{’l _m at "mun-non. 'THB COMPILER ll pnbflnhed em Mummy ‘lnonflpt. wKENBY J. BTAKLKI‘” N paran pmu puld «may at Anvucl—l so per an mun mm pad :3 advance. No tub-crlpflou dbl eonummd, unlu- M the option 0! the mun-ha, until anal-reame- are paid. ADVERTISE)! EN’I‘B hand! at the nan! rates. JOB PRINTING of All kinds done with nutmeg! and dispatch. ‘ OFFICE 11: South Baltimore street, between Middle and High, m-ar the Post Oflloef‘Compl lcr Printing omce" on the sign. ‘ Professional Cards. Doctor 0. W. Benson. FFICE it the Railroad Honse.(frontrooyl, O formerly occupied-by Dr. Kinzer,) LITTLESTOWN, PA. June 19, 1885. tf A , Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s - FFICE and Dwelling. N. B. corner of Bah O timore and Highislreeumwt Preabyu-tinn Church, Ue!!ysburg;.[’n. i '- A’ov. 30, 1563. M Dr. J.. A. Armstrong, AVING removed Vrom New Sulelfi, York H county, and having locnu‘d st Middle to“ n, Adams county, ofl'en. hio‘ professional acrku lo the public. , [July 31, '65. Gun . Dr. D. S. Pefl’er, ‘ BBOTTSTOWN, Adnml county, continues A the pmclice of his firofcssiqn in all us bum-hos, and would respectfully invite all pen-suns nllliclevl wuh‘nny old gmuding din -9.1565 to cull and consult him. ‘ ‘ «n. 3, 1804. u’ ‘ ~ ' Edward B: Buehler, TTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and A promnll’y attend to all business entrusted to him. He spenksfthe German language.— Orfice ut‘the mlme plnce, in South Baltimore ltrtet, near Forney's‘drug gtore,‘nnd nearly Oppuaife Dunne; 8 Ziegler": store. ‘ Gettysburg, March 20. » , > , 'J.’ C. Neely‘ TTI)R.‘IEY AT LAW.~—l’xrticuhr atten- A liun pm] to cullcmion $9 Peppiunl, Buunty, \nnd Buck-[my Office In the S. E: turner of the [ii-.unpnd. ~ ‘ Gettysburg, April 6, 1863. tf D. McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (otfice one door wert A ‘of liuehicr's drug and book store,Chnm hamburg sheen) Anon" nu: Sbuon-on lon Pnnrs ND Passion. Bounty Land War nuts, BnZk-pay luspendéd Qinims, «g; a” other‘clnima again“ the Government“ sh ing'on, D. 0.; nlsoAmericsuCinima in Engiund. Land Warrants located upd soldmr bought,nnd highest prices given. Agents engaged in lo cming warrants in lawn, Illinoia'mnd ethn wentcrn Stnten sky-Apply to him persons”; or by letter. ’ . ‘ Ucllyshurg,NoV. 21,'53. ‘ ' H :' - IV Law ParthéYßh'ifiTfj—‘ W A. DUNCAN I: J. H. WHITE, , 'ATTORAEYS AT Luv, wm'pmmpuy attend to all legui hugi'ness entrlnted w'lh‘clu, iuchuling the procuring of Pension. Bounty, Back l’ny,»and all other clninu mating the' United flutes and State Uovrrumeuu. ‘ (mice in North West Cornet of Diamond, Cellyulmrg, l’elfu'n. ' Ayn! .1, 1505. .'.! .1. Luwrencq Hill. M.,D., XS his offivc (file 1 a . door we“ ofthe ‘3‘ SR ‘l'. Lutheran churrh 'iu _ _ Chumbcr‘ahurg street. and opposite Picking'a store. where those wifhing to have any Dos-null Opem'iun par-{onned'ure respectfullyinvitcdto rill. Rug-«nuns: ‘Drs. Homer, Rev. C. P. Kr. ut'u. I). D., Rev. H. L. Hnugher, D. D., Rev; Pnof. M.‘Jncu|;r,.¥rof. 5!. [‘.'Stmver. ’ beuysburg, Agni! 11,’53. . Cemetery. Removals. HE undersignml. being the nuthorfzed person T to muke rcmmals into EV. er Green Came: lcry, hopes 111:“ such as comomplule the rcmnvul othe rmnnius of deceased rel-nixes or friends WI“ umil themselves of this svxgson oftheymw to have it done. Removnli made with promptueus —terma low, {and no effort slum-ed to plume. , . PETER THORN, * Mnrch 12, '6O. Ke‘epeifiofihe Cemetery. Hardware & Groceries. HP} dubsrribers have just. relunued from T the cities with ‘nn i lucnse supply of HARDWARE k GROCERH'E', which they are offering at their 01d sgnnd in Ballmiore strH‘t, at pfiws to Suit the tunes. Uur’smck consists lu pmlmf BUILDING MATERIALS, -. CARPENTERS TOOLS, ‘ - . BLACKSJIITH’S TOOLS, ‘ cmcu “mums SHOE FINDINGS: ' CABINET MAKER’S TOOLS, ‘ , IIUUSI‘IKEI‘IPI-JR'S FIXTURES, ~ ALL KINDS OF ll:(iN,,&c. GROCERIES OF. A III; KINDS, OILS. PAINTS, &c., 62.0.! There lE\llo nrligle includul in the several dellznrtnu-nts menlii fwd pbo've but whnt can be hlfd at this Store-4: Every this of Mcchnnics cnn be m-cnnimndi‘ted hen “ii-l 1 loolsnnd findingsnnd lluu-ekvepers can-{jail may article in their line. Giye'us u call, is we are prep ired to sell an low for cash as any house 91» of the city.‘ , - JOLL B. ‘DANNRR, . QAHD ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, “.ny 16. 1864.9 ‘ . ’ The Great Discovery 5 I" THE‘AGB.—lnflnmmntory and Chronic 0 Rieunmfism‘mm be cured by using H. L. MILLER'S CELEBRATED.BHEUMATIG MIX’ TURF}. Many prominent citizens of thin, and the Adjoining counties, hiwo unified to its great utility. Its nuccess in Rheumatic, afl'ec none, inn been hitherto unparalleled by any specific; introduced to tho public. Price 50 penis per bottle. For min by all druggists and. peorekcepeu. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER, Wholesale n'nd Bunil Draggiat, East Berlin, Adamo county, P 3,, denier in Diugs, Chemicals, Gill; Vuinish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot- Ll~d Oill, Essences and Tinctures, Window ,Glus, Perfumery,~Pnteut Medicines, &c'., kc‘. flux. D. Buehleij il the Agantin ngyn ' urg ,tor “ u. L. Miller'l Celebrnted Elieumntic filinure." . [June 3, 1861. ll" mm a Work! HE undersigned continues the ' T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, n all its bhnchu, at bit old sundi in Em sliddle street. Gettysburg. , ’ NEW WORK undo to order, and > ‘'REPA I R I x G jone promptly und M. lowa-t. prjcu. Two first-tube SEEING WAGONS 3nd I fiLEIGfl for IMO. i JACOB TROXEL. lice. ?, 1863. . 9 Bale C'etint• W. FLBMMING confine: the hminm A. 6! SALE GIVING, And Iblicitl the con. finned pntron'ngo 9‘ ‘the public. It in hi: can punt endu'vqr to gt." nfishction. Chm-get nodente. Buidenqe in Buckiflfidge lu-eet, Sony-burg. x . P. 8.1-1!“ is a licenud Auctioneer, undo: the in Law OH!" United State!- ' Nov. 24. 1,862. ' Do You Wbgh 0 prolong u soon likeneu of yonné" your children, on your friendl? go It pact to lUKPEB‘S GALLERY, tho best phce n the count‘y to lecuta Bm. clue-pictures. , A Few 7-89’5 , z - TILL on hand add for “1: at THE FIRST S NATIONAL HANK 0F GETTYSBURG. \ GEO. ARNOLD, omm 06!. 9. 1885. 8! TTBACTKNG ATTENTION .—Tho Imporior Pictures ukon It MUMPEB’S SKY- I HT GALLERY, an Wen; Kiddie It, In l’gtélcting universal stpn‘iog. Good J‘lrdgu mgonuu them supexiqr ta my ever u on in {his glue. oan 3nd. cunning fbr youflelyglv ‘ ‘ Jug. mason - .ACO, Know in”, Ogu—isfifilg, Rice-8:7: ..nfl (Justin, {ornle IL Dr HORNER’I 13,... .___ . - , ‘ Unnmcqu my»; bought 5:. mi; -. 9' ' ”gamma, ‘.fir *2 ..7_ 131: n. J. sumac. 48th Year. The Oldgnt Real lit-tale 3 GENOY INfTHE' ‘ . ‘ VALLEY OF VIRGINIA.— Tms Agency hiu'ihg superior adynntuges. can show more, and butter grain :ind grazing. Farms and othtnproperties for sale to person: desiring h'omea, b‘nsiness pimsh &c., in this benutiiul and fertile Vnifey at less pricQs than 'nny other estah‘liahméntrin the Ville? of Vir ginia. Our office beingiomted in' the town of HARRISUSBURG/ncnr the centre of this garden of Virginia, n‘n'd being in direct rom 'municution by sm’ge Ind otherfinse with al most oxen-part ofthe Valley. prrsons seeking homes here, can have better fiwilities 'iox looking atund sulectingsuch properties as may suit the various tastes and means 0! the nu merous purchasers. A . _ We would resprétfuily invite the attention of purchasers to the PROPERTIES we have on hand for rule, being confident We can ac cpmmpfinte the mqst whimsicnl on such terms as {mnuot he bfl‘ered at uny‘ ol’her olfice iii the Valley. ”or properties range in quantity from (25) TWENTY-FLY?) ACRES, TO (2503) TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, r and in PRH‘E, at from ($3) THREE DOLLA RS T 0 ($6O) SIXTY ' - DOLLARS PEP-ACRE, and contain some of the 'vcr‘y but grazinghnd rain. FARMS in we Valley, and some of the moat.plcamnl nnd bezlulilul localitiés in (he anley. ; Uur town lots. business sites, and loyn, rcsidences, no not surpassed ,in the ‘ Vulley. I Tums rmt’tccoxxonfllxo. Anyone want.- ‘ ing inlormxui‘on, can have it, if any property ahout whicthey may inquire in our ndver- ‘ ,lisemenls by wxiling’ to us for a catalogue, I conninlng prices, disr-riplive lists. kc. These laude and other properties he in Rock inglmm. Page, Sllennndgnh, Wnrren, Augusta, ‘ lluvklnidge, Peudlelon, Hardy, Randolph, Al bemairlc, kc. ‘ ‘ Give us a call and you can, from the numer ous properties we‘ have’ fal- sale. lie nccomnlm dated on the best. of terms, helorc you loave/ for 3m" home. We are My“ times‘ prepared to’onvey persona 1010.0][9‘ lwnds lying In Line com'y of Rockinglmm, Troo‘uf clmrue. Address, J. 9. P 1110198; 00., , ' No. l and ‘2 anv' Building, Fl irrisonbnrg, Rockingham co., V 3. Dec. 4, 1865. Jim ' Tailoring; ONS .E.‘ KU‘MMERANT would take this L method of Informing his old friends and the public generally. lhst he has ngairi Com menced the TAILURING business in Grays burg. his new estublis’hmen't being in Cham hershu street. between Wuhinglon and West. Efivels, south side. He invites those in wunt of'l'diloriug walk, to give‘h‘xm n cull, and feels sure I.IIM. he can give s'ntismction. His sewing will be‘ found_ among the nealest and most. durable, and his file as good as cun be nnule. He éhnrges the lowest price tor Work, his principle of business being, “to'llve and let. “VB ”. 4 [Jant 8, 1866. Lndies‘ Oyster Saloon}. ‘ HE undersigned has the pleasurer‘hg‘nn- T mlncingyo his friends that, in- con cc nmbfxmh his cuxvmn‘loxum’ AND IN: 01‘» AIgI'SALOHS, he has opened an “ OYSTER. SALOON,“ with n bEPIXKATE DEPARTMENT FOR LMHES. . L Idies hud‘gutlpmén Visiting this Saloon will find the a commodntions agll may yufild 'dcsile. Uysters will be servenf‘uprin any style and in a superio; manner. Call and sed. ' ‘ H _ JQUN GRUEI}. lfi'ov.~6’, x 865. If A Few More Lon. N order to Innke‘room for Spring GoodsJ NORRIS is‘sclling UYERUOATS AT COST. an and look at them. 4* r ’ mm WANTED/fli‘purchnse rpm, JOO Puma and Vests, at NURIHSZS. OSITIVELY. xonms has sh} heat \‘mi'ety ofiGenzlgmen's Furnjshidg Goods in town, -3 l ~ OCKWOOD'S Linen Lined Paper Collars ut‘ , ‘» NURKIS'S. . LAaED PAPéfiFOEShS§ of Every va -riety und Style, at {NORRIS S. ON’T FORGET Hm! NORRIS Lee}; every lhi'ng in the Gemleman's line,“ his New Saute, in Ulmmbeuhnrg Ell-32%. , , ox'r mnem um NORRIS k'eepa noth ing but the hum styles, and in order to make room for nethyles, he sells‘ very cheap. ANOVER BUCK GLOVES, and all kinds of Back Gloves and Gauntlets, at. - _ ' NORRIS‘S. NDER cmrmficfgu gremly Minced prices, at , NORRIS’S. UR CABS of. every. variety End style, at [Jan. 12, lacs.) NQRRIS'S. _ ° Everfiart‘i 5 J . RANKLINFHOUSE, _ _: CORN!“ 0"}!935513 I FRANKLIN ITIIE'I'W,‘ BALTIMORE, MD This Home is on a dirbct line: between the' Ndrthem Central and Baltifimre jam] Ohio' Railroad Depots. It. has been refined and com forubly “ringed fat the convenience nud the entertainment of gun“. . Nov. 20,1565. tf‘ _ Picture Fgameu GREAT variety of momma FRAMES, A “ith‘g‘l‘nin and convex pluses, for sale at. lorner‘: rug and Vuriety Store. J‘une 26.1865. . . ‘ ~ ’ ' ‘ 1866 l- > 1896! 1866! “ ‘ 0 USE TALKING."—But if you inn: N 1 good and cheap Hut of any kind, ”ways go to ’ ROW & WO_UD_S. ELEGANT—BEST IN TONE—Tho: hrgc ‘ ' ulonme’ntoi Shoes norlellmg at lowan pri‘ceg by ROW k WOODS. “ HARPER THAN A inn—fin "..Thm‘e S lupeflor Rama—.nu cflmt India. steel —for sale cheap. by ROW & “WOODS. LEAR?!” TRACK! for I hue a new Car ringe Whip-11" belt 3nd cheapest out. 1 bnn‘ht it of ‘ BQW k WOODS. I‘ST SOl—When you do want I pair of go'odDgenhou At low price, nlwuyn go to -~_ ROW WOODS.‘ ET ONE—We are nip-in: out. another lot G of. Childron‘a Hm.- 11 less price than the nun-idem be panght. . Don’t min A bargain, V ‘ ‘ «BOW t WOODS. “ OIT 306T_S !"—éneu you come min: . G mfiv a wobnsgzore, m the heat pnd chgapen Boon come rom‘tbere, HE REASON WHY I buy my Hoolevy, Glenn, Sell-fa, Hoods, Sonuga, Breakfast hum, Thxud, Handkerch'uta. and 11l other notion: of Row “k Wood: is beam Ibgy nu cheap. 7 ' ARIES BASKETS Carpet'Snlfks, Hm Brush“, Ind Bedding Combs, or sale u To need price! by ROW 3 WOODS. ‘ 3131'st ms u bfbon bus ESfiw pricfl‘ognfw' BOWWOES. \ _ . A DEMCQCRATHQ AND FAWLIULV J©URNAL New Winter Goods. MALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES. ' ' J . L.—SC H I C K would respectfully my to the clti'zens of Get tysburg and vicinity. that he ll now receiving M his store | splendid ' STUCK UR WINTER GOODS. The flock consist; in part of Fancy 3nd Staple DRY 00003, of every description. SILKS. ‘ l MOZAMBIQUE, ~ ‘ CUALLIBH, . \ DELAINES. \ l , BUMBAZINES, . . ‘ ALPACCAS, i LAWNS, ~ N CALICOES, of 3‘] qualifies and choice" styles, which Will be sold at. PRICE-S T 0 DEFY‘ COMPETITION. . 'EURNISHXNQ GOODS of all kinds, including Silk,'Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Steering, to. Also, a splendid mason ent of RIBBONS, Laces and Erlgings, Umbrellas ‘gmd Parnn‘olsu -. My stock of WlllTE GOODS will be found full and complcu, and customers may rely upon always getting gopd goods at the lowest possi. ble prices. . \ Gentlemen yrill find it to llelr advantage tc call and examine lin stock of CLOTHS, , v CASSIIIERES and VESTINGS, , or all qualxtiea and choicest styles. < Jan. 1, 1866. , J; L. scmcx. Bargains 1 Bargains! EW FALL AND WINTER 60008. I q FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS iglmvejust r turned from N w York and Phila rfdelphia. wifih one of the Injures! stocks of new [EI-Ni}! and inter Goods ver offered to the citizens of Arkams county. They were pur lchnsgd before the late ris in goods and will «,bé son at. corral ending 1&0”. The niluspnlly { gran} demand for goods of very description for ”the Southern market, will‘undoubtedly ca‘use [.n further rise in the price of goods. We there ! fore advise all that NOW 13 THE TI) ETO BUY. ~ Our stock of Ladies' Drss Goods is cor'n plete, consisting of Fre ch Merlnoes, very clung), all wool Poplins, -ll wool Plaids, De lnines—Sln-pherda’ Plnis, Cnlicoes, Ging <hn‘ms, Plaid Gisella.Cobur s.Clolll‘s (or Ladies’ Clonks, unusually low, Si k! and all the latest styles of Dress Goods; ’ CLOTHS. Cassi'm'eres, ECassinets, Tweeds, K‘r-ntucky Jeans, Arc.r for Slen's Wear. ~ ‘l-‘I.ANN EELS—the large“, stock ever brought '.O this'mnrket, npd clump. Also, a large as sortmem of Clank 'llrimxnings, Shawls, Hands, Bnlmomls. and in facv. I. run and complete as sonmeut of all kinds of Staple and Fancy Goods. Our stock havlhg been purchased low. we hay again BUY YOUR'I'ALL & WINTER GOODS NOW ”Ming replenished our: ‘swrk in nll its de partments, we are preparéd to supply whatever ngny he wanted in ogr line} of busino" ices that dcly cofnpctition. 5"“ CAHN Sep't. 4, 1§65 { New Goods! ”\ HE PLACE TO . . ‘ \\ _ l 121 IIAKOYERI— ' “e heieh'y inform the pitizens of York and I Ade '3 counties, that w¢ have established, at {the Must corner flvCentre Square and ,l Baltimo street, HAN ER, forlqerly occu-~ pied by (LE. 3 T. ’ll. Win, 6 Branch Store, (the principhl businéss lhouses being located in Neero'l-k hm; York,“ Ps.,) where we will keep at all timo>§\i regulhr assortment of Dry, Domestic and l-‘mhcy G' DDS; also, a well se lected msnrtmeut of\Cl'. THS, CASSIMERES, l csssmafl‘s. com“ S and CDRDURUYS; China, Glass and Queenfixware, Ludios’. Misses’ and Children’s SHOES" Ni), 3 nice and lull assortment of nll 'kindh o CARPET, Floor [and Table Oil-cloth. ‘ \ 1 , ' We have also established in r ml adjoming ' the Cenlrul Hotel, a gCLOTHL STORE, ‘ where‘we will keep constantly on b "d a well selected assortment of {Ready-made othing,‘ {of the latest styles, end a full assert nt of ‘l Genflemen‘s Furnishinfi Goods, such as ets, Cops,£ools, Shoes, km; which we will sell‘el redu‘ced pne‘és. ' , X 5:“ our motto is, and always will be, ”quick sales and small profitsf,’ we hope to receive a ‘ share of the patronage _of town and coun-‘ try. Our connection with the large wholesale ‘ houses in New York City and York, Pa.,whene ‘ I are always stored at": extensive stock of goods, , l which we ,sell M. wholesale and retail, enables , ‘ us to supply onr‘old friends and such of our ‘ new customers I: will give us a enl|,.with the‘l ‘ very best. marketable goods, at lower rate! than can be purchased anywhere in.lho Stew. Call and,see_ior yourselves:_ __ _ __ ‘ JUS. LEBACH a: 1330. Hanover, June 25, 1865, 1y ‘ . , Glo b e I n n , ‘ You: 31., lieu run nuuoxn, \ . ’ETT YSB U RG, PA.—-The undersigned ~would moat.) respectfully inform hie nu merous friends and lhp public generally, that he'has purchased that. long eatablished and va‘ell known Hotel, the “(Hebe Inn,” in York street, Gettysburg, add will spare no efi‘on to conduct it. in a munFr that. will not detract from its former 'hl‘g rep mum. His table wrlfhave the belt lb maria can afford—hi: chambers are apacioq: and comfortable—and he has laid in for his ara full stock of wine! and liquors. There ip large atabling attached ‘0 the Holel, which will be attended by atten tive hustlers. It will be big cbnstant endeavor to render the fullest. s'rnisfuction to his gneatl, making his house as near a home to them an pouible. He uh I bane of the publlq’a pa tronage, determined line is to deserve a large part of it. ' Rememb r, the “Globe Inn” is in York luv“, but ue the Diamond, or.Puhlic Square. , ', 5 SAMUEL, WOLF. April 4, 1864. ll .' ’ Buggies 4: Cal-mg”. HIS WAY! walls WAYI—The under- T sihnod ls eagsgef in the Corringe-msking business, in West. Hi «11° street. our Geo. Lit tle’o old store-Mind, Gettysburg. and invites nll who may ‘need Inyching in his line to give him 9 all. He puts up,'in the very best. manner, Eminggtop And other BUGGIES, and all the dimmnt styles of CARRIAGES.- With . full knowledge hr the business, and . determination to give satisfaction, the public can rely upon his jobs being, good. Hg will endeavor to deserve a large share of pa tronlgn, and hopes to receive It. REPAIRING done 3‘ the shortcut notice, and on most reasonable terms. fiConnlry produce will be tskon in exchange for work. ' a CHAS. E. GILBERT: Gettysburg, Nov. 3, 1865. ‘6m* , Pictures: Pictures! 7 EV! MUMPER having purchased SamPel L Weaver’s PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, i: prepru'od to execute work in his line equal to any establishment'in the State. If you desire ngood likeness, finished according to thelatcst improvements in tlle art, call It, “3.9 above long-established Gallery, in West Middle Strut, Gettysburg. : (Jan. 9, 1865. BY Dr. R. HOMER'S Tonic and Altera g tin Powders, l‘br HORSES Ind CATTLE. epued 3nd sold qnly snug Drug Eton. Jimmy 25. 1864, ‘ ‘ ~. “M a Imm; and mu mu.” GETTYSBURG, PA, MONDAY, FEB. 26, 1866. , ‘4' LARGE sans , F VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. -—~On TUESDAY, the 27th day of, FEB i R 'ARYI next, the subscribers, Executora of , the last will and testament of Benjamin' All; l laun, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, at the Hate residence of said decedent, in Reading township, Adams county, one mile northeast of Hnmpton, the following valuable Personal Property, viz: 8 HEAD OF HORSES, (among them three 1 family Horses,) 7 good Cows, 2 Young Cattle, ‘ l [louné Bull, 2 Sow, 5 Shotes, 2 Broad-tread, l Wagons, (one as good as new,) One-horse Wagon, Wagon Bed, 2 sets.oi‘ Hay Carriages, one set new, Lime Bed, Feed Trough, One and Two-horse Roc’kaway Buggy, Falling-top Bng— , gy. Russell’s Screw-power Reaper & aner,; ‘ nearly new, Grain. Drill, Wire-tooth Horse 1 ‘ Rake, Threshing Machine and Horse Power“ "new Fodder Cutter, Cutting Box, Winnowihg, l Mill, a large lot of Horse Gears, Collars, Bri— , l dles, Wagon Saddle, Leather Fly-nets,_llous ings, 1 set of Double Harness, 5 sels Singlel , Harness, with Fly-nets; 3 Plougha', 3 Harrowsp Double and Single Shovel Ploughs,Uorn Forks; 1 Double and Single-trees, Spreaders, Log and 1 Fifth Chains, Butt and Breast Chains, Lines” ‘ Wugon Whips, Halters and Cow Chains, lot of, Bags,»a first-rate Sleigh, a splendid Bufi'aloi Robe, Saddle Bags, Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythes, Ginin Shovels, Griudstone. Wheel-' l).irrow,"2 sets of Dung Bo‘grdsrllikes. Forks, i Mattocks, Shovels, Flax Brake, &c.; also a lot , of Two-inch Oak Plank, a lot of Posts, and Oak Scnntling; a large quantity of llny by the ' ton ; Cross-cutsnw, Carpenter Bench and Cnr- ! penter Tools. ‘ " r. 1 Also,“ Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Tables and Chairs, Beds, Bedsteadsi and Bedding. Kitchen Cupboard, 2 Clocks, ! Carpeting, Parlor Stove, 2 Sinks, Stands, Wool ! Wheel, Spinning Wheel and Reel, Queens- ' ware, Earth'i-‘n-wnre, Tin-ware, Tubs, Barrels,—' ‘.'llem. Vessels, and a great variety of other ar- : ticles, too numerous to mention. . ' ! WSale "to commence at 9 o’clock. A. Ml, 1 on said day, when attendance will be given ’ and'iernis made known by ’ . ,' ' ‘ Ll‘lsllilii. MALAUN, ; , SAMUEL B. MILLER, John,Stnllsmith, Auct. - Exbcutors. Jan. 22, 1856. ts ‘ 1 PUBLIC SALE F VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. -—On TIIURSDAY,Ihe ls: day armrest; nrxc, \heaubsvriber, intending m quit farming, will'sell in Public Snlv, at. his residence, in Stmonn 'towmhip, Adims county, abnuc’fi miles north of Gettysburg, on the Hflrl'lSDlng road. the following valuable Personal Proper ty, viz: ' ' i . 2 HEAD OF HORSES,2 Mules, (well broken,‘)‘ 2 head'pt Cows, (one will be iresh about the first. of April next,) 2 Sbozes. l ’l‘hre‘h-bnrse and I Two-horse Wagon, Hay Ladders, Lime ‘ fßed, 2 pair, Wood Ladders, 1 Buggy, 2 Sleighs, lPlough: and Barrows, .Curn Forks, Shovel ' Ploughs, Cultivators, Horse Gears, viz :2 sets .Front Gears, _BreeL-hbauds, Wagon Snddl¢, new Riding 5.: l‘le, Bridles and Collars;Buggly | Harness, Line ‘Winnowing Mill, Cutziuz'llox, Grain Cradle, {Eulllg n’nd Single- trees, Fprks, Rukes,Shovrlséflnllcr and (MW Chains, Bay by the ton, Bureau, Tubs, Burels, Boxes, and many other articles, too numerous to mention. @5318 m commence at. 10 o‘clock, A. .\l., for. said day. when attendance will .be given laud terms made known by . A Ftb.l9, 1866. ts 'l‘ke Hummushnrg MUTUAL FIRBPRUTECTIUN SOCIETY‘ j—Stmement of affairs of the Society for the year 1865, up toanhuary 6, 1866: Amount of property insurqi, $920,485 92 Amount of premium notes, ' 67,463 0'! Cash in hand; at Treisgrer at last year’s settlement, $184598 Cash‘ rec’d during year, 357 61) By expenses of the Socie‘ty during ' . {hie year, 246 38 Amount in Trenpnrcr’s hnudé $296 29 Feb. 3, ”Gd—Examined an; approved‘by : _ ‘ PETER snow. 3 TOBIAS BOYER. ~ 1 MICHAEL DEATRICK, ‘1 Executive Committee“ HUWASBURG MUTUAL FIRE PROTEC \ TION SOCIETY. v ' \gconronuln Ann 8, 1858. ' Onion 4. President, John Hartman; Vice Presidant, David Shriver; Scare’tnry, Jacob FulweileflTr‘e: George Throne ; Eieco~ ive Commilm Shnll, Tobias Boyer, Michael DeMriv . ‘ , Humans: null, Jacob Fuiweilor, - ichnel Deatr uhn Hartman, Jacob H. Plank, E. W. 2‘ Franklin township; George Thomas, Stmbau ‘oownsbip ; Burnharz Myers, Mennllen township' Tobias Buyer, Michael Destrick, Sr., ButlxérQownsbip; John Mickley, Homiliouhan’iownshigi David Sim ver. Cumberland township. \ This Company is limited in its migration: to the canal] ofAdams. The Managezbmeel It the oflice of the Society on 'he first. Sétorday of every month. nLI o'clock, P. M. \ Feb. 12; 1866. an ESL” nno Sentinel copy. Fanny Sheep. AME to tereeidence or 'he snbacribér, residing in Mountjoy township, Admins county, shout. 11:; middle of December last. .- WHI'K'E BUCK, with hornl. He wns uenliu the neighborhwipbont the first at Octoher hut. JACOB A. HAILIMAN. Feb. 12,1866. 3" . OHN BOWERS’ , ESTATE—Letters ten tamentnry on rh‘e estate of John Bowers, Inc or Germhny township, Adams county, de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, the first named residing in the some ‘township and the last named in Taneygowu District, Md., they hereby give notice 10 all persons in debtod to'l’aid estate to make immediate pey ment, and than having claim: against. the same to prelent them properly authenticated for let. tlemenh WILLIAM BOWERS, ‘ , JOHN BEAVER, - Ju.22,1886. 6" Executon. . ‘ .Nouee. ’ ILLIAM GXTT’S ESTATE—Latter: tu umenury on the “at. ot lel'mn: Gin, ha of Union township, Adnms' county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, ruidingin the name townlhip, ho here. by gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate paymam, and those having claims ngainat the lame to pruem properly nnthenticdted (or settlement. JEREMIAH GITT, Executor. ' 1311.22, 1836. e: Revenue sun-pa / F any denomination constantly on hmd 0 Ind for sale at the First .Nnional Bank of Gettysburg. GEO. ARNOLD, Cnlhier. Gettysburg, Nov. 14, 1864. -'l‘ho yen: hu but. commenoed 6 . mad with it PICKING hu‘winced 13 prices wondufully. ' OIE ALOXIG and m a Inge Ind well po hcted flock of Clothing, Ind the ‘roéuad , _you can buy gun; a . mama's. SAMUEL E. YEAGY $542 58 Notice. s‘}. ' ; €— 2.7:: WE "3.”; ‘ ‘ . WI; I y: A " h 2 <‘. ‘ ‘ ° //-/ jrli2inttl LAND DRAINAGE. The land in Adams county is generally rolling. there are few counties in the State in which it cm: be said to be more beauumny so. wmm, however, the great body or the land in high and dry. throwing off the walk: repidly. and allowing early cultivation, fine are not a few low, we: plunge, which often inherit-m with the farming, of whole fields at the same time. There is one wax—and blit one—by whh'h this draw-hack can be eflcciimlly remedied—and that is by L'x'mm nmxxmo. no system has been resumed to by :1 _number of our Lvmemand always with the most. aneflclnl results. {a ‘ One or them- msul ls ngw before n.l, in ncom munlcutmu from one of the most intelligent farm: ers ln‘ Stmlmn iownship. ,Wo subjoin it. with the hope that lt‘wlli, this very Spring. induce many other: “ to go and do likewise? , antmnr Bth, 1866. H. J. BTAHLE, qu.-81r:-My dmlxr was made twelve years ago, through 3; wé‘ and marsh}; piece of ground, that was impxissuble 1n the Spring un til hay-making. It wasnsuudy loam. underbound by u stmyclluw" clay. - I first plowed three furrows,‘nnd shhveled out. Then hitrlu-d mytemn tnndem,nnd plowed again and again. slmvellng out the ground, until I not. down two and a half feet. Hardly used Lh_e mu?- togk any. ‘ The distance from the head or the marsh was, I should suppqso, 150 yards. I did not mnko the druln‘strnlgm, but _[ollowedlnpparon lly the wettest. part. and czuuc on n spotm. the rise or the uplan’d that had the upponmncc- nla spring. I thenmmmpnoed putting in'the stone, hyiny ing them on each side. of nearly equal height, leaving aspace of from three to fuuriuchcs {or the water to pan. and covered with surh stone “.5 hwi stint side,ns close as I could. Then put on thv stone shingle shavings, weeds, &c., anything that woulg prevent the ground from falling through, until the earth should beenmofieitled. Eithur I knew would (let-anyit that would make no dir- Icreucefinor a while. A. , “'9 have 'uiten ploned over' this drain, but it is stillguou. The “ET flows from the openingfrou sigh": until after most. excelleut'uml cool. ‘ , his drum given-me an advantage not only in farming the land iithin its influence, hut (uni) in passing beyond to the other put of the field :- he hidm such swampy and unproductive places are always eye-sores whore near the buildings, grout ly‘ nmn'lug the beauty ofthe plm‘e. ' I have since made other drains. by filling them with smne prinmlscuously, hut. careful net to fill thrm too high—also placing weeds or straw 9n top, to prevent the e'nrth from falling in among the stone. I‘bclieve this kind to he the bext, and they require the least labor. The kind first mun tloncd are lluhlc to be infested With the ground mole and meadbw mouse. ' ‘ The ground r‘edeemed by the‘dmins I can culti vate mum mullet man‘uphmd. There have been sen-. 111 dmlus made on a neigh bdrlxgg (arm like thé nm‘ first mennoncd, the land thus drulnml having been very swampy. Yo}: would hnrdlysuppose in passingnrer it. that there could 1x- afiy water underneath. 1‘ A greatly mnnyfamls might bc‘vnstly improved I}: drmmlng. Yours, 1 11. T. ' -—0 n aha pays—taking. as u doeshthc surplus water from tht~wil.whelher it originate in springs or be caused by tho tenac lty with which clay :Tnd hard-pan hold the wgler from the clquds. l ' c It 15 a mistake to kupposa that the land gains 1n fertility, or is ahy mofé capable of usisllng n smjcrc drought.ln consequence of the neglect or drulnnga. 0n the contrary, the (31160! of drainage upon such lqhdu l& to Pquulize the distribution 0! sncthdismrn, make them more capable of mint ifig :1 long continued drought. and pruvcm the ynklng of the surfaccnvhlch upon cluy soils su~ oftgn proves injurious to the cmps.—Ennon Cofinuzn. L - M, —\ rm - _ a, @kgnirs ifgisssllang MAJORITY REPORT I ' In the (“Him-Koontz Case. Coin“ Entitled to “In Heat. Prim Fade he Koontz Baird declared “ Mun." Tlie‘Adunq County Return Judges Sn;- umedx , 1' ‘ The Report of the majority of the Com mittee to whom was referred'tbe case of Alexander H. Cofl'rqth and William H. Koontz. cogtending for the right to the seat 'in Congress from this district, was laid be fore the House gcyeral weeks ago. The Re port entire is too lengthy for our Available gpnce; but we subjoin the most interesting po‘rtiona of it, including all that refers to the action of the Return Judges of this county, which, it will lfi’seen, is sustained throughout. 1 , . The Report is signed by several of the ables; lawyers in the House—and Republi cans at that. ‘ ~ , ' The Committee, after a brief allusion to the election laws of the State, the two cer~ tihcates given, and this Governor's refusal udEclare either Cofi'roth or Koontz eiected, go on teeny: _ . The committee found among the papérs so referred to them two papers, each on its face purporting to be such return, and might have being in some doubt as to which was the genuineofficial return, each being signed by a difl'er‘ent set of return judges. shye that the name of Nathan Winter is af fixed to each as the return judge from Fol ton county. and the paper purporting to be a return in favor. of Mr. Cofl‘roth is signed by only four judges, while the paper pur fiorfing to be a return in favor of Mr. cents is signed by fire; but they were re lieved from any doubt on this ‘aubject by the admissions of the respective claimants made before the committee, and by the statement of facts contained in tho opinion of theattorney general of Pennsylvania, Mr. Meredith. submitted to the governor of said State on this same point, which opinion each of the claimants laid before the com mittee and admitted in evident! so far as the statement of facts therein given is con cerned. for their consideration and action in determining the question of the prima .facie right of the claimants to the vacant seat. Aided by the light thrown upon the case, the committee Wer’e unanimously of opin ion that the eisons signing the said return in favor of hfr. Koontz were not the legally constituted board of return judges for said district, and had no lawful authority to make any such return, and that the four ersons signing the said return in favor of Eh. Cofi'roth “ere a majority of the legal returnjudges. and the only lawful heard, It waa‘admitted that both the so called boards met and acted on the some day, but the Koonts board a little earlier in the day than the other; both on the day and at the ‘plaos fixed by _in. Four of the five legal .3 IN'ADVANCFL return jhdges. therefore. being found to have certified that Mr. Cotfroth had receiv ed 9.475 votes. and Mr. Koontz 8.462 voteg, and that Mr. Coti‘roth had “received I ma jority ofall the votes cast as counted before the board, and is declared duly‘nnd legally elected a niember of the House of Repre sentatives of the United States.” and that he had been nwgrdeda certificate ot'elrc tion, it is ‘diflicult to explain why this re turn, thus made and certified by; these re: turn judges, does not show a prima facie right in Mr. Qofl'roth to the‘seatin question. But it is claimed on the put of Mr. Koontz that the Imid return shows on its face that the county of Somerset was not included by the said return judges in the count, and. therefore. that the; return is void. though it also appears in the return, and ulsoin the opinion at the attorney gen an], above reterred to, that' try: return judge of SomerEEt county was present at. Chambersburg on the day of the meeting, and was nmtied thereof, but neglected or refused to attend. , ‘ The attorney general, in his said opinion. also takes this position. and claims that the districtjudgesought to hove adjourned over and referred to duplicate originals of,the returns for somerset county. which he saysK wereficcessible in the oflice of the prothon oturyt, of said county of Somerset. To this it may he replied. that the statute makes no provision for any such adjourn mentor proceeding, and it does not nppenr‘ by the said statute that, in case where a Congressional district is composed ofseveral ‘eounties, any such duplicate original in re quired tO’be filed in each of the counties of .the district, but the original statement of votes given in'each county for representa tive in Congress, certified by 'the judges and attested by the clerke, is directed (sec tion 63) to be token charge oi by one of said judges, who “shall produce the same at a meeting of one judge from each county at such place in said diStrictns is or may be appointed by law for-that purpose ;” and when the district return judges hue met and cost up said returns, and made dupli cate returns of all the votes given {or such office in such district, it is then, and not ltill then, required (section 64) that one of said duplicate returns so-mpde by said dis trict return judges shall be filed in the of fice of the prothonotary of the court of common pleas of the county in which they shall meet. ' The return judge of Somerset county. therefore, in thus absenting himself from the meeting of the Hbard, and withholding from the other legal return judges the re turns from his county. and in thus co-ope rating with an illegal board in endeavormg to give a certificate to Mr. Koontz, was manifestly acting in direct. violation 01 law, and in disregard of his official duty. 18. is new claimed on behalt'ol'Mr. Koontz that. this voluntary neglect .ol duty on the part of his lriend. the return judge of Som erset county, shall be made to redound to his benefit; and that he shall in fact be placed in a betterposition than il saidjudge had done his duty ; for itnppears that ”the actual vote of Somerset county had been handed in by said judge to Said board and added to the other returns made to the harm], and included in their Computation. the result would still have been.the same, and in iavor of Mr. Cotfroth. The nggmgnte returns before the board, from all the counlies composing the district, wduld then have been as follows: _ Cafl‘ rot/1; Kmmiz. Adams, . 2.707 2.30!) Redford, , 2.504 ' 2 05:: Franklin, 3,457 3,508 Fulton, Somerset, 11.067: 9' Total, Leaving Cnffroth n majority 'of’93 on the face oftheoflicmlrelumsfrom-3111119 coun ties ofthe d‘strict. In additibn to this we have also the‘cer tifiuate of the return judge! transmitted tp Mr.Colfroth urequned by law, (section (15.) being the officml certxflcate of his elec ttcn, which in the omission apparent. on the face of the governor’s proclamation would seem to primafaci} ,eplitre him to the seat. The certxfieateof M 1- Koontz being signed. as we have seen: by persons n9} legal re tut'g judges, is, of course, wholly illeguland vo: _ t ‘ It is difficult to perceive the correctness or iorce of the reasoning which, while reu ogniaing the majority of the return judge; us the legal board and competent to act. yet in effect makes all their acts illegal and void, because one oftthe return judges of the district voluntarily neglected or refused to attend the meeting of the board and with hold‘from the board the returns from his county; thus in e ec; alléwing a minority of one a sort of v cover over the major it . yThe return certified by the majority cer tainly embraces the counties of Adams, Bedford. Franklin, and Fulton, and is an otficial certificate of all the returns present ed, and of the aggregate returns of votes from these counties; And as the vote of Sonnet-get county -ie‘ undisputed and would not have changed the result, we .see no oc casion orjustnfication, on I-pn'ma facie hear ing. for gmng beyond the notion of these return judges who met on the day and n the place fixed by law. and did all that the law required them to (10.1 * l» i I 4 e While the committee are clear in their opinion that on this examination of the matter specifically referred to them in this case they have no ’right to go behind the otficial returns of the proper certifying of ficers, and especially notbehind the return: of the county return judges, and that those certificates and returns in this case show that. Mr. Cofl‘roth bar the prime fan’s right to the seat. and they to find and report, yet they will add that on an inspection of the papers presented before them on be hall of Mr. Koontz. purporting to be re ujrtu of loldiun’ votes, on which he relies, they Ire satisfied that most of there no. cnlled return: are, under the act of Penn; nylvania of Augult 25th4. regulating glee. tionsin one of soldiers in actual military service, too defective on their face to pun. legal scrutiny, and here not entitled to be counted by the county return judges even if they had all been before said county re turnjudgea at the time of their meeting; for,while the said not is in some ofits pro viaions liberal, and says (Erection 27) that “No mere informality in the manner of carrying out or executin§ any of the provin ions of this act shall lDth idute any election held under the same, 61' authorize the re ~gum thereof to be n-jected,” &c..'yet there are many pther prowsions in regard to the manner of holding the Pleclirms, the ap pointing nnd quumying election officers, the recording and certifying thi orthl ad ministered to them before entering upon heir antic-{tho mode of keeping)“ m. t ‘ ‘ \\ Laying the. pan-books _lnLt‘ally-llfil ”556w iug 1h: numb ‘nnd throne {duet ofuch votqr and the number of Votu out. 1!“! thepoda afoot-tit lug Ind authmtiuting theireturnl of “10% role, which are eyep tiol ilnd materinl, (sections 2. 4. 5,6, ‘9. 10, t 3. 14,15, 16, 17. 18. 28. 32. 33. and g 3 ndfwhlch must. b 6 substantillly compl "it? to carry out the letter. spxrit, and in tett of the net, preserve the purity of 91m teioltu and pmperlr g' rel the examine of tln elective frmctmtf'l‘he vory'luuxu-fio of +9 teation quoted—[No mere Inform: i t ,’ «to. (section 27)~necemrily implie tial where there has not beemt substantial co ,pliance mitt: any‘of the mater-ill ro qni manta oltho art, Ind which ll opp.- ron on the face of the papal! thoumlmu. the the returns are to he rl‘jacle-I, or. age asi outlast until an iureatiéation inbutl ()an canted on 'the merits. ’ ]no of these so-c-llod return. {nrrßedford i county, of an election claimed tn hue been ‘ he“! at Barracks No. l Soldiora' Kept. Wuh inglon, D. 0., shown on the poll~buok the naxhén of only folly-eight electors as voting, which list is mrtlfiell by the clerk; and judges 13 cprrect; Iml rat the and ulorks‘ and judgqsofelection retulu an aggregate ofoighty-soven votrs us out for rspreuentn tiré in Congress, or thirty-nine more volt‘a than elecwru voting. whigh in manifestly an absurd and Illegal return, uni should not} and could not have been countedfiy I thgoounly return judges. The return also given no company or regiment (section 7) to filhich the soldiers belung. nor state: my lucta or circumstances to_ bring them with« in any of the spucial provisions of nection 20 the act, which could authorize them to opeh n poll or hold nn\l-l»clion thore. Sh alga the poll hook in the other no mllpd return tor Bedlam county. purport.- in‘g} to be for-compuny' N. 208th regiment. SilOYv~ only thirty-31x elm-tors from Bedrnr'nl county, while the return gin»; fifty SIX Volo~| for :ropreanntntivo in (.‘nngrt‘u. If it he claig‘negl that the poll-hook nhnwsthenumm of e rotors from other countu-s,itls a con clu ive reply that the hm (auction 7) ex pre 'ly any thnt "SE‘l‘H'NU‘jinn-i500"! shull he t-pt, null st'pulnlt‘ rvltgrnx myth, for-the vol rs'ol‘ each czly or mun/y ;" and we tum no nut ority glVPll tn the retulnjudgt-s 0! Bad for county to count votes carat. .lor other cou tins, and eapocmlly when. my in the 0118 of this last return, some of the doctors rest a in cnuntiea not mthiu the congress ionql‘distrtct. ‘ No. 22. OF the eight alleged ha erectod returns for Adams coumy, Nye three from the hos pituils, viz: Mowar, Cnyler.nhd McClellan. nrejhy a“ the cummiglee admitted to ho 100 def ctiveiy cvrnfied and authenticnwl to be infillud to any c‘onsidemuon. The law In lution to the cerhfying. signing: and rel mmg with [he pojl-book'tha c-Inluuce of! e mlnlinisiering thoplh ‘Mhenflicngs 0H eelocunh (~eccions 51111015) was whol ly mvgnrded, (Sen aim on this point the on: offilair mfli‘srreu, Bartlett’s Cnmpub ed‘ ‘lectio’n CJSQS, page 315, and cases them oin l.) 50 aim in the case of colqpn‘ny C: 202i] 'regimvnm. where only one judge of ale lion animus to have. been nppointod. or Worn. or acted, the committee wereulikoi um inmus in their opinion that thefetum; wasEnvnlxd, (-toctions 4 and 5,) the. law 91-]! pro: ~ly regmrmg three.‘ (See also Howard‘ v. 9. jCooper, Bartlett’s Contested Bection' Cues, page 282.) The "Emma of company 1.2}01h regiment, do nst show that. two of the 'udgea or the clerks W 919 sworn, a cor‘ txfi PLO. of which tbelnw (:eguom 5 and 15) 9x 'essly nit-"L 'See alsr fif Blu' ..«ly requires. (See also 0330 ox \ulr mrelt, above cited.) The fetuma fo'r panics B n'bd G,‘ 1381 b re iment, show those twozemnpnuicswotefi tqgcther as I'm]! and having the same election 06]- , both judge; and clerks. The law 11!. (:0 J thn | one car I (~e Hon 2) directs that‘n poll shall Be open ed {in our-h company. and that all electors bcl using to auch companymnd within one mil oithe quarters on the day of (election, an! not prevented by‘ ordvrs. 6w... from ru tur Img to the quarters, shall vote at such pol. The return shows olfiocrs of both co ,panieslpm'ticipnling in the election, in dicicmgregulnr cd'mpnny organizxtionr,nntt ,dojs not set -lnrth nny oi the facts to bring the electors within any of the.exceptioml chi uses of. the 'smtute, (euctioné 2. .32. null 33. 'l‘hoflturns for company B, 21:". Pann syl ania “Pair-W either show the'judxea an clerics of election to have been umn'n bef re one James Mickley, who was an oili cer; ol' the election and had no nithorily (seftion 5) to administer such oath§ or else t.h t neither of thejudgns or hierknol elec tioV were sworn, and in either wise is in viofiation of the law. (“ections 5 and lb.)— 'l‘h paid-Look or list. of eledtors voting at ,suifi Bloc inn is not CC‘l‘tlfiOrl[lB.loqull‘fi'd biy 11M. (section 15,) nor'wore sopam’m pol - [books kept or separate returns made (st-c -,lioj)'7) for the voters of each city or cnuntv: ibur, it would appear from “him is claimed I to have bevn intvnded torn list“ the elec ‘ltmis thatthere were forty-four whose nnmvn .nnjl residences are given—four from Frank ' in county, ouelrom York, and thiriyvniuu i‘l': m Aulqnm couniy—while tony-ope voles or certified mach-st for representative in‘ GTgreas, Leinatwo more than there were el cmrs for Ad ms county. , . he remaining return for Adam: 90‘3th co puny K. 184th rg‘ginienthbeing l im- Cqfirmh and 39 for Koontz, would not. lily hafi‘been counted, have changed the remit. “’l' would still have left. a majoritx of 70 [or Ml.Cofl'roth. ' ' I a i at n,‘ 807 , 535 1,592 2,512 10,974 he committeé therefore recommend the‘ a ptinn of Lhe following resolutions: i ‘ snow, That Alexandar H. Coifroih. u on the certificates and pa ers relating to th election in tho sixmentg congressiOnEl di trict of the SW!) of Pennsylvania.‘hns th priyqafacie right to the "can! nut {mm Ih t dialri‘ct. and is entitled to‘tuke tlllm' on b ol ofliae‘nnd occupy a oeai ll: 1. .u h me an the representative in Cunurru from nairl'gllrlrict, witliuu't prejudice to me right of William H. Koony: claiming to h ve been duly «lei-ted thereto, to don-tut [’3' rigikltn said neat upnn the merita. esolvc-l, 'l‘hat William H.Koom deni rirfi in come“ the right of lmnornblo Alt-x -nnider 11. Unfl'rolh to neat in this how an a I‘epresentativa‘ from the sixteenth diltriei ombe State of Pennsylvania, be. and he 11. rpfiuired to serve uponihe‘rnid Cofi'rmh, u bin fifteenidnyu nfler the passage of this re olulion, a particular qument .of Hit gr unds of mid contest. and that the mid G (from be *lnil he is haraby requiring; to as- we upon said Koontz _his answer therg-lo wi hin tll'u-en dnyu thereafter. and tha: bnlh p. lies hg nilowml sixty day! next flier um ac vice of mid Answer to hike lentimtzny in nu iporl. of their'lsevelnl‘allegations .nn‘d de~ ni is, notice a! intention to examingmt new 10 ha 'given to the opposite party at 161‘? five days below their examinqt‘gn. bu. neither puty to give notiho of “dung; teétimony within less lhhn Evy duyl‘ b - twbeu the closed taking i: n one plnoqnnd iué commencement at nncthu. buffing“ otter re‘pncm in "ho manner premlbed in th net. at February 19, 1861» , ‘ . ; Doctor Barr ', ‘3. ‘sur mm in the n . lisF Army. ”magma: n‘ Corfu. 35.5. w n known as u mum .nrgeén. IMeré a fieputation for grant eooanuicity. ‘O3 h‘ d mbed he gave orders that bashouldyz bu ied as he lay, without. me usual re «m -tinm given to the bodiei of the chaff; his ex‘iwd the curios“: of his a‘tendantggwl before placing hi’m in the cntfin tbny mhda amexumin‘ution', discovenngmanhe‘ doctor wail: woman. . , 2 ; ‘.‘: WA poor durkoyuwho was sent to in“ foé marrying two mvesh excused hm t-y 3a ing thuL wnqqusrpwzme shn {qugbc In , but. when be'hhdtwa .n.; _ 4 .. ,I. each 0; r. ‘ ‘.‘ ' “I's“ w- : . ~>\ . ' ‘. j Ir jih- big}?! :3, ‘ - "3"" "gal u. Magma-9 ”9 hh.A."‘.-n. m m (Janus Um B. L. Bum. .‘. Ponwn Bung. '. C S. S. Musing, . Wu. Imm;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers