DEPREDATION'S ta i ON TUE MAILB--Since e beginning of June say's the New - York :an, there have been robbed front the mails ;tweet' Batavia and Rochester, in drafts ind :ertificates of deposit°, four thousarut Ave tundra( dollare! The Bank of Geneva has alone lost in that way $3,500: .A. l ar g e mount of money ham also been abstracted letters_going east from Buffalo. SIMON 'Daus, whZ maityrdOrn as Post taster caused such Ineral and deep lamen ion throughout. t„..e.,,Locofocracy of the but who atOwards had reason to know co his own Teal grief Ithat the tears shed for im were'cittltd crocOdile kind, has, set him 31f up atiltrvolunteer candidate for the office rf Prothonotary of !Westmoreland county. le deserves to be ekted, if only to reprove. tis ungrateful- political associaies, who dent tim up like a rocket and permitted ,him to tall like the stick. Where the-"Cilic4utati Dispatch' picket} up the 4 deponent faith not—howeivr, it will gother sent me over tosec if you couldn't lend ; alittle BOW si," saidlittle girl dons South, te itackearack.regket, to an old lady : who was ov idembly hothered by these neighborly calls. • - Se my darter" Said the 'odd lady raising her spec es, andmetarra- tag not to know that corn meal , the a Aide raked for. " I should like to oblige sr mother; but we , ain't got no little Injun. Tell r, however, she can hate our nigger boy any time le wants tiirxorrow him." - The trndmg on "I;orrow (vita' eras broken up after this. • Plowing. Match The undersigned, * Committee appointed by a acting of the mentbors of the Society fo' 'the Pr°' lotion of Agriculture in Suarelumns county, held the Court house on the t9th of August last, to le the necessary teliatinary arrangements for Plowing Match, tennined upon by the socie , hereby give notserifthat they have selected a lere of ground on the term of David Post, E.N., have appointed the following named gentle en, Judges for the occasion, us: c Col. Frederick Bailey, Isaiah Maine, James Oak r, 'Thomas Nicholson-and John Blowers. 'The lands will 'bet' staked out about 15 to 18 long, by two rods wide, and numbered. Cur- Aiding numbers marked on slips of paper will placed in a hat and drawn by the several com trtors, that perfect S.sirness may, be secured.— te ground is an old meadow. The plowing to umence at two o'clock in the afternoon of Mon- the 15th day of October next, he day prece g the Fair. - Cursed or ox teams may ,either be entered or one adv by the same person. .ny person intending to cuter, his team must re notice to this committee of such intention at. -t five days previous to the Mitch_ The pre lims to be awarded to thixse who do the work in best manner and shortest. time. let Premium 15,00 21.1' do I 3,00 :very Competitor will be required to procure ticket from the Committee, before ,entering tile tnitul with his team. B. it is hoped that the farmers will not be ward abut bringing ou their teams and enter the field. G HO. Ft.! LL EIL ) B. S. BENTLEY, 3L L CATLIN, ) Nontnrrie, Sept. '25, 1849. Thompson oa the 2gd alt., Mrs. EMILY wife of Joel Lamb, Esq., aged 30 years. Her cud %I - as peace. LIST OF LETTERS maining iu the Post O„ fleet at Montrose. ~ f i inter ending Sept. 30, 1849. Lewis John • er- Margaret A. • Lewis James imett Selina P. Miller H. in Oliver C. Morris Jas. 3 tier Michael • McCormick Thos. . I,lwin Ann Mott S. S. , rut Mitchell Mitchell 'ley Olive, McPherson Asa fut Dann y Newnan Ann mp Caroline Osterhont Henry ' peuter Shepherd Palmer J. S. Arid Pietties Allen tnn James' t Ira ....dv John Quain Th.. pit John - Quick Toaciti. ty A. C. ;• Quinn • Patrick :lisli Thomas Randall Rosanna tztl A. B. Runyan Witham ason Mary • Sternsdorf John F. i:Lrd Elon Stevens Thrum C. etnukcr G. , ulan William Stewart Mary C. In Cornelius Slotnm James dine Jas. M Isaac Swayz Gilbert B. ris J. 0. . Smith Andrew ald Daniel Thompson Ti. F. wit & L oma o r West Rosetta \- Bertha! . Wells Mary. P.. Alec Mary- ' Whitaker Thcretia T. I.riroOd Wm. W. ' Way Wm. H. dy John H. Wade Henry ly Ruhamah White Mary .S. t!sley Boma. •eil ' Warner Rhoda cis G. W. Wards Thos. Iris Betsey - Wells Ann L. laglian Michael M BUSHELS of ASHES Wanted in ex klV change for quads, at the Grocery Store P. M. BARBEX esup Oct 8d 1819, J. LTOSS, . now opening a handsome assortment of .Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware, Omelrery,Dye trq, Books awl Stationery, Lamp 01, Brooms, Is, tic. .anted-50O0yds of flannel NE-410110111 WVAr • A LARGE 4 WRITE ROUND DOG, TIM. red ears, red on The haunches, red spot on the side, and bob tailed. A suitable re-, rd be ilia recovery or information kub \six ' ;-either to the subscriber at 6il - .er toll. W. Bose at Montrose. A. li. ROSE. Rename - INstiziefiny. •iirwe r aim, North Carolina,- • Fowls—Dear 4:lllF.Efetry whose .te Is 6r,tta leiner; is 'Len , nest re .. le aellteneat foam* and his Ilife now e n . s good health. Vet:) , ingenti lL Wyours; Win. A. tOIC: Beaufort eanntY•AAlla al"L 1311 1 . • .towitaity, near Washington, X. 21111 Nognat,'lB47. ' • unirknigned, feeling. gratefullor the.:relief by the we of DR -WIRTA - 08,BALSAM . .n.LD CHERRY, derma that jt *but an ant lacer. to *ay, that , bet iwe fir 1 rcuudy,lis wife, keg afflicted ?with irhatake ' all others Oimaidemed gootimptioa; Wit ere This, in her 'rave: , But lathe 'thingerotil unpleasant sysaptotne,haye beetle:ewer to)4 Hof a few beftba, ited. itte jitter: to daily avocations al Inlet : - • -0,•-• lED, Pope Wm. H. Pa_sknore N. 0 BEND. CASE, P. M Oct. 3. Hatch's Celebrated Chemical Poivder. - - I • • ; 1 11 E 'nineteenth cpntyrybas,notovitaclsed, L discovery of which the direct effects will him appreciated, otlityprodtictive.of.,ixonvyti , fence and comfort as natal Uelebraled Chemical Powder:which is watrantedllo give it keener and !Smoother edge. to Razors, surgical Inaroments,.and ill fine Cutlery, in one - minute, than any other Powder, Faste,-or Strop, now in existence. This i 4 no humbug. It only wants to bo tried to be-ap• predated by every one. For solo by, ABEL TURRELL, .ALMANTA3fiithe year 1850, one Porlevery . Family in Susquehtuma County. May j)e. at lidned grgha s By calling at the -Drug and Variety s'tOre of . ABEL TUARELL, Montreee. vir Please ctidl and ,get one. Stoves, TAuvikrare&c. UTE 'have now on Latta n: at Variety of cook r ing, l'orlor and thop flova, which we will 0111 or caF.,h or ready pay cheaper than ever,among our Cooking staves are the following kinds The PhCentx :fir Tight, the very beA ache in use. • " Improved Rotary., " • Extra Large Oven " " Irving. i w AA 44 " Iron King. “ Whiteside's Double Oven. 4 - 4 " " Rough and Ready'.. "; • " " " Elevated Qren, Premium and other stoves o f almost all kindi, - Parlor stoves far wood and coal. Also an assortment of stove' trinuninO, Tin, .Cop per. sheet Iron and Zinc. Ware. Any article not oti liand made to order on short notice and the most rmsonable terms. Purchasers Will rave Ernw, by giving us a call before bUying;;ns we are determin ed to sell at prices which suit any ono. -- • 119 SE a .simrso:S. Leiltaysitige ACadeany. This institution, pleasantly located in the village or, Leßaysville, Bradford county, 'Penn., is in sue ceSsful operation tinderthe supervision of the Ilev. Et J. Newell, A. M., Priadipat, and Miss Maria C. Shepard, Preceptress. - ' .i; • -?--.777.1170.V. Primary studies per Quarter, • 8.2,00 Coiumon English Branches, chtss commenced, '2,50 • ' * ~ u advanced, 3,00 , . Higher English Branches, , 3,50 Latignag,es, and higher Mathematics, 4,00 Drawingr mid- Painting—extra, each , , 1,50 Ineidental expenses per Quarter, • - -25 TERMS. Mill; Term 'aaunences September sth, 1849. Whiter "• "' Nov. !. 21, 1849. Spring " " Feb. ' 13, 1850. Summer " " May 1, 1850. ' Clr All Bills must be paid ;at the close of the Term. J. F... BULL:44CE, See'y. •i ' JAMES HODGE, Pre4't. of Trustees. CASH pain fug live Geese Fathers—Als4i, vash 1 10 paid fur Sheep Pelt's by ! , 1137m2. . P. M.. BARBER. Orphans" Court Sate. Ipursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ' ; : i lt1 and for Susquehanna comity. there will be RAO at-public vendue, at the Court House, in Mon dose, on Saturday the sixth day .of October next entiMug, all the right, title and interest of James C. Riddle, Esq.., late of Montrose aforesaid, deceased, at the time of his death, :of, in and to a certain piece or parcel of land in the warrantee -firttllC of Lai4ibcrt Ceilccoilmicr—patented to the reverend Joint Ewing D. D.—and described in said patent as follOws, to wit: " A certain tract of land `called As ruciouv, situate on the waters of the Laekwanna, ii sorthumberlmid comity"—(now Strquebanna) -"lli:tinning at a sugar tree ; thence. by Land •of Johti Cadwallader and William Forbes, north-east. three hundred and eight perches to a maple ; thence by } hind of Andrew McConnell, north-west, nneltuadred. and sixty perches to a post ; thence, by-;vacant land; south-west, tlirecd hundred and eight perches to a sugar tree ; and smith-east, one hundred and Ditty perches to the places of begin ning—..eontaining two hundred and ninety acres andpallowance of six per cent fur reads, Sc.". It beingte, same lot which George Fuller, treasurer &Said 'county, conveyed to the said James C. Bid die by deed bearing date September, A. D. 1836. SALLI D. BIDDLE, guardian of the miller children of J. C. Biddle, deceased. Montrose, Sept. 12, 1849. - • _ administrator's Sale. Ipurstamee Of an order of the Orphan's. Court, - tnlltte - exposed to Public Salo or OuterY oh a Wednesday the rith day of Oct next, at I o'clock I'. 31.,at, the late residence ,of Josiah Lord deceased, in Lathrop township. Susquehanna county, the fol.: lowing described. pieces or parcels of hind. .The first, bounded.oo the North 'lands of Pirank.lin Tewksbury and John Lord, ton the East by' David G. Smith, Gilbert Smith and Reuben Tewksbury, on the south by lauds of Jane hose andJolui.Lord jr., end on the west by lands of John Lord jr, be mg the farm on which the decedent resided at the I tinteof his death. containing about one hundred and isfenty acres, mostly .improVed, with a frame dwelling house and barn. One other piece or par cel of about eighty acres, known as the Whitford lot : bounded on the north by land formerly of the Gatlin estate, on the east by lands of Albert La- Omit % on the south •by the road leading from the Abbgton and Waterford Turnpike Read, to the Pier pmt Road ; our the west by the Thinker lauds, and about forty acres improved,; with a framed barni Ai so . a saw Mill, nearly new ; and the ap purtenances and about fintraeres of land connected there With, with the dam aid the, water privilege therewith; situate on the outlet of the Lord pond, late the estate of Josiah Lord deceased. Terms made known at the time of sale. • • t A. GIIAMBE,RLIN, Adm'r. s4{. 11, 1:849. -Executors once. A Li, persons , indebted .4 the'; estate of Ainy J.Babcock of Dimock deceased,. by note or oth erwli+;' arc hereby requested to: Melte immediate the subscribers, as a different disposi tion iff;said estate Must, accorditv to the Will of be . Speedily made:i--and all having -claims upixt said estate; will present them duly-At tested ko • ' {KA. NEWTON, } L IL • WOODRUFF, In*prignred . 'Double Oren Hot Air ,c.'ookim Stoves Tlisabove stove ‘va patented m the fall - of itorr, and Wag get out the last year. It is cousidered hi urnyl respects to be a decided im pieviiaent other-triad 'overr aofPoolcing Stoves. It undoubtedly requires. less fuel fur cooking and bald ig,'jthan',most,if not all "ether stoves now in use. The; Subscriber hns obtdined }the .exclusive- right of imidinithii . o43Velldthe county of 'Smiquelum! na - aW linving Inige:uumberof.them insauffelared 40; 4 ' WO - F:oundiy" in this, ),& lige * neat style, *gem:. TheY be Witt the - F;mdiy,at.the store.of. Messrs. Risk and SiMpsou*.i or 61 . * - suf :xseriber.; ' _ 37 11349. , Blackmin°o r MEM coming term will Caumience , ini:itrielllth For filiin or twelve weetas s o r -twenty-four son ,suiiipforte, - $lO 00 ".- A thorough4:6"l / *-iiitsiniiiiim -10 OQ oehlopieriAia N O • ' • ijo UstinfilisinkSptte . OO .4 1 140**fieft:250 1849, M39*•2' Q f Or4sype4'edebilitimi.l-4tlo- 11.: ' s " • ' IuRRELPs. . ... .. . , , . . . j l3g-o*)P4oX.l,Sii*i.:Aii4AlaiiiißELL —, l -7. -- ' • ~ ' -TV$:" „ _ , . .Wanted ttliiahirrter, Pork, 1101a,' wheat, : - Flour ißutter and Ciitt ari accounts due him: ' '• • July 19. ' 49. liro* - 7'.Yciric & Erie Ra il-Road C'aii4 artef.The 20th of August,lhe trains will 'nisi.ris folloWs, Stindays excepted : 9 Vim-ugh Pasle:nger Trails, from liew-York to . Owego, will leave. the CoMpany's Pier, foot of Vu- Mae et. at 7 'l:2 a. m. and sp. In. stopping at all the re) , stations. From, Owe no ) the through passenger trains will leave for New-York at 6 ;o'clock a. m. and at 7. p.. in., Stopping. lilso at,all ;the way sta tions.' - '.4. special IVay Train, for Port Jery is and inter mediate stations, except Sufferns, will leave New-. York eVerY Saturday at 3 1-2 p. m., and will kayo Purt Jervis for New-York every Monday morning at 5 o'clock. - . ' • , A Jfilk Train,, with Passenger Cars attached, will leave Port Jervis for New-York at ten win- Altos past 5 a. my mid-returning will; leave New- York for Port Jervis at a 1-2 p. tu. Another milk tram w passenger a passeno•er car, will leave Another for Otisville at 6 1-2 a.,m., and returning leave Otis ville at 5.p. in., connecting with the freight boats .10 Neiv-York. The milk trains do not eennect with the P. d, R. R. R.' , PI-efuhe leives.New,-York every night fur all the regidar stations on the road . . A freight train twill leave Owego every morning at 6. o'clock. A freight train Will leave Port Jervis for NeW-York every morning at 6. o'eleek and another at 8 a. tn. with market freight. • A special train, for eittle and oth, er live stock, will, leave Owego on Fridays at 4 p. in., andin Port 'Jervis for New-York ou Sundays 'fr) at Ba. m. Fare from New-York to Owego f:.5„, The intern diate stations in proportion. Commu tation Tic kets at lowest rates for • thelstations be tween New-York and Port Jervis can I be purchas ed.-at the New-York and Piermont Offiees. Excur sion tickets, entitling the traveler to pass over the roadefrom New-York. to Owego, and'return, at 85 fOr the trip, can be purchased at the New-York Of lice, foot of Dunne:st. or on board the 6 . t.iiiil.xxit& until the let of September nest. 35 .JAMES P. KIRKWOOD, s'ept Atditor's Notice. Mtn?, subscriber having been appeinted an Au ditor, in, the settleuitait of theilecountsof Jud son Mullenix, administrator of the estate of Chloe Ferry, deceased, would hereby give netice thatle will attend to the duties of the raid appointment, at his office iu Montrose, on Monday the `2?..1 day of October next, atone O'clock P. M. tL CHAMBERLLN Auditor. 5ept..11,1.819. Admiui trutrix's Nonce. A LL persons indebted to the estate Of Benjamin Froat late of the township ofJO.ritip, deceas ed, are requested to . make immediate payment, and those havieg demands against said I..tite to pre sent them duly attested for settlement ; Sept. It. '• • DF.Ncy Ailm'x Washburn & Co. TilteNUFACTUpats and dealears„ wholesale and retail Hats, Caps, guff, .Dulralo Robes, Trunks, Ca4bet. Batts, Ladies Satchels, &c., CotRT ST., BINGfIAMTON, :5 Dorms EAST Olt THE BINGHAMTON Ham, Have the pleasure of announcing to their friends and the public that their stock of Fall and Winter Goods for 184) is ready for inspection, and they_ respectfully invite the attention of all dealers in Hats, Caps, Muffs, &c, and the public at large thro'- out this section of country to the facts herein set forth. The vast increase 'of their business has compelled them to greatly enlarge their store, and they have now the largest and best selected assortment of Beaver, Nutria, Brush, Mole-skin, Silk, California and Wool Hats; Otter. Seal, Nutria,, Musk-rat. Silk and Mohair, Plash, Silk dt Cotton Glaze, Vel vet & Cloth Calls; Muffs, Boas, Capes, Victorina% and in fact all kinds ' ! or Furs worn, Buffalo Robes, all kinds and dualities, Tlunks, Valises,; Walton. Brussels and Ingrain. Carpet Bags, - Ladie's Satchels &c., ever offered to the inhabitants of this part of the country. Their liats and Cips are all numufattured by themselves. and their other goods selected with great care from the largest manufactures and im porters in the :United States which enables _them to sell from 15 to 29 per cent. cheaper 'than any other establishment of the kind, west of New -- - . WASIiBURN-' it Cu. Binghamton, Aug. _Bth, 1849. N. 13. They issued their Fall Fashions for Gent's Flats and Caps, an Saturday, Aug. 25. tE Beady ifiade Clothing: JUST RECEIVED a new supply of Broadcloth Frock and Dress!Coats; Black and Fancy Cas seuiere Pants, of varibus qualities; Satin, Valencia and Fancy Silk Vest.;; Cloth and Satinet Pants ; Shirts, Bosoms and Collars; Jean, Cashincret and Cloth Coats. HATS ik CAPS !—' 7 A general assortment of Fur, Silk, Brush and Wool Hats—Also, Cloth and Glazed Caps. BOOKS & PAPER.—Writing,Wall & Curtain Paper, just received. Cap and Ltter Paper by the Beam -; Wrapping do. of various sizes and quali ties ; School Books by the dozen or single. Shop: keepers in the country wanting Writing Paper, or Wrapping, or School Bobks, will do well to °i re memill.Everything in my line to be sold Bleep. CEO. FULLER. MonfrOse, Sept. 4, 1£49. L. G. GILBERT, No. 215 Pearl Street, New-!York. OFFERS for said P.tesu. RANOLVGS and FLOOR Co.u. turrns. A large assortment of Ameri can, French, and German Paper nangings, with Borders to match, for sale in any qnantity, at the lowest market rates. Merchants unable to, visit the city of New York can depend upon their orders being filled at the lOwest price by sending de scription of style and qualities.. Oil floor cloth cut to suit-the purchaser. n36m4 New York, Augtl.4. 24, 1849. Yankee Notions, Combs, Bmatoni. PIKE h LADD, 39 • Nassau Street, (up staire,) corner of Liberty*, opposite the Post- tojflee, New-York, A" prepared to :furnish Country Merchants' t Kvausu, Famscrt, _41 , 11:0 GEILNIAN FANCY GOODS, consisting in part of Camhs—Tartalse Horn, _lvory, German , , silver, etc. Puttolts—Gilt,, ißrocade, Lasting, Bona, Pearl, flirt, steel, etc.,citc. ; Brushes-010th, Tooth, Shaving, Shoe, Paint, etc. / IttsPsi,Perfutuery, Hair Oils, Violins and Strings. Thren&—ildarshall's • Linen. Giant Wilsons t10.,-,Spool Cotton, Cotton, Thread. etc. Sewing salls and twist. , CottOnVap&s,Cnrset,laces, etc. eta. timead. /ers,,, all kinds; Pins, Needles; Bair Puss' oo" Its and Eyes; Ttitublcs;. , Knitting Pins rpodkins Pocket Booki ;.. silk and cotton Purses ;: Paper, bang- ings, Curtains, and Oil:shade& Cutlerr--,-Pauhrs, l'ocket Cutlery, Seissaia, eta. Gennart silver Spoons; Britannia do.: • silver, fuld Celli Pencil Cases Pereussion Caps ; Fi4i l noks slates, Pencils, etc, Easur.striws;, Looking-, es_;'ll4'va An$IV.0;41:11040, "alb wist of . . ljliited'StAtil.'Whi)leistilti -- Clot 1 intilirarehoiuse ! ! . 1 y EWIS IiAIifFORD ; Nos. - 252...25 4 : 2 58,and! 258 Nam. ;Sneer,. (Between Fulton +4las:di Burling ,Slip.) ranA - , have-on hand the! lnrgest assortment ef Clerni.No in the United States, 'adapted. to all marketsll •in the article .01 Sbirte and lontsVers, we keep an endless variety. AILtV,, the most extensive manufacturers of Oil ,Clotbing and Covered ilatiti,in the world. Plain and Posh- ; ionable Clothing, of all kinds. • • ; Catalogues of stoleksent by mail. Ordersprmnpt ly filled. - • t. LEWlftds HANFORD, 4 - os. 252, 2 , 4, 256, atm stsB Pearl 5t.,14 V. HE moolution. inirtnershi under - the firm of Lyons Wood is this d by dissolved by Mutual consent. The books And ac nts are in the hands uS. D. Lyons. S. D. L.YO.TS'. JOI4V B. 1040 D. Friendsville, Jul ) . 1 10, 1849. S. D. LYONS will.continue the busineSs Or Tai loring, in all its branches at the old stand, over Wieltham Jt Stonel store. Cutting done on :the shortest notice, and iarranta, as4:11.11. The latest Fashions always on hand. S. D. LYONS. LANEELBC/110; PA. CU BAP OMB STORE .On'the New York &Weis Rail Road and Snapp : henna Riser, 200imilesfrom New York, 25 miles from BinqkamlonZand 19 iitiles from Montrose,— surrounded by 4fountains and the Railroad Bridges. 'I our store the ifollowinfruay be found : Eng .J Inds, French atid American Dry Goods, Bon nets and . Ribbons, ;Parasols Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Hats and Capi., Looking Glasses, Boots and Shoes, Cmckery, Glak.l4 Ware, Hard Ware, Window Glass and Sash, DrUgs and Medicines, Grcieeries, Mackerel, Codfish„ ' less Park. Superfine Flour, Nails, Stone Ware, klappened Ware, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff% Butter Firkins, Candles, Solid's and Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Books, Paper, Inks and Quills, Cooking, Pailor and Shop Stoms, Stove Pipe and:StoveTrinunings, on hand or matlit to order. Eagle Foundry PlOughsL-warranted: Trunks A: Traveling Bags, Shingles, Clover Seed, Carpet and Cotton Yarn, Axes, Handles, Buck Saws, Shovel 4, Hoes, Rakes; Sorthei, I tc., Sa For the very rilieral patronage which we* have received the past year we tender our sincere thanks, and Rust we shah rcieve a sin larger share of public patronage the present season Having re-; duced the price of our goods about 26 per- cent. from last year's prices, our motto- is now—small profits and quick tunas. Situated as we are on the Railroad, we can sell -, . lower than any other estab lishmont in the county. LYONS' It; CHANDLERQ. Laneshero, July 1849. , , ADMINISTINATOR's NOTICE: A LL persons indetited to the estate of Altrander Webster. late' Of Liberty, deceased, are re quited to make inimeoliate payntent, and those:. having denims, .= &w it maid aeduto t 4,7 premnit them drily attested fur sett ement. Hitt A HD BAILNY, Atinfr.' August 30, 18-13.: . . 35-ow. Hingbatntozi Female gegesinekiy., METE Winter Tern i of this Institution will coin-. JL. mace, Wednesday, Aug. 22d, and continue 2t.). weeks. Several' accomplished Teachers are employed in this Seminary. Since the close of the last term, accommodaltions for a larger number of pupils have been added. Parents having daughters educated are atured that the ' location and facilities of this Semidry ale not excelled in south ern New York. Eveity effort and awe for the ad vancement and , welfilh of pupils, will be exercised these in whose charge they are placed. TERM& . , In the boarding school, the whole charge for board, including all micessaries connected with it, as room rent, . washing, fuel and lights, and tuition in all the English brtuiclics, constituting as a day school an extensive o4urse, .$3O; and with Latin and Frel,tch added, OW per quarter of 11 weeks.- I/1y scholafs in Old Primary :Department; will be charged f 1,50; in the Middle Department $4,00 ,—in the Higher $5,014er quarter; and with Latin and French includedl,o9. i m Erire Charger.— is on Piano, per quarter 10,00 ;on the . Guitar 10,00; use of Piano 1,00.= Drawing and Paintingtin water colors $8,00; oil Minting $B,OO. Italian, French and German, each ,00. , I No pupils received 4 . n. legs than half a quarter No deduction fur occaiimnal atmenee. Addre-43." Miss ill S. Ingalls. Female Scan • Mary, Binghamton, N. Y. August, 18-19. N. Y. tir. Er rivet. ie It' ' roatir Everybo- • dy's 111 rivet Line. R41511411M . 1-- ;13 rpli.k, sutrd:Xibers a now prepa red to receive Freight of all kin( 'at the Owego Depot; and also at the BinghamtoGreat-Bend, and Lanesbo ro' Depots, every Tuesiitty, Wednesday and Thurs• day, of each week, and continue with regularity throughout the season. 1 They will attend to for , warding the same to the New-York Market, where they have made arrangements 'with experienced salesmen, who will attend to the selling of the same, and return the premeds in Bankable foods at either of the aboveopots, to the following per, sops :—At the store of F. Itaynsford, Owego ; at the storehouse of (.1.31'1 inney, Binghamton ; at the office of Jas. Griffin, Gr t Bend ; and at the Hotel of E. Benson, Litmeslio .- 4 AMES ISE, Binghamton, .1 - AMF-8 ELFFIN, Great Bend, •F. RA SFORD, OWego, ego, Jury 23, 1840. . . • ..4 gents :—C. lirKluly, Wmgbamton ; E. Benson,', - Canesboto'. CArr.ux JAmEs. &sit will superintend the busi ness-throughot4 the wh le Line , and receive and, fill all orders for a ries, Fruit, Fish, Oysters, r( 4 O 11;e. &c . ; which ', will be ught at the lowest whole ode s prices in New-York, and forwarded to either t th ia ki a jo i wa t ,,,, .. n3Otn2 New Milford S sve-Depot-1849. HBURRITT bits . .w in store, a now. assort a menc , ofitiltoves, including the most approv ed kinds OVAirllight, _ Common Cooking, Par lor, and shop Stoves, R • and Common StoVe Pipe, stove 'Furniture, s eet Iron and Zinc, stove Tubes, ike., dc.; ito. which the attention of cash pur ei ssnrs, and the public cb invited, and Which will be sold at very{ low priies, for cash, or approved credit. I t ' . 1 . .ANgust,ll34,9 . " I N. Y. & Erin Nair. ad,—Weitarn, Express. 1 : ILK% • rEcii. Office _Not ~)! Duanelstreet and., *all street, New Yc;rlf. aves Netv' York 5 o'cknk P . M.— Arrives at 11,1,peinnaton 6, A. U. and Owego I, A: DL For trturpOrtatiou'of all kinds of atierehandiie, Paeknge andlfoney. the proprie' have made 'arrangements w i lth L Saari° to run Fartirene to connect dant botween Great P : Pend an 31ontxose. AlLmooey• andonorchatkdize - will • forwarded t. without d elay. • - , ' ;r 1 Ad:ENT& • .I A Sivirle: Montrose. 1 - :.-: •:-; geo, W. „Stephens, Green triend. 4. Morgan, Bingliassion. , L. Ournattno4iion, Over. Sickles, it. - Prosuck,lfirmira. G.... Et 14tmilii4g, eorOili. ';. 4, V - gontrom,./ 4iciallethripi ' mad Ph i i m eical - #..favontble to Abe Reform, are:enup earnestly re- at the 10460 cif Dr. Ri Thayer; in rY th e Oth of 0 0; ) 1311, at 1 " , hatielp consWeratiatil the eipe -1 If' 1 Sociecy. , Or' our pt-fits 1,10 ritick A LL friends_; Medical qu ested to , meet irOPTifieA akss (kinder. Id.; to dienoyerif fprini An rldress'd , &Tinny be_e f I '.. ''---. -1 ":" ---- 1 1111 M . TOPIT, 7-7 - 7.. --- 7 ELATiVS :TO TEE AREND "0F THE - - - ' XI I , - -- `•-,',' 'COVSTITErTiON?•'-' - -; - .s: ' --- :,,.. ,1 -! 4 _ ResetiQiefik Ma, e4inekrin iiecei 9f Repreienirs e 4l 4ires of ' - COittnionivealt o Palled: to G4itiial., klasenthlOttet, , Thatethe - r tution of,:this,.CenThvi nsoaWealth, be anunewieil . second., sectleit The the firth,artiae", 'so that i sluill'lenurts relleiVia: if The judges' of the;Silpretu eoUrt, of' the siteril courts of Comnion!Pleris; mid Of suth other Courts of !wind its are or= shall het stahlished .by'law ' 'hall be elected . byltheAnidtfied. electors - of:ti; ' onweidth in the mune Mowing, to. wit : he Judges of the treprein4o 'by the qiialifi — ed lectors of the-Comiketrelidth late. Ihe'Preii l omin T ent dodges of ' the 'several urts of Cent:mut Il ik e l as and such other Co d r Record , as are* s 11 be established by laiv and all other - Judges ill required to be leginled in thl law, by the qualified electors of the respective &Striae over Wtolidie - y_ are to preside or act as Judges- Awl the-AS:Sm ote Judges of the Courts of poomon Pleas by - the qualified electors of the Count* respectivelv.,-4, 'file Judges of the Supreme Coast shall liolif their , offices for the term,of fifteen y ears if they so long, behave theruselves,well : (stibject to thaallotment hereinafter provided for,- sidisequent to the , first election :,) The President Judges or the sevilal ooarts of Common' Pleas,. and of such other courts of Record as are or shalt be established bylaw l and all other Jude ' .requoitt te be. Icetred in th l 4' ' Llaiw, shall, hold their, ..s1 for the term .of t „en years, if they shall a 4.4, behave' themselves • I well : 'The Assoelaid Judges of he Ceuitif of Coin -Inion pleas shall hold their "offices fur Ilse - terns of .tiVe years, if they: shall se long behave themselves u , tell: all of whom shall* ceinmiceioued by„the: ripvernor, but for any reasiounblecensewhich,dialr 'not be sufficient grounds of inipeachmeht, the - Gint-. loti shall 'remove any of theth bit the Inhlte4 3 io f ih i m-thirds of each branch ofthe il4slatttre:: - t The' 1104 election shall bike piaci:tit the geueralelectiOn' lefthis .Cornruonwealth next 'sifter the adoption .of thisamendment; aiid the m issions ' of.alttlie Judges who may be theuiitoffiCeshall expire on the first Motnlai iir December rollowiug, when the terms of the new - judges shall 'commence. The . Persons who shall then be elected Judges of the' Supreme Court shall hold their loffiix,4 as follon; one of them for three - years; One fur sill years, ono for nine years one for twelve s•ears, find end for fi[ teen years c -- the term of each Ito be decided, by lot b the said-jiidges AS soon after the election , as 'con- . 'vonient, and the result certified by , theta to the Governor, Thai the - cenunissiens I may be issued in accenkince thereto. - The judge whose _commission, Will first expire shall he Chief 'Justice' during his, term, and thereafter:each. judge whose commission Shall first expire shall in lumibe the s Chief Justice, and if , two or mere CounnWnos Shall expire on the tare dap, the judges h ol d ing them shalldecide,by_l lo which shell be the thief Justice. Any vadhit-1 cies happening by death; resignation, or otherwise, , in any of the said cour ts , shall be filled'by appoint ment by the Governor, to continuetill the first 11144aday, of Dosozoknr-ouccool.Poe also noatt senora] el a ction. The Judges of the ISupreme Court, and il l Proadonta of the geverah Courts of Cominen PI as, shall at stated thlice, receive for their semi: an adequate conifiensatiou r t o be fixed bylaw w . ich•shagiriot be dituitt . ished* . ting their Coining_ aupe in office, but they shall receive no fees or. ,per, qmsites of office, nor hold anir other office of profii under this Commonwealth, or ender the govern inant of the United States,- or any other State of this, Union. The Judges of the Supreme Court da-'. ring their continuance in office shall reside within' Silk Commonwealth, and the Other Judgce during their continuance in office shall reside within the district or county fdi which they were respectively I ' 41ected. ._ - ' - • , , WILLIAM F. PACKER, • Speaker of the House of Representatives, ca:o. DARSIE Speaker of the Senate. ' Le. the Senette :March 1, 1819.. tcso/red, That this resolution pass.—Yeas 21, Kit -s te ill.xtract from the Journal. - 1 SAIL W. PEARSON, — C/crk.. fp the House of litepreseutatiees, April 2,-1349: Hesolvellp That this resolution vass.—Yeas 58, Kass 26, . Extract fronrl4 Journal' W3L JACK, Clerk. I pled April.o, 1819. A. Z. RUSS~TJL Pep. See. of ate Corn. ' ' Serretaik's CFO. • Pen?aylvania, as: j . 1 I -, Ino ecaTIFT dud :the above , and foregoin g is a tree and` correct copi)y of the brigited Resolution of the General .ii.embhr, entitled "..ItesolutiOn rela ire to an Amendment of the Constitution,". as the :-. a e remains onl file in thketlice. 14 . 1 4 ; . In testimony ivhereof I: have ,here- , : y?,, - - . t a u2. 41 . tetimY _l4nd., 1 aad caused to :14.1 , ittcptt the seal of t he .Secretary'a ,t,...., # - ..),, Offite at'Ffnrrisbiirg,thia eleventh Elay l' .• .of June Anno Domini, one thotiStuid eight hundred- atitiforty-nine:. . - "TOWNSE.IiD, ilitINEEi, 1 . Acxf ry of tho Com. ilitmsburg June 14;1849-,'.31n. - , 1 "Jonnkal. of Senate.. " Resolution, No. litS, entitled i Re4olution rela tive Ito an graendmelit or the 'Constitution,' was madly:third time. Oti " the 'qution, will the, Sew ate 'agreee to tho _.ip:olution il The Yeas-and Nap, were taken'agreeably to tbe Constitutioa,.)ind " were as fellow, viz :1 " i - ' " .tr cAs.—Messrs, Sara,.°l.Brasyleiy, Crabh Cimniag- Tram, 1 Forsyth Hugus Johnsca4 Latiremce,-Levis, Masthi, Matthias, ItiCitslin, Richt, Richards, Sadler, Sankey, Savery, Small r Sinyter, Stemltt ik Stine-21. NAvs--Messrs. Best, Dram, Frick, Ives, Ring. Konigmacher, Putter er and Darsie, Speaker-03. 'I Sp the . question was detertnined in,the drama tive.l . 1 . •I • I —'-''. .- 14 .tentraal - of the Souse, of. Sopreoontativosi "ISball the masa* Piiss - t The yeas and risys wete taken agreeiblw to'the provisina l ot the tenth artitl of the Constitatipn: said as - follows„,vit: Ess—llessrs: Gideon J. 81, d'.. David' Befit,i ts grat,, Biddle; Peter ID. ,8100 - David M. Role, Thcki IC ' Ball; Jtatilb: Cort "J bit H Diehl, Nip the al I A. Elliott; Joseph -Erne i,-Davict G. Eshle man.silliarn Braila, ! lulu Fans ci, 011 1 / l ael Fegely, Il i Jo. W. W. FOer, , .llenr,y, /IL Palleir,_ Thomas Gruir ,i', %died `Thiiiips'an; - -G ' rge P. - Trigiaiy, Than o.lferriii7„Jceph Higiii ',Charle`S' Ilertx.. i ella Jule t R Hower; RobertAlots; rrisim KLaiidi Ab :a IsunbertoVintes J. tuts, James W. ,I Jti«ibllVertitcy, Jobii-Mit,Culleah.Hugh *M' ' ' ~'-lotin'll'Lanntlin;:A:dankMcntiri;lStinitiel * -Idaiitc John tij Mierit Edtriiid - --Nicklesok Stewart P. d*ncs. Portit.,:llemy. • C• ' Trott, - - Akozo Ro George, Aupley,t Theaderejltirnaa,,Benssual catt, S. Sel °mover, Samuel Seibert, Ji'!ln?, Sharti; Chris.. 'treilivity; Thimnivo..Stiel: - Jitiniaft E. Stahl's; J ~. . Stutztaah Marttiall Swartg*ekter,-sanittel 'IA OcmgeT. Tbilru4Nkitaitalwra-Ukkalk iji _kislunuelYfOrithi Alms , iWilc, l2 : l o: B. . l kTiel j ancl , Willitiforj Pkker, S : e n terrlo.• :.. t x 15441'v:14i. - Agiistuti K. rtiyk'Davld'ldi ey.= Dairid - ES* :Heivii lit lEtikasiji,fin ~ John iW. 0 emei,filtemilli OiliesplO...foh oi !ordqn. Vlioot Hr17 . 021104 , 1/Ak WA' Joiglith' milrb.ritotiprA X. Let444,; i 7*.ircavont;.;4obn ie - Willian, BrAlfOrl,' . ; "Ifiller . " - Wiliam kfrfis"''lt‘i' 'llL ' - " 'T , ! Itttbbettii W. ROsebeir;-11.:;Itiliaqabi. ill ' " 'a ft A 1 .- -.l' ' •: - ociitOlitcolfooi O U i.%:...:L., .; 4V t4iOn Nt44: - .lptctinipeditOhe atbruta: ' - r :'"'7,,:‘• 1 , 1- - -- )-,,, atief , , • r• ` l. ',. _ •-•;-: *SECitErMileii thrliCElr - "% - -Me, 'I, I t.v.tNis, - st , f 1 ' , • . - , MEESE JON \Sat ill . 0 1 i ne." l • -_,1.41.7-zi , r - t, - )...:, , ".i.-..7.. , :,.... , :*.t-N.4-iJ.,I , - ,_,• , .. k... - r.tiF.,,,, I sik_ .., i i lditgarifikit.thie*Oreiikikteil•tw.2 - • - yl7: - . tOes '..Y.Atas,"litg!i7l.lo4,l * l liiiiiiiiille,,i'': tr-_ - •_.--' IPlAlcPtio4*itke-tkaguilius4abiea , k , nt tra'Mailhiliod,7 - _iii -t tbe,„iimin l idati= , , ifies)drielidilt;thiAlvppliiimis:it the.:` ' al 10 41, 10 24 :Y'aj ( bisini - .4 l*- 1 'oessib k ll3. 9% ... .-.1 1 : i !:: • - ;-'q , t'- ,-,:'-' ii -IA 9 4 1 )0VMlaziikti 4 e 4- 4. tm itta lle , tatientleila3rc/J*24;ofiellitool ; itte toot-hillte.' *. -' '' tsi.ll4 '''' - `Ii" : t••' "it if - -' i - i:i ., Y it 1 •/:,, , . ~,,-. A' ~, ', - ,r ( iw-0- _ -: i- Ir ... ,, so ottolles—iiairguliaiijilii - !I Fullees , Book,Stimtteo ll3ooll ; l 1 a stY kaltagetVii ulnutPitsildatt" i. -''' . . Merciu'r ar;alLlo7-thaidv*, , Good*, Dru , N, 111610kiiiiiiNiti004 Ciii446l4 ' Th ia -,- Turd re,eAxixely,in*.oo±4:ivit - cheifOr-,1-' ,•19r , liar Simons, Perfunurrilbli & iz--;11-isi _, 1 ADE. IreittioLvnialig y ft .. /4 lel ' . ' - cumields;''Pgi.nt,NrlN ll . 4 -., 'til,' -71 if.ten D ry Poods•NalthYangs , ,1 , war Ckxks, Watiiw, Aelr,e/tY r akillt; k l ,t „PP'-'"' I , Iflii'ill l'Orlml .. 0 1' - 1 0 1 - ' , ~ ' i4tt`" „tnlttleuts; t , -i ' Suthinary, litiftibes, i TOON' ' l 4kii,:P :1 . `z tltest yetilierilialfgg•--t - :.:,t, Ai NEW and beautiful stock of liorlieliophopire . : 1 1 r (19.b°Pgh,t,etitirorloc:-.iiikailievioe ~,. '.l ' 'i g 7' ' a iungsEcioralliir Atibstikey''H ty me 2:a ps.all se , .., „if AT - of: 1 - -, ;'. - ,•-• - 1 ' 00 Bolrels`of SALT for. -ails -ioweic ,tf s an d 'c i s h Ot'e i 'a t ---'' :.F ...`v.7.J1fi.1.,, ! ....,,N 7 , 1 , ..,,, ~I Ally la. .1 LATlllitOPAk , RmAThuter.;' "s:' , F'''' ~ -. C Z' S "DORI _,,.trfacitrit:illw` - Ok -Attie etctre _ . !. ; dipes..o, LIVVITS,S4S and SUP4AOItheA. wise, sexy LYON' 4 Critt... lafiesPoro rlitir.p.4EB . itihr By Ail: .9.04:1 , ,_ V - 114Ifor lialc by. _- LYONS tic*Lb.. '. I..aiesvom.Juiy,-tB;:itit? iot4n-14 : ."4 - , , tit:'' uilir SYeitts — ffluf.P.lßA'slay -tickle& at: = 'k 'Ade; by •. • viroNgt,ct. ta,nesbwo, July 18; i 84.6.,, ; , s 1.-- riicKopp Biwa:tin", by: the piece; fair emit AA - -, V cgas pee yantileary tet.1134 1: de; ; suliwer 1 Cloths ai 'B' and 11) tietita,4l l 114 'attii• -.110118. - .;. ..' July ptb. q,..., ~,,,',.0 .1.fa . . 1 1;+ lir l'vip.,krt: . i i t ;', lEFOok'AtescP•Thil • i‘.EARS' - ,P/OrOßLti f ;I'OII:DRAM 4 1 tinit "•rnotttreittht l lll4 l 4r' L. • fo these celebrated .worte44,ol44m:mt . w_ cAliaou co. during the'prOeld - kioioitk protimi soied. 'N. The value 'of titifte *Nil! kuovm t , the literativiorldlo'llik" po is si itlontrOe, July 1819; I.k.P 1 , i r „Dentistry. I r:,; ~- DIN-IL S 3 ittiliPqntal STIOD;--iiald - halbrth , tleatit.4 Public. Sit in'hia,na morons' perations in - thedeiiitatikho itittaie'pre' ' p:4rad with means for insertiktiiiible site,nysetg of is o Teeth on the Aiinemphe .I"tiiiiiithsp rilit- , cipltOr tell; teeth may be ireititiivitlaitzkapiraV Tanga dolts, and ate warms* tolosvOin: ' f r i 3 .4 x , se esiglia Dr. a *Tbe„„roivaii. - otel; as list* on Mondays and,. - 4,!, ..ussetapv'Oltitt'::' WS 'lesidenre naeasttp,Anrutelltereirial~SlT ireetO i. • . Adostiess;Jii liilett. : .:: : a . I AR , of best quality fir tale att.„ •,, ,4 . 1 ' ' - , !.111Bild1WIL:` - . - -. New *Trait dc•lffinV tgilits. ,-- , RE li t= ! I n tl: 7 lU f= 4-16 (4-- :(1 reau , ,y , . , var. eli4eil 6., stock . of.' Abner* olillakay Yof)lig & Gilz6ill an y , haling te: urge i ehaid'orerw Goods, are prepared . . lo - *I. to the tublid. the folloWingWilehtfat tirh#l4 - searre.: -- oil I; 'Per Flower Salt by, the Mt dr las4r3-ndi ~bythe bb AN• half bbl.; or P00k441 0 14 1 . Svgar at 0: Po! cad, Alolassa4, t'Y t1ia1144 , * 1 : 44 lodger - 'quitatty.: .Alsii Zvi, Coffee, li.ll- - INtipir l thn ' ger,i,SOop, Castkka, Painter, Oileiakcj i #,lirill be siold cheaper , thatt at any otheiles this !side' Of bf.. V; Binghamton aot, mi 09014, ....- A* & fl ' ianYortment , of Dfligs 1 8 0- 31 1 11 0/ 0 6 with tnostiof the Popular Betent ilre_die!tteti=nour in U`se. 1 i ' . • _____-- .`l''' iogußeo t a . , - ,-, ' 6°4 Bend. Aug.l3 I,eoo.- „: -..1.7.11i,.:4 Se4Tet r arYs Office. lITEVENSMALIi f $ Make:v - o'6ok orrabik4lol4; 01.1 ( 4 --, Pftlet -1 1 - Dry;' • • 1 - my aqd 0 -Wee/ 3 94 1 / 1 0 4 4 — Seit' , i' i s4,C4 l rFW* .44l the_ L 'BOOKIaNDURI montrosiatig = rir %at 71: WWI "it ." ottbe'eoto ikik 4 1 ? & lES Scythe Stielph si,tblo • ht ai the stoYa of an4ll•FLOilt,lbiAimilti4 XXON UIIO4O, Cit LPL AUlir • • - ,‘ ' - '' AOMliiiitrataiSoftilifee. L - ___‘` , P , A ILL persona hidebted to the tt#iiiha - ofirmith r - t AA, Weoster i late of Liberty, dectimed,'ariclito; = clucAted•tcl Maki! immediate Paratat. mid: *or 'f having i 4emandi against said estatitiwerakihitia 1 - ,duly att est ed fok settleinefit: I'= ' - 4 - "--s'l -,2; - ,--; Talngstfi*Unkiit;:- ,- : :Least 180, • 184 1 ,' .f, -1. , ‘'r li':: 'asitot,r '''. :111,:iiir 1 AiriitaigemieS' It Stiiiiis:- •,, 1 - i_. i.-• -- ' _,. ~ ..t \ _ _ _ ~,.. i,.. , i -1 1; ------- v O . tis : .... • ~ -: .- ' - ‘f ' % •." .'.. ' 1 " . 11461. s ."' I 'r • t 'Be emenilromtreme iti.(l.lleo l / 4 f.5 , ' ' • , A-• , ; IR OU ' horlo stage coach . inil:hiirn,fliti*lii__ 6. 4 . .41.11/oto :in Montrosolor arta4 Boa Witt ince. ry dsity,AS &ate eseePtedl viz: at i 'okottek - A,ellt, arriymg al reat Bad Ili Iltite 'for 141'114 .`' bail' of ears' ' east and th e bight' train Ifrinf NeW- Yolk ' I veat; sail g P.- X F lit UM , kr the big •ttaka rift- east !and ,thii ' 4116! frenliNeW-Tork gzikig writ.- ' i -) - s- .I._l- , Tt-, •• -. 4 , -Returg9 'ear. Greet Penit-oni*: - 41100 - 4 , 1 etiellndit cf ears het& NeeF York;''• - 1' -' r r,- k' --10 4 teful mid ati:ponrodatittedOert and diel-nite ,'' ' teams aro tinplate& on this; retstawithit,ooo l o efl,6l m etorsid thamtelvesltcr:Avi4i4.ll4 ...I make their ' e *mat sod , ~4,7_,:::7 - F o i Oita aPpltaffkarle's , atel L itt_ eo: ,'-. i I'' , IlL'.141:1111102411,V4,4,:: _-4.,_ >:.j.•-t -i-`• • ...• , ....:.V.71,4, , , ,', '' a: .!tli".l -_..,,'„,,,-:7... ItitaMlll "4l46* '"''; i t iiilaiiitaa . ;ulna . i i i.' -..»:4'.: H+2-- - arenireu& 71 - , ifia-::, ikei pT. , y, 14,16404.- moteondeo_t___*l-, zorttok4.!. i iiitgetot .1 .ii . Paciaiui,...,4„,. a .t , ) tior ron' on thiL c , ,:.' " bm ..-14-77 ' ' is bi t , , • - 1 1 /14;i4114* W 11 1 1110(11!! ! ! gi ialite% the.: '. 4r l "- TY' • ' li-042 1 41406 1 441-4t.P44 ,4 M 1 ; ' 1 Innl4ll.llZei 31 - ''FAZWAY4§Bmw fiat e A4a%l *Olohr . 11110W -1 1T 41 ktriVet 14 3 ,1840 4 4„ ; '; , ' 111 - TUST el tits' CVO - torsi - 1' t. thl* 7. ' ' :: :' ,:1, 1 1 " ,,,--, ^.'.w ,- :•; . - 1.:1 - ,' f . , .: 1 - ; ~-:.•,-;,:tze,'; • : !=.--; -,--'' A - `;beiE as`` :n;~ _~~~ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers