t:e ithiiikkiAillialailib m4 4laillited, maul' s morrailms, „Is ibriP• wilt no Ale-. mm _in " ' onus“ OLE 3‘ 01m com“. NOODRnOBD b! any friends, lohruy u" an enndi‘ nu for re-tlcctiun to 4h; emu of CLIBK OF THE COURTS, subject to “10 duhion 9f the Democndc Cognly Con vuMou. Should Ibe nominztcd Ind elected, main mylolf to dhchlrgo lnq dude! of “I! e “uh ptonpmua Ind fidelity. JAMES J. fill. Gottynbug, In} 'I, 3888. u: IBERIFFALTY. 1‘ (ha solicitation of numemul Mend;y l A o!" tune“ a a undid-lo for SHERIFF .1 the next election, subjevt N: the decilion of % Domouuiu County Convcnlion. Should a nominated 3nd emu-(LI pledge mymfto chm-huge the am” of the own lo the but ofmy Ability. PHILIP HAN§. Slnban tp., April 9, 1866. 1: SHERIFFALTY. T the Inhalation of numeroul Month, thin A undersigned. (rosillingin Geupburg I 131?! Apnl m, bu {glmerly andfor many yen": rciidenl of Conowszo town‘hlp.) ofl'ers hlm. “If“ I candiduge {or SHERIFF at. tho next. election, Inbj'ct to the decinibn of th'e Demo- CFBUG County Convention. Should! be non:- lnted and elected, I will dimbargu th dun“, (filhe once to me be" of my mung "' EMANUEL D. KE LEE. 4 April 16, ~1.266. tc ‘ SIIEBIFFALTY. NCOURAUED 23y numeroul Mend uuuughom the county, 1‘ ole: much u . cumhdnte for SHERIFF at (be out. elm-non, ganjec‘r (a, the deuinnn of the Democruic County Convention. Should Ibe so formula u to be numxnnled Ind elw'te'd. I promise to“ dischargt tho duties,“ the ofico to {be but at my gmli‘y. ‘ * JOSEPH A ORENDOBFP. ' llounljoytgl April 18, 1866. u:. mm AVISG be? u. when” by mnny friends. I offer my; vlf u I cénfidaw fol; SEER-1 H‘ 3: as am electior, lubject to My drci clan o! It". Democratic County Co'nvenlion.— i should 1 h. nomiuud and dead, 1 pledge ‘ mg. ull to I faithful discharge of the dune: oi m'e umce. 32mm uowns Cumberland lp , April 13. 1386. to SHEIIFI‘ALTY‘. RGED by man? friendaJ of" mylel! M I cpudidnu- {or SHERIFR subjccl of the decmun of the Democratic County Convention. Should I b! nomimued I will apuro no honor able tfi‘oru to lecurc my eleuiou, and “elect ed. 1 will flinch-mo.- Lhe dulill o‘flho oflice to “when ohny Ability. HENRY BEITLER. (*umjoy :p., April 2}, lug-6. _ u: __ ‘ sunnmxuflfi': ] l AYING beam solicited by Imp; friends in vsnous purll ol the_ cqumy,l 031:! my lau n aanndidtlc‘for SHERIFF It the next. r‘l'ect‘xungnulgect lo’zhe decision or the Demo rrnli- Coun 5 Uonvmtion. Simuld Ibe non). in m-ri .And c 1»! 'ad. I— prbmiéc lo discharge the’ cutie; offing 031.0 w the be»! m my uhilxty. \QUQEPU WOLF. Buder zpi,‘April 23,1866. u: SI! ERIFFA LTY, \COL'RAGED by numeroul friend: throughout. lbs I-ouutj, I offer myself an n caudxdnte for SHERIFF M. Ihenexl election, whim! :6 the decismu oi the Demwrnticcuunty Cunvrnlion. '.‘lluuld I he so fortunate u to .1". namivmlavl and eleglcd. I promise codin charge the dutiu at Lb; office to the bus; of my nbihly. JACOB KLUNK. Germnhy tp., April 9.1866. :c ‘, Imp: aural tn hm through twelve mumhs Every Uruggiuhm it. HARRIS & CHAPMAN, M3l} 7, 2866. lm Buaxon. NORRIS STILL AHEAD! 8 l 0 JUST FROM THE CITY I Nor bb. r‘u luu just, relurngd from the Ci ty mm the fine-t and cheupru lot. of ready made clothing ever amend-in Gettysburg. DON’T FORGET THEPLACEI Next door ‘to Buchler'. Ding "one, where you will find the largest Ind but selection of RATS and CAPS In Gettysburg. I JEKRU-SA-LEII l—Wht nice Pill" and Vent. Norria has n hi. I!" Store. lie but ’cm I”. . 9 . , mou PRICES PLAYED DUTY—Stink Ml- Glovca u chpsp n the] Vere baton the 'll'. ‘ ‘ AND THE COLhBED HOOPS BOUGHT NOBLY l—H ,yon don't. believe it jun 30 Lo Norrzl‘ New Stor‘e up he will convince :ou th I! “Worden" Gouda are‘chuper than they have bcen 551166 km: WM'. r CUNH‘rIN OUT 0!" THE'WETI—NorriI has (umbrella I 0 clump that it. in chaps! lb keep dry mun run nroundin Ilia run. ' NECKTIEF, BU‘I‘TERFL‘QESAMQ elythlug in than line :1 1‘ 5‘ ‘l} N 0 RIS'S. Locxwooo, Lmsx my“ I—h‘pe‘: Cul hn 3nd Linen Callus of all "kinds snd lites m. ' . Ronnie's, KEELTmm—J’ine alsorlment of Clocks ud vnrrnntedta keap time It NORRIS’S. VALISHS, TRUNKS, and Cupet Bugl, of every delcripliou nt' ._ NORRIS’S. SANTOSA I~Norrl| keep! theme-z Su stogn Hui. ' . ' ON THE ROAD TO BRIGHTOXI—JI‘hé l:- teat Bri Mon flu.- fl NORRIS‘S. THE {ATEST RESORTfil—Norr‘m bu 111: latest Ruoxle Hall Ind tho be“ quality in ghe market. . , . ~ ‘ . YOUNG DRIVING BOYS l—gDon‘X. forgot. that Nom- has the most Driving am out. Mn] 7, 1866. ,f Gettysburg Fonndrfi. HE mbncribcr would inform hi: “tumor: T Ind othorl, thugho in still manufacturing various kind! of Outing: and Inching; made. to order, on short. notice..such I! « . ' Tanssunas AND POWERS; ’ (fire different sizes of Powers,) Clover-seed Hullerl Ind Clennm. Corn Shanon and Sep hutou, Oornfodcler Cullen, Straw 3nd Hay Camera; P L 0 (7'6 H S , Inc-h asflunflought, Marion-Plough, Side pill Ind Uoru Ploughl; the w WIRE-SPRING HORSE BIKE, 3n the lageu improvement; and um] Screw: to; Older Preu-I, . IRON RAILING for Concorde. 0: Porchn, v‘lih onrygfiing pm in his line, nu :1 low prim. FOB SAUL—A ugh: Tmrhorlo W-gon, u Dukhouo anon, and A Swing qun. .u ”1?: ' '\ DAVID STERNER. ‘Apljilao, 1866. c! _ m Ware :31! movies. RB subscriber rupee-many inrorml tho public am he still continues the bulinon 02 making , 1 ALL KINDS 016000 ‘lle WARP, , u the old “lid. (formerLy Andrew P 2231) in York street, Gennburg, when he the largest nunrtmeut a! tin Wm in the county. will: many other articles for kitchen mo. kc. Alto, COOKING STUYES b NINEPLATE STUVES, at she very hen kinda. ~ “1 . S. G. COOK. (19‘s. 12, 1865. 31:: . >., swath: Tom OMETIING NICE! * '. wm. BROGUNIIB: :1. as]: «an, «my ‘ Pm. lunflcmrem diforifl We: at QMQKING TOBACCO, whisk unnot be but. They no mild sud plenum, .11 she poisonoul um bo ing our-cud, sad yet the Swot in (on: pre unod. Smoke“. give “P“ a mu, u! you gill be planted. " ~ ' ’ . Order- from ”It-mu nucmd. __hb: 26.18“,“ a ‘ ‘A’ ’E‘fii‘FFf'mflfms ‘ .3 pm a m ' ~52 at I..?wa Wm mm übucm an m u 4"” ‘ P ham" Skyl‘aht 0.11.”. “‘99. I. G. ‘l‘l’SOß. “091'“er " mmmm I=ll son}: THROAT, ” v ‘3 mmnnnn, ..:..... “am mamgmt “Mil-nod wmngrmrnudyhonu 339%szva SALSAM; OR PAIN KILLER, A. s m am: be 80:. Thu: 1: Dlptherh, Group. Branching Earle! Fever. ta, Ind 11l aha din-net of the thrust. And don ll infdlble med for Dim-rm“. Dpcnmry, L‘holem Morbm. Sic; lladachc, Suddm Cold: And Coughs, Nmnlg‘ll. Huhisac, Old rum. dc. It in Ilw invaluable for 81135, Profiled Feet. Stalled Jomu, Bite: of Pol mun Ila-ecu, be" dexymmpl and mm remedy {m- Camp Chou: And 11l an. In the Stomach And Bah 225. - ms medicine bu been Med In thousand. a! can: In Mm: pnm of the pantry, and bu pom hiked m mm: Y and In mm, md according to wry-firms. A M mrnum of Infi‘ering might often ,be and by hlmfil couple a! balm-u oi' thh unable medicine lu‘ Ix 2: omxmu In eudeuco 0! ha I unle- t‘ p rwmum on Mum 2m: entire imaging. ry Try 'u Ind b¢ marina-d ot-iu gr.“ "1", . “an mama. . .‘ STONEBBAKER’B GREAT COUGH REMEDY, h VECEIABLI For m 3. id (gm of Co‘ghl, my. Ema-gone- , Craup. a hooping Cough, Anhm. Dimculty offlflmlhi‘ggévb‘pflung of Blood, Fire: . ' 'l u 11: non, Bog-aw f . A L 55: Thrusfimf d 1 Aflecuomo ' of (he I’llmonnrv Organs. ‘* m. Syrup u—m innlutble mm; for the .11.. mm"; and cum of l’ulmunarv 111308193. -.1& h rump! In in Ifllon. plenum tn a» um, me from L meme mild”, h wul'urly upphubh um use of children md per-mm in defiant: he‘lnh. A. 111 modme'upeflonnt. in will llwlw be found to be hufidul. by Illa-sum; and unsung the Hull spoils of courhmg so dittnainf to the patiem. The mama can rely upon a dmmz of lamb, or more dun any omor mnedy 1n loothmg the flcililating “nectar-don. and hulin the Dm Lung, mun utnkiug n the root 0! 5] dim.” and «Mummy; II from the sum. All 1 uk l: n trim) of an. preplrlfion, .- it bu no equn) m its eC'fia, md new-er fail: m (in entire mixtuuou wI” who me u. “e wan-um u Sn :11 ms ar 1'“: mm; m‘undmi Try it-«only 25 md 60 Gents '- Bottle. REM DIE! READ ALI}! . : IA 61mm DISCOVERY , DYSI’EPSIA BITTER: LIVER INVIGORATOR. wm Cm All can“ of NERVOUS DEBILITY, Ami Din-nu- Orlggunung hot. I DISEASED HVBBand STOMACH By an use of fmfifiefihcgumdbonh gm lIIM Dyspep-hl. Liver Cmmplniat,‘ Billnu Lunch, Sick Hendncbe. “our Smmuh, Flamirncy. Dmpty, L'ola of Apfitiw. Coativm'l. Jlu nd i cut Cholera urban, Fumslc Wuhan Ind Imguhn'nu, Nervous Aficfiol , And Gewul Debimy, mud by exposure, lmprudm. 6r, om~rwue. Imam of (I‘osthth n mm... Dull I’lin m me am, m. Inn?“ ofdw Skin, Dimnes of vim. Cmflan‘ hugging: of Ewi] sud gran Areuinu 0! 89M“. - ARE ALL SPEED“? CL'RED. This baiug ll" Putin: figcmbie mmpound h n!- rlnud I nah: :nd e-Eedual remedy-nut 01:31 for D3l - and Law-3 Compiling but {Of-$l2 flerdiuua I ' 3 Imm I xnor ize or A ‘ “much, or impurity o! bloofln A: 3 blood gmificr sud tome or general nppetiw, than binm we no cqual. Ind 1110qu banana! in every family. “disease cannot ex‘ut where they no and. Theym mo win-1.1 a perfect alt-guard Igninu Fever and Ann. Lndin (la-firing I den mph-ion Ind‘gmd helllh uhvuld not [ml to un them. ‘ They In particularlv recommenthd w than who Ire "Reflux under Debihty Ind Depres- Ilon «Splrm, their soothing Ind rennvulng power! bcmgplrdcdndympudxpnflmcnm , man $l.OO rmaomnn. ° L , | ”For In“ by A. D. = uehhr, GeLQlburg, and Country Deniers ge chilly. , 117,1?“469 ’ ‘ . _ 75 Cents! 75 Cents” l as WEEKLY um . a _ron ma oumcx Guru Improvcrpmu and Oral [Adam THE BEST FAMLY JOURSAL XE THE 4B} Publishari of “THE WEEK“ AGE" will 'presenz weir issue on Snurdsy. In; 5. 1886, ig‘uhandrome tud ilmproved torm. It wiu‘be 1n «n tea'peéu ‘ A‘FXRST-CLABS FAHIILY JOURNAL, purgcuimy adapted to the Politiciw, the Fm 'mer,lhe \ferclmnt, use chhn'nicflho Frnily Circle sud the General finder. having, in flct, ovary 'chancteiislicfof - « A LIVE NEWSPAPER. , A: an surly thy-will bats-gun ‘ AN INTENSELY INTERESTING SERIAL, by ode of the moat popular Ind fascinating nuthoumnd it in nllo maintemion to publish, from week to week, in the course of the yen, three cr four of the . ~ BEST AND LATEST NOVELS. [morder to place this jonrmk within the tench, of all. B will be furnished until tha first. Saturday after the Gubernumrhl elm-lion, u it: exuomeinlow price of 7 5 CE N 'l‘ S . FOR A SINGLE COPY. “THE WEEKLY AGE" will be 'l‘Bl an" cur-nan um; 01 the Democratic Conlervn five Party of Pennsylvania, and will earnestly support the President. in. his pntriulic efforts in new: of Usmx, Ramon-rm: and cox i'ntunoxu LIBERTY. The following scale ofpticel bu been adop ted for the regular wgekly ilsne: , One copy, one year..........-..“............ 52.00 Five c0pie5..........._.... . 9.00 Ten copies. 17.50 Twemy .cop‘ln . .. min".........m........ 33.00 In all we: when the papa-I no, nut to Medlddllfl, tho following dunno; wig). bu m e: v Ten copiu, one y0u........................ $lO-50 Twenty c0pic1..... ..... 30.00 . la ~ ) Fancy Bonnets, (Jr-pen, Slnw do. Mslinel, Bmm Hm, Rachel, Shnker Hoodl, [Fr-mes, ‘ Ribbons, " Feta, 1 Flowers, Pins, 50. Also 1 general luortmem. of Lnd‘ru' TOI VET GOODS, cog-ining. in part. at Embroi~ ,lered ancy Head-dresses, Phin (10.. Linen ind Thread M Collars, Paper (10., Thread Lice Fancy Combs, Dressing don, Htir' Brush~ ,V, ,7 ,H, W, , i is, Perfumery, 89:95, Povdera,Coueu, Hosie- W Reduction in mm, ”Hollow“, (15m? Enndkerchiefs, Eoop Skins, an nun: no I. ’ FAHHKSNOK BROTHERS". now 0911 an v Thnnkml for the liberal patronage she bu GOOD CALICOES Ai‘ 12 CENTS jioceivod in uuonl pug, she hopes to receive BEST unnuuaxn nusu§ AT :8 61‘s., (mm her My “mi tn wlrwl- . ”d “1 other abodl in propanion. #Bonneu bleached and dressed m the I! you want CHEAPGoodn, now in the ll *9“ nnnner. Gertynbnrg, 39"” 30' 1m to buy them. ‘ Call a one. , ’ FAHNBSTOOK BROTHERS, Geupbnrl, In. 26, la“. Un- copy Will be furnished gnu. for get dng up n club 0! an or no", to on. nddrul, for on. you. The thaw-tum: will be rigidly lihefld to, “a NO ROTH)! WKLL BE TAKEN OF A SUBSCRIPTIOK UNTIL PAH) IN ADVAXCE. The Postage for ‘iTfifl WEEKLY AGE," if prepuid, is fin, cents per quarter, or twenty cent: per “mm. _ _ , , _ 7 ‘ WELSH t R 033, 330 Gin-taut Street, Philadelpbis, Pt. Burk Wanted. El Inbnriber will pt; SEVEN DOLLARS pa CORD for 13qu UAK BARK, and U 3 DOLLARS AND FIFTY GENTS FOB. BLACK OAK, delivered it his Tuner] mam tycbnrg. . 30811 BUPP. , alpine, was. a: ,fi , , , p , ng' "do. «0‘ il ‘ I.“ l. 1" l 9“ firmwlon [tn-gag .941 mm truth 'o‘, to ‘1 ,h‘u‘monciol 00‘qu ...!)I'lgi ucn. F"- ’” ”’u l.“- (I EMIE3 STATE IMn*4 |L_. am am imm. g Ilka“, muox ' Ituna: ma; (:0. or Kevan. CP‘EfiIIdN 11:18; 31.13! '53:“, M. 31m.“ ' man-non. GEORGE P. FISHER. Judged 0 Sangria! ‘ Wmn‘lrgum. ac, V ‘e humans—'l'. . EMEB , PhllMem. Tma B. HABEPB. or am. 9’ t 00.. Bunkers. Philadelphia. _ Seam—WUßJ chONOLGB, mum-J- In. Bungerlnmndem u. the Minot-D. 8. CBILDS. Mi ln Enfilnem'. Austin. Nevadn. ORFIsE-fo. 66 Scam Tnkd street. Philadelphia. ‘ SILVER MIN INC PROFITABLE. - Tint ma buinm or linlnfi and ream-manila: quart: ts humanely profits!) e, u amply 31415184 gram Mniu'hich hsve accrued rrom the mines Mexico, Peru. Gummy, and cm»! uiver-bear ing comma. and tau sine: lode. Ire r- muta biynch. A: well :1 aluminum. in Nevada. we hnve the testimony of such aminenc and disinterested men a: Blah?) Shawn. Proi. Sliiiman. Prof. Jams. Hon. once reeiey, greater Colfax and Sunday Np, whogmonuiy nod and impea edflu minec. hes! a bundredooi’ timer individu niq who are now engaged in the busmeaa of mi ning In that. flute. Emcslmwmmhim incharL-delivcred a leo ture in up: Cil)‘ of Austin, during Which in» laid - “We cannnt mum upon the time when mining will puny: to I»: pmflwnic in mas»: hula! ’ Bishop flinpdun. or the )ivmodist church. in n leukum dcixveied m tne clig' o! .\vw York. flit-T his return (mm Ne 7M3, u! : ““ «‘N the debt of 011‘: nation w.wa,wl,:m. were in wealth enough there, when our debt is paid on‘ m in“ every ”1. dlvbr who return: from our Dame-fie d 5 musket; of “liver lmuwi of iron. ‘ ' ' Ido not. speak now min: idie upemiuion. but I speak of that man man (innervation and actual Paicuinuou." 'HAT DIVIDEND? MAY BE EXPECTED. As to the amount or dividvnds that may be‘ re’mnnbly expected from a Silver Mining Com pany opemtinf in Nv-\'mi4.‘il inav be settiowu as ' ranging from 00 to 1030 per cmii. pnr annuin, ac cording to me prugrcsn made in the mnemund: the quantity «machinery at vi oxk. ‘ Harpur'a “omniv .\iufinzinn for Augusltonmin ottun article an “ New; A." u huh wxih rnicrnuca i tolthe pronuortllverminlng, “Li: “ lrtho mlno beioi even nvmi- value it can scarcely [auto return from ten to 20 per cunt. per month to the iii-rater. and silver mines an unlike gold minel , in that they are incxhnuntibloanll may he worked i for generations wnon oncu opened." ' A recent lane of the Philadelphia Evl-zamm Tnleurn. speaking or the subject. says: “The i mining salutes orNevada show us thaLwheuev- l enwor Pd with proper appliance! nnvl underjn- " diriom msungement, mew mmoslmve paid irom 300 to $OO Per cent. per unnum upon the mplml invcltod.‘ IWHAT OTHER COMPANIES ARE DOING. fhere is no! apingle Company now in operation w th thrir own, mm-hlm-ry in Nevada. us im- an I we hnvu loam->6. that is not I comglew success. (All are returning not onli large ut nonxom’ D vldends, and the prices 0 thnirshnres havecor rmpondlngiy advnnl-cd. For instance. on Much | 2d. the stocks or the older Companies were quoted - in the city pggpen as follows: “Gould aL'urry 89:77; Sangc. i 5; Cliollar Pomi,s3os: Imperial 3117: Crown Point, $1.040; Aiphn, mo: tellow, Jackal. mo." The original gripe of these Iwclu . whale» than ”ii—soup: or! em oulrfilO. And the Companies more rcccntlv organizcd im- not a l whit lass ‘prmperous, but as far in! progressed givw‘ Mary promine- o.’ an niilnmie sumwsaevvn gruarer than 1 mi unmoved bv the Guul'l kt Curry. For e. amplvfllic stock orihe liuii- ii: Kort-toss COHJ,‘ i 1 anV oi Nu-vmin. Whirl] a few months ago was i wbrth rmiv'm. is now quoted a: H 150. So, also. ti in Boston and Rec-:9 RlV'l’ Mining Company. ‘ W lgh commenced W0rk'lll1)‘ lust full; its shares. though originally sold at ‘lo,soon went u to 8105, - um on [be is! o Ann-"n had advanrm to gm. 1 : Tub SAi‘URAL Coxignumox. i i , l mnv thurefnn- be safely wanted that no nthcr I c u-rpriw raquirimz the summation or capital. 0 ‘ers no nmnv in lui-mnn-nm lor invvsims-nl. with in little rink—ms Siivvr Mining. Every uo’mpuny i. m owni n mine. and will linui-ntly gu tu wurk,‘ 'sr BE A succassi ital-mum possibly fail. The . only difference between companies at work will b in thr amnunism thrir (iii-Hands. l ‘l‘hE REVENUE EX'ijEwm) SILVER 311-1 ' NXNG COMPANY ‘ | wn NIVETEEN parallelSilver-bearingiledgm s mated on Lfludcl‘ iiiii. near the cllV of Austin.‘ . omdh. Their ngzrrzaie lwiigth embrucvs mm r.§.4,.~m»uriv s-ixhi miles! Tin-s 8 Lodges huva: all lip-u thoroughly tested by shunsmud the oral bib. 11 imm them hllVPln aume’lnumnccs produced i the i-uonumis yield or 310.001 to the Don. One of t me, the Roi/antic Exknulon Leda-ls now being v gorously worked bv an inclined shaft which at, intent reports was down upwards of fiéreet nnd=l had produced highig gratifying results. On .\i'arch . a? the bupdl‘lhll‘n ruin-ligmnhc: "mom?“ in "ion. 119 m." And again on .lanh 18th. ' Pros- l as at Revenue Exk‘nsion better than ever be- t c." The 014 M Kooklns Tunnel, commencinint' t e root of the hi i, and designed to penctra it (- ear through. cutting an ill: way not‘ only I“ o! I 2 1:19 Ledges referred in, hut, beyond‘ question a more than .1 hundred others. and at a depth, ’whfl'c [he more are nlwuyc richest, in also the . ? opertdy of this company. and la being pushed' rwnr with all possible energy. being already mnletod over 4!!) feet. . ' i Win-n itis remrmlwred that every comramy at flaw-m wmmql-ad in rz-ducing ares Rom under iii in n comp etc succcsaz—lhat one alone. in the rift-mm or January inst. took out Si iomiiin kiivcr, a id that crucial rcporta show that the average 3‘ old of bullion in the hose RIV-‘X' District. in the y r 1365 was upward! 013200 perton. the substan l nl basis: upon which this company has been or- . zimlzcd is at on“: mild» vnnnirgst. I 'I‘JIE I'LTIM \ PE SL’f‘PE‘JS OF THE COMPANY I§.lhexmnre, not only cermm but ACTI'ALLY AT mm mm. Brim-e me 0103? of the comm: sumv l or—pwhapa hv tho middle—it. will be ranked aTnungut rho DIVIDEND-PAYING companies. 1 m IL! [sle wxll.m m 1 ogrplmbillly, advance to 815. film perhnnq even 31 per share. Therefnro, )N Is the mm- to Invest In its stock. The work- 'wg mpltul remaining unsold 1: am]. edited at. he angina] thee. $lO per share, and the Dix-3cm r 9 anxious but it should be (Imposed of immadl ply, In order that. there may be no delay in the . c-ecutton of me work on hand. Hence this lverllaemen‘. , ‘ Pregsmu whining to luvs-g. whee" in large of mm “5.3.1111. 3.1 m». - " ”fig-_IIARPEIEIME No. In Souti'fifd'é‘fiffiiiifimmk. April I), 18”. lm . Panuvmx ammo snaS‘n‘rUTE. PERUVMV GUAM) suasnwm PERUVIAX auuo sussmwrn. 3 ‘. AFGH'S RAW BOSE SUPRE—PEOSPBA'fiE AUHH'S RAW DUNE SUPER-PHOSPHATE ACGH'S RAW Bus 5 SUPER-PHOSPHATE FOR ALL CROPS. ”Quick in in Action, AND 0" MORE .STKNG EFFECT THAN EITHER PERU AN GUAM) on. ANY SUPErc-PHOSPHATE .DE ’PRU! L HARD MINERAL GUAM). lil is proven by twelro yam of combat. -. - . . ~ { I SAUGE '8 sons. Solo unnhcturen 3nd Proprietorl, qmci No. 20’ Delaware Avenue, _ « PHILADELPHIA. ' BAUGH BROTHERS & 00., ‘ Genera Wholesale gen", Not. 181 Put! SL, cqrne of Cedar, NEW YORK; GEOR‘GE one!) ALE, holeulu Agint for Miqlaid Old Virginis, NO. 105 Smith’b Whul, BALTIMORE. April 30, xsqq. «n ‘ magnum-Hl3OO. ANDI-‘ANCY GOODS. ISS H.’ McOBEA RY has just received I lug: and benuxiful “acumen 0! new , . Agricultural Fur. flex; Ann-1 Exhibition of the Adm . . many Agric‘nlturd Society will his hold 1. l a uunl time, u Beudersvilla when Pn. min I will be lerded for the gesture or Po tor-a, the best fivg acres of When, Bye, Oats uni Can, he. , By order of tile Board, W3ll. B. WILSON, Soc’y. April’so, 1868. 3: ? fl‘Sur nnd Stntlne‘i copy. a For we. ‘ aruxnm ssvgmocflvn ROSE: Angel! PIANO. 3mm gin saoo— om one 6' 0K be“ Rona 13' 1"! going. mu nu sata‘chefip: A 1515!) u gm: 79m. ; Aptil 16.)!!!“ t! QTYOI In hereby given In I“ Lento-m N cum person: concerned,.thu tho fid m nlsnnlon Accounts ioreiufler mentioned will be prawn-d M. the Urphln’l Court of 'Adnm; cpnnty,for confirm-tier: Ind ulowance, on TUESDAY, the 21nd thy of HAY, 1866, at 10 o'clock. A. 9L. Viz : 386. ht Ind finnl Iceount of J. (3. Quinn; Executor of Lou“ H. luick. deceued. 281. The In ncconntof Ahnhnm Guiu.Ad. miniuntor of the estate of Peter Guile, doc'd. 238. The in Account of Francis Conhon, Executor of the Willol‘ John 8. Sun], doc'd. 289. The account of Henry H. Ornar, Ad mln’uu-ntor of Daniel [-1. Omar, decanted. 290. 1n Ind fiull moon: 0! Jonathan Bow er, Executor of the lac. Will Ind Tunas“ of J oucph Miller, deceased. 291. The Account of Benjunin Gbmniltn, Admininntor of the emu of Stmuol Chron ister. deceased. ’ 292. The In account of John Wnlhey, El ecmor of me In! Will Ind Testament of Help ry Rex, Me of Menallen twp. Adams co., (lead. 293. Second scent“ of Eskher Fm", Ad miniatratrix of John Feeacr. deceased. 294 The In Ind final nccoun: of Jaseph Camp, Adminisuator of John Cunp, deceased; £95. The 1:: 11d final lcconn: at Four fly on, (of P.) Administrator of am: of Adam A. Mynn, deceued. 296. First and flux! Account of Samuel 8. Deardorfl, Adminllmlor of Duvidfi. P. Dur— dorfl‘. decensed. * ~— 297. Second and flnll nccounl of Solomon Miller and Adnm 0. Miller, two of the Execu tor: of the lust Will nnd Testament ofJohn Miller, déc-ased. ‘ 298. Account of Henrietta Sch-inf, Admin m: Ilrix of Geo. W. Schriver, donned. 299. First account of Adum S. lye", Elq., Advmniamuor with the Will nnnend, :2! Dan iel .\lynn, accused. l 300. The account of Juno's Nnrlhall Ind Elizabetiglndren,Execuwn cf the In: Will and ’l'uun‘sentprlohn Rhu, dean-ml. BM . (the £160,111! 0”. A. Gudnir, Guardinn of Amienon 0.4). Brandon. 303:1'he fir-band fl-ml “count of Michael .\lyen and Blind ‘Albert, Executor! ol lhelul will and tennmeul “Snub Alben, doc'q. 303. The Account ~o! 10th Krumrine, Exec utor ohbe Wdl ofJacthtsmer, dcceud. 301. The (in: Account M Eliu John, Execu tor of the Will of John Julius. decoufid. 305. 'Tbe lecond Accouflt at George W. Wsuu and Samuel Swapo, Exbcuton oratory Wants. decqued. . 306. run-Ind find account 0! lain: Troulo, Adminlslruor of Jonu'nn Gilberttdeceued. 301. Fin! Ind finnl account. of “134" Jacob M. Bollmger, Administrator 01 the éluto of Jacob thr' deceased. ~‘ Q 308. The first and finnl ncconnk of Ale‘xgm. der CobeAu,'Esq., Administrator do bonis nQn‘ with the Win annexed of Jaime: Mljor, dé~ ceased. 309. .The guardianship Recount OLAndrew Rife. Guardian of Jexemiah Stump. minor child at" John Hump, deranged, exhibited by Geo. 'llhrone, Administrator 0! mid Andrew Rifle, “ceased. . _ ' 310. First andfinalncéount of Funcil Bram: and George Bream, Administrator! of Henry Bnam. deceased. K 311. The first. tenant of Joel 8. Dunner, hxccutor of the flute uf Zephaniuh Herbert, deceased. - _ . “ SAMUEL LILLY, Register Registex'n Olfice, Gettyaburg,‘}—' J’ ‘ ”April 16, 1.566. td * 'A m; Tumble ~ 1N PRICES H 1 - v I'l. AA'K AND SPANGLZ'R, inmmsmm, Hue just returned from the ciliel With one of Ibo largest Ind bear. selsczed stocks of Goods ever oflered lo the people of Areuduville and aurrouudmg country. But, their assortment in not only desirable and nnnctive; H vs bought at such I reduction u to enable them 1.0 Announce to their customers tnd the public generally, A BIG TUMBLE IN PRICES! ' They ofi‘er Cloths, Cassiu'aeres, Ind Summer Goodp (or men and boys, M price: Ihu will nstpniah—nnd the name may be and of I.” ar ticles tor ‘Lndies' we", to. For instlncé, '.rium M. 11on 1010 20 can". Gmghnuu 25 to 28 cents, Muslin: n; to :8 anti: ' They sell Sagu- at. from [0 to Is cents, Cof fees-15 to 30 can“, syrup. «to cum to $1 20. Come and see for yourselves. Come with s rush. We hue plenty of Goods, and are 314 we}: glad to show them. Buying‘ {or cash, we sell for cash. PLANK & SPANGLER. April 16,1868. 6w. ‘ ‘ KW STORE l A GROCERIES, LIQUORS, 80. i HE underlined hnl relurnod to (hays-4, burg. :nd opened I new More, on BAM more unset, next door to the Post. Uflice, sud . ne‘uly opposite the Conn-House, where he: ofl'ers {or sale, can! re: can, a large and; qpoice assortment. of GkOCEßlES,—Suglrgr§ (Ins-nos. Ten, Moms“, 83mm, 8:“, u; with Fish, Bacon, Lard, And .0 on. V Alla, LlQUUBS—Wines, Bundiu.-G£in,' Whilkiu, Runs, and everything chain m. lint. ‘ Also, sny quntity 'of Nation, to suit my Ind every-bend}. ‘ Recollec! mi: is the pica :0 buy can! to" cnu. ' . April 23, 1866 oax mummis ESTATE.—Leuen tu 'umenury on fhe estate of John Hilbcrt, In“ of Germany & wnship, Adams oounty,,do ceued, having buagm'uled to the underugned, residing in Union Jownship, He hereby given nofiice lo ‘ll pcraonl indebted to aid auto to innke immadiue pnyment, sud those hu‘lng claim: against the sum: 90 present then proper ); authenticated for leulemenz. - JESSE HILBERT, .April 23, 1866. at” Executor. S birch: given um I have purchased from Henry fluglgrLresiding in Berwick borough, Adams county. v. 9 {allowing person-l proscr -I,], viz: 2 Horses and Genre, 1 Cow, ) ar row. 1 Spring anon, 1 Ten-plus sum nnd Pipe. 3nd Gnin growing in tho growth—con- I‘uting of Onu. Com, Bye, When—Mad Pou wu und Es}. 'Suid personnl prepeny in In: in'the paucnsion of mid Monet, but my right to igil in nowiu thereby relinquished. _ ' ' HfCZ-lAEL HOFFMAN". ' April 23, 1866. 33*. : EVER WEAVEB'S ESTATE—Lemon of: P ndminhuuion on the emu: «at Peter wand-Jule of Mountpleasnnt :wp., Adams co., dvceused. having been gnnwd to :he undér- i signed, raiding m the ume township, be here by gins hence to all persons indebted. '.o'uid I cum: to make immedutu puma“, and th'ose having ellims azfiinat the flame tc prnwt properly nulhenxicatod for settlement. i JOSEPHIBEDRBEIAN, Adair. Anna/1866. m ‘ Notice. ‘ ' EOllO3 suwx‘s ESTATl.—L¢turl of: Administration on xhe eauuol Geo.Suick,; ms of Huntington ‘townnhip, Adnms con'my, deceased, bnving been granted to the under signed, residing in the Mme townuhfp,lhe her»; ”If". notice to all persyns inflebped to ui eltnte to make immediate payment, lnd‘ those having claims Igsiust the uni: to pre- i sent them proparly authenticated for settle m’ent. hMELINE SMICK, Apri12,1866. 6t ' ' ‘ ‘ Washington Hotel, EW uxmau, , I ADAMS COUNTY, PL The undersigned reapecllully mtomi bin friend. and the public geuemlly, than be In: purchased the nbove Hotel, and will strive ‘0: keep it u I. No. 1 House. . , Hxl table will be abundnndy enppiied with‘ ellthe delicacies of the sauna, and his hm"i with the choicest liquors end winei. The Ila-j bling is huge em! Cummudxous. He hope: by. uric: alumnus tq'meriu portion a! the publ.c'9 ‘ pauoulga. ‘ ISAAC 8. 1100533. ' ‘ April 16, 1866. am I Font, using, 3: Ibo Yard of ‘5 c. H. BUBHLEX. nun. Cor. Gnu-l: um manning. . NSL'RE sauna? wcwn'rs in m‘ “unwise 153034303 cqxusv. m" 3313036. 1‘ him: spins) an um; WWW“? ‘m in! 151539 Neck“ 9" nu“ chm cries. ’4 ‘ " ' ' mitis ihisA!gi. Cheap for Cash! G £O. I'. KALBFLEXSUH; Notice. 1V office Notice. g 7 Administrurix. ’ Coal sad Lumber, l um um _ ‘ KI undoninod ll um AM! (or a. dc 1T ol lOWING AND RRAPIHG MACHINES fa-noth combined tad single Mowers. These machines cm he and u Self-linker: or End liken, I: tux-men may wish. The, In nude, with m cutter bus, on» {or cutting in‘wlth tickle knife—cutting flu leek nin. f 3“: with—uni extn bur, with urn knives, for gnaw-«awn; (on! fat six inches wldq, hulng iron or model: fume: a desired... They inn two (hiring wheel! Ind £ollle flu. pr but. i The column, banding {hue muhlnu bun 'ucuretl by lone and pnrclnse. the control of D“ the duluble nnd nth-dud palenu 107 in ,1)“, Among whirl: ire the Ofllu AND BUCKEYE PATENTS, to which we direct lpeCiAl Attention. In com puting, lighlnul otdrnft, excellenco ofwork nlnsbrp and finish, combined with [rut "numb and ndnp'nfiou to 11l kind! of work, they will campus 'Hh, and wn bellow. lur. mu. my “to! machino now clued to the public. Farmer: would do we“ to enmino than machine! baton: pnrchuing my other. They will he sold u chap 1: my other nut-ch." machine now manurtic'und, And we nrrnni mm 10 give entire mixfircfion or a: mo. . fifixtru tawny. kepton hund. Bpoclmon Ennohipu cu be Inn by calling on tho Agent, lxuilinr on the Hurilbnrg road, two uilu norm-elm at Gettysburg. ' j “ wumu mans, um. ' April 23, 1866. Cabinet Furniture. HE nub-crib": hereby inform the“ cus tomers snd [he publ'c generully, 1'...” ‘lhey hnva now on hand, :nd continua Lo nua ufncluro to order. - CABINET FURNITURE, hhich, for slylo ind durability, finish and price, wilfcompelo with any in \he county.— Olu pnunt neck con-nu of every variety of Furnilun nzuully kept in s first. clul Farah “P Waie Room. Fuhionsble, ornamenul or plan Furniture mnnufucnredin the moat lubluuufll‘ number, by. man experienced workmeln, n‘nd n the latest cash prion. A U‘NDEB'ILAKING. Having I net Bum, pardcul-u' attention w'ill be given w this bunch of their businvu. The, pro prepared to make nd furnish Collin: of {by delirod may, and attend Funeul u. the moment flinch-cud on lucb‘tennl I: canon {-11 to plan: all. The subscriber: ruuru rhelr thnnh to 113‘ public for the liberal patronage extended to them in die put, Ind bopetomeriund receive I coudnu'nuce of public patronage. thop sad Ware. Boom third building cut. of the Square. ‘ H. PETE ck BRO. Limenown, AprilllS, 1866. If ’— , 3:9 BEL!!! LConoentrs’drlnvorlng Extracts! ‘ \ QUAL h any in the‘mnrkel and lupenot LE to many. in larger, homes, and at. old priceg. Y ‘ -; Wh‘uleule-qenu for Bultimqro’, BUBSOUGE 89.08., 2 ~ Wholesale Druggistl LIST.-s—Lelqon,,onnge;Vnnilla, Rose, Peach, Nutmeg, Celery, .Allupice, Clown, Ginger, Bitch, CinnnmouhApplehMnlberry, Pine Ap ple, Bums, Mace, Rnspperrx, Pear, Pepper, Parnley. Slnwberrkfimcr Almond, and Sa vor'y Iplces. V The great. dimculxy heretofore experienced in procuring true uoring Exyncu, ha in duced tho proprietor to spore no point or ex pense in\ giving to the public In article which will be found true “Lin ulme, nnd which will in no inflame be”: source of diuppointmeut. It will be observed that our extract of Lem on nnd Ortnge la n prepnred extract. from tho Peel. which lily one any be convinced of by merely Igneiling them. The price of Vuuius Beam, too, has «used more analog: Eur-ct of Vanilla to be monu factured Ind lold than any other euence ; being either made from Tanks Beans, or name other flciiuon'l compound. ln,our Enncc we WILL GUARANTEE A PURE ARTICLE! {node from qhe "1.: Ben, wiihout In; foreign unbalance viii-never. ' ~ \‘ _._ Bell’- Worm Syfiip. HINUST INNUCENT, PLEASANT AND , EFFICIENT REMEDY lN USE—A Ru :or harm IN hunt—No omm 0!! to be Tuken.—Ys this Prepnrnion we hue included such remedies only u have been tried for years Ind ‘ue known to possess powerful nnthelmintib winner, combine! with mild nprrientn, plensant aromatics and warn. An tbelminflci of themselves cannot perform their peculmr functions or lure the desired efl‘ect, unleu tlie bowgll are kept moderately open. To produce this. gentle purpzivu urn mean any nnd'nucb only ought to be and tbnt can not interior: with the nnthelmintic er'nployéd. The ndnnmgca we claim for thin Syrup are: lu. lu power of DESTROYINO AND EX PELLING WORKS! ‘ . 2d..ltb mild Ipcrienz elect upon the bowels. 3d. lu pleasing tune nnd odor Are minu ugu poucgaedior chimed by very few Varm ifugel. ‘ 5- ‘ «h. In hnerQsa influence upon the synem, consequently no injurious‘ efl'ocu will reluh. from its hie Ihould the pltiem have no Worms, hit an hpptrem disen‘e, nn‘uing irom lama other unknown on”, which is frequently the cue. . . ~ “the constituentn of this Syrup And its “TH-0| are known Io many I'byliciuni, who are now using it. in their pr Ictice to 1 large exam. Pro. 25 cent: I bottle . “613 mm: Llnlment in (’9O. : ELL'S WHITE OlLl—T/u Blandut, Clean al, mod Pemtfating and meal Economical rm‘znentll‘n Ute—A poiverl'ul Olcaginus Com-i 1 pound for the Speedy Cure,of Rheumatism, -Smiiuu, Sprain, Wounds, Numbneu of the Limbs, honed Feel. and Hands. Slfiivln, Sad dle Gulls: Poll Evil, Ring‘l Bone, Bruises. Swelling: of all kind, end in ‘lnct new dis ease for which an Embrocnion in lpplicable, ‘ either in llun‘ or Beast. Price 23 ten“ 5 but. Ila—This propirnuun, which is o'iginnl with Ins, will be found to be one or: the nice» and a m. the same time one of the man. reliable up. : plicnlione awn. l Hauling been employed very erlcpcively linco iu‘inlroducuon end feeling Jul-lied of its remedial properlicl, we recommend it with Ellie utmost confidence, knowing ihnz no one will be dinppoiuled in its use. It in, a: in nuns implies, I while linimnl ol the cousin teucy oi cmrn. containing nothing ofenaive. tut, on the coutnry, will bl.- found more plenum. Hun anion-mm. ~ . \ l ‘ Bell’s Lucrative; R COKDITION POWDHRS! ' 0 FOR HORSES, CATTLE & SWINE. 25 cents I. paper, or lire pipers for 81. ~ The lmmeuyo sale of was; Powders during the abort period they hive been before the public. it n ambient guarantee of their (rent populmizymnd an decided benefiu derived (to n their use. i They Ire confidently recommended notoniy u n preventive, but u; I complel. cure for .u discus“ inciduut to the HORSE, COW or HOG, no Loss of Appetite, Coughs, Bowed, Ycllow Water, Distemper, Glmdru,‘tc., to. By their use the Horse‘l Appetuo in imprur ed, :11 derangement! of the digemv. organs corrected, softening tbs skin, utd giving to the coat a sleek ngd [hitting appearance. and that, be used with pemct u‘t‘ety It .11 tunes, A! it conminl no mgredienta which can injure I hotn. whether nick or well. They cleagse the hreathmg wpantun by ejecting $l9l the sir cell! conguluted mattrr, or that onnntiun which so sovetely clogs them, canning a fightm-n 'm hnu‘hing, Indhy thctr peculiu Action on that part, they came the much. membune to rcsume iu nuturnl din'ensions, thus equaliling the circulatiun of the blood llld restoring the d'utended vouch to their natnnl size. For fattening cattle (hey arc invaluable, also [misusing pocnlur properties m increu in: We mummy of muk in U_mn. vhercby gir ln; film an Importance sud value which Ihould plue them within the hands oi all he argued. ' ' All diseases to which the Bag in Inbjecl. as Caughn, Ulcera in the Lungs and Liver, and as I geneml purifier of the blood “0 gut-tame. ’beir eflcny ifonco fairly med. RSold It Geclynbnrg by A. D. Buebht, Apothocsry. sud by Draught: Ind Smrekoep on gems”. Alk {fr :m‘lc Ergxmtions. ‘ fivv Prop": admin y y '. . n, Apothe.- ..- ‘"" " a , in i L: ‘1 city, (Gr-Minute o! the Phfladelphjl Qouop of; Cfifnt.&dn::‘ ,gEEfiEEncfi‘: : :qu Elan-mach) Wm “'th 33,8 81“;- threat-pinks" Drops, . '.' > . @W3“-;;_..‘_'_*.[°°.Ei§.§L-'fia ‘LJ. ' ngérgingi,'fioeggifiish‘nh n. ISELER’S'RSB‘B BITSEES for 911: a?“ '' " 4’ " ‘ . nuns, M florur'c Drug 3“ Mia: Stator ' -—' ‘ OPPO‘“ “f. .30“: ‘0‘?“"1- . =” ' ‘ l 1 ‘ ' HOKIIG'I ' 6 m mvnruuu‘re. , “ mwmflxmsr"wnnamans Stock at Cheap Clothing u menu's. puns» our m men moss... ‘ 0.41.“ b! udfliod by w icing Clothing It PICKINU'S. T CAN'T BE DENIED, THAT PICKLNG bu tho lumen “torment of Uouu, Plan and '9l", in the county. I‘RUNKS AND CARPET BAGS, In ‘ Oldie" “rusty, c heap It PICKIXG'G. ’l‘ IS EVEN SO! A lgrgo nook ol Ovu lhiru. Sutpendrrl, Umbrelln. Film. And ‘ 'OO shins, chup’u PIGKLYG‘S. TIUEI NIGER! 1 NICEST! ! I “1 kinds of h Sand-y and nay-day luiu cheap It: PICKING'S. INTEKLI GENTEELER! l DEXTEZL. EST! I 1 Buck Cloth Frock, and luck Cons; Alto A“ kind: ofnL‘uallnere. Duck, Cob ton snd Luzon (Jo-u. Call st PICKING‘S. 'l‘ IS INDEED ASTONISHING, what I lugs and chap assortment of Pan" can hud u PIOKING'S. EEP TI‘JEI Fine unoxtmeutof Clock: cheap at: PICKING'S. 0 USE TALKIXO, but come right along and who Ululblng, Notions. t,- . an. ~ PICKIXG’S. \ csimfmsmmmxrs. 'fiß-uns, Ac- L covdmnl, Plum und [Mafia he had at. PICKXNG'S. RE YOU IN? For I ihup rm. Then clue“ . , I’ICKING'S. BEENBSCKS, o r 99; other kind of good ' money, «ton in uchunge {or Col", Pwu, Vest-,ho , -: PROKING‘S. a! ‘camr sfis‘ficfififii day— Plckiu'g'a Clothing Slou. 31:.an cuzApzaf—camnfi—Picm ing’l Spring Ind Sumner Glowing. G 0 AND SEE Picking! Obonp Clothing. TOP A MOMENTX—Wht'I 'ho hurry? ‘I rm! to get. 3 mm at" PLCKING'S.‘ "THE“. EARTH in putting on A new unit. ' Lot A“ the peopl- go to Picking’: Ind do hkewiso.’ ‘ [April 23, 1866.] ls ‘ {nowawm oo onnvsncno, DOWN 70 OLD PRICES! $6 am telling at. $5. . :5 Est: ullln‘; A: 84' 8% Hats selling u 83 :5 $3 Em “Hing n. 32 35. 81 Hit-l tolling u:1 Qt) And :11 oghcrl at tho um roduced pricuc— W 0 will «11 Ban cheaper um; uyhgdy om g Shoes of I“ kinda iold u reduced pgicu. Determined n In at to tell cheap, w. hue put good) in In}! “M down ‘0 HlO pwan cub prices. Try us, and b. convinced ROW 8 WOODS jAer 18. less Removal. ALL ARI) SEE vs IS OUR NEW QUAR . TERS. I GREAT ATTRACTION! MICHAEL SPAXGLEK would respectfully inform hialriends And thv public ganarany thathe has moved hil Store unto the commo dious room on tho southeast. corner or the Diu moud, M which pllhe all nu! invited to calj. He has pnrchued‘tho properly And had it thoroughly repoired And filled up in the mob splendjd styleflor the special comfort and con venience of hi» customary \\ 9 now Bugler ourselves xhntye have not only tho but. More room in the county, but the finest nook or goodl owe: bronghlym shin place, nu of which to on now seflmg I" prim-I m \ DEFY_ COXPETITION. We call uunllon ebpocinlly to our oomph“ neck of E DOVIESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ‘ ' rembruing A). Jelenption! o! nnnss‘coons. _ -, DRESS SILKS, DBLAXXES. HEMNO‘ES, CASHIERES, ' GALICOES, ' MUSLB’S, ' consns, Hoop Skin: for Indies and Ilium, Ilooiory. Gloves, Emhmiduy. Trimmings And ‘ ‘ FANCY ARTICLES. Also, Gent's FURNISHING GOUDSkCIOtha, Caulmcrel. Clnlineu,'l'weodl, hm, so. We no not soiling— Muslim fr0m.............................._...11} to 2!. Calicool frum............................i.... 10 lo 18. 3nd olhergoodi in propurliun. Ewing made our p ‘lpuel when‘goods were at. their very lowe‘mlo In lhecily. we no now ofl'erinz bargain; um! cnnml‘ fail to pin". We invite all «o‘ca'u It our NEW STORE 3nd ICO if it i; not do. . »- 14.. SPASGLER. April 16, 1366. ‘ ~ W. B. BIDDLE. H. S. BENNERq‘ 100.000 Bulls. Grail Wanted. NEW FIR“ AP THE OLD WAREHUUSE L WALE. RIDDLE t. CU. woa'd inform the public that they hate louod the Warehouse on the corner of Stmuon street Ind the um. road, in Gettysburg. .\ born they mil carry on THE GRAIN ARI) PRODUCE BUSINESS, tun in brunch“. The highest prion nu lIWIyI be paid for When, Rye. Corn, OMI. Glover and Timothy Seeds. Flu-nod. bumw, Hay nud Strut, Dried Fruit, )iuu, Sonp,Hn-nn. Shoulders In! Snde.,sPouwu, with our}: thing eke in the conmfi yrodnot llue. GItUUHRIBS.-—Un hand, for vale, Cole”, Sugars, Muluul, Svrupl, Tens, Spices; amt, Chane, Viuogsr, anrx, Kumrd. Sun-h, Brooms, Backus, Bucking. 801 m. tc. Alto COAL OIL, Fish Uri, H‘u. to. FISH of All kinds ; Spike] Ind Milk; Smoking ud Chow ing Tubuccol. z They; are shun Ibl‘e to supply I first we mid. of Flour, with th mnmnt kinds of Feed. Also, Srouud' Plnter, wlth thnol Ind other leniuzon. GOAL, by tho bulhol, km at on lood. . . They will run 0, leE OF FREIGHT CARS from Getty-burg l 0 Bulu'moro once _every‘ Week. Thu, Ire preplred w convey Freight either vmy. in any qnnutily, I}. ,REUUUED RAjwss‘L They will attend, if deslnd. to the making‘a! purchase. in the my, and duh-sting the 30511. promptly in Gettyabnn. Thain can run to the Worehonm 0! Sun- a Homo, Ho. “8 Rorth Howard street, near kalin, Baltimore, where fnight will be nceivod M. any time. Thgy inriw the attention of the publlc v.O th'ir llne, undo; them that they will upon :uo clan Lo uncommon“ all who may pltrome them. manna 3 Karma :11 16, xses- u - finial: 10 Con“. ' T Sun's Grace ry, on the quth-ven cor : “”9“!“ Diamoud. [Apfil 3Q, 1066. 6,8633 vuumm u Swan’s on tha corner or the Diamond. April 30, 183.6. , , UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE unmmm mvm rum: {* V~ Exoum up ‘3"le G mum: Swim, I’munumu. THO! $5 MAX J'EItLCE, A. y, " President and Cunsnlung Accuununtm . . liar-ovum: huh-hem! z ROVEL & PER“ 3.ka ‘.‘ AKRANUICSW’! 0' BUSINESS CULuEHE J'ERIS. PAL-I Avg". 1 To Ucrnss 1,1868, ', Anzs'umxo IKLU- ' LIFE SCHOLARSBWa, mcbudin Ronni”) iug, Business Correayundhncu, amnion. wml, Uommerdd Ax‘nhmet‘m. Bnnneu Pun. nun-hip, Detecting Commfiou “runny, “a commmm Lu. TWEMLHVE 001.. LABS. ‘ \ T SCHOLARSHIPS. inelud "ml fl" um Unblock m above. Tun metln Yo Tau- Mann, rmwr! nouns. . ~3 PENWANSHIP, Throe )10nth5...... ~'..:.;._s‘r Pcnmnnllfip and Arithmetic, mn‘e monthdlu Tho suing of coal Ind “f In tho mmtfi'ot womb: I: 111 udvuupml Mich mporlmmuu enable! the lululzem-eul 01 um Cullen, to make a caullderlblo reduction In the enmiaér rates. » 5 Plan 061-0": 1. 1866. to Ann. 1,1067, ‘ And Imcecdm; yous, u nub“. Lifo $ch01nt1bjp.................................. $25 Schnhruhipu,‘ s m0n1h1......... .............. 35'; I‘ennnmhip, 3 m0nth:......‘....."............. 340 Penmnnaliip and Arltbmcu ,3 months... SL2 Spool-l Termsfor Clubs, b‘ulnficxs, and for No Sons offlihislers and Teachers. ’ DAY AND EVEHNQ )strItUCI‘IUN FUR EO'l'H MIXES AND ALL AGES, . In Baukmg, Stun keepmg, Bookkeeping, 2“,? maushul, Pru Drlwlnz, Pbonogmphy, Arkh m in, Mammalian, Algobm,(§o.nn«lry, Ann lytiul Gcovzneuy, The ca‘culn, Nungulml, SulveyingrEngn'eennc. Gunguq. 35mm”, 31;- clmuiml Drnwmg, Commerc’ul an, German. Telegraphiug, “ml the lingual: Humbug, u moderate pncca. ‘ , Endorsed uy bhepubuc u the mos! succ- Elf in! Business can“: u] the country, as not.- denced by mum-1,11“: . FOUR HUNDRED (£5 TWO SI'UDENIL)’ have entered tn the FIRST SIX “UXTUS 01‘ It‘s EXISTLSTE - Winn ot‘uepumuu: ' . THOMAS nu l’nilLUH, A. .\l, ' GEO. B. bNYDER, u a HAIU.L-‘L ' C.'N. FARR Jr., J.’l‘.,fit.v.\u‘i.nd, . H HNRY ESL“, $.15. RUULMJ‘U \. A. x... (.‘. 3. Supported b 3 nu able Corps uf \umu-w Call or uul’ [or u Catalogue U-zzt'r,» ’.'.mmg. andf’nru'a Practmgl Eriuealw. _ _ ‘ OFFICE—33x rim“! m;.2ln.‘:r.,‘muh- AUELPAIA. Mums m. Auriga. Apt-LL .13, [866. Km Great Reductiun of Prim AT Tm» CHEAP GROCERTI can": or Duuoxu up cu wuussmrc min. JOHN M. S WAN, ; ~ Elwin just. rulurned Imm hm my, [upm fully man-ma his cast-“nets, And we public, that he hu’luccecdetl m tummy; :l can-necfiu: with one 9! the first Importing house: In the my 0! Balumvre, by which bu m enabled to alter Groceries M. a lower figure Hun Lllo] o'an be purchwscd elm-whcre in the county,— lle is meg-red to Hell ‘ Cut Eli . 306M}, SYRUP,[l_’um , 4o “ t’o $1 20, tnd I" other things ht-corrquonding hue..— [f you Woulfi uve money, cull at. the Cheap Grocerymmner uFDiumuud and Chumhuhbur‘ utreet. He mu excluau‘ely for Cash. Hut 1; determined to be ahead, at all olhura iu and}; cheap. Give hun a call thu punchm'mg elsewhtrc. JULIN M. SWAN “Barron’s Safely Lamps. ‘ AND ~ LI‘G-‘RO-INE (Red) FLUID PH INTH) Y ‘IIIS Lamp lppureuuy burns wit/mu any -1 (lung '4O fmht. h. bAs‘dmuuur. a mu term which absorb; L 111: liquid and given it to the? flame, pauly ham Lin; mak, and partly ln the form 0? gm, but so a: tu prbduce perfect comquatiou. and is Very economic il and safe. 11. 13 used Wnliumt u uhLuucy, um] l'WfiWU)’ trimmed, docs uot 41:01“- or smell ; it [I there. fun: especmlly adapted to the purpoan of t '“nn than,” night, nun-0,810“ in Eolel lamp, or lantern. The cost. of bruken icliiuuwfl, alone, \v‘iJ more than pay the coat. of midway. EVery Mmily need: mic or more. 5 “h 131 nm. mm. A fine been lohglouklnz for," wrues A model house-keeper. “I should thldn)’ kuuw uuw to do Killian in," mm: Jqumur. . "A puma cuntrivmce," writes Sthlrd.‘ “but muae who 1:: uep’Jml try in,‘ wnlu 1 thumb. Form“.- by '10!“ \I. SWAN, 1 Car. m'Dlunnnvl m 1! CUmePrabgrz n; firm: L|g-ru-|ue Emu alw hr min II the 54mm leo. [\l w. 1:, laud. Accidents 1 HE ORIGINAL » - - ' TIL! FELL [.'IIS LYS VIM If! C 0., atuu'rrwn, Comm, Cuh Assets. Mac. 1, “$3,339.12. xxsuuts huuxur Accmzmq mm ”1.52 an nunszs, aumuxmsmnmuwrmm .\IDEWAIJis .\‘2s u w» b)’ uuum..\m an» uouuyw, M’IHISEU .\"KIJ‘ZS AND uzzrrxrzx LINES, 12x 'zusxms, cuuAsrnxs, numnu s DRUWSLV I'. 4“;de 1] Au‘ 133m1: ‘B'.f’ulicil= or nuy'nummt tram $5OO In 5.0,00319 mm 01' m L! niacidcnl, or $3lO $3O weeklj cbmpouut‘ou in «Me at dumhflng IMA xly injury. uni Imm nnu munth to live yuan lluw. .u (Ml pre/nwml. 0.4 m find 1L 1! Auntie"! Im. 09 Haunt. J. 0. H 3 l‘l'ElHui, Prom. ‘ ROD.\'L-JY 053315, 501: y. - SE]. A PIC.ilNd, Aétl“, Guuyflbur‘. Aprw19,1866. dn . A Lecture to Young Dion. CDT published, m u scaled rnvelowc.-—~ J Pan (1 can“. A Lecmre 94}.1e ngu'rv, trcuuncuL nnd “than: «urn of fipexumwrhcn, or Semml Wanna“, lgrohnutmy Emisfloiw, Saul Debx'xny and hnptdr'manll w Muff-go generally. .\rnnunm-s, L‘mmumrvion, Kph 1133, and Flu; Hum! thud Phylum! incnpn; day, resulting from as: «mm, M. By fld‘h on J. Uulverwcll, 3». 1)., ninhur u! lb!“6l'evi| Bunk," be. ‘ The world renowned antho'Jn 2M- ndmim. hlr Lecture, Lleul‘b prozc‘, lrnm hm owh eh pezience, that the awful musmwenree o 1 Se" Ab“. may be rtfv-mnully r6|an¢d without Medicine, and villwuL ntnngprotu angle“! 9p“ ruionl, bangles, inuruun-n n. rings, or cord;- -1-, "an": out a mode of cure pl. once c¢r~ lam and drums], by nhich eveg, "Want, an runner 'l‘“ his mndilxon me: be, may duo hnmlelfcheaply, pnvnuly and Inducing. Thu Lecture will pruve Shaun lu mounds, fl Sun under a“! to any uddrou, in a plain, healed emelupe, on receipt m at} cm", or No vnuu 1;. unmpl. Alno Dnt‘ulruncu'l blurring. Gui-le, price 25 ccuu. Addreu gnu. s C. KLXNE & Co., 11"! Bowery, Sew York,l’. 0. an: (586. w 23 used. I --' - 4“: -’. , ..’ _-_-.Zw. -1...” Disabled lien, Attention! , ‘ ANTED, uni: or but men, in Uét'tyabur; and Vlcimly.rho mm to“ Aime?“ mu or leg, 90 ml \t Audwuu’l'o‘l‘d WMIK PBUUF ARNIUA HrZALLV'G PI.A§TEI’.,.UIO he“ and (11.50!“ Court l‘mner .u the hurt“. From $5 to Slapur My (171 m: undo. Ad-lfofl mm 25 u-xm [or ”In.” Jud Ill” informution, A. F. BELUHER, Box 45, vhnmmm‘m’ffl’n. N. 8.--.\n Agenu And powers mum] find II N we" intenSl to umwer the abon. _ . . April 16,1866. 3m ' . 1; J ANTED! A 5211“, Malta and Funk“ ‘ 37a to SW) ye; mom. to “Huang”. ebratnd , ' , _ . _ mums 82x51: hwmr. swme‘ 3%. . . , 1 um“, i rum. V 81“: 3“}, (50. .69.: ,15 Yis’s “whine MIL Joan Lmds of work eqnal 1011 mm“ prim-q .\iuln'vuag, mart-“19': nly mum-Al and reliablg “will? Suing afiho “we world. Son-Um dacrip'h'wmuibu. Adages-:7— RECUELU 1: Co., C,£4icu9,il‘ll..\yr x r . Ckn’hnd, Ohio: ‘ ’ ' I‘ . ,3: “9° 3' Apr'll33,lEB6. Im. x J' ,3 my uririzishm aim {r.{nté IQ} 5974;; five Powder? rornuuxm‘ za-upL‘ATTLh: "pant! Ind‘ioh‘om in. Ms ' l‘ . Innuxm fi,‘l“‘}':,: ‘ 7": 3'33; '.,3 _ - F" «*1612394: . ' Lbhndg Erik“ fir ' l A~wny~m w 3 r ..a ”M‘fl.‘ flu. ‘ '. 2. ‘ ‘.‘-3:!!!“ 3 25 (‘9an per lb. 10 u - ___._ ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers