Valuable testisiony from the *in' t vrE like; at all times , to give credit whdiaCrt d- II it is due, and ifat the same time we can relieve the distressed, we are doubly grat . ified;,tre, therefore give the following voluntary teStiniony as to the beneficial effects of Wistar's Balsam of`ild Cherry, by the editor of the Columbia South ear,. Inuan, who appears to have obtained treat, relief by its tier_..(oid Dominion, Ronsmouth, , Fivinia. p , Wistar's Balsam of Wild dteili. We seldom resort to patent medicines, having a great re-pect for the skill of the regular profersion, hut claw threw into our +ray the above named medicine, immediately after the close ok the last ~,sion of the LegOature, when our lungs were al oost dried up by the highly mrified atmosphere of trove warmed state . House. The Nalsain immedi ately- relieved us Of tnosi harmssiog covA,which, threatened our- health in ,a serious degree. We feel that we are indebted to it for some fifteen pounds of animal weight—which addition onde felt, cannot be forgotten None genume unless signed I. Butte on the wrap- Per. For sale by ABEL TURRELL, Montrose; Orpban's Court Sale. N pursuance of tin order . made by Orphan's "A. Court held at Montrose, in and 'for the•county 'of 'Susquehanna, on the 27th day, of Aogost ,4849, will be exisyee&th public WO •eta , Situreay" 'the 17th day of Novenlber boat, at I , o'clock - .11. M. at., the Court houseiu Mpntr u ae, the following rei ii estate, to wit: the following , described pieces Or parcels of land, situate in the county, of Susi:lndian na aforesaid to wit.: A tract Of land surveyed on a , warnint to Andiew•Allen, 'dated the 20th day:of August A. D. 1774, for three lhonsandaeres of land on.the head waters of Meshoppen creek, now in the township of New Milford in said county. Also all that piece and parcel of land situate in said township, beginning at a corner formerly a beech, the south-test corner of a lot surveyed to -Mclntosh, thence south one degree and a east eighty and a half perches to a post the north-west corner of a lot surveyed to John Graham; 'thence north eighty-eight and a half degrees east • one hundred and ninety-five perches to a hemlock by 'the out-let of Centre or Middle Lake, so called, thence by the out-let and southwesterly of said lake to a post the,south-east corner of Rini lot for , rtierly of Mclntosh, thence south eighty-right and link degrees west one hundred and forty perches - IMIRRTSI) Vto the place of beginning, containing eig;lity acres Montrose on Monday merning the Ist inst., by lof land and allowance.. being the garne lot of land Rev. 11. A. Riley, NW . 1 E1)mm) BAttiwn; and which Archippus'Yarrish on the 2:11 day of 'Feb- Miss Jane 31. DEsmsoir, , all of this place. , ritary A. 1). 18l8; contracted sell to one Alexan. • r McFarland who entered into possession thereof. In Franklin, on Thursday; Sept. 27, by Rev', Wm. v F. W, HI: NT, Ad in 'r. m i . Woolley, Mr. Wm. - K.. Hawn of Liberty, and Mi Susan M. Surat of the' former place{ SALE! VTILL be sold atVendue . „ at the resi idence of the subscriber near Spnugvtile Hollow, on Wednesday, October 24th, ISIS. one Horse, ten Cows, 30 tons of Hay, 4 pair Steers. (1 to 4 'years old.) 5 Calves, 2 Waggons, Hriniess, Pigs, Bees, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, tc itc. TERMS. Under $3, Cash; over that sum, 6 to 9 morths crc , dit. with intereit and securirv. • Just arrived at 'True's new Jewelry store. 11'(HE best Jewell in town, Gentlemen, if you 1 want a a - atch,:guixl acid cheap . . just 1061: at this card of prices ':1:, nc Lever Watcheia,, ,Fecrellnd Cylipder Escapmenl, Common " do Be-t English Quartiers, C do All Watches warranted. Jewelry and ;Silver Ware equally low, and work done as usual. Oct. 10, 1 5143 sTEAIIIER 'FALCON JUST IN. / R EAT news from the gold regions--California kir outdone—gold mine in Montro , e, where a may make himself rich in a day be just step to Lathrop .F . Salisbury's, and selecting tr , in the largest-and most extensive assortment in rthern Pennsylvania--tr.tde having been very lire-k the past season, our former stock wad very reduced, which now gives us nearly an lentire of new goods of every description. among which we may incation,lo,ooo vds. of Bleached and Brawn Sliectin:;,oooo of Englilt, French-and:A:net Zrts p'..eces of Ca.tsimere Satine:t, French, Eugh..4i and American cloth.-s(i Ala- F .,cras. \icrio Alpi eta. Pc Laines, ranci-co Check, .b. .I:e., 20 piece. Lin , -v=, 50 dilfctent styles of Vestmgs, Ilibsons, Belts, '..1 % - e t. ; S...itios and Silks, .2)0; Shawls, frum 31,00 to :32.0,00 froni. I;• yds. square to 5 . yards tang, Silk Ca eand Lisle. thread Cluves,witliont. adult •r, Hats and Caps from 3 shillir,gs to eh), Buffalo Robes, Nails and Mink Rods, !;lackerej. Cuiltisli and ,Tobacco, Teas from . 2 shil hogs to $l, including some -of our fine chop of ti shilling l'ea for which there has been Ftleil a great call—Ladies' and lieu's Boots and Shoes of all bbls. Salt and 100 do. coarse Salt, all of will be sold cheap as the cheapest, and fur wl.ool we want , to buy 5000 Sheep Pelts, 10,000 31,-. Wool, 15,000 . 11 A Butter and Cheese, 50,000 1,1-lets Oats, Corn and Wheat, in fact any thin , ' farmers wish to sell ns, not refusing cast. By call mit and seeing us yon will very much oblige - . Your obedient servant, • -LATHROP & SALISBURY. & Springville, Oct. Ist, 'O. I'. S.—New Guodi arriving daily through the Goody for readv pay, An iat Ready pay prices, by 'Wright 41: Bennett. HAVING determined hereafter to sell goods only for ready pay, we invite the 'attention of our customers, and of all wishing to buy pods our large and excellent stock of merchan dise. It is our intention to keep a more extensive and camplete'a.asortment than any other store in this vicinity, and to sell goods at finver, prices than any one can sell who is doing business on the cred it system. We wish it distinctly, understood that we can sell cheaper for cash or produce than cur neighbors can fur cash or produce, as we -hall have uo expenses for keeping accounts, no expen-es for collecting debts, and no bad debts to Make up: In addition to the articles usually- kept in a country store, we shall keep an assortment of Parlor and Cooking Stoves of the newest and Most approved patterns; Stove Pipe and Zinc, Iron and Steel, Bedsteads and Chairs, Sole and Upper- Leather and Shoe, Findings. To the Boot acid Shoe . trade we give particular attention, keeping a larger stock on hand than any 'other store in the country. Grain of all kinds, Hemlock Bark, Socks, n no!, Wool, Butter, Cheese, Dried Apples, Bides, Pelts, Skins, Furs,- Cattle, Sheep, Pork, and ahnost every other description of farming produce - taken in exchange for goods. &dieting that the Ready Pay system is calerala.. ted not cinly to promote our own interests, but to benefit the farmers and mechanics of this country, generally, we ask 'a fair trial frorrisinr old custom ers, and solicit the, tradeof all who are willing to try the plan of paying down. - TO THOSE LYTERESTED. An persons indebted to' us on notes due, or on Book account, are requested to settle the same ina znediately'. as we are determined to bring all mat ters of credit to a close 21 DA earlTdasl3- WRIGHI'd; BENNETT. New Milford, Oct. 6,1849. • • A 41 7 41 , . • - ADMISISTRATOWS SALE. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Ocriut, 1 Altere will be exposed to Public Sale or ont&y, ou Thursday the Bth of November nert,lit bne o ' c lo c k P. M., at the late residence of John Robin: son, deceased, in the township of Brooklyn, SWF quelianna county, The following described piecef or parcels of land; .: The first bounded north by land IS Gurtion F4y,:eitiot by lands belonging to' Z: Sutliff eitate;' - 10dth by Lyman and John It. y, to` Z. west by Andrew Rogers 24. containing 59 acres—The second bounded north by the S te Road and ether landi bekaiging to said John Rob inson, dec'd, east by the Bissell heirs, south by J. Hewett and Joseph Yeomans, and Rest by said -, Bissell heirs,,cout4i "Mug 26 aMmi i* e P tili g alwa Y s the use of . a -certain spring 7 -The third being I thy, farm upon which the decedent-resided atthe ante of ; his death, bounded north birlaiidalt Willaa(Sier-i ling.and Garland. 1 east by ,GarbaLaid - Wrir,..k4'.- south by Daniel' Tore; the Hisiettleire:' la th e ; seodua parcel of land Shove dietribed, - 041 114 by giePhil Smi th , containing iboot:atr**lo - . :rays *lout one acre, 'arlWitigielfier z with the- abet-a , Mentioned spring Were:. to SimuellHanielis by" the said 4 . 9.!!!? RO!Stilitil i ,t' - ceased, during Jtislife..time: , ' ' -- _." ' li+ , ' 4 ~..' r 1 Tams nude knows ta theAsv - 'o?asge. - ~,. A RicgAtos9s,,Aliitt:*: vrooklyk Oct. '.O, 3142. ' • • '' ' - Oct. 8, 18481.. riIHE subscriber ba.s been appointed Attorney , in 1. Fact,of the Executer of Robert H. Rose, de eeased ; with full authority to settle and adjust the business of the estate. All persons indebted to the estate, will call at his office in Itontrose,land settle and adjust the _ante. OcC 1„ 1849 LL Per- I ° ll ' 4 indebted to the estate of 77,..Anca ..47 • I Dcancy, kite of Gibson, deceased, are re cjuested 4Dake immediate payment, mid those haying demands against said .estate to present them dulY attested fur settlement. • JOHN WILLIAMS, Adair, 41-6 w. .S. EL TAYLOR Oct. 10, 181 .Remaining in the Post Office at Montrose. quarter ending Sept. 30, 1949. Anderson- P. , Lewis J,,hti Ayers Margaret. A. Lewis James ,s Bennet Selina P. Miller IL Si Brown 0 ' 'er C. Morris Jas. 3 Ii Bender Mie u - ,0 MuCarmielt Thos. ' Ter, Ilaldwin AnnN Mott S. S. 2- Bogart llitchel MitChell On - ill W.: j _______ Bailey Olive , IlePlierten Asa : 1 --1 A. Crafnt- Daniel Newman Anti . ..) p: Crump Caroline srerhont Henry - • n 37 ni carpenter Shepherd Pa' her J. S. J n;-..c il Carr Ariel Piet, .r , Atten A,. Cotton James Pope \: n. H. pole Ira Passmere N. 0. j T N pusn. I in and .t. Passedy John - Quetta Thos sold at publt -Davit John Quick David • •'f tree, on Satt .pay A. C. - Quinn Patrick ' eriniiig, all th English Thomas • Randall Itosannah Bhlle. Eseu, la Parg-o A. B. ; Runyan \Vihanti jat the time of I, thete"on, 3lary ' Sternsd.:t f John F. ,iece, or parcel o Otahlrd Elan Steven. Hiram C. .-mbert L'adr7al l d Gus - E.= la , . M. -,.-- - Shoemaker G. • - I 'Ewing D. p.- oat.. w-iiii. „. _ .: Atewart Mary C. vs, to wit t "!A Horan Cornelius : S locum James 9 - , -aunt e! on 'llill I -WIC. '- " S - vniyt Gilbert B. a v.ri*id. , Harris J. 0. Smith Andrew at . ,f , iitg•-a Heil ~ 1 Daniel ' Thonip:on BAR, .. -'l mid , ilewit Samuel, or West Rosetta am ct 1 kam. Barhulf Welk Mary E. ' •ar ~ Handley Mary Whitaker Lucretia T IJaywOod Wm. W. - 'Witt' Win. IL ii . enetly John IL Wade Henry kenedy Ruhamali White Mary S. '-'..liing . sley Roswell Warner Rhoda '. Lewes G. W. Wards Thos. ILewis'Betsey Well 5 Ann L. iliamighaii Michael . 15,03 12 00 B,uo 1,00 . . The undersigned, a Committee appointed by a Meeting of the members of . the Society for the pro ,rnotion of Agriculture in Sui;quelianna county, held lat the Court house on the 29th of August last,-to : rnal:P the necessary . 2. preliminary arrangements ',:a• ;the Plowing , determined upon by the some 'ly, hereby give .notice that they have selected a piece if ground on the farm of David 1-`tit, Esq. I: and have appointed• the following named gent le , men, ,ludges for the, occasion, viz: . . • Co'' Frederick Isaiah Maine, James Oak ley, Lomas Nicholson and John Blowers. 1! . The, lands Will be' staked out about 15 . to 18 l i rods long, by two rods wide, and numbered.• .Cor - respmiding numbers marked on slips of paper will balilai4 in - a hat and drawn by the several coin .peutors, that perfect fairnm.s may besecured.--• The ground is an old meadow. The ,plowing to .-, commence at two o'clock in'the afternoon of Mon day fife 15th day of October neiti- the day 'prece : ding the "Fair. . , . Horses or oz teams may either be entered or one lof e• , ,ch hy the same person.. • Any person intending, to -enter his team must give notice to this enrrimittee of such intention at least five 'days previeui th the Match. The pre ; minrai to be awarded to those - who do the ,work.- in . the best manner and therteit time. Ist Premium ifs.oo 2d dal . ' 3,00 Every Comp titer, will be required to procure his ticket from the Committee, before entering the grotlnd with his, team. • . ' N. 8.., Ifis hoped that the ,faraier3 will hot be backward•abmit bringing - on their teams and enter. ing the field:. -' .. GEO.'FULLER,' • , ; . - B. S. BENTLEY, . Corn. M. L.,CAT-LIN, „ - Montrose, Sept. 25:, , 18-19:. _,-,---,—. --4, i i , 3:- 1.1 7 9N5, • - 1 - si now openi n g a handspinm, assortir-enl of Dry A_ iGoods,,Groceries and Hard' re, Crockerv,Dyli Stuffs, Books arid Stationery, Lamp. Oil,. Bihoms, Pals, dc; ' v• • lrarited----5000y4ti of finnel. N4)ct. 3. rIODFaIi, Rice, Suoanc&c., a freqh supply jusi mcchiyi •and.fvk taae by . J.-Lyoxs 41 11 y 24Vt• ~n l iwelfliflßUSHkr.B of :11/3/lES Wanted:in cat itiVlJA..reEaivelor Goods, at the Grocery Store o f .;-:. M.:BARBER. ~Jesoapp.Oct 3si 1130, • 311 m Illacjintnn's ,tiass in Music.. rplIE ensuing : term will 4ioranienee on. the /Ith of October. 1 • Finftei4ii of twelvet twenty-foiW'-lesson oft ' • • 210 1)0 " A' Mori..ill:4i eutne'in'ilig - ing. • 10 00 Poen lessoisl..+l3.4iwis,e4ckon Piano with ' - '15'04 Use of pia t K) 4, /r t e , _ • :ow? f • nBllw2 T. 1111621(570 AT) BOR- 1 r if 4rE er*ithrditre*Te Afrt red-!Rirsireidaltait4- ?a, 11407%11 of S on b y e e ' 'd bernber: * &tiNia3"- xiors,-likYsz-.7. E: l l'.:lose* " neite d e brmitciii.'„. uppiyopGia.T.::-. i' otfce. Jidniiui•trutor's Notice. LIST OP LETTERS BENJ. CASE, P. Plowing Match II ii ' s Celebrated ; Chemical _Powder. • THE nineteenth century has not witnessed a discovery of iwhich the direct effects will be so universally appreciated, or so productive of c9uven ience and comfortlas Hatch's Celebrated Chemical Pciwdei,4hich is.rwarmnted to give a keener and smoother edge t&Raxers, surgica l Instruments, and aU f1:13. Cutlery, in one minute, than any other - Powder, Paste, or Strop, now in existence. This is 'lto humbug. It only wants to be tried to be. ap• predated by every one. For sale by ABEL TURRELL, Montrose. . . .111.ANACS for the year MO, one for every Family in,,S,usiltiehanna County. may be ob tained gratis, by calling at the Drug and Variety store of ABEL TT. RRELL, Aluntrose. ic - 4" Please call and get. one. . I • Stoves, Tinware Ace. '• 'WE have now on hand a great variety of cook -4 ing, Porlur and shop stoves, which we will s4ll fur cash or ready pay cheaper than ever,among our Cooking stoves are the following kinds : The Phoenix Air 'Night, the very best stove in use. 1" Improved Rotary. - " Extra Large Oven'. • " Irving. I." Iron King. Whitesitle's Double Qcen. " Rough and. Ready. " •' " Elevated Oven, 'Premium mittother stoves of almost all kinds, Parlor stoves for wood and coal, Alto an assortment of stove trimmings, .Tin, Cop per, sheet Iron and Zinc Ware. Any article not on hand made to, order on short notice and the mast reasonable terms: Purchasers will save money by giving us a call before buying, as we ore determin ed to sell at prices which must suit any one. ' 11.38 ROSE SIMPSONI JESSUP This institution, pleasantly located in the cillagi of Leßaysville, Dradford county, Peen., is in st.e cessful operation'under the suPervisiona the Rev EL J. Newell, A. M., Principal, and M s Maria C Shepard, Preceptress. Primary strlle-; . per Quarter Comore: Ett7,1:41 Brnacl.e ,claw COMIII , 7!:CI.` 2.50 adlatie , .A, 3.141 4,(141 1D1) Higher English 'Bray:chez. Language s. and higher :Limit I los, Drawing and Painting---extra, each Incidental eßpeartes per Quarter, TERMS. Fall Term commences September SLII, 1 gi?. W inter " " Nov. 21, 18.1,0. Spring ' " 'Feb. 13, :Summer " May 1, 1850. Ur All Bills must be paid at the Clan of the Term. J. E. BULLOCK . , See'v. J A NIES - .R.OBO E, Pres't. td Trustee ("1 A S// paid for Gee2e eah.: paid fur Shop Pelt by n3lat2_, P. M. B.UIBER. Jn. up SrptPitohf.r. 15th, MO. Orp'lutu.s" Court Sale. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court 1_ in a nd for Su,tquelannta county, there will be sold at public vendee, at the Court Ilou.te, in Mon trose, on Saturdity the sixth day of October nc".:,-.t enning, all the right, title and interest of James C. BOdle. Ililt, laid of Montrose iforb - -taid, decea , ed, at the time of his dealt, of. in and to a certain tiecti, or parcel o land in the warrantee name of .-mbert L'adrntladrr—patented to the reverend Join 'Ewing D. D.—and described ;in mid patent as follows, to wit t "!A certain tract of land called As- TItONOMT, ituale! on the waters '.of the .I.sekwanna, in Northu ts--r.I . nd county" . -,-(ntnr Susquehanna) " Beginning at - f Sugar tree; theim, by land of John C.:d^alladt and William Forbes, nbrth-east, three blinlreci iary, eight perches to a maple; thence by land bf Ant ew 31c'Coutiell, nortb-west. one Inucired and sixty Per4:hes.' to a paii ; thence, by vacant Laid, south-wci't," thee humffdfi .- 6M etg 't% 4 lit perches to la sugar tree ; id south-ea,it. one hundred and sixty perches to the lo=ci of biothi-, tiirm—cantainini, two hundred an ninety acres and allowance of six per cent for roa &c." It being the same }sit which George Fuilint, emairer of mdt:tountv, conveyed to the said James Bid dle by deed bearing date September, A. D. 12 . SALLY D. RIDDLE, guardian of the- mint) . • -, t children of J. C. Biddle, deceased. Montrose, Sept. 12, IS-12. ' t 1 . ~ TN pursuance Of an order of the Orphads Court. be exposed to Public Sale or outcry on Wednesday then7th day of Oct. next, at 1 o'clock P. ALut the late residence of Josiah Lord deceased, in Lathrop township, Susquehanna. eounfy, The fol lowing described pieces or parcels of land: The first, bounded on the North by lands of .Franklin Tewksbury and iJqin Lord, on the East by David G. Smith, Gilbert Smith and Reuben Tewksbury. on the south by !laridsof Jane Rose and John Lord jr., and on the v4est by lands of Jului Lord Jr., be ing the farm orr!which the decedent re-ided at the time of his death. tontaining about lrindred atiO twenty acres, mostly improved, with a frame dwelline , house hod barn. One other iere or par cel of about eighty acres, known as the Whitford lot bounded on t)ie north by land formerly of the Catlin estate, on the east - by lands of Albert La tham on the south by the road leading from the Abington and iVr4eri t ord Turnpike Road. to the Pierpout Road ^ on the west by the Drinker lands, and 4drout furly; acres improved, with a framed barn. Also a sttw Mill nearly new, and the ap purtenances and about four acres of land cc:lnflected therewith, withithe dam and the water privilege therewith; situate en the outlet of the Lord pond, late the estate Of Josiah . Lord deCeased. germs , made known at the time of sale. A. CHAMBERLIN, Adrifr. Sept. 11. LSO. • Exgend ors' Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Amy 13abcoek iif Dimock deicased, br note or oili erwise, are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the subscribers, as a different disposi -6011.9f-said estate must, according to the will of said deceased, be speedily made t—and all haring claims upon said estate ; will preient them duly at testd. to- S. 'A.NEWTOX, ? - tomEa L. a WOODItUFF; • Wilitt,esides improved Double Oven Hot -Air 'Cciafang Store. fr4IE abora .Aoye was 'patented in She fidl of ; 1847, and was got out the last year. It. is consideted' in ninny respects to be,srdecided -provelitent on 4iyeryother kind of Cooking Stoves. ltAndoubtedlyrequires less fuel for cooking and bakinw than most if not all -other stoves now in - The .subsber, has obtaine‘the, exclusive right of rending tlits,lstoVe in the county, -of fiusquehan ;na and ayne,rand having a -large number of them .manufactired sitthe"Eagle Foundiy" in this vil lage in a neat style, - tars them for sale: -They can be had at. the. 'oundry, tit N thestore of Messrs. hose Eihnpson's-. n.: of ;the suk-driber.; - - S 7 ' ; ;,9-EO. FULLER. Montrose, 11, 1130. • , __HNew --- Estathehmetit. TiraxiNG . Teeentit'establistke-d himself in the - X . l:loabisei and Chow afiikiati Foiaidri and 3fichitie - SiMp on the _oatlet ot sow, Like,,about.4-miles from Aloot iate, op,the Biakliamim itage road;rthik'eabieriber is prepared to,order :any, artielee - in la tha?iiiiwstvworlrrasnlike fttmanner. He 14itealAte:Publir..tocall end am . 6 t ,t0 1 4 .18ridgei : 41y 11, i.84(L• ; !' . . ,, •• - • _ 1000 ,t4ir:area. laiabei "-Wool waft in cxehinge,OW Hits Caps sit/thia - gm) of. • ELDRPD42 , 7 2 WOO3I I It.. AClte,i) 1 Leltapiville Acad. OM Y. TUITIOY: Adniiitistratakes Sale. Wanted . iby the Printer, , Fork Eami . ,!..lwheat, Flour, Butter and . "CAsn, on neeouzi ,= due him. . . .July 19.' 49. , . Rrie . Ra °ad. I • t -- ) 1 1 , 1 and after ill , . 20th'of August, the trainskill kJ run ash follow- Sundays excepted ThroughdPass et 7i-of -nit, from New-York to Owego, will leave • • Company's Pier, foot of Pa nne st. at 7 1-2 a. m. and : fi p. in. stopping at ant the way stations. Fro" Owego the through passenger trains will leave fon New-York at 8 o'clock a. m. and at 7. p. in., stopping also at all the way sta tions.. .`pees! Way Train, fur Port Jervis and intei , mediate station 4, eticept Sutferns,: will leave New , York every Saturtlity net 3 1.2 p. tu_ and will leave Post Jervis. for Net -York every Monday morning' at ra o'elock. . Mill: Trai,i, rith Passenger Cars attached, will kayo Pert Jeri'is for 'New-York at ten min utes past 5 a. in. +a returning *ill leave New- York for Pert Jervis at 3 1-2 p. m. Another milk tram with a passenger car, will leave Pit.vinont for Otisville at in., and returning viile at 5. P. in., connecting, with 'the ,freight beats to Itiew-Yurk. The Milk trains dO nut connect with the, l'. of It. 11. IL "; • Frcitiht leaves Ngw-York every night for all the regular stations on .01e road. A freight train will leave Owego everv*oritilig at t ',o'clock. A freight 14: Jervis fir New-York every aril another at 8 a. M. with triarkot ;Night. A.tspecial train for cattle and tub er live steak, will lcuve Owego On Fridays at 4 p. in.„ noel front Port Jlervis for New-Yo:k on Sundays at 8 it. in. /* arc Mom New-Yorlt to Owego 4i45. The inter - m:o,l4l'e siatiuns fwoirrtion. C4Qunu tafoni Ticket!". at li'Oe.t rates for the station-4 be tween New-Yolk avid Port Jervi4 can be pttrehas e.l. ::t thz. No.v.-•York and Piermont °lilacs. Excur sion :idiots, eittitliti, , the traveler to pass over the rota' front New-Yr4k to Owego, and return. at e,5 fur the trip, can be lourcha4c4.l at the New-York 01- l'e'e, or on board the Steamboats until the Itt of Sep.ember next. - '33 J A Isl. ES P. KlltlillOOD, Supt. • • Auditor's Notice. • sub:wriber (haring been appointed en .An- L ditor, in the sOttlement of the accounts of Jud son Mullenix. administrator of the estate of Chloe Verry, deceaqed, cfoulu hmeby t!ice noti6- thutlie will attend to the duties of th:: , ;Ma' appuirettnent, t hi,.4 otiice iii ISlonne_ , e, on Monday the 112.t.1 day of Oelobt.rm.:::, ail one o'clock P. 'A. CliA51131:111.1N, Auditor. Sept. 11, I'll 9. .Alkittizgagraltrix's LL itvgcb:csl to the estate of Benjamin 1 Froak, Loc o flArie tcycmhip ef Jettr.up, deet..4l3 1, nre re(l-6.!•,:n1 rake jailliedihle pay oient,and il l ., I r y :a 0-.l;d c. fate to .pre rut rt4e,t•cd Fettietnent. It: . 1 . 1:10A T, Aduix • Wt &Vic. NI;;FACTIititERS and daalears, wholesale ! cA and ; retail pa Hatt., Caps, Muffs, Buflitlo Bobes. Tit Cntpet Bags, Ladies Satchels,. I COURT Sri, BLNuEr..brrox, 5 DOOll3 EAST OF • i , llnve the ipleasurel of annondcing, to-their friends . and she pktali.i that their stock of Fall and Winter, Goods fur I'Bo is; ready fur inspection, and they respectfully. My:v.2;llle attenti:m of all dealers in ' Hsts, Caw, Mutf.s.,A:c., and the public at large thru%; out this section el l `country to the; facts herein set forth. , The vast Ilicrea4e of their bu_inrss has compelled them to greatly enlarge their store,rtud ) they have now the Jar-gust rind bust selected, assortment of Beaver, 3.`;ntria, Brush. Mole-skin, Silk, California and Wool Hilts -,k•Otter, Seal. 'Nutria, Muskrat, Silk and !'lush. Cotton Glue, Vet et As Cloth caps •J' Mnffs, Boas : Capes, Victurines, and in fact all kinds of Furs worn, Buffalo all kinds and dualities, Trunks, Valises Welton, ''Brun-4.•1s and Carpet Bags, Ladie's Satchels die., ever offered to the inhabitan;s of this part of the country.. ; Their Vats midi Caps arc all manufactured bv rOirmselves, andboir other gopds selected with great care from tle largest manufactures and im porters b the United States' which enable 3 them )•,;.sell from 15 to ; ..0 per cent. Cheaper than any other establishineo of the kind, West of Nest York. WASHBURN & CO. :Bth, 18,49. - N. Th'ey isitied their Fall Firshinni for, Gent's Ifatssand,.. ‘ oa Saturday. Aug. 2 25. tf. •, Ready) ade CrOthingl LUST' RECEIV E ,a new supply, of Broadcloth . ( fi Frockand ode!, c4t, ; Black and Fancy Cas semere Pants, of +arious q litiFs ; Satin, Valencia-I and Fancy Silk Vietts; ClotllNand Satinet Pants,; Shirts, Ilosionts and-Collars; Jet Cashnteret and 'Cloth Colats. j ! N HATS tls. CAPS !—A general tissnlinzt of Fur, Silk, Bridal and Wpol 11.itts----AlSo, Cloth id Glazed Cap 1 • BOOKS & PAlPER,— . Writinm. Wall At Csa.ain Pzipoi-, just receiviad. Cap and Letter Paper bylke i:earn of varioas sizes and quali tin.; ; Schou' Bool4s by the dozen or single., Shop-. keepers in the entintry wanting 'Writing Piiper, Wrapping,, or School Boaz., do well to givi inc a call. Ever ktliing in my line to he sold cheap. • •t GEO. FULLER. Montrose, Septi 4, 15.49. . .1. .."'. GALattlfir, • • rio. 2J P•: rl Stre.l.-1., Aids-ToiFJE. FFilltS for sale PArtall , touras and fLorou kJ Out Ow - Ens' A large assortment of Ameri an, French, andGetman Paper Hangings, with and, llorders to ntatelr for sale in any quantity, at the lt , wegt-inarket re es. ltkrelcuits,unable to visit The city of New Yr-tril can depend Upon their orders being filled at. the lowest prices by sending de tel.-imam of 'style tnd qualities. Oil floor cloth cut to suit the poftliaser. . n3aiiii New 's•ork, August 24, 1819. ' i - ' , - Va. :I tilve Tio4iosua., Conibazi Button*. PI A.E d L. 4 .1)D, till Sastratt Street, Of p stOirs,) cora-r qr Li f,ert.o-,St ~ opposite 1 the - Post Office, 1 1 efr, York, • 1 ,t RE prepared to furnish Country Merchan ts ..i.:3, wi b Exutmu, Far.Ncit, A . Sitt Gren.wr Emit: Goons, consisting, in part . Of . , . Com& —Teat* Shell, Horn, Ivory, German/1 t silver, e 0. , , ' .erdtß—Gilt,l Brcrade i Lasting, Bone, ; pearl, shirt, st cl, etc- etc.. 1 Brushes--Cloth, Bair, Tooth,- Shaving, Shoe, paint, e;c. . . , Soap. l'erfuniOry,l . Ehtir.Oils, [ ViorinoindStr . Iti,,;.' ! - rhrext , r/A-34a:ritlialls Linen; Grunt, 4, Watson's! 10., • Spool Cotton, Cotton, Threw, .etc., +awing silk and Twist. • • ~. ,y -- I ~ .. 1 Cotton Tape.s, porset laces, ,etc:-etc. , &aspen - er3. tall ;kinds ;I.ltins, Ncedbes;.! Hair. Pins;. 100 nd Eyes ; • Thi. bles ; ICUitting Pins ; 'Briclkin ; kket Bodo ; si k and cotton Purses; Paper.Jran up, Curtains, a t d Oi'illades. -1 , 1 , • i Catickty—Jtaicrsockeftulterv...Scissor4, "e i German silver Spoons ;113iitatinia do.:' sih'e-r a d 611 Penci l -Cases ; Percussioiroaps - ;" Fiili Beak ; 4 lates, , Pencils, et ; Itazor•itrops ; ; Looking ,13l • Frans and Wiwi Cloeks. !_. i " ~: - I'. 1 Togethei with'alull and:complete aisortnitetithr na , c arti es belong to Ahis t ' e ; - and userichints • hill g: t to pure :se such 'goods lean feel 'cooftlient nt" taudng•th , , at-the loirest !prices, tither. 1 di "! it • ays be goi , , ed bk thelmaVket. • - n96an3 -. ..: 4 ''ghat I have a Pleas of Stisque 14solvolt Jaws. 4 ,- qqt!rt Y*l overel?er next i-rbe Cf*rt:Hi.ftie • ko . Noi; . • heal to the t Co urt ;'Orl CO , ',; .' nthi '34l4,l';'l4r.thiberiefitior .". this Ciiintoottireelth, ind at' .". iTollitea , Xtry the 19th, y to heel' '..trie d l # . 4+4l _ , t .... in !r noe o; 1 4 It? delocs ata 4 , '0.37.i'.1.0.'N I.ArrG . . $ 4 led States 19101061de'. ClOth ,- ! • in g Warehbilse !!. JET ti qv, I'' it HA. FORD, .litcrsl ,252E264.-,266 and 253. - t..Bisurr,...(Bei' r irato74 of—am d ivtniini . :Bli -AltaVir raihr &lie .iiii - J4afid.ithe gest amnia... to( Cl:ovitiiit: the 1/filbid'Stiitei, fed too ill '. • eti !I '• in he talkie' orShirti d Drilvers,•we • ,-.. , as ;eitc4..s variety.:-%; , ..A150, tt e mist extensivd, tn .' , ufirel. ra_of - Oil Clothing d Covered Makin the wOri ' / 10 /1 and`'Fasn i noble Clothing, of all kin .L '''• , '• - - Catalogues of dick - sent by I. il. - Oidersiiiitrtg- I filled. . •II - LE1111.4 . 1.1ANFOI•ID; I • Kos. 262, 254, 256, Ow ',... 'earl rt.,'N...Y. , • ' Dissolution. THE partner-AAP under 4he firm .of ..t., Wood is this day dissol#, ed. by mutual 6 he books and accounts are in the hand' of: I r kpus. : , .5 ,3). I. YOXS.. 4 - Je r kffS B. 4.1 1 00.9:1 • triendsville,,.,tuloi:llZo, 1849; S. D. LYONS Ni'illvoittittne:the Rosiness of tail boring' in' nll . its .hranches it the old 'Wickham S. Stone's store. ! Cutting done .en 'the shortest noticx4antlrwarrantcyl, as usual. The latest f1 3,50 , 11i0n04 nlivays on hanfl. I ' S. D..1X0N5.,. 4.&DIES.I3ORO,rA. 0 :imiklb 011;813 STORE Oln the New York d; Erie I:4dt' Road awl S'aslue. itanna Rivet, NO miletfrort -Vew fork, 25 miles from Binyhanitcm, and 19 trulea from Alblitrose, torrrounded •by Mountains and ,the Railroad Pt 1 !yes. A T our store the followin niav be found -L-1 : Eng.. French and Anie ear! w Dry Good 4, Bon i/ nets and ltibbon., Parasols -e-,i Umbrellas, Carpet 11L5. , , 11. U. and Cap=, Loolch g Gla..-es, Boots and Thoes, CI oekery, Gl:l,s Wart„ !lard Ware, Window Gla , :s and Sash, Drug and .Medieitn3 Groceries, Mackerel, Coltish; Mess Port - . Supeiohne Flour, Nall,. stone Ware, Jappaned Ware, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Butter Firkins} Candies, SaniN and Townsend s Sarsaprtrilla,Buoh:, Paper, Inks and Quillq. Cooking, Parlor- and Shop Stove% Stove Apr au I Sttr.e Trinnninr, Itni band or made to order. 1 Engle Foundry , i'longlig--i-warrant . ed; Trunks tt Traveling liags7, • Shingles; (Inver Seeil, Carpet and . Outton Ynrn, Axe 3. Han4letv linek Saws, SlioCels, ete., &b. • For the very liberal Tratromge which we - lhtve, receives] the past Vcar.wel tender our sincere thanks, and trfust eve shall reciel'o a still larger ,shar,e_of public patronage the present 9 cason. Having r . e 7 duce 3 the price our g oods about '25. per cent, from hart year's prieo, Mir 1 - rnetto profits and quick turns. ..otiituate:i as we are'on the Railread„we ctin sell, lover Ithars. any, ether.estab listnneut in the ceunty: t . - I;gO t NIS s!,l CHA-NbLER. Lanesboro. July'lB,* 181 ADMINS"StRAT, Ott's NoTtoc. t LL persons inJebtet tU itbd ez.tate of Atc:riinite?' Webeer, Into- of • Libt.rtyc'diteetised, are re ; quested to make inunedi4e payrnent, foul those having demands against sai e4tate to present.them duly atte , tod tur,settlement..- • .AtICIL:I34I3 BAILEY, Adni.r; .• August SO, 18411. • , Hi aplllazaton Female SMniaa r?.- ,HE Winter Tterm utthis. Institution- I AM cum menee, IN'ednesdaY; Anc;..29.d; Mat . eontipue '22. week:. ' Sekerat . adcApt,lied . Tecl'elteis', arc t ~ employed in thii, Selman* .Since the' elese'ofthe 1 .last term, arcominodationifor a larger number bf r pupils hare been! added. ntshaving'daughters. F4u., 'to be educated are assure: that the location: and; facilities of this Seminaryte -I nctt excelled hysMith !ern New tor! : 1 Ei•ery. e rt and care - tot Ahead d Welfare of upils, -, , vancement an will be exercised' those in whose charge tey are placed.:: • 1 - 71/2, /S. In the boarding schord, ; the whole charge :fur 'board, including,all necessaries connected with' it; !as room rent, 'rushing, firil and lights, .J in all the brunches, constituting as. a 'day (school an-exten-his: nourxe,,,,zitin ;- and .3Viih_Latit4 and Frendli added, k 33 .pe! quarter of 11 :wee*, E' Day scholar: din the Prunary Department; lie charged s2sp; in thelliddle Department $4,001 1 —in the Higher; 3, o.o . preriquarter; and with Latin and French tudtided $l,OO. Extra Ckarges.--.-Music, on "Piano ' ..per,,quarter:, 1; $10,00; on the Guitar t10 i 00; use ofhano, J , Drawing and Planting in Water oolors !.'3,00'; oil. 11 painting $8,00.1- Italian, French and geonyiii; each No pupils,ro,..eivelfor less than half a quarter..; No deduction far. odeasional'alsenee. ; . . Address Miss s.3ngalLF: I I Mary; Bingitaudoh, N. T. I i.alilgatali/.011, •Aegust, 183-* ,111. T. lit' Eiie iltailiroad: E'veilbo= 1 - • tirls 'Mar et Line.' ', -.. •2`'Z ' FM MAS r mL subm.rtbers are uqw 'prepared, to` twelve: i IFreight of,all kinds at. the Owego Depot, aLso at the liingliainten, Great-Betid, and I..angsbo ro' Depots, every Tnesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, of each w e ek, and (matinee With regulafitY ,throughout the 'season. They will attend to,-for warding the same to the New-York Market; Where they have made arrangenients .with Oxperiericed \ salef,men, what will atte nd q •to the selling.of ,the ..,,nte, and return the proceeds in Bankable feuds at eikher of the''above Depots, to the following per : , sons :At the `Store of F.I Raynsford, Owego, ;'at the storcliouse of C. Mqiinney,Bilighamtboil at then, offammf Jet, Griffin, Great Bead; and at thegoleV of E. Benson;- , aneo l'I, • „-"' , ' ,- , 4? ,f= 7 :4: - J. • •ES SlSii; ,Dinghamtopt -'".:- -;,-: ,14.% .1., A, l'i 011IFFIIN,. Grene:sea, i - .. . F. R - -9ft.p/owego.-.'', - -L,-i-1 'Owe g o, Ju1v.1,2, 184 •I ' ' ' ' •-• '- .. , :,.Y,: Agents M'Kinney,:—Ol t inglianaton ;t. Be.iisottil Lanosbord. . , • .1: , ' l,. -;"; I, CAPTAIN' J.AirS Sin. in -SU . r,intend t.tiplmisilt 'less throughon the who le Line, tad receive- iiir till all orders fur GroCerl s, Fruit, Fish, tiisters,: &C. Ike.; whichrwill be be b ou ght at the lowest wh`ole4i sale prices in Ifew-York, , nd forwarded to slither; of the above rqtned Depq s. '• 430174 ,-,...1i i New Mil ford Sto ve De pof-17019 4 51 LL i l tt f hal l St6re'ale t l,drt:, l , en.o Stoves, lutUg.tie t - rgtov ti..„ 7 ed kinds : of Air Tight; an . Common Cooking, ~ Parii tor y end shop qto4es, R a , and ,Common' Store. , Prpe,‘ stove FiTaittire, sh et Iron and - Zia, .;etlive Tithes; &c, '40.4 to which, ' hi r attention of cash piii•?, ettastrs, and the public Ai inytted, and wfiteli; , 4** , be sold at very row prictia, For , cash, efr approve d',z 'credit::,':; •-,• II r ~ t ' • ~ ' ~p.- ~:tt;,- . I August, 1840. N. - Y. & Erie Railiotiti r -I-Wesiterri' EXPressil 1 . - iiicg.;. i'Pkcit... , t. ) .-2.!,1` ii Office ~ foot of Duane s ebt and ,T Wail :street4 New... York. licai.os , Ne - • Xork,6 - o'cloeir,,P, - .,ILL-;:, . 4 3 7. .Arrives it ItTngliaintort 6 A. 21 - aid' Otrego - Ti . 4l M. Pm transportation O all idridictdercharidiii,t Packages andloioner: , 4;'T i proprietors haiii rnaticii -:arrangements. iritit - -14- rildo-Tllll-46111- , Eipre,4l connect daily - between ; . G tkßendf.and' Mootroso All money ,al4: tocrclian ' 0 ..1111 lie - fortvarticd; -4sittioDt delay..4.-i4; ::).;.---- -1 .. -..- .-3 _f , :.''',;.'''it , - , , ..-. ..* •,- 4 G.' , -Yrrq". -- .... , ::.::,1: 3 -- - 1:, --,J; L.Scark . 4 . 94 1 95ei • . . ii; - '.‘i "-: - .:14, . i: •.-, ::,..1,..21.' GO.- H r .: 91.1. 0 74, : ,6*;.:#F 1 4C-74. ._:,, v -4:jtorion, in2hOniton. '- . t..*. -,....,-.); .-,:.; - -lii)lann, stg*Sq - n;om4gr& . - .'‘ '.. .-- i?: -4:., , STektes,„ ,)? PlitiCfkr :4 64' ':-. '. . •=•7' - ''. , • - ' 1i.04 . 4. 114 - ' AN:: Potigiiii -- . S : I T !' f:i ,- .- itoeiroto,Alg. 4 i1.849 .<, tf,,: , c,r,--.;!. , :-,. 1,_,,,,,;F:, -_...e.,: ALL'-':-_ ,---- 4 cal, k Ileitis* _ - soeudi' , aiuCmh rjiatpi=fArVlAle:t6ltbe": ,151edkiallitrifoiii Praliee."Are'euneWiel quested iii iiiiitit_o*:borkii o f: ibt - lt,ltigrivori* m i d. Roiltiffilkift Efita&ylti 'Aiiii`otVet neikatlONlk li'dirlt - P;Wfd*ditin . : r eoeiiiderialpt,ltlie .- :, , iliq 'semi:6ll4o4*i 1!" ' ' • iScialeV.' '-' ,---;", • ''' ,- ' , i; , 4n. adrem dohibriii; gtrintetwoj i l li n t lk, •Tatin - itt t* - 1.0ett4,:..,- ~.,.'-, ,-,- ":` :! 1 -.41 • -;,-- .. .• -,-- .1,z•c;, , .. 1 .• 4 . „ 4.11 . 1 1 3 i C 4 , ~s ' 'id 4i Sl g f ' i 1 ' md TitOO:lfifstifga' J.: IL - ctt• imnovoitol Frout:Rool3l-:Ot re atx,oeast br,his former :beat* itreefAhricl 1,iiii . 6,4043 delay Nwite - 4. Isve' 0114 , !frpk Markurzidliie,r aiAIV" " hieri,Shoiifgerurniara :14 4 ei;' • PAC SEIVIONS-4-Fashioruiblo, ' °vet, A.. Bald wids ./ifatiea • iik • -* typo; • • , Ross & I simpsoar-Akoi&, -.St9Fe trinridV ,;Sheet Wure; Dryt Goods, T % 614gOikeNEVreatik t. ~ VA, Caki; ad Vurs'.' appeaitbf th 4 I sta g office,:foot Public. Avetwe .IhtNIVS . fiat Ilekt.R. n Jilv be fu4n .11ISSELIF4:bit roaciy p?,qxdcut,,ol 4m ll ,ne l3 is4n. a sat 'SOIIN-GROVE astakable • Geo.. Fulidei•BoplEStior.ei, :1101* by . §tylo 441tk•ethei uot l rpo... - : J _„:.„ , „ AITEKOTEVENS.* "67..ERY4-0414 ijitet and fipt o', • .4c Aire me ` LY01418—:-Deater 'ShirtDej; e • • Crockery t,Anil Groeerjitiri' . le ; etayl 4 elrlie3 on the 1300 X )312‘,704'sie' ileza Aiettue;••MEStitrie4.4.`' :• ••••• - ita r iv ; :til y te*, *EIVIL"ON { tonic .. dmis:Soilthlortlie,Ccurt Hue • 113ENTLEis ,HEAD=Dailei3 in `i;guotti, 1.)1•44, _lrtmlware,;errieltery,Artifi; pockc..7itraieluis„iJit Sly SPo9fis,Tofun'Or)',:d:tl l 4 - e., r BEL Chemicals; PainhVOils,'•byStuirtiVti ceni3s,;-!Dry Goods;'Efardware, Stimewnre,• e watiVelor r itis, Wuteho_, Jeweiry,!SAlxvel; Speetaeles i , AlTl4ll.lusliu*esits,Museu'is‘, cal 'ThArumenti t ,' Liqtrori;',Perftoery;: - • 1 Sfutiunani, Brushes, Shoes, , „ , New Arraurentent 0 ',it. . 1,-• " " - ...7 . , ' -. ' _ ~- `. ,•-:- -- . ;; . N. 2 :, .: '.."' .;- .ir ---;r4 7 - -' .• _ , -- 7---- y-;.77p_ . & - ,v, . 1, ..dw , - - 4 ,- e-'l: :.- (--- ::r•A• if, _ ..-.... -_. .. ,: rs lly... ..- 7. ) . •- ....I.- ; 7 - •'!" —,7 :• • • :. 1,•., , - •,....,;•-•:- ',.,. : •• Betiown Minzfroie and Creacteal.'"' , ' - q ,t FOIT-4-liorse.stago eoatliWriltlOairei., - -Bearl 4%., Hotellin Montrosalorigreat Bend twice.e . :4 ry, day ..i(Suialays excepted) viz :. at ;to:clock* t . arriving. at Great Bend in tiine far, the , day, h i ~ Of eire'goiiiianst and the ;night' triftLirix,l3 . l 4 ri ' York-` guiligiNc4st, and at 3 P.' 311: iiiiiing iii' Bit • cur the night. train , .going 4.iisc'dria;:, - the' day,- - tra ' .from New-york going - West, - ' ',I ,',. Retuning, leave ,tireat Bend, n o:d* ,aßrival -.e ,Il ach tiain`iif cars Pruett i Tear . ': I . Careful and , tic:.-uniraoc, lath:lg drivers =dint" team are Onployed on this raute•; 7 and thelecip it etori pliidge theiaselves. to 'user every,exertion ' make their line plea...milt and biped*oui. '''''' ; ";, , Fur seats apply atSearle's Hote4 , itiliciitiosit • j`2o * ` M. •TBUBSBALL it C 0., : • , , Ll .O test yet, per nailfottde : N E j; -A N% and ,beautiful stoc k ,ofj - spiing and aril i, A. -11- mer octx, bought entirely for ; tash at the I ..ry Icy West rate> and selrßi accordingiy, at thes i of 1 , ) '. ; .frI•1:YON 900 B,arreis of SALT for :ego PriMS. 4, - -it, July IS 591,(01741 FLOUT{ fur 814 e by ji I' „ , SCYTHEb & Scythe Stir.lo, alive lot by . • • - , `1 IjORK and FLOLT R, 'by the__ Riad; bbt, sale at the store of LYONS &VW Lo.nesb4ro, 1- July • 18, 019, f tiff f sEstia - SUG AR I6, the :b1 • i* t cry chezip,. LYONS ;CT Lane4b6tO; Joy . 18, 1849,' riei YALE'S and BAZI:SOAP,iIb) lb:;Oriale - LYONS it . C! . li-Lnneshora,-.lnlg, 18; 18 , 19.1' 1 7 .:8:S`and:T/PE by,•theloitil . _; LYON'S& C) esWoorulY 18 1 gra_ool:ll , #heeting by the pi fors: Vf cent* 'per yerd. Heavy LtTTeßee ienimer ,61oths at 8 .aid tp ',ctpts;_sellin 4bnie 4 I - ,- .11111 , 11-10; '• 'z " "took Ajtetii;it S'EARS'- IP IL i'OIIDHAM- having, proCunidil: 1. • for?,these celebrsifecLivorks,-‘4ll.iy ciuelulianaP,cd. - .durin thd,presdat üblicritoeizt Thd valud of these woks, is litdrary woad'to , reddil hiontr4e July 12'1849. j -•' -- - i ''. c neutistry. -‘ ir " 1 : , • —.:l,*: TA MA SIITTH:DentaI Siirgeot4 tr , A./ -the ; eatirii Public that:: in l , acraus operations ia the;hel , s Paied iith eenis:fir,inserting w h ol e sets a cfeci'bfiTectli ea'the Afnap4ri ',/i,' ciple. wh4r e by 460th:heybe've' „ivith o t, 'EPnor or clasps; end . ate Wtrrai-teatisa ei P_uPPP .0000° 1 ,-DCS. may . bef : :fit Aeal o i Hotel,: as •asual,,citi Mondays and Tciei#Ylo,ta hii iesidenceiti Aesitip; deraig the red:tinder . reek 1 --" , 1 - ' • ' ' - , - Motttresh, Jlitylsl;',lB4 ITIICEqrAIt, orbesf_qtialitir i3i . . 7 ... ila'aV ', l :_ ‘..• 3.1v...1- -, - : ~. ~ 1 i --: -- -.. i.. EIRREUP ' New Firin'*'-arew -r, Ooda; ,-, TliE ibLocribcrs miould.t inform :the ,eitiier - Great Bend 1 .-h vicinitWi that ** o kays w Oed:7We stock, of Inode,i'44l_44ll:- yog!ii 410ihadn; and; hOing!mailt(i .*• " 4- chase ef New. Goods; ft kpre,Piect. ..,' 1 public thilolletving eiticles:-/It - -iritigt : tail: = l'ork-Flo;aer,' Salt-4, the i ~by the bbl. or half bid., or F41%04 "at .5 Or mit goraw-k: bit thibhd '''' Alitinuty,.l Alio Tea, PotregiAllei ger; Saap;.Cindlaw,Tainie;-,gk; be- sold 'cheaper than at thjs side id,lfilir-4 Binghamton tok, • -- Also a tali agaartalaa* , of prime, - , , f irith mast of - Ole *Va.*, Patent t ni u'''9.l . ' - ' 1 " T ,' - ' , •L• t.- - ::- ;t - ,..''--- , ". , 1 '• 1 1 ' , .F. OLIUTO ---... i - 1 2 - -- - q- -,, ' .-'-I.;. F. - -1 1 .11C ti Great &Ind,••Au,p az,.11349,'-''' ALAdiaiiiiddrikto to r L, per. sons ifidebtid• -- 4 , 11140167). tincre4d:f9..luake,,q/ fate_ having: 1 1 0:0 1 4 6 4.** 1 14, 1 01!! w ` zr a y •ittisiga r P4 '• * al u l'itifiiitsl 1410 Vei ''lllFSr liiiib t a w aro v ia *) 13.01010 000 pkwilfAC-tai t -1 1 : - :.e: -, c r ;-'7 -1 :•ej-A 1 4WA. - - - _ :1 ;f:,l6iiitei:74:i ,- ,te - .J' , J - :',.;-- , :f .-; - .. i: _,,,,,,_. , FORA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers