Mormonlitunte dahrtilwp'orviyuci h o li ng the sick and blind by yineldnigibt*i;J:, PaPer 'Mk.' which A1.4, , P elplnt t e ,3 g er - is at present prima, l s ;iikaati.;:of Both -Both branches of. our:Siate"Legidatte have finalltagieed to adie4 lll aa :,tbe.atb —lt is rumored in London thnt, Mr. TWA., ',.;eras has -embraced the Roms4l ' Cabolk von. —"Thete'7 nothing half so sweet in life 4s ' young' loves dream," unekiNrk new eidpi time' a dean - straw, Mane excepted. —The Boston limes' says, "The ,editor of the Lowell Adverilier,.or person who looks just aslllyvWns izwn.yesterday.". —Gov Biglrr, has'sigo . ed the' bill provid ing tor ;he sale of The main line of the public worktl,',for *10,000,000. . —The western part of Texas' is . baing set! tied with Germans!dniost c elusively , many' . of w,hom are of , the higher clams, and men (Wain& lean!ing and worth.' - ' -47 he rein -deer, though chiefly fOund in the 'extreme Arctic legions, sometimes de-, vends As low, on the 'western east of Amer/ les as the region of the Columbia river. - —The Ohio L4slature liaised a stringent liquor law, April 29th, and it only .requires• the signaturt of the 'Grovernor to become a law.f - - - --In Pennsylvania; according to the census I.Bso,,there was: one Clergyman. to every -146 inhabitants, one, - Lasyer to T.vely 624, :and One,Physielan to every 568 - -The Directors of the 'kSVoild's Exhibi tion of Art : and:liidustry hale decided to re duce the ,price of ildmission to= the, Crystal Palace to'one-nniform'nite of 2Z eints: -In Utah, on_' den, tiof a man, his 'prop erty vests in the Mormon Church, his wives and children not being recognized as heirs. The Chnrcli is the• sole heir of all iiroperty. - Administration has" opened its bit teries against "Old Bullion." .11 is rumored that he will-soon be charged .with getting the Mexican Board of 1850 to pass 811 unsound 00,000 claim. —3jr. Victor „X Rice has. -been' fully in gaited into his office as superintendent of Pub lic Instruction in the State „of New York, that office . having been recentlS- 'separated from that of Secretary Of State. . • —The word ,which is variously written Bedowin, Bedoween, Bedouin, or itodwiii, is a eorruptipn of -an Arabic word, which signi fat "a nation of the desert." -It is now com monly written Bedouin. . , —Theuerßtored lands of Oregon are s 0 barren that siiryeyor writes: think the Ignited StateS ought to make Great Britain take it:all. - back, or fight, Tholk God,, we didn't get up to. 64 degs..4o min.; 40 degs._ is bad 'enough." ~. • • A striking'fact, in the ship-hitiOing Owept Britain is the increaiy oc iron ships.H. efthe 153 steamers built last year‘ 07 - were •of iron s Of the :sailing ten were of iron. Camparittiveli little iron is uled ainong us. - • ...---audgesgobert Who had Pre-- •Niouslf received the, nomination Of the:Whig and the Native Amerji:an" parties._ Nt - as, on last, nominated by a l'rphibitory, COnyenti6nfor Mayor of • . the Superior Cotirt,•APril 29th, the, Tan of Newell, again* the Norwalk RzirrOad, Tor injuries received 'by the NorWalk.,.mtas ,..t.mphe, was ended, by the jury rendering a verdict for he plaintitrof $5.000. It ,that the company had offered $7,000 to--set tle the iase, • the case of George P. Southwick is. -the city of Boston, April,29o, fflejury a verdict for the fixing the damages at- $1200.0. Southwick fell into ex used cellar way, on Congress Square, breaking his back, _and sued tfie, city of Boston:'',- - —A...Western Editor, in an article itOdress _ -ea to liquor dealers who contend that the Bible - sanctions . the use of atcoho* l drinks: • recommends that theyreadzilond. to such of tbeit.eustomers as May atll each day, two (yr three chapters of the Bible, by way ofadyet , Using and defending their businesZ' Stelunboats, to the number of forty three, are now in proeoss of construction,' in the yards of Pittsburg and vicinity,. being a o larger number than at any. - fcirmer period.— Of the whole forty, only three are side wheel ed. -Of the stern-wheel boats, many are 9f Large size, from 800 ,to 1000 tons burden. •-. —There are mow three•hundred and twit:P.- 0 . -two- pupils in the New York Stite Institu dion for the instrricAon of the deaf and dumb, lone hundred and ninety-two being , beneficia ties of the State.' The Institution is meeting great success, In instracting these unfortu- —lt is said' that chile the'rer.c.ntre of- Cu bairom various: sources of tatitinn,atuounts to at leastitwenty-five millions of dollars, on- Jy aboilf three millions find thek way to, the Spanish treasury, each official _reserving to iinisgft a large portion of 'the amount wrung from the inbabinstits. - The population Of the world is now es-!, thnated at about 841,000,000; and, is "distrib;. uted as follows : Africa , about 101,006,000 ; NortkAmetica 4000,000 South \ America d• 64000,000 ; West Indies, 3,700,060 As* incheingislands, 43600:000 Auss-abin group of islands, 44, c 400,000.5 rope, 253;000,000; Polynesia 1,500,000. —The Quebec Gazette says that'theleourt of Quarter Sessions, concluded in that city beveral days . since, 'rendered, a verdict for lar (env' against a prisoner ivhcibad p!ovf,ously beel convicted of stealing. The jurors for Our Lady the Queen, recommended ' _the pris• liner to mercy, bemuse. he bad been'Ofined , In the penitentiarY for a priOr - ofcerteel —Bev. John Humphrey, Binghamt9n, has hem elected to ;the recently-endowed pr 9-. feesurship- of Moral Phifosophy, &cL, in 1-lam ilto ; Mr. Thimphrey iS son of the exiAlent and venerable President l'umpb rey, Amherst Calt.,%e; and Ilarailfon-Col lege may he ,oktg:ratulated"securing one who is SQ fitted by his tale*-aequire .Toeats; and amiable character - ii:mthe respon: . Sible-position Nylikh he is to fill —Matthei. J, 'Ward, .who visas . ., lately -on trial at Louisville, for the vurder - -'44 . Prof. Butler:has acvitted. The" Tri bune says, lienttieky has taken, a' :advance of her illustrious moth k r. ihe Old Dominion has not, yet got beyond thelm prisonment s elool.teacheraovhile. ,in Ken tucky they are tthot dead - , their •Sehool rooms, and _a jury returns a vtrdiet of -right serVed." • • _An impres s i on has existed with the pub lic genendly, that the defeat of Neal pow in hivoiveity i . a. snort _time situ*, u - as a vioto ry ex -4th? Tetnperame`eause in the city: of Sueh is not the - faet. The attempt .to elect hith was the work of the theitly , who .ea s e him a' few hy.poeritic a l vac% as an'in. stilt, and now, the ery goes overt e land by the rum-hooters, that the great head of the Mahle Law enterprise (*old not get the Office of Mirsball in his own eity. -.- ' --The newspapers have gim:eurreney 4 to a rumor. that Ifenrk Ward;Beecher. w4u3 about tAlt9 charge: of a Congr4Wational ~ •,,,:,.. ~;,...,,..,,_,,:!;•.if.:„.7. i .:1,t ' ..1.'1. ' . - • : 1 11141.&111 N 481d Pg t1 A 1 ,!fe . !:A il li . 4 10 .ru7- Inot - tbeStiir',..l i niiifiislotwerilhiblitdieft hi . that liftY:; - ' - iltini, 'iiiir'n i - 50it*Iii-atia Anther* it•liiiiiiinantitialiinildliiiiinilar to: Ahoierl -,, hi ',.. - has4reaehed7l.7elleirheie.-',.-.::::Thit' woula 1:i4 7 a' rather: itgtilaiterbeeedblikir the' 'Capitiil' . . country *ttiOisturor the Igth. -'ll4tYi.l7-. - :-.-f,AO/ 6 11,-(r.'o4rif* - -,... ::,-,..,,- ..r. - --4tr...'arohn C. _Riv*' the ?publisher -of the Congressional Globe; says that...herbati'.. sunk • - it' WardS .. of :$40,000 - on. the ".liublicatien,,- . 4n neeilitence,. , Of: liiii,e ff ortlo -pert - ok*** ' irdance4 -- olthe wiehei of , Oangress,un.:, t p ,derthe . 1 . expeptatiokthat the Sentte•wrsi,,. d•ft --.. the lunber. of . copies taken: by : it*, , that t 'mi . bY. o*j:tow. Tbe Wier . . , d* not. Ore than *indomni6 , hini 'Ali: the 'work; sue done n it, tvhile- the stnall.sit , 7 ,. :ti7 -- . .0_ f ., , - the . - throws Oloss On, him..of .from -ten to: t o- . .h-dollaraii'Ck t ngre* .-,..',: .. . . _. . :.*---Mr. - Donglis'is.. humiliat ed.:' He and ' [Lis friends ' do, not7Court.. public 4liwirittiot4 They iwalkiw'Shady places. Their careering 1 and cay . oting havo-deoliried- 'into it oat-liked . gaii,-, 'eh seems. Unitising itself forgetting end - the - ainslWt holes, so !ISt if thelittle I end° • the - herti;'Whic h . they itikiiind Atli : in view, be . of - Unexpected. diminutive dons ; hey may still ' slip :through. : Idow dif-' reran all.' this frinn . ! the ., insolent :ribaldry whielf th ey six naturallYassumed a few weeks since. - l'irtuois - its own reward, and so bait: fled - e unebegett '.• its. own punishment . in .the contempt which. it' --. _.- - , . . ... -. .. .. ' The Par 4 Corr&iliondent Of ,the London TimentiaYa---that .a great change, his taken pliCi ht the; state ,Of opinion and in SL. Petersinrrg i , especially- among .the 'wher e ,Ahay haVing , sufficient intelligence . and iassi d knowl ge 'of' foreign . cottphjes .to , enable theinlo appreciate:the..imMensity - Oflhe re, sistancb: the. has to" , encounter ;..but the. loiVer elasses still have faitb in the invincibil ity and infallibility - of r the Czar,-.believing, as they diti .- ' ;every invention of the . - clergy, and' every. boastful bulletin Of.%the.Rus.4ian Gen, erali from -the - seat '. of "%Car. - .TheMinperekr Nieho as - himself, nOtvritlistandiug • -.:,.-. _. . ~ hie efforts tO at ar calt n; looks anxious and careworn. ! ' An 14;0n among the Turks.;ol. • k - ; k, 1 tter from Constantinople (dated Marc h .. • 23,) i . . the 1 . :10.%on Firinei says :--.; ,• . ‘ ..i. ' . - To-day': we ,liaNre a : -re.all liVe "Am azo n in / ConStantinotile,: , WhO •is tittraeting_erovedilas she' paces through--the bazars. - .She is , going to the i lwars, at the head of *Mr hundred- en, all viiilOrous,:aiiii true, - and'depend uPottit, , she .wil,if.tpalt-C.a.j . decPed impression upon the. Russian; milts: lust. •a s the Crown of Greai I Britain; .atrotigh.fitil - ure of the: male line, fell ! to. Victoria,. Sol this ; worthy, personage . of.the. :feniiiii le ge nie . r - inhiirit4 the chieftainship of 11 . 0 .t46e. ...The- are -wandering. nomadeaof. ,the Akbluinini.. n-: faith, Wild find - hide - petl- • t.; fl et -endreC-itn4 in!lietiN'e,: , !They., Ma ke up in 'el:4*i . : what . t ey: want in ' diseitiline..:'; It - woifidl,e - ent`that the Sultan &Al.led this. pnrtie .ular - tribe - here now, 'becanie it -Was - headed - by a ,woman ; lid. her Corning has beewlobk ed for !With eag rness'for some .time past, -- by all.' classes-, of t e people ; and:noW that she "is actually bete every. body. is talking about- - i .hei. for heed is i wound 'round with an .im?`. menses turban, ifind in bet girdle she. his the .. : old: fashiobed- .4atag(in -and 'pistols. .' She. is dressed throunliOut. in pule - attire, "and .has the. C4or- - ling . . eature:s of a - man, 'and: might -easily I be. rni... ken' for`_ one, except . forthe . - one decisive ~-In rk: that _she wants - entirely, 'beard and mon . tache.... She has a courageOna . and athletic 41 earinee; attd .. rldiug at the 1 . .head of kw' tro.icip;-; all of whom 'lare-,monnted, -. she certainly is .be * considered as no mean -- f6e,., 'An 'individual . retnarked today :thaf • some of - the:ld .ssulmatiS of thecit,Ysreenied to; Teel - a - 4eoeioigit*.me at sending ,tainitefi - to , fight their: bilitles. for . thein: - - Another - very properly - replied; `! - Itis . no shame to the Turks, but rather to the Russians, who .are 1 to have women rOr their fintagonisfe.' &WEI I igrThe 314506 n that the Post OffICC must sustain itself ' is! nonsensical • It is a depart ment of the puie I mrvice which must be sup. ported `; ivhethe. by the taxes 'levied on .cor respondence,- orby tire-taxes on broadcloths and jack 'knives, is of not the slighest import andC. If would be t as sensible tdsay that the Army, the Nary and! the Courts must sus: tain themselves; or - to say that each partieu ,•-.. _ . lar mail route must sustain itself, though it is `notorious that himdreds of those *gad by . Co . rgr ess i , do iv; suppo .themselves; are not expect to do. it. Liiihms we Speak of thePost,Of a lfsustainin bine we should nIV credit it rig,orously with all the Work it oes for nothing on the requi sition of the go) ernment. Every thing.sent on account ,of ,{he !government or under; the frank of metribe of Congress should be cred ited to the Pot Office Deptutrneutist 'tie sane rrate as if ~ nied fur privateindiriduals. The . governl now - annually pays to ttro, department 15'700,01V for, the'services !add:. ed it, but this does lnot include_ any thing for' the th9usands, of tons transmitted imder the Congressional frank. Dr. Old's bill has been pos.tponed one . ihonth. - .1 think it impossible that it will be ; but it is unquestiona ble that amu ore. Avorable disposition exists in, the o z towards a uniform five cent rate than jai anv time since the , redne! tion in . 1E45 I I - - • -• ... .To , Public , - .. 1 , , . A. Q the , win be heid m tlditige on Sattaday and I Sabbath pleat; May 6th and 7th..'Service to commence on a i !Satin-day at lf o'clOck P. IL & On Math : at 101 A IX. The }ter. Dr:!P dock - of .Binghamton, illd _the B ' date onn-e ocettsion. " . . • i•f, -. ,• - . . sad s ee dy ,e TO. Not*, The members of Rough &am. dy Fire Engine Eagine Come Tany No. a, are htitabf notified to meet U . IIOE/wine Bouse., Satm4a3...,leit, at Gi o'clock. ' 1._.. . -1 . - . _T. A. broxtybeci. RO ,r In. this Borough, on Iftioday . th‘ rah.„iiing*.. nit.: 'lfr;.Plward Fuller; aged 83 years:: - " fi. • - :-. -,-.* - itie224l Instant titer it short illness,. Olds regd. deuce in PlSMdtrille;lohester - txiit*, in . Ode . state ; . B.iiivEL - IfattientA Enlf f i Pyrniiiiy of this connty, .m:4 for mane years one ot its most prominent Junt i vidmi- . ,hle citfrens.' - - . -.. ± 1 .-' ... ~ - .. - -' . • • . ' - Warm, = ' ' erime 'rand • constant • • in his - friendship, - inrii and diebat • . :., ‘ .lnAns - ise scrriees,• sincere and fervent in, his ; *; . , andliberal..isi his "Aaitiefi, the .deceased wintir2l , . ! .;::. , . . , 101120 , 14 iiiribe his peb-• lic and private • virtu • ; ;-- and was long known'•lr in the neighborhood .arhire; , e Xved, in this connty, as "the friend of the poor;" ", ',cognising a 'competent' fortune and high mental .-: • ...,,, , ".,.,;, entli :ofand imihheit :tnannera, . -,, • one :could 'm hen without . kuni without leering:4in, lie !Ml . :the presence of an elevated i .man; arid' their i ' ' idwayninereened - !Onn! Delr' wet :... - In orertim;'.xiindfi l mi_ 13o.,..Yarehlk .3 W, 4 . iiiiii raidsois of lice lk ..:,. _•-: Mrs . !erse' Dvrennti, In: . therltitli jeer orhiii -...•,'---,;,:- •• • .- --:- 11 .- ': • -. - - She:iniviiiiii of AO n, tietilerig Bilter Pelcn,' -in _gent; Cci; which-was theitim.. unbroken '4derneee.: Shortly Brit '-'' '.. *al iliii leib *- 4 4a 2 . in: thewet - Of-1812; ' - '..- , ..'S.beilifilir AiltiP'r.fiv* I Y* , isuPPort byliek. -;" :.; • , ' ~. •:',Elie t heen wii ii 'l'4E4. she ' iianfinlilude;nli ilki.'lololllClAnd'-'ool##l*.lL' nap nenansinititydlinntet - ton, : ;,,Ae*te ',l 114000 et , the . Baptist chnink.iint Inialinte:-..tiss - nocCht that township; she JO4OO I I AC Widgeliatii; 40, 11 k.f#: 21 ' leiter ‘Bbilieeninee:boe44:ziembe:,4,4s . eierio - oorw: 1 "$ of the . 01 00' . 44,!Plko r d er . . .„...... -. , . - - -- 'A:v: ' ~,' Her name inn( . :- -:! .numlneredini 't children at Gcstatioi*.ilk,' '',` • .finiii.:Walahnipi ~ ,fctend. f nith.,*:: Ad; road , . , -:. ' . ',' : ' ''.'ll3o: - : . 'elleernesi-44. ctrenith Of mind,.. ;: .:Icrsnnt.4lety - c-: , " . *Onted . .i . ' see : :the dead-that.** • :tini dier4 s Ani.H . , ..'4 .- •-• .'-'.: ri , ::' -.'" • ' ' . - •'- • '' Aide/LP In - I‘uel,loloirs*.it --•--- -4. _Tope ke. suebli4lexaberAieo; , ,'..--, t--- , .. , •-•-. -. - . - ...W.101101i Osnfittetioe -40 *it:: .'''.-'..:`". - T.haf *nth -hithlorlds-rendlijel•-:-:, aMENTS; • VIRM=B/1131ivitrbarrel.bY-. ATDwnt MilltelMlll9ll:llEMermomale-- • , . .311iiitetii414taq'A.. datkiti=cl 'the or.*!1';• • ietie r eie • . - - - 'lllolll,oWif 4t'CO:aie 4—, • large assortment of new and seasonable good* at their stare InVtzsOw.-,- - 3 - • - • DRAM (1001301.' • good asaiimetit at low prime;idea, a lare, as railroad or good PRINT 4 at 61 cents per pa Bottheta and. Eisend ildd)aak a choke assolturint 13ood N eil Odeifte at $4,67+ per 100, Ibis Prime l do , do .6,55 ". " 100 . - .I%n* Portorieo; 6,87+ ; " 100 . iflorftled, Cofree„ Powdered, and Loaf Sugars at very low - ptices. . U. BURROWS 4% CO. GR*l lo t April 28, mg. - . • r ; .• • PUBLIC BALL -- - OTICII is hereby • gi Ten to the Public, that Abe 'IN subscriber will sell at auction, on Thiniday; the Bth day ofiltmonekt, it his house in 'Gibson, Sum. Co. Pa., all , his personal property and real ' estate to the Wiest and best bidder. The • property , conshlts eta farm of 100 acres, be - the ism?• more or lead, 'having thOreon st new two story dwelling house, a T usii new barn, and. Other bu il dings y new .- It is lo cated' on whit is termed lien s Corners, in: one of the pleasantest neighborhoods in . county. Me inhabitantorare strictly moral, Ewing in, hanilo . nV to gether, and-piyingthe strictest attention to the scinxd ing•of their eldidrien. 'lt is one mile from the Pres byterian Meeting house and two'from the Methodist. The farm is yell watered and kneed, has upon it Otalards of Apple and Peach`-,Treed, and in iwitit of productiveness is Inferior to no tutu in Susipiehanna county. The terms of Payment will be one half down lad theremainder in annual payments tell the pur chaser of from One to four years, to -be secured by bond Endmortgago,• The peramal preppy mishite of one sorrel horse, ' -one.sarrel *ire, one year li ng Cat, twelve cows., (si x . of them two years old,. four of them three,)one'yoke. of three yaw obi stems% one .yoke of two :year old stags, 2 yearlings and three boga,'to be sold on four months thne with security. Also; firming • utensils, consisting of 'Wagons, sleighs, harness, elutimio har rows, Ploughs, cutting box,-dairy utensils, with inany other things unmentioned, on six months time. • A liberal discount made fcir cash. All persons - Sighing any of the above- ramed,propeity are solicited to at. tend the sale. •-•., .. * •:. WARREN BAILEY. .. , Glom, May 5th,.18.54. '' _ - ,- . HEW GOODS. Ar C MILLEN dc' PARK return tfieir grateful iicknowledgenients to the public, and invite at tegtion to the yery large stock of Spring .and Sum,: met:Goods they-are -now 'receiving - and offer AU. 'sale at very tow prim:. In iiilditiou to their usual aort tient of . sople Dry Goodi, Groceries, Rurdwatr, Crock ery, hunts and Oils, &e._they are .prep4red to a.largeexhibit assortment pf Ladies'.Dress Goods *of every description-r-Fictired, Plaid mid Plain Silks, Rimnets, •Shawls, Iblibons, Gloves, Hediery—Lidies and Misses ilhocs' of all kind..‘--also a large Stock of R-EADY.M.A.DE CLOTIIING, Clotbs ,, Caasimert...6 T.iteeds, Jeans, Summer Cloths, Vestings, Rats, Cap's., Boots and Shoes,4e... , • ;..They mpectftilly solicit an early'call from those who wish to pnrehase good pOods of low . prieest 4 Springville,_ May 3; '34. • McMILLEN PARK.': KEW GOOD . WAT 11= it: LATHROP & - Ws: , rilA PARTICULARS we ref& yori to our men cork 1' wpm (and• not, like some others, to their-neigh i .bor's - adiertisementsi) where Will be found a list in part- of our extensive moo ent 01 4 . 43a:id5, which we. offer at the very ?ours: pric - • BERING ST.YZE BLA K. SlLA;‘Drab, Brown,- Straw and Leghorn Hats Just arrived at I - . • • Nay 1.1 _ Time Changed. DELAWARE, LACKAWA.NNA Axt WEL:TERN • . . .1114ILROAD... • SPRING ithlAisonivrr I _ 1 - vx and after Monday, May. lst '1854,: the Accommodation Train„*. with paksenger . - ear at tached,'will depart from Set-argon at 2,35, P. M., ar riving at Great Bend at 7 P. M. --- Returning, will leave s Great Bend at 6.00 A. n. and arrive at.Seranton .a 10.25 ..11. Those wishing to avail themselves of the Night Express both East and West, on the Ni Y. kErie Reed will take. this train. The Mail Passenger train will -continue to .run as formerly, depiting from Scranton at It, A. L, eons fleeting with, the Day Esprisk on -the Y. & Erie Road both East and West. - - • • I .. • D. IL DOTTERER, Superintendent. f Scranton Nov: 28,1852. . . 19 • . SHEBIETs fiALYS.: BThuit: of writs of -Fen. Ez. ,_imued out of the Court of Commbn Pleas of Sus q uehanna &mat!, and to,ine directid, I will -expose to public. sale at the Court House, in MontroSC, on Satuuth the L 146 day of May but, at one o'clock P. M. , --.1.11 that *fain piece or parcel of landosituate king and 'being in the township of Rush, Susquehanni county,-tiounded ac al deo:rased as Mows, to wit: on the north and cast by liuld - of William B. Kirkbuff and John 111. F on the smith by land of Ells:ha Hinner, and on the West by land now -or formerly of John Hibbard, - con taining about 6 acres, and all implored, late the'es. tate of David Case. • • - Taken in execution" at the snit nr & & Mtn:mi Son va. Das-id Came: , ' }• • . • . Aso. &that fliee o et. parcel of land vitliate lying and being in the . township orClifford, Susquelumna fenaty,-and.llescribed as &flows, •to wit: Beginning to the centre of the highway leading_fnen afford cort hers to the faim so milled and imineruttely at the.junction of the roads and edjoininglands of Ed; ward. Orem, thence Wong said road ..SOUtti 74 deg. west . two chains and 79 links to ornearthe centre of bridge over the ditch, and joining lands of the• Calender farm thence along the tine of said farm south 10 deg west along the ditch '4 chilits and 96 Nab to a corner, thence north 74 deg. east six chains and'twenty links toe post in the centre of t h e Clifford and Carbondale" kirnAre road, thence along the.ceotre of said road north 3t deg. weet,4 chains and 64 links to The Awe, of beginning,. containing two - aeres of land. together with tbe..appurtenCeicone Tavern House; one Stoic house; two Bans, one llincktunith's Shop, and some -other Sandi buildings, some fruittrzand II im proved. - : • . Taken is execution at the', suit of uel.W. tenden and Thomas Arnold vs. Alva Fins - • . . _ _ .. .. Also, all that certain piece or parcel Oflandeltuate, - lying acrd being in the township ,of Clifford, titique henna county, and.botitided and described as follows, .to wit: On the north by; lands of Ziba S. Bums, alit 4 by bind of Jonathan. Burns, - on the south- by lands in possession'of Wm. .1. Wearer,- arid on the west by -land. of Holloway Loring, eentiiithrig : about . slit_ acres, together ...with the-appurtenances, one Plank : Houle, one frame him, and some fink treei and abont thirty acres. improved; . luid-wairMg all tights to in- - IquisidOn. • Late the estate of Jesse Picker... -.Taken in execution at the.suit of T. P. Phhiney is. t Jesse Prater.: .. .-' •:•. - -. By virtue of write: of Pi. Palmed . out ,or . the - Court of Cainmon Pleas *Of Susquehanna County and -to me.direeted as above. I will expose • to Plibl4 sale at the sew three and plaCe,--All that certain piece or.. • parcel of /and, situate lying and beingin the Borough of Simnel:mane - . Depot, Sustplehanna . .County - and 1 State cif:Penneyliania, bounded Mid described fol- I krira to . wit :" On the north by. Street A, as laid denrn on the map aired Tillage; on the east by lot of Miles Cregatk on - the Bondi by land of the lie* 'York -A . Brier.BailiOnd Company, and on the-west. -by land of. Hugh McCollum, mid.lot being6o feet front "and , 160 . . i deep, on which are two three story - framed *aria one.thirty.three feet front and thirty; deep, the Other. twenty feet frontand -ibttplire reek, deep, alio, one Bake Reese, Oiiin; , de. . . - . -.... • -.'•_ .i • . . -... Taken' it execution at the snit of Joseph N. at . olorn rs; Robert IL Miticime ind WilthiniSnaith.. . , , - - Alio,: . 011 th at Certain piece or parcel Of land , :tan- ate lying and tteln. hi - the bprough of Sesquelianne Depot, -may of d, writ-State:of, Petinsyl- - mu& and 'known ulot No -17, as name said down-and designated on a map of Port :or the tillaipi tir Bustpier: henna *pet made by Win. _Weitz and *Corded . - in . the -Oftlee foi.rietiordingdeeds in Ai - County fottanoutte luittniOn .-deed..bookr Nix' 7.1; 'page, 696, containing;' about- . 32 Perches more Or less, - with *he al*-. purtimuicekthe TiTerii House ( :- y. known as - the - 4%K lioulicl a i l one iniiiliDireltiag: . .#,:ti , i4iiiie fee, . - imprarced: '- Takeilii OMMutionat the salt 414144* ! I dai , A • .!gam Leath:' ., ~ .. '-,' --;-: ,_ ...- ''''-• ' F: T: i'' - __"'• ' ''''- • Alio, e.- of it *WOE .. Ler;P44 , ittsled- • -. '4r - et:toff as 'Ohm* FIN - exptlia:.lo ale at the' • .. . thine Ind.:phi* all - that ' Lot 'of , 'Groan& and-:$ . *creak'. ereCtecti I.?eingiti the tillage 9( ationehmina, o ' *minded. on As oikti.litthnlfinr.i*,,Pn .*:wesu 10 - larlde of Ethers Nichols, - ortititi'emithi; land _be- . bogisitAik Berjaalm : Pskoer, It beli t iot - 119.-425 oi. . Illag 41--liid*luste;loiti sJonr .it°47.b,'riat Tabitts ezendiott it the wit "of J3..indatzdi P !spier issinotJames AteWaide. - - - • - G. R ELD , ~ _ . • &wire Ape, lkiirose, Nay 3, 064.- - ' - • • ... • , .7 • • . • - QIIRGEON DENTRltiliOnttifiiie; Pa, ai 'Ektiple's 40K-,X 9 pd a yi ..”4.:l:updvs'preach ireek; A Lamekiiiid Hanisof a Asjiortment. • ankst• innotztockun - Ts noir arehinlat our store. Our Goods bare been .IL bought forjrash and fin ready pay will be'sold at a' rem/mall "weft. Our, mock <surprises nearly 'ev• cry, Oin.nsuldly 1014 in a cenntly store, and ps we are constantly - adding thereto, we intend to keep our assortment, complete. We itaiite 'the att e ntion of bn)—idesuge rs anil friends-4o our Mock of Fan cy and sitiple Dry Goods, Griot:erica, ale . Av.; feeling assured that v'e can sell goods as_cheap ss Farther partieefini nest week. In the meantime' * call and see, for yourselvan4 at the store, of • • • May 3,'54.] 3. LYONS& SON'. - • P.--Reynolds, - . .• ASRIONABLE TAILOR, Shop over . Hawley k F Mott's Store. Spring and Sommer Faihions for 1854, just receired. . • Administratrii liatiCe.• • NOTICE is hereby 'given to all persons indebted to the. mtate. of Andrew Giddings, deceased, late of Herrick, to call and settle their-accounts:im mediately, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly attested for settlement. MARGARET B. GIDDINGS, 'Herrick, Apni 26, 1854. 6 : • New ITlRlfird Day and Boiurdling SUIEMER term begins the first Wedaeedar in May. Tuition from $1,.54) to 85,00 per quarter ofin weeks. Music, drawing, lie., extra. Board with room and wishing 81,50 to 2,60 per Week: • • , Rtiv.ll. OSBORN. - New rdford, Apr. 18th, 1854. , • • •. SPRING GOODS. "received, a very large istoc)c of Spring , and V &Inflict Good_? at J, ff. SIITIIMVS. .11 - Good News Orleans 'Sugar at 51 eintif per lb: and other goods equally low at J. H. SUTPIII,Vs. . The CHEAPEST MOLASSES, and other Groceries to . be found in this,- or any . ether . tritii v in this county, at . • J. H..SUTPHIN's. thentmerarille,.April 2R, Auction Sale. THE subscriber wi l.ofrer for sale at ;Auction at his __l residence in Forest.Lake'on Satuiday, the !lib day of May neit, the folloadog property, to - wit: One span of six' Years al Mares, 2 Cows, 14 - She9p, together with lambs, - 3 store hogs,. 1 two horse -Wag on, 1 one horse wagon, 1. Fannipg;MlL•l llorse Rake, 1 double Ilarness,-2 ploughs, 1 Drag, a lot of House hold Furniture. too t numerous to tnention. - • TERMS or S.n.a.—Altswes under t. 5 cash 'down; all over, one yeaFecredit with good. security,-, S m ale to conience at 9 o'clock A. M; • • - • - JOSHUA AttSt • . • Forest Lake, Apt:ll'2s, 1851,..6 .iitiow Coops. rr 4 IIE subscriberi are vow receiling nih unticually .1.-lard and .desirable stoek of . - • ' ' , • Spring find . g 11161 111er 0004 S which they are Prepared to offer to . _their customers, and the people of thiS ciounty gernerally,at.examging ly low prices.. -They Were : bought for :COI • after. a considerable decline, in• market„ ikut win- lie soli at, corresponding. prices: Want of time renderS it ucc &sary that we should refer our customers to thead vertisetnents of our neighbors., /of a *Mall portion or the varietk kept by us. Suffice it to lian our wort meat was nerer bettet.nor•lnore.extensire. - ..• •• • '• ' 7 =BENTLEY` it READ:- -. Clover and Timothy. alit& Bulter. Firl into-- BENTLEY k. READ. . • . Mains and Shpultiers for - sal by IiEiTI.ET READ. • Sole Leathe,r - , upkr do. and Calf Skin_.l--Id.:Eo •a good flock of BooGi and-Shoeß, just, iv,ed br •' . • - BENTLEY & RAD. • JUST RECEIVED, . - • ANEW auppfy of GOODS. which will be sold chcap•for 1 ABEL TLTERELL . , Abel Turrell, 2 . EEPS tiinstantly on band a fin t. rate nisortment 'Drags, of best quality; to supply Physicians, And. customers generally. Also a „great varietv of - Patent -Itedieines,embracing nearly 411 of the, best kinds in market. . (lerniefittr, a full supply. • • , • _Dragyiata Glatts-tare, ageneratait . I . .wttnent. -.Liquors, a choice variety . for medipinal purposesi, • 2'ruares, Supporters and Shoulder, Braces. •- •Paints.and Oils, a; first rite' assortitent of best qualities.. I ' .- • • Dye Stop,. of all kinds. Stone-ware, ke. • G'rocerirs, a full awortmertt . .. . -•- • Dry Goods, all theleatliog and staple articles in this4.lepartm4, - and will be sold cheap.. • Hard-rare, a small 'the kinds most - l• - ' • . Packet, niers; best the ln mar is • '- • ' l'attketi.Notiotta, a large and full Sissoitanent r • jewtry; a general satiety. Perfantriy, all korts. Muskat biatrumt7st.cwn . d FfrtureS, embraeing all sotto cif strings forhist' rutnettis. , • • • _ltateriolst for L'iy . ht. Lamp Oraw, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Candles; Lamps, ke. ' ; • Stationery, Mirrors, Spectacles, ,Splion - s - , Brushes, .Shoes, Wall Paper, Xmbrellsys, Whips, 10., and nears ly everything winted in this.marker, will be fimnd at the Store of .. • ABEL TURRELL. _ . • Mineral Fire Proof Paint THE best quality in tratiket,.of.a variety of colors; :for sale by • - ABEL tVititELL, • limitrose April 27, t 854. ••• . • . < * N •Fanners take Nance. • rrillESubserilieri will pay frora•2s tO•locts(accord 'l. ing to quoin:T) in ellf-h for 20,nen deacon skinode livered at the Hotel of Wm: K. Hatch in Montrose, before the 1501 day of June next: • • - .G. IL. THOMPS.O. Montrose April, 20th. C. FOOT. • • New Goods . arid New - Arrangement at the Ready Pay store. - • - MILE undersigned' would resPectfidly announce to 1 the public that they have entered into copartner the Mertaintlle-busineas at the "Mead of Nati .gation," and that the basinets trill hereafter be con-, ducted.under the name of Hawley k Mott. We in site our old frierids and thepublic generally to give us a call before purehasing el-aenhere,.and see how eh -.p :atexis can be Lovit for v4it.. We have just reakived a good: assortment of Nese'Goiodr, Which lee Our stock complete, wlaich:we pledge oinvelvei to as thea . /1 as the cheapest. • • Montrose, A pt. C. W. MOTT.' - NEW - ARRANGEMENT; 1054 ; RINDS ek eifILLRIrS Rail Road Freight Line en Montrose Depot and • - . :York, tivery day , gam • •' _ . I :Jolavv , -ex . : 1011 r INDS & MblllLLMhaving made arrapgetrients jZ for ibrmulding freight to New-York in the care . of Capt. 11. R. OAPWELL, of 9ratt6e eminty, be in:attendance at the Montrcive Depot every day of. the week, to take charge of such freight and produce as May be entreat' ned to them.. Returns-for the. n a me WMStore be paid at the of William McMinn. • Grocenes in general, 'Flour, Poilt, Fish, Solt, &c., &c., Constantly on hand, fir sale at the lowest Cash- Prices, or in exchange for country product.' • • LB. flint a. Wittt.tate MCMiupv.- • .April 18, 1554. _ . • .. LATEST EXCITENEXT. THE 'NEIMAIIICA. I3ICL 17?t13EXTLED. Q.C•O I TT, JOHNSTON . k Co., are nim: - reeel . ving_ from New York a general assortment of Spring and Siminier goods, and we, cordially invite all that.. !Hutto buy goods cheap to give us* call, NA our stock ie large, and we are willing , to sell fur Small profits.— You can find *here almost every :article Wanted, aid ` we are willing to compare gootli and juices with any . store in the county.--we hare taken special. pains to find atm goods to please the Ladies, such' AS Black ; Figured and Fancy .Sliks, Silk Tiosua% H . grageil AM, Herage Delanek Plaint and Fancy Law ns i Silk, Frenct and Dotztestic. Gingbarns, Fignied and- Thin Muslin; Embroidered Curtains and Paper tio.; Ladies Calais,. Underhandkerchiefi sod Svelte', Mantillas,Parasols' and Glares, Straw and Fancy. Bonnets,.. - alio trim— mings to - match: A large stock of Ooods for Ben and Boys, also Iran, Steel, Nails, Horse Shoes. and Horse Nails, Ploughs, Balt, Fisk ..Ciimkery - Giina 'stones, and Stoneware, Store pipe, ..Ib, Gl4.Sash,. Leather, Boots, ,Shoes • 4., kc. ?lenge give Ink * chance of showing „you our -stock before you but. , Yount truly, SCOTT, JOHNSON & CO,. - ,Springville, April, .1.ct,.1864. * • . . , _' .10,0001VAWT — ED . _. . • - 1110formias will be iicitred a i,thectoomadiktopen .A. idiot at Montroie for tail* s loin of Ten thous;. • and dollars istthorbad rbjr set of amiably to be bor. rolied-bfthe ainnty of Musqueluunur; for the par poster buThEng- a nes%Coort Uouse. and Pliblie oft ces far add County, until the whine 'al of said, loan shall have been taken. • 1 -: .. The asidiom will tie taken for" the whole amount ,Ur hi Jingler Stuns, • as; may intiti then' *Mktg .toln treitinoney therein, grid for such times 1 . 11 Lig snit the lender at the tete ofsli per 't*ittt.Oer imam, for iiritich . axin*-Bonds will be Issued id confmnlty• ilth the act of asseinbly '' - '•• i --•-• • , ..., .... Attest, • -, ~ 4. infavoi. , ',- t_ : • , . • • A. WILLIAMS. • fl • . '- - A. trAnnorrEa, o - Wm. - A'.' OnossicArr, aft*. - OnmilAs*inet , omeo:lfentitie , - March 8,114: INIEBE nEw Es* E. lit Pared. to Jffer to the public qoodi f cosetiobg- in nu& ntedieletathiny Hai; al a statiovegey.),:ial of-Wideb greae,eare; and we:are , tbosi;.who Way' fall:W i wi' _The DrW, .99oda.deparypeal !dee, conatsping of all ADIES Sillkoielcbiocade; plaid Mantilla Mb, 'very tie ratts:'''T .• V • ; Striped Delanei t Plaid pprintedLawnsjoplins. JacoriettiOn.great-rarii at a limeAnirr:- Ghighains- 7 4 handlaan• loafing atylesi Merrimac pretty styles. Dreew-Triramings,.of Black Silk Lace, Diess silk aid Worsted Braids t in great varicty4ik . White G00da...--,SwiSs, Jaconet . calialitiak, Bishop:4lnel, and Book Muslinsolottell Swiss Mu*. fins, Corded Skirts, Irist' i Ceinb chiefs; itc;.•kc..;• French Needle Work,'Sw' ' andllircir; net edgiogs.and Insertat' gs, CottodLinen and.Thietid Lice do, Flouncing, Ladies' fashionable isettes,l - Were% Collars,. &c, the largest afaartta / 3 ; M.W.Wnt and.O. Very low prices. Barege for Vie greeft; • blue and brown, Black Lace Veils, Ativi; Kid atoies—LadieW and Geirt's 7 ; r ie, menteof the .best quality. Mita—long and short, black, mohair .. tt on Glorea--black White, and e , olofa:' •c, and cO do. -*. •L. .1 , Hosiery-:o fine ,asiortmen •t. for • • *fits:Wird fine as•mitinent focßonn SW' m and Lustring, in all widths and every, • .D4neatic Gooda.-Sheetinge s , bleac • • andno ble'ached Ma;llus, Ticking, Crash, Diapc 'Table Cor. era and Napkins, and hi &at,: all the-deal his styles.: in thIS department. , ' ,• • , • • - Shebris--Printed Delane;.Freneh - • fed, Weol, printed Cashmere, Broche r Pack a-- il t de stock of them, . - • Ladles' Shoes; of every deseripthia, at I. i t Mbwiuti, and children's Shoes, in _ Gents' Boots, cause and fine. HATS, CAPS, A 2rp 5.2-P...eaur WO Aare a %cry fine•stoek of 4nta sold StrAws, Palmleaf, Curneoa,.Maraeolxi,- ton, I.,ogborn, Cassimere &c., for summer are iOry dectrable, lilld setlinF, elleap.- A nventof Ladies . Bomneti, *isses'And Chat Hats; ke. . • ' - READY-.IIADRC,T.O7IMV • In . 4 ilds braneh of one bpsin* we cat not f I fail to suit. :•Our stock oftlothingis very *xi rind well made up, in jate and desirablestylei.: We would especially invite our friends desiring any dug irt'this I line, to a cell. 'Gentlemen's furni ling goods of every. description. • • • - A late; stock of Wall Papering•and 80. ering. Books, Stitiinierv, and.-Yankee: Netiols •in . ra4 e tY, . - Grocerees.—Tea . e, Green and lack; yea choice and!. freA,' at low prices. - • • Cofccs.:-. 7 superior•St. Domingo and Rio: kbean-JI tiful articlepf brown* arid whin l / 4 .9tagars,;(3cop.,-•ito.11 lasses, Spires, Soap,'.Caiallos; Urnp kc..—d I A, very*.SuPerior article •of C4vepdish Tobacco,; at l 8 cents per pound.` \ • i We areln the s.tere foribetiv occupied Sali,4bstry - , and, more recently by George posits .sca. He's IfoteL We. would be, yer deed our friends at thn,oss'rates hope to.nierit our Share of the pnblic ra good attention and lots - prices. ' • ' • - . 1 . • • G.!& W. IL . Montrose; April . 10, 185-1. 1- MEW coons. .'..,.. .D. It. LAT.II.IIOP. : &- t OH ~_ - . ,.. A Bt.l.noW•receiving their , AO: . Or.G i'. ! Z.. 1. and Stunniei• trade, whitit '-they o • ? iiiva•than 'ever Offeiied in this market b • ?I' iful foi• the liberal patronage they.•have.. ' swill endeavor by strict attention to busi tract' Hy w....einditeent.netit. to petit even a of the pationage t of those who wish to 1) .; .' I . CLIE-4P. _ Call and examine-for yotirter h if a i r ! e pr o grods ci.. ,axid'pricelt : trili' not bear . , its'i l .. - ~ '. --• LAPIES ' ORES'S 6601),4 i of , every ityle: . -Thirty. pieces. , Figurc ? changeable: Dress Silks; sotrie'.'as 'low as - Black Silka,' all iviiith...4 and - .qualiim;;* it . for tl.. Lawns, . Berages, DeLanes a n sr good and cheap. Fine White Goods of i I don ;.' Brown arta Bleached Shiitinge t ,Lit ,everv.kind; Embroideries and Lace . , Calks and Fringes. - .: . • .., ' .: ';:".• ... ":,':', -fa every grade_ • ' Black,- lirotrii - Ara a u : -. fall of which, being bought-at ba;gainS,,We 1 IcheaPi . f• • .. . - ..: • -.'.. . .•.•, -, j ‘ i .-a,• • . - O.4SAIMERES, -. ' of ere_ rye. style,: equally low. call and stock of these goods, as we cap and will - tli.e.Tely lowest prices. . • 1 ././NEN D VCA; a new article for Summer wear: -Su tinier Striped Shirtings, Blue and; Bm tucky Jeans, and Tweeds, a c'omplete a. RATS, CAPS; A. 34.7) ROSS/ la large a.qsortment, : and of stiles to.suit-al iShnen - Upper and olc Leather.: • CROCKEI4Y rfhe.most ,„ .o 4 complete arid. rxt'ensive amor •brouglit into BontioSe. •IVI • ;and Blue Rare for a very little ninney.- sizes and of durable plate slam, - 1 . • HARD WARE, ...TROIV, 21'D . Call and examine our prices .before yitu tloir, Wowleu'izsid na Ware kept coustan •'GROCERIES - I , Sug ar , Molar Tens, kc.; fßivigAriintosi prices. Ashton barMl- and Ylour bi'the barrel, l sack or , pound. !Mackerel, Pork, Paria' d Tools of eyeily ki 'and. (. 4 111thators, • - • , . G &ARO. . • The greatet fortßizer in the l woiid, ,suit: I . BUTTER FIAWINS -110),. Prod°co of all•kin& taken in•eichOnge at prices. - i ftt f • oi, . • ritorr: . . .„ ‘..Vebrivtka Ye; fetters nor ,slar.lows. ,rineng'Antiticq. forerti• . . ITO the khan. Judges of the C'ourt of *debar= -a- =county — foreign Ambassadors,: Atto eys, - Grand urymen, Crier, and other , olßeials—Cle en ' and 1 Churchmen,. Mcrehante„ keehanies 2 and Vorkies— rf: Toting gents and Old rogies„ "citizittin strtmgers," I ,, th e rest of mititiod," and 4he Ida *do—all , lima! Just shitt ow the lightning a half a minnte,k i iyou.please; .I want to apeok to yron. . Vous-doubtless i ; ,Irecollect: What old Bullion told the Mouse, ig ComtnifLA htee of tbe Whole, that.he would do,-in a Single:hour, , l LI with the Nebraska bill and -itsLanthor, the Little GI-, ut. Well,- I suppose he .hati'done it: All .'right: lAnd *let the loud cannonade 'Of; indigmtat:-Freedont thunder otritigainst the blootkentented. breastworks of oppreasmn and outrage the - wcilid over; ! shaking* the empire-of Tyranny with earthedak ..;:shattering; in pieces : the red altars where holy F in bled ds ( and the reithAid that lipids die-fetter and the Scourge; and, h urling. bellowing -.after Douglas to--;-whpre - Bullion; aid.-4Exerise me, -fellow citizens, I Ohl pet intend to go Cif in this rhapsody on Mcrtr and Itlman rights, 1 when rbCgarr, - but simply to, lei before . toki- • a 'Me" I Ratter of busings, and as I am by p . .f.. - on - neither orator nix statesman, but only that so 03, '"iecessary . [evil: l a Dentist, I will drag tuy; pair til*o_ for-Ahe [ present, which Most anomalously: for *4; days_ got tbe better; for a nun:bent; of my' late. anti twin, : elude by saying that I have resunied I 'mY; .sidence in k.e.ntcode, and may be , found at Montavit, trio doors south of Seth kitchen, Esq.; opposite' 'We Baptist Church:. I wilt wait on you'ar your iftlente, (in town,) if ilesired.-. 'Mose licing at a iliS anee desir ing- plate teeth, can board with Joe I frc of . ;14(04 white 'the work :is bring done. - ;31Iy ch -_es ‘ aFtt an tope that I- make thrit strictly eorifitte , ntk ..-`i r.. . ' 'Viers professionally, ;- •i, -; . * • - ' : It it l at Dentist,- Montavue,•April; .1864 A TIPE CENERAIr; FINDING • IN FULL BLAST. IVEW' -GOODS COMING - FOR in TEADE.—Gro de Rhine; De 1344 Dag* ; hints, fic-; Ma* Silk NAPO WoriCadlari Chendaettsi Thread U*l boar ke,.:; a general asilcirbroinfOtOrocke - Thwthl'arei Olutenta iinneraj'Ebdc' Cilniage Plumb Bobitdisle Clliiios; German Saw .Bette, Amaiiew ant En *general assortmenCorehne Kit atiallys on hand and for aide by: lit.. ' Montrose, Aprii 4, 1404. ; . A• EiEeprOlirs NoTa LL persona indebted to: tho'cl4tO tea,' late of fit•eit Bend deer notified 'toin,ake iMintsdiatit - Pt " boeingnielnatugshatt said. estates; duly autheatiested for aettlenta4 . 1 . P.liiumnt sant& • _ Joint worm? orpii 1 1 ,14- Xelnuary-11345'-‘ ".Wqr ••• , t ',.. - .i L. .1:1• - i-' `"ii.r.: _ --.-- ~./!- , 1137 .. ' 1 - ‘ - ' 4 l Cg v : 4 - 3;titwil;4 2 ,l l oo.kifiegg. - • 1 - 1 40 010 4' - tcr e hinik* ''. l l AO l O - 4 164 0 1 u4;°t- - - . :1 11011 **'rdie:4 1 4 - VV. -,1 4 f ri A e l i ! . . ~- d e r i t re : hi c a l e " t 'l t ! p : ) 1 , 1 24;4 ...„t„ ... It " iuonthi, Tre....„mdiz itt : 2 0 0. 00 4 * ,..0, a :the 10th AprillB44, enti .t.,140,11ct,5;41.1:42° ; 8 1 revenue and cllmlniabihe7 . Vit: • e Conimonwealdsan apt - .•• 22d ::y if .at,rn 1546, entidkrif anact tii.frtaildtirati?.lrmt redu'O' of 1! the State DebtAiimilittl. iiiii — id 10th. da of 1, April, 1849,Aptilled,iktit *lto dada: 1 ' d awl k o t ot tnrilkif*th . * 4: 7 .. - iitt/Bgbicti- i mint • ef . de)it.eCtlte!,.. .• ''' ' .' ' ~ t heAinder, r eignek ' • ' iit lir -' • '• if Ileigailian ;at '• . Peepoodii ~. . Wireitautti trading, within cfNudYi and. ..., ... .19 1 WI 11 0 Mer chant* in . da re * %MIL tight runi just . t/ N according to the pivrignna oriadA; eAsiergbiy, as follo 1.01:. V':'''.74*-11'.1.'! '. „Pat., Residqt _P.roprietora.'• -:' Virt . ‘,-- Ned. Auburn, , John. P. Lambert, . 1-1 . 34 •ki••.' -4 do 1 Waltman & Lnw,, , 14 - -,, 'N Brooklyn,) Y. W. Allen,: 14 , . -•.. i„ • do 1 Ezra S. Kent .. Co., 'l4 t f'..l74ri- do I rainy , & Smith, ', 13 do R. T. Aohk7, : ;., 14 do • Nelson Tiffany; ~ 14 do William Me-Mitten,. 14 1 do I- j. C.. Lee, - . 14 I :;Cho.no4 , ". 'Framels Quinn, '. 14' Cliffo, John' &N. Rotated; ,14 I __: do Brundage Ir.•Winton;_ 14 .1 Bundaff ',, . Q. Cone 444, is, ~• do 7 1 8;W5t10,.,. .;? l 4, 1 1 • E. • ''''' ' 14 I do Make inney, 13 Dimock, . L:.11.- Woodruff: , 14 Triendarglo, A..Wiekb4m, -, 14 N Gibson, filidlet i do N. lit.,Xenn§dt, 14 I I , do U. Buripirs.&;C,o., 121 do • Aseilltrairit I 14 Great Bend, , RentfLaniikk, . _., Is do : 1V..1/liton, - :, 11: • , do Joieph Dußoi i a, 14 do , John McKinney, 13 I do . ' Thomas & Whiting, 13 ! do L. S. Lenhein 19 I do - M. 11. C. rail ,, ' _l4 , do • Jaznes Clark, , : 14 do , ' Toykir-"& June, l4 - "Harmony, S. ..II.; Lyons, : 13 - do D.. it, .I.oiiins, I .•.; j ..: 14 ' 4110,. do. ' " Brarii.k Chlager,. - 14 Rexford, . B. F. &R.R. i Eaton,* li do Carpenter "kSbley, • 14 do • : ' Joturton k 'Very, 13 • do S. ' S. 'Seymour, •1-.18 I, Herrkk, John Biller, I - " . 14 Lemur., A. 11. Beall, : 14 do - E. R. Gnaw &Bra • 2 . ,..13,.. do. ' Shinto, Eatopijk • eili ; 34 Montrose, G. jei HiiirleAl• •••.. • - 13.:1 . • ..dos. W. 1 . ?. & s:ll.3liiHuill, LI ;.. , do' .l...Lyons & .Pd . n, ; ..,g ..,:do:.. Ea Chandler; ,*'• do' „ 11..1; Webli,..; I id.... , ' - du , y ' George Fuller,•. • ; 1 . ! .;....11ii . .. , laaae L. nisi 1. , Co. ,:r It - 'AO ; .; M. S. Mrilson, ; . );:::• it ' - ' r do' '', Bentley & Read, ' : ;::XX . ; do l i Aber turrell, • - ;••• 14'. I . , dii: . ! J.. Ethridp,e, ' ' -!" ' 1c• ••• Ala -. 1 D. kr. LsHimp, & cli:, 121 •Nllddlaiii . •• :. F. F. , :llollister, •• :-• .14. . , .:dii - . -. ' : • garkiircititpbe . ll, •- .•, .. 14: - .Weir: .W,,_ m.:C.'W.ar4 :. - 13' - • ".. La:tittle ; 7 4k . 7 ' i. - . 13 , ..". 46., •- :•• --• •• K Iftirritt, '' '.• -' .... ":: 12 '•• :do'. ....* .• ' ~ 1 •.*: goof & Th01.' ,. .:. 1 3' .... .do -: . • Baydnii•it 8r0...: -.: . -14 ; do..*: ...: .. ;J: Ili Sutphen; -... j 12 Rui 4l : : : : . ..1 . ...Th .T;t l lllMPinni•.. • .14 . '.dp: :.; ; •,'lLSouthwelt, -_ - • 14- • ' do ..r 1,. • N. Gru m , edeooleir, 14 :;* 'do 1 James Tupper, - "s •'l4.'. spivra lo •Busceii Be :t, E • Carrisle„ .' . ... • 13 : do' ..• .. . ..C.'S: Itenne - *.• . .. 13 • ...di:V.:. • , S. B: W&4t, •' , ~ - l4 : . •.. ..i10.:*. --- !'. • ' • J.ll.Sinith, 1 '•••• • 12 ..'4lO .'.•• .. • • Thomas Ins•atrum. , . - -14. • do Pr ..-: • - IV.II. &I. r.llublxnull,43! .-.f.•,• do ,'.... • • A. White & C0,• , :,,,...4-..; 14- z• di •••.*:: • 11. Cohen; ' ', • ,..i.. ::::.1014 ': "410 . . : '••* • • A. at: Sevmour "!........;•! . .3 - 14 i ;"..d4i ~.... Edmond Stark,' .- • • '•-• 14 '• . • .•: x: - .k. l .lL.Edgett, " -i 14 ..fin ei:Pi e, R.-Chicheiter &Co, .1; • 'Dean it. White, ,- 1 • " '.:. • I. Smith,. ; : 14: • • • • •••liir - ' ',1 4 :! . Scott, Johmtini .t : Co. " 12 ' - Aci ., :;. - . ••, • .:. .31o3 ( nhin & Park •• IA •••• : diti. .:: '; ... •••,..•••&.,Grocer, , , .; lit ••JiiPtiltka, 2 :: : • ..41....4..Tutiter;,/..... • 1 . 14 jetspip4• '• •' , Diprits i &Coriper; ..• - r -14. Franklin,'. ....•'?. L . , )ffirerksan; ; 14 I do '• ! j. •:. •18. 'Fidler,' .:' . . -.g. ' 14 - ,1, . • . Liatita,roCeries Tkrillthiiii Auburn,- .'. ' -Joluißrely ' . t I ' AppoLleori,. • :Suit Barney ''' ', . 8 sla• - . Inn: Buffum, - ~. • R.! Bridgewater, ; • .G.N;•Alten, .- . pi Duntlak Euoch Chanilier, 7. „81 FriendAville, ' TAP Iltobbc, '8 ' Great Bend; ' John Comstock, , 18 I do - Lucien Scott, , • 6 ._ do 1 . • . Corwin ' k Millspauati, 8, do , M. 11. Moe, • -8 do Daniel E'rens, - .., 8 , ,do . ,' L. Carpenter,' i l 'do Win. Smith, ' i Harmony, %Whitcomb & Newman, 8 I Liberty, .- A. A. 'Boman, . • Montrose. A. Men-i apsor4 sik 'lle, thread prices w. aims CAni- . • .6.1n41 • ear, sihiph. 71 assort- )3 , ' Latinolk Fuller: op= . .happy in=• stoat;, and ronaget,by cLLER. for §pring • lower oived esiSand by. en Bluth; * GOODS es, and see t Pl id :and 'nrtkle" cry descrip- 'en Goods of is '.;r.Thinnet !vildclothe, stink:le:our .ell them at lotits.Tfek- Xenl Boots.: „ : do' Frordhazg, - ;7 -' do • T. IL Bullard, 7 'Nevi Nilard, . Mitchell & 14risq, 'iallpot, Daniel Knapp, ' 7 ido • • LS. sitinner, , do - 7 •Wm. ! -1' Harley Smith, 4 '016' - George Eggit'atott, .'1114i; ' Jarn«;' 8 ' . N. C.'& D. W. Norton 7 • . . • : •3lr. NT. tbuir, ' , it Son, s . act . .0 119 5. 1 4 OPerative ' „Aatfci#ation, went - ever ite Granite rreiv - of ly ; b0 . _11141d. 1 , I, 16i; thiiii Titbit Solt. :and !. (I; "Plougba: nantities .t dO , ' •' hi Zionist: Trianon, ',- 8 •Ao.. .. i Fiedina Pickering, 81 ...AO '. Bissell At Stone, ; B-1 10/q. -. And the Judges of the Court ofCcironion Pleas of do : said County, trill hold a C-ourt of Appeal at e Court Howie in lltontinee, in and for saiirllCounty, tioi:Wed nesdaY the 10 day of May next,' atone o` 'P. IL, at whkh time and place any of digs:Merchants - defined, ilesierihell and Cliuved Oa afore said, or their - agent or igoisey, naay appear and appea' fron: ea.d niteess therit if they think proper, G. W. LEWIS,' Mer..Appraiaer. Tiara 2Tst, 18154. ... for; Goods,, ._:.,...... , Mlrtfilz the q o 0 g - -in the -s Znty in iiox Zot -. ...:11 . : 41 . ' ;F. ,_ . . . . . • .• . 0 139112 j fp-tuts, every • °M inns * Dr . . 100'p of Pop , Gingham:4 etia iif L en, De go ' rota Gingham ' 'ninny oth patte of Silk, PailliP ^ lin, Cambtio lie:, iNvarietY suffici' and will-he sold at the totrf Asitt L 1 '- • '.."-.1% D'mioc► .. . . . .. • -- ' . • ~ • -, roceram L[A 'sl6, : d • - wftv egium s.ak.' , othei bauset-f). .. ~oft ,• • . - • Teiklor Oct,. lurtach4, ''-,. 1 .; ilounOs fur 15 ) ' • ' .'' ' ' '7. '. -;* .:.$llOOO.-..•• • •• liiii . '. kiA1Y.4441:10. !IS 21 'diieSei stri Mies - pumps, i• b '.. An. ode b) , Irk . ". - j. , • • ...' : - .. •,- .2 ' C .. ~ . lissid-Wg, ire: :•' " . •!'j''' , ' C,_ 4 MALL STOCK osiderable 'um:it - Crock:4y and 0 Glass mare: N . 4u ri, t Glass, "plenty. , Filitv Stoves shi So end Nam; ,Ploo . : ' Teetb; ,Spxotit'..lSprings; Thimble Wegott;emii ink:Beath .- , -:.T . race Chains, Bed Conliapao - .04.4#100.4c ! :Aral -141,be.50Jdilliiiik:': . :,..... :. - - . .i.:,.1:: . 011..i.LER.7 : :. ..lisiesiity Natio . Claud ... 'l.irnit. kithik 1 7 ,Nfil;IMITITY and quality n'ot. .. , •- . , i ibitsigii,: s-14 %kit; and as for price, alt I' . r ' "-, ' tijOitilii :Wisni•ivilk be gal* encash to ea tit • ''' ''::. • ' -- ' • ' .. . -' _ —VI ' . .- . :v 4 , - -: ii;•:„.. -v.,. Book, and Stsitlo • :.:4..•-- . J. .;.!.:-• C.CIiOOL Books of airimte , FrY kink: )..,7 Alieoelbuteous 300ke,• , .sRd . , 1 )1 4 i4s,.Lit , tci;C.*.**OrlßPing l 4: ' 3 '' '"' ~" ' ' at e : "- • --' l '.-• s . ":::• .!- 7. t , . . . STORE , KSPRLNO Plsid .Lawn,.; Use* Rib.' Grmiles, tudarstrats . I Sid Irmo, :Trimmings : 'MON: Irina - articles. . then, £l5O Ab iAs 1 ... A A AGE • ti Ti; Palm', ,/10 3 r . a O F I 2I Lash r3triim anti other Fancy or besinma Bowe, „and tili Melo, - Baskets and B° -11"4611i for ; Salo by ' -)1 - , on-motif _ Nes - Alftt, „ ',IIANDI Fleur. 41161143 :T C"ONS:TANTE 4, on hand, tho “Starrot In .!blitriebtazid sacks, warranted,o( quality or no We. A new Buyer Wagon a tieits style, the We elway by ' • FAL:O APrli 4A1111.11E11 @VELA JUST received toad for sale (April 5) J. LT t'Fli • ' _ . . ,-....- . t - : chili* , .2104 1 '..1,•.', 1. - . s : ,'1 ~~~'~. -..i. f' 4 4 4 141. ' 4 • 4 EMI lig. ~ , MEI 4 4 List. 3 raga. 3 Lfq. , •' 4 -•-•-• 7 • : ; .4 • q. . • 4 ' 4 I Lig, 4, &SON. .yw-'l.~.i : +SS::.--cam, , • , • 4 74 . *". i.A1301.4a 1000' re& and iftie o f _V • - &v . !) r • ABK/r ''A , Araiwassottittint oClarrifiar. • , 11 - 1 , ;Wri; - „?. • ". • 0... 4 ' ''' L Ll A t .st e .BOoorm 4 4 .l . lt i; r l .i . ....C. W-'- . ...,,,- *i,.,;! ~_ -44.4.... " ~ : .. :: : '-' ....:•!,: ". 1:- t '• :7:-4--4 :LT, '- : •eknrf it-::,4*l;:ihilirnt'siiilifr,4llnrEi•'4`o4l6l**Cilir ,„_ • , , oke ., •,,t . .47: 1. 1 W l * W IE N P I MI r 4: rt:: # I 9LOW iii%beriaistavi - •Itiacerrweitinpart* Country , MakiiikWo'. 41145 a t kinig Rnd feir mie; :race film .''''' : s 4 041:iitar .''' 1"' ' * ---47 .• ~, , _ ,143100,117.,Tapei .i. ...-: ' Pitialiiii 14 and 213Nixth sti r l- - .l"f' --, i it" (1 4 :StreitbtIOT A ,Areh, btweart. 6411 and 6th i ) -, -,.- .Y-; : it",13_,.. ' and '".- a il?..'x'nu„w_4"vi,':inliriTilinn.s.,„,....Lirwia,_--1, ' - t:-• -0:‘-,,. i rf ac c ip ir: AL = .. i w 711Ina kiUlik 4 9 1 ' -..7.9 4 1 4 - OrialiVitiltaft4l - nail' '.- . . .. a stadetlK., . ,„ „. -- 1 atontsimai and in atiratatt , friaitkil46:,'"":ilX'" .. g - YOE 'SALre - = A lariceAfaut•ip , wives. atridliii• in good -tiliff-4 , 1* " Inquire at tia - oillee of ' I : MIMI" &:ffritose:!,„ '- • Attril 11, ! 1844. -' . - '' -' 1 '-' ''`ilirk --; • - -,,, - --• ,-..-- " - , - ;' \ ''`z -, - ,1 - - / • '-. I IFOIR.S4Litaik: 14 , ,K.t.,11 . 44. ---.- .MX.F-.ALFIIT§:CWfijII 4 . .:Ta r , :. .. 1 .iitiAW,tl--,,_,.cimEßAi:Audsgl:" ' ' '' I 4 :...*., , iiiiivia!Og DagtateraptyligC,, gi l l ''-'I; - .I . ' l , t W i rß :la o e i lier : e°llt s ll‘44 t o '-I */ - ellbiallindat, , illit; ilol** •:: f v ' vr i •That" ‘ l.: -• - F7 l ' - • ' -iC .' -;.• Aliiiwiltlitrrisokikows a te ". xrcroorklitiokogiol4:lo. 'LI theiliaili: , ...' . . • CAA_ _,—e ''--.- Forest ralie,Aticidisk":"': ,:Wpiiiiif - _.„. ~., • =ln penothiliAog. 4 r 1110;144 10 04 ,-- 1 : .: 4 xinti tre Present them WY. tn , , . 4 1 1 bserNgik ~,„, .siclay. „ 1 :1, t , ''' i , ,,'.. ';- _ .. .. ~ f - O. morr , Jr: ' and ) - ' ll ' ' r • ' q.IW 1 ELIZIABavi COLA r A d a 1 0 1.447 '''t - • . *- S ' t Middletown, February iiplailt.:, , - , :.I .r. .... , , , v4 z .4 'ExEctrzolvailraricg:/: .' :1 ALL persons indeblid*,thettistaA - isr: - I*-allk_.-- - 1 4 1- 1. Park, late , cepiiagi*ei doett.siatitelollo. titled tOinaka - htnnedrateS - .lonenti Arid-filililhiliet = claims against said taltagirsglif-Present titelit,dnit"=ni:* ' 4 thenticated for settler:4lk ' ' ' ;,,,' -.i , _ li CRARIXS AVERY, Execu te r- '' - i Montage, Feb: °,15541 . - ,- - • , •-....kM,•.• . -,.• • .: .. • • 4.-4 , 4 , •••:- - - ...;',.'t - t•":41.•.•:•:41.:> ,- - ... :1 ~PIENV COV 4 • 13ROMOSALS IN be ' .sitt_pt. _ Pcnnzallskletk_ egm,, for the ' ofbartnittanValliiiiV--1 hillii Boron gh of Mentroie t qt - tiiiiclia"MityotiWiiiktiy, I, til the 'first Monday of May. next: 4 ThioitOgfilf#2solll4.4,V, milky proposititms will Nitime iii44l4;plorot* iltViir I the commissioners of istidkqoar.4,-9n ol r rakarlXV .tell time above montioneds- . ,' , ',. -11 0:1 1 10i„444,' . - ~... of said blinding ern besolin tit ,tne fice at auk time. • 7 1 , .1.... _____ Mitif i l - -'":-ItrAi' annai=ak . • . ,- t A. WM_ _____"'. 1 . . tt-...-: t 1 Attest,- '',,, - -'•),, A. CARP " 11. ,iThIC :-,- I.r 'Avx:.A. caciielicislchNic. - . .: , ::::-, --- • I I coows,sic t iiiesoffrce;s6iitreie, !8 1834 • 1: .: , - - '- - t-- - /..-.. , Invister - PIIIIJL - aVflunimeriviLllei,' WE aVin.osr P*1 )4 4 41- *StORIT a suPFt f bir 1 / 0 0,11-f : -. . tv of • ,, ; 1;4 .);•;.) . I„Szi • ' er - R...v.,..vf„ ';,..-,,,,, .:. !..ig:P,'',---'-' - ' 1 :!` ' lt nii iir n ell n nd in n tY q ,titklL. ' - tbi i i ia4 l l , , 4.t..—)r , ~ Believing, that the flrtilke :: - C0r.,..., _ seliaipiCaun:- .. ty will Zoos their own ilia • _,. . :lityti'..isi.., --- • ue and. ptuctiveness or their ...,•WitobittlAS•77,. t'S\ 4‘Lnita valtudde fertilizer puny frtmlithan*rhsTst:Aeseto;„ ; _, km done; we take plok44ktofferin themincientet •facilrtiets for olitaizdneit ynd , ~Y al* 5i1e4.19 - i sustain us 1 5"t!lett'•1 11660 nage--- - ' - ' ••,- , • ".1, ' - • '.. .. DAVID; Sin003117.0;;•-.- k -• . ' - • J. H. STPITEUX-- - F c ~::-'-, i Summenrrtlic,Fcbtrry- 20, 1854. •-•-, ~. •;,--131r4 _.... / . ..-,::, -1: , - AlLlii-IiSADIE- " -..• ' , L :‘ 2 ',) STOVES ND .-Alii... MARE' FOR THE 14 , 'i- ' PEOPLE. 5 -' .1 . - i" , - ' 1 1 1 eJ D. LA.TIIROP & CO., Ave constantly onitand s . a large and well selected aatortmMat•ot tines t mire, Redi and Chain for _u-ella, ,ptups„ . cistern ~ pumpv, &c., llytirautic Miins, - Japantietiwitres, jes4 , - l'• pipes of all sizes &a, /it' Job work done with nest.. ,-) ; nt..s and d4...vatch; a orders promptly attended 1.4 - *:' -,-• STOV F,'S Iti. P LMM >., •, , -' • tj; kept constantly on ban a large of .:,,; of thelategt improro il APPTl#4ktitten Oqi -1.-1 :, arn4 1 t - ;zperience in'the'bindtt ena bles, ;tS:treictithol,c(-- that welean , 44,7:lr -' ut to*iii"- . .itailifactinn. •-V :".iinongot.gurini ittock-eikuti* ' Miii, r; INokon : '4:niii tight " , Star of the wi.klEk t i v ited., 4 New World, - 4 ` Clinton,. -- [Oven. •. -1,1 Atli, • - 7 Ithoenii '. .` . " Fire Fly; „. :..- ie ,' "-; Three S tates, • " • Western QueeiN' ''' 4 4 C. D. I.scritlLOP,' - tr....t.lcOotoncir.. 44.'-ilkileCi Stock ' di SPrilag Goods ind r .24 l.. keceiv t-' ll O4l- 44 sale /AY -- ' ; '.l : i , i 7, '"'• i• I ' I.- L. - r-feet'lt;CO. _ . - ~- .! ! 's‘t RDY .. 3 14D4f2tOTHING., r.,,L.:yriisi.:k-, 4 100.: havii i ie . - bid a full,*kehokiegi oc k a _ I . ' Spins. aiid - 513aaiiiirjelothinlr, conagthirei4Veask ii -(• ins. — EA flite _ Bch Sacks an(Frocks;-.Btad4,rs . Ageo . d- shot cheap ; - exssimere, Oda; mixed 'mill: faptl &Xi ortroits, All styles p . Xnts zul.. - -xl : fsisiLmiiiiety AFT.estiP,; , Satin. Silk, E ,aot) I PV/MtiorrietiOlik If 11 0.Afajsailicil i Pi} in' the T e ktles t. / 14 /4414 . ** i goo4Ada: Olbstaiitiai lnial*:::lry..rin,"Vor . vtodrid be'pitial if not stilieri**.:4*4.lye,Ti.btikek. flied 11 . 1111 - Inillt!tt and KAI ilttViiiiiiiileXitt: ' • ;dry. . ..‘.. ..-•• f.-•::•Af:::o')AlicCia4.' 4. • .... •': -14 '':'.i...,'•:?•' : • -• • -. • - ;.*•.' , .!:..44. - .•:,&-!'i; : • . , h:gia.VIRS A -VD II OSIBILY---Lsamiautd6Getaii : - i t Q,, •4yhite'ind coloreiii,Bid Glows orthn,beat qriiik.? 1 1 , E nr : ;InTnied. , t4 4 #l;eititinithientofilllindkotyritm_ - ,,''i= . _ and Slatfl i find-4-fioie s ienki ' l o 24l 4arlielly".- 1 °ll ' - ' 4le q / Or d ";, 'W and ....„ _ :GioveriVlThi l ,' :' agollohirr.. r .o.,:-, .:Ai:.' ;if . "- ' - . ' - e".wbrifilff6V- `- I 7 1E1 100 1 1 3'.0/1) -- SHOE13--=New;:linitOkista, •goaras-' - 13 Book LaiEei fine Gilte*Bolitaislisicurinithii i . - .. 1 A fail a.4sortinerrOf Cheap I Shoery Childiaiikaidlihtar - 4 , . 08 Shoos and 1. -tctice9, , • • . atia4 4_ .-:-.- p - Ak i l wi A - ArarrE GOODS--All aiiles and tPlidi 17 t_.f : i=d shiremica, Pillolitootton,Var44itiiiii iiilsl, linalink Swiss and Book:Atislina, tiarredliellak Mauve! and Victoria; 4*, AC. at, -,- P. &OWL' • • "CtiIncGT,WANI) f4t4sTnirTONES it ,= • • ;, kj, ~ -'_-•, - ,1.'1... -1118T44 MPS. -'• ri..lipCE.ttlESl-of the boat and , .. ..skaspeakidad at I Ur :.:.e.'; , - • . .... .1:- r&_reerk:CoNi. ',' (I.o.Ylrlt- 414 7 117.140 1 41X117410:atrib , .. 1, - , - 604iiiii prices, it , : xe r ,, p ost * ~. .x ''''"-. , 4 DREALGOODS—SiIks, Ikedins Diy 4 il=- ~ * *.kGingluun-q) Law= hir-4 of o r 77 ''' PtYle, ' • - . . rtlii r A LARGE and splendid stock citkattcPcloto, . 1k • - - , • QTAll.EGoodsfit the lowest price. - -•-- - _. , • , 0 , \ I.L. k -Co., y c ' Tweethi, Koutucluvli.sna „. ,01.07118; Pii-sintertl, - y • rr . w_4(.4,77.7 1 ki ;arid sidie*,' my cheap at s. L. 4,-, .1 , - , wifp•itY -] 1 - --. . 1 ADM VOLLARS-4..large lot of dteheit , . .1.1 kindoitlielt• ot , :' f: --, . 4 ,_ P. At esll. - , ,:- ( 10 -rizr l SlT AND. 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