ODDBAND ENDS ’07.. NM“, www.cagm Noe. WEI" GUI! "AIDS .Tho Abimnionizlu held a meeting it Pllla- _ cram; oi: m night or the 20m ult., It whiéh 1 .. on man, Eu}. mule the followingl 'dee'hrh'lien. (titreporled in the Dupalch and , ‘eopied by _Fdrney’a I’l-m: v “AI mOeAty’l principles they were the»: 51mm! Gary had told hlm, Mr. Marshall. 411 Ma ofllcb, that. his platform WM 114: fd-l pm :pnch «mm! Ly Thaddeu: Slam: at the 3)an quJu uuwn of Congrm. The only ‘ jfltlon ho had loJLwaa llnelut Sentence. ”The! Mulch referred to Roger B. Tnney as one who would 'expvfle the wrong be h '40.. she colored race In a very warm pl e, 90109317 lhoagul In butane." The Ipeeeh ‘nllnded to but been exten ‘cively published. extracted Indoommenwd ,upon. I: ma grouly queen-blew the 'llfnlon throughout]; copuiixed the lag” nrrogaul demqude for negro “rigbu”—in 'cludmg negro mfl'ryge md equilily; Ind In“ an n'nrquivoed. desp'otic end barefsced 'declarnion’tbat the goutherfi States must :1). kept out of the Union uptil they Ihbuld nuke gm of m‘ negroe'amnd then will! Ithex’o of Ibo-e magnet Ind been and fn'eecure "perpetual uéeniioncy" to Thad. .Stevem" Plantain}! fwljon. 4 more culmv 'geountsp'oech never win delivered by any ruffles} demlgogue. ii: any country. Iv. "val simply inremouu. ll Geary endow the! rpeech he in unworthy the respect or carport oh lingle white or Union voter in athe Stale. , m [36.0 ABOVE 'l‘lll MAUIC. "But there ism” anotherclnu for whom no (me has yet epnkrn on Ibis-floor. wb‘ol "huts ohnlnbuud to your raucous not leuv imm the mldier or the creditor, 1 WA! AL-g in" mum to an, 2401' 1.381 I'qu unann ln'. 1 Man nu “canto; or In cont-xi." ~(Sexmlnr Sumner m the U. S. éénnge, April 15. 1866. SveVCongreumnll Globe.) ~ The pol-her, the c'redxwr, and the white mechanic of America have, xx} the estima '“on of Senatdr Sumner, borne eq ll bur jhem. in the salvation ol the net) n. He f'wuglmost about to an)” that e freed ‘mm wnel equal with each, but 11‘ falls to mupciate the sentiment, and we All-[y in’ for (hut in his opinioh the sncrl as: end paint/10ml 9f. the former eurpau _Ebose ql‘ ell others. Ibis is the «Ileliberato language of the Senator, in :1 studied attempt lo ll It-‘ 'l2! end prni-b the mechanic." It 'wu called jout during the die'cuusin'n upqn a hill fer lthe relief ol‘nexlnin nlval cqntrnetors, in ‘wlaich the theme chosen foi hid elaboration, we: the value of the ‘Americnn mechaqic in the fecent civil struggle. ‘.He believe 'the m-gro‘ is pqn-K to any white man, and here he expresses his c'onvictinn 'that his Alfixgine; nre gteaterthfith thoae‘ofthe mén :who borenthi. bxunt‘of the fight for the U ‘nion. The .\‘vuro ”the! the mechanic. the Negro the equnl of ill white'me‘fi, the Ne ‘gro entitled tothc. to in on juyies, to trav rl w‘lh us, to enjoy every locinl 9nd polit ical righte that we enjoy. are the Alpha and 'Omegn 0! his dnnly thoughta,_tlley are the ’fi'filninem trpits ol the Negro-luvmg disu 'nionists. White- men, grates; yoursel’ves‘ flay yo'ur fiallclu‘.’ vj’ ' ‘ V COSHID'I'E 3"!" I! DISPXIO! ‘ Yin-Congrats on the Sdfiny of March. 1862, Mr. Uolmaa. of Indiana. (Democrat,) of fered tho tbllowing rgsolulion : ‘ H 1 - ‘ 35.0 me That in the judgment of um; “Homo. tho‘ ufifoi'lunute civxl War. into which mc-fioiiemment oftheflnit‘ed States ln'na’b‘em Inroed by the treamnnhlo attempt o'l'the Sofnhern Socosnirimits to destroy the ‘Union. should not He proaocutod for any Lother purpbso thin the 'réstorzglinn of, the nuthoruy ofthefioneti‘mfion; and (hat the Welfare bf‘the whole people of the United find? in ignmzuhenlly involved in maintain ing the’ [lrvsv’nt form of grwernmfint under 'the’ Constitution without modifichlibn‘ or change." 4 ' , ' The disunionisls defeated this resolotion :lby‘ I‘VMOAOTGQ to 59. Every ilkmocrnt V - lted for the rnJ-nlutlnn. ' 'l‘hacideuls‘Stevohs r«ml MLSpenkeLGrow. by this Bold list avowed their deliberate intention as en:§ly 18-1862. to carryout their rafiicnl 2mg} revo ;lutionnry piogrnifime of dislmion. ; Did ”not PrMidont Johnson speak truthfully ‘hheu he said they ware diaunionisls? Its-The .N. Y. Tribune’: Washington can 'reopoqdent la‘ys "‘Thepninn Copgrossion uqughgifiteeliu reéei'ved w rogxgh the film. .Willinm D. Kelley! the check of W. Still, eooloregl man 01 Philadelphia, for $1289.50. mum-ibuted by the‘usoéiflions of calmed ;peOple in thin city, for aiding in the circelti ‘giop'pf ICongregsional speeches in favor of manhood Eu‘fi'rage.” These Ipeec‘ues are to :36 .ient’oufi to the white men of the coun ‘lry to convince them that the ‘negr oen ,9“!§‘.‘°,¥’° gllpyad to yote And hohl office. .’l‘hm Philadelphia negroes. who seem to jsnve u'bundpnce 9f ’mqney, coolly assume I!!!“ {be goo:- Iwhitejne‘n ere (dqjignormv. ‘m decide thin question without first. being. lenlighteneffin' relnficgn 'to ‘it‘élxp'ugh the 'mediufn if .Cnngreui'ongxl ’neéwkqgfnge _rpeeclges. ffl‘b'erefbre they put nearly thir bteen hundred dollars in Wm. D. gelley’s funds. to he elm} in the auligfitfnmnt 9f the {nor white, vow-fa. We {mudyr whet sub ime High! of igupudence lhese priatocmtic Plzilnaelfihis' pégrbel y'fll' lie‘xt indplge in? 3T1“; New ‘ York C/u'lahirsfl) Adana: mm: M The ‘noyn ‘u (ht coming man. Thi lpfigfi-ch 1115! shall now secure to itself the inflated prpulnlion of thecountry, will make '01". ofagrcat power/'O7 the rum}! So. 80- .‘beriytinga” aye lustingflfer power, too;- IS well u the politié'iansund. ,waéeure it. sis :d«procil!itlg th’eir '.‘“ “Pd 3'01," “a “(Mini .gh'e y'er'y b 99113 of the nogroes. X it. {ox-"hm aulntiou of aegis—not. for the extension of pod'l Kingdom—but-for “power’l—mm. pots! power—lnd (he emoiumenuund plum ‘dor‘ which that. carries in in "tin. God help such " Christi-us." ‘ .' ,‘ .-—.~—~—o¢u Chewing Tobacco” ; ELsH, Dumas & co., :1 Elnora, _ Pm, cohiinu'o the mnnnfnolm' ut_ (fie g mm kinds of 0:112me Toulwaos. an I. huge scale. Their Modifies {manufactur ing are ample, and with the chime“ Imm Img! best mvd'mo‘et experienced vérkmen, they cnnnot rail in turn put. Tolmccu‘a of the most denimblv and populn gram-i. . Order! from Idimuce‘u :licited,und prompt ly "tended to. _The merchants of Adams county cannot do bane! ‘than by buying from Welsh. Dcllnno t Co., 3: Humour , ~- .:2 _.April 23. 1886._ ' _ _._ -.-" ’ pm]. fizqubqg’sjof the last Legishmre‘. Haida] Malian, (.'q‘ted lhqméelvueathLOOO furlheirser- PHILADELPHIA. PAm-Didensu yr ,the viab- during the union. The ulnry fixea * ”.s;an in“ RQAI‘IIM fygiTß-Iczvfl ‘ad . _ . ' l 1: refine“. Int 3 ‘ A - \W “‘.' " s.oo;th 0}" ‘ bY‘l”l"'m“k°'-‘,'“ KEB,_ tn Heart)! Wun‘mg and lnsirnmion. annual; u much hxgherxaluo upon tbgll' Fauna :99ch envelopes, 5m o”th Ad'. l-borb thnn the mph do. mode a nfi’on «$931):- 3- 331%;3 iguUGu'léON. Hymn“ .. -- . .- -r smxmn-t» nLN'h 1. Mn “'.‘ “WW ‘.‘" wwmflgfl- I?“.B'jelpbh, hf ’ (62:, a 3551 1' " , 13"“ ',, . ten-fed pnlnou, truly: Walk the plgty|:.a_'~——_.__._l____~ Li HE 2'8“! 33911011.,» w prim ,u the in power: will u‘e m. chief-im- ' ‘ 1 13“; L Wfie'vh‘“ ‘3“. { £233ls,3?;‘iLEféi:‘§°.i‘:.§f£§i'§.“lt :1'.,?“-———-——-ou.>....——; . ‘A HRS . . .. . - , ‘ . ' ~ that ol esubhnhment wnhm reach ofnll, 45d ”'l‘” mth of Apnl bu been tn, ‘V 5, ‘ HOWLLL t BOURKE - - ‘ .mumt‘ono In our Innall. ‘Tn lprfllmeunufncmm-s 15? TAPE’RIBARGHGS .113 3:25: Enzfit'filufilgyfidumx 3‘33? at w bog-n .In April. it efi‘ded. In spm. - w wow saunas, ‘ f t_ PL __s__ _,~_'___'_ '_ _,__;-__ ,2 ... I“ dqercd. In Ap'fil. Lmboln was Comerr Ta 3 MARKET Sine“, NEW stock of ‘ twdryfl I’nd m 4pm. Consreu pnaudi P-“ ”at DELP H ‘ A - A GOLD AND SILVER wncazs, '.'” infllnmy unmmnmfium manure over; F. B. ‘ Al" I‘m nor-. 5, a largo stock of to acted with’ upeciui care Ind wmmed good ’th'k’midaut’a veto. *"~ ' J LDEN & 01L SHADE; time keeper-1,1“! t‘ecelvod m for cute st ; < - 3m ; 1 A J. mums; - ‘ “Th '4och w" m- "“ - - ORV“; 1h: Bnk. 9""7'E'E; *5 ”SUM-WE COMP-“Y1 ÜBIAAGAINST awmsxrs in u..- .Mm Hamstrr-pfinhq Tnvunxus INSURANCE coxmw mdn ufll My: 0! we: 919 333nm_ WW “0101, “d. 9.4.- 2°P§s49flga~ ‘ . ‘.‘mslwmzel’ax. aA; - 3: ' magaplallapuf-‘aéfla‘bmd ha- ' 7* ”f tug-£044.9- au-tl-verymlna alga. nggfgn‘g a. 1919-" hrs!» autumn wr’ WW “~‘ g; " $.77; 77:. .«mnws’sa-«A “marrow New; Been mndggt tn nuns-mu 2:1? in“ mung“, A! .. u‘l » l t , . 7 ‘ I w , ‘ 133'}« ‘ ~ » - ' : Inspired “99.51 “30"”! wgmwm; . , x. is... L. , me on“ r zhvoun BITTIRS. m‘s wosnsardr. annex)! n. amm- T indlnd imrodnced about twenty year: sgo by Dr. S. Cheopm, u: stain-at ngpuu physcinn. ' ' He had long "on and Mt the mm of some remedy which woutd qlrikan the reel of du eue. and I 0 pgeveut mug!) of lho'lufi'ering which tha humnu family‘s: Huh cdmpellod u} endure. ' Thf great queatiot' was prrtented to hil ‘ CASSLVETS, COTTlNH'l‘S’and U_URDUBUYS; mlnzl evcry dsy ln mtg color- I! born!“ 3: China, Glass and Queens-lure, L-idies’..\liues‘ man; the link And dying, Indohserfld Iho,in- I‘and Children's SUUES; “I‘o, ‘ Di“ Mild fun eflcxeccy of nelrlyall the remedies then in ‘ summon! of All kinds oi CARPET, Floor on. Thu he um loud to think and experi- ‘ud stlc Oil-cloth. meat; and after ten yam of Itudy and Man! ‘ We have also uublished in rooms ndjoming be banned to hit fellow man the wonderful ~ the Cenlrnl Hotel, 5. CLOTHING STORE, 241‘er Bitten. Thule: «if this prepuuion whqr’a we will keep constantly on hand I well in “no prevention and are of dines", W“ In selected luo'lment of Baldy-made Clothing. marvellou Ind flsloéshing, [hot the man of the latest styles, Ind a full “gunmen: of filtering mukl of royal favor were bestow , Gentleman’s Furnilbiug Goods, such I: Hut-l, span him who diucoured it. His mm Iru ups, Boots, Shoes, to, which we will sell at placed upon the 3011 of Nobles, And a [old re ed prices. _ medfl'wfih the following inscription—Dr. S, t A: ur mom: is, and nlwayi will be, “quick Chmpns, the Public Benotncwr—Wu pre- 1 sale: and small prams." we hope to receive a. xentcdto bun bythe Viceroy. [share of the puronage of town Ind conn- The prepuruion bu been unedJn neural ijdeiniea of chains. both u I prannuve And cur-five mums-e, and with Inch gran lucceu tlm it. bu been introduced into nearly all the general hospital: orthc’old world. The old flying that uu ounce oi prevention in worth a pound of cure, gppliu will: nur velleua force to chalets, Innd therefore my remedy that. will protcct us again" this urn ble discus would be freely and pemuemly uucd. ’ All pathologists now Agree '11“ the cholern poison act! on lhequau through the blood, and the: en; combinuion which met; on the excretory orgsnl. and keep: them in work ing order, mun we'venv. n. mtficienv. nccumn lntiou offihegwoison to exert. its terrible elfectl on the organie‘m. This in true not only of cholern, into! nenrly all other mil-diet, up'e cinlly (he dllferenl, forms «fault. .’ v The Zingnri Billy-ninjas; quh n remedy u “no Ibo" conditions ”quire. Inputs on the ‘orguns ol excretion and secretion, kerpingup n. parted; bnlnnce between them. This Blue" is compose-l enmoly of roots Ind herbl, no nicely concocted. limb every organ in acted upon and put in tone. It: tune in plural. and in effect: prompt. and luling. ‘ Numerous cases or the following discern have been anrd by it: Cholera, Diarrhoea, Typhoid nnG Typhua Fever, Fever, Agno. Nor~ Von: Dubility, Anaemia. Female Irregulnniea, DyapepniaJFlstnlency, Colic, Scrofulu, to. Price, one dullur per qunrt botfilc. Principal Depul. at. tho Wnlnul fitrect Wharf, Harriabur'g, Pm. . 17 l b'old by Druggista, Hotel-keepers kprocers. , . ‘ , F. RATHER, g Sole Proprietor. @For Isle by Wm. J. Martin, 5919 Agent. , {or Gel!) xhurg. ' ‘ April 16, ldp‘d. 1y ’ ‘ ". NE‘W FIRM, ’ 1* ma OLQ smxo. . -' . ‘ . [SGTAILHUID m 1817 ] I have uminfrd with me, in_huiiuefl. my lon, John F. .\lcf‘renry, udcr‘the firm and my]; of I). licCreu-y 4k Son. and I deairew say to my old fnandi and the public generally 11ml since the wanlhe mauufacturr of Saddles, Huruess, Collars, &c., has been‘rcvn'ed 11l the old esmblhhed and wall known stand on Bul timore street,’one square south or the Court game, Gettysburg, Pu. . ~1 lining had in experience of 40 years in this esiuhiishmenl. I feel nssured, mat, with renewed attentio'n m'bustuesw, we can "in further merit. and reéeire a full share of pub lic patronage. DAVID MfiGREARY. With increaaed fncimicg for condurtingmur butincu, we are better prg‘psrod than ever to satisfy the mun? of in those who may need anything in our ine. We'lspecinlly call the Mtemion 0f Fnrmers and other: to the Inpezior 41mm)" of our Plniv ‘or Quilted SeullSlde heathen, ._ Harn Saddles, "flames, all kinda-with Wain. or ‘Quillcd Seat! or wiuwutfasteniugs no Horn, , .Housiugs, Plain or Quilted Senz‘Schh Cullqrs(leatlxer Sula Sn-lles, ‘ j “f} . " (ticking Elain‘or Fancy 'ndd‘lulNo Seam Collars, Ben Wan Harness Col lars, - _ Chills, ngo‘h Saddles. Kldx’rg Hrldlf'b‘, It“ alllf’atenth-uherCollars, ‘ kiixds. fan or 4 lack,‘ stuchmlorunstitched rounded or LL: , ‘Bvst Luther Wagon Mnxtlnznh, ' { Whips, 4, 4} and 5 Curtis“, Ham-us. A!“ igetlmg, uylca,eils’ero bluckflmtvd Team Whipl, mounted. IL {Trotting Whips. Heavy [)rnft Har‘ esa, :.mdies"Riding Twigl, Blind midlcs, - ‘ '.Whip Lushcs, ' Ginbs, 1 ’Horse Blankets, Crawlers. Bm, sm, tel In short, eve’Athing that pertains to a first class general bofse furnishing establishment couamutly on hnbd or made to order: pgomptly, of the vary best alcrial, and by the most u perienced workn en in the gounuy, (two h": i'hg wbrknd in _L is umfilirhmeux {or the lust. Thirty years.) ' ‘ We are now anuhéturingfin excellent lot. «(Henry 17:35th Harness Callus for those “HHS prefer our u‘wn :21 city mad» work. a,Kppuiciug of all kipda don: at sbon notice and on reasaunblc to ms. All out: curdial§yh¥vited to can and emmiro for themglvw. ‘as Our work cannot u i] to recommend ixqeli. 3 ' _ ; | ' ’i D. Mccmiax a: fox Feb? 5, mac, in ' ‘628. Hoop skim. 628. OPKIN‘S “‘UWN MAKE," Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, Sonya Arch Slr'eet,‘ Philadelpuin.——The mo". com plate usenment..of Ladies', Migses' and Chil- WI HOOP SKHH‘S, in this City ; gotten up expressly to men. the wars of nut-cuss Tum; embrnéxlng the newest and most duh-s -‘ ble Styles and Sizes of “Gore 'l‘rnlll," ofevcry. length—from 2; to 4 yda. round—2o to 56- Springs, ‘at. $2 to 3.1.00. Plain Skirts, ull length. {Km 2} lo 3 yucds round :11; bonom, “$1 40 $3 10. _ Ont lino ofMigsn-s’ and Children's SKIRTS, ‘ are proverbinlly beyond all competition, for vnriely of styles and sizes—as well as for finish ‘ nnd'durphllity; varying ham 8 tofiinclnen in length”; to 45 3 rings ru 35 cents $2 25. :All Ski"! of "1.708% OWX>MAKE,”Lnre War- ‘ Maud-to gin filllld‘nuliun; but buy none us such, unless they have, “Ilupkin's Hoop Skrrl finnufacréry, No. 628 A'xcl- Street,” Stamped on each Tnbl , a . . Alla, constantly on hand, noon Suns, .\lnnul‘qéturcd in Ref York, and the Bustern Shun, which we cell at very-low Prices. A I»! of cheap Bklrua-lfr springs, 85 emu; 20 s’pflnai, Sl 00—25 springs.“ 15—30,spriugs. SI 26 mum springs 31 so. , pig-Skim nude {'o' Order and Rewind. when“ than. “Uanmu'Ouyvgl ' (full 5, 1866. 1:11 ' \ March 5,196 New mam” m! .nl: PI. mum rm’ IN HANOVERH— e heuby inform m citizen: of York and Adam conntlel. lhat _re have established, It the sandman curner of (‘entre Square Ind Baltimore sane}, HANOVER. formerly occu piad by C. E. t'l‘. 'l‘. Win. A Brunch Store, (the principal Lusiuen lmuus being located in New York and York, Pu,,) where we will keep at I“ than: I regular assortment of Dry, Domnstic and Fancy GOODS, also, A well n— lerted aunnmenz of CLOT_US. CASSIMEBES, cry. Our connection with the large wholesale houlu in New York City and York, P|.,wbero Ire nlwuyl stored an extensive Itock of goods. which we sell at whnlunle and retail, enable! us to supply our old friends and such of our new customers u will give In a call, with the vary but murkeuble' goods, at lower nles than cxn be purchased anywhere m the State. Cull and sec (or yourzelveo. ! JUS. LEBACH k 880. Hanover, lake :6. 1865. -lv Notions & Confections. A WORD T 0 THEIPELH’LE 0? TOWN AND COUNTRY. _ THE subscriber keep: ll Nation and Confec tiouary Store on Cnrlialc street, nearly opposite the guilt-08d Simian, Getn'sbur , where he hag constantly on hund, (JANDFEg, NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons. Urn gas, ML, Tobacco! nud~Begm of an kind'g:f Pocket. Books, Suspenders, .\‘eck Ties, 0 liars, kc; Soap.- and Perfumcriea; also so a GROCE ‘RIES, Sugars. Coffees, Rive, with e difl'erem kind! of Crackers. Ice-cold \gfl‘li D It all times. He in‘ntei cnaton. fr mfiow‘n and country, and sell; I! 3min profits. ‘ ‘ LEWLS S'EROUSE. ‘ Aug. 7, 1865. !y _ ‘ Cumberland Coal : A LARGE luppiy of lapel-im- BLACKSMITH COAL,. ‘ now on hand at reduced price. Th'u Coal li' mperior to all other Coal in the United Stalin for welding und other blacksmith purpose- For sale by City Coal Yn'rd, Frederick city, Md June 19, 1865. ly" J— _x.__ Forwarding nm'nmeisu.‘k CL'LP & EARNSHAW'S LINE. ]l: AVINU purchased I!" Warehouic nnd L‘nn heretotore owned by Smuelflerbxt, the undersigned take pleasure in Innofincin‘g to the public thin thev will run I LINE OF FREIGHT CARS . fromGettyabnrg to Baltimore ev'ery weak. They I are prepared to convey Freight either-way, in \ nnyqnnntity.‘ They wit)! nttand,ifduirud,vothe ‘ - nking oi'purChue: in the rity. and deliver ing the goods-’p'romptlyht Gettysburg. Thnir lesre' run to the Warehouue of STEVEN SON a SONS, 165 North Homrd street, (our ianklinJ Baltimore, where freight will be received at any time. They invite the attention of the pulilic to their line, assuring them that they will spare no «fort to accommodate til: 1 who may putronize lbem.‘ 1 1 Having purchasedtthe building: Ind int on i the Northeast corner of Bailroul and Sorth,‘ 1 Wuhington‘ streets, Gettysburg. their Depot’ ‘ will remain there. Any perm" having buli neu in the forwarding line are respectfully?- ‘ vited to call. ‘CULP LL EARSSHAyV ‘ Aug. 7, 1865. . , 1 Carriage-making Business. HE war being over, the undersigned have reeumed thu SIARRIAGE-MAIXG BUSINESS, ll their old stand. in E :5: \liddleflreei, 2 = GETTYSBL’RG, where they are again preparcd to put up work in the most. fashionable, anhstgntml, and supe rim- manner. A lot. of new ,And second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, kC., on hand, Nhich they wlll dispose of at the lowest prices} and all orders will he nupplied In promptly and lutm'aclorily as possible. . [9‘ R E P A l R I N G ‘ done with diipmch, and u: chenpelt rstrs. A large lot bf new and old HARNESS on hlnd for sale. ' g Thankful for the liberal patronage harem for: enjoyed by'tbem, they aolieit and will en deu‘or to de‘scrve a large slmre in the future. . ‘ DANNERE ZIEGLER. July 10, 13653._ if _ i’lcturcs! 'Plclareq! EV! MUMPfiR having purchased Samuel L Weavel's PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. il prepared to cxecu‘fie‘work in his line equal to an; esmhlishl’nent in the Sale. If you desire a good likaneu, finished n‘ccording to them.“ improvements in the an, cull a: the Above long-established Gallery, in West. Middle Street. Gettysburg. [Jam 9. 1965. Estey’s Cottage Organs RE not only nnexceHed, but they nre ab-x soluteiy unequalled, by my other Reed” Instrument in the country. Designed express-i 13' for Church," and-Schools. they are toundfi to by oqunfly wall adapted to the parlor Ind drawin‘; room. E9l- sule on|y by t - . . a. M. BRUCE, 1 No 18 North Seventh St, Philadelphia. ‘ lO‘Alao, fiflADBUEY'S PIANOS, find I complete uuonmeul or the PERFEOTVME LUQEON.‘ ‘ [oa, :2, 1865. 1y Céoklng Slovés F our, variety" including. the " Kohl: 0 Cook! “Royal Cook.’.’ ”Wank." "Orni Ame-mil,” "Oriental." he. Also, Tin-ware, ‘Hhecbirou-wnre. Hollow-ware. And every v 21.- rieg-of; Kitchen Furnituro—inclnding n uric u- «E L’nrflema. Him, a. new 3nd, much ill pmtojl Flou- Sinai-. 10: _uula by C. H. BUEHLER. ‘ m: a! Collide and [humid 51.5.; ISBB. Getty-burg, P 3. lee mm a Call! RE film-e to Bbmin n perfm Wmtomph or T .Aubrngrm, gncuud in the but mum, in at MEMPN'S GALLERY, in Middle street. Jan. 9, 1863.\ Weslqrn. L‘nmln. lIE subscriber hie toxin: Hlu-nblc WEST~ I KKK 1,.“ DS, wrinkle he ml] had; for one or more FARMS in th‘rt\counly. The land- Ire weH located, and very desirable fur Igua iug. Hurly application duiFod, { JACOB BRISKERROFF l" Gettyéhung, April 3, 1865. u 4 ATS, CAPS, BOOTS 8 88038. COBRAN ‘& 00. «in-just received Ind opened Another splendid , unorlmeul of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and i SHOES, for Summex wenr, which she; Dre , nell'mg at very low prxuvs considering the; times. The lnieu styles 0! Summer HM: and Cape. of every description and price. Boois and Shoes, of superior mske, Ind,“ wan-med to fit, always on mud. Wink nude in order and repairing dude on ahoflno tice, by experienced workmen. Aim, HABh ESE MAKING, carried on in nl3 its branches. Parlou! unat ing anything in this line would do tell to all. [G‘Dou’L target the old stand in mammoth! burg street, if you mm: Bnrp'uu. | COBRA}; c CRAWFORD. June 19, £865. , ' , N o Humb u g X EMOVAL. HULTZWOR‘X‘H ALWAYSJHEAD. HIS WAY FOB BARGAIN‘S.—JOHN L. HOLFZWURTB has jun returned from the City will: the largest and most complete user» meat of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, rbnt bah been brought. to, l“ mu [own since the mar. His flock in not only camfilem, but. LI GOOD end. CHEAP embracing every variety 0! quu and Shoes for Men end Buys, wh'ilat xhe Ladies will find everything in the” line, from thlrfincu Gniter to the heaviest. Shoe. Childrén'e Shore 0! every descnptidn, in great variety. Also, Lll dms’ Hall, fine quality, and Chudren'l Huu, ofnll aiyles Ind prices. Also, Trunks, Car p'et. Bngs, Valises, UmErellus, Glovel,chk inns, ‘Tobucuu, Uiznu end Notions of every description. fibun’t forget the place. South-cut Car. of the Dinmuuthtlysburg, Pa. ‘ . ' JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. Apfil 10.xssp. u; , } Plano!!! Pianos I ‘ lANOSI—The undersigned would renpecb P tuiky inform the public that he can furnish ’IANUS of the following manufaqtureu, ‘or than 01 other ane, U desired, 9‘ the low'ut possible prices: , CHL KERING k SONS. [ DECKER BRUS. . Hummus Duos. , ‘ BABES mos. - ‘ - GEO. smux. ‘ 3 A. H. GAHLE tCO. ‘ ‘ STEINWAG & SONS. { ”Particulnu uttenligfi in givenito the u lection of Pianin; and‘ when so aeleued, in and-,1 lion to the mnnufuclurera' guarantee, the Piano/l an guaianlud by me. / MASON & HAMLIN ‘ CABINET URG'ANS AND MELdDIANS. The recent improvements ln Lhcse lmtrn menu are such an to fully warn {they are FAR. SUPERIOR to any oth‘ One of the best evidt-ncu of their that their improvements are imiL omer makers. The new style, four sh have n Suh- Bass and Octave Couplgt, it In inctrumeut especially adapted :9 uuurcn And Sabbath School purpose». / mzscmpmvx omc’cLAns will be sent by mail“: persons desiring thnm. Pianos tuned regularly. l‘ifiuos takun in,ei bulge. ‘ » first: unxrz, ‘ _ < No. 30 East .\lmkct 85., York, P 3. June 12,1365. 1y / v __H _ V ‘ H7._r_.-...7_.._____._ Adams’ County « v. a. PYFER, UTUAL rum/msumxos coitmxi'. bl tumor/aunt), Milieu 18, 1851. /'U)‘FICEBB. ‘ President—:Gyorge Swope. ‘ Vice President—Samuel R. Russell. ' Secretary-«D. A. lluehler. j TfiennureriLE. G. l-‘a‘hneatock. . ~ Euout‘u'p Committee—Robert. llcCurdy An drew Hetnjzrltnnn, Jacob King. > NAiAons_-—George Swope; D. A. Buehler, R. Motlnrdy, M. Eicllelberger, S. R. Russell, E. G. Falmeitock, A. D. But-liler, R. G. McCrahry, Getty’sburg; Jacob King, Stmhnn township; A. lleintnlmun, Franklin; Wm. D. Hinges, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersrille; H. A. Picking, Strnbnn township; John Wol .ford,Lotimnre township; John Picking, East. Berlin; Abel I‘. Wright, Benderaville; Ahdlel F. Gilt. Now Oxford; Jns. H. Morshnll, Hom iltoubnn township; John Unnningham, Free dom township; John Horner. Mountjoy town- Ihip; Wm. Ross White, Liberty township. - @This Company is limited in its open tions to the county of Adams. It ha been in operation for more than [5 years. and in that fut-nod has made but and assessment, having paid losses by fire during that period amount ing to $13,‘J58-$6,769 of whichhsve been [mid during thn‘lltst two fem. Any person desiring an Insurance con apply to on of tie nhovc named Manager: for further information. [6-1119 Executive Committee meeta'at the office of the Company, on the but “'Ban dny in awry month, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Uct. 16, 1865. t 1 _ f ’ ‘Cuunon's -‘ , DIARBLE W'ORKS, Scum-mmomronhe Diamond tnd nan}- more ureet, nearly qppoaiee the Shu- oflice, UETTYSUIYRG, PA. Every description at work executed in the nuesv. nylr of the art. April 17, was. a - BIYSUELS 0F GRAIN 100 o()OWAXTHD,MtbenewGrnin hhd I’mtnunA Home, id Garliala afrcet, ndj'qln ing Shead: & Buchler’s establishment. The highest market price will than be paid in cash for GRAIN, of all kinds, . _, FLOUR, SEEDS, an. Alwsyl on hnnd and [or ale,“ the small"! profits. ‘ _ ‘ UUANOS. GROCERXES, am, Wholesale snd retail‘: _TRY US! We shall do out but. to gin satisfaction in :11 cues. ‘ - McCURDY & DIEHL. Gettylburg, Mn; 11, 1863. 1y T BRINKEBHOFF’S CHI-TARCLOTHIING ‘ . AND FURNISHING STO me, M the North nstflorner of the Diamond. The subscriber is eonectnntly ln,receipt offrosh goods from the Eastern citiel. Bil flock of ‘ READY-MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest Ind molt attractive, as well as the chfinpeot establishment of the’kind in the country, You will there find COATS, PANTS AND YESTS, [nude up in the most fashionable styles, nnd of the best moterinll, of all aizes and prices, for men and boys.— Gemlemcu’s turnishing goods or every descriy tinn, ‘Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hiékory Shlrtl nud Slerino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Druwerl, Hosiexyofevery description Buck-skin, .\lerino and Cotton Gloves, Hand. lion-high, Neck Ties. Grunts, Linen and Pnper Collars; Huts, Cups, Boot; and Show. Um brellns, Trunks. anices, Carpet Bum. Clothes 17nd Shoo Brushes. Hair and Tooth. Brushes, Blioe fihcking. Pocket-mil Dressing Combs. Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Gun; Pistol” Violin: and Violin Stringe, Soap; and Perfumerios, Stationery of All kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Ton-c -co. Pip“, 111 extrn quality ofSugnrl. £llm, hie uock embrace: everything usunll onud in s first clus furnishing store. I invite the Attention 01' mil to come and no for themselves. as i In: determined no soil g‘ond: lower than my other esmhlilhmgniiu the country. Don't forget: the place. (lower at York— urea and the Diulnold. JACOB BBLVRERHUFF. _inLyflN-kL- - t.._<_,___:...i.... John “'. Tiplon I ASHIUNAULE miIIBER, Norah-east cor ner of the Diamond, (nut liner to lie ellon'e Hotel.) Gettysburg, PA. when hg‘ can It 11l than be found ready to attend to nli hnlineu in his line. He hu‘nlzo excellent or; listsnoe ind will _eua‘ura ntiafnction. ~Gib-9' him a. “11. Dec. 3, 18180. : r'rucrmc Arrnmroy._'rhempulnrf Picture: taken at MUAIPER’S SK“ Ll fl] GALLERY, on Welt Middle 2L, nr‘f nttrncting nuh’ern} ottemion. Goéajudgu’ pronounbu th'ern 'l‘npefior '2O may ever tulip; in thinpiwa. Cali Ind examine for yunrlqlvu. “gang‘s. 1865. . URE SILYEE WARE Md ‘ ,14 ) . . SILVER HATED waltz o! the "r, 132“ guilty; 3 ngw ”5.6:!me t gecoi‘pd. _ Q”; And no it. J. B‘EVAX, ~ ' <‘ ' L *Oppbllte m Bunk, Qumbgib‘, m New Warehouse. SALT, nu. Gmt Attraction IN'EW sPel‘w‘tmdl 5" " ‘' " A ' LS K .' l '- - ‘ . atm'cmm IN PRICES! .l. L. scnt‘cx lél woulfl nspeulully my to the rltizenl of et tyuburg and vicinity, that ha in not would“ at bin store I lplendid STUCK 01'" SPRING GOODS. l Tho noel cannistl in pm of Fancy Ind. Buplo DRY 60003. of out) dualphon-N 3M3, . - >' MOZAMBIQUE, - ‘ CHALLIES, ‘ ‘ DILAIXES, ' BOIBAZIXES, ‘ ALPACCAS.’ ' LAWNS, CALICOIS, 6f 11l qulldu :nd choices: It In, which will ‘ be lold It PRICES TO DEFY goIPETITION. ‘ . Funxxsmxa 60005 1 of 11l kinds, including Silk, Linn and Cotton Hudkenhieh, Gloves, Slocklngs, he. 1 .Algo, I splendid assortment of 11188085, "Queen and Edgings, Umbrella: Ind Parnell.- - 1! stock of WHITE "GOODS will be found full And cempleu, and customer» may rely upon always getting good good! at the lowest poni ble pric'cl. Gentlemen will find it (o the" ldnnuge tc all And enmine my flock of CLUTES, CASSHIERES Ind/ v V V/ES‘HNb‘S, at All qualltleu 3nd cholum [fill]. April 16, 1866. J. L. SCHICK. Hardware & Groceries. HE eubacriben hove/jun returnegi from I the cities with Mi immense supply at ARDW‘A‘RE e Gavel-mus, which they no ofenug n]. their old ”find in Bulugnore utreet, It pricea‘to wit the times. Our neck consist: Imp-111. ot / ' . BUILDING MAT-flBIALS, (lARI’MTER’S TOOLS, / BLACKSHITU’S TOOLS, _ . °< COACEI FINDINGS SHOE P 13123105. ' CABI. ET MAKER’S TOOLS. ‘ /HOUSEKEEPEB'S FIXI‘URES,. (5/ ALL. KINDS OF IRON. kc. GEO ERIES 01“ ALL KINDS, OILS, «PAINTS, km, to. There in no uticle inclu 'ed in the :evernl depurtmentu mentioned 'lbov/zbut that can be had at this Store.-- EV y clan of Mechnnics can be accommodated I: c with toolund findings,ecd Housekeeper: u finduery orticle in their line. Give on u I", u we on prepared to tell a; low for cub m my house out of the city. _ ~ ' Jul-. 1. B‘. DANNER,. DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, Sky 16, 1864. The Great Discovery-» ‘ I THE AGE.—lnflunmetory'nnd Chronic I Q Rheumatism csu be cured by using H. L. HI LLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUIIéTIC AUX ITURE. .\luny prominent citizen-iof this, and i the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic ull’ec tiona, has been‘hitheno unparalleled by any tpecific, Introduced to the public. Price 50 cenmper bottle. For 1119 by all finggiau Ind Iwrckeeperl. Prepared only by 11. L. MILLER. Wholesale and‘Rleulil Druggisl, East Berlin; Adnml county, Po“, dealerln Drugs, 'ihemipnla, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-armlfs. bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window ‘ Glnss, Perfumery, l’utent Medicinal, km, to. ‘ fix. D. Buehler In the Agent in Gettys . burg for “ H. L. Miller’n Celebrated Rheumatic Minnie? [June 3, 1881. t! Cemetery Removals. THE undersigned, beingthe authorized p'enon to mike removals ipto Ei'er Green Ceme tery, hopeglhat such as contemplate the removal ofthe remains of deceased reluivea or friend: will nvnil theme] was of thin season oftheyeu- w' hue it done. Removals made with promptneu —lenm low, Ind no effort spared to pleuge. PETER THORN, Inch 12, ’BO. _ Keepefl’fif the Cemetery Sale Crying. W. FLEMMlNG‘continues the business A. of SALE CRYING, and loliciu (he can tinued {intronnge oi the public. It in hit con- Mnnt endeavor to give satisfaction. Charge: moderate. Residence in 'Breckiuridge street, Gettysburg. . P. S.—He is n lirenaou’ Auctioneer, under the Tu’ Law of Ibo Uniwd Susan. Nov. n, 1862 Lancaster Book Bindery. GEORGE WIANT,‘ ‘ ' ~ - BOOK BINDER, LID ILA]! I 00: lANUIACTDRII, * Plain .and Ornamental Btu/hug, of every de scription, execuud it; the man subltumal Ind approved “flu. lEI’ERINCIE E. W. Brown, Elq., Farmers Blink of Lancaster W. L. Peiper, Esq, Lnncuter County Bung Samuel Shock, l-Isq., Uolumbin Bunk. Samuel Wagner, Esq., York Bunk. William Wagner, Esq..Xork County Bunk. T. D. Parson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Prmh'y ot‘lmncnsler co: PI Geo. C. lfnwthorn, Esq.;Register “ “ Gem. Whitson, Esq., Recorder ‘ “ “ - April 15, 1861 ” New Goods! L'arge Stock! ERCHANI‘ TAILORING. DI , '.JACOBS & BRO. have fun received from’ the 6%” tinge flock at good: for Gentleman's 17g ‘, ombncing : varicty of - ~ CLOTHS, L ‘ CASfiflIERES, _, , - ‘ g ‘ VESTINGS, Cminots, Jenna, lc., with munypther goodl for Ipring sud Inner west. , They are prepared to make up gal-menu at the uhonut notice. and in the vary best man ner. The Fashion. an regularly received. and clothing made In [lf] desired style. They al wnya make neat fits, than than “wing is sure to be nub-unfinl. ' They ask a qontinnsnco of the public'l ps tronuge, reached by good work And moderate chm-gal to earn it. - - Gutysburg, April 7, 18 M Noah Walker dz Co., CLqrraxnns, “: - wxsnmaxox BMLDXNG, 166 up l 6? BALTIIOII Stu“, keep comtanfly on hand A Inge and we“ I:- lorted stock oft“ kind: 0! good. u model-no prices. They lupply orders» Ry th'e finest. to the lowest pric‘ed n'rticlcs. euher ready‘ made or updvto unsure, to {any pan gt theieonntry. ‘ They Heep also an axteuuivg stock of FURN JSHING GOODS, embrucing "jar; nnicln of Gama-men’s Under-”8‘2". Also, MILITARY . CLOTHS and every variety of Milharyr'l'rhnra mings. us well nu an assorted flock of READY MADE MILITARY (mums. ‘ ’ Baltimore, Feb. 22, 18“. ' ' New Bakery! I EWPOBT & ZHJGLER, Mecbuical Bak-9 era, Soul): Washington street,_lmll nqunre' rum an Eagle’ new, GET’I’YSBUBG.Pn.-l Constantly on hand, (In; but. a! BRE.\D,! (mamas, cums, PRETZELS, so. Per-F lons'wishing fresh Bread will ‘be shred every morniu , by lexmng their name! and residence: fl tho Ignkery. Every :30". made to [llene . Give an u call! [April ‘lO, '63. if ' Carriages and- Buggies. AT 5‘ l C U’ L P E In now building s uriety of COACH W 0 R K ° cl (ha men Ind non uppmvod. nylon, Ind gun-atrufited otjhe {mt nuurinl. to vluciSc-y k I l'“"‘°" o attention of buyers. Haring _ m HE underguxglgfuxuoe: the ’ iour work .mlh gr-est cfl-e and of material T CARIuiiGE-SAKING BUSINESS. ’""°‘9“~"-““ '99?" "mm“ ‘0 ”9"“ °' in all iu‘bi-mc‘hu a»! big old “Ind, in El“ style “d, dumbing, '° “u “madam "- Xiddle lireet Gettv'sbnrfi. ' 'EPMPN “'0 work “ go'surpuud by In" NEW WOIiK ‘l‘“.me ”d _ _ Tenth", In or on! of the cmeu. ~ . » x 33’? A! RJXG' All we uk lum inspection of our work to ldone . romp“: and “Howell pricésf , ' epuggcg'thgein “m “f ““5 kmd ”I "W" a": mama s‘ypma WAGONS 36.; . "Imm" “re all“ MW! "1;"; mm“ bQLEIGH {o “16 JACOB “‘o‘st 1» RSHHHNG-in eyery bnqc 03 LD‘, . ' ' ' notice andfi'flflomblubmn. 1h _ . . » 5517.9863- _7 .__ m ~_ { ' '9'“! m s can, u our “mm “"5 °; The Far Famed « Do You Wk ' I'er a! NIL-Mogul and 03‘1“"‘5 “r 3 |6‘ NLYIISAL cmnwwnmom."— ppm“. M‘aoon likeneu oY yourself “tom, 09‘3“" WI. ECULP. U Beside: the great lafllgdlnugtho \Tofon‘r children, or you Inendfl' so at, P‘ 1' 1mm“; ’"ms m @3113”? M Wmfclothing 1“ . We. :0 uvnpsa's GALLERY, m b‘ui pm. 3‘"- ll' '—- 7- , -~~ -~——,~—— livfifm ow Mammal myepri -o of ‘ u [hmuujo leéure flm ch): ptclureq; I ~§UPERIOR ‘qunhfy of the has: fionden- um um": hWW cur “.‘.: Hy " W~tfi~~-—‘ ' ‘.A. Dnu. km, '1“! 33’0“?“ WWW ‘ flags W?” Pbitm.“ lo , , picture Yummy. Img, {qt m. by . p. no 39352;; 7.1 M 86 9mg“ n‘aaC. 843‘ . GEEK? irriefi u‘t 310111.753 rnAflS'XfPfiJ—Mfidi—‘Ema‘ LER’B. . .. " [Fcbi 3. «gm pfil‘n‘gn ,convéx .n.-ea; mmn “m 8 name any 4 " WEEK“ .- -- ‘1; . ougr’l Dru’ igfi‘V‘idctj soon." ' "‘W ~~ '- 'n L n “4: ‘ I ' A. 5 n“ it. "65.5 - _ 1, mm. 4 —‘ a . ,ofGrocorin 033-». , A. . H. l' ;. ‘ .J - . .. . one, Pang/193" v m: ”“fla‘.§ 3; f. ».~,.;~‘..7>“‘, ['s’ ‘ ‘.'. 52:3 3: 4i W (“843‘ ":5 Z 91%??? ”fl" F’s‘sBQRs‘3 ‘ /' or _ ’. ”2,919” . a . ‘s‘r‘xx o 411‘!) on azhhn‘ 1:, Fog/g q.l|n§fnc,§u{::’n Dépoti, a; N' hm StrutfPh‘Eidpllia, Pa. “'s‘ 35 Said End. ‘Bgllinorgj‘ldl ‘ n 35: Du‘xo‘mn 35mm rho-mum: ’. ‘ . may; ~ . ‘3:- Inhthl nClhidi ‘ _ HOBO PfliLLlPi’ PWATIf. . n mnmuunns. an, pain). "noro Bone Phonphne the}?! Don, Mindoro It 3. note dunblo. Thi un'noni: pmant give- I; grant. sdditionul fyrmlzing "lulu. Flu.- y‘eura' exporicnce bu proved to the Fume! that It make: I heavier gnin thin even “able m\uure, And in no}. only win but lilting .MORO PHILLIPS, Soie Proprietor nnd Manufncmrer. fi-Price $66 per ton—2ooo pounds. Din cc “.1“ to dank-n. _ F 8». 12, 1868. :r ‘ ‘ - 900 LBS. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO ~' contains/r0 lbs. dnimal maller,yielding 7 go} lbs. ammonia. '3 ' ‘ Aim so to mummy bone PM)...“ ofliuu, 30 lbs. of which no :alyb!e~phoapkalt. , It combines All the “vantages of the but brandl of Super Phonphnte, w‘nh thou of Pa ruvian Guano. ‘ By region bf in greater concentration, we re commend 20 per ct. leu- by Inighv. to be used per tcre, than of my, fenilixer coating the ‘ ulna per ton ; Ind no ’moro per tcre “an of those telling a! 20 per ct. more pe‘t ton.— thco Eu motiy. ' This gunéo reigl'n 65 lbs. phr bushy], hence in applying?“ farmers must be govgrnod by weight and‘not by bulk, for it in 1:1th lighur thin the Sniper Pnodphuu. Every mount; Mada}. ' ,~ WE will give s‘mauey gun-nae of the purity of this article. It is pure Im uwmd, unburnl 60m, reduced to the flmeu of flour, which ndd: 100 per cl. mm nine. It is u quack Ind 4:lva as [Cid diuolud bone, hence its nlué is usuy (renter, because it com-ins neither acid nor water, which necel aurilyndd weiglh, and reduce the quantity of nimble elemenu. We recommend 250 Ibl. to be used in place of 300 lbs. Super Phosphate or dissolved bone. ~ h] JOHN S. REESE k 00., lawn“. Aux" you rm Soura,‘ ‘ 'll South Strut, Baum". fiMcCurdy t Diem, Agents, Gem-thug Mun-12,1866. 8m - I ARMERS AND DEALERS l-N FERTILIZ ‘ F ERiwill please take notice that. we have “adopted he following Trade Mark to prolen outselves, end prevent UIOIE who 'uae our ’RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE from being deceived'when purchasing manure). ‘ Weibnwe been obliged to give this protec ltion to our customers, in ccnaequeuce of saw ‘ elnl'p rLien having unlawfully uled our dil dncuie name, viz: “Raw bone," in ofl‘cring their nude :0 the public. m. Trude Mm ‘ is ndobted in uddiLiou to the titlefllaw Bone,” which is our exclusive property, and we can. tion 211 ninnuficturera from using it in future. We wénld lute 'he Lrnde and consumers, ‘ am. they 'win find in to their inn-mi, to Ice mm the “Trade Mnrk" in upon every tug nnd ‘ him! they purchase,” none other is genuinn. BAUGH k SONS. LANCASTER, m ' Super Phosphate of Lime, Munufsc'ured by BAUGH a SUNS, I, , Na. 20 ‘Soulh Delaware Avenue, The great popularity as our nrticle lms been found sufficient inducement to certain imitntou to manufacture ind :dvertlu “lbw Bone Phosphates," | name which originated with In, And is our ow‘n rightful property. We will ltnte for the information of I“, that we Are the exclunive mmnfzctnrers of thin Iniclo —;he original mid sole proprelors oflt—hu in: been mlnufnétured by us for a pl'fiod of twelve yours. “‘2” thu‘it is earned by nev enl [energy-ten , held only by ourselvel. We are now Kandy to supply it. in large qunnzities—hning made recent addition: and improvement-I. Vanda drswin‘g 16 feet of water can load directly from the whsrvel of the works, which are located :1. the {oot‘of Morris Street, Delavyne River-. 1 We all the Attentional DEALERS 1.0 mi: gnu adnnuge. The present indicutlonl Are that we ahull have a greatly increued demand over lut lpring Ind (311 seasons, And we Advise Furmerl to send in' their order: to thnir respective Deglen at an early day, that all may I). lup pllsd promptly. . Soliciting your continued orders, ‘ We remain, Your! verv truly, . {HUGH a soxs, No. 30 S. Drlnwnrq Avenue, Feb. 5, 1868. En: PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, a PEYc‘SON,PHILADELPHIA.—-POUD . BE'DEE, $lO oc per ton, when french: I‘“th low, 05 50 can per banal, Ind 326 00 pdr van in bags, delivered n Stun bo“ and Reulrond Depot, in Phflbdelphig— hummer}. Gray'l Ferry Rosd, thou the Arsenal, Phflnd'l. Depot, Pay-son's Farm, Glaucoma" .Jn Woodbury road. Gang—Library Street, No. 420, back of the New Pan 05%. Phflndelphio. Deniers. FRENCH. RICHARDS & 00., Fourth & Gullowulrsuq Phil ndelphin. lurch 6, 1865. am Soluble Paella Guano. JOHN 's. REES! & (:0.7 2 Glynn. Aozurs you w: Soars, ‘ TL 30th Street, Bdltéme. ‘f Flour of Bones” TAKE NOTICE. [tWi MARK B A v a 11 ' .9 RAW BONE PflILADELPHIA Pouch-cue! (nun: gun um um. I) , .. , ~.....,_ .. mum on? or ”IN 70 I; ; Lilli umetehle «tum, well Nu to . the Mere-mile communi ,by .173. a. a. scun‘hol) . an aunt Lola oocron or "annoy-u: ‘ Office N. Y. end Gnlenn Lend Cat; No. 28 Neueu St., N. Y., June 1. ’66. } . Dr. J. H. Schlncka-Delr Sin—For our men yrnnl hue been troubled with ‘u "- urg cough, and urunlly two or three time. a your with more or lose hemorrhage, which to gether, for thelut few yen-r, hes kept me thin In flesh end too wool: to do bullneu of eny kind without sutl‘erlng. ln Ange-t lust I had I I very severe neuron-huge, Ind, According to thejudyment of egood New York play-Sci , I In elmed es beyond the reqnh of mingle, nod wu advised to he prepared, lo' M {1 property matters were concerned. to lure thu world It. nhoxt notice. The phyeiclnn (sud ,my good friends) said that the first coldl took ‘ymuet prove fetal. Early in Jtnuury ltooh at , revere cold, and fottunntely wu occupying “rooms at .\u. 32 BOND STREET. dlrectlyover your ofllce. lthiult about :he mm of Junuery l procured a bottle of your Pulmonic Syrup end commenced taking tt freely. My feet and ‘llmbl were very much IWOHED, end. ell the ,lymptoms ofu speedy denth seemed to accom 'pn_ny my cold. I sent for my former phyelcl-u; nnd Iteted to him thutl was taking yoltrrnedl cinee. end utter showing them to hint, end having tasted of them, km, he replied: “You Icon take them ifyou like, they will do you 0 ’ hum." He said: “You know what I iyon lest-attmmer, and i any the sumo now, you hnve any business to rlore up, «'0 not p it om". Heeuid to other friendu tilt he “cou are no hope for me," and my friendl nud relu tioue ccnclutled my time [ltld come. At this time I w.“ taking freely ofyour medicine, but 'hed not seen you. The doctor celled u few times. andtound me (much‘ to hit eurprlre, he eeid,) improving, and h€ could not uttderrtendx why. My faith we: increasing in your medl eiuen, nutl l had. n Will] to have you examine {my cue, end eee whet ‘you had to fly. When you first come to my who: and made the ex— ! tuninntion, you geve me but little encourngov ‘meut, but on the contrary,expteued ted doubt: of my ever being hrlned out of my then nem lug diflicultiel. The eecond time thut you called, finding me‘nill gaining, you gave the leucouregement, ”tying, “my symptom: were improving ;. the Pulmonic Syrup, Sea-weed ,‘Tunic'nnd )lendruke Ptllo had :acted lth n chum." My circulntion, my cough, my uppe ltitr. all began to improve, end I could ‘Aik tnhout my room n little. You visited me - nearly every 'l'ueodtty, end found me improv ingl and told me not to go out ofllyxoou un til the first dly of thy. i took no cold Whilt. under your trentmtnt, ,my eppetite become ‘ tint-rote, end you told me to cut enrything E wished of: nutritious nature, mud to exere'ee about the room on much rte possible. ‘I 5* lowed your Advice, and to the surprise of my old physician em!" fnen-lr, l teem much better ‘lhun l have been for terenl yeen. nnd‘hmthe ahetter than I ever expected-- person would nth 'onp long, 'he left he'ng comyletely dned up. ; I feel very grateful I. you, end consider your iodvice nod medlrtne: int'nlunhle. 3 Yours, truly’, 'r. n. snewox. ‘ Dr. Schenckrbeur Sin—About two yem ngol was taken with u very troublesome cough ,nnd 3 pain in my brensl ;-seven or eigllt menth ‘ pl‘ESt‘lLlWfl'T without my doing nnything tor myself. Thenl applied to a phylicluq, who Intended me for about three months without rendering-me any service. .I also ohtsined the ‘ sdvlre nnd treatment ofn physicinn in one of our ho§pll|ls,lnd also hnd the ndvlce and treatment or two other physirilne, but oil to no purpose. During this long lpnce of time I rm nenrly deed; several times my lrtetltll came to see me and witness my exit into the spirit-world. [was confined to my bed two months It one time. My breathing was er cee'dingly short. I gave up several times all hope at getting better; and us regnrded getting well, that was entirely out of the question.— And to think this dsyJ urn well nndhnrtyl— Iwu advised by some of my friends to try Dr. Schenck’s Medicines. l Mrordingly bought bottle after bottle, until i renched the ninth ; then [ lound it decided change in my cough fur the better. I suffered severeiy‘lrmn pnlpi. tntion of the heart, and two weeks after I commenced taking your medicine this diilicul ty ceased. - When l first went to Dr. Seheuel’s one. it was with difliculty that [could get up into his reception room. l was so week end so swelled ; my skin mu as rnllow as though lrhnd the jmndioe; I felt dull, hrsvy Ind sleeplris. Dr. fichen‘rk, after unmining me, said hath my lungs were nfl'eeted, and gun me but little hope; but his medicines, in shout two weeks, took right hold of me; it seemed to no right. through my whole _eysten. The Pulmolle 8) mp. Bel-weed Tonic and ludrnke Pills, ell took right bold in the right place. The Pills brought ewny_ great quenlitlee of bile nod.slime; the _smp loosened the matter in my lungs, which come 05’ very free; the Ses- Wectl Tunic guve me no uppetlte,ond every. thing seemed to tum good. To show whnt great. power the medicines have in puriiying my system,uud to show how bud lwul diseased, beside u‘ll the bile thut piloted my bowels, end the great qnnntities o! phlegm and matter l expectornted'. l broke out till over in large boils, that would continue to gather and run for About six weeks, and i had at one time over twenty-five boils. lhsre nothiugof the kind now, and teel like “loll!!! pereon Altogether. I can solely say that l have not; enjoyed such health for fire years In i do now, and cannot praise won and your medicines enough. Mny God abundantly bless and preserve yon, in the sincere denim-9| one who has been so wonderfully relieved through your lgency; and it any one desires to know with regard to the truthfulness of this report, if they will call upon any of my friends, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place, near Thomp son struet, below Usdwnlnder, Philadelphia, ‘ they will he perteetly satitflcd with the weird. tty ot the use. Yours, with. much respect, , MARY SCHNMD’X‘. ‘ ll‘he shove use, he described, it perfectly correct. I know it to be true. You", . T. B. )IIuLER, Pastor of Hancock It. E. Church. Dr. Sqlunck will he profeulonolly u hf: princile adapt“. 15 North Slxth street, corner of Commerce, PhllldelpbluJ'm Bn uudny, from 9 A. 3!. null 4 P. 1; No. 3‘2 Bond meet, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3 ; No. 38 Sum-nor scrum Boston, 11531., ev'ery Wednesday, from 9 to 3; and every other Fri dny $5lOB Baltimore "reel, Baltimore, Md.— All sdvico tree, hm for s thorough examin tiun at: the lung. with bin Bewiromem, tho charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup Ind Seaweed oncT,i each 3! 50 per home, or $1 50 per lul! dozen. landmine Pills, 25 cent: per bct. :For uh by .11 brought: all Dede“. Mar. 12, 1866. lm Buggies 4E Carriages. 813 WAYI THIS WAN—The Indor- T lined in argued in the Curiae-making . basin». on the corner of Chambcrsburz Ind We“ “teen. Gettysburg, and invite! all who any need anything in MI line to' give hlm't calL He puu up, in_tho vary but usually Falling-top and other BUGGIQS, Ind til lbe diluent. styles of CAKRIAGES.—- With I full knowledge of the business, nn'd [I determination to gixe satismcziou, the pnolyc can rely upon hil jobs being good. do will endeavor to deserve a Inge share 0! pt trongr, and hopes to read" I‘- REPAIRING done n the chant“ notlcc, ind on non renaonshle terms. ”Country '7 produco will be uken m exchange for work. _ l ‘V 6 ggASJi; GILBERT“ ‘ v. abut . ov. 5. ‘cm‘ ~ % I ’93! j“ g! 1 1” II“. ‘ l ‘The Salem Leg. ' ‘ NOSE the Purbnsge ohm United 8:955 Governmgnt, Models orenls snperfopxg ‘m-y be mm “the Agency or the SALEM L3l} COMPANY. No. as South SEVENTH smu, Phllldelphln. CI" and we them. or und for: Circa!" ‘oouhhifig full information. ‘ ’Apfll RAM 1m _ BEI EIE
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