' . v ,v- H ' r . . 1“ f” , ’I l,’ .mllm:'o‘“- «he "130111131101! 1 In‘ *"~" ~ my». , ‘ l "10 long .‘fin ‘— " ‘ . , gor wandyJuo‘uno ' ''9 adopted 1,, m, R. . . - D! ’{WW ,- ‘_ . - pom-dun Sat 7'_ u ' Wham ‘I m 3"? I; l 11:00.?" weaned a]. No. 4lm ’39::370‘ 5:13:13; fifwlfillgflsmmf ‘l‘“ out mr'?fllsomlfil fo 3., ' if“ 'com‘fififi'. ‘ fflll em Johnson ‘ll. starts 0 ' 'lillenfio W ‘Pt 01‘ your com!- d '1: upon Hr. Cl T . ' Bl mlh In-l n. 1‘0"" the guccos. 1l " .lha mlner ”nth-m. liner, Oxl'd'le for fleeting hlm, Ind co lmun may be lotus much u» 'n» “‘d for {.l a 1: “9° h“ be?!) 10.? n" -' ' . "“13". -r_ °"'"|ol'. Ind l "mt"! 'olf)‘ aunt of gratitude 031“” full“ I ‘izzoolfi' angling? wnlh hflhnonio \ Mn! Ngrethelr '“Fndnnce, Veto m to". “Ed,“ .ye eonyu. fil" .. T .’ n ‘ 11-‘uous‘ , - I'WnlSun ‘ _ am :5. 3:343:33: «if-"5:22“ wwmfi'firééfiya mm"? ““i"‘°°"““"*! " ’l‘ ''' ' ~ a o ‘ ("$1 0 lesul 1' 3: legler laid -"' t .. I, 1l 3 TKS,’;l,‘.°‘L'""J°“WWow-ms»: 4 V idogzgul. ;_ I. ‘ “t!“h Wee on molulih 1” m”a , —-z~ V__ _ u‘l .I . ~_ 2 f . n “mm-m: MT}: 2:. I?“ u-"Wd l «mm, mwm “I‘s: :::::rnzs-m WM . vhcc ‘ . ‘ ‘ In" " ‘ ~ _ .8.u..’.-‘ . >_ . _ (bmm‘lliLn rillllnl‘; 2:13 Defunct-nu: Sun, : (she readmg of the resolutibn digit: 1 lnevzrbrp:“::gglfirm° chmgcm!’ ”z;m?:glmhcy' He ‘MrerWWerzzamu 1 I- . " (‘ccul'ymgn large unuto'r Cow”, The . . __ a Ind lv. . y unm than now,. 1' -' uL ' .I_ .‘.!rflfm pl our up.“ "may w“ "a lure : the my“, vr resolution luudmg! Inn]; 0' if”! believe Ih,“ “hm", are llmus. l racwwéml‘ Th”! the 5.1“ of ”Enema-C lb.“ u could ul l d ‘ “" 'Pl‘lnuxled about. ‘ °"“’"’“""° Republic; 3y 0 PWMYwucm ' ‘ ‘ 1x 0‘ :e evolcd 1.05 better pup ‘ly n: :11an the re“. .1 ‘ M burn-l fh-Ld such a surleit. of “he ' o In! vvllml have to the Hun. Clmrle R'4 tendered .0 the :0“ “full” new: were puwdius. ol‘nglo M 55; “I‘6- w‘l 01-» '~{--...‘:€§l!Lgo_v_ad+ .uneum kufi'rugo.n a Pnlicytoeqflhmhy mm! Edjznr Conan for tie]; utckullew and "om; Au bo< mom I . 1: .- I 0 I once. M.‘i: > ‘ - ‘ b ”I. ih In full 6 9i? theP '‘v." “" '0 Slipprm. ofn “hum“ é hlpi.3}.'ls::::"£{lm‘fl fittlgtcgrmwd, and wanted di:cu:;: I Democratlc State Convention. ‘ngla’d o‘f they 33:33:51]: tlrccthey willfiucb lilgizlfréearg“: flashy and lhati ‘’~ ' b‘" '‘ 'u ' ‘ ___——.———~— Jv' .. o-o - e . deuc- m luncus, we hunt. my. all A“ ; Tom, '8 r'novell to Ido'pl. all but the; " - (IBlZAf'ZVflll‘nl‘q 4 ’ill‘lltnblmlfifu: 1?“? an to all “0:93:25 5:32:22“ pang”?! lol‘their Max:337: "‘3 “1"). “an: the first line damn " 3 ‘ofllfia a: W 323332939“ mum; __.‘.__'_ ”'- fuhm um u“' °"""P- Let us mm“ “m“ Policy of President John-l The I '"d 1 - nsv.‘ l . rew Johnson ought. no“ '33" 'Wnfllfi“ -. .A », . 111 . _ I'm] _'B paranmuut considerauo . ' l “"5101“; .. l: m“. hm “‘3 "“6 n'nz. l “and in lb; ’Convonlion Nro ll llnleill H ' ...—42W. hi‘n flat!” ‘Mprmmmw lama-ill” if"?! to umniumml! . ' -U . ‘ ~" a .1 ‘ g ‘ »—~' I. .-. .- . . . min} ln Ill: 35:54:: w'lhtllmmer'"lsi not wtmt the , I’re-irlent.“dliv}3 om‘oth—Y 50:93am: arm“; I 'heUl.itejllélizlcu’luflolllfi(:m‘fimfion of! ball, :n3ml;mfifmfi° 3W"! (he! . n o egmd old l lmrty u-lon ‘u‘ 5/ ~ _____.__ an,” "fth‘ewh'. :1e ”do-'0" GI ‘r I e on. ers-l AWW- the Democratic gum. g, -'- - g ' ‘”’°~"’“‘°’“‘"°°“T>h°l‘l- 'l'h - * ”meagmnnnh ‘ ”"4“ “omm“ Mn 0 ' ~' . -es wul.bexhlm. “Ha ha 1u . 9 I’Pmocrahc Sun Co ‘-" 'mP" ofMm Re hl' ° s°“ n“ uo' Penns x l '’° emom-c ’ m-dewll I» 11_ .. bone 9 read, one m . . {3 nveneml r" -. pu. mg pa, tod . y v"; a for Govern r, . I am the. ‘.‘:flglvztueizrr lull~wp “"0“!“ ninth?" “"‘l lllfflhlér remanded sllu‘ouungyl: ltmhflgngl‘nzall‘le fill-lgnl‘lhdme f"; G"'°"““"r' s3333.:ulel'lfllt'w “1‘ High. 1%.: gulling :34“ “Tom mm‘i‘mge 33132:?! ,I -. . no N. . "v ' was.“ ,-'5 a n ngm -. . V "fl(. .‘. ‘ . W m M... m’” “In.“ .§?y££°':;",:.'9"g;: am ‘31:??? IS???“ willunf‘l’éf‘thmm" ...e .....W. ' “ONO be miwndentoul T ' ' l ’ \ 9 onvenfion to (rent (he .l am this Srnnm 'l~ -' ' ~," “ can. to "mom all, ll : ‘‘l “0" were invned mu, S ' m'l ‘ - ‘ be] contain no PM”! of ‘ndge' Jh - 'antl Plnlm Donol . I’ll! dulrml' l‘he nnb'e (I . 0 “‘l' £l:qu l After. I 9 ”3&9l'g Stund uncel‘lflm .03.] Sound] , I .. . o Inxon \mh whuitde. gum; . I ”1"”! RFPl‘Fscmulive Jol . . “m“ taken by pmme M . °"‘ "Mn mnmha‘r m‘[ . ' I Willem-nip, ”Ned, mlem cont "'l. ~ ° - lon. John In!“ t" W Innon m luvor ol‘as l» 4, Int‘ r. blymex wui tod es red, purely I‘m-ml broad n ' em? 'M" Crumb {Ol- land mum w ='9 ""“°r9~ the Sun .‘W“ y "‘“Qralmn of‘ In " r “ON! by the ohx‘ .‘ . V. sch-a wholem lured the line 0! 11. an chosen “mm” P.x . ea Whmg peeple Wm | . an. when he spoke ulel ;If "y In "wit Nationaliw u. "' “W“memedopw by Mr ‘l'“ Upon hiking ghé h‘ "’ '9‘" "mm". to char r 9‘“! "He-l ~ °"*- ~ _, .0y appeal '- h Hull, Ind . ~ ‘ .IL . ,U c 9". he mm“ _ . Ol'mvr Elmo"! p 15anon 513:1. ._ . Moshhblp force ‘0 tho 50m" “use. “gr: PM! "I. r 6532??? :11]: go'lfenllon 'oitllelzfifgbfrlilfi'"‘ the Ognvemion {0"‘1 iiizzuéiggxfn. la‘nd the enliglnened, 3.13! To you. my honore; fighting}. I", z . .n.-wed; ionenly nnd pulliolism 01' the pull hn «nulursemeno mum: Find“ ': "‘.‘fyfin’lly iwhilq men of Pugh:;'l‘:nf":y”;é'ulmfl ”)8 ‘ nbcomJuishmetll’fgflhll: ¥§s9doplgd Inn-1h... filial-:hgyolu. gentlemen ol lhe‘Couteulllglf" 'I"o ‘ ° WW? "‘ ' . u’a's um. u‘ I.l"P” W n e elmanl‘ullv mthe su '' . come up pl,“ ~, y putrlolib pin-H ug you wtheD m. . . ~‘ ' ' '- ' ‘ '~ . I'PON Ol'lheco '' - ' 7"”8311’16 highest; -‘ 'I In: ' l e 0‘3””? 01 Penn. mulch-mum». "fl“ . ,I l lvocnlly Wlll) the party and [lot'anll the Umnn nillluuon “153 mm -. . Qommendunon l y "HI. return my trofo d . . EnCvapg' Ofßelkll. of any of his rcce ‘ .-' , ‘ . r . l nln “Us rape“ mu (hum t. 'we hnuor You «h lun thanks for it" “EMPTY. ”l 0 su‘meyl. 'integrnlygnnd { ll’. B. Cumulus: 12:13; U S I)“ ' ‘ 1|"); I’lliyoill:t§h::;;:r:nllSspvefnl other! $12,113.: «feignemm thoniarge‘gbvllzml lilmme‘ Inlloneduifilllhv'fit ailmlfslegl ‘ , I parent ova of country hn‘va [we ‘ lamp, 3, --,-, . . xslncl, Al. 0. . .rv spa-9mg”. d “Ire Won y tube 1,“ dad. “at to ‘lischar ‘9“ '6B:} ~. - . - l at. m,,,bu,. “- . n friction of Bernard ll «. I Min to fumra ... ..n ll . g lam proper] em cured. lhg “rule”, ”and“ n use , . g, n cred to nmpnd m Will A . elllylOf Mhuvl. tl . I- m-ruunns mth [bone of Mlhmoumge ho ~ d l "r inn not y¢‘ l'l'BOlullon by 9‘~ . 9; ~I - I committee ofnne {rm .- ‘9 unmoml \Vushm'ln y lth ' pe'and hrm lanes 0 l dared to ultm- fl brentlrall' _'.. ‘ . » Xpreesmg Hull trust in ll rml duh-in, “I“ .‘ n each henmo- son CI“ d.E- n. .’rll't‘ruOn’ ka.’ a'endunnu pl‘lllClplt‘l o I: I ‘ ecu” In" ch‘l' (“tandem hlm“ '' ' ' [B’ ' ' wpmmm I“ l"’90“. er: I'~y. a" ””1" cmnpamm. luliyxeldm dev ‘ °ur crped nnd' “mm '"d "mush in ma hen ’'' ' . n’) ”b'l'flh Palriotism'"""“‘lhol'rsol the Co. .-- 9- ““' ”'8 VOlO. too nfn ‘ ' l g °“°“ ‘0 .6 ngh and] ‘-‘ '- ‘0! the co 1““! We n"- . . luv lv“n“on- "Pnr J. 'l .', '3‘ Imqunous mp _ .mm of the ,0 lb usl, 11. may be MWWpu-d,u,, “You mill “‘0 Ellvegulny' uh] cpuhdehca-m Ina Pnlu-y :u'l:l:is‘l';‘i:tphced upon the cnmmiueeyfor lllsuefileed?“ sllurPHu lull-"illouldnxffl{you :3 succay'hg'llm ““de would him/1} ““3"! In“. em - _ hill-lon [mm the penls which lH' ' . - ..1e 1“ ullrnuon (a? 311 who wish ’l \ presence of mm * “(ed by Lhe‘ 9]" $0 recou lu u . [he 00 _ lL|wa d I to ”a rd w _ , ”Hum A, ‘1 _ Vlnon the a» "nuudn. a_V their b mmntre lhen rehred.‘ Durinn“ l, " Plder reswled, and milimr dby u“, blamliq PO ,UHmfluyncedl “Mm; Padgohlutreficnrwr, he has hahligl This brnuglinfr. Lawrence of Wm i ' ldccupgsflig :Si:.l‘"J"Vul was gin-99M“; i mm"; fireiglm who?“ lmvernmenl‘ 9“" 'shouhl be the emezhfi entail?“ ’ll'l blle’ . a wnyl mnombly and abl‘yilon to his he -1' ng- .' ' I e lpeeche. fmml d-' 1° 91 iihin u ly the bold l I i er. a' "" ~ ,'' ‘ I. Who . ."lg gentleman ‘.. en ,degrepl. u. . ' Wmurkable '. . ender cons“ .. ' :3‘:::31:335e::r-erwnl; such a [mm as oqggstlnging allusion, “#3213? ‘l‘; Home! “‘srncms “In“ “m“ 'l‘Pjecling tllfel‘llfirgxflfiigl tell-danish [inlzztxlt sl3lk 91, (he "“o'nprl iggglgfixi ~ .flnc uona l " .~' . . geomx A.lw , . . powers“ I" la nm [,l - (:leuyly WEN" 05 ll‘m (dell,ll:lrol:fll:olsalami bl” flfkmg Mr. Cmnnhnn to withdraw glacliaou'llinllsnllfm made for Svlmlur W'll-t bynal: mllllll'tlll‘lzfil‘lgoaflfnq Lh-e EXecufiwt'eJ- the hem “FPO 9'93?!“ lisfrlgshlsol,’ I while IRON“; of the Bmm .. fl “‘5O ulxon, Mr. Kll'klhlll‘lck a ‘l'- 'you; {a ‘. VI 1'05? and said: .1 genn'all praise Sho I“ '.'- WK: ISJVOrthyjof Prowmq’lhe we M Jan: ha fined .0| .we m'llfltbe rné~ 1 would be . final , on u| . ' can an Indicationol good lim -“ub' u t hm hands not be h ldl “1019: 901,19 ‘dlPl us of our' cusal’ul M. the PO3lB TM") . t mlSlflke to and.” 1.. - mg. here was h -es cum- P yevPry man wnhoutd' 4.aso a .' 9V9 the boundless re~ ' ‘ r ' ”1‘1"", Dl‘mO- d 9- Jolm a - e 'e“"'vvl l ' 09° {0“ We comm" and Iy. who (1 ' ' "Unmo" ofpnn: .“’ of this ate a adv I my» nnchjmflv‘fivw, n ( sn. Mr. chkpy ho zéd ll l nen Imm was hope for the co l{v[H . (“siren to,“ u“. Union rest ‘ ““1 d- saci . I a'n‘ce her mate , 1. p. avory man op.l;flmen(llll(’nt ll ..l ,e “31.0”, {or ne I) .un ry there: wuh all the dimit I . loredg l pros my. nlhen to" h l "’9‘“ ‘0 "“KrQ vqunlu - «. ‘ - “’01“ bewnhdrawn r 1 ' . ICu . . I rmncruhc part 'l' of“ .._ Y. Pqn.|lny and u,“ inou dstund be M d -. eh . . y and blunt! “mm: came ‘OB . .0 1f It. nmlutwn wuq hlm .Y-be ie m veralfituhs unin ~V ~, b‘ 8’ clm . "Ne and unduumed “'ml "1' all who believed: » “’1" I! would certain] 2 Succo ‘ \ "“0 be Vlndlcnlad,_' But lmuqt 'lmlml. .., . - Iplxonof .e Um“ or” .. : u - u our Unson am") If '’y '0 "meal as Was about. ‘0 Crown }' - . "0" ‘Wfipuss. la , ‘ Its Inna] ' ‘l’“ Mules. m\ Mum“ "non,“ . , ,- r- McCiUre sand n G oflha D- Vhe prmcnPles lamgeutlmue- r W" thank * , ’.‘ ".Vd‘ mlyand vnlll .‘f ' _ . and ussmt to swell 1113‘th got into ll r. .Irnalmn , ‘ mncracy. 110 Invokpd - f 1., or this neuewed ex .~ ‘be, lo sacnh ll' ‘ In»! need ' . I .I, 1e ~..I ,l r ' ' a(- urn. of Q genera lllesamn‘ l P ”911’ del u . “WM“, 7‘", ll}; honest Gumnn of all] ’l‘t’wluti‘on had bowellozll-ffzdnvfnnuu "DIHH' ' lllllfiy'llzlyd 1'12“: Oilfgilllouk 3* p""‘lYlJlingj A comxlllllfiiznglxlfgscglufiom l ‘ ’3' ”15.21““ (gull enemies ut‘ll‘gylglfll? A _ A- m e . -I. vne ll - . >—‘ .wnsl‘ . HO I.u. . _ ' ml“, u. m, “2:021:13!r::;:.::;'.,i;:°°3i° “.’le he 2:: :r:n*l:::"'::::::':':mev . .. ‘I - )en \ . . ' ~5_5 ar 0. ‘ ‘ ..., !ed uuul 7 o’clock. ’ eCouvenuon ad'loum' I grill: 3:31!) (1,161“ um.- "mm“ by deeéfllse A_ u ‘ y sc'rennrls whgtunder Mu; easy-tun, runny. nan-w. lurk 12. m MM" —-*- > “- ~.—_._.-‘ —"‘:.._r::._:.. N. In]. Drum. Emma A5l) I‘RUI’BIETI‘U—i‘. , _ rm: Gothawm, : HON. lITES TEL: .(.'L YJFER, of perks Cewastp Bafilju! ‘ btus‘not-only elect him, bnulegtt him‘iy h mniurity thatwiil con‘vince (ii-1:]- Calls were mnd ' ' 7 u r ’ iriu'hxa, who mi?! :nr'll‘ttnittct}r:;gan' orl‘hil. I mm“ o . - to—dne {‘"ckshnt vynr was in lhefimefllhf’m l"-‘F’Cl'l C? refnlutmrtu m“ being PM at «aft-tie wnfilltl feel the throes otmvenllm" for a “bagel? Jig“) Z 981 "' WAS “HST? .0 [I amo tquu 6. He ,8- P 0 ilic- 'or b ' “ 31““ he w' ‘ pOn hi'“ truer lhunTNli “."I‘r land anythi ' Par others: than ' mud "menu”: ‘ I“; IremIIIpII a? he smdjn Con .Hg had remain d. _ leuk himuH .clvn . fon a h grass. thatEnml .I“ quteb and st '‘" ”9 myo rounding him ~‘ [ lirt Quake Were at . PI'J'IYHI tho-proc - ”.m‘m 1"“ 3“” A fox-such men . [““Ehter~i It is com-“"599 8” “19.91)me BPdlngunumgnsd ‘ ,O’P’fs . , . y- mu ' Ihe President“ Sumner and Steven: I;th out from m,” hills crnts.lwho have, t 9 eat I I I d . come Ico [A vowe- WhmYs are trnttomL [Uh yv m ”18 . Dl‘llltlt‘ffl an “h 3' and the L “11’9““ - t : 4 eers. .' 'cv are -_'nsu t; - 23:". I have nolt‘hi‘nlgrrE 53““? '3] Gentle]- ‘Etrnigigtwer'! 'l'heY'lrut‘tf‘iln sh?“ ‘Ldrd’; Ily wag—:sl: "53%;”? \i" that I (allot: .Z"2i{3§i';.‘§. . kioked 5‘25"" FIR” ”I” "" “”6 331:;in i" I a“ thing: I I . ~q r v - PIOIIIIEIICPI lOPTSESIZI] Il{?'refvr.rerl, IlvflllTlmg the DetnocrucgbllllltlErJ JXutquhstamfi :ggriteflcbmgg o $lO is]? Said toutzht Torvgorgitgrfltty fathers l'tls'llnflgvgatll'mlflrflms' ii‘k "I'Efiiegzlflnmq by contifltncztr) {fume .an a Union“ . . ‘lu mnnl “he :i' ”a! T' ' n 'mm‘ 3' - I n ml’ 0 ... ”o...".23‘trfirgtsm' I 22:213.“ ......J 333410??? T”; : I'31III3”33°?"““§ .I“ m‘mips it w, - Nl te head of - “NY. 3"" ”wt 0‘ :9 emo- d “PPeul thh hum-Iv III“ 3tn behalf mnIIIIuII Democrnlvc . was (‘Cnnnm . Pnce; nudth un _. - ~. . 1‘ 1. WI"? hall a] y. “'e 'C" ' tough you tdan Gen 62""‘9. Chg-mug] phi! $ll,. .omytnthmhs n ' wayshwoml e I “Elmo", Who 'gmmem‘mo ‘ ~ . [and H I "~hor-Isflld A P Slitnn ofpuhl' con.l ”Umbe TCPN‘srnL su | - w." hall fouwhltl f u.‘ ‘9 llProes of ti I "drew Johnso .tc ruuds_ Ha ' rs ofthem,lm k Cl £oom, andwmm {3”, '3r COnStitutinnu I telA'uuse ,he has ’d ‘1 was economic-ll b I lbym 1 know no h‘ a e the appeal. 31‘ ll . httotm . . lberlylunl . 881 he would c . €-I.bl.ltu‘i _ Iflher htw t 1 e {'Bserted that nlxl~ - . zn. luhet-I‘B ]H | munlhon cn—deai'lj- not waste 1111‘ -on, “f “hlcll Jelf hm the Con. us heatl .. _I ”10mm wouH . 91 "on. M -.4 - I _ ucks. ' Luu t ' .were we found ”so" and Mad. 0...... 5:32;.“ rm mitt.:3”.....mtass'a":m:;m.;mt.. ass-J xfilslegtheeXti'l‘liifkififi 193......52." 0010" I’-I _- . emit] “a, . . sxt ernv - I .133 en 11 1d ~' 0 W ich.) '_ aimed fie’afleffg". o', Pittsburg 1d {fi’l’fiefenfinxlififéofifgflwe?” I‘mre tgilgilzgé‘:gumtherd'tfnsarslé‘l‘:l’:i:l'st‘lhnu R 35): 1 e coutveof 'And ”“ fit .pngth '. : ‘ “II tl. .Uom' ~ ' 0 tna Cam "a an emu" . N fiction ”I Ire . I ,' prnttm ’th I" . In; dtrtutf . .mnnwn . .lusuce to | - ’.‘!) 22:2031n1'837fiflhl'tb: 3:339:15. rhibpmgl ska; rigigdhelwas able :3T9:>t:tonil"ul;f °lfl¥§§letsntmmfm l havgnl‘; 3:183:2ng . ° nsiilutim, d "On sub-é m 4 omm there .. ”L ‘ "Mon at [J a"n Kiwi! must w-l ‘- extutence find form ' ”‘3' We States a j an. ”‘9 President t ' ”-1” eminent! '. H leflerson- u '1 -w - “"‘mé” . . h: . n Andrew] " the Uml i . Uulsupeno ' ‘ I," belleveu I ”m as woum mlé . E‘uc. I Central despot- ._ . uhnson.had tqk ~ _9‘ state: i .0} - my and will bv .‘ He FO. ty. Gud had ,3. '"tehuuce orthem . . ‘m‘avor omheC - ' -"“‘l°""l9durou ' I mealsume'm‘i . ’ "(maintain m dt: . Morl- He Ommutlon ~. nd Iworsl I ’.' 0‘ the mm '' " 9 han to lead '59 p A man who 15 d 1 Counseled Inn-mo 1"“le Unton I V IPM no llOlHical I a “La ' um!- Rump-Cm .. lhe Peohle. n‘nd make “It be from the p. "y. hat, the nu}. . -, tlons are not bu! 1 a larwhose M' 1 II I I we I) II" 0:- {mm H tlnee nfu _ ,et upon H II“ a. from an ofirrcs hold their heads -’ 8 from the ‘\' m we“ . leH . i '939 Immortm m “cred U" mud eo JJH HhamalT . . Imtll or the S j Inn vnncer -,- Slflleg! 'l‘ell t 1 lon lhggxltrl' P- llossxjog‘lgeo-Vlcstovtn -a {gyztf’lyrßlt-lng Tum—lice or 110,3:hln’eltitl’lfnn by “’l9 (l’gvlgagrai PM", atld mugsllrelrhzd. unprocrefieltllzdfkiglctl tht-oughoutsaal 9“,“; I the wheel 2;?! 32“” put his fihdu‘tlgetttl) J Ind carnage ofPour ZSTO'ITSI by "‘9 blot: "POD the riSI-tg‘gél'hymnniesand writ-:31 C°nveutit>n. [App‘izutsli'ejuomnee of ”“54 51:? lOflthe present, “ml! 3:11.131. 3’, title dan “truth crushed to IP Peopiefi and nlzyw I”: R . 'WI .u urgrw ”my w the ‘ 8 $235 or [lrovluituod bt] 9811!“, has ELL'N! be .MrJ ’ K- u”x"”“.\'s.' ‘ {‘o ill-ups "is” afour ”PM“ 0 lim Staten 101,9" ‘9 Pssnient of the‘U. -enth ' b: ”r' ““1911“? ' ' [mystenous Provid country,” fate h , .. . “311' 8 com-muse "Y-Chmrmnn rvhu‘t d " ‘e’ncwww h'l ya ward to Union]. 8 are mat-chin "f IfOHnw . on H'aolullons :- o a e ““htlhe helm - I hlm been en. hands on thh o'ne Mart; and g _ or- . ‘t‘ s . I epot ted as he has opppule.‘ .ol hilly! I‘o t 1 . - united‘ .he Damocm 'tlon to h'. _ "' “1““ 0" 'l‘ ‘ mm cordezt‘Yheßg'éf. 0! Franklin said (H : Fficbo'} “Let. ”0311:3251? 293:}, 911:,“ h; Con-1 alarm °f|;;;‘:\:?c:°ufmry' AEJVLOl‘lfiadimi . emom-m;c . ere. . otaßeb -' a ‘ IBIS tn the af. r-OW m ' ' “mm"! a d one. the lonv d Patty mu 3 nob] v'lnmedi t P“ he. and estp - 1, Lung m the \‘ut 9 treason the count 53" 9mm")! grand h‘ en n u 9 I'(‘ltox-ntion of he '°‘.“lng the and loud are heu d . “In.” Own“! '9 . I'y was the h'- . mnry or I untto ultou ‘ ' U"“'“ " And' w I the "on“ f'i: M crnttc I‘nrtv ’i‘h Nou’ ot the 1) I 1 1., It'rlssues.dnr p‘m-I e .I‘e-echoeJanJ 1. o the ”3‘ l mu. h ' emoq ‘ ""' “I? Stat .esolvg; .Ly the N “fi‘mly "5' open Pnemtes of 111 [I ymi roux,” the were lute] . et! whereof the Ibe «econd. .-I‘/¢ Fa! . “SH-tad - . .4 . . ‘I ‘ ' lU . enemu—s ofthe\'o f, 509th and the covefi. I‘Oftlte Un'y "I rebelhon. me inte People. ””9"”! ’ llwv are tum] "w‘n' :1 mm we” were “I“; I!" .'l he radicals‘in C I tion in CJun and are entitled to gr, Pflrta ! nntllouul what]. The f "lanyards of and mu Ibe r 2'; ‘."E- upon the Constitu 9"-_ be "fires: by lnPn d relll‘ESenta- ”PifflliOn 'ot ‘,yem My “"3 hoi a I hanl or true {UM I uly elected .a 1 Every true at - R“ ago the Oppositiouxeq' Bl” ' ’I‘W momh find in on] '4'! {he Lonstitution who; P “form brOIIII an 1 9 not. and nflord was th’e Gov"; 1) salt] the Administnr R ' mxatiot ’er m "mm-”“9 the m and I‘m?“ Ko93i men 0“” Pa”. ( “tong enough for obeml; butn men}- and a such mt; [on such rl ""hout (”Presentatin -axlm that we" differences at l9§vpolnulwrhqw Wide W" a; .. .. 2:33:35: .....223 ammuztreseumm would 8.".33123-1' i ““£:."°°"a W ..., WW” eWilen; . _ fluent-e ,2. ‘ l ' 'l “5 Edi l. tat..- 2:23: 1:21;"?! m. gszsrsth-m...;r‘;othz .'."II .. .. R... . [gm-...... :tzargzszm 3“ eem’] The UIII 0 3mm“ him .gdeht, and C torment of the N ~ 8' Baocoinplishm 0t -““ en with. funnel. and shall on “ad the Constitut‘.=' Centaur { ' any“: Illould 9‘“ II" uttonnl Jena”. Let us “0 l? m“ be "3 “Bate“ 'Johnson intl, 5° preserved And'on‘ 3 1?}, (tr that purpose I“: newbunqerofourcuun "uh. bearing “an \A v I I . .’ " ' the gnu?“ (item 'll]me 2:110? 2rd “dang: ! tution (£l3: BZtletszmgience to Ithe Cont-ti ’ Y}?;:;7,l‘:: Cone:¥.'u?:,:lfn.l};: witth the 'm. fence of“ ,‘I e (shunning; lmendme .._ Medina d‘ H .O“m a l‘ I . edeml fered three ch t. to Comtnution ' ‘it. . .“Wruhthmn'g 4- u “'5 the Ble—from th \" We“ ‘0 the "hole cent for‘ tl - Hoof-5 PTOVISIous w'll ’ ""Y.)flnd um! ”I“ l' e 1 ortlu-m V pea. son..Jaukaouanl J ’8 three J’s—Jeff IPlted all ' I ncnonl [0 thus "I ‘ m “"9' fro,“ “I" IH w "I“ M“. to write this .‘- “hnson. He 1 el“then the" “S 11“ 01' .V e Pmanci- flWnre—und If V "'hnd 5"“ ‘0 “ND ‘ . pltnph 0v . Prnposed y. [Mason and I lmtr’ .P" he Virtua‘ be d-l' graves: “A t Ethn- aon 4,1‘ ' Pro‘ . rottam be It. ; ' not dam rt“ [63865.] Us well that. endupzvellel.ltlt:’llto“B3:33:::mrfihaatheexoiusive righ-[fcrnlz‘iime‘lllll ;?Ve:x.‘fl;(r=::ugnd("olion'tol‘ eneru‘l Wm 11 - torn. ““ ' “firms 0““. vd - may be) ia" still I though I”; Called {or ‘llid ' ' M'ner bein 5 ‘ ‘ . OWD elec. 99d. In 00! l . I!)hon'ed, ”1.. - ‘ Ihe. I _2 land] -. That . . I omr nl’xt, '. n. ln-I 3'23: te.r;«m...:';.s:;d.r: 3.. .... ...I.‘ m ”twig-«. 9. ...... , ““0.” 3593533137” u- 011 1111111 emanum“ | I lie, rnverl'ltue “Slilminn . I'lhginv. ot. .Y.on m _. , Inllwe are m. of the tutored ”re“ "’d '' b ..:..“..i-m snap»... I” “may... .. ..tzm'w w ...... ..1ma.....',.'..‘.:::.:::rw Mighty ~~\ , . ~ ~ . lebohl '- - - T" ' 1 "at” t . orgtnlntton oftm Ie fatth and under “:1 ctpleg 0! lb Pnunctntmn of i": In some n) .‘od ”0 I I . . “w yn. 3:33. 301......‘5ziz‘3233"Mt. :‘lontioniocé’flé‘n‘éfi‘t".t"d 3353* 33¢""073°d"°"“ ““3” ism. w ”a”: .. we mono. ~ . 1,-0u ever' emge and F n e "cm” "h .1 .n you, gm“ '' ~ “mm, "new!" in wh' X "llltuucn and to (h Inga of P . reedmen's Bun; "nual am you re Il‘eh' emen. and those! . . Jinxr :- €l9 mu ntmdin‘ch 1“ h.“ hem educatede; the confitlremdem JOhMOn entngeeo' muvpovt and “dung", I “h“n I?!“ for sup- Dm a 3111 A?! I mark .8 | nntlnel . "Ice and gu 9 hlm to 60“ 0' 0“ 3 and a ' real n 1' flat. don't forget the S- E by thz' (life believed that mt???“ land.: feet. the Constitution 2p?“ or I“ “ho "I ”For” “Valium.“ to ”mpg “Sling ‘l‘: we 1011. which will ta . Pnng lac. '.., -. "1 oueuumou - Mention, .ry. » n o'o then-co :‘ou a redemption [our 20”“qu ...d mna’tfipl-fltacretr a“ ”m“ -St::}:l:e;‘;;b'ifihtening. undmrhd z2;,{grinl2:23:l'Wul‘lld ..fi'mli’ég‘w 80°61! or'iiuThmhe “Hanan-to th 1, an an: was"; 5'3?! axutaquflmfilffiflafi" RIDAY xpx comm I n - funny 1 . . T “M histm- J‘l‘tice' _I armies u t an"me (A l Wl9l, crow ' . . r (the to .3' 0n lowed Ic. .crew Inn b 9 .he comm, < y-‘ , ‘tlrattt d. m. “I"! adb - “ 'l‘mmu') u our “boa .u I, fit. Alut. .. um. tee on u e for m._ 6 lot 1...“ t " . mom:- fifiiuhl‘efix our frieldn 3:313”; them." ngou‘yw'hhizh lintimmflkel around tlo;o:h§::ieém:edfi mgnem "8311?”: 23:13: “w Co:::h:::§;°.:3fir in 1:: remfigkinggmgazm d'di‘h 'hkh the ”o'. .‘. we are ent '’ . Min 1; .. GM Berna" u n Wuhi 9n . on. W . _at while wh. .t a Union. Were .- ~m_ ' I‘Oottheco tng. thdwatme: c. » enng upon on. f.B' . I. ~ tram. astan count .Il- 901':th of “Milan th ec "uh "h V ecelved km“ ”mm” a. . mPlisllle ,0..._ , , , . Pmidpnl .r I‘mmted 1, '. led a, thematic. of II temterl the President P’s ”mm” “b“. M 1 Lommanw ill: '1“ “f known" m th' fi-Th , “‘“-———-——~. -(a ”In “cuts. .y a Vice P. 88 ‘0 their w‘d the fan" 'G” G 0 the (mum I I. I . . - ho’D "II , e nomjmg- . eo.W.Brewer - _ natonul dist ~ “oan I Wllnd or b. 'I °- ' °°' w- Cm lon Introduced DIHOMIIdIbe . f’mocmey mum I reached . ‘0" 0f um!“ c ‘ Ind my . unfit: hut. for m. . Pet. 3 e nnd protection IP "“1"” '6! Aueghwy "N 111 conmmmn for 11111111 .a De .mth In!“ ambush. ern Go be?! Sec?" Ines. Idutflctfl of . That]: urge upOn 00 H Stfica or and CBS. _ . .n., I”. on“ mm 111 ”Mb men” but» Sm . mby me ngtntroduoed mH - l “tn-Hm; the ho . agreuthedut 9'P‘Delred tor th figh'tftuhd I?! do. ined JPN lot that g‘fiét‘rire folded to Igéakhvea Bepublimn G: Brucx or SPEA'KEI ;, Opkms laid; mggilon. “I'm” of 0'" loldiery. 3:1,? Shywfiu'WlODGlllfv‘orpfi“ 0f congrat ti It . . Inning ~: - u - we) ._. ill ' ‘ OPENS. ”rm - . lUI . c n ”no . . ’orf.‘thle:ttlggthghgl°l,‘ud Pfotcct "Sufi“ lfijlegiflk, Trsbu'lgsives"hi§n9;£:;f 1““ mgge‘?m3“wn '._P°”"P' ml2mumu’hzwztdu'fify we" md. "“0 gr“ um. {gimfinsa’fifi’ :1 “so $333? II I I ”"01““, 13." er of wind '. .or ”much“ . gtve you"! . : ere umuimo 1 utvplauu 'r . inga of th 3 nominatio . ”M “m.“ '4“ . (wary. 583:1th of‘ good cit: . hand wM ' 9" N the dm- .my high] . usly adepwd - hey ed with 3| body had '1 the . onol union ' . . xenon-sputum. -u . XIII" mrtulit h m‘m'h‘“ "° V ' t - ~ ' .mm "“"fi been mend. . tho- Mien “lately-control Philadpl ,h- . chm" u. '.'“ touted YM 80 unox )c not I o MID-Anon 0f feehns th may and legs . . . <‘M 1008 ‘ .. ~l ll ‘lftflttrer ua«M.- ,_ . e . “in" me. would be l “filly uonp .’"h Georg. w. ' sim‘l -In h"! 9V?! ch- '.cerb“, Imde “In" Deg-9.; .n q. 3,.“ hr“ Kentl‘eman 't‘ I r.~{‘.ylneri,.'eudmeaa to to annoum Immun- GI - - Wrof Ath- b... I" namumuon H uractemed “n . ... ~ .. . , rats that th 1. - by- Q_. Moelleutchn}; - ~.-_ .chnr e Proceed .t one. “.‘an "39150!" Berk S "Hm-’vmlem'" . enppeuled to y 'NIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 “I I, le_ “that“! 1:34:55" II c "1“. ‘9Rfif.und'.tme: g orm. dml-‘O‘lh' to the a“, lu.ot Imbtgh H s. ”on. John D "mu Presum. who h~d "or! ‘ mowc howl-s at" “$12,?” their inmL‘lEangmm Rabitkiffigfi'fizfiq‘l .bimtr'” t:‘.‘..“l‘;‘:h';;,w-°nho momma“ 5““- 1' :1??? H"“' hcfi'hl’vmmfim PM} dem‘fifigttgtgmmfc Jammie? muunl 111111 I‘dlh- .. _ , “(mend 3mm. isipefwn-fl-ctfi .“ufilfio my {0 the thahitwm "e are surrounded m tln- H . mltb‘turhts bc- . .o hilldgl. Ind enthu- ‘ it tho deter '. , It. I I I I III: I Im- w_ AG . nmmn, of L I mum of I) mutation mndlggi . lons], they may “o‘de Mich ai—e mil Ibl'efflumm CI Vemu ' Both. (jmcd b . _ust P - Ilbfitth —f - MET“ "I'd the" PMOCratgw . _ . an. _ .. .u. Edith} ' 0.; -- Inner.» I”. I rmkor t- 0 (Wave If I John-mt Cut-ho ' ° Eneu Hon’ A '10: plrty tvnnoi l ca"! 'Or' mama-mm. 39"“ Iy before the poo 1.1? Mr. or . able tributes .proumpoxu ‘_"°ln ma 1 of Jefi' mind non w ~"I "‘9'"! dmtrlu ed “p" m “m" ’° . aloe-n Iw. . P.[ ymetanmb vi -.-. _nhtcht 'll,. .re ofpubhcafin Olha~ Craoll. were the " .'B‘Jenkl. “3""! °' y’ .He ”0k h. ,M I-..mcm «a .1 Imm y rtues tore ~ s A utbuim Mm _tton mm I: placed, . . the. result Kmu .n “‘9’,“de a”; .r . out: . to, Ptrenuon- app 9.4 m tn; Ventio Demon. l:r . Mentor. n.nomm.. pone. Indd °‘ ‘1” °°°‘°"' d. I “‘B’; I”I .9 m 4. Auemp‘u} Imllke um“ meats, _-He . I n that has us / ‘.O Stub Can.» he Cunveng' ‘ . \ b: . ,eclarfld‘thnt th .3‘ the II “II .I! a In; men" . embled . Ito] -., . lon proeoad ‘ "9W ‘.'htch At pomou I" 11. ”1:333". mm", but Yamsyh “I lIIIIIIIg 3:11;; otfioo‘onaé: : Wuhan???“ $2113 “:12: :Iflmiégtiflsofrj’tfiét (:1 19ww._bemg the vat: ”«Psbbfl'l‘l’fi; the I :llllve’f‘meD fifipémmm name 1:: $2; Mgk.l'ho De "lfl‘beoth men who . , Ira Elmo!) ‘ . luchturytor " ichhum d‘ - - Ym'er ' .2a ’ 3‘y ninjwoumq. ’ pOOpleolPenn ('.-‘5: -» .mfimutio .3 ,_er - wore m . M"): the! thepmfour Be ulth Cm ' 53 . - 3d: 40L;m"or"' ,on“P 0M Dl‘ ’ . Izgumeb pd m.%ufifgnt§gt§9np Ibotte: “d pure: “9&1 11:16 Sui? the 'Cotcgnfig: :1:- :1" :ay-I “filgkothnt th ’zuu’x, ‘ .i? g: 2% K; t“; ”Sgocfizyflfl sand for u $533553: ' I 111. II I I “‘5. II +-._-,_.. . B .4‘ . . bio and voremty “no ._0 oz - 18 he speaké 5 t I Pal-“II mm. . ~4 . spud. Duck woodman“ .plfiflmflnwmgmde to God '3)? "Cf; fig”; *' ‘ : é? 5" 13 133thqu mm: mgfiflwmmm hi. . .’.]‘flyr :3‘ .‘w thirst! iififi‘?“ Harri-b 3; o ;°m? Jone; Ha}. .I it 5? much of‘btmfizl";“sl‘slfnr- 6t:l'§.,'wh~'~H: ‘1 :N9 1‘ g 9 5 12" fimffifnhbtm. ind réfz'imfsbzf‘n so mm H .'.: . ..f4.,11l ue -- - _. '4. MJMH Ol'i ‘in‘ ' . . 0.15"“ “' ' 01“.” y ‘.n. .u or a." .. .by 810381 jutght, ifl‘Whloh’L £2l! - 011‘an brdhw mg Wm, ‘3 ~ 1 0t anew-s V “Wan. , “If“;mAM I?“ “I 2,190.“. ~,.. Y, [leased : Pfitide .-... a ,7 othenl' um. um”. » 901 "J . . 3 .0_ . 0 iti . . but, Fund Stiller ' . ..t I“ . "IQ” ht ~ 90 Ge” h“ .-_ ... Mm, iahnmv al-ano to the r “*Mo-«mi'im‘! “Mu, . . ..u. o . 1 was when. at . 01101!“ in thaw-binned” “LI. 1 undergtm: ._¥ é. Ugh Mean .N - .:..- . .‘..yro'fiu'uiw ~EWI'UHIOIILI Him - 3“” 12. V 0 ’0 “V ”“1 pm”! we“ ._... . , «me . mkq-wu . . JEN? “16.951313“ ' fut”! . rt. no; I m .‘“... W‘ 1 o, N'9B| ' :5“ 5.." m, of . I H 111 111 {on}! I _,_ II plan .. . IV. “the? , ohnoa ~, m! on. Ihe u - , , . .WI ‘1 PM!:- 11:69-me that“. 7" I.IBM. nachedrwonfsmgfl Hflnmlea. éito'igrtfigud'gjwrd ' "41.9qu “the“? U-ychoenfor’fltfléfi‘lg‘»"" “Journal Vim “fir.” I,;, ._ I I ' '3. II .; 5;.» ....g-Zfiw‘fi'mm‘w‘w- , Jhmmmfififie“ figbeurer. T 53" who‘tb both...“ I ”{th than-Mu noble nu ,‘C “If whit}; min nqu ..- .7-. . ‘ ”Pin; I W... mu; wi whofé‘fi' .‘.oné _ .'the'Céli‘v’ “32 ‘29: “my.“ not “’thé' M "500.? .. .J _.h ‘,. rm “"V'WK 3 _1.3 I n W.“ ‘ ya“; , - 19:15:. -1. . all h. [I ~,. . , _M'Gbm '.'l‘ “Willy" .—; ;. . .1 1. , (7-, In" . .‘I III“ . 5l v :wumtger, .a‘. I was!" fllfHlfig‘t’figeW “’55?“ . OEl‘me'm‘nl u... "".l '— ..- ”Do—z. ‘ —. ‘_ . r W“ . ~ ...: -: SWIM 3%: m 8%- in’ugop n; mm‘gfl 15.?ng .wrhecsmd. “"1435“. M’ 2.. . -"9 -t - . meg afieénfifi‘nmfi‘lfim‘éfia 15:.- ‘W M... "9 “113' "mm . - .'.. 's‘VWhawhwfizull-d' thin - . ....z..._9 alfll‘aw the frontier 1!? n “'.' .. o :q -' menial; and Igflaton um. 1116 people ark! nut‘to be ttifleil with. Full in'lo line, putri nu, and lelyoul mono be “Unix: and -\':l'i-unr 1" . ‘ um“ WIINA'I'EII ‘Axo toxalud “BODIED. ~ .’l’he Republican; State Convemion ma it lhrrilburg on Wednesday. Ulgh excite; meat. high words find Iniglndhhkcy «imme terize-l gfie occasion. Fights :ml bloody nmen 'wvro common. 'l'herq'imre Gnu-y alrlrgntiom. Kelcbum delégntionl. and Mor‘uliead delegnliom. {rarngfiug the sheen. vyhp yellnl nt. hunted, and danoqncegl i-noh olher in tho mm“. vebonwntlmnnnei'. The Geary men, howisver,‘ mink) the mosl’ Mine, and he was connoguenlly nominated -—Genry RI. KMchum 30, Mort-head 19. While 3. There was an animated muggm fog llwhflirrm oflhe Conveniinn,which Ute Our, man of course carried. "lTivt-solutiom' have n humbng squint, but the Ruilcsiieoling underlying thent‘ie very perceptible. They give President John son the cold shoulder, 'l‘hhugh expressing "admiration of his pntriolicdevotlon uni! fearless courage" during the war. they im plz' evident disappointment with his course pi c 9. and wind‘up with an “Appeal” to him nnt to desert the party, now that they are forced to the broad issue resulting from their disunion nnil negro theories. The resolutions are silent ns‘tlm grave in regaxgl to his braveveto of the Frecdmen’s Bureau bill nnd his great speeclron the 22d. .lqtlio next resolution the Convention tak squui'e ground ugaiint the President's comTitutionsl plan of restoring the Union. and pnroves of the action of the Pennsyl vanii Republican members of Congress—- which. of comm ‘emhrsoes an endorsement at their votes for negro sufi'mge in the Dis trict, the Fueedmen'a Bureau hill, and all other measurcsof like charncter. A reso lution was pmed complimentary'ot‘Smnton. the oaiy member of the Cabinet noticed.— ‘ This is. no ‘glouht. intended us fling at Seward for. so warmly standing by the Preq- ‘ idem. A resolution nskrng Senator Conan to resign was also ndopted_—thus making ‘.till more cigar fihenegro proclivitie‘ of the .mnjmily of the tit-legal“. ' The resolutions led to some warm words‘ in the Convention, but they were forced through as reported by the Committee:— Seversl smndmentn were proposed to the one in regard to the President, but without avail. ‘ . The candidnjps and the platform of the two great mania} are now before the p 69? file-Linn one for imlnediute Union and life control of the country solely by the white rue». am] ilieotlier tor continued Disunion and the elevation of the urge. This is the‘ issue, Qluiuly Matted. )Vhite' men of Pennsylvaninfimfld dhoice.‘nnn and at, oboe." lo the side you will up rt and stand by! ‘ cralic Convention it would have passed with shouts of applause ; it did nouuiz his caste. Mn, Mnnihnll plt’ohed into Mr. Hall and others who [my been making fling: at the radiant side of the Convention. uud sharp words Were exchangad between seven“ del egutos. Mr.Calnnhunj‘withdrewhis'nmend mam. saying in tin excited manner that he had9nly asked the Convent‘ion to any that. Piesévdent. Johnson was not a guitar, a [mate and aft/01, but. that. iueemed members were unwilling to do; so. The resolutiéhs were then adopted us reported by the committee. ' From the beginning t 9 the end conserva tive men of the partyfiwere cried down, and givep no chance. Radicat howls carried everything. ' - GIABY [£1565 .un mun? xx 1356 On the 14m of Augusl,_l§os, Gen. Genry. h lélter to S. Muguire, E~q., a Democrat of Philadelphiannude this deglnrution : {‘l have been a Info-long Democrat, and am stillm Democrat. in the dues: and most. lmplu construction of ihe word and menu ing of the term, without any prefix or 111112: wlmleler.” , In (he Republican State Convention, on last “Wednesday. Mr. Mxrsjmll, one of the ‘ delegnwa from Piluhurg. stated in a speech. that "Gen. Gem-y had called on him a few days ago, and in a conversation had told him that he cwld fully e-uiaru all {ha mac/la and up!“ QfSumner anJ'Sm/tul,” or Word» to I (hit eflgwt. ' K | f Is stronger qvidence needed to prove flea; ry to be a mere pluce-hunter—lima-seryer— a man with no principles—um! no guiding rule (fiber than. that which Qould procure for Lin; pluce and power T, . ('.\.\"'l‘ 00!"! NOR KIC'K! We notice in t-ha Reportpf the Commit tee on the Conduct. of th‘q Warflbnc in June,lB63, President, Lincoln ‘Wrote to Gen. Hooker, on the Rappihannockiu follows: "l‘wouldn't. take any risk ofgbeinyz en tangled up the river, like an arjumped half over a fem-e, and‘liable to be torn by dngl,fro7-l and rear, without afuir. charm to gore hue way or be]: the orherfl ‘ The “big break" between the Presi‘dent Ind Coast-eta has badly “entangled” the oflieo holdersr-pPoslmastel-n, Annual-g, 06l lectors. and so oh. Though heart and sgul‘ with Congren, they are unwillipg to appear hostile to thefll’ruident. becauav,plucky man sis they now Immq him to be, nhflcl ,they provoke hirwmth, 0!? would go their heady ’l‘lwy til-9 really in the poaition—of lfiucqlh’s 0):, “without. a {nix-chance to gore one may or kick the dlher.” For proof, see Adm Sentintl. l THE DOI'STBY BIDDING Troy; New Yum, on Tuesday. elected I Democ'raiic'mnyo': by over 300 major-icy. deApite the most_de<per§te efforts ofthe opposition. Al iihica the pemocratio upk vt was electrdL—n Luge gain. At Utica the Democrats elected' nelrly I" their ticket. Cairo, IH., an the. 27th. eligclcd the' Demo cr-tic ticket. by from $0 to 825—heuy gaunt ‘ I > " 3 and permaneu-l. Mun, :15 must carry the par-1 ~ ly slnntlm‘d through the ~1-emt'n: canvass ‘ . that was about t 9 river}. ‘ ' ‘ 1 The Convemion flg‘bill uwt. but the com IVEBISG SESHON ‘d guise of friendship, ml destroy it. . , canceivq‘ should be % u of loy‘ |d_ under L es« 1' - g the e 1 [lO woul‘ mlest. p imgbillly‘ lalam'd po‘: ‘ ' do righ fin- lhe m !e purpme t‘ ’ Lupreme luw‘ _lie governm _‘ ‘the winced h‘ _it, may challerfizoibe {the good men I)! hem and their 1) confi- in me composition of ynn m [he Iml-vndlug xuullully' mnsciuus of nrnnch this stun lard. *‘xcellence. But. if in some measure rility to achieve Luided in eve land, and _v‘iews It‘ll I led 1 \mn, mu m To~ArrD coin. II 1 Solid!“ him all Put-n or the Cull"!- « > "IE ’1“:- : 17;; “‘24:: , A celebmf’d ph;nlclnnul;n"bl “1,1131!!! 3 LA . :3}. mm or Conwm “'"i uon gm: gumbo: oi beneficiddyflgflbfl WWI)“ "3:?“ pmponuon. 10.- . Fur. .n.. produced hypo. o! the» platen. firm McHhH-ryfi n, (u Qommvm‘oon Dialer Mondayu, um Andy?!" in and by one worn-you bola! _ 2:51“ ”am Wf‘YKNnW" wwhfll ‘ the bra-swan ; (in! 9:12 plm'ed over the and 0 " 01’ I 'f ‘ -‘ ‘wecurefilm‘shmuSerTh-mi’u fizzflm , will run hyslerlu, u men n! dyunuq. opd hnwu‘ud W M u... “mung“ mm" , “fiction! of fly: bowels. ‘ ’u loovdllhnufi}. will? a word M. our mndn,‘ cog or unlcuu nun. . und nah“ Inn-[3: snyllu; that they me not, Ch} Point, Va..Jln. N, "65. ‘ who oxcellcd lnunythlug thvy undvrlukv. Ewry ' T. Allcnck"Co.—&QM¢ your loll" II “'1 ‘ Fulr huh-lufon- lgulu-n up by tin-m WM u aura-M, Pmmlwmdmww and from what \n- hom' onlu- mu- prop-ml. It In ‘ ten and pluced them on the pun ‘3O" ”no ‘Nm-lopn‘dlt-Hhullt wlIHm fully Paul-Ho lhvl'm-l. pn'inl w“ ‘0“. "me; .nd in ‘ I than ‘9","““""”“"'"- Thovurh-lg’nruruoh-vlln pnwmnP‘ lwolre hountould walk on Well M "or. | Lllan h- vary lures-ml mmmhund all Hm! will hr mum hardly hell": it, 1",“ s‘, I." qud. ‘nwdfil nm‘rlhl‘nlwulnx will but lullruuvndnnve' I wanna lo m if the inneneu weal}?! com ”‘l‘“ nix-ml b“"““‘- A“ flllfiwNV" h'lflufi‘. “WI i bul‘k on me or nut-{so I did more walking “11 ‘3 fuot om- or thou-Imm MIL!» a grand dinner, to a" lh-n 1 had done in ~ ...“. 11,-. u," do} ' iconn- 011 on Wednmlny; tlu- fill. The ludh-ullnlt , 1 hm), some pain in my MP: hm. 1 PM on ‘ igmothmmmmm ”demdrhplmler lhere and in two hours \he pdlu wu ilk-‘3 s‘" 3‘ “W“ “l“ '3? WM" NV"?! buy “M'V. ull gone, nor have l felt iv. linco. Cert-inly they aubuqm-mly wuclu-h-d to have it, on ‘ they ”9 a". hell application lor the "ngf'lnd I Wain-wily. wllh ‘tlm exportation of huvlnx ‘tlu- (curq of pain in the 30in“ Ind buck. Ind f."- 9 “W“ “‘1 “I"‘p‘“‘““dw"/"‘“~Vm“‘ ‘0 "1“ “W". rnriroae or enlarged wins, l have our known! from a prlvula' Wurdwnr us,rhul the pn-lmnllonn nnd I would not'he "hm,“ '.th on lII} M. will be «mum extu‘usivn mudgumd lucludu- the 1 count. Yours truly, ‘ ‘ ‘Mtoreve'rimn‘fix. hurtful-mmcduyyvmm- 51",”. In," 103ng GATEWOOD. day. the nu, mil ‘1‘?“ dhiuu-r. _fi -__,_. . , , , ‘.‘ Thu ob 0c! of h- air bring :I un-ly clmrlmblc_ . . \ ‘ouv. We liuxu- to me n liberally- }[lulmuluul by uiu‘i * P" 1"“. hearth-VI mm “h‘jflun round about" .\h~sh.-rn~nlown, my wrll ul ' It "I". thllfl..‘ h" first “'km' " I few: 3 “anon-r. mum-mun,o:nmru.m.\~nlium.nnd all hon“: ”yummy in lull an hour; Tooflnchi , inturmcdldbe ”imam «XI-ludlnx [hone beyond. ‘in fire minulu. It in pertain, innocent :0 RECORD “bl u DEERE—mI» am. ullon or: “’l‘“ i""‘!“"“."v “'.‘“ i‘ "'"M‘WM'M ”I "W partial ha: «is “dLM'h-d to most eminent. Phnlghm in the United Slam. '’‘ "‘ ‘ the Ad M'- ' which N- Price 40 and 80 coulr. ‘ ' ._’ > “I :43. aid ('0 WW n f rn;J\\ l i Tunnwnnda, I'm. Aug. 6, ”59. ‘ [mil Columoui-nllh? miuxilel: trio-owed m: Iqu- Dr. ‘K‘ " Tm'm." 5?" hark: 0°" 8”" . ”mu, M. m.wmmglm.mx{. u“, cullulywhrrvxg hun- used your \enehnn Lmlment with great llmd”|l“&3i$uai:d51::::mlxlls mci‘fllfi i-xi-cuuuh. Flu rm. hull) M an inlvrnd In well u on- ex :inz‘l‘bi‘ud wnwy‘mt“ “:finfiuar‘l Juliufid. ernul mnhcmr. ln “M 1 Mulliom (.ohr and shall no ulljudgvd l-‘R.\l'l)l‘l.(-2.\"l‘ AND Vulh wlgrn Alon-hug l reg-ml hu 1- 10'9"!” .- ““17333iib.i".i’;i“l"3.i&"iiéi‘$fl"fii-‘JSWifi re edy. \ unr } enollun Horn Llnimom 11l ad: 3 flit-”inr- rm'unluu: or Umul-“lw'cuuvgluncuundr-r “fil‘nllrd "4" “”9 “Mild“, Hmong". lur whlch nurh u sulwuuuul pun huxwr or mortgugl‘c, “*n‘nd boulluen on till; 3““!- nludl L‘lMlll.': i ‘ ‘ ' W“. LEWIS, ' This in n wry huportuut notice, nnd (hum hnld-' Snp‘LNorlh llrnuch Unull. lug ullrm'urdul drum will 5w l'u: lmmrmuw of Soil! \yy nll Dragging. Ullirr. No. (all-(2911. huvlng Lin-u: nun-dud wllhyul lurlhfl drluy.’ 1 laud! ll.,Nen York. [Mun 12. in _9— ' ‘ n o o o . msnucnxu THE l,'Ul'.\'T\'.—ln.nu~)rdnnml . f "...“, I. mg n 0“... .' _ wllh a. n-soluumi puma-d by IJu-lual. lmuucrallcl 0f ill] the lhiny.‘ which are rullv “hlndy to cum” Conn-mm“. “‘0 t‘numy (‘ummllmu'qu lmi'r- in: the house." helix-re I” when we rin- Hulunmy'wwk, dmrlcxvd tho cuuuly nu mum“ 'cri'e'ly nan-n ihu‘l the moi! Inclul un-d lam-L ‘0" ColumuslouL-r “"d Dlrwtur: ' 1 ruluuble is t s|) renl llo'lle ul ILldwnv'u “Mal . l. Ucuyubum. ‘.'ullfln'l'lflfldv ”“1"" F"“‘,k“"'- "Rt-lief. Wad», xhla delibenflely, constituti- Iluulflumlandli-rly, l-‘r-«lummnd lllghluud. onsly, und “llhnlll Irnr of comrudlcliun nn‘ 2. Muuuniuy. Ul'l’llhfll)’, Huh-stun], ‘L'ulun‘ “.9 ,um 0! Apr om- familiar with (he erlruord.‘ :‘ CuuuwusU. MWMMW‘: ”“0“. “u“ ”"ml‘k iuury nirtuel hof tluu popular nn-dicnmonL4 twp. , ’ i l-‘imn g hruiu- m u [min in the hon-ell. from I 3- Hnmlllou. wading. Strut-an. T-""‘“"v Illrn- cut my chofiv, lrom n Ipnuned ankle to an or llugum, Lgtlmon', Mruullmuuud lh-rwh-k bur. luck or dysdmory, from: more cold to "To" In "I” 31’0“" dhmlon. "I“ ”I'l ll"‘-’"“““’ "5 comulsmu "from n lurtfingor lo 1h“ rumma m'urlf wilful“! “st I'o“.”th , i lism, train diplherio do“ nto doufnesr, and ' ‘—'_—— , fro: a ll :14: on the lure u ) tou aral i SCARCHW 9" Jh)l.s_k.~l.—llu-roisuu unusual lile'lllmil‘l iliere is no cuse iii whim-ii llalg::v“’£ ’ sour-city or houxmg In n-m hark. lndnul, l}. I'M-gin: “”7““ I! lie! uill nol rumm‘e the ptln u ‘o'“. ulouk as thou h ull wnu drain to ru-mnln run - . . .v. than: could nil. be uccommuluhtd. ,Wv “DP" “it“ ‘mihed’ "d “mu"; “'9 Simon“? nim lur the bout. but it ulll only in- by exlruunzlluur)’ I”. “If“ “dml'im'u “it‘il'xl'ruulf ll '0" I: “crowding" that they \nll Iw mile to only. In, 9:1" y/Q‘egpe lulu”. 'u '4‘ 911 .t w ‘;inll“"'° this state of (blow. it [mum-m thus» who NEE l; e lint" ‘ell ”Nitric-no: uni: ““5: the munnsnulnn 4in liwurH-llun of nE-w bu - . Islgonfiflmilo iluinevlcua of wiiler')‘; in» lug-n. Th.- [ut‘h-JBQ" unorumpm und prosper .of slanllr annihilate! a piin in the. Alonii-zli I \he tuwu demand ths; and ullhuugh b dl , , I ' . _ . . . 1!! mm “,c bn-llcn- mm m qulokly Clll’l'rl a dmrrhma, destruyl all lullun man “"1“ “n at L ' l K million and region-s he Illh. 'l'hu Rudy Hull"? "um um I» ‘s‘“ 1° pay “ fmr “Ml-.‘.“ {e n- is prepared [rum so Innuypl' lhtise lillle imp: l \v.-.:um-ut. \\ 111 not. Khusr- whu lun one) pon- iellli common to [he founlv honceholul, Ih'fl. n d“ "W“ the mutt-1‘? ' [is'pu-ilih-ly indlqrcusiblo to the prudent wi'o - rind careful mulhrr. For l'clmlu "manually in is u “hlgssed gin]! and one iulcepli'rle of nu ‘ i In nearly" ll their pewrliur difliculue: Md de rnngemufs. For children it is even jun. M adunrubl A mixture ridding them 0! lullr! and palm, and henling up llie nuuil‘uld lurem uesses with I mincalolg Ellie und celcrlly. - Fur m-n it is n nernnfuil'u g tenor: of com lort And relief in :I lhunannd lndum-u among [he duily ills l‘vrhich flesh ll heir till" Wu would carnesliy iunprasi it upon the public mind that A Millie Gl'lhdwov'a Re My lit-lief is the cheapest. us well in the but. article In ’ have “about the housi'" ever plum-led, firm-g ul an expense of 50 con" "(any u fin: milling, uhlch _‘wuul-l oxherwise but; to h» p 1” fur lhe'nltemlnnw ol a grab]: physiclun. ’l‘lm ‘ Ready Relief is I whule. npolhrury shop in icseh. l: is good henlth put up in] boulq fur r\or1l)ouly’l use.l who u wise Onouuh to anil themselrer at its serriccs.- Sold by prugzinu. MM. 12. 2hr ‘ . , m FERTILIZHILi -m which arr ar ‘lumr 501u|glv (Emma mlwrllsml In unr col inll um-nlmn to lhl‘ln with 11:, bot-.mm- at tho gn-mzrulA good v qu w I‘l‘cpululluy and “ Flour 0! Hana," umu}! to—duy. V] = =_ I’m-cordial lhvm. an u‘u-il :Is {rum u mmll ms! made of one 01 them by uum-lf. ln pulling out some whn-ul Llflt lall. xu-wml dim-rout furilllz ens \vvm mmu with 11, and nmunx mom (In: Soi ub‘lt- Puclfln: Uuulm. The gut ml rrl'vcl of tlnt,lulwr ihruughuutihe fall was very maria-(Lulmmquuui [u bunL-ynrd manure, und we an: luvlinml In h"- lin‘ve than. ll will hnlduul unlll hunml. “'cum so mvumhiy impum-«l with its 11-npw‘rliq-athnt Wu lnn-ml to glu' it unolhvr trial on n lurgu-r m-ulo, and ln'mt nufily other; “ill try it HIM). Thu 154 m- l-‘luur is will to mix wrll with (hr (:nmm. me two pro-luring a wry lino rosull. This h'fl‘ should nisobc- xnml:-,umi in mnko it as lhumugh ms possibln. Hu- mlxlurc should he upplicd on All (11v different suils liwpqnuty l‘nu. . ————\o—a——— ' {flit-Mrs. anry I'm, Houry .\. l’lvking. lh‘nry Thoums and .l. U. (iillwrt, an- the Hymn-”ml or managing agents rnr hiking unlvm tor “mm-q": Home lluy l-‘urk In this vounty, nnd'furmcns will certainly mniku» ugobd mm: mml. to buyflnm, un 'uu-y .sm'c lhvhank-sz mm: on n farm. A 1:ou M u Inn and a half run he tnkn-n "(flu nix pulgn. as has been shown at the Bum-r Press in this pun-o, where one can befiwu um! lrlwl by all «mu-Iliad. Hand in onlrn mun ruqunnlhlv. Thu» unmlh-r 30M and the fuvor H rnygvh'cxa cvvrywhcu- In 0. proof 0! 1L! grout sup-rll :rily. ' 03““: would {“er ‘aw-nuun to an ndvorllw— uncut, In another mlulnn. in truth] II; n humly pan-mm! [Sr-nun [193“ or Wrapper. ‘l‘hh: In pm nmmm-d by Hum: val-lam.» «){Ju lmnxlu ln- the by»! thing (:1 un- knul n-vm‘ bruugm uul. and we Quubt not [but 11. “ill lx‘cumu popular Uu’ouglwuv.‘ um county. WNmrly «II the cltlm Imw Imvr, or hnw rr- N-utly hml,~llxe!r glu ml» (‘nn't Ih'llyxhnrg affiml one? “'0 how all tlw modern lmpmvemv-n‘ga— railroad, gm, water. and A "Arum—and am no ghost. There are plan on which, with (I u-nlh part of the muwflnl, mull! " misc" 1! sum: 01 lhrlu, tr’l’ht- nut: new n-shh-ncu of Mr. Robert Given. n 3 Pupvrlnwn. Wm! dmflruyul by llru nu Nunduy night, {wvlng caught, h. b: luppomd, {mm the kitchen chlnuu-y. The hum was punk-Hy lu nun-d, and Inc-it or the surnlxurr “Var—Ell” Mr. Gh‘uu'u loss [I conshlrnhlv. thurgv papermlll in: dmlroycd by nn: only nlx munlhu ugh. l’i‘l’nltztl Sinful Srnulur Buvkuh-w and 9mm Sl‘nuiqr‘filuu have our thanks for (‘ungn-uhmul npd Ikfih‘lnl‘h’o(lll‘ulnn‘hls. C ‘.‘-Among the pnlrnls rrvmll)’ 11mm) by the 'Cnl Ind 14qu Pawn! omm. we uutm-Qm- to Dan - I»! D. Glthru-mun lilo, Adm-u county, for Im provcnu'ul in harvmm-nl. “.'l'hr-rc will, he firm-hm: In ma w Prom by vrhm mum-h of (h-nyshurg, on “w Imm auvl 75'3" Subluuhs m lhl~~ mam“. hy‘lhu Rev. 8. ML»- u ur. ‘ li-John R. Dounvu has n-uwd lint-Central Ho tel In Hanover. Till-2 SPRING 51.711103“. Went-go our Democratic trienda through out. the county to 'nomirmte their beet. men, end'then moke up their minds to elect them in every instance. Do not trust too much ‘to your strength. It. is important that. the year should be begun erlght. A manly ef fort in the wring gives strength and energy for the more imlmrmntmnte-u (but come all' in the full? Let our friend: throughout the chunky see how well they cun do at the coming election for township officers. We believe that Democrats have the but inter est: ol' the country it heart: the principles oflibertyJew-ndouder they with everywhere well to eeteblieh. They wish the citizens and the State. well establirhed in all their righuand privileges—the eupremecy of the while race maintained throughout the entire nation. We trult that in every election «lit trict the sundard or the wlutnmn end the Constitution will be raised, and none but‘ white men elected to fill any poeition under the laws of the hint—Carma Volunteer. ”The Republicans in the Suite Senate have ”a?“ a resolution requesting U. 8. 89mm! wan to resign. Why? Thai-6mm , be I?“ 039 uplanuio'n: 551-; Cosan “milk! PRIOR ~J .ISAL’); Tuna: N And", by reai ent Johann In in! man p 0 i- . - » '9 W . Wl. and Oppolea vl'h‘av-L Stiff?!” said this 1:11:- ‘l'gigmfifiylfgtziupn‘figtp: *1?le a: 9:; 33',” 3339‘} n ‘3“; s33“ng .on name with dimm oflhgfii'flor EAR, Radial ’ ' I“! ' h ' 0' {will be smentificfllyifiré'atal ml cured, if ‘3“; fund" m; '9‘“ ‘f m’fi‘mndi ammo is. n.'—mrmcm. nun-«aw ',f’ °.°".’“‘?" "I lee ’ a'dwl' Iwizhouc puiu. No chug" Inde‘fonxaiu-v M “7°.“ sgnlngm m {lvor ofoboPA-eu . non. The nudist! funny in invited, nln aim-It‘ll?! mitt- ;—~- "7 ' “150 Burn In his mode of ire-menu” ‘ . é“. Fae—H’s {,O .ndOj’SG Presidgn‘ J J 17"1855. I]; ~ } ‘.' 1‘ IV ‘ ‘ » mm. maW" °" WSW“? ' , Essa?» ~ .’ «cums wggkquglumadlz'idfl" I: 'A Ucntlemimwhgi Inland fogfit'fi flair: [ f '.‘". “mkb‘l’fiwé’ Wlllmland “"1"” fiebilitg.Premntmi‘fiécflxal'flt‘. 3“ wu Wby mind: A! m“a clean 6! youthful'inflymaoi; '1: mi “ I Dun. ant-tons m“ - ‘ Ih. u’ké'o‘f‘inhrmg “‘“Wf'flww L ' mommagldptoda-I' WM* in who and it, the recipe sud «H n int» 3. fiubhm “Wm. . . mniuhumiqwm;vmmt(mt 7’ ‘ .54 .1» int-6m.“ M”w “no.“md-ugm'w d». d ‘of ‘ l' M 15170: travb's‘figrz‘m geniur’l experienea,‘un do In by 3:!qu IQUALIIL.' 4.. .3 ‘ ' .‘ fl; I'. 3:. > u ' ~._ V med wi'fi'fl‘SFMfi’V‘? “$515.6 flail ' ‘ 13233 WWEgsrgfi‘gr! I [at to [he 0001 mm. " ““-' ‘ ’ Mung” at ‘l’ , EMSMI3 'l’,” Hi 111110 I. ‘|‘mk'l ’.'“. m Lyon-'l. Pcr'lodlh‘dl Drop“ 7'lw qrval ”malt R'emrdy fut Irngulan'liu. o These, Drops are a scientifically l‘llllllltllllltl ed fluid preparntlon, and hotter than 'nny l’illi, Ponders or Nuslruml. Being iiqtllli' tlmr tic-lion is direct and positive, renderinnbem .1. rvliuble, speedy and cousin lyict‘jfic fur tho cure at It" ohittructious and lum-runlonlnf ‘ nn'ure. Theiripupulurjty‘ is ladleaud by the,” {Art that our [OO,OOO hunk-sure non-lull) mint. and consumed by the ladies at the Uuitr-L Stat-m, ever) oneo' whom tint-nit in Iltestrnng est terms at pram at their grout mt-lIJ. They” are rapidly Inkling lhp l‘lnct‘ at every other Femnle Re‘meuly, um] um: considered by all who know nnxht at them, ms the itureat, lllfcil, Am] tnoatinfnllihle prey-arntion‘iu the wrld,lur the cure ul n!l_femnle complainuflhe remoml oFIII obstruction: of “Attire, um! the promo mm '0! hullh‘, rvgltlntity and strength. h:- plirit dirrrtiuul gutting when they may ho used, Ind explniuinp wh. n nod why they ehuuld not, ’nor could ttnL be med without' producing effects contrary to luluru’a choun jut”. will he tound carefully folded armtu-l em h bottle, with the written sign-tun ol Joint. i L. Llammithout which none In: genuine. l l’rennred by Dr. JUION 11. LYUS, 195 Clupel' Street, New Haven, Guam, who can be'con pulled either personally , or hy nuil, (encloaing lumpq‘ cont'orntng 11l privnte dileues «ml funule \Vukneuea. Sold by Druxgistq evory— where. c. u. count t cu... Gon‘t Agents for L'. 5. Incl “maths. Nov. 6, .865. ly I I 'l'o {'omumfll'w The ndrerlieer/huving been restored' lo hethh in u {er wet-kl by A very eimple reme dymfxer luring sum-red lur never-l years leL I severe lung nfl'vclion, and the! dread dleeaer, Cullsumpliw—is nnxiuul to mnk‘e known to his Jellow-wfl'eren-[he menu: of cure. To all whoulesire it, he in! eend I copy of the prescription need (free of rlmrge‘.) lilh the adireclionl for preparing and lining the same, which they wili find 3 run Cl‘ll run Gossrxr‘rlox. Arr-nu. Buoscums, Cocuun, Cams, MN nll Throw. end Lung “fiction-. The only ohj CI of the udroniear in tending the Prescription in to benefitlho nflllcled. and spread ilulorrun’lion which he conceheu to be iuuluable, and he hop" every pufl’rrer uin try his remedy, u-ie wine.» new nulhing, {mi mny prove e bh'uing. . , Purliu wishing the pano‘riptionflnl, by return mail, will pleue midreu llu’. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willimfiuburg, Kinp_co., Kev quk. Mar. 5, 1866., 1y ‘ . To Die in o Sod Canoe so those who In“ to 11:6 relrel nah undonhtw edly do, i! foolish. But on lbw ofier hand ‘ DYHING Full A GOOD CAUSE u those who are rinjld prudcnrenough to remedy the defect. of wire with I “CHRISIADOBO'SfiAm DYE, _ are doing awry day, I; any City of the U nion, i| eminently pniul’orlhy. TH: penu— tul revolution is going on throughout H). wfiole land, undfims beauty Andhurngouy nip pl-nl homcliuuud immunity. Nuanc lflrcd by J. CIiISTADORD,No- 6 Anal Hone, For York. Solu‘ by Draggiau. April“ by In Hair Drawn; ”IL p. In - 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers