ME=M 7.• \ —to • , , MEM .. • - -2 - • " . ' • -• ' - • ~','...--'4::•- ' , • - . ''..: -k::. - ~ 5•'• ., 7.4 ;••:- 7•V:fl.-•- , ''. .;f:,•, .! ' •;'-': . .. , ??1";; .1 :1' ' R I g-NIMI3E-R-I4 ,-- POET'S -CORN . ? . .r0 2 , 4 0 0 ,5t. 40vis lr'retWica!‘: : • ~. ••••J • -I,olYnin'yonder'shadowed valley = . --•-,Wherei;theAdeath-tido's waters roll , •• • • ,Whereihilgephantotes ever duly . .. idt ti 4 e fieethig,fah 2 ting Kai • - • -,- " :1411ere the limn of death is a'ralring 0- I l fthigroost rgitth rites,Wd threl -""'• \thither, Trent; enrliearttittingslneaking, ' ' 'Little, loving Wahl Belt; . -•• *••• XII 'the sprini 7 tirne'played.lie gladly , - With the ElnlbtliallS froin the • lu tho 4inonnier , witched he sadly • - All the springflow'rs 4tde and , die :;'` ..441fa he -wandered by tlie.brvolt-side; • Where-the gnshiCT:tratera fell:— • Wheri3 the angels sang st,:- niglit-,tide. • ' • • Music low to Willie-WM.l_ , tut wilful summer , hlossonis faded, • Ancl`tite hrititiatrleities flew bv--- Nnen the getitle'bildtivere Shad'ed By'the snow•sn.froin on high ; .Then a 'Mice / caw down front ;Heaven; • " Like the Ravel: in winding shell, And= angel crown was given, • _To 31iis'brow of _Willie-130. . . Folded Alien his hands , of whiteneits,. • • , :the znathle„lifeless breast;i While 'fitveet•strains from harps ofbriklitness Welentned"him,to heavenly - And the -- eytti of blue wete:elositi_g . o%er the cheek: where death-damps fell, • While, in dreamless sleep,, reposing, ' Was the farm of Willioßell.._ • _ • 'Mown, .Ivithitithe'grassymeadoir, Yown within the silent vale, Where at even come. the shadow 0i the moonbimms, still arid - pale : There upon tlid cold ;earth's bosom, , :'3lid the stiow-flakes!as they. fell, Laid we our bright e.unamer blossom • n! '" : Lor'll in dentri, sweet 4— palie Bell: The Bugle Song. BT~T Tim spletnioitalLs 'on eakle" And sno.try summits om in story The long light shakes across the lakes, , • ' And the wild•eataract leaps in glory. Blow, - bugle, blow, set - the Wild.eelioes " - Blow, battle; answer, celmes, dyint" , ,dying, dying. O hark ! 0 hear ! hc.ow thin and • And thinner; Ileare-r,'farthpr going! , - O sweet aild far,:. rom - cliff and scar, . The horns of Viand faintly hlowing i• lot his hear the Intrple glens replyin' Blow, lti le ; answer echoes,, dying, dying; dying. °lore, - they die in 'sky, • ' They faint on hill , oil field, or - river ; 7 . pur echoes *roll from soul to soul, • _ And grOw forever and forever. - - BlOw, bugle, blow, i:l!,t .the wild echoes flying; And answer, echot..s,ltnswer, , dying, dying, dying TALES AND SIiETCHES TJECEIMKANCE OF litElE .INSURANCE SESVUTIAII CASES OF -FiLip'D.' ' . • A recently published in London ; gives au , account of viiriou&mcaus_soynethnes resorted to inclividimts, lull ifPfillty ob j , Lain money - . from Life ASsurancefompanies, lyr false, representation coneerning the :de- ,cease. of the insured. The two following ses Are curious and interesting': • AK` the evening of an autumnal day, began • - to dose, four men might have been seen ing a - loaf -,bite o`f the numerous stairs kits, lttic Blackfriar'S.Bride: Their ,appeamice was that of the, ullidclre 'order, but the reckless, tlaringiwhieli characterized their air and,Man-, net; iiiiirketl them iSoftheela&-swhiel live lay , other's los.:es. Be' the time tlii , ilhad rowed t. sortie- distance, up the river, the only light that .guided - theta was the reflection of lamps which. fringed it,, and no 'sootlie-r f - - , were the). shrouded 11T - dark , than, without, apparent Cause, th 7 .?l,eat 'was upset;, and the ;four pre- cipitated into tN,..,Thameg. They were dose land,4and„whi)e they buffeted the_tide.and, made their 'wad.,. they ' 11: "-led lustily • for Wi t , which' :18 :the shore was now ringing noise of boatS' and boatmen putting .of to their assistance, Was soon rendered. Of .-the ,four. who started, only three :landed to gether, and great was 'their outalfor their lost eoropaniOn.' ..The alarm was immediate-,,_ ly given all that skill' could. do ; to recover their friend: was - tried; but the night *as too dark" to render human aid Oil mutb.of ail. It was Pitiable to witness 4116 grief of those whci were savexi, who on finding nothing More ' could be i donc, were obliged to content'Aem selves with offering a reward for the body, -coupled with a promise to, return early the twirning. - They:- ,then went away, and .tbe Feene, resumed its 'ordinary quiet„ . 1 • A fOv? ; hours-`after 'this; ;at thedead of night, a second boat, with the same men. pur sued its silent and almost solitary wit* up the river towards the scene of the 'previ,ous misfirtitne. :With them was a large suspic ious look bundle,:whieh, when they arrived • at a spot suitableto their purpok.t, they lifted in their aras, placing their horrible !minden— :for it was the.bed).- of a dead mati—where, from their judgment and knowledge of the tide, the corpse their friend would be sought,. 1. 7 A-o.reti by . elarkness and _by night, they aeeolnplisll their objett, a g ain roujng down' the stream to an qb.,scure Uhode in the neighborhood of ClreenWiek, 'When morn ing began_to break they returned once mOre to the place which witried their mysteci,.. -eats rriidnight visit, where with Mich 'anxiety , they asked for tidings of their eompanion.-- ~ The reply was what thyihad - ;expeeted.'.....A bodv had been ft,und—it was' that *hi& had been placed-on the strand---and this they at I once identified as that of the , friendwho . - had.. been Wit:ll,th= in _the boat; and To?' whom they had offered a - reward. " A coroner's ju ry sat upon'the ieruains . a verdict of acci dental. death - was recorded, and the Object of the eptisp...rat4 - ,rs adios:red.. The `objectwas to 4efr7.ud an insurance 'office of a very large amount-:--f o r the missing'man-04 not .., hem drowned ; was only simulated ;, and tilt; b0d , ,,,y whiell bad been_ placol on - the bank the Thames, had been piocared to_ consummate the deuTtion. . Against a fraud plan . ned with so muck' '14411, no official regulation, could gUar and papers- erAitaining• the report of the itigtiest,..and.the identity of the bogy, were, R/rwarfled to' the ;!lice. a lic, the griiihid work a a claim. for the represciitati ve of the - dc-' • ceased, not a doubt. cOuld have been enter tained of its justice. •It W 1 1 ,3 true that the und,•gr 111 $ wilt, 'was his mistress;: that "his "execUtOrs were the Tersons who per-- pet ratedtlic fraud; and'were withilarri at the tiiiac „ tne accident; but there werei . Abe' bread 'and hadisplitabie fiteti he diet red".'. `';t; that the insured nian,had met with a sad- . 1 1,114 <<, ,h was atte , d„ 1 r -the virdiet a•jury " .' The Money - t a,s ' - paiot, and 'with that potion of it *hieh \ncee=ased, srem. to Pali's- 61/1" gay capita', with a mistress as . 03eneas' her habits aS himself, th e - 800 , n l ormi %i. tuei Rt) ne,,esq, 1 a -. , - • noi 9c:en .the' first atteinpf . . - ----- 7 - 1 -..., 1,, ... - 9.. - ..., ~,,,.. ~......4r...:* 1 . 4 •. .v....;.k#4.. Ate .. ) , -,.. .....- I - • - VAN 7,1 - A . V . F...r.^. - .. r 3 y' ,-- . .n. ".- • - - -------- . --. • c - , A ,r.. - .4.zaMAii A- ' .f . 1.-A r A l if 1 - ' ''.• -1. ..J• 1 1 , Ab. s',:••-/-, f. / •'.-// ••.' '), • 1 • ; - * - ... , 1 1 14 -.. enatfr ..-- -f . - ' -- ... :- - "'- '", - , '' , P' 1 - , r 4 " 05 '. ,- tri'ler r * 4 . ', t • .•-, OT - 1 1 4 r,rNT 3. W t - 1 - 1 , 1:if," 0, ~, - c: ' • 1 • r p :.. : . 4. - P . -:3.--L..; - ,' :.: ....?. !,,,,„. .z. J , ,-- ,A t 2 .t. 1.. ...,,,, . „, _ ••- ' '''' . _:•' k;' , ..$-• -; • nz•,-,„ ,o,_-_•, , _,-, - „-_,-!„1„_ . - .t.,; - ..:„... _ '.. , ' ' '', - Ir.- -- 4 ~ ..,,,; - . .. r , -., • ... .1 . , ; ~. - . c . ~.., 3. ~ .t .. ~,,; .. „ 3.. ,, , 4,. - 4. c ....t." ~,:,.'.4 ,"g , ~. -', ylii, ~ tarl 4 , I - ' 4 , k e Tt\ • ~,A t , , - , • *fri. , E i ., -•-• ii,,i !lip ~.-.....:,-, . .,',7 -., '' . *V" iy '.6 1 : %.,..' 10,1 4i. eC ,-.:„..--• :‘ ...! -- ,no . 1. r rr r -t.: .,-, .A ~:! .7 ,1, .:.• : 7 ~!, 1 . 7 ...„. ~ .•:•?•; 1 1 - , iI /' zt, - 0. - •..1 . • . - ,'.t...ti° 4 'o• 1 ~,,: -t`'.. ; ~., . ] 1 4 . 'l' • ' ' : '' • 1144r': -, il- z.• ', -- -•• ' ~''',' ~. , t , 4 ...'. :‘,lO ;:"-• ~ ~- '•••• r r , , ~ t,p,._ ,„ ii , 't„, ' ..„1:4 , .. , r .•,ii ' t r 1 . „ . ,, 4 ..4 1 • /,' ~- ~ ,'i - .13 l''' ' l 4/1 '0:#(1 't••• vA" .'"Pf ,-,' '1 • 44- . l ' 144 ' ,0 t* Ittiffi—... 'l, r 'l'Vt„ AT ,- * 'v.; \-i •. , ..,,,, • .4, :' , 4,',i•- , - 1••,71 4 -,•;• - •' .',„:/ ~,' - ,- , ~1. - „ , c." , ,,, K , -;.' '' . 4l t f , .11 , rt. - t . t i-' .« •.1; Tt'sl_,li; ;Ili * - eA ' '',"' TI 5/f4s•-ty ; 1. 1,1 ., ) s tt ~. . 4„. ... ~. • - • - •1 4.i . ~._t :al 7 .;.4. :•: :.,? , :1 i er n , k .,. r it,:. i , , , ,::1 - .ii / 46 :: : • 41 0 ..•,,,,,, ... c _ E ,' .. . ~, ;,_ , , ••, 1i .::..: 4 . : . 1 ,....,- [ ; it - •., ' „„....'..: :,'": ' N O A ,, ''''':;,,,--";:,. '4 1 : ' ":':,: e. : ~,o,'1 : - .: -. : ' •'l' 1 ~,,..,/ ...,,-, , '., .-...,-.,.- ~,.. ,+, 1 ~ ,..-1-4, , - 5 .1 4: 1 ~ . e ~ ~ , ~,.., r , , 4 tt f - **,.. "..' t., ' -,.. ",„: '' . '4 - ' 1.-- •„• . ' ~:V. . t'il:. ',:: 7 1, yf :•,' 1 1 ,1 - r 4 1 ' 'F -4 7.. . ' 1 1 ,,4 ".:1 'l,N'tl• 155 -. . t.7' t..:. _ •4- * , l. -'•';: 1 1 ..,:f iioii r;). IT.II .1 1 ` ii„.-",:itr3 ' ~, ,,I lt. ,'i Pl' --' - '' , t - !'"':-- --, mik T ,_.., ~.: .tt - .cr '. . ^ ~.-,`• -+, , ~ •1...c f :•0.- -1,1", n 6 j,,1 , „ill , r •?, ~,v, ~,!:,t.,- mt.:n.4 ~, ;%,,,..,1 5 , .- , . , , ' i.. , j.::,,i1::::_ A ~, t- ..•,?, , ~,,k- ;.: • vq,.... , :k. .- - '` t. , .'". `, 5 - ; --` -* • ,:-._ :-. alt.. _t. _. , - • ,j,rl"4 ~,- 4 .t.'. --.,,. '..` li ' .11 ..;•• , C.:'i .• I - - ' - ..,9-1 ~ . -- , -," , • .-...t. t?-ftli•-..* tf•-' • - " - - -, -t•.; l'" t- - ''',.• --« -, , •- t...' ..-t t- --"- • • 4. - ' . b•- , ,•-.- ' :'' • l':' , 'P • "'•.-'-, - • - " - 5 .?" 4 0- . 'f - '' • 3- ---' .- ' - ---: =t- '• .i•- -\ -- --•--; -- ' l,l- 3;- - . 1 :. - .! .4.t,:r . ...t., : -1. > t .. ..;.- •i - 4 „ f 4.. ,1`...; . O. T .:. • , ~ T.,,' ?..ii g ., .. . „„: „ .%!...7., : ,,,. • - i...70c fkr - ..... 3 . ,/,. ... 4 ..- .7,:t '..--,:. , r .. 1 3. .:,...., ~./.., ..., 1 A . 14 -$, 1. - ^ ,N, ~..^...q. 4 ~,,, f .I,,ittrwt , k r- . - ( 11.•; . ; . :; , ......0. : . .4 ,- ..t . - - .- - , , ..,- 4 4 t _-_-:, , 1 .• ; ,..,- 4:.4 :4 4... - - , :.-: 4 4;tt t t .-,-., ...4..-i. t : -...; 11 ' 7 : -.--. : .." .- __,,.. ..-:-..l.l.,..iiir:iiierwi - i - • - •; / 1k - " ,-4,-- i t i = =...:- - ii: , - . I'l' - ; )1:I .i; ,r,_, -,; ' -1;, ; ' rin4Aii:l4lelfod, ...A• pit . 1 pr a., sent, tiemanthns - inp *shed, to nissnAiNt a xnino s9arieh- , Stford,Yl,A*FefOic,.aftw i `, „ c 'th:PlV .v.k' c"iil. 3 • I . c 4 .1 4,--. l 4Ntilioatica . . 11 211 9` e ' f r P n l' .14verpOol to". nivoiliee :4,,L0ng10 . . to insure of n ieUtlejoo, l . ffoi,t2 o , Poo:, aOlicant Xfks rltPiltf9# (l , . as a., i'l*Prolig.. -traveller. , . co,n .wia.S9,, t, to . ex tend-the vi g39'4, 1 *,0 1 43: ~tericilt. itlt _ .Thef rance , wa eire‘4ol .and- W c9lrY oAllr- niPbths' l2 4e l 4, 4 4l , infmilOon cwas. l received by the c:',.. lo '''' 'Y.;.t4it All, ~ins4re4:l gentlemen, whkpit . . ;17 In onn.o! the greaf sAmeri.o l, 4ke-str4 2 4l. &.' • d i :4llo ;•.thili h l .: et9thellgit. bi)e - , 1 . 1 .#?,i 14 ;._in.n1 ) 11 1,i'Crifl?" - . 11 19! 1 .• , af ' • this;,..- 'all 41 q1 .11( ? deaR t ar Y: 1: 4 0 ine 148 " were - mdiia - stn; due titi. - , the det4li Una' KentitY-P4 . 4 l 4rtiaVe* . lablisted,'We °Kee, '1141E14 , 16 i:railings& 4 to:oaythp,Pqliepi4tke'ina,c.f thee 'months which see - 11 # 4 4. long_ P.F44a 0 . tli*i 4lo 'Alt - the uneertain tenure by lorhich tlii,•9l(4ini*fil held; so,•tio, ind*the Ortee, tliti •;' . i erect , , a large, and unboinesslOtedisalin 1 : Zia. - bi - )- lether,perhape,.witiksorneti t i t spi 1,. , cre w ea y the, umner.°Ft the-4PPlia.u l ; 1 _ t ' *- oiFit.'e on its guard. ..: Inquiries were. Soon instituted, and- discoveries made ; which in- - duc e d them to proceed, still further; but no sooner WA it found-that close inquisition Was being entered on , tan , theclam _.wss aban don-LA, and the i.4ainutnts seen _uo More at thfi dike, 4. - • ' -. • I•c .. About .1735; two, persons, i sided. in. the i. then obscure, suburbs of St. iles, oned i whom .was ii:wonum of abbu 7 twenty, the other a man whose: ag c . l ' yould hsve alloWed him to be.thewoman's father. _Their posi tion Might be, charitetelized by - the modern term ;'shabby . genteel.! , They kept little eon/piny and little, was remarked of tho tieyond the filet that the-'mair. was tall rn and. military:looking, end the: woman, though handsome ; haughty and:frigid. On . a suddm the latter was ta4en...ill in`, the . niei ... The man `proeurednastanee and. on - ival of the le4ch,this• b daughter *ln . was ,fo i ud i n agony, 11,, and soon eonsensible,,, l iddi • in his presence. The,doetor laid his hand on her heart, shOok ilia lead, Intinuiting4hat all was over; and went . - his. Wiyi4 •Th searchers came, and the i ~ content*,. , were committed to' -- -ttediately after, - the. bere#ved fatn... lam the under writeis a)sutn. insures , daughter's life e and left. the Oa . ' 1..11 ' • ' - -No great tim .had .elap444, when the neighborhood ,of Qit Sipiatv.,begam to shake its head at t'?, her suspicious con nection which - exi.: ted h .tivceri one of iheNin wat of a- house n tha • Idezdity, in a lady, who resided with im. • The gentlinnan. as sumed the title of capta ti and th 4. Style .of u e l l macaroni, and ; ,visit . P4Mleagit *with the la dy-,, .who =pulp= :him Every• Where, Pe. ing apparently- weal y heattained a certain position—was knOwl /as a dabbler in the i t funds, and was 'at 144 . 1 .and Gamfway's chiefly.'affecting t !company' ofassurm.— r His. hOuse -soon 1 income ,the resort -of the ,young,bloodScif, - when if they tler their atoney,.,they •ere repa by a glance 'from the ioddes:s is the place.... It was 110- [ tined that the ril aS - of the;house never. lost —and no doubt ' - current, expenses were met by his , gimlb • g- .gains.- Any cue P . o.S.'' se, , sed of.stlffieiellt discriminational:tight havti recognised in tlict captain'iand. his - inamorata the father.and daughter of the;Suburbs, of St. Giles. The 4 kameilllN'k ,tragedy was . again ',reacted. The ladj• iia4 seized' with spo-sms' at the healk, which seemed .to convulse her frame, and again the man was - du anagony of deSpair; i Physicians were sent for in haske; one only arrived - in time:to see her. die ,• the rest satisfied had departed:l •After a sham. funeral, the gallant captain e.lainud an received -front'. various uilderwriters,. witl whom he had assured' thellite, of 'the lady sums amounting to many ',thousands. -. • ' ,- . - A few dayslater 0 mattire•looking,person ;age appeared daily on . the walks of Live pool in the tbamter of a .':meraliant. bee ii* in the mysteries of corn and • cotton, a co stint attenifiintl at church, a iubscriber to 1. cal 'Charities, and a.giverOf good 4inne s, Ii -won became generally respected. ; Tit ho pialities of the' house were graceful' d . mised by* a lth who passed as ni lint for a time. all -i, on-smoothly. i At 1 _ it became w , . • •• abroad thatl:his !peed- so,successful as usual; and ens. gave" a sanction to the Wain° advisable to bor e proprty belongi_g has • they must insure her . life' 1. 'This was , easy . enough.:— cessary for the -sake of his r cover of this he effected ices for 42,000 mob, itt where. Again he had the' d--again: the' . lady 4;11 sad; of eonvitlsioni. There was - arding the funeral—the body Wte, and was visited: by nu- Who called. to see .the last of lations were nc? ,his own - admisS whisper. It, row-4ioney neiee: To do kir abiittt 4.2, I "Secrecy was it, credit, andA - anid - diirerent --- London, and el gameitihis denly ill and 4i no haste in fo lay,ahnost S merous friends .her. The phy:ipi'an ceitified.she had died of wcomPlaint he. could scarcely, mule, and. the . grave- rcceived a coffin. . The inerchaut- re .tikicd his poiti ea hi - UN-ex l,.and bore his leo sc,irtraL•mr.ith dignity, sear . 4 y alinding to the .a.s.sUrances that ivere due, a d affecting . 'Mil: femme whett.they'vere nen 4. But he had sleeted:; ig iactinzinN!ith iskill—they .ii.ere safe raeti; andheduly received , thel money. From this. period.. he . seetued to decline' in .hialth--change 'of air .*as prescribed—and _thuS...the desponding. father,. the gallapt 'cap fain *and the.", iiespectable , ,rerclaut; gi)t. clear. :offwith bfii-Cfrdortnous.hooty; - chuckling at the auceess of his , infsitiou§' scheme:- ` GONE BIG= OVER -IT.-7-I have. a friend, whose ready wit' often enliVens the social cir cle and sometimeal„also fat litidly serves: the cause of truth..; Otte . Sabbath ritorning ! as he o stkiped from . his Vous° to go. to c di, he !net a stranger driVing it. heavily I ed- Wag on through ' the. town. He fuincd lion -hint; sioppc4, lifted both handi kind in a trig) e at tittide, gazing to theround .. eath the veltiele 44.3 . - ezeliiteed, "there,!' • re i you are Wing right Over it ! You hive . one rtgl4 over it 1 . 1- 4 The traveller , hastily ' _ 4 hlirell up his reins, dmw in his - horses; =tic o a dead stead, - and began looking tinder his wheels to see Whailittlelnndeent, - ehild, : or ad . , ; or _pig t inight - have been 'rime to 'ell by' their heavyweight. ' But Seeing Ito.. ~ he leek: cd auxfously utolheititumho 4.... so lidgu ,.. _ , 'hirly array . ; hi s pro .-,,-- , and :. id; ' over 4 what !, ; •f o co ~ ,i liadracti ,' was the 49ick _reply ‘.. inembe the Sabbatliday , t , 4 j keep it. %lily.' ''.. It ; was`' .-, ,''lstiirtlig-those `vil'e.els.agaiN a ' bird - 1441ing''' ir • load'itll the Tit of, he yo4-7(iiteida, liliter.t _ . , , „ / • I ILE Apr est a . vom thuspilir --------__, " di • ;.' ' . .: .. ' , 7 ' , ',..5 . ,, ' ',.. ~ , ~. ~. ,- , - „;;:„..:.,-il ,; ~'..' .4, ,; 1 7 , _,,_,.;•; .7 .....,.,,...4 7 . v _ . ,4.;,....-, - ::"; ',l i - ..„,. 4 ."'' . -'' - 7.' 7 7 .. 7.'. ,•%,: , - 'l ! I : 4 itit_ Witt OF ;TIIS 1 3 t0 ISAWI, 7 I,EGITMITZ - SOUIrtEi - AND k _TIBE:MAPPOTESSLOV T . ....„, ,•,. • ...;,,,• 1,,,,e, : ~ , ,.i i••• T.:.•, , ..,....4,:' , ,;:,•.•:,:t :.: 1,7.7 , "-:;; , ,, '?",,-,./..,-..-- - • i , •4 .....: .: . gs .. •-•:. •• r ..."..,•• •. Ai --_.._‘. ..3i.L.. •,,a. , •• t 3 ,-..,...„ ‘ ‘ ... 7 , - :" .; „, : , t i . i: .. ht ,-., f. ,.. 11 ,, i , 7t .7 ,4 7 : ..- A 1,..,,.. . i, , i,-,, . :... „ .. . - ~.,,,,-!.....::..., , _Il . f r tr . • ..,,, 1 . 11 , ~... ' I S, Ei.';.. : . :` 411 ri...:;/ .7 •ii t .! ... ;i::,:: c. :; .. /..: 1 :' ;7:•. ' :'.. 4 ', :•:"'(.* ''• . ' --, ~ . :',:•,... '7...-3,10- TR o sE . -,Tut E sp.. •:, ~,.:.•• ..,•..27r:- . 185-4 - 'i . • •...--1- • N I ...„....e„•,-.1•;•.-1 ~ .,..,1"?....:, : ...--.,.. ,-, .: 4 1 . - ~ _ • • . •• , , •• - -....v.: .. 1 .: ...•;- ...;,,,,.., •,•-.. ~ !:- -,..:. , ~. ~ . ..- .• , MEINEDE .011,41 ad to injured' the ..„:„,.I.lze iitteitheir ...,..„- i A, 7.:. ~ ..t, .--# 1„ 4 ,17---1.77 ir -rp ,f- 4:.;' ,f,, !: 11:414 ', -' ' - /li..Vl t,4 eirPar 183 t1.i1l it.b4Ul , ', ii eIY kiiiiiiiii-, - ed pkrlor,,which opened out Of - thatnoted.Lon-. ' : gilt shop z" The l'. Beliit" eni : ... italniatlVNlrle ginalilY-4 1. .d Nra, Crow .,conversing;4nriboo _ e with - an' I # lB equiena neigh. W. 11 ./t , itly...,::crowae:r,, 1, - ically must say 1 y o u have things in the* first stylel... • Witt_ , e!egapt pap._erhig.t, what noble chairs I-what a; pair ortire:acrecnsi - tit so r ight and *CAI iln nt Then, theelegant stone ecipings teyenr . * : tdesrai,: and' thaia"teaUtiful' French Wind W, "frail-real And 'you,. have been sendi i.Q - .i• daughter 'th e . ger? ' WelOst . I( ''elii'diPg 116 9 ~,: ynurshep is this best fittedin all'. this v rt; ' t I Lottdon.. ' Ntrhere..can loaf 'find the dfar nee ' 1;r 1 -t hes°'.things? 'Dear Mili i .ero*derli A ckir' aPiodmanagell..... - , • . l. 1. Mrs.= Qrowder simpered, and ca s t a look iinilingcontempt through the =half open door t lh I into the ' shcip;f4led wi "droughty customers. .The -.fool pence ! tis•- • the fool's pence that does it for 'us,' she .- id;--ind, her voice rose, , more: shrill ,and hinder than tunial,'iritli the triumph she felt.. - - ' -• • - - 1 "Mr werils ' ached - the of one'edstotif= er, `George: nly, the anyenri, whO stood near ; the min . , Turning' his •eyes, upon those. around ‘h tn, he saw pale, sunken checks, imbrued eym4, and -_ragged garments. 'He ' then turned th upon the stately apartment, he looked through the door into the issei and :,saw: looking-01 and pictures, :and gildingand tine furuitu , and a rich carpet; and Miss . Luey in a silk gown at her piano ; and he thought to hims f, how strange,it is!. how-, curious , it , is. that: all this wreteliednesS on my left hand should , be made to turn in to all this rid' finery on my right., - - ' `Well,, sir; and whae; for you l' said a shrill voice; • which made -the-' fool's pence' ring in. his ears. -.. t h r h ‘ - .A:glaSs of • m 1, a'am, is what lam wait ing for ; but f I ink I have paid the last foots. pence that I e ill put doWn on this counter for, many -ti long day.' . . • . - . `,I, ...Manly hastened home. Ilia wife and his-' . two, little girls were - seated at - work.: They were thin and pale, really in'want of food. The room looked. very cheerless, acid-their fire was : so . small .as . hardly to- be felt; - f .yet the dullest observer would be struck With the neatness, that, reigned there. . • • i .. . It was ajoyful.siirprise to them, his retu rn ing so early , that night, and returning sober, amt amt in good humor. i - • - .: ' • , 'tour eyes are Weak-to-night, wife;:- said oeorge, :_`.or else you have been-crying. , PM afraid **fa work, too ;•touch by candle-light.' Ills with smiled and said, - 4: working-does .., : eet My eyes ;' and beckoned to her ittle • who was standing apart, in a coin --1 :as a culprit. . . • - 1 )t:! what's ihis I see 1' said:his • . d , tell me what you have • • • arc. -4. ug. 1 - i ii. 1 1' 113 Th. .. . e_ • „ _ er; evident. , ..' Why; Jut. father; ''Come .. been . doing', 'The baker came tor t _ks,rinthey, t0 : ,44.6, and Would not leave, the loikvis without it., Ira! though :110 Avas eros.s and- . ugh,,hcisaid mother was not toiT blame, and - t lie) 'Was sure ) - e , ii had been drinkingniVay lilt ema nu ; and. when - -he was gone,mother it ' _l • . over her •work, hut lie did not- say an 3 hing, I•did - not know she %v:IS - crying till I - sawLl - ler tears dropping on her hands ; ,atal, then I said bad words, and. mother:_pit mela the cot--; `:Tell me what yOurbadwordawere,Joha; said his Either; .:`.not sweaiing I hope! ' No,' said John, eolorin; 'I said you were a . badi l aap—.l sirid bad tittherl' • .` And *ere -bad words, sare; said his .mother; - ' Blot you are forgiven ; so 210 W, - bring me - so ne coat from the box: . George looked at the face of his wife.,.and as! he met the tender -gaze of her mild eyes now turned - to hint, he felt the tears rise in his own. Ile rose up and : putting thoney t in • - , to her.hands, he said,'" There T are my week;s wages. , Come., come, hold out both hands, for you have not got all yet. Lay it, out for the test, as You always do. I . hope this will be a - beginning of better doing on my part, and happier - days on yours.' . George. told bis,t..wife, atter thWehildren were gone to bed, that when he gait , what the pence. of the poor could do towards keeping . up \ a 4- fine house, and dressing out-the land lbrd's wife and daughters, and. when he tho't ;of his own bard-wbrking, uncomplaining Su san, and his children in want, and almost in rags, whi'he was sittingdrinking, night all ter night, destroying hishealth, and strength, he was .so struck with sorrow and shame, that he seethed to have come to-himself-at last. - - He doe' nined from that hour never . again.' to put th Intoxiwting glass to his lips. ... More than a ear afterwards, on aSunday afternoon, tia Mrs. Crowder of the Punch , Bowl, Was walking with her daughter -to the tea gardens, they were overtakeri by a Tie=- lent shower of "rain, and bad become at least halfdrenched, when they ; entered" a Comfort-., distinguished by' its com forts- - and tidin4s; where two girls did all they could: to MriPe away the rain-drops and mud.sPlashe.s from the ladies' fine dresses and When all .had: been done that could be, done, and as Dias Lucy said - “ I they began-to look themselves again," -MIS: Crowder, whe m-as lolling - in - a huge arm-chair, :aid amusing , herself. hy a stare at every one and every thing in. the room, suddenly started forward and - addrisin ,-, herself to - the master, of the house, N use 7Bible and whose:face bad just .caught h r eye, "--Why my.good man, we are old -fri \ -. I know. your face,. I'm certain, still the is Some: change -in yon, though-I arift, e ly stly , what Ilsis.' - • - - .1 ' I utii. to be iii. ivA, red clothes andout..of health,' "dGeorge Mealy, smilingly; 'now, ,thaldt G r . I am onrifortably clad, and in excellea health.' • . • -,..- . . --'• `But ow - iti it,.)-- said mfrs. CrOwder, '-that • we ne,ve get a sight - of you now r . ' 'I! ni.,". said he, '.,1 am sure I wish, you well -,. -, I have - reason; to thank you, for , _ words . o .yours firat'opened iny eyes to thy' :Own foo Lai and wicked.. course. My wife iind.. ehil , , were half naked. and half starv ed, only this time last year. ' Look at them,' if you la!se, now—for - sweet, contented looks; ; d • decent clothes, I'll' ;!Hatch - them with em n on's. wife and children. And now, niathin i i, I tell : you, as -you , told afriend of yonrs o day last year—it's the foots peace that bay - done all - this . for us. ithe fool's tn. . . pence I .1 ought mither,ito sn,Y thopme earn ed, by honest hidustry, end - spent so that we oto ,aBk the bleSslivi_ofeocl upon the pence. Wn. Crowder never recovered the eusto!En er she ,bnal lost. . r - - farliterel hi one objection to peopie who "mean weW! that is they can vie' the . . 4me , Out their mean- ,4•4l.eke . TER RUSSIAN LA M . 1 1 .4 ,litioißs. , F: l 4Tc*: atf 5 7 . 4 1 g , t4 1 /(l4:itt! when our cOuntrymen7Fig:haye , constaiit,oc 7 , elision to, pconounceltian words either of Generals Or places, sometimes- of: ali finding int* 04 , . 4 51 t number_ among iktsOss#4 Some . • ete.Ot the l nussian ,liingtitige; I - tblule it will lie rendeiing an icceptate servi t e r e to - correct a Teli of the - errors , -4tllhe inodiA of writing:: such words with Roman ,charactersowhlch". arc uni ?sallv _ Adopt~ ( l; in the'Englisli,riour, -•-. - Before- proceeding ::in iity 'teak; it:nifty be well to observe that: of 'ill "the. languages . off Western Europe, none is: so chtatbl6 of •retl4,. dering the sottn4of the Rutisian lan , Tuage ac- turately'aa-the'* it bni ig derectivPflAi g,i4ers 01 41 and, in •eoMmon.witlyall'oth, 1 ers.,iwitelibility,toinlmtly:thetsoned.ef Ono. only' of the thirty-si "clutraeters of ;which' the i Russian, nlphibet LiOmpOsed i while. many . Of the sounds :Of that, .alplutbei, no 'other west. ern language eiu i.ezqer. at a 11.., i• .:. • : ?, IA. ehief reason of , the I*.harisins qierpe. : , trated by Euglith..writersoi%)titQanword4 is the fact of their : being* feceiVol.„ by ,theni through - the ti)ediam of 'the' Gennari' - do French buiguagiN,iteitlier'c,lf4l4ll poss e ~,...s. out:hard r, nor:IS tapable . 'Of ;yielding the sound of cA, as in i.A.zira,.*lleh iS.represented in thp Riissian ynn t ,,iingo li; a 'single- ehatlad-; aster.. Them there . are Some very *sithPle rules of ~ortltoepy,'Peenliai, T te thelanguage, which it' is necessary to 'know - I)efore wordS; though: - 'correctly ' Written,"ean• be. 'properly . primOunced. ' - '. '...- ' - .'i -, To - i Nitrate: in both of these eases : •Many • of your readers • may remember SOuthey's Eunou's lines on the retreat of Nalmi eon 'from iissia, in which; giving •the names of -tfonte 'or_ the principal Generals, hi l says, (I quote fr4m Memory :) '', ,: ..:-. ''' ... ~. ,-.. Then comes the duitiwitii a terrible naine; . .: - '.', A name which all of you know very . icell„ ',, But which no one can speak; and no one can spell. .-..' 'That, paii* is', no ' . 4l4sttbic a ',V4y:',.lifreitit, one, .•'‘alen . tritnsmtited Mini the:German into tbeEnglishalphabet: It 'rs' nO- Other -tluiti Tschitzehall4f - which if 'retadered' ilroperti Would e expres*il in our= letters preciscl.Y. as proronneed in the original, tiniS--ChecCko" 7 goi; the ch in beth instances " as in:iliarh ' or. Beside as,the Russians hare o sign for the d, thy ' e ave one , for the seund I.haA-the -:. d - ,,broad,) and one for the sound Shtsha, Which probably no European but a Russian or Eng- . lishman can pronounce. : • ,• Of - the words in which the Russian and.- English is are Perfectly-identiCal In, sound, 1 there are - thousands ; while in l as many-the •ti as written . in the,.Russ• Russian,, is' invariably pro ..„ notinced- sOft, as our Jr ..This is always the case when it terminates aword,- ,- -or is the last expressed' eonsonaitt; 'for the nominative:,of I most masculine- snbstantives - terminates With a m lute. Alte* us in the Gt.i . ' man letter .10 - , thus; Soororof , they write Su worm_ rroron4soif, WOronzow ; .../Cootonzol, `Knittiow, and - son. - It *rill be-Sound that thiS error pervades ' the orthography - of: all Russian words in which :the.. above' letters are used.- They_ are. universally wrong, ;as p . >flounced 'by , an English - reader, and Or two easorr.s: • First, neither the, Ilussiants, l French or Gentians hay.e t any letter yield, ing the so .CI of our - 16 ' • and secondly, tlie. 'Germans SOlnr. ' \ their torlike. our v, tgeir vi answering to ou .- . "L et ',all Americans f i, therefore, henceforth, '. reading accounts oil Rnssian events, bear! inh.i'nd that whenever they see a is in a Russian: . .ra, it' in the o-, w ginning' or middle of the or, it. should he ; pronounced v; if at the end, f ; and; that wherever the unprononnecable coin ' 4 ations: of '.slit fare fOund, it is an aWkward apt Qi- imation Ito our English ch, as In cheek, (Ad chest, Mara, and .so on, Which letters'exactly: render the Russian sound:. : \' : 1 . ' - ,e l: ,Of course milnY . words site crroneousl written '.from other : , causes, as the Russian port &miller to our. ears by the tutme of ,9 e-1' 'bastopol, which should be Written SeviaetOpisil,'• and. that of Taganrog, which "..Atottld 'be writ ten traganrok. :- : t -i: • . ' But the great _ t word in-the Russian lan.-.` ! toh ' fr • •- • h * gunge a pplied • Annan a..ail. is the one.; )uniformly written by foreigner sl inefrreetly,. vii:' TSAR.? This, from some liriexplicable• cense, is naturalized in :our.linguage in the; form of Ciia. 'The Ritssians have 1 tWolet:,: tees, often confounded by foreigners ftS of the same force, which have very di ff erent - . sounds in the original : The ohe is rendered by our ./s,uond-tll is the initiative letter of thetitie of their *sovereign; the other answe.nrto our z, as in zeal, zone. This'is the letter used-in the names of kootoozoff, zodojr; &e. -In writing' these names with the ltwis :on, t,t), he pronounced , as in root, - I obey the necessi.' ties -of our langung,e,•as the Russtans'have a letter for the same sound, and another for that of our it, as in mute; and it is the letter ; i Sounding like oo that is- I used i nk spelling the: . above names.' • - -r•: . . - Thus, gentlemen, I terminate! my .pieSehtl, chapter on the - Ruisian language, which . 1. should not have troubled you with, at ,all,butl for a,paragraph in your papt.T of this morn.; lug, ila which its difliculties are greatly =1% 7 1 gerated. . ' , • ' • '. : .1 : Philadelphia, April 17, 1854. I - . i . Mutual Confidenee.l The follOWing liluctratiOn of mufnal conk; demo will - do 3' it is up to• the .r I.9th.eeptui • Before an election in eunsy was, years: since, Hans,,Who \vent tel . , see his father-in-law, Wholwas a ' i strofig How' te to, flans V said ilte,old man. How l te to, fader How yo eoingl to ihte, fall, Hans'? Oh, wit" 4e locuS, '(104:03) - of antrse, fader.' Yot y4ni coins to,futo dat lokus dieket rYiz, tuler z .yon know l's lokus,•and I must fote the lokus-ticket.' "NoW Ibis, I'll dell you vot l lll doinit you. You no . g 0 to the tolls; and', no foie for de lokuS and I: ogo to de boils. paid no totefor the vigs, and den you we: don't you, ch.l Hans.'Yiz, - Enter.' Now don't. yonfoit get,'Hans.' 'No, fader.' • ‘, After -the election, !Inns ent- again ti . visit, his father - in-law : • , :te' to, 'Mini; ??. kid the old mut.. to to, ,fildeil 'Yell, Hans, did you go to. to -‘-114 Eider; I had to do it; dey cot tirountrine,ittid wbuldef let me off, Alder. ' Oh; you rascal!. you as you arty, !Inns. • • F • Haiee..was disconwrted, and in his eonftii. ion rather tnetkly asked 4 Ifni go tip to faderT 'To 'Ketone 'nuns: *Anil did 7ouTote, - fader ht , sure, I did i r replied the old Dutehmim, in tones. of earn witement, don't . you subliom kno4 pettut than-to druif a taro lok us ' I, _ Cabbage grows wild. in Sicilirand R=Ef!fMM OPER frirk niustmo EffIMMI'MMIMiti . , . , r. . pipßocoustr4itt inni:pinavix, , ,• itkoi - lyiid 13eeehe.4iteitki 4 ...,,, •. ,i, . .„ inn v ' * ,- 1 1.- :4 -. r 4.1.3 ~ . w .' ;,;..; ~ 'inert . Young ; 111(M , t 9 Pf r Mli a :, 5 " Min" -, in ,arecent,4Couise.4ol7 4 7 Washington eity,.held,fiinh. itafiltows;.: •• • ''ll.einiitdit "ON ice!taalksig*iiie - 1 ' k:Phie Ininistee must knew_* - I;eir:' l 'A Musk. be . kirirricii. ' H 6 ninst . initi fdeabt the 3USI:II3O' of tlicePesenar :the He must gii'' krith 'end 'tittiek-WrOnporhe prel • er.hc finds it.. , Does he'saylleit is peril° WhY' i lit is periloUs;fto live. - ,• :Wheninvi eio' shim t:4O their duty fiiithiiill:l; mere,' be leskdogieto bark: , - 'rheyksre toldlo'it their.iinsit business, and , _not to - be ;theddll But• ihnininister. - mtheithever.,ereates anY- _ tatic i i i : .is - like. the: husbandnian , who:. er. _phi • beeanse hilnayiripAp some old Es. , it is" wadi 'rity. el f the Gospel that it , , 't. mind4te.Own business. . it iseggressive. •;-I t dote& wait fo A. man to come to for re "e ft but it goes 't_ to fina,lamn,i)vherever , is.: n i ke l d, A. - „,,Cherck , - lave all ! truth Ain its ' but iff,it sits nen eggless nest: 4141/0T in.:, eubates, it is jii.s!,ne ,dead, . as its„oppoSite neighbor, whObdievesiii aitinantier Oterron . T .".- - -'' - DEAD mATTED. - - ' -- ,„ • 1- • Proachhig .. li .116s-tinee .- ili . Bre; -- , kblinet . must have poWder behirid icoritisdedd Mat ter. [lf inert - ceded .cridfai*nnent, analysis, and i deductions; On the Bible.:would' - .be enough. But the object of preaching is not to b`tilld . tif, ii.creed:or `a,_44:terii;:bit'; ,ip. , ti p r es.;','shi awl air... The churcheS - Of " . "'preS'- t ent,ali,,'di:spiithie ,bQut,',fii:6 cerree ess'itrid : tendency . 'of the different articles of faith; r 4- ". iniiidihiln. of" & nuinher' ofworknien - asse* bled '1;to 'erect ' a'-building. , ' - They:begin:ld . comPtire their :Taiidif, disputing which'has the sharpest—their'chisels.. - tontendin'Whichhai, •the`bCst temper=' a 4 "their'ates, boasting 61 . the skill•aird thine Of th&iinikebut rte.'vei strikd'i blow or-=make a tenon towards the erection of the edifien.- ' -' . ..- : : ..! :-L emir siroesnioi - Asti \ - wnitiKlei. -* ,* 4 ••• The Minist&s• Of these chfirehes•think it so sweet antl•gentecti to attack sin : indircetli;=- , But ...the Gospel - is dirett- and revolutionary Therev* as.mesning in , the , declaration- of deins' j that he came to send -4 140111= Anil not pane "-The:Savior warits.'stont-I r.nctbrave rnear, [nos geutlwmen; in -silk stOcinffs , And kill - gloves: ...- Their. prachink. Must lie bo ld and: npplicatory. The: Goipellitlis tit e, is cry inconvenient to shmersi-but 'tit raustlie preailed, so that drunkards, stingyyands bed Souls, unjust inen,tapd Oppressors, feel thai - it is after theni. 1 . - - '„,..--(I I I ,PILFOCI,LINGSO i'LEASE. TILE 1.7.E.W.,5. , Sopi4tiwka. , the men inAlin,pews are pellell :to 'spa* out against , wrOg, but pastor tells-theni it is not prudent:, If I - . , lin. 1.3-)-had a Gospel like2that; .1,,N never pi:eiiai to please the put=s.:: Ther :con egations of men who. built.splendii ifice: with rich pulpits, huncisemclY earl aide , NVe l ll cushioned pews, Splendid o and • V°yi -. ...ry 'respectable choirebut i call itch qiurehes of . Christ- . 4calr thern Fell' ws, Mutual , 'lnsurance Conipanies; thin reereetithl buf chnictes. .•' +, 1 . • ABYSSINIAN. MONXBYS. .... is . TI e 'monkeys,' especially the ( ynece. rah,_ who 'are _astonishingly clever' feliOws, • lave their chiefs, _shorn they,, obe?,implicitly . and. a regular system•,of tactit., in ivrtr;" pill. iv expeditions, rubbing.corn 'fields, &c. • esi s j, monkey-forays 'are managed' ivitY.the u t most regularity - itna,preenu . runt. . A tribe:ep co in ing 'down to. feed from, therr village'oathe . Dun- fain_ (usually *cleft, in the face;Of Some; ifry 1 brings with it all its - rnemberi i . nialck.can fe- InatZ old -and yolmg. .'S , VZ,' 'the elders 'of. the t ibe; diStinguishabk. y• the qiimiti -• of (. man which 'covers their shoulders; like a li: bit's, take the Aced, peering cautiously over emliprecipice , before they - descend, and. OM climbing to - the top of 'every rock" or: tone. . 1 -wW . may- allbrd. them a better view _ : - the 'tuid fore theni. Others have; their as scouts the flanks or :rear; and . Id: fill. their dutieswith the utmost vigilan , -cal ling put at tim - - apparently. to ' keep. crder among • the met]: • , pack which form 'O;3 .mainledy, or to give.notiee of the app each of-miy•real or imagined-danger... The nes Oftve l ice on these occasionsc . are; so".aio, tl3r vel d, that a , person', mah ; accustom.'. -tO Watt i : their movements w A ill at length cy,- and rhaps - with some truthothat he . Inn ! T ders and their signals. - ' '.. • , . 1 _ . . main body is. ; composed offe , i _; es r and, ,d nexperienced males, 094".Yuling .Pe9Plc. of't'ie tribe. Those of the females who have small children - earn,- thetit •on their back. :Unlike the dignified_ iparch o, 'the leaders, the' abble go along, .K.. 4. ril ,Zis ordeigy Manner, trotting - ott amf chatt. ring, -without takingitheleast heed ofmtythin ', tips pareinly,confiding In the 'iigilance of - their ow l scow g. Here a fewof the youth_ ling* be to pick the berries olf Some tre4, but: 'riotong, for the. rear guard c4)ming nivfrl ces - - hem! to ; regain , their placo. .There' a Min on pauses to suckle her 'offspring, - and; not. O -losL any time, dresses' its hair. while it -is t king its , meal. Another.' ye lady, pre ably, excifed to-. jealousy, or - by me, sne i 'ng look or word, pullaan - .ugly outh at' 1 er neighbor, mid then uttering; 'n ,hitill` Bpi ' , ll i highly expreisive of vita ti..s'e". ly snatches ather rival's leg'or tail wit :her. hen , and e give s her, 'perhaps. ? a. bite l . the ;tin quarterS. This provokes A • re*r:'„indi .'a m st. unladylike quarrel ensues; till as:loud bark cif'command from one 00 the .. ehief. Call them to order. : Aviinglieq qralarint akei the -all halt, and remain:on the' .anti' er hark in. :a different 'tone- rear._ the' 1, and they then) proceed on their. arch. .Arrved at the e4?)rn-fieldfi,., the „von .- -take, thei positions on the °mint:noes-all 1 •tincl, .Whi e the remainder,of the Crib 011: : ,, pro ! visi ns. with '-ilie.-utmoit, expedition,. tiling the . i as o'ilionehes as- full as they can held, 1 . and then tucking-the' headi of iorn ider flail armpits.- NoW, unless-;there- h oh a ' ,arti don of the colleatedlspoil; how do - the tits P . I—for I have' 'watched - them - - •vpri, e(.l tim, , and never:observed themto ilui. ;1 444 , lament thei r pusk_uf duty till_ it A, , - itiio, for e tribe to "return,' or till some iudi:,; tihn . O.t . Auer- indoSd them..too take ro - Igigi, t- Tht ' show alsO the , same sagacity , in 4=o - or. water, ,diseovering'at onto die' ' a(4ii where it • is _lno4rendily, romial in ..tli. 'S44,d; i 4 c and then digging forit with their lan ,Inst , its len- -157011,14 4 lelieVillg ,911t1 - anot&I; !utbe t ' 'N'vft if: the OnotitY of wind to be re qie4.. be nsiderable.--.Parkyn's'iije in , ' 4filiiiss4l - • - . _ . _ ','. - • I, f - - • - • • - • Er:74 1 7 A.:', Vllo.foi.:- at 'Nii#l;4 1 1"#11s; . if Aici f_ kiiimr.:ivit4 - 1.11(i.littli) 1 0,08:1* 1 : T'liiiiiii4lie. ililli . vis*ld Ea cifl•--;:-f cf . . ; - ,-.l.rhii- , . 11:fitippetor* . fig . Oiitplilir ,iaid -. thii. iuteiT.o . l , ,iiter,::*trk!OotV . Btiae:of the 1414-1 1 ';:. • pus.ronmena st , 0 0! our erc. 1 , 1 7 hope . • -,, wid ier io vi kp ut, p en snal, PoisonhbblissNatit 40t.413 INsappointment. The inient Wearer binigitik What chili aSpitstknixbdiglikt . ,^ r'• P! l rfir lut r e / t Y',t ' Ask. thesOpplisat wlkolo Yetflueet •• ..,3V I AY tb - Oi corlol'a heP)'iltreet:e, Aid hear his tremblin 100./tio g* repeat- - - • I . !Mlappoint , ment. st • En seek the narratiilol , pa'asi he aolh • 4 Oklistaal4o4,, 4 4 . otilitsr 'him - • • . , 4 1. r...lMi s iistant ni ett ' • L ' r What, pierces, Tke teat Tea laisiderea loving heart, ' 1101t;wvithes - an4bleedi beaenth , I Disappointment: '" 4 Why weam the •cheek that hectic did rosy" Web,' - .:Pt Whatdoth thejoyons spirit hush? r . ^ '" tr thaaPPointmento E'en newt view &pinning 'throo„--1 , '; • A Maiden's-corpse is •borne Wong; t - Watddst , katiw Nibs& BesPPed life's silkenthong ! , • , DissPloniottsent. ,Tbn*ort every, hand, we find p wag that , ,melt *Wick Mal ki ill/4 1 , , In one inief4w9r,4 may, be combine4l: t 4. :4 .; • Disitipointinint.t,t . /Atitletnr, March 14, 18M. • IP ~ f'tA t 1 , COR AMONTGOM ERII , ' `-' ' 1• - :r ' f..; ATiteiathe,Charle‘tonS4iaaraintea the following, -statenrent in re&d.t?:t i lutillik; dy author : 1 I , _ ' . Yea hare P9saiblY Ucen a stateMenLin the pdPers,,that4Maclame,C,44aat ,wife: General' 9f Ca ItPrile*Gertelg e t , TeNno,t Is lin St. po . Rii, o' with her in*: band ; aTl 'aii th 4tC lin nt irgan•VillhifiOr ;, tohripmPciwelini her to , nt isei*ria4 4 4`et ation or prpteetorate tirms ' withSantaAnmi„, A =t . dkaTlcO l e rioplan is that Aitt'!)te-; known „considerably iti literag ~1 1 ind 14)1411.4 circles is , Coita i 'MOlivemeryi As the WiS aa Mr- Stgrins;W'wasi_Years ago, ifirti:-. 1 . , 1. recent -tab.eilt l awn count suo-wrOtelAiln tefqB6l3g bmk. :- 116 father wn; - Itt l iv4ler oil nNitit, at Tr4;;lnd.`she was (lanOtEialn th? I circles of ihe MafeYst Van BureasUn r dL 6 theFl Inked Politielans. She iliAlheld, po li tics ,enrili and lias ,t4aYs stud to theth, and 'l4 it -,d 1 FirlmoCiWge and taet, of halt the'.stit4Ortien in the Union. She first .set Texan urine . k - .i. ti On awing in the, northeni pias-2411114*i York sun/bein g hei organ. Paring:the Md.- I= war,l she went. to Mexico, hear- 11 %7 6 w- era from the Catholic ch ur chn and from Kg relarY Buehanan; to trea,i er-helP'tr. t. fern e .....--- - -` bht Scott wouldn t have an wind taken fromhis sails , t coats, so is. sip R failed- Then she Plunged, down int° :re= A 0 look afr licit lands, land no'Nfi she is in St:Domingo, Making a nevYnnhee State, perhaps. She is nbiquitOn and twist : almost, any politicinn over hit thumb. She . is of• Montgomery Trith. blood, and hi .:also: a i sivinilin . ..(r of ?loorish. lyith hik e h a i r black eYes, N)arlish features and euP?PlaxDsh: and a petite, agile figure, yon 'would take her at first sight, fort a weird lAmnan. ShelwritoS with: a masculine vigor -andj directness, arid has no cordpeer On the sopre Of brilliant prat, tical intellect, among Anierican womefi. • ,'We haPPe'iv know tha t Pa r t n r4'hat is Said alxive of COTa Montgomery is true,and considerable more of the ' sahie sort" I lid Of e4ualinterest might bo added I to hei us:. fig", 4,3 ! eventfid history:" She was; for shin time, the life and soultof the Cuban Junta in New- York 4 She'edited with great vigor a a tal ent - La Vead4 the Spanish organ of the `. oracle of the vo u loots sin ew iYeurig:anrtkale'annexitsdi:*tgueam• B h L e eP r ie t wite h fas e rtu le th a ln d ee lig, 4)air: spir Plite' l lnt: t mi o N f an the ll'dd' Movement. ' ' 1 ' Thescenes which shepassed through in Texas, Mexico and the W -tllndiest;iin4 her experience of border life would b!)found equal to tluibest rein= aif put'' tolfrint ha,. She is a p&fect steam engine hr tOeeattai her only misfortune' being Ithat sh 1 . wilift bO}n aman. t Her' father was Mr. Matuinus, *icier& meintier of CongreSi from! this dis. tract,'and NVe believe at one; - time Shhriif of the county.= She was fiumerly a residenrof this: eity,,bnwas originally from the'itdjoin ing town o f-Brunswielr- --21 ' 0 7 •Thage4 lie's a * king ; '4 94 1 * e gnizeeA" - 1 --.--, I• --, - gni rx. I - l' , - - , Z- 1-- -::-: ' }.l3uch waithe lexclamation'of a pert[yohjig . min, dressed in Ofita and fine ih l l l , 9 ;:r - E 4 't ek brua khY an\ old school: dii acq h : tince,- cUmpe ed to, labor diligentlyi, to suii'sSit , her;- self.and her motheri - We happened 'to be dose -at haltd, and. furtherm4o a a ...,, -.. ~. a ;slight knowledge,of the ,7 l, - - ,t.d. - tt i n 4 " Thus intormed, we Were asfonishe& - t ..- remark, and with difficulty . mtiahlik ' ex- • p*sion: which. the heart. dictated at' trinto- . amen t v ";,, .. -• ,` 7 _- _ ::- •-• ~ j-{ _ : ! ,, -t ilsr , i' The author of the languag that' 11, 'L this sketch is'i,by no:meani - wealthy.;..en the eoh-, trary,' her mother, (for *sheisla half i4lukn,) , an indusf t rious, worthy: lad y as a Mearia- of 4 0 4 1 4= a fivafib°°4 , walah *a , :will, iat ilhri ticularizel sufliec it to say, it is, - .honerable.., The .daughter has been alloWed her own . way I in life, and by association , has. ac . tinire#,hab, ite wk . ' I .lra must dealAsein.iny , :indlyl4fiat §hu of ' t° l baWllnt., 4° islnotl;_ ~ iha.- .. I ,fiirts . , with, the an d grace of att_ . a4uPt; and treenTs . hearts idle .b ' euliles, fit; , only: fa...lap:tit - We, fanCies: . the. scorns :poverty;:' 'Orty; -.. i 344, t turns :: up, her, nese organ at the pflor,N, Prli*ziiiltt as . unworthy:, of recognition lid' - by _ ladysllkip..- , Sh 9 vi si t concerti in‘l: rolie.: plikeS :to.„:atx, tract :iitiable. ;notoriety, resorts to (101,szei, , which altraYa. succeed. -.s4elny"in.,filakilan firish yoUpg 'w 'ailan," tO I use .. 4 "ho m ely' ao:deseivi to,. ))e ' aananr 4 l c l r l Valral,k tor her C r onduct.. - I II 'iV::;-Q.I II 'A 3 : ;; ' - ' I "MePoor worklugAirl,:* Isotn-'"see' *kia,, not reanknii 4 .lalikaWLF o half7.otOoilekliiil by f ( 'Nti asPiltY'Ple4rPe t aklahOri- -i ''' 'hours 1 daily, to:u.UP:Olri' ll -baSor • and runt,' : :: Stte esen our °T* ,har' l ,i4t ,I:Vehil I - ' i ' ' her "r ic ie nd -81111. see ms to 1..F...1U1P'.- iii aid - gal:On - 40, 's.-(ln 2 i s' I:: ' - 4 0 2 acknowledge her coielitl( 46 :inlik' l 4 l %: . reels half 9 °. Fr24//7-ai when at',l*l"'- k is 4 6 )4 1- S lll o' l 4 l cCvini.r:iiiiid:4 l 4 ,r4iigk fort`!dreetiOrgife'DAid l gi# 66 4 . -t,5 - 1:0e `;:::tibr;, ciii'aturOnerally yOspoqt‘..4 - -bt LOni - :: .,-- 15he," Is la ihort al htimiiiita4s/w4firitoirtiOt i tiii4- libie3 Waadngtri-4L-thiti:*hb ni - " none ' -lie foand:liiaro -;*0111-lhe'apt4Otion ,oriluir-aSsocitatiot. :Mk et` y,ahlils;fio 4:_fikoi,, , ilki4 by Miss - biiiioint6,,' bidiiiiii':',ol4 ) ,sk: 4- Atoricint 04.7 ;--,: 4 )Nrii: wouja : ratkev`httll4 working gilil .ll Pluenni9it 'o* -.*** , \Milk', Ilign. our would-triady tbr . a div 7... r.--- 1 1):0e - 0,at ,, -is= to to lovi 4l ,l l :heidier tehok2.4o:tr"'''',t t' 1'; This s= no fig*likdOh `dr aw s ' ii"latteakt-it ii'n true'n'aona - 'nfel-- —4/604 - ToWnew rip ta- ' -,f•- - ,:: .;,',-v:..;.,:grii..-i-1 rthat wdoil ,440 rJ ~ : .Y:: __+~r~ g : ~YPiC i~~a ~'l ~-`'4. a '4~: apt _ .. _ s i - 7. --- - i ,.. ..:- ~ - ,- .. ,: b .:• • .;--.--,-:‘: - ,v-- -. Itir a •-• IN. 0 ' ''' ' , ' 2R 4 . ..,,,,, k ..; • g) $.l ii, 4 7 •1rj7.7 7, - ; , • 1 / ' Ler , y, i t ~;wvitte.:....:4l*-4w41-rr 44-14 .... At#K. • , : , .4. 41 ,,. '.l -: '. l ~,, :.. .the f lp(istiltyo . ;,06P...:-..! ' •-. -,-. , e_C?o*.i.'..... ~..-.• , :*:...._ ilni Will; •.. - ••• n . e . ''''.': .. -" . ' .. 44 ft„ • , kk v - AiwifAti.,„ ... 4.. i .. ~,,,= k • 8., 7, , -.....t., - • 4..4. .1: ., .ir.a t . p L e • , . 4 .1 Z .":. ;:- ...4104°.: 1. : . ..`.. .k.4-#0: I': ,-.. - 1 „,....tilat ,, :a." 0 . . '... - .., 4 -9 7r.- , , i i • -......,--'..-..'. .'. i! :x•111 Mo v,.44mr , P 4 .0 tlAfqlft,4g4,:,kal : .e i tu.l.w zr--T , , 2 -*4lt:7ir,;.. Aliii7 ' , ,ii s ti. sunpoß, ; ,,.T‘ * er" . #• - •-•'''',.. ..1 1•74 . ... - 19''''''V : i OT6, . ''.. 1 1.. 1 0. t: s., . .:' x vi . . slnif :. C. viliiiii 7 , t ee P ',,.` 1 . - :.: . °C.,lls l .'# -. 1 .• - , i 4 g a --4 4 „ . , ,; .0: . .. *grdiALtheicamissi i . !.• ~.1 . ... i . . •Mi '!,sie All. I;. ..3 Y - f.:i'. ' ''. 4 0 - " ;.:. - ii ..,:• - . • ,A.... ilif y v _ . -,-...:. '410.7- ,iO4 ~.:,,..:"'l:Siki',llgzizar,, . „‘ late: t + e:. 1 '3 ' ',lrlKV 4 lNF' - . I _, 4 C,* .:t. 1.L 7 - -•: i `a I'4. A t. ,li H''. • .. 01 P4 'O.O-Pef,tC i l " 1 3 4 -41 .4 ''.'-i ''-. ~i .:.'• M? j 6 . 1. ' ,gam i'' '')' ,.. -itfitl )6 ; 3 Y: o W - ..,.. 1 / 2 . V : '. ' ' •' '' 1 4, - . 1 . .;1.,,,,, ,,,, , .1. 6 . - 4 .„,.,. .: .#1,V24..„,0,...1 .1 **tX4,'• :. • .P. ~ •-.. - - En ' ..LT, :J i . • ~. • i,7,, - .0 - ... - 1,0 . -., .1 I. I I rill . • •.. ..• • ../ i t - 4 , M. . •MNP.. - !r.tat i g t .. .... 1 ,....g. •f!ilY).4),. - . '''''''''' ' • :$4 1 ....:/ 1 '" :14 " ' - • iik. .... #*4 . ;, .. ~ 4,144i ,.., ii i, • . 1 ,6,i 1 1 , ! ; de ,.. Z.... ... .* * -04, : t . '; . l ' - 14*;" ' t t 4iNfie ' ir ' i - iiitt -- pii - a47,6.... iiiiii ,. .::ii , .;zV.g,:. - i,t- , .r , : . ;.;....-:....,.., ~ o 1.!..w . ...: ~ - „,y. : ...-t r., o ri . h i t i. .t t : eiiiiiiii ),, iirvio - 4 . % - r t o : , I .;.::,ki.....,.,.._..y.f.__,..i....„......:,,L.„:„...ti.i..4.)...e.:::„... ..... Sit .f.f.. ;AI, t i r 4l ,; la ,PP s i: ; s ' l ' 15 :t. . U " . f!Mni t r ,".• ~ and.1... - 14*.sqiiifiiiiiif , itraike . .. - I I 4. • '.Xs*.lYailk4l,- go ,t9,*s)lititstC 4 .!... - ;,., -;... 0 4 , itiit'o l ki, - f iritip Sl.‘vpigitli4 , lo,i:s,,g. r.l 4;,_ , • ...:' f0i .. ./Rti . W..F#S . :-CfbitY.4.4 ,. :'4,y;e, , ),..;, - !_' . ~ "/P 4 1 ,1 0 10/ii"3 , I .i4cii ! *ttifigiVii . i,' • , .1 - : 4.. Y°U7O - .. ' l *4 1:.4 1 ,e41.100: '''', 7 4iii4 ~.6 4 - ' ,.:::. thing 4 iticu ' t:ii4...hiiiis4' . .::izy* - ii .-f. , - ..L.0 133 '..-., - , -.4, "- ... - ~,..r.., 1i . 10..1*Viii..chit5.ti1inA4c44,...,,,., 1 . :. v L 4 inid:‘iii.litee t ibiCrtilti* . lialiAT;, ' . ;1.1. - -'5 .'..'... •. 1 4i:k.;*ti 44 1 .. 41 4ight:i.,... ...::::„:::.:,.,-T,,. , , - .-:. well t he laft)it i . fizi f itii;,.. 4"1 - eidhoirlw:... E YOu;.i4ii.#)k.-:P,4..'•3'..'#';iWgf:#'la:,'*iT* ‘ ?P' f;it - . Llinderitibil*o n us trOcipc.4.snu- -. 1 : ....:...:_.• fife' -..- m'i9W:f: Y. #" .., .0 - r_ .. iigt.-1..,i...f. h104( ; . 1)0 ,0'0"..44:,...,1 • -...... v. '- 'i!!.: ..-' ' •' - r.,-....... iii . w. ..,..I , :i iviri.ii r . . ,4i i i ii „ . , : .,i. iknown-..Prikl:.*a.lia ..'....s44...?ifxve:A%x‘':l'J: toc kte, 1b*..t,404y.!iu, -- :oti.-0414 . ...', , -! . ;e.at4. - .:.. -, .;1 :;-..40,-.A.ii,p4Or. -.TYnif.ani.**.:::••-dn: ...p#l . , jsrd* P0btk*!'.;..174 .. .,:::g4t0ifigire1!...:7,..1 . 0 1 / 4 1 .4;:t0 . b!.-.,..1 1 .31) . Y 9 4 - tg,..45.1 1 4 7 ;011&47 - :: - ...' , 1, : .:.•-. -V1300 , `.i . i.-. .. 1..,4 .. .. t . 0 . . .t....pchA,. 0 -,f4.1....1.04...,(.:p..9t.i14.-.'.4..,...01bi4., r.. .*lpents"Si:bnito,o4t'l!oalikeo,o-. `f 14; . ;'...-...'--':.. ; Voo*ell)4ojir** 00± 1 0ASt k M4 A 6 l . :i : ek ~'.. fi*iil4ol4l:4o.4iweiMtk6a ,1446404:!Tr,02401tcF.p:iifiewiaii;JwitJ, ';then you 06: . i§.igd9Ont:got*p' , ;: j )44 140:)i0i.g4i.e0t1er;44i4441 paardiynl*i l WligA;#3*V•'"' •canse sOt4idtOlt±ll l l .oa . y l i.Al*i '414 #14 - 1 0 tkii ' heiTFoitiiv - i'g :Vb4lY9;ioo4o 4 oi:fl;s?PiKoe t. - 4 - * a ! • Ottotokiikr:T . lV fi. 2301 k. ii4iit , 4 -It.vai!i44.roVTiiiiliqiioi t t MI ins tilir 1 .. : - -. '.-:. - . -. .';' -.--1 ': , .7r: -..- :%:...,-..:::.: ',..;.,74iffetionisteif Pi iitiiiiit '' ... :iititifii.i'Af, I".i‘ ' ":...-.:.,..t x w 0f.e4 . .,. 1 . ; . 4 4 4.ei i ~.,...i,f2,...-:...0,......' t:t :. -. .. i , 11. , i .4 i , 6 : . ' - ' Lit '- . - :: - !' ; 4 . 4 ,, i,. , i ,. tl , , i ...c:...t..f:*i-;!-iisi4,;f'i'.1.:,f 7 .-!.44 110errfroiIde-Othn*:.ti'4o74ii 'iWf4iOrn*elt *-*-i'*;*..7ai:l.• I:_'t , 0 l, ; ' , Ntyer4end yaii-iio*!t4i Never buy what' you 10 - nOtaiell%. :ritaiito,oiliAli,)iigei;:thiist ; .•. and ..0-611: 0. We nii , r,etrtrittoOfnit4l42too • little.. ? • •_, • .? , [l. : . '...lsTeitiOt,iX6ol?l4oolliiit'34-6: do',iFil ? j;.f..!!...i%..ti.'••••: , ,i-if:1:1 : 1' 1 "-`:.&:; •: ~. ,: 0 ; . g . l) , mutivmlit.4ll:69o"..:.evils -Oct C.. 11.9 `iiiii.diiiiekioiiiirieit ':-. ''' ,'. -,:- -.- ,--, :: , i'. , 5 , 4't: E: - ,!!. :::9*. 7 . , Thkeirt, hinga: by their - niootti=.lttirictte,. r. .. I.oi:lirtiOi• angry always count ten , :liefiii-il you speak 1 .. -- . '.•• - -: ' - ' l ' '-' •-; - - ' .....-, Qist424toic WiDEss., or •,Csru:T..7,--Picture . .... a N 4 i141.:04 . .6f. tine . ..whit() sand, . in . ..)rhich`grOw- . .i#- , ...itlegtgar- •.tufts - • bushosT•of, , ... s t perennial ,• • . .e• ' ~ ',. , - green s but : I of. a . g reen of ev ery , !t* : . ; :from: . - --.54e.. faintest,yelln*.to. - .!;tbik...napiif,-. 'Otribrii:,-broirit. -... 'Nothing : . Oitiiiik.... : **-441::H ': bliteinltt . ::.tlinfif.4tia4eilea**(4fite' - .. .4, ~,. , , . 4,, , •••asto cx .- 8 44 0 0 . f or tb. v ***.y. .. 1 ,mi 04kikonobas,.. bait.. opening, i half tutting ,r , ...• fr;4olo:4oiikt4*iiiiiiTieiii4 l filia ,- : fl eas - r..W . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers