^ i'''lt. •c, - rods plettit , t.i uilla ALONE the Ecteifio---Capi vf*st Iheili- - smpriza--I#;odmde ocjessef*Furtlt. er adrance in" Bremionfri-fOottnii rising --Consols 87112 to 'rho IL S. *ail steamship . -Pacific,! which 14i Li — veitioa 2P. X, irrived at New York, mlay m° ll loB about 9 o'clock- tit - TEE EVES*" .„-.. ~,,_, _ i ~e - ,-.- f'Ffiics.j...%4-4 - .i . ~1 '.. 7 M 4e..._ ..., - - 4!ntibn trirSibbf.the-,l7tie I:oubliette(' itlo9-YrjPiCAPOPM-o.....lespetch fro-m4-its . , * - Li ag it t , ;(;; T iesitondent,. and ,i the.-111ttma- .. . ii ties' . causediattelt egeitbnient z Tha pus ' frigate.Trili - unebiti just '*iliiiited -- frent 'Ad- . mina PlantridgesSquidron,luiiing taken fiie, - -Rails' n prizes 'and a - number. of prisoners."-, ships have been for Seine •tinte nit deratiry eillsnoe.,.. - .They were ladern.Witlileto, stdpburysliidlother .'eontm - band of tivir.-;wer lasgrentLtibee, and on their way to i:lin i ssi . t s , - pott in the Gulf of Finland, '- - 1 ,' . . ~.. . •• ' , Na pier's fleet now musters 37 - * sail carry ing-1;800 guns and 18,000, en. -- It _was rumored that three French ships of . riar'weiild - • be, ivithdraWn froq j the e- Black - Sea to re-enforoe the Battle fleet. .., _, ';ii.On - the 12th the , French . sAnadron Under, -ParSevid.*- DatheneS - Sailed, f r om . , B - to. join the fleet s ‘ ut Jbe Balt i c - ./itral - under - -Napier: ....-. : " Letters' - frOm Stockholm of the " "43th .:confirm ; - the .statementthat the: ,Ruasians half dismantlid all the fortificati ons . ' 6n - the island of Alandlind had retired With ,gui ! 'le and stores to„the main land. The Ozer laid further Ordered that ',ill - pilots ' and Men ..eapable of 'miring arirls should rietnove froM Ake Wand to .the main , . hind of Ilnland,,land also to remove orb4ru all ships:, and *boats. .This System of defense is to . to be pursued - all along the shores of - the - Baltie• and' of the ' Black Sea. ' - • Tnn BLACK ''SFS.-=--"BiOCFAPE Or ODEI4a. ~: Varna, April 1- .. - -The - fl eets have ifet, in .. the :direction of Sevastopol. ' '.., Venstantinople, April - .6.-:-'The whole fleet - =is 'now in the Black Sea. - _ • - ' _ , - - - The above, are the wik authentic anricinure meiti received... of IN movements 0f the . fleets; but our intollll3ooli ' .liB.9 eked - out by. private despatches. It - !was rumored that .1 the:bulk:of the fleet had goner to Sevastopol ;."1 ' - kith was niorelikely it -had” gone to Odes , sa. - Correspondence from the latter port • says, of date ist : ",We are here in .:a:: State - of great excitement. For several days past _ we:have - ken many_French sad Euglisli sails. They -probably intend blockading ns, for they : clotet leave tbesspot,but keep always in sight. - tale_ masses efl•sopS are being .concentra .. ted ere: Our - garrison here , is at this Rio • meat twenty. thousand strong, and fresh. men - .zassive every day front Bessarabia: By' all. _ tale itis :quite .clear that ourplino is not go ing: to be:: evacuated ; but, defended: Me ' have'made ttli,our minds' liere for 11 he worst; and.several &tallies'have - already, retired in land. The fort&are all arnica, and,tents are . pitched, for the, troops in the outskirts of the Onr trade is at, an end,- and prices asc beeoraing ruinously high. - The EuglisliCon . - mil: General Was still here up_ to yesterday .(lilst.) '\ The .Rus.sian troops : in thj Drobod ja mnsehe entirely-victualed"from this place i, - - - - --lience "ts•importanc l e in this war." -.. i •-‘ \.- , '- • 31arch 4 27," the frigates. Sidon, Firebrapd. ',.\, sad Magellan were' detailed' for the purpose - ' of intercepting the :supplies 'which the .Rus sisals:may attempt to early:oy ;to their troops. ',new they. have crossed the "Danube.- They had orders to seize all ships found in com munication with the , Russian land ftiree: - ~. The English and rreneh ships of war on the coast of ThesSaly are ordered to search all v . s , suspected of having munitions of - - war on'poard, and to seize those in whili, ',. they may be-discovered. lonian vessels cat:- . • rying passengers without passports. are, also - to be seized. ". - - - ' 1 According to mercantile letters from Con • stantinople, of Apritz,--24:......u......;.i....t.....-;..,- • 'sued orders-to all. Austrian vessels to prix Constantinople,. Probably the order relateS only to Austrian vesseli of war in order! to .avoid '.the importunities of the Turks that they should join the allied fleets in the BlaCk s .. . . _Sat.', .. . . - • ' crams DANUBE. • • \ . - - " The - Vest Deutsche Post - of 19th learns . from the seat4t ,- war that the tete-du-pent at - . Chernavoda hasibeen taken by:storm.. Eight] . - - thousand Russians attempted to storm'Ras-1 i Bova, kit:Were -trOulsed. Oa -April 2, the - at- . i . l ' - tack was renewed.., Seven ' thouiand five hundred men had been landed% to re:enforee. • Varna. The CrOnstadt 4§(tellite of the Atli announces' the passage -of the Danube at Sini mites by Turks onMarch 27. If was thrther. - - rumored"-that the Turks had taken name, and were 'advancing in the rear of the. Res - /siaus. No pitched battle had taken placg up to April 0, either at Rassova, 'or Silistria,' zbut fi• ghthik and cannonading had been going on, ;'from March flOth -to April- 7th, in which timeAlle list of killed and wounded, especial , .ly of the Ruisians, was much augmented. "~ _. The absence of recent authentic accounts • , ~ froth -the the Danube-I.:which - has appeared - so .1 . ,remarkable to the, publics --Nias considered - sufficiently explainellsby the bad state of the - , roods in .theDobrodja, and by' the mrexhich : - BOth ooMmanders take to prevent fronktrlms- Oringany, notice of their "movements that antw e sivc a clue to the important operations -Ohl& they contemPlate. It was, , however, regarded"ai certain,. that. OMer Pasha would not, incur the 'hazard of a great battle until rtheAlies;.should be in force in his : rear.— "Ibis would soon be theease, as the - English -. and French were suliYing daily froth . Malta , . and Toulon. To - the - 7th _instant- Mnst.aithi‘ ,- Pasha was master of :Cheiintwodi and hus • tendje to the - li - ortif of - Tmjan's - wall, and 1, ntood with his main, orce of 50,009', at , Kar- Pont; on the south - side of that defense; and about.midway between the Danube i and the Black,Sea. - ()flier has been in_ period con . aultatiultWitligustaplus and. , a dititiion . of Ake fleeta were 'supporting 'his ' right,iiing.--=: .The Ruseiens had appeared *i*fore l therm-. . '- I , widit and Xiistendje, but in small force.— • TheY. eimiinuedi to m ate constant'reeonitel -;.\-: *mem between . - Rstisciva and ,Silistria, but ` .. - -:,2: -- „ri not attempting= any ; serious movement. : The .. eannonadt'of Oriurgevo• from Ritstelmit'*as recommenced - on April 2d. .Aceerding to - . accounts Current in Bueharest, theTuri4 were accumulating bri4e materiabi . at :points . op .' up the, mouth, of the, Shyl, the .4„iuta, at • . ; ' : c - - rhuk, And bettieen Czaritsa and Silstria. _._. •l• fitt is.a: full of - men, -the, present. varmion minting 40,099.,, .Aornsi)on dent::4tiVriting- front Within .the -- ,walla, • date ~ - -MareliVLst.,,saYnthe TniksrSr44l-idvanee , from ,the Shelter Of the fortress. in . about ten • . 41 sy; ; as they *Fere:Oillil44oni foi• the grass . • - to • epring as forage ,-, fer:„.theiri , horses. -. The Turkish camp "was healthy i, -- provAiens were abundant., 9tt the °tn.:9f April, the ,Anglo i, „Fietich declaration. of:Wai.', against Rnsata, was;lii oe. troops at K a lifs; and * BB ...iilitted_Witli*hutidred salvos Of artilleriand tlyip:ioyndi! or ilusketri, ~. ...7he newl of.the , ,: • - -'443iin , -cif iiir-ereated 43 P 3 *n 8 O' eXiite' . meat tit Aitthilieet; - 1011-- in. -ein*suellee Bir - ,\•_oo'.l4 l 4***. :, - .1 -1 /401 154 ' 6 0.0Th0r - 9/ the. , - -,Pomabii4 l Ftilad:OraiWiaperficesi •:?eo l3 #*ed.• - :30#41ti:. - -4ipletmatin •Ageneies to Auic*l* 6l : l 'it l 4 6 . 43l ght•44 6 -- - • 1 ,- :__ i t _.-...r."1. ~- - ; .• .I•: 3 4oationni: szetWASltmst to the - - itiafltt- 1 / 4 11200(grui* , . . - ~..4,6/1041.Vi4 =ire,l4VlC4 -''''' -* A lettel l tn. we , , tiramanrta we igsbltrilietkotalesfigit ''‘.! '" ' 41141( 4"" ittes;-htivii :official .. . . .. ~ • 11 ' - fili that I#4sorpi of ' : -,, .. I , , in' , ::` , ' iiShmS with 80 . . -of : 1 - ' ' 14 4 4 143 aweitit*betoka.4e*, v -, SnlYilid: 'e fi4ittiir of 1 lirtuilis FA `.., • - ' r;f 1 ? .- atlig '-,-;, :,,P. , e `c, The dtails to -iisble , during thi,iutr al ternately st.PAreetiemtst;Tetersung. - _ , The - Grana Dtike, l (eldest son,) is 2tk1fx003,041 ; , b:2l Itelsifigfors, and the Duke Coinstiiiini'lliiiE atelume_the command' of ativisicat of the li :lurk sian flmt, which pre ed by 800 1 pieces of 0 116 ti 0 1 11 6 : 11 .r w'i ' the forti fi ed seven islind l s of Swea ~ v. There are no Russian 'ships bruin. . : c 'Vel ; ticeiiiel'ilther4ft 44onittofthatc.i i do not sliffieienti. y* protect 'd l fl6et..- --' '-.'- - - ' ' - 1- • . - - Russia hasp' ~ to eqt.ip to* value of -300 youbles . , - Cry; '2;tliiniati i'ittntleinat. • "who *ill enter. ealpy.:* --' _ '.....- ~<: A. report irlia t thattiefirrandD , uke = Alexander„ r the ei presumptive - ,:to lite Sus- . t rren sian.eroWn,lsa - iit to *visit . Oeiniiiy, and to make a long, y, iri the fiti instance at Iterliii, and afterwards at, -Darmstadt: , One mode , of 'defendipg.tho : ..oitquice of Cronstadt is ;new . and:'dangerous. ; 'Strong iron chests charged:with-powder. and other , combustibioinaterials, are sunk in the than- . nel, and connected by ;wires. to -a , galvanic , battery.. ' i Above the chesisissome.machino ry, which, on being touched by thalami of a .passing v4-completes the galvanic circuit, and explo t. the mine. 4himared of these Te '4angerou int=er are sunk in thonarrow entry of t.ronsta4 . , , .. • , . - 4 , ._ IraOit 141,1ar.Y. _ _ y Fifteen. thOUWOI - 1 1 04118:Wr4:14 041 expect; ea,at_cont' itantioiik, i in ' Eg} , pt,, who will iminediately on arriiral, be forwarded to Ba tii: tinder , _the : escort co English and . .Vrench . 4 v btegilrleli• - -' - , • • . " • • . ; Some, excitement, s manifested, at Con . biallloilloPre4 and .the ne, . Mufti was insulted, April... ',The . declaration of war by theo- - 11es reachi4 Constantinople on the sth,:*and the Porte was about to issue l . a manifesto,,in • conSeqiienc,e. , Lord Stratford:luid aildre 'to . the British COnsuls a circular condemning the GreekinsurrectiOn. . A.ciountS fro,m•Con . . . stantruople of the sth , mention- that the city was illuminated:in.honor of, the Turkish vie t#ries hi. Dobrodia. On the other. hand Aiehohis 11;4 seilt an autvaphletter accom panied by his portrait set 'in: diamonds, to .oorchakolf„ inrecOgnition or the feat ef miss itig, . the , Danube. - Th.- :VICTORY.= TIM exua.ors! e English steamer Sampson, which has been siirre:ying on the coast: of Circassia, re turned to Constantinople,on, March 21, bring ing tidings ofa witiplete. iictory gained by the Cireassians over the Bikssians, and after a severely contested hattl4, drove them into their cas les on the; coas t . -'' These. castles Were sur !aided and yepli.atedly attacked daring - f it eontinuou days. Finally_ the Russians caring to be-cut to pieces, blew up their nia,„ • es; and„Sought shelter in their -ships., The Sampson further.reports that the CiTCRSARIIS fell on .the garrisons who were. retreat' ' from ' two hill forts, and;put them to the - word. The Cireanian coast is at present , p from the aisny. . GREAT 'BRITAIN. • • Parliament was :not in session. The Efts tcr holidays had passed over much as'nsual. ‘Advises from) the seat! of War ,were anxious] looked for; . , ' . • At 'Stockport the anticipated' 4 strikes I ye• taken place. -Ten to twelve thoumi opera tivtn have ceased i The . Greek firms in . Londo •-, Liverpool; and Manchester were report • 4 to have con tributed funds 'in aid, of the insurrection a4iiinst Turkey. The 3 , . chester firmSwere said to havesuliscrib ' - XlO,OOO sterling. .. 'The hip • Cambr" Perry, master, from New-OrleanS-to rk, had arrived at;Queens 'town with thr of The crew, of the -ship _wrecked Byi ish lnirk Westininster from Hondo Cork, Cork:, they' Wing the 9niv Sur; -.4 , ,,,,.,,'.4'...-.....,-.y....ivi.eit: vne oft he res cued `manned -William Carr died of exhaus tion on board the Cambria; the other- two, Alexander Ross and- John - Ramsay were P landed at Queenstown, A letter from Malta, -of April. 9, says... "By the India; mail, the news came by the way'of Ceylon, that the Russians have sign ed a commercial treaty- with Japan, which -throws open , the• trade - <' - ,Ctlie country. , The Americana it Would api)ear, have „not not. : !very honorably treated hy_theilussiaasquad ron in those seas,who rather deverly succeed ed in - getting the treaty which in all justice is due to the Americans, and this.,after they had been lent `coals dm. by the Americans in Clam :If it had not been u for this kind ness on the American's part, it is-doubtful if the, Russians could have got. so :early to": tan. , FRANCE. - • The public es a 'law increasi ng theimilitaiy contingent for. 1854, 'from 80,- 0 . 00 to 140,00 Q men.' Marshal • St. ArtianO, Coinmander chief of the French army. , of the - Enit, left ' Parie on the .15th for Mar .'s:lilies., • • • -The navigation in the Baltic is opening. Mrniral Boxer (British) and staff pmed through Pariii, .1.76,.0n the way to the East. Prince Napoleon . embarked at Ifaiseilbis 17th for Constantinople.. • . • . , Thefivnehrsquadron'that has sailed from 'Brvft, under •Admiral Desehennes'to _re-en force Napier in the Baltic, is comr.r4d 4 the line-of-battle shi ps Jetnapws, Tage,'Breslani and frigates. Darien; Poursui; rants and Sernillante. • All the Russian Baltic ports are formally .declared under blockade by the .allics. 'A. heavy cannonade was heard in the Baltic . on the night.of the,.lsth and 16 tilt, givingriseto the . rumor of a battle, but it was The ships exercising. The. fleet was in sight of. Born holm on the 16th.. Gen. 'Wysocki is to command; the Polish legion. in the Turkish Service. bidets :was as 'Birtiova awaiting the arrival of Gorehakofffrom. Bucharest. From Paris it is stated that on the lith 1 -Copies of a treaty of alliance, 'offensive and 1-defensive were exchanged between Yrance lAt ,fit:: Petersburg on the Bth Government gaper Was at 12 percent, diseount:' ' - At Rigs, the failure of a mammal: . honse 'in the oir triplets the extent erOakeolawiss. , reported. ' Malian " copei4 . l . g* - - Ttlesday.:-1 7 1*eit antrehatti ' Faits are - an Kiogeßey. ; • - The :Gland Duke '' L sianmt- - ed the ciannaid- ',Sid, :and 'hoisteft'ingell . I • o o‘*Allelifititt es Y*l44i . ed'il funds elotaitilitoiliiiig 'tsiennittiklittea *fratiattes-oa day inorniagz- , • Constantinople, 10t1i.-41riasta "dash :vie, °libel:Wended bre;oooiti* siass_'hisked: f4;,r, reinforcements from the=.: and French trnaps_ "kik it is Saikbe anima! Vantski,.. _Atilkiataihithe. °Oast - *TO ni thr*oßtaisitniiisl- three Etlptiast hattalkmi rennalinsisdeed on the - rttouthi;'or.iiie - Tiamibii are: still' • •••,! - " ,- :-''sitalfaar - - Wedi*ectily;4. - 19; it is' cOlfiringia'lltat It" A l 7..c.r* 4r. %hi; L ' IPtita td **Plealft* - - EISMI 7111i'LATiST Tdoi n t .rtiess, - lwer. 1711-Portan ph di V at soci A t aiel! fie' ening 4m)- V ra vedby Au 14,0141111 .IwAnl/2,,,. sslan ...;.t70911 e idigoer;‘i. : *fire th *AMR/en ORM, -AC 18:`L' IVW 17. a„ira.t.ft shilling 3 ficlp!Air! m, 0.4 ‘. 34,1 illinifs I : 4,t* -- si.t#ijO,Otii*:•%ol - 3it.i;, 1 1,1; 11. FIL fl R AND TIIBO. 811114 H, _EDITORS'. , AIONTRO.§E I i PA. Thursday Morning, .Xay 4, `1954• WWI} STATE TICKET. Goverr,- - - JAMIN POLLOCK; of Noitliumberlan4. - .Cana/ dminissioner; EORGRDARSIA-of AlleOcny. Ttagi o , f ,§upresne Court. DANIEL M. §MYSER, ofliontgopleiy:: REMOVUe . The Register :Printing office is removed •to Are binding on Chestnut street, between the Odd Allows' Hall and the residence of James W. Chipman. , . , lar V. B. PALMER., the American Nompapei Agmit &i the only authorized .Agent for this paper. In the tides of Ikkaton • New York and Philadelphia. 0:w ainvMNra and oar-Iteaders'.' With the present number commences the , third year Of our connection with theSusque; hanna Register. As indicated by the names that-"head the colunan'editorial, llir. Theo dore Smith will hereafter be afs'sociated with the former editor,.in conduCting the . .paper.- Mr, Smith has , been more or less connected with the Register establishmenti for several years, and is Well known to many of the peo pie of . this county. 'Whatever of excellence thollegister May exhibit in. the mechanical department l is attributable .. to his tste and skill as if practical printer, he having been orenaan in tile office forrmetime past. _ If fur united experience/ and . exertions will en ablius to furnish a We the best paper ' , in this Part of the -orld, the thing: shall: be done. Noitiritanitt. =minis of the present day seems 11 Those who 'don't .g 9 ;egionaare seeking for the philos-- vher's.stone at home: Very Ceir are .Con tent to, gain a competency by-the old beaten track of plodding . industry; but the cry .is, 'let the- . golden stre a m be gniek and, violent. It is this .fererisbimxiety for end, den riches tluit makes the great lottery of the day ; so successful. As fist as one :humbug is exploded, another _rises to take its' place; and those who weir "cheated out of their inrcstmeut in the first; are: just as ready to risk another dollar-in - the second, the old gambler's fallacious maiming that hick - must 'turn._ furnishie.a wut. on oa~uaw; in .this way sharper; are permitted to make for: tunes out of other-people's - • We belieic the - minierous lotteries, or ."gifts;'-'dial are springing upon every hand, . - (*eft' 'a dem o ralizing influence, and indicate a propensity for gambling - 'which We are sor ry to see exi s ts so extensi vely in-ehinniunity. nr - :Gerrit Smith's Speeeb in the Hons of Representatives, April 6th, on the Nebras ka bill, is just published. :_lt" occupies sixteen closely printed . columns in the ". Globe," and is a great Speech in other respec ts than length: Of course it was nub all uttered, as putdished, in an hour:* In 'writing it out for the press, Mr. .Smitli professes . to have elaborated his thoughts, s at several. point:s-pihere lie hour rule made - him neeessarily t6o brief. Cer tainly the Nebraska bill has caused the utter ance Of many noble speeches on the'side of freedom, among: - which lofty place innstbe awned to that of Gerrit Emil& - ' - WNW Often, receive contributions for, theßegister, which we do not plblish; No _ . . doubt the authors' feel hurt thereby; but we can't help it. _'We have sorer,al articles now on iamd, evider . ttly the work of very young authiprs, 'some in prose and some in.what has struggled /mud but unsuccessfully: to tisume the viisq of poetry, which we cannot consei entiouslYexpose to public gaze. 'We would not wish to discourage these youthful aspi- - rants for fame, from writing; but only from publishing their effusions, till their geniuses are more fully - matured. . Wltfr.. Slidell, of Louisiana,; hiapropos ed,- in the Senatc„ . to' repeal the neutrality fairs, in - order . to Owl Mate the stealing of Oa ha. He fears -that othetwise. !he slaves jot' that Island -will gain their freedoM, a ealami ly that Uur inlet and free nation should hast en to aiert. his thought that such interfer ence would involve us in a war with England and 'France, which, at this pmtioular jumble , would show our draw Attachment :to- "the glorious principles of seventy-six and true democracy"' in both - the Old world =and . the • . - • orT*,.Legkdaturetunsat but passed the "ligreed`on by a Catataittaaaf Conference, providing fcrr subiniesion of the;question of Ur( Vrilidbition to a rote of.the people, O . I b 6: T 4 / 1 1613 ?" inCle txtrliext. 1- 141, 0 a , a;votP;in the.o o -witevaza ti) 7 ; ji! , ehi4 o meo.o to *S. -Thoffieildi'ohm *Add go to aria vadously, at ones; and repot Ao giv e.-whiskey a-'settler"' 4:111W.Di*.:i:thq .., ..,-4.:4111#-"t-Wikirt ; •11** 1 041:100.** 7 . - :9000 1 4410144:1),40i `4linieit .l ' l o.***! 4l 4..v 4 :l4 l oW l )oo:! .- ..: ..*VVg believe •.-: the Judge ha s alwa .been. a tknoit4eo6ilipcisti , ';:444*: pt.ix(thp-i:slavogi * iciiit*,!fiA:: . ..**, - .*andt:iBo.4l4lll; -- 0i... i1410:4101114$10:,44•to*e'4,: - Mail *COuld'* l 'ii.ii• . * l 4: ': l '''' - ' -,-.. : -. i:::::;:: .;:::::-: '. ' - ' ll 4irloof sti uniod olinthite coati . .ndinPerntf - et - Iltai P t*, thepted.Stair,is at pOsenttAx la* inTion 41:0 1 t 641 : r i g iwPresidirk i ef the :/tedAtideii' .4 o s ;9 oo -per annupi'l Vice PreOldent, k s s ,99l; - 1343 9 6 ..7 , taryi:44 Tkasitit, Ni‘v3t each', $6,00.0 ; per annum ;,Chier Justioe of the United Siates, $5 . 000• Associate Ju - - At: • OP $ 4 ;4 00- Per `- ". ` coingielisatiori, to - meinbe r s-- !? r'-both rtpises co m vss I,&4elatic: 4 lc; ll .ani 4f34, ina for.'every twenty idles frid- C.l and to.the President of thelesinite",, -pro lempore, and Speaker _of the _ The_pay ^of Ml ristm'a $9,900 pert annym, salary, hesides $9,000 for , an outfit :, ,Secretaries of LTation receive, 0,000, and thine lierAffaim.44,soo per . Consuls of the United States, generally so eal(ed, are in effect agents for •thinmerce and seamen. They - receive no yearly: salaries,, (except at, London, - Paris, Tangier, Tunis, and Tripoli, where thb have an annual salary of *09%) and "their compensation is derived &Of pea which they are allowed by law.— In their puhlic capacity, consfda and agents, forl,commerce and seamen, are,prineipally oe :ed in verifying; in different fOllll9, the le gality, of the trade Of. tie United States with fO,Figli nations, and in relieving and sending hope American seamen, who, by accident or nmtiotune, are-left destititte within the juris diction of their several eonsulatei er agencies, New Pali rhf Volume of the World:- Emy.oracini the Greography ' History, and Statistics' of, the Nations of the 2arth; their Government* - '„lnstitutions„ Filanc.....* Population, Indils- 1 'try, Productio Arts; Sciences, Ednea-1 ,tion, ,Law* and Custom ' s- with , ( - complete Statiatical Tables,' from the Lay-1 t eat Authentic :SOUrces, and One 'hundred( IllitStrations of. Works of Art. and . Nature,! yiews of Citiet, Public Buildings; Enport.l . ; ant Localitieß, P,rominent Objects in Natur-i ; Xlist!zat, and. Delineations ,pf '„ and Savage Life; also EMbellished.with iliap of the World, on Mereator's Projec-1 'tion, with its details brought down to :the Latest Dates of Geographiftl biscovery ' Delineating'the Principal Voyages . of Discovery since the time of Colunibus.-1 By Thoma s Pimicott, A. 31. bus,Ohio. Published and sold excloive • ly by Subscription, by - &IL Miller_ :1854: r' • ' • Tke People's Home Book. an Iristruetin e ff 1 . 1114 • Illti4rated Miscer; lany,- designed 'for: Pope!lid Reading : Em bracing Ilistericil . EventS,ilc;eographical. I)escril eons, - Saeutifio. Discries, Per • Narratives, Instruetiye Iliographi Magnificent Creations of Art, Sublime" O perations of Nature; :Antiquities of AnCient and of Feudal 'nines ; with t (NO. Hundred • and Fifty- Illustrations, Repro seating Cities;- Landscai!ek Castles, M.ariao Views, Aqueducts, Viaducts; Bridges, Atiui ufactorles, Palaces, Chuiches, MOnasterieS; : and Detelopmeats id, the Animal and y%.i. — etiible Kingdoms: By Thomas 11. 'Prey-' cOtt, A. M. i'ublished and sold exelusirely by - subscription, by, J. -& . • . .7 • Wo - haVe copied in. full the Somewhat - long . title pages ' of the above . works, as furnishing . a general idea, of their nature and pamitiatlin of "their :contents has: satisfied us that they: al.e trul y ii• valuable and . interot-: ing works, add would Make a very .desirable. addition Aci the .finnily library.' ,The inferesrt !rig account of arrest of Aaron . .Brirr,i4n our first page:, :Was copied . , frorr i t the "Home Book.".. . • - , Mr. Philander-Liw, our resiveted tos - ris- Man, hai the agency for .these . gad proposes , to' intreduce . ;therci among the Citizens of Susquehanna reountV .- r . b rApril 4th, Gov. Bigler sent in incs i•age informing the House that he had signed about two hundred.bills, including bills to re 'charter the:Banks bf Northumberland, . Mid dletown, and Gettysburg. What I'm , old-Fed ralist! , • Three of the Vine growers of Reading, Pa,, have forwarded tot .orOv. SeymOur, of Ne* ;York, each one do*" ti bOttles of native wine; 'of their own m feture, andembracing .three different va etias., as ,a testimonial of :their approval of ' recent veto of the pio-,. I s ttitpitory liquor law - ' i.- .- ! It - 4 to be hoped v that be Irott't get bwiy over it.- .12#7:We are requested to state thate a Panorama of the Creation and Deluge, Des truction of Babylon; arid . Death on the. Pale Horse, will be, exhibited at the CourtHkise Saturday, 'Monday, and Tuesday evenings, and en Monday afternoon next, at 4 o'cloCk. Samuele,who was eon in : the new stone jail of Susquehanna county, awaiting 'his* trial for larceny; got tire.C=ol waiting, and so. removed the iron hive from befPre hia window and esca ped, .ott Thursday nigrit, *ay 4tio. Ile, luzsiiotyet been rooitp; WA number of new advertisements will be found'in theapprOpiiate'eoluum,this week:: A deficiency, in advertising rules Erc., in our never-purchase of printing material, has pre vented our inserting' some of these in - the style requested. We intend to remedy this detect soon. • 1r47 - WE& lawn that the bUilding or the new Court- House hAff been let to_W. H. Boyd, Avery Prink, Levi B. Gitinaey, and L L. Post-& Co, fir:nineteen thou sand , laza. - larOur Items mitn refivies to get up aria titer paragraph:about the .weather'; fie. dm , alders it beneath hie notice.: ,anules Dickens, in. A -,late rmszetati of liaisehold Werdf, after - enumerating . 0e striking facts of cotton, says 4 Let any social or physical eowiulsion_bis it'' the Muited Stites, andZnilland mduld feel the:shock from Land's Endio 'Abu The lips of nearly *0 millions *four cmin:. *poen Ara:. : , (isiosadeukt - upon2",the - oottOik of A 2 1 00 14 : out any -9 Ort'i)r h ri m li?aikit°lming - 004 thread- . - j. "Should any dire 'cats:n - 4v befall *land 'of, cotton, - a thousand otour Maiebuit - ships would rot: idly 'in dock : ten ,thonsioud knit Stop *if busy, ',And mouths *told .starve tftr lack ottood rif ,Aitoura' '''. 5,...... ~,' ~.,:-.-. ': - TeitAlay aiiothS4 - ' O fReP .;- .gek, I - Passe.l - the gem o'' tbe iGlivern — ci , - , *ll 'to ineorpora, y , Il i : ir li at fari d e e t f t D-day it *as're-ces o SI. again placed ~ ~._,.finally b , t ~ y . ~ the mak)) today-:the , may l 'ifotess , and" that in iilieueei e00t0h 1 ) IDenmeratic i Majority...ofhrty, m 1 l i the - oriposition . of one of the Lula Ity, ineml3ers, and in spite :of of the fitel lcaster county ,already contains foil tissue; and two. SaVings inStitutions. Comment at the chauge , ol . s! less. Men at . a instance can' kn as, Ikon hem., liow Iteprientat are secured ; bkit- they '.. cannot 4 extent to ,which corruption is now'. I if the secret histiiry . of s,uei.essful be °Aim'. 'is'ed, , not one-4'114-'9f th I would ever • again be =permitted! t flee of lionor or profit. Already five bills lutve‘paised. 4 Banks, 'and ibmit its may inore Deposrcßanks—tlick in Lelligli, four mes apart; .1 am infOrmed located in Allentoi - n_apil another -qua. Several others remain to which I presume, will lie as fried ed. - These acts suggest two di change in De,uocratie doctrine i Sect; and the powerlessness of Go ler- ' i ' : ~ . First. The Legislature Is deem ocratie: in both branches—large , House., - Yet, new bank bills majorities varying from'- it), to ft, claimers against 'these institutions without a party. • This fact is im historiind devel4petnent." , . : . ~ t Second. In view of next i fittl's el ;ctiOn, Gov. 13igler, was - but natural in desiri : ' t,i o be re lieved Of the necessity of aCting 6bili:to - - ,flui li t ti ne ) of the; pnbli 'wOrks,!ille 1 1 . Luestion; add thebank qn tion—frona-, h he had much to fear fl m an:.' tfir.d or. negative courser • ' first was .1 opposition to WriCATTI fiattti - in- tal message ; the sewn A was-p :ition to his wishes as ur det'stooi.l at of. government;'-and. .he third has -es:•••,ed upon' hitn,•,.withq t regard :to noes, by a Democratie d egislature. Can you, imagine' a more mor lying affray of factsl An. e.xectifive, - wiihou influence in his party sir 'eient V:, defeat • easure t s to Which. he is h 'Stile, or, control fh ,aisposition l a of others, w 'ch. he wishes to a old. ' Ge,v2 'Bigler is timid and vakillating. , lle is,sus-, tamed by his party only that. t y may-us-el, him When they have need of hilt rne. .Gsw,,; John4on,..during his ter of 0 'e, ,although /, . , with one -branch always a,, , tainst him, was If in I never, so pitiable and . desert" ed. a condition as--the present Executive, with a party, pre aombiance in bothllouses.. The. ue moulded ( p ik events, the other is •mout&Nl by• , em. - The difference in these facts 'illustr tc.4 and dis- , tinguishes the intellectual. and a nunistratiVe abilities, of the two men.q •- • •i • 1 The House has voted to adjo next Tues-. 1 , day. ly The senate on rueSda.y t e 9th. _lt is 1 probable that the forruer day dill be adopt ts 3, if for no, other{ reason, to pro ect tlinqtate • from _tha exhibition of the shmki g airruption which now revels in the ' Stain arta, "The ' last Legislature 4 was 'every Wl,l ire known to be most disgracefully corrupt; • lAif in : I am,sorry,to say ; is .treading' in t,llo 2 fOot,steps :of the last, and will soon equal ts--;predeeess .or in sbaniefulness. It was but he,other day that. one of your City memberS, 4. F,' Baldwin, said,4 in. alluding to, this subj,. th,nt on no .accontit would he . ever cunsen lo:return to the Legislature; that while her • be had seen' more of the meanness Of hum s nature' than he had ever known befbre - an that the spec taele•Was disgusting and revolti .... .iMr. Bald: win'S'opinion is butt the echO or that of all wheolnve been calm . and attei velobservers of and course of •legislstion ich has ,bee,A, and :Is now, going - on. At r t ..licgiuning of the session, the present. Leu - o islt apromised well. But - is `-has. fallen, an, 's still falling deep, and c is destipeil,. I fear,' ,§ be as much . as the• last, a reproach td - the ate. May a kind .. Providence vouchsafe .ni an early dis- i persing of 'our Legiditiftwe, 3 d'a.sa t ving -,',tu our Commonwealtlynf a longs and more op : en practise of bribery and co iption in its Trt worst form. ,f • I .. ' • ~ t .-,'.. r"lti . the -Pennsvlvatua iiali n ure, " ' on. • , •Thiday night, a bill passed - fin ly1; - corpo rating the Farmers'*arket Co Tiny. ' The general Approprtati9n Bill. Was i.:tottsidere.d and,an_tended, by, raising the salary of the Oroventor,. to $4OOO per yeer,' giving extra comPen i sations to thelofficers rthe Legisla-_ turea. raising_the saleries/ oflie.•.LanCaster . ltr; judges to $2,2001 - Per , tunt in; giving alai : the Seine addition of ls2oo to'. all judges , including ) o ;the, the other_ . aw Supreme eiCourt, and raising the salari .1 of the :Chief Supervisor dnd two ispittehers on the Cql umbia Railroad to 50 per day. . - i - On Saturday, in _ _ Senaig, two reports i fs were made, from the CoMmittek on, the ill to ineoipor4te the Btnid. , , of b. rectors of the Philadelphia Fire D4partaien ;the Majority rept*t for this bill, and the , nority report against it. The Genera Ap priation' Bill was considered; and an amen ends_ 'rejected appropriating *OW, to - erce a .monutnent in memory of the de..ased bers a:the D, Pennsyl anie regiments in t ' Mindetm' war. 11 I, A pre ithm to lea. ' the p blic c•works .. tti Bingham Baker,and Dock, in the itventi*f a 4i l Ore to' sell, was..r iecied:' it , the: House, on Saturday , the bill authtirizi, , ilk, MIT la0; Painesville and . Ashtitiulti Railthad company to extend their road.o to ' Erie . ;' - liii pasied thron_h Conainittee of he :Whole, and . . -: ,10,.. remark 'ble - ihif -. 0, storm :.;:ot 1 Theraday, night'wass:iiu.*eded wroty . tie4 1 .1104. ii 9reoutiiiiiptis*,* ? _: . eloti . i ,. l fi.nialp44l# earl y' 40r on Suodlpi,riiiii : :::.7 The i i:oxiii. I try hereabouts i has • ~., ' 4:the s 'll4,k:':fleo4,* and much daqiage been - dii e ta. 'ir..ail*iade, itvcourses, -- '7 , ' 1iti..4)§,..-14 . 1 . im Oer: - ...::prp — ps.. - - bff r liri:Biaaklyti a irt.ss 0 i:: • ....,_.' *ea: :l'oeleiiil reoxitith'e Rights, and jaiit* y• ;.eiiishailL:aed.,' partially: barlot.a .43, 'oyiog:hO' *-killiii,t - *O . posliooli tiod:wiiendia ' Sa*arat:' ! tha.rii:::T' - cr.4.th'ej. r} m: oe : or two i i Otok.o.**l4: as ;''#fere,cl.ojal4lri ~; :,but then ''.0.,"*0_,-:*41.1 1 , i'oo . -1)0: - Topit4OiL :.,±DO - i':olo'.. OiliokkTitiio* : B4O0,• two iiiit:o4...f ai :.-, ...Car 001:040'. aiieigretoalti*:'.*ea:4ott'..ekrii4ol)4'ii*: * -- 0 Phicei-e*beitkiaiTto*aish ~ .***,,::..:.0:.:0 . ,, :tfrotikil,A*44.4 . likkOhoibkii#3: ' . 0:: - 007 Y last - *s.4i4.ls:::.**,:::l , 7l4,*.ii:ltki,§,iiiii'• iWiviltiiii:thiii"...iao .00 ,. : i . .::,74iiiii0:...01; tl ate iii-jo* - 7yeoi.: and; ria 4 :::.pa; '',' •:' ...•' [ iiit;e3:**i. 4iiMage,*4i. : 4040,' aid. seven 1 'iii'.! . *efif:lo44' 41tairivii.t 'life* idgefi**4 , :flifi*:ll7,..*: - 1 *e,t ; .-balet.earii44- into ',.thei, - 'iirrnkt*loge, : ; ' - 34101tity:pfiai:ik:iiiiiiii` f r. E - ,:iolipj:kgli - 70 , ..: 4 trai . ; . - - .- 1 U. : :: - t`Tei7..if.iiiifyl'* '''':'"*• 7 :44,480' - 410.-***74.l3o.4iiiinek-,4041 1 ;44:ii `4 -- 4#tii 401,oili*lootoi 4 , i . - F!1 - .. i :Iyili101;:; - 1,..: .- , ..._, -.7-. - :-... , _ • ..,:-... - ..... i , :,: ,-......,--..-..- . , 1,,7,-,,i-±-i.,..7.,.,:-;:y2.;!F0r,,,, .-..,. - , , • 1 . 2 - ifitliiiiiiiiiddlc -, ' 1 ',` , 72,7'.?". 3 77 .79 , -, -- tii“ • -, ,.....,,,..1 1 -7 7 V:- . th e pqA• ,s • ' , .. tint4TC;;;3. -,'.` itio „ , . • ; :'• '; $ ".--..; 4 7 , 44 ,'..:-. ..,yoren_ ,-„ Ti -.;. AtaA the following: - 3 a •:.:,; :; rwxo I - -a : oftbelV ,• i 4• I:, i ,... - 1.. i 7 ent4 .:•I!Pinntilvaulan):°;' ' - . 01 1 # 1. ::.‘` l e ,mitaatntjolifilo. , ~ -_, - .z - vh - b .ck.i. , 1 , -- tti:: It is rue that the *Ogg! ot - , ~..P;e24r!".. iiietiefalf far short Ofitie . expfut4ittireft. -= out ,ho*.equiti, tittisliePthe± 4l ,€whelfWilduirief: ibig'witli th§rillitilaPe ifa!Mi l *killed -On t/* 'Cii4ill'in4 l l: ls6 a*er B l -1 4 1 0_'it,*1 .710.**• I,# the etterionate demands of • g.....:,*m .. ,riNiks.- Nor is this alk .;. f.t: a! . 1111:1* - lita; A - e4. - 41/ Y; 1( 0 4 ' 4-4wilv , *': liit ,_.,.L- :Jiu,:t" awi t the -tvA of _ Mul 7., Ifiri..' ' r ''; , --• ,Lait pirenint he' iaao,' , , ro_t* North Veithiopei Ausaii,.et(44lf, 'ligWe:e, O'zin. i vas . :: 6 44:`illii,b/i.qoo"''',. `7.. - ' 7 ;: - ..4 1 :e1eh litg;',on ' ' a r e lVeitii-tad:* ' ii‘, po unds E f, st F tieri was ti.',,fl sum or ,_ ', 1 4 1 , ai'OPer''', l *ClieSn's 6 ): 61 140te ,' . 07 -I *fi l / 4 ihfi DeiarimiOYM;Ordo,oo l ::: , l.**.tiot finding . 1 fault,' with the fri . ,,i4ipg . 'i',l.'4lege.:".l believelit to he jait and ti • a , .--,=_. ry;• a „ ;."-,,, orders during a eailiatiskolll. .'-'..l(it 10 13 .444 . eeP • ii,il `of rePer!s; letler4" ,0 vary :,. :: On'S# 6 ., I fi twit - the modest 'yatephl ' '•Xci,the;:i. tricq l ig quarto --to be printed and - 'airibit ': 1 for, the information a the 'thissrf c -: ' : 4 , .:g 12114 .1,,',74! : 0, 11- . 'tiott.wai - iiisd'e at 00 expense ' t* .' . P i il r * their Per '4 l4 e 'i - dI":P4, 4 ' 6 ! /1 1, "Tie * av -ii:a rapidly that: ` there 'would liut:be ough, left- to - pay :a - washerweinaa!s . - iiill'folf: on& . week's serviees.': -oOverinrenti ,11 , ,,ipt:opei. Ili footi the, bur; but-tho: ti!..ilic 4 pa:suli-1 nAiehtly-, .)0 cashed 13 t , e'P': t Office Pe;-: .pi r treeet. 'Lk' the: - (fang er: ‘... m ingt4P, fraelatt4 privilege be hi'Til **l . `right guar- , 1 ter; l e t. the outlay : f9r ' eepi g 4t: fleet - i , f„ ships at ;sea, comeldireetls 'fro p the i nation4l treasury . ; _and let the, lin' SitiO: of railrcia companies be ' corrected - p,' ,iiiititia.de-; eisiverleOlationi and it ould 5047 he di * , covert that the Delia at; . ot+thstaild, rtnt y ing the! :present 14w.rate i l, . :5, YiOded a large /venue tO the co try :..: ) -*1 Twelv tons of. franked, - ni tter in one null ! And yet they:complain hat the Post- Otliee does not pay' its . qwn <lkases-=and , ~ argue that the }Topic, '.ebauld be , „faired- to , meet the - deficit !,... - F-i4.St pint tWelie• toils- on your . free; - horse and then ;coinPlaiii` that he' does not. come up. to time ! :. W - ehave . nO,Ob... jection; to 'the frairking privilwr ,}- bat let 'ilie; postage expenses of each depament Ise r 4-- iiiiirly charged against it-4.144, saddle I to : the" right, horSe.—saturrfay Eilivung ?oar. :1 ig . a l dear : ; un'tcoim, dud Ilap tanks-of lit is 14e- I ; - as ;15 ' 11. ye! vote ; 'stigma royals*. Id mOin r ,s fill a ss - 'est4bllsit :linty; but . Arte i be - Li Ca u be; ; bly treat ughtS : the . n this sub -'error DlO dky ftso hi the. 'passed: by k,y!Tho...de gre almost • • riaut a Theiv. Were abOut - fivA lunt redlitiSsi...ini quartered in the neigh rho° '9f,tite khan. ./ They ,had that staid, .sa ierly } lOok'Whietris the eject ofsevero discipl* e.. 'a I ObserV z 11 ed te• be the characterispe Of eyly 'all the ititsst soldiers that Iha e ' dm the Prin.: cipali es. The excePt!oiliti l4 o l 3 o ,; - YOPrii - T7 tin { cruitN who 'of course are not p Irerly fortn-s• Rd: . CI, have never obser.'ed a y appearanct 'Of li t t-heartedness' ' atn ng, 1 •Aimian-sol= - . diers even whetioft du : „ ; It i'tt i ne that at times : in- nuu:diing,_ wit e ba. lioiii i . 814 in chorus either the -Nationdl:Ant . 04- which is a fine'setlemn air, or "somt ' . wil neledy,'gen -erallyil of .a .warlike 'clisrae.iir illPitsPe ,with Sharp cries and* hinal shrill whistle. , lit 1 These latter..songi are :p kill _l' y aniMated and spirit stirring, and eipl - lc rattle of the' '' drum' ' Which ,is the sole inst . 'enuil a e e a m _ paniment, a ineretis their exci **character. To' the lisCener !hone is •sinnetinng.,shblinte in thus bearing thousands-oil manly toiees-blend -led tot ether in chorus,-utteri sentiMenta of devo t ion to God and the *nil - se . r, or of fierce . defiance to the enemies oft Ciar. hut even pt ~ these exhibmil itioni the St rnness of _ litary rule is seen.llpotr_tte faces Of the men ihns engaged no trare of inOtion ii 'vis ible ;I their forms are eect ;,-.01 .. ey . areobe ying ti, command, .and ttpt an irnpulk. i The ernot ons of the heart f Seinn to" re been drill ed it to order, and . eicpr+sion OfloVe or an. ger, evotion or revengei-are only O aWakeribd by t e voice of theis t. eenciman r.—'Brien's Jouri t tat •,- •r• , I 1 , , , .. E W • 4 'The War' and the Lea. - Thereis one of the "hem?! , .of war" that his hitherto esepcd . publietobservation, but, it is a,liorror . which - IS b 4ginif g to excite uni versal alarm, amongst the Tip, zo tepted feMales of England. It is all Viry*i 1 forlhe troops to go away cheet'finly;-witit their baud's -Play i/t, ing " The Girls, it's leave ehinal-it)r," - but - some of - thelgirls' that are le behind:find it very difficult to redo - milt t "selves'' , tO - such an easy off hand' mode ottreidlient : ':,OnEt•oo -of our acquaintance, :who - ii -- nett likelft*be . left very long behind, 44;19'04 theiiraeiries„ - lion . as' follows : - 1 ' !" .• filli p " It has :a curious aspect young • ' kis.: .IVu:read.every ( or. ....• oung me'a A"erh"ai 'SO,: a •,- sent off to: the - East liiir *tut`, '• one left .woithrlntitir • really . te - no alternittivefOr as The . 4:i 3oi var t yrili ... ,ha it v h ' " is : - Sottreek ..oe.r. :Young Illezh yo .:* . mpeit ;;;;rholia ung vi al . . 38 t I MO Cie .1 , , h4iN3 veal d 81 0Pattkiia* • 'ed - Avith.tett-pfs seri ! tiOtt . Of . :hirstu: :the. lelrgyitutirAs: , • ma : o . l loollo l o*. the.po l teceik .eurtito:. affeetioiatlqrisp of I§oadierii have I i . thirty ilk; 11 W!!k'! . • • • a pig jOilkS dad- ILI .ID'erityt.4"*.34. . t „LiA , • , . '-. to fUltrieen.;?.. .. .ii &u pip .. 7 ... 4- • • ••• ti.rep.. . - • •i 6.01 1. t, ,-.-- ''.-: 'The ti imous-ln-i.___._-* . 7 :D etu ip sla , .: .g ..;.? i - cm WhigS; W!4. %heir 1.... ' • ' '..;:. : ted. - In ., - • • -.- •ba-...", ',.••;•--....f.-- ,• •••": soil rs- Y° ' .-ida:111--W:!.i. toiiot., i:k• L as ' -, d' ..P7' thousand :lt• • , ‘"'"''' :"'' ... 1.... ' 7 7. iwe t-)-eigh-rtatoi...;o*-:. -....*ltii.:n::."°- tor - and a. I t t. ~,li#li* ..."..'-i,iiiit.of th 1 .I,ltl 133 _ 11 '• 8 a ' r ••• ... • . 1 1 0 4 LP* ...; -'-, i . the; T e ti and, pro. ...., • - ego •.. states ''.glizo-- --- 1. - ,li adopted! -i- tin e 4 . road. . I) t * L'..... , -,•--- . --se ttee the • •, . . oride Itail ... the ...i e :' ,.:;,-qC. L.-I:the l'., .- ,a- -:--- part . -Or - .. , ..: , ..y., .. -• , .-git!l%,, -. (kti , s_ lithArtdlo7:, 'I: .- : ..- ~ . .trkis•- . ,*. , 1 • 0 din . .. - 4 4 M tam . ens . ',• the.l)4. '-,,,L....5.i.,.......!1, --,ii..1)--0.4i,r:..,..160..... po.:1. •:.:0-----.3. 1`04:-.s;,:7,4,!?.....---.,.,• .1:. (.4-.0,',1"•-,..... - 'will: Allii:JnY.7 e t i lt 'll4ai n g inis tam7;•.:4/iliti*(l.2.f ..."':.' • De — • ' 1 ..gi .. . oil i.syititi n t.,44i...4 ..-17:..-.T4.... 'o*-.Atiiiitei4,lliirthis,k, no 40 4k illagOstOW:44.• 7iiii‘Aliiitiiis - .. ii....;1!6'. ,thekinitoksgieTdouit:::--Aelis's.' Pti,4ill'l*r,: 1 *ti:. . 11011kflp_.1_ prepared :It)" 71781441i';99'• ;1)ii...,.0.,,T=T:,,..,76, r,ieii . 11 . 14 1 7 ~ ... -..:-..,,,.,-. 7,4;i:pYoiti....- 2. . : -.. -4- - --1 114 :,.i..-. !;--Itiki:To. 41Ur;: --,-....1N.,.1144-..o2::,titzo:'-itit---;uiaiii:-‘j iiii ells i gthe7t4iii%:6_:(',_-.,,,, ..fleW.: ..,‘,...H.:.%"- 7t ri ane°°tiaiiPere;',.i'e' r i -6 . 1 .,,,, °'' ° . - ...,:.:T1NL""•--- a7v7as' l ii- e -iii .. e. -.-... U . I ,:il ib e "llk, land, ---.Lidit,o4m.m. 4.1_,,k. L oroao.; ... w &,, 4e,04,1u ,!,v 41 ", -i t ,velore it; .. Tii.....,itripe. question i antamuTii 44s Ant'.'..-Fir4f..:-;the p n 1 -liv,e T f-' 7 7 -7- - wa 2,00.- ''' t : inirl o3-- tattl.!'- - - %eia ' o,_ of -; . •-* : 4 '- i n ''' p ow er ,; `- (1: - ---.7;:•OileideT,w• ... , 10-.:4f '. colineveriv i'''-- sal -4 aiiit) he -,..: , ....,.$4"./- -' ilaiitiPetklr.- 0/4 if if.:*4. , ''.--____,„°9'l*ulitheir-ici*: 0 / 4 k , - p= . ir 6....1. • - , two i5L4.1 9144 , • .5.:,...- offer -, - --- tAini' 6 :•• '- - bia-td ...Ai1..., ~-_, Aeotoa Pt ~, , ' - - -. 4 tit vote his ~..- ..,-.." 04.4.:.iri.-• %7-, iiiiii-.0014....° 0. .46e,Ft.,7,4' fki "t• nfr9'" .-. -,00-11010.19f ' ' ''' '".. .''- MORMS I 1 • • 1 F ~Srry'.. _ k . sovIK .one. _ hundroA- and twlagiy shim' - all • - ed ffie ' ..:7, , , --,, r -.,1- -,, •,..--, - . - : 1,1 - tate of e ieney i .: -, f ,-- 2 .• ---- -- --..,-;„ ~....., -- - . ~: .'i AttensiA.— et A • - - - 13esertat- r .. i.. ..... , , ...,t,t_ : ~;\ 'inclulled, in---4 ',4?.''' 11 ,71.-r- , -1,,M.-,f4,.. _ The: l ,/aYfba 'AO- a! tir, seTil WOntitini s46 o 4l :;:- 1 "." '_ " , 754,1 i, -... ~ "---:11'.,C,-- - -.. ';'- 1 ~,- ... 2 ''..7 SI - 4 i. .-' i :!' 3' .4-: : - • Plivaiii l : --41 4'aiaViiiii;'' =t 1 f446, 0 25- 1 The army ' 6 iiilwrYses 4 6 l 4o-0 0 , *fi t , tial Na. 4 ~ . t-- ---1. as,a,.- 4 , 4 p. . , ." ak aa.. vs. i ilOt Yet 'Plia:4 ol i/fi 5 0.2- - --,2_, " •-‘ .: ,- ENliinic ,--- PPNlati* - .. 4 M 4 )°,?'•= 7 ' 7. 'Mei non al . strengikef.tlielnln ' 113'41,ate..dta be , r l in 32,781 'linen - . l'it 6 74 - ii i iiiiiiiiig' . f4o,** 37 . , - -- 1.6- 0 „ ,..,,,.. 8 ,,, ~.-----..: ~,..-; vess4l4l*73,:ring 4.. i . , t5,4!461 1 , -,;-A,_. L.-7 ,- . , •‘- ,, • 1 Swintit - AND "NO/iWAY -- • - .E ri S tt '4, - P Ci r t. ...: cation of al Tip ii7nit 4 X. 1 . , .., ~...‘ 12:: „...,. :,....„ - - . ;....,..v.:,....... , ..: .. • a i i . :., plabont - -34,9001m _ , ,-_, ' , . ,.., , : ,N av y :comprises atal 0 0 .iffiSoo f.',Of a f ' ' - : . ' a ~..'.• ...,-"..!..a.:,..,-.3" !----: ,"' • ., - - 1 AAA 000, 4 • - , Rnssian/Ati*z.: ~-." ', - ',''','-' 4 e'vv , •.- I , lr ki s h,:, . ?- -_;;;-- - 5 '` - i - ' 4 : - '.!')69.0,0% .4 - - m i,..;„, r , ;1 , . .. - ' ,- ..,..1...: - 1 ; -- - ,.. .zi ." - 'us'''" -..., -1, , -,-..... ..--'s*- - i4 . ' , t.--;,1-5 - French - -":.- - - ' __ - ,,%;,:-.t.',-„.1,1-: - .1.1.723golclo..., Austrian--;.: , ..:4--,-,ld4'*o' . --- 1 - ss - . ,• ..L -• .; i; 4• -,,,1-,1-.-,':l panisi 1 .'r,,l: r 78: ' SWelish-dad:Dork4 2 - V;'l na , Is-deei not 111 4NiNkki*I i ti of ese, Engrand'ilas"' nartjf - -tW.lOa ,as - Ma& as all.of the_otlieriPi) ~ .. 4a., 1 44*4,4 41 1.. ex: ''!":',l - ,':1,. '7'7' : - "' - ':: .., _ 2 , - ,_ - •':_:,- I _„f-, - I isnot to-bl/ inip . ..,Llti, `' . B".nFio..rill. Yu' even- irould'lning all,_ e:'-folee4-rkonnoned a. bosie into action ; yet. -"- Ito. ,pTg .l es i t e striking I:anti:l4of r ter in ~which ibe world is governed,.. Ile) --O-,near . ._ , 1 1 millions of men ; amyl ;;:,keep‘' a., kir I' - 4-,... - States in (-)3 . I ~gib t - l'he follow I ' rorn the Cohn* .'' en•at all ti nefk and often pre - dice. one_ other, ' Per examplea - anil 'tobacco to;. sen t :. -§y. l ., i . Will" to; buy the bOf :*thOltt., corn without the cpb(orl * hoi le t4e -s i t a e r ei :term aini s, i t h ot ilt 47ll A l l. o 4iii o - 3; 4 111 4 yt,,,, erly - r%rtid. thePr*sition '&iiiiii6up, . 4 ,_ ~,. ~ ...., ,:, ... , ' til l sPeuhi 'tth 4i-rai.f.'.:4i4ihki,*4.';' . eel the bone'as well aSth4:-I.4ef; -- ;* ll4 t*Oto ,it *ll right,. (asr''in trnth'it49)4o*tketeiiis . ir'im.lirmg at Na-oii - 4Yulis*.or;i i o ii ; k 44 - fit ',9*neisoflgq4A - (*iouT sell; teba eo wit4eui-the , -09;;eeii;iiithOS - , the'cob;, heel *ithciat ihel:*is;`. , ,eisl ati,fiz.,' * l qa PFlee-j5'0 4 4, 1 . --I ;;;e;,: 7l theiTit)*:t9 -- iiii4lish. ii '. ine*sMer :without'. : ? a4:.0.745eihe14 ; IS' this` they, only cln*hit ithe;lr,:ii4o4:ifig - ,1 ec4tte....,,rs of hesitiess,.:ef '.-0 , Jz*lls.i'.. - 4 .1 4 1 )* , d ' e? - . Therefer#'irhete I:'li ► fi:Onnilaiiii:ofi f9t/411ng advertisements 'i - 0 1 .' , t`4o:::iivi expresses a , wishthif thefit4-‘) 34. ' 411 . 1 . Pa' eed - re4 ll " l *attet'lP ll *itt4 43 d, 4 47e:iis* elit'Pei,fee willingness k 6: -'' , `.4 - hii,.! 1 on the - feYnieti; ' ; -4 4*' --- e4t4,* - liie: , l .-- Te-.* 1 ;i:to ', o:clude a l t3 l 4i 6i 'o o. * - 4 111! f-*i , " 14 celainns, and Y4,tol i 4Ot 6074#*3 1 4:ii. Plie;' lsj u ld heiesti as ieils,c.o4thle)is iii* one'of our fainiers'• te;iselP`:'-'ll l 'lltier 44* btineS, at five Centi - a pOiind:irligii::#4:;epr: : * I .di else is selling potttvythet:*!fitifp. , 1 - .. - It -pilice; , ~ Po:yott sii. - -: :"Cli - 1 - ;:<!T : ,' 4 t;,..: 1- ...;_1_ , 111 ehi#t this istliptlue4icAMl l l44 ll o 1 - a paper:at all? ~ ThiS ,l 4 - 4-striii.*fiki:* hcOeas 'Well alt. iheheefr-_-*O4. M. per could' no ineYe l ;o 0i 4 4 3 4 8 i4'.4 vertisemelts; thil ifaile'itklok4.* iti _ othbitsoo:' with 4 o 4 4:#Wti** te:74,.etetT T etle;elear_4 4l _ -- eiSlViiiik .. .4iiiitiA sensible, serrnat . ' , .:64:thia'Sfilte*:; ...: _5 Vii - ~., 4.,.. .-,•...' -., , ;.•„ - .4,-- ,- :-- 1 -..-- , -. y..„4144•:1.- as regards. us lay of a draught ` . .M 1940 There Atenlf *lit 'Of wowing. 'l64lits, , • 1 IQ . , m RQAD--We gre._;.„,„,,,„L ~,:z; , ~,,... ,„.....,_ , ~,.,,, . 0 .„... r „ -•''''ratitAwANN -- ,t4it inoit re is— - .• , i i ... .,.., to learn; fr.o . ,.,,,,i iit :itioxis.'—.. .. .piim l l:Z, therOs 116.tAiril'? .-Xiiiiril ,ill2lll-4.-'14:: t..,. .41:41 -Ar..thi.sz: ;, liiiiv.#,,l_.._:_, —lit ple el; itc-inity:.,,Yrtititimina--- . Scranton o theiDelaartS',, -'- if I, be ''. 111- 4.4.' Vie • NOP a 4 , t o :WI • • " 'idia:-. —,4, •., t . ''' r 7 Akrp.l4o4„ this i*on . : and ~. .., iime - 1 ncea 'aiiiiY-- - ...---:' - - - • th ' 4idiAk t tel'Pr li _,, , ,,, z 4 6 . 27„, ul t. rdili . ' ' ao..eichamin:;!mscialliol-4:.; 'At elec tion ` .s'-'164.3v- eii:47ll; 4„,:itc!:_o„:6:7ll66Titssul;-,4.-- .„.1 priiidauf 4' yveiisitrer, -----.41,.-OeC' N ti lathrt•Pe_i.; 1 u ero diAik;- -,;:st - i, . 1. , ..korias N Lathrom , .-, Atal i ff e rS , .I,litli, a .* thseiailegts Samuel ..:7,,„..i.e,,,,mi 44 vis Ple rc e g,i:O i r'4' obert C. Simpson Bi . k- Deipw49,; : .1. e ; ,cab * • ' 'ti.Cliftnerv. 1 Tnotiv, .-- , ham . ~. ... • t h e oco .--k-Niut fa... disk IVilisci7S• :- 11(Ati • an , •gt. .)ei the' ;hat ficif :the:l6o Is':'• Phut ENS azet:caLiuice Arnut.—A 1 4,PoRT 04 15, doixatiriatt,,, with a fitt 01°N :6i* *iglitentous -1 0 6 0,e" • fitarilartili.**At ti satial4 edi . .tOrt r ,?h n 0 obl f0',. 1 1 1 4(thw tft 4 - I * -1 4 14 velo4` . igritaci . ..11 . 04 ick= t _-_thchead plapedVi of R . shin .40mo, ,e/0 65 ' NiPearlP ' rg' do tar:. ll 2 l 44 , stier'otber. w; • ttone dfic tao skirt front .!with 8111111.101rhik" tk * 1 11400 131. C41 1 ;ieS NaPoic , ' •If#*le ;IA 'thirst tht or tra)ze 't aiga tarticiehrl , it may he :'dell' th at thel'Adrairal Blucher bekit * ict Old takes anutrwithtlnto *Ts. • • Cab rio Slap ildicson tank. New lork, A 1,4-The (Norio Eriecson whe Nu ;*llata,-nciekr Jowl Clityy l oplis k v f during the Ow* ui4 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers