Block A. N. PECIKEIAIVI, • - Arron.NE, AT LAW, Tzinkhannock,Tiry umutf,, co., Penn. Office in Phelps' , brick building, Warren st.,Opposite the old stand of Peckham Smith. R. R. & E. H. LITTLE, Attornies & Counsellors at Law, Tunk hannock, Pa. Office one door west .of IL Stark's Store. GEORGE S. TIITTON, Arrofnmir AT LAW. - Tanklumnock, WOming CO., Pa. JOHN. BR,ISBIN, Attorney at Law, Tunkhannock, Pa. Odice one door east of the Post-Office. AMERICAN HOTEL, Opposite "Independence Hail," No. ISt. Chestnut Street, Philadelplzia. AM BROSE L. WHITE; Proprietor. ' INSURANCE AGENCY. S. H. TA mitt, Ttinkhannock, Pa., AL:rent for the Keystone Lifelnsurance Com pany. . Also, for the following Fire Insurance companies: the Wyoming Counts , Mutual, the State Mutual, 4nd the Delaivare Safety, Philadelphia? ; , , WILLL4M M. PIATT,, I . ,! ArroaNCY'4T'LAW, Tankluznnock, Pa. , General Agent for all claims i tmainst ! thrGovernment tor BountyLan ',l3',en ! sionyArreari; and Extra pay pr per sons who served irt the_ War o 18i1 . 2 - , : • or in any of the Indian wars sinc, 1ip0: or in the late war with.Mexicoj ' n 32 ABEL TUBRELL Deatei in Drugs; Medicines, .:Chemicals, faints,' Oils, • Dye»stufFs, - -Groceries, Dry 1' G?ods Hardware, - Stoneware, ' Glass-ware,. cioc4s,' Watches,- Jewel- - .ry, Silver Spions, SpectaCies, Musical InstruinentS; ,Trusses;'Surgical.lnstrti-;. tents; Liquors Perfumery, Mirrors, Stationery, - Brushes - Shoes , Yankee -Notions, U. &c.; .71:fort/rage, -Pa. - . 'B. LEBER; Lyman* of- grandies, Wines, Gins, Bfr.nvn Stout, Scotch Ale, Absithe, Se gars,Punch Essence. cordials, Lemon Syrup, Raspherry,.Livender, Very and Wild'Cherry 'Brandies, Bit- Ora &c. No. 283 ,Market -st n tiyeen27th & Bth sts., and , ):lNorth 4th St - ihove Vine Pun. ocLPHI A. WINE ikIIQ:CTORSTORE. French and German Wines, FOreign and 'Arnerican' Liquors,. Cordials,:;&c, John lifibldr, Importer:and sale dealer In Foreign and American - Wine s &Lifluors.M North Third-st:, (seorutrilonr above Sreh.j PniLit. Blank Diaaa , A nevi aria splen did •lot.nl Blank Deeds,jufit Out, of press anticoi thiolße.4 Of the ' 44 Wu'i ", 1 : 4 0 :1 A 1 4 6 '4" - • ' For the Democrat. Lines to niy Sister., Annke,my,fiarp ,nwoke thy w'Ptest strain; flak dion'allinbered .ong ;' • • i‘iyake, and cheer ii,j• , heart anain, Anti soothe we w1.01.0y :.'Oft and plaintive - song. TO thee, ni Sloe% would -I tune my lay, Thu' frdm tny aide then now art far away. 1 cainly drean.ed ittai th..uvrotedst liner near, N.r from thy home (would everwish to stray— That in the happy crowd My voice I'd hear, When mingling withlthe g.nyi•st of the gay; put thou art gene_ 'gni! I atp lonely now. And grief has twined ianunil my ;must% e brow. Yes. thou art gone, my tii*ier, and my only, That lingers now bo4itto the parent trot— Why cheat thou ',Ate !Id:, incidental heart thug lonely 'I Hu: why repay. I what is to be will 1 ,- ;" J! \,ri I thod art happy: alLt it4iy;etetY .I.y • Taal. Heaven ;tire be chine, without Thy 14" e has been all sunshine—slimmer flowers around thy pathw.ty have been ever twining ; And thou has. latt,thed sway the lonely hours, Norsutfered uty yotiltg heart to know repining; And parting pang, , , that Ins i ,lte the lifeblood start, Were tt.it for thee to claitni the sn.alteat part. But I Must bid thee now a fond fai meet!, JilthOugh thine in age, like a taut' dream. Coine o'er me with its son:m . l 6 f a khing spell, Or like the parting rosi otitis Right's glean; But Imo; to cla.ism I s thy, young thoughts roam, ?afar from friends atio our loVed n ;Await; bone. E 1. I Wyoming Co . March. IESI. How Wars Arise In the time of Napoleon, the Dey of Tithis had a favorite female slave, for whom he ordered, di an A Igerine Jew, ti costly and; magnificent head-dress.— The. Jew, unable to get it manufactured in'the country, wrote to Paris. The head-dress gas made at an expense of twelve thousand liana :‘ and the n od est Israelite ,Charged for it thirty thou sand to the Dey. The latter was too much pleased with the bauble to demur at the price; but not having cash, he paid with corn. There chanced,just then, to be a scarcity in Ffance ; the Jew sold his grain to the army contractors, and manageJ so well that ht± became a cred itor cf the French Goven.ment for up wards of a million of francs. Nap:lkon felt : the Bourbons: declined to pay.— .Ihe,Jew ititerested the Dey of Algiers in his cause,and remonstrances were ad dreised to the .Frepch Government.— The affair dragged ,on for yoars;. there Was appeal and neglect, application and refusal, rebionstranCe, disregard, and re crimination. At last, in 1829, on the e' i tie,of a lestival, When the Diplomatic cnrps were permittkl to, pay their re cts to the Dev, he expostulated anew With the French Consul, on the injni liee and delay. The Consul answered inisatisfactorily ; the Dry 'gave the Con sbil a rap with a fly' , flap. War ensued. The Dey was 'exiled. Algeria became a!Orovince of France. • ~ F ' ' letity. !!, . II Never forsake a friend. When ene mies gather round —when sickneSs falls oft the heart—when the world .is dark &d cheerless—is the .time to try true tr:iendship. The heart that has been touched will redouble its efforts, when 't i t. • fritMd is'sad or lin trouble. A dVdr sil"y. tries true friend Ship - Trey who- , turn, from the scene of distress betray their hypocrisy,and prove that interest only moves them, 1 It you have a friend W!ho loves you—who has studied your interest and happiness, be sure you sus tain him ire adverSity. Let him feel that his former kindness is appreciated, that his love was not thrown ailay.- -leal fidelity may be rare, but exists in the'heart. Who has 'not seen and felt its power? • They ii)nly deny its worth and • power who have never either 10% ed a' friend or- labored; to make him happy. The good and kind; the affectionate and virtuous, see and feel the heavenly prin ciple. They would sacrifice wealth and happiness to promote the happiness of others, and: in return they receive the reward' of their -love by sympathizing hearts wad countless favors, when they have been brought low by distrtss an . d . 1 ailversity. • - 1 The r family that, ver took a , newspa- AI prr has moved into Illinois. The old Ontleman was s6rprised tie other day to 'learn- that gold had been discov ered in Califoruia!;.and the. eldeit daugh ter was rejoimi-tO learn from a neigh i!bor-thal WebSfen , had„bein hung, and tiowjahi'd.ne,ver agin, he troubled with I",1,11,M PAY: ' s POling ).&)!‘l.". .. . • ...', ..A pi Ch 3 psl- were in:v.6Eli the other, mOrning, when ainns.ket was...dis charged ,near_the. house, One of, .them hunehed:'hii 'Gus ins 1 . !u .What hat dO Want . "growled the sleepy one . . What was l it banged .46.1 4 1hy,..?twas th.; d4-.breakin', 'you darned fool :"Guitus. rolled. over o take another snaoze. The husband qt-.a.beautiful wife, up.: on returning home,_ was met by one, of his .ciffspring t. , smiles, clapping his bards and sarini; ,, Ta, Mt B— has [been bere—fie's suet a rime man—he -kissed ni'alVround, and waiter' too f" DEFEND' TFI.E : CONDEMN . THE 'WRONb. TUNKIIANNOCK, TUESDAY EVENING; MUCH 18, 1851. Tlie:Volimteer Col'vase). INCIDENT IX Tile LIFE OF JOIINIZAYLOT: .We , copy the following fromthe Sun day Times. The subject of it,, John Taylor, was licensed when a youth of twenty-one _to practice at.the bar in this city. He was pan, hut welt edricated, and possessed extraordinary genius. The graces of his pet:Son, combined with the superiority of his intellect, enabled him to win the hand of a fashionable beauty. Twelve months afterwards the husband was employed by a wealthy firm of the die to go on a mission as Land age ,, t the West. As a heavy salary was of fered, Taylor bade 'arewell to his wife and infant son. He wiote hack every we k, but received not a- line in turn. Six months elapSed, When the husband received a letter from his employers that explained all. Shortly after his de parture fir the West, the %% ife and her fiitner removed toAlississipi. There immediately obtained a divorce by an act of legislature, married again foith; with, arid, to complete the cliinax of cruelty anu wrong, had the name of fay lo 's son changed to that of Marks— that of her second matrimonial partner! This perfidy nearly drove Taylor in sane. His career, from that period, be came excentric in the last d gree; some times he preached, sometimes he plliad edzat the bar : until, at last, a fever car ried him MT at a cornparatrvely early age.—Philadelphia paper. At an errly h)ur on the 9th of A pril. 84-0, the Court. !louse in Clarks% ills, Texas, was crowded to overflowing.— Save in the war-times past, there had ire,yer been witness d such a gathering in Red River County, while the strung feeling, apparent on every flushed lace throughout the assembly, hetokiiited some great occasion. A concise narrative of facts will sufficiently explain the matter. About the close of 1839, George Hop kins, one of the wealthiest planters and most influential men of Northern Texas, ffered a great insult to Mary tlliston, the young and 'beautiful wife of his chief °vit. err. The husband' threat ened to chastise him for the outrage, Whereupon Hopkins loaded his gun and went to Elliston's house and shot him in his own- door. The murderer Was arrested and bailed to answer the charge. This occurrence produced intense ex citement ; and Hopkins, in orderto turn the tide of popular opinion, or at least , to mitigate the general wrath which at first was violent against him. chJ,culared reports- infamously prejudicial 'to the' character of the woman who had al ready suffered so much wrong at his bands She brought her suit for slao der. And thus two catlses, one for crim inal, and the other for civil, 'and both nut of the same tragedy, were pending in the April Circuit Court. The interest naturally felt by the, community as to the issues, becalm. far deeper when it was known that Ashley and Pike of Arkansas, and the celebra- 1 led S. S. Prentiss of New Orleans, each with enormous fees, had been h'iained by Hopkins for the defence. • , The trial, for the indictment for min.- der, ended on the Bth of April, with the acquittal of Hopkins. Such as result might well have been forseen, by corn parine, the talents of the counsel engaged on either side. T..xas lawyers were ut-: terly overivhelmed by the,argumenl and eloquence of their opponents. 11 was a fight of dwarfs against giants. The slander suit was set fur the Sth, and the throng of spectators grew in rut Prs as swell as excitement : and , what may seem strange, the current of public sentiment now ran decidedly for Hopkins. His money had procured ' pointed ivitnrsses, who served most effi ciently his powerful advocates. In deed, so triumphant 'had been the suc cess of the previous day, that when the '.slander case Was called, Mary Elliston was left without an attorney—they had all withdrawn. The pigmy pettifog gers dare not braye again the sharp wit of a Pike, and the scathing thunder of a Prentiss. ' 4 6 Have you any counsel ?" Judge Mills, looking kindly at the . • i No,•sir -,..they have all deserted me, and I 'am too poOr to employ any inore," replied the beautiful Mary,bursting into tears.— , 4 In such ,a-case,. will tut-some chiv alrous member of. the. profession.volini teer ?" asked the itido.e glancing around • the bar. • - - • ' The thirty lawyers were as s lent as' death. • Judge.Milis.repeated the question.... 4 , I will your honor," said .thela voice from ihei thickes part 'of thp 'croWd, sit uated behind the.bar: • I At the tones of that vOice.manystart ed hallway from 'seats -- ; - and per haPi there Was not a heaff lhe im naenio throng Which 'did -not hea sltoer. thing . quicker—it WO3. 4'o unearthly sweet, clear, ringing, and mournful. The, first sensation, hOW.evei, was changed into generhl laughter, when a tall; gaunt, spectral figure, that nobody present remembered to have seen be fore, elbowed his way, through the crowd, and placed himself within : the bar. His appearance:was a problem hi puzzle the sphynx herself. His high, tle brow,and small nerVously-twiching, tare, seilned 'alive with the concentra'- ted essence and Cream , of genius; but when his infantine blue eyes, hardiy visible beneath their "massive arche s , looted dim. dreamy. almost unconscious: and nis clothing ‘Yas• su exceediney ,habhy that. court hesitated to let, the cause proceed under his management. " Has your name been entered on the rolls of - the State?" demanded the Judge,, suspiciously. It is immaterial ahout, my name's !vino. entered on r,our rolls," answered the ' slrangei-, his thin bloodless lips curl ina• up into a. fiendish sneer. I may ne -allowed to appear onc?; by the courtesy or the Court, and bar. Here is my li cense from the higheSt tribunal in Amer ica!" arid he handed Judge Mills a large parchment. The trial immediately went on, In the examination of - the witnesses the stranger evinced but tittle ingenuity, as was commonly thought. He suffered each one to tell his own story , without interruption, though he contrived to - make each one of them tell it over two nr three times. He put few cross ques tions, which, with keen witnesses, only serve to correct mistakes ; and he made no not , s, which in mighty meurories only tend to embarrass. The examina tion being ended, as counsel for the plaintiff he had a right to the opening speech, as well as the close; but to the astonishment of every one he declined the.former, and allowed the defence to lead off. Then a shadow might have been observed to, flit acroSs the fine fea tures of Pike, and to• darken even in the bright ( yes of Prentiss. They saw they had caught a Tartar; hut who it was, or hoiv it happened, it was impos sible to guess. Colonel Ashley spoke next Heylealt .the kiry it dish of that close, dry logic, which, years afterwards, rendered him famous in the Senate of the United States. The poet, Albert Pike, followed mith a rich rain of wit and a half-torrent of caustic ridicule,, in which you e . may b stint , neither the plaintitr's ragged attor ney was either forzotteMor spared. The great Prentiss concluded for the defendant, with a glow of .gorgeous words, brilliant as showers of falling stars, and with a final burst of oratory that hronght down the house in cheers, in which the sworn jury themselves joined, notwithstanding the stern "or der:" " ordel•!" of the bench. Thus wonderfully susceptible are !be south western people to the charms of impas sioned eloquence. It was then the stranger's turn. He had temained apparently abstracted du ring all the previous speeches. Still and straialif,,and motionless in his s-at, his pale, smooth forehead, shooting high like a mountain-rove of snow hut for that eternal twitch that came and went perpetually - in his sallow checks, you writ, I ha% e taken him for a mere man of,mathle, cr a human form carved in Ereii his dim, d eamy, eves were invisible beneath those gray, shaggy eye brows. But now arlast he rises.—before the liar railing, not behind it—.end so near to the wondering jury that he miglit touch the foreman with his. finger._ VVitli eyes still half ;hut, and standing rigid as a pillar of lion, his thin lips curled as if in measureless scorn, sightly part, and the Voice comes forth. At first, ail /ow and sweet, insinuating it sell through the'brain,as an artless tune ; witidin its way into the deepest heart; like phi melody of magic incantation while _ he speaker proceeds, w,ithout a gestur or the least sign of escitemktit, to tear in pieces the argument of Ash= ley, w ich mats away at his touch as fiost before the, stinhearm Every one looked surprised. H is logic was at once so brief, and so luminously clear,.that the rudeSi peasant could comprehend it without effort. ' . ' . Anon he came to theAazzling , wit of the - poet-lawyer, Pike. . The curl of his lip arew.sharper—rhia , _sallowface dleitvp—:mil his 'ye's' began to Open," dim and dreamy no longer; but vivid as . lightning, , ted as fire-glebes: and glaring. like twin meteors. ...The whole soulu as in. the eye-r-the full heart,stream.ed out on the tare. five,minutes Pike's wit seemed the foam of folly,- and his finest' satire horrible profanity, When cOrtipared with, the inimitable sallies and estermi- , slating sarcasms of the stranger, inter- ; spersed With jest and, anecdote that filled. the forup . witb pars of laughter., the. forum . much aa . . . an allusion on , Preriftss, he turned short o t the perjured witnesses. of. Hopkins, tore their testimony into at( ms, and hulled jn their faces such terrible invec tive that, all trt;mbled as with ague, and tivo'of thata'attually fled dismayed from the court house. ' The excitement of the crowd was-be comincr tremendous. Their united life' , and soul aPpi.ared to hang on the burn ing torm- of the Stbr,ger. He inspired them With the powers of , his own pas sions He saturated them with the p0i 5..,11 of his .own malicious feelings. He sei - ‘3ic - d hi have stolen nature's long hid den s fret of at Ira( lion, He-was the sun to the sea of ail thought and echo- lion, which rhse and II and boiled in billows as he chose., _ But ,his greatest triumph was to come. His eyes began to glare furtively at the assassin, HopiLqs, as his lean, taper fingers slowly assumed the same direc tion. He hemmed thei*ret.c,h around ito a circumvallal ion of strong evidence and in:pregnaLle argument, cutting off all hope of escape. He pile'd up huge bastions of insurmountable facts. He dug beneath the murderer and slander er's feet ditches of dilemmas, such 'as :110 sophistry could overleap, and no stretch of ingenuity . evade; and having thus, as,one might say, impounded the vic tim, and girt him about like a scorpion in the circle - of fire, he stripped himself to the work of massacre! 0! then, but it was a vision both glo rious and dreadful to behold the orator: His actions, before graciifultis the wave ot a golden willow in the breeze, grew trnpotuous as the motion of an oak in the hurricane. His voice became a trumpet, filled with wild whirlwinds, dealening the ear with crashes of pow er, and yet intermingled all the while with a sweet undersong of the softest cadence. His face vas red as a drunk ard's—his forehad glowed like a heated furnace—his countenance looked hag gard like that of a maniac, and ever and anon he flung his long, bony arms on high, as if grasping after thunderbults! lie drew a picture - of rnurder in such appalling colors;that in comparison hell itself might he considered beautiful. He painted the slanderer so black, that the sun seemed dark at noonday when shi ning on such an accursed monster- 7 -and then he fixed both portraits on the shrink ing brow at Hopkins, and he nailed them there forever. The Agitation of the au dience nearly amounted to madness. All at once the speaker descends from his perilous heipt. His voice wailed out from the murdered demi, and de scribed the sorrows of the widowed liv ing- the beautiful Marv, more beauti ful every moment, as her tears flowed faster—till men wept, and vvometi sob bed like children. J-le closed by a strange exhortation to jury and through them to the bystanders. He entreated the panel, after they should hring in their verdict for the plaintiff, not to Offer violtnce to the defendant, however richly he might deserve it ; in other words, "not to lynch the villain, Hopkins, but leave his punishment to Gud I" This was the most artful trick of all, and the best calculated to 'ensiife ven geance. The jury rendered a verdict of fifty thousand dollars; and the night alter ...wards linpLins was taken cut of his # bed liklynchers, and beaten almost to death; As the I onrt adjourned, the stranger made known his name, and called the attentiol of the people, with the an nouncement John Taylor will preach here this evenina at early candle-light!" • The crowd, of course a:1 turned oat, "and Taylor's sermon equalled, if it did not surpass, the splendor of his forensic effort. This is no exaggeration. I have listened to Clay, Webster and Calhoun —to Dewey, Tyng• and 13ascom ; and never heard anything, in the : form of sublime words even remotelyapproxi mating the eloquencenf John Tavloi— massive as a monntain ;.arid - wildly rush ing as a cataract of fire.. And this is the opinion of all : who ever heard the mar% ellous man. I)2=' To. injure a man's sight there is nothing' worse than sodden wealth. - Ixt a wood-sawyerdraw-a ten-thousand dol lar prize, and in less than a - month --he will not ,he able. to recognise even the man that I , s uspd to go security for.him." • A gentleman- down' east, 'seeing his , prett3r.maid, with his. wife's - bonnet on, isse : herouppTing her to he the,real Simori 'pore: disc veered' his error through; the assisfanq!'oi his wife.`. • A yound man at Niagara, having b4n crossed inYwe, tyttlited uut to the preci pice, hi r ok fr his . clothes,'gave one lin gering- look - at the'_gulf tieneath arid. then- , went -,His. body 'was found nest morning :in bed. . , To cool the atmosphere, brag ot, ap other woman ' s good lcolni- in -the pies ence of your wife. , ' • 'VOL. 49;. ShaqPaient Sc:mon. EY DOW, 'JR Text.— Let those who will repine at fate; ,And droop their heads with sorrow I laugh when cares upon -rnewait—=,. know theyll r leave to•morrow. My purse is light, but *hit of (haft' My heart is light:to mateliit . ; And, if I tear my Oily coit, , I laugh the while . Lpatcly ' - .31y Hearers—What is the use of being' sad? closing the wtridoiA , shutters.of soul's tenement ag,ainst the sunlight_ of joy—especially whenthe world Without is so bright and cheerful Look itit on the'smiling - creation and partake of that spirit of gladress which was iMended to pervade . all of Nature's works. , Evin ,- though you anticipate troublii at.,hrod,. sing and be merry ; like tree-toads 'be fore a ihiinder stortri';;and• their visits will scarcely be' heeded. Murmuring - never. !waled a wound nor eased a pain, except when one frets himself to death. Contrive to keep cares nut of the bosoin.. When a Jew of these annoying insect& once get there, they-breed faster than bedbugs in June, and eat holes in , the hart large enough for rats .to Tun., through. If botherations - beset me; make myself easy, knowing: , lull' well. they will leave on the morrow :if row comes to seek lodgings in .roy ,bo som's -bed-chamber, I tell her _1 am all_ full, and a few over ; and' besides; 1" . don't accommodate any of her sort. • laugh at her for supposing she can comer , in with a bad shilling •and ofl she goes. , 'lf my pockets should happen to be light, f % - vouldn't load _my heaat With lead; and if, unfortunately,4 should burst my ' trousers in straining to' lift too big a bag' full of riches, 1 should get them mend ed, and think no more about it. Cheer -up, ye sad and disconsolatel—Your gram phizzes are . enough to frighten happiness over half a dozen fences—put. clean shirts upon your souls-, : scour up. tour thoughts let - Imag ination gather fresh garlands from para t dise-, and per - -: . mit Fancy to throw a feW of her favor- ite flowers upon the altar of hope. a word, be determined not to 'cafe . for Care, and you wilt find the world:tc (treat deal smoother than it looks to be. Sri - mote it he fidostry rewarded---A True Story. . An intelligent gentleman of fortune visited a country village in Maine, not , very tar from Bangor, and was-hospita lily entertained and lodged by a gentle man having three daughters—two' or whom in rich dresses entertained the distillnished stranger in the . parlor f .., while one kept herself., in the kite:hen s assisting her mother in preparing the food and setting the table for tea,-and after supper, in doing: the ,work.till it: was. fully completed ; when she also: , jriined her sisters in the parlor for the. remainder of the evening.' The , next morning the same daughter was again - ' early in the kitchen, while the•other; two were in the parlor. The gentle man, like Franklin; possessed. a discrim inating mind—was a dose observerof, the habits of the young , ladies—watched an opportunity and whispered.scimething in the ear of the industrious'one,7and then left for a time, but revisitedthe, same family, and imabout one year, the.. young - lady' of the kitchenovas ConVe ed to Boston, the wire or the same gen tlemaii visitor, where she •now preside at an elegant mansion. •The gentleman, whose - fortune she shares, she won by a :: judicious deportment and well directed industry: SO much for an industriouir young lady—Bangor Whig. (i Humble as I am;" said a buky spout er to a mass meeting of the tinfe,trified, "I still remember that I am a fraction of this magnificent republic." - ".You are indeed,"_ said a'bystander, ‘ 4 , and 'a vulgar one at that." The manager of a Buncombe ball was in the habit of addressing the Male por- tionof the assembly thus.: 61 All you shoe ' and boot men are to dance set dances;: all you moccasin men are todance reels , only, and you barefooted , fellows, stand aside for jigs, and take care of your corns.` "Illustrated with cuts,", said a young, , , urchin; as he drew, his 'pecket •Lnife-,, across the leaves of his gram:mar. "11:•' lustrated with cuts," said the schoortniie ,, ter, - ks he dreiv his l cane across the tack of the young urchin. . - Nothing salmis the heart like SOrrow: W.e.never feel so kind 4440814 dis-, treSsed.aS the day we - are roused. NPaits are like apples, the, 'power' that crushes them makes them mell o w. • • . • A - Froort-r, who had heard Jenny Lind. sing, _ says that hPr voice Sends rtish ol i pleasant thoughts throtighlno,,, like the ringing of the Ainner-bell. ;- John says the reason he, don't get, married is, the! the house is Oot 'lOrto - enough to contain—the' _C.:molt:let:mil- EE ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers