Ili FuLLER, Ifontin,9 ,I ; Ip : '- , EIX.MV:Prktid lie. ,i. 44-44--1 ''lo vli ': s •ii; - .1.i , - - r -3 , ' : I - W ...... kfN4 4 - lk: 1- 11Aviiv.%1 V BrictOewater. Ri ' 4l ii.)4 44 5 .: ' YEARS. ' - '' , WAR- S OUS; of Herrick. lL :Thvokipt, t. lianct. --- un 1 . , , agi . 344y, nwct, the 9th illitecided m tins coun ,, ~. .. . r...*0d . : ii citizen who-has 3 - rrity'bfili, pudic hi 't!`2,l ii*ce44 'arid speedy kkiiieh - 'easizj,. should be .A his iedividuil vote was 4 !those: Mime-ids 'are. to yoteetnetpletdbly I determine itsiii lu ta' an '-ibi,' - ohs and Ale Northltrancb, Adm A. 3yznidting jobber , specula= :0141Mhdmbitants of the West nia . intereits tab& - skier, is not 'AdlZielected- to press forward 4tie;Aitieed time. t : Thon4ll we iiiiMA r lzlth the hope that -the ~:.will be elected by a tri iiiiite stiite; it'may be decided „.„.-,...Zieee. , ,lliendly reader, let not iketryour.riglitly'fiispord neighbors Beady 9 . Mind consistent friend of the sys ainy, and of the resump tor' of the North Bnuoclti improve= - 1 , which the - Whig administration witneaut has given a start isevery -I citizen ready to put !his shout ` give the good cause another A ' It can be done if ybu are all 444 to your interests. finny who - to defeat year after year, could . of the possibility of electing Gov. Air. Yet he was electedby a small _the:biggest vote the Limi§ had ever foisill so ninny faithless Wh igs staid assured of their strentli, see toy 'gave b ld Rough and Ready ! given him tiVer,Cass, and a clear a'ss.'and Tan Buren both. This _ liiga of *state can do if they I ,ready to - do it:Fin*: the - election of Ifeary 31. Ful- roui, Asa, To thel Polls !I p9a#are tcrtaiutj to assure you trent in-goinglto the polls will not be itinakif the frielnds of the Cause else ' duty'ls we they krill *Don't ,yottrselvefrom going o the elec :,,youluste soli e hope of currying the vvoupty. Ho , do you know but that :of eir Citizens may sO fair prevail in men 'we have . pr&ented, as' turnout may secure their election possible. At any rate, shiny 41,....Vrgiviugla good ticket aigood rote. px - Fr;.llLepresentativps. ?Ike alluded to the importance raepresented-at liarrishurg this cote 11:te'Pv:oftxle'rleaders in this' county, ability and infiu importance Were; bare 7ircyzning into the suicidal Little t .year; who had at **burg: beyond any Rep this Ziorthernght' the lialtry reason th at ho thesubstantial interests of if completion of the **nal, ininbitg about the, ~ and ,icatod by many m •of judg lt,ittlionte atthis 'fical pc 44ne es of Jhe 4 0 4"!9,4rtex54-tb state, as people rate _ - about it, to the 16 . 'et: seireial :rotes' kitty tut* Whigs t 113 4- l ie,,Ft'.ll4 l - *Or : .or :the tc!sktv!e .manof-16.0e4t lleitact would. do ;hole platoon :lik e the 'orv:lhe tow . fieltet r .2.lectediu frie nds with Om, thougii if active imaincis habits, and 190thil3rarich, extension, as. f tt altbdugrthe'dee *llll,Cgar4,ll3er,r3l44 Iget 6 tlue, - sled ooligh he ,4°llll. 4111 1; 7'17 ) ,.. 4 -, 1046 /o.9t__Kb the' d - that the peiblie tends deCtiOo 17 0011 '4/ • nuiTY Gio "4 4001-1"Welkil 14 v0e, watcifaiera °4 1)11 , ly ca him): 0 1 1 clhe Off:* ItY ; _,Poa i rd4 . We hate heastOf reatiy*fdli*ot 4 ela'r PgiF6l epenfyitekteitsheiglethislesitee Vend , Iproiltiet3r'ef Laving.fia c-IYl►3 ,-Q4,the 13 , 41.1, -L .- 1 ' 'Pak -payers 40" lock l te '1 -Tun who pay : the taxes liFersur. interest hi put ting in watchful men who will not be all swayed oneway iu oar `, !county matters. This is also) l a good remit tor pular% in - the tali) rieW':AuditOrt-pur, proposed by .Whigs; Both are thoroughly competent rued :who would r ein se4u thing scrutiny in andifingtioi afc; nuts' of _the county without without any political cachritiSm.' .Let l usiut4:e Such a lioard once, thorcriml-metters inthe Phi,e proof —men 11-hot:an; oast up the ectuiunts-there Withind needing the beep of , the CorinnissiOners and Clerk to show them hoe , . SAMILIEC; A. Nxtrox istad old Schiiot master,'perfectly at h'rune in-figures i and it we mistake not!rtmr. WAwreorsis - atiother. l • Co. . L . - . . The, Treasurys ~toci• '' GEoaor.)3,l,esies who is . reemtupended forl,Treas 7 urer, is of bur .most: sterluebonest Farmers, and thou I not 'n resident of flusvillage , living near enoughf it to be on band when 'necesktry to trans liet.the inessi,. Though a inild wing in politics, he has been repeatedly chosen by his,:neighbors in the strong .Locofoco townsbii i , of Bridgewater for Constable and !other responsible ofliees.; tind •he made a good, Orrect and' prompt officer to 4 . Ma ny of our citizens without regard to , - party. were anxious he should be put up ((keen:urns: sioner, con sidering his hetdth °flute being" tonAelictte, for hard labor at fitrnting ; but he:woul4 do quilly well for Treasuner, the avails of which':nffice for the , , i , next. wo years would be of still greater benefit to him. If just discrimination and good eenseprevail, lie may be eke tnd. .'44 far Among the. original larticle.s on our first page this week, .ie.sides the Pieces of •pootri with which we tire favored from the far :west,.there is another commtication from an old carrixoident, relative to the c olera at Solidus* frciin winjui td- EV3 we inserted lila article upoti the eho!era at Tole last week or An arti e was inadvertently omitted last week, in which 4re-should have called the special attention of our readers to the ablii speech of lIES as M. Fru.= Eiq , in the laSt Legislature, in be half of Übe 2*Z..4oikrTaneh-Otuvit; -- viddrwc gire - on• the first page of that paper. liTe trust:it hai been generally rend hoviever ; but if there are any who have not read it, let them tak4 up the ppm-again and examine it, and sec if the author is not the proper man to push, forward the interests of the North on the Canal Bohrd during the critical period which is at handl. • or Read the excellent address of. the Whig State Committee,-in another column. It fairly sets forth the great and important benefits already se cured by the ei4tion of a Governor in this tztate, and the vast importance, to the State aid= Mg and sustaining. this acimmistratida in the re forms it has commenced and Will successfully car ry out if the people stand by it. • Read also the pungent letter of Mr. Bill the state Treasurer, to Mr. Auditor General PurViance. Let, the people see who was the true friend Of the North - Branch appropriations .Could;'_Purviance and the Locos hive had their way, not one cent would have been Appropriated. Dos'r Tarn innu.—The iocofocos -have been trying ever since' the• nomination of their West' Branch man a dotb,le for Canal Comtnissioner, to make the people on the North Branch think he was a firserate friend of the North Branch banal. But not one word do-ihey get from him in a public manner giving any sort of assurance—pi:llo they are keeping ithack for a just :before eieetian hum bug• These p"retended assnranm from' other folks wont do. , Gamble is a .1y politician of the Simon Cameron stamp, who dont meant to commit hiuiself if he can (help it. He pot enly:lives on the West Branch, btft : his interests . are nil there; and hire the intriv'ers who effected lush nomination against all the ;'Borth Branch candidates, .Messrs. Dimock, Mason itnd Bowman,' he will throirlevery thetaele in the is !ay of the North Branch if li r e gets elected. ! ! . - Where Hite the Locos inßradford,Wyommg 4.c, who stoutly resolved some time ago that, they wouldn't support any man for Canal Commi4ioaer who was not.opeWly and publicly pledged in favor of the NOrth priaidt, extensibu 1 ;:Where is the open and public 'pledge ,from *r. i3anibleli Will they trust him Without-it 1. Or have they Gambled away their «insistency 1 :, • . ' THE NArottoir lmirrr.—Notwitlistandinn• the Lo cormo cry freqututlyramed against the Whir, of sympathising willt ether gdvenunents',DlT'iist our own, the. Locos . I . c itt Waslungtau are taking t sales with the Frerichint the bohbe i ry which the 4 1 'reuelt Minister has .04 - eilvtrying to kick , up With the ad ministration ot' , l isident ,Yrayler. ~Plll ,father Made - and hitaattelites are out upon9en. Taylor hot and lierivy,l4Mg all the 'blame to:them.i 'They audit to be .atlidd the Napolqm'patibefter. _4LITiCi.O.-;'-ik:ilaCh ! o f the rin g -l e aders • of:the late - NO York OW hare heen*-rhi g , a • kin 4 i trial. Irtick,le w re eultedin C. Judson, etas the , editsi pape r • it t iOniae' s G e V is •caorietedef loehr; t one of- thefaire t eem ! ...-.1,-iiiakis ? seeteueettlo , one--year of .44 - 46):4*Y44 ‘)l 6 4 l af 1 .W00,.01 1 .1.40tiiii4.'4?!4444 for,petphie l ettfe-..eovenoirl e po r t That he . ag o * • - cot# l #!is#7,4 - 9'iiioeiiliiiiikitt) . .-iioe6' . 4..both • fiii- - ' , "&i4T - doiAiiiiss' foci; was 4404* eqtßty)s.o 7 :- : ;,),ki he thelieople at *rioue ' be went io ppoe*yottei 3 - ....41rxe , ;1(414900::•011m - 41.-11kgoulLo;. '4'•geirces' - ~:p.k0,1 4 ,A1ta'.041,40.*:eit144:•:40: *44** 00* tt*'4'.l:Ztslitititai a - 10 n - • ..1 ••i_ • .„ . :!!!- 7: - 1. • • r,! _` ~~' T'g - Great !lies at-Chnipt after our papiiii:rent pfalliast *led by a teleill** dwpa.k*frOm , to th is Place, **the ibo destrictive . prp ever known coOltrOind ihte~out that nioniiiik(Thirs4V Sept.-27iSJ abdet ( 1! A q4Pc 3 ,„whicb c9l4i l lPoi I . l3 Pqe:th! ‘ 4° 4 ll 4 , graat.prirtion of, the day ,, destroying near l y, t o wbole of the biijiii.k4,,Part of the town. It swept nearly the whole length of Frant or Main street, akin the river, on w hich tof the stores'and ,pli,u,.:e&ofbusiness were located, andlaid in.adim no less titan SIXTY:IHNE building citclneire H of barns, stables, out-houses Ike.; and-the list of stories; shojis and other plarei of business is over ONE HUNDRED 1 :-. All three of the Printing offices, the 'Telegrigh office with its instrument, machinery tte:, the Owe go Bank (the vault being saved) , and about tAio thirds of the Bridge l agroislbe Susqueluuma river, are among the ruins; and the total tar' is estima ted at five hoods! thousand dollars! . ~n . , . A extra : from the Binghamton Republican office issued the next day, says that the fire. is suppc4d 'to have originatedin a room.occupied by the Sego of Temperance, from n some fire or light left inter finguished,:though riecounts of the particulars are . • . • somewhat, contradictory. -. , The same paper-says: - , i - " TwO thirds of the personal property was insur ed: Insurance on bitildings not ;known. The, ef 'foft.s of the Fire-men and the citizens of Owego, seemed to have no effect in subduing the fiamesi-- The FlRE'burnt itself OUT. ; The business part of Owtgo is 6 black. spot of smoking earth. ••• , - '.• The Fire Companies and citizens of 'BinghtuntOn, 'gushed to the 11.. d Depot on the alarm ofjOel to take the first train to Owego to assist their n fortunate neighbrirs;'but no oppotunitrwas ded them." Wile Loco organ three or foar weeks ago began to accuse the Re,gister of making a "Native bray" against Mr. Murphy tho Loco candidate ror Commissioner, but being away, ithat week to Wil liamsport we did not notice its !column " bray- Me at that time, - Which it hasi kept lap till list week louder than ever, though; the editor as well as every body 'else knows that neither the Register' nos the Whig party - in 'this' couney have raised one word against their Caedidate for beingpraristurian. Every charge or insinuation of the organ against the Whigs as a body, as- having opposed him on that ground, is false--ridiculowily false. "The whig,s,have a candidate of their own that they are ar - cliciitArilifiiitrdtrwith i —and• taavc•-itottirs- ito say ahont.theirs._ If any body opposes him. on the ground othilbeing an Irishman it is therefore to own party ; and Ile 'hypocritiealt cry of the orgr n about the Whigs abusing the Catholic Irish, is only got up to excite a sympathy and make politi cal capital out of its own falserand thliculons hum bug. • . t om" How ridiculously false, is the Locofixo asser tion that Gov. Johnston oprx)seihan appropriation for the North Branch! when every one knows be warmly recommended it in his first memge,tho' it hash been suffered to lie neglected so long by all the Loco administrations. Bubfor his inffuence, with Our candidate FULLEB. and State Treasurer BALL, :not a cent would have been appropriated for it at last The following sxnnrnuniCation from .t+z KtELER, the candidate nominated by. the Whigs of Wyoming for Representative of that county in connexion with this, has been reeeived for insertion in this paper. Mr. Keeler is a plain straight for ward Farmer, Merchant and bitsins -man, who knows well how to take care of his own :business, and would look after the interests of his fellow cit izens with equl4 Northmorelandi Sept .19, 1849. Mn. Emma, Sin :—fly fellow citizens hare Thought proper to place' my name before the ,peo ple of Wyoming and SusquehatiOa Countims ) . as a member to the Lenvis, lature. Should I be elected, I shaltendoirtror to ltonett y and _faithfullyClk•eltarge ltaise3duties as far as my abilities mill allow, havim due i ;era, rd to the interestk of the Conunonwealthotind her citizens, and fot: the completion of the North Branch Canal ; which you will please mike kniovn to the people. • ' Respectfully Yours,• AS A. FEELER., , . WHIG MANAGE:WM:T.—The result produced-under Gov. Johnston's administration are of the most grat ifying character. Ample means have been pro vided to keep in repair mid improve the .publie works; More than a !million of dollars have 'been raised to pay Off the floating debts of the State, con tracted, in time past, bv Locofoco -Canal Comm - sionersl a sinkin e ,.. fund, is for the •ultimate liquid:Alen of the State debt, has been prospermisly commen ced, which now amounts to upwards of twin hundred thousand dollars, and which willbe augmented to double that amount before the .eldee...of the year , and after paying all the appropriation made by the late Legislature, there is a balande in the-Treastiy, of $164,000, applicable to the 4;:ompletiori of the North Branch Canal The - floating. debt having been extinguished, there will be next year mid rin nually thence forward ; one million of dollarsmote, i g to be applied hi cancelmeidotthe public indedt - ness or to the completi.,on of the 'North Branch • - pmvement as the-L%risliture. in its • ! IfiEdo63, 8 j direct Such are the proiperouS results of W hig trumagernent.--Daik Nelis. • . , - LOCOFOCO CoNkisrplar.—No Okungcr evidence is needed of the gutter want of principle on :the part of a portion Of the opposition, than is afforded by the Singularly jiocbtisistent course of thelPenn sylvanian, in reference to the matter of Free Soil —a great Whig measure which - bas. latterly _gained In one .Way and another, a pretty strong' foothold in the Locofoco ranks. .The Pennsylvanian de nounced the:late coalition in Vermont, but glorifies a simelar coaliton in New York. i It denounces the whole Free .Soil- niorement, and exhausts the vocabulary of ' offensive epithets:l:when spealting of its mos',ers, but extols with fulsome praise, the. Luccifoco -atudidate Cm.' Canal Corathiskuoner, syho boldlyavows hiniseltin favor: of -the WilmotVro visa It applauds the. spirit oP the- LoCofecos of Erie in nominating a ticket; even when the3r. have Do . obanCe of lirerrolaing.;tir heavy Whig majority against them, 'but urges upon its party-: riends this city, to nomksite uo ticketaiiteannot ihiccecd It hail's natural horror at both.Wliiiiiisal:Natives, but lamps for,,6i -- foiatation: Otsa ladirpeuclent", ticket wi th ' few - Natives it, for the- purpmre or catching veteir.fkaeli 'Ara a *or - 'of the intputisteutthgof wftich.liti;Peoussff, 4aiden haotonviete&itiolt; withiWif:tioek.-:lt ig * l - 6 4 07 1 4. 40 4 ON fie _ , , NorthDuatutt7(9o4L. , ,—, , ,Tho ,FOrk„pponi,Fiu Norikliktittift mot isti* . be 'tidx- , Tbe;veopluo;thotkiiiot:llll,ofiditf:illow! isinititude:gioriouo.Aruk off' Adoirii of Oor:Johilion,luuttlia:r.Wkig wubohuitiat wayi-otwthegictuAtot aitgrliettak:oo by. the 13404> ilii#ll.l l lulituil who haistood , by the ishriinistiatlon iu; I hrArrkffert l iftailiaamMit*ltkiti*Panati44" 4 ' iiiittutOfeutitled to no woull shatiCiOr*LUC -fores&tring. tOolitencentOt . Of the ' The L0A9 41 = 0111 4 Y 1 -Meel"g#, YernerMl*g • reei pil4 the [ ail or l e 4 4 • - tmlntioni4t etaptiogj i te gti the, X l oco AMlll7tri r Gienorrd tho t . :te 3 VllSfiliAtiel TreaS mn, me;N4 thellth - i* Otto_ . r or tholroitk J•BijOi e b: apprititi , N the Wilkes e ,54,'0%#11, 4 . gives a corrchthistery of• thathattcr, following thei? resohti9n; . _ • ..„ 1. ,_. Mr. - 84---Mr. ,Purviance. iisso Milk , . • ald the . North ii ch. -, , ; ':- a Resolved;. that in his camecti with the atrolts' of Pennsylvania, - . the -lion. J. N. Pcnitixer., l ; the present Auditor General of the Commonwealth, 'has' iiiiived hini - self to tie — an' llitheil tiratta:ial officer: that 110 i is a sottnil, reliatild. and true-heart ed Democrat; that siir his iesienr t., orty fir baiiii of, the North Briwieli thumt, ho has reed the grati- tude of our"Wluole people; and in the ~intilid ence which the republican party of the , state ro posein him, he can well afford to espise oz die regard the maliCious slanders of a ''edernlTiettsur "er elected by his sown rote i , . . In 1844 the work on the Nort Branch banal was indlnitely proposed Thd Bdard of Canal Commissioners was then compose entirely amen of that party. Their report - of thsit, year contained the following :-- I . ' • l,i,* ...'.," The board regard the wo rk as one o f mu ch value and 'impertance, and while, they-do not be le hove it was a prudent undertakhi ••• pn the pare of the state at the time it-was corn' need, no doubt is entertahled, that. if the !Wane° required • for _ its completion coat be had, it would, he properly in vested. This, however, in` the resent financial condition of the •state, cannot reasonably be ex pected for some years to Como." • ;! I . • Thu was the Northßranch diSposed of and "with the-official declaration, that its completion "cannot reasonably be- everted for years,) 'cone." Jesse Miller, the now editor of the Key, s ope, was one of the Canal Comthissionericruid elri'med to be the author of the RepoiL .." Thief the orth-BranCh lay oifthe' &elf, where it brut .been t placed under a Democratic Administration,—years passed,that, par,- ' ty still in power, and not an effort made to resume the work. _ A Whig Governor, Wm. F. Joh stop , was elect ed, and in his first annual rilmeag , he brought the i subject of finishing the North Br at i Canal before the Legislature.. Every argumen was urged . be fore 'that body in support of a pro 4ition tri - make a direct appropriation. The Le * later° refused, and finally passed a Law, appro • ting the mon iealhat might ~be unappropriat, ~ in _the -State Treasury,after payment of Interes , reviding there shhuld then be available $150;000. . The Law re quired that on orbefore the 15th of 'Aug.,the Aiidites General and the state. Treasurer Should make an estimate of the finances, and if that amount shoul,d be available, they should report , to the Governor, who should notify the Canal Com Missioners, Whose duty it should be to put , under contract a :eorre spending amount of work on theariaL -4,4-' On the proper day, August 14, the Auditinillea- oral and, the state.Trearmier proce l eded to Itstiiiiiitp , the fi nances. On the Same day, theiKeystariend -44.4 by..x.:;,... ritill.r.icontoisied the.follewirillie first editcsialartiele hi its column,:—__. : : : :&5..-., - 1-1 , • .1). -- ,- • rgr - .. vre underitand that the tioceiniffiqi** cower() preparing to report, in• pursuantait;44(o4; ,26tli section of the appropriation net of *kit* story to ascertain whether thereWll be anyirlionef in the treasury applicable, this year, to the coiriplo- - ,. -fihn of the North 'Branch canal. ! We know; not what the result may be, but apprebend that in con'- -• sequence of the diversion of about $ 200,000 to the sinking fund, there will be nothing,left for the ca- nal this year. Should the sinkino•lfund be suspen ,s, . dell, and the revenues.iniproved -:. they ought to 'be, we believe $700,000 truly be a !propriatednest year." ' . r• • Now uArk the stun Jesse M . - friend of Mr. Purviance--the sam the Gimmissionees report in 18' 1 nitely postponed the work on the 'now, on the day the estimate is t. title the lute of the North• Branch iistates - that he: apprehends there-. left for the Canal this year, and ath amuse for eensitring,4he Whig Ad imiuse"of the sinking fund: . Mr: Ball, the Whig state :Trmsn'er, reports that there is in the treasury, appileab je , to the North Branch Canal the sum of -$lO t.2i13. ' Mr. Purviance, the Auditor Gen ire!, the political and personal friend of Jesio Miner estimates that there is an cross of but $2,726 13iinthe TreaSury. Ho and Mr. Ball have an lawn-ie.-- , . they separate to goover' their 'figures: • They Y eet cgaia—Mr. tall adheres to Ahe stun he had e stimated—Air. Piaiary ace raises his to $22,726 .1.8 In both of Mr. ti l. Purviance's reports, he gives a s m not making aitything available to the North Branch—and agree leg exactly with the article in the iKeystone of the same day, that "there is nothing *the Carial-this year." Now who: can doubt for :1 moment, that both Jesse Wier and Mr. Purvis ce, Were, averse to the worli..on the Canal being resumed this Year, and undei•trViltig AdMinistration+—it having been abandoned, under The .Mministration of the other party tr. Who tendoubt, from - tl it. circumstances that bath thought an appropriatio witukt be pre, vented by Mr., Purvianco reportin a sum in the 'Fre:Linty toCiiniall I Who caril otibt that theY i both thought, ctilicin Jesse Miller' etilared his" ap prehenston.that there was nothi4lor the 'Cam' ,this yaw, and Mr. Purviancit repoilted an excess iti the cfreasury orUnly $22,726 13,) the appropria tion 'was AcNated.. .. 1 Mr: Ball informed Mr, Purvian'c that he would make his report to the Governo4: that there.was an excels of $1.114,1 . 28 18 in the T4easury,.applica ble to the lftstli Branch. He prepared his, report aceconrutgly. Aftcrward;t Mr. Put vintioo made . a 3d estimate, and reported an excess of *152,000 in the Treasury—ti sum sufficient te authorize the resumption of work on the. Canal . 'lre was forced tnto,iay Mr. Bali , On the ' remng of the seine day , it _ is said Jesse, Miller senta despatch to - Towanda, stating that Mr. Purviance had reporterrin Ewer 'of the North Branch Canal, and added,.t`lt is thought that Mr. OA the Ste* Treatturer, will con i c tr ,in the report." Now mark .- -Ati Miller who, wrote the reportindeftnitely postponing he work on the 111 Canal-:•the- same Jesse: Miller w on-the 14th day . of August ,,, stated in i his paper , " tat ,the account. ilig officers, ar6;preparin,g a repo and that heap prehended there would be nothingneft for the Ca; pal thil year," is the same- Jessd - ifillef, -who later in the day, on the same 14,th of August, sent the despatch that Mr, Pnrvianco hadeppyted money for the North Branch, awl - that it Was thought ISir., )1, 2 11 would concur in the report. ' Atfter the failure to induce Mr. Mtn to report in Ofiposition td, the - Canal-=after the Ware to defeat ilkaaPProprtatioa, then Jesse Mier sought to give the mild wlict It did not belong.. nottr uert. ' 'hie declaration of Jmse Miller le his ' - . 11 - Ce'iit, '44 apprebetiiiin that .Wonld Ilse' ' - Ile Abe Canal this_ year—tie two rep4ta of lW ' - ' I i=e-that them was nothing in - the Treasury : ..**- the Canal,llllolol-111,1401/**lfas,rtald thel llitii)SpiftNE.Wjailsitillltei;4ll',6,ll,tiesonne, ifei taken tmethen'addliit" I (Intl - dlr . :Of 'whieb, ' met on i it ht t o k a g in ia li vi: : ill ::: - , :1!--4-. - 1 I Xr. ?mimic sOle,quOttl3l.7PtiOtk.ale4e'rvito,sa-' jar by hiipro..fitet tern* and' o t fogatiug thd .stilt.'' i feis With l a - Siiirfo his last -relo3K'atireltichT° . I :ak - itiatialit:ea ll h a s replied - 'fitil} , Or • r-: ~I!4 i leevitrniiiveriefaikljsdge' l!etber -the ck rlbstairtio!tify ;bakyilltkor, h ' ,.resolution .it. heiernotearticiti, wpark: -,' ks•cif tlte &tilt Riiiiidt , ;=-111r,VikriliFiehe:.7 - : ' '. •._, , tvitlf it4filit mr;agni mr.agisiiir. : -..,-": 01101101iLbit and 1 4 -: - , : - ::` 4 ,- , ' C1A*(41444 , l inightioW.romt„- :• * - . ----- ,l;'- ., ,t,r4ol;unefilciici ithettempfto ., ieflo:;,_ _. - : - '," '''''r , ' . i iii'orneiii.;,=,fted flee hi .. whvintaih."-., )011tetigek: --iieenarthiti , tw-t i r other man; bithe - yeObjeletblittio .11i4hiriett o ais esotr for itifeetn**W - Yl -1 ', --- .- -: ' 1- .1 t;ivik4 to 4 •Pt • rr y2ln viow frien44aut sued respp fairs of tla trat conun statonient ..OPLE. , ~ ;v. M A focci; party, ...,..-- _ iincirxii"Of _. itire' — 'cratfrol / il administrae ),. 4- go. . anent- - of ll Educes ef-,tho ~ tate,- and of.„ the public trop; melds: - ' ''' '''• ` c•-: ,- ? 7 : 1 j;'); , ;:"... t> , '...;_.,:. IT. is nFA that during this period the 11 est on the S t 'debt vnil f .paidlivAlepreciated per ; the cre t .of the Slate • was prostrated t stocks of th e mniOnweitlth'wern grealli-p, par,slilue • e r evenues ' w ere' insufficient fol. the interw't o . he debt - and tnaiPiain'thiliipi Sear Is - =xs, APA that large amounts of . trxinb.Y .l , ere 1 frequently , ' 'Wed to pay the iFrid-arin '1- niter est; atidlhat a tloating-debt, along the .lin of otir public works, o six • hundred thousand do llars h , accumulated di,years,..and remainedunpa,d, _°;,` l Jr is AIA , `'that JaVorers, imatirial °A e n ' 'npil men \ihiihdd sustaineddinnagn'alongthe ;Op ve inentnterr ho could not lxi:denied their' 'h est I f nlaitnsi'wi t. rely feeling .: the, toes - me . WhoSe famishingfinni es' wer e . crying. to ~ thent fo :bread, bad remained ti paid:for years , andrtheir - petitions fUr tillief Lid tudiiiegardcid. .."' 1- --- ' . 1 -,.- I- - IT l is ' A FA that the -peopleit'While; th yrixilds c:_ ii. into the Trea the taxes' deemed = .nee iY; - .4i . the support . opublic credit,'wcre fearfully . ''• enr aged at the p p est , before their:teavyb rtheMt,' crinpled'undn ufficient resources ;' and ' oniestic debts. unpaid and they desOiredof seinig,,:ln i , their day and g aeration, any change for the lietter. Jr .ms AFA that , he party thakin pow r made no attempts t Cduenthe burtheiimof _the people, by the only a liable _mode, 'the ' paymentof the t public. debt, alit the citizens-could ice in e-f hire th no relief from t tion.-. . ;•- - '. •; : • ~ -4 IT is A FACT 2 that those laborers, and m a t erial erial. men upon . the nblicl; work s, who were 11 rtunatc enough to reed e front the Loixifoeci'supeintetyl ents the re*, of their toil„'w4#4- paid 411 - :w!ortil- Igw note. —t• , defaced, and depreciated ~,tridue It --notes whi ere kept iu cir cu lation a• in Ole terms of their o 'giant "isSue, 'which:fretitur.d ,',the redeuaption y ago: ` '' ' - 1 .,,` "? 4 ' ( ' -;-' '-' ' c ( 'J‘ •ITl$ A FA th at so soon as • 's t ho ' Whig „a *da -1 'into poweriAbe.thco,focqpa. ty, l from one end - of fate -to the other, ~ , cOroun• .d' an unprincipled ii 'cry against if; blicitieic it di. ' icutt pay the deb *long the line of ifiternati:prtire • ments, and because the 'poor labOreis idrnamed un. rewarded--d 41.43 winch that party had contracted and ooncealedj--htborers who haul snffeTed the pangs of wan , for debts due Them. for innotll3, if not years, mni, Cr Lorofoco - admintstrntinu. ' - , These arc ,A..lti'‘Chicift.pd recorils of t. 114 sunl.the tm-perieneo of rho people will fully. !,.. a.. - it .Lotiklon the iei - erse of the picture--for 14 ~_. ` Octinil. charit iof facts to follow': .1 . •I , ~ .-.', .1 r is A rAc+, - (that the Winn Goi.r.B.NOtt,• INqrs -44.A.M F. JOHNSTON, was inau4urated ;in the the month of, &nanny last, having received the largest ; vote ever polled in the State of, Pennsylvania,, -and Writ since then, ho has had the admit] stration - of thel'Executive branch of the government under 1 - hiscoiitrol. I I 1. - , , .,_. Ir Is A FA9. that before, as well itis s i ne hi s in auguration, .theipublic press of , thel LOcofoo party . have assiuled him, his recominendathmis, and his publie acts, withla- ferocity which contemmo pub lie4l - seiniment,' isregaided the expression' of the publicl will, - aa which, defying truth and shame denounced hi d : dministration as ruinous let the in-• terests of thcip 0p1e,., 1 , IT Li A rAcrl..: l, evertheless, that under nisi admin istration of pit is affairs, within the. short' period' of nifie monthis, the interest on the 'public debt has been paid in a .. sad, convertible currenc y, NVOiout borrowing,. 21-without-the cost i d acok in lisH. chiing6, there, .saving to the peoplyllousANDs:: OF DOLLA ' . • - . • -.- •., 5 :- • i: IT is AFA - hat, Within this neried, t h e oatitO, debt Of six he , red thousand calliirs,C ATM: BY THE LO n FOCO PARTY, (tad Zvi' irtilinfi!: Jeered ,to aeon u ate for 'years nks licEN - PIUNCI J PALLY' PAID, xmd ig.:.-.4ces ate .in the • Treasury .to net I; e.yerypdollar if" the debt which •b 4 been frOught I •teolhe - -notice .t ( .the Wll4. adminisqatiori. . ' ,' 1 • Ir Is A FA , that the werknien meetlal imenl 'and men whO aye sustained damage `along the, Ones of Canal: d Railroad An tha Stat • •have either by phi ,or the' payrnentsi, lini•ii b .en de layed by sopirintendents on tlieimil work. ' b l . Ir rii A F.U. that of those fern; defaced . . redacted note., with Whielf, -- Loilorol4.piti . tiorers on thci public , work-9,- - . .321,0q1. 00 nearly!, two -thirds of thewhole,,have, ' ' drawn from eitinlation, and their iil'ac's s with a soilnd ard Safe currency. , ..'.. i l IF is A F. CT, that - ONB . HONDREI THIRTEMi: THOUSAND 4711 7 ..8 8.111 DOLLARS tl THE. ‘...4ABT . . _. FUNDED . er, the politic l man who wrote .1 , , which indefi- North Bnueli-- be made to de 'for the present, rill be mpts to make it ministration, be- BEEN, PAL , , n(1 one - hundred' thoniand dollars , there Will be .. d before' the-fiest day of F brUaryil hest; and tint 'SINNING :FUND has lenies-:1 tablislied, w lc 1, nutlet: . Proper ~nianagem 'ot[sandl the 'continuan t ,of the judicious , system, naanctl i by the bsistin: ,• ' tration, will:seciire. 6 Pay-; went of ten ni i ions of 4611ars of ithe sa' debt- 7 ! sii - one; fourth ; the entite debt ` of-Cho C Mined- . wealth4,-icilltio the I - text-six yew's.. 1,. 7 , •I ' ..., ' hII_A FA hat everyjnloWn e l l itl i n- W . ek ""I n • be legtly . ma I upon the Treitsiity slirtfili. veltreen't paid, (exceut e. funded debt of th - o; - .0 blption- I wealtl y inelu • n g the interest payidde •cai the first ! of February n t, there will tenuurt nithel :{spry.; an' unurrprop lined balance of onehund l ed; itnd! fifty thousanddollars, ',which maitYllh' pri)ilo . tyj, and justice 1 oirectedlotvards - the comp aninipt th(rNoith Branch mud.' ' '''''' • --' ' '1 -' ' t duringthe . tt. IT IS A FACT :bunt canes of the ; fate will meet:every : crab: 1 penditure.; wi j.paypf the public jlobt frei to'five • thousatilli dollars, Mid wilt leOve ail 1 priatecljbalan "el of five himdrot ftluilisam i ll in the 'Freest( to-be directed: towards.. pletion of .th . orth Brunch qui, ~, ,- , ..---, IT is aFA that the credit 'OS: 16 s Stai 1 stored-Litter oeks have iiiiinin,i; a ue-:--tli , have Become' couraged, and : TILE Filit OF CONFIDENFin PE AND nairmiari , . ..ECTA ANii FINAL .1: - , IT 1.4 - kyAcr,, - Glia• ,n 11.„ th'.. state of ,thitm . , so differfut from WlPt,..lf hetetofornltn v In Peim,4lvai)iii, I as' hcen about during A ,-bricf peHod iehe ' -ihe int lit eAState hat e heen- entrusted to' pashas" , .W.IIIG AD ISTRATION••- -'. ;,.'. 4‘.., , ,.. `'.- -.'- By the Co ittee, ' • ri l NORTON !WEI 4..E.t. Iblini. ' ' IS.) .I!.:'' Isit, VW* tic I a ; ' , ' ciao.bN: v ii)i, lolui . A.o - -Col - mnn. , ~ ,, raames. Tr qiutiil--, d'hiLs - }W;".P '4,10,::' ' ....,4 0 ,0144 V - EM: ;IsTathl .-c -.-, .": , ..Sitnitiollt T. . ,11 - enrY"P:ltia ~ :--'llliii'o, - :a• .; 44;12-,:. 3i: C. 31'eit6 ' -'- '"'"lE4r.:l).`.; '' -' 'John - 0; ! • - 1 ' •,..*,, , Jiiinc,s•- t, , - ',"j-i, ~ Simon. Opttqr , , , ; ,,, a : Win.: it,',. ~ orris,..c7: .i., JOAO eqr „Z., .--,3L'7swaATWeloo4. :,.: "JAhn..4lk*; -'. r '' ';,`~ . .Frati - cri-Jl4 . 4iirit' ''';' slaSaiduetT. J' 'n;;; 4: Stuart Rildlin 6, - ;- , 1 fl, T-Situde ' 1.,Wm. , _ pi ,-,- ..,, t ~, .Humphrey .O . e . :.1 I : i...: , ,lV.i.'F:siiiikisSi- - - -1 , -- , ,, ,--- l':;. ~ .. . ... T-114;,.. , r.;.... ;, '1 2. : , -11w, Edit.' :'.• the n - I.),(airiiittiliiiti w liimi', . ~ „ ~,t4, ;kiwi nilxrio his giva, .. ' ,-... ' r , - 1) (4? , • ~,„-,, I fAtitit-. , , hile golograklnglholcit; ' " Ohl ,eefiiri, bad . ,:: -la tadtoro.tkiPiviit , , .7'," , .. 4 tbii, ;hiscriOtion ii y. ,' taut of 44116 r " 4 ,19 ',: , .IX* . she, "that in beth*o4ifie-wltiO 10 *01: iailod ilkOteititk :. ~.!.,‘ tiltitOistibtkik! it 4.44 int **P 3 fielAl) . ' ',. -; 'pip ;iiiitti., — , PO:* f f ., ,hilitins ; an 4, Ofwidell • ' - "`' 14 .' r, 7 1 604:0 0'- ‘o4. :l i = til • ~p_. ' _ •,'~ va 14.4Cbetl in*ut. 8 ime 4 4.o al WAIII Stal • Ow", fol . 1 #1444-te 'AMT" . qIk?„. - on 44% ,i itho'.: ' ''' i ri * :; o4i )f :hi i;* iii'Poc*illia• ' irrli ',i 2 tog l ,':i t :Tt, ot - 44; fieeh et - Ala-Which' iii:itif* -7 , -.* l - 1 -- ‘: •‘• • . - . W . E4 4 l :!* ll * : ',: l , -14 i 1 4 6 ; ' 4t 00 0 . : 4 1 ;47 * 1 I Y4'.**- 1 4 1 41fiititligglik.itO': Ot . 2lli.j*, 1 eitU4cTicitsiii4.lll..ll/4440''l liePlikinikTeli- 46411 1) r or a or 4 i ii l i eli ' Witi+ - 2,41 . , • makeSlite following spicy reply: . •- • i Letter from the ,- . State Treasuret , r i. - - 7. , • - ,. .„ . 7..";!,,11,,i4.13ei - >c tak - filio - Honj - k,„ ..- .y . r , Akirieriiitti4 . "Aitilit 6- ' • .- f-- *[ . T,- :ittifr. - i - 4 44114e lto t toO t ie!tyvot--. instant.l44 . oiiipill)***;Aleo3iiig,,l ,i, _ . i itien&y.OitiatiOthtibirkrlha. ar t ;- -ta-tha;;:-, Ildili •BraiW.iPanal,ll646l±linfireetriik to ---*-•;,-i i ,,I.,., eonseilnengo::.o - fitt_ l 3 L'OP;' , 4 g '..W - ? -t ' l;aaannitfPY that toe. .Gen'elOntithair***:•.Orat-OKithOW-a-i" ifotlileasetV-_inainnticYai•i'Vr'9l 4,ofrs+F!it,:'; eio 9ll .6 liii: l 4 l 4:o'u .4i0n,q...41".-,'.4.- - - ,• -., d. , ''.--..:-. • ~lit yciiii4ottoic. - .1104 . 494_y_o_u„remaik i .ifiI4 . stin%Te-indee4.lllitt -Biejfitsitet -Tr - -Wurer $s Id make A i itatenieht 44laidated.„§*aland th.O . WAlc, :in refereile:&* st 4 4 4. , *taikkati.hjnet - i - :and%dueo . • the belief:o4V A 1 4 . d . ]'f1P4,tv 1 0! 3 , ....' l lunl than was requiredT4O -- antheriae; - A O- nßnatarawn. acnt' ; of the - work.'.', '.' - .::':..T;', - . ,1V'..-•11:;:;1''.-.-:`'Ti- -. '.' •'' ' -. 1:11.11 . 1,S4 - * t::ir foitritkOri#O,funly_possmi ou • .copies - of,' oie.. i:';#s, l7 idindiubekmrsqlf. .10d sub- '. niitted - --tiiNar cii:T''UOifette,iiiiiie -- .T.Theliiit.i i ;rsoO r t, exhibits - tin!:eacisik iit'filiefOrti,t2e. ia. :The second C.tioii.aki**;4l,l6-29,126iAXi:11f yixt were iiiiincere:4ll:;rep#4:eithee,cit then4 l You no dotibt. iti . tintif:it Inoiii-10*idih lits'AVei .e ., il„ostiao. I queifeizr '4l4iiiii, 41toichieiket'n0 1 9 -- alt: 4ttt I trouble:iiinio::-Tri':po4!r! , '. , ?'„q•Al' - - r,• You - -iii*.irik- f 4: , .;04104.:i!,:tiu k t :yea..isOmot e d to *lc 4 1 ; --- yo4:i i r . e.:0;i1/16alianaiait(14i.;;±Ciii, of mete esti***. '-:.- . - .1 6 1P(..7---- . : Y-: . what-avail.:'.'•utit ',_ TOOlfctuned hli --- enibiiirass or, defeat'kthn , ;*ttraiOntt.* , the - ,l `.Tatthg • Canal,- -••-• - _ - .: - ;•::-•.'1::1141kii-4 - :, ; ;;,..„ ,' ~. ~ -„. , . ~,, ... . . Those •:: : - eppitikiantli"-**ifes7"Of ... Which: , ion - speitli'.'W'ete - -„tiPiCiii:)leicible , _4fili a trietield-- man, and it' Valit'itot. - ':initaken;riCiathitr : retuirlta!Ao flesibiWisibitiklati*OsedAhhil.#o4l.4o. -;11.1,-fnuel of these :poSitir.i*.t 01 - 4,Otic..,atteaticsk te our lot interview ; .I*. :laliptiiik .: n.:;4: - . veati;fal:;thOlftr- no6i,,i3deir'tif!eraintlii. - - : - . 0 .- ,'o3tliroji4iociu, we • -failed:6. Onion/. !4 - itedi . dfic:it*sig•OopaPer prepared by,44;44110; c - I,';i'',,', _ ..)„,..,i,. - - ! , ...,...- , _-__;--,,,,, You. diem. suggested 40- sl . kadd kiwi, t.:'-our're *ports .inithe7ProVeiiid:-,'..l(iitt report` ailitiest• the canal, anif,YrrY'Selt.,iiilfatrof •,iio it;•tirt tblisittrow.!Un the - ExeentiyellutitlitY• Of•instuiztg tho Work :• *.t* on - ,*2 - .',lttatich.:J. .. r . --. - ' • To. this; proPOsitienTecidditit'oldeeL : par ted`We with . thaf..iiiideintandiug,''the best! of , fitith;„,j. dritinedUitelyfrpiepared:-4nY:letteettiitho Governor, statlifirthl;acts,o4l!fulft,ol.o_,:irm: - Sibility on hint as you- desire,' , . If. mind and en . : cinerary- indneed!tochno„,nn yeti. mind had (resort your flexible estimates . for the basis of - a , • d:in port, the responsibility of:plc'''. doing so . ce . (Oil, did not rest witliine, no more tban - idOci - miwar facility with - .lLirli , yon: prepare iii&lT . “Ints, or the utagie• coitrot ;you 'have aid . - - figur&,•:aVitb. born thingS : ::Ayit i i:ntoSt -men; but pliafit._eriouglif in your hands::: I' - 1., - .1 - . L.! .f, :' ,‘: . 'i.4, You indicate lhiii .I.'uvoided consultUtiOn.. Y our mind's iuventii4eildips * ieleedly . when it speaks . of indisposition. On niy :part discharge,•,a duty enjoined by law . .: You • .should. havis-retuenibeNtl , that on the 13th ef.*sll44 you : were furnished from the Treasury - office, with;the• - aniburit of cash , on hand. viz sooX4fi3-00, -- thontarting• point of all • our qaboriou# AccsAgatimil;',and,,eight.4:lays-prid • viz, an the 6th! of I 1, the,. mo4,4invited'lour atton-, tion to th6..quOstien:: W er e . you - not to blame fur the delay f:' ! 4 - • : - . 1,.. 1 •'.. 4', • ' -- -- - • ! In conclasieni,', will observe, yOu . pressed me earnestly to sign - iota. rppeatlof .$22,426 13. H,sui I yielded to, - y our pressing iiilicitations, and thus 'defeated - thee the 1 . 0c. , 4 of the last - Legislature, you and your,eoadjuctOrsifOuld now:be sounding hosannas in , favor of the ;Nosh-Braneh • Canal, and dealing anathetnii loud inctlong ..ags)nts• tithe.. last hopc;of a tax - ridden „peePle,the !sulking 4tud.'. As. an ev. . idenoo of 'yonr spaiiktentionS - hethi rticulaii I refer- • you to certairiletters'in the' Bradford, Reporter' of the 22nd:Of ,-,Angtist,'suul as die - - intonuationAhert,in contained , wai , - farniShed - --bytyotirself, I presuna you will not. hesitate ito explai n its object. ',-,:Vonrs; wry truly, i . . ..V....f.. BALL. . retiColb t the limo a i pay uac e State suiztain. kere is a We learn, rim the - Tripme that the Erie. Road:0:464000 lElmir#Tyrlll b - O . 'cOmPleted by theist of October ae originally intended. This add -06 miles to She road.. The ex tension to CorUing will take place sometime in November; ;The; Che rating Road , eonneo - the Erie i with Seneca 1 1 4ke be ready by the I:sth 04.0b1r, - when a eontinuots.rotite from Nenr xork. : l ? Buffalo. w ill' form4d erne six gr'eiglithcnrs shorter tlumbyltibar -ny and at a'- -- eiteuper : rat#: -This,...couneetion with theAYesp' int* add largely,fOltheineente of the protbert±:.Mieioad is itow'dOing quite a large basin etS, tliereeeitta eousideritttly ei cqediug 11104e4(-4igu§q„,,l'iceicopipts for Septemb - er ae4ircling toTpretent apperan cei, reach Ore! : 4t?to,9oo,lalthoygh this , is a short,timath - Jand h t 'ls Sundays'in. it. I ' dep- I the la being ' 4.tilD DRED 110s.VE COtrrrnar gonißOtx..—We are in mined eagles are in 'eir enlation thili'eity;'sfaaliillftilli made that Oley defy !deteetion. : One! of them was taken at_cine - Of our banks from lad ; it *as ,paid out again, snit thence taken to the Custom Ikuse, where its slight defieien • ht dl'h t ey mwe use suspicion, andl was ro ken. It was t j 'outal that "the , : exterior . ..W*l a very thin lamina gold, and that the interi or was filled[ with; -base compound ; made so as to give Ole cuing as. near akpossible,ita proper iveioYi • SO ilcrfAt ik,ihe , imitation, that ,t ostflexprteneed - eyec,eau4hardly fail tokbe -ileeeived ;, and; so near,is ,its,*p mosi4ll,4slheitruoiweight,th4 bons but he most deheitelkadjusted *des esp,Mark the defieleneyZl3leastires shOubi ti* - 41kki-So tram out and,hrealc up_this dangerous eouh thrfeit; r ' hel rev , ry Ireo ppro t.l?llars CM yu- P 90 0 11{1:111 1 7PPYi - !Nen . it light cite of f JuDeoldollnATes:. Ancoma.= 7 --Twenty years ago .I;ndge - retifesr froni:tho General l Yost - 61114 fp*, Aqs.:44 - sai:s4 Washing,thni ater tvviitte- iy clerk -adding,l upi accounts;diSe+varedLthataAmdineo..! Was Ana Mni by Gote,ronVnt of s4o4oiwtick a war- ,#int has bi.e his. favor , -to, for ::warded:: warded. ' l ;TRE*7!itniiceoloniszniipanos.—ile Canada- pagera d Annonnen t Lord Elgin, Gov9rnor- 4 , 31 0. 1 014 NW" - 41 -1 session doeinnnikooo l i leading))olinerwi M a 11 "r ea4° "' inrega tnithn tinY:o4 l 4,s to tho u- led States- '' -- ofthelrwswir.) - raiwbruiPisAuw, - - After* -----•-' -- - IthsAinls, , - - 'Allot, pi lialieeo-1,1 4141 1:= ,4 il lu at i i ike : . , likiPiciOiNflOves , Imact i le - e nthe 1 , 0 . _ ...rc,. 1 7,.. , rd 9 x. T p A 'amide _ 9 t e - t . . judix:444:*kFTsK.l76,the or twO. - / 4 g° Wilia- ' - ' _ En a rd o quoit 14 ,,,,,,, v im -- --- -:' '--- IlalffiL it; ,.. 00*r' other, a n V "ii- '----4 Ifiel - ' i. r doiiit *a. :4 * - ' 6l-I " . ' !" ' - "'"r= i g ha er , igiy thia:l4-111: , . Nw , _ 7i1.';1r;1, --.1. -,- i- T-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers