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L- +4; -q. -• •:f ~.....;.-. c.:t.::, , ,,.1;.,i,,., _ • ~. - - . f . --,- ( 4, , . -.- 1.. i'' t.'"e' ..4.t '. . ..e., CA ..' V , .„ , . ~. _ [. • • .* ,1.: .1,.1,): .. „ 1.- 1 . .7 . , . i . ' .. 't,.) , - , , - - .:1.- .. ~.. , ,„ .. _-..,1,,, 1 . , . . ~ : : .:. ~,,, • n . 'i . • - , t ...06.,•.,. • , , ..... 6 . ~,, „ ,- 1; -- - - i „S , . . --, - . , -- -:,',1,-;.+l .: • .: 1,,, " . , „ -,, ,I. ~, ~•i -_ ~, • ' , ~ ~ . ~ ~ - - _ - - • • • - 1.-..., 1 ,:- i.. i--. --,,-i=t' -• -.', ;-'' -* '' • I - - - - ---` - t - '' ''-' -- I- '"- ''' - .. ~, I ' llE WILL OF PEOPLEsit3 litik i..EOFPIMATE S,OUllt'kA-;-\1) - TiTE lIA.PTINESS pF:THE PEOP4 - IfE'TRUE END OF EEO 41513 lEN.7" .: .2.:- •.0 - • fl. , i''.!' - .. .. VOLUME REGISTER. 404i4tEDELY immt§rtly BY 4ames W. Chapman. dfance payment in Cash per year, If paid 'widen the year, If not at the 'end of the year. -, 1:-Fer.the Susquehanna Register, The Home Of Early Days. pT ... XILS. EL L. MILES r.4.ssErrz. " I turn 'me taelF, Oft timm,in-midnight , slumber, and atipqr Xhejiihorn I loved, and my loved home is tiear." ilacir to my home, my own loved hetne , "ll'enth the lulls so green and' thir, Ily,sfiirit wonders at 'eventide • •With the friends. that were 'round me there; I sit by the-same blue streams again lAnd list-to their gentle flow, . •. 'while the deep'ring shadows of night spread out So stealthily, silent I wander again through - thegreen-wood mid • ' Or& 'peath.sonte favorite tree, Inge the , forest warblers pofir forth their; song . Of the sweetest minstrelsy ; I gaze on the scene, with the beautiful west It may not, it cannot Compare ; But yet 'tis the home of my chili:lima tuul.",youth, .And ranch that I Itere Is there. And again soma,loved and well IntoWn voice Fells thrillingly sweat on my tar,— Idy hand-is - clasped, and eyes beam forth A light to the heart; how dear I And I feel,that the links in the chain then wove rilonncl•tny. heart in its early.horne fr.rirele ifsbll with a halo as bright, Though sad, as kid memories come. And again I sit in that dear old church, And list to the voice of prayer, And familiar faces are 'round me then ; But ilea I are they all, all there t 'gaze Co those walls and feel that I stand Chico more 'neoth my own loved sky,. And a veil is, cast o'cr the long, La* years 11....4 I biolced n good bye. . And another spot, oh I see it now, Where the quiet moonbeami sleep, I kneel again by the grascT mound Alone and in silence weep; Oh one lies here, her rest is sweet On the wide, wide prairie fair, But methinks her last long resting place Should bare been in that valley there: Afar from till! 'tis well. well— • ZSiv heart crinhl never see, - The change beneath that hallowed roof . Which long, long sheltered me ; • Afar from all—l may not'gaze • - On those familiar scenes ; Or meet again sweet friendships glance save in my spirit-dreams. Sterlinz, Illinois, July. IN9. For the Susquehatma Register. • LiNES On the Data of Ix= SlErr.t Ltrrie, Davighter of • Rev. H .1. and Jane E. Miles .11nneptiricy. us leas. S. L. 'MILES FASSETTE. Weep we 1 yes, our flower is withered, Gone our little pratling one, She who late bath brought such gladue To our now sad lonely boom— We hadkdreamed not o'er our treasure Such a bhght eo soon would comb, That ottr hearts so soon must serer From our little dietithed one. Oh bow fondly weft thou-twining 'Round' our: hearts, es day ..by day We hare watched the bud unfolding Doomed alas to swift decay. Cold and still, beside us lying In thy little coffin bed Hest thee, we will watch thy ilCeping • • Till we lay thee with the dead. Gehl the little lips we're pressing,' And they give us =reply— • And the heavy lids have closed O'er the little dreamy eye— Must ive look our last sweet liiez On thy little Angell:me i May we never, never, bold thee In another,loved.embrace. I . Oft methinks trturn to meet thee With thy littl arms outspread, ,_. OR in dreams It- 11 elan) thee'closelyi ''e: Pillowingithy little-11 , 6nd, : • • And thy softy ,tiny Airtfalll ioli ll Miall *ilia* . %sitter : More 11 11'111 those rit1i4110005 ,.. , . _ .....-ikeer-graie!us' As'lhey eft hayelkineAbetiter , . -: • No, thou cherished little .idol, Those•sweet times we'll hearrto Mere— We hilve lereethee, but tiro fondly v ~.And our dr ' ea'm of joy is o'er, . .• t ;.boo upon thy cold, cold forehead --- r l 44l3;kust press the last fond lriss, 'fly pure: spirit' nuw is roaming init.:Utter world than this. - ' Sterli?g, Mine, is, Aug, lg-le. , . : 7.-_---;-........-........._______. , -; 7441 / 0. 1 111 / 1 "rel/Iumt -Rog, :',, J: ' ;" fit "Tlini - - TgegreatfOr.'o44l.49l , r , ui .ii .i rl ie *i*V-t - ' .. ,., .I•o4l4l4l44idgiii*tiiit', :, '' ... tisoireo4B trisi t„.. 4i4onse r ,l ,, , - , :i ; , , r n , .r.. 2:.• . " •,- -,.;_...v. .I,":4 , ;I , : T S somet bmg-i!uss*Ta4aires - ',r-n*Piixl;lo - !*:r'ri''' .. . 6 4:1 -l iiii l s4o4. Si. t *Y.*#* , t-..5 :x.erisgreNs.44Alrogusk r; m - -„ 1 . ' 754, ~ It;O:itiffeis ( 4o,'<itiiiinA, i it 4 ,-- , :1-,.,. c:( 4 'l . oqAi - 4t.1 .. ..„'"'?:: - "Y;' 4 v' ': , :',', i 4'.,',1 - thextesp!,* ,_ _ !Wixte _ oll 4 4 4) l . , 4l:; ' ; -- ifi i- Moidiisidgelik4o ; l649: - ..,;', '' ' ' - '74X16,0a7 ; ... .. _ . . , .21Nueluinha ite,l t The Clciak of th6' World," 6AurrziTEa. 3 ' • i . , • „1, ,i . —....- . Roll the cluck of the world l- Considering • it ! liberty *the Cleek of the world, Science as the 14 - dulum, by Which the motion of this ticking tiaie-piecotof rolling axes is regulated ; and .the Printing .press thd key ; we see that they arc itiscp lushly connected, and the onward. motiT:.o ' O 4; depends upon 'OO of th& other: If we -revert for a mcznent'ihrongl4 the dim . vista nettle past,` to To., is ;of fallekmagtificence and grandeur, and lift the gory slitting Of anatchy„devastatinn_and war. from lhe r ,defunetcritnirial and Military glary, power ati . ik'ealthl of itieCtit , Enipifea . , .h't ffin'satiret' tninh with these ghastly corshuse epitaphs at:epic:ok obliteratedi,atid- names fergotten; ;we will catch n glitnpse Of 'the mouldering remains-of literature, science and, the arts, wrapped in the sableslirsind of tyranny.; Greece one stead futlli akin) ligkt of the world ;her code of lawally Solon runt Lycurgus fer Med the': face tii , the clock• of the world; and when the ieloquence 'Of Demokthenes rang tars het proud capitol, it Was the signal for the ilici'tO strike. 'Like . the rainbow, which, after a summer shOwer, spreads its brilliant folds above us, dis playing to Man tit; seven splendid' colors that form the, light of ; pcsm-thty,so shone forth the seven wise ' men of GraCre, forming the great light, of science. But the old foul intiigier tinarehy, raised his hoary 'head - and dk.potic . : arm, and seized the peridultun to the clock with llie strong, hand of oppression; ' and it ceased to,vibrate--then the night of lxtrbar- ikil drew its . dark iiurtains over the earth. But in Roine, this: feighty'cltx.k. again commened its mo- lion ; the dcking of the vibrating rid - alum could oncemore be distin'etly heard, and when the Voice 1 of Cicero rots beard resounding through the Roman forum, its pealing thunder again - sounded through out Europe.. But the lurking demon of usurpation soon laid tier utrernes low at the feet of oppression. Thin Greece and Rome fell' and when the sun of Liberty watt just Sinking. behinclthe Grecian . and Reinandzills, andhk farewell licam's fell aslant ets i the glittering workS of art and science, they. litt f l gered awhilti, and played on the face of,tbe.se - 11 1 0- blek works bf men, as if resolved to l&ss..tbera stilt But the eloquence of a Demosthenes arid' Cicero was unheeded ; Liberty tech its final depart- I are, and with it theihright sun of literature and sci- • Nice sunk role the horizon of ignorance. Bet not withstanding all the boasted freedom of Greece and Rome, and all the wisdom of their counselors anti lawgivers, they knew nothing of that balance of the eleethie government which forms the basis of Aminicar4ikertY. Then the clock of the wortd . has come down to America in an improVed form. On the fourthof July, seventeen hundred seventy six there was a neWface placed before the mighty machinery of the elirek ; on the top of which was inscribed in glaring capitals these memorable • words," Dectanavnix OF AIIMICAN IsnizEttrravcs.'t And a bon the voice of Henry, Otis, and Adams sounded thrciugh the land, the old hammer raised from its drentny tepore. and struck with such force as to break the shackles from off three millions of men; : at the same time the terrible sound washtuird across the Atlantic, like " smothered thunder of a vole:mop," and fell upon the cars of kings and ty ranti, like a thunderbolt from the Almighty. Then the crumbling remains of literature turd science be gan to unite and emerge (ruin the dark and murky night of ignOrmice, and the black and lowering .; cloud of tyMnny was seen receding before the bright and shining rays of the sun of Liberty. In France a new impulse has been , given to the clock of the world 'ln a lute revolution, in that country, the first grad streaks of the morning of liberty shot along the eastern herizon, and the old clock with iron .tongue 'Spoke to the slumbering millions of Europe, in a voice like the crashing thunder that ' 1 rolls along the sky ; Which rocked sill Europe to it very Centre Mild hurled Louis Philippe from his throne. The foundation upon Which the clock stands is Education,: Books,) Newspapers, and other Peri- odiCals, well tpicedivith Liberty, form the weights, and 4. whaW..t•or Nation, the • keepers 'of-the lieY are at liberti . to scatter these broadcast : among its ! citizens; "Kings and Tyrants, their panders..rani sateliths,' can no more stand the force of public I opiukin against thcni, then a frail bark faiont On the " Itoriaxa DEER" can 'stand the surge of the " Mor*ratti •fWavv_"• Americans possess' all the advaUtages necessary for rolling on the clock of the worldf nntil 'the g old 'n age of science shall shine up ea. illti West*:contineat- Greece was Mk unlike our Own Pennsylvania, " iron-bound, „sterile., and free ;"4irt . ronn f tilijr kmaskive hills and mountains; and in ou r . W4-tern horizon, new stars arc Opring ing up to add brilliancy to the constellation; 'that . now shines-the political guiding lightof • the world. But •tritm is lie great mainspring • to the clock.— The .pjinter In partienlar his an important part to act--4t.rollit4 on the clock of the world he has *: alightlfcctre# of arguments erected .by. petty ti- rants to denuiiish with the peti,:and•blittles to light with the swo!'d of reason, and frOmprentopPear .ances in Europe 102 r has acted well - his ,par ,t,,',, 41-; ready la kreneh people . can shout . , • Vire 1411ept06 7. , lira; Oreadijs inscribed on the banner of Franciiiv glaring . 4 4,1ft;:, 1 4 0 AV . , . 4 ' ,:l , i Vi' - ' ll #i i ir4Y ., ;. l " l' this iiivictori4i4o[AntiTiein Pre:* (he reauli;'l,r the undyhq lessons of freedom-taught her . hi.,the - Americart - Piloier.. ,Arett •may, the - priatieg-Iwir be taii a* 'it . '"ttialieiri i' . ..; - '1 s'er' e e, ey ~1 ,., y, the` etto . .l e , seek of the Fccaid.l'l . i If-4 , 1* - 01e fnte*mk m0 . 1'44E401'7.. can press- - ils„.austaili4d;; and the PtitliONAPP9ll4l,i. the Li be rty :' *kiii#ll: - .44 , i3 ' ' lido : , ln i k*Vmali rpeikthat . :oil. sittiSringir474 . l4lod *ON* .74 - r . in .*lChki*fßOlifit4i,t#' - -,itigt444t*eadatilii : :...'et!..l.oftialt49.:44l..t?'lliliii*-0i1044- iiillit * lifbAis bett. , .!l* th . e . linoilo,;'aysi liieiteit. jam ;.: — piri:T ! , ..'2:'•'" P-:: . ' : 5' , :.- - -:-....:.a..:__,...,-,-',,:.,.,.:''' ' '.4 ' ; 'l.: I4*44.&: , l'6;*4*:4liiiihit.:liii4 eitr!er!:.7 0, 44 , 125;1i *Wit bem li stiOnloiiiitide, at irtepirt.)3 otilheittrve-i-fe..' . - . . 114.ONT1tOSE, PENN'A„- THURSO/1.1 7 , v OCTOBER:4;IIB49i- • - cholera in &Anti:Mc-Z.O • - mt. CitarmAsit--4 am often askeliFtii. , irhatltne great fatality Which attended the elicdern, dusk4eity, is to'be' attributed Oral* that such inquiries should be ruade; .'414 . 4,4 death `` there has no parallel in our coupiry ; there nov,er has been any where on the canthiefit, sihce its settlement by the whites, such a proportionate , destrnetion^of human life. We have •to took the old W(irld and to by gone ages, to - Ind its equal:4 It:reminde one of "the plague' in I...isidop," of the and..of.,otherhke epidemics " that Wie-read. of Now, , sir ; -fto :what can such fearfni mortality . be justly ascribed? Sandusky.'isapleas'o shit to,' e, rlsfdg tlat waters of the bay, on which it standi.'. The 194 of cleanliness which i 4 discovered in nu!, a:few-17f our westerir is.uowliere / sce.o thcre. 'Th? topulation. of Slualusky,. at; leastihe ,Americiui R o t . Una of it,is . lsl* a superior cliaraiter: I ceiuld hard. ly name a' More enterptising.'thal ?int al commurdlty, eithcr esstior yrgg For te:Mpkr g mince and good order,lhey are prover ' bial..d In short, thoSe ‘Atises to . wh s ich - cholf , 'nt is ,erieetatly'at tritriiE ted, "de' not, - to any crinsideruble eiterit," exiit 14 Sandusky. ~ +~ _ . 1a.4 - iny opinion, there are•two facts' illicit mt abut - Ma l t - 121Y 'competent- to' explain mid .answer inquiry' respecting : the cease of the ,rinPartAiclel mortality there eiperiencel! Sandtid4 dity;'4 built uporran. extensive rock of limestone; hero is but it very thin etivering of soil, emplielllitilly " - not Much depth of earth," scarcely : stl4f , ,:ient I support of Ordinary told, are sunk into solid limestone. It is. the gen. yr:if - opinion that srich Water isilowerfitl atixiliary of death during the prevalence Of the cholera.. 4 But another cause is found in the greatpanicwhick the apperance of ',the disease thme - prodUeed. 4-] JJ large' portion of the people seemed', to he:strack With'erniteifiatioti, Very SOciiiltfler 'the di -o,de wall's blown to exist there, - , and than orie-third-of the pefideded•teTtlie - Villages id the ,filgOer„iipti,.:;ll4 fright-and flight "continued, illiUtS - !thart , ohe third -remained. • Thn.physicians fora While attempted to stem the etirrent'of terror 'and . derith, but soon seine of them joined the gene raVstampede or hegira, and the,' 6thers were pros; (rated by fatigue and sickness. The Board of Health " went by the board," or at least, for a while, were inactive. Those who could not, or did not leave, felt that•they were left to die. They suf fered from the want of the.nec6saries of life. The bakers and butchers had fled ; almost every store and shop in the town, was closed; but a:single ho tel remained open; and business of every Ide_serip thin ceased. The. stillness of the grave succeeded the usual activity and noise of an unusually busy town; all was Oxen - and desolation.. 100 tvondtl', then, that of , dime who remained, so large a: propor tiou fell victims.to the pestilence„for there is no oth er diseas eso much excited nud aggravated by an ex cecsive excitement of the mind and Pass:ions. Fear and grief are especially adapted to produce an -at tack and prevent recovery in finis of cholera. It is the opinion of all sti, the West, (excepting. of course, the runaways themselves,) that had the peo-'1 pie of Sandusky remained at home and strengthen ed each others hands ; had there been a ufanife st determination to meet the enemy with coolnesis and confidence ;: had the sick beerifaithfullyttnrsed ; had business heen continued by those in' health,; had the Board of health been vigilant and active, there would have been but a little of the. 'sickness, suffering and death, which the-city now lathents.— ' Pear is a passion not easily overixane, and' it may seem cruel to blame . men for running away from what they consider certain death if they remain:—.; But it is hard to restrain an expression of. indigna tion at the madness and selfishness of those who seek by . flight, theirown safety, when they know, or should kuoir, that such n Co' ufse will ensure the danger find death of Others. Life thnS preserved camiot bee Worth much, dither teits possessor, - or to the world., ,Far better die ni thepUst pf,duty, than to live ft renegade to humanity. . . Language cannot desd. ribe the Stiffer ingstind des olation that came. upon. t4lie devoted . city- 13etwcen four and five hundred. died within a Month. Not , Only were they left to suffer from ,neglect; in sick ness, but after &Alt lb* of them received it decent burial: Coffins could not, be ob4Li.i!oci;ltn&,inOst of the dead 'were placed -in rude boxessf rough boards. It was with great,difiicelty.that any one could be found to 'dig:graves, add fifty were buried in one iinmenseltole., ; TP-en tite:BOV: Mr. 'Ffsher, Faster of the a4Pn g r ega4 o 44 l tektY*44 o t* i glico4 slid most excellent. inon,ysi `rolled in -the.-sheet, .on which his died;‘itrid intriedWitheittiteoffill; but in a rough sox hastily nailed to c ettier::',,, - Seine idea ..of the dreadful state Ofthitiga4. ni*cl there, may ho shown from • a .few. incidents.. A. gentle man from 'Toledo, wrht passing through SOdusky, and - wiis;h4e4ls/ t 'etlititstpd . to go and heltilierilace lier husband hunt geese; Ikeda long timei and. she could not got, hits buried: A'Stranger, sne m‘vning,)net POur chil .drln ri%•atileritt o g anitwe4pingin the'itieet, OA Aptuy,4*tind -141orera;1 . ifid iltp r were without: horiae; antis ita4rie • " '4OO to.7.thi '-1i j' ire esepord s .K,eeera pon.ible Ftggi. 210 1(1!11 T f re iV,P lo : l _ ls :e le f la fs....,l2 ' ' l l , 9 1e , I rl l l *Y9Y 3l about ) died. Tiflis fact for ci bly 4 ;4 . ghtm.". w arp l in g.F iis m of ch o lera. uktTig: Tau: 1 1 , Ma. , .111Tp,. ktpt ',a drug, sbop in the lit' 'of 0, . i , which Sit:4l..tAra: viti. , 1... t neits 4 z4lr.. iCuntiflfis - errsterto '6' .ins . it ~ ' place M. iy Week cir 4.wciiimr.inler to part articles, „wave -needed ;.,fturn,tittie,.-ta,;,,il basinc -ptie dam ht drove tiff towards] inliis . W l gcni', in :;-rod k , iotiniii-oth-ei.thsti st g allon d mijon. On reecTittlfr - 41tir , liiirii, first at al grocer's with the intutiry,:i -. , • :--.. • :!4. • ---_-" May 4, yonapYfAton.l l ll o l4.ll.M4 ' 1 f., 7 .„ ' ' .1- . ...",.7 4 1Qui tale/m.oa IT .pAillil wit .gliC.)evr,;::..l;;;; .;;::. • ". Abu . t.. a. tfolhir,a. gallum . I vf.uit it f . 4oittimit ; trial wit' ."1-,, . -,...,....1- 1' , ;.. I': ;: :•:., ; . • .- _••; . '4' • "Yea; I hive some ;just'!:fit hr - 7 1.1!at i f.tid ; not much.elsp, which iiwillsell - ataidollat, ..„. ....: " Nrery, well. Give nli3 a gallon,"' said, 4.Saiitli, o,Tio.td 'atijott was hive& ia;froukthei, •, s 4 4llan ii filled;,.. lief them Mr.,..smittedrate9lf,te. rfetuf,t 9 . 0 1.her..b . limey. , , Ainong, the thiags, to, 1.;..,..194 . p, en IlAtolay4wati to -sue a man.'wle i lt.yet.l,l?: l , aonile from L:okaiter. Wore going. opt on th nia;ratitl, •he stoliped at the huusevf his particular ittid, Mr. Jones: . - ',...tr. Ames liamtedruot-to.lis in 'but- Air:. Jengs.wlis a kitearaat wommi' , itad. he ght . t.,6 4 4 . 1 0,0, f her for. ttlii minates , or 'sO.,, A5.,11 - wita: - .4, 'at .gtep-, ping into' Iris- wagott•it straelt' MM. -that 't id- gallon, denti;oh, ivas - a; little in . his :ways. mid 'so lifting it out, be said t0.MP40ne.4,-- -- .' `:-:, - 1 ..-- .l "1 4 . :i wislt you apauld take . ,caf r e of this anti 'rcoate 1.46 V '.-:• . .. ' • 1 ~' 4 ' '0; . Cif i-i iTtly ,'": kislidd Ffr:_ti•Sotais,'' 4 1 ktilluthe treater iohnumici: l l : -r.,1 . -- .-' -.--, ,: , ..1: r.. . ~.. 0....:And- ;the demijon unerleft in.the laitly!is care._ Some leap afterwards...llr. Jat.,' came hi,. and, Moo * ng t C . firif iliiiigi diat litteacted his , l aitentiott whit dila triiii,gidenajon. '•. • I . 'l.l. 1 ' 'Mei is•this l" irai; lus notate! inqiiityt ""Something that l Mr. Smith left." , • . " Mr.,butitli from 1------- r 4 Yes?. . " I' IVN.ifidei - Wriitit'fie has llii , re - 1" . said Xi hiking 1: td rd dle_ denfiidin. ': - It feels lied mho. was. unaesittiangly igmtrved, mouth a the v.e.s. , :el,,broogitt . in Close cm the sipelliug prgiuDi of Mi. Jesig.s; -. "lVitie,ta I 'fiCe t"I fell &mit '1&: lips: , "Oh nik Mr. Jones. ..X wouldift touch t ; said MrsiJones. " Bring me a glaSs. Do you think Pm goint; to let a gallOn.of wine litiSs my Nt4y withelut exact ing toll! rho., --no. Bring pie a glass'. , . The glass, a lialf.pint tumbler, Wasineduced, and nearly filled with the execrable stuff .;_sgitilt less of.gritipe-juiee as a • dyer's 1 vat—which was poured dinvn the threat of Mr. Janes. P,rettv fair wine that ; only , a little rotr o di," 1 said 'Mr. .ones, smacking his Nil. '"lt's aphame !" r:emarked tir l s: Joiles, warmly, "for yeah) do so.",- t . i " 1 milk 0 took toll;" said the httsband, lanoldi 0 :-. •- "No hardi in that rin sure.: ' • ".Ratliii beavy.toll, it strikes .tile:: regieil Ilirs. dynes.? • i ' ' , , .. ; ~, ..,- , i::: - , .2t ;:i ; z3T1 1 11.,-. Meantinle, Mr. Smith, having campletec host of his business for that day; stopped at a stoH• where he-wished two or 'three articles'. put. up. 1 While these were in preparation, he said to the keeper,of , the store,i "I wish, you would let your lid Toni stop over for inc toj ilr. Jones'. I left a dUmijon of 4 etenmon wine the+, which I nought for the purpose !of ma king into jantimonial wiiie." . . - 0 ceqainly," replied•the storekeeper. :" Here. Tom 1 .7 and he calletrhis boy. 1 f i i. Tom c.ime, and the store-keeper said to him, " Rim Over to Mr. Jones's athr i get a jug; lit anti monial wine-which 31r. Smith left there. (4o quick-, ly,,for 3ir,. Smith is is a . hurry." ',: ' "Yes sir," ,responaell theq - ad,,andawa.), , lie ran. After Mr, Junes N 4,4 disposed .ot his half i a pint of wine,lin. thought his i sbanach had rather a curl, ens sensation, whicliis not much; to . beWi)).ideriai at,' considering the 4,61, fi with which he had burden ed .it. ,•1 '', " I woraler if that really is Wine l" said'he, turn ing froni• the window, at which he had sea 41 him self, and taking up the deiniion, again.,...- le cork was removed ind his nose applied tai fiinith of the htig,o „bottle. ter r I '• ..- Ytßik4 mite; lint I'll vbw ,it l s riat... , ituch to brag of. ! And the cork was piste 'more. r planed.. Just that came a knock at the i100 r.., opened iti and the store-keeper's 1itt1.appi..:44.1.;, 4 • "-Mr. Smith says, please let hina•have t 'ling of antinunital wine he left herd." -.[ , ~,..:, .1 ~ • . " Antn ': nonial wine' exclaimed .Aft.,;:.d ties, his chin-falling, and al - mit:lieu insta u tly epics road his ace. • - I . r- • .•. ' : . •1 .: •[ .: - - ".Ye6Sr," said the lad,. taking up fhb decaijna In'tillich4ltS..Jories phinteil with. her.-fin O s And departinghtoout obiierving the ,effecilds ulipear :wee luid , Produced. i :. 1 • ' h ti ' - sla . : f ..-- "Autinionitil wilier' fell again, )3 111. ! y r9nqi the .cpiiyvling lip! .ot,,Mr. Jones. "Scud .for the dector,..llJlty; quick I' .)h ; How ;dreadfully sittle..l feet .Beoll for the. Doctor, or .111 be a -diia,/, min inladfnitihourr ~ , 1 2 1_• •': ~ " Antimonial wine ! .I)resitlfulr .exelainV Pit's. Jones, turtles pale and ifightened as her - luttlXii.id. •'"DO you notes skit ? • •. —,. ' , l o ' Oh yea, As - sick as tleadir An A the li once ofMr.,Jories by. no means.belincl his_ , "Stirl - foritheLboot4 instantly,..Or 'jit , ,ina„) late." ,i 4; . • : . Mrs. Junes, ran-first one way:. Mid Oct' i. ter,ititcl!fituilly hitil.presenlae.of noa:cuo w ., Jiine,. het 'Ogle doin6tie, , to. rim iwlth nth • file. the. '' tor, and.tell hint that iMr,..Jna , • kenlio• by mistake. 1 • ',' , ..' ~..-:....'. lit e • ;Olf sta ed Jane at-a sliced , outstripplaz 'Jobnitldpin. -Forturiately -lifer Otktor 7.v.. • . oftice, and lure:tine ‘Tidiall :the ,rapidity, , regaiditcie' dignity,; oU his ofr 0,yrc). 4 14 alined litl ' shimarhiPtinfli suld. . doxek.,l4 On univin .attheihmiso ? f Mr, QII.P S rXO.I. tauffererly . opoltaiW, h. 10.1 . - r4P; - 49' 4 i t 'lilt; tarribj . i ' -•-• • • '! !,--• :•• .1-- , i,,:!;•:.-f •,.:•tv, *::::.•_•,- ~ 0)111 ~ rtlbraira - if.* , ifivF:ri:lTi 1,13 gimped ti - nt. ..--, T'..5 i; -, .; - :.:1. , :*4: , , , E -, -.;- , 1011,iiii , '. ifhippeo itila4 11.594..1it rinflAireo Er I r kKiterrpapckr.t --10 - 1 -7- , ~,, • ,,, ri - lit naitakeneoyitorig 4* plordatirme. 4 .*,-7, - .. - i,'.if ,i; ~ ‘,.,,,1. , • - ~ . ;i . 4 I - - • , ..qiieni* In*st be teraavalinitieli. 0 ,i,li3 ktioetor,.- dawn - therridt:ntnn* titrottkilf end ofil okagi*ltaiorkilitiOrtube f P _pimp! : jc.lirett ,the-silietoetThan4 at t llndi‘- eitits:lte*:fadtp.aliti, , - `k o r r awdlit. - - ; l ifr ow tt ne m, - i of it' 1111, l 'ittilC ”theWru ' 'thit eilrijed . ' -*Thre Amid the 'l,4lictetiotl-.oeeltitl !Itiiii l l4 l . - - :36sttiti f itliOtt.t'lr -NW I" ' iligkikli ptfi* - - :talWr t i * hike. 'VeiiiiiV " . '''"; 'lrei ;'',-;' 1 , - i p-wl V"Dill ii bitfprilid* - o!ingititid , tt4 'is:Welt-At: - dinit,bevulo 4 -cf the *Wt . 1 , ',.•.!.' , 7 n'T , : . . ,:rf D, 1, 1.1;, ,, z - 3 ,K. ' i ! 1 , l . .' .' IVotse.' till oglbiw 7e9; 110j* •-- 1e,045 1 4 1 ,ei Thitfilk , - , r • !MEE r - j a , nu , _ a .. , .. sk,' .... ~, 1 , , 1., :A , powtitil effect it laid !" '.- ,- ".," , :0• ~ It4-,..t,;;. ,:.: ~ , „Dont thitik.o.it,,",ieturneil the idactor4 , ~", . .Piiini 4 1 glean i pose,yourAttit ...I.* terejK t noW no . I : ll .gP.r...tcli UP."Api 1 i t :, , ,, , tir„,,i 1 pre s hencli•il Wilaf ter:' ~ . . --: -: "'. ' ,lie latter 1 I.te wild flig,lAtof,Jaiie-through ; the strecti"-and t-ha ses t ic h f t -thelturried.utoyeMents q -tlie Docip ri ,didi n ot ,fitil, ii nv ...,i u ..h4 tto attract attentlod. ',lnititrirellowed,:andit Soon , ;,„4,p v4s ( er t liedinfie noWftilisint that Mr.:Jcitits had takitti - Nii,. ~,.itit . :4--i i iiiit.: -.:•:". 4.: ~-;.,:r..-1...;,11.. 'AI :,;','..:' • •:, r.-, -: ,--:, i< . .ttr - tai - f",ki-.- lit 'Called 1 - Ai , §4i41? , -4 2 .YIng:-.41 1 E 51 ?(A 1 4,-- 1 101 1 1*,:it:LOi; f 1 easier, *was,jtist., stepping,intO his\raggen, - iwbeit a i nuiti"64l6,,tip `and 'sand to'hint'and-the"sterj lteerii whoWiu4tintiling_ty.',.',l-: ' z. -.1 "*I."" 'Tr 4 s'' , l l 4,.";3, -,".i , i , :-" Rive...yob. hitard therneWSll-: , ,",. ' A.Vhatltews, r' , -.l,tr: Jories'llas'aint l poion."' ' '3' '"'Wliat I" . ''''' ' " -'7 ' 1 • • ''...' ~,,po i g , A-T • ! „.,.; ! r,,,,51'„ \.;.:,, I:i ": Wh iii ..Mr.:4l t,....1'1 1 :1- .;,.“, ~. :i f , . -41 • , 4,- ,4.- .„4.-yp5!..t,:.40,1.11 ~,m, . .ay,Jag- F T- t noh4Ye."% " : , "" 'fr.-cii v l iilt ;” Dreadful; . 1,, turk.•.-t „ pee hen? - .A.iid ' Ej.Wathout Wllitfitifqr ftitthe fitfortVnitiOklii.. r sinitti'.siiiike'ili lAttitio - e - , -- itildlii)ii - citrikinaitia l yfor the. i'ii . Aidtic, - .e of his-frietal; is,M s.:-Jones treett.itini , ut-etlie , door, looking . ry tinsines, ' ~,, :... •., :, 7r; .., :.. I), ..4.f .' llot Is he ?" nquired Sir. Smith, .io'' at :serious c • ; votce. • ._ ",ktittle_bettc i "l""tli jin n `, - The . Doi t ltor ; _ltas L.:o4in it allotf"fio 11 tie it sloiteti.''' _will 40 4alk I , Mr..o..SLtiith.,a.. di.il itoAlid chamberArlierellyt 15. ..49 1 V?k,499..Liir ils' W 419 .tll4,4e,4';':# , V,PPP,. iiir wa.l4nl 10-1 - slile i tl. ~ ~,'; L " . •" i ' 1 . Ali,. Mei( rilliidtVe isicleiltda,irililteie; 0 / l'oiee; aglitt s Stilit !taiithi*liaild, o4 .6l6t anti - Mobil! , wine of Yours lras tearly been the death.orniax" , ,• , ,..,,' -What antitr,: ial wino? inquired Mri Smith, not tatil*tanditigitiliatilliki rrietivi i ttibitnt,4 ' 1...1 - 7.." ,•i ": Tlte%tine? left. here. in' .",", he gallon detilljtm i .; "Il hatwaiin't ta itinuMial ming.. tn i Mi. Jones rose pin bed. I . • ~ • " Not mitithone wine • " W.hyl ilte,boy 'said it•-was." , , V. ‘.:•,...,.,'.: ',.:-iil " Theulto . .diclu: •Imoti• „any:thing Alton ~t. iti, • At. was. nothin4,hat some orumon wine wlticliT:ltadliiO.'t:: Mi. sotte".4 - tikile - 'lOriibity4h.', 'Tliertiktoi'aiW. front the 'bedside d "Mrs. Jotuts - eselatmled: '.-.--", -: , 5 Well;fri neve i"; "C I ". '7; ' ~) , %.41. •i A ' . . s -Ilien . csl4 l e , a.li ) Ye . 4PDC..ct"i.n .W.4 i 9 11 .9.4.4.ea at the - ot4ei don t nglY. - . I • : " Good-day," said the. Doctor and trclitsdowtt stairs. ' . I . '' ! ~ - "- _t• Tin So on have drinking mrwiae, ikseeniS,7 laughed Mi. , Sitiith, 'as soon as tbe Mail , with Vie , stomdch-Pump.ball, retired-- ' •. : ,-.,1 t'. .i - • " I only took. a little toll," said Mr. Jikt; back into It-hose pale face the color was bp:glutting, tu n . come, mid - through whose altno?4, paralysed'nerves . was "again Ilowinglfromltlie brain 4--slicaltitkinflu ctice. "But don't-say-anything about tt'N'Dolik for the world r' - " I won't. on one conditiOn,7said llr,'S.lnith,Whitse words Were scarce. y coherent; sir strikiglfwas' lie convulsed with lat ghter. - • ‘, . 4 , ti, • " Wltat ! is that 1 ' ,(1 ': You mist - bee ute.A .tetottiller.7 , " Can't At that, replied Mr. Jones. " Then I clitit p wras.v.- " Give me a da) or ttro to nutkelVmy'rnhal." " Very Well. /ml now good by ; the straiis near ly down, and it w 11 be night before I get home."' And Mr., Smith book hamk4 +Sib 11.t.,atid ?.Mrs. Jones, and hurried y retired, trying, hut in.,,k,atn, to us leave . thd hoe in a grave and clignifieflt4neri -- Long befOre Mr: Jones had made up Ids mind' tit join the tetotallers the story of his taking ttill.Was. all Over town, and for the nest two or thri4).ontlti he hitd his' own tiute.of, it. After that, it, becMne an did stofy. ARTHUR. ,and the act with I , I" Bring I lin vine," i no'h fell risnigla 1411 ta: itainchviiwith. a 41R.tFa . #;c9vere4 1 , A14t1p,7 - Arns, all'adnie•pacr `',"-YesiTthitili tinticiotoitiltitYt4r*n• you will eflect of.Ole.ldrue-tisAtriiis . 4 . Nis passe4 lath the sytileyo," -- ; -0,, Ife§l'its wekk-ai ! ' r. June , 1 Ho .ie - ; -;',* matiiiird the reetti atabitions of committing in securest partnee: Some etalciuer by 14,4untai i hy the force of mtellect, --, -ipt/._ i dm: faii„,fiex, by their beauty and ateompli,bments, and otheks"' sac teed by stratagetnlOd tskill. Cldttik,o'ri '"*ife' 14 very serious husin is.dand,one' whicirsenrietimeti re. quires the•exeruir Pl -4 10 little jutlglueut , aii4 , ilisc cretioa, particular' when the chotien one. liippeoi 1 ., to prefer some oth tit .111tott. Mc; adage that; "'faint; heart never won f• it fatly," is generally true:: Avid _we were ,forcibly,.. tinek • With its ,opphcatiOn Ao.st cite 'which' 'Oceurre l'r uorong" siiic l P within .I .dur own kriiietredge. " tisitit4 down Caiii - •stteie the Otheilray4W - 0 u iot hole jut from thei.ortb: tcr i the,ustial civilitiesi!the in ; fopnedusthat do pg . lo ablenee liehed ittlitatUtl .. the trounPl r e of Beneillef,hf hiking to Ititn'T. - :elfillei: ter 'halt "'Whhtl Inatitied,* said, we. Why:heir in` the Arorld did tho happeuftcrlyou ! swholad vouL ed that "love slit at Id mill 'form you into an . olisterZ before you would s NIA to its Power. I 1 . "' 'Even 407.rePli 'il he.. ','Aut liOett,..arel:i.,tvill relath the circumst tnees of the,case.- ,Voul*tc 'When . I .mrifiere-ili t "44pliiiii: ttbaChefor,-' little' ekt pt... - tini; Alit ifietrtn inter would - bring mirti‘Otitii l of centlitictia: • Aft rambling about, tlie-einultryt for , sqpu,ti ile.4,r usti t- tit* Ft.t.ilarrishns, 'muting At 1 Illinom, fishing at t , ackinaT, and,gazmOrith mon.- der 411 littiiiarig I f iitill'inysclriine'day - - at illgt f ,. 8: liotelAiSarat '; , '. 1 Fluid been thertfi'Wdayli drinking- a mint twaters;,sailingi stitt'ltllalte; - Arultiting A•flirl: , - .l iii4:Alle4 34ll ttt NitSk_Akfit'g -I billiards AV tb the .g ntletneu, when OQI! e,tellll7llthe company.':` ti t he L leek,_ , Staies \ia.4 lhroiv4infii milril,(o, l 4 bY;ibei ni-!?4 ,l Ack., l l(s ll iiitutheiieslkom poetin. _. to she i-,..ll.9,',lltnetenot; bilf imillce to I railtbat'a singleAti tnite'etiptivittildtin*.l' 3 l-ittitiei; I did -believ ' in Uwe - t. fittt slght. -till:41ml: litetilenc- InWthell-L warder deAtlY wtallt9rell 11.3trit144, over head.and- /- ll l° '! l * j, ,'trove ; 1 .4-re4g:4 l l3 ll qt - '' aimi,lutitl* - 4 no ; ' .'-'O,; r I • t&litizt'tholl*F*.ay 'sviii' to yiet to its i , tie "teAvith d'gOOtr graec`;uml, * c 66 - 5 e- quell Y/ det , t d' .to Marry:the &Weis.-- . Snttbo_ti t quead pat4hont,toktun the -object-Rl - my ivishe -i True 4)>•ittlil J:teett trttreailurailitriPtt and Tialni ,a_ifit,f .4 Ttnyitelttthat2r,*pei _thief. #oetlitklltli,g: 'KAI , . .4 liiTeMblyitiiimiati*jidt i dress; butilad,a i , ,-and , irorae thah4Ottit hi vored'one. 1 I m ad. 1401 of ull the. „ tAt'. l4 .4l:llljl, _V i thought : co d.l /A e JutpimPressua entthiritie •heart, t "ix: ! .1.*7 1- fiatt , •72444 l .**d. R 4. 410.,.:1t , 40,- iiik s ug- rival 1 1 1 1 & . ;9 1 1,*wit t h could 4 wa k,ii s : e ' 0 ,,.,p,pj . gOri,ipil4it . bl4`!o:fetrftt___,,'47ll 4i 11$4 . 'Nair , - . . or , oiii ,4113 Of W•oP*.friYt."Nit t •eokfills: 7 riati bar.r . w4lalitfißktbotlogrAk Jlo , ;gBiltAri.: , . AO-Pti ' 14.04.kiit-th944Yilitif* Ittle9ll4 nt t t--'''' . i . i YiC i P ,, :l i g,l;tii6. o .ly , t,„ t oo r 2.1, 51, .4 ....tt it 44 l ?..P n wt,,,:A i... lititexia' .- • , $ , .....t' • 144.1400. - ,l:4,litilefacopimimivot, of,bitst , ltlidta., , ,_Y ''_ . rit #tel_ft 1,09ir Va l i COW ;*: - , ..r-- ; .`!. :sin' 4 .4 14 - ,PPIPPIrkti . . - 4441 t ' „ sAlPear, , .44540#0. 1 1,,, utOl;'. : ~;' ',.,`' !RAI 'ill i ll i ttaCn, t, tit iii‘H 04,74 - - - ,e41•04 , ,i04. 3 ;4'.04 . -titei4t4fittl -,-1: - Wiiti.f,.---41 , :i• - -, - ,c 1 3 4 :1;A!..414-:11,i 6' , -'' •,' 6 4- - - - - 4 'I - "1 . - -". .7 .' --'- ; - "61 3: .3 ht his roper Imo, upd the • o:4' 1,C9kz0. 14 , 0 , ;(4,1a,R1, , atber. ' sit 1 ine - - i IS ',bu i'tte ! ' A • xia l ,, .•ale ' , 1 1 14 ! ,: .f....-4.:: r,.. -, .v 1 ,.. i.i,,,:f.: 1 7 : i ~...l i y.::,. 1!, ~ .-_,!, i e.,,,.: - ,-,s,:jz : . - : - ...,..zi-,-, ...11:.!;,,,i!.i'i7-,-,1,:j:;,,,,,,,,1.., kilt Alc)4n l M4Y/PP,F„sPir,l_tti,, ?IL the Lila Do. YOU*IIK ...":/;,.. ?..1::4_ , .::,c).;Z:ii • ' ,; Previou&atteMlowt !A*** : t _ 1 s'ponivereti`thikaithoiNk ; mos : * * vijittipedizo utli6o, 6*-:WilitsVeptik : lii, ; i, 'tlesirotti -to AO4 Wl'6lllollki*' "., ,thoil day he .ibion#o4:4o#l4. -- WO j t l h x ji Oti d d a e y a : yiwi ,,, n i g vta to t i rr lc ; ssid.digi : l ' im)l7j,:,, ~ i t at — -''' ' -- • oidisii.g o tat6, 4 „ t; ~_ :, 4 _ ititir I tigver - too; I .• flieu4r sot:A(130ot brig trier et paiule such a, yeti ere) k 1 --,A third' i(f45:16,i4 •7 - '' • • l A . ( l .U4Vi' •4csoilipf" . e'?i, ; 1 11,1 A , upk 1 '‘' l44 ' :4i • ,A,BotA, _ - ;'l,l"'t i fU'rti 3f -. 3- K1F.10 01 4 4 4 4 ;44 - . 2 0- . . - f.:; . , tv,e iir - give 44 6 1.;. 1 44.ii1ci4i 4. . • Itit - theliotliife..*Atii:;4'l.4_,.l 7 4':7't •,: .- ~' Nyfiiitheo- ; /Zik*sifObilt*,,- 4 1,!:', • di*lP-4,A lov .144 40i4citic* : --: 7. i P' - ' .: and 4. ol TgfL . .?t i r4A*oolCairi ..--';•., •.-,.='• • :J ' Ai;i • pf4i/ei.tunei4ini,..i iirtAkikalia. - 001.401, hithoi:eanitathe - ' i: - .. 2 . ._ , v iio , 4rresextte4)4 ., ::' , "' ' . , u 6: 1 0Iti . - „_ ~ imr;lrlOd 'kind -,jiit 4iti4i. :• , Jritki: . iiaii - e'reirheiciitiiii* , . " .4 -'' "•Ttit iw'tiiii'''igiSON4biit " ~ •''' . 1 '' ,- 1., iymi:::i;iiii the;iikitti*,,,..l*_„!" ' •med the' aeleetidiaii. 3 *o l .._,..,, IPIRWAIIgiI.,.. .._ 1 out - right elle d • 2 t l'gotatoo;'4.:;:.:- . 4 . Alplat.is A;? wliakk.t .I. •4... 0 ? • . •,_l - ',5 • us,limirAt 1".. I.'o, Wslt".` '"'•' - ap - . ..: . *i. ,,, - , thadair.iii4.4i!r,firiiii - l!'iiii , .". . , • teiiiirdi,'lebkiiigit 1 " 1 514 - ftlidilt_ ..: • dry\ 'lt sid "- asto:4lliiiir . '-;• : •, ". - ..--!:.SV,. .4a 1 0.144:440: 14, • ..**1441F'43 ;lasi 110..dwp.,:;:st* :: •Irl. . 670ielf',.'t• ~• 7 4 404; t aliA * ozaii)ii4v '10444 4 1 qui : ',"-titialei* object and' o:644ite*, --- - '7'4 1 1014 i c Atoll : 4lmi • r;:iand-Apy l riitt;... _ _ - ,riluili*4 ldip a=,E .m.falf..Orke i'f.1'a , 44 : :: . ...4./ r(Siiil •' ' . ,welf, ' wha:was - .179iiqufrid " The'seAtitt I Wh y` ' ' ''. re:** iniaiiiii• t0....444, ed 0e...11e A-ei:ed:- •enTlOLgef''' gt7iii• tlare4l4 inter:a:New •', ,-•:. thakmiki* • lied Wail 7'.-,. - X, dt - a i i4iiiii:. • r .- • ' ' ~.-...,,,,,...4.k 2,,,,-.,-,:1.1 MEE , - rrdsnia*,'lß,Tod:r.A9l,4,oo4 -', . ' Thi Faiiiiiiig,Vit: 4 - . i'l The life:et 1.6 vp. Ti ii lLe . jcei : of'coniplitheatarYLire_tnak 'icf ilik*C ' its' L.aeefjliniiii'itikeft'depe ' r tilers wife might :riatatoally Val l i happiest. woman it(thil-worl ''. :::-P'''' tO the,' lords of,theiolVeho, 4te'soil„,:a peaceftill' iiiatl47l. That tlieiererse of :this li On univesa. .14y,veoneeiNAir,:thif'' A yining tairtierriree'sit t it time forldm to get mariietN lie ]tai tad tCrespltabler-lellui Ivon;u l n- \vim is 41.5 . . %t1uji;,:• ..7 .1.4, makes las choice: ibni *VT' country; hal been ilielVe ._,tli._ _ t i t fel parents, and is itt We ttuttlf,: , linniiii lures books,. Floss7s idtianad*e fir is 111 4 all points .fitt t+ refga4hot,kniva_ - liY Ikon . ; Slui ketipalA-4e witli - Kther ambitiotiS hi'dix' di tfitield tia'fici . :isolifit/ iONliand is - aitirieibr,a - nnotit fritlictilei of: his loco; to: beixonelt* fiitiid di* :diet:lo4l'64 -her life is :km otikirlueZ, ii, n othing bat: ittinaxind-40tchLeobk churn and •I'llitili6 ' elieek,plekinp:ehlPil / water, an boapFaiildirety.:atki.:*4 1 family enlarges, thirliiiibandr_we ecrtifts imptltt aut lh geoitanithi ;:lidea '' , ery day, takes his itt!tritett ' el Care of his ,Cided: .. - brok&idown relaxation. r §lie iiiity.,*tlivif,..fiiii. i'arel, does, and licit'ltafriftpatattl, eontft la to 41itiro io:'t,hirtiso*y-' beetie e ni ,s4 oy t ed ro l st b . y , hettv - , ' o l d ag ' Tins is no, fancy* and - lir 'every "ceutitry` 1 yinhfillitems trill be ' p the good thr-itOthiogi PY One , acalhaY. ellcr-ns.-- - Vil are - aware OO IL_ , .. ( 1 6 4 1 /Ci*itril6 11 ** . the: -1 0lion` NeWl'Enifand Aitoel — tuittitiiitatialifiiiit, soil : iviiito: iii*jtyotil", Itilliii'lkilinittoirtti: kre4.14.4. 11 en' ,-Ir., , Jai tlikaltoal,„ 7.frn: , -Pcilk . ',„ :. •et!!*:., malt grugery w 'lli t i rT.rj-, , . ''' ' AttOft`of-telintalibei',liei, jtv they ~liouldleirdir devitte-, tit * 'NMI* th Lion . 0,.. Awn- !,:hddrenf f il 1 , -; 50p, , :4--17-,-,,Ny f re - v• - - - • z _.:-.,. ~ ..11-, . .,:.. i .:, 0 ..-.....-.3 t . t , - p.„. 4 ,-, 4 , .-4.lw i k ,::: tf. , 1 ' _ i...W1,X4 IN irel9P *s7l4r,:aProXM'Lt"'",, t.;'66-4-iiiiii,,,otth-co . f-,ouli--,--,--,,,,; , ..-, ! ,..-:, I ,, i,ictfificti'tt'.:dfiltpiierr.., PSXI.4V-Y: 0 I ~ t, 9 ,4 Wldt.-- ,4 batrtzto l l l l, , lit ouvelisowul.o% ., f , ,;ltt , 1, tlyily,ifiar; .Po 1-. ' t f i g it aildilistriAlit fit , 1 totokiiiiid lb*. traut',_ 1 ,:. 11,i that - pll 1.:,L1110t4 tdresi ornm*Aeirnc._ -,f,''..,WiP iiirfill l ! -41 ,r . -,- Siiiii.'4ll,ainsoaly: - -)'•*41;• a,41441,-, iinfit iolii-'O6ll - -by::titt xiiit r ilo2 ,g , .g I ! , ,Oho*Tt..*a:l#o4dMair gilitli*anli" r --1 . "Ilak:f e'qt,..: l ;rst , ;; , ralci4;-thit' and - ei - #,VtiPrke.ti, 'IN.:Iip:ITO AP,- littiv4t hit'inteY : `irM i ler - „,„:f i t*: 1010 24. - ,--. :_arruit i . I ?-,:,. k#:% ; - 4 4' 4 0 4 .., , i'tiiiit 11'1849.-ttet! 4014, 17 thiC I* .., . - , .0,41 1 0 , i 44.0 1 00 . 1 1 ._ ~ iiftlortee'T4:!- , 7--, .ii.,,f. 1;1' i ! , :-:,..-2,:,,,UMPER ~ , , , ....„..y .: ', ::,,,,.... t . f ..1. 0 ''''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers