Froml/41tre Aunnican Fanner.. • : .NOts_tor , AgriciiltarLiti. . *iifiriecitir'article'oirthe lionfe de of .our Provernment, lately estiib tt- Wasilington, - -mfd after : it; was in leariked. : fr - orn,n friend just returned iihiriglaii thattliePresidenthad ex similar views to thoSe set forth in that Should this:Department associate . - aliur&fi On agilcultere, we may hope beat interests of a majority of our marat kfastreceive . a* passing notice legislative councils of the nation,— Liiiittope• that such a bureau would to. etibgreMeht , premiums, should improvements 4 for in agricultural ttathat lectures should be deliv - iltifie. and its importance,- ,flu /lions of Co egress, in the Smith stitute--thatipreiniums should be e the best' essays on agricultUre---. foreign consuls should be instructed .arrangements for international ex of' teeds, , grafts, &c. - 4.4,:=--, that pub should ba held annuAly; at or near St:Government, for the purpose of In:,and interchange of agricultural M--that' a. portion or ithe- public kuld be of to each -of' the States m rpose : establishing an. nricultu „land experimental farm---,-that seeds ions 'should be sent by' mail-at news- Tosfige—and 6nally,that liberal appro- Ms - be made-for pnblishing facts con -16y1.-ch agriculture,' which might be col by .the. Home Department. With a, a.ource for the, dissemination of useful We'should cease to heir of the perpet .,if .stupid errors in culture, prostrating mak 'a strength, and rendering half the in ' showered up on us by Providence 4 :,. : .._ 1 9 s . nderstand that General Taylor is ....ito have all.the recommendations of ashinton, which have escapsd after legis ion, loantS,-Considered, , ,if not `adopted; Al' ti leih, oie we'`.4re not surprised that he ) 111 4.1 ' 4O see;this Home Department ;Ii ita lr legitiniate use. •Ticulture received the attention it - { since the days of Washington, and fostered as recommended by him, we al-now have welcomed strangers to our an ;hores, to have assisted in tho auiti gon q improved farms for the supply of laiketi Of our Paeioe States. Paie Water the best. for Drink. - There s . c . a of ,lh to ist laijilia "men never have a true appetite ',lige) , at• With relish any ordinary food." .ia.thld,of,lohn ' Banes, who lived to the I.,iv t , :of lo e :hundred and twenty eight, that ''.--\ feed: or the most part co nSisted of brown ;cad ail - cheese, , and his drink water and ilk.;.- - e.had uried the town of North . ?ton t etity times over, .excepting three : . Tour ;land it is said, 'strong drink killed ,• ..etit all Water, manifestly is the natural r ver an.e'4ofanimals; whole nations. as .01 all - Rl' •Idahßinetaits :and the Rindoos, nse it ne as-a beverage ;, and unlike other drink, -, , ,, 1 , .*l.nOtsate the appetite, but the contrary ; i '-teed itilmas observed by Hippocrates, above rO thousand years ago, that.water-drinkers ed. 4ewqrally keen appetites. It is a fluid I,',ltreqmies no digestion, for his not neces . •Ithafilit should undergo any changes; it • eitOural - rilen.Stnini thfit holds in . solu ia -both what is essential for the healthy k fa' l' iIS l i of the, body, and what,his.become • 'age - , after serving its destined officeand 3, :'efflinn liii. the' animal kingdom. Water ' Fore ; ! from its congenial qualities, 'can ~. .4•,- e r ran _disturb the.systeln ; and when it ..." iti • . sl)eedily expelled by its natural 1 4 lital e' . •skin and kidneys. ,It is told of ,• gifen' eld, so well ‘ knopit for his hardy, -:iiiii•:Of 1 ' . ipline' and watchfulness, that fOothfaa vegetablei and_ his drink water, ' 'ef• •jt!! himself in. initnal food or •_ l e„ .AJ4 , -. Sir John Sinclair in his work ' -kingsiith• says, in his - account of Mary iiiloll;•thenaged one litiridted and five, „,. - iiilie. ; % i 'eferreil 'water to any other drink. ;NT /X Mastwo Fiore..--Mr. il, of -Tecumseh, Michigan, has ids an improvement in the prO rufieturing flour, which is claimed • On.: The India' na; 'kate Jeitrial he. following extracts -from a letter M. B. in reply to inquiries made -iference. to the inprovenent - : r.a - ‘ 7 .ed process of *Mine consists n i i „ rA r ng: the starch part of the wheat tither Simms matter, and submitting biler A second grinding. The way it j :fre44 4 , AT placing an auxiliary run of toslssi tto:_reeeive the • entire 'body of aotral, l .ou itapasSage from the upper or r• ''.' - t bol*i" - T4e sttides'.are fitted *fie '_. 'M:lO,t - 4i3.400 revolutions-per min ,_:intthefeeding. of the staffs made unl ck'And ierfect by a very .simple combina ofritachitterv. - '•.; ' - ' - • .' i the "offal" is thus ground 'or se:‘,..cre-- -*-104i.ii:k then P4ssed- -1 01:ihe lower ?, • 4k.. .dusters, when the flour is . taken Out sent'o' t , tho" cooler," or first bolts, to be Origy,:**o:in,reg•ular proportions, "iitk superiltieAlour, - and the remainder sei• 3. forked. : - -,,... - ~. -.. , I' . , CIFIO.Ir,,,NREAV-The- wheat cut in -61'j04:4007'-.)::6l.W*glitfn•tw, Lennawee, qunazoiil.:l s aelugki 7 46 ,1 ,Calhoun, -3re.4oo6otedUtO'= l , 996 , 27B .lnshels , ' all 't.iPO 2 l 734 ?Mf - bdOliels-7 - '7 jelir Exto iviS 4-', , '!n 1 1 1 4 ".I DEPmdigEnt. *Afr. , 1 0094 le= YrDeli 4.04 g • .'..- • ' ,`' • '-' • ' -. . - • , .! ;t Abotit Orchards - . I/01,01E31E4T 9/ NOVNI:4. , APPkx. 0104- OD- 4 ;41 1-4 following 000 or treatment. of ti ..1' 611 "Pg'•114 1 . 170 00 2 0 . 4,.:ti*1 1 404 61- ii,s ite 4 0 .!44:40$9'. 1 ifiiiiii0h . • 8 11'..4.v'i . 4'44iliae a .virs:growth, has ._ been. fnriushed by J. 14.4 97.4••0f t•Remeilq... X. •' j. • • -•. -)- Last iy l ear Ain; 'ground --was planted, with potata .;,in the fall; 'after Ole' dro - ; ! xita Or, itliadlivheaVy top dressing of inorSe manure drawn from the -village and plowed under. The treefi, were earthed op-to pretect'thein from'. - TniCe... ThiS spring, the . ground was press 14 Oved, and, it-As now. sown to carrots, parsnips, ;i ; onions, snd-• some. beans planted among them.; the ground has beim forked around the trees for a circle. of• about five feet. They are' making a fine growth. • The stems 40 - 0 been washed with diluted soft Apo '' - A 4ROfITA BLE OROCkiRD.- - -T.116 , American' Aglic#tttrisA gays.; "A .gentleinan within our knowledge has a small orchard on the Iludson;river, of less than Oven acre 4., which produces from 8500 to $750 worth-of apples annually. •'..• This-is not one year Of plenty, •and atioiher or two Of famine, but is ®u lar, steady, average yield. All this is secured by the ,soplest process, viz : good ;manage- Inent4'l - , . ANcritpt.—An old orchard of four acres •had not been plowed for nearly thirty years, -and was -egarded by the neighbors as worth less. It :did not yield more than eight bar rels a yeah; It was well plowed, and thor oughlynianared for three successive years, and cultivate:d with crops. , It then produced tzeolandr4i and' eighty barrels of tipples. I=2=l Planting Chesnuts. At a late Farmers' meeting in New York, Mr. Boca, : speaking of planting for Chesnut timber remarked, that he plowed up a tract of unproductive hill-side, several years ago, and planted, it with chesnuts; in rows four feet apart revery ;way. The ,first sprouts coming up rather crooked and scrubby, ho went 'o r tee the.field and Cut them down close to thezrchind, Which ethised new sprouts to shoot ! up i struight and . vigorous.. The trees ace Very thrifty, coMpletely shade the. ground, and, grow morn and more rapidly as the soil beCOrnes)streugthened by the.annual deposit of leave 15. So fvell satisfied .is with the expermient, that he !snow, blacip,g other —frontless I:lllWlnalimiliii course of improveructt. t• Shoe Bus ne,ss in Lynn Mass. ‘' The shoe buiness is the life of Lynn.— Only women's, Misses', and elildrsn's shoes , are made' here. Engaged in the business there are of 'manufacturers, or men who " carry on the business" 78 ; cutters, or men who "cut out" the shoes, 175; of nien and boys employed in making shoes, 2,458; of men and boys so employed, but living out of town, '90.0 ; women!: and girls employed in binding shoes, 4,92E6; of the same so em ployed and giving out 'of town, 1000; ma king of employees an aggregate of 10,058. The number of men and boys employed in making shoeS is more ;than seventy per cent larger now Than it u'as in 1848. The in crease -,in the munbei of women and girls employed in binding shoes has, we p&ume been norresP4dingly great. But it Should be stated that. the shoe business - in', 184 was unusu AT depressed : that Much less of it was done during last; than will probably be done during the present year. The num ber of 'pairs of, shoes made (Writ the last year Was 8,109,00; the number purchased from other towns 35 , 3,000, making On all 3,s4o,9o.priirS...;,;,Thecostof the .material of these w0k:41,435. 545; .that.Of . malting, them 18957,901; .mairing the cost of the 3,54;00' pattp . f have been - $23'02, 575. The .04.- of making .shoes new about (Me-sixth less - than it was a dozen years ago.-L-Lyna ' • "- HOW NIVOi SEED .—One and a half ihnsliels_ of rye wheat ;Ithree bushels :If Oats' and • half bushels of barlky, arcs iir quantities for: band SoWing,, ',Eniglishmen sow : more seed than:;w4 do. Seime of us sow four hushtls;ofkiatk and! some bat two. Some ikiiirtWo bushels of '.hitrley. When Igrass it is notl,good theigoi#A-e - rjr.•thieL - . Plaster Might..., to be sMin;e2irly in • April, and then it may be expecteci..:to , operate .for thre, years.— When it is *4 sown till June,iit will -not Live much eiTo” . Snit seasoui CriEAU' AN, :n.—From tniciOsopic observation ;en Jound, that. cream consists of the glitbules of the milki which rise to the suriaee frotn.theiri lightness; and which contain the butter, to the form of pulp enveloped in a, white, thin..and elaftic !Allele. The ?teflon of-the 'alum is i nothing more than the. rupture of this peillielc, the !frag ments-Whereof, whiter . t tle_ lulnid called but termilk. The aci4ity 474 ~ b uttermilli arises at the instant when, :!butter.. : is formed, from the iimmediate contact of the butter with; acid principles,o j f. the milk. ~ i 1 '-- ....—., 0-...' Jan , TALL GaAs.l.-- 7 0aptip .-Coates Jones, of ltiontiniterV , iid, has 4ktalk of Ttaao tllYk.,rovfeill.ts."Clean"yir intlyttnes- Alll5 t**ll 4 isel latiliA , ;iie - )lettil it-which xneastres 13''.inches n letrtn. 4 - " •'' ' '''' ItplWl,lo:;Tes.ti , omiy,.. 1. •,--!': . • : • %'. •• :..1-• f •/;WSsisntorwe lterth Carolina.:. MR. Fo*Lc--"Rear #Sir,,; ."1111 2. ., Hers:y . lra whole certify:ate is given hetd* , :iii:Fone nf: our most re— : !Mtat'le and—Cede4s4ciligtei'fAinil,liii wife no* en ! joys - goodlieiliklterYi**Cifolly"yours; ' •-: ' 4 'l7l l lrtit;A,FBllA W m. V." ~•. • • ' VeaurorttoOti-arkitW , Carolinn, 14 dlOdilkiliiii.o l *" - Wiisiikhltiii4l9.ih August, 1847. !: The eiielerekeOrfiergl .grateful.. for thelelief "alll4ettltt the nie of lAitf- - ifriSrctfillibt,Mair itl ie ~,y Val) ~044- 4 1.37 i 41eifq - ' 'ife.ii,44l= - 111 - 1 - tiCV. -Pti l * i e f elß :l:l ok# l4:4 4: 4 l 4'‘ ore ': , 1 114 4c# 41 1 0- : 100t0011t.,1*.#1,. : ~*34(444: W.14:411 , 14 - ishe. r4p4Aiothop. i_. - :" JF.#0. 6 4404,-*ltilt*l'iliO"' i 410-4t:00: 414:.'k :. ..i 10441C:Xel ilPW4iiiigiiinkii? ' 1 10490 11-100 :0*094-1iciC..: .19 04 4:;)iy:i I;the vie 64 tiol:F:=WS.Aid igie 1 ::: 4iti#4o 1 *if 407.:440-asio:: . 'ir..,- :".1. 2, ..:;-'7, 1 .:,:•: -- F . : ,,,.. :: :.. 1 - •:••:, c --' `7, '",-f'77 % . „;. ) ,,i xv,i4l4, ;i ~i fa' itilibi .' .iiiiE;, #o2.l4..meatikeei 1 z 11=11S11!111=21 • New . A.. EL TRarkt.t.' - • udS just returned frotattli.e't4y of New York .14. with a well-selected and desirable assortment of Goods, compri*g a greater variety than is usn allyike-pt in a country storcOioughtfexellisively for cask. down at - the lowest rates,. for the quality of goods; and-till be sold as cheap as the cheapest. The - best quality of Sugar -at 6d. pet pound to be fiend in Susquehanna couptyi Fine flavored Teai„.a.good variety. Molasses, good and cheap. Coffemof the best kind. Spices of every d-crip tion.i Salemtas,.Kaisins, Bice, Fish. and all other lands of Groceries; good and cheap. Calicoes from 4 to 12i eta. per yard ; Ginghams, -Mouidiu de Laties,i,Alpaccas,!Plaids, Diaper, dc. Sheeting of best quality and some very low, Shirt jag, brown and bleached; Vestings, thindkerchicfii, Kentucky Jeans, Mixed Denims, Corduroy, Mole skin, Cassimere, Linens; AT- dc.; Broadcloths froth VI. to 4 per yard.. , Ladies andgentlemen's Gloves and Hosiery LTM brellas,CoMbs, Brushes, Silk; Thread, Twist, Bot toms, Suspenders; Batting,' Wadding, Cotton Yarn, 'Teel Goods, Combs, and a general assortment of rankee nOtions. -Clocl&s, Watches; Gold, Steel and Brass Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens. -Thiin tiles, Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold Bostim Pins,' Ear Hoops, Finger dtings, do de., emhracing a gen eral assortment of Jewelry.. Spectacles with sil ver bovis, Silver Plated, German Silver, dc., Silver and other kinds of 'Spoons. Violins, Violin llbws and Strings, Flutes, Fifes, Clarinets o ilccordeorts, cbc.,..instruction Books, Tu ning Forks, Base Viol-Strings laid Bows. Hardware, Cutlery, Pails and Tubs, Stone Ware dc. Good Linseed Oil, and paint-' of every descrip boo, Varnish: Sp'ts. Turpentine, and Paint Brush _es, Nails, Glass, Sash and Putty. - A general nod complete assortment-of IYrup -and _Medicines: • Medical Instruments, Trusses, Supporters de. Phy sicians, supplied with good :trades on moderate terms.. Choice Liquors 'for medicinal purposes and the, arts; Dye - Stuffs (b.c. • Glass ware. of every description. Lamp OiLs. Tanners Oil, Candles, Candle Wick, Candle Sticks, Snuffers, Trays, Lamps (be_ ihiying Tools, Hoes, Shovels. Ases and Helves, Baskets, Clothes Pins, Brooms, Boot Blacking, ei.c. Se. dc. Boots ' Shoes, Upper Leather, Mirrors, Tea Bel Ls. Tobacco of all torts, Pipes, Snuff Candy, Sponge, Rosin,Salts, Alum, ()operas, Indigo, Mace. Tapioca, Arrow Root Essential Oils and Es settees of all kinds Patent medicines of every description. Blasting powder and Safety iymse, Rifle Powder, Bar Lead, Shot, Percussion Caps, Pistols pie. The public aro invited to call and examine the quqty and prices of goods. ' ABEL TERRELL. Montrose,' June 13, 1.8-19. Jewelry, clock and Watch estab . ltsliment _ _ HAVE ,xott the Tore-titriet - riot.; - you can have ttl - allinzat the first door above the Stafie Hotel, where repliring and adjusting Lever, Cylnider,'Escapement, and common Watches and all kinds of time keepers, .Jewelry and Musical In struments, dc., are done in a stYle that cannot fail to suit the most fastieliou=. Acl livatTanted to per fonmaccording to the quality of the article. Jiiist received, a good assoitrient of fashionable ! Jewelry and Watches, which r ill be replenished every two months. consisting of gold and silver Lev* and Lepine Watches, Quartiers, Sc., from 7 to 80 dollars, silver Table iind Tea Sptons, Gold • ltingS, Ear Hoops, Cluster, Jet.and Stone Pins, Wristlets, Silver and Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Pen Knives, Scissors, Silver Thimbles, Gold, Silk and Steel Chains, do. Revs, Card Cases, Letter Fold ers, Tooth Picks and brushes, and many other use ful ornamental articles, which will be sold very cheap for old and new silver and gold., Pay down and small profits is my motto. ' Montrose, May 110, 1819. ;WM. W. TRITE. Crockery apcl-Glass. wr, have received a large j addition to our stock of Creel:cry and CRass Ware, which will be sold dt extremely hlw prl t i many articles same as New York wholeaalbpiaci,and some even Tess. A l large lot of Priti,tall co vered 'Dishes at -14 cents each-250 setts ofFlowing Blue, Light Blue, White Granite, aud - conirnon cups and saucers,--much low er than they z are. sold generally 1i LSO, A very/superior lot of Novas,cotia Grind-stone, with ,egard to bothsli ape and'orit, yen- cheap.. Rukkorrs ik co. /tlibson, Jane 99, 1849 Sewelry—at Turrelrs. LADIES and Gentlemen's Gold Bosom. Pins' Finger Rings, Ear Hoops, Gold Pencili and Pens, Silver Spoons, spectacles of. every•descrip tion ; gold and silver cased 'Watches, Chains and Keys; Musical Instruments, Violins, AccOrdeons, Flutes, Fifes, Clarinets, etc. Pistols .and 411-sorts ofYankee Notions, and nearly every thing :irsually kelpt in a country store—Chcap for Cash. [See advertisement in another column.] Montrose, July 10, 1849. Dissolution- THE Partnership under the firm of B. R. L it Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con 1 B.R. LYONS. , • J. D. LYONS. Lanesl4o, July 11, 1849. S. A. LYONS. Those indebted to the late firm of B. IL Lyons it Co., will please to mill at the Captain's office and pay their fare. All the business of the late firm Will lie settled by • R. L PONS, Lanesboro, July 11, 1819. The business for the future will be continued un-, der the firm of Lyon. 4 & Chandler. - 12. LYOYS., E B. C11.11NDL.47?. ILmesboro, July 11, 1849. - New , Arrangement. BALDWII C would tender thanks to his friends fur past favo?s, and would inform them that lie has sold out the Saloon, Eating and Drinking, department, and trusts. business will be kept up in gOod - style, and that he has taken the other room on the east side, next Ito M. S. Wilson's *tore, where he has - opened a front Shop for his Baking and Candy business,,wliolesale -and retail . ,•- Montrose, July 18:1849. C. BALDWIN' Baking and Candy *shwas CARRIED on by_ C. Baldxvin in all its various - Bread,: kolls, Rusk and Ginger latredd, Cooki*ii - 'Crackers, dc, kept on hand far Wholesale - - and-lietail. dandies got up in the Teet he:4 style, ties ; York not excepted. Pyramid and all other fancy 'Confectioneries, g 4 up in good style, and liept`on lunal fur w holesale and retail Please 'call on c 134LDWIN.': 7. l'' Montrose, July. j Gentlemen's rarni,.shpag 'Ware ' -1. ,:.Souse. - - I,TERRICIC.kI 4 OI.IADER, 9 . 5 Williantst., New - Yorki Ilivifactgrem Importeo,and Dealera in Shirts,. Dreahig liobes,_Lsnc Collars, Stocks :Shoulder Braccei - OrartgrOlara'riadSearik Dion Linen Irovnlcexit+dke►ckirle, Homer - 111 elesi .848 Peni0 .8 . - Boqi 6 atine s . 1..--.111e. - above - atrocifinill,; :on 'exarainatien; be found not only: Attractive; Thriensive - aiul Full, but Olteap — "Our lobr9vrl u4.oe - inifiiM knowl AkiPfTanttiPual..ihat we are con Ident 4004ik t r eiims tur 44 4 14 1 ranY-eu dtT:=' to_ orders eiatbe.paelc 41 4 eiiroods, w.ultiorr & Retnyor4L. greet, PTO' Stiiit, New Y 04 4- Lim . '-: • Village .LOSs I , r Sale, , ' ! TLEE subseriber offers lots for sale in: the (mi ship ofGteAt Bend-ix: '.O village- of F. nil:- rile, and directly oppos4o; , • village.of teat Beed,l o eated on the Depot O i the bow . York and Eri e r a ilroad,: and the_ Great i nd and Poebecton Turnpike, in the valley , Susquelumna , Over. The rtuTread ereing the liaidnrnpike, theKe run itan ning in a urved line nearly • el.with thisame at- the distance of a few h dred feet, wtith the grounds gradually_rising abU e railroad.and turn pike, overlooldng the river an i I dle beautiful val ley, compared with its health climate, renders it a most desirable locution for uilding •ptuTikes- r - The depot ground pf the .mi d company hang. located in the centre of a i hi and extensive lagti cultural district, surrounding itlon every side ),with its many,roads centering in, 1 all other advanta ges combined, afford every advluitag,e to a business population. An Extensive ITrcliir Forcer can be brought front the Suicnehanna rivet lid joining the depot grOunds of the said rail rontlisuf ficient for the erection of all ' manufacturing estab lishments, or any machinery repired. ' , Great Bend, 523-1 , A L. GBEEN. N — .l. dc E. - Railroad, treight Line. 'St.-phew:and Thompson's Forwarding Line from Great Bend—Cap t.. 1. Ic. Thompson. T EPHENS & THOMPSOL will forward frdight from Great Bend to New I.York bk Ifaill'oad every 4 T uesday and Thrstlay by the regular freight line which leaves Great Bend Bend very morning at 8 o'clock and 30 minutes: George W. Stephens will remain at Great Bend and forward all produce entruSted to this Company and pay the returns for The same - at The railroad office. Capt. J. W. Thompson will remain iniNew York and give his personal attintion to the' salts and make returns as soon a' the produce is dispo sed of. This company flatter themselVes by hav ing a salesman in New York vio has been in the frieghting business for a numbe "of years from Or -1 mige county, that they. can girt as good satisfac tion as any on the railroad. A iberal advance will be made on freight delivered 48 the depot if desi red. GEO. W, STEPHENS, Great Bend, J. W. THOMPSON,i New York. Great Bend, a 3 - New Hat , ottd Ca}p Store., ' THE citizens of Montrose nail vicinity ate ra spectfully- informed that 613 subscriber's have commenced the numufacture of Hats and Caps, two doors below the Farmer's Store, where they keep constantly on ,hand and for sale! a general assort meat of hats and Cape of everyi variety and price. All ivho wish to purchase a firstlrate article in our fine, are particularly invited to g ye us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stoc - con, ists Of 13ea ver, Nutria, Brush. Moleskin, ilk, Muskrat ' and Coney Hats; also, California, Sp'uting, Wool, Leg horn, Straw and Palmleartlats, Sc. &c., besides a great variety of 3lon and Bova' loth and Glazed Caps, children fancy do„ ,tc. le.-}-in short, a lure assortment of alincis,t_eyery. art.ic4ein.ousLlitut-, By a strict attention to busineis and ,a desire toplease, please, we hope to merit and rective a liberal up port, and assure those in want of Hats and Caps that every effort will be made t( get up the neat est and best kind of an 4trticte. ! May 1, 1840. - ELDRED ' NEWCOMB. 013 this silo of Cantornia: TO BE SAVEDBY ruArn - NO CHEAP. Grocery, Confectionary and Oyster Saloon. IIIE1 IIE railroad being completed' I now have,,arid - keep a general asssortment 4f groceries cheap —such as sugars, molasSes, rice, 4offee and teas, of prices and quality such as will please. Also, nuts, raisins, candy and all kinds of frtfit the market can furnish my buyers to suit, .Also ,1 fresh clams and oysters received - in the shell, &dal fish too, this weather—they keep very well—l shall get by,the railroad a weekly supply—to pl4ie all my custo mers' tastes I shall try. Good (misters on hand,by the keg or the dish--served up either raw or cook ed, as you wish. All needed refteihments prepa red at a wink—call ye 'hungry, and plank down the chink. IVIII. BRADLI.X.. Great Bend, Feb. 11 ' Eagle Steam p Fon Sh ndry 0 Machine o i • IN Fit LT: BLAAT. Wt woucd respectfidly invite! the attention o all those'who may ho in w nt ofMachinery or Castings of any pattern, Mill G erin ,, s, Ploughs of various patterns, Straw Culla . Cooking, Parlor & shop stores, Iron , & store W n, shingle Ma chines, Wood gr. Engine. Lathes, steam Engines, Boilers, Iron Fences, ti:c. dm., to give us a ea% as We are confident we can ;stilt the Imost fastidious. All work done at our Foundry wrirranted. Proprietors, Wu. JEA,s or, 11 It. 46ss, Wm. J. lolut.voun, F. B. OW :Dim, ' M. S. WILSON, B. S. BEN-rtrr, . . 0. G. BARTLETT. , Eagle Foundry, Montrose, (Pa.) July 4, l f , NEW ARRAN GEM 'N` Freight And Conaission Line, , Via. Ncra York and Erie Rail Road. CIAPT. L. 0. Tiffany ant) Walt pr Follet hare, 1.._/ fonned'a partnership for the tiansportation of freight and produce of ail kinds, !between Great Bend and New York by the Itailroild, by the regu lar Freight line, which leaves Ear at Bend every morning at 8+ o'clock. i Captain Tiffany, who has been r a number of years engaged in the purchase and Aale of produce .in the New York markets, will emain m Nets York and giVe his personal attenti n to the dispo sal of all property committed to ourcare, and make di returns as soon as the property is sposed of. Mr. Follet will he at Montrose . Ll' Great' Bend alternately. Orders for the tr nsportation of Freight, may be sent to him at Ci er place, .and Will receive prompt attention. Otir charges over • the regular freight will be a small4ammiscion. N. 5 . LO. TIFFAS.I ,WALT hilt FOLLF.T. ' Montro, - e, May 9 . , '49 Just Beieelvol.l AT the MoNraosE Bo* SToitE, .Vagiat tratea' Uompc!nfon, Pitnlop'a Forma, antsta ide'B Guide. ,11lay 29, 1849. New Grocery. Store. One door' South of Mills & Ifnapp's in the (Stulteformeriy occupied by or. Post}, Tsubscriber has received a h:rge and exten sive stock of , • , • Groceries, consisting of Teas, Sugars, Noldsses,l 6 ; RM°, Grqund Spices and Pepper,' • Saleratus,-qnger, Nutmegs, Indigo, late, Sperteand - tallow Candles, pad by the barrg half and . tinartor Herring by the box, Raisms - by the Salt by the sack or barrel, Clocl6l Willow Ware; Flour; Pork,i dm: &c •dealCr• iii all kinds of • ' Wines and' Liquor llie can and trill sell his goof s they, can be bought .at day stogy yeader, ; if yen dori,t, believe, give ' convince sq4i'))ol4 - rtirge - kov, ',.!;'''it'igito:,•e,:2;iiitp 28; 2.- • = ~.. , pi o j a h lt . :.... , ..1,: ; . . = , 1 AA - Itii%asscirtan i ant , loagto o r lavveciptterat of Montrose. 44 , rece l mitatraattio, alitt, , lust', *\ ago at reduced pneesby-_ 1 '... 7 ..'...1 . : 1 Nev - Milford, April l 10;1849;. ..::. --- :1:: , Good:. ~ ~,,v, e.: sqpiir - ; ... is qualitysp t uf- , Poitortco : ', a., : - light colored, o'6i - els:vet 1 , Jilizel.S. I - ' - -tr , iBUA . 1 ' P i : ' 1 t A-• i.• • L • •1. niv orleVAttis • Le? fEven ics smobv - Reati inlet 1:AILIOTILL) ^ ' 'Mete to a DampedDu iftie sale. in. thwAllreitelit lotus talled-S, p.. Inwnsend'a :Sarsaparitilts.. , , AL ialativertieed . the ,OlitiOl. ' , .NA GENII,OIE, anralttnat: TlllSToWMienPanta . docUti ',' 'and ier ; hut wasTorMeity,Wworkir orikairroidS,Mt. tia an 4. e like-yet be assonnwthe..title,of . tOrfor th e p o gaining creditfor wh o re is hot, '.• le stye , 4 1ut .' 1 hes titled iwo.mtilidirechool' attillStaititt ' for llfteme earel I" , Ilse the trUthis.--hst verprnal medicine a day in his le / Such. wile, Snicketfjrnisrepnosettuttion ' looks bad t ttmeharieldruld - veraeity of 1.4404 ii, !With' mosteinee ly, he Mut nacre Made those.elatMeeettor'hini' ' wirer °fine. I When will men - learn to be honest end truth, Cal its all their',ourse -iedth theli fellow - men! fie ttpolled tednalluergapp to etwlstibint'in Man; .' ufaentring bit mixtuni,unting the-largeotelmr - lse 'would make, u an itducement to embattle the Misfires: ; These , men have be n insulting and libelling ine in all.TOssible fornet,, Viotti° to impress the public with th ' holier lhat the Old DoetcursSantaparilla wassnot the esertinet r iortitull- Sareaparille, made from the.o4lll/I.orilginal CO., pit. This* v. Townsend bays. , havi3‘sold thnVe ormy; namelfor t7,in !week. I will - stveq hire 'WM if' nt-telltlinte due Ona sine ', sot hary proof .ofi ibis. '...llittaternereCof. ' Thompson, I Dkillmart-k Co:, are , nothing bun a tissue 'of falsehoods, ebnply made ' to deeettre the ' publiOtal keep ' - the trethdown le regard to hiessetritnferwientiv:ints. pound. This m ca . mion the public , to perch" none but; Old Dr . ] AG ft Townsend's Parsepaillia, liars ig . en Tebbe c t . Old. -Doctor's ' ikeness, Itliftietzili Dearer A ' .s, and his sigor ' , read° the Coat of Ann. ''''' , - -.' . 1.. . N ti'. ee, lett 4 - THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OP TfIE I Genuine !Town senal Sarsap init. c Old Dr. Tolerteertil is rim:reboot '.ll vearskif a e. and hal. long been known as the .4 UT/70/4 and DISCO' YRRRR of the GE N (17 f N F. 7 ORIGINLC " TO; vqPiArD SARSAPARILLA." Ilring . poor, he wait co milled to limit to mantlfahrure, by which memis it has bee kept nut, of market.and the sales cirruni4erihed to those only who hadpnived its worth, and known its) value. It hail reached the ears of mnxil:, nevertheier., as those persons who had been healed Of Sore distance:add Saved (min thteth, aro raised its wonderful ! I . ' HEALINCI PO Vt.R. ' 1 This GRAND:AND liN ULU A Li'.lED PRP.PATCATICN is manufactured tat the lamest grate. mid is called for through. out the length and breadth of the hind. especially as it is found incapable pi degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young , S. P. Townsend's, at improves 'with age, and never changes but fort:is battery becauvg it fit prepared on ocicraijgc placip/Ca by a scisnrifie man. Vise highest knowledge of Cliennstry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been 'brought into requisition ialhe ;manufac ture of the Old Den Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, - It is well known to medical men, contain many inefficiraa properties mill some properties which are inert or thalweg % and others, which if retained in preparing it Arguer. pro ducejermentatebs and neul,zsvhieli Is injurious to the trys t... Borne of the properties of Sariaparillaare-so volali7e that they entirelY evaporate and are lest. inAlte peeper - mine. If they are notpmergeo toy icsetetufae - preetss, Annern on ly to thrive experienced in Its manufacture. lilereover, these rolaidc pc:pc/pies, which Sly Mini vapor, mins en ex halation, under hem, are the very Osential medical prop erties of the root, which give to it alh its value. - ' Anyperson can boil or stew the rtat till they g et a dark colored liquid, which is more from the coloring natter in the root than from anything else; they can then strain this insipid or vapid t liquid. sweeten with sour molests., and then call it " SARSAPARILLA EX - (TRACT or SYRUP." But such is not the article known as ihe. GENUINE OLD DR JACOB TOW NS.kND'S ISARSAPA it ILL.A. 1 This is so prepared that all the inert properticv of the Sarsaparilla root a re first removed, everything. capable of becoming acid or • fermentation Is eNtracted and -;ejected; then every, particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure and concentrated form; and "thilv it is rendered incapable of losing any of its valuable and hepding propertnis. Pre ., pared in this way it is made the movilpowerfulagept in the . Cure-o}' innulnerablo Dig easesi Rence,the reason why we hear conimerldations 'n every tide in its fa:verbg men, stamen, and'ichildren. We find it doing wonders in the cure of 'CONSUMPTION, DYSPEPI : 4, and I.lr7en- COMPLA INT, and in nia:u, ATISII.2, SpROF IILA, PILE'S: COSTIVENE I A". all CUT.IN.g. 0 . 17 S ERUPTIONS. PI A IPL, f.:S, BLO7'FLIES end nil affection 3 arising from 1 IMPURITY OF THE t BLOOW - . It possemit a Marvellous efficacy in all Complaints ari sing- from incrigesrion, from Aridity of the Stour h, from • unequal carculatitin, determination o blood to the bead,, palpitation of the heart, cold feet an I " ha gen nds, cold chills' and hot dashes over the body. It has not Its equal in COlthrend . promotes Coughs ; and easy expectorAtion and gentle per sptcation. relaxing suicturca of the lints. throat arid every whey part. .I. - I But in nothing i,4 its excellence MOT manifestly men and ~ acknowledged than in all kindsand NI st ^es of - • FEtLE pOMPf.. INTS. L 1.. It works wand° in easds of Fits r 41101. Or Mdiet4 Falling of Me tro ;. Oberurted, Snimressed,. or Painful Masses, lrregrdarity ofthe menttria.Pperiods and t i p like; and is effectta re l gam ing all die forinstgiciiiey D eases. By removing e truetions. and re dating - ihe erieral - system, it, gives io e and strength to e'whale boilly,'Auld t thus cures all form of • - 1 , , ,- Nerrenei Diseases antllpelttllty. . and thus prevents , or relieveit a greagiety Of• oil er mat. ' . adios, as Spinal i p /rslorion, Aleitia) I ,St. Vitus' Ranee, . Swooning, Enile ic Fits,.Conrdsurm,itc. i - It cleanses the bl. excites the liver to healthyistion tones the stomach 'and gives good digestion, reli 'yes this bowelsof tumoral) consurration , all itffianuna on, pu rifles .the skin, equalizes the circulati n of *held pro ducing gentle warmth equally aliv,ov r the body, tll the ‘ Insensible perspirapon; relaxes strictilree and tighthess-tos moves ail obstructions, mid invigorator the , entire nerve's' system. Is not this then The Medicine you pre%•emizienity nited.l' But can anv of these things be said of S. P. Townsend', infei ior article II This young rnan's li uld is not to he • COMPARED WITH. T OLD DR.'S. , - became of one GRAM) FACT, that e - one - is INCAPA BLE of DETERIOtATION, and r, EVER. SPOI LS t 1 i while the , ther DO S: touring, fervienting. and Maim Me bottles contain ta g it into fragments : the ;Mgr, acid liquid explodingi add damaging other pedal Must not this horrible &amiably! Ibe poisonous to 'the system?—W hat! 71 put aced into a system already disease(' frith acid ,7 What causes DYepepsta but acid 1 po wo not all know that when food aeon in - our strmachv. what mart: ter it produestit flatulence; heartburn, palpitation of .t e heart, User tmtn, plaint, diarrluenaj il ysentery. colic, ' corruption t of t **, anli blood I What is refute but an acid umor in thabody 7 What produces all I c humors which bring on EtUflliOne 0! the Skin, Scald Read, Salt Rheum4Ery . gipelas,llNltite ' Swellings, Fever rev, and alt ulcerations internal mid ex -tonal 1 It is nothing under heaven b* an acid aubStance, . which sours, and' thug spoils all the fluids of the - hodY t more. , or Sew. What' nisei; Rheumatism bin a:sour aMi acid fluid which inn' na/es itself between the joints. an „ellSe• /. where, initatinz and inflaming the deliatte titan -upon which it actsl So irf nervous'dxseaset, of impurity of"the blood, of deranged Circulation, and neatly all. the al ,COCSUS which afflict httritninature.• - I Now is it not oerible to Make. and , sell, anti infaitely worse in use OW' - • • SOURING, FEIIMENriNti. 'ACID t 4 CO*POUNP" IP ; S P TOWNSEND ' • ' ~1_ - and vet he would' fain have it, understood that Old Dr. it, cob ToWnsenti's eitisitte Original. SarseParinav is 1111,11. ITATIOIi of his nihrior preparationl l. - • . I'. I : Heaven: forbid that we Adwrulif dealt an article whic h would bear the mot distant:resemble ce to S. P. Teem, - seral , a article? I I . . 1 h We wish It Understood, because it is . e -absolute ;milk that S. p.Tigirnseidis article and old Drl s Jacob Toirressnire Sarsaparilla are i ecreen4q4le apart ' 'anll infinitely &mein. Car: that they ar t unlike, in;everypertellittb , havil4 eu* one single , thing i i ettmrtioa. ' i '-. ~ ..l As S. P. Townsend is no :Meter. add 'beim' Irras4 is ,tie chemist, no phanimeeuttst— knows no motet& medielnelor disease than any other common, unscientific. unprOfessitinal man, what guarantor calf-the public -he, e that they greys, cciying, a entitle medicine , containing *lithe rip. hues of , he attiel i Red in pretvaring - iatut Which streits-' capable of ihich might render th em th e AGEIOIIMS of Disease Instead of health' .., i •-. ~ 1.. But what else alto ld be 'expected Cram one who - knows nothing compartively ofmethetne orrell- - .lt wapitis a',porson of some eitteri6nce to conk itarvaup eves, a.„. , common' deeent eI. lime-much -, tslimptittook hit k that the persons Wholmanufactuns medicine tied_ psW_ jar 1 -i. '..WEAS. STOMIr AND,ENFEEIir , SYSTEIIIII, - - should. know well metlical`prapatie of plants,' beet manner ofiseeuri and concentioftg th Jr - healing shrluell,! also an extensive mnwledge of the varitnia diseaseew!tich affect the:human; system, and how, to 'tilapt",reniedies ito these diseases! 1 1, - 1 '• - -,..,- .., , tt( . It is to:Vulva. hearupett The ear , toiedir i g it tf. * Ante wounded inimanity. to kindle, ho T ilt'. the : hceotn, to restore t heinh, and bloom.' lid titer aura. crashed and broken, Ind to banish inti 'VIII! QUI MILT Mos TOWNSEND has SOllBlTlrtuedrENßlLkip.tip: lentanity and brim s e • .::. - •...: , ; ...-: „.. •• _.: „„„.. Or 13 .10101 i Itstissiii " % ma within I t imi.ortin '' 'to As krui ' , 11; , +t- that they tory !asinine' kview. , bitjay t its - , .., - .t: Woo Ntleilltdioot Porerutt‘ L ' OOP; 1 'ic I. ABM TIT i i ,, q {, E; 1 .41, Coffee, Tubac pltareh,Chives,'l (Cigars, Chcice 7 'tlsh, Mackerel rttrot and kite, x.or pou,nd, 4. stone, Ware, 46. e. Wholesale cheaper than v,itilfriontrose, is 4, cia. And Main. ti2dtf 7 I ;-: A P - flaremot -m. 4wllitY;i'lit• 1 ._Aiiiiens;l6o. ..., , i. 'the motttaii.. IMO:unto!) ved and for ‘tnturrr. Arm •,. • • I_ 71;1 kip .' s's VaTO \ - l c Ottei* ' • iriApiksr*- I ~......,,_ _ . t o ok ~,..:410.444..vr.. liiw. R -4 4 -: I P I 4 - -diiiiiiii' 7;' — 'llerrYs buto*Fif,z!ri - 4 ~isti.,'ltt- ,N .e- r s, ,iiprtoes.,4 • - 1 . u. nvilitows e: col ._. iar .i (IrP, sitd 4 . 1 , & (A. ;===2=in==llm nebi , irao t ,:g ._ _ ,- ~-..„-.-..,.-.- .- ,-t-dt-7 Al a l. ZYPei et the'jtiitci'bt-i' . ~. , ' ne a t 0 tunit!carefullt :. -Tileio 63Wttitiiiiiteriii:frii : ' me -hi the'dirtivent.tee, ' tithed ottlgtr:ClactihT. inwitars_airelpiiiil*ez It Is et 1 :-.'"" l "ed , iii-the - --prigrke• - _ , lfighit. ,i , a 4 a setertne i v. 1111,40 0 d:: ittr2row int Zitioi ,rftlyeWirea..4wer the lest Ai* year* bi ti fertlibist lle, whie ' II " " 44 4 11 :oherecteraritlitt.petetlow; .thteetrhout the -.', Veltiok Stela* outdo' ' r Dint of tikAtort4 - rthe safe beef mie c A, o i.' ,„ 1 '.- -T • I . ' " -'., .' .. i . : • Thtietched thit citstl4 ty. oritiweAlrigiiiiiiiierpled rep le And Ant t#l Wan - w he hali CCD engaged itiVedd l tul! ellegi peblientterw- for ti" iftotili t cie y'..ts:' 4rhii:litaeit , ants :`le l'aeob TOiretreed:- li ipplied tri ttliutobetwt owe be i: tot -,oo l , kitant4wrle ' t The Else Dfitilknolakt7 l4 IP I. : ~ ur,lrowotther# Ber,tere H l ll,l4taing , t(tejtrie: !I tee i t m u ,. w ilol 'etipeedetl t rl'r ri i :•'' •' ' itieeteie r tl . ' ''trieribaril the WA' st. ' eAmotit' u x ,*U itthirriHt lil2.4 • D be tipped i -.: to Chatles.. itetoOtile4 Edoto'Atte Jameeklawroter. . who etottw# otiO_,lP-A fI.II idgn-, Mr: It, Q. itsmetwa.', fijkolorly orwei-or, theft ioprielrmogit ImAtigiTEßter ?OINTIIEfiT;' RALI4 i POMMY 'fortertlrMasoVer :tied Vtgateter-erthe tit ea. ellautlitetteu a l i ; a ut. ; ity_th - - Newl.letWey;: JO . ?ti y,B/9. -v Mat/0c o ti a,,w a i 'ag 1.1 - oirsow.---4.,,w , .. o • - _ ever .Iteowri4 it:oot only puriliMs the - whole system . sea streriAtens the pers?n, but ,it ereetee new, pe t s ault.i,ich hloo4.; • ‘llolei osielweal ;by, no " other tat& `aloe; And in this Hie'i e giraitif aecreeolits wmelew fret snectue„lit bee pert rued withinddietait two yeti*: mo i l thin 100000 - earei f eriVereisiiiiis ot 'disetiiii; at limit' . '15,0001 Were • enfold re `inenralstel It tree aced the lives of more then 10 children the past two vein • sons deltic City of Na*, 0 ; slime, - . 11110,0041 celeck • teit.- . esertel ['chitin Mad Wi1i.111 . 1.114 Mei,' nil iincirety. - Dr. Tow neeedi Elariapad•illa invigorates therisholtrim tem permanently. To tilt° who! hart boat their :nee s enter energy li the elfee of inediciee. 0? ionliverenns coiumitted in kola or th i t eseeeooe iniluirtice of the p istons, aid- /sleight - on y •physicil preigration of, dm nervous- 'jetties. lasilluilit,• W,llll or enetiltion," faititias sensations, premature d ea) and ileitis's „hastening towards that !fetal Mena* Conguption.eiube entirely restore.' by thee .pleaven ,reutinly. Thin Ilarsorarlibt in le fat itoperidi - to any '',,' . . : ;::,. ~' 1 leecterterietult. Cordieet he it renewasind itivieer le l i the; aystanikuives ectirig la. the,. IlutheiLasul. SPAS. th• . Iln.,tue....'eo,elel# , nreteer ip, , li'f,'4llillili:eattioidivary A see::'""'` ,f,••• • - -„,,,, •;- . . r.: . ..,„* .Af_,, -, 11,„ • 7. 1, -• • , T 4-_,.... , .-• , 7.-- .-- y.. - • / O, -" - ---- ' " "ilisieaustiers7 ikon rimy's.... .-- , Manes Bad streng,f hips. Closimp4iet t „cms he' card{, Rrunditia,..,C,bresatripliv , Liver 'Omar:aim, 4744 Cnt.rrh. Ctikeht, .4•14 a, Spain"' 'Hlrini, Sonar. ' to the ' (14esi, Hectic 41 eh, irwhi.Stieate, Difirtate Prefitsitipectoratian: Pei* in, the Side, irF, WI hese wad cast be eared., i . -41-r' 4 " - ll' . • fi ffC l o l4 .l`r f o d ik . , 4prit 2e, 1117. . Pa. T 01111411010.-11 V - kly ! believe )oar Sarsatt. tills bail rracini the.tmemat, Is:rough rrarideuee, edemas* an life. I bode fur severs ,years,„haal a bad Cough. it became.. wersii, and- srerl. At last I raised lugs quentitiis of Woad: hael - ei Ist sweats,-and liras greatly debilitated and reduced;litig:tlbl eat expect to five. I base poly .4sibtleite Ban parilla ~ a *halt liktlit, MI there hits • atottderfut ehtng ,heee'stro,ultht iu rue. 1 isi, am n "sibl4. to 'walk. ;WI or • the, city; -3- rave's 4 blood bind '1.4 - etatelvhas eft me. ~Yon eau well in). price that I,7ea;thestitful rot : these reaulU.- leer ebb. dicta .setrant,e., , - - - ,- WU. RU88131.1.4%0 Gailtatleen. Tlkts ft ileum& The wail by its' e ' ]sin( Imuiti spoke' for nit time t, tremolo have to done MI to MU! et lola 'ealtse 'lli-est . eerie lipielt gni& siren. eine.: kie h plait! ' arpret . should trettleet.te lilt e '.lc, ?tie for ttiseternue:amt !intake' arc eulijeet at this;; weer bi- drlegad'for-eatieto ober. Nor liit-le-la YOluda!l I ', tnla g 'etrile:oast; ati_ll . is eel ~ ' Attietteelis 'tilts. bleed, toil 'tit - II end,: . thiciiipii iti aer islf litin ii ko - , digailtes :119 . a Mid ,yreat a are 4 it . /Yrs** it! . -.ot. itil;i - tiseteCti let ' it ebyeieleasitt'ltiitereit'giirta, This is - la. eettlfy tt0t;...,,i zing" ; of ltut liiiti;tit'Allttatty; preeerlSeit-nit':;`,Trerieaktra . -4e cue el -Ittai rile* *lllll . . . ~;': , .--- ~. . ',. it P; PiIi.IAWAIILDC_ , 4 :-.'1111.111(111. - 31. L14i,P413.',.-XLMII EIM ~ , e,. -- ; , Owing la the- peat' aageta Tortineibia.-Saruparillii; a -1 2.llm6uldy oliii. 4iamm,liame A patina -Kaisaitai.f t lisirs, :Rl i o°ol4 ke...;v6tyt gamaralff: II ''''e 4 - bloOliaN'uri *my of that -' :Aar alliifftitaisagags;.- ,O u r are L oad , olumld'llli *Oddest., , l'!lati,. 1 .. 1 9 .'r:' l 7. 4 *ilikiliii:l , ' - e•l'' ::, • • -.•-•• ''' ' l '''''' - 1' .'''''' ' ' ''i j : '''' iiii:' kiii 1. . Pr a child ~,0 , ... , ..., i, , reo .' low N:- 1, T. rzit, !i l l l i n f r it 114 -.° l l ., l .l .ll :itittlii.iiii;itiotti ' th's , ' wiii.: o cro,Jsl_z It . "thiniii - Nati s l,v# o4 Thii )'''C' ~N. Pruggisia:oo4l;vraliala , g ;=.: , ..5 44 11 04180 ,:#1.1 1 Y1.4 4 - 1 0 t *.-4.1.te i= ~. '- ' ,'._iji•3l6 - ,‘tileil IltrT viol: 4 4'4Y -iiitri iiirm iOl hut It", t * rj•d i , iniggilgoiir , fleal aii' , if : ,T,lealiaiiarialaillialgft. 'Lim zlattok 6 4 111 9!**A0 # 73011 L "MI 110 7W' : (" 1118 :1 1 fit - AM 1 100 0 1 . , 1,«;1 - .',?•,11$'1i.slikalt -W , ` ~...,., - _,r , ~ , l io, •.::" .., , ,,.. .i i ii i ii- cz • PrII• 0 4 ._ a "V sou'lly. • .., „itlastecartoin pocioniiir• I.hOctililo diseases ;to which of lire: - Thii period wohog , Chis wedi. Dor :Who.ore approach , flo ut. by Ie Shit itlefiiioo - ,aitylteeetving or.lets hNr - ,rtbsy-04.1 1 .,:7 • . . .. .1)f i:mitlersigrieJ, Nip+ luiv!..,,ivOissinrons Aims - ' rierlirills:' Isit beiiari a a..:p!epAtii*Gii_ in theme WITAClik. , ,'3l.O., I. a liont.--u.- D. , . .:_ , I -: = ,Altaly April, lea 't .1 -1, 1 ' . v l'b i rit, , . - id taraiitaar - eo. •t or. [inaber et. man ~He vom tett u rt a - er II l o r i t i l tri a t; 1 4:ttii ll4 n the tithe 011P' liivir . Mated.; awl : to= eali.amr iptim. luiita giaullie.,Asolept.iig bi 11.-'= =-1' , 1:-,4-1(...f- , , ,,, ,, • • Glii-Ift; l e'ettlitii' itsa. it , Miiii6'7.oll4 , ,•? %Astro% piltedi;4lll4killiklphlar t 'ti-r.,-tuCikaa k caarar. ri • vitiiiiit,,'llko. i• IN iiii-*:ituokiiii•opia iiiV2ifiiiihinskvollsk ~___:751.,"777:1- .4.•••.:;...,,,.: .*PIPPik , , ••.-- —.-: ~ - ilWi l . ii, ii. h-hoiro-406,--eaw a oi r 4ivighiwmorkimr: ,with *lmo i.!slik‘ 11111410, 4;4 111 4 r,iyi.._,.,:z;.,,...._, itat , 410:10ittiattli Mai*. Yr-,----: - -:. ,-'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers