lIIIIMS sr PV11161434110X. ~— THE; 0082 mm h mam o'vory Monday homing, by] HENRY J. STABLE, It 82 on per In— “an 1! MG; met-b "haunt—B2 in per my hum u not paid In Advance. No mmdon d!» commuod. unleu It. the option of the pubunher, until In memos are mid. ADVERTISEMEXTS inserted at the mug] mm. JOB PRINTING of all kind! done with nonme und dispatch. OFFICI In Bmm: Baltimore street. between Middle and High, near the Past omm“ Cox-nigh ler {tinting Office? on the “an. k cProfessional Cards. J. C. Neely, , ' TTORNEY AT LAW.—Puticuluntun :A firm paid to collection of Pension", anmy. and Back-pay. ombe'm the B. E.‘ corner 0! the Diamond. . Goltynbu'rg, April 6, [863. if 1"). McConaughy, 'I'TflRNEY AT LAW. (office one door Imt A of Buehler'l drug and book ptore, Chum benhurg meet.) Anon" no Soucnon vol 'Pnun un Plllloll. Bounty-Luna Wan rmu, Buck-my suspended Cluirql, And all other claims ugainn the Government M, Wash ington, D: 0.; aha American claims in Eng qu4. land Wumnu located'flnd sold, or bought. and hlzhest price: given, ége’nn en gnged in locutin: wan-Ana in 310 3. Illinois Ind other western States. mApply to'him permnallr or bv latter. ‘ Gettylburg, Nov. 21, '53. '~ ‘ Law Partnership. , W A. DUNCAN & J. H. WHXTE, __. _ A'r'rpnsmjfa} A'lj pAyv, “fill-promptly “handy": nlllegnybtuinesl entiuste! to them}, iuulu ling the pracuring of Pensioun, Bounty, Buck Pay, mud pl] other claim! uznimt the United States sud Slate Gowrnvnunts. _ _ ‘ Olficn n 510'th Wen. Cornet of Dilmond; Gul'ysbnrg, Peun’n. Ayri13,1865. 1L _ ”__v ' ‘ Edward B. Enabler, 3 ' TTORNEY AT LAW, will fuithfullyfind promptly attend m In Business entrust ed n him. He tweaks the German language. U!!! '0 In the same place, in South Baltimore urea, lieu Furney'l drug films, In?! nsnrly opposite Dunner 8: Ziegler'l More. ‘ ‘ Geuyshurg, March 20. ‘ . Dr. J. A. Armstrong; . , .\VL‘IG removed ’rom New Sulem, York county; and 'llnvinz located 'at .\li-ldle h;wu,lAdyns cbunly, olfcra his professlunnl lervicjeu m the public. a [July 317’65. 1y a ,Doctor 0. W. Benson. FFICE M. tho-Rnilrom‘ Hou:c,(froncroom, formerly occupird by Dr. Kiqzer,) MTTLESTOWN, PA. < June 19. 1863. If . 1 Dr. D. 8. Pefi‘er, BEOTTSTO‘é/N. Adm-n: conn'y; continues A the paella-"o! hug pmfession in all ixs bum-hes, and would respectfully imite'all perm-n :xflllbtod wul: any old standing dis emzcx to mll and consult. hlm“ .‘ Oct. 3, mm. ,nr r - ‘ ' Dr. F. C. Wolf. , _ HAVING located a! EAST BHRHN, Adamé cmnlly,‘honM H) n by strict Attention to hll profusaiqn-u du ' he mrw merit a Ihare of the publicman-0.7;~ [Apr. 2, '66 If ' . . O. O’Neal’s FFK‘E and Dwelling, N. E. (omm of Bill -0 ”more and High streets, near Presbyte rinn Church, thty‘Aburg, Pu. . NOV. 30. 186 l. f ‘ QJ. Llernc‘é,Hill. M.ID., HAS his (Juice uh M ‘dobr wen of he “ I“ ' anemn churchlliu .‘.-‘2'} Ci‘nuherahu‘g sweet. and opposxte Dr. C. Homer's oficyflvhew ‘11: ac wishing to-lmve any Henml Urn-mum: perlormnd are 'respect fully iry'iled tr} pm. Rsnnauczs: Dre. Hor. ncr, Rev. CJP. Krnnlh, I). 0. Rev. H. L. Bungln-r, I). D., Rev. Prof. )1. JJcobs, D. D., rmr. M. L. Sum-cl; , Gelly~butg, Apgil 18'53. FOUTZ’S J4l Hfll‘Sß flflfl‘ [l3lllB PflWflfll’S. ‘ ‘ . ‘rr'rlilgfiti'kl ‘ .>' =~, \."'_ ' ‘ 7‘" ~~.a: 559.33% v .V ‘.‘.Y ‘ ' . ‘ § . - , *wm\:‘" ‘ - -~M ' ’.‘— Ihll nnlmnl. sur‘ YELLOW W In“. H EA V E CUL‘GHS, DJ TEMPER._ F ‘ l-Zflfi;F()l'.\'D! LOSS OF A” TV”. AND VIT‘ ENERGY. kc. use impmru . wind, increase: the Impala—lslw n Imoozh m ghny Akin—m transform" H 1 mlr mble lkele! bonus. Tr In All alum: or Swine, luck u Cough], Ulcer- in (he hunts, Liver, - " Ln this Irdcle $ . ‘. Icuun Ipcctflc. 5’ ' ‘ _ ‘ By pumng from . J._,-~.‘- ~ ~.‘r '1 , oath" I paper ' -‘ > ‘ to I piper In I ; é ,—:—. bunch)! III“ the I; '- sa==¢ _:_= abovoduamu ‘.'—~-: 4 g g rm beendlcaned ‘ ‘~ _‘ , r r max-6y prevented. If given in tlmef‘ «‘.an finvauuu Ind cure {or me Hog Cholem Moo 25 0011:: per Paper, or 5 Papenfo: tl. \' ‘ 233 nm BY p. A. FOUTZ &. 1330., AT mm HOLES“! DIN AND MEDICINE DEPOT. 10. 116 Pnnklin Stu Baltimore, Md. ‘ ,Pdr 81% by Drugth and Swnkupul through gug the United sum. v for sale by A. D. Bnehler, Getlylburg; Laughlin k Bushfirld, Wheeling,_Vs.; Ca 0. Bender & Co., Piushurg; Johnson, gallows, & Oowden, Fhilndelphin. Dec. 1.1. 1885. 1y ‘ ._.——._.A_~' ' -~<.———-.—_-——..——-———- ‘ Fresh Supply. EW GDQDS AT REDUCED PRICES 1— IA. SCOTT tfiONS hxu'e inn received a uthet fine nssortmen‘ of NEW GOODS, con giuing. in pan, of Cloths, Cusimeres, Causi nets,. Kentucky Jeans, snd I‘m-eds, for Gun. tlemen'n went. Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS“ Our stock has been selected wnh great one, tnd we are prepmd to sell as cheap as any other establiahment in the country. We ask “(‘9 public to gun: us a calljnd judge for themelvu. We defy comoezition, both uto qsulity flnllnrice. A.SCOTI‘ 4: sons. April 2, 1866. ANfI‘EDI Agents, Hale and Female at $l6 to $l5O per month to sell the Cal ehrnkd' ‘ COMROX SENSE AMY SEWING lIA- _ ‘ CHINE,. ‘ , Pucl $lB 00. , This Inching will do all kmds of work oqul to the high pric‘ed Machines, and inha only pmtlctl and relifibln Cheap Sewing Mmhino In the worm. Band for‘ descriptive Circnlm. Addmr— SECOXB & OQ., Chicago, 11]., or Gbnlnd, Ohio; ‘ Agril 23, 1866. In: - KERR AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the L HELLER: msmuxoz (murmur ‘ HABTEOBDW It has paid and; me “4 “M W dons» a: holde'n of‘iu poli: 'ekglln‘cinding sum: to _tw‘onty-oight polio!- Qfldm furs?" *1! WWW- ‘ , B! 8. 1.813181. 48th Year. RANGE OF CONVHCIKONB.—On and n!- 0 {er Monday, November 201h,‘1885, Pu sengee Twins will lea,” nud arrive aneuya~ burg. and make oonne’rtions. u follows: - FIRST TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 7.45 A: M., with passengers for York, Harris~ burg,‘Phila.delpllin, Bultirnyhrel and the North and West, ‘nrriviug 11. Hanover Junction with out change of cars, M‘l 10.25 A. 31., connecting' with the Font Line South on the Northern Ceu~ tral R-iilwey, Ind arriving at Baltimore M. 12:30 noon. Also connecting with Mail Train. from Baltimore north, arriving in Hurrisbnrg at 1-.ZO P. Mt Arrive It. Gettysburg 1.10- P. M; will] pmrngere rom Hum-burg, York, Baltimore an Wathi tun. _ SECOND TRAIN ill lenvo Gettysburg at LZOVP. M. eriviug t Hanover Junction at 3.15. and connecting ilh mail t‘ruiri’ So'nth. Arrive at Bxgltimore = 5.30 P. M. Arrive at Gctiy'burg nt 6.15 l’. v., with passengm froni Philadelphia, Hurriab rg and thg‘Nurth and West. and “so with pnnenzers from Baltimore and Washington by t e his! line north, which loin-es Baitimore It 1210 noon. Pusaengeus canJeav Baltimore in vthe Mail Tmiu m 9 A. SL, and rrive in‘Genyuburg H. 1.10 P: )1. Or leave B ltimuo in file fut line in 12.10' noon. nnd-nrri ‘e in Gettysburg n‘. 6.15 [’.'M. Buuone clmn e of cars by the first u'nin, eilherg way, viz at. Hanover Junction. The fnst line on the N rtlnern Central will not stop a: an} [owl Itnli as; except quk, Hano ver Juncliéu and s’s: tun. Connectinn: cer tain. ‘ L. MCGURDY, Pres't. Nov. 27, 1865. . - llnnovér . Railroad: IMF. TABLE—On and after Friday, Nov. ,241 h, 1865, passe gar trains on tinglin ovEgjlmn’cJLlVlC-i‘lyondm in I&er as follows; FIRST TRAIN, (which makes connection with three trains on‘ she Nurlhern Central Rnilway «Ellie Junch n.) will leave Hanovc; at 9 00 A. LL. fur York Baltimore, Harrisbug, and interu'xediute stnti ns. ' fi'l‘hia train retu I s :0 Hanover at 12 M. and arrives at. G‘etlyslxrg at 1 P. 31. SECOND TllAlN'leyes Hnuover M 2.20 P. 31., and arrives at. the Junction m 3.10 P. LL, connecting wuh the Mail Train South, which arrives at Baltimore at?) P. .\l. ,Pnssengars by this Train for York‘ 13* .over at vlhe Junctiun unnl 6.12 P. M. . quseugers leaving Baltimore lur Hanover, Gunysburg, and Littléstoyn, will luke rllhfl' the Mall Trulq: at. 9 AV M. Or the Fast Line at; 12.10 B. .\l. JOSEPH LEIB, Agent. owls, 1865. - ET'l‘ YS B U BG, 3? A.—'l‘he undersigned G would most respectfully inform his nu merous friends sad the public generally. that he his purchased than long estab‘lished ‘mul well known Howl, ths i“Globs Inn,” ’in York street, Gettysburg, and will spursno ell'ort to conduct/it in n manner'ihnt will not dctrsci from its former high reputation. His table Will have the best the market can nfiord—his chambers are spacious and comfortable-and he has laid in tor his bus full “belt of wine: and liquors. There is large stnbling attached to the Hotel, which will be atte'ndcd by atten tive hosllers. It will be his constant rudesyoi to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his house as nm'u‘ a home to [ht-m as posstlé. He ssks a. share of the public’s ps tronuc, determined, as he is i 0 deserve a lnrgs purl. of it. Remember, the ”Globe lnn"ia in York street, but near the Diamond, or Publici Square. SAMUEL WOLF. April _4, 1864. {f A" Tm: preparnion, long nnd fnvombln kmmn, will thor oughly mnvigante brokw-down Ind low-spirited horses, by strengthening and changing the stomach and {New (incl Railroad House, EAR THE DEPOTJ . . HANOVER. YORK 00., PA. .’l'he undersigned would reup‘Gctfully inform his numerous friends and the public generally, that he has leued the Hotel lerMlOVel’, near the ‘erot, formerly kept: by Mr. Jeremiah Kuhler', and will lpM’e ho efi'ort to conduct it in a manner that. will giro general saliefactlon. His table will hltreothe best the markets :can «Alford—his chambers are Ipacions and com fortable—null he has laid in for hislhar a full stock of choice wines and liquors. There is stahlihg for horses attuéhed to the Hotel. It will be his consmnt e deut‘or to render the lulleat satisfaction to h s guents, making his house as near it home them as possible.— He asks a share at the ipublie pa'ronuge, de lerm‘ined as he is to deshrve nlnrge part of it. Remember the Ruilrom‘ House, near the De pot, Hanover, Pit. A. P. BAUGHER. Oct. 2,1355. tf I I: 1- I lure pre vemh‘e of I“ dil on" _enlncmt lo mum in lnnlunble. unproven the quality of me milk. I‘ bu been woven by A:- wal experiment to lncreue the quan m, or milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the but l e r (Inn and “col. In {allenlng cattle. it given them no Appetite, locum their hi dh. uid mnkes them akin Money Is NONE CASH SYSTEM ADOP . AND . The unde'nigned 1110:] their old customers an to cull And see their Go We line A FULL AND WELL '. which .we hue conclud lowest p )mble prices, 1 we say; therefore all per: money in the mien; way purch-uea; will not fail we premise then they pointed. We are thankful for: ‘patmnugo we have recei I shn‘ll’merit s continunli, non-ha we shall use '~ please All who may favor fiDon't forget the p‘ DANN ‘ " Fairfield, N. 8.-—We n‘c Agent; anily Flour, tnd John-- has Powder. ' ‘ 3 _ Indies’ Oystpr Saloon. BE underlined but the pleuure of an nonnéing to hit fri nds that, in connec hon with his CUNFECE‘IONERY AND, ICE CHM! SALOON, he by! opened an ‘OYSTER SALOON} wilh 3 SEPARATE EPARTMKNT ,FOB ,LADIES. Lndleo 9nd G ntlemen Visitin'g Lhil Saloon will find the nice mmoduionl I“ the: icould demo. Oysters ill be urved up in any uylg Ind la n mpuibr manner, Gall And Joe. ‘ JOHN 'GRUEL. Nov. 3.18%., If v . , RANKLEN HOUSE, ‘ count or :uvmm A: "an" null-I's, . « BALTIMUM, no. This House in on a dn‘kect line between tho Northern o'6de and hammers and Ohio Railroad Depots. J! bu Been ufilted and com furubly unused for thei convcnience nd the onuruinmgn‘ of guests. ¢ « Jim. :0, 1865. u § ” AGO,An-ov§§&t,o sud Gelatin, for Drug Stord. At HORN 1866. Brush”, 00 gr}, Notions. to" in m» YSOS’S Summer St mph“ $0330 If you : 995, hummer: (u I g‘ , vA DEMCQCGRATHQ AND FAN/"LIED? J©URNAL ‘ Travell 's Guide. daggfi haul-3;; G I o b e I n n, YOKK 112, NIL? THY DIAMOND, que‘d 'Y M A. D E ? no, . ’pmczs REDUCED! it respectfully invite i the public generally d: 1r the new prigeu. ‘EL‘EGTED STOCK, vd to run of! it. the IWe inl'eud doing what on: desirous of making ,(by swing“ in their to give us n can, as shall not be diap- the put very liberal "ed, and trust :hnt we In of the same; and '~r best. endeavor. to us with a call. nee. 1': R b SHIELDS. Adams county, PA. for Hiller’n Superior -n‘a celebmked Blist ;[Feb. 26, 1866. u Everhart's Stuck, Rice-flour I: Dr HORNER’S B’S you can Q . bg,.Soapl, Part-Elea "new. a. light Gill”: is the ishfiuum at low 3 me. A Removal. TRICKBOUSEB a WISO’IZZKE'YK , \ S Have remoied their _enabllahmenl in fig! west side of Hulfimore street, I {cw dams nbuve the Omsk-house; and nearl‘r oppoma this Post ofiice, hexe they willgoutinue busi-\ new on a lnx'zcr scale thnu ever. ové'rmts AND FISH ‘ niwayl m be hm! in their yuan] with‘ Swoét and lrish "clamps, Apples. Bnnns, llomoflv‘.hc. AIsoflIIAMSkSHOULDERi) AND SIDES, Mackerel nnd’: Herring, Butter and - Lard, Choose, with nlL‘o'her articles in this line. Also.Builins.f.&lmunds,hnd a general hum!- men! of QlmrfecL'ions. Smoking and Chewing Twang, Segars, Pipes, and a. grant variety of thi I. _ A . They ask calls, convinced that they can ni wnyy sell as cheap as the cheapest. As they run qurs-ffi'lhe‘ city regularly, their opporm nities for keeping up their stock are unus‘ually good, and the public cmn rely upon getting everything fresh and nice. ‘ ‘jTRICKUOUSER & WISOTZKEY. April 9, 1566. tf . ' , Flour: feed! and Groceries! 1‘ THE CHEAP STORE ON THE HILL. A "you fish to buy any of the abou- arti cles cheaper and better than you can get them anvwhere 21", go to the Grocery Smre of the undersfgned 9n the Km, in'Bahimore street, where custom'ers cnn always be accommoda ted, and where pll are invited to cull and see for lhemaelvos.‘ The public will always find a full and chqice assortment of - SUGARS. C(TFFEES. TEAS, SYRUPS, MO LASSES. TOBACCOS. CIGARS, SNL’F‘F‘S, FISH, BACON, LARD. CHEESE. CRAC ‘ KERS, BUTTER. EGGS, he. ‘ —A L a o GLASS-WARE, _QRUCKEBY-WARE. .NO TIUNS. 80., COAL OIL LAMPS. FISH '. OH2. Ayn FLOUR AND FEED, ‘ALWAYS 0N HAND. WANTED. —quur, Cnrn. um, Butter. Eggs, Bacon, and Potntpea, for whiqh the highest market price willgbe paid, either in trade or cash. ' ~ ~ ‘BQ-Being du-tpgmined to conduct my busi ness in a fair and honorable way. and _lo lell cheap, I'invite all to give gm: :1 call. ‘ ' HEN RY OVERDEEB. April 9, 1866. ti _' ¥ New Go'ods at Grimes’s. AXIES A. GENES, in York-street, Get- L..]. tyshurz. has just rereived emerge lot of new GItUCERiES. km, which, having bought rim- cnsh, at the intent reduced prices. he is prepared to offer vhenper than they have been sold here for seven] years. His assortment is very tull,embmcing the moat choice articles in his line. to prove which he asks his old cus , tamer: and the pui-iic generally to call and ' unmme for themsulves. His 'CUFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS ~ Si'nui’s. MOLASSES, FRUITS, NUTS. CONFECTIUNS. 1 TOBACCOS, SEGARS, ML, kc., . he is certain will please All who may try them. 3 and he {herelore mks purchasers, from town and country, to give them it trial before buy ing elsewhere. He is détermiued not to he undersold by any other establishment“ ' 2 His large stock of | F’ANCY.ARTIGL'ES is kept full by constant additions, and every thing in that line can at all‘tirues be had good and cheap. Indeed. he flutters himself the: his Store, contninhlg as it. does so Luge a. va riety ofGoods, all new and in the best condi tion, cannot but bellooked upon as among the most attroctive in town. By attending 7 closely to business, and selling at mull profits, he is doing a handsome business. .nnd will were no efi‘ost to incrense it by giving entisfnction in aliases. [March 19,1866. Agents Wanted 0R OUR NEW AM) BEAUTIFUL WORK, F .we marital. BOOK or ‘ANEC'DOTES AN!) [Nam EATS 014‘ THE REBELMON: Heroic, Patriolxb, Political, Romantic, llam- OM and Trayical, . Splendidly Illustruled with qver 300'fine Por tnms a; beautiful Engravinga. This work for genial humor. tender pathor, startling interest, and attractive beautyritanda peerléss and alone among all it: competitors. The Vhlinnt and Brsve Heartenf, fly; Pictur esq-m and Dramatic,£he Wit'y and Mar-vellum, the Tender and Pathetic. 'The Roll of Fame and Story, Camp, Picket, Spy, Scout, Bivouac, and Siege; Slnrlling Suiprises‘; Wonderful Escapes. qunona Words and Deeds of Wo man, and the whole Pnnornms of th‘e War is here lhrillingly And surllmuly pournyed in a masterly manner. at. arm‘s historical and ro mautxc, rendering it the man ample, brilliant and reudable book that the war -l.uu called forth. ' Disabled officers and soldllen, teachers. en ergetic young men, And all in want of profita ble employment, will find this the hen chance ‘to make money ever yerolferad. Send [or circulnrs and In our terms. Address NATIONAL BUBLISHING 00., , No. 50 inorszreez, Philadelphidt, Pa. May 7. V ... _____,_______.... ' ‘ 1" Notice. HE fifth account of Dr. John Ahf, Commit mmee of the person and estate of George minger. (Lunatic;) now of Littlestown, hue been filed‘in the Court. of Common Plea: of Adams county. and will be confirmed by the aid Court on the ”did” of MAX next, un less cause be shown ‘Io the country. » I. A. KITZMILLER, Pro’y. April 13, 1868. wt Agricultural Fur. HE next Annual Exhibition of the Adam I T County Agricultuhl Society will be held 11. the usual time, at Beuderaville , when Pre mium: will he ownrded for the best tore of Pontoon, the out five um 01 When, Byb, Onu nnd Corn, he. - By order of the Bum, ¢ WM. B. WILSON, Sec’y. April 30, 1888. St msa: and Sentinel copy. A Lecture ”Joan; Men. 051' published, in a. sealed envelope.— P'rlee 6 cents. A Eecture on the nature, tmtment Ind radical euro of Spermntorhozn, or Sentinel Wenkneu, Inmlnntnry Emir-ions, Sexunl Dehility and Impedlmeuu to Hurting genernlly. Nervouenesa, Consumption, Epi l»psy, and Fits; Mentnl Ind Physical inn”. city, resulting from 8el!~Abnlo, to. By Rob~ ert J. Culverwell, I. D., author of the “Green Book," to. ‘ The world renowned tnthor,in this ndminh ble Lecture, clearly proves, from hin own ex perirnce, tfist the awful conlequencer ot Self Abuua an: be efl‘crtunlly removed without lediclne, [in] without dougeron’e surgical ope. retinal, honglee, lmtrumenle, rings, or cordl lll, pointing out a. mode of core at once cer tain ond etfectunl, by which everygnflerer, no mxter what his condition may be, may cure hi ulfchenply, privately‘nnd rodicolly. This Lecture will prove a. boon to thousands. Sent under real to any nddreu,in a plain, sealed envelope, on receipt 0! nix cents, or two pont nze IlflmpsL Alto Dr. Culrerwell’: Morriage Guide, price 25 cents. Addreu . CHAS: S. C. KLXNE k 00., ‘.2'! Bowery, New York, P. 0. box 45". . ,lyry 13., la”. ly _ “M a many, qua ma may! GETI'YSBURG, PA, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1866. lure opportunity {or mnmhu Inm'ment. REVENUE EXTENSION Silver Mining Co. of Nevaqla. CAPITAL aTucK. ”60.000. Divided 11m) 50.000 Rham, at. 510 Each. ~ , UFI-‘ICEIH. , Prmldent—Hon. GEORGE I‘. FIsHER. Judge of the Superior Court, wahlngmn. D. C. Vine Prmldanb—Jl‘. H. E“ ERY, Phxlmlel )hla. Trmmurer—E. B. HAREPILM Harper. I'Jurncy a: Chuntmkum. PhHmh-lnhln. , Sun'rll-IatxJ—‘LOUIS n. mmxouan; Philadel , p: n. . supermnément n: the Mines—D. s. camps. Im ninx Enilneer. Austin. Nevada. OFFICEzsg-é'» SPJIUJILHEEL'EE‘IS‘L PH sldeth SILVER MINING PROFITABLE. That the huslnm- of Mining and rPdur-inzsilvu quartz in immenselr pronutble. ls nmnlv utmud hyiho results whlu-h hnvn Mi‘l'llt‘d from thr- mlum 0! Mexico. Peru, Gormnnv, and otbvr silver-Dwar inz countries, and that silver loam urn r: mnrkn bly rich, ml wall as numerous, in Nevmln, we have. the tuitimony of such eminnnt uud dinlutnr-Ntl-d men ns mshrm flimmnn. Prnf. Hillimun, Prof. Jumps, Hon. Hon-me Greelpy. Sneaker ('nlrnx and Senntor an, who permnully visitml and impact ed the- film-s. hvsldva hundreds of OHH‘I’ individu al: who arr- now engaged in the business of mi ninz in that sum. , Prof. Hillirnnn, whilst in Novndmdoliverml a lec ture in the city of Austin, during whloh he laid: “We mnnnt count upon the time whon mining will «was to be profitable in than hillsl" ‘ Binlmp Simpson. oithc .\h-thodiqt churvh. in a lea-tuna delivered in the ‘city or New York. nm-r his return from Novadu. mid: “Were the debt of our nntlon emmoxmxm. “sure in wualth enough them, when our debt in paid out» give every sol dil-r whorvturnx from our buttln-fivlds muskem of nllw-r inntmd Miran. ° ' ' Ido nnt Bpmk now from idle sneonlutlon. but I flpt'nk of that wealth from ohwwntinn and, nrtungl_qnl<-uln_t_iyn.:'__k WHAT I){VIDENDH MAY BE EXPECTED. A: in the «mount of divi’l‘k-nds that mav he renmnuhivaxpnowd from a Silver Mining (“om panv. rum-rating in Nevada. it may he Ant down an musing from 100 to 1000 pm‘ cent. not unnum. ne mrdin: in the progrpss made in the mlnexmnd thl- qmmtltv of mm-hlnl-ry at I'm‘k. _ Harper's Monthiv Magazine for Annual contain- M 1m nrtlclP nu “ Nevmin." which wilh rofe-l'Pnce to NW pmmanfuiivor minimz. said: “ ”(he mine be u! even“ average Viillli" it can amn-elv fail to roiurn from ten tn 20 per cent. pnr month in the invmtrr. nmi siivnr minm are unlike gold mines. in that thi‘V nrejnoximnstihlv. uud may beworked {or gum-rations wan oncn owned." A mmnthimue of the Philmiviphia Evnxmo TF‘LI‘GRAI' . sneaking or the subject. mvn: “The minhw st mules of .\V‘wyln ehgwun that whonpv vr worked with nmp -r uppildnvw. and uninju dioinm m-uiuzome-nt. thus» m'nvfi hm‘n- paid from 1:00 to???) _per cent. per annum upon the capital nvm fl .' ‘Nfl \i‘ OTHER COMPANIES ARE DOING There In not a slnglnumnpuny nowln opqmtlon with their own mm-hlnory In Novmlu, natfar as we have lonmgwl. thnt ls not n comrleux sndoms. Allnrn returning nnt onlvlnm mt mm .\mt's Dllelt-nxlu. nnd the wives of tholrslmrvfl h. 'A‘COF' rmpnndlnzly mlvnnrpd. For lmtnm‘o. an {arch $4l, the nun-kn of the older (‘ompnnlmxvere {moted n the 'cltv pnnnm ns follows: “Gnulal &f‘urrv 8'17); anum-Afilfi: (‘hnlhr POMALSfl'r X pPrlnl Slll’; Crown Point, 51.0 w; Alpha, .280: 'ollmv Jul-km. 54:10." The orlglnal pr 09 o! the“ tanks was lesa'tlmn San—some of ”mm only $lO. And the Compnnlm more recontlv orgnnlzod "I" not a. whit loan prmnemnu. hnt as far as progress , give m'c-ry Drnmlso ohm ultlmntv «um-ow: cvon g ennu thanthnt Mlxluvml bv the Gnu“ at Curry. For example, the ntnck of the Hula & hurcrossl Com pnnv of Nm’mlnnzhlvh a few months ago was war"! only IN). is now qfiawd at $4 150. Sq. also, the Boston and Remw lwr .\f‘nlmz Company, which vommonopd work only Inn! fnll: it: ihnren, though nrlulnally sold nt 310.500 n went up r 0 8105, and on tho lat or Mnrrh hml mlv-uuwl m 82b0, THE 3751‘!) EAL CONCLUSION. » It mqv there-Mm be “rely mum-had mm no nth»! enhwpflso rvqulrlng mp nwmlnnon or mplml. om-rq no m'mv mauvenwntc for lm'mtmnnt. wflh no little risk, n: Silver Mlnlng.- Ew‘rv Cmnnunv lhnt owns x\ mine. and will lmnostlv an to ‘wark, .xm‘r as A Sl'ccmil Itaxnnnl‘posfilhlv fall Th 9. onlv difference lx‘tm-nn mmpnnlm m, wo will ht- in the nmnuntn oftlmlr dlvldvndn. THE REVENUE EXTENSION SILVE MI ! SING COMPANY Own NiNf-YI‘EEN parallel Silver-(Mum: gas slm'm-d on Lnndor Hill, nmr the MW of Amun. Nevada. Tllelr mreqnte h-nuth emhrm 41,000 feet—lwarly ohzht miles! Thvfio Lvdgos htWe all been thoroughlv (and by slums. nnd thé or?! taken from them hnvn ln mme Instances pmdun-ml the enr‘rmous ylpld or 510,000 In the (on. Om-ut these, t 1e Rm'enur- Extnhilon 139er In noujlwlng vlzomuslv worked by an Incllnm nhnn. whlch at lab-st reports WM .luwu urwnrdn of 30 font. and. had produced highly gratify ng manna. On March sth the Sumrlntenden! mgiegmchs: “Receipts In Bullion, 91000." And nz'L on A hrch filth. ‘ I’ms ;tet-tfivofficwnue Extension better_ than ever be ore.‘ } The Grant Hnnklns Tnnnnl. mmmenrln‘z nt 3 the foot or the hlll. nnd (loslgnml to pw-notrntr‘ It clear through, cuttlnz on Its way not only all of I the 19 Ledges referred to, but, beyond questlon I also more than n hundred others, and at a glvpth too. where the orvs nre nlwnys rlohPflt. ls nlso the yropertv of thls company, nnd ls being pushml orwanl with all posulhle eurrgy. being already complewd over 400 feet. \Vhon It is remembered (hut-every company at. Emmi: Pngmzod tn rwluclmz orlrn from Lander 11l In a complptp Rum-ens; that on? nloneiin tho month of January last. wok out £140,001) in Iver. and that offlzrlnl rr‘ports show thnt tho avvrage yield of bullion in the Roman luvs-r Dlstrlct, In the your 186:: was upwards 0H2!» ppr ton. the substan tlul basis upon whlr’h thls company has been or ganized In at onop mud? m'mlrost. . THE ULTIMATE SUCH-NH OF THE COMPANY 1:. therefore. not only cortuln. hut A('I'UALLY AT THE DOOR. Rotor» the (‘lnso otthe comlng sum mer—perhaps hv thr- mlxlullh—lt will be mnkod amongst 019 ‘DIVIDEN’D—PAYISG eompuulm, and Its ‘lth wnll. In M] prohuhlllty,pdvnncom 825. M). or perhaps wen $lOO per share. Therefore, now ls the tlme to lnvcst in Its stot‘k. The work mg mipltnl remnlnlnu unsold In still offered at the or nlnal Dru-e. $4O par share and the Directors are uanous that It should he dlqpcwd o! lmmde 'ltely, In order that thnre may be no dnlay in the prmecutlon ot the work on hand. Hence thls‘ advertisement. Persons wlnhlnz to Invodt, whethf‘r In large or small amounts. mnv erlt to or nrldrpss ' E. B. HARPER. Tremor". No. s') South Thlnl so, PHILADELPHIA. Aprll 30. was. no A r ‘ I PERUVHN GUANO SUBSTITUTE PERUVX‘AN GUANO SUBSTITUTE. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE mama's RAW 30m: summrnosmnn BAUG "'8 RAW BONE SUPER-PROS PHATE BAUGH'S BAWBONR supanmaosraun FOR ALL CROPS. mantel: in its \mion, AND or norm LASTIHG EFFECT TEAN EITHER PERU- VlkN GUANO on ANY SUBWPHOSPHATE MADE FROM A HARD MINERAL GUANO. This in pruen byl twelve yem of manual. use. ' BIAUGH a: sows, Bola Mmuhctnrerl and Proprietors, one. No. 20 Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. 5 BADGE BROTHE RS t 00., General Whales-lo 430m1. No. 181 Pearl SL, corner of God", ‘ NEW YORK. « ‘ GEORGE DUGD IL'E, Wholeull Agent for .\fnrylad Ind Yirginin, No 105 smm Whu-l, “muons. April 30', use. At / Disabled Men, Attention! ANTED, one or we men, in Gettynbnrg ‘ ‘ um! vicinity,who hue lost eitheum nm or leg. to sell WADSWORTH'S WATER PEUOF ARNICL HEALING PLASTER, the begt nnd cheapest Court Planter in the market. From $5 in sloper day can be made. Addreu with 25 cent: for nmple Ind iullinformuion A. P‘. BELCHER, Box 45., Hilldelphll, PI. N. 8.-—All Agent: ud po-‘leu would an: n to their in‘zeyest to answer Hm $O,". ‘ April”, 1853. 3a: - ~ - 4Di trU a 4;rstri). A PRETTY 'rnot'onr. The night In mother ofthe day, The Mme: of the nprlng: ... And ever upon old decay. "'~‘ The greenest mosses cling. Behind thn floud thr- smrllgm luT’kn, Through showers the snnhennn {all ; For God who love": n" his Works. Ha- lefl his hope with an. 3331-33111 an 3. @fixzésfirf inn-xxx“: or sun). There Is no branch of practical education 01 greater Importance than muchmg rumiscx or any». Dunner»: Whlf‘h occur are grvatly lncrew ed by the fright and perturbation wh|ch urp gene rally marinated on such m-mslons. Self-pnmlnb Mon and practical knawgodge gombinad;pfl;on give, 51‘: humans? superlorlty to the pemon' who can mmmnnd them. ' Frig'ht and confusion often result directly from conscious lghomm-P, and a. feeling or inability to ' help one‘s self. Hence ii. is or the utmost import.~ once to iix clearly and indelibly in the mind at hll times whut course should he pugsued when M- ‘ clm‘nts Doom. The remedy maybe then lmtnntiy I opplled. A volume should be swritten in tom-h ‘ this knowledge which should be taught in schools and collegcs‘u equnilylmportnnt with nrithmetlr, | chemistry, and book-keeping. As an illusthttion | of our meaning, and also as a small contribution { to this object. we furnish n fcwrulcxtobe observed ‘ in certain cases 0! émrrgr-ncy or of accident. I If nhnusr takes lirn. instantly endeavor TO KEEP ALL Tm: nooks snvrm Cnrrpnts of air and of flame cannot pass throughwud it will burn mm-h more slowly, and {urnlthromny be saved. and . perhaps the conflagmtionso {Minded that i! may be extinguished. We have known houses in n ' mass of flames in a few mlnum,mkroly in t-on'se. ‘ quence of dnnrn loft wide open in tho fright and ' terror ofthé mcuion. k x I! the lower story in in llamas. and Inmates are ‘ above. the nutthlng is tn direct the attPntinn to , lemming a had cord or tying bed clothes togethkr, ' which. luntened to the bedstead, will admit A safe i damn. A, prompt nttflntlnn to this partluulur\ would often nave broken “mm. from leaping. l I! horsns heroine frightnned and run. in all mum KEEP Ynl'n SEATS, unless they Atop no that you may jun“! out safely. A passenger striking the J ground orpny obstacle. alone and nnprolm-tod, l! in: more likely to be injured; than wheupnrnml ‘ in the protecting walls of a flfrrlnge. Alwnys . avoid the extreme lolly oi seizing the reins mm: the driver. « ! u harm-Rs hmks while ascending nhmin a wnimu. instantiy turn the hom‘ hmdl from the bank or fireclpice if there be any. This will cause ithe wheels, In banking. to mm mthe sumo nidp, l and prevent falling or running 01?: The Kama ~pret~lmuqn Is to be ohgqrved, If a bulky' horse Ihould commoum- bucking. ' Horses which «my and cannot b:- stopwvl. may’ be cheézkedmd sometimes cured.) M'n long ascent. is at hand. by mmlgnmthem up the hm. They soon get tired of this kind of hard work, and lrthen urged still upward, will be reluctant. to run away agntn. . To saw horses n-om n. ru'pldLv burning ham. they must be instantly blindroldoa. They cannot otherwisa‘be led out. ' ' In misting pol-«ma who have hroknn thrnnzh ice.—pmcure, if pmsihlo, n [lan or stick—hid hnr iznnullly on the ice, it. will sustain a mnsidernhle wright. even it the icn'is thin. and nlio nsfiismn laying hold Yor extrrtcatlnn. .\i‘anv pf-rsonfi lose their lives in water, by slipping Mr the ire edge while attempting to raise themselves on their arms. It 15 better to approach the edge sidewiso, null nitompt to roll out. ; In case of n severe wound, and dnmzer of bleed ing to death, before medical assistants- arrives, immediately tie a knot in the middle of n pocket hnndkerchief—(or if one is not to be invi.use n. suspenderylthen tie the handkerchief loosely around thoépart out. between thecutand the body. placing the knot shouin,(-nnpie 0! inches from the wound; putin a short stick through the bond age and twist until theJmnl stops running.— Bleedlng to death may «lineal. always be prevent ed'm this way. - In resusciming persons who have been drowned -plaoe them upon» table or bed with the head it little elevated ;_ procure a pnlr or bellows ”possi ‘ble'—piace the nose in the mouth or the patient: close the rest of the_rnmlth with a bloth. und for; cibly till the lungs. Then remove the bellows, press upon the lungs. and drive out the air. Re peat the operation as rapidly and thoroughly as pouibie {or several hours—meanwhile keep the' body and extremities mby hot flann is and rubbing. If no bellows can be hind, kl} theatmng est person inflate his lungs to the! i' ll capacity, immediately place his mouth on §mt of the pa tient, force the air into his lungs—imitate natural breathing hs for as possible. The Mn why I person dies from drowning is that! the supply of _air is cut oil’ from entering the luné-no votes- by any pmsihiiity ever enters them, sq by giving the lungs n copious supply of fresh nirfiud inducing circulation by friction and warmthi we are doing all thgt can be done to raters the fitient. In cases or poisoning. ifdisooveretfiimmediamly, take a thorough emetic -at once. :Mnuy things will answer" no better can be louud-a dessert ‘ spoonful oi’ mustard in n gill or la: of warm wow i tor, or 8 or 4 grains of tobacco, (a small quid) will ‘ operate as a readycxnetic. . '03!!! K! OWIXG. Last sprinli 1 took a. email qunntity oiseed corn and melted it in a solution oi mltpetre, and to lost it planted live rows through the middle 0! a nut nrally moist piece with seed thus prepared. Now {or the result. The five rows planted with corn looked in the snltpc-tre yielded more than twenty rows planted in the usual wny. The live rows were untouched by the wire worm, while the re mainder or the field suffered badly from their dep redntione, anti I should judge that not a single kernel saturated with the sultpecre was touched by the worn, while ulmoet every hill in the met or the piece summed more or less. The worms are 3 little kind of squeamieh in regard to eatingnny thing that comes in their way; hence I wish to lay the but before the agricultural reader and hope it‘will be curemlly tested thecomlng season. u the cost is comparatively nothing when put alongside of two or three acres 0! mm nearly named by these beats. All moist lands are more or it“ filled with them, and many farmers dare not plant corn on them, for they say the wire worm will spoil their crop; hence they will let it he unimproved year after ywr. when it mightbe made to produce a bountiful crop. Tnflonborough, N. H. I. It linen. a-‘l'he agave inrornmtion comes a. little late, but may Still he of service to n few who have not put-had planting. /Fitt Otsuilanp. The Writ of H 16”: Caryn—A correspond ent of the New York Tuna guys; I have Authority for saying that the President re gards the writ. of habau mrpul'u‘fully re stored I“ aver the United State: have in Tex-s. KThlt in :11 cases where the writ, n legally issued it‘ should be responded to u then nuggealod. But. the maturation of the writ. who: prev-n: the trial by mili mu commiuionS. unde: the but of Congrats. 91 any chairmen to: Inud‘ . mmxll’f 0|? INCOME TAXES. \ . The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has issued full instructions to be observed in assessing the taxes this year under the rev- enue law. A 1 a geneml thing the instruc tions are the some as those of last year. as "Ink bjwk. filmed his PVt‘n-I‘l"il’d a little the old law is still in operation ; and the. "d "'d' “Perhaps it i‘" fell. '39 ”‘B‘” present. assessment will be made under its as ml" know It“ my OM' ’ ' - ' . . . _. And he proceeded \to make his dyinnv \provmons. Th 9 Commissioner, referring statement. which was in thy-so words. as w: to income returns. says: took themdoyrn in our memorandum hook. “ Asaos'nra should instruct their assist- as the NWF'FV'" requosted: nnts to call )ersonnlly upon thome who have My mm" m ”m" (”IMMM' ‘I am “my ‘ not returneti,their income on the first Mom. one years old. [am it Methodist minister ! day-in May. If any person i:- not at home, '.'-"t In“ I "“3 ono. I "u once linvmv ‘ the notice on the buck nf'lorm 24 should ha and contented, and loved .Ch.m~"' "w 31"“ filled out and the blank ion. This being "" "”h ‘l' 9‘“ “"l " C".”!‘""" ”W "J”- done. it becomes the duty of the taxpayer M 15“" 1"" col-l ‘" "M'nn' “'s‘" "" i to seek the assistant‘usossor and deliver envlous of the good fortum- ofntlwrs. I his return." > wanted to make money and to have suvno ' fun. I hnd no pnrtiunlwr mlncatlon. so I, It I! probable that runny persons have nl- thoucht. lwoulrl he n it 'tllll-ilt‘avl poliih-iun. ready made .their return, or will do so h begnn‘hy preaching politics from the uni the lat Monday in May. Those who fail to Pug" Pfcyinin' for tlg: negro. It p nill m. n . ' . In ey. nt oath. nenoe aithe‘t‘hrnnn comply up "° that day "‘.'lll be aeryed '."h ol'Graoe. But i did not, ours tor that. it‘ I notices, designating the time within which could only have influence with tho ltqmlh returns must. he made to the assistant as- ’licnn party. I forgot Christ an l lwcun» sossor. In case of neglect. or refusal. after Interested in the negro. l hnl lull 19mm Ireceiving notice. the assessors are Pmpow- [it‘h'ltli'odlpgiiiiofzten'i‘iizfn' or! :‘7 “33'?" 53",! . . ~ . . in w n n :e eretl to make-Aha return, and to it“ ,a pen- lhookers toinfltienceCliri-tnnns.p Snyiiiltimvs alty of twenty-five per cent... or in case of PI have made as hish nu fifteen dollars at an fraud. to add one hundred per cent. to the election for my influence with Chrisliuns. amount ascertained “the due. , , ._At.lust.l foun l [inllilci pniul better than ' . . ‘ religion. and I worked for the chapluim‘y .The duties on meow: are unable. within of: reui'moist. and got it. Than "I let reli sntty days after the return of the schedule 'gion go. and. want to w r. There I wrote to the assessor. The income must b 8 revk- letters home denminnir'ig D nmocrats sn'l nned for the year ending December 31. icopperheads? And [stole cotton and s7]. 1865,1106 the tax is 5 D" canton allsums ver were, and pictures nnd Ahohli’h and between $6OO and 35.0”“. and 10 per cent. dresses for my wife mid ‘sistem‘nnd horses on the excess over $5,000. The deductions and males for my brothers. and a )iuno ini permitted are: 1. the mm of $6OO from all the Governor, whoa-we me my coaimission‘ meow; 2:8" nntxpnnl,3t_ate. county sad land a gohl watahfior my oaptuilt, an}! a lot: municipal taxes l'”“d "1""? "‘8 year, ("I- ' oi hourehold furniture to senllhon e for my cludmn the Income M van! last rem) 3. loolonel. Ana [robbed the soldier“: of stu the amount actually paid for rent. hut thefand such sniff sent down to them to use rental value of any homestead occupied bliwhile in hospital. and I had my share of the tax payerpr his family, in his own riuht goods stolen. from Sanitary fairs and made or in the right of his wife: cannot be de- ilots of money. Please give mea'little Vitae tincted; 4. the amlt‘mnt psid for usual or (Ir-10f that pOunnlml ioel” l . ‘rinnry repairs. ta_ lug tie avera eof the The h' ’ ' A p ceding five years. These areg all the Icontinaltidyzsgcmu Save I‘ which, "he“ he aggrm that‘cnn. be made. "But I was not happv. ldrnnk whisk»? ' I‘h \inr'ome tax iss lienvnpon property with the hays when away from Home and li‘flOt pan! wrthlu the time fixed by law. indulu’ed in some excesses not worth ’men and the collectors are invested with full tionin‘g. andlaid up quitea pile bf money powers to take legal proceedings for dis: Andl was taken sic‘ while out stealing. tramt and cbklection. The proper obser- ; cotton from-'a plantation where a widow la vsnce of the payment will therefore save dylivesi. i had c'naxed her niggurs to run the tax payer much trouble. - ,away,’ and they are all dead now. When In regard to, returns of incomes of far- itl’: :3; "“13““? f “a?" horn; “1’ Wiscon . . . . —1! can no sayt em. 0 onmeto EMT. ‘l‘.“ Commissionergives the following Chicago. ’And [grew sick. And l have ins :uc lona. ‘ got to die. 1 have called on Christ—l have 1. Farmers will not be required to make return of produce consumed in .thqir own immediate families. , ‘ 2. The farmer's profile from sales oflive stock are to be found by deducting trom the grnsa receipts for animnls sold the pur chase money paid‘ for the same. lfanimale have teen lost during the year by death or robbery. the purchase money paid for such animels may be deducted from the gross income of the farm. 3.’ No deduction can be made by the f-ir mer for the value of services-rendered by his minor children. whether he actually pave for such services or riot. If his adult children Wp‘k for him iln'l\ receive com: pensation for their Inhor, they. are to he re garded as other hired laborers in deter mining his income. ty 4. Money paid for labor, excépt auche! is used or. employed in domestic service. or in the production ofarticlea consumed in the family of the producer, may be de ducted. , 5. No deduction can be clloyrcd in any case for the cost of_unproducti\m labor. lf house servants are employed a portion of the time in productive labor, eudh as the making of butter and cheese for Isle, a pro portion-ta amount of the wages paid the m may be deducted. , 6. Expenses for ditching and clehring new land are plainly expenses for per-ma: pent improvement. and ‘not deductible. 7. The whole amount expended for for tilizers applied during the year to the tar mer’a landq may be deducted. but no de duction is .allowed for fertilizers produced on the farm. The cost of seed purchased for sowing or planting may be deducted. ‘ 8. Ifnperaon celll timber standing. the profits ere _tohe ascertained by estimating the value of the land after the removal of the timber, and Adding thereto the amount received for the timber, and from the sum thus obtlined deducting the estimate value of the land on (he first day of January, 1862, or on the day of purchue, if pur chased time that data. . 9. Where no repair: have been made by Que tax payer upon anv_bui:lm; owned by him during the prficeding five years. noth ing can be deducted for rennin mnfli dur ing the year for which income is Pelimnlod. 10. A furmer should make return of all his ptodueo cold within the you. but a mere executory .contmct for a sale is not a Mile; delivery. either actugll or con-cruclive, in essential. The or-iteritm by which to judge whether I sale is complete or not. in to do. termine whether the tendon- still retains in that character 3 right over the property; if the property were lost or dentroyedmpon which of the parties. in the absence of my other relation between them than that of vendor and vendee’. would the loss full. ' 11. Tax payers frequently claim deduc tions for losses from depreciation in the value of stocks or oyher property of u like nsture allowed for depreciation of value of lunch property until it in actually disputed ofand a loss renlizpd. 12. Costs of suit: Ind other legal proceed ings arising from ordinary business. are to be netted at other expenm ol such bad- um. and may be deducted from the groan pfiyfiu thereof. fiMr. John M. Bstu‘ol Virginit-‘tho' fut friend of'Mr. Lincoln‘s Mmininntion. and who wu endowed as [good " Union " m‘an by all loul thieves—this mun reconf ly gave nvidmce before the Reconstruc tion.Commmee, in which ‘be stated um Hr.‘Lincolu mu willing and anxious on the 7th of April‘ 1801, to gin: up For: Sum ter to Gen. Beauregard. This was six weeks after Mr. Buchanan’s administratinu hid ceased to exist, nnd yet it wit! the fashion tovilify tbs latter on the'lnl-Jecl of Lhasa vary for“. an, we 83'! hll dander era to point. wnny word tbuever fell from his tongue or pen, showing that (or A single instant he lmd In idea of lurrendering. to an "mod Ind beleaguerinz force. one inch of use public preppeny. We an up} 31.4.1 Hut 0 30m " bu thought. it due to binary u: make it. known that. It. Lincoln us ready to wander we fun. ‘ " ‘. .2 IN ADVANCE. No. 33. No deduction can in any case be com Ax. ”MT" 0’ u L..! CIAMII. ‘ r . 11. It anomy. th. editor a! the L 1 Cuneth.) Democrat. gives the following ‘denth-had‘mno, which M wu'onltod to vii-it. in il- goaent. vinit to Chic-go : Thu Bavfflanry Cinnnard. an ex-«r‘my chnpllln who Inn of oxpoundirg the Bin!» and recruiting for the Saviour. «ml by on dgningehq niuer and nholiiinnim Noam.) an army chlpluin in mm M elm Wimns'n regime-tn. pwed from life in a homo ho yond I blesflvd im'vmrtnlitv. the» “the: duly, and thus ihutfled otl'his ninrul e-nl. , ‘A pbuioinn hml callml on him hm m ttm-e times a day tor a month. doétoring him {can "no brmmht on whit-n “Filing cotton in Arkansas while with Um. Cumin. On learning that. thn «x-miniater and aa chuplain wnuld hardly live the night out, no called with l.thn phvlicinn. " In a little woodenolookinn room nntovor twelve feet tqunre, in van oh-ourn hour-dung innuse in. Chip-go. we fnuun'l,the invalid»— Thn rnnm Ins imm at minimum oxoept. a poor bed. a littledmv wzwhatnml. two wooll hottnm chain. an aid trunk. a pine tabla, on which was spread u newspaper. an which lav an old bihia. n pnirnt‘ olul snuflim. some pill boxes arid such ntufl‘ The viviwz man in: propped up in bed. while a faithful no zro womnn at on the font. nt‘the bed. AI we entered, he ralliml n Hills. and naked the doctor who he had brnmzht with him. On being told that it was “Brck” Pomerov. ‘o prayed to Godwbut somehow I cannot get relief for my loul. The doorol'mercy seems Ihut against me. I forsook religion for politics. and now God has forsaken me. I pray to my Saviour. but he don’t hem- me. I talk to diis'faithful negro‘ woman—aha uys, "Yen, mum l” uml that is all loan get out of her. I know [_can’t live long. I feel that I am dying. \ I feel certein that I am going to hell. Please-give me little pit-9e mnre of ice. before Igo, I Will): these things written down as n warnimz to others who for’get Christ. fur pblitiu. I feel, that the negm can’t. enve—thnt Christiwon't save me. J was unfaithful to my religiun'. and am forgotten. Imu faithful to the ne gro, butnlas. the negro can't ln-lp me wlleru I want helpqhe cnn't ease my gullty will. I am going to helll onrl I know‘it. lex pect to meet many persons them who fnr, got religion for politics. Ido not expect. to see yocr again in thin world or the next, but I want this confession printed. Plano— give me—n—small—small—smaH—plece— of-nof—of—of-ioe l” . And thus died the Rev. Henry Clonnar‘d! _._-. “3...“... - Q‘The chief of the Negro Bureau—- Howard, has ordered that nll the little nigr, when; parents are too poor or lazy to up port them, be takjm to the model't‘um which in about three miles north of Washington C.ty. it is presumed that thin order will increue the number at üble wecltlingl in that locality nbout e‘hundred ‘t’otd within the month. The'renpnnatbititiou of M‘tlt‘l' .manyr-tlie colored article—will heuftu be immensely lessened. ‘ fi3nnator Lpiry sun “ mesm- Clymnr is Hie fittest man for G wernnr of Pennsyl vonin." Hu only nfiiwc'inn to him is on an sobre o" politics.--Eri¢ 0 «mm. \ What Mr. Long ohjaou to, {I the very ghing that will secure .\li'. Clymov (hiymmh -f votes‘ from the comervativo mines of Penniylvnnih, who prefer the “ fine-Mum " to an unfit radical. who is the loknovfiedgod tool of D. D. Fol-nay & C); j QWOM goml turn deserves number.” The Rump conferred the upecial privilege; at ‘fcinl rights” upon the n-gmea. and. to be even With them, the ularkieo ralurnalV them any of their peculiar institution:— Ihn small-pox. Senator Faundon Ind sev eral other: no down mun it. Who discus in prevailing to an _llnrming extent in the negro quarters of Washington. ’ fib'l‘he rule: of matrimony in Hiehipn are not exactly.“ they ought to be. A broken down pley actor recently was per mitted Io marry I child of eleven yulHJI' patron. In Another town, um men recently exchenged wives. end at mother plane. as (allow sold hie wife for the pound: of unple Inger. No wonder they let nugroeg vote in that State. ~ a-If that Van "drunk‘n spam-11"Inlde by the Preliden: on the 22d nf Fabian}, I: stated by Lhn Dliuniouiqu. it it queer (In! the whole Nvgm Pany, In two mantha' triul, have been unnble to comment-un -516 one of no point» fifl‘hquundi a! negro children are ba ing «ducal'id by the hrmgg‘slauholdeu of Finrida. Dasuninn organs mu plum nuke a note of the (mot: . OA, mtioml oematen hu boon oom menued at Wannbum. Vsrginim which ii intawled!» onnuin the remand the United Sam soldier-9 b {rial in Hut par: Lion of the Shaun-bah Valley. ‘ Bauer Tina szuy.‘-h i! m’n'id'dlefiw | ture of things thanhe ppm ofmclu piety | u the Radical pm, “mm M long; Th 6 ‘ flereonou o'f tbcfism mm w-moiu’ful. seven boasts. a! m nun-w may“ ‘doluaed. ‘ ~ N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers