1 11 y 1 . 1 I ..' . 'I JWII am.S.LHI.1 I tll, ! .Ul'J-Jin.l.'l W-l1 -i WU. :1;EWIS?IJUKG ?Ci!iKONICljH ' AX5 WEST BI.AXCM .'UHLIC NOTJCIv 1TE have this div boiohl t Private c !t- nf A mi b fit KsnvJI yds .1 carpet, 2 tables, I settee, 1 bureau and bookcase, 1 2 chairs, I eight-day clock, 1 a, .A s'ovc, I lo.ikiiiii-g'ass, nnd 1 hog, nnJ t!,.it we: have loaned tin same during our . iM-iiirc to tin? S lid Kennedy, of which ih- public may lake notice J &. J. WALLS. Iicwisburg, Sept. 19, 1SI9 MORE testimony in fivir of Dr. M-L um 'o Liver Vi'.U. I wiid Iip j .asv to til! a volume with ccttifientes ! I the "cxcf!U-ii-e ol this medicine. Where-' . i i i . l i.. I ever it v nio a trai a ujs iimji. i popular. Vt'e hive in cur possession hun liieds of orders like ihe following : -Varylitira, Y., Ibclti, I -J7- " Messrs. Kdd &. Co. Your travelling aL"iit k'f' with im a short lime smee, n quantity of M'Lane's Liver Pills. The w hole lot sold very rapidly, and give the highest satisfied in. Iitdii'd it is consid end 'he b'sl mi d cine of the kind over of fered fur sale. I'lense scud me another supp'y as soon as pnssipte. W. II. AINSVYORTI1." ACKNTS-.-C W SrBri.K. Lcwi-burg : H .1 sheafer, Milan ; I (Serhart. S,.ini;rivc; J V rrilini, Sunbtiry ; Mr M'Cay, Northumberland; .M C (Jii.T. M oie &. Carska.l on, Danville. Superior Conking Stovos. Thesnb-i liU'rs have on hand ibeAHni xir-Tiplit CiKikinn Stove, arranged li.r Wood ort'oal. These Stoves are superior to am tiling of the kind ever oil' red in the . eiiiTV, and will be sold at rasonabe priees." S & I. WOLFE. 1.I.-U i-W", Sepl lO J-Ji) 'JiiO Sicks rrrouiul Alttm Salt, 50 do line do iOO l)l!s. Salina do For sule, wholesale or retail, hv Sept 10 S iV J Wulle 'l'he sueress o( Dr. Tiak's M ij;rjelie i 'itrw-n' in ptirito' Sore rvi-s, is piovrib i I Those who are n acipiain'ed with , s (!, i I find on ai b luttllea panij biet, i lit .lining hill direeiioea. A' nts in L-w islair.'l'bornion Haker i lTIic Pro- l&-f'!fl'STl r-"r of ILJXA-JZI$.. A-Lr.l j, t j n. ne DuiiiKiil warrants a euie of I In, j r. mi if ib. ' lesome ct.ni!,l lint, in everv instance. I rivtiotis- arc sirictlv followed. I For sale hv Thornton V P. let ,lew isb g Fnt nil r af i?ti ul L I IT' TED in Kelly township, Union t ) V'" nintv. Pa., 4. miles Irom Lewtaii'ir I ie s. a! of the new University-) Ihe larui C'.CIIS c 235 acres, of wllicll I HO acres are cleared, ': mi ) m a oood state of cultivation. lar!C piopornon is Limestone land. As respects I v i;. r ..lid meadow, the larui has rare ad- J vmtae-, there Unij on it several never ' i.iiloio sprinos. and a stream running thr its- .-ent. r aflordiuo facilities by which stock : -m lc watered in every field. Ill Hood seas his, 40 to 50 tons can lie cut from the meadow land. The House Bud Birn tire frame, the . 1 , , aiid.-w; i-re is latter near.y new. well finished : I . a Tenant House, nd all the "ill h lild.ns appertaining lo a farm also an tichard with a var ety of or d Fruit. The aliove Farm is offered in whole or i.i i. jut to eoit fiiiich.-iM-rs. nnd a noruon ol Me- ,.nrch..se money mav remain sccuad ! t. lb" iiremis-es wm. ii. s-n.-nv. i RoliEK I' 1IAV1. I Eirrct'is of the es'ate of Uat.vil Sn.sr.v, dee'd. Ke!y, I'nion Co , S-pt. 2. 1S4!) Jubic 5a!c. MM IE uiiilersioned. Executor of the last L will and testameiit of PTKR Surc il, l ite of East P.ufl iloe township. Union Co., d cr-ased, w il! oflVr for sale, at public out cry, on the premises, on 1 'riilay, the I9!h day of October next, toe follow ing valuable Rtal Estate, to it : All that certain tract of Land, situate in the township and county afore said, idjoining lands of Abraham Wolte, -li -ot) Mertz, Adam Winnan, and others, coutainilio about TO Acres. :!l char land, whereof about Ephteen ncres are excellent Meadow land, and all in a good state oi cultivation. The Improvements thereon erec- !:; niiP led are a la rue Stone Dwelling House, a Sione Spring House, a Tenant House, a L nil dm, a well with a Pump at the door. Hud a good Spring of Water about twenty live perches Irom the house, which could easily bj brought to :be house in a flowing Pump. An Apple Orchard igSffi wi h excellent Fruit Trees, and other Fruit. Said property is situa'ed ab tut three miles Irom lew isbur', on I hi road leading from l.ewisburg to New Berlin, and about to nii'es from Turlleville and the West lb nnch of the Susquehanna river. Also a Lot of Timber Land, a'inost adioinint! the former, rontainui! u.iwardjof Til 'JJX7 Y A CR ES, hereon is erected a Tenant IIouso. brail Seven acres nre clear, nnd ihe remainder well Timbered. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A . M.. of sa:d day, when due attendance will be given, and terms of sale made known by JOHN SCHICK. Executor. East P.ulTaloe Tp., Aug. 23, IS 19. N. R. Persons wishing to see the above mentioned properly, will be accommodated bv calling on Jacob Meilz, who resides adjoining said property, and will tak plea sure iu showing the same. tmrnmrnm j Fur Nervous Diseases, Dr. Trnsk's i M lonetie Ointment is of immense value, 'and in 9'J rases out of 100 :t will allrd j entire relief to the worst cases ol Nervous 1 Head lehe in Hi) minu'es. j For sale, wholesale and retail, by I)r 1 Tho'iiton iV Biker, Leiiis'nurg sold also j by J. II R iser, Milton, and hv one ng( lit , in every village in the Slate. Price 2 and ; 3S cts per boli'e. September 1 oi;r ......... V. , - . i New Berlin J T Lrmon, Wrn P'Trs i t'nion : J llov Jr. Geo Klinrr,J M Wal er I'enns : (ieorge Row, Joseph Stharl, W'm J M iv, San.uel (J Fisher. Perrj : Samuel Shad'e Washington : Daniel (Jcrmtin. J -re. Re pass. WmSchoch, (jeore C Mover ('hapioan: ("asper Arnold, Geogc Htr- rold, Jr , Klias Sholl West I'eaver : SainStumpfT, Daiiic-I Wng- le r. sen'r, Solomon Rnmij;, Jr. West B ill'iloe : Mareus 'l ea, Sam'i Pell- man, S S I'arln r Hartley : John Secliler, J.is Glover, "Win lliiitingdon M III nliurg : .1 .n Gotsohall Unliable : Jiihn S;menton, Win Vanvalz' b, Ma-hail Fiohthorn Lewishnr : fjevi P Christ, James Kelly White Deer : I'anl tloodlauder, Jas Mar- sbsi il, Andrew Youn Kelly : Samuel Spoils, Jr. Till.VL LIST. Kl:-1! W'tLK. Robt f'humV.a ts Udi.l llerr Pit. i 1'i.lmytT v Jno llartmiin & Chit Y.'lly Wm J il, us. in vs Wm ?iy 1. Mam v J I.ufhr & A l!i!!niryer and T T I. U t'l.iisi v Jac ks .n M l'a 1 Jin d Kuiiiu. I (ttitl'le do .lime S Mah r.-x A:-"" ii f .r AGircn (";retMlATltclt' ain" ipr Ilinrv l.ai.t v (ins-n. II. 'ward il nl l,mn init .if J..IiiiM.ii f .r A Cm va Vils..n &c ! Mirl A IVtera vs M A Si .rk W U.li l!ji-.k vs fJrcni with n airrlo S ,V ' .liMin Surer v r'unil Berlit.. : A Olifi.ni! ;.-n ciui ih v i;i.h Din? Kiei:ari n-e i f Kliev vs H W Snvitcr I. r Kel-er vs Sirf.ue) Iteher ! bililc ilfisn.s.tll vs J -Hf M'Keivey ''( 'n.1 e!l vs li.-nj ;wiry K .b,.ff s faml ilaupt fpiglemyer'. IVrs itmerV Ei'r. Whi. A M. rvine.ln I of H.Mirk vs Uarij; sA'I'ami. ' nmrhie oaug.a vx v.an.. J.matbnn Zellera v S I. (jerk ll-nry Urail-h.-r vs Henry Yoztlieimrr Jr V in M Kennedy & wifu v Jno Hen & J.is '.vrk j Eliza Mevtra va Jacob It.. y.r !.nM. - J'.f. va ,U ! i: Kudv. c iard. of Pavi.l iTcvcrs v do .onti arab Meveis da same Ifi'iiryMeyiT' dn nb"n Is for Caiitn ' ue Wanselr vg (Jondrum it It. iiner use of S Fiatik vs (jeo A Jain I Cloilr It.xrenrir.. vs V' II TI. itllitisi.n Vus-ei f..r Mu-ser v Maikl-,Bnec and ;am. J..c Rentier vs Uanl Kenlur Wuiibhk for (iralum- use M cV A v Mrkle &c i'-mh ..f P t'.r Uolt Hayes ts H S B..yer it l J & E F.e v J.ic.ol Diusaimu K-.M I) i'umnii..gs v (iw Iltown An:l VCIer.atin Je Leisei and John R-mk t'luii-tiniia Runif. lt v cinvnittee of ie Uorj ai John Niydet vs Moc Fisher I'hmp A irgrr Josej.U eturl.a s Haui t Jr A. A J W riil. nsaul va Jared Irvin I Itos K '.l v Jacob Lewi Jac lien der Etr Jim Keneler vs Dnnl Rrnfilcr Saml ll-ed is m vs i W Culdwell with'not. to K J ttin H VV elier v 'A m Cocluan 1,'ut.l lot li'taham and I toist v JarcJ Irvin 7sini ii ilouiin.-l vs Th-is Veaiick J .Im M !!eiifrr ve Saml Loni; ,V,"r rj",n-n v w F W.-n.ler urv. r,n I! ii.! ami frii!un Jvrctt ts E E Ha.luntii tl al ' J- hn Kijel v Jnrcb llod.T la s.-..l.n. .... 1... Is'. ,.l.r ar.,1 Fliss XhvIiUtI ( .... . j...... ..... I JiiotolLcrt cfc (Jo vs Wm J May Reuben hb.su j V ali nline H v lb'nry fpayd el al j .'!irit Harman v Hnml 'chreckenijas.t I Jacib Kl've vs tvedde ric Marsh J E!i K I'rice va '.Vm Tata D3. TRASH'S Magnetic Ointment!! V hut young man wants to wear a wig ? We all know the value of a good head of hair. A young man with a bald head, is a sort of walking caricature of his species. Hence the many various attempts to reme dy or conceal the deficiency. Hundreds of the young men of this country, after try' in-; the thousand and one chemical prepa rations and nostrums for restoring the hair, are driven the necessity of wearing a wig! a practice as little conducive to cleanliness, as it is dangerous to health ! Now, we hap pen to know from praclieal exaerienee.lhat Trask's Magnetic Ointment will restore the hair on a bald head, when all other reme dies have failed. Sold in I,ewisbur!r,wliolesale and retail, by Thornton & Baker. Price 2 nnd 50 cents per bottle. Fever and Ague. "ITTI1AT is the mode of treatment best V adanled to the cure of Fever and medical men as a disease of itself. Strict ly speaking it is not a d sease. bat a symp tom of disease. It is the result of a de- t l ' 1 tanoement ol the HW. Here lies ine i. I riifTieultv. and here is the disease, 11 ,M ' therefore the liver to which the remedy j should 1 directed. Here the cause exists, , nd it is the cause which is to be removed, or a permanent cure will not be effected Kv addressing remedies to the symptoms, we leave the cause untouched, ready to produces return of the chills and fever, on the first over exertion of mind or body. The success of Dr. Osgood's India Chola ooo;ue iin fi!c'ing permanent cures of such alleclioiis is explained by its well know dc obstruent effect upon the biliary Pigans.- Imitations are abroad! De particular to enquire for "Dr. Osgood's INDIAN CIIOLAGOGFE." For sale by the sole agent, . Schrtyer, Lewisburg. A j urncym:in Watchmaker "1""AM'ED in Eewisburg. by A. I. H vrFIEl.D. liilANDlLLTIIS FILLS. The Albany omi-iji is'he llr tn- dreth Pills wed oi (by '!" r -i li-li-nee the publie. That the pnnet; !e en v bich they cure d'sease is ll:e s n:e n t':a! ol I a roy of Puri nnd S.vi detnnx nf 'lerrna ny. That all the virc'y of disease pro reed from, or are tienr'y iibi' d torii-order of the ptnrmieh and bo"'l-, nnd 'Hnt hv tiNifiji thris" r"fnr.iiie n l.i h rest ire i I III Ul 11 iij " .MiUO l.v- O'-HC.. ill vanish. The Brandieili nie.!i-irc- profess to enrrv out' ll.i, iir.pnrt-i p'iu etple. vv e have henrri them strongly re - cominended. The irriiinr pill for. sale In J 1IAYCS. aim, it H.r l.nuisliOr' DISSOLUTION. 'lTlE partnership ejcis'itij in the Foundry I business between 15. ('hr:t nnd I . S. IJoer, is dissolved this day by mutual consent. All persons know. n lbeinsi:!te indi bttd to the firm of (.'lust 15 wnr, in no'es or book account, are leqnesied io make pavment in L. I Chr:si on or bio'r'' I'm) 1st (lav of Oet. next, as ll:p books and no'es are with me other .use thej will be left with a proper olliei r for collection. Tuc New Foundry IS tm iv curried on e u-ual, at the upper end of M-'rket 'r'"t. where every des crip'ion of C A S T I N G S i '"'I'1 hand or made lo order Midi as The Ciimplf'te, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for either Coal Wood nn J other kinds of STOVES, : lso PjHIJiEiS of di.IV.- nl kinds Com I'lou 'hs, K'ill 1'IoUjjhs, and ihe Self-Eiarpenicg Plough, a new article, and hu-h can not hi !-eat in Pennsylvania. Call and see nnd i'.doi. for yourselves. L. 77 CHRIST. Lewisburg. Ana;. 14. l4'd , 1 -?:A fJHE sub-criUrs have asioci.iu d under J the tirin of S. & J, WOLFS, for the purpose of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery nnd General Commission and Forwarding business. I,ih-i.l advance; will be inn Ii on all kinds of V Miiitry Preflu -e. Place of business, new War house on the Wiiari immediately below the I5;idge, fAMFEl, VVOI.FK, J iN VTH N V. nl.KE. Lewishur?, Pa. Ano. 7, 181P Sale of Real Estate. y "ILI. be exposed to public S'i!e en the premises, on Saturday, Olh of Ov t next, all that messuage and tract of hind situated in While D t township, I'nion coun'v, now occupied hv J din ! ichnmn, nduiiiui'i; i binds of Wiiliam Specse, John llu iouel, j and others, cont lininjj about I4J- :-r'! ; bc'ween 15 and 20 of which ate c .-ared . B-m ami iu a good st ile u! fzy tj. r". T ..n'lo .1 1 ... l-"i-vC ii iiva iiriwr which mi l on f,;'t ' i'led c;i.:: hois': and r er build'ngs. Th balance of the !xac! i' well tinkered. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. when terms vv ill be made known by KouEiir ii wi:s, II WHS, A Eer'o'i of! H V VKS. L VVin.I laves ! M It i: II! IN, j d.c'J- j TllOMA JMt.CHAMUI' Lewisburg, Aug 15, 189 New Coi:artncrsl)ip ! HAVING entered into a partnership, ihe subscribers would iniorm their old patrons and (he public in general, that we may lie found at l (Iinter's old stand on Fir-t street npar the Academy, whore we rairy i n the above business in all its v.nii ties. Fancy and Common Chairs, Rtm, Rocking Chairs Setups, vaiious kiln's Bureaus, Tables, Iledsicads, &.c. on hand or made to order. COFFIKS ready made or furnished -on short n dice. We have a'so a suitable HEARSE id rea diness Tor Funerals. We have a Turning ,.tihi propelled by horse power.wl.ieh enables us to turn wood of any size, and up to 21 fed in len-ih. HOUSE A XI) S1GX ill also be attended to by tbrf subscriber on the short. -st notice and i.i die best style. (j-All w.irk in uur line wnrranled to lie well made, and on llc most reasonable tcran. w, would also announce that w have proper , Macliiiier for remnoinj Hud.tinjs of "y e IV... . II . I...K. if nwMHIirV. Country TiriHluce and Lumber panie,.n.l Cih tad Gold Uu.t not IIOIII llll. ... li.cii"...- - J- taken in payment- refused. - ' , Thankful for past favors, we respectfully a-k a conlinu nice of Ihe auie. DWfU RIXTT1. ADAM BEAVER. I.ewi fiurtr. Way 1. 181-6mSfi5 Notice. LL persons indebted lo the bile firm 1 of Wolff & LnwHhe, will pic make navmenl to either of the subscribers on or belore the first of Ocl. next, alter w hich time no further indulgence win ue jiveti. June 30,1849 Sam'l W olfk, I. G. Lausiik. I'rtncj CiwiS Xotlons, &.c. XUS T rcroM a liie anil fplutu'iil aartuer.t ft ol r.incy liooJs turn a r;ei I IJ.nl Ci.ilJ P. nciU Thimlile ' ' i'li,. IVn " Chiim Hiher JVncil Hml i-cklicca King"r liui,; YiMting CarJ lloaiinoea 'FheriiHinietera Kaz as and Strops VVaikinj Canca iblir I'.li 'unlwr " B'l.Tilii C'oniii Shi-ll H-or Uru.ite J'wiu "Vnit Mnri I'uiiona Kludl Wnier i.'ol r llmr'rura I iwr Ci-pa Snull lioea f-tecou'l i) l i Is HII. I linil l.eida C-i.l Catcs i'olt Uiollti-S I'.iek. t Hooka Arrotdi na FiiMUm I'arlur Imps JSci-aor j tSuti Oiassv-a Spy " I 1 :ckt?l Mirrora " U.iu.pjudca ; Pc.Cu.i..y i lrl,!4 j ttlcel Twrti U'o,. Tar t-'LW.cn Fanry I'ipea I'ell KlII.CJ J'.H-kt't t-ilk anilThreaJ Purs-e. u. . .. J!ry tiuani cliam I w "uh v " rveya j f'lu -trr Pius I l!jimro j Tii(jelh.'r v 'l h a arcat variety of article not mriittoneil in the atxive list tor ale at 1. e new i Dri.ff. Faiirv and Variciy utore of 1 May 9 ; VV SCH AFFI.F. ! Itints, Oils, f7fss. j "I TMT ice d-Whits Ven: U. J Spnn: t f f Riowii, I hiorne, (iieen and Veil w. I'ru-: lilue, t.'.inniur, ei iiiil.on Flas. t J J't-'h and , !Se .a t),l, Srts Tur'n-i.uiw-tiUas fioai 7i! lo I ' 'o 20v': Far. K ..in and Pheh, !iiih ran he I had rheiprrihan ever at i; w snimit'ii Drug i j anJ (JliPm.cJ u niiiiU'ii, Lewisliurg. I)'P SttlfTs! ,. ,.- , i , i , ! Fu-nie ami M,d l-r tor ale l.y ihe l,;,.. Main. ' i Indian. I.Uiuiu lilue. Kmrt l."!ood. Cociiine.il. i i lock liye. ts.iliitniii I in, .. wis &i. ma ernils ,,r c-iloiii-s Cuecl V'arn. r.r:lul!y iu( uji, with di-icfti.-ns I'.a iisii e to Ik leul .kv al ihe new Lrug nnd I. hcnneal Faioriiua of f W M IIAFFI.I' T?.--.fviV.'v''!. tuil Q'olcli Eetcrns!" r i li'ers for sale a FRESH 'J -ME 1 STOJK of COOTS AN.) SIIOF.S, Spring and t fas!) ion a I lt! Ingram, T.v ill.-d V tilltntlier CTntllln2, l.ots- Trim I s: I 1 1- o( Scli.fJe fhiiuihrrlin.l would ns K' "'"N i 1 u il u. ,,, .- lril and Ihe nahlic niliim. Mrussels.WlIton , CARPET BAGS. 'ndid co!!. ei(.i ot Tbcol'i'iical, ' Also a School. isccllai imti! w hich are Ivolon's Ancient History, 2 vols 8vo Josephus' History ol the Jews, 1 vo! Wvo Alison's History o! Europe during the French llcvolution. 4 v !s Frosi's Pic'oii.l II story o:' the U. Sears M's'orn al Library liif.ii maiioii liir the People Stevens' Ccn'ral America S otii-h Gael Hunter's Sacred P.ioraphy Wirt's Life of PitrifK Henry S .u'hey's Lile of i-s.-y, 'vols Washington and Ins Generals II inke's History of the Popes VVnnders o the I inverse Ror.k of Kiiowleijr) JJ irn' Pnvsiolecy, i! vols. 500 nj's '1 be Poeti"itl Wuiks ol S. o't, M mrf, ' liiiriis, lj tlrav. C iMi'ton. Thomson. Yonn, j iw per, ,11ms, li'-altie. Pope, Co eridge, I Holers, Montonrr.erv, Campbell, Pollok, , H -iwiit, l:s Piernn, Tupper I Sleiksiieare's vVoiks. lron' VV nrn Olindorl's new method of learning to! lead, write nnd speak German ! . . . . ... - We bster s new ar li'ct'narv.l - ouaito : Cobb's M ni.i'ure Lexicon f'utversal liiooraphical Dctionary Lui'tricre's Classical Faigbsh vV Gerntnn Ltddi T. &. Scott's Creek -Eug'isli L- xicon Novum Testam. Oiaecum and " l'veteit'rt " X nophon's Anabasis. Folsom's Livy Authoii'i ("it'-iir. Aiithon's Virgil Pu. lion's Euiisii.Iitiu.Greek CJram'urs P.ulHoii's La'in and Creek Readers Davit's' Livendre J .hnson's 'I'uruer's (!henii-try Davirs, Pike's, Rose's, ani Tracy's A rrhmeiics iM ic.anlej ' History of Eng'and " ntid Aiison's Miscellanies A M m M oh? of M ney Sl-sdison's Ex posit ions f th awful nnd terrify in ceremonies of the Odd Fellows TiieAmericanJoeMlkr.lOOengtayiiigsi ALsO Letter nr.d Foo'seap Paper Envelops, a ;ireat variety Note Paper Draw ing and Musi - Paper Ross Excelsior Ink Hiis tol and Perforated Hoard VV indow Pajier, new sty le, vVc. Whoever wi-hes B oks CHEAP FO R. CASH should ea'l on or ad (ir' ss I'wisl uro. P. May 16, 1-49 13 U -. JOHX It. MSH.T.ER, FAY always tie found t I. -1 ill at his Simp, next rliair to Ihe lost Oil) ready to CUT and MAKE UP Clothing of every va-"4 j riety ocenrdtng to Spring and Summer asoions. Lewisburg, May 1, IP4! PUBLIC NOTICE. IT. VERY BODY are hereby warned not ll to trust or harlior my son, aged about 12 years, named J-.ihn William Aleran dtr Johnston, who left me in January last for no other cau.e than that I used him too well. I will pay none of his debts, and claim all of his waces. JAMES JOHNSTON, (sometimes styled "Colonf l.") Union township, Aug. 13, 1849. . i I ! 1 V A I 3 : ft - s i s at the TOW ree.eivino at ihe L-.-wisburu (,'hea. More, a frprmg aim Summer Jissoit- meiit of DRY GOODS, CPtnprhiii! Dress Goods A'a.nanJa'?, Ur--z.j, Prints n Inrro lIoT,rt,, from lo 15 cents per yard. Lan ns Ginghams and Embroidered French Goods. While Mulls, and a variety of White Dress Good. I tar red and Striped Mjslins Shawls S lk nnd L'lien I Idkls. Bleached nnd unblhd M'isliiis M diican and Osnaburg Iij.'in' Tiekiii); ete. A larv? and rxcelli nt ussortmi nl as tun be loiind ibis side of riuluoebihia. Tens Black, Puwrhnn, I eperial. and V.iUil( llvson (r the very l'st. . c? 1 Hardware v.tjeensvare Salt- Fish, &C. as u-ual. Which are nfTvred on the rery It trr l Irrmn for Cash or Produce Grateful for past l' ""';''. subscriber llop. s merit its ConilllUance. c. May 7 r. BOWKS. 1-19 Lewisuiirg, ni;v itias Sa 1."- .a t r Jt if' ' . ml. ' l KOTIG?. AND VARIETY ST0?i ! T T AVIXfi tak -r. the new D us Estotdi-hment II ,hi I l,... ,,.!,. ishe. I mi slock and will keen r.nlanily on hand a large, fr.vh and well seVc- I'd stock nf pure DruRs, M.iieine Ac. which I I ctiWr at VVbol.-ale nnd Kcail. .My ai.srt l-emic i nlirelv liev and purebnsed fur ca-li al Ij rjls in the Fhiiad a mirket, I am en-'tAd lo sell at loiver pric llna ever otr. red in this region Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Patent Med , Glass, ,' Perfumery ,0.1s, Paints, Liquors, : Fancy Notions, Varit ty Goods, j Fruits, an 1 Confectionery , nith a large rnrii ly of other urlii I. s in-unlly k'' t i in Dnifr etali'i-hiiienl. Thankful for pas! lib ! era! paroni?Z' I nope lo merit its ronliouaiicp j 1'crson wishiojr to procure pure and f:esi Medicine-, are parlieulailv inviiid lo iiiu a ! call lelore puicna-ine elsewhere a-- all I'ruirs i are ce.retully in-"pect. d l etore eiTi red furs i'e m l jail M dicinea niaiiuf.inurrd by new It 'e w.ir i taul. d cnii.l H ivie? a piartic il kiiotvlnc of i ihe Im-inep fiom upwaid of ten viara' i xperi I cur.., I 11 .iter my sell that I am a coaialent judie j of tlio ...one. All orjers entrUfled lo me will I promptly i ntieiiili d to, and my friend may relv upon gel- llllg eierjii,ie f ihe verv bcsl iiinli y, C. W. SCH VFFI.U. UiugvjUl. Lenislurs. May 7. Il SIGN of the INDIAN! Cheaper titan Ever. riHIE salns-rilK-r have ihe pleasure to announce e . .1. : i.i i .i. ....i.i:A ;.. .. I " i"" " ral ihat llicy h ive 0S"iied a lare and spieudi.l aorln.ent ol TOBACCO &C. "H"1 stand on M.ukel trevi foruicily occupird ly f'anil Animon a a Tailor shop. Their entiie slock Las been selected with great care, and cou-ists of Ojrsir Frapramia. i.a Norma. Piimaveta, Piincipiie. Werner' Rigalia, Castillo, (jieneml J aylor, lialf Spanish, and Common. 'at 'U(!!Fl Ttaeo Sldh'rr' Black Fai, Congress, Oiouoko. branch Slug, Vug. and Fine Cut. SRiohla? Tobacco Cut and Dry, fseiillerlaite. flrc n:jrt Rappe and Scotch. riniU' Uoxea, German Pipes, and a fancy arti eh1 ol Cigar eases all of which are offered ai the lowest rate All kinds nf Produce taken in rxrhmge. Call, see, and judge for ynuielve Indole conJt mi.iiig the article. A.J. I'F.NNV. HFNttY HilllvV I.ewist.urg, April 81, 1819 uat. 1022 -TlX SAM L AMMON, rilHAXKFI'L for lilieral patroosee heretofore I teceived. respectfully in otms his o d fnends and the public generally that he h . r moved hi Tailor M.ep to tlie Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market irecl. nejl door above C. Penny' M.'dleiy (late ihe office of H C Hickok, Eq) where he hoieo suit all w ho may give hint their custom, as be does all wmk in his line in the best and newest style and on short notice He his the Fashions rceu'arly, employs none but good hands, and is determined So kis-p up with the limes and merit a good share o! pa'ronaoe. CUTTJXG done to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken iu exchange for werk lewisburg, June, 14D lv270.7 illndaw SASII. A lot of 8x10 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout & Burrows, on hand, and ail sizes got to order on short notice. May , 1?4: I G Lawsho TU. THORN'I ON has removed his I 7 Medical Oilii?e to ihe Drill! store of Thornton Si Baker, next to Walls Store, 1.U0UR for sale by I1 ApiS I G Lawshe. 1) YE Bran and Ship SiulF for sale by I t Ap 25 I G Lawshe. h. l just 'eceived and for sale by U MavlS IIPiSilELI. ER. 6000 1 r 1L.CJS3JIT2ISNG The subscriber res fj, i jr T of Lt Aisburaud vutimtv that mev ne comeiM-' ii the above businei., at .!. j I laUi'a old !iop on Second ' f t. one spiii re sou h ol M irktl.wherf they , are prep ired lo Iron Ikejli't or V.'H-ifeoiw, i and n ake nil artie'e, to tin if bu-n. ss ii. I ;'he mos.1 wo.kman'ike manner, Ht prieet- i which they hope will induce lhos wishing j inythinu d ine in their line to call Hi.d j ! juii.'c themaelves Isr'bre oih t lttewl.exe I l " ' ' a n n ,l.A k..r'..f nn'ii-i. I I ivppairiejj none ni tov an I on reasonaute U mu ais" noeu which is a very impoiinn: mat ti r to those ih lint have va'uahV riort.es., arnJ stiouia Deen'rusiea i a ..i... . Il-.lill lllliy IO H- l US 1 1 MKIsu nni.i. We flatter ourselves that wi are able t compi le w i'h any person in the country in ; Sh.'iii llor-es : we ask only a trial, and M the work show lor itself. AM work warranted. Iron nnd all kinds 1 1 of eoiiiitrv Produce taken in exebnnje. j I We hope hv strict n lenti n to business, ' and a d'-termina'ion lo suit all, both in j work and price, to receive a liberal fchare I (if pub'ic patronage. 1 1 ATE ct FFURAY. lytvisburs. May 22. IS 19 Si AB1V -UWIJI Ol p, Utlj.li .l U"IO J.IL , pu iMpnia Ji)l uiniJj All l 1 ! -ct.jiid i! o aq o joj.1 ou ep i 1141 y pu 'iii -nu..a pu n.d u.iuiq-ippi im b p.isijjjiid oui.iip..j; pus l)tua a siuejia uovij. n i( li'i'H ptia !B--i'l''q.i1 1 'a. ipl !M1 "! umi jjmo jjiid ).i l p'Hitiw ja i-.q q.qw 'svejiaiu ajtiuinpfl P ii' 'pvim.l 'l"'A V aqi iu aaai.d paiajsu ijajjcdui ujojj 'iulpjiu .h i 'sjuutpjv. pu 2tnfi piiiJiniiun a n l o M.iojw JiJUHJ. (13II.N::i'I I3H lLi sui-n t'uUiuu.j -4 J-! oiaqi poi.uojji-d ij,m.i'P o tq vqw .-'H' uuoi.il ppi'ow Jdnnj A' uo.ujoqj. !( S -J T.I81 'LT. M-'Ju TJnq-i "J iiUiUJ0i j n Aq 'rjiq.) pi mj .UJlgJip )U UOAlo slJMpU IB-'tp-I'k" H M -nioii.lijji-J . ueij isv'i),! dn uti:nd oi pa-d j iw iioiiu iii" juijiiip 0J.Hiw.sa ?uis:q.ijnd i:J U Ui.nil SAlo ol p-iaU JI'iuiiJl!il oJt: 's.jnioif .ajvj ajn.nijd oi Suiqiw s:iosj.i,j o Aohti-nioi ,- oi pauiuurf!-p J: Vaii tinuiM p tajojs eiii( ui idrfi) A; tis'i s.i.i.iu pi i juu.y osM S'.7AV.'Vit. ,5 "7J I-", Jo J'WtUJJi'(i-B UirfU J,"l K pUli lilJUMUM 'AM llOIJ .Kf.I o. 'saupip.ijv; p:Di'ita i 'ssi j9Si:oiiiiJHf)'sJinis..(i 'spo 'sjtintj 'sjui.ip.iv 't.riij( II- I.IJ JO IU l"U;J pOi.'MJJs II-1W pill! oSji! h I U"l HO .l'll!JUoJ d.rf iiw ".M4i iniji jMii.il ',l piia ?jnqs..y-j JO SU T. JIO oqi IIIJOJUI K tli3KisiJ ppiow SJqil MtlS l 'IIJ.iAjv Jjy TI" jo dJo.fj -.n.:( iini irai iijfno! f)lAVl i iU3IVa V NOJ.NUOH1 "ua to 'jj vntft jiy ';;? pnu J;rtjJoy ij jO p3ufli no mutJ i!Co.in iTjx' s.iopjoid TfllE underignrd continues to furnish lo order I on the most reasonable terms, i'eiiio. (roin i tiie manufactory of Conrad. Meyer. Pliil.id..hnse instruments are too well known to need any p.n egyiic, having uniformly liHti-id ihe commend atoms of the most eminent professors and compo ser of Music, and ihe aatd of ihe pruniuai in New Vork.Phild.it lphia and Bo-1.in. I'oi ipialuies of leuc, touch, and keeping in lone up lo conceit pilch, I bey can not he surpa-sej by either Amer ican or European Piano. instruction piven on ihe Piano as he-efo'ore. Refer, nee may he madJ to any. ot tho-e parent or guardian who have pupils s'mn.iltetl lo hi charge. He may be seen at hi r. stden. e al Mrs Maize's, Market aireei, Kewi-burir. where tenus ami psrocuisrs will be made known. The most popular and lavoriie A rs anJ Music of dirtf-ent kind rec.ived a it i iu.J Irom ihe diiTerent musical esiabh-hment in Ihe Cities. Miv '5 Cll VKI.1 K.:.i.sl II TEAS ! FINE fresh Green and Black Ttas.from 42 cents a pound and onwards, impor ted by the Caiilon vV Pi kin Tea C ni:nny of New York, packed in pounds halves and quarters, perfectly an light, just received and lor sale by JAME H AVIX Mav ft Sole Azent f.r I.ewM.urjr Harrison's Colua!ian Inks, "I I.AOK. Japan, Copt ini. M irkirp. Biu. ln IJ) d. lible. Scarlet, Ked, Carmine, i'liese Ink I An more fr.ely from the pen.and give a stronger and more durable color t an any oilier. For sale in any quantity ty DH. THORNTON & BAKER. Agent. Lewisburg. I'nion Co. l'a. 1 101 GII vV Ready Sh:r!tng at 3 cts pr i IV yard (vinghams at 10 els and Prints at 4 to 121 els pr yard. C'iill and see at C. K. Bowes. w ANTED two tons of RGS, in eichange lor Merchandize. Ap 25 I I Lawshe. m,. ,.1. t, for Justice and Conslnble, on till 11 hallJ to, ,ae at ihia ollire. or printed according to order. m 1 AT AILS and IRON for sale bv l Ap2l Jtber & Iddings. (J ALT and FISH on hnnrt hv O Ap24 P.eber vVi Idd nt's. SPRING STEEL, on hand at Ap 24 Weber &, hiding. j AT 0TES Promissory, Judgment, and j i Joint Note (blank) at thisoffiee. r -v a si I"E5r3 JLtQ PHI' lif i 2 , i Ts jtl'N .. l,s, 4- H.MJrz-j J f-sift, j.:1? Ml if if Call and Src! NJ5W-0(K)J)S! '"I'flE uhsrrih'l wrxill htmrwinc tr th" 1 ci'iz fin of Ivwisburif and !.? summit. i'.ilU country, ilia', he ha just received ne.f is now np' iiino in the A1 termini ormt'fi,' 1,1,0,1 Ihj Wm. W'ihi'iK ( 'pposne kl.nt'o ho- IloiuJsonie ijcncrai As-.'rlmcn1 of licrchtuulizvn selected Irom tlie beM stix ks in Ihe Philii di Ijdiia market, w h.ch be c.Ut rs on such terms as will le most accommodating to the parties. Fiom his lona acquaintance anrl exprri rnue iu a City business, be can assure the public thai he has many advantages, in the: selection of Merchandize, nut jji nera'l known to country mrrrhnnis. Produce and country trade taken in ex clmiue.and cash at all times never rejected. SAK L S. EART0ZM. Ijewiburj. June I, I sew vi trxE or thk SC I KN TI KIC A M E It 1CAX To Inrenttm, A'c ioinV, and Artiztrns. "I'HE Publishers of ihe Scientific American, in reluming their lhaiik lo the community for ihe litieral support and eiicouragement wbich has been eiti n led to them during the past four years, would respectfully give nolle that ihe 1st num ber of Volume 5, will be insued on the 22J of September, affnr.ling a lavorable oppoitunity f. r all lo sabcrite,who may wi,h to avail themselves if ihe valuable iiiforn.aiion al vsy found in it column. The new volume will be commenrid wiih new type, printed on extra Roe paper, man ufactured expre-l Cor tin publication, and em bi lli-hed with a chaste and elegant border. It will be puMi.-lied ai b. ret, .fore in quarto frm, Ihos affoiding al ihe end ul the yeai a heaDUlul Isiok of over luu p.ge, containing between 5 and ''0 original engraviii? of new inventioi . described by I. ttera of reference, beside a great a noun' cf re suing luuttci valuable to etry.mait in the country. An increased amount of rare and expense w ill be betto'.ved upon this volume, to render it more fuUy w1 at it ha ben termed, 4The best Mr cbaritcul Paper in the World." It column at usual will be fiiled with Ibe most reliable and comet information in regard to the progress of Scientific and Mechanical improvements. Chem iry. Architecture, Uolaey. Manufacture. Kail !;... I intelligence, and the weekly lost of Pat en:, prepared expressly for this Journal at the Patent Oifice in Washington. As an evjjence of the estimation in whii'h this publication is held by ihe Scieudlic and Mechan ical put ion of the community, it i only Dece-sa.-Y o state, ibat its circulation has increased wiiliin t!ie Ij-1 Ihree ycai to upwardaof 10 null copies, aire ly exc. edius the united circulation ol all the Mechanical and Scieniitte poblication in thi couiil.y, and the largest of any single one iu the world. TtRMs : Two dollars a year in advance, or if de'r. .1 one dollar iu advance, and the remain tier in si 4 months, ToCh-bs: 5 copie, tJ;S ; 10 copies, $15; SO copies. :3. All U-ltei must be post paid and directed to Mt'NN & CO. Publisher of the Scientific American, N. York. N. B. Patent secured and mechanical draw ings eiecuieJ ou the most reasonable terms at Ihe Scientific American office. Important Information t IOR the d flicull respiration and debility a'.teiidmo diseases of the Lungs, or Throat and Breast. Thomson a Compound Sifttip if Tut and Mood y apt ha has been lound an invaluable remedy. Resides its power as an Expectorant to relieve the lungs from the accumulated matter which results from the relaxed stale of the .ystem in hot weather, it also acts as a bes'ing Win to the ulcented part? and a strength- ener to the sys'em. So sanitary is the action of the Syrup in tins respect, that many of our most respectable Physicians employ it in their practice, and we have dtily evidence cf cures etrecte.I in pulmonary diseasts where s'vill has utterly faile. Prepaied only by Angney St. Dickson, N E corner F;f:h and Spruce Sis. Philad. Sold by C. If . Srh'iflf, Lewisburg. r'IIE StM.wrn Sessio.-x of this Institution L will cnmineuce ou Monday, the 30'.h ol April next. Instruction will be given in all the branches which are usually lausht in similar Institutions. Sniel a tetilii.il will he paid to the Piimary l)e par'nien', un.l eiercise til Composition and Dec lamation will be regularly requ ted. Competent aid w ll l e secured, if necessary, in the Classical it. pMil.ncnt. TEKVS. For langnse. ten dollars ; for the higher English. eihl dollars; and tor the common Engl'Sb. branches, six dollar per esion ol live months. J. RANDOLPH, Principal. M uch 23, 181'J Lumber! Lumber!! flMIE subscriber continues lo keeps ttx,d stock of lumber, consisting of 200.000 bel of sawed lujnb-r as follows: Vlul? ji..u buards 1 inch, p'ank inch and 2 inc.h,we.i!ier boards, j ist Si scantling, po lar boards, p'ank, and scantling, cherry plank, and boards, sawed eeilino bih,pine ami hembs'k rail--, sl.inebng lath, and pa lins;. Also lap and joint shinnies, square timber, nails, salt, and Coal. All of which be will sell at fair price. THOMAS NESntT. L'wist org. July 1!, 119. OJJlce lit moved. HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. t.ctrtsburgi Fa. 0 FFICE. on Second St., lately occupied bv L. B- Christ, Esq. Artril i. lV A. L. HATFIELD HAS rtnioved his Watch and Jewelry establishment to h s house, opposite Hayes Store. SALT Fine Sack, Ground Alum, audi Salina, on hand and for an to by Ap 25 1 G Lawsue. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers