4%: @ollliner dauphin, m Km, In i, 156‘: 8.1. “LEI-E. £12308 AND Pmnlml ‘ 'qm,ul' _ :lan glmI'OII'" n- X“ Thld. Stevem' Dunc-(ion Committee bu, gum: an.month.’ delay, reported n " pun " tor "reconstruction.” his one of the moat ,hlqmloua mpm yet prepared, and bu .fot nu principql oldect the postponement pf - restoration of the Union of tho Staten The plan pope-ed in n conflitotioml amendment. to the rflect. Fiat—No dit tinciiao on moot 0! mar coin: in civil! nits. Second—Bowefilntion *to boi founded on populnion, excludiq‘olim‘du, goon twenty-on. years of up in Shun wiuro they or. not Allowed to ‘vole._.'£hil'd I -Aii person. who pnrlicipnod in there. boiiion to bodidnnchiud until ni‘ter 1870. i go for on voting for fedcni omcerl in mn-I cerned. tounh—Repudintion of the in-1 .urgent dobt. Fifth—Th6 power of Con-‘.' gnome enforce mm demands in declaredA Iu nddition, laws or. prom-ad by which i page 0,! the Sutu which ’wei‘a involved inj the rebellion can be reprougnted m Congres _untii lbci‘ have ratified thelforngoin‘umend-t ment. which dwfrnnohiuin the gunman? 3‘" their white pnpuiotion, while it leekortoi totes them to can [or outings at 03m upon ihnbinch indiurinijnutuiy. or lufl'vr cor ruponding reduction of ”prostitution.— A: an inducementtthe Stun adopting the! amendment may gums the payments! ’n-y portion oi‘tho direct in of 1851 whicbi luly "Inn‘s: due, Ind have ten yems inl which to meet tho obhgniion. Anothoni propogu‘. _iw declare: ineligible to iny ; uificn 3min the g'oyeljnment. of tho Unitedj But“ curtain clone: 0! venom, in the} l’reudent and .Vioo President oi tho hte' confodrncy ; it: ngentl in other enunlrieo 4 bond: of deportment's of the United States, 1 mm. ofoor umy andnuy, wd poi-tom. «dangled at the auditory or nnVul Academy. ' judloo oi! United States oouits, Ind meio-t bcrl of the Th:rty-|ixih.oqngres, who game I Aid or comfort wthe into robeiiion; also siflccn of the Cénfedaruq ”my and novy’ 1. above the grime: of 'colonel um} mutter ;' .Goveinon of any oi the Confeder’lto Sum. ,und thong who treated captured United States omcen. .mldien “14 oniiorl other ).vi” {hop inwi‘uiiy u prisoners! of not.” Such ugh. «bolt when. of this commit tee; and it it in not designed to pniunt "construction, :it, h dificult to one Whit other purgiou it coaid pouibiy invo. it can hardly be supposed that the calamities; or the mujurilly in Congress would 52:1)“:l Mill iiiiberni whom. to be Icoepubin to; the peepie, or that the requisitrnumbet- of Bum would :31in tho propane! commu _m-oni oniondment. nom'r lznfinuuy meOS The New York than. the 19m influen fili Republic-n Rapu- in my pity. than ,upqan the , dangerous ~lmdepciu of the Infernal «heme 'reported‘ by Stevens‘ Com miuee of Fifteen: ‘ , AI npl-n o! [unification nnd reconfirm:- tion. the whole thmg is worn than n bur lesque. It might be stylsd n flroo, were the cuunlry not in the midst of I very neri on: drums. h- propor damnation ‘would ,1). “A plan to prolong indefinitely the ex alumon of the South from Congress. by im posing o'onditinnt to which the Southern people‘nevor will submit." This being the abuoqn mops and tendency of the proposi tion. we no bound (assume that Itch-fly t- that: the settled purpose of the commit five. So that the jam committee appoint od neurly five months ago to take exolusivq nhnrge o! the quution of reconstructinn. now 06‘» u the result oft-l! tunir labor yohnt would in fuel rgndor noon-traction forever impossible. Thin in 0:31:95qu oily: ho‘nut'Repub— ling: cqhtdr, who mum support the dos min 330 mm,: prone-id by we longer: 0! hp puny. _H. u tineerely for the resto ration of the Union, und being to, boom pellod to denonnog thin Im. 9nd most 3di u|_of Stevenl' whcmu.‘ Which side will «Luna! 3 -publicam hereabouu take? * Pym- as 800-" limb the !Jos cam' Holiest Republican. The Phllldelphu Daily Newt. noon-men! Rvpublian nempapflfliut one whinh can not hr i_ndpce'd to endorse .1) tie infamous ”began ofme Mic-l Dan-union)“. than upukl q! the pun of recon-traction pro poud by Thad. Stevem’ Commillee oN‘if ' Inn. ll “yd: After fin months of tour. hboi‘ the r"- oluuomry fuelinn in Congreu bu n lut throng!“ foul: win! is called by thoipjour -31.1: "I plan of reconnmclion.” the main Jun ofwhioh in A propoud amendment to the Copclilhlioxi. winch. when “ripped oi yerbiufi‘ isu lollomx ' B:9:qu 1. Enema “1;“ be made citizen. 3"”. 3. Slates which 0 not give upon the privilege _o_l voling Qhall not oouni them ‘1: pppulpuon 1;: {Lu apportionment of up xnenlnhvel. . Bpc. 3. .Only g 1: oeuud white men who _oppoegg yuan {an stall veg. n th- next. detul election. I Sic. 4. Slave ownen’ubill not be pid fér tho lon of their ulna by emuncfiulion, um n'eilhet Stiles norJho Fedeul govlern new. Ila-ll pay the rob?! debi. ‘—~ Bu 5. Congress sbnl have pour to pm my luv it. may see fit to pass. without re gard to the oonmmuopd ngbu of we poo p]. ad of mo Smog, ud without I‘on ‘nnfioxocuuve veto. .XL will‘bfiuen I.3“wa first two gegtiayn ‘l'. eqm Hy In ranchuo to new Vibolher they have been 10,-! or d'iulo‘yul; mad the thxrd one deprives l Purge number of IN“ nun. who hue not bagn wield only crime,“ the right: of citizeul. Th 3: a mum»; nor. than negro equslity. and 'it will require more ‘hln ordmlry neute pm 9! mm to snub]. my on. to see the fimbo «Musing Lb“ Stiles uh." nga the tugh: of Einii-hship to negro» who hue Imm “aid und can‘lfort" wtbo rebels, and fueprire glg‘wa‘n‘aen of it. n IA- mnxg 4g yum. - {grad mun moon” 0! the (mud: 0°! W’ofiqofl‘ruidnnl Johnson, mu com. 3: WWW. Ki. oufiztgrdly. Ibo 9' gm um. Among t-bo spouts-n .m _l!‘ lowan Conn. Doolittle. wick. .94 3mm, Johanna. nan. «re-« 7 malt. Cox. w.r. Juan-by. M M ”amine-t _Cop’mvuinu. Tho WM 1338 39 Ma. 1. n im- ‘.AIQWGOION 3“ ad ane «ah-#9949014?“ 9.35 M! upon My .W‘qfl Ml! if: m M may!» a" .4“ thaw-b my yu- '9O ask. to Wang”; pmfltzw @W m DID Hot-co Gm!) in {be loading "it" of tho Repumimn put-y ; indud, bob the tuber of n. ; :nd lm.lhl& m endq Ind nimn m. h Mood-fa tom. of tho M 11. 1911’- Iu thc prodivitin of tho Bowman! in \both Hanna 0! Congress. Ind wind: up by deoluin; that ” out of 39 Rnpublionn Sen aton. only/i0: are clearly updemood :0 ho opposed, on principlo (orjnhthw m ox hunk»: of lufl'ragc w the negro. A aimiiu Indy-is of thl Lower Home would show 3 similar "mull Guy/such; «mam Republic-13.8“- Itou who no pot in ("or of negro “Huge. and 1 mail-:- ntio in me Lav»:- Home l l- nog’thst luflciem to mow when tbs! MIMI!!! Inmhhahpmdedh fore the peoplo! In‘ the present «nuptial ‘.n Pennsylnnh, if die ad of the mall" mpot. blinded, the Republican pug will be wept out. of uhtencc. SAT IT COOTS TO aIIPPOOT TU NIG Ole Thad. Smen- bu mtroducod I bill into Congreu puking Appropriation: for the support of the Freedmen'n Bureau for 1866. Thu {allowing are the itcms , gglarie) ofcomn’zissjonen . :lnrion 0fC1erk!.........‘ fiut'mnu-y I‘an} pfinung Qmu-tnrr and fuel W...“ Clothing fur the Ingram...- hocizicwnt....;.. Medicine, 33...... Trunlpo‘untiun.......s... .... ......3,. 1,980.009 School superintend'rnuuuuu....‘§.. 21.000 Size. lur reb00thauen.............§.. 3,000 000 Inlegnpmng.-.§.~.........."......La... 18,000 $1x_,512,300 Total. ONI- elevau million dollm n year tamp p6rt tho lazy idle negro“ ohha South. ind their plunrinring superintendents. under the FrPex‘m' L'd Bureau n it. now 103““; and it Aznlrvn Johnson hnd ‘not vetoed [habit], the vxpenne would be nun: su enty millions a year. And yet. we hear Republican. that are nuppoud to ban com~ man ”an. than President Jamison for giving in sixty milliadl I year. fine the peoplo became crazy, or what in the matter “with them? Why should theme 'nogroeu be fed and hlothed at public expense It 11” All these millions of dollnru that are‘ expended to feed Ind clothe the” negroea have to be made up by the farmer. and the mechanic 0! the country. ,The nig gen Ihould be mudo'to go to work and sup -3:“ themselves. the gnme n white people ,- orphan-rm nmuxcnn. In our daily walks we have now and then come qcron {Republican who claim: to be oppolgd ‘ to aggro lufl'mgo. and who mom that he would no! role for} mun, or not with '3‘ pin-t], who or which advocates such I measure. How. u the Republican prTrty stand 90mmittod to this doctrine, by the vote: of their merrier“)! Congrell. lhede cinion; at their Judgel. and the resolution: of their Stuto nnd (,‘ouuty Co‘hrenliam; wo are anxious to ucerum what these Conserva tive figpublicam [propose to do. We Ink you, oonrervnive men, whether you will swallow your wordu, and Vote with the party that betrayed you. or will you OuLJXOObB from your party Ind rdenul y your-salve: . with “lOI‘O who’ Ire open and ur’ldilguised agaim!‘ negro suffrage? Will you gowith4hoso who are in ("or u! austaining’fltho Préaidenl of your choice. or will you unite your political fortunes with the Radio-la, who no oppoling the Pmident and endeovoripg to destroy tho country by violating fiery principle or the Constitution? . The issue: Ira before yon—negro aufl'ugo and centralization on the one aide,md 3 white man’s goven’unent. the Union and lbaflonalitution of Washington-ad his co puriou on the 6th". Choose you. between 01mg twp, and choose you wisely} , ‘ :‘._’__.___...... ...... -.. cannon "I “AI! I‘o “Em _ The Sunday Mercury uh General Gem-y go “and lip like a man and nnswer, yea or nay. the “followéng phin' interrogamuiel: '1“. Are you imfzvor of negro suffrage? 2d.‘ Do you apfimveo.’ President John non'n veto ol the eredmen’n Bureau Bun ,3d. D'u, you approve of President John eon’e veto of the Civil Righle Bill! , 41h. Do you approve 0: President John eon’e epeeehee against Refiiods end Radi- . alum, delivered. respectively, on the 22d! fiProbet bu been found guilty at the offepwnry “Id I_BW°fAP“L 1355? 'j ‘murder of the Deering family. end len relish-lava" ‘you‘in favor oft general “Home to 5. lunged. He heard the “a. 6th. In the eventofyoureleetinn, would, tenee‘ipronounned '"h 3"" most "cud in‘ you counder it In indonememo! President r difference. The 90'9"“)? b“ no! i” IP‘ Johnson'l reconnruction policy? . i pointéd the day for hie execution. These are simple queetione, and require ‘ only eimpie miners. Gen. Gary need not waste words. but. merely I!) touch inquiry, wor M.’ Comefienerel, be plainend brief. In your preeenuicquion you mun. unam iet up. "Bpék by the eird. for equivoca ‘tion will undo you." ”The Washington. (D. C.) Rlpublim declares that Gen. Gary must be dafnted unleu he Bin-yon the platform of the Con vention lhn no‘minlud him. It anon!» on oflcinlly thxt’there mmkbe I third cm diduo “to lend the inoonuptiblo boat within tho Union party,” Ind Gen. D.ok Céuhor. of Watmouland, in 'proehimd the aim. The purpouu of tho Gary pu ly. it. further up. mm: be resisted. Ind odds that “ no one in the had more clurly not this fact than the puriotio Preliden: of the United Slum." Things is working! ‘l‘“ United Scales Sgt-mo ha reject ed the Ippoinunent of Gen. Funk Bin} u Intel-ml Revenue Collector It 83.. Louie. Sgrpfine il exploded utfihh action. end among when by Lieu. General Gum. who any: that On. Blair prevented Missouri from needing. and rendered other very ulgahle lepices. [B‘3” prospectus bf the 494. in mother column. The Ag: in one of the moat inde pendent. {cu-lei: ind. high-toned Demo entichurnlls in the country, mddelervu tho lumen pati‘ona'go. "The plus of Thad. Stoycm' Commit.- 100 at Flaw. which m {tuned sqd do. aigned to W t roam-scion of tho Uni on. will pron to ho s BMl] boomer-ns. It. will kul flu Republiun my in the to bound. The union d thoC-bina in uprd to the tumor randtm am are. Good bye. 9“”! Good bye. .I»th l ‘7l:. Mm! Jonrmln m can; (5.. loldbxp w _fotm .Ge-ry clubs. W 0 flinging mmfiyulpthmmt’op into such 3 very fig Ibo inns-a! of a ohouldehi “upped (yum. ’bo refined to sit down to; Alum; “No We; Moldin- ow»? pm .m'mng. nu, “cuppa-n nothing. ‘ ‘.‘! flu hunting-t out and of Penn; ginn- Avoou h' culled 0‘ m. mm diam, M“3°f.2‘:.’"fia"‘f’“‘z-“L‘ ~ . In 1 mg n w lcv 'D-m't Mame-mm Goun- q-u. am. «an: and ' 0' 9n manning-p. ' 1W: Pup magi non-or" 7 Q: “J m m M'- I The following Act’roluxve to tho “ten!- in; of Each, Inn, Tnvern! Ind Beam»: nan. in thirStuu, was passed by the Leg-i Munro at in late session, sad iI‘BOI Ilaw.‘ In. men restrictive in improvbiom than | the former lieenu luvs : i , I AN 401' fmlur m "ya/ale (it My qf Ho tth. lan, Twang argi Ewing Hana, m, (M: Co wsommoraltA r Sncflox I Be It enacted by the Senato‘ ‘lnd Home 0! Representative- 0! the Com-I monwulth of Pennuylnnin in General Assembly met, Ind it is hereby mooted by the authority of the Home. That it uh «ll be lawful for the several imam ol qu-rter ses- ' sionl of this Commonncxltb. to Imu- peti~‘ tionl In nddtlion to that of the npplicsnt. ln furor of Ind remonluancen agntnst the application of any person applying Loelther of lhrm for a license to hes-p} hotel. inn.‘ tavern, eating-house or restaurant. and also to examine in court or by depouuon under bath, the ai‘ncrl cr nay ol them. to the po- ; tition of the upplmant for my such license or other‘p‘mmu. Ind if my web court-hull, be nth ed. that ouch hotel, tan or tavern. i. unnecusary for the Accommodntion o! “ringers and unveleu, or that the nppli- . c t forllcenseto keeps hotel. inn. or tu‘v efl, or noting-house. or renuurnnt. as the one may be, ll an unfit or Improper person to receive the same. then and court may refuse tovgrnnt Inch 1 ltcenee. And the final section of the not of fourteenth of April. Anno Domini. one thnuund eight hundred and fifty-nine. is hereby repealed : l’rauidcd. That perlons produced in court for examinntion u grovidml by this act,‘ shall be entitled to thqtama tee- a are now nllowetl witm-uc; Ittemling upon the courts of thin commnnwenlth. to bepeiAby the petitioner or remonstranh, or some of them. as the court, may «limb. ' Storms 2 Tum. hereafter licenses to rentaurmu Ind valuing-house: shall xuotbe granted by the oou'tity treasurer ofnny mun ty. but such licetlne. if grnutpd.‘llmll be iuued from the on rt of ,qunrter union: cf the ueveral countilre, on the ume terms and under the 3am:- refit-fictions and regulation; tu are applied to l nl nndtuverna. and all not; or pugs! gets inconsistent With this section hereby "pt-sled : Pram'dai. 'l‘nntthin act [Hill not apply to the any of Philadelphia. $7,500 82 800 s_a,ooo Ean I's aou ...; 1,7 29.0 w .n.. ..§.. 600,000 plume: 0’ uomw. " Brownian bu: met more lhln his punch in PFeuLice, of 1310 Louimlle Journal, who comrade: u Iketch ot'thn reverend penan nge in the following linking and damaging uyle: 7 ‘ No other B&s,an "or aflictpd and dia gncad Ind curs wnh men an unmiti‘fnted Ind unmifignblé‘fluch‘nn unmdeeme and irredeemlble blackgunrd In her Chiel Mag mrnw. He in I parody. I caricature. I broad buriegquo on all possible governors. They, say there in file ‘in hun. but It it hell fire, even-y panicle om. Though; he is but a magic omno, there are as many devil! in him as there were in the whole hard that “ nn violently down a flap pmce into the sen." Ul- hum in nothing but I hissing knot of vipen, rnulunaku. cobra: and "cotton momm. He never ugupd : question m his life. Approaching no nuhjvct but. with fierce. biunr. coarse. low Ind vulga‘r objur gntionl. Hun _Longue would bq bored through ludjhl’bugh with his own noel pen, heated red hot. ' ’ 1 i 'l‘lm mm, :3 we have will, calla him-elfa gclergyman. He holds for“: m pulpit; lie ' )reaéhes. pray: and exhoru, lII'JVIS down In: EL“, drops the corner. of his mqath, nnd {underukelwlook nnctimonioul. And ye; l he seems ulwny: trying in his pulpit din counes to m_unuer how thin a disguise be low venture 00' cum llld "rear and blu -1 heme. 'He can’t. ofl'er up I prayer in the [flame of God without. kllmg the Lord what 1 an mfernal mandreldimned thief. mourn. ed rsgabond, this. that or the other netgh ‘ bar is. Froni his youth up In his old age he l has had no personal cpntroversiel without 3 snacking the wivel._l'nl.hen. mothers, grind. t; fathers. gmndmothen, brothers. slam, chil dren, uncles. mum and unplan- of his op ! ponenu. . ‘ ‘ . 3.19. is now doclued to be og‘ruin tint Stanton goo. in with the ‘Pre-idefizt again-t. Thnd. Stevens. The fact. hu canted quita I flutter in Radical circles. ' fhey know thul. they can". fluid may Inch defections. fiGenen-nl Rosecrans delivomd I speech n the Juhnaon poiicy ratificalion meetin in Brooklyn, New York’mn the 25th. Goa-é DI! endowed the Prssident’u poll; by Mar. . fi'Genex—al And I! ' Gnu! were traded mth marked dining!) by the ‘l‘rooon- Itructed robolg” ol‘ lehmond, upo’ their lam ‘viuit. ‘ ‘- “bin View 0! the approaching hot'gnd sickly mum: in the cupitnl. room: no be ing filled up ('0; the i’rwdont sud his fuinily it uh.“couunenul How, Lad; Branch, Nc'w Jersey. -‘ #Tho Horobanu’ Natignd Bank at Wuhingvbu. D. 0.. which mum-Gov crnmenl. dope-Rory, failed on Fndq. The notes m secured by United States bdiadn, but deposhon will late heavily. - _- ‘Theiy 7Vdpmiu6: in Chm, bu been bombanlod b) t Spanish fleet. An “mien: outrun. ‘ V .‘Mu. Jeflorwn Duil in now at For: real Manly», on 3 viii: to her husband. ‘.‘K'wo cam of “mic ohnlon ban oc curred in the city of New York. Autumn! qf Incoma Tat—ll In an nounced A few weeks ago that. tho mou mrm of the Income Tax for 1855 would be postponed {or sixty dlyn, m the expect-lion um Congress would [nuke some modifica tion: of the Invernnl Revenue lsws Ipplica— blo to that 9:. But. Congrats bu tound no time to da my thing but make negro lam,- and order: hue duce been issued. dimming the Museum- to proceed with tbexr work mmout further deity, under the present Isms. fiThe editor of an extremgiy radical paper in this State met a " man and brother" of African descent, fresh from the South. a for day: ago. Ind in a most insinuating mine weaned him than “Ara you notparhcular’y cation to vow, my fraud?” To which Cafes. with 11:16:: fatiguing-1:113“ progplly rupon o: “ cl, , :i :you MM had m—dat': all." pub- “*1! is said Bello_Boyd bu med fora divorce from her Rimbaud. Imm. Mung. in & London court. making a plO. goon him 0! atm- QMMon-nm nud dhdpuuop. .'A riot 990ng It. Nuhvillo on Tue.- dny owning bglyoqn a pone of the any police and a num'ber at new. One of the pofiounan m killed Ind three wound od. 31.!“ to can head. were killod Ind nova-u wounded. 111ZZIICIFO Or ?MC 1.14,111111 T. Im- lunu. I’m-noun. Inna-n. Vummmwu *quomqm Mammalian atom-unma- Mich-ohm” Wnl‘uroron.l[ay 1.-—lt h nodal-nod Hill at the Cabinet meeting today the Pruident 3011th an expression of opinion from the buds of Dypartmentq respecting the nropouitioul reported on Monday In". by the Cangrmiouql Committee on Recon slruvtioni An interesting and animated dlbuuulo? in said to have earned. in the course ofvwhich, if rumor be true, Secretary Scum-d declared himself in vexy decided and emphztic term: against the plan of the commiuée Ind in favor of the immediate admivion of loval representatives from the luteiy disloyul Sines. Secretary XeCuHocb wu u positive In the Secretary of Sale In hm Opposition to the plus recommended by the committee. snd “pruned himself strung], in (“or of In immediste eonsummulion of the Pro-i -dent's router-tint: pdlicy, :hy the ndmimou into Congress of 10,111 men from the South ern Slams. ‘ Snarenry Stanton was gqunlly decided in his Oppnoiliou to the mmmillee’l proposi -Imm. and was for adhering to the policy which had been a reed upon and consist emly PUFIUPd by tfm Administration. . He win gratifiqd that. 1.1;. Pmiden} hud bronzht the subjecag to ”12 considmtion of the Cub- I'iwt. . ’ ‘ Secrelnry Welles mil unequivocally against the committee‘s scheme. and was Parnell. in bin support of the President}. Jimmy.. (‘nmprehending the instdnt admis smn into Congress of loyal Rupruenlalivea from the Slate- lately in rehellinn. ‘ Secretary Harlan was rather relicem, Inn expressed no opinion. ‘ Poctmnner-Genenl Dennison mm‘ in fur vm- ormrrying out. of the restoration :nhcy 0f the President. bu! expwue‘d mmm oubn u to the precise time n. which loyal ri-pru pentntilvps from the Southnm States should be admitted to um; in‘Congl-osn. . 1 . Attorney General Speed was not Present "It the meeting, being on | visit to he hung in Kentucky. ‘ It The President was earnest in his opposi tion to the report. of the committee. and declared himself agninat all condition-pro. tcedent to the admission of loyal represen tative: from’ the. Southern States in the sba‘pe ofamendmenu to the Constitution ‘or the passage of 12"". He insisted that, under the' Constitution no State could be deprived of in equal lufl'rnge in the Senate, ‘and that Scufltoru and .Represonthtivel iought to he at once admitted into their re spective Houses. :5 prescribed by luv and -the Conuitulion. He wan for a. rigid Id llerenoe to the Constitution u it. is. Ind re : marked that having sustained ourselves un ,der itdurinae terrible rebellion, he thought {that the Government could be reltored :without a resort to Imendmentl. He re- Jmurked, in genenl termn. that ifthe organ iio I" is to he changed at. all. it ehouid be “it a time when the Stnten and all the peo ple can participate in the literntion. 'l'nl “ DEM!” QMION. The Oh! bershurg Repository says; ' . Awe om Humilton towuship. in this county, is ut to becarried to the Supreme Court this spring that will most likely de termine all the disputed question! under the eet‘nfCongreu diefnnchising‘deeerters. Mr. Huber wu one of the election board of‘ that township last full. and decided to reject the vote of Mr. Riley because he was I. do. garter. The facts In the cm are hot diu pu'ed. . - By consent of counsel I mint-ted was submitted to the court ofcohnion plea. ed mitting the feet on before reviled. and asking judgment for defendmt ”Why was legally diafranchised by the not of Congrete. and judgment for one dollar and cost: [or plain: tiff)! he was legally entitled to a vote. ’The court held thet he wee not legallv distrau ehiued. and directed judgment for the plain tifl' for one dollar end costs. This one will be carried to the Supreme Court this month.‘ and will be argued in support of the-ct of Congress by Stumbaugh & Gehr end Me- Clure & Stewart, end egoinst the validity of the act. of Gangreu by J. McDowell Sharpe and MtLellen (I, Kimmell. The question of the power of Congress to disfrunchile citizens of the State: as a penalty for deeer tion by the records of the Provost Marshal: of the district: will be squarely before the court. and the law will, we truet, bow cleerly defined that all men will be bound_lo re spect it. We presume thlt the Action of Gov. Curtiu on the act of the legislature now in, hi: hwdu. will be governed by the de cision of the Supreme Court. Tim Butdcll ”mien—A ma confined in flat Newburyport‘lflm.) 'ail {or burqu-y bu mudputatemenuhn limounninghm oflered him ”5.000 and her daughter Au pmn in marriage to kiil Dr. Burden. in New York. mme yen-I go. He declined thojob. but look Auguua to the theatre. slept in the bonus on his return. and knew hefnre he went to bed that the murder Ind been committed. fiSamuel Winurn. nliu Jack Cooper. In execmed It Ruenna.ohio. on the 27th um, To: the murder of John Rodenhugh. Be mounted the lcafl'old with u ciger in his mouth. made his confession m a rumbling. baudo speech, Ind ndjmted the knot himself. I'll OIPIIANI’ noun. ‘ There wu o meeting of citizenl of‘this’ Flues on Tue-thy night. nt the Funk in House. The meeting was organiud by the sppointment of Rev. Dr. ngber 35 President. and Dr. Chas. Hbrner u Sec'y. R. G. McCreary. E‘qq in a few appropri ote remarks. outed that Dr. J. F. Downs, and Peter B. Simmonz, E-q., were present in this place. in a Committee from the As miation to found a National Orphms’ Home. and that the object of the meeting Wu lo [110" the satisfaction we have in the fact, that the institution In to be estab liubed in our midst. :nd the interest our community felt In its success. '01) motion of Rev. D. T. Cnrnahan a committee offiva mu appointed to draft rewlutions. The Chair appointed the following gentlemen: -—Rev. D. T. C(rnulmn. Prof F. A. Muhlen burg. D. McConnughy, Esq, J. L. Schick uud Chu. J. Tyson. The following resolution: were reported and adopted, and ‘brdered to be printed in was {upon of the town. Ind acopy hand ed t 0 Committee of the Auociauon: * Wang“, A Committee mounting of Dr. J. F. Baurm and Rater B. Sumner". E~q.. draw the Annexation to found and mum luin e Seuonnl Orplune' Homesteed. {or the Orphans of the Soldiers and Seaman of the Unxted State: who lost their lives in . upholdlfig‘the came of the Government in ‘ in recent terrible conflict. with armed tren ‘eon and rebellion, have visited this town 1 where the most important battle 6f the war was fought. rmh the View of founding that n Homeueed here, if suitable loeommodetiom oen be procured: 1. Therefore. leud. Thu we, in be half of the citizens of Gettysburg. hereby exgreeu oordill welcome toe-id Committee. Mud. Thu it in with heertlelc lat hfeetion the!» we lenrn that their miniou‘ her. is eboet being crowned with entire mm by the securing o! e Homeuend for i the mood-lion of the Orphenr elreedy ; under their are. It”) fecilitin for the en- ‘ ingenious cube mmodetienw circum stances may require. a. Rewind, That with undated intend in in well'ue. we will ”count it. rlvilege u well u e duty to foster the grphme' Rome. shone to be eshhliehed in our midnt. with our whole heel-u. red with ourmrdial cooperetion in he mlintemnee. u even of the nah leg-”which the degree-ed tether: enact-Orpheus W ton: end to our ..."? when Hwy clued up M hm that t e Kaine might Indie, but live. TOWN AND COUNTY. MWMJMI_M- a-An umcflmmmufitm muduumaflu. , -Juluea' and rm mu far lab I: m! 00an can... A 199 SCHOOL STATEMENTS, an: .lan a-The coming amylnbo monk: not: imporunkever had in Hunt wyofluf Common wealth. In new or u. evu-y Democrat In Adam county would take the Conant. Ind a many other mpo” as he can mum. But the COUNTY PAPER espcclany important. sad in order to accommodate m, we other 1: {or any period mac ‘mny be denim—my Manx-Aver)!“ month: —u our Advance mm, the money no accompany me name. COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT.—The m-c'nnlu Convention or Director: or Common School: mwml connty.nuembled 1n me 0011". house, on Tuesday mu. tor the purpose olelectmg I County Superintendent. mm; but salary. M. COX. J. J. Kuhn \vu called tn the chair. and Dr. E. G. F‘huumuk and Jacob sanders were npponnzed Samara; A vote Wm man on the salary. much natured 1n axing u. a: 8800 par unnum. mu Shady, FJQ., was then re-elected County Mpcrlnhsndeut, wuuoul opposiuuu. Thu 1: a dmrved compliment to Mr. Sheely. who has been indefatigable 1n the discharge or the duum dale omm during the last three years. We unjustified 1n chums hlm man; the very best. Super‘uu‘n dent. In the State, and are really glad that the mrcczun ummmomly determined to madam: sen-Im. " ‘ THE SATIONAL MONUMENT.—-Au mound: of the Ex ecuuve Commmm at me Soldlen' N»- Uonal Cemetgry, held in Kev York. on Wednes day week. the Contract tor tho erection or the Monument wan awarded :9 Imnel G. Balm-wu ol lianfgm. can. mr tm‘: mm of 81.500. Mr. Butternut) is the orlglnazor of the deslsu ndOpu-d by the Bum-«Mn 1864. We have heretofore pub llxhud 3 full. mulch of mu design. and It In to be hmclly adhered to. The tnnln alum. wlll be hum of Wt‘uw Granite, and the Statuary will be mud: of {khan Wanna-MAME. The statuary km be modeled '11: Rome by the moat oclebnuu Amerlcnn Axusu. The tune glven forum com pwuou or the work in July 151., 1568. 11 lg 3100 Im derulood. my“ {be oelebnwd American ant“. Rogers, wxll model tome of the mum. It. 15 thought. mm mm monument. when llnlahed. will nral In unlutmzuml beauty. any other monu ment lu the world. DBOWS£D.—Mr. John Wednensale, 0! Union mwnnlhp. thin county. was drou “(I,.me belorm lut, In out: will race. He had left homaw yun a factory In the virginity, and It. 111-apposed that, in attempting to (Linda Uta 2mm), the" run or plank upon which he was wnlkln‘ turned or broke. pre clpllsunx hlm Into an- wuwx‘; and being some what duablcd by a recent. paralytic stroke, he was unéble to extricate hunsell. and drowned. Bl: absence from home for several days caused I search to be made, when hm body was 10mm noun lag in me me. n we; myemd at SL. smumw'n Mmeran Church, Hanover. PAXNF'L‘L DEATI'L—Mr. John Myerl, raiding nonr‘Ngw Onord. um roomyuucd of lock-Jaw, on Wane-any week, caused by: slight, wound wheel 'ftum the flu or 3 mm, (pen-ch.) whim 1n the an album [s3 1:. Though painful ”the time, halooked upon ewonnd undue end gave it no unenuon. In a. few days, however. the bend and Ann commenced swcmng, producing hourly In cren'ed pumuntll II Embed the moat. intense Isony. He Inflated (or leveral weeks. when 1110:. Manon net. In, and damnation followed. Mo was an «tunable cuizen, aged about 58yean, and lean- ; mm and three odudnn to mourn m loen.‘ Elsjemnlns were boned n: the Gamma Reforméd Church in New Oxrnnl _ KILLED BY LmHTXHSG.—A M named mac Watson. about iourteen you: oflge. was killed by lightning during the thunder norm of Monday evening of last week. about. nix mile- Nonh of Frederick, on the rum 0! Mr. Edward T. Genea dnnner. Being in the gold when it began to nin, lie tqok shelve: under a tree. which was struck by lightning. owning hi- wh. The boy wu time but hit body I‘d found Ihorily after the worn: by 35;. Daniel Wallet—{Frederick Advertiser. MELANCIIOLY SUXCIDE—On Setnrday mor ning inn. Mrs. M’Cniioh. wiie of June: M'Cniion, 19-41.. residing on the State Road near Newt-me. 8m av. her til-mi hour, and went down stairs, as her mmiiy ouppoled, to make the are. Some time Afterwgn'dl. one or hcr daughterl went into the kitchen.und not finding her mother there.went in march of her to the smoke house. where she was discovered suspended by the neck (mm one o! the beams, life being entirely extinct. No cause is assigned for this mehtnchoiiy occurrence, which has cast I gloorn over the entire communh ty. Mrs. M'Cnlioh was in middle life, lived on a fine farm. and was surrounded by everything her been could desire. sad seemed to be in usual health and spirits, but her mind evidently must hove given away. She leaves I devoted husband ond a large family to mourn hor ‘iosa.—[Cuiisie Volunteer. ’ man YOUR DEEDS.—Thp “mention of pan-lea holding unwound Deed-. 1: direcmd to an provisions 0! me Act “Assembly, which re quire mu— _ “All deeds and conveyancu for real stave in this Commonwealth. than be recorded in the name {or Recording Deedsin the county when: the lmds He. “(runs an xox‘i'xs‘imer the execuuon or men due-(ix and conveyance; and every such ‘doed and conveyance nor rccorded as aforesaid, than be «Judged FRAUDITLENT AND VOID against any subsequent purchaser lot a valuable aonudeuuon. rules such deeds be recorded be~ fore the reiording oi the deed or conveyance un der which wen a subsequunt purchaser or morb gagca arm“ cinim." ' This is a very important notice. and thou hold. in; unrecorded coeds win see the importance of having then recorded without. further delay. a-Onr {men have {or some rhy- beeu very bun phnun; corn. and we Inppou am by this uni me work In neatly finished, . R'When {her m in blossom. II I good tune to max sppledreel. . 4 Dub. upbmmry notices 3 com: per "no hf 111 m but Una—cu]: to mm notice. ‘ Commuutoated med nan Arendtsvme. Mn. BUSANNA BANFES. ngsd 68 you: 1 month and a days. The funeral of other Bum vu “mm-d by n large meow-so 01 PP“; showing that. 1119 was res. powed and be wed by then who knew hex. The Cholera-morbni in smell-known and common compLiiut. It Is frequently attended with severe crumpl, with vomitings, ac.‘ with n serious loosencu of the bowel: and 'other pnininl symptoms.” Opium in largely given, in one shape or another, tor thi.~ disorder? Pow» erful end poisonous drugs ere eometimea ed. ministered under a. variety of mixtures u n spe ‘crfic for it. Even it such remedies happen to cure. they luve behind them the seeds o_l death to genuinute at the first oppdfiunity.’ Rud wsy’l Reedy Relicfie 0 an to no ench grave objection. A wupoouanl of it Idmmistered in e wine-glass of sweetened Inter ha: a more benrflcinl effect at oncefihnn any compound of Inudnnnm, camphor, rhubarb, km, and it the pein he not forthwith removed, A: Well u the violence oflhe diechnrgel fininishcd in about twenty minntu, e repetition of the dose of Reedy Rtliei ll certain to produce the deeixed client. You have only, in addition. to Ipply fimnels soaked thh Ready Relief to the bow-l ele Ind the cure is complete. The danger il over very quickly. You are satisfied tram the hurt thu tne Relief is bound to vanquish thel disuse. Even lu hilious cholic theumetrentvl went must lei-minute just as succeesfully; and ‘ Ihould inflilumntion of the bowell be preheat the Reedy Relief given internally end appliedl externnlly will prove a perfect remedy if n dose or two of Dr. Bedvuy’e pills be discreetly! given It the «me time. For cholern-rnorhne than is nothing cln‘excei, under my circum- It-ncee, Rudwny'e Rudy Belief—price but 60 can't A bottle. Sold by Druggisu. N. B.—-In the Eut Indies. C-Icnttn end South Anetta. Rndwny'u Reedy Relic“: ex tensively need in the trentlneat of Auntie Cholera, end Yellow Fever it is the only run. the! egentthnt an be depended upon with eh-‘ lolute cmehty-let every one kupe heme neu- thgm—a on}. will always follow. RADWAY t 00., April 305 3' 87 laden Lem, N. Y. Every young Indy und gunman in the Uniud Sun- on w. ”nothing my much to unit aunt-to b; nun uni! (free of chug“) by “dream; m undunipet-i- Thou Infill: [hug 0‘ Wm: inmnuged will win by n» “til“ “It. «at. All other: um pim- um mu W was t _ . m. '. WPIAfl, l Ilr. 5, 'OO. Ly I 3! Mn}, N. Y,— Commantemted The Cholcragmrm mice. but” Um rotten. , WI (hula-u. Pill- An IMMOI‘WI u live which '0 m, .bh hm Dixie?) :1? think bu over ’l4 i been Miryuy x. Thurman have nbun- i dsmly nlfuvn to we community how much may excel we ordinlriomr-dlcmm in use. They In) late um plenum take. but powerful in cum-i WW run nlmulute Um vllalv nc ofihe ,remove the obstruction: or: m ”I“. purify the blood. and ex 1 dim-819.2 They guru out. thc lon] humor: wthbx-eed and m in Invenuimninte sluggish or disonicrgd org-n! into lhflf natural Mtion,an4l impart n' heal“? tone Viih lU'L‘DEH} to the whole lyxlvm. y Not on y do thny cure the ovcnudny complaint: or everybody. but aim formidable and «imam-cu: dim-m. \\ hilt. mL-ynnruJuco pom-mil effects” they an M the sum» time. in diminished doe-3: me surest an 1 be“ physio mm can he employ. 5 {or children. Being “gm—man“. they m plww ; ant to min-z and, being pnrnly ngptahie, are freev from any risk of harm. Curt-s haw» been mud! vhich surplus: bPHef, warr- thev not. substantiated . by men nfsuch exalted position nnd chancwr. In to {orbid lhe lUlplcmn 01' untrum. M-my m" nent dem’mm and phvaiciunu hnvek‘nt their namu no certify to [be p‘l‘dlk‘ the rr-linhmty ofour' tamed“! while other: have sent us the mural!" ‘ of their convimnn that. our Pre stations con“ tribute imvnunwiy to the relielofour unit-4311. guns-ring fellow man. , TllO 58911! bf'luw muned la pleased to mmhh firm“ our Arum-mun Alumnae. nonuuuing direc- , om in the use and rnniflcum 0! their cures. of me following complaint-u : j Cosuvan-m, Bilimu C‘nmniainis. Rh'umalnm, Dmpay. Heyrlbum Kauai-he mum? {mm mm * Ilomnvh. .\nusen‘ indigestion. Mn-h d Innctiun) or the hawk and Pain arming imm-from. l-‘imu-I iam-y, L 0»! or Amy me, all Dimm-«sthvh rmguire rm evncumt mMit 1m». Thwy aim. by puri ring the Mood nnnl stimulating lhqavswm. cure mun! com pluinu; which it would not be nurgf‘wed “I?! could rmuh, Lunh ns heathen. Purim hndmu. Neurulzla and Nervnnn Irflmbiliu'. Del-ante. mpmn n! the Livvr uuii Kitinn-vs, Gout. and other kiminwi mmn‘mintx nrlsimz from a low sum 0! mo: hodv. or ohqmnlion or m tune-lions. ' Do not be nm, or! by unprinolplwl denim vllh' l other propdmuon» which they make room prom on. Drnmmi A 3123": uml iaitmnn others. The girl: want thn belt am there in for them. Md they nhould have it. _ Prepnrvd by Dr. .I. C. Ayer it PO,. Laval). Mill. .ud mid hv A. D Bustier. Gettysburg. 1 May 7,1566. 2m LIFE—H EAL’I‘YI—BTRENGTH Ll FE—HfiA [EH—4ITH l-INGTH LIFE-HEALTH—STRENGTB The Grea‘ trench lunacy. . 1711.111: Dmnumzn's CEI EHRA’I'ED RPFAHFN‘ PILLS, Hopeful tram :I prx-u‘r'ptlon or Dr. Junn Deh nmne. cm»: Physician of un- Hosmul du Sam on Lnrlbolslere orPnrln. This lnvaluuhln modlclnr is no lmimllmn. but in unmlung In the cure or Spermnlonnr nr Semi nal chkncss. Enry apat‘iel or Genllnl or CH nury Irrimhlllty. Involunmn'nr‘xi utlySuan-l Emil-long from whatewr can" pmguced. or how ever Keven, will be speedily rc‘lcved And the 0:- gang restart-d tn healthy neflon. new the followxug oplnkon- o! eminent French phystclans: "We have uwd the Hpecmv Pm. paper-x! by amn‘ lerc a Dupunt .\‘o. 214 Rue unmbard. from the pres: riptlnn or hr, Juan helnmurre in our {mum prnrnlce with unllorm menus. am! we be leve there 11! no mlnermmllvlurw so well calculated to cure all p~.-Nonl sum‘rlnfi‘ {rum Involuntary Emimuns or am other Wm nm n! ma Sexual Organs. WhCLh-‘l‘ calmed by sedentary model 0! living, exceulcs‘ or abuse. R; A. Burma-nut. 3!. D. G. D. hummus, 31.1). Jan: Ln. Luncnlz, M. D. Paris. M‘av sm. 1883." , . BEWARE OF COI'VT'ERFEITS. The {genuine mm .m- gold hv all :he prlunln‘nl Drum: an: lmouizhout we Worm; Prlr‘e Ono Dol lar [Wt Box. 01'le Bout fanlvg‘ Doll-n. GABANPH-ZRE a: buy-0;.- r. 90k Plum-lawn. “ ‘ .\‘o. 214 Ruv‘ Lom .hru. Purl». ' On: Donut enclosedm nnv muhorllu-d Axum! will lnsurra a box by return mun. am-un-ly sealed from all obsorvatlnn; alx horns fnr nvc dollm. Sole Gvnem! Agent: (or Am rim. ‘ , (ECAR (3. MORE a 00.. , ”Finland FL. N. Y. N. B.—l’ronnh. German. Runnuh nnrl 'Engllnh Pamphlntx vonmlulna (all p.m culnru und dw tlons lor us“. urn! {we to «wry Address. A. D. Bw-hler. Agent for udtyu mg. Dec. 18, was. 1y Dr. Marsh-Ira cnl-rrh final. This Hnuflhnn lbomnghh‘ proved Ital-1f :0 b 0 the hem. article known for omin? Lhr ()ntnrrh. Cold in the Head and Hmdanhv. than boon found an nxcellzmt remedy in many vase-R of Son- Fan‘s.— Denfnms has bren removed by It. and Hearing has om- hex-n greatly Improved by Its use? * fragrant. and nan-mm». and own man:- n E BELIEF to ma dull heavy 14mm munul by 'dlsmses o.’ the hrnd. The sensations mm “wing n. no delightful and tnvlgoraum‘z. It open» an [mi-resoutano’mrucciom.strengthens thvglxmds. an gives a heqlthy action to lhv parts nffiwlod. More than Thirty Yam-3' of sale and use M'Dr. Marchnn‘s CnL'urh and Headache Snutf." has proved us great value for all therommun disemm or :he hru . and at this moment stands hishu than ever berm-9. « It ll remmmrnlnd hv many of ma but phynl‘ clam. and—ls 11an with great sums: and mustac tlon everywhvm . ‘ Read the Certlnmtr-s of Wholesale Draught: In 135}: The undenlgnMHhavmf‘mw mung year: been nqunlntt‘d with “ Dr. N nrnhall'u ratarrh Ind Headache finnfli" and sold lun ourwholmle trade, cheerfully sum}, that we believe It to be equnl, in every respt-ct. tome recommendations given 0! ll for the ruro of Cntnrrhal AHcrtlous, and that u ls derldodly the l» 1 article 170 have ever known {or all common :lxsmscn of the Hand. Bun- d Pen-y. 8:)an ; Road, Austen & C0..8m- Inn; Brawn. anaou A“ (‘ll.. Boston; Be-th W. Fowle, Bmtnn: Wilson, Pmrhnnk 6: 00., Boston; Henshaw, Edmund a (‘n.. Button: H. H. ling. Poul: mi, Ma: )3an & Punk. New Yo‘rk: A. . t D. Sands. .\‘x-w Yrfik‘ Slnnhcn Paul J: (‘O.J Saw York; lnrar-l .\llnnr a: (‘30.. N 99 York: Mdv‘mon &Robbmg pr York; A. L. 900 V!” 6:00.. NEW York; M. Ward, Clam av (70.. New York: Iluaha Gale. New York. D’For sale hv all Drummin— Tryn. - [lx-c.18,1966. 1y “a an“ English Remedy. But. Juan Cunxr's Czwanann Faun FILM. Pressured from n Errwnmmn 0! an J. Clarke. 31. .. Physician ‘xtmnrdinu-y In the %\u=en. This invaluable mvdwine lapnrnulug in t e cure ofnli those pmnful and dangorom dim aea to which the female constitution in subject. It. moderates ull exucw‘e and remonsnll obstruc tions. and a smmiy vure may be relied on. ' To Married div-sit n pmullnrlynuiwd. “will, in a??? time. bring on the monthly pcflodwiu) ar y. _ “Eel: bank. price 021? Dollar.houn um Govern» PILL“ Bump 01 Great Britain, to prevent counter-y e ‘. CAUTIONE-Thme Pillx should nOl be» taken hy Pemnlrs during um num- numz: 310 mm: :1! Fr»;- nnncy. as they are surrio bringnn Mucan’uga, but at any other Um: they Brosllff‘. In all cues of Nervous and Ell-Anal Aflsciions, Pains in the Bank and Limbs. ‘nllnuo on alight exertion. Pulpltatlon of the Heart. Hysteria. and Whites. thvse Pl“! mll effect 11 (‘um when all 91h er menus have mum: and almnugh a power-ml romedy. do not contain iron. mlnmelJnumony. or anything hurtful to the constitution. . Full directions in the pamphlet around ml: pavkago. which nhonld be carefully prmrvm, Sold by all szzism. Sole Agent. for the Uni meme- und Canada. > . JOB 31053“. '5 Cortland SL. ). Y. N. H. 415!) and Gunman-stamps enclosed many Imhorizrd Azwni, will insurnsbonle. containing 50 Bills. by remrn mail. Sold by A. D. Bunkr. Dec. 18, 1365. 1y 4 ° Lyon'l Periodical Drop-2 THE GREAT FEMALE REHEDY FOR 1!!- REGULABITIES.—Thesc Drops nro a scientifi cally comgmndod fluid preparation. and hector than any Ills. Powders or .\‘mirmm. Being li qtllfld. tbelraction is direct. and pouuvo. rendering l em a reliable. Ipce yand meln npficiflc {or the cure of, all obnuurtlnns and nuirzfrmmona o! nnwro. Theifrgopulmty in intimate by the (am. that over 100. bottles urn nnnmlly conanmed by the ladles n! the United “mm. won-one of whom speaks in the ntmngext tmnn of Emma or their gran merits. Thny ar-‘rmpidly m 1n: fine place oi’every other Fi-mnle Ilamuirnmlar- cun lidersd by all who know caught 0 [hi-m. us ma unrest. safest. and most lnrnllimo preparation in the world, for the rum or nll fornuh- rnmplmnifl. the removal Mall obsituvtiom (lfnklun‘. an.) rm- Emotion of hmlth, rt~guluTilv and strength.— Em“ directlnns amazing when they mayyud, An explnlning when and why muv uni-um not. nor could not. be used Without producing eIIw-u contrary to nntnrt- a laws, will [ll' found lawfully folded around each boulr. wnh me a mum 11mm ture of Joan-L. Lrox, wllhout which none are genulne. Prepared bv Dr. JOHN L. LYON. 195 Chnpel Sire“, New Haven. omm. who ran ho «manned either pnrsonully. or by mnll. (i-nvlming naumi connenung all private dim-4.9M and irmalt, We '- nucs. Svldby Drmists evrrywhvrr‘. t‘ G. CLARK & (70.. th'l Agents {or U. s. and Canada. Nov 6, 1565. 1y m A “mu-mun who waned be you: from 230!- vous D'bm‘ff, Premature Deoa¥, and all the Mode of youthml duct-« Mon. wm or the lake 01m!- tex-xng hum-am. lend free to all who need it. the reeelpe and direction: m: making the Inn ple rem odynlzybiaich 510 mu cured. s:}: mm “naught; m u Ven bar'- at men can 0 {dare-sing F 531): B.’ 00m; N'. No. 13 Chlmueu IL, .\‘ew 10th:. Mar. 5, 1566. 1y Ere sad Ear! PROF. J. ”AIME, M. D., Gram: and Aurixf, tin-math of hydra Holland 1- Imm! u No. 510 Patten-«h PBILADELPmAmhmpm-om nmm with on of the EYE or EAR, will be Idemmmllv 2mm and cured. tremble. F. B. —Annncml. n'm named without pain.- No outrun“: tor exammulmns. The medtal hen“! lnvlmd, a. he has no secret In his mode or mtment. [Jun-17. 1566. 1y ‘ Tu Notice. TB! Cnmbtrllud township Bounty Tax } 1"?“qu tn in the hind: ohbo Conn» ‘ ton to: colloction. Aupenou uouquen- Mto ash inmodhu psyment. / 1 By ordn- poe Bond, ' _ ‘ ABRAHA I" PLANE Pr" I. 8. Lung“, Seg‘y. {bl-I‘7. g. #8:" copy. _ _ Notion . S imby (inn. to creditaty and “bank. tore-ted, thu the undefllned. lfline. of I. W. Hump". of Fflnklll mun-hip, York canny, will spply m the Court 9! poll-an Plan afuid noun”, 0n the 20th an, “a”, ass, to be diuhl‘god tram mid Hut. , | lay 7, ms. 3: 120qu mu; famrfiimiu 5. mm undid-to fot Goverpor of lineal-i um m m . II II ' ,T . Flour n...»..........-.'..... mm... Q 00 “In N 83'. F10ur.............................. A 3.90 mm. Who-L......................... I n u a a Bad Who-1...........—u..~........ 1 30 n I 6' U0rn......................u....m........ fl‘ Ryan"..- ................2............ IO 0A".............. ...............4.-~.... 'JO Buck whut......... ..\................. ‘l. D Timothy am.....,................. 2 M ‘0 8 00 Flu 800d.....;2.......«...“..m...“ I 00 (o I ll Clover 5hed...............,.......u. J M “AW Kay...................~-...'........ 6 Matt.” Flour Winn Kym... (‘.orn.. 0n: Glover-nod Timothy-deed, ‘.‘." Hop. pu- hund...........‘ Beef 01181:, per band Hay....... Whilhy .. .........:.......... 3 10 lo 8 fl ....‘................... 73 lo( 30 ‘..................... I“), ’95 .................. . u m M «...-......u... 6 25 :0 {7| ...—”......" 3 '7 w 0 oo ...........12 00 “13 00 ...........H 90 to" 50 ............ll 30 mo‘ 00 2 “a. z 26 NEWGOODS! GEORGIA-axon: HAB now on hand i very Mm flock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Ina-11y 0? his own mnnlururlnz Ind wall undo, embr-cing every tin tad pricc. . A 1..-Io A’ LARGE STOCK OP CLOTHS AND GAS!- MERES, 'wjell «hem! and vet; handsome union, an 9! which will be lold Very cheap. for cad Cd] and seethem. .‘k; GEURGI ARNOLD. May 7, 1898. an Drea- Making. “3 undrrnignrd, having lntely renou'd from the «~in to South Baltlmo a min, «Hy-burg, Adjulning the random; 01 It. Hem-y Comlorl. would rupectfully (Mom um Ladies of Gellyahurg Ind Vicinity, Ch“ lb. ll pnpnrrd to make LADIES DRESSES AND OUTSIDE COVER- Ih‘US, ‘ ' 5 M enry description. She will nu). be fin. wished with tho Lute-n Irylu and pun-m, and will spsre. no Flor! lo ulenu. Elfin: hd com-demble exprnence, and “dent-Influx the human thoroufldy. she h we: to not“ And neuron hbend tin" of public patron-‘O. MKS. H. H. 30". My], 1888. t! Lleciums. ‘HE following Applicuion'l ”Heme h". ' been filed in In; anemia: the min}- nunbex ol niguen, and 'l‘ be [unsound n the Court of Qunxer Suqiuuyoa TLI‘SUA')’, the 22nd dz; 9: MAY, raw.- Tun! Lmuu. James Bhnncbnw}, Monnlplculnt lip. RIITAUIAK? (noun. 3 Adam Roth. Couo‘wngu township. . John Btitcher, ” “ Hnnuuh Kitzmillrr, Gmpbutg. John Hufl'mnul, “ Samuel Luwrwce, Mountpleuul up ~ Henry Munshower, fnukhn “ 4 x. Peter Hotfmnn, Oxford " a :‘ Ms) 7.1566. 0.8 L Dividend. Glnununo Numsu Bun, my 1, 1866. } I HF. Directors of the GETTESBURG KA r TIUNAL BANK huo thll db] declared I "mi-nun] diu’dend of EIGHT FEE! DENT. out. of the profits of the Ln: lix months, (I. tram nnuonal nun. 1 D. Gamma-me. May 7, 18.36. 31. * Water Co. Election. TOTIQE is harehy given to the Sun-“01¢ on m the Gottyab‘nrg Water Cumpnngv. (11“ An election for fire Mun-gen of uh! Company will be held It thus ham or George W. fileCldlu, orSATL‘RDAYflho 19th by of HAY 3m, between the hour: a” ind (' o'clock, P. I. Byorder oflho Band. 8. n. RUSSELL, Bec'y. May 'l, was. to ‘ Auditor's Notice. Bl undarsxhed, Auditor, lipointod to T malt. dintrihulion of the balm co remain iugin the Mud; oUou-ph Bye". Admlnhln lot of the esmte of cargo A. W. Bowenox. drcennd, to Illd mm 3 credi‘orl, heroby given nu|ice Hun he ml “and In the chili" 01M. nppomlmwlunt t. nice of Duncan t Whiu, in Gettysburg, o FRIDAY. the m duty 0! JUNE, 1366, at 10 o’dock, A. M. ' g. a. mum, Anna: _M|y 7,1869. :d _- _l‘or Sale or Rent. 1 HE subscriber _wUl "It.“ mu. 5 I PRO- T PBRTY, being a met a! H with I 0083 Ind BARN, Orcbud,‘be., h mun: township. Adamo com-'.’, on’ Ibo .' .pike, one mi]. north of Littlpntowa. To! MEI h]:- pl) to the gab-critter, relidingnvu‘r by.” , 'WH. SPALUDG. ‘ Msy 7, ”66. (w' j ’ Lawrence D. Diet: (:0. WEULEDALE i S DEALERS IN YANG Y GOODS. KUTIONS. HOSIKERY I ’ . V WES, No. 308 Wat Baltimn u; , Batween Howard 1 Liberty 'meu, In; 7. 1866 f lelimore. Md. Who? Who? Who? UR NEXT GOVERNOR! We but} cor rect sud unkiug phulbgr-ph of (bu-ext Governor of Pennlylnninmhnct we wilhond bi’l‘uil tor 25 cenu. If we maul: M: m. m money will be refunded Immedinelyunu’ giro tion but Octobev. Is it. Bury at 011 m“ ? Wme nnd nee. Addren mum-mow a: can an cansmm m, May 7. 2m ' Philadelphia. Geary! Clymel-l I’.“ hue rhowgraphm-rgo und mall. of 8‘ Gary Ind Ciymcr. Agent. wanted '0 sell them. Send 7!: gents for apecmeq caplel by mail. pottnze pAId Addrul BARTLESUN a C0.,6H CHESTNUT 8:. May ‘l. 2m Grant a Shel-mn- I THE two heroes bofore their Lent. plumfing I; bulb—Gnu! amokmg. A bcluulul steel engraving iy Wan. Ssxtain, Agr'nll wanted eserywhcrc. Snmple sent by x 5111! for 50 cents. Agents nuke 50 per cent. Addreu BABTLESUS a co., on CHhSTNL‘T 31., $1..) 7. '.’.m Philudriyhm Agents ‘Wanted on 003 mm AND mmmrtn. worm, F TIL PIcTOIIAL lOUX or ~' ANEC'DUTES AND INC'IIIEJTS OF THE nesuuus: Hmze, mama, Pounce], Romantic, mm]. ouiuld Trayieal, Splendid}, Illustrated with over 300 fine For lnm L Leauliful Ingmfln‘l. , Thin work for will humor, lander pnthoc, It Irlling tummndzmume beauty. ml“ peerlen Ind alone among all in contact!!!"- Tho Vhlinnt Ind Bnu Henrtcrl, the Film:- nque Ind Drnnmlfcflhc Wm, Ind Munfloul. the Tender Ind Pnthellc. The “0" of 1"“. and Star) , Cump, Pick-LSD}. SW”: ""0““- and Mega; St-rlling Surpriul; Wonderful Ego-pew. Famou. Word: Ind Deeds of Wo man, and the who]! Pnnornmn of flu WM’ is here hnlhugly 9nd umrtlingly por‘tnycd in n mun”! muuner. u once historian! Ind :0— msnuc, ”mining it. the most lupin, [ix-{Hulk lndhleddahlt hook that. the II: In: all: ) {on . Dlsabled officer! Ind uoldim. ve-chm. en ergetic young men, “Id MI in want of profit his employment. will Ind this the but chum to main money on: yet clued lite-Qua: circuit" Ind no autumn. Addnu '\ NATIONAL PUBLISHING out A No. 501 Minn: Sum, Pnilnd.im.,,r.. In, 7. 1p; _ '3 ‘ , .‘ _ A ‘ '.“H -‘ rhu ,- BE fifth nconnt of Dr. Joha‘ ' uh -1 nine. of tho punon ..‘a «M' ‘ earn Ittfnger,sLunuio,) new “Malibu", bu been Mod a the Court nyPl 2o! .Adun county, ad will calf-ed the laid Counanéht 23d mot-“X, 'A. U!- uuenu on a m. ”'.‘, I. A. WWW 1M1“, mu. m. , V, 1.. ”5““ ADI}? DRESS MB; H“ n- L mg. n, ‘ ux's._ "0° («09 80 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers