r . s. -1» egg ~ . 'Wififitm l tth,'lM tin community, will re- Ih‘lflti the injury or both races. end the ru ‘ lngfinbervtheother. . -. 1. loan l have'no desire but the good clue. whole bum-n rsce. ‘1 would it were fish: I" you edvocste- could be done in the dhinklina of no eye. 'But it is not in the mature etchings. snd lilo not name or ptetend to be wiser than ProVidenoe. or ‘ emmthsn the him of nuuro. Let um how seek to discover the laws governing! this question. There iso great low controll-l in; it. Let us endeavor to find out whsti that low is. and conform our auction to it.| NI the .detntls will then properly sdjusth themselves. and work out Well in the end~.;j ’Gad knows thst anything lcsu dol will dog} Jinthe mighty process by which the grout sad is to be reached. Anything l out: do}‘ to elovste the ratios. _to soften snd smeliorfii st. their, condition, l will do, endvtobeh nbleto do so is the sincere desire of. myh hurt. 1 cm gladlto heve'met you end" then! you for the complement you hard; imam. .‘ -- , ‘ H t Mr. ADougltus-l have to return you our} thnnhi, Mr. President, (or so‘kindly grsnt-t , in; ii. this interview. We did not come‘ liereiexnectingto argue the question with; ‘ your. Excellency, but simply to state whst were our views and wishes in the premisesi if we were disposed to argue the question» 'snd you would grsnt us permission, of c6hrse~~ivc ‘wonld endeavor to controvert . lone of thevpmitions you have assumed. i .' Mr.’Downing—.Mr. Douglass, I take it {hit thh President, by his kind exprwioni‘ and his very full treetmsnt of the subjeél.‘i must Above contemplated some reply to the” siews which he had Advanced, end in‘whichu we certainly donut cohcur. I say this with‘ ' due res'pect. ‘ 5' ~ The ‘President—l thought you expected: me tandlcnte. to some‘extent,'whst my] views. were on the subject touched, upon in your statement. ‘ Kr; Downing—We are very happy inJ deedkm’hnve heard them. . 1 -- Mr.‘ Emulate-If the President will nl4) low me ‘I {vould like to say one_orl twq words in reply. . i \ "l‘he President—When hsve done is lsim‘ ply to indicate what my vwwssre, as l supiy post- you expected from your address. l i] l Mr. Itouglrtsi4My own imnressioh is. that the very thing that your Excellency“ would evonl ll] the Southern Stutgt, can 0}” Iy he nvertetl by the very measure that wet proposal end [. would shite to my brother. I. tlelegit that‘because l perceive lheAPresii "(lent has taken strong ground in favor of e given policy, and dislrustingmy own sbil‘: ity to remove sny of those impressions‘ - which he has expressed, l thonght‘we had better end the interview with the exgresr‘ sinn‘of our thanks. ’. H - (Addressing the President.) But; if your Excellency Would be pleased to hear, I would like to say a word or two in regard to one matter. the énfrsuchisement oi the black as s'mesns of preventing‘the very thing whichyour Excellency seems to up? A prehend—tl‘ist is, e conflict ol ruces.— . l ; ’l'h'e President—l repent. l merely wants ,ed to vindicate my views i reply to your address, end not to enu-r lam -u_iay general controversy. as 1 could not well do so urt tler the circumstances. .' Your staleme‘nh was s veryfrunlr one. end-J thought it wi‘s’ - due you to meet it in the same spirit; ; ' . Mr. Downing—'l‘hnnk’yom sir; j“I i The President—l think you will find, so for as the South is concerned, that. it'you ' will all inculcate‘ therethe ides in conned-i tion with the one you urge, that the colored people can live and advance in civilization | to better advantage elsewhere than crode 1. ed together in the South, it ,would be better for them. ‘ \ ‘ i ‘ “Mn Douglass—But the masters have the width}; of Ithe laws, and we cannot get __ tawny rom t is plantations. _ ; r a , The President—What prevents you? 3; flr'mgrmrlflzrfign‘ . Mr. Douglass-We hsve not the simple; T “15" an for all is!“ ‘ right ni“looom0tiou through the Southen‘f, s". The), have'been'ufid i‘: blntee “Mt .1 ’~, i cssei with unfailing success—i t The President—lf the master now con-'nmml in ""3, case for wide my a” trols him or his action, would he not cou- ! commended, and particularly in all was “w trol him in‘his vote? . A, - iing “on; . > i t Mr. Douglass—Let the negro once under: OBSTRUCTION. on. STOPPAGE OF NATURE stand that he has an organic right to vote, ino matter from what cause it arises. They are land he will raise up a party' in the Southern ‘ t-fl't-ctusl in restoring to heslth II“ who are suf- Ststes among the poor who will rally with {ering irom~Weskuesit sud Debility, Uterine him. There is this conflict you speak of‘ Discharges‘ Nervousness, aim, to. &c., and between the wcnlthy sluveholder and-the; they “ACHIkES Chum," illfiirewlhenifll the - poor man. " t 'system. Thousands of ladies who have en!- 4 The President—You touch fighf uponlf‘ircd.‘°~‘ year: end tried variousothcr reme. the point there. There is this conflict, and ”1168 in \‘sin, owe s renewal at their health and hence! euggeet‘emigmtion. If he cannot ' mmShiitwllitfxliivvtltz’yghsqugitctflzzé);rLrs g: em£gfgn°2‘;:h::9hb°£' ha?” "‘ m ‘ They are perfectly harmless on the system, IPO '.v g .. e 5° ' .msy be when at itny time with perihct snt‘ety ' Wet:P2l32:gdéfidighrsudgeréztfiggsiiihifltliiz - but during the esrly stuges of Pregnancy they . ' ' should not be taken’ or e misctt rris e the be fume “Pd, b“ Proposed to do 50 Y follow- I the resu‘tt. ‘ 'l‘hey' n’erer'cEnse ’iiny‘ sicktiess m“ diilerent "0““??- _ . ~ . pain or distress. Eech box contttins 60 'pills l Mr. Douglass. on turning to lo ve, re- Price One Damn, ' parked t 5 his fellow delegates: The res- ~ DR. HARVEZ'S GOLDEN PILLS .ident sends us to the people. and we ill s remedy for specinl cases, rounds-grees'sirong have to no and get the people right. ‘ er than the shove ; Price Five Dollars per box I .'l he Pretident—Yeir. sir; I have gres A Private Circulsr to Ladies with fine snu imt'h in the people. ‘I believe they will do‘ mics] engravings, sent free on receipt of di - what‘isjuet, snd have no doubt they will 1' ted envelope and stamp. . ‘ settle this ‘question right. and hope thattiti new: this out ”you desire Dr- HM'VCI’E will.be submitted to them for full solion.i 'Pl'lsi _‘nd "you Cédnoi 9'00“"? them 0r I 0“! k The delegates then bowed sud withdrewldruumv d 0 not “I‘o My 0w", for some '; 7 1‘ ..¢——. ‘ deniers‘who are unprincipled will recommend Let Us Have the Anmerf—The Bufl'ailo o‘h'rhm'm Pills, “my ““‘m'fl‘e ‘ “'3‘? dsily Courier hes a simple question it wishes: 38‘9"?““931959411‘ “‘0‘”? “‘1 SEN $ll - put to ito_radicnl cotemporsries, nndfive“ rect ”DR J BRYAN C ‘ ‘ . hare they will answer it. Should Congre‘ssi Box 50:9' _ it“ P;'“~“"K Phyiichmi re use to admit the Representatives-of the ‘ Ind ' .'ll - - " “”4““3" 3°" Ymk Southern Styles to their 'seats on the. yo“ m “we"? “m” P°"‘P"ld securely “ ‘ d‘l h ,- ‘ 'ci -sesled trom observstton. by return mstl. . groun 1‘ st t ey are. out of the Unthn,‘ Dealers supplied by Demu Bun“ EGO - whtwwill they do with the stars which,wfiolenle Age“. New York . ' represent thoseStstes' upon "the old flsgtr' . . ’ ' " Do‘they thenwelvee pro e todefsoe theiw' ‘ fisg about which,they me msde suchl s ‘ noise}? Let us hue an answer, gentlemen, tothil simple question. t-—_, . -—~ » The 80%! in Elem—The returned‘eoldien i nobly dl’ their duty on Tuesda'y 1i“. ‘A, very large majority of them. mic toiheir! principles and epuming with the comefixpt Inch cgnduct. deserved, the lying agpeak made to their grejudices, voted the emo ' credo t'ivket. hey thus grand their devo tion to the Uni'on :md~ ohaqizution. end edt'nihistrred a withering rehuke to the negro aufimge party who 9ndeavored to use‘ them for" their own nefarious purpoaea.—' Lamter Intellzgcncer. I _- » -——<C-4 Manhood 1 amp EDITiUS,‘ rm,‘ mound—lob pnzég, by Ronn- E. BILL, H. D. A can , flan, Addressed to youth, the murried, and ' ”M . Patterun, daughter of Presi- ‘hoae Counkyurma Hum“. -Sentbymnil dent Jo‘hrgson, in repre's'ented t 9 have his y pon-pnid. on reciipt natal “72128", A eulo- Wnd fauhi‘gr‘fipse> fgmqq:l}oflhi. 3am“ book'hu been I. Boon _ . A _ , _._ ° gro no IT, I‘7“‘ 'Aifucrfib, And has saved thoupands powu. Tho poo|>l° 190 “3“ foal "I“ the! iden- 3 life or misery and In untimely grue. If. not 411 mbe bummed any longer wi‘h' . m or; the e'villbe Youthful Ipdilmtion, “‘.' 53“!" of the government “Beading 11““? Abuse, Semml \gfskneu, Emiuione, h ‘ ‘ bi k ' f . ~ and Ia! Dine-gel, Geni Debilily, Lou of . .‘. long’boon I M .pot 0111 M 5" 9" ”455°" N°"°““°"’ P"‘9\‘PE° Dewy, impo. butchoon at the Gibulur of Domocrwy.— ”I’l ”'Lhd'bfimh uni; g: mfl‘orer flan: - t e tionl o i . gfinfi: 1°" "t“ ‘1: °'°-" . I“??? [mm {gum-n,” mu J. $5521, ‘ . r: B?“ 0"," ° luocgu °_ ° inf-1L Chunk!“ Pziliciin. .'Y'Il“ lunl ticket; he? “I“? 0“! 0f ox 5079. ' «'1 Brady”, 5y Yoxk. 'Mfignum with n cheering «lute, Jung. )4. mm 1, Hgk‘uh‘n «_lélinod so go tho whole round of ‘ Road at; Kféiuylnhb. Look out for Dem jmt’ii ail-fie; uni. your! So an the Po— :lificd Allin-o. 'Gen. Gem-y isSilnon Cam’emn’l Inn :3, Bizgl, :mée’u,‘ Sari. of “1&1”, gold Jot Go‘v'emor'. X: Sindhi} one’oflh’e signal E?“ °"' .°- _° 5° POIId “ NE , , . , , 4 - », - LLAR «ch, vmhout re rd to "I“. not ;;;::If}:u;y a?!“ Influx: JD: (1;: g": 33: (grant! you RSI win: you In ’ on a 0 Pro: on o no . ‘ . “*3 - Iii"I - and“ tint I 3 “1103”.“ 1” 6°” Bunting-cu. WIN". flinch-“3sin fiat). earninl 3% F“ -in ‘mhv :50 to $125 .. ~e A: "Lil? 'Lhw—i‘; mgulg;w“:h"l “flip 20 ‘o' '35 gsmsmawem ... ma- - ..:.. “ ' 333 g.“ ii'afi“3:¥’£::’z°:: 5 h ' 99,3190“? Quin-p President Johnnoli; nomd,)uch, ’ ' 3g, 10 Infill. um If 3 king of England, some 0022- P 1“? :1“? ‘333"?°“;°f 3'3“" °f "‘l'! r -- . n Inn on or tel In I: ’w’o v . antics-gt; I:4th : £01: .P’gfi‘dW‘ bu. [Wish 51160 from $310825 .22.. “3.3.3524 W ‘93 , diupoain of chm good. It 01- Don. , ‘ .__.___7 ‘E‘Qch it uh {gnarl : u , i' aum '0 I"; bound ‘0 My.“ Room- cuarmm'rss mung u ARTICLE «a » paw olAklclgflmt- ~,' '~ v liu‘firié: ue‘pllood in ffitlfiD EiWLKLOPES ~ , 71—1"? P" 5“". M: In! miuqune 9 vic vi lent by tM. N" Yggfi'figgm‘ggn‘," 11-jlfo uyaddvmu on receipt of {*rjce. On. WW ‘w ‘1 a . "N Continues can“. Five for 31. There IM‘ 25:.- . am “m“a'i‘fimfiu‘; “W“- Ymv‘g‘rnwm _ n , our mm W . .icl swag-del’mmqnho whoh 5m Mirna“, ‘~ AJ. umfioo. - My...“ .g, ‘, Mum... .-.. .... M. . .Wu ....“ .23 my. {ln Ymt. "mm 7 " Carma ya nur’rnn H. 009 ‘l'll Clllfllf [IDIOIII 0' "I A... sum: mum 10': sickness, .n.: a setup from San-ow, PIN: and Dina». Bryan’s-me mus, IhflIlLY mirth“, , are admitted to be the 3331‘ FA MIL? MEDI CINE lor general an. Purifying um Blood and cleaning the I mm "on: I“ impurity. _ BBY’AN’S LIFE PILLS, reminle the Sum-ch. Liver “a 3mm,- Se rreliuna, which in the chief emu of Nervous nex-s, Giddinou, Dimneu of Sight, Hendgchs, Sick scam-ch lid other kindred complain“. Hundreds of Carljflcuel can be Shp‘wn. They have been nscdiy thouundc with mecca. . BRYAN' LIFE PILLS, are, ndnpud for nil age: Ind con-luminan- The’ are composed ot the n-ctivr prinriplea of Here: and Roan, culled Irom‘onr- fieldl and {ores}... The, are qnild bul'cerum in Quit operation—producing neither cramps, gnpnng. pain: or nit-knell. They Inn; be tsken by .1] aces, cexc: or conditions without fear. ' ~ BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Cuu‘gudsche.’ QRYAN’S LIFE‘ PILLS, Cure lck Stomach. ”RYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Cure Giddiness. BRYAN’b LIFE PILLS, Putily the Blood. AlBox of BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS will con bu TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, Ind till pccomplish I“ that in reprosonlad. They nre deg-nu] put up by the proprietor, ‘lhe inventor of BRYAN'S PULMONIG WA- F 3113, l modicino Mai Ind Invoubly knowi to tho American Nuiou. ' _ ”you wish Brynn'a Life mm, Ind-61m")! gel them ofyourdruggm, don'uake any other, but send Tummy-five Gents in g liner t 9 the pmpriexor, Ind yqu will get then: by return of unit, post-End. Addreu, ‘ ‘ ~ 3’ DR. J. BRYAN, - 442 Brondvny, New York. P. 0. Box 5079. Dealer! can be Buppht‘d by Damn Barnu t Co., Wholesale Agents, New York. \ G-LAD' NEW'SX 4 lon ran uxron'ruyun. v HEY CAN BE (Issuwtmour DETEC- Tle, and do not. inturfere'wilh business pursuité, and NO CHANGE OF DIETJS NE CESSARY. ' ‘ ‘L Bell's Specific Pills Are wn ranted in 11l cases, for the Speed; and Permanent Cure of Seminal Wetkueu, Ureth~ ml an Vaginal Discharges, Gleel, Sexual DisenséL, Emissions, Impotencg. Genital and Nervou Debility and disuse: of the Bladder and Ki neya. 1 They are adapted for male or female, old or young; -nd are the ofllyvrelinble known for the - ll disc-mes Hiding from IYUUTHFUL mmscmrrxox In all Sexusl Diseasel, u Gonorrhea, Stric ture, 0 eat, and in All Urinary and Kidney complu nu, they act like; churn). Relief in exporie iced by taking 3 single box; and‘ from four to, ix boxes generally eil‘ect n cure. Sold in boxes containing 60 pills, Price One Dollar, or six boxel, *‘Five Dollirs; also, in large boxes, containing four of the small, Price Three Dollars. ‘ Private Circulars to. Gentlemen only, sent free 0n receipt of directed advelbpe and etsxpp. _ It 11"“ need the Pills, cut. out. his advertise mem for: tolerance. and ifyqu cannot. procure thgm ofqour druggifil do not be imposed on by any oth'e; remedy, but enclose the money in a letter to - ‘ . r =7 DR. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, 7 Box 5979. 442 Broadway, New York. and may will be sent to you, secure from ob servation, byJ-oturn mail, post-paid, bn receipt of the money. ' t ' . 'Deulers auppliede-mu Barnes 8 00., Wholesale Agents, New York. ’ ' IMPORTANT T 0 L The Private Indigo! Adviser. (Exclusively for thin.) ‘ 7 N invaluable "mu-lac of 100‘psgel, by Dr A J. Bun'eyhpnblilhed for the benefit of the sex. - . On receipt of TE! CENTS, it. will be sent pant-plld. in s Ruled envelopefif :11 who _ap ply for’it. Addresl ‘ '_ _ _ , DR. J. BEYAX, 44?. Brand's], N. Y. \ Box 6079. \\ . 5 _~______.__________________ m‘ M \ luml ‘ m, ] Watchman Jewelry. _ ~ by ‘OEKNCES: FOB 31,—41wm7 _n 1.0% ‘1; ?wn 1100,090n'tchn, Chains, Lock- ‘ ' ... _A New 81056, A” A Nlcfoxs 1- o ’M i’ III: .u 691100“? um “an stoaxl oi York may 1 door. an of the “Globe Inn," ' “ Geuylburg. Pa. [11: room In: beanvhndumn-ly Mindy-11¢ Eu“ elven Ire lowed with the men uriety of goods in his Illa ever ol'end in this plum.— Thil is no boating talk. 0‘ II Ind see Mr younohn. Hil uock cannot‘bc delliled in the “min of an Idverlilemem—bul he will mention he no“ prominent, viz : A SUGABS, all gudel ;, NOLASSES, uven diluent "defies; cut-TEES Ind TEAS, 11l kindn; # SHOES, I full ulortment; QUEENS-WARE.G|uI-w|re,Earthen-ware; ‘ LARD, Mackerel, Herring, tc.; ‘ GREEN APPLES, Dried Fruit, ta; HOIINY, Pontoel, Beans; ‘ '. CRACKERS,Crum. Bode, Sager and Wnter; COAL OIL, 0011 Oil Lllnpn, Wickl, Burners, Shades. &C.;‘ ~ . GLOVES, Stockings, aid Hosiery in gencnl; PINS, Needles, Thimbm, .n.; _ u JEWELRY, Soup! Ind Perfuperies; S\lo§lNG Ind Chewing Tobu‘ccoa.ull grades; SEGARS, I" builds. Ind nll‘prices ;‘ KNIVES. Forks, Spoons, Cnatun, am; ' POCKET KNIVES, Pocketlcombn, Pocket Books; ' ' ‘ CUNFECTIONS, of .11 kinds; FRUITS, Nun, kc. to. kc. kc. In short, everything that could be thought of in laying in t nook {on firat clul Grocery Ind Vuiety Store, Bo intends to‘scll CHEAP, 30mg uponjhe prinéiplo 6f “quick Julep Ind lull“ profits." ’ . [Jam 1,1888. Don‘t Read This, . ‘ , NLESS WE WANT I'o . | S A‘V E )1 0 .2“ ‘E Y I How and! how bun-tending are the evil: ‘of Wnrl North-t Peace III“ becn 'l'ellored lthg uulnnal cry la; How long! 30' dear! :How in we to livel Will the oxorbihnl Iprices for the neceuuies ol lile never decline? {From the remoté comer of Adam! county, in “the small but. ~prosperoul town of Fsirliuld, comes the welcome messenger will: tidings of heme: dnjo. ‘ ' ' . wBEAD AND PROFIT!“ DASNER «it SHIELDS have just returned from ,the enitern cities.l (having allowed their stack ofguuds to be very much reduced weir,- ing for a. decline in the markets.) The time n! length arrived, they armled themselves of the opportunity, hasxened to the city, end are now prepu‘fl'd to‘supply the want: 0'! the needy.— Uur stuck ol LADIES' GOODS is better than ever belore. That for the UENTLEMEN is un- Kurpnssed. Toenumemte wuuld helnperfluous. “ QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," is our motto. Uur atoqk being eelected will] cure, we here usert that we ’nre enabled to sell as cheap, and we think cheaper, than can he bought anywhere else in the county. Close buyer. pnrticulnrly, will find it It; their advan tage t) give us I sell before purchasing else where. , ”Gonna-[produce mken‘in exchange for Goods: ’l‘hfiukml for, pasv. favors we hope to n‘lerit n conunuance of the same. —: ‘ - ‘ : mum: a; SHIELDS. ’.Nov. 6, [865. tf ' ' Reduction! Reduction 1- N and utter November 13!. 1865, the fol 'O lowmg rednl-ed scale of prices will be adopted at v._he “EKCELSIQI§" SKYLIGHT GALLERY,vnz: Vignette Photographs, per dozen = Ah u . u u _ u u u £ to . _ .‘.' 1 75 Canes dc Via. or plain, per d0zen.:........ 3 25 “ “ “ “ 'l‘7s .. 1 u \ "i .. 125 u ' n ' "1» u 100 P3O! onn xnonms. ' ‘ Vignettes, single copies, 40c. or 3 fdr......5l 00 Canes f 1“ Vim, or pmn, qiugle copies, 351:1 , .or 4 for.l 0C In addition to the above every picture will be Lently tinted without extra charge. ’ - There is a feature in the above to which I wish to direct special attention, viz: I will make {our Vignettes, or three plain ‘pictunee from «be first negative. Heretqfoze it‘has been a rule not to make less than‘su 0! one and our of the other. ' ‘ I take this opportunity to th nk the citizens of ‘ettysbnrg and the public enemlly, tor the van luau. patronage extended to the “Ex celsior,'~since its establishment, and hope by strict “atrntion to business, coupleli with the “Vantage 4 over ten years ‘uninterrupted ‘prac‘ficemf t- 1 art, to merit e-continunnce of the ensue: ISAAC G. -T,YSUN, ’ ' Successo to the Firm Tyson 31105., 4 Nov. 13, 1865. \ Gtfifisburg, Pa. ,I-‘rqsh rrlval. ATS, CAPS, 800 . a SHOES. . comm a: co. havejust received and opens mother splendid * assortment of HATS, CAPS, BUUTS and ' SHOES, for Summer wear, w’h b they are ‘ selling at very low prices consi ring the times.» The latest styles of Summer; '- zta and Cups, of every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior make, and ‘ ”I warranted to fit, always on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on shprtno tice, by expegfinced workmen. Also, ' . RNESS MAKING,‘ / carried Qn in‘nll its branches. Persons want ing an) thing in this line wuul-l do well to call. [QE‘Don’t forget the old stand‘in Chambers btirg street, if you want Bargains. June m, 1365 . . Fresh Ar 'val. , EW GOODS.—-A. SCUM! & SONS have ‘ iuit received another line nasal-imam. of MQW GUUDS, consisting. in part of Cloths, Qusimeres, Cnssinets, Kentnckyhenns, and Tweeds, .for Gentlemen‘l wep. Mao, I fine Assortment of . x LADIES‘ DRESS'(3OODS. Our stock has been seiecte viith great care, and we are prepared to sell as gheap at any other eaublinhment in tin Country. We ask the public to give us ‘ cal! and- judge for themselves. We defy competition, both I: to quality Ind price. A. SCOIT a SUNS. ' Sept. 11,1865. Grain a Produw Wanted. HE finderslgned having purchased the in- T are“ of Myer: t Win-man, Forwnrding and Commission Merchants, in New Oxford, Adams county, wogbd respectfully notify the farmers and the pa lic generully, that he will continue me business a; the’old stand at the depot. in thu placé. The highest market price will be paid for WHEAT, RYE, coax, OATS, BARLEY, CLOVER 3nd .TIHUTHY SEEDS, FLOUR, km, to. ‘ A ' ' _ Also. GUANO, PLABTER, SALT, LUXBEB and~COAL, constantly kept an hand for ule, Ids-ether with ageneml usaor‘ men 0! FAMILY GROCERIKS. - AVID HUKE. Nov. 27, 1865. an: FOR THE HAUL—Tho Orgiul and Genius Amanda is prepared by, . Au.“ anu, and in the but hnir dreuidynnd pruerntin now in nu. I“ stop! the Inuit filling om, cmue‘a it. to grow mick sud} prevent. it. from turning prematnnly my. I: attain-us du drul. chum”, hematite. and render- the hair 06"., glouy nd only. Buy it; try n sud be convinced. Don‘t In put a: with a Iplllioll article. Auk tor Ruvu’ min-63in and min no other. For 8:10 by Dragging and Dale" in Fancy Goods anywhere. ‘2 Price 15 mu poi Bonk-556.00 get do! on- Addnu übEVEs'ußausu EPUT, \ .' K 62 Fulton 81., {gr York City. 9a. n, 1065. 6a AOO3 OULP’S ESTATE.—Lemn of sd. minim-Idea on the um. of Jacob Culp, In. at tho Borough of Geltpburg, deceuod, buying been waved to the nnJersiguod, resid in: in the um. plnce, be hereby gin. node. to .u pendu- indobud to uid came to muka lunedinlo payment, 3nd than living chin" Quid“ nu nme‘ to present them properly chnflulod for union»; Wit. 5, CULP,Adn'x. Jun. 15, me. a: . All. Ind see the non buntifu! won. C min of new JEWELRY, such Al Brent-pint, Eu Dropu, , Fingé Rinzl, Locke“. Chains, hm, n .l. BEVAN'S, 09PM“. the Bunk, Gettysburg. 6 At. ‘BOBNI‘B'VS yeti ‘csn g» 8 60 Briana, 09"“5 59‘1”; hr“? q , Glam a, in gun misty. \ ..- 'MIMI J. A. {llmm COBEAN LCRAWFORD. Reeves' Ambiosise Notice. , , _, 100.000 bani. Grain Wanted. NKW FIB-II A'l' HI ' ' A OLD WAWOUSE. WI. I. RIDDLE #OO. would atom the public'th. th’ey hive ieueiji the Warehouse on the corner of Station street and the Reil roe‘d, in‘Geny burg, where they will an; on we Gmixuiw pizunuca nusmss . in eii its bnuchei. The highest ‘pricu‘ will ei wsyl be gen! for _ “WE AT, BYE,v ' .‘ CORN, OATS, ‘ ,CLOVEE & TIMOTHY SEEDS, ‘ FLAXSEED, sumo, ' ' HAY & STRAW; Dried Fruit, Nun, Soup, Hams, Shoulder: end Sides, Potatoes, with everythiufieise in the country produce line. , ON HAND, FOR SALE. . Coflees, Sugars. Mainline, Syrupafll'mu, Spices Suit, Cheese, Vinegar, Sodn, Mustard, Burch, Brooms, Buckets, 81-ckiug, Brushes, Soups, ,bc. Aiao COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tet, kc.— FiSfl of all kinds; NAILS AND SPXKES; Smoking end Chewing Tobaccos. They are always able to supply I first. nte "flog: of FLOUR, with the different kinds 01 FEB. . Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOS and other fertilizers. QCOAL, by the bushel, ton. or car loud. Their Cars run to Baltimore and back twice a week, and they win be happy to carry good: either way at moderate charges. Marketnfin, country merchants, and othera,will fin‘d ism their aduntage to patronize this line. They ask I share ofthe public'a custom,und vill spare no 'eflort to rendér satisfaction to all, lelleru or buyers. , ‘ WM, E. RIDDLE & CO. Aug. 22, 1864. tf - Coal, Lumber, Stoves, «Ice. HARLES H, BUEHLER C Would respectfully inform the public thnthe will continue the busineés lately con ducti d by the firm of Shanda & Buehler. at the old stand. corner of Carlisle and Railr‘oad streets. He will -be prepared to‘fur’nish THE BEST QUALITY OF COAL, and every \‘nriety of LUMBER, including Doors, Shutters, Sash; &c. Also, every variety "of Cooking Stoves, among which are the NOBLE COOK, ROYAL COOK, wanmxa. TON. WAVEERLY, PRINCE ROYAL, ORNAMENTAL COOK, «to. Also, PABLOR, DINING ,: ROOM, SALOON AND SHOP O - V E - S Mao. eveiry variety of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, manuCthurcd by the best work men. Also, HOLLOW WARE of every variety, including'a superior article of ennmeHed work. Indeed every vnriety of Kitchen Ware—will be kept consmntly on hand. Al3o,!he Iar~famed“UNIVE.RSAL CLOTHES WRINGER,” for which he is the sole «gem. in line counly.. ‘ , ' . He is Mso the agent for Wheeler t,WHsou’s Sewing Machines—the best in use. April 10,4865. ' - ‘ c. H. BUEHLER. E Not—lons k éghfeolloh‘s; vA WORD TO THE PEOPLE OF~TOWN AND COUNTRY HE subscriber keeps a Notion and Confec nomtry Store on Csrlisls strret, nearly opposite the Railroad- Statign, Gettysburg, where he has constantly on hand, CANDIES, NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, km; Tobsccos‘und Segars of all kinds; Packet- Books, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, km; ’Sospsmnd Perfumeries; also some GROCE RIES, Sugars, Cotfees, Rice, with the difi‘erent kinds of Crackers. Ice-cold MEAD up all times. He invites custum from town jsud country, and sells at small profits. ' , , LEWIS STROUSE. Aug.. 7.1865. 1y , $4 00 2 25 ‘ Good Things from the City} W E are receLYiug twuce n‘ ieek from} the city a variety ol article: suitgg to the wants of this community,'vfz :-' Fr sh andSnlt FISH, Hams, Shouldersjnd Sidgs, Hominy, Beans, Salt, Appiéa. Potatoes, Oranges, Legions, Coufeétions, Tobaccos, 'Segurs, with any other articles in this line—n" re‘ceived in, the bgst order, nhd 391 d M the lowest profits. Give us a can, if: Baltimore street, nearly opp§sife Fnhnestocks' store. ' ‘ WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Lard, nud‘ all other country produce—for which,the highest eush price will be paid. a - SWEET POTATOES—best: qnafily, at low an living pn‘ofiue-alwnys on ‘Mnd. Also OYSTERS, fine and fresh—in the shell on shocked. Restaurants nndJ‘amilies supplied: STRICKHUUSEI‘. a: WISOTZKEY' Gettysburg, May Is, 1863. New Gouda : Large stock: ERCHANT 'TAILQRING. _ “I JACOBS Ar BRO. ave just received from the cities 3 large stack 0! goods for Gentlemen’s View, embracing a variety of . e CLOTHS, ‘ . CASSIMERES, ‘ ~ YESTIN‘GS, Cassinets,»Jenns, he, with many other goods for spring‘nnd summer wear. ‘ They are prepared to mnke up garments at ~ e shortest notice, and in the very best man-‘ he The Fashions are regularly received, and clot-'ng made in any desired style. They «L. ways u ke neat fits, whilst. their sewing is sure to; be an tamiol. ' ‘ , ’l‘hey as a cominuance of the public's’pu tronsge, res ved by good work and moderate charges to ear it. ‘ , - Gettysburg, A i] 7, 1862 ' ' ‘v New ' : ehouse. . B SHELS 0F GRAIN 00 000 WA ' ED,“ the uewGrsin and ProJuce House, in Cu. ’sle street, adjoin ing Sheadl & Buehler’s es hlishngent. The highest night. price will elw '. be paid in cash for GBAXN, of all kinds, ' FLOUR, SEED , to. Alweys on head end tor sale, at. the s :- slleli profits, GUANOS, ‘ - _ SALT, FISH. ’ ’ GROCERIES, to, ‘ Wholesale and retail. TRY US! We shall do our best to give 'letini‘eetion in all cases. . . McCURDY & DIEHL. Gettysburg, flay 11, 1863. 1y ‘1 e Carriage-making Buslnqnss. HE war being our, the undersigned have T resumed the ' CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, . M. their old mud. in'Eust Middlegtre’es, , GETTYSBURG, ‘ . ‘ . when they Ire ugfin prepared to put up woxk in the most fuhionfible, subsunzml, and cups rior manner. ‘fA‘ lot of new' and lecond-hmd CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, H), on hand, which thry will dianose o! n the lowest prices; llld all orders will be supplied I! promplly and luitfntorily u possible. wILEPAI§~ING doué with dispatch, and It cheapest ntel. A large lot. of new Ind old HARNESS or. hnnd for uh. .' - , , 'A‘hsnkfuhfor "the liken] pntrouge hereto fou (njoyed by them, they solicit sud will u.- deamr we deserve a large mm in the (maze. BANNER. t ZLEGLER. Julfio, 1865. u ‘ ' ‘ New' Idea, ND A GOOD ONLY—BLACKWELLt 00., .Gilsey’n. Iron Building, I'll Bmdwny, ew York. Invewomm'encedllho busineu of akin; SUBSCRIPTIONS to all the‘ PRWCXi PAL lAOAZINES and WEEKLY PAPERS, for SHORT PERIODS, (quarterly or huf yurly.) u the lowest yurly rutu, olfering a. grant. Advantage to lover: of literume, who my will: m uke lovonl public-timi- plying bu»: a little moaey all time. l-‘nll particular: in I circulu‘ um. on Ipplienion to my ad dreu. *.*A GOOD AGENT WANTED in ml: town. POSTMASTERS no requested lo and lo: our circulu conniniug inducemenu. BLACKWELL t 00., 111 Brown"), New York. DecJSJBQE. 3:: ~ 1 New gator, L MOB? &2! LEE, Mechanical Bak- N err, 86th Wuehgngton emu, huh I nm on the Eagle Hon , GETTYSBURG,§’I.— Constantly on hand; the be& of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES; PNETZ S, to. Per lou‘l wishing fresh Bread hill be con-ed every morning, by leu’mg Ifieir name: And residence: a the may. Every clan mule to plane Give u I eel}! (Maine, ’63. t! Gm: W ‘ Tu" Golan. Buys nm'o Al. ‘ ‘ aALsmo commn, .- txmzcrozayr: , A Remedial Age‘nt prepnred to meet the ur kent demgnd for e prompt And ule Antidote for 11l Pulmonary Dimmers. If properly used it will give haunt relief in almost eve? in lunce. and will prove In efl'ectnll in n m‘ljoeltzv or the lallowlng cues Max:33o” of the THROAT AXD LUNGS! such us Colds, Cough. Aatlunuic Tendencies, Whooping Cough, Soreneu of the Bye!” and Brouchinl Alfcctiona. . When we first commenced manufacturing ihe Expectorpnkfor our home connumpiion it. Was not. our intention nor our desire to put it before the pnbiic u I “cure-ell,” nor to pub lish a long list of testimonials u on evidence ofite curative pluperties, but. the demnnd for it. bein'g to great snddecidedly on the incense, lies induced, and in $l3 compelled us to pre pare it on A much uger scale, Ind also to establish ngenciel throughout thin section of ihe country. ~ , All we ask is the: those thus afliicted may give it s. fnir trial. tlm it may prov. its many udvnnmges over other prepllrntlone of: similar nntnre now being employed. The price too‘throws it Within the (each of all, being but 25 end 40 came a bottle. Rem-137i]: syrup. HE MOST INNUCENT, PLEASANT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY IN USE—A Rn- IDY Penna:- nr henna—No Gator 0:1 to be »Taken.—4-ln this Prep-mulch we have included lsuch remedies only as have been tried for [years and are known to possess powerful euthelmintic v‘r.ues,’ combined with. mild inparients, plenum: aromatics and sugar. An ‘thelminlica of themselves cannot perform their pecu-lmr functions or have the desired efl‘ect, unless the bowels are kept. moderately open. To produce this. gentle purgotives are men leery and such only-ought to be used that can inot interfere with the unthelminlic employed. The advantages we claim for this Syrup are: - lath-11l power of DESTROYING AND EX PELLING WORMS‘. . 2d. lii mild apericnt effect upon the b'o‘wels 3d. Its plenum. taste and odor are n’dvun; tngea possessed or claimed by very few Venn: ifuges, - . ' 41th. In harmlesl influence upon the system, consequéntly no injurious efl'ects will result from its use should lhn‘putiem have no Worms, but an apparent. disease, arising from some other unknown cause, which is frequently the case. The constituen‘s of this Syrup and its Ifl'ects are known to \nnny Physicians, who are now using il. in} their prnctice to a. large extent. ~ Price 2'5 cent: 3 bottle The Greatest Linimcnt in tM.~ ELL'S WHITE OIL l—Tlle Blended. Clean eal, most Penetrating and most Economcal Lihé'menl in Uu."—A poweifiii Oleaginua Com pound for the SpeedyfiCure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprainé, Wounds, Numbness ‘of the Limbs, Frosted Feet and Hands. Spuvin, Sod dlq Gnlls,_ Poll-Evil, Ring Bone, Bruises. Swellings of all kind-,4 and in iact every dis ease for which an Embrocolion in applicable, either in Man or Bengt. Price 2'9 c‘enm alim lle,——Thil preparation, which in o"igiunl with us, .will be found to be one of the nicest. my! at the a me time one of the most. reliable up plicxuions exmnt. ' - Having been employed v ry extensively since its introduction {nod ie‘eling suiisfied at its remediul liroperiiegwo-re ommend inviih the utinost confidencé; knowing than. no one will be disappointed ifns use. It. is, as its name implies. a. whitediaimenl oi the consis tency of cream, Containing nothing offensive, but, dn the conlrnry, will be found more plenum. than otherwise. ' Belifs Alpemtlve, a CONDITION POWDERS! - u 30:: HORSES, _CA'I‘TLE a swmn 25 ceins 1. paper, or five papers for $1 The Immense sale of these Powders during the short period they have been before the public, i 5“; aufficiem guarantee of theiryrent pgpulaxity, and the decided benefits derived from their use. They sre'confidently recommended not only es s preventive, but as ,5 complete cure for all diseases incident to.the HORSE, COW or HOG, as Boss of Appetite, Coughs, -Hesves, Yellow Water, Distemper, Glenders, &c., kc. By their use the Horse’s Appetite is improb ed, all derengements of the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin, end giving to the cost e sleek and shining‘ appearance, and may be used with perlectsafety» at all times, as it ‘contnius ngingrediehts which‘ can injure a horse, whether sick or well. ' ~ They cleanse the breathing apparatus by ejecting from the air, cells conguluted matter, or that forrnstion which so severely clogs them,'causing I tightness in bren‘hing, end by then} peculiar action on that pert, they csuse the mucus membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood and restoring the distended ressels to their netursl size. ' . For luttening cnlntle lhey are invaluable, also poasessing‘peénliar properties in increas ing the quantity ofamilk in Cows, thereby giv ing them an imporuipcé and value which should place them mthiu théhuds at all in terested. l All diseases to which the Bag is subject, as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, and as a general purifier 6f the blood we guarantee 1 pir efficacy if'once;fnirly med. ' [Q‘Sold at Genyshurg by A‘. D. Buehler, othecary. and by ‘Drnggists Ind Storekeep e; a generally. Ask for Bell's Prelmruliona. "Prepnrtd exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe cary, (Gmdunteoof she Plxilndelphln College of Pharmacy,) West‘ Washington St... Huger:- town, Md. [Oct-.16, 1865. ly Forwarding Business. CULI’ h EARNSHAW’S LINE. AVING .purchued the Werehonie and Cars heretoforeowned _by Samuel ller'ost, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will run a . LINE OF FREIGHT _CARS fromGettyeburg to Baltimore everyweek. They sre prep-red to convey [freight either way. in -nyqnnntity. They will uttenq,“ desired. lo the .. king of pnrchsses in the city. end deliver ing he goods promptly at Gettyxhurg: 'l'hc-ir cars“ un to the Warehouse ofisT‘n‘VEN SON k ONB. 165 North llowsrd‘q’eet, (nelr Frsnklin, Beltimore, where treigh‘hyill he received at -y time: They invite the sttKntion of the public - their line, assuring them that they will spare 0 effort to ucwmmodete ill who may pntroni ’ them. \ Having purch‘ue thevbuildings and lot 0n the Northeast corner Q Railroud'end North Washington streets, Gttysburg, their Depot snll remain there. Any ersog heviug bull ness in the forwarding line. e respectfully in vited to cell; CULP & ABNSHAW.‘ Aug. 7,1865. ,' ' ’ _ K No ILumlyu , , EMOVAL. _l . ‘ HOLTZWORTH ALWAYS AH D'. ; .THIS WAY FOR BABGALVS.—JOH. L. HQLTZWORTB hi; just returned from to City with the lug-gent and most complete unort ment of BATS AND CA PS, BUUTS AND SHOES; that In: been brought to, w thin lown7lince the war. His stock is not only complete, but in GOOD And CHEAP embnciig every nriety of Boots and Shoes for Men Ind Boys. whilst the Ladies will find ovorything in their lineflrom the finen Gnitex to tho heaviept Shoe. Children'u Shoes at every description. in great variety. Also. 1.:- ‘ diu’ Hutu, fine quality, and Children’s Hall, ofall stale: and pricey. Aim, Trunks, Curr pet BIgI, Yolius, Umbrellas, Glovel._Stock inn, Tobscco, Gig-us and Notions m "cry description. fiDon't forget the place. South-cut Car. of this Diamond, Getlylhurg, Pu. ‘ JOHN L. BOLTZWOBTH. April 10, 1865. tl Canaan’s MARBLE WORKS, a an; Cotter onlu BIA-Mud Bdti. not. "act. nearly oppooiu the Stu- aloe, GETTYSBUBG, PA. Iver, description of work executed in the ' ‘ hlm nylo of an A“. April 17,1365. u . LL who wish a fine Album, go to E. H. A MINNIGH'S Communal-Lin Chamberl burg '"‘°"‘_M__ ’ r ADM’ bums 18101803 1:. grv' m. Lrlcty, n "' , SC” ‘.. Ne! human use. as can? mvsnnox or rm: no: I IN HOOP SKIRTS.~J. W. BRADLEYfS ew Pulent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKmT.—Thle invention coneilil of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs. ingeniously hrlldedilgutly And firm ly together, edge to edge, making the tough est, molt flexible, elastic end durn 1e Spring ever used. The, neldom bend or break, like the Single Springs, Ind consequently preserve their perfect and beeutiful Shnpe more than twice as long 35 any Single Spring Skirt. that eve has or can be n‘mde. r : fie wonderful flexibility end great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced partingarly in all crowded Assemblnen, Operas, Curr ages, Railroad Cars, Church Pewa, Arm Chairs, for Promenade Ind Home Dre", u the Skirt can be folded when in me tooccnpy I smell plnce an easily and conveniently u 5 Silk or Muslin Dress. . A Lady bowing enjoyed the‘Pleuure, Com fort And Greet Convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic: Steel Spring Skirt for I. single dnywvjll never afterward: willingly dispense with their use. For Chlldren, line: and Young Lndiee they or: Inperior to all othen. The Hoops are coveted with32~ply double twisted thread and will wenr twice as long a: the single yarn coyering which it used on :11 Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rode on every Skinnre also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing ofl‘ the rods when dragging down'etnirs, Itoue steps, he, .n., which they are constantly subject to when in use; All are made at the new and cleglnl Corded Tapes, and are the b‘est quality in every pnrt, giving to the Weml‘ the most gnceful nnd_ perlect Shape possible, snd are unquestionably the lightest, moat desirable, comm-table and economical Skirt ever made. ‘ WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, Proprietor! of the Invention, I‘lld ‘Sole Manuf-cturerl. 97 Chambers, and 79 h 81 Reade Sheen, New York. . - ‘ ~ For sale in I“ first-clans Store! in thin City, sud throughout the Unitéd States and Canada, Havana. de Calm, Mexico, So'uth America, and the West Indies. thuiré‘tor tho Duplex Ellipiic (or double) Spring Skirt. L . ‘ .\'u\'. 2'l, mg. 3111 , Great ' Attraction ‘ T BRINKBRHOFI-"S CHI-ZAP CLOTHING A AND FURNISUIXG STORE, It the North East. Corner of the Diamond. The subscriber is constantly in receipt offresh goods from the Eastern cities. His stock of . - READY-MADE CLOTHING 3 is one of the largest and most attractive, in Well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fashionable ‘st)les, and of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men sud boys.—- Gentleman's furnishing goods of every descrip. tion, 'Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosieu of every description Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hund kerchiuts, Neck Ties, Crnvnts, Linen and Paper Collars, Huts, Cn'p’s’,‘ Bouts~ and Shoes. Um brellas; Trunks, Volices, Cairpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushes. Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blackiug, l’ocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns. Pistols, Violin and Violin Strims, Soups and Perl'umeries, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking ond’Chewiug Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality of Segursz In tact, his stock embmces everything usually found in a first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to,comeuud see for themselves, as 1 sm determined to sell goods lower than any otherestahiishmcntio the country. Don't forget the place. Corner oi York streét and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHUF F. July 4, 18354. . ‘ Adams County UTUAL FIRE INQURANCE COMPANY ‘ ‘lscouronuno, )lAucu 18,1851. UIFICEBB Presideht—George Swope. Vice Pr'rsident—Samuel R. Russell. ‘ Seaman—l). A. Buehler. Treasurer—E. G. Fnhnestock. Executive Committee-Robert. )lcCurdy, An drew Heinueimsn, Jncoh King. » Muslims—George Swope. D. A. Buehicr; R. McCurdy, .\l. Eiqh'elberger, S. R. Russell, E. G. Fnhnestock, A. I). Bushler, R. (L McCreury. Getlyshurg; Jsuoh King, Slrnbun township; A. Heintzelmsn, Franklin; Wm. “D. ililnes, New Oxiord; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersvilie; H. A. Picking, Strahxm township; Jnhn Wol ford,LnLimore township; John Picking. Eusti Berlin; AhL-l T. Wright. Beudersvilie; Ahdiei I". Gitt. New Oxford; Jus. 11. Marshnll, Hum-i iitonbsn township; John Uunninghruu, Frce- ‘ dom township; Jahn‘ilorner, M'ountjny tonn~ ship; Wm. Ross White, Libertymwnship. ‘ Elihu Company is limited in its opern- i tions to the count)~ of Adams. I|. hus been in 1 operation for more than [,5 years, and in thnt period has made but one assessment, having paid losses by fire during that period amount- ‘ ing to 513,088—56,769 of which have been paid during the last two years. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Hummers for further information. [Q‘fl‘he Executive Commitiee meets at the office of the Company, on the Ins: Wednes day in er‘ory month, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Oct. 16, 1865. ti Pianos ! Planofls! FYANOS H—The undersigned would respect iully inform thepublic tlml he can furnish P ANUS of the following manufacturers, or those of other make, if desired, at. the Lowest possible prices: ; Q A . cmcxrzmxo & soxs‘. ' “ DECKER {RUE}: ‘ HAZYITU.’ BROS. - HAI) IS BROS. GEO. bTECK. , A‘. H. GAHLE z 00. ' ’ STEISWAU L' 5053. ‘ [Q‘Pnrlicuhu attention is given to the se lection of Pinnos; and when unselected, in m}- tio‘l to the manufncluréra’ guarlnted, the Piano: are guaranteed by rm. MASON & HAMLIN ‘ CABINET ORGANS AND MELODIANS. ‘ The recent improvements in these instru ments m such as to fully warrant snying they are FAR SUPERIOR to any othermeke. One of the best evidences of their merit is, that their improvements are imitiléd by olner , makers. The new style, four stop'orgsn, have e Sub-Bass and Octave Couplet, making it an instrument especially adopted to Church and §abbalh School purposes. . ~ ’ DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULABS wilibe sent b’y mail to persons desiring them. Pinnh‘tuned regularly. Pianos tnken in? ex chunge.\ PETER BENTZ, ; . ' \No. scrim Market St, York, Fe. 1 June ”fig”. ly - nah-pushed 1850. OTICE OF WOVAL. LAW ENGE D. DIETZ £OO., respectfully be: have to notify their friends, customers and the pubiiggenerelly, tint they have removed from No. 1 l Frenklin street; to ‘ie commodioas ionr—storstre-house, NO. 803 BALTIHOBRSTREET, ‘.en Howsrd end Liberty, there they will ‘ future conduct the Wholesale Busi ‘ely iii \ ‘v_. Trimmings, 1 \\ *nishiu‘g Goods ‘x ' ~Perfumery, kotions, \\ Stetionery, Uutler‘yx Toys, to, 86‘.\ to which they invi the attention of city snd‘ country purchuers, cling confident of their sbility to ole: indnc snts in prices‘end quslity of Goods. x .Orders by mail will receive prompt stun tihn. Address ' " LAWRENCE D. D 2 t 00-. 308 Baltimore street, sltimore. Inns :4, 1884. - t be! Q. for th nos-no 1, Hell: . - x l i n at. ‘c u now-rd Mm , ‘ HILADELPHIA. PAP—Diana - flu Brian: Ind Saul S’MHO' nd re Inblo "Mani. Also (he BRIDAL 01” l. BER, :1! Busy of Warning Ind Instruction, cent. 1- salad ennhpu, {no of chsrge. Ad drug Dr. J. SKILL“! HOUGBTON. How.“ Anwdntion, No: I, South Ninth Street, Phil..- dolp‘hiu, Pa. [ost, 2, 1865. 1, If you In! In thin f 1866.1)rng Scan, BUILN'EB’IS 1,30%: phat loget it good sud chap. ' ”.‘m f lull-din Van ch u A" Q" ' "° HGKINGQ'R rourifl Hum anfiéfi'a Powders: ,7 “,7 ....u lnekknt no this Inlmd unéh n LUNG FEVER, GLANDIBB, YELLow’ WA. TEE. H lAV as, COUGRS, DIS- _ TEILPER. FE. VERs, rouvnzn - 14088 Ol‘ APPE TKTE AND VITAL ENERGY,“ h- III! Improve! m thznd‘ “lamina 5 pc he"; va a I£OOsh And plan, Illa—and transform: I. h e -.. alter-bl: Ikclcton into n fine-looklng Ind rpm“ I‘lci __Ai, ‘5 ‘l'o keeper: of Cow-‘(htu prewrnflon ll Innlmhk. It mare-.n. the gummy unl hupmveu the tummy oILhC milk. It hll been pmvenlhy Ic . ‘ 2» . - fl Itum] expe‘rgnw‘ “A a “W .2 nmue o qua “‘ m, of milk and , »:-'- chm went, W ‘Q .‘LK ‘ gem. 3nd gun a: 4.. In" rm ll ‘9“ ' Incl. In bunk; f I 41 ' C‘llth‘givnmlll ~ q‘ ' m ‘ an upwuk‘ 100-em, ‘3‘ ‘5. H '4‘ ‘helr hide. Ind , " . ».., 5... ’.\“~ nuke: than lhflvo r:r=2 In All “can: or Swine, wen u Coughl, mom ll . Ibo LII-Kl, Liver, ' ' u tea ma mime I") > Ie :- u Ipec Bc. ~' ' j , B’mt‘ng from .r 7" A ' on I I Piper ' to I [71:31 [in s _ .‘-=. ;. we the -———— 55:: -- . nbovedluuu :'— _~ ; fit £3!“ "" villus-diam: ' m. ~- ‘ -‘ _‘ or calmly [rm-mud. If given 1:: mac, n ceruln preventive And cure for the Hog Cholera. Pris; 25 Conn per Paper, or 5 Papers for .1. 1 - rmmw a? . S.‘ A. FOUTZ & BRO., ‘l' min a “MIME DBI‘G AND MEDICINE DEM. No. 118 Franklin St» Balhmore, Md. For Sale hy nmgzinu Ind Stankcvperl “trough: out In: Unit“: Sum. ‘ - For aaie by A. D. Buohler, Gettysburg; Laughlin A: lechfioldL Wlmellng, Vn; (I. U. Bender (£OO., Pmslmrg; Juhmon, Holloway & Cuwden, Elulndelphiu. . ~ Dec. 11, 1865. 1y . - SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY L‘Ulll? lor A Colds, Distemper, Henna, Hidehnund, “'Ol-ms,kc., in ”01908. Loss of cud and Black Tongue, &c., in mule. They are also it suro preyentivo or Hug Shalom. ' Give 'your horses Stutlebraker’s Horse and Cattle Powders,“ you waht fine healthy horse! and cattle, and you are sure to have them. ThEse powders are becoming the most popu lnr powders now in use, as they nre propnreq of such ingredients as are precisely suited to the animals lor which they are usgd. N 0 pow ders ever sold have given suulx_unlverssl satir fitctiuu and acquired so grunt celebrity in the some time, as on ovidenrve of their superiority owr nll others. The proprietor warrants them as such, or the money refunded. (July try them on] M convincv'd of their great qualities. For hole by A. D. Buchler, Gettysburg. Grout (‘ough Remedy. ‘TONEBRAKERS \ ' S VEGETABLE COIYGII SYRUP, For the_ rapid cure of Coughs, Golds, Honyse ness, Group, Whooping Cough, Astlumn,’ , ’ Dmiculty in Breathing, Spatial of Blood, First Stage: at Consump ~tion,h‘oreness of Throat, und ARI-climax of the l’ul monnry Organs. ‘ This Syrup is an invaluable remedy for tlzo alleviation and cure of. Pulmonary Dianna. it is prompt in its action, pleuaunr to the "u e, and from its extreme mildneas, is peculiarly applicable to the use of childlen and perauu in delicateheallli. Annnuniodyncexpectornnr. it will always he found l 0 belbencficinl, by al leviating and arresting llul several spells of cough :6 distressing to the 'putient. : . Th‘e nflliclcd can rely upon its doings of much, or more than any other remedy, in soothing the nerve: or mlhmtlnzsxpennn tion, and healing lbe‘ lJla‘EAb‘ D LUNGS. thus striking nt the root 9! theEl‘lizeue‘and eradicating it from the system. All I ask iaa trial ofihis preparation, as it has no equal in its ejects, and never fail-l to give entire satisfaction to ull who use it. We warrant it in all cases, or_ can money refunded. Try lt—only 25 cta. and 50 eta. a bottle. V A. D. Bueliler, Agent, Gettylburg. RATS MADE ‘TO COME OFT OF THEIR HUM-IS TO DIE. GREAT DESTIKUCTIUN Ul’ RATS! Every Box Wan-muted a Dem! 53m1! No on. . can risk anything in trying n, as it will destroy all your ‘ RATS, ROACHES, MICE, RED & Bur: ANTS, or )0u can have your monry reinndad.’ Nor Dunno“ 10 Till Hnlu ‘FAIILY. Try it—nud a! it don’t fly I“ your run, km, you ca‘n get your mcncy refunaed. f ”A. l). liuehler, Agent, Gettysburg. gnu. 8, 1860. nugJL 6m 4 Dole)": Collage omm: RE not only unqconed, put the! ure ub- A mum, “Maud, by An; ounce—Bud numment in the country. Designed expreua‘. 1y for Church” and Schools, they Are lanai-b 80 b 9 again] well Adugted to the pulm- at ”wing roo‘m. For sale only by ¥ ‘\ E. H. BRUCE. No. 18 North Saventh SL, Phllsdalphis. fi-ApoLBRADBUBY’S PIANOS, and o completexuwrtment of the PERFECT ME LODEUN. ~ [0“. 2,1865. 1, Town Property 1' PRIVATE BALE—Seven] HOUSES ell be pm cbmd It Print. 8:10 b 1“ u. I on FAHNEBTOCK Bnoml’ns. Doc. 15. 1866. U John I. Tlpton, . '1 . ASEIONABLE BARBER, North-hm cor an of the Diamond, (11.32.1199, to lg, onnn’l Hatch) Getty-burg; Pg. '5". 1..... can u .11 time: be foundxeldyjp‘nund m .11 4 hnlineu in his line. He bu duo null-nu- , mince Ind rill cum-o unit-won.- Glyi him-coll. . .1 Dachau“: 4 “3.514003? lg an S; of "A _~ L cm. a N .no a m- vegan“ has Ind vonhly haunt II“ M oulhlywhvlgm broken-down .34 invqplrlud harm; by Ilreq‘menlng Ind elem-on] 0d uomuh And Inu “an. I Inn pm vmllu of all db ”32’ _‘P‘Ufl‘fi ’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers