BURG bCHB AND THE WEST BRANCH PARMER. &n inkpcniitnt Jomilg flapcr iituotcu to News, eitcraturc, IDoIitics, ftjcitnltnct. Science tutu fttovnUln. VOL. VI., NO. 38298: BY 0. N. WORDEN. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, 1849. LEWIS The isewwburg Chronicle t rWatbed Wedneedey Afternoons St LewUbvirg, Caioa county, rennaylvanu. Tmks. R2,l'0 for var, to be paid in the first half year ; 82,50, if payment be at made within the year untie numbers, 6 cts. Subscriptions for six months or less to be paid in advance. Discontinuances toptiou! with the Publisher, except when arrearages are paid. Advertisement handsomely inserted at SO cts. per suuare one week, XI, 00 for a auen'h. 25,00 a year. A reduction of these rates fur larger or longer advtmts. Casual advertisements and Job work to ba paid for when performed. All communications by mail must come post-paid, accompanied by the address of the writer, to receive attention. Offiee.Mdrket street between Second and Thitd. O. N. Wordes, Publisher. i'HE CHRONICLE. SATURDAY, DEC 15. To our Patrons. We have a few thoughts which we wish to suggest to our readers, of interest as we believe alike to themselves and to us. There are many facta connected with newspa per publishing which it could hardly be expected would be duly considered by those whose thought are luily employed and energies entirely directed in other channels. To a few of the.e we wish to ask a moment's attention. It is for the interest ot every community of sufficient site, to have a press sustained within it. It 'm important as a medium through which not only general intelligence may be diffused and brought home directly to the doors of its citizens, but also as one in which matter mora particularly local in their character may be Wwctissed home interests and honw business be noticed. All this is so evident as to be universally admitted, and the last mentioned ends can cot be answered by any other than a local press It may not be so readily realized that aucb a press is useful in proportion to the support it receives, but such we be lirve as a general rule to be the fact. As well might one expect a luxuriant eropj from a barren field, or efficient sunrise from a poorly fed horse, as that a poorly sustained press could interest and benefit a community ; and seldom we imagine can a well sustained and well consumed one be found that is useless to such a com munity. Our doctrine is that it is a rule with but few exceptions that patronage bestowed upon publishers of local newspa pers, re-acts and returns through the press to benefit the district in which they are located. And to be particular (as success in business depends upon a proper attention to pariiculmri) if this be so.every addition to circulation increases the ability to be useful. The larger the company the richer the feast," or, the more readers, the more interest in tbe page, it the newspaper rule. There is no reason why the page of a newspaper can notbeaslargeand well filled here as in New York or Philadelphia ex cept that the patronage is more limited. Every additional subscriber tends to make it so, and increasea the ability to serve the whole. These are facts.and we have only to ask our readers, for whove generous aupport and patronage we are under obli gations, if they afford not a good reason why they should not lend us their aid in extending our circulation! Though it is now increasing weekly, more rapid exten sion would please us, acd enable us more rapidly to improve our sheet, and make it more desirable. A little effort would much increase ourcirculation in many townships bout us, and were we able to leave busi ness at home we would make the effort personally. The winter season is always one ol most interest in newspapers, and the pre sent win be peculiarly so. None should be ignorant of what is done during the present sesson at Washington or Harris burg. While fuller reports may be found u mora extensive mediums, we shall en deavor to note every important movement and especially such aa are of most interest le our readers, and will guaranty the worth of their money to such as wit) send in their names. There is another tact connected with newspaper publishing, of which we wish to speak. It is one upon which so much misapprehension exists, that we can not pass it, even at the risk of making our ar ticle too long. There are subscribers that feel that the newa columns of country pa pers especially, are too muck encroached open by advertisements. In their lan guage, the advertisements crowd out the reading matter." Strange as it maybe thought, the reverse is true. Less read ing matter than now appears in all eur sheets, con Id be afforded but for this ftf source. In limited and sparsely settled districts, a subscription list sufficient to sustain a sheet that would contain the reading matter we now give weekly, could scarce be obtained. Instead of crowding out other matter, advertisements enable the publisher to increase it. Tbe business man who benefits the publisher and him self by advertising liberally through a lo cal press, also actually benefits the general reader, not merely by acquainting him with his location, hia business, and the in duoements he proposes to offer, but by en abling the publisher to furbish a larger amount of reading matter than could other wise possibly be afforded. This may seem strange to some, but it is true both in the ory and practice. Patronage.then.friends, both in tbe lino of subscribers and adver tising, while it will gladden and strengthen us in our work, will we trust result in your manifest advantage. Give us patron age to warrant it, and we will still enlarge and improve our sheet. Aid us in doub ling our subscription list, and an important improvement shall be made. Reader ! we found the above in a Car boodale paper : but its truths are just aa applicable to the Lewisburg paper and the adjacent community. The following from a leading City paper is also aprons : Tee PettMSTLTANi Press- We believe no other State in the Union can claim a handsomer or better conducted number of what is commonly termed country pa pers.'' than Pennsylvania. For years we have noticed their steady improvement, and now they will rank with the ablest journals in the country. This proves a progress in taste and education. We al-1 ways judge a town or city, by the appear a nee of its newspapers ; and by this rule, we csnnot help feeling gratified at the evi dent improvement in our own population. Penntylvanian. From tbe Cincinnati Journal, Fab. 193S. Take tbe Offering! Dost thou hunger 1 Hers is bread. Hooey, nulk, sad meat ; Eat, O eat, snd ba yon fed ; Take of spices sweet Fainta thy apirit 1 Cone and lave, In iba free, translucent wave. Would yon mask like to know, 8eeter than e'er charmed yoar ear I Leam you, then, while bare below. That song which angels list le boar : Strike, O etrike lbs quivering string ; Learn, O learn, that sang to aing, WooM you like of finest gold. A girdle fitted for Your aide ' , Take you that of worth antold. Made of gold that has beea tried : Gird your age, and gird year yoelk. With the beauteous band of truth. Dost toon wish a Wiuisal leas. To (race tbe garland for thy brow f Oo tboe, then, and lake of hia Who baa rich pearls to bestow : In your chiplet, do not ett. Pearls which in this world yon get. Dost tboe wish a dress of Waits Which outvies lbs rich erf hoe 1 Tske, O lake, thai robe of light. Which lbs Savior oners you : Take that crowd of diamond bright, Aad deck thee for lbs coming night. N Selected for lbs Chronicle. Tbe Young Officer's Manuscript from the Swedish of rasscucs A young cavalry officer, one of my kin dred, the favorite of my mity tad rich in regard of all, was seized a few yetrs since by a severe illness. It waa not re garded as dangerous, and he was ordered to (journey to a watering place ft a dis tance from home. He departed full of hope. His relations ami friends hoped to see him return in a short time with restored health ; but he never returned (rem the foreign . land. He was an uncommonly amiable young man, and full of promise ; pure as tbe snow on tbe mountains of his native land ; manly and powerful in tho't and deed his heart was full of love, his disposition gay, his soul shone from his eyes. He was beloved and happy in a degree which falls to the lot of eery few. The following reflections be seeme to have written down shortly before bis death. They were found among tbe papere which be left behind. TBI Majroscwrr. . For a few dsys, I have knWtt that I should soon die. My phyncaur has told me so, in answer to my earnest inopfrfee. I would gladly have lived longer ; I am not yet strong to meet death. Ah ! I have so much to lose, so much to live for. I would so gladly do some good in the world. Were it not for my bodily suffer ings, I should probably cling yet more strongly to life, but these are severe. In my mother's house, in the arms of those I love, to go into the long sleep to fall in the battle-field, fighting for my dear country that would nut be hard. But to die so solitary an tngloriottsly ; a sick bed, far from all whom I love this weighs me down. Yet I will not murmur, I will be resigoed. My fate is not harder than that of millions of my fellow creatures ; I will seek, before the shadows ol death obscure my thoughts, for something that will afford consolation to them and to me. I will ex amine the foundation and extent of the consolation which I feel in myself at this lime, and make it more active in my heart ; (or heavier hours than these yet await me, before the end comes. 1 shall soon die ! Die ? My soul has still too much life fully to conceive this certainty, the deep, deep sleep. My soul waa full of other images, images of honor, of love, of joy. Yet it is certain I shall soon die. The bird which passes over my head, the flowers which are scattered over the ground, have a longer future thin I The hand which writes this will soon moulder in the dust, and the eye which guides the hana will be devoured by worms. Be it so ! But while it is yet open it will look thee in the face, thou pule destroyer of life. Thy followers, O Death ! who will soon lay their hands upon me, shall not terrify me. I am now alone with thee, j thou terrible and wonderful being, whom f have, seen from my childhood as an image of terror and woe. I will examine thee more nearly, before thou aeizest my hand perhaps I shall then willingly offer it. Death ! ! Since life has been put upon earth, death, too, has been here. The flowers start up in spring from the earth, shed their Iragrance for a short time ; at the time of harvest they are dead. The animals come into life, sport awhile, pair, build habitations for themselves, Lear young, and die,serving as prey for each other. - And man 1 He awakes gradually to consciousness, as from a dream, looks upon the earth around him, and up to heaven, and understands, and worships. A higher aspiration fills his breast, and anticipations of eternal trujh penetrate hi.n ; but as he atands, and strives, and hopes, with aa un fulfilled longing, and without having ac complished anything, death seizes him, and he ainks into night, and passes away yes, all that is left of him, is his memory, and food for worms. He is dead. Many men die so early, that they have not yet been able to accomplish anything on the earth. Everything which has life must die; wherever I turn my eyes I SCO death ; and the lifeless mountains are the only ev erlasting things on earth. Why, then, does she produce aught else' ? These be ings who love, who in this world, in suffe ring and in hope, east their roots into esch other, and then are torn away from one another, and forced to die why are they beret Whv all this loveliness which must vanish, all this power which must be crip pled, all tliis beauty which must moulder away ? Why these sparks, which are ex tinguished at the very instant of their kin dlingthis life without pleasure these deep sorrows 1 In order to be silent at last, snd to sink into the earth the earth hich will equal ce and cover up all ? Sba'l my heart despair, while it ainks in these sad thoughts in these dark questions! That shall it not. O Rod ! r thee, whom, since my child hood, I have learned to worship, whose life I feel m the depths of my soul, whom I reverence ia tbe sacred voice of conscience, and in all that I see? of good and beautiful upon the earth on Thee do my heart and thoughts firmly rest, as the first and only end of all life and of all thought. Thou art holy, and full of love ; Thou art good, O God ; that do I feel, that do I believe in my inmost heart. I should understand myself no longer, nor what I love in oth ers, their virtue, their love, nor the holy sense of duty, which is written in every heart, and which holds the world together ; all would be try m a riddle, if I did not believe ia Thee. My Creator ! with the beet that Thou' hast given me, with this heart Which loves Thee, with this reason wliieh' can think of Tbee, with this will mighty to listen to,' and obey Thee I will and must worship Tbee. ueep in my anrtkwMTfcou written'Thj nmMW"r this hour, O God, ia which 1 am about to meet death, whose nature I do not know, in which I, already a shadow, am about to mingle with shadows, in which I find the powers of my mind failing more and more in this hour, I can doubt of everything, but of Thee, of Thy goodness and power. Tuou art my God. But this God, in whom I believe, whose goodness and omnipotence are as certain to me as the love in my own heart he did not create pain and death not death as it shows iuelf on earth, coming in pain and darkiKtss ! The work in which infin ite goodness expresses itself, must bear its impress ; the minds proceeding from his thought must be holy and perfect nature, in which he mirrors himself, must be beau tiful and without fault. God's eternal law ol luve is written in the hearts of angels ; it guides their actions, and the universe is directed by the laws of this infinite good' ness and purity. Spirits do not fallow this law blindly, but freely and consciously ; they are gifted with freedom ; tliey have (he capacity of comprehending the will of God and of saying, " Thy will, O God, I gladly obey." Good and wise indeed must be this eter nal and unchanging will ; for the changing is only in time, and God is above time. Good, then, are all the works of God ; for only a tool destroys his own master-works. To each li le that proceeds from Him He gives the perfection and blessedness which its nature is fitted to receive ; to the free 'p'ifit, the most excellent gifts, then to the saimj's, and to the smallest worm, the smallest flower, he gives strength and glad ness; Alt, all is penetrated bv the life of his love ! As the lover lives in his beloved bride, so must God live in His creation, loving, and blessing ; so must the world love and worship God, and for ever must they live in and for each other, and glorify each other. And is this the relation in the part of the universe which 1 see, among the rational beings whom I know among men? Ah! it is not so ! God created man in His im age, that 1 belie v ; end it can not be oth erwise. How art t?o9 fallen from heaven, thou beautiful morning msr! Whence is sin in the hearts of men f whence the dark ness in their life? whence sufferings on the earth, d sorder, destruction, death? whence the almost insupportablepain which now forces out the drops of sweat upon my brow, and is carrying mfi by degrees into the dark grave ? O, God of goodness ! in Thee 1 believe, to Tbee I hold fast. Man was born sinful, or with inclinations to sin ; and strife and pain must live in na ture while sin exists. Man and his world are the work of God, the Holy, the Al mighty. God did not create man sinful, the worft imperfect ; this is to me an eter nal truth. Has man then existed before this earthly life T Did he come pure from the hand of his Creator, and then has he lallen ? Has he in his fall drawn down his world, nature, with bim ? Is thia for getfulness of his pre-existence a conse quence of his higher consciousness during this earthly second birth 1 Are the heav enly il'uminatiuiis which even here flash up in him, the good,- the beautiful, are they recollections of his life with God ? Do they point out, together with the phe nomena of sin on the earth, a lost para dise ? How can man, a perfect work of God, have fallen ? What can have caused his fail in a world, where God, the All Good, is the only and the guiding principle'' A thousand questions cross each other in my head. Where shaft t find; satisfactory answers ? God can not have treated man evil ; pure and noble must Ma fteve come from bis hand ;' he must htrve lived before this earthly life ; he must have fallen from his original splendor, and with him, nature. His second hirfh upon this, and in these relations, must be a consequence of his fall. How has man fallen 1 Because he allowed himself to be conquered by temptation,' say the traditions of our race. Who tempted bim ? God ? Impossible. The devil ? I can not believe in the devil as a personal existence, nor in evil as a kingdom. If there were a persona! being whose will was opposed to that of God, eternal like him, the ruter of a kingdom at enmity with God, there would te no room for calling this power evil"? to its' worship ers, it could give, as God does, eternal life, that is, the fulness of life which they 'rjve ; for exampTeseiisual pleasure, fiatred.envy, selfishness; cruelty, &&. ff we could thin of evil es . an riSepeaderit, self-sufficing Dowerl then it? oe ; if it should be conquereu :i. - . ai wum unx amiKu Byron's Lucifer would have been, right, to say, " The other is strotiger than I, there fore are his works called good ; were I te strong as he, then sheuld my work be called so. But now, whenever evil spjear, it enmrs not as an organizing, but always as a separating, power. What, then, is evil ? In its origin, probably, a servant of good, as the shadow to the light, and which has wandered from its destination ; a Ser vant who has come to wear his master's clothes, and who, disguised in them, seeks to play his part ; a power which points out nothing more than the impotence of the fallen spirit, when it is tyrannized over by its own perverted imagination, in the same degree as it shuts itself up from the Divine. I will not, with my weakened powers, plunge inti the abyss of metaphysics, which I never had strength, in the vigor of my faculties, to fathom and in order to explain the fall of man from God's holy order in the universe, I will only add what follow. God, as the idea of good, as living good ness, must exclude all evil from his ninir,. This exclusion, however, supposes the pos. sibility of evil ; hence follows a choice (the conditions of Iree-will.) Gd' choice is made from eternity ; man must work it out for himself; but in the choice lies the idea of evil (temptation ;) the idea brings the desire, and this leads again to sin. Man must pass from a condition of childhood and innocence, to a condition of intelligence and freedom. He had the lib erty of choice between a blessed renlity, and the empty, deceitful image of a good he allowed himself to be led astray by the latter. God's image was darkened in his heart, he fell, and nature was divided into struggling elements. But he had liberty and ability to remain faithful ; his fail is his own fault, and its consequences must all be ascribed to himself atone. His condition here upon the earth, his subjec tion to matter, his bodily and mental suffe rings, the unexplained mystery of hia whole life, is but a consequence of his fall. But God, the eternally good, the highest love, will He forsake his fallen, his wretch ed child? Will He do less than an earth ly mother for her own? O, no; He will never turn away His face ; He will seek His child ; He will call him ; He will suf fer ; He will give His heart's blood to win him again, to unite him again to Himself. If God lives in holier worlds as a Dispen ser Of b1ewrhe' fre mnVit liv on the earth as a Reconciler. The bynin of re gret and of homs'-aickness which has arisen on the earth from time immemorial this inward cry, Come, Lord !" is from ever lasting, to everlasting, answered with, Here, my child." " Here, my child !" Yes, O my God, in this luturity, thy ehild believes with his whole heart, end by the light of the doc- triue of reconciliation I see life and the world arrange themselves before my eyes. If I believe in God, the All-Good and rich in love, I believe also in the Redeemer of the world, beliee thai' the life which the heart seeks truly exists, and will gladly impart itself to us. I believe that it con stantly comes nearer and nearer to us, un til it has removed a'll obstacles, and unites itself with as lully aud intimately. I be lieve that He will give us all, His fulness of life Himself ; I believe, that, as eternal love, He will suffer for and with us, uutil He lives in as wholly. Hence, I believe that already since the second binh of man upon the earh, the work of reconciliation has begun that everything which history has to show as good and greet is eh influence of this Spir- it, this eternal Word, which watches over the world as the sun over the flower-buds, as the mother over the child, and pours out its life in proportion as the awakening world can receive it. F believe, also, that, as soon as the world is ready for it, the reconciliation will be accomplished, and God will live again on the earth in the clo sest communion with men. Something, their, must happen in life, in the history of humanity, which may wholly reveal the love of God to man. Love, which mast call forth a return of love, something winch may powerfully excite io man the con sciouiness of his fall; r?!y' call him back to the remembrahce cf hia paternal home, and Of his leSt tic!i-esS and glory ; which may lend" Sim power and strength to sub due' the evil hi himself, and to be born again a child of God ; something which may take away the power o( deel' arid inir&rmte life. . f lw well to wTjom 7ntDsi go, to find wTtatrstek, F wilt go'lb Him, who, holy "" - - ' "- lB no,IDOM m M.mKlnnr- to God in earth, who suf lered and struggled as a man.but conquered as a God ; to whom the powers of nntur? were subject when he willed it ; I will g to the crucified, to the arisen, to God, who, in Christ, hes recodciled the world unto Himself The pages of history lie open bt fore me. and it is to me as if 1 felt the breathing of the spirit of the times, which rushes thro' the world as its stream flows cn. The life ol the Kedf emer fills but a few pages ; but a mihty spirit, full of joy nnd elevation, goes out from them, and renews the life of the world. Plunged in this, penetrated by it, the moral d fficulties which I seemed to find in the life of Jesus, perplex me no more. I feel as certainly as that I live, that b-y Him God has sanctified the world, that by Him He has justified Himself, the work ot reconciliation is accomplshed. Deep in my inrrtost liie I ft el that it is so. The God in whom I believe, is he. indeed, any other than the God whom Christianity 7 Th nnuivr kv U'h ich I fub- due tbe evil in myself, is it not love to that God who so loved the world, that he gave his Son to redeem it ? O heart of the ere ation O bread of life, which gives itself to us, I believe it, I belieVB ?nt?mi.te!y in Thee and through Thee alone, we have eternal life. Thou coinost dwn to min, ihut man mijjht rise to God. The Father has stooped down to the child, in order to laise him into his arms. St. Martin says: "Here in life we climb, ss it were a ladder. Death takes us away from this ladder, snd we find ourselves in that region of life, hich we ourselves have attained." If we follow the steps of Jesus, we rise to the highest rounds of this Jacob's Lidder; i t are ou the threshold of the kingdom o! God. Even in this life, then, will Gd give of the fulness of his life ; but what says al! Christendom of thia ? God ii lovt!" He will never cease, then, to will the deliverance of H:s child ren ; Arre, there, eternally will He work for it. God is the only principle, ever the same, ever active. O, certainly the hour will some time come, when the Son, the eternal Word, will luve subjected all things to the Father, to the eternal Mind. A day must come, when the reconcilia tion, fulfilled in man, sha.l be also realized in nature, when God sbajl live in all and. .i. k .ti mruuii an. Life is the developement of a splendid drama. Tbe scene which we perform here, and shall perhaps for a long time after wards, is called Reconciliation. When we are again entered into God's eternal order, then our life will develope itself in un lis turbed freedom and blessedrffeS, and the drama will become iHeS the moulding of eternal love in' every sjhere of iife. Infinite desires cluster around me. As Seams of a new-kindled sun, they shoot out over t!ie world, and seek to enlighte i all its part's but ah the shadows bate gathered before my eyes and like a weary tracer Before sinking in slrep.l will go to thee, divine Teacher, and hear the words whxh thou saidst to thy disci pies, when thou stoo dest like me on the borders of the grave. A quiet joy settles over my heart, the darkness is dispersed, God's glorious light sheds brightness upon life, and all its dis proportions vanish. Wiiat then, is death in thy life and in thy teachings, O Christ ? Merely a moment of transition in the hie of the spirit. My heart s lightened, my sight is clearer, nnd I will say, with the Apostle, "O Death, where is thy sting? O Grave, where is thy victory " Death has come nearer to me ; let him come, hs is my friend. My country, my friends, mother, sisters, farewell ! I leave you; but I know that shall find you again. G adly, ye beloved of my heart, wreld I have pressed your hands again in taking eave, but it was not to bet huff. But God' will be done ! Praised be God I fwi as $''. A clergyman donfii east recently re- ceived a rb:s which ran thus : "Dear" Sir: As 1 have not a turiey to send jou for Christmas, I send two taglts in lieu of it, with the best wishes of Yours, truly, - -1, Here were two ten dollar gofd piece.-. enclosed ! The State of Texas shows a while popu lation of 115.501. snd a colored population f a3 BSS The number ot elector m this porulatiub is stated at 23,30 fC7The following from 'he Home Jour, rial, is a good imitation of the iniriilublg artistic poem of " The Raven On the Death of Edgar A. Poe. BV SAHAU T. BOLTON. They have laid thee down to slumber, where '.he sorrows that encumber Such a wild and wayward heart as thine, can never reach thee more ; For the radiant light of gladness never al ternates with sadness, Stinging gilted souls to madness on that bright and blessed shore ; Safely moored from sorrow's tempest, on the V distant Aidenn" shore. Rest thee, lost one, evermore. Thou wert like meteor glancing, through a starry sky entrancing Thrilling, awing, wrspt b holders with the wondrous licht it wore ; c, . But tii9-meteur has. descended, and tbe " Nightly" shadows blended, Fr the fever-dream is ended, and the fear ful crisis o'er Yes, the wild, unresting fev r-dream of hu man life is o'er. Thou trt sleeping evermore. Ccer.:, enr'h and air could utter, worda ihat made thy spirit Sutler Words that stirred the hidden fountain welling in thy bosom's core, Stirred it till its wavelets sighing, wakened And in numbers never dying, sung the heart's unwritten lore, Now, unwritten nevermore. There was something sad and lonely in thy mvtic Mon;s thnt only Could have trembled from a spirit weary of the life it bore- Something like the plaintive toning of a hidden streamlet moaning. In its prisoned darkness moaning for the light it knew before , For the fragranceand the sunlight that bad gladdened it before, Sighing, sighing evermore. To thy soul, for ever dreaming, came a atrnuf. effiiTrrenf... hpamuiff-. Beaming, flashing from a region mortals never may explore ; Spirits led thee in thy trances through a realm of gloomy fancies. Giving spectres to thy glances man bad never seen before ( Wondrous spectres, such as human eye had never seen before. Were around thee evermore. Thou didst see the starlight quiver, over many a fabled river--Thou didst wander with the shadows of the mighty dead ol yore And thy sons to us came ringing like the wiirf, 'Vnirtbiy siaging t Of the r!'Wleis sp.rits win:,i3 o'er " the niV's Plutonian shore," Ol the weary spirit's wandering by tb. grcomy Stygian shore, Singing dirges evermore. e Thou' didst seem like one benighted, one whoxe hopes were crushed and blighted. Mourning for the lost and lovely that the world could not restore But an endless rest is given to thy he rt so recked and riven. Thou hast met again iu Heaven with the lost and loved " Lenore," With the rare and radiaut maiden whom the angels call ' Lt-nore,' '' She will leave thee never mire. From the earth a s'ar bss faded,' auJ the shrine ct scrVis shaded, Aud the muses veil their laces, weeping sorrow Jul end sore But the burp, all rent and broken, left us many a thrilling token ; We shall hear its numbers spoken, and re peated o'er vnd o'er. Till our hearts shall cease to trouble, we shall hear them sounding o'er, Sounding ever, evermore. We shiil hear them like a fountain linki ng down a rugged mountain : Like the wailing of the teii:pc?t mingling with the ocean's roar ; Like the winds of sut unn sighing, when the summer flowers are dying ; Like a sp.rit-voice replying, from a dim aod ditant shore Like a wild, mysterious echo, from a d:s tan', shadowy shore. We shall hear themeermr. Never more wilt tho'i.nfiiua.fJ, wander through " th'i. f i.ace hauo'ed," Or the " cvnress va'es Titaoie' which thy . spirit d-d explore - - Never hear the " Ghoui" king dwelling in the ancient steeple telling. With a slow and solemn knelling, losses human hearts deplore Telling. " in a sort of Runic thyme, the losses we deplore. Tolling, tolling, evermore. If a "living human being" ever had the eif ol aeciug The u prim and ghastly countenance his evil" Genius wore It was thee. " unhappy waster, whom un merciful Disaster 1 Followed fast and followed faster, till' ;hy songs one burden boie Till the dirges of thy u hor one melau . choU burden bore. Of never nevermore." Indianapolis, Nov. l H49
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers