A n: my 6, tags. One of thekr'gmifitn-gin ever as. amblul in Wnshinflan mntr Md., met in fronlmd' duo omm flo‘m’h “hum-‘B‘ T.;..uy,'vjo 2m ..:.., to fidbn‘ogcho do“: _ muéum'pnnry'md ma inc-aura! ”mm-t John“... White them run in progn-nn - moh ot argued nut-uphill“ I: 1M E. )liuag, A member 0h!" Hurflnib‘ihlue, m. [)9qu Sim-m, and newt-l I‘m .f. fire?! ye nude an attack on 15. rldnd nd Inc rude I: pmlnlly breaking qthe meeting. The Muck was most oulrlgoonn and unju numb The men engaged In nth-n rul’ufr things with a high Imm! in finger-town hr the In“: fiveyenu, mobbing those who difl'errdwith lhemin ophiun and destroying their property. Their limr is now About up. The reign of terror is pu-‘sing In}, ad the supremacy of \ the law in being mmhlishcd; but if tbelev . rnaturcs dn mum” lawless Mun—cone op- ‘ Easing-‘0" Gonna-thaw! playing Into It: I and‘i‘offlll , Steven And mher tnitorn, Y (hey my mourn-five mm:- 01' the mute they ; huge been softcoly donlln'i o-n mlotherl iny ){rtnu pust.——Chmberl_blry Qua. ‘ /v ' " m ~90 o - “w— . A! Anocvnna Stunt—Thu Gomnn pn pm nnnnunce the deuh, at Mudeburg. of I learned physiriwn. Dr. JUlIII“ Von detp Fuch- It‘llt‘f, ‘uhu in his ml! hut left the world the tnlhywing thtnlifiu u-ctcl,_v'_il.: Thu hi: ow gr. at ngv. one hundrel and nine. it entin'ly' to bn nqrrlbod to hit t'OlMaM habit litlerping lith I“! head townrd the Noah. 111 l “I! rest 0! lug bud) in n dimtiou coincidiu I.- clotely n.- pumhlc wuh thtll ofthe matting, that is, with his beeln‘tol'll'd the South. ' we don't. think this scientiic method 0925’”. lungiug humnn life is ndaplcd to ‘ltcfln-m. Dr. Juhn Von dl'l" Funw‘, Jnu hum, Mug ““ illuhil head ttlwugd thr ‘Nor h, and kicking with hu Hall to the Son h," were right your» or morr, and Ilsgeul cf the pruuun ul'ngn-nt uld am. he in n "and duck" M, w.—Lma (('r lu/rllrgmu'. mm Smcntu 90: Tu: mung» l —A m 6“ valu hlv and wonderlnl publlcnliun. A work of mo pngl-s, and 30 rolurcd Engrzninzs. ‘ DR. Hl'N'H-IR'S VAUE MMTM, an original and popular lreLli-e. on Mum and Woman. their I'hx-mkuvy, P‘unminnn. nud' Sexunl disorders nl l-wry Llud. we'd» NewfiFuNing Rum-dies tur their spxedy cure. The pmmicc of DR. HI‘N'I'ER has long bu-n, and Hill I;,nnhoundg ml, hut Lu the c-nn-c-st Hflil-ilnliou.ot uumrrolu puduni, he ingl lwon' inlduced Iu rnrual His nu-dicnl usrfulnws tlnpugh the medium of Mg ‘ \ADH .\l|;"l'.\l." II u u vo’lllme that should he :n {he h-uuis of every Inlnily inflhe In’nd.ns u prcu-nxiu: of store! View. or M u gniUgJor the mill-\inlinn M Our (.f’the mou :uvml and d. Ilrucvn'e aconrucrlhal evrr \‘ipit'ed mankind, Um- copy. lecurely enveloped, “ill hr fo‘rwrgrd v-l free of puzmgg to any part. of the Cnilynl Man-a for no crm- in I’..o.‘nnm;is. Adore"; luvs! pun], DH. lU‘BTER, NO. 3 IJiTlsion 55., .‘ww \'_urL. ‘ [Sept 25. - 1y: Strange. but True Every young Indy and gentleman in the l'uu-d smm can lxczt“anmething very much 10 lhl-ir mlvuutuge by_ return umi} (free of clingy) by addressing the undkrsigned.— 'l'hlule jmuyu tum or being humuugucd will oirluge by not noticing this mrd. ,All olhers / Ml“ pic-nag address lheirobc-I'lrut aerunt, THU-"o. I". CHAPMAN. 83) ”roadways. Y. Mn r. ‘5. 'OO. )y MARRIED l n Qumlny morning, l-‘eh. 2‘1”), M. the “RC Pur llonag -, |-'\- I‘m. VF. I-. l’. Duvls‘ Mr. JOEL I‘Alr ME“ (I) Miss 1M ATll.l>.\ Ch“ I [fl-2K5. mm at Moumph-Mnm zuwmhm. , 1m [lw uw-nlnx uf lhn- wilting!" at (hr rnltlvnro nf lhu hndn-‘n mulhor. M . Ehmbvrh Klee. by "0“ J. K. .\h|lvr. Mr. .\. J. THUMl‘HJHl'umdvn. lnt‘llnriu. to Mrs. Llhll‘i M 15516”. 0! Un'hdmr \H v, ’u: ' v « m 1m- 251“ um, by tho- Rev. Dr. ('hvstnr. at tho I‘rnshyu-rhm l'unmumu-r Wuhlnxlon. D. 11, Mr. A~'x\ H. HARDALLV. n!" I-‘rm-purl. Indfltu MM Luv .\L sumus. duughu-r 01mm aneuupmr lmn plnccx n g on lhn z‘nh uln. by Thu-. 8“ K. le-hnr. Mr. J \l‘oB Wll-Zh‘T, of \ork count_v,(o All” ANN (‘A'IZHA [UNI-Z RI‘IHEHZX‘. of Aduum Lvunlyh Hn ‘ht- m‘n-nlnx of FM). ‘.‘.mhm} (he Luthernn I'.urur»u’um-. In Mluml vounlg' Ohio. by Rev. G. W. Huhum‘r, m. .I. x. F.\l'Kl. :‘n. of m-mn-r. Imm» nullity, (mm. to MINI B. LIZZIH. duughu-r of Human Rngl‘nl. £Ol.. or Frecdum wwusmp, Adumn county. Q . Un the ’21)") uh. at tho rnnldonm- of finch-Mo‘s ‘ Aunt, In Mount Holly; l-y lh-vaJErny. Mr. EZRA ‘ 35111;“. of Adnmn I‘Ollnl)’, In Mind MARY J. 1. UL“), oH'umbyrhmd vuunly. ‘ l-‘eb. In at tho Luflu‘ml'l l‘nmmngr. In Bur ‘nnullun. tllk ruunty, by lh-v. l‘n-h-r \Vurnrr. Mr. ANDRPAV MYERS tn Mints SI'NANNAH HUI!- IH-JIL. both m Adams vonmy. 13-h. run. by HM smuv, Mr. FREDERH'K A. lll’lhlH-ZY to Mm: A.“,\.\' D.\ "EMU-3, bath of York county. ' Fr)». '.‘th, hy 'ho sumv. m ”up ru-slrlnnr‘r of [l'm l‘rhlo. )lr. JACOB BESTZ lo_.\lr.-. SL'SANNAH HARTMAS. - Mun'h 15!, by Ihr- nan‘nflnt thr- Lutheran Pnr- Hum-20, Ih-rmlhliu . .‘lr. JUJIN NAHLE :03]!!! .\.\.\'A MANIA URIUA'JiH, (Ifl'vuanburg. ‘ COM “whammy nomiis :L wnm nor fine for all over fun: In“. h—u-al) u) ucmmpnny notion u (in Tlmmlnv. nm-rn Inns: lllnm. In thls plnm‘, .‘lr~.‘ l-JJZAm-ITH ‘UOL't'K. win- 01' Mr. John Huuvk, sup-II 73 yams 7 months. and 6 days. (In tho 2m» an. m Hprlnxflv-ld. Ohio, n! con eumpzlnn. Mrs. MARY PL. wife of [lnward D. John", rmruu-rly or ml»- plnceJln hor 29th ymr. 1m 'l‘quluxfi km. Mr. JOHN )lITNDORi-‘F. and 71 3mm ‘.' month: and 2‘! days. 1H: “mums u n-n- lmrrn‘d ul Elohr'n Churn-h. . , In Mltldlrlon,un tin-61h Imm IDA MARY, only aluuxhtr‘r or 11mm] and Suruh hhunk, ugvd 251 m: 9 month: mu] ‘.'! tlnyn. . . Sun-1r lhv Burro-n 3 Chum-h. York mnnly, Feb. 27:“. Mrs. MAID”, Wm- 01 Mr. Jmcph slomuwer. ngwx :I 3 run 1 month and 15 days. LATENT MARKET PRIGN, Gettymburg Flour .......................... ......... 8 00 lo 6 50 “_u- F1uur..............................' 3 '.‘s ”White \Vhen1...........1... .1 90 u} 2 as Rwl \\‘hc.|1..........‘.mm............ l 60 to l 85 C0rn................ 50 Rye , 60 , (hu.............. ...- 35 Mnekwben!......... ................... . 70 Timothy Seed...“ .................. 2 50 lo 3 00 Flax 5eed............................... l 75 to 2 00 Clover 5ecd......*... ( 50$!) 6 50 It'll-lon. , ”W..." .s 00 um! .70 . .................... 2 00 4o 2 7.5 flour. \\ he.“ 1:31;. Corn 091.: ('lmer-seed ........... Timothy-seed Hogs, per hund........ fieel‘Cuxtle, pea- hand “a1um..."............... \Vhilkey Somelhing New & Diem]. HE undersigned would respeclfully inform T the citizens of Adinns vcunty that the; hue purchased the Patent Right of the cr.un- ‘ ty tor the mnnufacture and sule ol Brought-r. Hummer k Middleton's KEXCELSIQR EKUOM Ill'lAD or WRAPPER, pstented Dec. 26“}, 1865, And they will in a few dlys be ready to dupone of Towxsuw RIGHTS or moms, to suit purchucrs. We clatim for {bill putt-nth- a ' 2 lat. We an convince you tint thil ll‘ the best "Broom Wrappex" in nu. . 2d. We can convince you thnt this in the lightest “Broom Wrapper" in use. 1 34: We an oonvince yop'thnt thin in the‘ chain-st “BrodniM'rupper” in use. ‘ 1 41h. We can con‘rince you that you can sue o_ne-hnlf the ‘first year that the ordinary broom: cost you. ‘ 1 sth. We c-tn convince you tint alter the first yum-our brooml' will not cost you over lfi‘centauwiece. ‘ 4‘: l CORNELIUS DAUGHEBTY, ‘ RAPHAEL SHERFY,. ' Mn. :1, ll“. ft Gmylburg, ‘53 “ 1 'l‘!- WIN! and sun-s. HE subscriber rupecu‘ull] inlprml the T public that he still ninth-n the businou ,o puking . ALL KINDS OF GOOD TIN mum. It the old stand. (formerly A‘ndrew Policy's.) in York street, Wily, defi‘h has the Innu- uinnmont of an arm lulu county, within», odm Iniclel for kitchou an, ta. Ali'slg'tKlLHG \BTOVfitllfli-PLAH 810 '0! I but I: a .. 31» -. ay‘v; VI 8,.-G; COOL, was. 1.05:» q- . < ‘ “m 3- oW —- Bkubé'fldt‘ompper Luther COLLMfl i 211; '- .‘iti'iiti .1 V ' . ' mm m deem: to“ Tof our on WWW, uh. “ma; ..iim‘s‘éfl. . ‘ ,GAGU ---W «'— m 9 .m 1' 'ns'“ Jim» - am , )2 surnmfm-oem.% Peflunflunjimkd for "meme“. W? m 41‘” , iiflldrtfilflu fasten a n 1: rm“! " “.."t'stflwlfflflry "W Ingl, for uh by ‘ D. IIcCREARY't SUN. . Much-5:18“. ' 6!.“ {1 Franklin 11:. , 4 | _ Plgnuc 3.11.3, . 1 non.” «nut 1 N mknslurnbe ml: in; or )umcfl yams CITY 03 “w roux O inst. the numeral)"; Admifiiit‘nw‘ooil , 'Sn'muo‘l Eiker, decefiaed.~&ill.,nll— u ‘Publih. - . citizen ellknon .Solc. at lhe late reeldenc! ()flifid dece‘dent, in l Ul‘s “gm: {firefigmecwm ’ity, b, to >lliglxl-nd lgwmlhipf un‘ the ”illusion: roam: DN..J,n_a c 1 g N c K v "I; 73:0??? Flint“)? feafifllmplwfigfii‘ 1, us can chu non-on I rmunuruu. , . e, um on ~' one, dog , up; , ' row. Double and Single Shovel‘l’longhlflorn ; Y ”Oglceux. g‘ “:1 ‘.']31217‘96?°"} , l-‘énk, ‘.' sets or llret-chbnndl, um 01‘ Chipper! D “3‘ H‘ “‘.‘“: ck" en", Sir Li." ‘o'" {Genny l s‘" “f Single “name...“ 02‘3"" If“: line; can I‘ bl‘2h n troublea 13th I u {3.95. I???“ Flidle‘nndz l‘frllflnt“ TIE“? l were ('O, 11, and mil: {l‘} no or thrée time: n .u,u's ors,c.‘ useso nc- . . , ’ smith TOO3l, (Erimlatmfig, Wheelbarrow; Gnin ‘ yen'r “flying"; 0” u hematah.‘;;:hwb in the gym; um Andaliedueada, Tublel Pym "d f “ 0";{2‘21 ,0 and Clnum Sand, Lard by the pound, Had A‘ 1"". do. .3,“ 5:1,, -‘ ' v.l riot;- olgoxher nrticlel, we nul’peroux to mnn-i .'3O’YVLe'IL two. a , '- . ’ WSnle to commence.“ 10 o'clock, voanid day, uhen Allendance‘will b 0 and term! mud: known by 1 JOHN H. BAUIIGARDNBR,A‘ V w.“ the same time und plnce vii {cred ILl‘y b, the Son And Cornfoddel bundle. . [Reuben Golden, Nu. 1:, 1866. 15* ~ ; PI‘BLIC sub. 5' WEDNESDAY, the 21“ pl 4, of. in», "the nub-crib", lutpnulidg rntvn‘lng, will call u Public Sada, u ln donor, in Strain-u 'owuship. Adams I by" a mile walk-cu! of Hununlovn, lowing l'ersonul l'ruperty,]iz:, 2 MULES, l Hmod Mare, 2 ‘Colu, Cows, 9 head r’ ‘ “ 4 Shun-s. Two l‘lbughs. Hum Syn-nuns, ‘lvl Ulnnin. “all; I 6w. Alan, ‘Hm such I! liedsm llruvqerl, large plate Nové, lr‘x («$l,lOO numex Wsnle l 0 urinnld dlth and. terms and: finr.12,186 Great Rx \ 1' THE /- ‘ _ ‘A_ /'CHE'AP GROCERY! cyuhflk or pin/ow no cuunusnum stun. I" JU/II.VM.SWAN,- ~ I linrina just returned from the city. "lip!!!- ’full_v informs I-ia cmlomerl.nnd the publié, that. he ha": "Icon-din] in lorming I connection _in”: one of theifiru lmporcini Housu in the way 0! Unldmore, hy which h, _in ennbled to ofl‘gr Groceries u 9 lower figure .mn lhey ‘cnn be pnrclim-cd olueuhrre in the county—'— ‘ He is prepared to sell 1 , con-w: : 32 cents per lb. - | SUGAR, 2 lbl. to: 25 u | SYRUP, from 40 “ £031.20, ‘ 'nm'l all other things pl. corresponding rules.— -,I! you would run mom-y, call «I. the'yCheap |Hrncgry,cnrnerof Diamond and Chlmherzhlug :strvet. lle_ sells exclusively for Cull, and is ‘nerermined‘lo be ahead 0! all other: in aélling cliénl» Give him I cnll hrtbre purchasing lelsbwhqre. JOHN M. SWAS.‘ ‘ BHIfPOIi'H Safety Lamps, ’ LSD . 1.16-1104}: E‘(Red) jFLUID ‘ PATINTIZD. ' [HS Lamp apparently hum! u'flltnul‘nnu- T thing to flu! it. It hai, however. a mu terill which absorbs the liquldjnnd giyu it to the flame, partly from the wick. and parllv in the furm at gas, but. so nr-to produce perfcct 'votnml‘tion. mud in yery ecqnolhicnl null sa'e. i it II lubed without. a chimney, and [ietfrctly trimmed. doe-s not smoke or amiall; it. It! there fnrc c=perinlly adapted to tho? pnrpoua qf-n l“run alum," night, mine, shop’ _or hotel Lump, or hmtun. The cost of broken chimneys, 'alone, wt l more than pity the grin-of thialamp'. p Every tnmtly needs one or morq. ‘ “It is ‘uqt. I'm". I have been angloOking '.t‘or," wrdeam model house-keejnr.’ ‘-l should luudly kpqw how to do without lit," writes another. - ll 1 “A p’ertu‘t cuntrimnce," writer 1 third. "Let those who AreJßepticai try it," write! ' n fourth. i 1 For rule by JOHN (M. SWAN, Car. uf Diamond Ind Chpmberahurg rt. »-[S"l'lie lug-ro-iug Fluid also for rule at. 'thb same place. [hint 12, 1866. § fiolulvle'Pacme Guano. {)()( )ildih'. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO - 7 contuinafio lbs. unimdl: hamrqielding to 8 lbs. ammonia Also 80 to 90 lbsmarlhy bone Rhanplmle bflime. 30 lb.-. 01"“ hich nre aaluble phdpphatc. ”I“ combinca‘all the aflvantglgcs of the but brand. of,Snper i’hoaphnle, with those 6! Fe ruvinn Guano. ‘ ’ : ’ . ‘ .l ‘ -_ .‘By rem-on (‘.ns ginger conclmlrahon, we re- : commend 20 per ct, ler by i-éight to be used per, acre, glmn of any [artilfzer costing the anéme per ton ; and no more per acre thin of those selling at .20 per ct. were per ton.— Hgnce ill economy. . ' ‘ ' S Thiigunno weifiha 65 lbs. p 4: bushel. Hence ii’npplying it furinérn must be go'wrned by weight and not by bulk: for it is much lighter lhnn the Super Phosphates. lively cam My uupccml. ' ‘VE will giveln tummy WIIK'INO' of the - phi/y of “ii! nxzticle. , If 3| pure un named, unlnmu borié, reduced in) the fivmuu of flour, which ndds 100 pér cl. in “Inc. It is M quzck Ind attire ns—lcid diuolud bone, hence its value in nuly gréuer, beunse it contains neither Icid‘nor “mgr, Mich neces nrily add woighl,‘nd reducenhé quantity lof valuiblé elements. ,We rdcol’nmend 250 lbs. to Be ulgd In pluce of 300 lbs. Sfuper flosphute or dinolved bone. : ‘ ' JOHN s. REESE £OO., ' ‘annu. AGIN‘I’! to: inu Surya, ' 71 South Sttldd, Baltimore, .fi-‘Mch-fly & Diehl,;Aguiatn, Gettyabirg , 3m. 12, 1866. any ~ i u 80 to 85 65 to 7| 48 '.o 50 or 6 00 lo 6350 4 (Isl-m ‘l2 .....13 00 LOl4 00 .....1300 1018 00 .....1 30 loll! 00 ...... 2 28 lo 2 30 é » Reduced Prilees. .' “mos, cams“ AND AMERICAN 69.. P CASS. Superior tuned locuve HANOS llrom $350 ‘upwnrdl. ORGANS from" $5O upwnrdl.‘ All instruments} selected, re-° ' omlnended sud sold by me, AQdilibndlygnu nnued. "luau-med circulars lent. by luil, ,I'heu de’sired. I, V , \ t. BENTZ. No. 30 Beulah: Sn 1, York, Pa. AIM-. 12. uses. ‘ ' . 1 ' +- '—~— ~—— ——*—————.--{—.——---—-—l———- AXUEL amen-s Baum—Lenora of .d. ministnfion on the gauge of Samuel Hiker. ht. at Highland township, Adams coun -Iy, ocpnsed, having been grinned to the un dér glued, raiding in Hamiltonian toruhip, M hat-Shy give; notice to ill person Indebud to‘ [lid cunts to mike immedinu‘ payment, uni thou hnving clliml spins: the tune m [cu-t them properly authenticuod for set.- {limenL ‘ JOHN H. BAUMGAEDNER, Adm'r Mar. 12,1866. 60 ~‘ HE School Directors at Stub-n mwnahip tilt-130w u “assent of FIVE PER T. on 11l Bounty Tu levied for 1866, puid on or‘lnfon the 3d day of APRIL nun. pm: in cue mid mm not pnid within one month theresntr. the um gill be placed in the hands of In oficer, Ind in collection poni‘zively en. forced, wilhonl respect to persons: By order otthe Bond. ' ' ' ‘ PHILIP DONOHUB,Preaident. Wu. Snug-mu, Secretary. rat. 5, 18“. mil. Estate mum, « ESTATE OF ABRAHAM flART, SR—Tbe} ; liflehigled; Aye-n ”for the lulu“ or Abuhun am, sup-mu kahuna, Adgnpi M!‘&£eceued. hereby reqhiiu-Iltiu‘lou Q was s. REESE a co, Gnu“. .mn'srs ron fr": Scum, fl Soujh Swim, Bullin'wre “ Flour of Bohe.” Notice. Bounty Tax Notice. '3‘: H’tl’i, Urea, cun inke them harm." He 3 you last sumnu Log orks, lure, so of Ten uni- yoy have In] b it off." MEM lee no hope tor/me," and my.friends Ind relu tiuns ccnclmLed my time had come. At this time i w” taking freely ofyhmrmedicinemut bud not seen you. The duh-tor culled a few limos. and luund me (much to his rurprise. he euidf) improving, and he e‘onld not understand ' why. My faith wn's 'inL'felSleg in your mmli- ‘ clues, um! I had it wish .to bum you ex Imine' my on ‘ld are whnt you had to say. When you ' nine to my room and made the ex mnin u, you gnve me but little encourlge mrut man the contraryfexple‘sed snd doubtr of my ever being helped out of my then seem-'1 ing , illiculliel. ..The lecond -l.ime that you 5 called, finding me still gnlnihg, you gave me’ encouragement, saying, “my aymptoma were improving; tlie Pulmouic ‘Syrup, Sch-weed Tome and Mnhdmke Pills hud "noted like u charm." .\ly circulation, my cough: my uppe- , me. all began to improve, and 1 could walk about my room A little. You visited me nearly every Tuesday, and ‘found me improv ing, and told me not logo out of my room uu ul the first day of Mny. I look no cold while under your treatment, my appetite hecume first-rate; and you told me lo eut everything I wished ol'n nutrition: Vulture, and to exercise Ihout the room as much its possible. I lul» loved your, advice. and to .the surprise of my, old physicianxnnd {rim-19,} eeem much better thnn l have been lot sevepd years, and breathe better than! ever expected in person could with I one hung, the left being conipletely dried up. ! I feel Very gratelul to you, and consider your («we and medicines invaluable. 3]., given 111111 MI ' . You; truly, ‘T. b‘. SHELDON. i Dr. Schenek—Dear Sir:;.ibdnt two yenis ego I was taken with a very'tronblesome cough and a pain in my hrensl; seven or. eight months passed away Without my doing anything Mr mylelf. Thenl hpplied to it physician. who ntu-uded me for shoot three months without rendering the any service. I also obtained the “drive and treatment of n-physicinn in one of. our hospitalsfinnd also had the ‘advice and} tren'ment at two other physit i ms, hutnll to no purpose“ During this long space of ‘tiine-l was nearly dead; several times my lriends came to see the and witness my exit into the spirit-world. Iwas confined to my bed two months at one time. My breathing was ex ceedingly. short. I gave up severultimes nlll hope oi getting better; and is regarded getting. well, that was entirely out-o_f the question.—_- And to think this day I In: wzil nnd hearty I—l l was advised by some of my friends to try Dr. Schenck‘s Medicines. I accCrdingly bought .bottle after bottle, tlntiLl res bed the ninth ; then i found It decided change in rdy cough .for the better. I sufl‘ered severely lrom pupi lation of the heart, and two weeks niler’ I :rommenced tithing your medicine this diflicul ty ceased. " -' When I first went to Dr. Schenek's onion it was ’wilh difliculty‘ that [could get up into his reception room,l was so week and so SWeiieti ; ,my skin we: as sillow as though i had the jaundice; I felt dull, heavy and sleepfcss. Dr. Schenclt,-after examining me, said both my lungs were affected; and gnveme but little hope; but his medicines,in About two weeks. i took right hold of me ; it seemed to 3‘o right ‘. through my ,whole system. The} Pulmonic Syrup, Sea-vetd‘ Tonic and Mandrake Pills; all took right hold in the right place. The' Pills brought away greet quantities of bile and slime; the Syrup loosened the matter in my lungs, which came 05' very free; the Sut ll'ee.l__’l‘onic gave me an appetite, and every- I thing seemed to taste good. To show vihat great power the medicines have in purifying my systemmnd to show how bad sts diseased, beside'nll the bile that‘ passed niy h'ovrels, nnd the great quantities of phlegm and m‘atter I eyrpectorsted. I broke rout all over in large boils, that would continnel ito gather and run for about six weeks, and I ‘had at one time over twenty-five bone. 1 have nothing of the kind now,ttnul feel like snother person ultogether. I can safely any that I ln'u'e not enjoyed snch health for five years as I do now. and cinnot praise you end your medicines enough. May God abundantly Y bless and preserve‘yonhis the sincere desire of! due who has been so wonderfully relieved! through your agency; and it my one desires to know with regard to the truthfulness orthis report, if they will call upon any of my friends, or upon me, No. 4‘Dryden Place, netr'l‘homp son street, below Codwalnder, Phil-delphin, they will be perfectly satisfied with the ulid- . ity ot the case. Yours, with much respect, _ . MARY SUHNAHYI". The above case, es described, is perfectly correct. I know it to be true. Yours. . - T. B. MILLER, Pastor of Hencock 11. ,eqjhnrch ‘ Dr. Schrnck will be professionslly at his principal office. No‘. [5 North Sixth street, to er of Commerce, Philadelphia. every Sn usfl'yflrom 9 A. N. until 4 P. )l.; Nb. 3‘! Bond ‘ street, New York, cur; Tueadny, from 9 to 3 ; No. 38» Summer ”root, Boston, Slum, every “'ednesdny, trorn 9 to 9; Ind every other Pri ‘Bay It 108 Bullimora Itreet, Baltimore, Md.— All ndvice free. but for A thorough examin tion of the lungs with his Reryirometer, the chnrge in thrbe doll-n. Price of the Phlrnonic Syrup and Seaweed onc'l‘,i much B'. 60 per bottle. or $7 50 per hllf dozen. lsndnh Pills, 26 couu per her. For sale by I" Druzghu And Dealer-I. 3 ll". 12, 1366. In: o'2B. Hoop sum 628. OPKLN'S “OWN MAKE," Mnnnfncmred _ 3nd Sold. Wholenlo and Retail, No. 628 Arch Street, °Pl:ilulelpnll..—’l‘lw mull. coni lplete lisortment of Lndin’, Minu’ and Chil dren‘l HOOP SKIRTS,jn thi: City ; gonna up expressly to noel the In": of nun-cuss Tang; embracing the new"! Ind moo: dealt»; hle Sulel And Size! of “Gore Tnlla," of eury lengkh—from 2: to A 3111. round—zo to 56 Springs,fo.t S2I 1086 0:1. Plain Skim, .111 Much 5.13“; w lén thl, ram 2 loin-a 5 round the bottom -——-—~ -—‘- -'-~- ._,. mi] 40 to $3 16. ‘ ’ A “1203!“; ngm, p Our line oruiueu’nnd Children‘s SKIRTS x FREDERICK ,L. Y. . [yr name are provetblnlly bede I.“ competition, to; hffifhfloflflfi‘gdfifli‘g‘fi‘fifimfifnfi variety of nylu'snd nun-IT“ well as [or fmln’ “11%;? Earn? Ilan AM (‘n a tad durlbility ;-‘mrying tom Bto 33 lnchel" T A ,0 tn; n m Inter .n -in lunh, 6 1045 Spring! It 35 «my to $2 ~25. fimuwgglsifigwwrflgfim Ibrfierg‘fit 1m Skim of now: OWN KARENn-e Wu. rmmfiuigmgf' "3'3 mm? {loifmmuolnlng nntedm (in ntis action; but ny none a land- In- 0" R. 0 Ban- Inch, unless they'hpve, “Hopkin’a 1,1091) Skin. mgdfiwgflfl‘zfiagefingfiwm Mlnuficlory, No. 818 Amb§ueet,‘Bhmp¢d road. The Farm mutua- about. m A 0383. on each Tub! . l mac nr lmatifitm acruagghlfh (Inas- lnl tim- Alm. constnntly on land, soon Suns, 3.1:.» Irfimmmg‘gfiw wag“ °““" Mlnufacluredin New York, “de “It: Eupm Sgonerfoltxtfil-gvmx naggnulumfismh-m‘ sum which" le“ n‘ury ow ricu. A «.31;me new on , lot of’oheup Shun—ls lprinzl, 85 centl; 20 :fimfigfiflfibglgfig?gl:§?m N' - -~ ~-—' jifikaEßF’gvd—ifi'emm sprints! 00—25 springs. 81 15—30 Iprinza, Tammtflounm. Them umewmonnmuu»: 866‘ ‘n 'd' . ‘1) - s I3° 1"" $1 25 “d to spring: 51 50, ' x- at film homadfo at 2112.? me millimdm every . 3 . o_xgxnsl, yo .In 9‘ Fault 3'“er made to 0m? Ind stked- mnggnpplapmchard. 3.31%? o} extriryngftfe'; "am"?! ‘v—ALHM ._-.:_ mun Guru; 0». P 310: Ouwl kind. ‘’_ —‘ ‘ l ' .MW- WANTED to, patch». om Inch! r 866. 41: ~ - ‘ ”mmgumhavorydulmbte 01"!“ MS”: 10009 aver "diced ‘rl‘éu n ——-m-.. ,‘I ~ ‘J. ~._~..._,..__.,__.__..~___'...‘!|Plcuv awe-refine othms’nm‘vhnflto fer-,1 ;; *’ ll .’. , §10Kfi0"8 max. 3. nouns Tonié and menu. ”“8 mm” "m'"“ "W 6 N’- W , Mlmwmv [Luvmodiedtpmnon . un-PMMHOMBs-a’d CHQHE. 3:;me . . : ,fl». . _IACL 5.3081)“; gong uni-lldho-vlu I 39.90 and “any, an. may". 4 I m: mung“ gnlgfwk'fi’fi-Iogm“. good m 03.1"; aniljo'call-u #nmx2sm~.us . axial" -.R \ mamas. l_ VMy‘ 3 “ 1"“ “ , [3“ ‘sl'B9' w 91088198. ‘ , —~—-»~- w--.“. , .fi ' w-.‘ ~\ ‘:~' "' . ‘ ' &.HOBN£RJ§ IRAQRAS 11. Elva-J1 “I “ twig” %.W,f: 3 01h) li’ifie fiofifis} 'l‘p‘rLug par. ~ ummmmmm in“: "u. .4 V .I g ‘IILISJ‘.DOIRSEY. 1 Lin Sighngll, 33:1: G Q'Sefliu‘ Dre. Cult! 3' . sud parllu-tiebrutln. \ bit-ss.lm I: - 8011-s. .rvch n. ’ ‘ “firm? Accounts. _1 , mum: on}: l ~ me. one -. ‘ ', New 3'! tin L ‘ J ‘.m. mums" armrzmmmn r “mm-ll pmsom. rnormrr. . 07mm“!!! WWW-T -2 m: 01.0 Shin. 3» A . a .m. EmploymmtotmefountyofAdam'e—bptngrm‘ :_on TUE-SDAYJIIQ 10th“, at [ARCH ! -—on WEDNESDAY. tho lint an? M 1 A}: [tandem gird “y\°l'lJ-t:u%‘-W'A' Du lmfloflwmdnyot next, the nnbscriher, intruding to quit ln‘rm. ‘ 31A RC}! nut, the rnbncrlber, intending to. '7'“ "a luoeinted Yum:- an in bul ”- "m" ' " ’mL , ling, will sell It gl'u‘alic Snle, nt his ruplmorc to the Went;wl'll sell at Pnhllc Sule,ltl.on, John F.’ Hct'rrnrr nnd’er the mm; “mm dance, in Fri-Mon; township, Adam: county, his residence,'in Franklin townzghip, Adamsugne-of D. lerrt-nryn " Son and I dun.“ mow the tullnwing v'nlughle Personal Property, eh; ‘ county, neu Flohr'n Church, the following",- (n my n“ “mm. and tho'public ”ml, mg: 7 nun or nouns, (a at them Work 9 Inlunhlo Penna-l Property, m: m,“ ,im m name unarmunots.“m 1m a) Bones. end 2 Col?,one 3:o3an and the other, 5 HEAD OF HORSES, (1 of the. good finrnerl. Calla", .n.. has been revived at tho m 3 ”“5 01d.) 23 bed of Sl-etp, 1 BfOOd Sow . lenden, “d ‘" ”MC-l 1 C 0“. "0 )"M’ 0“: ‘old eltnblllhed Ind well known run! an BIL ‘ and lofirst-clmShoten,2 Broad-tread Wag-ong' i 8 llilch, Con, A lot ot Stu-en, Buckeye Renprr,, “more «met, one Iqure loath at th Om One-horse Wagon. 2 psir Hay Carriages, l (:u good no new,) Wire-tooth Horse Nike, 9 30‘0"“ gfl‘nbuz' pa. , “"13” Clfl'iflle. tor one or too horses, Rbck- , (Tin-springGrulnDrili,(Willoughby'l patent,), Misting hnd In oxnwience of (0 you. 1. away Bull”. 34”" “up" and 5‘0”", (093":- ; “tnnnwing 5“": Cutting 36“ F0"""°"°! thie establxlhment, I l‘unl named, the! with U “'1 am} one Of "If best in the WWW?) , Bf°"“"“d Wagon. 2 pnlr "“5 _Cum‘lf'y’rene'ed Intention to hnllnru, '0 can. out Thresh-inz Mnchine, with 111 the neceuary 65- ; “00d leden. Plough and Blfro'ly silly further merit and recelre - full line ohm. lures, in complete order. Clover Unllrr, Corn ;K“ “d D 0051! 3110"“ l‘longhr, C 9” ”i“. 5 lie patronage. DAVID MnURIARY. Coverer. Grnin Drill, Wirhtooth Horse Rake. l Corn 60'9"“ Single "‘4 DODPIQ-"FIJ ‘ Lnnd Roller, Manama: mu; Cutting Box, ,Strctchm. 3 "in 0' Brs‘rchb-nd-y 3 m- Plough, mum", you“. “4 Sin“! 31,."an Front Gears, 'Plouzh Gem, e Fly-non, Plonghs, Corn Forks, Corn. Minter. Flax l “0‘1"02', wflxon finddle, Liner. Ridifll Sid- Brnke nnd. Scutching Machine, 1 Twmhoru die and Bridles, Blind Bridler, Collnrn, Wn‘on ,Slelgh nurLl One-hone Sleigh. Single nnd'wmli. 1 “it 0" Cnrrtnge ""1“": km: Clhifl. Double-um, Stretchere, 2 Log Cluinn, Fifth .Hnlter and 00' Chunn. 8"“ True", 3f“!!- Chain, 2 net: of Breechbnnds and e 'ute orChain-,Forh,Rukel.Shnrelu.\luttockl,l'ick'u, Crupp’er Genre, new Saddle, Collnrn, Xlridlel, ‘ “'ht-elhnrrot, Grain Cradle, MOEWPK‘INM‘I, "alter; and llnller Chaim, l‘ow Chains. 2 let: Al": MM“ InGOWedges, ""d 5" v Ann", of Carriure llnrnenr, Rnkes, Forks, MlltOtkl,l&c-; Rye. Corn. OM! nun Fault-WM)! lhl ,Shovels, in. When. Rye, Corn end Outs, hy lbuShOl ;33 ”cf" 0‘ GM“: ““50 Kfufildg g Ib'e.bul.el, And H" 1., m. stuck a, “m, ‘1“, ' Also. Household end Kitchen l-urmtore, . [up variety of on." “gel“, ”dunner". our: nl‘ fled: Ind Bodstends, Tnhlnn, Chars, to menzion. ‘ ,Settee, Corner Cupboard, Bun-nu, sm. l‘mck, lip-Sale go conmenc‘: .1 10 o'clock, A. y” , Cooking Stove and fixtures, Ten-plate State on said day, when nttendnnce it ill be given out! , “d PiPO. Donghtrnyl, Chm". Tutu, “Prob. terms mnde known by , i'Fm-wnre, Earthen-ware, Iron Kettle, Spinning ’ -Alt‘t.\l:lAM KRISE of p. Wheel and Reel. Bacon nml .Lnrd by the 2) Feb. 20, 1866. "I , lpound, In Adms' County ”Amend many other l _ ) , ' ~~_ ~.— -» - —» nr'icleo,too numeroue to theminn.. «- ' 1" PUBLIC SALE. _ [Q'Sfle to commence at 9 unblock—N. Mw l-“VALUABLR PERSONAL PROPERTY,! lon said day, when attendance glll be (Tree 0 —~On nuxnmgme 19m dny of MARCIIJi "‘d "m" “W“ “m" ”-V 10,51; “my next, the lubrcriher. intending to quit frirm: ’ tug. mu sell nt Public Snle, nt his residpnccj in Tyrone towruhip, Adams county, mi-dwn) between Hei’dlershurg and New Chester, the {allowing Perlonnl Property, \iz: . ' . 4 HEAD OF NURSES. (l nmre with foul, 1 two-year old colt,) 4 bend 0T Milch Cowl, 4 head at Young Cattle. (I Du‘rham nnd l Der onshire,) 2 Bullr. l Sow, 7 Pigs, Narrow—trend Wagon, Wood Work of A One-horse “‘ugun, Winnou‘ing ‘Mill. Plunghs, "lII'OWF. Shovel Ploughs, Corn Forks, Cultivntor, Horse fluke, Duunle and Single-trees, Spreaders, [3O: Chain,- .\iowing Scythe, Grindsltme. Clm’erseed Cru dle,‘ Fur Ls. Rakes, Ruling Suddll- and llrivlle, A lot of old Iron, Bencln-s. Barn-ls, (Bruin in the ground. nnd mnny other nrltclei, too nu merous to mention‘. ‘ - . : [@Snle I 0 rommence at loo‘clock. A. .\l., or. snid day} when~nttendnnce will be giten nnd termagmde known by To order on Cmnly maul-er, Cub qu- ma Emu of oa.: v Ordur_un Cougty Tmzuu‘far, ‘O9. Cub Ihr ant-9 or John F. Ham-k. Esq; (Judi I John Mll’un, imam on L. Marlo ’- not», . 61» Own n ('«mmyd'rmnrar, 11:00 on y u , u U"? m [chill on Ju. Dobblnn' ltock. York 1 (iv-unbum Turnpike, 20 (I) Rom Mlehucl Millenpuym‘tun land. 12 07 ‘on County Water, a» 00 7» 'OO 1 ID 20 50 LN) 00 2 .‘II ‘ In!) (I 10!!) 00 1.000 00 coo no am no 25 00 A uulmom vs. Salome Am. ' paid to J. Baum-y, ') pr on Coumv Treasuror. "'ludrd hy Abnham Kflse, on ('ougly Treugrcr, ' of Gunny; “1 Philip. bf hone. ca. ' ...... A. dur Trimmer n! In". Joule-mom, 5m 52 lerlnauwu-u‘support, A 4 RlB 50 um 39 uud noon-ties. 3.!NS 36 , bwr. veal md bacon LN 77 a. cowg bee! awe. limep Ind hogv,‘ 1.774 00 '5 main and grinding, 3.495 21 mm’ tort. 79a in coal and I’m 172 $1 and m-dlcin . 1381* chufiuplnz. n in; rpm. 0.0., 41] 31 ‘—:~ r,‘ . .... ._ hlrcfingx, h- 110., ml Pun-mum. _ Ihh‘lg uL-muuu, M" we; . try cxpcnms, ' mnm: rm, « L'uumu-I rum, Phynlvhm‘l mlnry. Dlmcwrs' extra men'lccl. waunl'x‘snlxm', (Jh-rk‘a salary, _ _Trmuumr‘u nalnry.‘ A Balance lu hand: “Treasurer! Wt- tho sum-111w”, Auditor! to wttlo mum] urn the l‘ubnc Account»~ do hervby emm- um um huvcuxnmlm-d lhc- llrmu which PompusMht-aonl going amount. and than. they um mrrm-t—bolng from um I“ day of January, A. D., ms, to tho lat any oprumu'y, A. D., 18M, Moth dais Int-luslvu. . J.\(‘o]l HELL! ‘JUS. Rl’ KKK-71:, ‘ J. C. BITTENTITRP, ' Alumohq. TACO]; CYLP. F 541. RH-wnrd. In ammunt with Q lln- Ulrumuh: of tin.- Poor and "ouuuux' Ema ploymc-nl of llmCountyn! Adnms—buinx from the Ad any at Jununry. .\. D., 1866, to “10th any 0! Svplcmbm', A. 0.3805: 1 DR. To lmlnna- In hands or Smwnrd '11! last m-uh-ml-nl. - :20 16 (.'x sh for calf. 3 (I) (‘ uh round with (‘mhnfln' Roth, 1 13 Cash Imm .1. Hollcbnuxp. . 3 60 ('ush lor Juhn Mundgrtl“: hum, Cough for flnlnglw. ‘ Lush {or mlluw Cash room! with Catharine Ungnr, 5‘ Cash {or Inn]. '2» 00 Ina-rcpt. from A ndrr-w I‘ully {or Elllll Whllr, 9 PUBLIC SALE. , X THUJISDAY,,Ihe 22d day of MfiCll O in“, I will sell at Public Sale, At my residence. in Freedom township, Adams coun ty, near Green Mount, on-Mnrah creek, FOUR COWS, (some fresh.) 2 llrifeu, Plun n‘tntiun Wagon, Lime Bed, llny Carriages, n —‘;--,Rorknwny Buggy, Winnowiug Mill, l’mngh, :12 47 Hajrow. 2 Shovel Ploughs, 2 Cultivators, 1?} l,” Corn Cover". "o_uble and Sinule-trees,llreeeh {l'63 bands, Log‘ Ghnin. Lock Chain. Corr Chains, ‘ 100 Grain Cru'dle, Mowing Scythe, Forks, Wheel ‘l2 4" burrow. ckscrew, mlnng Ladder, Cross-cut ~ ‘ :5 Saw ; "ENE ton, and straw hy the hun 282‘dle. Also a okinz Store. with fixtures, 61% pipe Ind drum, Bun-nu, Bedstonds, Chairs, 6b" Clock, Chexit, Safe, and other nrliclus. 2009 fl'Sule to commute at 12 o'clock, 31., 9” on mud day, when attendance will be given . , THEE, Ind terms "linde'known b'y , w» thoundvnlgned,Audltnnlln moo mmi ’Gh‘m‘ll‘ SPNWLER: (“09““) just tlw Puhllc Aveountlalo certify tho! \l‘e haw Reuhen Golden. Ant-(loner. examim-d the items which cgrnprm the above‘ March 5 1861'. "l o ’ mununtmnd do rupon tllunhc mum- Is mrmt— _. ‘__,_’___ _ _ :_ {l:3fil.‘sl’fil32fil3“§fii‘imlhl’s $522,133? l I PYBLIC s ‘l‘ E —.,‘_ . ' . l ffigfimfiflcfi‘fl” °‘ “‘““’“"°“ ‘L D" r PERSONAL ruomann'..—oa MON '' 4' laml‘r‘xlfih‘fi O DAY,thc»l9th‘d:l§-of MARCllinsL, the ‘.'- . .‘. ‘-. subscriber; intending to remove to the West, 'l‘ (" “whiflfifia Jwill-sell at Rlflfl‘lc Sale, at his ruldence, in , , llountplexlsailt township, Adams county, übout ’one-{ourth ofn mile u es: of Bonnufihtownfihe lollow’iig valuable personal property, viz: 3‘fil’oßK HURSES, l Two-yearling Colt, 4 Milch Cows. (two will line calves lgy ‘the time of unleé) 8 Shotea, ‘1 Sgcep, l Goat, 1 Four horae ’l‘hréefinch-xread Wagon, Four-horse Narrow-tread ll'ngon,» Spring Wagon, 2 Stone Beds, Hay Corrilges. Dung Bourds, Sleigh, Spring-tooth Horse Rake, Plough: and HM rows, Double and Single Shovel l’lougha,Corq l-‘orkp, Land Roller. Double and Singleflrees, Straw—hers. Filth Chain. LO3 Chitin. ‘Horse Collars. Blind Bfiiles. Wagon Saddle, Wugon 'Whip, Lines, Riding Bridlrs, Halters and Cot anlnl, “’innowiuz Mill, Cutting BoxyWh'tel barrow, Grain Crh dies, Mawing Scythes, Forks, Rake!.,.\lnttock§,‘Shovels, arc. Also, Household, Ind Kttchen ‘Furnilure, urn-h n 5 inn-501mm. Bedsteads and Hl'dding, ,Burenu, Eighl-dny Clock, Looking Glusses, Sink, Stalds,; Safe, Cooking Show nnd Fin, lures, Ten-plate Store nnd Pipe, iron Kettle, Queens-ware. Tin-ware, Enrthen-nnre, Dough trny. Churn, .Tnha. Burn-ls. Bakes, km; a large lot of Bacon nnd Lard by the pound, Potatoes 'by the huslfel, Ca,‘ enter Tools, and many ether unit-la: not qgmigne‘, ‘ ‘ new)“. to cnmmen’ke nt 10 o‘clock. A. 31., on‘ aid day, when \nttgndnuce will be given and ter'nmp-de known by HENRY Y. SMITH. l'ash for balmy hog, Unh-r on Trorinurcr: Cinch for hay. ' ‘ Urdu on Treamrvr, Bancedue Steward, By git-non] r-xpomm, ('na mid hlmllngs uud harvesting. Rvmuvlng pauporl, ‘ none! In puupvru. , ‘ imaging gravel. "'(‘celublL-s and tang, ()nls, Hum. ‘ ‘.‘-11l and fish. I ‘ Stuvo, , l, Mmhnnlcs, ' ‘ (im'orlm, ‘ ~ Adverflsmg «trays; , Freight. Toxm whys, Esq“ momma, m m-mum with v, 0 [hp hlm-mum tha— Poor uhd Housuof Emplny mm". omm “ounty of'Adunfio—hdng {mm thn- In? any or octnlx-r. A. D., 1866. to the 151 day orJanu ury, A. D., 1860’: ‘ 2 . . - , DR. . To order on Tronsun'r, 850 no u .. . . m 00 Ry gonna] nxpl‘nm, _ Rpm-I tn paupan. \‘ogetablvs and fruit, lee.‘ ¢ .‘lm-lmnlm, RIIOIPS. ' Rye Straw, . Grow-Hm, &(‘..‘ ' Balance In lmnds of Mural-LL; 91m M =, w», the nuhoorihm. Auditor: to with 3331m jnn the Puhllx- Ac-munu, do orrtlfy um we luve rxnmlnod the firms whirl: mnlpflflt‘ m:- above m-cmml. and do report that the mum» In com-t— -! 9mm amhmigf lhi' mx‘ount. of Junzul Jnhns. t wan-*fit Stbwn , from the 15! day 0! Octal)". 7 ~ l 1, to tho- ht! dau’ otJnnu-u'y, A. D., 1% th days Inclusive. g JM‘OB "I'LLx ! ’ _ JOS. BX‘RKE'R ; ’ J. (I. PINES 'RF, . Auditors. LIST OF PAI‘I’ERH remaining in the Almi hfousn of Adams mun Iy, on me Isl of Jamlun'ylm; \ Males' ,49 ' Female-,- , ao Ithlldrvn. , ' ’" G Colored, § Transient u n. ' 7:1 PmD'FCEOF FARM FOR 1565. Wheat, bushels, mo llyo. “ “K E, OHM, ‘ “ m Com, “ in ours, 2000 Bet-ls. “ IO Potatoes, “ i ‘ , M) Claw-need,“ ' 10!; Loads of Cornfodder, so Tom: of Bay. 70 llt'fldl or Cabbage, . , 450 Round- 0! Pork, 3537 * JONAS JOHNS. Steward. Mnmh 5. 1866, 4! . _ Public Sale OF REAL AND PERSONAh PROPERTY.— On WEDS‘FSDAY. the nth day 01‘ MARCH hug. the wink-fluent” A'gent for the Helm of Abraham Hm, BL. 11ml, will so“ at Puhllc Sula, at the late muldam-e of mid den-Mont, ln Mumnnmbum, Adams mnmy, live mllm {mm Gellyshnrg, the rollowlng \‘nluuble Real and Pur mnnl l’l’npo.r(._\-l vlz: SEVERAL 'l RAI'I‘S OF LAND. in all about 2!: Avrcs. allunu- ln mld town or )luugnmsburg and lmmodmle vlclnltymll Ln excellent rder.(h:u'ln bean wnll ”med” nnd undggood l‘l‘nct’. on n 10% or übout two acres ure creu a Two-smr_v ~, _. M'enthcrbourdml IIQUSE. Log Barn, with '“ ~. Shula-Land ochfirouL-bulldlngs: also Lhcrv- an“: on a well and sprmg ol‘ wutur, and an Or- ‘ chard of first mic apples, wllh ulhvr (‘holco frull. The land will be nfl’mvd all wguthu. or In low, as may best suit purchmwm. Ac un- same tune and plnnel] will he sold, 1 30888.8 good Cows :5 large 5. ales. Two—homo WIQOD, Board Bed Hay (humans, Rocknwav B Sleigh and 89113, Hume can and um usfimk le-s. Rifllng Saddle and Brldle,Slde Sad le. Harrllburg Wlnnowmgl Hill (a am. rue uncle.) Cumng Box. 2 (_‘onlwr ’loug‘nl} lintmw smgle and Double snow-1 Plougm, 3 mg“; ml Double-trees Ing Chum, Ballet and Cow 'hulna, 26mm Cmflm, Mowmg Scythefl. Forku. mun-a, Muux‘k, Show-la Hons. Post and oLheruucl-s Chuck; 3. Into! Oak Shingles; Wheathforn “ml 0m; by the bushel. Hay by the tan, 51¢ slmw and 00m Foddfr by the bundle. and Sweet. and Irish Potatoes ly the bushel: 2 Burmug'l‘ahlm, Chain, Buds, Bwlntca‘ln and Bedding, a huge lot 0! Cupcunn. Cook Show and 111mm;‘ 3 Ton-plum Stoves and pllse Desk, Mantle Clock. 2 (mpbuanlu and Cuplxm l’urnimn’ 2 Covmr and 2 [run Kenlcg. Barn-ls. Tum. flit-at. molt. 2 Wood Chan, ‘.’ nub—raw Flu Hacklen. (‘.nbhatfle omm. Maul agd Wedges, Bacon and Land by a pound. Agplgkhutwr be' the crock, Cross-cut. Saw, and at or nrtlclm— ndeod, all the personal. as well u 113th or anld decedent. a to commence It. 9 o'clock. A. M.. an aid day when atmndance wlll be glvun and terms mule known by SAMUEL HART Agent. (or the hem. 8.1.3992; P 15.199 27 95!) 3‘25} Feb‘. ‘26, 1866. m •1 5000 293 i 500:) 1268 30 £20.10 ,mo' :30 81!). 200 10% 1000 - am“ A no. .3410‘ Mal-cl; 5, 1866? 1: Smoking Tom. OHETHING NICEI ‘ . S WM. H. BROGUNIER, a! JltSllerrgvlon, Adam: county, I'm. ~ Mlnnhcturutwo different gradual 6NOKISG TOBACCO, which ennunl be benl. They ...-g mild Ind pleasant, all lhe poisonous mule be ing extracted, ind yet the fluor in mm: pre lened, Smokera‘ give them I "ill” and you will be pleased. ' '. Orders from a distance solicited. . Feb. 20,1868.‘ or . A Few litre Len. ‘ .‘I order to make room‘ 101' Spring,Gnodc. NORRIS is *IIiIIgOVERCOATS AT COST. Call Ind look 91' them. 7' Txfihx'rén c 3 pun-Inn emu, 000 ranumdxuu,“ sonmsis. OSlfiéhifFOfißiS bus “will; "tiny of Genflemen'p Furnishing Goods in town. O(‘KWOOD'S LinE3.Lined Paper 0611 M: _4 nl. - “ NUHBIS'S. LAZED PAPER (DOLLARS. ol "er va riety and llyle‘TlL SURRIS‘S. ON'T FORGET Ihn NORRlS’keeps ever;- thing iq‘the Gemlemm'g line,u birNew Snore, in Chlmbenburg luau. . ~ ON'T FURGE‘I' um NORRIS keg‘p- noth- D in; but the hub: stylus, and in order lo nuke roomxfor new liylei, he ":11..va cheap. .«xovsmuCK dLOVES,_:\nd an kinda H of Buck Glove. nu! Gumleu, n! A - I NORRIS‘Si UR CAPS of every variety Ind 93119, a: , ‘ [Jam 22, 1866.] NORRIS'S. Pictures : Plenum X EV! HUIPEB hving Burch-ltd Samuel 4 Wenu'l PHOTOGRA H GALLERY, in prepnred to oxecnu work in bi. line Iqul to In establishment in a. Sun. If in drain n good likenesn, finilhed “cording to the luau improvemenu in the, An, all u the nbon long-clublhlled Gdlery, in West. Middle Skegl. Gettysburg. \ ‘ (Jun. 9; 1865. I" . mm 3mm WAR: and ' , P, 3mm: PLATED WK“. or the very but. qulily, I ut’lfiqflmnliut rectify-l. Call Ind lee R. J. BEYAN, )’ . ‘ Opposite an Dank, Gettysburg. I ____._.____ V - » . .. .. ‘1 mn,'smvm STEEL. and other (I BPEGTACLBS_, man“ :11 ages, tlnyl on thud. Ind in“) to my“. 3 ' ‘J. snug, - ; . Opnélite'tla Bulk. Gettysburg. Jacob Rik-Hey, Auctioneer J‘eb. 26. 1866. u. ' _ MoneySuy'edi Is MONE’Y “(ADE CASH SYSTE“ A DOPTED, The undersigned moat rupcuélrully _jnvil: ,lhcir old t‘u‘éitnmffi and the [vu‘blic xe‘noruny ,to can find see their Goods an. the new uric". ,We have ~ ' | A FULL AND WELL SELECTED'M’OCK. which we have roncludrd to run {oo‘ n! the ‘luwost p )ssghle prim-s. “'9 inland dl-ihg what ‘we my; Hmrcfgre all persons desirous ofmnking lmoney in the easiest “'11) (by suing it in their ‘purch-ues', will no! mil to give us It an”, n we prcmiae lbi’m they shnl-l not be disap ‘pointed. ‘ . We are thankful for the past yery liberal patronage we-hnre rrn-ived, un-l mm. 11m; ue nhnll merit. n unnlinu'ltion of the same; nnd gout—as we shun use our best cndtfinvol‘s to pienue all who may flavor us with a call. ' JOHN [LAKES ”Poul farm“. the place. , ‘l).\.\‘.\’x~;u .t SHIELDS. ' Fairficld. Ad4m| county, Pa. . N. B.—We are Agents tor Mllln‘ib‘upnriof Family Flour, and Johnson's celebrated Blast ing Powder. . [Feb.26,‘1866. 1f OTKCEis llt'rcby given to all Legntera and othnr persons concerned. that (be Ad-, ministration Accuunu lu-n-inufler mi-ulioued will he prestmed a: mi: Orphnn'n (Jouu'. of Adyima county, im- ronfirm Him and allownr‘e; on MUWAY, the 26111 duy oi MARCH, 1808, at to o’clock. A. 31.. \"z: i 261. Thg first Account of Abraham Finely, Executor oFJncob Shvely. deceased. ’lh2. The first account. a! [mum Lightnor, Administrator of the estate of George J. Fel terbofl‘. A . 263‘ The second and final accounl of Georgé Waller mud Jnmea Linn, Allmlninrnguru a! the mate «Niche-l Hernug. deemed. 26!. Plrstnnd llnnl account. of John Pil‘king. Administrator of Bernard llildebrnnd. dec‘ul. 265; The nccounl of Msrgnrcl Tats, Aimin islrnlrix nf David T 319, don ll~€d. 266.1e10 fire! account of fillas Johml, Ex ‘ecntor of the will of J‘uhn‘J‘ohnl; dereued. 2657. First and final account ofJamu H. Ic- Elwee nhd Benjamin F. “Herman, anmnra of the Inn will and zesylpenv. of Jnmel )lcE-l wee. . 268.~The account a! Abrnham Flohrf Ad mininrnmr o! Inniél Duywflt, donned. 269. First, Account of A 1130: Schlouer, Ex mnlor o! the ln_sl will Indlestament of Charla Showers, decent-d. ~ ’ 270. The first and hi)!” account of David Bic-hi, Adminiuutor of the unto of Ann! Snnble, deceased. . 2'll. The fin! Ind final account’of‘DmH Lin-Ird, Aiminiatrugr of And: Lady. llle of Menallen township, deceased, ' 272. The Hm account of Abr-h-m Gabe, Adminiunlur of we estate 0! Peter Guile, deceased. , SAMUEL LILLY, Register Regislor's OlY‘n-e, Gettysburg, February 20', 1866. Id } A PEYSSUN,I‘II?LADEL?HM.—POUD . RETI‘E, $2O qc per ton, tnken lrom the Factory loose, or .50 cm“ per bushel, and $26 00 per lon in bugs. delivered at. mum ham and Rnilrond Depots, in Plulndelphiapg llnnufactory. Gray's Ferry Ronrl,-Ibo\'e the Arsenal. Philnd'n. Depor, Peyuou'u Farm, Gloucester. N.J., Woodbury road. Ufiicc—Lihrary Street, No. 420. back 09 the New Post Ulflcr. Philadelyhin. Dealers, ‘ ' FHENFH, RICHARD.“ & GIL, . 3 Fourth k (‘nllnwhillSts., l'Lilkdt-lphin. Much h, mus. 3.“ 1600. Philadelphia 1500. ALL PAPERS.‘ . HOWELL &' norms. Manufacturers nf PAPER HANQZNGS lud . WINDOW SHADES. ‘ Comer FOURTH l MARKET Streeu, PHILADELPHIA. :4 N. h. Mung-sin llorv.‘ 1 large flock of I LINEN k U“. SHADES. ”urng, 1865. an » "" ‘" " ' " 7""? "" -"‘M "‘ ‘ ET ONE—We sre clotiu outnulhu iol‘ Am“! “lI'IIISNI t9"sel! IG at Children's Hm u l:- pric- Hun lb. “5 (““5“ A!“"’“’-‘" (“WM—”IAN“ materinlcnu be bought. Don't miu than“. {CAL PEZZLI-..——.The ch‘enpen And most ‘ -RUW 3 Woos}: wonderful Putzle M the age. Axum cnn ' - . . --..-«__._.__._. ° cuily muke tram :10 to 520 n '.'-y. mu “COW."UGTSIL—Gmn m conch"! give any on: agent. 5100 il 11: an lell 50‘ I “0W & WOODS' Store, for the be“ thounnd.. Send lo cenu (or Simple Punlu. Ind chmpell noon con‘u from than PHILW‘IIILI., I ' 239 Market MC, Phil-delyhiu, P“ March 5, [866. it 01W (‘AIP‘S ESTATlia—fflun a! .a p] ministnliou 'on the "I: e a! John Camp, Me of O‘xlord township. decelsed. having bfi-u [mum-d to the undeniizoed, raiding in the city of B-Ifimore, let, be hereby given malice * to nll penons indebted to aid ”'.'-(c to make ‘ nmedisle fiaymenlund those luring claim- Qnint Mn nine to prencnc them properly 'aulheuficated for saucy-taut. - waits-mg our, Adm‘l much 5, me. «I Gold. ‘ 013 and COUPUNS, bought I! the Full. C Nllionul Bush 0! Gem-«burg. . GEO. “mow, Cuhior.‘ ‘ Oct. 30.1865. . ' . Coal and Lumber, OF every "tiny, a! The \‘lrd o! .‘ c. H. Baum. ” ‘ “ Cori-(Junie lu-l- Milmud m Yeb. 19 NEW uock of A GUM) AND SILVER WATCHES, selected vi 0: echl cue nod int-Med good . "V time new: :5; menu "a muh u i Money Want“. - . _ J. szvu's, , m: School uimum or Cuban-M «in» ‘ Oppouite the Bank. (huylburg. ‘. T shipkn wopnud to Markham ———- ~~ —-A ---—-- ~-——~‘-‘;—~~-—— —— ,hem sum-u u: we mg chi! we. ‘ , ‘ 5 0 'C K S - . 'nnhm. psynl-Le9uriy.chsr on“ lug. ;$, (1 s'o" 0" 1W“! “LOCKS i! can win}. ' peuor h‘rimr moan tol'elidwoull M?“ r from factories or up nigh”): {awn-fig. I. gh- hw.‘ 3. a.” “any. ' ' . .3. ‘.r a. country, and wnnsmed gmd'lSQP—knwm . ‘3l“qu PKAFEM‘B ‘; Cull on .‘ ‘ I. BLVAH. ’ Nana. 'lumxun, 5.07. ..y“ , ‘3 , ~ . owed» the Bank. Gun-burs. 4 Jun. {5,1806. (Apt ' ‘_‘ ' .... . ; _ --.“..-N.” ~-_ .. __ __-__“. a , .1 RAKE'S 1343157103 8111138, or Old ,1, mm max usmrmmmumm Hanan Tome. I: 95- 3- “UK-‘53: S W Oveuloau 9‘me you W“ @1810“: ' AA‘ - ~ ‘ IMnlld9yn, _. _ , Wu.” V dig—l 13.530,th ”of- 1‘ he and will 'lO - “up! of Glmhicg, Ind the minded cc. you ugfiy'tlfig‘mg u: HOKING'S; 1866 ~45. nu- analgcnm-x'! . And with?“ PIC \' W 3:01 ”..--.4- - lMlyrices :ondfiw~ -..,.1......._: 3 ”Ewan Home n «cumggmqu. "‘"f paghmmw P mmwwdgnk hm prism.“ Mb an, inchci'um-lli “l a“. ° ”‘2"?! I’3:&_‘__'.'.-_."_’_-._.‘__.:.‘_‘FWN4 ”I”, “$0033“ ‘: gags“; .; “ magi am “'5.- ;:,”.‘. "am; L PAN. u _ Hang-um ’mcns REDl'CKn—Pioklu a. {wing m. P Bnainou C 91“: I! untouch- low nun. AND PRICES REN'PHD! Registers Nollécs. ' Pomlrotu‘! (alsrnx "Ln-a run niu!) Notlee. -. With incl-quot! {admin [or toad-nil} our b-ulncu. we Ire bun-r prepared than cm to satisfy tho mun: of all than wind [anylfi numbing: in our Jim. We upgohlly all tho ‘ lgcnliun of Fnrmcrl and otlurl to 111. nuptdo‘r; qdnli‘y of nur ' ‘ l'lnin'ur Quilted Seat‘side Lemon, - ‘ . 'llorn Buddha. Mun", m kind” vi}! ‘ I‘Lu‘n or Quimd Seal! nrwixhontmullu‘l no Hum, ’ illonlingn. . ‘ ‘ ‘ Plnin or Qnmed Sem'irowh Collnufleflbflz‘ " Side swam, x “ " ("x-king ‘ ' “Jill M Fancy Snddlcwp Smm Collm. 7‘ 5 ~ l‘lolhl, 0B"! Well Hmauw Wagon .‘hnth-x, ! In", _ _ Ruling Brian“, 0! ullil’atenlLenlherCullul kinfii. lnir or bllck.i nuchedurnlflflch‘ " munch-d or In, : ,lln-M LoJJier “.m.ln Marfivmnh. i ' "him. ¢, 4} mad 5 cmim- llnrncss. Jul; lee! I mg, . It’lraJHrer or buck Pinned Tum Whips, ‘ “ Unnamed. ‘ ’Truuing'lhnpn. . ' "mug Dr-l‘t’fllrnru, ...me -n’ An Img Twigs, Blihul Bnidlc', IWhip [lulu-I, ’ Him", 3 - Ilhme Illankeu, . Chlppori, . ‘ Jun. h... to ln ulmrt, on}; '.‘: ng: llmt;pe‘irnins to :1 int Hus; general ion» 'mni‘bing erg-blhllmenl runs-:nnlyznn Imm: r nudo'm «ruler-prawn! of lhe \‘c-ry best mntv 'x 11, and by the now! an pgriencrd workmen.“ ' ‘r roumry. (two hat-_ in}: worked in this el::.blinhmeu,t for tho lull thirty yeah.) ’ We Mr now manufacturing an quell"! lot, of Heury Draft um] Harm-n (Julian for Man who prefer our own to «in made work. , . lzqmiring of all Lind: done n short aolicp‘ «ml on reasonable m nu. ' A 1! are cordially invited to call and cumin. far Lhmxscln-a, no our wmk “not fail to recommend itself. o. ixccnmm & sax Feb. 5, me. u ‘f Valuable Proportk-I for Sale. OHS C. thng, LAND Aou‘r. '.‘ . J - NEW XFURU. ADAMS (‘O., PA.I I hnu far n!- .\ number at desinbln proprrllu, to which he asks the “tendon orthow “skin; 5 tavpurt-lmat-z ~ 5 . A FAR)! of [so Arron. in )Innniplrunm . tow‘nlhip, riih good _Smne House, Hun, Wagon ‘ ' Home, (,‘nrn (.‘rib. Cnrringe Home, and other. ' iouuybmldium, Orchard, kc. Ninr turnpik and railroad. I 4D ACRES} with gond "on”, Barn, Md nun-“r o-Il‘hniwiugs, Urcburd. kc. {mm from milumd." Good ch unce. Terms only. MILL PROPERTY uf :47 Acre-. 31“! with lwo run of, hum, ordinary lunchinerh good ATML‘T power, I! mitt-s from' Lmlcslown, con; veniem to unlrol-J'wd turuplj.e., Tuna mmlomte. ' . A FARM of L6O Acres, nur New Chum; good House, lhnk Burn, Amt olhu out-baud. ivga. Land in good amt: ofculzivutiol. A FARM o' 3’30 Acre: m Cumb‘erlnud town lhip, Adams county, 3 miles from Gelfylbhtl a! which plnc'c ii milxoml and good Enrich-7 This fnnm can be divided into two (amt. “It" being Already We let» ofimprovemonu on the tact. . A SIALL FAR“ or H) Arc", wlth,;ood ”on" and Harman-1 A“ tint-buildipgl. §Lnnd in firm note 0! cultivation. good Star. Skunks chance lo keep to" “no Ind “loud lo poli- ' . an". Term: only. ‘ ‘ A FARM or 105 Mm, on my Carlin. turn. ‘ pikr. land under good mu ofculdvuiou, III” - Brick House, Bunk Barn, Wagon Shed, Coll Crib, Carri-go flange, and other outbuildln‘r, (all new g: ' LAM FLOUR MILL. with 95 Acres 0! . land—dour pnir Bum, with I" mohlnorrfor noing merchant tori—hen wuur power In the country—in good groin country. Wm hi ‘ :oldchc.lp. ‘ A PM“! of 175 Aer", our the Call-Io . turnpike, good Houlc, Bua. mi I" noon-uh; - onu-buildings.- Land in high sun ottoma tion. WiJ be 301 d M u buyin. 2 A FARM or 195 Acru. neR fluntoruown. good House, Barn, and o!.th- out-rbuil-flngl.- Tame Mcnmmodnting. _ ' ’ .‘ A HOTEL in New Oxford, two-flory, mall] (and conre'hicm. for'husiueil. Good chuce. ’l‘erma easy. , . Alsn, s nnmhor a! good Brick (loam, nd L‘ou fur pale, in New Oxford. . [S'Persnng who wish_lo buy Ru] KOO-to, . u we” as those who wirh to re", «to region ed to give the_sub¢criber Mull, u MI non. in New Oxford. Addreu, ‘ JOHN C. ZOUCK. A'gent. . New (mu-d, Adi"!!! county, Po. ‘ Jan. 8,1865. 3m 4--—-'.7 -""" _"‘—‘ “*-‘-‘—'~‘~“‘-‘ ’ 1W! ' 186.8 18“! “ 0 USE I’ALKIKO."—-Bullf you want N a good snd chup Hal. of any Hm}, nlwnys go to now i “'UQDBEv LFGAST—HHST IN TOWN.—-Tho in“. E assortment 0: Shoes now lelhu at [0.005; prices by ’ BOW & WOODS. , “ HARPER nus A sumo“: "--'flmlo. S superior Razors—lll cl hm India nrol ——!or Isle cbcnp'by BOW t WOODS. LEAR TH“. TRACK! for I hurt I quu-, tinge Whip—me but. Md clown! out» I pougln it of -‘ now i WUODB. t I'S'l' SOL—When you do Hunt, pain»! goal} 0\ enha'el‘u low priqe, alum." go to ‘ R'JW l WL‘ODS. f HE KEASUX wm: I buy I, new”. Glover. Scum, Hoods, Sonny. Brodfu! S unfit, Them]. llindknchiollJud I“ othr noliolu of 803' & Wood: '3 bmw tho: I.“ chelp. -. a . ADIRS~ BASKETS, Cup“ Suit, 3011‘ Btu-Mn, and Bedding Combs, (or “I: u guano d win. by ROW 1 W 000“. The Far Flynn-d - A 6‘ swans“. uwmns wanna."- U guide: the gm! ufinz of mi, nu paving m Ibo nu nd "calcium“ I'- n jungle year. mun Ih-n uncut; hulk wine! . tbii Wringer. n i: ““1130.1e any busily would be willing to do without il. For film: :0. l-‘AllNLS’l‘ugg 8808., find at 0; 11. BEER; .~, . LETS. , ‘ 52.5.19“ . . Baum Tax lodge. v u. . ER Schéol Dim-Intro! Us“?! low-3*. ,‘z wlll sum: in übntenenl '0 FIVE}: c NT; mum Bounty Tu mm! (oat-1306,"? 3" 0B 01' Won "K 250! day of “mi mu"; 'u. 3 By order at we lturd. . .. I :SM’ 1. EVEN, Pru't. P. A. than. Sect]. Feb. I'2. wag m fainting-l cOPV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers