f “kin-‘6! mucn-mx. flu: company palm-had . gvny Mom-y m by HENRY J. Elm-t 92 00 per lu au: ‘1 pH ”new 1;! swam—O: 50 per u:- nu- “fit and In adv-IN. No "mm aw Manned; Inks- u the o‘puun of haynlnlflmr, unmfl mu no pun. ‘ ADV'ERIXHEMEFIB Inn-run! u the and mm. 108 PRINTING“ I“ kinda done with neitneu nnd dispatch. . ‘ OFFICE 1n gnu: Bnltlmom street. hem-cm mmno Induluh. um: um l’ou only;-~“c«:myl ler mum; onw’zon the darn. x MBlO I 8.1 Cards; Dr. D. B. Pefi'er, BBO‘H‘STOWN, Adam: county, continua! A xhe‘pneuce of hi. profusion in :1! m bunched, Ind would ‘respeclfully invite :11 persons nfllicmf with any old tunding dil onns lo édl uni consult him. " Oct. 3, 1864. ‘u - Dooto'r O. W. Benson. FFXCE‘II Ihe Railroad Home, (front-room, formerly occupicd by Dr. Kinzer,) LITTLESTUWN, PA June 19. 1365. u m. .f.‘ w; c. O’Nez‘w. FFIOE and Welling. N. E. corner offlal tinmre and High alumna“ Rrelbwainn Church. Heuyahurg, PI. Nov. so, 1863.; t! - Dr. J. A. Armstrong, AVIKG removed lrum New Sulem, York a county. Ind having located at, Middle 'rgwu, Minus county, offers his [\raressionul QQHC" bran public. [July 31, ’65. lg Law Partnerghip. “7 A- DUNCAN” x J. ~11. wm'nz, ._.' _ ATTQHM;)_§ A'l_‘ _LAW,. 'lel' promptly. luend loznll legni busine’n entrusged tp them, including the p'rncuring of Penn-ions, Bounty, Buck Pny, find all ,olher chidf'ngnimt‘the United Slate: and State (ion-naming. may: in North West. Cornet of Dinm‘oxg, chyuhurjr. l'glrn’m ‘ ' " Apr 113,11865. LI ~ E indward'n. Bu ame‘r, ’I‘TOR‘fiBY AT LAW, wili fuiihfully and A prumlLfly “Item! to all business‘entrusted to him. speak: the (iermnn Mummy...— Olfica at tire “me phce, in South Bullimorc “not, n: r Furney's drug store, nndlncurly oppu-aile Dunner a Zieglcr's store. _ Ueuylb’hr‘, .\l.|rch ‘lO. ‘ . ' . ‘ J. C. Neely, ' ‘ TTORNEY AT LA\V.-—l'urticulur atten- A lion mid to cullrution of l’emiuns, ouuiy, and Buck-nay. Ulfice [in the 5. ‘H. cormr of‘ule Dianrohd. - ' Uruyl-x‘lmrgg, April 6, 1863. If a D. MeConaughy, T'NHIN'I'IY AT LA W, (arm-c one door wesl A or Uuelller's drug and back stu‘ru-‘(Zhnmfi crshuru street.) Armin“ 'AND Sonwxrunmtm Pnurrt no Pn'giuxs. nounly Ln-nd ngr rants, Hick-pay,«uq‘n-mled. Claims u'n-l nll other chin“ agni’ns; the Gornrnmelfl at Wush inzN‘m. 0.3.; alsdAmericnnClnEms in l-lnglgmd. Lxuul W Irrnnts located xmd suhLor Inoughtlnnd highest price: given. Akenls engaged in‘ lo cntiug warrants inlran, Uliuois nnd oth-t 'wg-Leplfll nq‘s nay-Apply to lnm persomliy or hyrlg-lu'rfig, A Grttfghllrg, Nov. 21, '53. , J. Lawrence Eiuxm. D., AS his olliqe one ' a __ i, I I door weapufthe “ Ewifig Lutheran church in "'" Clumheni’um street. nnd opposite ’Pickxng's “we. wh ~re those wishing to luwe any Dem-41 Operq'ion performed are rcspaL-tfully invited to NH llrnh’svcdv ‘D'ra. Homer, Rev. C. P. Kr um. I). l) . llev. H. L. Unugher, D. D., lle'v. Pxof. )l. Jacobi. .'rof. )L L. Sharer. Grtlysburg, April 11,'53. ' Cemetery Removals. VHF)uuderlixnud.heingthé uuthnrmed perion 71 to make remnmls into Ewr Green Ceme tervhllopes that Flll‘h as contemplate the remm :d at the renmins of decousw reluti\'e.~ or t'firn-ls w ill nu'nil tlu-nueh'es ut this st-usou ol‘thu year to have itdmw. Renmvr'ds made u it): prmnptueis. ..lerms low, and no efl‘urt spared to ple'vso. ‘ , PEN-ll: THURS, Alp-vb 12. '6O. Keeper of the Ct-mptvry. Inn-(JV H- ‘l' Groceries. V ‘IIE Jubscrmurs Imijust nxurned‘ from 1 the cilia wilh fill imnwnse'supplyfd HARDWARE J: (lIIUCHRII‘E, which the) are ofluring at their old stand in ~Bxulunore slum, a} pricqs to suit the umes.‘ Uur slack comials in p4l! of I 1 BUILDING MATERIALS, - ' ‘ UAIU'EX'I'HII'S TOOLS. I “lILAI'KSMI’I‘II‘SV TOOLS. ~ ‘ COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDINGS; CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, ' HUUSEKEEPICIUS FIXTURES, . ALL KINDS OF ”KIN, .'(c. G ROCERHBS {OF ALL KLN‘ns, ()lIIS, PAINTS, hcq kc. There is no ninth: xnrlnded in ,the seven-l departments menlig‘m-‘d ahme but. what cuh he hind at this Store.— En-ry cln'sa of Machining can be accommodated here with tools nnd findings,nndvlhxuwkvepers can find "cry nrtirle in their line. (va us a: can, M are are proplred to sell as low for caih Is any house out of Lhe'city. ’ , JUM. B. BANNER, »’ DAVID ZIHGLER. Gettysburg, )Xny 16. 1564. ‘ The Great Discovery F THE AGE—inflammatory and Chronic Rheumktism cnn be cured by using“. L. llthl-ZR'S CELEBRATHI) [RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. .Mnny prominent. citizens of this, and the :djoiniug ‘counlies, have testifigdfio its great“ utility. Its success in Rheumatic nfi‘ec lions, lms’ been‘hitln-rto unparalleled hy‘n‘ny apec‘fic, introduced to the public. Pnce'so centiper bottli. For sale by all druggists and flare eépers.~ Prepur‘ed only by H. L.-MILLER, Whole-us and mum Druggist, Ens: Bérlin, 115 ml conniyhl’aq dealt-tin Drugs, Chemicals, its, Vurllish; Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot; led Oils, Ease‘nces and Tinctures, Window tilnu, Perfumery, Patent M’edlcines, 320., &c. ”A. D. Unehler is tlxp Agent in Gettys burg tor “ 11. L. Miller’s Celebrated Rheumntic Mixture," ' . ‘ [June 3, 1,861. tf _ ’ Still an “'ork! 1‘ HE Eldersigned continues the ‘ . . AERIAGE-MAKING BILSINESS, n I“ in: hpynchps, at his old stand, in East iliddle nregt. Gauysburg. ' NEW WUIQK made to order, And _,, " REPAIRING gone ptompflf and afiloweat prices. . gT'O lit-stilt“ S RIM}. WA'GrUNS and a. SLEIGH for Isle. ’ JACOB ‘TROXEL. ' Dec. 1,1363. - Sale Crying. ‘ w. mmum continues m" business A. of SALE ORYING, end policiu‘the con" ginued petronnge ol the public. It in his con ,nnnt. endeavor to give “fiahction. [Chm-gel moderate. Residence in Breckinridge acre”, flatly-burg. P. S.——lle ie elicensed Auctiopeer, under the In Law of the United Sales. Nov. 24, 1863. _ ". Do You Wish ‘ r“ ' Pfeaerve n 9609 likeness of yourself _l '19:" children, or your Iriends‘l go at g . t 9, MUIPER'S GALQERY, the beat plnce 1.139 gov-mt, to qulll’e first clus pictures. A‘, Few 7-80’3 , "IL on bind and for sale at THE FIRST 8 ntmmn BANK or GETTYSBURG. " ‘ , GEO. ARNOLD, Casuifi. , Ont a. 11365. 6: WCTING gTTENTlON.—Themperior may” taken It HUMPER’S SKY~ uflf GALLERY, on We" Middletkfir'e “3mm; liivsn/ajr'sfl’e'mion. Good judgea‘ prouonnc‘o ‘heniupefior to any ever taken in (MI plus. (kn ind ‘enmine for yourselves. J“ “11.9.5- , ‘60,. g Bgooggsoyn Stuck, Rice-flan gal A ;_, forlnl’e uDr HORSE}?! lit-58w”. ' . IBIS CHOIR «nbohou I swam U .‘.-7%“ m‘ ‘ _ 30%!!!qu N I l BY» H. J. HTAHLE. 48th Yéar. ‘ New Wlpter Goods. . ALL PHUHTS & QUICK'SALES. . ‘J.-L. SCHICK. would reupecdully my to the citizen: 0! Get tysburg and vicinity, that he in now recemng at his store a Inlendid ’ STUCK UF WINTER GOODS. _ The stock consists in “parto! ‘uncy nnd Staple DRY GOODS, of every deifription. SILKS, MOZAMBIQUE, * CHALLIHS, ' > f - . _ DELAINES, , '--- V ' BOMBAZINES, » ~ ' ALPACUAS, ' LAWNS, - ‘ CALICOES, bf-a‘l qpnlities and choices! styles, which Will be sold M PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. ‘ FURNISIHNG GOODS of n" kinds, including Silk, Lilian and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, he“ , . Also, I splendid assortment of RIBBONS, Laces and Edginga, Umbrellas and Paranoia.- My stock onm'rE Goons wilz be round mu 1' and temple“, and customers may rely up’nn‘ alwnys getting good goods at. the lamest. possi ble prices. ’ 4 ‘Gu'mlenwn will find; it to tllelrjndvpnmge lc call and ”amine my stock of _ CLUTHS», _ A , ~ I. ~ .’CASSDIERES Ind - - . Vmsnxus, at all qunhfies and choicest styles. J.\n. l, 1866. . 5 J. L. SCHICK a. 5 7 , 7 ‘ ~ -- A— v -7 , “ow-- Bargains ! Bargains! EW FALL AN?) \\ DTHR GUHDS. _ N ’ FAIISESTUL‘K BRUTIIERS lnu'ejust returned from New York and Phila delphm with one of the largest stocks of new Full and Winter? Goods ever oflL-rexl to the citizens cl Adnmg county. They were pur-‘ dmscd thort- the lite ripe in goods windmill he snlol at corresponding lulu-s. The unusually grcu‘l demuud furgnods of every description for the Southern luurket, \nll undoubtedly cuu-re n lurlher risr- in [he yrwe of gouds. \\ 9 thcr'e for‘e advise all Ihr". ~ ' NUW IS THE TIME TO BUY. § O‘ur stuck nf, Lndies' Dress Goods is com— plrlp, cunglsting of French Meriuoes. vr-ry cln-ap, all “001' Popl’ins. all wool Fluids. De luinei—Shopherds’ Fluids, Culicoes, Ging hums, I’ll-ill GisellmCoburgsfilmhs for lmdies' (Ilunls, unusually low, Silks audull’lhe latest sty'es 0! Dress Goods. ‘ CLOTIIS, Cnssimeru, Cassius“, Tweeda, Krmuvk.“ Jeans, hm. for .\lcn"s Wink-J - FLAXNl'iLS—[lle largest stock Yer brought to lllii murkel, and cheap. Also, allurge s uhrtment cl Cloak Trimmings, Shnwls, Hoods,i :Il’ulmornli, and in [Heb-l lull nnd complete as ésgxtmen! of all kinds of Suple and Funky Goods. Our stngk lmving been purch‘nsed low. we sny'ugnfn _ ' L'UY YOUR-TALL 5; WINTER GOODS NOW Haring replenished our stmk in all its do ]mrungnts, we nre' prc'pnred [q supply u'llnyevér muy lie wnnwd in our line of husihess at prices that dely‘compcutiun. Call at the Red Front. _‘ FAH§ESTUCK BROTHERS. Sept. 4, 1865. - . ' New Goods! (‘heap Goods! :7 HE PLACE‘TU GET THEM ~ II: 1‘ , IS HI\NOVER!—‘- L\\e hewlny inform thg citizens of York'nnd ‘ Adams counties, that. we have established, at. Ilhe _solfilwasl. cornr: of (‘entre Square and Jlldltimor'e street, HAXUVER, lormexly occu plan! bny. E. a T. I‘. Win, a. Brunch-Store, 3(the prinéipul business houses being located in New York and York, Pn.,)':where we will Ikeep at all limo-s a regular Assortment of Dry, {Domenic null Fancy GOUDS, also, a well so ‘Jectbd assurzmcnl of QLO'PHS. CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, CUTTJNETS and CORDUBUYS; ‘ClmmgGlnss and Queens-ware, lmdies’. Misses" ;hu‘fisllildreu'a SHOES; Also. n‘nice and full 135301"? th of all kind: ol CARPET, Floor and Table Oxl-clotb. . \\‘c,l_nl‘ve-also established in rooms adjoining the Cvmi'nl Hotel, a CLOTHING . STONE, where we will keep conswntly on hand a well selected assortment of Ready-made Clothing, 9! the latest styles, and a. full assortment of Gentlemenjs l-‘ur’nishing (lauds, such as Hats, Caps, Boots, Sheep, 9%., which we will sell qt reduced prices: .‘ . As our motto lainnd Always will .be, “quick sales and small brofits.”‘ we hope to receive a share at the patronage of 10m: and- coun try. Onr connection with tht- large wholesale houses in New York City und_York, P3,,wherq are nlwuys a'torcd an extensive stock ot‘goods, which we sell at wholesale gna retail, enables us to supply our old friends and luéh of our new customers ‘5 will ‘gire us a call, with the very ll§t mnrkemble goods, at lower roles than (urn be purchased Inywhere in {he Smte: Call and see {org-ourselves. JOS. LEBACB & BRO. Hanover, June 26, 1865. 1y Buggies dz Carriages. HIS WAY: THIS WAN—The nnder. signed is engaged in the Carriage-making business, in West Middle street, near Geo. Lit.- |le’a old store stand, Gettysburg, and invites all who may need nnything'in his line lo give him a call. He puts up, in the very bestmnnner, Fnillingstop and other BUGGIES, and I“ the different. styles 0! CARRIAGES.— With a. full knowledge of the business, «pd a determinatipu to give satisfaction, the public. can rely ‘ upon his job! Semg good. He will=endior to deserve I lgrge shore ol pa tronage, and hopes to'receiv It. ' REI‘AIRING done at the shortest notice, and on most. reasonable terms. flComm-y produue will be uken in exchange lor work. , - CHAS. E. GILBERT. ~ Geuysbm, N_ov- s, 1865. am . . 0 Yes! 0 Yes: HE hudersigned respectfully :nknonncee to ‘ tho public that he has uken out. an Auc uunoer’l Liceps . Ind ofl'erl hél services!» the public. T'.lle feefn confident this hil long ex periencpjnJh . business will enulblo him to under entire satisfaction. Chnrges will be rousouable sud satisfaction gnunntied in 3H ues.¢ Addran ' ‘ REUBEN IGDLQEN. Inn. 8. 1886: t! Gettysbil'g. P.- Give‘film a Call! HE place to obtain a perfgcl Photégnph or Amhmtype, executed in the best mannef, il st.MU,\rIPER|'S GALLERY, in Middle ureet. Jun. 9., 1.86.5. ‘ ‘ » Cooklng stoic- OF every ‘verieky; including the " Noble Cook," “Royal Cbok,” "Wiveflv " “Orn ementel," ‘QOrientnlfl Ic. Also. finame, Sheet-iron-were, Hollow-were, nnq every Wh' riefiy of Kitchen Furnitfire—inelnding e varie- Iy of Lanterns. Also; e new'end mqefi “lll proved Flour Sifter, for sale by ‘ ' C. H. BUBBLEB, Corker of Culisle Ind Railroad .n., Feb. 19, 18§6. s / Genjlbntg, Pl. ....._.l -_J__.___.______..._—' WE hue jnat received I new «eminent of Queenlwln, to‘vbleh 'we invite the “union of blue". A. SCOTT 8 SON. ~SHIR‘I‘S AND DBAWERS an be bought at low prices of < ROW & WOODS., WIHERIS mm 15le for uh n lovaar’o bin; and 7m Stan. "’ifiix‘cnowflxve a: "due.” U grim.» .. * ~ ”’fionm's-i • A DEM©GRATH© AND FAWJJH‘LV'JCQURNAL ' Grew- Attraction, OLD AND‘S LVER ‘ . _ HOLIDA Y GIFIS.“ WATOCHES AN D IEWELRY _ to be dihpoud of an. - ONE DOLLAR EAUHJ Without rogzng to glue! Not to be paidrlor unlil yau know that you are 10 recéivel BY A. H‘. ROW—fix a; 00., (Agents for the Mnnh.‘nctur¢rs,) N 0.36 8:"qu 51min, lefl'oux‘. ,1 fikend the lollowmg Eistp‘l' Articles to be sold for ONE DULL.}R Maura. lOOGoldHunling-caseWak-hvl.ench,si2s 00 100 Gold Watches, mr'a styles, ‘.‘ 'lO 00 200 [.ndies’ Gold Watches, “‘ 50 00 500 Silver \vucues, each, $25, ofitg 40 oo 101:0 _Elegnnt Silver Plated V k)” ‘ ’ CELL! Stands, each, 20 00 $O6O 00 1000 r; gum sum 13mm \ l-‘Euit & Caku ankéts. mac 3 ts of Silver Plated 'Dea ~ Spoons, ’ 800to15 00 2500 sets of Sih‘erPlated Forks,B 00 to 15 00 2000-Goblets, engraved, 4 00 {o‘B 00 3000 .puirs or Table Spoons, .‘5 .00 to 800 3000 pairs of Salt. anouna. , ~91 00 Lo 5 00' 4500 Inwgnificml Napkin Rings, 4 00 to 9 50 suuo wire at Pendant Harm-ops, 4‘ -. (msortcd colors.) 3300 sets of [:ndieé’Jewelry, imi- Atnlion “011 v, . 2500 Gohl >Lng'ktits, eng‘d bucks, watch fucc porn-ct imita— tion Ladies‘ Watch, ; 000“ Ladies' Back Combs, rich and unique [mm-ms, 5 CO to 25 _OO 4400 Belt. Buckles, Gold, Jet and ' \'ulc.mi!e. 5 00:01.} 00 6100l’tslyle\‘estherkChnins,5 (1010 20 00 5500 Genls’Cnl'uDEamond l'ins.s 00 to 20 00 4000(Iuhf’a Diamond Ear Dru-ps,s 00 to 10 00 3000 Miniuture and Enameledlle- \‘(yh‘ing Pins, ‘ _2oooCulifolmDimnond and En ' ‘ GeuLS’Scurf I’ius, . 2 00 to 10 00 2000 Wasnnic and Emblem Pius,2 (010 10 00 2.300 Gold Bnqd Bnuclclsb en ' armed and plniu, 3 00 to 20 00 3000 Jet and Mosaic Brooches. 3 00 to 10 00 2000 (.‘umeo Bronches, rich put- . tvrus‘ very Lust), 5 00 to 20 00 3000 Curnl Eur Dmps, 4 00 to 6 00 2000 Lndins' Chnlehine Chains ' ' nnd Uuagd UlminsL 6000 Genla’ Pius, a splendid as- sortmenl, , ‘ 2.00 lo 10 00 .4000 Sohtnire Sleevé Batons, ‘ entirely new style. ' d 00 w 10 00 3000 Studs and Sleeve Buttons, ‘ in sets, very rich, 300to10 00 5000 Sleeve B'nltuls. plain, ~_ - enameled alnd engra ved, 2 00".0?‘ 00 10000 plui'n and handsomely eu- ‘ ‘ grated Rings, ‘ 8000 Lockets, duuble case, rich- ' - , 1y; engraved, ‘ 200 to 10 00 15000 321301 Ladieserelrymew' v ,nnd latest slylés, 6 3o l2_oo 5000 handsome Seal Rings, 3 3001.0 8 (00 21100 scts‘of Boson Stud‘s. 2 410 6 007 1000 Gold Pens and Gold Ex- .. 4: tension Iloiders, _ 15 Ogto 25 00 2000 ,sets Jet and Gold Pins and . :- Eur buoys, ‘ 6 9050 10 00 2000 GoldTh{unblesmehcilaficq‘t 00°10 6 00 10000 Gold Pens and handsome ‘ . Sllwr Cnscsv, _ 10000 Gbld Pens nnd handsome Ehnny‘Homers, ' 400 :o 600 Jl‘he method 0! disposing of these good: at. ONE DOLLAR each is as follows ‘ Celt‘ficutes, naming each nrtiple :aud its value, my placed in sealed envelopes and WP“ mixed. One of thesg envelopes will be srnl v mull tn any n'ddreis 'nn receipt of 2' cents. on the’ receipt of the Certificate you will see «but you are goin'g'm have, then it. is at your option to send the dolluLnnd xuke the article or not.’ Purchasers limp thus obtain a Gold W'nuli, Diamond Ring, orally set of Jewelly on un'r list for USE DULLAR, and in no case can they get lesa [bun Ori'e 'Doll.«r'a worth. us there are no blanks. The price ol'Cerl‘lic'nu-a is as follows :—O‘ue {or 25 cents; five Int 5! eleven for $2; tliirtv for $3; sixty-five for $10; our hundred for $l5. _ ‘ ' .’l‘he distribution is chdncted fairly, aid «'ll have an equa‘l chance of obmininyztiie vuluuhie prizqs by plireuusinz the Certificates. We gunrantee entire satisiactiou in all cas‘es. .‘ Agenrs wanted to whom wb oifer special terms and premiums. Send ‘25 ’ceuls for one Certifichte find our‘ circular with terms. "'- A./H.-RUWKN & 00., P. 0.13.»: 4270, flew York Jan. 37, 1863. n0v.27. 3m _ .Addrea3, ;_ Connie mu College. -' (Mm: no FIIALI.) ‘ l‘llS Institution is locntetl M; YORK, Pa. T The first session, nnder the‘new proprie torship, will begin on the sth of April, 1866, and continue three months._ The building, which is large and commodiuus, will he fur nished in the best style, with new furniture, new bedding. kc. A corps of able and expe rienced teachers will have charge of the dif ferent departments. Instruction will be given in all of the‘ branches nsnully taught in col‘ legs; and excellent ndylntngeswill he nfl'ord ed those who wish to-inke lessons in vgcul n‘nd instrumental music. For circulars giving full information. nddress leV. D. EBERLY. Feb. 12, 1866. 4?! ' York, Pa RANKLQI HOUSE, - ' COlel_Of_fl3y-XIP ‘.‘ lE‘AEILIR ITBIITH, This House is on a direct line betweenthe Northern Central and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depots. It has been refined nn’d‘com fombly “ranged for the convenient: find the entertainment. of guests. Nov. 20, 1865. tf HE undersigned would most. respectfully inform the public that. he continues the BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, at his shop, lately Philip Dmraom’s, adjoining Troxel's-;mlut shop, in Enst , Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at all times be_ pre pared to do‘Blacksmithing work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, kc. Thu he knows how to do all jobs at the kind will no: b'o questioned by those who have mkno‘wledge of his long experience or the hunln‘eu. Coon on with your work, and you will be satisfied when you ' ukelt army—and for which he will receive Guh or Cououy Produce. I ADAM HOLTZWOBTH. A Mar: 20,_186§. 1f 2 OUIS 15'. KUXMERANT would (eke ‘hil _ method of informing hie old friends and l nub“; genenlly, the: he has egein com. menced the TAILOBING busineeg in Genya- ‘ burg. hie new‘eetnblishment being‘in Chum- ‘ 'berabnrg street, between Wuhingtona and : Welt uneu, south side. He invites those in went of leilofing work, to give him e. cell, end ‘ feel- Inre the he can give eetieuctjon. Hie sewing will be found emong the newest. end molt dureble. end his flu ee good u can be made. He chm-gee the levee: ptice tor workt ,hll principle of bueineu bein , "to live and 1:: live: , fJen. 8, 1866. ADIES’ DRESS TWGSEII: grout n- L flow, at { OflICK’B. GETI‘YSBURG, PA; MONDAY, mjs‘, 186L6. $1,000,000 “won-rue! 15 00 to 25 00 5,0’0108 oo 5 001.010 00 5 _OO to 1‘) 00 8 00 to 15 00 2 50 to 10 00 50010 800 Everitart's BALTIMORE, MD Bfiikfimhhmg; Tami-mg. “Truth a laugh.“ mu Emu." LARGE SALE F VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, 0 —on TUESDAY, the 20m day at MARCH next, the subscriber, intending to quit. torm ing, will sell at Pu‘Jlic Sale, at his resi dence. in Freedom township, Adams county, the iollowing valuable Personal Property, viz”: " 7 HEAD OF HORSES, (5 at them Work Horses, and 2 Colts, one aye-.ra‘and the other 2 years old.) 23 head ofSheep, 1 Brood Sow and lofirsl-clnssSholelfl Broad-trend Wagons,~ One-horse Wagon, 2 pnir Huy Cnrriuges, an %Carringe. for one or too horses, Rock nwny uggy, Bull's Reaper‘nnd Mower, (nenF ly new, and one of 11:: best in the county.) Threshing .\inchine,‘fiilh all the nece-snry fix tures, in complete order, Clover Holler, Cgin Coverer, Groin Drill, Wire-tooth Horse Rake, Land Roller,l Winnbwing Mill,‘ Cutting ’Box, i’loughs, lint-rows, Dowble and Sin‘gle Shovel Ploughs, Curn Forks, Corn Planter, Flax Brake and’Scuti-hinngnchine, 1 Two-horse Sleigh and l Una-horse' Sleigh; Single nnd Double-trees, Stretchers, 3 Log Chains, Fifth Chain, '1 sets of Breechbnnds and 4 sets of Cropper Gears, new Saddle, Collnrs, Bridles, Hnlters and Halter Chains, Cow Chains, 2 sets of Cnrringe Harness, Rnkes, Forks, llatttockl, Shov‘els,&c. Wheat, Rye, och and om, by the bushél,‘nnd “why the stuck or (on, with n lnrge‘viriety or other articles, too numerous to memi ‘. wt ask: to commence at 10 o’clock. A. 31., on mid: nymhen attenditnceywill be given and terms Ade known by f . , r ABRAHAM KRISE of P. Feb. ,6, 1366.7. 13* ~ 10 00 Bic. SALE , l‘ \MLUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 0 —Ou WEDNESDAY. the 2:51. day of MA KCll next, the subs‘uribeT, intending to re move to the West, will séll at 'Public Sule, in. 'his residence, in Franklin township, Adzr‘ms county, nmr Flohr’s Church, the iollowiug volunhle‘l’ersonnl Property, viz: 5 HEAD OF‘ HORSES, ('l‘of them good lenders, and all young.) '1 Colt, two yetlrs old, 8 mm: Cows, a lot. 01 Sheep, Buckeye Reaper, (as good as‘new,)~Wire-loo'h’dlngse fluke, Gum-springGrainDrill,(Willoughby'a\patent,) \\'innowing Mill, Cutting Box, Font-hone Brand-trend Wagon. 2‘ pair llay Corning“, Wood LuddersJ’loug'hs and llnrrows,‘\Siu ale and Double Shovel l’loughs, Corn Fox‘kg, (Torn Coverer, Single nnd Double-Irene, Snatchers. 2'sets of llreeehbnuds. 3 setn of Front. Gears, Plough Gem’s, 4 Fly-nets,‘ Housings, Wagon Snxldle, Lines, Itidiug Sud dle and Ulrldlee, Blindllrldloi, Collars, Wagon , Whip, 1 set of Cnrringe Ilarnéss, Log Chuin, Halter nnd Cow Chains, Bu‘tt Traces, Brent. Chains, l-‘o: Ls, Rukrs,Slm\-els, )lnttocks, Picks “"heelhnrrow, Grain Cradle, Mowing Sc) theai Axes, Maul nnd Wedgeé, Hnnd Suw, Auzers, Mu; Rye, Corn. Outs and Potatoes, by the Uushel ; 32 acres at Grain in the ground. <‘ Also. llousé‘hold and Kitchen Furnithre, cur: as Beds and Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Set'ee. Corner Cupboard, Bureau, Sure, Clock, Choking Stove-and fixtures, Template Stove and Pipe Doughtmys, Chums. Tubs, llnrrell, Till-1‘ uni7 Earthen-ware. Iron Kvllle, Spinning Wheel and Reel, Bncon and Lnrd by ~the Jnouud, nu Adams County .\lnl-,nnd umuy other arm-lea, too numerous to menuon. ws‘ile to commence at 9 o'clockhA. M‘, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms uyAde-Luown by . . JOHN EPLEY. Jacnb Mirkuy, “Auctioneer Feb. 26, 1866. 15* . PUBLIC SALE r Pensoxgi. PllOPl-lll'l‘Y.—On slox. O'QAY,tho 19m any of MARCH inst, the subscriber, intending to remove to the West, will sell at. Public Sale, at his residence, in Moumpleasant township, Adnms county, about none-fourth of a mile west of Bonnugttbwn, the io!lowing i'aluahle personal property, viz: 3 WORK NURSES, I Tsi'o-yearling'Colt, 4 Milch Cows. (two will have calves by the lime 'ol' sele,) 8 Shores, 2 Sheep, l Gout, I,Four horse 'l'hree-inch-lread 'Wagon, Four-horse erri‘ow-Ircml= Wagomsinl'ing Wagon, ZlStone Beds, Hay Carriages, mung Boards. Sleigh, Spring-tooth Horse Rake, Plough: and Bar rows, Louhle mid Single Shovel i’loughs, Corn Forks, Land Roller, Double and Single-trees, Snatchers. Filth Chain, Log Chain, Horse Collars, Blind Bridles, anon Saddle, .ngon Whip, Lines, Riding Bridlt-e, llalleri and Gov Chains, Winnowinz Mill, Culling Box, Wh-el barrow,Greiu Cradles, Mowing Scythes,Forks, Rakes, lattoeks, Shovels, to. i Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Tables,Chairs, Bedsiends and Bedding, Bureau, Eight-lay Clock, Looking Glasses, Sink, Stands, Snfe. Cooking Spovefind Fix tiflcs, Ten-plate Stove nnd Pipe, lrou Ketlle, Queeuhware, Tin-ware, Earthen-were, Dough lrny. Churn. Tubs, Bnrrels, Boxes, he; njnrge lot ,0! Bacon end Lard by the pound, Potatoes by gthe bushel, Carpenter Tools, and many other “titles not mentioned. ' ’ [6-Sale to commence an. 10 o‘clock. A. )1., on Enid day. when uptendnncewill be men and terms made known by . HENRY V. SMITH. March 5, 1866. u PUBLIC SALE. N THURSDAY, ,the.22d dny of MARCH inu., I will gel] at Public Sale, M. my residence. in Freedom township, Adams coun , nenr Green Mount, on Min-eh creek, ‘ - FOUR COWS, (some freely) 2 Haifa-1,?!“- toiion Wagon, Lime Bed, Hay Carriages; a Ropkawny Buggy, Winnowlng Mill, Plough, Harrow, 2 Shovel Plonghs, I Cultivators, Corn Coverer, Double Ind Single-trees, Breech buds, Log Chain. Lack Chain, Cow (lhninl, Grain Cradle, Mowlng’ Scythe, Forks, Wheel barrow. Jockscrew, u long Ladder, ran-cut. Snw ; Bay by memo, lnd‘unw by he bun dle. Also 3' Cookinz Stove, with fixmrea, pipe and drom,_,Bnrean, Bedsteado, Choirs, Clock, Chest, Safe, Ind other nrticleo. / [S‘Snle to commence It 12 o’clock,_)l., on said day, when axlendnnce will be given and terms made known by ‘. ’ l GEORGE SPANGLER, (Freedom) . Reuben Golden, Auctioneer. ;? " ' hlarchs,lB66. ta“ 1 a, i {PUBLIC SALE. _ ' N WEDNESDAY, the flat day “MARCH Q inst” the subscriber, intending to quit (a ming, will sell at Public Sale, It bl: nai de ce, in Strnban towuship, Adams-county, h f a mile south-cut. of Hunterstown, the fol - ing Personal Property, viz: , > 2 lULES', 1 Brood More, 2 Colts. 5 "mil: Gown, 9 head of Young Cltde. Sow end Pigl, A Shotel. Two-horse W,rgon, Wood Lulden, Ploughg’flnrrowa. Single 9nd Double-Heel, Spreaderl, Corn Drill, Wlnuowing Mill. Log Chnin. Halter and 001 China, Rubs, Forlu, kc. Also, Household Ind Kitchen Furniture, end: no Bedstendl, fl‘nblel end Uhniru, One of Drovers, large Cupboard, 1‘ Cook Stove, Ten plate Stove, Iron Kettle, nnd mun, other uti clea,‘too numerous to mention. . fi’Snle to cornmenee nt 10 o’clock,A. IL, on aid dly, when “tend-nee will be given Ind term nude known by ‘ ~ 030. A. MORRISON. 1 In. 12, la“. to. ‘ Y 9:. n. EOE-NEWS Tonic and Alt-'.- l the Poxdnl. for HORSES Md CATTLE. gap-red and [old on]! .1, hit Dtug Store. ,mw-y ms, nu. . i 3 '-.‘ I *3 'fi‘ i < '7 , K / « :/ ’ $ brizzatxtral : Buwaßl;E HINTS T 0 FA‘BMERS. ~ {me “mm: about Work” In the March num- Buuf the Amer-hum Agriculturiflt, we svlect {or the Farmert: Column 0! the Uom-‘ILER snub as we belleV‘e to lie of most. “due In this raglan. Bnoon Muss that mm mm mm sprmg, if worked, Ihoixld be driven with caution, nun-r fiverhe'ated. [for put wtheir speeq. nbrglven drink wheuklwl.‘noxj luck wutcr.whcn minty. Light wqu "will not. hurt. them. even before the plough or lmnow. . ‘ , Mullen Cows, soon to ('ul\'(‘,fillolllll not be too muchlconllned In stables. l-prmuré- [0 Que wmth er‘wh‘en 1t 15 not Wet, in dry yards u'nd lawns where they can take some exercise, but not: yrlwrc they will be subject to the n’nnnyum‘mof qtlurnl some cattle, wlll be of essential bgnelltaw mom. CAm'lsr—VVhed calves nrg tape brought up by hand. which is .the economlcal “say, we urn 'decl dedly of the opinion that It Is the most humxme pmlloe to remove the young animal {mm the dam at once: the more I? cow lung to do with ‘lt, the harder will be the put ng. ' ‘ H 015”, and indeed all uulmnls shedding tlmlr coals, should be thoroughly and carefulg curried and brughed; it greatly bromuteshenllh md‘gubd looks. and mukemhe {God go further. Work. hor ses shoul‘l be oxen-ls”! daily hydomg somte “'ark. hum‘liw may be done lrf dry weather (9 excel: ‘lent. advantage. becausv there lg mm- or *1” dust. nylng; the sun cracks urt- not gaping opt-na‘ns In summer; they wlll be covére-«l more mlbbtllly, nnd'merelslms llablllty or the h‘l-utoflhu‘nuu hllstering the half-dry paint; surfaces to he pulm ed must be thoroughly dry, howevermr puluL will Ix- apt to peel. . REPAIRING.—In the lull of othe‘r work, which n cold sump or rain may uclmslonnhe tlmy nmy wall be employed In making liner-minus or fl'p‘llll’rl 11l the burns and out-bulldlngs. the mu“ 3 hclng nkarly or quite clear. COKPOBT may 'be made. Use muvlc from the woodcut wherever else do‘posltnof ll mu) bu found, Wllh good burn-ym‘d _mlmuru, or with llnu-but lu luu cue :wlth manure and llmo togvllllg‘, unless very large promrllorls of muck or sell housed. Finn WORK.—Stoncs may be rnlsml, plvked up ‘nde hauled'off, or thrown lu hl-aps: fences 'rlghwl up, and posts reset or removed. Furrnws should be plowed.to draw oll' surface wan-r, and water furrows ln grnluflolrlsopcnvd mu w. Wher ever the wash of the hlghways cm: hi‘turn'ed upon the meadows and pastures. It. should be fim'un-(l, and when the currqnt ls not very strr-ng. or mny ‘bu anally spread, lt Is very valuable 911 any land. This Is especlnlly true or snow-water. Wlxflzg Gnu): ls‘oltrn greatly hemmed by n Ilgm dressing bréome fértlllzer—ushas and plus tcr, either orrb'oth; bonmfust also, and superphos phnle of llme. if good. ' GBAséSExmxu, lrdone wrll. ml! be succcs'sful; ume a llttlh morethun enough scedmud sow wlulc the ground la atlll 10030 and open from the usur plngh‘ost: ‘ ' ' " “Fm!!! TRIED—Plant when the ground is In or -v.ler. ‘Prunmt. plunung, not only to k\'v~p luullul's square betwecnfrpot and leaf, but? ulnu In Shape the tree. ‘Get all the roots that the numm'ynrnn can be Induced to give, trrm all glut haw been severed. wlthn smooth culshfimlgijrum lwluw up wards, then shorten at. least half of last yuarfs growth. Do not look upon a young trc! for \\ lmt.‘ [Haunt what. it wlll be wh‘up the I) dshuve grown wlllubs. The last. bud left‘on tmrllmh wlll be~ come the leaJl-r, and It alwulll punt muinml, or to the right or létt, us ls needed‘to slinpe tln- tree, hflt sqldom, or never, Inward. llgxeceswry to cut two or three buds below the one firm-ml, ln or der to find one that pol'nts‘in the right. direction, do it. Cut. near to, but but too close\to the bud, mu never leave a stub shove the bud; to decay. Alab cut out all useless hnmchesmud fluke which wlll crcps. Have evvrxthlng ln readiness to set. out trees as soon as they-arrlve. \ Tn: TKL'NKB of old'orchunltrcos may he trgnt: ed )0 the so“ soap‘wush. Ham's-made soup is Qhe best, but I?” or a. solntlnn of l puuml or potuhh to 4 gallons of‘mter may be used lqslcad. (influx: )‘msx—Exlm buds Icm in the autumn 'prunlfig [flay now be cut away. Plant. new vilfoa an early Its the'son ls m, and allow unly one came 10 grow from n young vine {he first year: A GARDENS.H‘SOU should néver be worked when it is wet. Wait until it, will crumble whvn spndod. I! nnypart or {he garden is slow in coming to this condition, dmluftr’ All gardens should be drain ed. but wet ones are eminently in need u: it. Sub: soiling is not a bad substitute. « . Thin-x you up: Lwa, y'nrd or roadside, shmild be u, alrefpily 54:10ch and planted as fruit trees.- li’ wild trees are used, admit them from the 0(1ch ‘of the {woods and o'xposml nituatiuns, and take them a! qiodemte size. "(In n~gnrd 1,0. the lunar our experience has been considerable, and we are convinced that. in olfiler to have them (6ng the utmost care must. be exercised in taking up and pinuting.~EDlmn Conunan V PEACH TREE” We have published In this column. In melasl. thi'ee 111-3115. several Hafgof choice Apple and Pear T and now add one ,embrggng the most. select Peaches. u furnished as by n frleud wbb lé well posted. There are other desirable varieties. but we are content to give ppm, the most tenable, as the first Installment: . EAnu'.—Enrr York, 0019': Early Red, and Hale's Early—melmter nor. yet much grown hens. but very highly spoken of. Mama! .flmsoN.—Oldmonu Frne. Ohlmlxon Cling, Red Cheek Melacoton and MOlll3 Whlge. LATE—Malta Ind Lagm'nge. ‘ From this list, and thosdot Apples and Pears previously published. all whodegire mplnnt trees will be able to make the best solagiionn—und with mm. ”with everything else.mu‘ch depends upon tuning right. ' A ‘ wan to]; nvmmxas If properly applied, whitewash lsone of the must useful articles in theworldmsit not only prevents the deny of wo‘pdmut promom the healthmlmu oral] buildings} Fences and out-buildings, it not painted, ghoul be suppual as omin us once or twloe a year with a good coat of whitewash. We had In the C‘Hmt‘AL (hm the following ro mlpt for u good whitewash or a wash 0! dm'ercut. colon: ' ‘. ”take 5 clean. water tight barrel. another suito blo whsnd put into it but n'bunhel of lime.— Slnke it by pouring water oVer it. boning begun] ‘ in sufficient quantity to savor it iive inchm deep,’ Ind stir it briskly till thoroughly flaked- “'hen the linking ha: been enacted, dissolve it in wuwr. and add two pounds or sulphate of zinc. and one 0! common salt. These will cause the wash to harden. nnd prevent its cranking. which gives an n_ y appearance to 2m work. ‘ If desirable, a benntmxl cream color m g. be communicated to the shove wash, by nddinxthree pounds of yel low ochre, or 3 good pearl or land polar by the Id ditlon of lamp, ivine or ivory niacin, 4For town color. ndd'ionr pounds umber—Turkish or Ameri cnn, tho {attain the cheaper-one pound Indian red. and one pound of common limpblnok. For common stone color. and {our pound: or raw‘ifln bar, and two pounds inmpblack. This wash my be applied with A common whitewash brush, and will be «and much superior. both in oppenmneo Ind durability. to common whitewash." Working the Ground While It II Wes The tamp‘talon ts omen strut, no age a fair day {or the pmpagadon of the am for crops befbre the vase! hinflclenuy dried off, or drained out or it, to vain-m Its b'elng surrcé at 31L Thus the gnln canny-eight hours In time I: often 539110113 detri mom. ‘0 my field {or the entire season. Lighuan dy loam: are not hum-Id in ‘hmwuy, but. very mm manduazenenl 2, so inany mu mahmadum 111 mm Thoplowpmm. Willem Into mods, whleh onen dry like prea odmmnndthe trending of the team-1n hu rm mud mama themes-n 9'3 IN ADVANCE. them up somewhai. ‘Even hefivy loam may be won-he‘d lnm Might~ porous. warm néed-bed uln proper condition for plowing before being worked. I?The letgrowexjs' Society or Western New York Ink-1y took '3 vote upon the bait. vanoglu or hardy Grapes. Thirty—one persona voted. and those gripes which had over lan votes were. In the order orthc number or vote: they rocnlved. as fol -Imm: Doluwure, mans. Isabella. Hartford Prolific. Com-0111, t‘rt-venng. ‘ .1 $913133 fishing. ‘ , For the Compiler. ' ‘To AN “NOW! LADY. ox sm-uzm um nzlovz THEOU'EEB GARMENT or A puma on) lAN. wan: m cuvucu. BY AllO5 A: RUTH Pair lady, this tribute go thee I will give, Though thou an to me yet. ulmhow‘n; Thy kindness to him in my mom‘ry will Nye, When years o'er my life shall have flown. , Old age has its can-us and its trials at! wall, As the man in the [Emmer of life: _ ' The ocean of life. in huge biliaws will swell,- And Him-ms and temptations are rife. . To smooth his om age. may yourhenn he lncllnod . And your elruns be crowned with "160988, A treasure of love In 11h; bosum you'll find, ‘ ' And a pillow to ease your dhslrvss. K ‘ Whun life alum have ended, and part!) 13 no more, Illa Mean”; blml‘l wnh yuu a‘blde’, ‘ Though storm: may arise. and life‘s blflown may . mar, ' Ills spint will stand by yqur side Then stand by hls shle. [ill his Journey is o'er, - Ills days un- but few here on earth; ()nc {Hat’s m Ihr 91.1 w, mu: heflrmku to Lye more” ‘ “Wu-re pleasures elemdl have bmh. < J : l'enuaylvnnln (‘ol!ugé. . - cw . ’ . 19:11pm: éfimtsfizwy. v 1! , “(v - Extraordinary Excite-uncut In Bracken lpunty, Kentucky. ' A correspondent of the Mt. Sterling (Ky; Sentinel gives the following account. of a fiery fiefid visible Fri-Bracken county: Bucxsn Co., Ky., Feb 17, IBGQ. The peopleJn ,thh neighborliood are hi the granted. state of excitement in conse quence of a lemnrkable visitation or nfipn rui‘on, of Rome demnniacal per-sonny in our midst. I am not 1 believer in the doctrine that_ disembodied spirits can "erisit the glimpses 0,! the moon,".qor do I believg that epoch denignnled in prophEcy when thE‘clmins of Satan are to bé'unlooset', 1m! arrived. But. the things whemof X‘ 60; Mlle arepl'such strange ““20”- 5“ m"“'Rump'Congrcs_s. (anghterJ [ti-agent pliable, ”1M 1 have de‘el‘lnlne‘j.” Pu", deal more hkea Pnrlmmentthntsucceedml you in pfisi‘esaion 0'“ “I” “I‘ll S‘Xl'hc" 0“,”; nd‘ which was known as the Bluebonn r-ntive 0" the“). merely prnmmng ”1“" "5‘ 11‘urliument, in which there were memben ry “'m'd is true. and “‘9 {“0“ ““10"" tn. “5 [With all bOI’IB of names, as dercribed by .1- V'meSSJl'9 “mep‘mying "m‘lav't' , Wk“ Iwrlter at that. day, who says (“Brown'l Tru it is, lam unable tosay. l 'merely Elva the vrls in England ;v: page 279): Taois- ”Ch 99 1 1"“ Pemnauy ”Emmm 0‘: "‘ ‘Uromwgll? say: Cleveland, ‘hnth bent and leave it to wiser heads than my own to up his drums clenn'through the om Tut“. unrayel the mystery. 1' , ment. You may learn the genealogyofour On‘ Monday night last, after mvaelf'end Saviour by the names-of his regiment-I.— family Md retired ‘0 '9'“: we ""3 sudden- {The muster nhrter has no other list than U 3100““ by a 3'9” o‘"ch from ”’9 119;er the firntchaptm‘ of St.Maltll(-w. The brouh quarlefi‘WhiCh “9 imnzedmmi to 5““ ler ohhis Praise God Burebones had fv-r will 0f the hmflG—in Wh‘ch Prue” "'1 namv, It (Jurist-had-not-die.l-|or-you-yuu {0" nupremnoy Wi‘h blesphetnies. “‘9’“ w} .hud-been-damned Earphones; but the p. 40- [mom and children screammg “fir?!" “ d 'ple. tlred of xhiklnng name. retain‘ed on v “murder!" M ”19 ‘01) 0‘ then- vonces, all {the last word. and commohly gnvehixn txr {conyvirins to “9’“6} '°,°"° worthy of‘a appellation ol Damned Blrebonee.’ " pan emonium. Tambly startled, my mfe Now one mm“ not have .0 8° _lon’: Bnd I sprang from 0‘" bed. “‘5 room was through the present Congress and the l: - illuminated “3 brightly “3 by fi flood. 0‘ .sun- cnnsts'uctlon Committee before finding :- light. though the‘tight was of a blulsh cast. gentleman _"whc answers exactly to the d.- (Jur first. and most reagonxble acnhclumon lécrintipn of“dnmned Burebonee." (Laugh vjws Um! lhévnegro “hm" “’9“ hmng cnn- ' tar.) Bin. as I say, they are the most or wiped by fire. We rushe'HO We wxrtdnws ; trauldinary holly that eve: organized, an-l “1"“ beheld " eight that fairly £o“de ””3 ,‘to call them a Rump PMllfllelll-Wlllt'il b 10034“ 0“." "H” with hormr. “‘1“ Hum] 'w:|'~., In lnul. .x l-‘l-lt"“'l' .‘1 v: of England. our “NY“ ”11-h the utmost terror. Millnnvvrer lung ,3! mum Ln. ~ mnumm'l i!« daughter‘, shrieking loudly. cnme runf‘jng’jxmsinns and 11s puwrr—ffi lu llxlll‘l' tin-m into-my moth, hysterical mth lent. I“”‘Why, j'ust look at ”g “Egfl‘.,.smu u,,. is WIN“ we\{geheld: * lunreprésenled in that bbdy. atlnd uhnu’l’lml Standing to the right. of the upper cabin, near the fence\ttiat separates the negrpes' garden from the. house yuril, was a creature of gigantic stature, and the most horrifying appearance. It was nearly as high as the comb of the cabin\.\ and had a monstrous head not dissimilar in shape to that of an. ape; tyvo short very white horns appeared above eadh eye; its armsrwere long, cover ed with shaggy hair of ‘an sshy hue' and terminated wrth hugh pews. not unlike those ot'n cut, and armed with lung and hooked claws. Its breast was as‘ brow as that of 9. large sized ox. Its legs resembled the front legs ofa horse, only \the hoofs were cluven. It had adong tail, ermeil‘ with a’dart shaped horn, which it 9m coal tinuslly switching about. Its eyes glowed like two living coals 0! fire, while from its nostrils were emitted-sheets of bluish color ed flame, with a hissing sound, like the hissing‘ot‘ n serpent. only a thousand timeit louder. Its general c‘olor. save its arms, was a tlull,tlingy brown. The air was pow erfully impregnated with a smell of burn-‘ ing sulphur. The poor negroes were evi dently laboring under the extremest terror. and two of them, an old woman and lad, were actually driven to insanity by their leans and have not recovered their reason up to this writing. I do not know how long this monster, demon or devil, was vis ible utter we reached the window—_nossibly some three seconds. When It vanished it was enveloped in a spiral column of flame that reached nearly to the tops of the locust trees adjacent, and which hid his horrid form completely from view. The extinc tion of the flame was instantaneous, and with its disappearance we were relieved of the: presence of this remarkable visitor. It would be impossible for me to attempt to describe the effect 0! this visitation upon the members of my family. Bullies it to any, that my wile and two daughters are firmly persuaded that it was the veritable; Satan. For myself.[ would willingly he? have that. we all, by some curious coinci dence,_hsd been the victims of a horrid nightmare. did! not know that we were fully swske, and actnslly witnessed. that which is above recorded. Again. it ours had been the only family visited by this unearthly creature, I should have kept si lent.and. perhsps'. tutored my mind into the belief thst it was an hsllucinstion. ' [flinch—Tbs veto message sad late But precisely the same apparition midi! speech ot- Andrew Johnson have dis-med its appearance st‘my neighbor’s, Mrs. Wm. the Radicals of Southern lllinois. Demo Dole, appearing there in precisely the same crate and Conservative men are everywhere shape in which it presented “8815:,” “3. ranged in support ofhim who stands by the save the head. which appeared to ”1059 "b 0 Constitution. immense settings hue witnessed it 0 Mrs. D.'s to resemble that been held throughout the State, .4!an ofa horse. Kt Mr. Adam anus’l. mb- hv Hon. Wm. J. Allen. Judge H. K. G. (l' neighboujts head was thst 0“! vulture. O’Melveuey, and others. It‘ is stated by Ion Tuesday Light it appeared fl Ml 5 Jam the intimste’political friends ofGen. Johns Bond's, there wearing the/head oi sn‘elen A_ Logan, “1.; he supports the Predd‘ent. phant. At all these plscesit mode the} ...-..__....,.___.__ same sprint-10'5“ I'- my ‘10“‘0—“09 _ttng “Under the head of valuable to 13$ 011'! "10 ch-nsins °7 “5° held—sad LOP-i genetiohistbin' exchange announces ‘ peered hath. “9 _msnner. 359“ P‘l’fifl spirits ot ammonia Killtcmve the“ DI munmummmm perspiration. (MM, 15 No. 25. They (ihe RUdlCflll) insht tfpon it that there was it great want of dltflllly in . the President on the 22l of Febr nry. It,ia barely possiblethey may have been giponleil by what has gone before (laughter).‘nnd that orlinary Dwiiocriitii: manners olfeinl the fflfilltli'itli times of those tliu‘t are ac cuistonieil to the high aristocrntlo tone of his late liiiiit-iitod predecessor. But. fur ther. they charge him with imitating Cram, well. and they say that there are indica lions thatahe intends to treat thioCorigreu ns CromWellvtii’ilted the old Rump Pertin inerit. iil'ter the execution of Ctinrle'l the First. Let us look for a single moment. as we _iire upon the question of ignity, ntvwhet CromWell did, and I willJead you a little extract. irom Hume. as to the manner in which Cromwell dissolved tlint Parliament : - "And suddenly starting up. he loaded the Parliament with the vilest. ieproaohel [or their tyranny. Oppression. and robbery of the public. Their etaiiilung with his foot. whieh was a signal for the soldiers to enter. ‘lur gliume] said he to the Purliigtnent; 'get ye gone; givo place to honester men, to these who \thl more faithfully discharge their trust. You are no longer“ Pei-lie ment; l'll’ll you you are no ltill'fl‘l‘ a Pub lininent. 'l‘tie L‘irll lltlfl done With you; [ln tins chosen other instruments l'ni carrying on His wuik. Sir Il.irr V.uie exclazlniiig against tli‘isiiroceeding. it» ei-ieil with K luuii voice. ‘Uhl Sir Harry \; the. Sir l_l iriy Vito-*1 the Lord deliver inu liuin Sir lluiry Vane l' " ' >l l:thiiik tho Sir‘Hnrry V né' of that‘ day mutt. be the Sumner of this. “'J‘Jxkiiig hold of 3131“!) by the clokp, 'Thouiii‘t an iidultt-ror,’ fluid ho. g'l‘on third, "l'hu'u art It di‘niikiril and It glutton,’ and "l'hnu un‘extortioner,’ to n fourth. ~ "lie commanded n soldier'tn seize the mode. 'Whiit shall we do with this tumble? here. take it niviiy. It in you.’ said he. ad dleeslllg himself to the House, ‘thiit. haw forced me upon this. I have sought- the Lord night and day that He would rather eliiy me thnn‘put me upon this work.’ i' Having commanded thosoldien to clear the hell. he himself went out’tho loot, :an ordei ing the door to be. locked, deported to hi: lodgings in Whitehall. lu,this furious manner, whi h s‘ohwell de notes his genuine character, id Cromwall. without the least opposition ' r even mur iiiur.nn.iiihil:tte that :utnous as emgbly whit-Ii had filled all Eiiglund with t e renown at its actions and with astonie ment at its \Cl'lllll'fl, and whose commencement wxu nui more nrdently desired by the people than wiis its'fiiiul dissolution. , Now, iti's flattery to‘call this Congress .1 .in / hotly. ..V‘ .i oi the residue are utterly n)l!l‘9]ut‘.:-enled By mE-n elected in a time of excitement, when there‘ was not fair opportunity for on ex pression of opinion. and under circumstan ces that have entirely changed pinco their election. This body is sitting in Confirm, nominnlly under a Constitution which says. fireprcsentntiWs and direct taxes nhall bi apportioned among the several States which may be included yithin this Union, Iceonti ‘ ing to illle rel-pectin numbers. 13-min State shall have at least one re ireaentnttve.” "l‘he Constitution also says, "ll‘ho Senate ol ‘ the United States shalt be composed of mu Senators from each State. chosen by the Legislature Lheteofior tux yeah, and them Senatorsshall each havehe vote." Now look at that body. with elevenfitates entirely un representt'd undera Constitution which do ‘ clares thatkach State sholl hove one repre ‘sentative in Congress, and that the Senate hot the United States shall be compo-ed of two Senators from end: State—«eleven Staten iéhtirely unrepresented in either Homo o! (30 recs. What more? Why,' under s '03.". itutiOn which require: each Rating to judge \ the election and teturna of it: own memheiw. tlu-y p’ami ajoint resolution, by which th take from themulvel the pow er separniiti to juage ofthe return: of their membrrs, a {i proclaim that neither Home shall ndtuit anv petition from the State! for merly in ”lan till both Home: have acted upon the uhject by I legiulntiv voct ior otherwise. Whet more! 'Why, chile ,m this‘disurganizeth state, mutilated and 'iuiperfvot, it man got up in the Senate Ind charges the Prgaidethi‘th nhitewuhing the South‘, and another an my. thot the con variation ofthe Preni nt, I believe Qith Mr. Dixon of you: own St e, in which he [simply gave his views with \regnrd 00 the Iduties ofCongreu, “would hair coat Charles .1 his head in the day in whichXe llved."—-_ Such . body as um. I my. in an bike-L an. Joonstitntinnal memblage. ' it in in pointof 1 law a mob. and in myjudgtnent the anor . of Washington neglects his ditty every «.111 in not disiiersing them us snob. (Arplum ‘and laughter.) And that ia’tho nob omy of constitutional detention, which the 8.- publican Convention of this State index-nee. ‘ end which the peoxilo/uo called ' upon to ; Imctiouand approve; 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers