. • 1 .. • !1 . . - , 1 . - •- . ...„ -, . -.., f i .....- , 1:.....,...._ - • , - ~....,, • • ' . , ~I : • • Vii' . . I , . ~ - • fliesan At- - „ . i -- . 1 . . . illt''' , L • . i ' 1 ,1 j ' t.--I ~ 1:: . , --.Th -,i- '-',Jt... ; .-,....; ~i .-t. Ik 1 . .111011. 01111 . 11 . 11.1111111111.1.11111. i . 1 1 - 4 - .. , . I ..---- 4. . : , .(0. ,. ..,, fl • .•.-.,••••.•-•-.... f r,, -...- •., . • •,,, > ____ __ ~, ; ~•:- ... :. , :. - .47 ..... , .-- tiv.....t.--.. „, . . '. t , f• . - • • • • - ,-( ,i.r. . r,a , .... ~...,-• - ~ .. , • • • _ •;,t• :.•, -, . -,,. _,. - 4 ~ -, ',.... ,4_ ,; , , ' ~ . . _ • 4". I' '• ~ N , .. ,„, •,?,.,, .„....,_,,,F.J..... ... .s. , ~' '-`- O'' ,'X '4 ...4 ;,. 1 • i • ',' ”' li. • " l' l' • . •-: ~, ,:., •s; ~i. ' ,, i. - ,1 ; •;.,,_ '. ; - • , ,1 . (i.,. ,: i i,"• • - ,-- -''L - ~.. - - - , , • .:: „ r• ' ~ ~,!_„(,,• . 7 ~ ..,;,, .4.. r,,,,.- , !IT: , . ' 'l' ' . s'iri A -.,-- ...._. ...,,, .1- A .. . .. ,; , , :' - - „ .. .. '. ' .. . . • '' ' . 1 ...-* .„1 . .- , ..,! ...1 -e?, r. C .-,...- ' ' .. ,, 5p..... .c,..; , - f li-- :i ~..: - f • a ~.,. ~,,, ..r. , ; , ', ..--=ql f , ; • t . 4 , Via.:,' .'' . . ~'''.,t.4.; ~1.., . ; i II- . ' ..‘it1:',..1.4 . ..., \ , -, , • ; .. . r.r „. 1 . .1 _ , . ~ • • ! i -a , l''' ... 1 . .1 ' ' .= ' ' , .arar - c! :,-'1,,-, ~-„,-.- 3.:1-.:' ) '.• 1 . - i .. . 1..•-- - • - . . - - .......„ , e ,,, • • Lt i% ' "THE S ILL Or THE r PEOPLE LS THE LEGITIMATE SOURCE, AND T . II.E.'HAPPE4E - SS OF ! .- 1 I fr.,.: ~,.i„., , , . ....,-,„ Tco '5..; , ,...,:q ifas 0; ,ec,4.1, 7 0, , ;1?"Aa,i..d.% THE PEOPLE TH.if,i TRUE -END . Ok. GO,VEri,Ic4LENT.'" ' . ....,..... ~1.1; ~.,-,.. ! ,,, , 1... . 1..„ ~. .. , . . _ - -,..._-_-_-_-_---L-• --:------- -__ _ i 1,-..-._-_-..=---.--..-.-,,-.... ___ _......_ - i . -..-. 1 10 ) , mod: • . I; i - .1,. • • .•- - , -,' -- ••r " :1- •-•'-- - - ..n...- - r ,, - , :4 1 7 12 - 4. :'- , : 1 ' . ' 1 :4-1 1, -11 - " , ."1'ai.' ,1 e.; 2 L - . 5 .,.... 1 1i 4 .' 4 9i.'!. 11 .: 1 41 ,I.: ~ MONTROSE,PENN A., THURSDAY OCTOBER 11 ' 1819. .' 1 . s , , ~,.....„ -:..... ..nit_i_7,,L.i3. NUM8E,R,;,...ai1.1-,a4 ; i'1":", - VOLUME_ XXIV. ' i I '- ~ ..,-, ,---, - 1 - •- • -,.,',, : .," . ! , m ,_,: : ,,,,.,,i, ~,„..,'!..; ~:_, ~., ' .i.;ti,.., , ,i,i . ..4 , ',,„iit i ..F4A - h: ' ... ..........------_ 1-- .. ._ IV I I ).41i . ..,, ,- ,,, and niore .to drown • rtliein- Ns, . blllll4rol ally other Cause,pursued, ilt with lit f liclg ilea- 'Lave evinced in thd like' clrturu-, lir;Tl/I,lwil 'est peculaiitais were theie 'Willett 4 Lin Am -, and fortune favored ruN• in a w, nar, able , ay.. I became the head of a flour . ~1 1 mituerci: house, :Ind ere . ice yearS: hail ~ tway, Jo awasied considerable . 'we:lth. ... he '5 II 4 OI7IeVC the renterhbrance of Itty .! vile . ,4 ;Tar into fit , f c0., ,, 1ti-li and tle , pair ;'1 tlre'l tt. t., ne ‘ertit sa, of attempting to go near her, at :hail 4:1 t I had it, hi my po l iver tah4eri. ,- 11 to-ye I ha: •in Lyons, and oa I hi; 41,4,1a.,11,,11 ne . equippa; hich ro was not berwedti'ioligit la. zontelas 11 `onner.!pne. My , fricht he on ing ; timed told me that .Aiulora al in... he e., ut, n.:.0 v...a.; admir.,l far her V. y o r „a i d ; :id fix her tun...atittini; :a fen "l) elilld, 1 tc hilt Ii: told nie tAatl - 11;. , r l• 'tit ad kilt dit tvitr; her alroosl. depetident i..! et hanti, of t bess. I.l:is recital ea:cited I ie welt liv 11'.i•aUn. , . 1 took a:1 ....upPU: ',it: it Wlar di Ile of die eay.,..tvcra, ,vihe • .. ni ' knelt :Le, -ed ma I wit ., =, butWholre• ~. ,te ae watmle questedthim to- n-Entanblc 1 . !inns tit tli •of Anna apil to 'pay _ ..s giviiig In s Mr that pariw tilt e. , I,lil lot ve. , to p• cant p piece, ot tarc.:t ure.whicli . to be size, urban. i ;It pt le y Lour eaf to t Lyons ‘itrengthen'ed tp.2, 0 see thy w at l e ast to iota n .110 ) t ,rtus. The , tvaine at length krrevs . i Z/ Cu 1 a i d Ire- cale .to fin 1 son to the bank ter, lt.4et:Cli f taking eta to tile 'on 1 Ells ast mish inl in :no the !Rnac t .lt ' 'he bellow me 3 beyond tlesciiiptior a s y hove -er lc Ina:Anted with tlle .iii 111 yid, id asso ed n: wa; e..i=y at 1(1as1 i! 'II 'att. a night *Lilly relLa iroorh.t.ll;o:l,4, at se a c - trice 1 Ica: .. tsa Par shot: .t there. - 1 iva,iintri u/d.; beheld Willi emt Inc .t.s.pealat 10,1 icti.:J in the cenVet ime -es :with a °-el , ei) ..,1,1 her li•alct, i r it cation tv atilt trienl. A areratio' ",h. -three . v.tarq r d to Me more love! i t iii Ye . ~.er. I liad p , apt myself closet gr . ui. , i she Lae w in .11 I perceived .a ~ t 1 11:117:t:: t n - {1 A - 0: Ill'_ , , .1.4 it ei • I rt ~,,er,-,atri 0 I I. ;--..-,, 1.1.:;,3:1."- •, .;44: um not tpt ; it ;:,...1 'Ale I all dl 'l4. ,action. iut It ... He r 41.1 - Aral dal_ ... die:a, an I kle.. i•• ha'riler'S 41 .. V hi gal nays , If at ~ 1.- a /Ilea - mi. • ace orward, ' me. sere ray fee l?' led [ found Myself the swect, l- c mg the innodecit k ltd . ! An erri 1 ,sc Welt I has. no duo, made; n stily, and threy ur child iq is Ir. tin .t the feet of In alslirq wife t of ra l'Attro .. 1" I .4-oken accen IZ , al child claiiiis fr.< cr I Oh, p: 110 ardor: 1" IThe , :r knees a! , ate 1 to plead! with eeined real .• T Le i 1 t. 'Her 114 qui ye was fix ~ ..act I stripOr nrcon rn s carne-to - 11 cigh and she answer. by tlprowi wit. 1 into my dross. she 60hhl Ileh her you *air! your 4 . I 3 ea ;.a its poweafull r 1:1,..:... .- .4. .t,/k..; ... , -.,..--#:- ...-..", ', i-e,ti'iltitc., ..r tut Autic NO V. i eet rove,l 'by' n• i... rant. ?. 00T : _Altprd44-3'117 - : imnitea .1 -aid, : past wul4 ever, tut nni e-isl icident in 14 his niciliat! tho, I.urtlra seenlaq to ation. 41 1 4 hag ny ~ c ti and' trey w t at I I OA., tired, seeing it to bitcugh 1 country honse fo Sot: Wm we *pent a rev* NI 9ne Item she in vitecl i me t( r to tr tl. it eta fete AA- vrh rev firs, Who werclour g 'rat ittpit acre the original c 11 R at- i ideed a day iof pri 'd .2 it , . [link them for the Sr c: a, yof a wonclij . r-wm- r 1 'be the means oil, confe 'r 1 I [ A Goo' - Old Cul. W.,_.. ' , fortnerly a well known char ? , meter in one of our eastern chiles; Was remarkable ae- ,-,u that I 1 for but one'prcsio .out of the ordinary range of .... to enter a con- !humanity, ,i your presence but you I _ .uid 4 sonrs-elf in readiness to appear ' „. every tribunal in France, till I bare found : one which will do Me justice, and break the chain: at the-pro- in Thiel' yonhave bound your victim.' utless of all else, I This letter threw me into despair. I borr;--' ' ' tru and di ., t . was for , trumpery buying any hot of 1 1 , . T s ery that ex under the Leat of misceilane ous, for the reasiin' at it coall a - , - Though cloie-liste .in general, he is ;i throwing his mone, , away in rives , :tad tens upon 1. j such trie,ll... t la.th . way he had-tilled ail,the.o l 4l i , hi ii dwellag. a: ; Otis aibn-desc ipt : le e.i.. 1 ... ,cit,in thesse nets' ra- , the curate's lint but could hen*. - ' -. ' •, —.location. -Put' e time erne when I ; retreat, althoin,t.* . philosopher tic lia.su, —, co be made sensible, for the fast time, of the ! --' ' • ~ ,,g a .. . 1., trite nature of the task 1.-had ienter‘o l - 4 Oils, -1 ' e '`":• 7 eektfederatesat icon's' , '' - "a1,...t.. .en_titing as plea- Hilt ,i„,.-- - ' 4O ,- .i , , .. - Jainguish the torch tho+ the ~,,• -, nan d . d i and follow 1 :-'-' 1 - eve... lilt -.a-puddle! It ten Ita--- • t ''veret. /AS i '4 - i i , , , 11( , "rit.)6. --- P 1 0.0. •1; ' Illg tat -. ACV arc - G e t !it 'St an- V iet, 't.;....,_ E , h. :-...i.,, , it l itthi4l44ndigtirtitt, , tliatit ' 030-?tigtti,-....t„. 4 , !: , ... .I.m ~,,,w,,,.,.. . :1 . ,, r i: I ' ilfil . t#lo.4.o;/ k; gtit " '. li it t iiii . ) l 9 26 .iiig i i i gki* - 71 rd* ' 4 FiiilJi - a ite . ii4traitt l4 - t.... - ;:: - 'eu'... ,, rilai:ne,' , ....na= - IL.-I , ' 1 1 4. • i 1 'Ol V the . ''OUBLIgitErfttERY THURSDAY BY ' James W. Chapman. Aditneepnynient in Cash per year, I ta 50 If pair! watoti the year, ! If not •t 4 the end of the year, ^ 50 'For the Susquehanna Register. Ode to Susquehanna, They tell the of the sunsees.glow, Upon Italia's How'ry plains ; ; . Where balmy breezes-softly blow, And ceaseless summer eve reigns : Theystell me of the wild romance, Of Spain's bright vales, and tow:ringlh4-‘, Where fountains in the mconlight glance, As intirmur on her silver rills: ' They tell me of the Grecian's land, - Her ruined lanes, and crumbling llomes,l That in their gloomy grandeur stand, Long hurried heroeS' storied homes : Yet not for all their beauties mild, The pleasure that their elinte distils, Would I F irth, floe the scenery wild, Of Susquehanna's rugged hills. No marble monuments arise, • As trophies of a people's ix:ev'r; ; No spectre castle in the skies; • No wand'ring maid's enchanted bower : The clash of arms is never heard, • „ The smoke of battle never seen, The tramp of armies never stirred Her blo,ETaing, 'hills and rallies greed 4 ; But in their place stand forest trees, And rough formed'cliffs of granite gray, Green hills fanned by the passing 'breeze, And in wild landscapes stretched aWay Goo where you may throughout the earth ; View , all the different haunts of men, / 1 And nought you'll find 'mid joy and miitli; Like Susquehanna's glade and glen. They tell me of proud SPanish maids, ' Reclined beside the Gaudalquiver, Or wand'emg through Alhambra's shades, Pure, as the stars gleam in the river : ‘; They tell me of Italian girls, Voluptuous as the nymph of lore, Andpraise her voice, her eyes, her curls, That in the wand'ring night:winds rove: tell tee, of the Grecian fair, With all their proud majestic grace, Their. magic form, and queenly air, And mare than mortal gifted face : Yet - lief itatt'S 'forms - so bright., Nor those by .rippling waters, Nor moorish beauty's eye of light Can equal Susquebanna's daughters. Her hardy sans in manhood's pride, ' Her glassy lakes, and rushing streams, Her skies with twilight colors died, As on its breast. the sunset gleams: The stern wild boldness of her face Has more of beauty for the eye Than the unbroken warelikA grace, Of Prairies, where the west winds sigh f....1hu1d other climes become my home, Should othei lands my dwelling be, Illerc'er my wand'ring footsteps roam, Still, still, old k ili ni think of the : When in the grave my bones must rest, On peaceful land or storm wept surf, TB pray that I may lay my breast, Beneath Old Susqyebanna's,turf. Brooklyn, Oct,, 1849. Fourrs or our. RACE—This graphic writer sees through a keen pair of spec-B,lor he reads human na ture like a book and tells his dsperience " just as easy as the boy knew his father." Read him on the follies of our race : We strip pleasure to the skin—take her cloak, fork, bonnet, bustle and all—rob her of every charm—and then say there is no such thing as plea ore in the world ! We extinguish the torch that Rope holds in her han'il i and follow lightening bugs no a mud-puddlel By superlative folly, you frigh- Happiness from pair firesides, and then lay she left your bed and board without prcrrocation:" eis man makes hilla'to tire hiniself with climbing mduces darkness to grumble abotit--creates ,it, to swear at—and . puts difficulties in his path order that he may struggle with -them ! Well • friends, if you can't more without first setting to your shuts; all I have to say is blaze away lything to eve a start."—Dorn, Jr. The editor of an re ooge paper says he nese* tr but one ghost, and that 'was the ghost of a sin r. who died wihout paying for his paper "twat; rrible to look upon—the ghost of gamlet was no' eumstance to it" . o Km-Etc Hats.—Tum them in your ppiti • field evety night. o Rahie Corr.—Wear tight &hoes. , . tir There are many, who will reed inch little cs as the following with sttong feelings:of paren;,t, affection: nave a son, a Um:aeons son, Mine I cannot tell ; For they reckon not by months and years, Wherein has gone to There is.a :man in. Winois namod Barrow ha rhqntlectbislbilitiOs isci - ofter,i, that he hak got the soubriquet#ituca-Barrow. _ ' EBY BAD IDDEED.,-An • EXthiln . ir ;.P.+Per Air' e girls in some parts of .Pfunurylyarus, are so •up for husbands, that theysornetimes:tako up vrintereand laseyers:' . :.,. -,, - ' -,, - C . • Ham Fu?fri . r.".—it is said that IV.7ol2lgclali4, Itaaws &Unary_ . by heart; made use of a beau ' ul expression while " acting akar titivate* with ladieti; notw great ways froth awe. —Sap* Thereta an exuberance efhghtOngl4olbiaerki Alia s - —44.1 • A QuANDem-r-kbaktFlrithtikhAßTWPWamiiik P to hiselbows;itigfilkilfbiltilit,."!l-IWirptir-. ... .. i,..,,w,:*,i,'iWir. • Newt that is Jot iet •said 'featqte ' the gals stsuft moteetttint— ITT L L. trrri.E. THE MARRIAGE CRUCIBLE. k Thril ling-Tale of Hi o tt and *Low Life. , [Those of our readers who have ever seel acted or have rend thnt beautiful modern dramatof Sir Edward Lytton BulWer, "The - Lady of 11,yonS," need look no farther' than the following sketch for ! its foimdationl , , I was . born in one of those little hamlets situated :in the neighborhood of MoutelmurOu the sbuth of France. - My father had made many a. fruitlesslef fort to-raise himself ahoy° indigence. His last re. „source in Ids old -age arose from the exereis of a italent which he had acquired in phis youth, t utt of bellows-mending. .yhis.,.l 000vas the humbte. pro fe-ion which I Was de/tined to follow. Beihm en Towed by nature witk quick and lively lac &les, both of mind and bokit, I soon grew skilful nmy trade, and baying an ambitious spirit, set o for Lyons, to-prosecute my - calling there. I wits so far successful that I ler-ante a great favorite ; with the chamber-maids. who were my chief empltwers, And whom my gOed looks and youth interested in my favor. One evening, however, as I was returning home after my day's round. I was accosted by lour? well 4iesz, - -ed young men, who threw out a few pletiAmt ries on my profession, which I answered in a tyle of goad.huritorixi railery4hat seemed to surprise and please them. ,I swat them look sigoi6eantly at each other, and heard oae of them say, " This is our inati.' The words alarmed me, but my fears itere ipeedily dispelled: " itoriperon," said one, "yoti shall sup with .We have a scheme which May do you good. If you do not agree to it we shall not harm you, but only ask you to keep our secret, Do not be of raid, but come with us." Seeing all of theta to'be gentle:nen in appear ance I did not hesitate to accept the offer. They conducted me through knumber of croas-streets, and at last entered 'a handsome house, in an apart ment of which %ye found six other young then, who appeared to-have been waiting impatiently fur my conductors. A fen - expiat:wry wurdi pawed re speemg me, and spa aPerwanls we sat down to sapper. Being young, thoughtless, and light heart ed, I ghveway to the enjoyment of the hour. and vented a soccession' of pleasantries which seemed highly to pleayoe m. clrtne!7 rriciirmiiiinvs. But they all grew silent and thoughtful ere long. and finally one of them addressed me thus: The ten persons whom you see beftire you r are all ekgravers and citizens of Lyons We are all in good circumstan ces, and make a very handsome living by our occu pation. We are all arltehed to each and formed a happy society till love stepped in to dis-, tuth us. In the s--;treet of St. Domini° there lives a picture merchant. a man of respectable station, but otherwise an ordinary personage. He has, hosver er, a daughter, a creature possessed of every ac compli,liment, and endowed with every grace, but all whose amiable qualities'. are shaded' by one de fect—pride, insupportable pride. As an example of the way in which this -feeling has led her to treat ethers, I will 01'6 that I myself paid my ad dresses to her, and was approved - of by her father, as one by birth and 6ii;:unkstances nit:eh theif stt ~eecinr_.._ lent girl gave to my init. 4 ,D0 you think, sir, that a young woman like roe was born for nothing bet ter than to be the wife of an engraver I" "Her great, charmt and . her pride bare been 'equally felt by Os all, continued the speaker, "and :ice hold that she has cast a clur on us and our pro fe-lon. We, therefore, have rei‘olved to show thi .. iiii?.,airifttl girl that shelias indeed been born to the :honor of being the wife of an engraver. NOW, W il l %I ' M (addmisitio me),,venturd to become the bus band of . d eita;in ) Mg wornan;rwho, to attain perfee ,tion, wants ;only to have , ; her pride ,mortified . and her Tnnity t rumsbedr;, :a Ym.,' , ' answered I, spur ed on by le excitement of the moment ; i corn 1 pieliend- what yiki*fact It'ave me dii; and. I will !fulfil it inistuch ii. - :intuuteri*at . riu 'shall have no ,reason to blush for-yonr.pupil." The three months':ithat followed this strange , iicene were wholly occupied with ,prepamtions for `lite part I Was to per Arm. rm.ening the strict , t possible secrecy, my eonfiderates did their best lb tmnsfann•me from• a plainbelowiquender into a fine gentleman. - Bathing, haft'-drosersoke„bro't My person to a fitting dcgreti of-rcgnement, while every day one of the engravers devoted himself to the task of teaching me music, draWing, and other. accomphshments ; and nature had furnished me With a dispcstition to study, and a memory so =re tentive that my friends,were astonished at the pro gress of their disciple. Thoughtless of all 'else, I felt the deepest delight.in " these new ru diments of . education. -Rut e time acme when I wits to be made sensible, for the fast time, of the tine nature of the task I-bad entered .upon. The Confederates at length thought me perfect, and in the character of the rich Marquis of Rouperon, Proprietor of large estates in Dauphine, I was in : stalled in the first hater in LY,onl. It was under 1 this title that I presented myself .to the picture i' dealer in St. Domane street. ,I made a few pur ;cli4ses from him, and seemed anxious to purchase Imore. After a little intercourse of this kind he !sent me word one morning that he had received a superb collection of engraVings from Monde, and beg ged me to call and see them, I did so,:and was pet' received by him, but by Aurora. This was .!tliefir-st sight I had-got of that lovely girl, and for 'the first time in my life. My yo ung and palpitating heart felt the power of beauty,;,' A new world un folded itself - to my eyes: irlFoon-forgot my borrow ed !Part; one! sentiment absorbed my soul, one itlet enchained my faculties. The fair Aurora per ; eerred her triumph, and teemed to listen with coin plabency to the mcohereht expressions of passion which escaped my lips. That interview fixed my destiny forever I The- intoxication of enjoying liner p_ l :o 3 m, elnurie,d me on, blind-to every thing else. - koi•!beveral mouths ,I saw her.every day, and en joyed - a atitp - ; - Of. happiness - ably thrnped:lky ; the selficcising - toithetitsOf iolitary 'hours, and by the necessity I wig I uncler - Of regularly meeting my ern- Ployers, who furnished ee". with Money, jewels, and everYlling I . iJould'ietiie.' Atlengt, h . `Aurora s filln?rfava a littlo.fete la .the epuntry of ~ w hiehil *a6-t.cide.s#lttlie huto. - %,„?.4l;m4tnent occurred, r in Which, thoughtlbss olut lint tuli love, I threw *suitei at her o f Slielt(iTed the with mod eit'tlgoity,while- a tenr`of jOy. Wbich dimmed for aladoptent her fine -eyes, letinyineed - me. that - . pride. was not the only emotion which agitated her heart; Yes;4.discovered : that twasibelcixed-1 -,- ;.- - - • ' ' , was an impostor, butriteav4 18)4 witness ,I tfecreit•ed her not*lthalit'f,ketiforte: In herstiree cited 1 rernembetednothing but herself; but in , the - stllbs of iblitnde, sophistry at`d :01 . urgthr 46 a . P leaving it dreadfullierepottre' fbefini ttuiJ i- oiseciate4 . l -the Ades - . of Aurora with Late r in . .stuactitthie Ate_ W was _soon:to'46ll nOn" her del .:408„ .ini 1070, ii iarepai4nft„lt it; '3 - trs '''' ..7 414 ,:nrikt,,1.i.:. i(l , 47 , siith*ri6, , ,,,witiiii , - 1 .-_ ere& with' ead.rriPliatiott.. , Iliit' - iielf:liii. riirtiiildhooriwiirey , uwauxl - .1: thou:gilt it:she truly . loto*Ww4e*Kyet he-Sappy4 :,.I, would dere& 407 L J: - ,irfe# . 4::l 4 , tbet•Aek or)Wrewing ficliiyars a ' i lu"lr'44 N3P9-B. ' all mir -441's*. -, bi— ..., ~..1 ' ilfietit ll ?4 , lll . o l ii - her At4t' 1 11441 . 11 0 1 . I W!l'ilitieviiiik . .lpy eittateili-te; ill in pauldausy.i diatillt-iworasec . .:l would wit illcii! is birthing of Antonia ixt. to be settled , ; p ort 'ago 'n. .. l' An i ;. 1. 1. now Whatddl o ' 4 , : . otherwise than on herself. So there was one base-'. I catered IM,I Mete, ;mil oiler muse, i t ) i ti r r o: p v i t i t g .re int i : :: l s i n t - t h - " i p tl r w o r ni e l f ,a ro .d m o t. l o e purchase splon4 :Bess of Which I was not guilty. tia-auees th an 4.. . . , i., . . , .. -ea , ' e e w velvet - - , •hnt\lyte i ,00t ita - , We were married. At the altar, n shivering . ran leir4r which' ilea- have evinced in the , like' ciniinue I think i-this morrrimeabbut mile ` g‘r the,l - 1 ' throughall my reine,.a generalare_pidation *deed I:Men - ices, Thtewedeeeepeculeiione were theie'elhieh ' load came back agehl, without it t ur ve "a rd :if ',L:xis : n :9 4; l i 'most, and fortune farmed rne tit a ! tion r 'Fite - Colonel looked bleuir fo ' 1- . - t - ' Uri e• ' my whole" frame, and I should infallibly have Sunk 1 , attracted in r a e rti , 1 n. to the eeeth in a fired of w are h a d no t so me one lenoet renter, able way.. I. because the head of a flour- 1 and than proceedeifte l clear up ' ilmens-stery.e 'Bu tx . fine to My rescue. The silly, erdwd around IlltS- !idling commercial houe..-, and ere fire yeere bed 1 the gooti woman wasinacitied Mily wilii`the nlte, I took the Last cry tif, expiring virtue for an excess of ,passed away, had tunassed conSiderable wet ltle ' Ise of a t e n "donee main' b e ej : 1 . , - • it'' *We , " n' lAt tittles Ifotever, the rernerhbrance Of ftiv-' vile 1 the enctioffeei 'on enclili t tn 4 i l li a it t at i e n ve ule 'llia rk q t !'il: ' sensibility ! , • A fortnight after the marriage; n 4 b e e been ar . l e:heavy me into fits of engin:lt 'and despair ; : I thire•l ',' should•neveran ' entiotilit 'Of course' sth r L • kiqii"; : li ' dr ranged by my employers, at whose: mercy I was, e 4 ,11 think, ne terthelese, et attempting t.i go neer her, i protniee- - - - 1;-. • • , ,-.. -•.".,,,e f e5. 1 1 we started for Mot-nein-tart, my :unfortunate bride Until it eii Illy Lel that I had it iey po"Wer ushOeri- - 1 believing that we were going to a, far different i ally to serve e banker in l e yoas, endue this te 2 eaiien , piece. Wier al of, the engravers were themselves 1 with an equiltpage which was not berrewed;',lciltelt ' onr attendante, disguised and acting as courtier,: to I as, handsomeas toy former -ante. aly. frier jihe . our magnificenn equippage. The awful moment of ! banker,. oning questioned told me that .Atulom exposure arrived; and when it did come, it proved I still lived in., he. iewrinit, teel was admired fer her - : more terrible than ever I had anticipated. The : viol - Ai:sty of - endue:ea:id E'er . her eureete Cele attlen- t liy• in ' ' :- ' engravers; made the carriage be drawn up befuee a ' Lien to,her eitl - d, her hoe ;but lie kohl Mc test!-her i Thomas Le lloy'Witt: a niechattle, who ' , mean and miserable cottage, at the door of which t father hail ink died, le,i'vitie her eh:n e e; d e p t ete n t I try and economy, had Saved Tough to { huy-hitneidf a, neat little ipottitge, alai grottud for,a garden. dud : sat my humble but venerable father. Now came t eet the eleinti, of the :tithes& This reeled excite)i , the awful disclosure. The poor, deceived, and sur- 'in inia the atilt livele enettione I toolt ite :eine.): ..Pastur"V fur a c '''‘ v. • ' E lu l- Y. ill th o . l- nt:'n) 1:1 0-Pe;t : "°' , prised Aurora was handed out. The engravers , tenity atterwerds -...f cue of the eeeeeveris, Who .' lure 'ILI went to his weft, he getee an hoer or -tiro came up; ' they Pulled - off emir disguises; ath l h e : -searcely knot me, cleteged at; I w il e b u t, seee-!re ' ddaringtheeepring end Summer mouth to itePr4v-- ', whom Aeroin had SO pointedly refused, exchthoed .t, &teed one watuily. 1 requestedthim t o . e eeenle e • jug and beautifyinghidlittle, hornet-lead:, • Ali hie . , y Ito her, "Nn, madam, no, you have. not been bore the cr.alitors ef ti - ,e. father of Aurora nn 1 le t i ey , fences nn perfect ertler ; the ehrubber nicely or brought pp to marry an'engraver ; such a lot, j his debts t er„-iiig him fund; fer that pre set! , , Lead • trimmed., and the wines trained in theneatestmens I would have alone tin) much honor to you. A be l- Lin/ al. , t , to il' t.•!i:Lse ~unke piece., (.4 . l.lr.litul.q.v.ilich i ner. Every eats 4iil that the. grounds firefit : el his When - remarks of this kind came tAY'tii%t. cottage we better 'kept thatt ens en the: neigh ' lows-mendee is worthy of you, and such ishe whom lietiew to be vivid by Aurora. , • : "' ' ; you have Made your husband l'' Trembling' and Ever: houteof fey stay in Lveme etrenetliened inv b i -trl""'d• ears of Le itey,,whicit Wile frequerttly the mere; " boiling with •sriige, I Would have replied, but the en. ; desire to see thy wlfe, and at least to teia tuy ho-y -felt highly gralified, tied eves stimelated.tolitcroje- : t gravers entered the coach, and like the shifting of-. in any arms. Ithe feeling became at length irreeis ed efforts. I a scene in the theatre,_ all our grandeur disappear- , tible, and I .re- ealiel myself to the teteker,leteetele ... , But the inechanie, with all his industry - and : thrift; '' " ed with them. , ine him to fin 1 some wav of tacking nes to tile eon t..) , e had one faultiaisd.that a very "bad one, For it Was : ' Peer Aurora scarcely heard what - had been said, vent Hie ast mash: t ient - to fine ii, me the ‘Rtitai a fault that itiereased be indulgence. Inc • would : f The truth had flashed upon her, and she sank back .spoken bellow mender, was beyond deserliption.' in a SW0011.: Recollect that I had now acquired a Happily Itowe -er he was ecquainted with the eb. Considerable share of sensibility and delicacy front bess, rind assn ed me that it wa ; eee, at least te it Mkt: IIL3 glaissipecasionit(ly, -and would' visit, at lealt i - two or three tunes's Week,. the village lavereeto fttinily seen and felt the evil effects of intemperance, I e l : shadow, of the mermen" e , :thice. or: twice she: had . ray late life.' At thrit -cruel ,moment I tr e mbled elitism a sight tme wife. .Ereeen liejr Lel lifit4,l : l i lr yiff,i a in t it yv isl t b u t l e i d nt i l li n i ° 'L' lvii s e n , d w t, ti a o M b r_ i r n i-l a. r ts S o tt i. alike at the-thought of losing the-a-mean-I adored avaity my - fries I had taken me there. • 1 wa4intro- ' and of seeing tier restored to life. I lavished on : ducted ;Sea .Par sianenerchant, twat beheld seilli emu her the most .tender cares, yet. almost wished that dew um-peal:a le, wife seite.:J ill the convent c'n!"hruak wiq' am instindive'"i'mr fl'om-aven'th o 1 these cares might be unavailing. She recovered at p-arler, with a in-ely etild aeleve en her lenee, t e Ler venerable ti e,„,..e A „ reee. ,e,,le. ;_ hinted atilie.eleemeter tif • her -feelings,' but thie of ; length her set es, but Site monieutlier frenzied eve ceeversatiou et ' met mine, "„Moneter !" s,his exclaimed, and was 7a- . teeenteehree vkare olage sees eel to m feet produced n the 'tided Of her linshan deivati sar i e more levels . l: - , gain in ,ensili!e. I profited by bar eontli4ion to re.: : than inter. fliad purposely =apt myself closet prise and (lisp ea are le" felt iu no danger, tind "e• move her from the sight of those who had gather- Jilt, and she kir w me not, theush I perceived eta ' w° 3lll-11.1th ''' 143:wire squid (-":"An dream Of suc-i?'"'it ed around, and to place. her on a hemble , tars iii.ypitilaary slat t wit, nhe lit6t ‘ , .. , ,V 111::., 1.1.4 it 111.7 ' r til Il g 3,S his fa ' IV into litibitB of inT-011:1Pert'Inen•i-- . e --„,........5e5eente c I I._•:- of , (.:1:, , 01;; ., , ,, f.,,,,,3:1„„ . . i . 4 ,4., , . s Ar.,nrst.,. LO- Dy_ti.• ri.I . .LLL La tha 4a . vora -wawa tare. Collat. Here I remained be,itle leer, tat ,be ,-,.:-,••=‘,- - i 2, oftener tit mice a Week, and :then he 'never - ) cot ner eyes; mine ebruel: from her glance. ale. 1 tteeel not ievel!e ; fey it-Ica' in .:,..0 Intel ell the 'Wank more tl. a a single glees. - He: witret indie tirSt %lie she made, of speech was to interrupt the eolivematton. taut the boT a'euee.. He saw Aran broken exclamations of love, shame raid remorse : l eers presem, an 1 desciodel from hi, mother's kle. for the plea. el ceinpanei he formil,thetwe - 2- Dat; le, alticlifell freru uty lips, and tx.* beg be left, atone. Leoking,•at mys tlf airci my, ti lend i 1. 4 - a mentent,. iti Pret'e-"sqf tam -"‘"° e-ve t j u gs -14 thelvetakt‘w.`-th* t i leech:true-at th trivena and it 'generally thole tats 1 for a time. The neice of the curate'of the parish, came forward, , me. Oh '. What were my feelitegS however, who chanced to be by, rainained heel& when I found Myself covered with the sweet -eaglasics -1 4au 0 "en : hiel' l o* 4l . 4 s" 4113 hlere"'illit?& - :-: her, and the poor young victim of My villainy, for reetees, the innokrit kieses of my chaff! An enicil- sire-for liquor. Three etreninge- aniLthree , eglasse. " she was but eighteen, seemedg lad of her atten- Mel which I hat no' seever to •eublue, madie me were the rogr, essive etepe; and -so - on; nettle tions. , [ire hastily, and threw myself with Jur child in nay he no longer felt! contented a single - evening.io - the:: Hew shall I describe the horrible night which I ' arms at the feet of my pale air! tzeralilite; wife.l- , - 1 week. 1 ' - •. - :el, 1 Thentavern keeper, whose nano Was! Steplieto then passed i - It wars rest on my own account that . " - Aurora l'Attro. l'" I -exclaimed in broken accents, Miller,•had eon - mewed hie liquor selling; busine'l I suffered or feared. She alone was in nty tho'ts.'" " VERIT child cheitne front you a ,father! Olt, pate scene ten yettre -before; And was then •aboat -the' . l I dreaded.above. all, for my lore was still previous-1 tUtin! pardon l'' "The chilit clasped lee knees rua i, pooreitmatt in the 'village. dlal was peer,' beelusel inane to see that heartaliene.ted whose tendernmi t seemed to plea& with rue. Aurera seemed rent! he was - too laze to work steadily at his tract° which; ' was necessary, to:my-existence ; to read Coldness on ; to faint 'Her lids quivered .and her eye Was fixed ' that of a li .use carpenter. At first hie opened" that eye on vr*e loisk"my peace depended. But I, sce if in stupor epon me ; n fie* of tears came - taher {Rasin a mumble , tle.thanty of te place, with a fe* - 1 could it be otli&tasel . .. That night was a. punish- i relief, and she aneweretl my appeal by throwin e t ,-: meat which weald alni - ott have, wipettout any los- ', herself iuito My drum " I know not"- she eobbed,: ' j UgB °, f ~1iq,°,..,(T4 d sinue had groceries toj• - tetutpt '.. ,11e. didn't, . liCiitti to do•aep•eet f er sin: Frequenntly, it may be believed, I sent to 1 " - Whether you aLta!ri ticc•cive: roe, but your chilth" P e 'r he ' .°sh o P• know how Aurora was... She was calm, they teld I plitaaeeepowiii,fulir t '-'teurtara,___iii+ eeteree'" ; ' .'" ilea 4 I .lL ut somehow . or - other,' a.t.the_endtefilli ir . - ITi d in 4 :i n- ire; d itie ' roo - l' in ' a - Isere P" r •P was r f li Sl - se -" Wa 't .s ca pti -in"t le, but tra 4tl iciq u e r trii7 T- ed i ree ffir rilv - crrty, "--- a . i-1-I°'l3 . 113 ';.. l t` f : a3 ji t t l a l ; r 1, 1 : 11 ' ; 'i ' e n rri tt s m the v=l.l e;1 -4"-Tutil vhiclityas ttur so il lc i l n ::t u t e h% - ea e th tfi e v ii . te : ',collected. - I fell before heron the floor and spoke the °timer and it....unie the responsibility of rt . pula-• dea - Tt-et - 14 :tPPinita- 3 'w:ith : her °-°cll as ''° l' enit° 4 l "' - : e. .! lie house for the'entertatarit . eat of tea sellers. Peter ' not " You have deceived me,", she said, "itis on for the past could ever make me deserving uE your future conduct that my ferriveness mast de- on? :• incident in My history after my reconciliation : plc wolidered., "'They CoUld',not uederetand R.- pend. Do not take advantage of authority yon ' with Aurfara eels to be wertlie of te tuatium ' flow a matt whenever seemed to have morethant 1 :. fifty <lodate worth tifthinele in hia:shop, cealtt eve - , have usurped. The niece of the. coratelme'ottered took my 4;11 and' ter with me to Paris, bet at the 1 mean asylum. There I will remain' till this mat- same time', seeinseit to be me wife's wish, bou e ebt a up theecete , four hundtekl dollers in a yearee-passed their she .C. co prelierisiele -None but' be, 'knew ter can be thought of calmly." ; ,_ small country hoetse for her near Lynne. Sonde- - hey- masi P y &sets and pitftS Were eeitillie a'day, Alas I these were soothing but deceitful words ! tintes we spent a. tree. weeks there, and ou ene cies ' profit ' : 'd - --- 't": ' ' nor how nines -woe m ade em a• rain: - t•etee . . Within aett day or two after this event, the interval casion elle: invited' me to eas down, With her to be 1 engraveral ' i creel - di, - Ctilie - Ofiiie:Purchap! Ofaiiey 1, . .11::,: - Alt -1„.4 , Two years alte.rtblS thettavern stand wasi.soltl.. was -- the : purchaser, and peld e deeraseallou- . , of whicliwas spent in forming, avild hopes for the present at'n fete *et which she had made prepare-, "t nue ,. future,l received:at once two lettere. The first tams: Wiao werciour gueete . t The ten was front the engraversethe eat!se of my triumph who -were the original cauee of iallithat pa-ssed I tit ; ', i ",,,,,, -- i' s - te ' . ; s 7 - t. - etle'e - c - ey ' t . , 0 „ -hew r nice e ike. ), ? ' i i' - ( Lei c ie 7 .. d , and My lall. -- They wrote to me that my acquaint- was Indeed a day 'of pridato me, when I heard Au-' theiftlesei r eliMild now 'be.getting - .4 - ing e eet, , tame had begot in them a friend hip for me.; that rora thank theta for the lutppineseehith under tlie4 ll l. l „ ° e °l " l3° they had each ,orig,inally. eubseribed a certain sum ager.cy of a wond t ir-werking Previdence, they had" , ' -At' couple of . - r. y-: ju : o r re.4_ l--o i r a• ite ni ,•" - Y r • - , - b. . o ' -. 4 ; ili tt• - 4 , -"...-' i ,• : for the execution of their plot ; and that they would been the meant ofl, conferring,: on ber. ' " ; farm in the neightiarhood - tinit'One_ofbie lieetieni; supply me with money and every thing necessary • • ~,lemers, who bad fallen into tutempenate babiteelifid! fur entering into some business, and ensuring the ncelected and arlio Mile e' :round himself 0b1i„,,,e- : creditable support of myself and Aurora. The 'sV.:StOry. ..._ ..- other letter Wits from, Aurora. a Soule remains of ,ed to selLout e ,-..Sorne ;peep ft_ bere e mi ce . ~ o u p eirtheir eye§ atletiltis. '74 Witi . ..P, ,iit eziong that deuce. , pity,' ehe said, "which I ftiel for you, notwithstand- had ,loat ItiS - ,prePerty • theofigle.. drunk entits'iiii . ` : utg your conduct; induces me to inform you that I ell did Stet ae.e...eo,PlairilY thetertbeee ingiti:Mizi-• am. in Lyons. It.i9 niy intention to enter a con- er•Millerclidi•niit :render . bac e e,to the vent, which evilliid•ine of your presence.; but you ' tv, 'itch lie.lived anyexplivaleet : use „ Net : loneetifter will die well to held vonreelf in readiness to appear ' this, the ' , house . and . mast lot of ;mother iaoil otl4 - ' - toni, - -., before every tribunal in France, till I bare found ' er weittento,the halals ,of the isheriti' e laed e Milier ..ivaa the purchaset., ~.- ~,.. ~ ' f, . :,, i, , ~,%,- ~,.,, , one which will do eise justice, and break the chain in which you have bound your vietim." , - Whet wee Ste Vie Miller ookieg ahenthercelor • This letter threw me into despair. I hurried to , this affetemort,P : asked)frs: ' Hey fifererkiSliarid ,: ' the curate's hut but could hear mithing of Aurora's ,Q , ilC. OVLiltillitCli be;p4 . l . lte I. l pine.,t9.f.llllPer• ..,,,;,y s retreat, although I became astute that the curate :. "I'M aueeTel;ta't.htlati - ,7 eplieel i the. amechaiii . e: ' and. his niece, despising my condition, had been 't Looking alierst.here : Pr.: t .„:' ' " , - :: - I:ec ' 1 '-' - - -: 1 :: --"::'' ' r '''' ' ---- teigent advisers of the step Aurara had : taken. I ~- les,, le t amte e a (mg . ., we . k.arkuthex. man, ; and". then hastened to Lyons, where the affair had now j § ip(y.l look,i(i.: 0, - ;The Ipz)iisc, itiufaittte • far. e stina6- dreated quite an excitement, and Saw only the en- ~, .., .; .. :time eruid tfen.th'OliOtli went refuel , alsic : io - li d gravers, who, notwithstanding OM base plot which over the fence, iidet lite. eardee : lewas theme: AO they had through me effected, were men of not up- have:them .....de, ; _isfe e, for, yVerything .is a glepied;,te generous dispositions. As they had driven me out "athat it, uSed:te be.'„ .. e : •,. . .1. ,"„., of My ((writer means of livelthatel, I considered : . 1 Le Roy trenle : ;saute , indifferent, mesat myself at liberty, tOnecepta sum which they offer- te, satisfy hie. wifie ;NOM ,g..e.,,a . : "Worried iwl one to enter into trade with. They advised me efiit. But, the tic". mentioned'. pntni ' boar to die - le:Lee of .it at 'once, and I laid it out in a p e e asant inipreezeoftenihie..ettintle, • - 1 - ..., way ,v,thich speedily • and without trouble to me ' et 1 minder what leasumes be ha*. sp . ); augmented it greatly:. Meanwhile, the father of iniy p1i.e , ',.: , 11- . .;#: ),-. rhi,uM' , e". 4-10.94 11 Aurora • had made every preparation for annulling ihineee - • " .." , . , the marriage. This could only be 'done by public- er r et' Ft:reelection Willi *hid li t e titteo ly detailing_the treachery which had been prat- Pint or the-sentenat '.sto'' as4ath - • dirki!iiisN Used. Isie•ver, perhaps, was ,a court house more tic'eolleetiort that Bitebillaithei stmt.-bat crowded than that of I: tins tin the day . on which . fp4e.tlao. sun up . ontil • it; athoented, AO tave the case, was heard: Aurora. herself Appeared and as, andalta.the oWeriltlit„, : sheenittleet'ii riveted the eyes of 'all. present, uot to speak of my t einor:e ' DO:WS, like these la d' ilaVer - , . . • , own. Unknown andtuiseen, I eltrun.k into n ear- . 1 itinitted to accumulate: :• • ( , ..1 ..-,' • ner like , n guilty thing,. The counsel for 'Aurom : ' After Supper he aties".."leclhjt hi:it:leen stated the Carte, and pleaded the:, violin* eause . usnal e .totheYbar.rocen ofldiller r aislch as with so much eloquence as to draw•tears from ma- well tilled evith,pleastatt ' companions. _ ny ,eyea, No counsel arose for me, and Aurora, ' P. 4 hiln dePiiit" - iiattreititlett: fealitige : - sv.ho merely might a devotee without desiring to ;tild,S-I toteatellave hen: areahat. ' aefere inflict that pianishtnent. she Might easily have :, nfit t td road, and that, 4.41 steps- t , erls , 4q _. ~.biouglit .down ottlite offenders, would have at once '''• - • .'e a•••• ei e, - - - li•ettelti ~f.i -,-,. - -,,, de' gained-the suit, had riot one arisen for me It was 't r nust off front IIM bar 'Tote C. : 31ille one ;.of .the engravers-the ene•whethael been re- .i.tit k 'tile' parlor;- and "IA iloYettet fe I fused,,ais mentioned, by- Aurora; ;Re made a brief • . ,".01 ' hatparticilltif tVeiting,,it.titti ; life ' pleading: for , me--he :praised • ray •character--;•-ite ',',aili '. newspapereamks4iipart floor showed :Mid confessed. bow I had. been tempted, - .ettitipefty nt it.table. l .4l;*te4 . , 4y , and ho* !.1: felL At knit he eat:minded. by Mid:reps- ,:whlchetood ajor.,. Hebecerne., .it ing Aurora. _,." Yesenteedam," intit'llte;- thelatis may 't el laiiillittd.Waslit lilK,n4't ,i, ii declare that you are. not his wife, but you - hare -itan t. ' - iWitn-undeitait6,,and been'the , avifit of his - bcisoml The ;contract may itiorieclAeltili_.....6iendi be &lulled. and en atain-may - rest upotryow;', tint a toeill, that 'vas, saiii.i , stain maybe east-14ton another,-- - ,,can , you; will i'„iinu s t.ldo -.0 tidy < - i' yob throw the blotef illegitimacy Upon one even .ctmarkisel Ids tperer - •'•:",...- 'l , este ~.y• tnore . ,,Annocent.thairyourselfr --. Th 4. append -: was . .tr:'-•; , - -- - -1. : Oriiiet's - tooti, , andlvaxitot,ntado in, vaiii,o,The,Arorti-., fry , any Men zi..' , , ; i I At' ' bling.„'AmpritiOttelainted, 0 Noi.tio r,.t u ria . 1116 tearit ,andwa over i 1:4)1.19#t Otaht4 spolce,_-..- . :,...-,.-.. .:, ;1 , ,;. -..;- .1, _: - - he,,is,r,iihti n,g43 . ,- . i 17b. 1 5 --iina l m•lgo . •'lYi.nl-rloi.Anntallini7-Witi'lan-longer .$ 9. 0 0 4 141:, ..- 1 W , '." 41444 “:.8° Alf llo -i th.4--..Onntract : t iti a tri e. ' „ oi be litil l.l pg, 1' ( . 0 13 *-PhitAk3 l34 - 160 5 , 44 16 ivii Tat*,;-tielietied leadtetrieverlo -.ll,roiox4f4ifirthe...fiviAllrFanle*M47qo4,4:Roiti tn'td the-A*1;1 oliatifickyal sivit:cia),w44actsFe4.Yalid '::44.4iit:;74.44l.liii:idetev vtoicatiinii mwOl.hat A.uPqn7, l 44+o4(figniWinis‘d. l bi. oddliiiaitiii4 ,tl:**l.o44ufer TlPAl*l.**.4l4o,o44loi..Ecen ~aGifilt*ill-lia7 13r;,14411-Pfe44.ll44l:**4lolllAlititiiiiiii4y,biive. .. . . )20 iiixdrOlOiertel**7l4***::::Aftailiiii:efeat: 4-. ottbeeefiirej• , I did not Omairt lowin:4l44Witieid.lnfel'zi2Y g , ”• - 'eV , :ii', ,, '',;-! ,-, '14 ,, - WA -UPOOPter)'*there withinfio -...' 301104 - ,r,:-- . Aitl'yeair tt . f .Ol, iti6ligadredi b7-.****lbive - galatediof - #. - :Awn, Psseut td - Poiriicjwllere4 asmatiec . I.4,s,tyteigri _none: : "176 inore r , corners of h 4 aid vut.houses with a eel: i lretion of ii article. which would hare 1 patzled a pl r , ... tell' is hat they were made I fur, or to What use ilie:r could be pu:. This, bow!. ever, was a second4y consideration with the Colo: I net; for he. seldom troubled his head abontsuch, art + ticks after they we fairly housed, !:Nut so with 1 ie his wife, how Wlever, in was continually remonstra- I ting againSt these purclukts, whiai'pqrved only tla ! clatter up the 'tonsil and as food. foil the mirth of 1 the domestic. - But the Colonel, though be often submitted to these rhthowstrances of better half; ! , , could not resist: the passion ; and 'sq, went Jon,. ad-'i ding from week to Week to his heap of iiiiscella-i nies.. Oue day whit • sauntering,tionm the street,'.,] he heard the rich, fa tones of the auctioneer, and.. of course-stepped in to see what wps being sold. On the floor lie-percred u. eolleetion. which looked i as. if it. might have h en purloined. front the garret of sonic museum, an, l z around which nntotley group.; were assembled; wl 'le on the: counter stood , the portly auctioneer, hi he very height iof a meek hill dhtnitin retinhistran with his audience. - "I " Nine dollars' and- inety ceatsl cried the ',aac I tioneer, Ciimtlemen, i t tis a shame, iris barbarous to stand by and-permit '-udi a sacrifice! of property 1 ;! Nine dollars and nin, y-- , -Gooti morning Colonel I 1 a zne,gnificentllot - of . f antique—aral all iga'alg- ( i o for nine doilaro and nin Al ety cents,entlenten;you'll .. never see`;such anotheir lat.; and all Ong . rot: nine I,' : dollars and:ninety. colts. ' C01i,..W., - can,you: pepult i ,, such a sacrifice r Tho. Col. glanced his ey.n : oy.er i, the het, and theft . 1061 .n.'no.:l-. and: la. , -Wink : al§pred him he could.not, lle next ..luitant,itheluntimer i',, , . aunt; down and the-p rein - I,se..was has-let tendollars,.l' As the artielesiwere t be:paid for, land removed Cob los,t no time ingetting weart, ' and lalviat; seep oxetyr, .thing .up' and .'on ii' their way to hiVimal4, be-proceell4*4...llis aWtl I . store phuckliogi within'•liirosell that.no* at- l ipiplt; he had inadea. ham* at which Iris nife'tould . .not. gruture: 441 :;.,i I ..; , - i .1' •: , i 1 ......,... ;- 4 1 ..,.,„. In, no time,,Aim:Gowas. i iiiiiting...4.o4 , - npr tables when4ifthit '4 yolie.alyserred'a ~i. 1 4:),wil onhil ! wife'a.brdw:. - •! , V9 - .ell, uty., - deaC,l f4td, JO, P*l quiri4ily. 1".70(411:' ;re •! , V9, - .ell, his Wife,l,t` AAA - net . well, 1-. am Ye** beyidienduittuce.:: ,t 0.4 * 1 .v..W... 1 G- , ---4--;t.lin...!Auction Ci 7: .:tcqcitni. y,!'„,cet)l44 the-Cnionalt`fluO - a , v.e y: genticunini I .tnan:4r, 14 too.".`l‘..Y . o.trittattiiiil wiejoitipOlovifo4 , 44 I don't and Wilt ell.y •.why..". ••. - Ai-"NiirAty#.>'!:? I gatht•ied:tagetnerlall thoArump,ery;!rwith,l44l 'you have beeriehitterii f...theltou,*.ilinjhi - itniClP_. month*, anl'ist4 it...t.0•:. on with Orderstte:.-144 , ,0: lot ~ ,' cdintely to Oak litthnst:)..idler,qtx i-,7 ...He isa . :,. niche, wool dn"soAhis tinge 0'44 04 * 1 - anklii/ . :e'rer the_proc . 4a:tnnay.tirder ,q‘04110 , 0, I h0ver 44.04.-con6ratult ing my f: O-AbittMr 'first. irOaiiirig, gcii,-.ritt of.A. evint-.4o4ablkipu, - i sluice ; and .setonflly„ 1-riieplyintArooeypAns:op: 1 . ' Temperance Igeeting Ster, Millefa Bar• Room: BY :I' . : 4 149 - ,sa4(4, , ctlasoSt, 0:q:64434 etve,ixte e n'fi&6o•3l,lit ri 1 , 1301 • - .Re let it run thiVti'ibitiotliff , et 1- :tti . ,:k k!.; IA .t ~, Eih,-,yes,",repliecitbditaiernireepeiAttir : 1 came:in .inele'glt l i 4. l 4MAggiPct4ifft every ,-71 ; woulthi,t truss lam„pow.,,,t!)- a thi s mAenCe whi.Vey: 'filki!K*6 *ag i• 614, 61^toiles:0;:sincr it at n•bxr,tiims - -4 1 Arouidn'ttalcOltitaliciiK - ~,yance of fourlnuarechltdlansocithapostliasso 1 lwit,} bc.:4 tqAI)OXITT9IIrbi.# I I44IO beef'. , vti :.)- n diuttkei/SenOV v4 1 310 o VPitieres: si r If gotl to iiibre-o-Ocai'iloOlMiiii olhillfit'ie'n: 01111- Yth . l're 9 11r Cati bttritakiitai/0" ; :'': :: 1 \ IY ''' 1... 4 1 -,-.**NciAtitibt,,Tyotillinimio4toesiplisesv` t , eu/L.undei , t 4 Liff4eke:lfLr n4'1.,i1/.'.*i..s:zr 1:t I kl "'Bin mci al certainty., 1.100 0 tlIrQ Oar,' , will "litii/e to oell'; ,illitli . 4itralnlibt4hdAnair Ca'l • boys. II - want thill:pladelletWitt - Iniitdirliii i si; ~..4.s .soon, as I VI itit:li/Xvi).6pull,,Aerwlytheid)ii p i ground, kitchen and bui/d.i..ditangxnenififlepa ke:tiq ' m•here it stana. - Ralf oCilie/fp4e.n I wilt l a green la .re ; and teakeim,orclunxl of to ounft You'll liardli,tilot/FtheTplace ha a ia after' l i nrt& Owner!' ''- • / ' / -, 0-1k17.25 41 qt , '? -. ; 7 1`1; 1 Le"no.;o -itiot*.',l VicklYiktlieft4he,barrMi, IF. i.. 1 9, 1 C 44 1.1 1 , 1 % ...,i j any, one, and 'sferted hcabowaru. '1 '', 41 ' `',ll - :131,0 fifr 1)1=6 I.P.he rimittekti r foliAieit lie harried lilong, elivichitig. la - fiai• and rettliiii t teEtli tirtuly,ast&.spokez ediaire -1 4iy , , ,piaenl . ;,, , i 'will sour , ~,-, :- ". . --- 4 ,:. 41 , )-, z ; ,:" 4' 01 r4whing lu.htOnie, m1'41'4114468' itiddeK iLe Roy ifound 1)14 Wife'Nittitieby .1 1,:erlitibi - ittiv itable„ Illth her face beat down and butieVittlm 1 pumas. iSlinlooked.uti • quicklyont - the,*mitoar i footstep, and lie saw that tears we're ortlier :.. "Why, Amial what the,xnattery lin' iiipii' '.401i, notln:q,"`she iiiilied,'.o'skveV, - tryniet iTieet, • • ` i, ,Le-Itov looked-at Vor-sonle Mornetals;" !e•tly,.anZl a he did so,/the'f.rinfr thisbe/POsitt /Mkt Alm too, saw as-cleaffy, as the-100t ' ar that he was on the raid to taro 1 1 1 i , :?:/r-Y/k//11' " Anna," -Le Roy spoke stßia:34ly4 yeeWith tne._k. ,tind a kine of-affection - tinVistiolblei*. • Aqua. I have fulled out Why S ve ,Itfillir ; ^,. pyingialyant here to day." : , .1 . -../. 11 , .. - NV hy, e-- -- - 1 ' h t c- tt'!//,'•Th ^ - Re /a-ants the place for hia dau hter.,,Jitne.” ; !..' 4 , • Dili. Li; Rol looked bewildered. , ;al . -1K ' , ' , 4 L : - "He thintts"tliaf, in abouetwo mars; I.tam • down so tlAt lid willktie able to get it tor -•-• ' 7 l' IX it-; valit6. .-Ile was4otAting tosvilii* , i t ogres I had math on the road to ruin, aritti• `,- te prospect for liis getting the plium in abontvera ..ira -verty-iitir. —He mill fear doviii thcilkiieb4 : flit Intik! a handsome dinme teom in.its,. ....121 improve the grounds, thiit , :lt_W44.: nits' /I.f Be .# linon-o as;the balm ?pot; in - ,a. year•i%lK.,, •- ,, r Il i, ell tituthim.ell - unstalieu! rya g o t .ra,f:_erlit ~••• : e:i. -NO while l'airelivine aliall t3tiv_ .. e. • •tMa , • , • "1 1 i t , rn this properttp • . pl. •, ,-- 1 ,15- , ,-,.... ,- ii , t 1 1 Tea.T of thanlifulnelt, tul=lied.frodt, ~ 4,,titei oyes Of ' .•'• Le APY; 33 6 e f,tc l- 7., - - • 'e - ,-- - .• 1 '-.• - oh, what a tabuntahiYou laii , takin'finitrin ' b. ar t r , _ ,-, 1 ~.,,... a --, , 1, , i ,x 3, .., f 1 - Qu a the iiertzik Le-Riiy:let ii ti N ti o .,eitii:-. • taiutanc:ihetz a lie:Mt' • re to other3,,eo;t4rity r beloveclow444.o4 gray: z. t village. „ . . . , „ .... _1 -4 ~. ,.;1-, - ... Let's 0 flake in a ernwa te.-:nigiit„T - Aommit.. `„ btlai. 4 ' inn!*'.*n' o .ani.ie. a leiciiie. ibiality, .-Wihit bariekm".i. :• n• -.-, • • ~- ,- - 1 4.:;; , ,0 , ".1-12' , 3 -, ...r.:_L••, i ' : 1 .,- he 4pggestictu strucki the: fattc7fotilll, , **G.. 1 it. + •r That.aiglit ilin . 4r:room -ot the: tvi.v,eli 14' 1 [:* 4 01161 to nveitowing. - ,"ltilfef' - iiii,aii; giit;d - , 1ile( lii. iforT, ilning4i. a litite suiprikar . - :tliVA6 biiiiiiThid :liquor, and attlia-airnf liosineisi4txfaL vp . 0 . 4rY."'coud*clan en. ..,•,:,„: ......-j-,..., _-••. i .• :4.1 ost .:-.;`;'.:----t-ri • r. , ,,1_ 142 19re-Aat 4 ,0 Rol. 40 Aim , ch*A,Tfaild ~I,MR; '4 • Thk rne'esaniC Nv..as:lianda t9 - the -11‘ikit s ' a ri -- Mkini 16 relee - cliii:iint6riihe occarriii*iiiiTiiii- •isfe4atitiii °Odin . ' day*eviensi; azid.itifila Actoldectot theiniggtugmakitcritilelb., Ile.riu:P?: ,c'Plek.Y...alqa 04 1 .11.P.Fe.y0.t 4/ 3 °*Y4rik.feM ,eil'ilka,gßiqpir sill ilieiryirnikAy. . 4 reizi44oo4l . t.tl.ozititiiiart," - 'thia ti'6 - ; nizelang 7 - 4 i ,itiaqing-aitigit tell'il'atie lilli ttover-tiFein'inc- ft.;.- ";whili - r NMI bze4th.isa my koily.l-i6:1,.. , ,•,.•.-) E n ixf -41 ~ , ~,; Is, bani4to r taint l'i 90ina.„1?3 , 4kianr.71tai- . ' 1 :46' , tio the, milli. _. was: •.—'. "-:'..', - - " 1 : 6 s ,iviet r .us'iok,utaits-Liiiffii.diiii i -%1 0% sj by every individnitaintecof& of - 411311 1 40,t0,tha iandloap fte.dlutlthelusikof baba ~ Pao 7 •;F i y d- ,riinutes lifteOzar 4 4#: fle.!•°011', 1 0A-: -!-', Is' 6plic.olillerTaftilig niret4rie' atkivting ,' T o [ *.i parious'failiiey-•liactbiet: LititjekiefAititeik, raw, ilown!iallit Yillage.;,:feeimrlaniliewiraz.itaa& 441 be4*.f-7 7 - 4 .)..thia,tTeln.. PA:43.f.stfewrf-r! •.. i .- - liri /WA ''r PAP Vq3ill ' ,. 1 ' 0%14 im ' -4 0 ivainl 'Vain) aqos.4 4ilV-i.. anion Ciii .ing fe Pao -....;11.4 _ ,pitty P . 66: ni. teninvi keL4, ' ___ (1 4 .triiesilhnit ee'llitort aliitikiiiirderli` e4tiintind , kidn'camiitrittaitairidiikortittita - - i:tece.a let.tcrorhicit,risolve`m#s tainfeWinid r• l 4..YoqcP•qalirqciAsuiii, Ote,AtietOltile4 1 Y .CFted 1- I. ° 11 '4'",F, .F # ‘ L ".4 40#44 6 4. !Am—ft* ii.,.,, 1116 'cad hit- suppoßnedutt-eymtokihi trouit'kr4vrov, hn -4 1nyEldectil' , eraw+TheY160, ily - Arrivetr- at the•-•,m-t , Mrann - of !Dili I. T, rliilY Piece 1 .r§litlecC , , , butt;o,E4 write: Ys \cos 1114;sekeil ihiide;'ll4ll' thern.7perfaXati: .„ Isigees" uktinl;Vin Cr'erki Isleillittiiirtii ioAdabift*hieliono'raffitititkid*ltuvp4o -.411 inquihito fidiAd,.,"`tuld no, thelitt•euly ' t / Mlle 4 4 49,rdek ••, -- . —,- - •• tr.t - r: -', ..,- dAY;iilidfic sik "rifonlini afeer', I tOtiectii7l66 inale entered th 3 office and truaeuirtiiiiim. -htgaithade , ingtthq,....l l "v• - 4 3 -P!'w4s-1 t , th.gre a-AttATI liefelftookingnAntt-i_ rli ft ~ 4,lerk .weisspaq4e(ltata•lnPn? 4 *.l:4l4:lkhali. - nglit sh!nelc"l,lini, AA Wailing - 0g ttir L etleir . ( aira,"'hdia* 4 -- oiero flierliaj.. 4 '::W: - s,h . e. .4aing hiOlyr indignant: dim Ifilactlitre .4.p,,,, 17111::::)147:x.4L1-4. i, l'' ,,,tv - ;* s: L eve ' :: ': :4 - ` 'i''''' t 4 : 4 :1 . 1: '',A:6 " - tr' - ..tx E (WEIZZINT.—On af Ay I;lartin "'for Xdn• 'Yell, a dez4traaw ' - iiilfi'.4:** i,.60 oiineg,io-4 iid iitithAdftiniiili lig ,tiit * 41:: fi l et ' - "iilt 3 tl r 11 , e 016: talkni'ilithtia,V4ool 4 l 6 ' SIAMA6O4I-1/11i: • TT: K g PI 1)440 ' . Oc4cf— #Tlllo4ol.lll *.ert4 icawchatt4.4af*:. t it, soul; he 111 ,n t init 'iisne +filr - toNiov, .frciNnh' "iiirbrz-'dji.`"Painclifik. ' Valk - 'Mica fierintaili 4vNikiehemiiregileii: in ,, 4 - his mart beittni•alnime24l ll 4.4****44ol`' ' af'lll.'fir pr (141de of +44i- 4 . 1 :A 5 ' 01 P tb;:tilr .:::- 41_N*w.tokpip*:140,4:04nitimi - Apivi* , ,k'r •---, q) 41 1 W 94 1 - 9 f , ihis*ltiWP•ro - Aercoiribwirbi ~,, ixtiii.:t 'IA , iii4ieflap!"---and.- samt.:f` ' .#10,: 1 1 , -:; eattlraid3fittl'at Wane l'. rlF:=7.7:n Al, .....:,, •" , •a: 1 : ,:t:4'4.;p•'rlow,:r. ' , l4 ; - ''''''oe' '''''' -. 1,1* - *44- 4:l ' ORIATC"." 41- 4 4 4 0 1 P4**1414itmlitmai oktliciaivar4)*l- cc, lepszty9 . _.. 1 q soide*liiit Maideea*l'Mcr-:: pa44ll.___.:-Imt-4, , , dav t , W k r aikiTitiettliltritiltekailfclumr--i,? th°44 icilauet, E ,6 t.filligrti. YZiiiik' _i4.l4i*H '6oif*Ord o ft en tottor - Oi itci-peir Plwiegfes-.'flt , -. Jz - Vuor.. - - ., ' .. v jti*7 :"-*''' '!- -, '%lmitf - af. , OJ -, ir . , ,li-laticloAtigiornbico ~ ..*430.14, ikrift - ip , caTAT f - osrOgNa,!..t.,Y4* . 1 fip,mitoxsa.. =lc - ' mancaatalp. , .. v. , :vir=* , jui 1-4 - :rir-Oti ific , grothrierwriptiesfreti ~, ..-v a ~.,. ~..,„,,,,...„,„....„„,-„,, i ..,_„„..,....„, Pckliki, 054 Nr ll 4 0 04.41P 40 I PPI L - " 4 1 1 l il 40' 1V41416,110041# udep . , , c . 1 likll'eliteiti;l6ol l, . 0 .".1, ,, [ ittg .tt lild._ t 1 1 ,. :; -1 - ~.,, •- „ .• - • er, !purely , by. 0 1. °;11 1 ,7 0(1 art up, owe d 'fiist Oct- by ;lilt! -b*n.suf; .sixtrdek . 'irV l Wen- atieris,:a6 as alwap, wife She: clewuz i;"tay-Sei /!- ,_.:. ,- oc .a ~ ve rn,Nrm 'iY sbeial of -liquai st, uli. tho .1 , p. ; irackF,' l irtllini r ,lsx,r, tl: 7lttif a ilit t ...• ..;,: tr . r• :Ili gui &Way. tailing; .b . :,-. , ,i +.; . .i. .. tayeit, - edkailli: tol&mo _:,': - . 4 , ,:jp. f.i..,-,:'Z-, T : 4.1 vi. , itz •i1,.•275-• -As - • • $ Ala:aeon: ':al- ;. , (7 . 44 • • t.. henviit ..1:_ liiie.t-sn . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers