PUBLIC SKI-E F VALUABLR PERSONAL PROPERTY. 0 —On TUESDAY, {he 20“; day 01 MARCH, “.3 n. “tun-Hut, Intending t 3 rung-uh “rig, um leu u Plume sue, n his m!- denca, In Boner towuhip, Adunl county, :bom 000 mile {to- Lover‘l Mill and about one-phi]! mile txom lichohl‘l Shop, the {ol lowlng personal property. viz: FIVE HEAD OF HORSES, (Lhm maru, (we of which Ire with ful, and no good calls, out rising three yen: tad mu other um )‘enm‘oldo 5 head of Nilch Cowl..(v.wo of which mu calve about. Ibo time of am) P. Hrgers, Suw and Figs, 1 Brood Sow, l Shotc, 6 end of Sheep, 1 Threeihcrae ngonp4 Ploughl, (one DI them new,) 1 [lnn-row, Horn Gears, [lom flake, I lot of dry Wugon-mhke‘r Wood, Duck an Spoken. Axle-trees, H‘oundl, Salsa-rs, two-inch Oak Plank, one-und-a-bulr Inch Ash Punk, logqtl-er wuh 1 "tier, of a‘he‘r articles. too numerous to mention. [3.8410 (0 commence IV. 10 o'cjock. A. IL, pn “id day, when grandma will be given pnd term: lads known by 1 _ » ‘ _ . WtLLIAM EXCHOLTZ John Hanoi, Auctioneer. Feb. 19, 1866. u' _ ‘ PUBLIC SALE = F 'VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 0 ,—on TIiUIfiSDAY. the 151. day «MARCH but, we subscriber, intending» quit fuming, willmu n Public‘ Sale, It his rezidence, In .Suabun :township, Mums county, thou; é mile: north of Genynbarg, on the Harrisburg pond, the following ul able Paton-l Proper !y,'viz: . ' 2 HEAD OF HORSES. '1 linlu, (well broken.) ,2 heud at Dow; (one will he lrenli shout. the first. of April nun) 218120;”. 1 Three-hone and l Two-hone ,Wuon, Hay Ladders, Lime r _“, 2 pair Wood Lndrlan, l Buggy, 2 Sleighu, ‘ 1mg!" uhd HQI'I'OWI, Corn Fol-kn, Shovcl - ‘.ughl, Cnlllntorl. Horse Gears, viz : 2 sets Frignl Gum, Breechbundl, .anou Saddle, nva Riding Saddle, Bridles andCollnm; Buggy Human, Linei; Wlan'owing Milll Cuttinz Btu, Grain Uri-die, Duuble and Single- urea, Forks, Hutu, Show”, Halter Ind Uow Chaim, lluy by the Lou, llurmi’u, Tubs, BurrelsLlSoxes. an}! runny min-r nrticlu, too numerous to mentiqn. WSnlc lo commence u [U o'leck, A. 11., or. _bnid day, when utun'jquce will be' given and term. mule kuuw‘n by , - ‘ A SAMUEL E. YEAGY. m». 19‘, 1866. u .. ' ~ PUBLIC SALE \\ F PERSUNAL l{noH;kTv._on was -0 DAY, the 13th day at‘ MARCH, 1866, tho lUlleCTllltr will séll at Public Sale, at hil reti dence. 1n Humiltonbnn township. Avlnnu «.’., nboul. 2 miles north of Milleratown, (Ls lol luwing personal property. viz: 'v . 2 HEAD OI" WORK HORSES. 2 fine young Mules, 4 head of [Nick Cows, (thre'o 0! which “ l“ be treah about the time of anl«-,) 3 bond at Yuung Came. 2 Sheep. I Sow, 3 Snow-8,111”:- hone anm, Spring Wagon, Plough. H'nrwv, Double and Single Shovel Ploughn, Culziynmr, “fly Cnlriugea, Wire-tooth “one Rake, Sled, Spreaders. Double and Single-trees, Three burse-u-ru. K I] mud Dung Forks. Dung llnok, Rakes, Gloverued Cradle. Scythu, Mnltuc'ka, Ming] nud Wedges, Croat-cut Samurindswn‘c, Wheelbarrow, Ange", Breast. Chains, ‘llun Chains, 69w Chums, Halgrrn, n lut of Sufi, “one Gears. web It Breechbands, Cru; ptm, a set. cilia-nun, Linen, Bridlua, Collurs,\\’—uuun finddle, Sirlb’b‘uddla. and about 50 bushels of Elm-k Dan, a. .superior qnnlily, I‘Renper and deel'L (Mnnnf‘s patent) Also, Bedalem’ln. Twit-5,. Cupbo’nrds, Men Vessel!,'wi[h many other unlclu,'nol hen-in mentioned. [hrs-1c to commence at. ll o’clock, A. M., on mud dny, when attendance Will he gheu uni wru- cmle known by m). :9, 13¢. a . ' 350 Reward} \ “ 7 All uolen from theApreruises of the sub: suriber, in Menulleu towuahip. Admus cuuuty.’!'a., on Tuesday night. Lu'L, (Feb. 13,) L A max BAY MARE, ' m . about _venu‘dtd, a nnrrow strip oF'hiéo on the face winning down w the nose. yliglll him! {not while to the pusteru joint, very héavy act, und 0! g’uoqme. ‘The above reward will he lmld m my pcr~on returning “id Mare to tha’ rulmuibel, or [or auck inlatmaliun u pm)" {and (0 her zecuvgrg. _ ‘ ‘ , , ABRAHAM HOFFMAN. Feb. 19, Imm. 30* \‘V 85 Reward! ‘ EFT the uubscriber. About the 25th of 11 January, a bound. bpy from ll": Alma louse, unme'll Charles Dramnged “ball! 17 you”. ~ The above reward Wlll hr paid fo’r hi! murn. l’eriuus nrefllerebymonfiednouolruat hlm on my account. .JUHN MYERS, Squmeéiorner P. 0., Adams co., l’u. Feb. N. m; . an ‘ ~ . g ‘ ('ookmx Storm F every army, iu‘cluding the'UNnblq O Cuuk, ' “Royal Cook," “Wurerly.” "Uru mnnentn]? “Oricumlfl' 61c. ‘Alsa, Timwuré, blind-immune? Hullow;w.tre. find even va ue:yof,£lfi'hqn Furniture—including a uric- U N Kuhn”. Also, an nvw and much in:- pma'ed b'luur Sifter, lur anle by . , E , ‘ ‘ 124-“. ML’EULE‘R, ‘ ‘ Corner of Cnrlisle um! Builrund sts., ‘ Feb. 19, 1506. Gullyilaul'g,~l’n, (‘oal and Lumber, P every variety, M. the Yard of , - ‘ .C. H. BUEHLER. reb. I’3. . Car. Culiale find Huilrmd sll The Fir Famed 6 ‘ NH’ERsAL CLOTHES wamnz’m— ~ Besides the grein saving»! Labor, the arming m_lbe wear and ~leur ol clothing “,1 a tingle year, more lh‘un mucunt’s m [be prine or «his Wringer. it is strange that any tnmily should be willing to do without. it. For suie M FAIINESTUUK EMS; and u. C. H. RUE!!- L ERfS. . [Feb. 19, ‘ Bounty Tax Nqflee. . . HE School Dimmu of Oxford loan-hip T will allow In .Abnement ofv'rlVE PER CENT. on 11l Bounty Tax levied for 18“, paid on or before the 25th dny of Hutch next. By order of the Board. - ‘ HENRY J.'KUHN, Pru’k P. A. In“, Sec'y. " Feb’. 12. 1866. td -- ‘ ~ - [fl'Sentinel_copn ‘ " ~ ‘ > Money Wanted. K BE School Din-gown 0! Cumberland town ship nre prepared to ilsug Townshiy Bonds I baring infiereu ut the rate of six per cent. per ‘ Innum, pA_\ üble yenrly.qlenr ohm taxes. Any penoc huh: money to lend wduld do well by {"investing in than Bondy. ‘ ' ABRAHAM HANK, Prefix; Nun’L. LlGH‘l‘lll, Bec'y. ‘ Jun. 15, was. _lApl \ ‘ Wolke. \ ARY LENTZ'S ESTATE.—-Leuen of ad mi‘niurmon on the "In. of Mary enlz, Inc of Franklin township. Adam co., , deceased. hum; hecn'gnntcd to the under- I’igned, raiding in the sum tovnlhip. he hereby Kgivu notice to :11 pet-lona indebted to ? Ilid unto t? nuke immdinte payment, Ind ‘ thou huvi'ng claims again“ the unit: to pre. untflum properly authenticated (or settle ment. ' SA'HUEL »LENTZ,‘Adn’¢. Jan. 3; 1888. cm' ' NeUee. “DREW RIFE'S ESTATE—Litter; of ‘ ldminhtrltioq an tie utlto' of Andrew ‘ . Inc of Frlnklin township, Adlai! co ty, deceued, having been grained to due un reigned. residing la the ehrne township, be hereby gives notice v.O :11 persons indebugd ‘ to hid' est-u to mike immedlue payment, ufltbolrhulng elliml against the lame to pre cut them properly Inlhemicnted for uh“ mum. GEORGE THBONE, Adm’r. Jun. 8, 186‘. 6!.“ ‘ , ' v Ifyon have chlpod bud-Jim 1860 or rough skin, nu thc 01.318, reputed bybr. B. BURNER. f ' 1§66 “u aommws yosn cg: 3e; p3}; odicino o w t. > icmeufke.‘ .' D? '. m 7 ’ ACE FROST]; come ma .1! who vi; ‘7 . 100 d Over Cont. would do well u: call u Mia If , Uln. lb, '66.] ' PICKING' ' was BiDUCED.—§Ficking :. ..mng m. P lining“ can It “trendy low nuté [BHLBB'B HERB BITTIBB Io! a M'l‘n‘or’liDrn; and firing Bum. - ; LPUBLIC um , l N TU DAY, the 13th,“, 0! IABCB: O nen, she sub-critter 'm sell e: Public, Snie, n his residence in Bmm: township” Adams county, nu: filnn'l Sudan, the fol-- lowing per'lonsl property, viz: i x CUW, 2 Show, Forks, Shorela, Spnde, , Axes, Wood Saw, Mull snd Wedgel, Cow Chane, kc. Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture. via: 3 Bednends, Tnblee Ind Chain, RockingChnirl, 25 yardl ofCu’peling, 3 Cook bsuve snd Fixtures,Ten-plue Slave sin! A Pipe, Looking Glasses, Clack, Safe, Sink,‘ Churn, Tub}, Blll’els, Boxes, Benches, Queens ware, Tin-lure, Esrihenoware, Bncuu Ind, Lard by We pound, and many other "Links,“ too numerous to mention. , ‘ j ' “-Snlc to commence at 12 o’clock, IL, on said day’, when ntpendance will be givenynd term: dee known by A ‘ ‘ g . _ «WESLEY A. REARY. Eeb. 12, 1866. ,u‘! ‘ 7. PUBLIC SALE. ~ 'l‘! FRIDAY, m 9111 any of HARGH next, 9 the subscriber w‘ill ull at Public 811:. .11. 11‘! xelideuceg in Moumjoy township, Adam county, 3 mile: south of chynhurg, near the Wtimore turnpike, ghe tollojing persona} pxoperty, yiz : ‘ :3 dEAD OF WORK HORSES, (one ofuhich lq a good saddle horie,§3 Much Cows, I“ “11b, 1 Heifer, 2 heady! oung Cutie, Brood Spw und Pigs, Shfilel, Hanover llaper, (self rnlfiug good_ ‘l‘hiée-horse anonl'lea Bed, pr urriuge, 4 sets Home .62.", anon Saddle, Bridles, Conan. Housings, Linel, milieu, Sleigh nnd Belll, Wmno‘in'glMill, Plowa, Unrrow,Corn Fork. Feed Trough, Fifth Chin. Log Chain. Brent And, Butt Chains, va Chains, Hallel- Chains, Three-hone-uee, DoublenndSingle-usemWheelbnrmwfihovels, Spudea, Forks, Ridges, Mowing Scythel, MM locks, 100 fag: 1} inc}: Rune, lot. of old Iron, (11mins. Burrels,’l‘uba,\.\x;s, Mun] snd Wedgu. lg: at 8:599“, lot at Boots and PI :1, Corn, Outs um] Potatoes, by the bushel, ASE vurious olbernrlicles. ‘ ' ‘wque to commence at [0 o'clock, I. 1, on amid any. whvn unendnnce gull be given and turn. made known by' Feb. 12, 1868. u UTUAL FIRE I’KUThUI‘ION SOCIETY. M —Slmemenl. u! ufl'nira of the Society tor the year 1865, up {0 January 6, 1861}: Ahoum of properly Insured, ‘ $920,435 92 Amounl'ot premium notes, 07,405 UT Utah Milan.” 0! 'l‘rezulurer. ‘ _ at but year's settlement, slB4 98 C. h rec’d during yeir, 357 60 By ex‘penses of the Soci'cn during the year, Amount in 'l‘uunurer’l hnuds, $296 2_o Web. 3, MUG—Examined and approved by 5 _ ‘ l‘l‘. l'l‘lll‘ :HUI.L, , ‘ ~ mums norm, ‘ L . MWHAEL DnA “KICK, ' l , bxucuuvy Committee. MUHH'ASBURG MUTUAL FIRE PROTEC ‘ ' ‘ l TIUN SUUIl‘I'l‘Y. ' ‘ ‘ , IMchrum'no Amt. 8,1858. .‘ ‘ ‘Orzlcuu :‘ Presmeul, Jubu Mun-mun; Vick ‘Presndenl, Din“) fifinver; Secremry,_Jacub khlweller; Treasurer, George Throne; h‘xgu- We Uommhlec, l’eler bbull, 'l'oiuu Boxer, ll‘irha‘l Deunck, Jr. . / hummus: Peter Shullfluob Fulwqfler, “what! Dennick, Jr'., Jo‘hu fluruuun, scab d. l'lunk, E. W. Stable, Franklin :0 nslnp; Geulgg 'l‘hmunsLmrnbnn minus '1); Aruba” Myvrp, Mcnullcu township; Tobin Boyér, Michael Deamuk. SL, Bull-:r townshipfluhu llxcklcy, 11-uumqnbzm township; Dana Surl vgr, Cumburluud township. , , Tins Company is limiu-d in its operations to lbc coumy 01 Ag sun. Tue Managers meci u! UH: uflice o! the Society on 'be lira! buardu; o] Hufy month, It 1 o'cloLk, P. M. > Web. 12, Imm. 31' = . . ‘yfl‘a‘mr und S‘uti‘nel copy. . GEO. C. ‘CRA‘SS Blane PHILLIPS', V thuine Improwd i Super-Phosphate i Lime. STANDARD GUARANTEED 'F_or Sale at Mnnutlcuuer’: Depots, 27 North Front Strut, I’ltiladelphu,”g. 14 I‘lllflty'l Wharf, Baltimore, Md. ‘Aug’by Dealers in genersl througout $ll6 'ijs mnnulféctulred containe. filly per cent. more Bone Eposphale thnn Ruw Bone, therclorg it ill mor‘e duruLle.‘ The ammonu presgnt gives ifi grant. nddiiioupl fertilizing vllue. firs yeus’ expeficficc has proved to the Fume? that itwnfikes a beullier grain len efi'en sgnble mania, and in not. only AIL-lire . ' . - . \ but lasting. ‘ ' . _ . 4' , MORD PHILLIPS, F , Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer ‘Feb. ‘l2. was. tf ‘ HIS lnatituticn is located It. YORK, P 4. T. The first swsiou, under the new proprie zurslzip, will begin on the sth of April, 1866, mid eunu'uue tlg-ree months. The building, which is large uud commodidus, will be fur nished in the best? style, with new furniture, new bedding. kc. ‘A corps afnblmnd expe rienced teachers will hue chug. of the dif tereut QQpnnnienu. Instruction willhe given in All of the bunches usuully taught 11l col lagen; nnd excellent advnntages will be nfl‘ord ed thone_w'ho'ivish to Hike lea-ton: in vocal and instrumental music. For circular: giving full iniormation. lddnm _ ~ . Rn. D. EBERLY, , F.eb.l2. 1866. 0.“ ‘ York, Po. ' AMUELDEA. RDO BFF'SESTATE—Leuen S leulamcnnry ou‘lha ism ofb'xnnuel Dent durfl', late ot'atrnbui township, Adults younty, deceased, having been granted to {he .nnder ligned, the first nmed*:¢siding in Tyrone Cow-“ship and flu: lan. numedin Reading town skip, Lhey’heruby'give notice to ill person: indented in gun! rim to make immediate payment, Ind llam-e'hnvin'g cluiml ngainn the “flue lu yresen; men: pruperly sumenzicnted fin- Icnkmeuk - ‘ f SAMUEL G. DEARDORFF, ~ ‘ z . ‘ ' SAIUEL H.I‘AUGBINBAUGH, 5 1nn.\8,1866. 6:. ~ Execute". ' AIIB to the relidencé of any lubscriber, C raiding in Noumjoy town-hip, Adam county, thou! the middle m becmber Int. : WHII‘E BUCK,wiLh now. He wu men in the neighborlgooii about the flux at October lu‘. '— UCOB‘A. HARTIAN. b Feb.&2,1868. ,aw- ‘ I' In; denominifion conlunillv on land {o' nd fpr ule u the lint Nation-l Bak at Gettysburg. ' GEO. ARNOLD, Ouhter.‘ Getty-burg, Nov. 14. 1884. mu: SILVER WARE .na ’“ “‘5 ' __ SILVER PLATED WARE the vary but quality, A new Mmrtnemjut received. Call And. no it. J. .EEVAN, ‘Oppdiu flu). Bark, petty-burg. . —'rho ‘yenr in: but comnauefi 1866. Ind with it P§CK§N‘G bungled ‘1? prices wonderfully. “L ' v‘ ONE ALONG and an a large Ind well le lacted flock.“ Giotfl‘uig, in‘d the reduced pr can you an buythe'm, it. "PICKING'S. __—__.__._ ‘._”_.._.:..‘L- _~‘____L.._—.._ TUD FROM UNDER—8101(1)“; i! "Hing S MI Over cm. and; luv figure! put 1: auditions. ‘ - ' .‘. ... i SHIVELY KCKING ll telling pod- to chat ‘con ' wilh’fobifie?‘ fit? an tEMnisi‘le.‘W" -' P ‘ 'l’ " AARON SHEELY The, Mummusbu’rg Coup try......r.. Th Maternal of whialf « . MORO PHELLIPS' PHOSPHATE (gauge mu (zéuegef A ‘ (\hu no Hana.) . Notice. FAtray Sheep. Revenue Stamp; m ’ “3035” . l P VALUABLE PE HAL PROPERTY.‘ —-0 n TUESDAY, the em: day of “mu R ABY next, the subscribers, Executore of, the [at will and testament of Benjunlu lla- f loun, deemed, will sell It Public Sole, u. the, late reeidence of unit! decedent, ln Bcadlng township Adam: county, one mile northeut of Hemp‘n, the following ulnable Pereonal Property, vii: 3 HEAD OF HORSES, (“110thth three runny Horses,) '1 good Com, '1 Young Cattle, 1 Young Bull, '- Sow, 5 Shot", 2 Broad-tread Wagonu, (one on good as new,) One-horse Wagon, Wagon Bed, 2 sets offluy Carriages, one let new, Linie Bed, Feed Trough, One and Twehoree Rectum: Buggy, Rolling-top Bug gy, Ruuell'l'flcrew-power Reaper & Mower, nearly new Grain Drill, Wire-tooth Hone Rake, Threshing machine ehd ‘Horee Power, new Fodder 'Cutler, Cutting Box, Winnoflng Mull, e large lot of Horse Gears, Collars, Bri dlee, Wagon Saddle, Leather Fly-nets, Hous inge, 1 let of Double Harness, 5 note Single Home", with Fly-nets; 3 Ploughe, 3 Borrowe,‘ Donhleand Single Shovel Plonghe,Coro Fork!“ Double end Single—trees, Spreader), Log end Fifth Chninfi, Butt and Brent Chains, Lines,| anon Whips, Hulten end Cow Chains. lot at" Ben, I. first-rote Sleigh, e eplendld Buffalo Robe, Saddle Bags, Grain Cradleu, Mowingi ,Scythee, Grain Shovels, Grin'detone, Wheel.‘ borrow, 2 set: of Dung Bonds, Rakes; Forks, .nettocke, Shovele, Fin Brake, «he; else I loti ol Two—inch Oak Plank, a lot of Poets, Ind Oak Scuntling; a large quantity of Hey by the ton ; Crone-cut Sew, Carpentor Bench and Car penter Tools. ‘ ‘ , , Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture,, such as Teblel and Chairs, Beds, Bedeteadi Ind Bedding. Kitchen Cupboard, 2 Clocks, Carp‘eting, Parlor Stove, 2 Sinks, Stands, Wool Wheel, Spinning Wheel and Reel, Queen:- wnre, Earthen-wore, Tin-ware, Tubs, Barrels. RestlVeuels, and 5 great variety of other or— ticles, too numerous to mention. fi'Sale to commence M £9 o’clock, A. LL, on nit! day, when attend-tube will be given and :erms madejnow'n by I . LEMUEU MALAUN, ‘ SAMUE B. MILLER, ~. John Smllsmith, Auct. V Executors. Jan. 22, 11:3. ts ‘ "n. . z ' ,__ -‘-.LM-_._.._.~‘__ ÜBLIC 8. LE i FPERSONALPRUPER .--OnWEDNES -0 DAY, the 7th dny of ARCH next, the subbcrihers, Administrator of the‘ astute of Sainuel Gillilnnd, deceased, ‘ill sell at Public Sale. at the late residence of said decedent, in Tyrone town‘ship, Adnms county. about one nnld enter Ileidlerahnrg, the followmg vnlu able Personal Props-fly, vnz: ~ 3 HEAD OF WORK HORSES, 2 Milch Cows, 5 bend of Young Cattle; 'I Shee , 4 Shows, 1 Broad Sow and Pigs, Fwnr-{orse Wugon’, Spring Wagon, Carriage, an of flny‘Uaningus, set of Wood Lndders, Feed Trough, Hay flake, Log Hoisler, Pluught nnd nrmwa} Winhow iug Mill, 2 S.eds, 2 Slelglls nd Benn, Single and Doublé‘gpovel I’louglu. uluvnlorflhree horse, Dou e and Singlr- recs. Two-horse Spreader, Culling Box, Lug Chain, Finh and Breast (11mins, Horse Ueurs,L:uch as Breech bands, from. Gents, Ploug Gears; Colin Bridlvs, Wagon b‘addie, slth taddlq Wu Whip, llousmga, 2 sets of lxu'ness, 3 se $542 58 246 38 fan I ..s of nkes, l uttocx, , ‘rossocflt . 15g, Grind-l ) s, Chains”, r 9, Corn Cov- ‘ l of old lron,l n hen l-‘urniture,[ \ , Sink, Case of, a. Clocks, Cooking ; -tr§ty, \VoolJVbel-l, ‘ A Steelyurdl, Burrels,’ .. rufi‘ Pots, bunodthing , rockeri-ware, Alt-lit by -r . . _ .. .fy/otlrc grunts, too uu ,1 n‘enco3't 9‘o’clock, A. M., , ,l u atyhd’nncn mil begiveu' l kuown’lt‘y , A AH 6“. [LAND Adm’x., 4" EDERICK QCICKEL, Adm'r. l 66. ti , Ppmac, SALE. N EDXESDAY, the 1m: day of MARCH 0 next, at 12 o'clock, 1., ll’lllJcll at Pub lu: Sale, IV. my residence, on the York pike,l about one mile euLol pen; Iburg, the lollow- I iug v‘nlunble pertuunl omprrly, viz: 4 HEAD OF HORSES, 2 01 which are good brood mares, l threwyenr old blooded borne colt, l two-year old more calf, Zfrvnh Mild: Cows, 1 Young Bull, 6 head 0 Sheep, 1011c:- ter Sow and Pigs. first-Lite light. Brood-trend ,Wogon, Wagon Bed and good Hay Carriages, One-horse Wagon, Family Carriage, Sleigh, 2 sets Brecchbnnds, 1 set Front Gears, 2 :ele‘ Cnrringe Harness, er! One-Horse Wagon (leap, Wagon Saddle, )lililury do., new Riding‘flri dle, Harness Bridles, Curriage Bridles, Go‘ln'r's, i 3 ‘Leuther Fly Nets, Check Lines, Singlet Lines, Plough Lines, 2 large yHousin‘gc, sctl Leather Traces, whgon nud Catriwge Whips,' 3 Ploughl, (one nearly new, oth’ker’s mnke,), 2 Hen-owl, l Single-shovel and ‘1 Double ehovel Plough, 2 Corn Fatk|,l Cultivator, 'l‘hroe;horse-tne, Double and ‘Single-Ireee. '.' patent Feed Cutters. dilferont patents, t‘ur ringe Spread, new Wheelbarrow, Grain Crag dle, Grindstone, 2 Groin Shovell, pitch, dung nndv lhlklflfl‘ Forks, Pick, Log alluring, Butt Ulmina, Cow Chains, lalters. 3 good Horn Blankets, Bumlo llobe,witlt meny other thingu not herein mentioned. ‘ , ~ Line-s, Halter-sand Cow Glmi‘tu, Forks, Gruiu Cradle, Scythe: and b'uathes, Shovels, 6min Ems, \\ heelbnrrow, Saw, Wood Saw, Maul and Wed; stone, 3 Hues. Hand Saw, Roy Bonn. Work Be ch, Shaving How erer, Clover Guile, 2 Axes 3 lo ac: Also, ngsehold nnd‘kh v 11: Tables, Chairs, Cupbo» Drawers, Chest, Desk, 2 Sign, 2‘Be'd_§'_zeuds, Pong} 3 Spinning Wheels, Reg! Tubs, Vinegar Bgrrels. ' “’01”, Mufti Vegaelsu' the pound, and ma meroua lo mutation ”3‘35“: 10 can on said day, Wl} 5213 terms made m E‘Tenus made knéwn 09 day of sale. , , GEO. A; CUDUBI A. W. Flemmigg, Auctioneer. Feb. 5, 1866. ' x- I, . PUBLIL‘ SALE. ON TUESDAY. the 13th day of MARCH next, the subscriber. inteu-ling to remo've, mll sell at Public Sale,“ his residence, in Mounljoy township, Adams county, on Ihe rund leading from Taneytown to the Bnltimore turnpike, About one. mile and A «half: from the Two Tuerns, the following personal property: 3 HORSES, 2 Calms Mileh,Cows,(2 pl which hue calve- mi, and 2 more will cake about the time of s‘nle,) 6 Heilera, 1 Bull, 5 Sheet), 1 Brood Sow,‘\vilh pig, 5 Slmtea, Three-horse anon, Spring Wagon, Curnuge, Sled, Sleigh and Bella, Hay Carri-mes. anan Bed, new l Threshing Mullins, Wire-tooth Hay Ru‘ke, 1 Cutting Box, Winnowlng Hill, ‘ nets of "one ‘ Genre. 1 net of Hnrneu, Wagon Suddle, Collar: , Ind Bridles, Riding Bridle, Hnltera end Halter 1 Chain, Gov Chnlna, Log Chaim, Single, Dou ‘ ble Ind Three-horse ’l‘rees.Spreadeu, Plough; And Barrows, Single . Ind Double Shovel Plonghs, Corn Fdrks, Cultivate", -kuller. Wheel-barrow, Grain Cradle Ind Scythes, Grain Shovel, Munch, ShovelsflVork Bench, Axes, Maui and Wedgu, Saws, tc. Also, Bed-tends, Tthlel, Chain, 1 Cook Stove und 2 Ténoplfll Stove-.- Bnrean, Kitchen Cnpbosrd, Iron Kettle, Meat Vessels, Tubs, Barrels, ta; 1 barrel of first-rate Vinegar, Potltoes by the .bushnl, Pork Ind Lard by the pound, I Shot Gun, ’and a Variety of other articles, too nu merouu to mention. S'Snlo to com?nce It 10 o’clock, A. IL, on said day, when t Leudlnce will be given sud unn- flflio known by ~ _ . CHRISTIAN HERMAN: In. 39. 1868. a! OHN BOWERS' ESTATE—Letters tel- J hm‘eutnry on the cit-ta of John Bowers, late of Gemnuy'townlhip, Aden! county, de eeued, having been grentedtothe undemgned, the flat mined reliding in the name lownlhip ud tho’ lut mmed in 'l‘eueytown Dietrlct, It, they hereby give notice to all per-one in debted to fluid unto to make immhdiau pey ment, end thou Inning chime again" the um to pee-annual properly authenticated fur up. “unit. WHJJAWWERS, JOHN RE ER, Jun. 22, 1866. St. ' Efecuwn. ILLIAX GITT'S ESTATE—Letter: tu mmonury on the caste or Willin- Gm, Inc or Union township, Adnml county, decanted. having been granted to the under ligned, renidingin the lame township, be here by girel notice to all peuonl indebted to nid cattle to nuke immedina payment, Ind tho-o lining cluim‘ uglinu thd nnu- to pr’ue‘nt properly “mentioned for leniem'eni. JEREMIAH GITT, Executor. Jun. 22, 1863. at . '_leomngdpll! 3 E pluco to obtain a perfect Hm I or I Amman. unwed In u:- but an, 1. .3 Manama GALLERY, In man. Wi "Jn.9,taop, 4- ‘ = _1 M=MII mm Notice. CZ= prittic sAtE. N MONDAY, the 1911: do] of MARCH 0 next, ti- Inbacriber, intending to remove to the West, will sell a: Public 811:. I: hit [egidcucc’ 3 mile: from Gettysburg, the follow- I Ing perloml property, viz: ‘ , UNE MARS, 2 cows, leene low, 2 I'o - vngons, 2 apring Ingon , X trotting r buggy, l falling-top buggy, ndd nd bridle, ’linglo borne", double hunulrollnn, bul : len, cow chaim, scythe and Inst 1, grind-tone, ; plant and barrows, liugle And ‘dDublc shovel plows, double and single-trees, forks, rnkes, ‘ hoes, shovels. mntto‘cka, grain rn‘xdle. pig, kc. Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Vili‘ '_Cook Store and pipe, 4 bedstends. 2 tables, 6 j new chairs, new rocking chair, child'l chair,‘ grockiog cradle, looking gluua‘, link, stand, sufe, corner cupboard, butter churn, dough‘ tn’y, lin ware, tubs. b'aryels, meat reueu, ennben ware, half burrel’vinegnr, copper REF: He, .191, also] and wedgel. bacon and had by I the pound, and n. variety of—oth'er snide- too ' numerous to memion. - ¢ ”Sale to commsnce at 10 o'clock, A. M ,L on said day, when atvendauce ’will be given and terms made known by ADA.“ «BOLLINGER Feb. 12, 1866. m Valuable Propeflleq for Sale. _ DEN C. ZUUQR‘, LAxn Au; I', J . NEW OXFORD: ADgIS CO ' . but for unit a. number of desirable properties, to which he asks thq nuqntion of those wiahing to purchase: A FARM of 160 Acres. in Mountpleusnnt townsliip,wilh good Stone House, Bani. Wako fi House, Corn CnlL Carriage House, had our} out-buildings, Urchurd, to. Near mrnp e and ruihond. ‘ . 4U ACRES, with good Home, Burn 3nd other l-huildings,orchard,&c. imiefro‘m railroad. Good‘ chince. Terms ons‘v' l ‘MILL PROPERTY of 37 Acres. ill with two run of burrs, ordinary mneh‘ ery,good water power, 1} miles from Little town, con— venient to railroad and, tar ike. Terms moderate} ‘. A FARM of 160 Acres, oea New Chester, good House, gunk Burn, an other out-build 'ings. Land: in good state 0 culnivution». ‘ A FARM 01.300 Acres: Cumberland town ship, Adams county, 3 'ea lrom Gelgysburg at which place in railro d und good Inn-hot.— This Tarn; can be divi nl into two farms, there being alread} two a; of improvemehls on the tract. A SMALL F J House and Bar | in fine unreal , l 'chnnce to he office. Tet .A FAR r pikeJuud 1 Brick ’U I‘ Cl'lb, C r (all n ' Lr .' Ls r’ d l l .3! of 10 Kctes, with good “d. all out-buildings. Land lltivaliun, good S:ore Stand— -1011 gate and attend to post.- 4 easy. 1 /of 105 Acres, on the Cnrlisle turn-~ auder gnnd statue ofculti'vulion, lurga‘ JUSQ, Ban-k Bun, Wagon Shed. (‘.orn‘ /uriage flange, and other out-buildibgs, w. ' ‘ RGE‘I ELOL'R MILI..- with 25 Acres of; d—luul: pairlßnrrs, with all m'nchilfery for Ag merchant work—bear water‘power in [he country—in good grain Country. “'11! be said clump. 7 ' A FARM of 175'Acren, near the Carlille turnpike, good Ilousc, Bun. 4nd nll necessary out-buildings. Land in iugh slate of cultiva tion.‘ Wid be sold at a b urgaiu. _ ' A FARM of [95 Acres, near Humerstown, good House, Barn, and other out-building.— ’l'crml nccommdduting. ‘ ' A HOTEL in New Oxford, two-story, roomy and convenient. for busineu. Good chance. Terms easy. ‘ A190,} number of good Brick Houses, and Lots for sale, in New Oxford. - WPersuns who wish to buy Real Enate, as well as those who Wish to sell, are request.- ed to give' the subscriber a call, at. his store, in New? Oxford. Addless, , ' JOHN C. _ZOUCK, Agent, K . New Uxturd, :Ith county, l’n. . Jan. 8,1866. 311) A - Collateral Inheritance T4ll. ‘HE following is the amount of Cull‘nternl '1 lnhexitance Tax received at Lhé llcgis‘ler's olfice during the year beginning Dec: 1; 1864, and ending Dec. 1, 1865. lrom the esmtes of tho- following named deccdunla : Ann .\I. Geiger, $94 38 Marys-301ml,” ‘ 62 ll (I 5| A 35 Jnco}: Greonholu, . 20 00 Mom: Baku, 6 43 Humnh Bowers, , 926 55 John Bntbrr, ~ 90 00 Wm. 11. H. Dcardbtl, i - 105 06 Robert Slemmons, 1+ 43 George Heck, ‘ 116 09 Deburnh Lethennnn, 4x 65 Mary Lobuugh, ‘ ' 127 24 Moses Fickes, 242 66 Jena Johnston, ‘ 28 46 Conrad Walter, 66 63 Frederick Noel, 35 00 Total, ‘ $1,727 09 Dcduct Register‘s 5 per cent. for '— . pullecuon and the additional . pc‘r gent. allowed by legiflntion calculated on the amounts re ceived siqpe the passage of the , account, 94 63 'Amquntfdugpommonweahh, 51.632 46 All of which is Ipspcclfully qnbmiued. I , J. C. NRELY,Auditor. Feb. 5, 1866. 4! Buggies" d: Carriages. HIS WAY! THIS WAYl—‘lee , undu- T signed is engaged la the Damage-making bu~iness, ll} West. Middle street, upm- Geo. Lil.- lle's old store stand, Gettysburg, egd ignites ell' who may need? anything in hm line H) give him u call. lie puts uph in the very best manner, Falling-top and other BUGUIES, and 11l the dilferent style? of CARRIAGES.—- With a full knowledge of the business, and a. determination to gin: enliefaction, the public eyn rely upon his jobl being good. He will rudem’or to deserve I la: 6 lhan: at pe txonagv; and huyee to receive'xs. _ REPAIRING dbno at the, «hart-at. notice, Ind on most. rensona’ble terms» fi-Cuuutry produce will be taken in etch-Inge [or work. ‘ ‘CHAS. E. GILBERT. Gettysburg, Nov. 8, 1865. Gm“ Black-mulling. ‘ HE undersigned would most. respectfully inform the public that he continues the _ BLACKS!I‘I_‘H_I?IGBUSINESS,-_ . It his shop, lately Philip Dmrsom's, udjoinlng Troul‘i paint. -shop, in- East. )hddle street, Gettysburg, where he will at. all times be pre! pared to'do Blacksmithing work to Carriage», Buggies, Mgona, to. That. he known‘how to tin-all jobs of the kind will not be qualionzd by those who hove I knowledge of bin long experience at. the balloon. Come on with your work, and you will be “fished when you taken May-and for which he WI“ racelre Cuh‘or Conan; Produce. - . , ADA]! HOLTZWORTHw Mar. 20, 1865. cf 1“” 'l‘“ ' . Picture-3 Plcfiures! - EVI' MUMPER“ having purchnnd Samuzl L Wenvu'l PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, is prewed to execute work in bi- line equd 10 n] unbliihment in the Slné. If you d‘uife s good “team, finilhed according to thelntest improvements in no art, on“ u. the Ibov. long-established . Gallery, in Welt liddlo Street. Gettyl'burg. [Jam 9, 11165. Western lands. HE subscriber In: none ulnnble WEST- T BEN LANDS, which he wlll (nae for on or_moro FARMS in this county. The land: Ire wall locum], Ind very dyinblo for fun lng. BAH] application dashed. . JACOB BRINKERHOFF. . Gum-burg, April )3, 1885. u ‘ ' <5. . Gold. I DIN“ and COUPONS, bought I! the fin: C Nuloul Dink “Batty-burg. ‘GEO. ARNOLD, Cutler. Oct. 30. 1885. v ‘ ‘ xnw‘ nook of ‘ u A GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ulectpd with upee'uu cue md wunmed‘ good time keep‘en, just received tnd to: ulo a V ..-- ~ ' J. BEVAN’B, ~ Oppolih a. Bunk. Gettysburg. ’ ‘ L ‘ 0 C K 8 . C Nowpn hand CLOCKS In great. variety, from factorial of [he highut reput-zion In the country, And'utnnud good lintkupen. cm on J. nus, ‘ Oppouiu u». 3m. Gennbpr‘. BIKES PLAITA‘HON Burns,» 0R plum-m Tonia, 3! Pg. 3. 308;“? “m; Sum, - ‘ ‘ NE W F 1 r '.j ~ X Receipts 13nd Expendl‘uu ‘ r m ow smu- :0' A&::*&?3:3.:Yo:?“ m a, [unlmnn 1: LBl7 ] .AAgrPnnhly k? “Vii?“““T“‘13~"1'““"“”"1"‘“ I "e Inns!!!“ with nun-in buslnouym'y cu? rulse Coun lag um v a." requ rm; lon. John amen-Fri. mu m Im‘md ‘fiififfiZflfi‘fsll2s3safififfi‘nflfl‘m‘fi‘f style of n. Hchry “8:12.113} minute . {33. , “i“"fiZ'" mo Wfimiwggg 3153‘“: I: It: to my old friend. | lI pn 1c men y 00m! v. pon uto own; . m tint since the yamhe manufncmro o; Stddleq, mag: iffigimg “mom“! 0‘ J ““1377. Harness. Callus. 8c” bu been n‘v‘yed n :h. JACOB “19*“. ..‘l‘reuum. 1 the D . old elublilhed Ind wpu knoun u ndpn 31].; alrifnergnmimmcmouunzyomdnmn. timore meet, on. aqnm south of the Court! ‘ ° ”‘7'- 133. Home, Gen) nbnrg, Pa. , l IT‘zlugh I:lhlndl9KTmnurerOth‘lot- 21 Having had In experience of 40 yearn u. '3 .L‘n . r . “so this establishment, I feel unred, that. wi'th ‘ o‘ffix‘fi.’£‘3§§x°&?§3fl2m‘°w Beau 7,83 42 renewed “tendon w busineu, we can mu , onunlymmduvluhl : further mm and recaive . full mm of pub.l3or3ugh “09"“?{3' u. $157115 lie pnuouge. ,mvxn uccamnv. “mm.“ anmm was ‘ _l._ . ' ll:_lumilrlnjgum “ ' gm —’ ‘ ‘ ' run! I: “ Strahnn “ 1,1”; E Hunlltonbul “ 1,372 5 Mennllen . ‘ “ 1.1% fl Mounxpleuam “ ‘ 1.”! a Reading " 1.59 1"- Hnmllwn " I” 01‘ Bum-x “ ' 1.05 75 Union " W D Lathnom “ m 8 Oxford . . ‘ " mu gluuntJay : 1.170}: ' ODUW I,” Tymnyo 1‘ a -3 mm 3 ' ‘ ..3 dcrmuyny " ' . m 6 Fret-don) “ m 1} Highland '- g! g Heryxvlck ban. Lm awwu " With increnséi fuil' ion for conductiug‘Onr business, In Ire bulyz‘preplred than ever to ntisfy the wants 0 I" thou whn may need lunyuiing in can“ e. We egpecinlly 7cm the ' attention of Fury): and other: to the superior :qunl'ity ofour / . - , Plain or Quil d Seatfiide Lenthen, ' Horn Sad“): ' Hum, all kinds, in!) Plain or Qyilled Séu . orwithoutfuunings up‘Hom ’ _ Housings, ' Plain or/éuilted SeuScotch Coih‘nflentber) Side ddlen, “ , “ (Licking) Plain Fancy SnddleiNo Seun Collars.“ , Chit 15, Best. Welt Hal-nee, : i "if/tn Saddles, l hm, , --' ,A "‘ ‘ iii ng Bridles. of :11 Patenanlhermfilfl,‘ , 'Ainda, fair or Muck, sutchedornnstilchpd / [ounded or flu, - Bést Lealhgr Wagoni Illurtingals, , Whips, 4, 4} And 5 ’Currisge Harness, 11l ieetlmg, j styles, lilveror blacklleLed Tum Whips, . mounted, . , 'Troning Whips, Heavy Draft. Ham”! Jamey Riding Twigs, Blind Biidles, «Whip Lashes, ’ Girtha, (Hurw' Ujunkets, . Cmppurs, 1 km, ‘ Jun, 30. in Fizort, everything that pertains to a first class g‘euernl horse furnishing egubhshmeut conzmully on baud or undo to order promptly, of the very best Inner-ill, and by the most. u perieuced workmen in t‘he couliuy, (two haw ing worked in this ellublishmeut for the last. thirty vents.) \ We fimow manufacturing an excellent lot of Heavy Draft and ' Harness Colltprs for those who {wafer but own to city made 4014:. ‘ . Repairing of All kinds done at sho‘rt. golice and on :eusonublc Le: ma. All are cordially invited to can and examine for thdmselvos, as our work cannot fail to recommend itself. . ' D. McCREARY & SON Feb. 5, 1866. u Schenck's qudrake Pills. FOR LIVER COMPLAINT; x , A‘scusm’rum FOR CALomzL. If your bowels 1r costlve, , 'TRY THE“ If you have woms, , ‘ , {MY THE)! 11‘ your hunt}: is bad, ‘ ‘ ' TRY THEM If you feel drow=_v, ' _ TRY THE! If you are low spirited, ’1 BY THE.“ If yqu have.» nick henfiarhe, TRY “run,“ If jou have taken ix shop wo‘much, TAKE A 'i-‘ULL‘ LUSH. They only cost. 25 ounce a box my THEM Blue Mass, and other prep‘arqtfona. ofdlei': cury, ’nctually produce more sulr‘ering and geuth than me disvns'es which they profess to .cure. And'yet this corrosive miueml so de nounced hy the allopulbic doétori,is prescrib ed yby them allnopt universally in Liver Com plaiut, Consumption of'lzungi, kc. 7 ' THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots and herbs, ob tained from the grunt-storehouse of Nature, n :d their ‘salutary effects will appenr as soon as the medicine is brought to the teét ore inir experiment. SCHENCK’S MANDRAKE PILLS do not produce any nunsen or sickness oi the slomech; but when given for Dy‘spepsin, it may be proper to use them in conneztion with SCHENUK’S SEAWEED TOBlO, By this ju dicious treatment the digestive faculties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst cases at indigestion may be. cured. When wen-flect that the liver is the-largest internal organ of the body, that toit is as signed the important duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many’ disorders, and. that when it in diseased or inactive thewhole body suffers 53 mpotheti -0311334! is. not surprising thut a medicine which can restore the healthy operation; of the Liver should produce w'onderfhl changes in the general health, and- efect cutes which 11in appear :0 _be‘ almost-unirnculous. Head ache of long continuance, severe wins in the aide, breast and shouldérs, aching of the limbs, a feefing oi general wenkneu and wretched nesl, and other nlrrming and distressing symp toms, indicative ofimpertect or disordered ac tion of the liver, are speedily removed by the use of SCHENCK’S IMANDBA‘KE PILLS. Coniveness, piles, bitter or Sour eructutions, and that indelcribable feeling at oppressiun, mental anxiety, Janguor, lethargy, and depres lion oTspirits which unfit n man for the lunn ngemenl of business Ind the enjoymem of life, Ire All rcl.eved by the \US‘G of SCHEXCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. , Dn. Scanxcn—DcurlSirz—l L'tke plmxure in ‘ sending you d certificate in addition to many} you have ulrendy Bct'ifcd From .sullering Lu- 1 monity. l cuu 5&1“:er find langung‘é sur-i ficténtly strong to ”preshuiy henrtlclt grati fication olitlu: w ndertul 'cures your MAN QRAKE PlLLn‘ nnd bEAWEED TONIC navel effected in. the.en'.ire cure of one ofi the most, stubborn cases of the infection of the “Yer.— For three peers l sufiered’ beyond description; all my friends, a; ‘well as myself, came to the _coxiclnsion that my time in this life was short. Such was- the terrible condition to which I wu reduced that life to me had become a burlhen; my whole syntem was in it atate oi inflammation; I could‘not eat, I could not nleem my whole body wan filled with pain; swelling would arise in my wrists and ankles, rendering them totally. useleu. 0n eereml Occasions 1 was attacked with a rush of blood to the head, which‘would fell me to the ground, and 1 would be carried away tor dead. ' I up plied‘to lateral eminent phyai‘ciuni of our city, who Administered all the medicines that they , thought would ranch my case, but of no avail. l Uue of them said he e‘ould do no more for . me,,nnd’ advised me, as n ln4t resort, to drink cod livar‘cil. Not relishing the horrid trash l Idealined to take it. Accident put your ad vertiaement in my hands. 1 called [on my; you examined me and told me the nature or my disenee. —You then ordered me the PI“. ‘lnd Tonic with on oblerutnco of diet, pledg ing your word that in nne week 1 would find mylell'inother man. I followed your ndvire, 3nd, do you predicted,ln nstoninhiug cure mu efl'eeted. I continued your Pill: nud Tonic for same timer-ad now think God for his good-. nets; and your ulnnblc medicine 1 nm- once I)" on restored to perleet health. i molt urn- .uy recommend than who He Inflering lrom affection of the live: to give your Pilll and Tonic a flit kit], and A. cure will be rfl'ecud. l hue lent many penanj to you, Ind they B's" I“ then cnrod. Any Summation my fel lpv-clmeu luy regain will I). truly gjvpn by the number, u M- luidencc, No. 812 Fedonlnrpc, bot-cu: mum-n: And Punyunk xosd. OHABL‘BS JOHNSON,SL. Penn: Primn’ Ink llnnuhcluxer. DI. Schenck will he profeuioully M. hil principnl once, No. I: North Sixth street, corner of Com-nee, Philsdclphie, every Sat ndny, fromj A. )1. mail '4 P. 51.; No. 3'; Bond urea,- flew York, every Tuesday, from 9 Lo 3 ; No. 38 Summer “not, Baum, ”anyway Wedneedey, fro-'9 to 3; ma every other Fri dly It. 108 Bummer: urea, Bnhlmore, Id.- AH advice {reel but for u warough cumin:- fioh of ‘he hung: With his Respitomeer, the chin-go in the. doll-In. Price of the Pulmonlc Bpm: end Selweed oncT,i end: a 50 pet bank, or $7 50 pet In]! dozen. Hendrik. Pilla, 25 cunts per bu. Fog nle by ell Drugghu Ind Dede”. Jan. 29, 4868. In: Card. ‘ HcCQNAUGHY hrs mad: nnn‘gemenu .1 to huh bin once gym Ind client: at.- lended to during the session of the Legisla ture. He mil attend every SMuI-dxy, at. his ufice. ' [Jul]. 29. 1866. 4: *1 OLD, SILVER, STEEL and other i (1" s~rnbrgcnfidat in (flanges, tiny: on hand, “dd! «9‘ “In," . --_‘,-J.nuN—;' ""' Mum the ink. Osmium. W=l::3M==l;Mli:l ms 70 510 16 I no (I 4'8“» '36 mm m can ry per-om. , Club from J no. Winebmnner, two m 10 a Cash from W. A. Duncan, £511.. forfeiture of recognlznnm 1,220 00 Cash from tidnm imam, Sh'fiim’y face. 299 07 Cash from (no. \VnrnPr. mu 0.. ‘.’D 18 Cash from (ix-urge murky, cm «in, 990 gash nmn J. W. Lott. Esq., fur eatmyx. m B ush from Levi Clrmnistm~,l-)aq., formmys. 2! 00 (‘ush {mm sundry persons {or am lumher, 23 M Call] from J. .LFink F ~ (or coal lot 1361, 10 00 Cash from Smnunl “nifty ~ “ $65 3) I!) Cuah from Lluu. S. It. 1 used, Treasurer of Wnu-r Company, 50 40 Addmonnl Tux. ‘ 97 as 31:111an due manure! by County, § 345.092 95 The Outstanding Conan-Tu and Quit Remand State Tux d'uo county, nppeur to be In the hum]: of the following Conn-cums, w wll. SW Til anm. nor. dc’l‘ps. Collectors. Co.Ttu._ due (:0. 1800. Gettysburg. Emanuel Zlmler. 3411 185177 55 “ “ “ ' Quiz Rents, 17c. 50 1560. “ R. D. Armor, “ Z} 76 Im.Hamnmnban,lwhen M'Clonf. 10 80 12%)}. gcltyshurg, J _uhn Sluntz. M_‘ 13 38 “ liunlmgtoquoum-d McEiwoc, 192 04 97 71 186 i. UeLtysbmx, John Sienna: ‘ 96 10 82 92 i “ “ “ Quit, tents, 2.5 01 “ Cumberland. (‘. Duughonf'. 77 74 127 40 " Huntington,St-imsunu St mi, 201 i 65 51 N “ Hamilwnban. Rom-n. “'uuwn, M . ‘.‘ ankiin,Jx-bn Pottbnf, 2m )1 j “ Menuiivn. “'m. Rim-her, 112 92 " Reading, iomon Jacobi, 15 “ Lutimom, okm (luuisonl' 197 as 53 fl? “ Hamilton: Anthnm Ft-hx, ' 12! a) 121 W “ Liimny, J mm: H. Laden. ‘ 99 30 " Bcnvl«-i;,.!nL-ol) Suurbeor, in 50 fl7) 1863. Gettysburg, Wm. H. (.‘uip, I!“ 30 (.‘umiwriand, 1L Sherry; 768 (B . Franklin. Gun-fie Throne, H 8 93 Hmniltoulmn, “W. ilnrimugh,f 820 35 MoumpiuusamlJm-ob Sundergflmd Ki Huuuugmn. Henry Dunn-m, 696 06 i , SLruhmx. Dunieismllmzmim GT" 65 Menailon. Jusinh‘WiL-kershnmf 561 3‘ ' Butler,Hrnryisinylmughf 60: i 6 Evading. Michael B. Binnie!" 4H 60, Lutimorc, Geo. L. Deurdorii' 575 25 Hamilton, Levi Wehlerf 8:50 2) Union, Daniel A.Seiif 843 I‘l Conowugo, Jacob Meliiornf m 62 A Oxford. amen Timminsf ‘ 78 9‘2. 145 20 _ Mounon, Jumps lh-nvnrf 724 4] Gunning, Jacob Klunkf M 7 09 Tin-one. web A. March? 557 31 L many, Frederick Mclnliref 3m 02 ‘ Linesiown, Simon 5. Bishop,‘ 161 29 Berwick, Jacob lluii' 80 99 Berwick hon, Henry Kobier‘ 11l 50 “Settled in mu since ”filament. H'zud Inf-m since settlement. . OUTST INDING COUNTY BOUNTY TAX. Yenr. Bur. & Tps. (.'ollocwrs. 1565. letgszrg, John 51cm: m 4'! Cum rlaml, L‘. Daugherty 484 m Huntlngton,Bebusnun suml 80 06 Franklin. John l’olmrtf 151 10 Mum‘llen. Wm. \V. Blochex 66 79 Luumore. John Conlson 87 80 V Ilznumon, Anlltmv Felix 48 ll Liberty, Jlgmcs H. Taylor 129 2‘2 Berwick, Jacob Sombeer 39 48 ——sf.l94 u ‘ By orders diam out as follows: Byngdlglngnnd not ng public accounts, .45 00_ J. (.‘. Neely. Esq" uuduur a§polntcd by _ the mun to audit public i: am, a. 00 Prlnéinxdzltm k 5 4.0., . - 9! >6. {r nth,” “...“-.. .. ._, §lh ~rirf's mm: of court coats, r‘ ' Cl rl;'s pny, 400 00 Abatement to collectors on per cent, 1,602 14 Fox nndwlld cm. Scams, ‘ '.’A 10 Generauury and up ltuves' pay, W M Assessors’ pay, ~ ms 00 Jullor's fees for keeping prisoners a turnkey, 739 83 Wood and mono coal for public banding. M 8 60 Repairs at public buildings, a; 61 Grand juryanvl Hp Huwcs’ pay, 543 40 Regimen-and Clerk otSt‘sslon'a (601., ml 71 Tux rexuudml m sundry,penom, 14 27. (Your! uryur'slpuy, ‘ 83 50 Certificates 0 constables' returns, 74_ (H Counsel reel, 7:; oo Trmusurcr otAlms House, Jam 00 Postagr- and stationery [or commission -.em' um?) . Nolcshud interest paid bank and sundry 7 persons, 8,883 4-! Justice: any! constablu' feel [or commlb- . > ling vugnima, 25 in W. A. Duncan. )hq.,dist. niwrnpy's feel. 80) no .12.”) Pzfipeiman, 55¢, commissioners' pay, 236 50 Snmuu March, do. do. 250 50 Abraham Kriso, do. I do. 258 5M Kai-piniprlsoners m Enlt. Penitentiary, 99ml Adam l but. Sheriff, conveying prhnon- h i ' m‘s w Eastern Pcniwntiury, 156 24 Mlvhuei‘Rnpp, court house keeper. ’ 35 00 Evading and clothing tor'priaon, 6 85 Gas rumpnns. _ 10 60 Dr. J .W. C. ‘Xcul. medical unendnnco ~on prisomn, . . ‘1 .’fl Taylor a: Bmfluemcontmcun mu onmld dle cmck bridge, Brick. lumber and work,for hosplml room uljull, £93 23 Railroad company for (re! ht. H 19 Adams count" ngricullunfi society”! 100 00 l-‘uhnestock Brut... mourning good! for public buildings, ‘ . t 324 Simon Ilnner, pay for ”mun; Linton nnd Welsh, horse thieves. i 0 00 Pfil'QfiUP'l- . . _ _ A .1‘ 21 0° C. 0. Fields. lor book: {or Clerk and Rec- I iswr’ssffl‘ifes. a K ibo d Will, -0 un Imp r uni. we them 18ml) De ' y 150 00 A. W. Stan , pump at. jail, 80 no Wm. Brl‘fzhman. returning stolen hone, rewn said by county, no 00 Adam Re ems m, formmmoninzjm‘on, 105 00 Road damages and damage views, 272 no mmwwi m m ccrs' ny a a r n e 0 " 1:“ (£ll E “ 1" K2l 02 Directors of the Poor £3 a) 00 Special Court, Fez, X , 27’? 90 Special Court, 04: ' “ 140 69 waoix‘l'rmal, Wt, Mon Gate in. no 00 Collectoru' feet, 910 08 Exoncmtiom to Collector-I. 252 25 Outstanding m and quit rent. in land! ~ ‘ of Count-log!“ 12,46 84 Treasurer; ‘ ry, (it 90 ' ‘ w RELIEF mm. . A ~ DR. _ A To amount. cunt—mm; «military an“ to: relh'f, 3217 no Outstanding relief tax for 1803, 135 70 Balance duo Trwmr by «many, 25! 15 CR: 7 / , By ouutandlngammtary unc- form ,B «1 Fees, snowed L Hector: {or um your, 8 so Exonerutlomnuowu collectors “ If Duuumdmg Relic! for 1802. 1:56 70 do. do. ommedln romexnop", 136 70 Fev- nllowed Collector: for stud year, . 229 Inventions ulowcd (‘olme to: do, 18 35 Du armaments on omen. I; ‘ 146 cu, _.‘ Treasqru‘n communion, . _ ‘2 Nu] m STATE TAXI?) 1217?. COUNTY. Toouuundl 2 munmmxdu 000 ' To Uutsundlzig 9 do. do. 033.225 £2013: r ummmuoémrma. wuss: _6 ——-—-‘-| lhll . an. “'2‘“ m? n mumz mmnfiummm an 8&5 ° ' erl allowed 0033 mm: {or ~ ‘ do. no an?" $33“ mdfl'um “fix (010.9%, :3 who” u a PM mowno‘dfiomwrs'uu um fem-I. 18 fihow munenuom. . . ' : fmght Pud sum mm by Go. Treasurer. MN! 22”" Emma due county by Mum-w. 4,791 so 4'- ' . 4 ...—.‘..ln 0. ‘ ”a 5 be-' ’ com nggm TAX. I re- To cumin to: mu. m E-nes, By outstanding Co. Bounty m m 1“, 91,191 n 313 - Fee- snowed “1124.103 tor and no, ”7 GO ,1”. Exopcmuonl unwed adieu-ton do., 194 8 Mod dug: County by'henlmr, 4.406 113:? . . ——- a ' , ' 03,152 11 In army that the breach. 9W: ohven PM me Receipt- Ind Expendimumbnod' . m }m. the 011106 or the Treasure: 0! mm County ' re. var-v linoonectandtruewpyu taken noun 2, and compared with tho angina» remnsnminc in no uns book- 01 um aim». we we hereunto let our hat hands and nmxed ago seal ofst 09162, 3! Getty!- burg. the mm any at January, one Thou-and}- of Exam Hundred and may-tau. - via -4 . 8. MARCH. . A. must. “on 3. wow, \ u Anetta-J. u. Warn. Clad. Comm-10m. ~ Auditors’ Report. ~ T 0 the Honorable the Judge: of we Court 0! Comm: I'leu of Adams county: We, the undcntzgmm duly elected Anduon :0 may and stun-L e Public Accounts of tho Tren mu' Ind Danni-tonal“ laid County, um ban madmdwblymhwnbmm nu lollovinzto ht Human Mental-Id gamma bonanza sixth day “January, m” ”WW‘f-‘flmmnmmmm; u ..- noon mun. manna dug: » umemluwount mutant fl “-0. , , 'IIL ‘ - . " To Manes in hunt 01 Tran”! II 111. "Mommy, m I Onuuudlng County Tn And an: M in luuduoukzuuooa, - T... I County Tn Illa-ed fur was, n,“ :0 Loans from mlgiv venom, W Ooh frmn Jno. nabmner. {at lawns. I) I W. A. Dunn, low. mum” mummi- a.” I an Adag'fwben, Jury tag, a: w Goorga mucky. cook, on, ~ I. Georg. Wumur. d 0.., 11. J. w. Lott. M" {or ecu-an, as . Levi Chronlaur. Esq. dn.. . m. Sundry person {or uh lumber 0| [4 JnmmJ. Pink 114., cud Mod”, :0 on flannel uur, bq., , an, a) on B. I%.qu ,mnmmuwmm DO Addmonu u: from unndq per-nun. O) 8 Muse duo Tin-lum- by county. m 2'” it I? O O ’ 11. A]... 4:: . mo, 10,437 ’M 188, “I n 1800, 217 .1 9 b“, ‘I ‘ nu, N 0) ' Im, an: 111-bum ts Con 03'" Inc. 2 m all n u! Tron-w. mums-g pu- wit. C“ I CIL. • BY Outaitadlag T a xis for 18111. Fees for Esatirdlona, 51m “2:115:11: cumin." ' ' " “ Tau-mum: mil-3m me... my: dO--H¥nuflls’"zfil7 Suwm mum, maul. w ‘ CR. 1 - OuMaldJng 2}; mm: Hm a: m- I”, ' ”I! I Foes allow-d Collector! for add nu,- _ .80 I Exumnmons “flowed Coliseum do. 09 I uuuuuum; :g mum-m lax rm '4: Am, 70 a, Few; uflowuu ()oan for aid you”, ll 31 l-Zxonunu 101 m do. do. do. I 47 land 3mm [mun-r by Co. Tran-um. 1W In Balance due County by Tnap'urw, < 4.791 In 3814331502113 To outstanding mmmy line. for Iw, ‘ mno “ n-ln-I ton-IMS, 111 7. Balance duo hen-um by county, , 3M 15 21210 00 ('ll. ‘ , By outstanding mu’fury mn- rm ms, nu nuuwud wnccmu for add )ur. Exuncmlionl du. do. 119. Outstanding mile! [0: Im, Emanuwuflwuwlgu {or said you. mouemtnm do. do. dc. Disburncmcnt on rrlk-l onion, '1 rel‘numr‘u couuulbhluu. COUNTY 1133.3“ TAX. Ouutandlngtu to: Im, 26.!!! 17 . ‘ 7’ CK \ thT-Ovm Outstanding county noun” tax, ms, um M Fees uuuwul Collectors lur sud year, w 59 Exam-Inflows do. do. _ do. . WI 8 Balance due 00me byl‘muurw, 4,106 81 x ' m We. the undmlgncd, Auditon o! the County at Aduma, Pcnnkylmnin, elect.” and sworn Ln put-h qunw 0! law, do Report that m- met, (11d Midfi lculc and MUM humming to law, tho Account the Treasurer and CommLsnlonur-‘of sud (Sonata, mmmenclng‘on thc ltxth day of .hmuna,A. . 1305, no um th day or January A. D. th days lnclullve “hut suldgwmmnt an settled about and entered u! reconl ln Sculument Book, lu thu Commlwnmma' ufllaeof Adams «ouuty. I» contact, and that wu find a buluuuu dchuub'l mulllfltq" Treasurer of Adxmm county, 01 County ’ ‘Mu, Twu‘flmuuand Three fl nndml and Eighty Lbuun, «2,380 00,) and a baaxmcmlue Counts by and In» un-r, of Emu-Taxes. or Ouu'l‘lwusuud sewn Unn drvd and Nluetflme Dollars and Elghty Uvnt , (£791 80,) and n lance due Trumamr by Count? 01 écllct funds or Two Hundred and “fly-four Dullura and Him: (31111993! 15.) and a baking due Caunty by ’l‘re'asurm' of (.'mmly Boun' . Four Tlmuwnd Four Hundred and HI: Lu: nncl ’l'wenty—ouol:cntu.( 21,) uudln UuLstumd lug Countgo'l'nm-sflwulve Thuumud Four Hun dml and rty-uve Dollars and Eighty-{our Cents, $3123» 011*) and Outstanding Hutu Tuxuu duo ‘ 1115:, Inc uunrfmd and Eighty-seven Dollm \ and Eighty-51.x 001184”? N.) and In Oulnund- ‘ 1m; Re In! and Mlllmry hiya 'l‘lmae Mundm and Flay-four Dollars and .' holy-two «1:511; (53“ s2,)uud 1n Outstanding Uou‘ucy Bounty u Elem-n Hundrmll :fldfilfluuLy-mur Donal-I m 1 'ourtoen Ucumg , ' .) IMFOB HULI mammal-'3l; ‘ J. L‘. l‘l’l‘l‘EN’l' 'RF, . Audltorl “2.145 818911 38 Feb. 5, rm. 4t ARHQRS AND DEALERS IN FIRTILIZ- F ERS will please take notice that. we luv. adopted Lilia following Trude lurk to proton ourswlvbs and prevent the“ who 1150- out ' RAW Bola: sqrnn PHOSPHATE from bging deceived when purchasing mutant. We have bzen ‘obliged Jo give this progn tiou to oulr customers, in ccnsequente chat"- ~ em] pull,“ having unlawfully "all our dib' tiucnve name, Vin: “Raw Bone," in ofl‘ering their article to the public. Thin Trude Hulk is ndopled in addition zo‘the lille“flnw Borzoi" ’which is (in exclusive property, nndfiva cnn-‘l. Lion all manufacturers from using it. in l'utnro. i We would nut: to “a trade and oonsnnrorl, ‘ that they will find lt-lo their hum: to no that the “Trade Mark" is upon uni-y bag and barrel they purchase,“ none other in geumno. . BAUGH A SONS. MEI 8536 B A 7/ G 11‘! RAWBONE- I,ft 00 Super _Phosphuw of Lime. Muuufncfiuled h’y BAUGH l SUNS, No. 20 Sbutb Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. ' The great popularity or ournrtlcle I: burn , fo‘nnd euflicrcnl tnducement te c'ertnl'n 135M030 10* manufacture end _ udvertln “Pom Bond Phorphnter,"n’ name which origlmtod with, us, and in our own» rightful property. We will "ate for flu information: of nll, tlnt we Ire the exclusive Innnut‘netnren of tlm orticlo —the oxiginnl and role proprelors of lt-lmv‘ ' ing beeu'mlnufuctured by up for A print! at twelve years. = Also (but it is catered by 111-r , ernl letters patent, h'eld only by ourselves. , ~ We are now ready to supply it ln largo; qlnntitlen—hnvlng made recent addition: Ind . i provementl. Vuleld drawing l 6 feet of water cnn loud directly from ,the whorvel of ‘ the workl, which no located at tlie foot of lorril Street} Delnwarc [‘IVBL' We cell the ' ‘ mention of DEALERS to lhl‘ great ndvnutoge. The present lndicutionl ore tlm we the“ . hove n grutly‘incruled depend our 1 wring And full leuont, and I‘- advise Former ' ‘ , to lend in their ordeu to their respect“. Dale" at In curly day, thctioll any be “190' pliegl promptly.‘ ~ Solxciling your continued ordorn,‘ - We rennin, . - ~ You" very‘truly, . ‘ 3AUGH l SONS; No. 20 8. Billing Lifeline .- m. a, 1886. On PHILADELPHIA. aér'v'e‘u'pon slid K 051172127? fifiifit‘l‘rtnrfi'nu within fifteen days thereafter. and that both partiei he nllowml sixty day:- next utter the service of mud answer‘w take testimony in support of their several nllogntiom and de nials. notlce ol intention to examin‘eth neaws to [m given to the opposite party l‘ lent five days belnre their epmmotigm but neither party to give notice of taking; testimony wxlhm less than five day! b - tween the closed takiugit’ It one_plndo and its commencement at nncthfl» 00'5“!“ other re<paou in thomanner prmrtbed in the act at Felimury 19. 1861. - ' I : Cantu Uncut: 1 H. L. DAV’r Lg , , Poum Bgun. - ’. S. 3. Hunting, Wu. 3.0310115; ' ‘ —_——-—-—-—0 -. - ‘—-—- ‘‘ I fiDoctor Birry, 3 nut-good in-thglfilg lish army. remntly‘died at Cnrfu. 11%! .45 well known as n alrilllul surgeon. amt-bore a reputation {or put eccentlicity. On hi dentin-bed he gate only; that he should)» burial a! he lay, mthout the uau.lxlgxrieg;‘rn t'mn giqon to the boriiee of the den 21' in excxtod the ourimity of his attendun jwl before glacin.’ him in the cntfin thny mini-t an 'cxnmimtlon’, disenvermgthnnbd' ucwr wotowomu. a V . '2 5 ~‘3 9100 IEIIEI IE:1 0 be ‘ EB nndersxgnod. respectfully ammuflo 4 lhd pixblic yinz be h v: m 2. :1: ’64.: “A“. noneer" Lit-gnu, an": arm My anviaec 10.15% public: ige all! confide“ mar ‘l:th .g.‘ T emu n I Mm‘u ‘V rm l‘jh ’5 guida- ' museum Mu mu ¢ 1 run 0d uni-fiction mmfihét?‘ um“ gall.- mamma-f. ': In. Q 1364." If my“ . .-...Jfi! [333.1311 mm: - te,iB2 IT Take Notice. ’ fingm ff .. '0 You! OYeI! PIN IA m I” ”W 1.14. ll” all new no W 0" MELD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers