~'%4ii 1t .ii,111:75;:::;' - '7 - 1 t.:-'-.:;-, MNI=M voLimE ",P - OET'Sr'!COTI:NERP' - '. ..--- . ---' — illie Lilt - .- r • - ";El ' ..; 7-- ~ U St. TATA:9IZ TfErllic. ;.: I. . ..,718 . 8tt Ida! binilu;d , murmur cre,el; ',.., . lii, Liitgle.s llow'rl rale .. ~ , d ''.lti n e 2 th'ffie dew the Lily ireeps;. \ f ''.. Stow waving to the gale.- -.- , - ~1 \,. • I Cease, restkss ilalPl' ;t Otna..!ojay, 1 -2 , - 1 - , 'Nor wake the *Rh 1.10 ,- ,mghl4l - ' . ' ~.. The honors of my ,veriial , 'day; •: ' . ' On'rapid wings are , . 4 To-morrow shall the trarellei• come ...ii . ' 39, he late beheld the bloomlug :, - itu3 searching eye shall Wnly roam,' '''" , l The dreary valeof 1. , .., - Thelltistleta. , .. . . ,DT 81, -Fi_.,,Y 1 c 474 !!%":w""- , " i - YThettWriMer Mghts.glowlong -A . - . - . :, .- And winds-without blow cold,' :I— , ,-r We sit .in tiiing,riaind the.warm wood -fire,i, . , , And listen Ni . stories old I •.: - - - - - ;And ire try to lOok grave, (as maids should be,y;.,, : Vi`hen Me inettbrintui boughs of the .laurel-tree 4 - 9, the, ,Liiiire the exergreen.tree!. .; -.- ..The igieti ha laureLs, and -why not we 1' _ . ifcrw, paikint, wen night wti i , . ••il •• • falls tio . ' - , ..: APd hides the wintry sun,: . . - - - • • ToUe them conic in, to the blazing fige,,-. .. • • itiidknOw thafthelf.work is. done: - While many bring in; With a -laugh 'of rhyino, kheim branchesOtliollylor Chilstmas time. : : '..• • O. the : olly i the,bright green • It, tells (like? a tongue,) that the timesarejolly SoinetiMai—in our grave house, ••• Observe, this happeneth not; ' • But at times,. the , evergreen laurelhoughs, • And the Holly are all forgot!• - Andthetit' ,, what then P why, the menlitugh . low,- • • And haag.up a branch of—the MiStletoel Oh,hrave is the Laurel !. and brave is the Holly I But the Mistleme banisheth melancholy ! - • ' Alctlobody knows, nor ever shall know, • Wbflt is done—under the Mistletoe; TALES AND:SKETCHES. from intbsksN'acA=y. BY MRS. MOODIE. , About a - hundred years ago i there lived'in the town of Kendal, Westmorelpd. England, a man of gigantic stature and 'great strength, who followed the trade of a butcher., This person, who was called • Wat Robinson; was pored for his quarrelsorne, ruffianly dispo,--li ;Eon, which won for him the name of Bully Robinson, the big butcher of - Kendal- - ; Fore . most In ail scenes of - riotiand dissipation; he was imiverpallyfeared and bated. 'his man was very fond'of practical jokes, ')ut his jokes Were like himself, 'and origina- , ed itt the : cruelty and 'Malice. of his mind. L - pain he inflicted upon, others ,affordal film 'the greatest pleasure. The grating tones of his coarse brutal laugh inflicted a deeper vi'l;:yund th.4n the most bitler of his biting It is iinpossible far a benevolent minded lemon to give any countenance ,to this spe cies of amusement, fbr, though the joke may be harmless in itself, a kindly person will de rive, no entertainment from anything that . calls'forth angry feelings in ,anotber. • • There was a very, lonely,'cross /country fo;fl in the vicinity of Kendal, which formal a short cut to the beautiful lake of Winder mere....The path was,rocky . and narrow,and seldom frequented by any but pedestrian and. equestrian trat - ellers. For sonic months previou.s to the period of Which I.arn no* writing, this road had got the character -of being hannted: A hideous apparition in the form Of a:hairy monster, with horns - and hoofs, obstructed the passage of fravellers thiongh the lane, chasing: them back with dreadful irellawingsand other diaboliail noises. Many persUns had been frightened ; into , fits by the spectre ; and one feeble old man had lost his reason, .by unexpectedly enanni-,, 'tering the den - ion in one of the most: - lonely turnings .on the rocky road: This frightful phantom had been. seen by so - many .r&pectable persons in the town and its vicinity, whose veracity,"from the well integrity of their characters, the most teeptied could scarcely doubt, that the pub lic mind b'eamie Igreatly - agitated, by the nightly ,recurrence of sixth. startling facts.=; People _were no longer langhed at for their, credulity, in,believing that whleh so many, respect.able witnesses declared to, Le true.: The Wii:ulermereglnist - beanne the generH a:lett,t.pf conversation; and the road Was: 'abandoned by all 'WhOZWere acquainte4 With the tale, and could icaeli the'Jake public thoroughfare. - Qne nigh a large party,he&iseerhbled in Man public house in the suburbs:of Ken dal, to' drink their ale, and muss the nel of the day. These.--were firtrie.rs and sheep:. graziers from the moors and relfs,:who had disposed'of the ,flitlings of. their flocks at the market, and-were returning: home in nbody to.their lonely,hotnei among' the hills. The matre'Of this group, and a, man,Of • no.,sinall importsuse the higbutcher of Kendal: 11e..44i5t been inr.r Purchaser; and Pie . id : baeka few shillings from the money they had recT;ived, to'furnish agenero mat liinself being plac.: ed in the chair as the big man of the comps- This was an honor the: burly butelternever -failed to abuse. As the fnmes:pf 'the nle../ao; Pm to asce nd _ into: bin,. gretY•Aott-4• . ; and quarrelsome, ,!el4;ressing.all the..-coßTgr:7=i - nation to himaeg whilst his blustering4riatt ner and, _so disgusted' hi* companions, that ..;one one they rose to &part, Oreading,Thy word or 'action to .t into active-449n. the ',Mischiev ous disposition of the main: ' • - — The guests at the " Hally-Tree all dropped away, until the but** and .one young man, who had been_a silent. lieetater lof the wen* alone occupied the,ehhanasy . cos- !gcr. This . person', -- who was vastly i*Werior in his appearance to the men who lately plift4.. the table, was dressed in the grey ham-Plnin cloth of the country, and lotlked: like a :ireaL.' thy yeoman of the nalddle class.." To ROhin son he was a strange; and that worthi non:: tinued to eye him withi n4ininter glance of curiosity and inquiry.: . The kndlord entered' to throw - on 'a fresh "billet of lmod, for it waswinter - and - lhe night , ght Wag very cold. - - `ls the moon up; Lowtherl" said' the -yeo-: _man, rim to his -feet, and', Button blgi his / Area. coat up to , his chin. this titttel was on the road. - Yas, Mr Lethwnite she has beers ttp some • Ajoie, but, ~ iffinere *your' Place, never tTli'vel that' road at midnight' Why :Whit the deuce Ihe Nadi; 'AI* troubled' these NO, eirrthe - t;Ond is haunted.i. . Ai Haunted I' .e 'tied the yeoman into` a merry laagh. • ----- a •,, yam - - a lia - 1 -- ,-..--'. at .rn. . MI- 1_ - • *. - ..2:-sii•Vi - .; ftli r r-.1-2 - . l itlYi? !74 - '.. 41 _ ~i 1 - i1 , ,---• 4 1c4-A1,,. , ' - - 4-"IVI I'M '' ' - ••• •::•. - '' -"••":- -. * . -r . ' . - -44-;:- - - it. :-..'..,...` ----- 4 -f ' , l -'- .- ' " ..,ii .4 • 4f.b. 10:1. 'a7 ' l.. d' 4 .' 4- ; '.l • 1 : • i -' •:-. - - gat ._ •. 7 -', - • '-:":' . `'.. !:1- i ';' ! i t / 0. •./ ..."'. •f .- ii .: ' • - I ! t.. --- -' --- ' t' - - il- - - ... -(,.....-,.-,• 411 •-. 4 , , ...A.; . .., ,I, i :I: t Itto 1. a- -.-. / , ~,,,... ,-, tv , _ -,' , .- II ,r,%ii. “1 i'l'e. z...il 1c.....` 40; 4 , i , 4 , J• q 4 " - - ,-0 --- - =:i ',, • ~.,*: i -• ~:: ~ ...- ~-_: •-„ ~ 'll-- , - ,,...T• t•- , t. 9 t- , tK=l kt . P. ‘"• "7 l i ~,,,.,, ~;, .. 1 ,4 4 zAt! ..,.,,, ..,,, t , , il l , t , 0 , V.: 4.1 . it,. :.,"N,, •• ;-..„ zit4ll; 5 ..4? - ~-. • , ', . - „ ~,.-;•„„„, z. 1.,•,,, ~,i, --,-,-, ;,...pl ; , 1 ~,• - ~ -4;3- at . ; •'. si) ilea . 1-- L. . , - - ,%• - " " • ~- ..,,, , ~_ -...‘ • ,`...14,T .)% f .:104 ,;, ,, ,t p, • , • :43 T % I t ,-. -- c ; ~... dk.,„, --' ., ..' ”" 0 . ..0 ' a k t rt - it . 1; : : : : : -.7 i , ' 4 :lc : 1 : ,g 1 I ..; ',2 =, , •., ~ ,i_•s-.:4 , - ~1 Alf . 01.:i t i ~ 1, 7 %. •-, , j 1 ;: 1 : 1. -',.., ti., i ,' ~..„:. , oh, 1 t -', t . - - - 14 i > '' )C ' ':- '. - m. 44:i- .1111 ! rtr _ 44) {,r. Y+ T„,, . ''. -.- T` - ' ; :"1 ;46.71P•1 '.' t ~....." :. 1 . , , ~1-, . .. Ito -, .1.,„ ~*.--1) . ,T,lf , .-!, ;,- , J .: w z.t.,.: ,11 , A 1..; - .4.:T. - z. 5/ -I , 4 • , •-•-,. , . x ... —•- .1, -- . ~- 1., •••••.- fI 1 ..A. 0 ..r , tt••11f-1,-,,,ft .1 , 1 ,•., 5 p, :e ,, , - ;;I r t , I N 1: ,7 k ., ri1 ,•, ;1 „ti % i" - :'.: fi - . -. • :,,,, , =MEI i.lr x~ . 29-NUMBER 15. contrivance .to:-hide :a- worse dan4er. IlwiSh, fur the good of the community; that I may be luc.ily, enough to fill in with_ the ghost.' : - ` Ah! Mr. Lethimite, -sir, you are only tempting ProNidence when you talk. in tkat careless way. - 'The ghost is ' a , ,, real . ghost.-; .for though it has frightened many, and myself among the -rest; I never'beard o any . person: being robbed. •., Old Dodson., th lame beg .,,,,. gar, , lost - hii xenses..; but then he was a -,half . wittedereafere;and a man's ills net ,his money. • Did I not . see the ' , 'd thing myself, 1. who, God - forgivern ! had made game of it, , andthese who - beliefed in it ?-,-- how l c. veaaped f mit I never could tell: i ran sqlast that never feltthe ground :under i ) .my feet,:while it pursued me with the most frightful.yellS..:' , I - kept my: bed , :ifor A week Oiler, and have taken good care never, to tread that Mad , I)jr , night again.' , i ' .. ~ ...-, kis_ strange! said , Lethwalte, musing;; ' -Wine truth must be mingled with tl.ds filn - • taitio error! -.,. What time of night does this spectra generally- appear. rI. • - •I ' •-' It has been - seen •at - all - howls,' from' twi: )ight until . the gray dawn of. day.- It - 7 , about nine:O'clock-in'tlle evening :when it a ' ,eared: to. me.~ -lt Linear elev ~ note; -sir:— You-will. just reach that black. c , 'lied • in -turn:- :mg . " the road, _ which win, s round the foot of the hill; by midnight ", t lonely spot a is the • demon's ...,rovciurite ha , nt' -- . t." I k now"the place,' said - aite. . ' Y i es, 'tis fri g htful spot, witlj :steep bankf4, and high - reeks on either-side. Dark almost at nOorAity, but 'doubly dark: at noon .f, Oite '' ''' - ' Y ..-: '- ' -'' . ' r -. r... Then - Alitling,an ' old : be ,er Song 10 keep ..I:i'' Co:4l*e; the y(x) : ,' _. dashed the spurs info,,his the .12Orse, and i . e,` offit a - 1 , iick 2 liate'l lifid 'lli i*w . mini - ,- was - oitt ' ', ‘ - ,-ight - 11Thelandlord listemid for i feW . - ,..1„ ~- iitho -- cliekint of . his! hoise's lloo 6*. 1 agaiii;' r , i'frOzensround, - and thinking him.; a eonfonn: ed,A3ol;' - closed the 4 r,.and. went.' t 044.3 ., '-'-. ' '''' ' ' '--'''. - i'' -' . - ' LahwittO . - . ::. merrily j" he moon oi l ° shone 'bright '-'' . ' ,"! , ',.abov _him in the cloudleta - slt . i; , e , -,' I a :shargeOld, ' " wintry wind whititled"iti j , - * bair; ,- , 4 pd .. ,441 111 041 2 a manly oteiAc. - * ../i i i-li c . t;': li '‘noriiig - brought litit to :thO'broir .4- iii,' , ;;' - ji !'6•ooied: ilifil - which c had'haen pointed ; leliL",aii 'Aie fws.oiiiiti'liiituii of the' . : .-. 1 . • 4 *- ' • ''' i . . iOtiiii6dlie. 4 4 ItOckii: : :. _A. i Ai* fool O this . h. . -took': atnipt l'i'' 4'1 .. .'.. 'tn on'either side hi&the '0 , - --lspit*itzid t 'R'"" ‘ .. , - ted to the trit# 4 lik:* l l o Petirance a a ' -: e cive 3l ointil ' f hi ' ''';" '' ; 14: - Ai** ` A -) f ' '''- .glen ? ,,,lir*iii#:iiiiiithist ; :,..Btuitid I Itolly ..tl.-liiid:iirrifiit,iiiiiiitip4o ' 14*+i= , ' <Ai:of the **aid '. - '*4. iOro4lifiriefOisget past i iepfdebral ; glop into 'itio:iiii l / 2 .141* belOii.- --'; '-';',.. ~ .` It: is sit likiiiii4N44iiialt,e; 'iii,;l lii`acektia 16.1iotio - 14 , i*if iit.'lo64ll-oio' l l t steep 4 4 .iiit:V'": - gi'ltii::;,' o 4:it . 4V 0 ' ,14 1 6 ): ,P?alitta4 - - I .lt*-Yr 4 11.4 4 0 .4.-4PS, l **4 l if cokaktie**Wthis„ist.*-030* jf e f‘' e r'lliei 4 * * grjrkiirilliV4) l ;kit;i *irk* iii4file aid , iiiii,''siniie - A s.t is :'. kir tint.' :-- x f - 1 ' 4 's: `) • P. '" ; ? . .i: 717 ' 1 '''''f'''' ''''''''' - '' l r' i . f 1330 el- =BEM NIE=I=M .' Yes sh l ;:'haUn&i4tandhy- /devil, girl ?'saw jitrn wi*iny 0 .. 1411, Oyed, 3:pli,knoW l sir,'the old saYing,..seeing is, r b liewne rHinripo and what wit th devi,,Llike r ' Like sir L WIYI Th A in g 1 lui 14 ' Ile *Pill'. r as hairy as i'BuSiii, *itkhaiii) white hem; a lon g wliilelio hal l and clovai feet.' ,„ ' Oh, holillc old gory : I n ver, nair , the devil 4 , o2 have HO great 1, 1 8 11 Take:his aa, 4ilafntanee t6-night ; but_ it is il tan idle; WO , - 1 man's tale that will Prevent t in Trim falking ni lli an en te " sad t al r'l e,ro all: Y ll° he m rso e. Ill P ile nl jl o t rd Or r -1 P hal ur 'e overstayed mftime alreadil l . The'landlo i rd histened to give the times saty orders,, and Robinson,' ho had been f listening tope` yeoman, witta half-sneer 116 w 4 1-1-17 Liag- : hastily round, ',. dressed - U T ; abniptly, and without ceremo flou wiSh'us to think you very, brave - lr.lan; WLetlikalte,,if :that ' yo4r , namil; 1 '.That Is te -me &matter oc,licrfeet,ludiffer ence,': :ieturiled tethwaite, li,ughtily. and surveyingsurve the burly .htlteber iwith a stern 'glal?ee,l' die man Nh i O,lias - fiiith in ~ l iktiself cares ' trle,,f9r the opinion of others.' ' No qffenee," saidltobinson4 who did pot like the'fiery,glince of his eompanion's'eye; `but if you aye determined upon .returning to'indertnere,by the Cross; road, it is the du ty of a friend _ to. warn of yours ,' La 4 Danger ! what, the idle tale I ve , just heard;. none but a coward - would turn from his'path for a gossip's fable.' i_ . ' Men as brave as you can ba n t n uive sallied forth at nightfidl, to bid de e, as they said, to all the foowers of darkue.r, and have returned to their hearth at micirught, pale as the sheeted de.adL There ,is lot a man in Kendal, eripl the excited butcher, striking his huge fist qn the oak taint* until the glass upon-it sl4ttered and ra s ag*, ' that dare travel that roadto-night.' r , I am sorry:to think 'that thl descendants of the bold Kendal - archers can have degen erated into such a dock of geese,' said the vcomap. ',I have lived too long among the hills, to be frightened by ShflaoW B . ISIY horse is at the , door ; good night, sir.' ".You, are stark, staring .mad,' cried r the butcher, placing his huge person hr the-door waY, Ito attempt 4iiat • road t4night--tu will, return to\ the ' holly-Tree' before flo l ing, htilf dead With fright.' `The young, man smiled iner*lutously. , , ' Sir you disbelieve me ?' 'I think , you very en - Anions.' 1 'Fellow, do you take me 'for a coward?'' replied the butcher, the red b ood rushing into his face. ' lou had better _mind what you say. With one blow I coud annihilate a puny chap like yon.c 1 ' Real courage_amnotbe46- - -ted by mere , animal strength,' said Lethkaite calmly-1- ' David was a dwarf to Go'iah, !but mental courage and the fear'of God conquered his gigantic foe. Ido not wish to quarrel with, you sir. You believe in „ghosts;• I do not. Good night. ' Ali r Idt thr - ... quot. ...Je butehe.r, shahing his huge fist after him, the , Vindemere,l ghost shall t, punish you well for your disbeli ' lC' • - j"A thwaite's foot was in s rrup, when_, a sudden thought seeniedto stf -e him : '1 am not,afraid of ghosts,towthe.s, but I haVe some money'about me: the. 11,:titaleihere de, mon may he a poor devil who e tri r i the love of plunder may tempt to do a deof violence.. It will be as awl.. to examinejhb loading of I ease, my pistols,'._ * • : • . He retuFtylld with thelandhird k - .the house, .d rid both; were not-a: little pl to find the Mather 01114,- LohWaite continued chatting some time with-the landlord. l , .• I do not like this ghost sto of yotes; he said: 9fsuch a spettre ints really beeh cs.-Pridepend upon it that': '- -some deli .'" " 1,1. 4 ty. t . {ip • *ill Tit-E43toplis* •• • " "c't isouncE l AND THE 'IW I RINIZEIB:i3Or , 'THE" ivE6i ':.!•' ; "::., -; •:•••:' , ..11 , - =EMI ilhaddw; T:vtiit - Virit' dfdairlmi* seeme d; to/broods oOdribesloomy .'recexia; *hilt,' the ' , moon-gilded'with a wai' and iipee'tral:4ghvt, jc the oppoSits_-: wall.' of rocki-' , Lethivaitec in ' I vital, of , :his boasted icourage i s felt a sudden ' . thill-'creep through t him es he l apprisietred the' awful st • s c.,God itheniin v.' be-ninimured tone below his breath, whit' cans that ikp as a horrid *hope' slowly and distinctly ;ins6 before 'hiniiandleciime *tiorutry bythe,&n-. tre of bis "' s , z, It *as not the fiirin...or Ma ri , and certain. - ly it Ni3B-nbt a beast, - brit ripPerried'a sho&- ing eptupound of both; slmagine.ra supwarde °flatfeet high, Corpted 'with Atilt black hair,-the licird that ofa bull With bade; Wirdely-e;tteaded 'horns'.. , The, rainewiy bare arms - 4 a man s'eitended :shove' thi§ ,Otiitay- head, grasping 413initing'**1414i-41 semitted a%thin cloud of pale The lower-trait of ithe body Was So enyelupcil l l in' shade, that it '.)nly prciented a dark uhde r fined riliapeleq's mom.— s s _ > Lethwilite, Fhq , ndvef expected to,;behold areal edition off the AVindetpere'egliose, his hail: stiffening; and his teetls'sli,glitly chit. I titreined '164 ter as le su e 3 in • is ome, rotted ;hilt's-elf - to look steadily `upon the ghastly _phantom. The hone possessing lesa selfreliance than his master; pl anged and snort ed, as Witha hideous :yell the apparition - ad-. vineed,:-bnUldishing ids. fiery -weapon ill a tbreatening'mannei.- . ' " Steady, boys-steady,' cried bis ' inaiter; in a soothing tone,' shamed nut - of his own fears by the terror of his steed. If this' be the devil, stand still; and let thy-mister face him like a man' , Reassured by the well-known -the caress of the *ell-known hand,' the noble animal dicl as he us commanded • but '' he shook'and Shii•efed in wiry limb.. ' -Lethwaite bad by, this time diatin a pistol from his belt,;: and riding towards.- the spec„ ; tre, he cried out-hi - a Stern voice, 111 : fiscrable impostOE! throw ow your -disgnis 'or rip are a dead man ; -f)r, by the Goa' that made me', ;I will see if your body 114 proof apinst a' leaden ball !' - • A wild, unearthly 'yell was the only . an sWer lie got to this threat ; and the demon was now within ten paces - of his horse- The Sharp report .i.)f •Lethwaitei.s pistol woke up all the lonely • echoes of the place:and. the huge lialry monster fell heavily to the earth With a smothered eurse.; and the' yeoman, yielding for a moment to uncontrollable fear, turned the head of his terrified steed, and never slackened . his speed till he readied the door of the, public house. After a few minutes of breathless suspense, hii hindhurried' knock WAS answered. by the landlord, Who, thru4 - tin4 his head out of.tho garret Window, demanded, in 10: 1 / 4 very gentle tone, the eanse of Such an unreasonable -at . tackimpon his d00r.... -• 'lt is I; Lowther—it is Richard Lethwaite, get ug and let me in directly.' • "Ah ! ha t•I thought how. -it' iiould said the landlord, as he descended ip Unbar the door; and he ealled'uP- the groom to re lieve his guest. of his tired horse. The ghost has driven you back filler than you went. ' This is to disbelieve the word of honest folki. Why, than, what have you seen ?—you look like one just risen from the dead: ' . . • • i. - I fear I have sent due to dwell with the dead a' little before his time,' said' Lethwaite, drinking off the glass of brandy: proffered to him by his host at a draught. - I have shot the glicist--7.whe.ther man or.devil, it was not proof against -powder and ball. lam more distressed. at this, event than if I had encoun tered all the hoststaf hellovith Satan hiniself to back than." Call up your pOple; afar I can no longer go ;dime to that infernal spot and let us examine and identify the orpse. it was . daylight , before 'Lowther eauld per, suade any of his servants or neighbors to ac 'Company-UM and Mr. Lethwaite to the Jane. They believed that the latter 'had seen-the ghost; but as to killing it, that was a .sort of waling night-maresomethirigtodincredible e v en for the supernattral wonder dream.- _ Many were the questions put . ..ethwaite . by the little band of men; but he walked on silently,anlithot4btfully, without speaking, word to any. . • - .;Wlfv did XOl/ n ot call up the big butc hes ; LOwther r said .one-of the party. 'ln any ease of danger , that'man is a host 'I great dOUbts as to his Courage, said" Lowther, He. is a great Willy, and- - these wordy pen are all - froth; They . make a great noie,4 but are very slow in as If Mr. 4Thwaite has killed-the-ghost, big We... woird be of stualtser - iee to us; as the danger is already past.' r said the first smoker , with a sneer :. 'who ever' heard. of mortal man ghost ?—it is not imflesh . and blood to do that suppOse the ghost vas a man,' said tothisfait- that-. it..., was the .big butcher 'of se4idal - . .2 NOW , ',God forbid-I' said several voices at once : the man is a devil, but -not bad enough . `I:We shall know; said Lethwaite; 'the hotioni. Of this hill the riddle will be solve d.' They, had . now' :reached:the, brow- ,of :the 49i1011. - .--' The sun . was just rising above the diitafit:nieuutainS ; and • his first beams 04,4011.14*(0) . tops; without pe*rat,.. • -Mg the gloomy rrei*si..'whieh still lay buried in dense,shadow. , ...„ and With evident si&s . ..of fear, the little party. wound,jdown: the . One ~tried., !Jo hum a _tune, • anOther . : whistle • *ltile'ititird :talked' v,ery loudly, 064 : his own eOurai m .. reality , possessingverTht •-- tlek-4.buca endeatoredlo dissipate the fi e to'-whiph they:inVo . unterily:beeame the prey, : as they,:aorOakhed. the dreaded sji.oc: "Lethwaite,Wlici ',bad lingered behind tiel r .Wiliettbrialilt : terWaid". mid headed indistinct mass 4y...huddled. up in'the narrow road. ; All drew = black:;. Lett]lii. **to - lit4o4:•,op: to it, an d remained stat3oi " iitr.; . .beekiMing;rth', his-mod for. dii.O . thers'te.: * . d.rValieecrTheY,44..:TsP . , f ,:iiipoieli t io - ,go444:tilltiooti,of - 114 bleeding •*l.or ' the. 111 e'of I boll ; . bi"s? "naked arms ; . bare: and a AO - 1001 : :krr4 leis t 140 W. lip 0411411) .o:Mi l kiti#;; l 4 4 (4*# ,a4"i44/e;tax*.yi — eo4o , S I *iiisallfrelofr.ii..**o*** Winehnifoliyfiite .-3(i 41 •;" " - ' • • 31[014. TR Sk r s •P:' • .k4;•-1 --42 z t • •t,v , -N- .a. -• r ' ":, : - • . • ~:i:.'• 42- f •rc • L to: » ES IN • cbe solemel warriiw .6) all .Who engage in' such :wicked jokes ,::-C ome, my +frienchs. let; ,us...catTy: him 11:41e4.- I h and' ap.,,,4 .. - ) 77 - 4,hat_be . .`got. •'• • - .Fivactie Wain*" Ategaline.. '‘ - i litYAAlTlrtgelalt" ' =ME BY JENNY ma:usu. - ".• My' Aunt Polly ! {dear 'Aunt Polly, ! what i'& l6 4_ol4.indi abe - ifitS! ''She Was an pfd nuddi4o . bP .. sui:e- 4 441d . )* of my re dern !who:. harg been _neiver.. bia!ssed, with a vi4thi s 0rd. 1 4 PannatliPPrgelitte,true %Putfi. 4 l - - „Aunt PollYWai a,jewel iem i tcasket nnele's,' and eoWshis.-a' of t s ' pathway; and. ir terror to' hilsdangs. ' She was_prim,ithin,-and ally, are.., sly that. lanzo,was her by days„,,ataf i , guit..,n;Lany lnahlod : ought* her:, hand, Welke I dOq't 41.1Q311: igia haN'i ,tc?riios. tided bine; nyea , "miglit hare beep /*'iniaieltritii4s o l 'mail Oat , *4hstrp-Peak / ed nose hasi'moie- of The -ftciatt , verve, 8 1 4. , thwahrill.ciarioti• Voice more of a;melodious swell,- ; -,,..1144waS A:44,11- the eater she: lA i aniple reason admon- 1 ishing pie.,,tfy.'n43ls±MiAtst pride and ( vain glory. ' • I igy ...Aunt • Polly was fa mdustrioue I don't meatfligossrp,-4011;n0 She Usedr to rise — brig,ht.and early in ;the morning, - ,setf things to rii.OAA,' give` ontic,r.s to Biddy 'the; - maid=and then; if it *as summer's e enelos..! ad -her head hi a prodigious'inn : bonnet; ,took l, the' basket in her hand,.and went ontt ‘ o gather berfor - ` And her herb clifianti it :Would havei 'done your eyes 'good to see it: r: There was bonet, and sweet kige;and tatiSey,' _mart-Weed, and . vatnip, dre.i- all arranged in; alphabetical order: .'And when ,any c;of u lit tie ones had an attack of ineAcs, whoopin,g-I Bough 'or " any - of the ills that flesh is heir to,l with 'What a snitch* steiivonld - Aunt Folly prom ed . .' to :that' elloset,_, and bring lAA - the} remedy-:needed. . 1 But lam going_ to tell j i b - a a little bicident in'the life of my Aunt, in which my broth ers, sisters, and Toy kwlfwere. engaged. It was ti . sad 4thing "to her, and sadder, one to us," who took a most active partl in the cere-1 Atint Polly is, dead now . ; she died niany years ago " at an advanced Wage;".! as thee uary. said. If she Wasi,alive and was I to' read My' story,l kno4 that slic would net; laukti-4p, not she= - --but would' draw 'face` down lonicr than 'ever, and saly,— should:. think the remembrance of tha n:Tht I would make YOU more htimble.". 'The little.ones all wiihed that. Aunt - Polly I would get manned .that: she would take ,ber old ..red chest .out of onriday-rooin, and leave ! Ps the- herb 'closet .for a doll's house. •We debated upen the'probability of such an oc currence; and _the grand results . that would' follow, tor some tune, Until - our park* grew weary, Wand we d i eterrhined t 0 .," lirling matters aroandT. Mirse l lves. We -Thet,,itorte sitrfflger's day, behindthe curnatt bushes„ to consider, the „proposition Of h marrying Annt Polly."', I Will not give 'a full- account of the • Coqventioh, but a shok sketch 'must suffice. jamb, Any oldest broth er, said that if any of us would propose a good match for our venerable relative, he would,"bring It to pass," bead silence reio - R tbr a. few- momeattp, _until Shadruith Aout cd,L-" I know ! I know !" and -affirmed his intelligence by i joyful elapping'ofhis han&l Now Who do you think he selectetas 'a -conipanion for our. dignified 'Atmt, and'Who do you think we deei(ted Aux& become her consort for life.? -You couldn't_zue, shall -have to tell you. A little way from Our hOuseliVed gerrinny I Johnson," as everybody used to him thimgh 'his preper name Samuel.' They :called him Grinny - because of liiS cheerful; countermine,: which was • the, very-picture picture of' good humor. ButlGrinn - y was .not !,very bright," for he would sit all day Vim the fence, and -whittle and whistle, - which was rather simple employment for a youth of twenty-six ,or seven: IIP had got 'the," mit- , teal . from every unmarried - yoinan: in the place but , Aunt ..Polly ;," and , 'ire - thought, satientory, arrangements timid beminde ' Oll l .both sidea, the-old 'red chest would be taken! 'from our play-roorn—'-the herb clOset; plaet.4l under our jurisdict - ion, and "GrinnY,,Jehn-1 son" ,be placed under the stria discipline of Aunt Polly. - • , • . I .• • • -. 4 • . , . : : Jaeob dent ' to ‘G-rinnY'_' - .that . afternoon, and told -him - :that • - Aunt 7 Polly io,lli loyed hitithat she lied - ever' siiieel. the time the first saw hirn-:-(whieli - was when he was a lid ,by),—that .she 42wits pining from the effects boucealed loi,-, , and that,- for the fake of If - aim _Aunt; - lie. had y.entured s telay the. L . ltsel before him - .4. - . ..' .. ..1 -' ""' - 't . :%4 ' - --:. : • 'll : . •' . 4 "%Grinny" was :delighted; -- -;:lie _lisSet' 1 lal nob, and -- said -- that he loved . Nary Simpkitt better." -than' any. =other' girt in:fiumbletewn,l and ..thato,if his-r•inother would - lethiin, hel .;would-marry her that : minute: .. 1 -. "..You niiist first tell her thatiyon love lfei.,',l said . J acob - .den't let - liciAnOW I haYe . told you this." :-'• ,-.- . --- • : -- •:- --.-: 4 - .'- i • ' - -It :was ., then decided - - that he:should. met her that evenings by moonlight,: in the gardk and offer- his- heart., - .. hand,: and fortune: 1!,f),1 sister,Prudenee.lletse_y, was Aunt's l favOtite. so. she :4 was_ ,maden44elegate to. arrange.: that side of the question. ,She found.Auntln the kitchen; :trying out, flit; Whieh She - caitledf-14, i iiii.sftill- into'the miler,. Where,. by- wipe Pro" -nets- unknown: tiins,it was to; be .transformed: ;if*: lank. 4 . • - :_-.:: ..---.- -: ' 4 . i..' ••,..'. - - _. - 4- .. i. --- 4 . 7.4 i . •4" Ole . Aunty 1 7- - *di .1 1 rii r der . tbo,,,• Grinny 'Minion' says he - has : - got,:something to tell yOu.'-'-4 - . . ....:4;. - ..; - .4 .: . -;:'_.• '- .-. . - .; ...- s - ~.,-.:. I. 1 -:,," Why don't he- tell it then.,!!- : ,1 i L - '.."1- don't . ktii*,7- replied . h.n.delegate; . fi-1 is -'• toniething Setret and important ; be . says .. : 1 '4.9h !'I know . - well what - :ii is," Selfish With an important toss of the _ ;.."Isiul - ' f o o ss. , Grinny' can - tell - me whether . .the were :_fender ; or -not.: - J -I**e - auspeetetthi ma i , 4 ill the tline; - but if confesi, - 1 • ,hear . ,hinr ... . : -..i.,. ' ., . - - --- :":- .: .-, ..4' ~-. :':Prudence ivaa.,:,at, a -lossi4iLa reply'; .., . ,fe4red4 that : ow;-h9pefi.w.iref: -, -,....:..-- i 1 ?..i" Welli.4-Witi,"i:naid . 410,.:Vttithlijir he - - 10k:to:. mbet: iliqUify t4 ? -gar#ep, fitlaiffas 1 PAhti_thjereYerimg;" - •:',' ~, eat...:. - • 4 , , f , ;:* , iAijAC licipi:ti*:-.:lii. itioni,-*-,44* •- 14 . 1411 ::0.;.': 1 4 1 : - .0 11 t -- -ii.§#11.1* . ,i,*.*: ..srhr* ;eight ,---' -' :' :' , f - ; .. ,: .. -1.-.p . : •, a!4-fO.-, - - ; 'f r i l - 1 ' , 1 1 , 9r : 1 ! 1 :.'' IPg,, t qr: 1V) ' ,91, t 1 1 1 , rafrt#1 , t, 41,.._ : d4e, -.cellar, wayithalt. .....Rei...40 ,1..t1t4 -I '4..the,garden;_for,'4lie:: :14 - iy_eo7,,*si . tio;r:: s die - ni--: - -Wn - hitAt:40 , 44 , .. th*g:ar-: P 2 gedf.**rretMat into the. eePer -, ;!!‘!-Ve. , rP 'oitgital*Oliici,eo4 :iii.,..44,04:4-: :', '::::-::;•:::,, . - .ri tß,'l!.: 4 =eo .. ...4*,':daiiiO4.4i-sFy , : tili3t:lo l 4 ,- •20 a= b 4 1j4 0 1:4 4f:-. - 4 11 . - ,.404.49 4 -:* s : V:4 4041614 &; - : - -'l-4 . :'..***64. Tii 4 e'',.***-titli . "' eiiiio OxiebeMiietiiid - isiiitiuitliii*i!, •tiefiiiv- Aitit l Pon*. dialikibir appeefiliciii 4ind it. ';c o?: ...g4l;f ' . • 't s tufr . ***RAl*Olt s ziOitiiis dike I':** betlW° l 4i4 i iii - '..;7- , C? : ::• -, %,::t::. , c(f,_ .-,-...,' • . a .* io lr 1414 4 . t . iiiihi 4{. 4iiiiC , •,INAI3T - i'. yh9 1. 4 "-.- ...:4 1 iPified-f.447.14 111 *§4"4:4; pole,-'eiiiig, ~.hi m . earneOtly. 7 14:fit4itlOitidl.- 1, *.14 441. -kt,,, , ~ VW, 104;,:40.71f:-.. -- : 1 45....*d5" an wasuanout 'to- press - It , ' to' • ':'4s . ylign:. roc *he **hare*. itin letilifriti'•••• ':,:-'..- - ''._.'..'•:.: .•ti'fflifitte:,thi..''fiffitfe.r"**4 •!),0111&41;'• j"o.t..thero,ho:no:furttiet'Aielay-,47 . euir-teiires 8101'2'. ' .•.: ":-.:;',... 7 ,•'‘i . 1 .. '0': 'A • '..:, :, ••. - .. - i - , ..-: lie. drorified. miii*Vs 14iikns, , aid the .de•r , ', Atiedr.eneunibef.upori.Whieliket tiiitothitn:.' sell;: must 'have= ijiade hia.,:kOsition inire-eOni-. fortable: ~ .,---z. : A., t ;0.:. _,,..1 , - 4 : : :t!ktr . r.O. t. •• := - fi Polljr.whined he' . ' ; al wante . to tell you this before,.bnii,daaent . .l-'' '...- '., '...• ''' C . :: '•• ..- :, .! ';,litetteriateilhatklie:i4triAM: ‘*Liiili. 1 '. "I hate Itnewp4t,froni,thei,firse ~, . :1 1; , • "'Don't,eryi#hout itriniy,ixiosd,•-i, l Olfg.; 'said . ' i tte. he, it.itid , •- ..e.,‘"zilf.betWattied:.tolorroW:".?. 2 * '... - • 9k1,; - if37ctil... - ciiiii4: : •***-4it, i :44...:1!•:)k1y_ : .th,nr- Y -:Sile.h.' a leap :44 , silk teig ana siney a 'Book ot ! .viefianee r 4i' shej.i,uf;Onl:'-: : 1 1 '''; 's•L •• --- 11100ied . to4il;rititili- 4 ,)Y1i0 bilks 4t6ii, ;*.. 0 7ii g' , Y 00 r.:T;0#4 : :i0k, 1 :f#:001:0,..,, OE (0:44 . 1817' ......; , f." , :.' ~' . •.'Aii-4.:i.a1i5.1.. P.rUdenee. : .iietsey: could`' not e O P-4 1 ) 1 • 1 0. 1 *1•64).:Ionge1;ind the nirs•tieingtul- . ..01. - Witli ., bort shout:of hinghter.QH'fith . .lntre. -heard, tri i , ind- Saw iis,?ainf so did Polly' , ; • and both,..With hearts - lit•withrOetig4 hasten- ed tOW#rdsiltegellaway...-• , -1 1 (efea,m,..4k i t-Grist ,. •ny?s"Avrath, and Volif.sell4o4 - - '- , Pell • inell,.linell' •pell, we.dedge . d - hitli . ihe . '.e.ellar,, , -each •stritini,+ tti secure . a' iding-flaeel;- -'::' ..:•.: • ': how can scene-that, collo*: 61-tY Jacob -inade •,.n :1eap.40r.,.:. the - .hangin.hanging;*lel f,... when,' - Oh, 'ypc,.; I ittle•fishes i if 4. eante: the . pans:o' halfeopl ; 4grease, gift hinl ; # • shower-bath iSeldoni-_ dijO3-ed: b:y .- tnOrtals;:-. 7 :- - :; . • The .. iiiilk•': . taine toe, and : the -- egki . faint the: doughnuts!. ;.Shadrach.-jnta r ticilliitothei* P. bai-rekatl jtuntichl out again.: :Pi' dii*.o,leao % •4 into the,: appl - elhin, While ;,', onfonaded, stood - beside. A ltylob„ , ojuitg . th .41!<ier...01 - eggs;.'iiiinc, :greaSec. add' dOn n 4 o. ith-. hts„l ' iii. was the '_gtate i -of :alfalfa "' when . 4 'p;•(Aiideil pail' entered the etilitrl. • ~1 -'---•.•: ' -•• I f'l f : : . 7 ::,"'! i ; . • ;. ,i:':::';.l'n''' ,. . - r.: . :5..i I.__:--: '! . If 1,, *should ; tell 3 - ,o4hoiv . • - pod ul5 ;the; grease,vhen Jaie.9l• . to ed with the .pun the' loOked- out.of the bin .pflialf rotten 'lippl • Aunt Polly took on ' about game You try--no wicked _yen are--to tiinrrt . like" lily Aunt . , . ' Pieniiirities of.the . MathiaS Alexander eastren, a. , recently published a voluhle - of tra l land, in which hg, gives tit thewori liarities ickf the, ' Laps.' Among oth they seem to have a great love .1 exercises. Mr. Castten describes Laps as engaged for tokenty..-fofir h+ er, in listening to serluOns, - praYin, also mentions;thelii- great .alliv.t their wives. . One, husband assu dhrhigthirty years of 'Wedlock; 1 word had paSsed between liiiiise' than'' loadadsham,'or 'my little A peculiarity. of the female Lai in the following extract. It strilo is 'a funny kind of timidity, and wonder that the Lapland husbands ful to use only, the kindc4 . bmg,na wives, since thew are so . esily, a frightened, or that they fetastwent . at 4 - stretch in ,praying to Ire delir devils., = ' - ' , _ j • I had, often, o n • my journey t h ro b been warned,, 'to be iMution,,ih, in , with the' Russian Lap, and eik the feinale sex,' on account. ofdstral sity among them, to sudden fits • c, accompanied by the loss of tonsch Control. over their actions. I, tr reports at first as _fables of theior(,; applied to the people in • questionJ, however, one day, in a village '/ Laptuaxk, witlrsolne Kare,liam; iu, Sian traders. These repeated the;l beVe Mentioned, advising the nee; en a Lap woman, for in their was a 'res-eapitalis.! With 'caution, one of the.Karelians told, lowing. I Was once, saidle, When ing out at sea,- when I met with a by Laplatulers. Among 'them vvr with a child - at her breast. ' .]}pin in a dress unusual to her. she beel - Side herself with fear, that she flu id, into the Sea. • , Another.Karelian relaied hosi ho.. Was once in the Society of Terski.l4.aps-: f, .* -' ~ : ~ 'We were tatkihilord4crent mAtera when a sound 4as heard like the blow f a hatniner on the outerside of the wall: . . - theinstant all the Laps present fell' flat on C.; floor,and i cis atterisome gesticulations with ha 413 4 - fe ( 4; beeame stiff o,o4.,itnnioyable as rpm ;Af... ter.a,while they reeavered and hared as;if: nothing ukfils'tialhad happened': TO ' Triipec 4 iiie of the truth of this; and other suc h l am, one of the Ruudhins proposed - to show M ovideneb , or tbe - tim)l4ty, oftheiLap women. . began by putting out of the way Wpm, ilk ' and any . ; other mischievous implemep ixiw• happened: .to,be at Mel geillet:OleiP slid y behind:. a Wonum . 'y .refe,et, - I . l nd Sligelid:' -. . h t uids.7.-- if , She:sprung up like a ftiky and .tebed,klek-• • ed, aid pummelled d i die aggfessoil to 6tie Ott.' eution. Afterithii - excreise she au i kuxbausted on a ..ben AO • recovere4,loth- . filPtlitYs* . breath `senses . - • ''l ' ~ ,1 ~"•'Unein regained the latter, a • . ec aye herself de c.rniined not to - be ad, Ight.enedt-a gain: :, In fact Usecond experint It.tmli pro-, duced 411' piercing shriek.i Ny,hilel.- , e :WAS rprid-.. `lag hereof - on this fiuccess, theo ieiltussian; flung li pocket beok;.se • thatAt Ixtleed ..jes . before her eyes, and ran instantl . eipt. of the room. I, liedady hereupcm . flew it evAty,ciie, present: dashing another 1141 0 P ,!: 40 ‘Ao,,thii , ground,uasuing another against -, i n 'w011,1361t. mg' them,'and.tearing . their haii int, lijiliiiiii-i - full!. ,1 aut.* a corner 4aitingl 4 , 1 y Urn to cotile;' litviitt last wlt/ 14- -Itti. ' .:iiiii,:i#uir guincefizea 0, nio. , ,s-,9110 **: .. ':* , poA49fi printing ; ,her Aftl l 4 lltlrsY; *cep wit '' 'us ,%.* t O t : omen In a 64nd:0:9'104:peg' Set : , :ltiet;;!atid . abn tank fineintoiligi iiiini ; , : qttviiiiiiho ePlalea - lif, , - my . temPan), out, ' 4Airgoectii-‘, - 'hail,e B ßeciallY , - ~.-.'.31 17. p - - • - .if. :0 - , .0 Jpeneraier AILROA t D A ' rf . 4I , IMID,r--; la rtieliteriatel ' 'OtPerinilY/Viialgt 1 0 " . 4 t kr ", --. isediihol!ill i relitive!to thniaimb , . '',atitt ' el f i sod ClevAlarit OA 45444 1 141 4 .- '' ''. f.' .IV - Mi F vote of:18 10-"il. . It la ainiil , ,‘tlmitt4l, defeated :eft - Tiefteita's : ,: ,./t. , .Prt),•: ' ' :4ri kr4l ' ifillipitigein*iitil t areiill*llig, , lie . ~. :::Clii:Alie lako filKko;ROitai'atilrir • ' !: f e lie r' '' °'‘i i° ' ,- . .4,,Plal'fidelphiiPtiodr , Ekie.,4lV' -, , i'F l ieide t .*: - 411, . _oo. l f r °lo l ßP*C 4 na 1- .440 5 09 4 . ;;.-. 000 ; -stock of -0 1 t1 SO ' ' ""ao r, tcdrVl Com i,, . ~' .. e,' -'" ' '--- ''- t f" -- ' ,' - 'l` f'-: , 77 - i _... . • • _,. ', k ;, , i5-;,TaE f,•; . 11 ,, • <-4 . - ..: p ~T..sm.hi o'lib•i ,iil o ili s t': t l'- bk i f i : g :e i 'r l : i k , t.".,e•,i•,i.•i-i;-1-i5).1•',:c4',32'1,•-b=„ ,1.i.7 s ft. 2 '_ ' 2 ..•, '; i, ‘ ul ,f: ;,".•ffil:4 t* :' t rek • ;l AWlis4 /w.7i iwfhiPPlia4d onifTelMowet# • • •-,,t:;' -- r ' - •v ,I '1':; 1 "i in aidl"44;;: ; l 1 • --- • , ,: The`iiaifi6l 4 i;: -• ' 9;; ` ie l' , r e-44 - the- tin6tiiij.'=i? i El l t ` ”..••,-; 4.... E ;_,-. 'i . - • .., .- lq i -.. HOW lIWPY 11.n.a •.,Ei ra .1 '::'g" - . 7 !f - L `•:,••• 7 3 terLIsKigh ' cimitit,ito itacirtt' ~- '...• .• . ".-.. ; 11011 '`,:-.• - '-., - - F,, 4 Ti.... 4 , , r, - - f -- .-..-- -•-:-.--, i- ',f ---st , ' r r--- ir= lB ,-. Pig.. .-; ! I,- .. - • l-, - •,•,. • -43 &INN itiap4447144 aleeii,'ti 1,- s it 1..;,. - :•.41, . ,414,IncreAmfufp ::, :.,., ~,. 2• 1 -11•? "--• : Thelligbtoo(l2Mor 132e§p..,1,1 ' ' 2 ', - -' • -.- - n'2 '2-• 2 ... V ., ‘.: - 1. ' •, - ,3 t” , Mit litre; :by lb% 16lie - ttiiiiiiirl- jciTt-ii. - 3-V ..,•?., - oi l ( • 6,; tie &int:with:us, -bid; drdsinil• - fi: ,, k• .; , .;.- ' • / t V f/W . 0 ;7 tAlki.bWre if ~2,rfs u.,t-,• ~..1,1- 1 tt.,;,?. -„-.1. - e "' ' • -,- . --1•.,:0v e • revi , f ,....4 . " • ' - 0•11 15 .,*‘ - ..tho i gn. , 1 7if , ...: , .Z1..:: , .., - ;: 's ~;,:r. 4 , •.lisrr ov o cirever li o ! . ... - 11.- - .......1,1 - -t,,:0; , :..1. 5; - ,r1;11'; liVilllttiglN lit felc , :ite Awn .e.;44' , ..-rr'B . B;,.ii , ;il:l'- \ :i•=±...it I:.= P3CI,FO-q-14elle`,..r4:14'*':, -•,fli ',• . .- - 11;igr'i 1ezi , , i4, 4 1 ,/ ! • I ,'- c ;MO-. .77;i'' , :t . i. - ; . \ - ,r - •-•'-,' , :>•- 1 ., - ;- ;: -- i en hcipb kid titibßy, Allis '' ' =' '.' . - , - -.L -- ' . J - - • '" ~ Aid . thinti foiever!': ,---=,' i ' '; l ' l .. is ''''' ' Z ' 'S 1 LI ''''l,:',l'.%::: - .-,ln . 4thuiii3 - sti*rfogitstliteortirelia :sis*Yifiliorpr% ittiksorilerui.: 91i51 1 3 1 5i • '.. i''"dtis `i*.e.ieriWb.i:: W . ' - iir co t wies veto; the:iiiing. i Prorern a ofo P- 11a . issi l?o l, gn d'Onti-e l6 'rldWN ; irailt; etal.- Jiitri . Shorttieaft . et.,:. l ' . . , : ! ,-;-, 9 , 11:iki..: :*tpe` - f 'it Vitiattlit',liiid - ii, - ;* 1 / 4 1 - .4:40.., 4 litho - d dollaii'W~Tbi.:fritialifilii... l ih eti M up . :t a . : :,. i .‘,.:,.. 4 ., ± 1 ? o,, r i t frpcf..„)v.:l- 4 ..t.. : , 1 : i.---.Li.litiii t t fotilsrA7) . 4lo-t -iviziail the Ainlini;*li:a 'sill gle .) mo 'tsmii, It f k,tl4s6osfleariia lokt . 6 - .. eiri,tl P: Xliliiiritti;'zivai . : -.. re l . .qtn the va Inso.oP . 'Ma ~ ed ill; at n Of? Ng!' Nichaiiiig - # ...::. ini 0 reed ii, ifilieflie - ititte :- „.,., ~ ^IA f • 3 Iran r, though 3. - vati.dei2 uremeti . - . I t- countenance of uiiiiiitatintel R e ne , ind `air' eye of sparkling brplianey„. ' . 1 . VidYlxttif, *which his vanityecaria tio; - - 2 der With : his other artielea r of tact 4 0 thil**** Perkins' attentit*quidlialMskralyt:tii -elude that ' thar letetkiaii: . - ' . Shift-nor* *.thir: Owl Ali 1- :Outkiok. - 43,it zdtil!rilied: ittrmit hole , : „ '7, ”. . ;";'', pe i4 e ,..Qii r ei so ia l .l . J. ~ill.: - list:niAt Perldna , atitited'ils ,r l rOiktilto& darti , oit •theloml4l;lo, , ,aied,,echilunrirriestOd Iris - syspiciOns Ito: the .P. bite Glitk:;4lthmuid P. Githtekthik. the Lieutenant dditstrantiud.4-: ' e: neitdaYftiee**leC)ijPerhitkithai Stle-df mciunted *ldler* stilaittO•diktodAn . pursuit. of Burr, and'.' arzeae,v.hiiii . on NS ~ urney ~ _-BurivpitttertiPted :to_ I intimidate_ Gables.; - :• hit the' leaili te.:YeT l lll,4 l fieer* 6 ' firgi,-and Soldlim• ha mu s t tukompafirhim' to his Itairtetst trim . ° iti Wilitti 1* IreSed ilth . • • •1 111 the resll* . olUe the d YidsPresi de* 011theUnited States: . . , 4i:f-te - i - .- - ,I:About three weeks a ft er, Glimeli . ticiii,Bitrr. a priadnot to Richmond, with , Iv sufficient ard, the commarid,of which' WaS given to . Perkins, • Thtly wog* all. Men .whOnk.Perkius• had Selected, and 400 •wheka hOleitdd; 031 i ht . *? eitergetleY4: • ODA'S* them, , t!Skder'llid * obtalded, tho.imozoolennkplildgol thalittPa the whole routo:.they *Aga : *Ohl * riointeW ecalise*ith Birirs:l*•*lei . 4 . 4' ;Ai: - efeitPe Olin. PerkinsknewthellSolisiti , , ." Of Barr, tun' % be. feared hii-intittenes Ili ' ' , i the.m en, aid,' %dna Upon hiniseli: -.-.!., it: :: . :2-: , ;::1 .; : : .Eiteh twin parried. provision, 'for "Mad . ~,,-• and. iome few ihi pritoner.-•;Thr ir ' .all.: I re t Nell mounted and :armed.:e, On! he:-.1 i.,:;of February, they,set out - On:their long and 'ter .fibus jousic. ) ,, , :0t.... 1 :0. 2 r...*i...:04 r Ariti9,.‘,..d. Burr iii r reduced I. ....k• the': bOutidless-wil,ds of Alabama, Nithi , noie • N, Ith 'them to hold', converse;-staiitun - : ded 17 i 06 0 441 to whom . he dared not. speak ;,iipcisonet;Or the - . United ? States, for whoSollibOrtickhe litui fought; his fortnne sia - CPt Itivit:_•;.dfhlma,g4Acimt scheme: fur; the , tofiqUest; 0fi.14621c0l tirolleki. upl -4 41* . ; deid and hunted ',4 - 01prAom.buiend a: ~. _union. to the other, ...Th : lute were «maid .., tin is to crush an ordiaa*. __ i I) . .it•Jlie : w_ 4 40 . conlirion mind ; Midi*" hvult.gr4sPCfer• a t an titude: and , determination: hie .hadc over i marked htli courso,Stilt.sustain 'him in the darkest lour. , - . 'l(;' ., . IV., ;,; • . In their . jou rney . through . . ma, they always, slept. in the woOdiviodl...s:hastily _prepared•breakfitst, it willitturig Om again to remount and in on :in g fs il enee: Burr Bu was a splendid...llde*, ami d : 'n: hia•rough garb,:* bestrode .hisltdriietts:cfekantly, and Ist dirk •eYei. fasl4lo.U . l. . rightly; ti u * though we re tholea4.l4. . Ne3 1 '..X9f 1 5:: reghnell.k;:•-•: lie NY4iAliftirks ' - , ''•:trttralirr. And Ito* Wellfet /301titt . f , .., ; , witheOld. andldrinliug pine, riding.Ottit llsacll - $1 1 9 7 i. and at, night stretched on - a pa Iti-Upo* . W . : ground, he never uttered one , .ra.o l fgeiliN Pia* 1 • ~ c . • ,-„:: ,_,: • fp. ,-. •,..;:, ,tt.: , ,4:S i ti miles heY*4:l l ,ert , Wt . 11tsfAther i i were.; for..thi ' fu.st :time, ,stiii, .. nada', a ixsid .7 4 tSieril' keit•-. 1 40ii : . % :Llitiffe . they . were seated arOSod4t . ,lS, 40;:wiiIiing .hrealtrasf, the :iliVis: l .*ActiAii I '' * red.: 11.44 traitor Burr luicl r ,tieen7.:bikeV: : ;t7Srgii,lui not a: 1 0f inan r. ‘!i' li t ileT9 : ' i' 4 404 I or. itini r?... P,er*:alitl:hii- ',I. 't , fOr,otvf,,su '0 11 47 - *iftedtT lid:Jkadel o 2l • • ° ' l 4 ,-. : 13 * was Sang to the.ieortitu;;4l . iitll o. ~, 1 - : ; ,Witklo head , dliwat . and , iftNeton#ii , ...timiliiiii' f itiiiiiiifisa,B.4ol . _ , ,*: - 4.4 5 „ . „1 4 94RIZIAt Wu longer, he',olo4l"..,,tuaSgAgr . . ..944,4idn Ids fiery eYes:AP* mmoo. _4i; - • :, 1I am Aikon Buri . k•iitsatra kith ler -_ _ .. .-tl=.. Bevn;- strut& 'Wit4 hi 44 ', ;,',...,.-. - !h-OF k , . at 1.0_149,k14 1 4e '..,..:!,".. 0 1 .4 . 1 air 4 ''cif-1 "**9-k7 4 °94 . - 1 ..'4 l O. treinil tldlike ,, ,--klig:IMSA,' . -•-• ,' ' .1 1 • ,W er;wi -' WIN. tlio. guard: .. 'fi , •-: - 4-044 ... ... .....3.-}_:." , ....--.--.•:..?::.. , :z-.,..t v -., 1 ..., ;-, ;Dope, .7, 1 2.31 z. 1 .... • s"-r - '4 tittil .: • L- i. ..: V llteireartited444 - '' 'Si -Pr PPith, el Ciii;Oli . Pitriaiu- r e Buir Ti:a° B _ o o 4 , *I.: Vei3tfPF.444OnTin4V;.. - . irlil l i *W . "li ali OP V4 *.ro4m4.a.w.,:issi44 - Lal - : ;arts ,tdiyepekiesSitg.k*AV4.."-Pi -,*,9 lirdt iik.ii:gr44:4lAvaik4: :40+3'.91-,4" toriAV,# o r , fiNtrt.9fAteF**a. c ,', tikikti thikliewp- of. ot,tritip...,thatilf . ', , , , 'i,e- . t r : 1111 t4 v api'lhosiiinott, g'. ~',...- . ~.....; go-on , ...!#=.o..y- - :,-***...y, , i er - Aker.-10folowbfiriu :',* '. l ;4r:: ' ' :w er e her rr i ii l *A u Wilr ' " ' " 1 ,-.70' I <#.. „* l : ll ,blie,r_OP: , ...* ViitYL:?9s',..,' ,::- ihitii ' 04 9°1 1 PY; 0 * 14111 4 .. ..t.: ' ~ '''.,.;; .. 2 1.'.: - ;,% .1 :;•:e4 - 4 11 , r9 P. )341 V,Ae1 tr :01:46: iiti pro teeircui,43).ol 7. A ii t ctuim4 !! - -''• -:-.T:sr: -. - '''.§.i41 47 :4-.4" ,- -t'il4 l : , :. : 4?,,Piiikitf - -( 5 .' .. .....',Ataurgotitivp , : . ' N ot' o4 "* 1., (1'.....,'.. ji '!' ' sfittl4l 41.41%-144c0 4 0A - ao, ~, :.,_.. , .., ;...vß.tirfireallopea4 , 4 . • .: ,a,.: . ':- i#; ~, • .-. i f:lngoine4wi 2 - ... ; ••..-, , tim.. 314A4131401e0P3. ; .*At9! 4 :%' - rt, :Tiki Alone, 606 -6 4e'. i - rivaLugkthe reins of ihe'. t . 4 0 4441444 : I fi+ertini . li. ... ' - ' I . • ,_ 1 : 144). )4: 1;- ' ' . NreNsa l . 4 LIS.' t e i# l9ll 4 - 0 1'el5 ~•4 I .' " . • ` ll ' a• i1 1 . 1114, a_ the - '1 ' . 1 , ; , ~- V `0,0i,P1,8 • e.' ' . 4. , ‘. 11 P - , : ti.l- 1 Burr w - td - i;s6 apsome e froni''. . ,2 ';- was stilf,,to eiten popular In , . ~ aiay" n •io catgh Nl' Ins bate crept iT d•how natter how If i., , ,rit.. ' , NiTO6, - -li*. 'eltin - Lap: d the peep erflatt.!..s; r 1 71 •., ous "th • Etatte nit .toneth -1 i • :1, 5‘ '. e - - -ti , 1 ,e. 011.4 ti)lV4i:d E,d; - iiq _ t4i. ~ - '! 11 qj wiziroe - und. .I,sife .141113 ' ': a siii:, given . i thi..,thp,C4. 1 zwe . : p.o i,,,, - i 1- , telso care- I, el - 1 6 - tliele I , d' teeti),3ly_ -foPi,hoPfs !ereki -from' , V: 1 ) 1 . 1 019 (1 i • - dealin . gs Vally with I lie fl'i 3- 1 3 ,0 1 - 1 pllmizy, :utiOim and 1 ated liieSe . I iiii3r land, I lifelFin • fltussiiiii a twofnus- Waining P 'r-ip fright /'mien this nee to tills 1 o l the Rd ' a I °) r s 6l, W . Ie oat rowed ii Weni,li seeing me -e. so, 1 m be the- eitild t•-• „ „ Az ; . • 1 ,6 ..nlg*PlS,r,•4 !!•t%"4.-Pw7t.ierita-z.. 7 Pral -q411"-IiipttrA -`;‘,l 91110111111 .',...'.: it- -, -:'trOi / :, -tiitoitl ~,,.. ~..- • ~. •:- - , ..f.,1 .cy,..:4 .44.003414 ,.! . , ~,.. ~. ~...,.-.,-L _ .: ;. . .-. "ii i ,.. v i -- -- - ." - 44 , 4..;..-: , ~,,,.. mv, , •:, , ,, 1 : , : • ~. ....... ..,..,., .. ~,...„...,..„.. „..-.........,,. ,.„ ',p,..... ...T3 , ... , ";: , :;T:r(11::,,,r.v...,... , ..!........„,12:...,..,... 10444 ...i.11.--1.7-ev4i..ifiqiar.--ir;,.•.+04':t4..'i:g..3:•, ebiL il*li!** , : alM.444 - #,'.'5'...; .. (34 1,. .-.,...,...,-...,,,.,--.....-, , .§, l a k' Ytt 41 W- ij41.1 1.40 4 # 4 q51 60 0.00*.C., 77. ,-. I IN 4 1 ~ . ..r.L., . ., . ...J....)..., . .t., i '_:,,%;..:, ‘.r:, - ;;; , :...:,;-.„Ii-mx,....,'04.. • 7- .'2 ., ...1ita '1r.4*,00--YeP TIOP it .PRIPTO I4' ;,• • ••••• • i .' 23 , 1 1-' .I - l4l ai t latiks,* ... . '. - • -i,,,Athr.- • - ~ .,..0. 4 f4(.41: L:: ! . .pt::•,J '. ' '._ 'l-40 ~. '. , . • - c: ' Zo_ ik., •' %CC . .1 .I . 1 ; 1. I I*** Ai Maifr..gritr4 : l' ... ....i '' ' ' ' ''...:'n.:. . r): -• - .--,--' V, , , - 'l-,-;.-r... , • ifi . .., ,1,.. - :• , ..4v..t.,- , ..1•4 . -" -, Alt -•- - 1,1% , - , „. ..,..,---..,..,..`-' ,cier. •iit.:;i4iPilf :•:i.r.---. - ,- : .. 04: 0 "::: - ...7 "4 . 41 1 t 4,,911. 1 (.. 4 iti 444 „,T kg i it#4l s 4l,l. 0 - 44, ~; ! .....47,.. -- ~.. ...Ki/- 07 -. 16 1 9 . „ •:•41Y„., .• • ' -. .4 3 r ,i; TPub,444os r ll ' lo . .... 11 °*#t1 10 1**4.04 3 404 3 : VA01:. 41e:: , AdiP . 0.401141e. iiii,4kl.ii , i'oitilo4l" :.,.. .2 ~ .- ,l* .poliall:::..• :•.'-•:._._,''..;•.•;•'•.•;.::...,':-:•.:-. •••.•--.?.;. • . ...' - •, - _'' . .k. 4 I.'-1".1:11 MratS l 4 . .T4l)*(As-1114014104 :- :"f,!tt' 4 ;, : 4 ~.4 kind but - .-'.v.044 . i friend,s** • ~..., - -...,;' ..-, .... , ,, , ,,,i';.:,-i - ii • mate' me as 'a eaklidateitm . 4 ....,_, .i..o:4:„.sV:ithoiltlfeelpg-gy...,.:.,,._...., • , A ,,,•3.5. • tmle. 4: - 1 . r . h0• Migilk,q" . ***4*. - ~(1.1 401 711,: , . 0 !k: a1 A 0 #1 0 4iiittitiliheAltliWiftW.:14 • • ••f.• • ••: . :.. • • • ' — • sw. ... .P!. , PW.:9I:TW!.• -.... ,_•„, ... .1,...,..., • . • 11 , ,.'•43. s toneepaEa#4 , *4;4ol4lllo4ot.4l4 . • 'i, , tkon:eiloiekilikli**s•4l:rAW*4*f•4l,4;ar-"Pig, 1 : . I:: • dijpiat , ..d,file.,-mst..anknit k an ..;:-":.--- 1 ... '74"11'. Wi t h * ; 41 .• ..., •. -4 : 7 75 7 PW" - ' A4Ci.....,:.. 054041.0rA100#;.4.f.:4 jile,...9 * 4o ' tho. . 4l oo 4: o4k: 4 4eAFt:gt; trk A i kt i titAcu . hkriS*o l .i..nli.i-QuAii_yit*PtiWil; !..i...loo)! ?!* :• :Vfl : tfit 4744 4 :l4 vl i c ii ,• -- f i t . " l oi,..":fi s .4 *0404 40*pre4tii_64;:t.T.:•';,-:::l4.44•.k''k*•-•i`i.l.F.. Ocieead ,-I.l iiiveth ,. or'.:*l* . cansitik?"*Pir,4,: • the:l icto'' liiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiterAirL*'.4Weiiiii; '':'.:::' :IF: J.V.• ... trbttlgOs7 l lo:Pmr!o• 4 . 41 ... , :;004. 4 (tA1ike:::',. , , ..-.o* ,:. '-. .... .. 1 0 - 4qonYi ..,,...kCh 5.5.10.it1:4 I n ;:;:ic.,....' - .:1 - Av:. , ..4vi‘ 4 1 9 k , ,.....-151-7aVviik, -...1 7 . ±:0 flu. : ~.p.4.%4?„ ..# . ,..i. - 47.%7074TF!*i.,,„ m.vA: Wu) Z mit tea a' . .- ..lit.twii4thh;int;iiiikiit • 4 . " •• • - - •1..*9 moi* thaillkatitii t , • , •:.• - .r, ;.,- t:•:..i,". , e 6& -aFI e :F.. • •••• • - ,•- •-f" • --- .• •••'''''' . ~. : . - 1.• , I ) • . '", , !.•,: , -, ': • •! . :,.....7;• : : ••••21.14-1: ':•.'".' ?,' 4 , 3 01F.0 .4 4 1 P 1 Y.0 not . . , thert . • . 111 ,:.........! ~,,•4 ‘, . ..._, ~,,.. • „, .1, , ;:„ . .... : 4 44.c . ?•J ::".1101.*;PFT: 0 7 . m 61 .4 .. . , , - ..t .- •?1 . .wg. , ..:..1.16,,:.4.10;'*.=p001tA, ....49Prti..*'!,•:•....,.!V ; :through** inionilZot - • •- , Iton.: - ..ci(*.lir . ,* , _ ~.. ..., ... .. ~ . . ~• • - ~,..:-:-..;.,.:,... - -,,,,...: -4- -- 11... 110111 ih!!.kutl l .l. I NOMT.Ak il lPf t # 9 ,.. , ...-,- - • - Arit,..4 1. ,'er!f!.*ilit PtIig4LF44OI7O.:YPK.,.. -, ..: ..;.!:::4;{ 070rthiA403473*.W..., _•AtiL". ::.,„..-:- -. Tr { 4 ...:thi••6o`• o**iiitok.;;KasitiitioloVncrwl-i-':i • .: . .. . h i rillar ~,•• ..--• ~..--, , ,,,f•., ~ ,,,. ..- 2 1i, f , 7 , SPITIS 4 VIrr.... . 7 . • • '-rea'' ' iiisat,iik' - '• • " - ' , to" ' ' ili , f,' - ',.,--44 • ; .*P t t:4 l3 ; l3 i' .- not -41.-31.1P.2.:11W * - 4)f . • :i.f:rifit.:„.` p. '$D-le 0; :ii. 14,0: R 7 44. 1 11: ,. .04=040f :,- - -. •:•:;, , 'AltgnWJ'M, 11,0 am Ifianli . to admit ~ t %. f . :•; , ... :,IfY;IP 44•4...Pt/14..f'..Orgra.•11*-:4@,e130j4k.:•-i' • stk... ;-. 0-t0,.. put lAy4lf la* poil :.**i.i..lT4 $ e.Ferv:1Fx . e01161tit.10 , 449)9,..:. ~„. .- . •,.. ..,,,,,,..„.., ,self privileged •t . o 11914. me u4m-spfni44,lt, : •„gations,.woula.,-1 i, iymg . r.q4c.F.,:.4,.zt,T 4 :10,-. 4 pork for a ..s1 il 1 ing . .., # ......l . tkeretcnik: J.9# , ~'c,P,)-, ..... 1 ;• ; .. :phatleally..clee the . 1in,:14644.4 4;64,1404&„A t n , ....:::.:i, • :.., '... '. I , .. • • , 9-Aii , olll . Settler. : . ..%, , ) , 44 - -ki - -. .'4..i:.„ .. 1L-;.: il . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers