=M= ....y N“ .- I~lxl4l 5.51: {5.13. I ... * _ 1:” or ”humus. : . . ~ ‘s’" . ”nu: mfijflm u Man-bed «my Monday mt, may J. “ABLE. at B 00 pa m~ ..fi if “a 'm m mm a peru mumpud nan-ea. Newman!» mama-lo- nus Motto palm-her, unul nu amorp- art- pad. ‘ ‘ A nvsa'rmrjm 13m lulu-tn! at Ihc- and min. JOB PRINTING 9! all kinds donv with mum-u Ihd durum-m ‘ OFF‘fl'E in South 8111(1an Ultra-l, between Kidd]! and High. nrnr this 1001. Mar—“Compl le: Printing cam" on Ihr sign. ‘ Professional Cards. Dr. .T. A. Armstrong, AVING n-mm‘ed lrum New Salem, Turk H coumy, uml having locnled av. Middle !uun, Adams county, ofl't-rs bin prnfruionql service! to the public. [July 31. ‘65. I, . Dru-D. 8. Pefl‘gr, ' BBOTTSTUWN, Admul rounly, continues A the p.uclico 0! his profession in all its run/c411", Ind would respectfully imite all humans ufllicu-ll will: My old standing \dis cues to cull and connult him. l - (m. 3, was. 11' 9 ‘ ‘ Doctor 0. W. Benson. < PFICE A! Ihr Rnflrnnd Home, (fronlfdom, O formerly own-ice! by Dr. Kinny) :, LITTLESTO\\'N,»PA. June 19, 1565. M ‘ ‘ Dr. .1. w. 0. O’leal’u OFFICE n'nd Dwelling. N. E. mm" of Baf limnre‘nnd High sireeumcnr Preubyu-rinn (‘uur‘ch, (Nuyshurz. l'n. iov. 80, “-563. y! D.‘ manually. TTORV‘EY AT LAW, (nflirr one door wen A o! Buahler’l drug Ind hook stormf‘bnm bornhuru strum Atrruun' no Snmurnu mu Pun-(n up Pmswn. nmfifly Lnnd War nnu, [Luzkopny suspended (Iluimn, MM nll nth" claim-I nglinns my GnVanment nl Wash hig'o». U. 0.; nlloAmvricfinOhsimn in Engla_nd. [..md Wur‘mnu loutonl :nng qold,orbought,nnd_ 'hizhv-gt pricos givrn. Agent.- armed-in lo cntiug murmursjn lows, [flinch nnd other wescern mm- fi'M-ply to him yenonull; or by lattei’. ' . (.‘.-tiyllmrg, Nov. I'], '53; ‘ ‘ ) 1 Law Partnership. ‘V A. DL'M'AN x .I. H. WHITE. ‘.’ .gT’l‘Olngi’? AT LAW, Wll'l'pmmptlycnitend (0 all lngni l.u:inus umutgnlh: Ilmn, including my procuring of Peu‘iibns. Bounty, Buck PJy, sud all olhrr chin" mating: the United sum and Slave anrnmo‘pu. M A Uflice ifiLNurth West (213 nm of Diamond, Getty-burgJl'enn'u. ‘ ' Apt“ 3 mos. u ' _- _4_.__..7 _..._:__.. -.-..- Idwu-d 3. Eu. :hler, TTOR‘SEY ATLAW, WI” faithfully and -A_ promptly uttemf to all business entrusted to Mm. He‘lpeuka the German human“..- Ulfips at the name place, in South Baltimore nnel, nexu' Fomey’g drug store, and nearly oppoi'le Danncr‘k ZiuglEr's note. Ucttyuburg, March 20. ' - " J./C.Nee’ly. -TT—flRNEY AT LAW.—~l'urtirulnr;ntfeng A ti‘og‘: pm! to col-lrcvion of Punaions, aunt], and Buck-pay. Ulfice iu the S. E. ugw-r of the Diamond. ' llrtlyshnrg, April 6, 1863. if J-rLuwrenée Hill. 11. D., AS hi'u office one . 7 door weal. oftho 6 .M\ iLuthua-n church in ~ J (number-tug uteet. Ind Oppome Picking?- Iture. wh‘re those wishing to have any Dental Oporn'ionjperlotmed are respectfullyinviu-dlO can. Rural-(cu: DH. Hornet, Rev. C. P. Kr. nt'l. n, D., new. H. L. lhtugher, D.~D., Rev. Pxof. .\l. J.l(‘ob!. .'rof. .\[. LlSttever. Gm) slung, 5,1111 “.'aa.‘ - Cannery Removal». V Hfimduysiunedmeing the uutllunzed person ' to mnke n-quvnln ihto Ever Urn-en (10-me lery, hß'pu that such as ruinemfilnte the removal ofthe remniua uf- «lecensed rglntivos or friend] will nvni) llwmsch’l‘a 0! this finnsun oflhe year to have it done. nemomk made with promptnc“ ¢ —~lerm| 16w, Ind‘ho cfl’ort spurt-d to Mouse. , ' PETER THURN, \ Ilnrch 12, '6O. Keeper of the Cnuetery. hardware di: Groceries. Y 1!": ugh‘srrihers have: just remrned from | the civic-s whh an immrnse supply of mmnum; a mummin—zs, whirl. the) are nth-rung at the” old “and in Hulhmorv Mr. M, u privu to suit the umes.‘ Our stock consists in p u! M BULUING \IATERMLS, A ‘ CARI'HNTER’S TOOLS, - 'BLACRRNIITH‘S TOOLS, * COAUH FIADINGS SHOE FINDINGS. ' CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS. iluvsrzxmzmzri's Hx‘rnnns, _ ALI. KINDS 0? ”MN, kc. GROCERIES UP A LL KINDS, (OILS. PAIN’I‘s, &C., In. THY-re is no anlcle Im-ludrd in the sen-ml departments mentivued Ibuu: but q'hzn can he had M. this Store.— ETC!) cloud of Nu-hnnics can be accommodated hero with took Mu! finding-,nhd Housekeeper: can find every nrtirlc in their line. Give us a cull, '.li we are [ln-p ured w felt as low for Club In any house but ot'lth‘e city. . > _ ‘ JDH. B. BANKER, DAVID ZlEGLfill. Gettysburg, Shy [6, 1864. . The Great unwary F THE .\G_i-}.—lnfla.mmnwry and Chronic O Rheumatism (Mn be cured by using H. L. NILLEIL‘ST‘I‘ILE“RATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. lat-Any prominent. citizens of xhil, and the udjoining counties, have unified to it! gram. udiihy. ks snccela in Rhenmnllc lfi‘oc; cumulus bécn hitherto u'lpamlleied by any wecific, introduced Lo the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists And slurekcepen. Puputnd only by H. L. MILLER, Wbulcuule and Hamil Druggint, East Berlin, Adams cuunty, Pm, denior in Drugs, Chemicals, Uila, Varnish. Spirits, Ptluta, Dye-scufi's, hut.- (lml Oils, Ensues? Ind Tinctures, Window Glut. Perfumery, Patent Medicines,'~&c.. ch. HA. D. Buehlcr is the Agent in ueuys. tun; toe “ 11. L. Miller] Ueiehnted Rheumuic uinnre." [June 3, 1861. tf . _ A _____~_______~_ ...- ,_..V,_.___ ‘* sun at. Work: ‘HE undenigued co’ntinuen the ' CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESR. in In its brmchea. n his 0'” stand, in East Middle street. Getlyuburg. . ' MILK" WORK mud» to order. and ‘ R E P A 1 R l .\' G done promplly And u lowest. wig-u! < Tr» Cut-mu SPRING 'AGONS Ind I SLEIGH for rule. JACOB TRUSEL. Dec. 7, 1563. - . we flirt-Er: . ‘W. FUNDING continue; tho buiniu A. of SALE CBYING, Ind muck.- Uncon lmned fiat-angst“ thl public. ‘1! is his con lunt onduvor to give'utisfsction. Charges modmte. We in Buckinridge urea, Gettyflmr . ~ ~ . P. B.‘-—'l£ in u [hound Am", under the Tu Luv om. {lliad Sum. ‘ Nov. 24. 169:. Ble You Wish 7’ pm."- I 6000' WI of youmK nu claim on you kinda? go it one. u WIPIB'B GALLBY, filo but 9 I tho can»! “your: Inc elm pictnnl. A Few 7W“ ‘ nu. on hm: aunt-nu n mi: FIRST S XEROX“. BANK or Garrmaum. 3 a GED. ARNOLD. Cubist. 0c: 9. 1:65. or "tum-me AT’l‘EN'flOK-hnuww Pioflnel my,» ' man's SKY GALLEBY, onuWut liddh It, An “gm; universal “union. Good {algal Gen npuibi- to any car taken in’ W 0111 And. cumin for mun-Iva. ingflJuE. ___ .‘...- "loo; ‘ um ‘ ' “Haifa; § no out??? an a argon“! 1733:: 6 Mi It M m "n“ - '~ \ 'whmfixmg MI! II II 1’ I m a. J._BI'AHLE. 48th Year. 2 New Goods! Chéap (annulus!~ : [IE PLACE To GET THE“ E ’ . IN HANOVER!— \‘e bomb; inform the citizens of York and Adams counties, that we have catahlished, It 1!": southeast corn" of Centre Sqlmre and l3n|tixnore,»tnet, HANOVER, lormelly occu. [lied by C. E. a T 4 T. Win, A Brunch Store, (the principal bminees bounce being bungled in an= York and ,l'ork, l'n.;) where we will krep at ull film”! a regular assortment of Dry, polnrsolc and Fancy GOODS, also, a'well se llt-I-tqd nusnrunont or CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, (lUT'I‘INI-Z'l‘H and CORDUROYS‘: Chum, Glnu nud Queens-ware, Ludfn’. lliuaea' find Children s 811055,; also. a nlre and lull mnnrlmeuv. of nll kinds-o! (:Alll'l‘l'l‘, Floor ard Tnble till-cloth. .'. . I" Wc- have alnopstahlislwl in mom»: adjoming the Central Hotel, a. ‘ CLOTHING S'l‘Oll-E. when: Ml keep con'sumtly on hand a well BPIH'IEJ nssdrlmenl of Ready-made Clmhink. or the 1:1th Myles. and I Tull assurlment ol (leutlemen‘t Furnishing Goods, 'snch as Hall, Cups, Boots, Shoes, hm, which we will sell a! rédurml priceb. ~ » , As our menu is. Ind always will be, "quick sulus xmd «mull profits." we hope to rece‘lve I uhure of the paironnge of town. and coun try. ()ur connection with the large wholesale hour-en in New Yul-k City and York, Pa.,where are always stored an extensive flock of goods, which we BE" nl whdlesale and retail, enhbles us to supply our old friends nhd such of our m-w cuetmners‘na will gin us a call, with the wry but murkeuflvl’e goods, at lower mm leu anbe purchased anywhere in “agitate. Cull and see for younelzes. . JOS. LEBACH i! BRO Hanover. June 26: 1865. Jy I%lean Goods.’ MALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES. ‘ S J.,L. SCHIC‘K would respéctfully any to Ilie‘ citizens oLUct tysburg and vicinity, that he 34: now receiving an his sfure a splendid ! STUCK UP WINTER GOODS. The flock consists in part. of Fancy nud_ Staple DR¥,GUUDS, of every description. BILKS, , . ~. . MOZAMBIQUE, ’ ‘ cumming, l ' DELALSES, f BOMIIAZINES, . "\ ALI’ACCAS, , ' \ LAWXS, CALIGOES, of ll qmlition and choices! styles. which WI" b 0 suld I! PRICES TO DEFY CUMPI'ZTITIUN. _ FURNISHING GOODS 61,71“ kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, kc. » 'cAlso, n splendid nsaorlmen‘ of RIBBONS, Laces anal Edgings, Umbrgllus and Parasol!» ~ My stock of WHITE GOODS wilE be found full and complete, and custogiers may rely upon nlwuysgetling good goods M the lowest possi ble prices. ' . « (lenllemen will find it to then- advantage tc call and examine my stock of ~ CLOTHS, ~ ' v ' 1 'CASSHIERES and ‘ ‘ ' - , [v ' ..ITINGS, or nll qualities and Choices: ' . ‘ (Jan. I, 1863. ~ J. . SCIIICK. Ilitrgains I Bargains! TEW, FALL AM) ll LVN-JR IC‘UHDS. h ; FAHNESTUCK;BRUI‘NERS lupejnst returned from New York and Phila delphn with one ol the largest flock: of up! l-‘ull anf “Tm" Goods ever ofl'ered to the citizens at Adams manly. They were rpnr- Lhuscdvliclme the lan- rife in goods nnd wxll be sold at corrosronding prices. The unusually great demand forgoods ofcvery description for the Southern marker, will nndouhtedlj' cause a furiher rise in the prwe of goods. We then:- fore advise all thnt ‘ \ NOW IS THE TIME T 0 BUY. 'Oiir stoclLOf Lndies’ Dreas‘ Goods is com plelo, conéisting of French Morinofis, wry x rheup, all wool Poplins, all wool Plnifls. De ! Mines—Shepherds“ Plaids, (Sanctuml Ging ihnms, Plaid Giselln,Coburgs.Clollis foanéiPs’ I Clnnka, ummmllg~ low, Silk: and 11l the latent i elyles 0! Dress Goods. ; CLOTIIS, Cusimens, Cnsrinetz, Tweeds, _ Kenmcky Jeans, him. for Men's Wear. L FLANNELsAtheJnrgesl stock ever brought I to Iliisqmnrket, and cheap. . Also, a lnrge as ? sogtment of Cloak Trimmings, Slmwli, Hoolls, I Bnlmomla, and in fact a lull Ind complete :3- - sonmeuv. of all kinds of Staple and Fancy 6601“. Our stock having been purchased low. wg say again BUY YUR FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW flaring i'eplcnished our stock in all its de pnnmoma, we are propnred to supply \\ hntever may be wnnud in our line of business at prices that d!!! competitiOn. Call M, the Red Front. . FAUNESTOCK BROTHERQ. Sept. , [865. ‘ Haggles Carriages. HIS WAY! IHIS WAYl—‘l'he under ' signal ll engaged in Ihe {Janine-making busineai, in West Middle street, near Geo. Lit.- lle’: old store stand, Gettysburg, and invites nil whq muy.,need anything in_ his line to give him a cull. He puts up, in lhe very beu mannrr, Pulling-top and other BUGGIES, and all the diflerent sfitylu at GARRI.\GES.— With a full knowledge of the business, and s determlmuion to in satisfaction, the public; {an rely upon la jobs being good. He i'lll endeavor to deserve a large slurs ‘l‘ pa uouge, and hopel to receive It. ‘ ~ REPAIRING done a! the shorten noliu, nd‘ou non reuonAble terms. Won't, produce will is uken in exchange for work. ‘ CHASE. GILBERI‘.~ Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1865. Ma“ 0 Yes! 0 Yes! HE Underfl'gne'd rupecllully announce! to 1 tho pmbliu um be M- uken out. m Anc- j Homer's License. and alter: hi. "nicer“: filo. public. He feels confidant um: his long ex. perioueo In the business will noble bin to rendu um. “menu-n. Chugu till he tunable nnd summation mummies: in m uesj Aims: REL'BIIN .09”), )X. 1 In. a. me. u Gnu-Rug; h. l alveJlhn a Ca!!! HE place to obtain 1 perfect Phomgmph o: * Ambrot pe, execujed in the best manner, in u MUIPé-fi’s GALgI'IEY, in Middle “not. In. 9, 1835. V « PUB C SALE. N'TUIBDAY, -_l3th dty of MARCH 0 gen, the who be! will all» Public sch, n: M: mid»: , In Rumba human, Adan county,l um Inn'- MI, m m. to" man yropertyqis; l ngow, 1850!", For», Shovels, since, A es, Wood Eur, Mull Ind Wong“, Cow okm, 8:. Am. HouMoM Md Kitchen Funilirc. Vii: 3 Badman, TANK! Ind Chin, RockingCth, 35 Madmrpeung, Cook sun “a Fin-nu, Tel-glut. Icon ‘3“ Pipe, booths-‘0!“ Clock 86., ink. chm, Tutu, nil, Bola, Bosch“, Qua-at w-r'c, Tim-.n. lethal-up, Ino- «I tad ”they’d, ad my “misled, “a m to topics. - ‘3“. «adj-nu. u 1: «mt, on .941 4:}. who- W an!» man-g “lei: how; )1 .. - - ‘ mm 4- any. gnb.l:,xaec.w -- -"- _' g A @EMQECRATHCAND FAWLV JQURNAL. PUBLIC SALE. N TUESDAY, the 13th do] «MARCH ‘next, the nubacribor, intending to remove, mll sell at Pyblic' 8119,31 hirruidence, in. Mounljoy township, Adam: county, on the road leading from Tameytown to the Bnltimore turnpike, shout one mile and I half from flat Two 'l‘nvernl, the following peruonnl prnpprty: 3 HORSES, 2001t5,5 Xilchpon,” of which but when now, Ind 2 more will calvc shoot the tin» of rule.) 8 Boilers. 1 Bull, 5 Sheep, 1 Brood Sow, will: pig, 5 Shows, Three-horse Wagon. Spring Wagon, Carriage, Sled, sleigh and Bella, lluy Carriages. Wugon Bed, new~ Threshing Machine, Wire-tooth Hny Rake, Cutting! Box, “'innovinz Mill,» 4 If: of Horse (learn, 1 let of Human, Wagon“ Ba dle, Collars and Bridlel, Riding Bridle, Hulterl and H-lter (‘.huins, Cow Chains, Log Chnins, Single, Dou ble and Three-horse Trees,Sprudeu. Plough: And li:\rrow_§L,Single and gDouhle Shovel Ploughs, Corn Forks, Cultivators, Roller, Wheel-burrow, Grain "Cradle and Scyth’es, Grnin Shovel, Mattockl, Shovels, Work Bench, Axes, Maul and Wedges, Snws, die. Also, Bedstends, Tuhles,'Chairs, 1 Cook Stove {ind 2 Ten-plate Stores, Bureau}.Kiwhe,n*Cupboa_rd, lron’ Kettle. Meat Vessels, Tubs, 15mm, &c.; 1 barrel of first-rate Vinegar,‘Potnlnes byline bushel, Purk and Lard by the pound, «Shot Gun, and a variety of other Articles, (.90 nu memo: to mention. ’ .fi'Sule to commence at 1:0 o'clgck, A. 11., .on said dny, when nucnduncd will be given and terms made known by ‘ / CHRISTIAS/ HFRMAN. , Jan. 29.1866. 181 / - E ...—...... __.‘__.__.L.A .‘.—.‘.!“ PUBLIC VMLE. N WEDNESDAY, whe’ Hi: any of “ARM! 0 next, It 12 o’clock/M., i will sell at Pub lic Sale, at my residuum/cc, ml the York pike, .about one mile ens-t. oi Gcltyslhurg. the follow ing valuable prrhou/ul properly. \ILZ 4 HEAD OF HORSES; 2 (H which are good brood mares, l,€lnroe-yenr old blooded horse i-nlt. l two-yea’r old more wit, 2 fresh )hlch Gown, 1 Young Bull, 6 head of Sheep, 1 Ches terfiow and Pigs, first-lute {light Broad-tread \\'i-gon,'“'ngou Bed and good Hay Unrringea, One-lyric Wagon. Family Cirringe, Sleigh, '.’ sou Breechbnnds, 1~ set-Elam (icons, 2 sun Carriuge Harpesg. se' One-hoxse Wagon Gears, Wagon Suddle, Military do.‘, new’ Riding Bri dle, llnrnesg Bridles, Carriage Bridles, Co.l_:|l'!' 3 ‘ Leather 'l-‘ly Nata, Chet-k Linea, Single Linn, Plough Lines, 2 luge Housings. set Leather Traces, Wagon nu’d (‘nrringe Whips, 3 Plougho, (one nearly new, of Baker's make-J 2 Burrows, 1 Single-show] and 2 Doulrle: shovel Ploughs, 2 Corn Forks! Cultivate». APPLES amoxxmxnmnvmzhtnmcw r9lO - Double and Single-'rees. 2 Lumen. socxm." ' ' pnlenz Feed Cu'tu-rs. difl‘erenb pntents, (‘nr- SummerApplm—AmerlennSummeerrmaln, tinge Spread, new Wheelbarrow, Grain Cljn- Anu‘m‘hnn ma. lknonl. Carolina Rod June, Early die, Grindsxone. 2 Grain Shovels, pitch; dung 4 Strawberry. Early Hut-vent, High Top Sweating. and shaking Forks, Pick, ‘Loz Chains, Butt Primate, Bummer limo. Yellow Bonghuhnrgv. Chins, Cow Chains, Hula-rs, 3 good Horne William's Favor-Iw, (chepl for llghtmlls.) . Blanketlfßufl'xlo Robb, with many other thing-J not herein mentioned. . \ [Shh-nus made k'nown‘on day of sale. ‘ _ GEO. A. CODURL A. W. Flemming, Auctioneers Feb. 5, 1866. u ‘ PUBLIC SALE. .\' ummnhhe, 19m «1., of MARCH next, the subscriber, intending to remove to the West, will roll nthublic Sule, at his rvsideuce, 3 miles from Getlysburg, the follow ing personnl property, rizi UNB MARE, 2 cows, 1 plush-r sow, '.’ two hogue wagons, '.' spring wagons, -l trotting buggy,“ falling-lop buggy, saddle and bridleJ single harness, double him-nest, colluu, hul ters, cow clmlus, scythe mid snnth, grindstono, plows and tun-rows, single and double shovel plows, Iloulyle' and slushy-trees, forks, nukes, hoes, abo‘nels. maltocks, groin cradle. _pig, kc. Also, Household und Kilqben Furniture. viz: Cook Stove and pipe, 4 bgdetends. '.’ tables, 6 new chairs, new rocking chlir, cllild'l chnir, rocking. cndle. looking glu.us,'aink, ”and, safe, corner cupboard, hunter churn, dough tray, tin ware, tuba, le’Ell, luem vessels, curtlun lure, lmlf burrel‘vinegur, copper kel ue, axes, Ina‘ul and wedgep. mean and mm by the pound, and a. variety of other nrliclu too numerous to mention. wSule lo commence‘at 10 o‘clock; A. M , on gum dny, when :I‘le'npuucc will be given any terms made knb nDr 5 . ‘ ‘ A ‘ AD'AM BOLLIXGER. , Feb. 12,1856. m f PUBLIC SALE P‘ PERSONAL PROPERTY.—On THY-Em DAY, the 13th day Jar MARCH, 1866, the‘ subscriber will sell at Publle Sale, at his resi dence, in Hnmiltonbn tornship. Adams (0., about 2 miles, north of‘Millerltown, the fol lowiug personsl property. viz: _ 2 HEAD OF WORK HORSES. 2 Bneyoung Mules 4 head of Milch Cows, (three 01 which will Mush about the time of 1319,) 3 head of Young Cattle, 2 Sheep, 1 Sow, 3 Sluotes.’l‘hree horse anan. Spring thgun, Plough. Harrow, Double aniSinxle‘Shovel Plough, Cultivator, Hay Carriages, Wire-tooth Horse Rake, Sled, Spresders, ‘Duuhle and, Single-trees, Three horse-trees, Roy and Dung Forks, Dung Hook, Rakes, Cloverseed Cradle, Scythes, Mmtocks. Maul and Wodges, Gross-cut Saw. Grindstone. Whnlbnrrow, Augéri, ' Breast Chains, llutt Chains, Cow Chains, Halters, slot of 1343!, Horse Genrs, lfll‘ll I 8 Breechbnndl, Crupptn, a set of Harness, Linea, Bridles, Collars,Wagon Saddle, Side, Slddle. and about 50 bnnhela of Black Ults,§n superiorflunlily, I Reaper and Mower, (Mt‘irny‘l patent.) Also, Bodstendl, TnblesrCupbourds, lent Vessels, with many other articles, not herein mentioned. .7.' Q'Sale lo cummenéh It 11 o'clock, A: 51., on I'm: dny, when umpndunco ml! by given Mud term! made known by 1 GEO. C. GRASS. Feb. 19,1866. t. ‘ « “ Hfimflfl LAND OR SALE—On SATURDAY, ihe ,i'hh \ day 0“!!ch next, in puianenee of an Order oi the Orphu'u Court of Adena county, win be cured It Public 3510.0" the preuiu u, pan of the real ulna of Chtriu Showers, done-led, viz: No. 1. The undivided moiety or half-pert of A TRACT OF LASD. mum in lanolin: township, edjoining WI. Omet, Frederick Wsrren, and owe", containing 4 Acne. more or leu, in which in erected sflAW MILL.— Thit it“! ie covered, with young thriving timber, pine, chum“ and uh. No. 2. A TRACT, in the lame town-hip, "edjoioing mm of Henry Bauer, Veieuiu Been", end Willini Heller, «mining 32 um, more or lean. Thie tract ie covered with excellent thriving timber, white pine, yellow pine, chum“ tad oak. The ml will be olered in two pencil. > No. 3. The undivided noietyor Mil-pert of A TRAC!‘ OF LAND, in the nine towuup, enjoining hull of South lon-ul- Iron Con pny. cone-Mug so Acne, loner lees: W‘s-Io to comm e: 10 o'clock, A. l, on mid day, when ate-due. will begin: eed me sad- known by ”[OB 808103833, Executor. 8p!» com-Jau- J. Fink, mm. - fiwm be eold on an eased". n th m manual-id Ml flame“ can, om 'sl—, PIG-. 8, mow, W Pleat, to. Feb. , 1!“. a. . ’.'” A - w 3‘ W“ “ '33.?“ rim, .8 ' . . ’ I. “bath L- 3mm, and mu mu.» v‘GE'I'I'YSBURG, PA” MONDAY, MAR. 12. 1866. ggn’mltmal g glnmssfir. WHAT APPLE TIE“ "E SHOULD ‘ ‘ PM. Mnny n lot owner would gladly plant choice um ple‘nnd other fruit trees on it i! he only knn-w‘ what varietielm tho but nndwhurc tom-t them. “The American Pomoioglcnl Society," which held its first meeting or convention nt Buti‘nio in the Stein of New York in 1848, has done much to let us know the namu or our boat trails. 'i'hnt conven tion consisted or (Magnum from theStntcs 0! MM mohnuettl, Vermont. i‘onnecticut, New Jerky. New York, Pennsyiwnln, Ohio, Michigan. Indi ans, illinoin. linen“ and Wisconsin, and also from Madly And in lucceeding annual meet mg contained delegates from nil or our Northern and Middle nadir-opt dome of'oanouthorn States. And at these meetings thevery belt Apples, Donn, peaches, plums, dun. grown in the diflerant parts of our country; were collected and careiu'ily amm ined and compared in order to beertnin which of them All were 0! tint rate quality and propertivl Dr general cultivation. And to ”cert-m this thoroughly the society made it n Ini‘e during the day tin-lie to marine nil of the fruits brought fob word by n select committee chosen for that pur pose. always beginning with the, SOHO-Rt or most perishable fruits. And only one varmty or the fruit igquestion was examined at n time by call ing on delegates pruent i’or lpecimenl of that v1»- ric-ty for comparison and decision,nnd no on until they all were examined. And whenever a major ity of the society could not agree upon disputed qnmlons concerning the merits or correct norm-s oi‘ vm’ietiee, the whole subject was referred 'to a. special «mm in“: to examine and rrport theréon.‘ And in the evenings, and oa-nsionnlly during the day titne, general discussions on vnrious subjects of pornuiogical interest engaged HIP attention a! UN society. Butno deiognie was BIIO“L‘d to spank longer than ten minutes at n time. nor more than Iwicmm the same subject. (See U. 5. Ag. Report 1318, p. 376-7.) The [whiten-ring labors of this socinly have been productive of great good in two ways. viz: i, in securing us ulist or first-rate fruits snitvd'to every portinn or our country, and 2 in ridding or rather enabling In to get rid of theml nimoet countless varieties of apples, pun-hes, pearl, plums, then. that are comparatively worthlvu and unyorthy or cul tivation. And this moiety, at its unnunl meeting held in the city of New York. in September. Iw. rrmmmonded the following named appli‘s as the but mr general cuitnfl‘ throughout our Northern and Middle Suites; I have arranged them into‘ their proper orders of summur, autumn and win ter npplt-s {or the special benefit or your realm-l, to wit: . Autumn Armin—Autumn Bough, Fnll Pippin. Puma-use, (iravc-nstein, Hnwlny or Dowsn, Ponvr, ‘ Rmnbo. ' . Winter Aple.—Bnldwin, Bullock’s Pippin, or American Golden Russet, Dnnverls Winter Sweet, Hubbardston’a Nonmhllonuthnn, Lady Apple. LLnd’lL-a' Sweet. or Sweating. Minlgter. Melon, Nor ton's. Monmouth Pippin, Runbo. Rhode Island Greening. Rnxbnry Russet, Smith's Cider. swat; Vandevere, Wagner, Wine Apple, or Boy‘s. Wine] flap ' roi PABHCK'LAR LOCALITI‘FS on rucfioxmr. l Fmpus SpiizenimrmNcwtown Pippin. orthern Spy, Rod Canada. Yellow Bciiilum-r. . I \‘Anurrnx nur rooms: \i'ELl. GENERALLY. ' AutumnApplen.—Bnckingham,.leil‘rim,Smoke house, Winthrop Greening. or Lincoln Pippin. ' Winter .\pplu.—Brondswoll. Cogswcll. Benson Unknown—Genome Chief. ' And nomto make my communication in useful as I can, allow me to make some gi-norni observa tionn worthyor attention. in the first place, them is n gmtdiflerenov In the monvcrivxxm oronr ~vortonu npplfl treeshinoe some are grunt, others good. and other: again only moderate or poor‘ ‘ beam" of mm. And me trees, too. bear applet -. every year, while other: only every other year. or i but one chip in two you-amnd hence itisvory im portant ‘for :1 man who has only room enough on his ground [or u raw apple than. not only to have ‘ the hem bnl. mix the" u will yield him good . Props of apples every year iii-tend of every other ’: ycor only—a unwed!" too much' overlooked and? l Inglt'ctl‘d in our opplr tree plantings. Among' tho trees that bear fruit every your we have the ‘ Comma. Red Jone, Dyer of Pornnie Royal. Early Emmi. Full Wine. Fulenwnlder, (l‘inrnn'aldt-r. I Tulpehockvn or Pound 3pple,‘) Gurdencr‘a Royal, v Golden Swwt or Sweating. Gruvcnsufln, Green Ev’veet, Hawthomdon. Jonathan Hoos’ick. Codim, , King of Tomklns county, Ltmbcrtwlg,‘ )lujor Ap< . pfic, Honor, Rambo, Rawle‘s Janet. Red Aston-li ' ah. Rome Beauty, Bed Pennock,Roxbnry Russet, '. mum Cider. Smokehouse. apitunbexg. Summer I . 1:, Bmm. Tnilmnn’s Sweating, Vundevere, ‘Nmer, Winmp, Yellow Bough Incl Yellow Bounower. These pro the only apple trees which I I find described in the hooks and fruit catalogues übeina ANNUAL bearers. And nmongtliooe that ' boar min only every other ym.wo have the Bold wln. Ganlénm Ming. Nmown Pippin,“ Cnnadn, Rhode Illunvi Greenlnx. fit. Kennel in writing of the Baldwin myl: “The tree bears on ! ormously ovary other year, and in the interval l occasionally :9 moderate crop." Fessen‘den my: f olit: “it loan enormous bearer, bearing every , other ymr, and in the intermediate one not pm {during an apple.” Robert L. Pei] ofj‘c‘ew York, ithe famous Newtown Pippin apple grower. My. ' orthia plppln: “I'he.{roit,hy Mullnr monoga , menu in applying fortiiizers to the m. in porn dnood in abundance mry year instead. of every al ternative your. ml is usually the case." (Ag. Rep. is“. p. :71.) Daniel E. Underwood of Michigan says: “The Red Canals bean largo crops of line ' mm. every other your, very good." (Ag. Hop. 1836. i p. 3:9.) Kendrick Mysof the Rhode Island Green ing: “It bop-Hi in alternate years: a great better. It is principally walnablp an a rocking ripple. in which respect it is mperlor to my other“ For the table it is only good when bptter fruit cannot be bad." And similar explanations might be undo of the Giu'denrr'l Sweating and other than that only bent fruit every other year. And in mitoch nection let me nay-we have other highly print} Ipplo tree-much as the Admn'g~ Ailing. Belmont. Nina's Plpnin. Rnoklughlml. Ewnlt. Fall Pip pin. Gonna-so cud. Joann, fi-rwy swat. Mud en'a Blush. Monmouth Pippin, Norman: Spy. Puck'- Plella-nt. Porter, at. Durance. Tovrnnand. WimApploor Elm-another! olready numd. Mtlmnot obletostow whethortlwy hector mily or in Alumna» yen-rt. And uyo'nr moor-n who con give on thin information waldo volt will an: to complete this Mo! our-object. ‘ Wm Ewen. new. Mum-mad m 1 gm othdowr ou—nvor boiledmne mmdorpoamdmmlmnpmwtmw? thicken «flatbedmwby human:- heme ovum £lo;an mu your mm and nut. Mwmmwmmmmmmm; mm you-on tampon-h m. m; thor ouchly.mdlfthoonud wmnmterlueady nun; umnnmmpon-hwmambo “animal. the ham pommnu m unnu m Patdn with. pull! rum-mum. n'mmnnchm cmmmmwumwmn tum mmu‘mmmn mmflnmmthnamh-M ”anflnmun" ”fluwmlqn humid]. magnum-mama” m at comm, Kentucky. m @333: gisuflm. ALB”! m I'Afl'l' YOUIG m. .' A few days ago I man named Dr. John ;W. Hughes was hunde M. Cleveland, Ohio, iwhose fate teaches aaalulnryrlesson. B. Q was a man of good family. well educated. {had an honorable profession, and. nl. ohe ; time. a good social position. But he seems ' l 0 have ruined himself bv liquor and bad .company. Under shone‘infiuenoes he be tcame thoroughly demoralined and ecofi'ed at monk and religion. Ho In: hold by no coneéienpe whntevér. Having n good young wife and a child, hafimnrried another women {almost in presence luf his femily, she. how ever, -being ignorant of his first. mnrriego. I For thin o"an he '9“ tried. oonvicted. nnd :m‘ant In our Western Penilemiarxu Plus zbarg. Ilia injured w’nl'e ,pmcured him a pmdon for this, but insfiand of being grate; ‘lul-tn her. he nbus'ed her in the most false [and heartless manner. and went ofi'm seek the woman he had injured. Havingluund liner, he deliberately shot her through the I'henrl because she'refueed t hve with him. i‘For this he was tried and hanged. ()u the ‘scalfuhl healluded to his adl'anlagel in life, his education, the wealth and position 01" mummy; but all these. he said, he had mllou‘red to be overcome by indulgence in {drink and bad company. I! was not him 1h l. did lhe crime, on he mid, but the nain w had been lurned into udevil by intox ication. What u lesson. . ' PRIDE. Ajusl pride is the most beautiful mnni't festation ofhumnn character-a disposition i to be cultivated and respected at. every age l and in'eveiy condition. Pride in the main- l tenance of a spotless ‘character and‘puru life—pride‘in all things that tend to elevata ; the mind and heart. and that. however that; vulgar and vicious may regard us. empreal to us more and more of the esteem of the”; virtuous. Fortified by Inch pride, you can l in the midst. of poverty and trial nmintuin the dignity of manhoodmnd-rioe hy sell-re spect. superior to every misfortune, for after ‘ all the homage paid In external pomp and possession, it is thé man—the true man—l that counts in the gretst. battle of life, on ,the page of history, - ‘ TM“ ACCIDIH'I' Two little children, nnniedfihenberger, residing at Prospect, in Windsor township. were so severely ivjured by theiex lesion of ashell on Saturday lllh,‘ thnt they goth died .from ~the effects of their wounds on Sunday. It. Ippelrs that the children were laying with a shell, that. was thrown into “Fright!- wille during, the occupntion of that town by General Early’s forces, ofthe. rebel army, in Ju1y.1863. when itexploded, tearing oil the lower part, oi thejaw of one of the children. and severing four'of the‘finaen on one of the hands of the other. besides inflzcting otlierinjuries. 'l‘heylin’zered‘in great ago ny until the following day; when death ie lieved them of their sufi'eringa. The shell. it saems, woo carried to Prospect, and with out. being aware of its being chnrged With pdfivdex. it was placed in the fire-place ol the dwelling of Mr. Shenherger. where the children found it and amused themselves. by heating upon itwith a bummer. when it unfortunately exploded with the efi'eot nnr~ rated above. The supponitinn'is that only one halfofits combustible matter had been taken out. .... Another 4crr'dcnt.—-Oue day Jan week, A son of the 322 v. Mr. Lane, of ,Wrighuville, also met whh I serioul accident by ‘he ex~ ploaion of n shell..that had been lying were ever since the oecu anon ‘of that town by the rebel forces. govern] of the young than": ri'ab weie'hroken. pnd olhirjm-u of his body nevenely lacelued. We under~ “and that. the explosion was caused bv nt~ gmpting to take out the ‘powder.—Yorl: rm. « . Infanticide.—A Week or um :30 a barbar ous crime was committed npnr the Howard Tunnel. on the Northem Germ-u! nilwny. Ibout ux mike from York. Some wretch. laid an infant, two weeks old. Miro“ a rail. and shortly thereafter u train of can passed over: the babe, literally'cuumg 11l 3910 two pieces. , - ’ . fiA Very destructive fire occurred in Noah Tlnrd all-eat. Pbilsdeiphia, on tho 26th ult. Jamel. Kent. Santos & 00’s.. dry goods urehouse. the large“ in the saw. was burned, intolving I loan of $700,000. Several adjoiping stoma were 3'30 destroyed. Ono fireman Ins killed and a number in jured hyfalling wall» 4 The largo: portion of the propeny was insured. “ . A Knack-down Argumcnt.—tyemperlnre lecturer. descanting on the annual and purifying eli‘ecls ol'oold wntar, remarked u a knockdown argument: “When the world had become» corrupt. that the Lord could do nothing In“: it, Be In obliged to give it a thorough soul ihg jn‘onld razor." "Yes." replied the Mm, “but it killed every darned critter on the {m ol.thu earth." ~ S’A couple whb we’re engaged 55 years ago ind u falling out, and t e {sung mu nubaequently married Ind ion. 1. rec wins. while the lady lii-Irina and lived wikh her husband 53 fears. tubing ; large funily. The origin] couple revived their first love, married, and no now living luppiiy at Lynn. Susquehanna county, Pa. _v “A dashing bachelor has nppnred in ndon wilh‘two bind-one ponion. whose tail: an done up w look like llndy'm“n -wrkll,” ind moped up in‘ small mtg-nets. The rmniblmoe it uniting, Ind nu mm cream u grenl urination. fi‘l‘hm in e boy down but who in ee omvomed to go one on nnflroed muck Ind imitate the steam whhtle '0 perfect}? u to deceive the oflar at. the nation. in hm euempt proved eminently menial ; the Gap? mm: am out end “I'Mod him 0 ‘i eThey mango thing. funnily in Cali fornia—military tuners]: for busts-neon- After burying the defunct. the band can: back and unmda the widen. fi‘l’haé in l negro in Phflodolpbh who is dhtingnilhod for th me at In. foot.- Tlsoy m Munro inch- in lug-b. A ““30ng pug... .‘ 'hsmYo hubouhnwod Shiknpsl‘nioh 1.1351“ ‘ .‘A Hula buy It! M‘Od to donlb in l pupa in Burma. Penman“. ' 1 his I; «a named in m ugh". gag; to S: {on}! may. ' * \ ‘ 3: xx Am'Axcn. .0201: the N. Y. 81mm Mercury.) A DMD VOLUS'I'III. «The late interview between the Prelident and the Negro Delegntion.hended by Fred. Douglas: and G. I‘. Bowling. in described by our old corrupondant in hiumoet Imus in; vein. Possibly this description may be more humoroul than literal, but we appre hend that. the Disbanded speaks thesimple truthwhen he say: that the sentiments of the President are not misrepresented. N‘s-smut. llorrst. ‘ Washington. Feb. 8, 1866; Elyturt of the Sunday Mtrkary: . The nnten‘ified African hes lied s grand tork with our Detnocrnticlt teller citysin', ,President Andy Johnson. Yest'day fore noon kwites likely gang of sbel-boddid and ‘sispirin dsrkeys. hedded by Fred Du-‘ piles: and George T. Dowling. who. I blevo Formally k'ep an uister shop in Broad street, 1 New York. and wns sumwltet di~tingwish- I ed for lns hriles. called on the Cheef-Madg- i istrait to instruct him as to his donties and“ obligashlns to the blacks and Inns of the > South. ißutler. the Bittleman. looked in l nt'the White [louse about the same hour, I end was snkshus for an immedlent inter- I vow; but Mr. Johnacnhevmg perhtely te- [ kwesled him to cork uphnd simmer doe n 1 ontil the Math had lied thnr. turn, he te- i tired with the same reddy slackrity, that ca‘rscterised his movements at Fort Darling t sud Fort Fisher. The delegashin. which. represented outgdsrlt complected brethren i in sll parts of the United States and tho, conkered Southern provmces. shucl't hands thh the President kwite amicable, and Citizen Dealing opened the‘limlavir with s speech that did great crt-dir‘to his ebony ingtinks. lie remnxkt, in substnns. that Jack was as good—as his master, and rayther I better; thet wool ill'd as much right to go i [g the polls as bar, and th‘et ef the n‘igger- ‘ Gee wurn’t fully admitted inter the pale ol freedom. thar never could be thut covjsli solshil intercosrse atwixt the whites and blues. witch the eimildnrity of thar tastes} 5 itftellecks end tiniest] conformuhin, ren- I derd nessuerry for thsr mutesbel comfort, . happiness and conveenyence.~ He sed he I appeerd as the delicate'for New England, I .the land of Sumner, and Wilson. and Spraig. whsr the Ethiopian and Cziwcsahian ' was wun and cnsepnrable. and Dingy Dinah I was as deeply respected by the calico slnv- ' ernlly as Mrs. Beechers Toe. y l Fred Dugailm. who reely torke elswill to a Phiisdelly hmyer, and is mutch more of , a gentleman than ’l‘nml Stevens. l‘ollerd' soot in s more elequentvain. Us argued , from Coke and Blaqkstun, that culler was ' no her to the rights of snverinity. “Look - at England." he remarkt, “from the airlest I ages she has reckognised the ekwalityiof the Attican, and ef the Black Prence had ' a lived, she .wud have had a cnllud man tor} a King." He also relerd to his greet Inn sister. Black Dugullm of Scotland, as a darky universally respeckted in his day, and to his majesty the Ktmpf Siam. as A fine French and Latin skullanl, tho’ of the , oomplexshin ofthe sceol' clubq. Here the ’ President. with thst grave humor for which , he is remarksble. inkvnredef the King of l -Sinm didn’t ray hummsge to the l 7.51: : E/eplant. Fredrick eed he bleved he did, ! and wot ofitl To which Hts Eugsellency l replied thst he would advise the cullml.’ race in America to do the same thing. or" mehbe they moughtfeel the animal's tusks. 'l‘his dry observruhin took the-chsmpyon of Sembo’e rights slitely Ibeck, but he soon returnd to the charge snd pied the csws of his peeple for about fifteen minmts like a" pet-feels steambote. . The President then breefly responded.— Hs sed he had‘tnken grate plesher ln"plsy in the part of Holy Moses to the Suns 0t" Ham. but the fact In they wanted tooi much-pork for their shillin. He was that ‘ trend bend and gluv.[at the same limeput tin on his gluv and otl'erin to shake hands 1 with Dowhng‘]. and was willie to laid them I into the km of Prommis, but not, right away. into thelsnd of Performance. 'l‘hey ‘ must be c'ontent’to "nit swhile on Mount Pisgah and ‘edmire the prospeck. alore they went the entire hog. The msjority, he ullowed.mss egen oonvertin em inter suvrins, onnl they had tested em for awhile in that- non capnasity. and seen wot kinder metal they wer made of. El they didn’t wantto be eggsterminated, they’d.better let well enufl' stone. Those-s egged em on s to demand full llytrckle ekwsllity wss just the kinder £4:an as would stand It? thsr backs sud see ther brains blown out, I sud he advised em as a father, not to run sgeu s hung. ‘ I dunno as the 11th war precisely the President’s words, but 1 mm vouch for the accuracy of the sentiments. 'ln course the remarks didn’t meet the deleeuhins views. They had jist cum cocked turd printed from Thad Stevens and his whippers in, and wnrn’t prepared to Hsncn to resin. To use the lengwidge of a popular poiek, L_;-Dugallsss around him drew his cloak, " Folded his arms ~and thus he spoke :" ,5“ he. “Mister President. I shell sppesl from you to the peepil." “Do sol" snserd Old Hickory the Sock ind. “Do so. my mulstter friend, [ hev smasin confidence in the pupil." Good for him, wsrnt it? And his oonfi- , denee isent missplaced. - i I understand the Reds sir gerfeckly rs- 1 win at the manner in which t sr pets war treated. end you any expeclt snutlses ‘ hrosdside of revolooshthsry tork~in both Houses: store the week closes. Comiderin tho way they’re piwbln inter the President, X wander bodnsem remove that hungenon from all the departments of the publick unis, and put hit "00 friends in ”I” plan. Belch I member would be very apt to bring the Dilunion bluckguardp in WIND, to my non-n; for flu: heat. wun ohm Lbs: lung! 50!. 3 ball ‘an of moraynny nattellim dependant on thefiiuv‘nmmem for support. hll! of whose tine]. upent in hbemn. “min, and cumin the I‘mpd’l Prddent. Hopin flu! he'll NB pm It: ”tib ymhor on than vermin, and in that pk. ca with decent men, 1 remain . ' In Andycnt up to‘thn MlO. . My“ 51!“. A Luann Vanna; If (hm but one high once of the govern- DOIIK from which; not. thtn any on)". I. hlv‘u fight w expo: duality sud «ooh wand-ct. it in than of Chi-(Janina! the uproo- Court; and from tho unb i'nlunent 01 than unemu-d triboml am '° “r “m °‘ “£952?“ :5: W'- out mm l o ' ‘ has boo. a“; hydran- 11:, $2353 anm m m In?!» “an: m - which: can a“ 30' “I mI. M”. 1 till .4 to unite. the axiom ‘“ ”(‘.'2 «’3'! oxlhdi§r§u3m9nt ' mulot mm : , “ ‘ V " 8 “A! Dr. Suntlerlamk'u church. In mgfit, Cb'td JIIHN Cline introduced kaflflt Dough“ to a «Dance m-iitury. making.“ him in high! comvlimmmy (mm. » he mm ~oecnpfdd hm hours. taking for‘hll nah-6t "l'he Asumsinnfion and its Lnnom.‘ ‘gl‘heu were prguat many member: of Guam-cu, and a number of the lecturer'l W 3 me. He wulnppiuuded throughout." 1”. we“ known that the person clue met! by HlO Chief Justice» of the an. pram Court in I mulatlo, who baboon for n number of pan mam-red hy the Abdi tionisu. and paraded ab put a: an evidenco af the superiorhyof 'm'grn inullect. He has rdcenuy been ewmrd in talking opearb'n Abusive n‘flm P: ~..i'2mn.\and hm week. fin comp-m 7 with my and other “col ored permm," pretrndg; I'o 11¢ a delega tficn representing the nrgro» of’ the whole; mum”. he impudPnlly wen: (a the Whito Houso’and undprmok on nhuko President Johnson for refusing to admit the raga-Ina of tho‘ funntica “ho new cmurol the my jority in Congresn. Tho :pI-och which he made 'nfter lm’ng introduoed Ind "highly complimented" by ’.'/.ilf Judi“ Chan was gross?! insulting to the President. and contuinad lunguagcuf the mlrulumniom and uni-mac character; ‘ ~ No. 24. Now. what age the American paoplo to think b! A man who. while filling the high eujudlclnl‘ofl‘po of the governmenl. in not. “burned-lo Ink. ran. in l public demon- Itrntion’ wlmaa pa pubis object n tn insult. and mnlign the l‘ruLdent. of the United Staten? Can 'uny Amflricnn who has lien-In lore felt pride in nurOrenc ltapublicl‘nil w blush ivhen he sec-a so arms alack or de cency 'exhibited by the Chief Jmlioa of the Suprpme @mrt? What have we come to. when no some 0! self-respect, can inducn Inch an omo'ml to refrain from engaging in the work winch heretofnra my: only been done by mlnhouse politicians? . "“0 shame. where is my blush?" ' - When wn lhmk of the gflnctmhic‘h sndh conduct must have n‘pon llm mind: oran (clhgen: men throughout. the world we con fess that our henrt m heavy with tho weicln ol'humxhalion which rests upon it. In ut not. lime for the people to rvhugkv the dam,» ngogup who in smling (hfljulllciJl ermine by web de-zpicuble bervilily to u‘recklpu fuctio‘p. and bringing disgr'nne upon our counny? F-t|)4tici~\l|l must be very strong 'when m. "w.“ snncli-‘m such grassly indecor on's nondur'l in 11 high nficlul, and ref uih fr‘om Irrploving the slunm-hxag unlit“ nf thonewiho mnke “the nvgru” u ml'u mw With Ikilli‘ch they may oulrngtz val‘y some of p ‘opriety ..und 'decency.— l’lul'udci'phu Nmm} (Ifrpubh‘can) ‘ - -... «..-—f‘«~ “C 0!!! 300‘ OF'CIII‘ION‘CL’. ‘ nd it came to meantime day! {but uncnln of she who are Again gath ‘ogemer. _ ‘ _ 1. the ex ered 2. Mn} behold one Thaddeus surm‘mml “Bis lens,” and Charles snrnnuml a [.‘.th wore th‘ere, and coming privily together lhny Mid : } , 3. f‘Behold we have found {he kin; to be ljuafi mm. one who harem Qod. nml' is obedient to his oath regarding the covenant. 4. “He Imnzl'e'lh like unto u rock against us. "3d agninst our cllmdr, and drombmh nos 11. our words. 3 ~» §. ,‘E‘Behulti he hnth driven nwny from M fore in), the Preachns. nnd Heavenly Hy enuannd Harlan. and Bloodsuckers whom we 5 nl before um; lei uu’oumhel go to him, Lper‘ndvenmre he may hear an. ‘ 6. “The skin of the Lion being too abort. lee ul’ hymn subtlety of the Fox, enmurQ his fiwt, that our end: mny be accom plistd." ‘ . ‘ 7. {And going forth they clad themulvn and ihvir friends in wrywoal, that their Icnletmighv. be hidden. ‘ ‘ ‘ ml cnn~=- - ' 'B. ..ndkcnming into the presence of the King; they bowe‘d their necks, and dig! him hom ge. 9. nd opening their mouths. “my aid, J‘Oh 'mg! great in thy aims, and brigm xu th sun ‘in the shining of thy glory. ' I 10. “We bow down to thee, and wonhip thne.lforlo m is thy wisdom Ii n beacon up fon the hilldopn. _ ‘, 11.: “And now, behold thouut th over all the hmd; the North and the South bro thimi that thou mayest do with them a thoulhilt. _ _ 12., "LN. un, therefnn, thou Ind ul. place our yoke on the neck: of the people whiln it is $2l. day. and we mny'work. - 13 “Béhom the nighgromethnr by the “smiling: which appear in the Wésl. Ind extehd‘even unto‘ the Eust, are we wnrned that. Rho and dmwelh nigh. . a -14 “Let. m. therefore. whilst we mu. mnk to ourselvel a. Kingdom‘in the South; fro . the treatiurel of the Ind, let us build to o mlves grealmm. . 15‘; "Let u': take away from the vanquish ed their win, and their home: and llndfl. tht‘i herds and fl mks—let ua nuke than: (ix-mime. and gin: all to the nmw-r. 16 ("FJE bylmld hue they nut. saved at frc the hand ugDAvil, and of Lee, and of B» rec-rd !) ‘ _ , . . >l4. “Le‘. the white'man'. by the we“ of ‘ his row,‘ [my taxes, that We my build och Is, and 19mph». and nhantiel. for the son. and rluughtrrs of Hun. -. 3 ‘ 1.. “LM the ram. and winfiholl of the Inn , be given In Snmlmrthnt he may 13. ‘ do n, and stink, and be at rest. 1 . ”And behalf, if than will, do that! Oh]: gs, we shall {all down before then Br)- ?ker aha” Aim; at l‘fiwmml Force]. the lumen”, shall slmw forth thy grpatneu." 29. But the king amwurifiz. said: “I per ewe that ye hue midnkun your path, |ln ban talked to noyurpom In my lhld‘ on of flypoorisv. ‘- } ‘ I 2 . "Behold.l have "mm it that. my ‘ ha d~slmllnulum luv! delend the conmmt in Ibe lam. nor-hall Ll):- urpent of Tron 10!:ngan mp. thou-1h clntho-l in fins moi. W. "My vouca ling” m) mm: to ‘ho pro plei with un uncertain sound; with than. } der‘r shall they be taught to have “I!th [ mv'word. ‘ i 92!. “There man be no Canmn forth. ‘ ui 7"", nor tho wank-thief of the But. who MEN: in his shadow". = - 1 "Frnm my km (a the West. gnd' fro the North to [he Snuth shall the hw ’ harm“. by the grant and (ho unsung», they win and the foolish. alike. nt‘ “ . "00 yo Junta» lonh [mm my pres 9:}: not bring ya to my the malice of your h m. conserved in form! of new in"; Ind y I ah: 000 mm. * ‘ ‘ 26. "I ha» that") you from tho dayl‘ol Did; your wicknhwu is written Igainn you» throughnnt um l’unrl. 27 "In your he-ms ban ye hatch"! Bat. and Rebellwn. um! um" the dank oflny’ dry do ye min In undo the union. 28. 'Out of ynurown month: has ya been judged; and cum"! my“ be you: Infitnory. from g-nrar’uzinn unto genfiuion.‘ 29 “Were it no: {Mt yo no ounlmpfi- Ma, 1 might far from your mum, «Lani. :7 In that people. . 30. “Yo are but. blind all lm—lha (mg! therewith ye would wbun-l are bocomo dull. Ye have not the bur“ ol non, but of lentlol wolvu. » 81. "Your name :hnll be a hmingvund . re ranch to those who love the‘ G-wqmnt. 311% who bow not. down to thn Punk (0 mm set an in ma huh plum." 32. And the oompimum want forth from tho pmcpoo of the King. breaking emu und vengeance. 33. And Ihry did {mm at lhl nnmib t 9 manna: like unto the wild bou- did my. anon h: their fury. 34. BM tho p'ople. “camel-math.“ shouting. Ihowod {out the” by‘ um. um hand at Trenton had hm: um Ihonenod, - UN mammary up the much of “so wlioaln Sm Mgr”! an no mm M; ‘ ”tun. m m A4miuisuttim«m M: a tin Mann u: mtrimizm "NH.” Mob during the nut. » ~_ ( ' According to nun. cmrrin n 0 E 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers