I.EWISBUUG CII1CONICL.H AND WEST BIIANCII FARMER j ii HUMOROUS. a Mattel Uog Reeve. Years ago, and, lor aught we know, ir su esists i here was a statute in vogue in .Vctr flm;isrilre, legalizing the annual election or hog reeves throughout the towns it) .the State.. The office was a lucrative one. sotm places, though it was generally made opprobrious, and the most ubnoiious individuals in the community were usual ly selected to fill this post. Some pood jokes occurred in various ways, in connec tion with the office, however. Farmer Thorow resided in a small town, above Nashua, and prided himst'lfiipno. the neatness of his cattle, the cleanliness of his fields, the symmetry ol his fences, and the thriftiness of his orchards but farmer T. was nervaus, penurious and cloae fisted. Waking early one morning, he discov ered on a sudden, from his chamber win dow, that four large hops find brnken imo a nice young orch'ird of his, just below the house, and in his usual exci'eable manner, he hurried on his clothes and made the lest of his way J.iwn to 'Squire Looksharp, (the hog reeve wascalled "'Sqijire,"jwhoni he ver. quickly aroused, i;h his vocifer ous complaint. "Now, 'Squire," he shM, "hurry up. There's four o' my neighbor's bos got in to my liitle apple orchard, and f you'il hurrv, it'll be- ;;nod job for you ; thej're frtt niiHf, an (i.i tnit.ike." "lie right straight ahm::," said the '.Squire, v.hn remembered the eMails of the law relating to this sort of seizure imc half ti the hog reeve, anl the other half to he poor of I he town and, within half an hour, he had jieaceable possession o' (our animals such as the neighliorhoorl '.i ii!d n't otherwise boat o' '. The seiz'-d Iiojjh w re cin--kly slaught ered by the town i fii -inl, an I were horilv Ii hi jx n ) to dry io the 'Squirt-. store room. Fanner T. rigltled Uj his hroLen lei.re,iiui' then ri -aired to his yard, to we that al. as snui al the pi-pen ; hf had no idea t'lHt his hoys should trouble his neighbors not he whii,Io ! h- lound that a hoard h oi been forced from the eile of the enclo sure, ami tlei sty wns empty '. In the meaniiinf:, 'Squir. L'cik-'hnrp hid h id the seiz-d hogs drenst-d ; and now he for bisijood wife, who appred at the lore house- d'Mr. Hei!y," said the 'S-jtiirc, "the statoot pervi f-s, in case of setz-irv, that one halt ' pigs shall go 10 ibe tiHiciii1, mi t Other hatrio the ooor. Now, licit), who's poor er lh;m t.ii nrr ?'' "Sure enough," said the 'Squire's wife, obediently, Sure enough ! IT anybody's pmrer'n I am, I'd like to hear about ti. Well so I cai'Uie, Hetty. An ihair lore, one naff these pigs goes to the poor, (that's yu) ;he other hafT, as I said afore, goes to the ofTWr an' that's uu!n and the lour brig very soon found their way into '.Squire Looksharp's pork-burrel. An hour afterwards. Farmer Thorow arrived at the 'Squire's, sprang over the tile, into the house.lhrnujrh the back kilch en, nut again into the yard, where he en cotMiien d the 'Squire, quietly at work. "I ay 'S.piirn ii. n What'u thunder you doiu?" "'Baoot what!" '.V here's the iiis V Distribooted 'cording to law." What" Hart" to i he hog nwe.hrtfl to the poor.'' "They're mine I" shouted Fanner T., hall-crazed at his loss. 'Tltey're niiiic, 'ijqnire broke out o' my pen " 'Ym made the complaint yourself." know hu " " An ii's too late, Fanner ; the proper ty's dewlv divided can't go behind the statoot.'' The fanner squirmed, threatened to he revengi-d on soiueboliy, at the first opKir tumy, but nt-v-iti; his tnil..ki-, at length r.-inrin d If -; mid I'roiri id it day lor anl, bad no oi-c.imoii lor a similar lesson, lb infer nfiei ird complauii'J of his ii 'itfbboiV 'n.jji ! f Amerk'ii'i li.i.n. II li Ft .n " ! is a;d th.it a young n...i: b.j !. iimws di-tioii'iry by heart, made ys.. ..!".. beauhful cxpreidi while "aclin:: ii. -a-'' in Hu!kin wiib some lii.Jic?, 11 'Jt a -.'.-! wy from lu re. S,ys he, 'Theie .i fxulieranee of libtnini; bugs this evtn Tin; "Jilur "( the Snv.minh I!ori:m a;:.vk Hi'! in rttiri.ii ol ihe ln.il l.v in. Wc ep ct lie- iiis'iliili'Hi will letiiba'e h Hliackun; him one ol ihee divs. Iuri1 B.ronotice aid, il: it, 4,iii all V 1 .it;- 1........., . ...Hi.. 1 . I 3 I ' I .i apf bi-i ause lis rjilur hopp. ai d lim". lilt-Use I. ill. . 1 hIkii ncoinoM ...led to ' yojn.ldd exi'rci" hir ln-r hesi'b, slid sh" wi.ul I j.tmp al an otter, sinl run hei own risk. sh" w.ii.l I ... to stun.-ei-i bi ehnru,, n.-r4uaiinaii. ; 1 li. : c v.ir advH-e, and !" re'ulivr .,r u illnnu, ; a,l von Will l.,vs hove suoply. I - N.,.. lsi!V at.v-i'l M " Liu'V ol ibt.lv f,,e, "Mil) pllitlllji; U W Di- L."') police. SUn?CRir.KRS to the ' University at Lewisburn" who have not paid their First Instalment, (due last January,) are respectfully requested to pay the same without further notice, In CAM I, T. WALKER. Trkas. By order of ihe Hoard of Trustees. Lewisbarg. Sept. I, IS 19. hr. leiEEiiiiitimee lllllllllll tfrm Blue, ruruau elsjsH, trul)a, N. V. PUBITY! PURITY! LIFE Mil U EH Til arc io the BLOOD. ClrtiMte. Purify, nnd Rr?ate the Cirrvlativn. and tie rkolc tixly ill .rv Itrtitth. The matt ionjerful all rrmcit r t" jmtduce I'nk a mull, it BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Y.. tiie t-mrrd reftutt Mirf ffic-T will t pro4tiir1 hy ? a tmaUrr ouumlity ol tht Fi'Mimca thu run ttm ertrld by rtw u; of a l-ke qiiHUtity ol any otber remedy in tlw Wt.rM. our Pmphteti I.H- orool'. I ni I'fairiKa u piviMrfd Irom ttrrinlUi. nd eurtsi the iroirf. mot w'fuar. and Ions iliindinir diwa ol tho bilNNi. witliout yuktng. jmrftng, vrkintne. or totnh- laltng. n clrmm il, tticnteunu, ii-ifi-ura:es. nuil- ncir, hfllkf (food, and give, nrm vtfor and aris itc to the whole y.t-m. BRANT'S Pl'IMKIKR i. TOUR TIMES CHEAPER IbaB any o'her rt'mt'iU in ihe orld. IwrauM ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of it will etfMct frifatT immuf uf cure than four JoVar' worth nf Mmrraptruia. or uuy .fbr n-mtly, no iumUit how im'gr thir rxitti miT In, 'i'he tmpottmt qttestxtm tor pun iiiihtt to di-lf nniiM-. I-. K m muh mwrg curn'trt rfiect tri? a dnllmi's worth of thtt tnH'r mttlmrr than m JnJfar't wtwth of tSat targapmrttla or otrr tmdy. a nilht here ny, that Brmnt'i M Imme LmJ rurttl. wirhin the J-r, 100. 0110 Pcrsnii if luijiiirr BlooJ l)israc, and i5,030 Casrs vtrt roui:lrrfd Inrurablf! R lome n'hnr ptiit iv- I: ?n nsT. r in thr hut it of ouy ine If ws sh'itiM n.y . vrtm id L-!i-t u ' This bwver, we .Id y, ui-d simtj rw.y t' pnVf hr mptrtutti wtr$ri, Umt Hma-vt VEint iNFit hvf c!f ifii ti rurrn f ii-t mi luttirf h ii'mii tht jiirft vht. thti wiy other retitiy n -;: i. m - .Ik! itr.r'n u,- mnV Mow innh a 1oII i nurfh CUREf Twenty lnrg, () p Vni r,r ii't4 1 y u-u.a, t ', ttei birtl rf Hront't I'm -nr. Thf tolluwitii; i tin- ni'-t wnitli ifu! Atin 'inTiitic rnr that wan -er trftfttit ;n t hum m N m. hy ry mnifictmr. Horrid Scrofula CuiccL Mil J It. lUMirtx. of Um', O .U C. .V. V. rott 3 IVrintnT 'Jtnh, M'k th tt iw hurt l-n ntHitt-ti w th Scro n l tur Tt-urK, Htxl in.' lift v-tr'.iiii'il tiii it. -it w.tt, TV.STV iar. tir,jt. .f'i LCKH iU.X a. tl'-rh mm thta arMtiit.t in.jti -ar t r a liuli it n through hi Wittd ;.i ;r. eti .(t tt lir- iitfut.ici !hr..n.h tl, tmh' bif i-ht wa ii.-.ir!v tl-a.trov 1'it uw of til arm was wlto.lv il.-truyJ tni an I t uu1it aitti. at lurtft an a tn iu'i ! n.l. li td rivar)? f -'tt'-n tltroiui intu li J.UUi! til:tt h llHll HM'il ! killl ut ."AKSat'Aiil'.Lt illij other mstitfirttt. tn ittt in ,ijit, m, I t'int lttw;ts) not rip-cud to lt iwtHtw fitur hour wiHii hf oifrifilTnt J lUtVT I frvniAM i'ruii vivo KtThVT-thtt mk Bomis hi tht I'rttirrlNG KVTl:rr Itrnift .itt-l rurt-i SKVfNrffX Ol liirt twi-Dty I : ! h Imtl wti.fi h tniifii'-ii u-iiij it. ;tt'l that a fnc hrittfrt nmf vtUi: u-tl a prm-rrr crntt. for mil Parbcuura tLia, an J unity uiii- r . imuui cure, mh our AJIPHLm. ThU Wonrfrrrnf m4 A-loiiinx l ItK dnr not ttnm! aloii n- n Mn"""r uf tli rat rjumrm af Bkant! flft-iUKH, fir wt cmi uiv,- nli. cmt unhiu bVl evturti'- u ut(-- r i uf", rJ ntt U U, il t. Were itjtiblisi. 'iuia lutt or tin- u t iy Fourloen lirsjci;ili Witmvs. By Doer. THita. W'lfxnn. nni he tnnstt r'Mftlil piiyairiaiu uf Unn - 'y M.- n Mt -ki.l A l-K'i:tD, whoWait ul rt'tnl '.y Mr ti. It. Han v. pru- pfVfAtr n4 lr.t-r t th- Wear Uomk H-itzl Mtd Uy ictwa OtMrT wttnec. Brant's Indian Pnriner care ! imptm 1 .-!' f t'n lii l, Tix.: iCWI Ht, SUt itktUM Hhrmiatt-i'm. Hr ,'tm.nlr n; the to PUm H'irM, Item, CWip w. Mrrrorn:! I ii .. IJrw CompittimU faint in thf Back, S4c, aui LouUt Uuk vj Bimdtv Ike iW vt t BRANT'S-INDI AN PULMONARY BALSAM fc Thi KiI-an po - th i1mnt t.4 fmrtfvtHM; r 'n't ot iim MiMtt t-'jti..J !'r.im'. lxtkact. ami mi -u uoi- iwi tiitr Hw 'Ii- :Tijrt. pir'u-' t'lw and fn tor'atuUwnk lorur. J liHr inil i NH Mf l :iS.-. it tWj aiwi -' t'hrrg im U.os. rtwl rl'WliTr m'traj 'y. rWrf ly anil an tsij aa Uic Kf.yjy iwact i-ul THmtaNM ot rurv if h awur hpUit Citnums fullx ir'r it- st'itt -t titirat bUxi tli'-iay Oi !! autast'i w( ibe'i.CNtirf, TlimiAT. Mid KitKAHT. a ivi; WOMAN SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED! Wr aivr th iUrifi rriiK ae aa Haft 4 run-, w hi h riaa to anwre tta pmrrr tu Mivt !iff. er-n .-n the j -r- ft:tiu tu be a the very U-t taKt' tH' riH-m e, whvfl lirmttf $ lA,mm Pn'momi! y Kai m h adtiuui-lrrvd : We jrp thp fo1iw e't tiriTe at fa -t orcuit which $fo-m tm nft tbr wtr tMVt titr.rn wiicru til- prraXiB ei-tw ki bt- i th vrry Imtt afoa.- of 'X.awm-r, wh-a Brmf' ffdietm trntmnnary tmlimm t adiiiuiu-tt rt-it Tni caav tlu. mt ataail io. ; Co'u uutsj many ct'Ka mm mmrrtUHM and mroti? kunrfrr.U of hrm4fw rr. ami thtmrntntU rf ra l tl 4;u.Sl'MJ'TI(N. linn ilKfc. vi -n--rtr. n th wilt- r Mr. Z1H4 Mr. Uykt-m wa iin iiMHrl doimm. anl Mr. Ovkcntau wtut h ihv .ion- of Mr. Jimk Wait to ptrrham doth lor a thromd. mdI otMtr htrii meVrriwU, xMt-tin hi wile would WHto da-. Wmb tti li! 4m a&ure ol the tliavNaa -waa atara mrrrtA and (uU-ratr tu rv.uivn lirr r dijtr, mini mkc a y.,r 'i'f mtrrr etwy Mr. UVktnMH w-i ih r-n to nre lirr aim it - Hit A M'J (Mil AN IM I.MnNAKV HAiAM." H. t-n.k 'tte Katm btasr with th hnuH. uJ j..- a N.rtHn to wii. it n-bt-rKd b,t ah ctMttii)ii"l to tak it until eh.- r. o nd oHn hr ,4V Tt i, and at- h i mmfimmeJ txll for ata-iy cr wra an rVf lor p trrvniar-t. Nr IHkkmam swr-1 . tia aN.re (acta tfo.e 7h. G. Tot kg, r.. ui Hm lon Sj, itt April, IMtj. TrfO. ft. ulSO, f.ajaf., Jtnttrr, it itiTli-a t!.J h h iS iiii.r Mr. Iik-a..ii m any y. i ;uni tiiHt h.- i one ot ttM-lr wns Wnrhy mik) rrirlnhlt rtUjtni J-J Mr. JoHN W ait. tit ton rw-liMitt n.k n ot ah t. diVo certijir lt ttio piMd rhiirm t'T .l .W. n.rmnn, m that he waa ac ouantttti with 7 tin-u nuij hcail UiciiJ otlt'O puk Ul ol ly y.Ma Brant's Pulmonary Balsam rur. V.V7 U'7 (.V. '. W, Sjiiuiiiw of lUttOiU Pbtdi m the i.mttgo, pat the Jinart nnti .We, .YW 4c iimtnr, .Vrrruttc t'-mf.lmmt, pmlftilfttioM ttf tkn Henrt, CmW l,.jmmt tM. immterw Simmer t'ntnp'.ai nt,utt ALL i&MALt. it J;.A.... truhtwt uuj,idtnf rkjUmtr nmTfiKs am) rii.snMxs UKi:Hf.i). Hm tiill.iwlni; ii .iml krti n.l Mu.irmtta oave faich .J r.r,nm. n.l.t III: AN rs MKIill'INM : In. N. Ill I. BAKU. .-t,uil..r.l, mill, tlr. J X SMI I II. W -u-.t.,,.!,. N. V. Ir. huA-MAN. i:u lli-un- tr.tt, Urooklia. N. V. lir. T. M. Ill NT. Aul urn. N V. I'r. (.I ll KKAM I.-i Mi.1.11, limn. ('una. Hr.l.K.i A liO'iKH.i, rl..th, N. . Or. s tt 111 I K. r..l..l N. V. Or. C.H iAI KM INK, llvrun. N Y llr.J O MUI-N4V Fnvh.'Vilie, N V. lir. J. r-MNMJt. Il.mv rtr.-L llruuklvn. N. V. Dr. o. M1H MAN C'uitliiuJ. N. V. Beware of CMtinterfeits ! There ia no K'anl' medtuue enuiiin, hut KUih hot lie. an are pot up in square package e.r ahape. and on one Mio-ire the parh7e i a ihel on lu.Il ii repre,,it;J ii young Kpniw, and lindi r viheie rhe liimU in a ..te of llnud, hlrt le.N an ftillo 'i. i. I Iht l,ri;r lea l D. r. ro, ,V ,,., . ul m,r .1, ,', fu. t.,r i Hit fi,, f llr.kl,.,,, ! UFUDJ ........ -y ......... . , '"".!,.. w ... . , .. . . . ' . 1 A '. .,,. ' II.,,.-,., ',!, A;t,l. isis." (h.. h note ;.,.,! Mii, ,,' ml ink) . V U" t IfV ,V o ' I ' iX.me cennine biJ a hive the nolo lie IvtHl .iL'fllll al. e j r , Th irn'o'i A- f'ti've, favVri 'bnr; tdJ Wilin e lleilin; i J C'roiar Mill ii-ui ove : fi VI' Moy", Freeliu g ; H X it leklisiisH. M .Mirtnou' : 'IIt .V E.lcrt, lltiiie. : lire- vi ncli. viittlin'rin li I,.,, , ,,!,. ,,( l a.l.lies'ivl to W all.cr A Co. HXi. Hr ndway, Xew Yo.k . vas tASTUU ml Sw.ei f) t.l,u I .n.iiii.l'i 1 AS J -1' J i-orir. lo.ifrej ( t..rdi il.lvisoin Sol's, uter.to.. fie.". Tartjr M,r. h. lord. -Ipoe, II ,1- I IV M.p a, M....,rl l. in,,,. M,,,,., j IJ.lliili.e, ".I la I'. 1. ten Ae for into al I 1 ! t..V SehaiUi'a ll.uii u. i loioii ul iin.poriuni I XjBnk Agent and Colporteur will pltate to obmvt.JH IVEKV cniwu of i be United Slates rhoulJ J iosrs s copy of thesa wurks. 'I'bej arr ihe Bouk of Our (loon'rf . 1 TTfi ,., A fsi'bfut Chronicle of the WAR of American fmleprn Hence. In one large volume, 8vo. Illuslraied nilb Seventy Engraving, in handsome Gilt Binding. Price ii. The Presidents of the United States, J heir Mrmnir ami Administrations : To which is acl.lrj an account of the Inaugura - lion of each Treiiitleut, uj a history of llie briitriiial ihiliiical events of hia .lininitmlion. and of the transactions of Congress at each ses- H. in during (he period. Illustrated with fkant portraits of ihe Preni denu. ngraved on ieel. This is a hmUme royrt fivo.in beautiful pictorial binding. $350. STATKSM AX'S MANUAL, compri-inn the I.ivps, A Jilrese anil Mfmxigea of the 1'iesiclehU t.f the I'nileil States, From Washinutun to Taylnr'n Inauguration ad dress. March, 18 IP. With a history of llieir Ailminixtrationa, and of each Session of Congress also Tiiinus hist oricul, laliticl, and other important nuhlic duruinenlR, ami a complete Index, or analytical (aide of rontenta to the whole work. Edited y Enwi Villi ana. Eq. Illustrated with por trjita of our 1 Presidents, engraved on i-t 'el, fro.n the most approved authorities, and in the Lest style of ihe art ; printed on fine p.ip. r. and haniisomely hound in emlilemati,- style. It will alio lie enilu llishrd wilh Views nf the Capitol. I're-iii, nl 's Hniise. and the Menls of the st veral xtntes mid the I'nileil Slates. In four large Svo volume. 1'ijee This is the citiii-u and I. ttoary edition. a"rTrM K'-forenrv Kiiiion of 'hi- Rime work, in 3 volumes lame Hvo. without portiails. I'riee $1 50. This edition is for n fi-renee. ami is iiitemled for Statesmen, l.eir-lators, Meinliers of city Corporations. I.awyeis, and Imlividuuls holding puhtie Ollues. Hie HcMil!irnl'llip I iiM-I Stnti-s. Mid ils t'nliticil Instnuiions, Iterirwed and Eamined. tv Alius Pi: Tim ai'KVILI.E. MiiiiImt of the Institute pt I'rurce, and the Chsmtier of Deputies. A c. In one Isrce octavo volume ol marly One Tliou-aml pan.-". 1'iice f :. The 12 Stirs of our ?iepuMic, I '-ir N .li iii' t ft in hi-r V'ih.iil' iiizt'tn : I I 'ontaii'i'nr the lives .if our P'il.iits ilio ' j Ninr.e.s uf ih ll.'rl.imli.n, Annie- of Coiifed- e':iiioii. Iin- Cj i'u'i.m, wiih in lll-l .riial -kri. h id .he n.i-rirati 5"ni n. Illutraied w hh j i o n t pi rlfaus. i ntrrave l on -iei-1. and illumi , ii i'i-.I pirlnris of the Simirix. lli, Cnnitol and i'.i -i.l..il' ll .iiHe V a-liiiieton. iiiinlier-'lill. M Ac. E!i' Hillv hound, lull e.les. l'riri 7 ' No expense hss 1 en pirrd in the pr.-pi-i l !. oi of 1'ie-ie v..umi'S of Ilor Jinents. H:stoiy. ' -ind .t.,t.tirs. to render the same worthy of pa tn-irili'. not only .if S vesnoii and Keeislalors. ; !oi ot the American puhlic ceneialfv ; who will lint io them the T.;si nr of I'iili'mcal K - o .vli:'ui:, ni:d a masa nf iitforuialiii. i 1 HT OF I'dUKS j ru'.lthed .y K. Wiiikre, ! 14 Koltoii street. j Ir IlouliimV Hisifrv of If 'inaiiisni to I'm prr-iit time ol) Eofi jvjujrs, piice f-'l.t1' i he liiinle 1,1 K inv liiliie. ri nn Tlie w.-nitern of ihe Vo:!iT, 2.0O Mti K.m.ilv Monitor. .;-H Mrs. Kills'-(Ji i,! to Soiid happiness, 2.511 'trmlirr and Sji, r. S(l lower' l.eniiies nn I'ilprim's Prosr eaa, 2 Ml 'hitwtiii M.irtvrolocv, 1.25 'hiii4 M.-enj;ers, 1.25 Kute of Infi leliiv , or. Truth Tiiiimphvnt, :)H ".Id Kel'imV OfTiriiii; for I St ft. elegantly iiluMta'ed. 2 00 M.I K.IWii (illoring for IN4, do 2 50 Md fellow' till', line for Hftll, do 2,00 The i'd Keiluw Il.'uMrated and neally lioiind, ino faith Hope, and ('Inritv 'MiHtrVeJ. 1 v.. I. 12 mo. toll Mti-lin. I.Oti Friendship, Love, and Truth Illustrated. I vol. 12 mo, ot, l,i(! Tle hoin the Arai.ian Night's Entertain ment . 75 IT..ImiiIioikI and hi Mrrrv Porrvlera, 75 Wreath nf Wild Flower. 75 Young I'eople'a Mirror for IHi. in. Mualin. 1 .00 Puxi.Miit,t,rf,nok Jltntx and Colportrtir Who may ilesne lo cnva ditrirls for the above important National Work, will be pleaded to addrea a line lo the pilMn-h r, atatinc the portion ul country he wishes to occupy, and by return of Mail he will receive a Lit'of Price, with Term to Agents, which allow them a very lilieral commission. EIAVaRU WALKER, Publisher, 111 Ful ton rtreet. ?t, w York I'wisuMplion disarmed of its Terrors ! HASTINGS' Compound Syrijp of iVii tha a positive cure for Cotisumpiion, I'uclme, Astliinu, and ail dise.-iiies of the clit:i and luuos a sitiole bottle will niove Its t HilMCJ'. '1 he proprietor not on!) recommends his .Vu'iiia Sviu i', but warr.'tiiis it In cure! iic wiirriiiiis ii 10 act upon the chyle, and purii) 1: ; tie Marrams 11 to remove ail 1111 pcdiiiieiiiN w in h retard the free circulation nl the blond ; he wrirrauis it to open the internal and extt-ritnl pores, of ibe body and 1 jei t all ibo obnoxious, poi iii li-s v, bitb have .ici'uiiiululed ill the sjstfin ; he warrants il hs a m vi-r-liiilino remedy in liw:lic lever, niobt 6'Hlj, dyspepsia, liver eornphiiut, piitn in tin- clie.si, and asthma ; and be war rants it lo arrest the lorinatiuti ol' tubercles in the Im jis, and 10 heal those already lori.ied, sr. tlut persons in consumption iiiay t.t!e il wiih the mnsl positive conli di iice of a cufe, for its great sent of action ia the linn;, which it prmiritti's in ail di rections, (iiirifyinj; iIhiu of everythiuji ul.iiiivt.ius in its progress, and which, if applied acrurHig lo ilirei ltons, it can not Im. to leave in a perfectly healthy condi tion. Aoi ni at lcwisburo 210) ; w t;n Fr i.E. Cct the Best ! 4 I.I. .niiu person should have Htmuhird S person should I in al their elbo 1 Ihrtmni.ry al Ihe.r ellioiva. And whil 011 are ai.out il. .-t ibe be I : thai tlictionary is ,1 " l"'TI:" " '"" ". unatindiied. f v.'u ,,M r' s:,ve ,Ur "'""'" from orfyoor ".v1" ""' t'-l.-fV,rriio-,ir.Jour , ' ,' U'U'' ' w"rk ," '" l''' ''""rv ' ' Liia'wh t .t euaire. ImuU.h Mtirii.t'linm'. , iFii.miiiMi: mire iiinen me amount 1,1 matter 01 any o'her Enebali Dielionaiy rooipil,,! u. tins eoiimiy, or any alontumei.t ol litis wo.k. ruMt-hi-.Hi) (J A C M. u tain SpriilulJ, Mass. and lor s.ile at the heap U s kslore nf May F LY. U I.L, Uwishorg MEST Spnnish .nl llnll i;u.i.ih, also ) .m-riean CKSAfW aiid all kinds of Jhcirit( Tl)ltCfT(, for snln by PI'.NW Si. FL'RIJ'AV. I ew i-diiirii. M.-v 4. 1818 OF ALL KINDS "K hy lilCltl.K Li wtshiifo, June, St HJl.t,f-. tLHAisE 'IO READ TM&! SEALS' New Pictorial Works::::1849. Great Chance for Book Agents To cLiia raon $500 to $1000 a Ysab ! Books of Uitioertat Utility. SEARS' New and Popular Pictorial Works the most splendidly illustra ted volumes for Families ever issued on the American Continent, containing more than ' Four Thousand Engravings, designed and secuted by the most eminent Artists of litio'inil and America. Tim extraordinary popularity of these vniim'8 in every sectimi uf the Union, renders an agency desirable in each one ol our principal towns and villages. Just Published, Sears' new and popular Pictorial Description of the United States, containing an aecniint of I Ik; Topography, SeltlcuiLiit, History, Revolutionary and other interesting Events,Slatistics,Progres in Agriculture, Miiuiifactures, and Copula tinn, in: of each S'ate in th L'uion, Illus- tiated with Two Hundred Engravings of the principal cite s, places, buildings, see nery, curiosities, Seals of the Stales, &c. ; complete in one octavo volume of fUU pa oes, eleunntly bound in gilt, pictorial mus tin retail price, ?2-50. 'I'lio I'ictorial Family Annual, tllll paof-s oclavo, and lllti.-str.iti'il with 212 ltioiiiviuoi desioned as n valuable and cht'iip present fur p;i rents aud teachers to place hi tin: Ii:iinls of young people. In auraciive u.namos. liie 1US WR Y OF PALLS TISE, I rum the I'iiiiiarchal Aoe to the present nine, liy J din Kino, lidiior ol the Lon- Ion I'icliiriol i'.ililr, &c. Also. NEW EDITIONS .f Si'pri' I'ictorial llistor of Hie B ble I'ictori il Siinduv Book lb st-ription oi Gieat Cumin uiid Ireland Bibl.i Itiuura - I ! V :eires iiud kclches ill ('ontiiieiiliil ' i;nri)H liil'i.rin.itiiin I'ur the I'mple I'ic-j lilrinl t-'oiiiitv I .ilirnri fif.fnrii,l llil.trv I if the A merieau Retoliilion uu euiirelv new volume 011 the ixiikrs ol tin; orlil and llirtorial JfsimilQ Kiblt. K 11 b oliiini- is liliistrotfil wiib scvern! biiiiilrnl Miioroviuos, and tin- lill.Llv will) linr 'riiuus.iliij. 1 AiK.i'!S W . X I'EII in every To 11 ami County throughout ibe I'luoti, to sell Statu' Xrir and t tpuVir I'irtoriiil UWA n," unjiersalb ai-know leilge,! to l the lieiil and c-ieie!lt evei piipiisnt'ii as inev ee'iail.iv are inn ui.isi iaiat'le. . ,. , - e 1 1 - .L . ' ' Thin evrellent compound i for sale by the Any active Aee.it miiy rl, r ..ii(l nr MIIHII p,,,, rietor'. AgmU-J Seiirr.tir. Unib,r . yetr. A cash capital of j: 01 f 5U mill lie nee- t VJJV floe. Sclinsgrove ; M Wilhiiigton, Nor ss4ry. Full pnrti'-ulnrK of the pi'nciples and thiiintn rliiud ; J ti lUser, Milton ; ti I 4 F Piper, pr . -tit- of ibe ag. nc) will Im' given on application ! Watsoiitowu either per..ially or by letter. j Addn-M (invariilily po,t p.l) I "tiff rfttl li Ite HoOllt, 11wuf.n1 .-Li.'Mfc., 1 1 ni.isiiFR, las, Nassau Mt. New Yoik. Ni letter will he taken from the Hice unless ist patV. Gts!-r0 English and German l'hysician. TIIO S A. II. TIIOH.TO, 91. !., 'IITHO lias been regularly educated in the University ol Maryland, and an Honorary lirsduate of OasMeton College ol I Vermont, and a Member ol the Medical i and I'hilosophica! So:krty of the Siute ol j Maryland, offers his professional services! in all Ihe branches ol the lie., low Art to' the citizens ol Lewisburg and its vicinity He has been engaged in the practice of medicine, in Luzerne county in this (Mate, for nearly thirteen years from whence he brings letters of recommendation from tha first men in that and Columbia county. as regards his standing in the profession of medicine, and his genera! character, viz Hon John N ('onyngham Rev Marmaduke Pearce " Ziba Bennett " Andrew Iteaumont " 8 f Headley ' HB Wright H W jNicbolaou, Esq Jesse Bowman, E-q Chan U Bowman, Esq L'harle Kalbtus " J H Young Drs A U Wilson " Tho W Miner S H Wamer - A Yohe - M Steck Kev I bouaa liuwuiiii N B. Hr.T. may be found at his office at the Drug store on the east side of Mar ket St. next to Walls' store, or at his resi Jence 1st door below Kline's hotel. Lewisburg, Jan. 5, 1849 PERFUMERY ! SCHAFFLK has received n choice as sortinri.t from E. Honssel and J. lluurl. Perfumers, w hose preparations are celebrated Bears' Oil Ox M.irrow Bay Water Cologne Water Pearl Powder Fancy Soaps Hair Dye Shaving Soaps etc. &c. Curling I' luid Also a general variety of Jewelrv and Fancy A rticles.Spcctaclcs.Pencils, Wallets, Toothbrushes, Hairbrushes, Ate. Ace. C. W. SCIIAFFLE. Lewisburg, May 18. 1349 VFKESH supply received at the Lewis burg Cheap Bookstore : Fiske's M i 11 11:1 1 of Classical Literature I). vies Analytical Oeometry Btnir's Rhetoric, (Uuivcrsily edition) Comstock'a M neralogy The (Complete Farmer, I vol, 02 i cts The New American (vardener, I vol, $1 The Book that will Suit You, or a Word lur Everybody I can furnish the above works, with a great variety of others, at rery Imp prices. May 30 F I.Y.MIAI.I. Harrison's Columbian Ink, IN Quart, Pint, and smaller sized bottles, Black, Blue, Red and Indelible. This 'elebrated l.k lor sale bv ti .W. KCIIAFFLE Q" CORDS of BARK wanted, for jJ which the highest market price will be paid. June I grERNKR & SANDERSON. V COMPLETE REDY RECKONER, in Dollars and Cents, also lorms of -Notes, ItilK Receipts, l'etitions, Interest Tables, tallies nl' Wages, Uoard, 4.C. I'riee 18 j cu for rale at tliiv otliee. Kk O TT never refused al the oUice 1 YrJXl. oflheLcwisburgKhrouiclc. A Word to the Afflicted. 5,000 persons in Philadelphia alone have witnessed with astonishment the won derlul efficacy ol Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha in curing Consumption, Asthma, Bronch itis, obstinate Coughs, Pains in the Side or Breast, Liver Cumplaiut, Sic &c. This preparation is entirely & vegetable remedy, and may be administered with perfect safety to ihe feeble aduli or child. Its power as an Kxpectorant is admirably adapted to relieve the oppression in pul monary disease, and while it assists nature in throwing otT the viliated matter which collects tu the injury of the system, it acts as a general tonic or strengthened The testimony of Physicians and others to the value of this great remedy, has been of the most satisfactory kinj, and has given it a character and standard as a F.1M1LY MEDICINE. that has placed it beyond competition (or the vaiious diseases for which it is em ployed. Prepared only at the N. E. corner Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Sold by C. If. Schtiffle, Sole Agr-nt for Lewishurp; and vicinity. 273 fPIIE subscriber would inform the G.n- I tk-im u ol Lewisbursi and vicinity thai be tins now re-opened a new and elegant shop, next door to the Post Olfiee, where j be will carry on the business of CUTTING ! AXU MAKING giirmenta as usual. Work ! "'' nV "" warranted to fit. Produ.: , received in pnyuu nt at market prices. i JOHN tt. MILLKK. Lewtsliuro, April -i, 14 LEWISBUR.G. 'PHKsubsi-riber would inform the citizens 1 oi Lw isliuro and vicinity, thai he has Taken and fitted up a room in the new brick building on the south side of Market street, between Third and Fourth, where he is prepared intake Daguerreotype Likenesses I sin-de or in grotls, in good sly le, duratilu, and on reasonable terms. Call and see. March. 14 J JOHN SIT I O.N. - f fnt f will ill f1tt'f1 ) LI 55 L4 V Ml C. IS a positive and never-failing Remedy for P 1 1 E Si whether Internal, Ex ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula, White Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore 1 hroat Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutan eous Diseases, Mervururf Affection Jir. also for Si-alds, Burns, Cuts, bprauis, Brut ses. Ate. Ace. We feel justified in proclaiming the Fact to Ihe World, that of all medicine ever bro'l before the public, none have ever been more beneficial to a filleted homanity than Myert' Liquid Cure. We know this is saying a great deal, but if we were to write volume we could not say too much in praise of thi HfcALTa-tTuui5c,LtrE-riioi.o6i(i iivr.ni. Hundreds, nay thousand bless the happy bout when first ibey were made acquainted with ils tranacendant virtue ; and our present purisjee i to inform other thousand, how and where iheyj may obtain inai leiiei waicn iney pernap oave long sought for in vain. The superior excellence of thi preparation over all other medicines, for the speedy and per manent cure of PILES, i well known to all who have tested it. It ha been proved in thousands uf iusianoa, and has tvt riiLun to cure the ;o.i ulistinale ennet, and we are confident it u-ill never fail if used a proper length of time accord ing to directions. As a proof of our entire confi dence in its efficacy, we assure all purchasers that if. after a proper trial, il prove ineffectual, the Money paid for it will be returned. The Liquid Cure is an effectual remedy for Ringworms, Biles, Pimples, Barber' Itch, Frosted Limbs, Chilblain. Hall Kh. um. Musquilo Bite, stings of pniaoneu Insect and Cutaneous diseaee of every description. Il i both safe and effectual for Khf.uhatmv, giving immediate and eimanent relief. It effect a a real Pain Killer, are magical. krtit riviiir is ins lasd should provide themselves with thi Invaluable Preparation, the cheapness of which place it within Ihe reach of all. Full Direction accompany each Bottle Pamphlets, containing copies uf certificates from those who have tested the Liquid Cure, may be had grati of or authorized amenta JHiern L'luid Cure i prepared only by JEROME & CO. 21 r-pruce St. New York Agents : C W Sc baffle, Lewisburg ; J H Rases, Milton lveow.VTJ' COAL, COAL. COAL. rpilK subscriber has on hand and is X now receiving from Pulsion and Sha- imikin. Best Foundry, Lump, I Sroken, Nut, and Pea CO A la which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. June, '49. I LAWSHU. Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a. A LARGE and fresh vupplv of this celebrated Medicine, just teceived from ihe principal Depot in New Yoik, and for sale at the uew Drug and Cheioiiral store of Or 'H,orntm A Baker QCH( rOL-TlCK KTS pnuitd and for O l this otfice. Tha Cheapest aud moot aplendid Aaaurintcnt ol te, WATCHES AND JEWELRY J ia Philadelphia. No I LEWIS MUOMIS, $ N 413 J M ARKET 8TKEE1-, t 413 a few dour utmr ELrtnlh, n-trtk tide, HAS jual received by lale arrivals, frm tha mart celebrated manufacture!" of Eurepe, a uianuificenl aud judiciously selected aanmiuculul UUtO A.M SILVCK WTIHKS, which be will tell elteaper than any other estab lishment in Ibe Timed State. Among ihe aaeortmeul may be found (Juki Levers, 1H fine, lull jeweled $:0 Kilver Levers, full jeweled 5 (ikl repines, 18 rase, jeweled 25 Milver I'Epinee. jeweled 'u do yuartter Watches 4 to 10 do Tea Spoona equal to coin per sett 4,50 d Dewert do do do l""" do Table do do do 15,00 Together wiib a aplendid aaMHtroent of chaste sod rich Jewelry, Ac. Gold Chain uf various at) lea from the beat manufacturer. Ple-iae preacrve this advertisement, and call I.EWM LAUOMC8. No. 4 1 X Market atreet above Eleventh, north aide. fXji have iold and Silver Lever dill cheaper than the above price. A liberal diacount lo the trade. om'-iGl TIME IS HONEY! WATCIIKS AXU CLOCKS Carefully lit paired, al the thorfetl .Xolice- T suhseriber desires lo inform the citizens of Lewishur" and the puLlie in general that he carries on the Wulcb- M ikino 1'usii.ess in the shop formerly oc cupied by CJ. Unused, where he is prepared to execute all kinds ol work in his line ol business with promptness and on the most reasonable terms, and by s'ricl attention to his business Xiceta a liberal share ol patronage, lie has constantly on hand an assortment of WATCHES Patent L ver, English, and French. JKWKLUY fioIJ Walch cba ns and fiiiaiils. Pencils Pens. Breasipin.s.Iv.nins:, Fingerrinos, Silver Speclueles, Lockels, Sj.ooiis, Tbiinbies, &c. W lin h he is determined to sell low. C.ILL .'LVD TRY. A. I.. II ATFIKLU. Lewisbiiro, ov. 13. I ""11 3'vt'r and ifjuv Til. IKI II ; I.Y KK.V'JICATEU 11 M'.v TOU' illlXl l tlE '1 il A I' great nali. .rial obi lavorite and .trrlinu remedy of Klii.rrt.tl YkASa ftTAsmso l -tilt unapproarhed it. ita won leiiul nuctess atii. salety in the cure of tlil. wretibed complaint! if you would eseupc the arseniui (poisoi.ousV counterfeii, lake .101 a Im'lle Iro.n anv one Umt not guarded l.y the trr'lttn tiimture of ihe o- in itial inventor a.iJ pr priet.ir. Johs l.Knwiutoii a p iper label eroa-ina the 111..111I1 and cork. 'I hi .euie.ly ha ... vei i'eei. bolstertd up b lalse and dm illul pulf-, l.ui Ii ,s vr,m il- way lotlu onli lenre Slid Ull.vera.il ai.4l..u ol I lie Inhabit lit ol Fever and Ague d.rtnria, si its uoo. Works sii rtn rs ilo . ,10 which all the ageutr md every person who have usv l il will t. siily. 1 Proprietor's Oilier, 14 J, Arch St. Philad'a Akksts: C U Sekdtlle. Thornton & Bakei. K M Bowes, Ltwitburg t A K.niollrr, William Crowse, Selinegrove; Itassler tc , pp. Sweet Hope. (J S Uackhou. I'hil.p iiilbish, M Kee's j Fail lyeowUiM LEWiSBUBJBJOUNDRY I PHE subscribers, thankful for past patro- X nage.would tnlorm the public I hut they continue to inanulaclure all kinds ol MILL GE.1RLVG. Cast Water Y heels of ,b mo,,, Pr"- Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. We invile particular attention to a new article Wianl'i Palrnt GAM PLflfcns, lor SrtUing in hraiD. rarmers by this plouoh can seed in as much grain, in one day, as in tnree days with common ploughs. eiBtuiQ0 ant EutniuQ, nd Filling ihe same. HOLLOW WARE Kettles and Pols of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now io use, for wood or coal. Fancy.Parlor.Wood.Coal Stovesj AIR TIGHT S TO VES, Race' Seir-reffulatiiis; Air-tight J'arlor Wood Moves, (a new article.) Threshinj; Machines and other articles ol machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted io be ol the best material, and at prices that can not Tail to please. UtiDDKS At MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 ly209 aiiKfiilit-iinN d.u;i erkeotyh: i Establish mknt p . . , story, Philadelphia. - - , - - . d , au.ru The Hon. II tsar Clt vision? this Estah- tishnienl for the porpoee of having a Dacuerreot v pr taliiu,iipresd Haltering opinion on thi favor it, plnee of the beauty and Wnuu of Philadelphia. Jtidvasl nuiuliera of straneera resort toil to procure a really good Dauerreoi) ie. The proprietor will make every exertion lo eatend the long e.lablished fanie of thi well known slal.lishoirnt. Kami I y groupea. groupes of i-bildreu and single portra.U ol all sizes aie executed equally well 3l41y ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, SEATLI k EXPEDITIOTSLT X K G I' T K D AT THE " CHRONICLE" OFFICE. ONE BuKf.e an I Sett of Harness, One Two H-.r-w W..on. One Truck, W ill.' till. Foraale l.v HP Sh. I'.-r GlXtDdUKU VIM KG All forleb? Jui.c 1 KLULK A tULlL.a "All ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that air ful diicate. CO II SUMPTION! DR. FITl'11'3 Lectures on the Prev. lion and Cure of Contumption. This popular work for sale in lcv,;,i,.Jr, by 8. K. Lyndall J. I louohton and ,"t this office. Price, 75 cents. TRICKS) OS Q.I AI KS l.irT Cvaavaouv R rem .'omifLM.-Tl , !sariMiarilla " l M SiHsrant u,mm r.vif s . Tniom't ' Sar"eNnlla. k a,lvrriiS . ,,kI( . NAl-KMI'li,""d" lM. Thw T..ri ,.i, ,', ami ocver wu ; but wravrl, a wnHrini ri.n... rd nuK aud the live yi Sr ananw.pi tbr title in I M Ih purlMM sauiUMI croUl bv whM be bXi aiieiHtnl uieliral arbwrf. anl vrarat !" r.,w UV.ntib la. bv arver U.K. II. A .. ,n Kia lile ! Sneh wufnt. ri u,,.,rb.., ,. . luuks bail u, tliechararieraiMl vrr-. nl t- m,,u nHMS nlMCerely, He bad arver irMib. i.. wvir.it. m rlt uf ol ma. W hen vr.ll m lew u. r u i-.. : ( lul lu all UKir ilralmva mni a..'fwtv i nlf 'm men ! lie applreil one 8'iel l.'laei i.. ..i li,m K UM.UI.IMI b uan. aaitua 'hv ii.ii. hi Bia4e. an Ml irtLUermnil Io rmbark in ih- ..ii.. -j- mrb lull uvea trivuluue aud Uir.lioe u iu i:l ,im, in unlrr u Miiir.s lua putine albkM -hu Ihe lld IbUH-'v Srm,oanlta m not lii --,miii. .rf ylHai V'rofil. ni.le llom lb i-l'.r 'fiis), , pit. TliinS. P. T.iwuiid ay I K' l-l ibr n. baine t i a wee I "ill .a bim . H be vl iluce one .uele iliuirv pro.,1 u iin. lli. , ,tf Tbomrwer. Slullniiui .. are ne hine bm u, (alach.K uiilv iia t ileeewe lb (.n'alic. aiw k, v Uie tlillh Jowii lu ri-iranl In Ion "UtiH. ftrm'V... wmiwi. Tinn In an eautruli .lie piiWtc u (.un-tisr t;... ... ,t OM IH. JAI'.IIIT'lisi-ii.r. Sjra.v,rii:. It vlu? -in ... -s, Olil KncWa likelier br fhmtly tJ-Mlt of Aim;n.i sj liriiaiiireacri" tins '"" Ann. Priniiwl OSn, PJti .Viunra J.'ree. .V V ' JAI.OU 1UU.WD Old Dr. Jacob 'i'ownson:!, THE OltHIINAI. lISt'OVr:l:E of' TIIK Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. IHd Itr. T.. iieit l li"" ''H! 70 r..rs .i' . nt r 1ms bee. kauvro m the I f l lK'R n.l Ms, ' I ;.. V hh- H t:. rv k i.uiiit vt. y -n -e MAUs.iHAiil.l. I ' B-nx l-r. !.e ,...ni. .. liMUlt 11 nwii'il ii.v. h sIii.Ii in- .w il li- - 's . ili..jrki... an! '" sle eir. .nic I1"- I ib""e , . , bail pr0 il w.'b. a..J k.n..n it r .t... 1 !. r . . lli c. "I niiiio. it', -"'tt.' i" iti.--- i- J i-r.i. heate.1 "I ' ill v wa, an.1 auI eu ' .-b. -.-..4i,i.cJ 11 wrt.l.-'.il in:.r.i; hvkk nMiiiiU'iuirtl ..11 il.-- I.ifb,' MMlv.rtifl i- .. ... n ul Ihr i-U.'l!l aii'l Iir...fll a) it r. t - ,t ih Ittninl iii4.iiah!r tt .! 'trmri'Mt r 'V'-fitir i."-,. lid rt tr rtlili'--f" bH ItH-liir tn-llrr: T.i:t- H (..r. 11 tn meicMtifar pvtnrtii- ly AWtftttfic mun. Id. U,n- klH'Wle-.lr ol I rT-MU tl v . .11,'j ttit- isi" " '1. -" T - . . mfi. havf t h .u ;1M rrtju: I l n ,;;-i:.it!.r lure ul tnr lr'- . . , -irt t. 'i'.u .,;.. p--. It l wt H Itivt'Wu li .." "v a. "'' -i m ur I:. r--TiH--, Ma! '.. i i - !i. ii :v .... i: , i -. av.xi .iliv-p.. witch if ri'-i ! -i hi n i :ir i r r i ; . tlttrc tertn"tt't '. i.c!i i- nr ir a f.i '- .- Win. N . 'Ii- n: ft l if- ii ir n . j j.'- - ifMl lh i uu r- 1 t ..((-li-.ttf ,tit,l ;trr ,-' : . ; '.( : !! itiey iri- ihM im .-. rv. t u . - . - k. Iv t lSif , ."li-.r in l eni-ipi ir 'tie. V tbrc r.-t.V j r. n ..ii c, . it-... l hl.itl-tt. ut.-tvr (m-i. .ir.- i.i- v r.- ''. ,-t-. n trti'M nl 'Ik- r. wet. i t . ii .ill i . v -i '. m rm ran U i' .r .- th-.- P- ' ' 1 rflit,J ll;iia-t. !nfii I- lir'tf ti 'ii In' r-..i . , lir- rtkM lli.i.t Hutu .in. r.; . - : r.i ih-n -'i f In-i'i4 r ".ipi ! '-i'r n ' - n i ih.ii rail n " SRS M II II. I, A lA.u'l' i't-i . I.i ? tint -stirh I- M't tlir atiir; fc.M-irtft a- :ti- Gfc.NL'i.Kiiai nnvN8i:M- &AliSAi'A ULU. Tins i f.riHml ilni Kit iin-rt ibn.(rir , r'i'aflfi phi! air h.'-l v;mvtl, evn) ti-i.,-. - tw-t-'Hiiu.;' ci'i or h-ittw -iMiHHi in rxli.it ,i:l r. -i then ewer .i' h i il m- U- ul urine mrrnt- t li - : u aint CttM-iitrsi-'l h-riit ; ift itii;' ! ' ntinvi I iti wl Ut-liit an ! -ItwN1- sit i-1 t' rr 'l" ' ' 1 iurtal HI lh il i- tiah th- ii'- , W'Tlul .ru ii4 ,i Cure of iHUMinrrttlitf I ! .. ll;nc IvamMi wibj mr tieeif oHMitiriP t.t -ii htr in lis iMto't t. hm it. vii:ii. aiail cl.lUlitu. U. L Jftiis! wtiKtsT" Iti th'- rurv "I ClSt MfTI" I V.-7'.VV7 I. m: . :t ft Mit. 7. ii-l i' KNKfW .!77xV. "'- i . i, pit.Kx. ttrsi i it-; : w. ..it i tk tt( S A.77,77"V.V. k'IMI'LK'. hL l .", airviall mlrrtisw an-m' hHt I.Ml'l lU I V te' Tlit: Hl.i Of t n. ! iturrclfttu rrti--ir it :nl v.tnr :. Pin iron if tir: r olio it, r-'fil -1 "iV'y f the .v.. -(.. iiiifv;u.il cirftiUii.vh, U-UTtiiaiti'U M-l i- ii. . Mt;ilUslhii H ihr ttf.iTI. C-t'-t fiM int fi-sn-tst. ;.' ! tut Haj-hc nrrr iIm- tniy. h. iv i ,. n. ' ' i . UoMf ; mui iTaUf'K-" r (r.i.r.i i.ii in-t psMratHtti. Riaxiue rtncutn il lln. luitjs, wt -u. : o.lier b4rt. Bm in iKl.mi? tu itf V.io" rrf uu.ru:- -'' CaVUOtvKi?l lb-Mi III l k M-1-.. i fld-It.- It wink wHflem it, re-. ! A'w.T .1 .f . Katimg of the HmK ti w'U. $nj,irr'l. Oi -,Mtw. s.rwu it fi ihf nuii-ittii (wn I-. m ' ait1 tm KfWfitaf in rtiriit all tc .irtir Afny Bv iYitHvuuC tJt-tirttfii'Hiv. aifl r -s.t ii '-' ' i Vfttctn. H tfivrfi Uw aiki Mlit.ill Ul lite wti b- 'y thus cun all torrnri wrmm Oi ul Irlilitv mini tUUa) MViCiiul r lrir a-ril' v.tiu lb -I " mtr,m aViMMo tt rtl'ttim, rw ai'"i. .V I'... ' h ciatM iin tilt" mriu-K :h uvr iw S- tith. 0ne ill MunMtfh. hikI aivr l'ikh! .tu J.tl. li. t ..r ; bivwelx wl HiTiMratI.-N:!,ti ft7iM.'ifc aita.Jt ml1:rHTM::."t. i-' nliM Uikin,v.iwiit" v lrcuUthHi of it- m. 1. 'viciusl fietiik ttuinili e-iually ail ov. r Uie , aju in inMrfMihl perTirafl n: rrfa ; tunc; 1 ' ITAVn all (lOMfliriKHiw. till t.ti.iir Uir rti"!-- lT'-t: Tht Mrdlrfne yw prr-pmlttfii'lr H I But can a of r i ihv h -ti.. .i S T ratciKM arttrivp ? Tht Tmn, nun u.,nnl; w ! COMPARKO WITH If I K LLI) lWaiiwrrt nr- f;KANfl FACT, ih 41 lUm uuo K IN F.t BLK ul Dfc l i-.HH R A I'll l. .in, I NKVKit SPO'LS. whllr lh rthr IMU'.S mimrime. frwn'i?e. S'.rf the hottl rntifjiHim? if mw Irtirnirn : tin "'ir. . 1 bnol vXlvhiir.i.ii. rt.tinauii.af ittlu-r C'tw' v f u-" nrriW Ciiimsikirhii hr i-.-iHr'tH ( 'lit- !-(.( l1' pmtwTtd tnioa xyf'" a?rn,tu fin't tri ft act ' ' V -Mimwi W-iirisira bai ari'f t Ik wr-i-'. a'l ki-'. t. fctnti m9r in ur itnaikva. wtvu mt-rlii-l it p.r.nt."T' rtailllv-itCf. hfTirtUini. a'i..':hn Oi fhr bran, ii.-i r platMt, ttiiriitii. i)-j'iiti rtr, roftr. ,h ' fitiT'ipn. n "' h'iib,i ? lii f Scnit'iiU hill n art humor m Mn " Wh;ll tinxtiif? all 'hi hiuien w hirh hri., ,,u f mi " the Lin, S-al.l llrrfil, St!t R'is-iim. Kr-.: U s Swrlliitjtsi. rVrrT Sutm. ,,tnl .l uir.rKttH(v iti'tm--1 ' Irrnal 1 It i iithiii iitMrs-r hrftcit htr .in ,n-.l -u'- which MMir. imhI limit 5t.i. ail ilie fliti lsi ttt Kt-U . ' or irm. Wliai riiv- If SriiTn-titHni hut .t -..ur ainl ,I fluid which n khi ma tr 11 ) f hrttr.-m rie N.itHh .1. E f ' whrrr. irriiantisr ai. ii. Ham mtf l he diii-a e ti-u -which if aria I S ol' mrvntw ififlrar. 01 intftrri. . .-' MotaiL iri (rrati.ft-) rirruI.Yti.Mk. naAi-i ll ih- ' whifh a (11 ni hmn.-in nJiitirf. INow m N nH bornt.te to maka ami -aH, i .'' rfWSf f T f.4 Mtl UIMi, FKRMFXTINC. A7I -'OMrtr' S P TlrWASKMI. rt b wuM litin ft iimk rvifiMtil that OM ! ?..h T wimiMt'4 ttrttttioe ttftimt SttrMitjtnlia. if du ITATHIN 01 hi inirhor pr iaratiM Hravnt UwA thai wr rf'H.1 iV.tl in n nt wI.h-j W"til,l hrir lh llna-1 ittiant rrr-ftiitiUiM-i 1.. S I T rrxt'a artirtot Wr wth 11 im'TfrtifiMv-t. Thr;inw ii s- nJ.tft'w " thai S P T ivinvnTianu'lr- a.s! i.M !- xri T SamtitartMa arr kwrm-wide uytt. ai mAmtu Our; lhat llrv arr mmic to err im. u mar. huri.. uw nlr thin m rttinvn. A S. P. T'wtt-riKl i-t n rior. imt nrrrr m-. i" thrmirii. no tbharmarriiltl trnatwo nwrre tt mil'i " 4tmmnm lltao artr tvtvr r-mint.n. oiu-rvu.irir. HiH'rou " man, what riiTrriiriir 'hr pnh ir hrvr that ihr .i.r v crivhir a t-iiMusarH-niitir niralirinr. cnuiiiii ;ii' 1 III im ll.r ariirlrt it- in prriit r il. a-.t a hi .'h . - ' catmbla 01 rhanrr whirh v-ht iYi.lcr Uwm ibf Ai.I-N ,: 9f liwar intradt hrlttt Bill what rhac nuht r- nrriril fmm rvrir -rl.n l nothitif eimfanairi ot nmiirnir or Ji-r.' t i- " perHeit ol MHUe ritrrtrit'r m r.H.k miI wrve u; cininn fct-M mral. Hw mhtIi miw ii(t ' u lhal thr itrrnfi what ntaniiLiruirr nr.!H'nr .i. - -m ' WRAK KlOMAI'IIS AMI FNKHKBI :! Si v Khon'rl vTiMtw wrll ihr m--nl nmtri'irut plaiiis.Ur tnanimr I'awriiniKt aut niM-t)tititttMC ilcif !. aii.tj -t. ' aim an rTtirfinirr kfM.wlvHr tt tbr van.tttttr. iiies li rfrri the liMiaa t-nein, id bow to ajti n:u iJ Urr itrrasrii hum artvM frau-I nim he un'or-uuit. 0r tkJ' " into wiMMfeVrl hiHWiiittv. n kit: ' wf U ihr A -l '"" btMnwt. m n atrt br.tlth, Mitl hKMini. ami CrtiHvl awl Krkr... an l Ma Kinl-h hirtrmtfv that I I'11 JA tH ToWNSfMI h sM'lilirauiHlM1v,! portitniiv ivtvTfnr.iialohriii'; hr vUrand l irral wMrrwjtrwtrtl Kwrlr wuam im r4. a. aa-1 1 m kiwwVlrr ti all ' 11 Uwi ihav mar IrMi-a n' ktsv. I surlul ritrk-'r, l'J Ti raxlaHt Ptwur t Mwtal Ai:rxT for ihe above MeHiriHt i v Schuine, Lfwiwburtt; John II KJrrv M :" ton ; Forih &. Prit-sily, .Norihuiiib'bn i KN TLKsMKX'S TnJU, V VJ " Cluitiv rnvMinicrtt?, huJ ?ur ii H.f ttuod in ciu ral, . lv-
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