-- , - - Th". z• , ..'^^,',''',". .••—• - - r':.•"*" .- " 4- -."--,-,.. Shatiltarnagp POOPed IA gal:,_ , A \.. : 1 / 4 ‘_ - .._ , ...t., .-. A few night? ngo4 ,e, members and 'at- M 4 ,-,-.Tainbridge t s' Meth. , tendants of 'Rev. o di s t Church in' Harlem, New .York:, . . . use mbled in the basement therectf,ppiti . t he occasion of a donation party .for,tb s e: paitr:-' ;'. 7f lief and benefit of their ~ , ..I , ', „.e , er e infornied .that the 10,66y4:1ei' Zit:the wiling were closed • w ; dh the cererno 7 . ,•., Hies p c tw ' o ' i, Marriages', in . fun.! 4 These: were performed by one of the party i; natn o,rastin-Toddiwbojoined Mr. Win. pi r mm andqallise Jane Kellogg,. Mr. _ Ipert , Crawtonl and Miss Emma Jones, the holy. bonds Of Matriniony; by re 1-. ;est. itieerris . that' the 'patties were ;.' 0 31 v in fun, but alas! it wasapnounced that-Mr4 Tod& wasalustice ot the Peace a t NlOrrisiana, and 'having. performed r thr \.,oe it i al: ce ie mci niis in good faith ' and 7 ,' . .,, 4.11.the.rtp' propriite salemnitles, 'he declarAdlie lifiirriage . ilegatottidleft.the ..,9.; o happy couples to -ponder overthe, re- . 4 lt of their: - ... foolish f`amusernerif the i iri i - e - s and grooms ', all demur at the de= . : :Isi9n of the Justice, and 4 are':about ta . Og. steps .tel., procure. divorcei.-- The Sunday Timesrayithey Cite ailast• tnar , : ;e3 ainnmistakable law , can bind them. IZY: i Coudersport Union:'' ''-' • ' , ' /...- . . ~ : . ,:' ' .l A 'C;Srd.---Mr. `Lane tenders his .:::, - Ylanks_to., the citizens of La Grange and . '-`llc.iiiity, for the very kind 'Manner they ..,,- vere pleased: to xiMpgibpr, him ,on the. `' , .'l iSth tnitant. ~.....-A DR. GRANDIN, DENTIST, L. (IF NeW York, still in Tonlihatindick U an& 'tnay.he found at MerSereau's American Hotel for• a few days only. He He expects to leave shortly, but Would , happy to see all his friends andthose Ito desire his Services, hefore he does.:' K. A.'BREGHATett-,'-Ddi;ttilit,,_,' ;°'; irl Li, -be in Tunkhanno9k .from.lst to '_.. sth of March—at Skinner's Eddy, and :; - f• tatevville from sth to 10th—at Terry- Y: ;MI from 10th to 15th—at Mehoopany ';. fnm 15th lo 20th. • - WILBUR'S , DEL 4t,' HUDSON CMCWIINFf. _ Arrangements f0r,1851. 11H follciwir.g Deck Crial punt, will .1. he run in this Line during the pretle,nt ll= Rainbow, Rose, Orbit; Samson, New York, Commerce, M. J. Merchant, Jane , Frances; Daniel Webster, Union, R. PF. ,AIrJ, J. C. 'Gunn, E. llfurray, Ceresco; Fundulac, John Ewen, Wisconsin, had, Hawley, Al ida, Oregon, Empire, I.llster Ohtego, Wyoming, Naparlock, May Flower, Ocean Wave, Tunkhannock. Mochanthie wail be received daili in NPtv Vora irPier low of JAY street, un 7 1 1 5 o'clock, P. M., after which hour no ec Ipt? w tl bY. giverihr freight taken. AI, packages mils: he properly and l .I..tir.rtiy marked. or they will not he re. i " All small parcels, ale.; Cod-1 L.J.ldleF,Ancist he properlY tioaea.{ tr-y will nut be received. Line has no connection with anyi :ter !It - feta hoat., Than those above Apect I H. R. St(,ne is Agent on the ddck. rug Line will be extended to Pittsinnl ,t it • qt 4, the Pennsylvania Cita! compaH l 1• Z t their Railrhbd operaitnn, Which!! .1 r•ft about the 15th ofJurie,lBs,o. All;' zht,iittetideri hi go tit Pittston must tie' " via. Hawley." • • ipr further particulars, inquire of 'H.; Ili; 110 Murray street, New Yorlt,i, John -- ..i. Pa knot, Uoitesdele. March 18 1550. Sheriff 's L Sale B. ._. - - ! Alit y virtue of a writ.o'.• Vend. Expo is- I, 11l shed nut of :the Court 61COmmonji it'' ,. as 6f' Wyoming county and it, me di-1! ...,?: e d, wl.l :le exposed to public sal, - at!, ':..€ courvhouse in Tunkbannock. on Satur 1, 1 F ,, y Ole fifth day of April, 1851. at ,one• r, ..'-hek p. M., •••••• Tae fullovieing.dcseribed piece. parcel or b ' a of 'land 'Entnate in Tuntiliannock, 80-!:, 1'•. , 2h, Wyoming cauftty, Pa.. bounded as' 1:. i:;A•gl korth by lands of Asa S• Dana;tl ::•,1,1 by . Putnam street.; south by, ads o(1 .- r•)h M - yerF; nest by rands of Harris . 4;P 4 T:aiit—sont aid mg SO feet' front and 132!' ~.. boll—aft improied; with the appur-: • 'llit.i'MA...: -,;..V.1 -, • ':-... : . .• ..i ..:,:-,-..,.t Setz-d -zinl.;:tals . n, in. execution iv. of. Ilefiry:Slidik rs. Thomas `1%.510.i. f; • , • - One piece,'parcel tit' lot of Isn't , r.niato in the Borough of TOnkhannadit,;! , aning county, : pa bonntied as follows:;1 :-,rth by laude of Isitac Hose; cast - by 4 ,t tatty street; pooth by lands 011! Itoss +ld wegl,by liarrisOn' •=,ta tot air :qne-fifth of on arra; tie.ibesamei . P.,Tet or 'ORS; Juiptoilledi - ! *PO tr.toe barn ttivribo',,tvitti Uteri, 4,purtenancer, Seized and taken in execution at the - suit ')f Henry 'Stark vs. - Thos. T. Stamm. ALSO, • - Otis - other piecf.'or lot of land - aitoate • le Borough , br i l'ablthanriock; - Wyorainkl emety, btronded as follows ikCorsh.: iatith ands "west by hada of IY righ,t, and east by the • 13ridgeWiater •Tr fl rifiatieL-Coteltili ere acrr, be' taf , l :aloe !more or less all 'lmproved, w3th'-'4l Lazne house and- fratne ; tlabghter hholi ' • tt.e.reiiiii4ha eppurten‘nees. " • • selzednudittlteo, in eat:piano at the Sidi ' of Heuft.,SMrP,&,4#("'"?'"4}lil°Fu'n*. One other .psecep, parcel er lot of laud; tuato•io •Tunkbanaock township, Wyv.i "'nz, county,. ea,* .bounded 119 follows:, ir.,:th by* lands of/I.;eivis* Willlamk, east ; theAlridgewater turnpike; south by '2r,d 3 or Jos it 11E - 6•l`!SlakiiiiiPaitd", west by -: 'ants iof Uatrisoit,,V)lrlight.‘asOntOtiitill r oartli.,of an acte,4,,the same snore or ifse; '3 tmibiritil 'Yvith * small franie house B Elzed tiketiln executlorit4lhe shit r i "Heory,Stark AC! SON-, SbeTirt 'tl rr •• OM* ' l Teokhanscpc..k, • Ahrth .1, Wt.' • Disso °TlC:iiatite,by, 'mien,. at IN partnership lieretofore,;-dxisting. under the firm of James S. 6c7fiedyls4.Co wns distiolved by mutual cortsent. The boOss tied' accounts of the i 'firm -are left in the hands- of J air el S.liennedYs.'who ;s au thorized to settle tire 'same anti recrive all Monies, claims and drimanas Autisnid S. 043NNEDY. • • wbt L. 'ROWELL; Providence. March' 11. 3.8 49M3 Bridge [stetting. The Comurtsbioners or yoming wan ty will let to the lowest ..resp.msiblf bidder the Sulking 'of a bridge across the. Ntrhoopany tArpek ti l e:arits fork_in Fo . ritt; 7 ., too towilShip; - OnT' M'etl'ay` the `lO'ii day of April next,hetWetin the hour of one and three p. m. ot said :day. Plant will be elhibited.on the diry, ofiettlngs Which w ill tare place on theground ,w he re:said ,brhige ts to be built. By 'order of the' Cumniissinney. F C Comuilssioters' morel( 17, 1851. - ,A Great Priie. • r 1 XC L ISTAi .E C N iciesthb 1.14 Ur,, D. ine.tictrieP. ' • ' „ Almanac9-forlBsl inraratuitnns aisin butioil Afbeit.l,'s g;i' A : \ G Coal! Coal! Coal !. Aquantity of coal for sale Irorn But-• let's bed at Pdtston, -- Inquire Of 11.- C. Martin, at - Mariin's Hate]. - . Tunkhannock,ATarch '..5:, 1851.-,' Tiumbermen..„ • _ VirtiSTEDl NT.,I?,LNTxrIy! IFTY`THQUSAtiD,i6bd t wenty f inch'Shingies, tor which - the high est-market price will be paid at Alit-11°7.es Exchange. - Nov. 26, 1850,:.,' 3 (?Eto# 11 Quantity of delicious article just received and for sale.by July 23. !. A..H BOLLES: WHEAT, Corn, Rye, Oats,Beans and 11 ( all kinds of Provisions bought and sold by • A. H. BOLLES. 11 QUANTITY of Hoes; Rake 4, Forks and Cradles, for sale at July 16. A. H. BOLLES'. DORK, Cedfist4 and Mackerel, for. r sale at ' A. IL BOLLES'. SOLE AGENCY-- r Dr. Jayne's. valu: , able Family lledi_cines, with Alma nacs for gratuitous distribution : please call and get of A. H. BOLLES:, fI NE Gross Prof. A. C. Barry's Tri copherous for sale, c haper than the cheapest, by A. G. STARK, Tunkhannock, Aug. 20th, 1850. A LARGE quantity (Afresh Nuts, of 11 all kinds, fur sale V.A. G. STARK A Lar.,,ae r 4tlatititynl P r ickled Oysters, Lobs;er, etatns, ,Pickled Oysters, Scallope, Mangoes, &c., &c., fr.c sari'ar STARVS Q UPERIOR quality of Bunch Raisins; ►just received and'tor sale by MEM ITESS PORK by the bbl., or in quan tities to suit purchasers, , at the Telegraph Store. • J. H. BOG ART. Tunlchannock, July 16, 1850. SOLE AGENCY,.—Dr. S. P. Town send's Sarsaparilla, wander and bless,ng of the age, with Almanacs for 1850,gratis, by ~.A..H. BOLLES. Tun.kharmock, July 9.3, 1850. Tlocr. D. 'MITCHELL'S celebrated JJ'and unrivalled Eye Salve, a cer tain remedy for sore and inflamed eyes. Wholesale and retail at „dthekon's Exchange.. Tunkhannock, Oct. 22,1850. 49-3 SOLE AGE)ICY.I—Dr. Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills in Tunkhaa nock, by, A. H. 13OLLF.S. .• otWISH and Mai kr;r:ri sale at'the Sitoh ,ft.tranch ii,sl re: - _ • Ci ®LT by the , Bbl. 1 1 / 4 1 Nto.4 prkp BEST TORACC. ; Lobefound at t, o.range sale at . I,ALT-50 Sacks HAlRS,fifoi sale ;Branch Store." 11011t.AN Dr, tilu, I...r.very cheap.;` - and at I.& L; NIP OIL and • 4t Ale A S,UPER,IORqu 11-of Liquors for 111 I saleby • • 1111 'rases Men's liaieseid 0' r4lpittir and cheapne for,ingyractioh.; Ada A . Quantity 'ir of T 1 11 . quart; kir. ;104 Branch Store.:. t . SALT, T x9E4. , st ee l by• • June 22. 1850. ElftESI4 ft - itisine, 161 gtte. IT ERRING-29_ kirESS ,PQRIi by City, by A SOI of epten arls . ,teel 'ranted, for.plT, LEE= atoBll . the. Morth firinch,:ypre, it ; - you would•buy, Cheap, cheaper, Cheapest; only come' and try, • ', We've Cloths and Bake-pans, Indigo and. Palle; . ; Wine, Boots and Shoes, MolaSst:s and . cut Nails, Kentucky, Jean, Blue Drilling and Tort Wine, Cashmere and Codfish, Bedcords • and small Twine, ; Spittoons and Nutmegs, Handsaws and crood.Cheese - .„. . Black Sniff and Scotch, will in'aki snuffer sneeze, /Merino, Tubs and: -- Augurs; Glass' and Lead,' Hats, Caps and Bonnets for the uncov ered head, 'De'Laines, Tobacco, Gingham, cobblers' Awls,r Lanterns, Umbrellas and • fine': Ladies', Shawls; • Washboards, and Lace, Cigars, and' firSt rate Gin, Red Flannel, Frying-pans, Cloves, Chairs and Tin, amphine and Shoi•els, 'Vestings, Oils antl RtoOmS, Crokery and Ribbons, Brandy and fine \ . Combs, Whiskey and Vinegar, Nail rods and Coffee, , Fine and Sugar; Sheeting and good 'Tea • ,;• Mackerel and Muslin, Shirting, Salt and Fish, '• And all things else'lhat any one could wish. Old friends and new, arid \ . strangers, one and-all Whowish to buy, don't fail onus to call. • . LU FHER, Ii•F.A D. Appeals. ruff. ut %% N .-flin g C . iL hereby give nrdiee that they rt..vp Point, d'the fit lowing days for hnldirpr the Anneals from the acsOSSlllellts fur the yea. 185101 their I ffice in the Itoron2ll of I'ttrid. •tick. to wit: Erketer, Northm.srelt4rdl, F rkstivro„ U tinton.and AA indti l tiu, Alouda% , Mitch 21, 1851; Sloane, llrlehoonatty Bralritrial.K, , lfs.lj r i nd Njchnlson, Toe.via% Mj,reh 25,b 1851 ; Lemon, F . 445, AVash- Aigt,nt, Fuulindimo. k townchip ani •;" rough, v 1 ecresday, %lire'', 26 1851 All persons .wh te-1 tlieutzelve- Auri,Yed by their assesAilietiu , are requeit ed to aitend on the dave ah4ve teere wilt he to. ahttemenis made there.,. ter, Assessote.will be punctual in deliv ering. the notims and makina their reiurns on .the days above inentiored. tiy order of the. 119rountiormers. ' F l• ommi§sioners' Tunkhar.norL, Feb.. 21, 18.51 A. H. BOLLES. ' Tuntierstune,l tidvihg 1. op ibe Orph.n.'s t-our, of the l'oliotV of +hymning to apportion tho fund ansit T from the aceepta, ce tp Gordon ...ihe!lieal Estate of Is•ai-I 1 - 1011‘, under proceedings in part;; s..lo will attend In the it utle6 M h.!, arPointutent at his cift.,..~ to tit- 0. t'unkhannocs. pr. Itm.day 31.' March. A.. IL 1851, at I n't inrS, M. wrieit and where per-ons interested n..,. attend or he denatrcd from claiming any portion thereof. R. R. LIT ri.R. Auditor. 'rnnkhanneck. Fen 25 1850. . or. Sack, Inc Sale. at - hS'oie.' . to be had in. town', e North Branch. and, Lemons, fur A. G. STARK'S. tousale at' A. G. STARK-'8 at Read'ji '6 6 ,North Sept, ,24. Hum hthlity; goofcjiAtitor:Jorsate , 1 It I H 131-IAMA-1,, ILinseed^l►il. for .ale ,Itt-11-111111414*1H ity of differentkinds dicinal purpmes for A. H. BOLLES'. we. 0/prising fo r t "tlii .s.?3 are. now littanceiree T, 1 !;,!le ,TeltEraph. s49re., ;THE undersigned ',Auditor, alippinted , .11 the•Cuurt of Continuo Plea., to distribute the funds arisirn2 frorn 'Rate tir the. Sheriff. of the re.ii estate of L.P.Nktr - ,rier„ will .attend to The duties nt ap• n'ointitierit'ut . hie f‘fia,p, mr Naturday, the sth deg nf April next, at t hen and where all person& are requested tolitccent, their claim , nr he debarred Irorn coaling ia opoo; said fond. N. N. w I NO - lESTER, Auditor. !stab 1851."' - • , , !qt ‘ ; b y, t he t . 4e,..6;: .. 0f 1,,e at 'Read's '1%41 4 . STARK* Auclitor's, Notice. ' THE undersigneii Auditor, .rePpoirtid by the Coortqf Common* Pteao;tp , ilirpyittnie thO Nodal arietn (tyke:'Sale ; ; by th'itSheriff of the re I vitals of•lledialii & Conklin, :,wril wren to the datien nf' bi 4 sopoininnor at his'o ee. on 8 it t urii4i. the . 26th day of April DP * at 1 o'clock P. M. wiloWand , soliere kit persons at. ielitieetarC ro present their, eiSirnS,, , rir be debarred from cornineia'Spori said tenth ... '' r " : 'A: Ir:,POR HAM . Ailditor. To nihanuoriri Itarih 15, .1851 z' ,;f,,:.." az,. igs;, and a cnrrents; for sale at• • : A!Gf STARK'S I bebbl. or tets quail; • STARK &M . id Panisoli for sale 9T,A RKfir, CO, Oies - s ! etit sawt,wai. T,9. co.;- DR. GR - OF NEW-YORK, H " ri;tiirned In iinkhann^rk, are tenders I , lsprvires in the Oen , ktty:- in liar ei , ozons aftd he, ',,s, ! ttpii . ndifio country. mat h.• round-tor a abort vine at= Nler.er , au's /-1 , - et:: Dr: G. does nrit rP ‘ filtlVP 1114 Wt . th .bll. , I . irec,lll,lf, and coot , eitle.biltr te-s!org !bran to thrlr or . w i , al cm.dition and usetulne-s. , nd withoot'ilie kas( pain ; they have only the inconvenience of sitting to have ti done. • Washes for the Mouth, • a shureand certain cure for ilia - armed and s9onizy grime. white uleent or•ealiker4, so cornniori in (hit 'Clonal. e•Vid in tlie' teeth and litre, ulcera.ed teett.,•and so on, and fcir'eleatsing and beautifying, the teet sod reitiov4lg a fetid hreatt ittiequ9 led by, I , iyifiti;g ever vet gregared.--,Al i sn, LIN 11E -I'%, to beapnited externally for n• o r ilgia factol.-i, for the dispurstog of ext. t. al gateibig, and the o' alreaav,in a st? , e 0( di,chari• - parvc: exclu,ivelv by ht tis-lf, and Nap-6 r l“ at/phial; ever het prodorte,+; sl n.,t it, .heir effect when ns , d in s'tri..t a •”ord,ni•ii, With the direetions. Tuftlihanre , mk. Nl - nr h Ij, 1851 Auditor's Notice. Administiator's Notice. I :T_Elt..*.i of adlnkni , iratt .11 vl the e- ILI late of Ahel Marcy, decttined, fcle of the township of youlthanno-is; have been :ranted to the undemigoed Novice IQ hereby given to all who hake demands a gainst said estate, to preeent the same,to - he subscriber for settlement. ancYthose it - ciebtecl will maki; immediate payment to AIA 41Y, Administrator. Thnkhlantuick rp. F.-h. 22, 1-51. ' Auditor's Notice. `F~iF~~=-~: 11111=1 EXCHANGE . _ . T. M. AtTIERTOII ir TO C, Li) specitiy ijotioune to eiijibris: of Wyiimirl tiocinty, that he has opened on 'rurnpilie ST., in Took hannocii,A & NEW Fleir •, where ht , is reeeivin2 from New York, Phtlolelphia and lialtimore,an Pntito new stook of Goods: The: largest arid most splenditi assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever oflerPil in this rot prising D r y Goodi , ,rane , , ti.,ire and Siaipmary. Drugs arid edivines, Papal!, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Boots and Shoes, Bats and Caps, Of i;.tt , 1). i•I rvto , n tia.e been • vreatect eare. and %%lib eye to the Wnti , s o( 'he elimnitiniti • 1)1; \ !,;(), n iv fartpf Casslineres; Vel7ei spl..i'fidid A )Lt:'' 0:1S Go' WS, on-istlr,o ,at , ;6finrr. Mion , Ham glad ashrri4 r , end f I,e,‘ 11 de Lame=. Linees,F, l,i , ' , haws. : atl'hinds. iila.t. - hed and sh,el. Vheekc, Othrter, and every ariiele generally ()nod in aconetrk Groceries; 0 every varieh and nes , •riction, which will be disposed of redriced rrri - bed, New Orlearis, Citha e Porto Rico. and Stp2aiß. Trinidad, Nt'W Or eies, t , t Croix. Mid Boston Syrup %lieir.,•e4 A splendid assortment of lin perial; Young and Black Teas; 1: 0 1t e e Chocolate,* rat-Meal, Barley, Uwe, Spices of all kinds, Snap, Cuidl• s, „Sperm and hale Spikes, Mails, Sy. , Ste. • Havin_ purchased at the 1,• west cash ; , riees, I am enabled to di-pose'of my -tack at - the rest' i.uo Lbir mark i.)r ready nai • Cash, Promptness, [largolns, Is my m. un, and' I trill be ?timid ready mA wit.t.triu to live up in it. I would thew ..:ty t.. tho,e wi•liine to purchase Conds at !hp •,„lowegt eat,l) p lee in es..hai Pe for .lash'ionA.N, Pout+, PoTATO¢s, FLAS—tet.D. Iltieti Annie., Butter, tteeswas . , Tallow, Lumber. liry ides, lqir-`;‘,, Raus,,runntty Flannel, Socks, 1.%001en ar; ) t eat nets, Sze ,at the high-. e•t merkrf pr:c".>tz. Call and era:nine uri stock and salt fy`yourselves. V, RTO N n noel; , 1850. THE THROUGH TELEGRI PH'! lie of greph ;G ti t i l i g il h et i t n 4i t h l t hi s e p e n is s e l l ) b -criber is now receivint at the D-rpot, lirert from ye* York: tt splendid. hrap r,•I • pri, , Va• gtneli ‘,l SPRIXG SUMMER GOO DS, - Lit ure:4. .he pros spiendtd .zt\!es,and •1•;:.1 t:ishioo. of tight and MCA •Ilfaaft,l: Delains, Erhbro.dertfd I,torn thoohaihq., &n . &c. . Gentlemen's Ware, (.('loons, Fancy and Wiar k Stlmlner Miffs of .411 Id nds., Silk, and I:4ney Vesting OraVa ts, scarfs, kv., &C. Straw Goode . fall assiittnient nr" 1 i aL ti e ,,' bud ren and Mts4es' Brant. French. t :hina Pearl, tud and itraily: Hon nniF. ; t;inithani,anit Cotton Parasoli.., of all col ors andAnalittes, n Gentlemen's l'anama,Lett.h orn,and Palm leaf Hats. Boots and Sho (of which he wount say a word to the ahlie enefideiniallv.) His stock is di 'feet fromthe inanufufactiir, Pr, fully, assort ed , I.r.atitr•s'.3 ares. 1 1 1,i1.1re , and Nlen Wain of all qu'al lies. amid Ve. arnintett.- 1 14 sin, be. n honaht exelusiv.•tv for ea s t,. weli -•,,nsfiert iLst but one 1 004 WI ; :pore von, the prnplr, that you ar. in the •t t r -pot. 4,441 rhAt #tr 1:11 1 % , ; of C' eApnek-s an , 1 iinr.it!!;nv iiss been relealophed , must yen he. as y , ,u , • 1i , •4 to, Cheapne.s.c, Durability' & Comfort Dress Goods, tor tteau;y. , •tyte Ina I•.tt ttri- !Ihtliaph ! where the wires ate continually w, 1;11,x, rq , I 'lv Dry Goorls, Groceries 4 ThrdWare, Crock ery, Boots atid Shoes, Straw Goods, n.l ..1 ••I I.lr -09r. in ok h , fnr , pnrrh~~c;nn—bili vine. , I, I W prf s are a iturv.iti, i'atton, you raft he baulitifully pai t. Ni 41 11()GAI{T. Tunkbannnek. Map'7 1850. SIDDLE, HARNESS & TRUNK BrIANUFAVIORY I fLACETITILLE, PA. ripNE sutiscriber. not havinv Me fear of Cnntnetitiot befOte' his eyes.. but be ing aetuated bv the . 'fall and firm reso le i:on to perform an actrire busine,-s, ip the manufa , tori, of el. Erin! Saddles, Harnes.s . and Trunks he keeps on hand and makes o order all kinds ..f Work in his 'line of businesS—sneh ac 11ARNESS, Trunks, Valises, Whys:, Carpet Bags, • 4rc., :~•c. He feels hold is say me that unless pen= pie are saiistied , 'with his work. they will not buy it.and in such rases he guaranteeb to receive no pay. His BAR Or busiriesi will bri tarnished with as mire and good hridles as can he, found in the enuntrf." ' His colla.s are large..md roomy:, "Call tienis anal iedy' tinssurgtind, try 'tem will terai-higimil Material; made up in the most , apprnved ! . etyle,for the following prjces,—and, ,poetry_. thrown pri harress. hall fop, Couti#9 o one brine' tiarnes4 ito; Dmible'harnesd; brasii iiimMted,! e2O 00; Single harness. •brass: moumett,, $l5 UO. All rubel', work in pro- g e ar youroi!en pp( apdgive,me a And A tiaosell yotu harroe,s with ..which you'oaO • All of the fair BeX'to'n'Lieevvilli'h4ll:'' La'cryvilleicfefi: g4 1 - 185i:L7 !: -BREHJ •'• ,;:„ L ju a FOUNDRY'' - , GEARELART & .OWEN, E Ei. I'IcULL -announce to the -11 A, citizens' of .trl, °ming_ county; that they have purchaseri;the Foundry foraretly, owned by Cyrus A-Ver . .y,, in the .viliage of T untihanPocti, wind that they have newly built and enlarged the-Cupard; end other wise iroph,vett its ..a pacity fordeinghbavy or light work by ngians of which they are Jelly preparo to 'execute all orderS with which they may he favored for CAST- I GS of any des .tription, size or weight ; as well, and on favorable terms as they ran,be had in an y foiintiry in the State.— Utley w mid lak.rite particular attention• to i herr exienQiv• , arietieQ of C001 , +,1 *G STOVES, for burning K r or coal—among Which may found the Empire, Chutch..and Itobb's'eelettr 'sled air tight. known to be she only Co. &log Stove that wilsl burn wood or coal ' e qually well. The favorable 'es eptioc base met with in every "lace where shes have been introduced, is 4uarranree of their worth rhey r 'ln tII , P ratterns Of P .IRLOR STOVES, an,? in end ti.npong on hand a full supply al ruol,lra• 'f• prices They manufacture all iimds M 1 'TOM-ware, large lion Kettles, Wagon Is Totes, Plough Cmings. Gearing 10 ' ` 4. " 4l and Grist Mills, plain and fancy Grates. &e,, always on hand or man otacture'd to order 't variety of PLOWS, all fth v most appowed styles extant, a mong 0 glitch may be found the • Waye Co. and Se'ltvard Plow, so'highly celebrated in 'he Icy keit Counties. I;AF:tine's turned and' fitted to order.-- l'hey - respectful v Invite the public to give m t nail before purchasing elsewhere, feels ng confident of rendering general sat. I%fa , Ctltt Iron taken in exebange for Castings Ninkhannrek 'June .1, 1850. P talessor A. C. Barry's Tricoph6rous, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND. • - 11 - NFALLIBLE: for renewing, invigorat -11. mg the Hair. Removing Scurf, Van .ruff and all affections of the Scalp, and curing eruptions of the Skin. diseases of he wands, muscles and integuments, and .elieving stings, cuts, bruises. sprains, &c &e. ith this preparation, .‘ there is no -uch word as fail." The first journals in America, medical men of the highest emi ienoe,nraminent ritizens of all professions, od ladies who have used it for years in Ineir dressing.tooms and nurseries, admit with one accord, that. for imparting vigor, gloss, luxuriance and curl to the hal rad testing scurf and dandrufl,healing wounds. curing contusions, sprains, stings, &c.,and r,lievtnu diseases of the skin, the glands, and ;he muscles, it has no equal amour the an ul.itude of c6inpounds - advertised in. the public prints, or used in private prat.. tie In cheapness as well as efficacy, Barry's Tricopherous is unrivalled. The immense rash sale of.the article, have en abled the i,ventor to supply it et retail at ts,ent3 -five cents Per bottle, which is from tin , to oue hundred per cent. less than the price of any other-preparation flow in use. I'llef?cientific treaties on the hair and skin (eruhracinit valuable-directions for the cul ture and preservation of Nature's choicest ornament,), in which each bottle is enclos ed. is alttite.4vorth the et oney. The nubility between the membranes which con:A.-tate the skin, and _she hair shish drat , a its sustenance from this trip te eirvelt-pe. is very s tiose. All diseases of the hair fitioutiato in the skin of :b head. II the ,pores the scaln,:are clogged, or it the blood and otl.er fluids.do-not circulate treely through the sm.)! .vessels which ietd the roots with moisture and impart Itfs so the fibres. the re - mlt iitimujf, dan druff, studding of the hair, grayness, dry ,riess and harshness of tho ligaments, and era! q.h:adness6 as the ease may be. 'Stim ulate the skin to healthful action tverfi , the I ricopherous, arid the torpid vessels, re troweling their activity, will annihilate the di-ease. In all affections of the skin, and. qf the substrata of muscles and integu ments the process and the effect are the .ante It is upon' the skiii:the muscular andibe elands, that the Tricophe u= nos 114 .:pentfic ..ntion, and in all af !*ecti..ns and injuries of these organs, it is -otereign remedy. ; , t •old in large bottler, priCe 25 CVnts..ati principal office. .137 lirnathiov, New \ - ,.rk. - For sale by iiiet principal Nierchanis and [)'rust is throughout the United States and Corrado. Beware of the counterfeit, t4o!I , r - rer bottle. For skit by BOLLS GOODALE, Tunlarannock . , Pa. • — ln Union there is Strength !I" Tv saying is mote trufi.than'the above, . and the i.uhseriber; being fullyio pressed with the truth ttoreof, has united in on. extpi.sive pst.ibilOmeni the Drug and Mercantile Business, atth ..)0111Ing 'minty MA. D . Qt.' AR. rEItS, on the corner of arren and 'po sa .tret rs. nearly opposite Sherman D Phelps store, where he will keep constant ly or hmrd a large assortment or the very best selected fresh (MUGS of all "descrtp ti.ms, including the most popular patent and tamity Medicines catyd having been to the-practice omedicine fora number of yeav, the public can purchase Tith safety any article he may otter for ,sale, He 'ilea also 116,11111 an assortment of al. kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Queen's Ware, Boots, Shoes, &c., as can he found warty store in :l'unkhan nock. and is 'constantly in . the receipt of New Goods jinni the cities of New York and • Also, Paints: OHS. Flour. Salt. Iron Nails, etc., etc., All of which' Will be sold'on the mast rea•tonahle t reduced pricea.. All kinds of enunirs ptodnee-t.aken in exChange for any thing in his esttiblishment. _ A. if. HOLCE:S. Ttinklittnnark:Anl! • Administratoes• Notice. • N) Fiume. , is hereby' iiteet4 that: letters of • ed ministration ,upon the goods and ehlttels wnieh wert9f.tiambel Hea th . de:- ' , -earred, have , th ie day (Hen gran ted . 1 0.1 he sutiscrib r All lifisens having any eleims ordemeniiit against the estete of' 'the t.aid' apeedentitre requered to present theiame without delay ,to the subsctiher rasi.- . dence ihrthe townehißof 54hcopany4W) ? oming county,, • _, • Ne '11.14A5t I. HEATH: FstirserY"-Ii4;;M: ~~~ Jaundice, Dyspepsia,. Chronic or ..,N;ir vous Debility, Disease of the Kidney; and all diseasekirising from a dieortierett Live': or Stdmaeh, such as COnSiipatiorro. Inward Piles. Follnos. or Blood to the Head, Acidify _of the Stomach. Nausea,• Hear) - buts. Lti , ,tvat for Food, Fulli.ese, weight in tile Stomach. Sour' Eructation Sinking or Fluttering at the_ pit or the' Stomach ; Swimming of, the- Bend. hurtled aird thfficult Breathing. Fluttering at the:: Heart, Chokinp, or Sußocaiing . sensations.' when.in a lying posture, Dimness of Vis ion, Dots or webs before the Fever: . and dull pain in the heady. Deficiency. of, Perspiration, yellowness ot the. Skirl and. Eyes, Pain in the side.back,Chest, limbs, &c., tiudden Flushes of Heat, burning 'la:: the Flesh, constant imaginings of evil;ai4V, greattlepression of Spirit4can be effectu— ally cured. by /3 , • • DR. HO 011,31V7Ygl Celebrated German Bitters, Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, at the Gel nan Med—' phis. Store, 120 Arch Street, Philadel-' 'l'heir power over the above diseasesi not evzelled—if equalled—by. any other preparation in the United States, as ;hi, cures attest, in many. cases after sktltu) physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possesaing great virtues in. the rectification of diseases of the LiYir and lesser glande s exercising. the moss searching powers in weakness, and affec tions of the digestive organs. they are with— al, safe, certain and pleasant. . ; Read and be Continceul. Chas. Robinson, Esq.. Easio', Md.. in a letter to Ur: Jaelison. Jan. 9, 1850,944". "My wife and myself have received Moro benefit from your medicine thab any other= we have over taken for the Dyspepsia and Liver disease." • ' , The Tenth Legion." - published at Woodstock, Va...lan 10, 1850, said -66,1 Great Medicine." "We have unifounly retraihed from re• commending to the public enrol' the vari ous Patera Medicines of the day, unless thoroughly convinced of their value.•;.- Among those we consider worthy of-notice is the Geertfor Bertsus. invented by Ur. Hooliand, arid prepared by Dr. JaCkson, in Philadelphia. , One inStancein partmular % in which the superior virtues•of this medi- , cine has been tested.-has fallen under our observation. Ruling the Joel. summer, a son of Mr. Abraham Crabilt, of this men. ty, '1 , 38 very siilnusly afflicted with Liver Complaint, and after trying ,tri vain vari• one remedies, he purchased a bottle of the Bitters, and after using it, was so' Mulif relieved of his distressing malady. that he procured another bottle, and is restored en tirely to health." Read further a: few Fad::: , ' From "The Weldon Iterate,'" inifiliSher at Weldon.N.'o., January 24', ,1850, which said—. _ , 'tMl ; sl believe . D. 'c: :0. Jack son's. ‘Hoofiand's German Hitters', to he a inter, excellent medicine, and one i hal should ba _ highly popular in these dar of Tempe-. ranee; for they are altogether VEGETABLE in their composition, without one drop of Alcoholic Spirits in them. 'I his medicine is innocent, but strengihening in its effects, and richly deserving of an unbounded pop ularity, which, when it becomes kriowp, it• will, no dou4t, tulip enjoy."- .. . Joci t re M. M. Noah said, in tits -i• eek y Messenger," January. 6, 18410 "DR. HOOFLAND'R, 6EIOI ..N BITTERS. ' Here is a 'preparation which the leading presses in the Ucton appear to he orient .- mous in recommending, and the reason is- obvious.• It is made after a preseririon font-lied by one of the most celebrated., physici,ps of modern iiinosthe late Dr. Christopher V l / 4 ilhelm floofiand, professor to the University of Jena, private physi cian to the king of Prusha, and one of the greatest medical writeisHermany ha. ever ptcduced. lie was emphatically the ene my of humbug, and therefore, a medicine' 'of which he was the inv'entor and endorser_ may be confidently relied on. He special,' Iv recommended, it irk, :Liver Complaint, - *. DysPopsia, Debility, Vertigo, Acidity' of, the.Steuiach, Cot stipatinn, and all com plaints arising from a disordered condition. o !the stotimeh, the liver and the intestines., Nine Philadelphia papers express ;their' , conviction of tio excellence, and several 'of. tie editors speak\of its effects from their own individual eipericnce. Under these circumstances', we feel warranted, notonly in calling the ottent Oni t or our readers lifs, the present proprietors M . .Dr. C... , Jack ~ sun's) preparation. but kit, recommending' the nude to ail atflic‘pi."\ - : - • Afore Euidence> , , The "Philadelphia Skttirday Gazette,". the best family newspaPer in , the \ United States. The editor saysi—i ... "It is seldom that we I recommend what . .. are termed Patent, lledicints, 13 the, cop‘k dentist and patronage of, 'nut readers; and, therefore, when vie recommend Dr. Houf-A lands German Bitters. We wish 'it, to be,, lisiinctlY utiderstond Oat we are .not - speaking of the nostrums Of the , day, that are noised about for a brief period and theti,, torgotteil after it has dope , its, gthltyriaets of mischief, but of,Wmet icine long emelt. hailed, oniversally•prized6 . 'and 'which has ~ met the hearty approval of the faculty itj.' i tell" . • ; ~ r) That this medicine will cure Liver tinika r plaint and-Dyspepsia. ncrooe:can l doubtr," - , ter using it a. directed..; It acts specifi I ty . upro the stomach a nctiliver; it, is e ferable to calomel in all hillious due s 5..., ir he effect is ini riled iate. !They : ear. a d-', ministered to female:or infant with Witt: and reliablebenefit,at any time f' ' . , . Beware of CoUnterf ts. --:- .1 This medicine has httainfif thie hifik' character which is necesSaryi , for air inedi • cinei to attain. to induce. sidunterfelterti t 0, ” ,, out forth a spurious article •at the risk di': the lives of those who are innocently de''; med. Look well to th . elnattis of the genuine They have the written signvote of, y. M. JAcmsnx upon the wrapper. 'and.the name blown in the bottle, Without Which . they are spur:bus. ' 1 • , For sale Wholesale Rtiii Remit at -tlie ....'., German' .Mtdictne Store, --: ' 1.1. N0...120;ARt_31 - 1' Sttrel. one_doeir.heleVt. Sixth, (late 0271, itioo;lptreeto khitadet. pl it", and by. resprtcrible 'de tlere gdneialli - throughout the, ciatiritry: 1 For-Sale Win? by -C. R., LAPHROP,' TuAkkannock,Po BLANKS 0 0 LI, KL AT' VIZ 07 - ifilt. Tiii; a ti§Foll frxeri AT."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers