Ctoiernor f Ofilo, L'ndtr l.cr itite Cunt iluiion. 1 -03-Edward Tiffiu received 4,564 lb0C Edward Tiffin " 4,765 Igtig Samuel Huntington 7,293 TIiob. Worthington, 5 GUI Thomas luiker, i5,3i7 Total. lSlO Rciurn J. Meigs. V'JU Thus. Wor h.ngton, 7,731 Total. .CS5 it-ie n"iuni J. Meigs ii,3''0 Thomas Scuti, 7,103 Total, 1.26 1514 Thus. U'oriliingioii, 15.89 Oihniei Looker. 6,171 Ttf.1. lg6Tho. Worthingion, 22.931 James Dunlap, C 205 Ethan Allen Biown, l.tu7 'lotai, 30,833 IMg Ethan Allen Brown, 30,194 James Dunlap, 8,075 To.aU 38 26'J 1829 Ethan Allen Brown, 3430 Jeremiah Morrow. 9,42rt Wm. H. H.rri-ou. 4,38 Scat'erina, ' Total, 4.P5 122 Jeremiah Morrow, 2C,I'5!) Alien Trimble, i2.b'J'J Wiliiain W. Irvin, 11,050 Tot-I, 00,008 J,24 Jeremiah Morrow, A'len Trimble, T.ll, 1S20 Alien Tiiu.bie, John B'gger, Ah Hinder Campbell 11, pjamin Tappau, Scattering, Tu'al, 39,528 . 70.034 7.4ij . 4.114 . 4 715 4,102 137 84.C83 53,970 29 Al'cn Trimble, John W.Ciii.pbell, 5i,95l Sc:iieriug, T..ta!. 112 -106,0.r.3 cjODuncan Me Arthur, 49,H Ruberl lc, K:atteriii(!, Total. R. berl Lucaa, Darius Lniun, icaitering. Total. I S3 1 Rubert Luca, J nines Fmdiuy, Sratlermg, Total. lg:iG.!ofenh Vance, Kil Bildwiu, S.rattt ring. Total. 29.08(1 131 469 138.1&0 93,204 fcb,15-t i0t 179.56J l834Vilson Shannon, 107 4 Joseph Vance, 102 146 ycatleriug, ' Total, 2l03' ;40 Thomas Corwin, 145,442 V ilon Shannon, 19.318 C,..lli rini 8 T.,lal. -.4.7C- 1812 -Wils.cn Shannon, 127 971 Thomna Corwin. 124.51 Leicester King. 5 a"5 Total. S8.1 ISt i M rdecai Bartlev, 146.333 )..idTil. 140.oi2 Leicester King, ccMttii'.ng, T..aS, l40 'Vit'iiim B'-bh, D.ivd Tod, Samuel lj5kvis, c.ilirln, 'Jolal, miS 'Vabury Ford, John B. Weilcr, Scafering, Total, 300.204 240,180 i97,943 Dr. Mnwel', of China, has written a U ner to ihe S-cretary uf State, at Wa-h .n-tou, with a request for him to n U it public that Carbonate of Soda, in doses ol tssnooful, dissolved in pruel or water. t ,!r,.U hot as the patient can diink H, -.1. allay the pain and burring of ihesto roach, produce sl.-ep and restore the heal ..f il-; skin and pulae in a very short tim. l! it ,houM h; vomited up, re-al i' '"n ,,: Ih laudanum and a full doe of oil. H.- cinder- .1 speedy" a..d tlfcciual an '.Jn'C to tliC poion ofclioleia. .fril.ir.an from New Vorl;, the Ke -. . - vs. propoi.es lo eoiinect the i'resii eu'V In us and the Capitol and Hie ..vrrl IIphi ment-. wi h guttapercha tjeah-n; laid under giounJ. and lo f-ysrao'v that orJuiary converaii'n can lir iM'rudon between these remote poin'. 4 H it much fctlny as U the diiR-rcn" jMriies ere in the same room. Tlie ' 'V--ivr of l-ouis am his issued ii prorlamanoii, i,i.iUj notice lh', afier she first da v of December m !! 'h public anl State ,tle, will h;iv been rft tii.ivej to tb new Capitol, l-ton Uouje, nd r.-Jue'irg Ue attrnlioii of ihe liovc roors of (tie wveral S:tes. Kneculive ffi i-T, and ot'ier 'he (act- The th"" lealmg editors of the N. Y. Courier fi li"J in b ive rec. n:l received f slinr:"tsh(" tr-arka' f-uhW- coi si.tera ,o:i Mr. li'ii; havtrpr be called io the I l'rt.tdeney of the Odambia :.. 1 ) Col ,e. Mr. Kaymord e'ected iiu n.ber o o"iheN Y. Sue lislatur.id ' bb rwvng isVeiveH a forei-;a to tii- On Monday last, Pra't's collection cf i ,:e ennosiiies wtre M'l l m Pbiiadi Iphia. S'rf-riff'n -a'e, and were pur.-h--.-ed bv M,. Birr.am fr WJ. i,th untmui icJu. have ro.i jHHO iKtO. . , .. Vu regnl lo learn, through nwrf ,,, leut l II Laur,m,r,ltr H raid, thai ...e health - H" UB" U'J c.u.t.uuei tone.- ine, and Ii k A r? 4 Iftl 2:6 71.251 Ci,ln5 33 70,738 67,414 11 1 1 8 857 116.44 10,79! 4ft 143 75-1 14,445 742 Katloual Expenditures for 1S30. Washim;to., Dec. 4, 1849. Th' re has just been laid on the desks of the Members of Congress ihe Annual Eiimiks or ArrKopRiATiuns require.! fur the service ol '.lie Fcilera! Gove ruineni lor ihe fiscal year 1850 :hat is lo say. for ar.cars not provided lor in I he service o.r lb- present year ending with June next, n nd lor the year thence ensuing, liriefly. the Secretary rciort : i Dctlc encies in the Appropria tions lor the fi-cal year end ing J J "e 10 n,-xt, 0,226,310 Ap;roprtatious required for next fiscal year. 44,997.093 Total Appriations required up io J me 3i, 1951. 551,233 403 Deduct lialai.ces of former Ap- propriaiioris unexpended 502.170 Acl'l reijVn.'is iipto l'y l,'5l,-'0,73l,2:t3 Of the Arrt Hm'g r l4y5t, tin re are reqiiired $3,7i0,?7S to py M xican In eo,nilv. Treasury Nov. Inieresl on Tubiic Del.t, far. Sv5".(i00 lor Penion ii ml $583 58(1 for hiimin na! excuses f Civil Lil, ForcifcB litiercourM', &c. Ol the Kxiiendnures of 1830-51, no less than $1,126,000 are the estimater" cost of ta king (he Ceiius of 1850, including $21 1,. tiOO lor I'lintinj; and $20,000 for Binding. The Philadelphia Mint c-Hs for il,t.00 I addilii.'nal, as ihe cost of coining the Cal ifornia Gold pour ng in upon it Tiie Coast Survey wants $216 000, and $50, (KiO more in case it n not carried on in pir! by the force of the Navy. For Light-Houses, Beacons. Buoys, &r., inr, 171 are requiied. Quarter-Master (ieii. .It'sup i;ies no'ice that He will wai.t a lartji l' increase ; propnaiion for Clothiu. Fut', F-'fjje, Tran.-jxirtaiion, l!.rsi ti, &c. &i, oil aCL-otiol of the ri;si-rioii of oi.r irecs I h rou ati Weniera Tca., Xew-Mcx ico, CrtliloriiM, Ac. An in:rease of force is hinted at at ail events, ihe Army inn' b k pt fully up to the present amhorizeil standard. Fortifications want $751,""Ult next vear. I'iversnd harlior improvements require $1. 1 10,500, eveu though, no ne work be authorized. The Ordnance de partment calls fur $U02,l40, including of lice expenses. The Navy walks in fir the sum of 8 7fl5,h53. .V. J'. Tribune. Apples as Food. The importance of apples, as lood. (re marks the American Agriculturalist,) ha nd hitherto been sufficiently estimated in this country nor understood. Besides con tributing a Urge proportion of sugar, mu cilage aitil othnr liutri'ive matter, in lb. form of food, they contain such a f)i comb nation of vegetable acids, extractive tib;i:ncr, and aromatic f.r;nciiile--t with the nutritive m-V.'cr, as lo act powerlu! it: ihe capacity of refrigerants, ionics, ami ami sepli-ts ; nnd when freely used at iht: M-a-on of ri:"i:es, by rurtl laborers anri others, ihey " prevent debility, trng:bet. di 'estioa, correct the pu'refac.tive teuden cts of iiitroei.ioiii loi.d, avert scurvy, an probHblv niaiulain and strengthen tin powers of productive lnb"r.'' The operators of Cornwall, in Rngl.-ind. consider rijieapples ner.riy as nouri-h iig a (read, and more so th in potatoes. Iu the year 1801. a yejr of scarcity, apf Its. slead of being converted into cider, were said to the poor ; and the labnrers asernl that they could slind their work on bikej apples without meHt ; u h-rttis, a potato diet required either m-at ur fish. The French and Germ mis ue apple exlenively ; indeed, il is rare that Ihey it down, in I'm rarat di-lrtct, without hem m some some stripe or oilier, even a: he first tab'es. Th laboieis and n.r cbnnics depend on thrm, to a vry great extent as an article ol food, and frequently dine on sliced apples and bread. Screwed with rice, red cabbage, carrots, or by ihernselves, wiih a liiile sugar and milk, ibev make both a pleasant and nutritious dtsh. MailatKa or Lire. ' Figures sjeak vomt times as words can not speak. Let me illustrate, then, in one aspect only, by the slstisiics of liiip, the capacity for improvement in the bioean rare. Could Descartes, I h3t xeer ot nct- etice, no re-vi-it this place of his com. prheiisi-e labors and divino aspirations, he might will be a.!'uii-hd to know the present fulfilment in so short a period o! thw Me of humanity if his glowing nit- cipattons, uttered a little more th in two centaries ago, of ti e improved health mid i'e of nn. The following table, com plied from aathentict sources, shows tin t rveu ihe conqtienr Death has been slowly driven baik, and his inevitable triumph at ciist iiostiicined : f Table showing the diminution of mortal iv in countries. - intfT, ' ' - . 2 ' ' - m .cruiuv. 111171(1.110.11: in 1S4,1 in 4il in 17. 0, 1 In SI ia 1S1K, 1 m 41 LunmnchO. Niii 171.7,1 in iu 18JH, 1 ia JS fDimmution of mor'alitv in cnn. -LtaUsidM. ' In 1, I hi M Inl41,lin44 Utiti in UoOuo. - liri, k-iriin, lU'ims CiUM iu 1 'JU. 1 in in li, 1 in 32 in 17.VI. 1 in -il in IS2, 1 in i5 in 17m, 1 la 2S in 1-7. 1 in M in 177J. I in '.'1 In lhl In i'niil, 1 ia IS la Jt.t, 1 ia o The graud j-iry of .M irris county, N. J , have loeiid bill of indictment against the Pn-sideiM. l ash er, and Direclors of the Morris State Bank, at (be lime of .he fx plosion, ami ihe Presi.Ii nt,' Lambert Nor ton, Im- Uen nrrVstcd i.n f is now c'oaC-ly ii u!i..tu in Ui ruviity jiil. '' l.EWJSBUKQ ClIItONIcW AND WEST The Boston Tragedy. Dr. Webster has been Professor of Che mib'.ry in Harvard University since the decease of the late Dr. Gorl.ain.a period of over twenty-five years. la this capacity he is a member of the Faculty of Medicine iu the Harvard Medical S-'hoo', which hn xU oca:K) j Won. He w prohably (aT frm 5 t ars ,, age,a.10iigli Inn llol man ners and appearance are those of a muct younger man. Hi repu'aliun in his pro fession H respectable, but not hrilliuin. lb ig a man of varied accomplishments mid c i elegant taste. As a meuibe-r ol oc eiy m Boston and Cambridge, he has always u- joved an unusual popularity. His musical talents are of a high order, and tits done much to elevate the standard of musical taste in Boston, tils bouse has been rlis tingu.shed as ihe beat of generous hopi-lal-ty, when, surrounded by a angularly lovely f.iim! v. he hasnpeared iu M J )V ihe highest delijiht in the courteous entcrMi:: menl of a numerous circle of friei.d... With a mild, kind and unassuming disjiosiiion, witn eminently social feelings and mnnners uf uncoiiiinon afiubi.iiy, he proihtbly had not an enemy, li s character was far fn.m any stain he was thu last mm in the woild who would bu thought capable ol committing a crime. There is no doubt thnt hi labored u-id"r one tief'-C, winch nin t:ae .'- i h;m io lh Jn adful d"e 1 of win i. In isiiccjsi d i ti extti-nsive hibits and a luve of lux-i'V, hi? bad uo s'iU -.r ; i v in the ntiiienieiil iii'npcijniarv nrlairs. II -m-e. he , KMiiAII , ' . . , . lii briu.isinent. We have it from the Iks: authority, that this has at times brought him into a condition of Irnntic excitement, wiixh led to apprehension that some des, - i r:.t- act might tie the consequence. I ';ns that a note fur $50 against Dr. UVicti r had hei. held by Dr. I'mkman, - cured on real estate iu Easl-Cambridge. I h s had Ixen due for a long lime.anJ Dr. I', bad urgently insis'ed on it payment. Afier bein several times put off wilh excu ses, he app'ied to (he i fficer w ho disposed of Prof. Webster's ticket to his course ol lectures in the Medical College, to know if there was a su9i.iut balance in his bunds io take up the note. This pron-edingBre-a7-ly excited Prof. Webster, who, on ihe Fri day morning in question railed at I)r Park man's residence, No. 8 Walnnl St.and leu the messi"e " That if he wished lo receive the money on thai mortgage, be nmsten'l at the Medicii Collets nboui 1 o'clrck that afternoon. ' Dr Parkmau is known by sev ?ral citizens to have gone to the College at ihe hour designated. A person, who bad jome liuines to transact with him, itched a long time to see htm couim m I of ihe College , tul ii. vain. Il is possible ihe repeated demands for th" p.iy nu iit n' tiie mrirtg-'ge. allude I to, acting on a mm- bi.ily nervous temperament, may have pro - luced a paroxism ol uddeu freiizy, which resulted in the crime, which can not be trinught of without a shiulder, nor recorded n c.'nnectiun wrh h;s n-ime, evefjit with a stalitusheart breaking e-nolinn of tipoi.v The deceased was about sixty years of ae. He belonged to one ofthe wealthiest ami'ies of his native city. H't had ncet veJ a thorough ir.edicul i duca ion in early life, and was much interested in medical 1...1 ii, ..... ..r I.;. i.... in tucea mm to online ins practice to a inn iied c ircle. The establishment of the Hos pital for the In-ane and of the A-yluin for lie Blind, in the vitality of Boston, was greatly forwarded bv the zeal and em rgv of Dr. Parkinan. He hud the reputation of a skilled financier, had realized large gains by investments io real estate, and was exact and methodical in his bu-inecs fmhits It is highly to his credit and no un worthy monmnent to his character, that his best friends were among h:s numerous lennnts, who enn-it"!l ?retit extent, of th" poorer cla's. .V. i'.'fii'iri i fSEAaiULS, Several niarri notices late ly sent for publication, were accompanied by re- quests to enter the bridegrooms' names J upon our list of subscribers. This we call decidedly sensible. Indeed, we have of ten (bought tad es would do well In refuse ihe offrr of any man who is not, and does not intend to become, n regular paying sub-wrilier to some. goo.l newspnper. It we were a young lady, we should not like to run the risk of mirrying such a man. There is certatn'y a de'ect in his charac ter, which should alarm all damsels in search of gord lu-bnn ls. Of course it i not to lie exprcted thai every young man shall take a paper while living in his fath er's house ; but when he is about to for sake it and "cleave unto his wife," if he can content himself wiihout a paper in his house, w repeat our warning to ail the dear ladies, to be cautions how they give their hearts to turn a man. Jluch Co. IntelUgtncer. The Kut.iteu Government lias arrested all the girls in a boarding school on the Polish frontier, on suspicion of treason .' The idea of boarding school Mioses being arres'ed is decidedly unique. Only think of the samplers full ol seditious words, .he songs full of republicanism, and (he litjle white .fists terribly frightening the moust ached veterans '( tha. Aiitcicrat ol j all the Russian! . Letcisburff, Fa. Wednosc! iv Afternoon. Dec 1C. Ifow Arrang-mi m j fcr the Cosing Tear. Tivo wreLs will close t'ii seoon-J year of the " Lr.wisBtKU CiiiioxiCLi." unucr its present niuiiagcrucnt. I'Lc 'roW.m has j check the tide of eirigration. lneln alth been solved thnt a paper can be sustained t the miners was genera'ly qood, except here, rD.p"ctablc in appeannce, regular1 ' ing occasional attacks of dysentery, ol a published, and affording a living to its j very iiHi character, proprietor. AVe have bcstowwl upon it all I There continued to be large arrivals oi the enpita! and attention warranted by its ptxtrcnigc ; but a steady increase of sub stantial supjKrt encouiages us to present a. jn'arr.al more worthy of the pride and the extended aid of the peopla of Lcwis turir and its vicinity. With this iew, wc shall with cur Third Volume fiii'nibb. wst'kly a-jro sew KAU- IXfi M ATI tit Our mechanical duties havo provectou us frii:i lcb!ov.:ng ti,-. t a i.r upon t!.e E iilori-.;! L.-j ai taic-bt of c:.r ppcr wlilch it should receive. Oft .u 1...3 it been st-at to jijv.is wltao.i't a ji:.: cf '.'.d -i-it rlal Liv ing been comuittcd to i.pi.r. O-ryiitrvsi' v.Ili (w ith u) be jjiad io Ic-iiD tb.t we hac secv.re thu vuiuc-d ;ii-i of a gciuitiiiau to whose ability, integrity, general iufor niation, and kindly spirit, the stipervisiou . t.i ihi; v-iiii.iii.? iiua i .wit iinu.i'.u t with entire cutilidince. Hltll tllO CV AC.i, Ji. V. . Aiiiriiv, t.. 'J., nil. uiTiii; , smh time as he eau mktc from his pro- fessional labors, to the entertainment of our readers. We trust this announccrac-fil will give i ailJIfioa.il interest tu our paper, and coia- lucud it to more extensive puikul. A o aro cv nlliiciit it Will receive new llfj an.I vigor and wc proiac to Ltautify and improve its u pcaiaucc us foat at:I as f.ii' as its itieomc will warrant. It is well known that V.r. IIlCKOK is a firm Democrat an-1 as the Publisher is tuym-fal of bailing towards i higgery, we hoK this accession will be an additional guai antce that the paper will not have a party bias. Vi ith the advent of a new Editor, it is to be hoped he will be cheered with much eo-!abor in the form of careful and practi cal Communications and Correspondence. A Country pajxT needs much of original matter : ami an Independent paper iimre thau any other should have support from the pi-u us well as the purse. IERMS. We li-nnnvr (a an muim-mi nt trr sr' ya. uh-iiU.; mtfi.rj tlif- CimOMclx at fr ca--li srluniir In ftilTuncc; 1.7.'. if lukI w;th:n time mocth; S,ilu .1 nut tt- v.ur ciii; uiul i-, il' but luil i L fox 11m: t.miii ol Uii: jtl-ht. $zgTiw are many i;u!Jiicit to us or ; Cue CVo.w.i', ouri:l t,i.y, vutl jitb Kurk. lie n-e a j.uiWi t t on i.ur i ' Ui r.wkr. j us nm-.uJt, cm rc.j iuHy a!c a!i those , ici , aid ; in " doivj as ire vnuU : 11 ute hy. 013 I1 is 'w about ten inoinhs since the California en.iran's Irom Lewisburg ielt hr.iiic, and l In tr friends had begun to 1 apprehensive fur tl.eir safety, when yes r rdav letters were received fiom two o! the number, announcing that they ali bad reached the promi-ed laud in good hea th. Ww koiM. fn rireiiil I'unip particulars, eie " - it j"No Fre Schools appear to go poor ly in New Yoik. The Free school law submitted to Ihe people of the Stale of N--w York ut the tett i t h e'ion, has been iidop ledbv (he fil'owinu vo e : For F. S-hmas. 249.872; ugnirst Fiee Si bonis, fcl,04'i. Miij-.irity fur I'ree Schools, 157,l2i. arE.Iorts are bJifg made t Hunting- ton to pun base the Jm.i ii.v P.ri'Jt" near i h it ii'ace, so as to make it fiec 'or travel. i Th Grand Jurv recommend the ewmtv commissioners to appropriate 1500 io wardsit. We will do our share towards making the Lewisburg Bridge free. C7 Congress is still doing nothing but using up the people's money party spirit being so stiong in the House, that no Speaker can be chosen ! This is a beau, tiful illustration ol the power of party eii cipline. y Kr The Lycoming tJazeiie spnrta n gay and serv-cabln new diess and adipi? some reforms which we hope to see jror and become universal. ;- ,; The Posiri.aiter General, bus issued a circular against ihe iransmissinu of letters ; and papers lo California outside the mails, which subjects Ihe persons sending them to a penally of fifty dollars in each in stance. Two great Truths. Dr. Abernethy used lo fell his scholars that all human maladies arise from two causes stuffing and fretting. Seasonable Advice. The best advice to the public at this season, next to the exer cise of all due' charity and kindness, is to Lerp Ihe feet warm and dry., , Harrisburg, Dec. 6. Dr. Mills has been sentencrd lo five years imprisonment in the Dauphin peni tentiary, to $200 fine, and costs, . 1 Kr COURT w tek, tiext wrcX " BRANCH -FARMER From California. Nkw YkK, rise. 7. The steamer Cre.-eeut City arrived heie this afternoon Irom Chagres, with dales to the 2d November from San Francisco. She brings ot l-as than $1,000,000 of !old dust as freight, besides about $400,. 000 in the hands of the passengers. She brings 100 passengers, including the Minister from the King of the Sand wich Inlands. ' The accounts Irom California continue encouragim:, such as will by no meam cmigrarils from the United States and Eu rope, and over one hundred linglish ves sls were lying iff Sin Francisco. Thi overland emigrants tere also pouring in very rapid'y, many of them having suffered great privations on Ihe route. There had lieen a naval execulion on hoaid the U. S. frigate Savannah, one ol it;e erf w having attempted to lake the life 01 an offioer. The Siaie Constitution of California has been adopted ty the C mveii'ion, nud is pa!,iihed ill ihe liewfijj.ipers. le-s than 1 3(.'0 pnssrnpers pwssed ih'onga Chagres, rm th' r way to Pati'jmu waiting p iSsM-ie lo San Fraiieisco. The bns Av iliaii and Siii.n. (.!. Oiven, of Phi'adelphiii, brr.ved at San Francisco on ti e 8 h 11 1. Advices from California concur in the ex pression of ihe bttla l that Col Fremont will betlecledlo the IJ. S. Senale. A If tier ju-t recived from Col. J. B. Welter states hat Col. Fremont has not yet relieved him ul bis repiui-ihiVies ns boundary commis -iorx r. He had prou,i-i-d to do so, but bud !xen busy engaged in polnicnl pursuits, probably looking after his election. Col. t ellor was conlined to his lied, havin re ciivid a lul'ct.Rj he sa s, through his thih from Mr. Grey .one of his surveyors. Col.VVeiter noes not slate in ihiletier how it happened ihul Grey shot Ii: ui ; but fro.i other sources, we learn that it was in a re com re. The HRiiouncensent ilia! the Hon.T.Bui ler King had iirrived in the Circrnt Citvv prn.es lo be altogether incoriect.as will I seen by the fo.iowmg irom ihe Pacific News. "Hon. i nomas tJ ilicr ivn:; s nealtl ten tinues io improve d uly, nnd we learn wi'h iitif'-iiincd satisfaction, thai I.e has yie'deu to the e-irncsl soheita'ions ol his friends so be n turard to the United S te Senate, ns one of Ihe hist repres'iitativt-s ot the new S'lOe ol (.'aii'ornia. To ibis Mid he has re signed his m at as ii.rmiicr from t'eoria, and as he puhbciy annouii. ed al the meei in in Portinou'h sqmne, iu June la-t, he m, en pha'icaiiy luken up his resideuce with us. ' ' The Salem Register says: "The pri vate advices received in ibis city from California, me rather dicnurng:iig. Let ters generally do rot -peak very liivorablv of I hi; prospects of Hie diggers, and those who nre successful in irad'lijl complain of the climate ns n. t suitable for ifier New E ihind Constitutions, ar 1 such ns will not induce liiem.t-. make any longer slay than they cm wed helji. Several from this vicinity have returned h une, being sali.-fied of what tliey have already seen of the elephant. The Es-ex company, hke ail the real, has been disbanded,- and thc meniher arc digging on their own hook but living toge her.'' A writer in a Loidon paper slates that the woolen mancfieturers of England h-tve vey niiich increased theirtrauu during the pn-t venr. 'J he total exports have I cm t2,,c6'.149, nnd ihs: ihe United Stales j have takvn 30 percent, o' them or t.early ' ne-ihitd, MNE MILLION do! ars worth. No wonder we. h.uesu many woolen fac tories lying idle. We are plea e l to ! a-n that ibts Canal Commissioners have con ractcd wiih the Montour Iron Company of D.inville, and Phccuixville Company of Chester county, for ihe iron that shall be required upon the railroad to avoid Ihe Inclined Tiutio al the Schuylkill Railroad, 1' .1 . Oil 'he 22 I nit., a man named Christian Weuk, in a stale ot in oxntalion, fell head toremost irom the first floor of J. S. Wel-h's tavern, iu Waynesboroiigh Frunk- lin county, into the cellar, from the eil'ect of which he died on the following Tuesday. ' Johri Price, convicted of'mnrder iti the second 'degree, for killing 'Campbell' in Baltimore, in May last, has been sentenced to 11 years confinement in Ihe peniten tiary.,. . i .., !i-:-. The number of taxable inhabitants o' Adams county is 5,619, l.aviug increased from 5,212 since 1812. There are 9 deaf and dumb; and 10 blind perssons in the county. '' '" . " oi . - : ' o 'i-'-- The President of the Slate Morris Bank bus been arrcsied in. New Jersey for pen jury in h iving sworn thsl the actual cash capital of 'he eonci in had been paid in. , In the Supreme Court of the United State, ihe case of Thomas W.Dorr.ngainst the State ol Rhode Inland, was dismiased. t ihe coda of j laintiff in error. ; T -H i -. -- T Washington, Dec. 10. House. The meiribeis assembled at 12 o'clock. The Clerk read the Journal ol Saturday; On rootion.the balloMing for Speaker ti- va coce was resumed 2 r-B Lt0TTlNC3 29 A 30r4 31(. Candidate. VVinihorop, W. 102 76 6 10 5 CO 103 77 6 12 5 22 101 78 6 J10 5 23 Potter. D. WiImot.F.S. Green, D. Gentry, W. Scattnng Total 219 224 224 There being no choice Mr. Lewis C. Levin, of Pa., offered the f' Mowing preamble nnd resolution : Whereas, the precedent has been estab lished by which all the seats in the House have been disposed of by lotn rf , therefore Resolved, that the Speaker's chair be diposed of in like manner; and that the ihe Whitf party proceed to place ihe name of one member in a box, the Demorraiic partv another,the Native American a third, the Free Suilers a fourth, and the Taylor Democrats a fifth; and thai ihe gentleman whose name is first drawn out be the S-pea- ker of the House. (Laughtar.l Mr. demand, of Illinois, moved that the resolution be laid on ihe table, which was agreed to. The House then proceeded lo ll.e thirty -fir.t bi:!!ot, which resul ej in no choice. See table. Mr. Mor re (Dm.) uf Louisiana, held in .ft hands a resolution, which after a con sultation wmIi a few of his friends, they un fortunately Here the wire unfortunately, abruptly cut short our dspatcli Rtt- J Foreign News. PosTon, Dec. 9. The e'eam. r Kumra, winch le i Liver pool on S.i.uriltiy, the 24 b ml, airid a; Ha'.ilax on Friu.iv iiioimng. at 5 oV-lick. The news by ihe Euinpa, in a political point ol view, is not ol much imp rtmice. 'I here has been a decline in ihe coitou marker, with small sales. Ou the 15-h msl.,tbe High Court of Ver sailles nrouoiiced si nteuce par coiitumao of transport at ion for life ou M. M. Lediu Rollin and the thirty -three other person implicated in the June Election. l-t'eif. from Widden, of the 4th insi. stated thai alt the II jiieirin and Poiisr ie usee's hia teen tiaiiponeo tiom luneii 'oSi.uni'ah. ll.e tirst portion left on lb 30ih 4't Pedes wiid-r ex General llem.nnw Murit Picha, Massares. and Count Vay. Tha second portion ielt on the 31st oil.., eoniin-iruled hv Gen. Sir in, now rehra j Pasha, and Kenelti. now Kiannl Pasha Thr.se In r incliule the apostauzed The Mtigyrtrs b it . o thr- 3d hended by MM. Kossuth and ttuloh. The rumors i f W ar between Turkey and Kussui were fust dying away at Con slniitinople. The English shins of war were anchored wiihiit the Dardanelles. he French flee was near Sm rna. Nothing faither ha" transpired nelaive to the derision of the Emperor of Russin respecting the lurkish utiuir, Pigl Pen Nuisances The law against creating or main'aining nuisances of this c'iinrncter was recently laid down in the Ph::a Ii !h.a Court of Quarter Session by Judge Parsons, in charging the jusy rtn i,-nneled in (he case of a man wha was on triiil fur keeping a pig pen. Ttie Judge took the bro id ground,' thai no man has a rinht so ! occupy his pro perty 'as to incommode or annoy h's netgh tnr I. had becri decided, he said, in the Supreme Court of this State, by Judge Sergeant, that the kj-epin r.f one pig hi a pen in a thickly populated neighborhood, was per e (of itself) a nuisance. Former ly, n was su'iixised, iat it n ust be proven .letrimen'al to the health of the neighbor hood to make it a nui-unce ; hut .within the last 25 years a more liberal construc tion had been given to the law in relation to nuisances, and it w ts now si lti -lent that the business complained of. should be an novmg to the citizens residing in its IockI if v, or who were in ihe habit 'f pushing along the high road near which it was es tablish) d. A convention of iron maufacturers as sembled at Pittsburg a few weeks since, lo discuss ihe subject of duty on pig and com mon merchant bar iron. Various propo sitions were offered and debated, when Geo. R. Clanp otleied ihe following as a substitute for al! others, which was unan imously adopted :. " , Resolved That it is the, sense of this Convention, nl the present state of th for eign market, that it will require a duty of $10 per ton on common bar, and a cor responding increase .n all otlMtr Iron. in proportion lo cost of make, to protect ibe American market." , ' Some' persons don't kno w- how io pass person oh the street, and thus force one o step first to one side and then lo the oth er, as if wavering between I wo magnets. . You should alwoys pass to the led of m man.'and invaribly cive the inside of the side-walk, to a lady. This will in all ca ses prevent collision. .v-- ' .' If you see anydogson the pavement, ihe best thing you Can do, is to kick jhem ofT .but Lp somewhat caieful because there are puppies which have (inly two legs.- One of the Italian riiicesses has, fled lo Turkey, there to rati, her bring-by leach ing school, vfe are glad to see that any thing wilh royal blood in it can condescend to be so useful. '.' Fei ritig one V bread ia a ennilnl morfe' of acnuiriAsT a knnwlerine r r - - c - - -- a- of human fgWs.j'i t oj-.- .: . JSusquehanna Telegraph. It is io contemplation to place a line of Telegraphic wiie Irom Harrisburg, along the Susquehanna river to Northuinbeiland, then up the West Branch to Williamaport, ihen up the North Branch to Danville Wilkes Barre.Piitston, This is a very important subject for the counties and town along these lines ; it is therefore desirable ibat they take the subject into considera tion, and prepare themselves to aid the en terprise by a liberal subscription to the stock of t he company , as they w ill be called upon shortly tor that purpose. All the towns on these routed where stations may be placed are deeply inteiested. Telegraphic connections are daily lie coming more numerous, and as they are all paying a very liberal per-cenlage to the stockholders, we da not think that capital ists and business men whose vicinities iho above connection is to embrace, can di themselves and the public greater benefit than by contributing liberal' v towards iia construction. Pa. TtU Lieut. Montgomery P.Harrison, a grfinj- fon cf the late President, was killed by the Indians rear the Colerado river, in Texas, on the 7th of October last, while id ng a short distance from ihe camp, for the purpose of ascertaining the proper road. Gen. Duncan L. Clinch, formerly of the army of the United States, and subsequent ly a Representative io Congress from the State of Georgia.died at Macon.on the eve ning of the 28th utt. afteran illness of o ine days. David Stewart, has been appointed Uni ted S'ates Setiatnr.from Maryland, in place .f Benjamin C. Howard, resigned. ErtBiAUurs JHarftct. Corrected this day- Wheat .6590 ...45 ...45 30 50 . ..100 ...:-.75 ...I 0 ....15 . ...lo 10 . ... 4 . ..450 live ' 'orn , O.t, Buckwhent ... Flaxseed ("loverseed Dried Apples. , Butter E's Tallow Lard In Iick Haven, on Tuedayjhe 4'h nst , by Rev. S. C. Hepburn, Mr. John X. WyknJ to Miss Martha June Housel, bi'h of this place. - - V ALU A CLE. REAL. (STATE FOR SALE. r"nE ulscriber offers for sale the good1 J substantial Brick Dwelliog. with ne cessary out-buildings, handsomely situated on Third street in ihe Bjro'of Lewisburf. now icnpicd by him. - Also Twelve Acres of LAND si'usted in Kelly township, within 3-4 of a mile of said Borough, in a good state of cultiva tion. For terms, apply in H R. NOLL. Iwisburg.'Dec 10, 1849. "PHE subacrilwrs offer the public, at their X new Brick Foundry, the tbllowing new and valuable Stoves : Inn Witch A:r-Tight Cooking Stove, wiihf a Brick ()vrn. L iJy WaohingiiNi Pirfor Stove. Cist Iron Air-Tight Tailor Stove, for Wood " -'. Coal Uurner for Pirfor I size, 15 inch (( inii.r Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 5 ktrs. . t-h!J Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood hes. Eicg Stove the vrry best in use for Store. Oflirrs. Barrooms, and Shops. The reh-biatcd Genetce Air Tight Cook Sw The Complete Cook t arses. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stove Ploughs Castings. &c. &c. CHRIST & M'FADDIN- Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849. lew goods! new goods! XSIcsmtrtiJol . OF THE SEA8iN. . And yet . Cheaper than any other Goods in tie jSarket ! THE subscriber is now receiving and Ofeninir his WINTER STOCK "'FRESH 6000S. from' on hoard canal-boats Emma Beuhlah and Odd-Fellow, which he invites the citi zens generally: to call and examine, and realize the fact that they can buy at sma'-. ler profits than at any other store in Lew isburg' arid particularly Brown Sheeting', Satineits, Cloths, Shawls, Delaine, Shoes, Boots, and Cap. : Wheat, R,e, Corn. Oats. Buckwheat. Potatoes, and Cash, at market value, ree'd in paymeut for foods. t ' ' S. S. JHAKI Noy. 26, 1849 " " '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers