”GE-kt. WM ayfi, M tam, m. n. :. cumfisvmm Asp mormmg County Committee Meeting, The D'etnhasuc min-ding Commune o! Adm: «may vdh mid u we “Giana inn," In Gunfi ‘lmu. on‘ s.\‘rgnpn, [tho ad 9! MAM»; mg. I!- .w o'cloqk {a flu gunman preclsoh. 1h u b 53524 mu m menbuonhc Commitmwnl am but. mum-'4 howlncliéol ad the mgr. , ’méoa BMSKEBHOFfichflfg. W‘ Mio‘wlnc potion! compo“ 41'. Con mlnu: ‘ . . \ ‘ ‘ Ocarina—Jim!) Brmkorhofl. n. J. We. a" 11. Cum. ' ,‘ ' Bcrwlé-k hon—Joseph VI 1!, 1m thew. , lid-vhf twp—Jacob Hllll. Rum!!! Brown. Bfl‘lfl‘ql‘ll'. DIIILS. I}. Enchant. » ummnd~sw mam-Yr. u. n. Crninur. (pom-Pew; Nana-amt, Simon fiumhh. . r‘nqrom—LAn-m mm, ‘or a. mm mm Jr. - .rnnmu—hcob erk. Sunuvl Rudy. lllghhndv‘lohn Butt. In. John Duns. ' Huntington—lo. Nutty. Dr. A. 8: bill. ' lfnmllmnm—Dmlol Him-kw. Jul. Watson. Hamllwn-thn nun: unme- Ruben. ‘ ' mmaurm. Damn, th Klunk. , ‘ tantalum—o. W. gmy-«fiylvmmr lhrnqr. Mon-llon—Bunhnrl Myra, Wm. Ovrrdgcr. “how—Joseph P 4 Mchvit. John rs'nnm-mau. ~Lnumore—Jolm M. Cumin-r, Joel arm? . Guard-cumu- E. thu. I). C. Smith. , . ‘mlnfi-«qulnmfl Mun-h. 'muumfi. Dicks \Sgnuzmxmmhsmu ,suow, Ménolu noun-1. - o Gay-Juana Hutu-n. 5.1151111”. ‘ ummuLJemmnm Schnva. mqm Thomu. fl‘yrono-Lll. 1. Myers. Levi Raweiupuuc-r. “ ‘Luloh—Dcnluxl OW. Kant-i: E. Bollinc'et. ’ A' trauma: Annnm TheiDemcoruuc Stine 'Cenlfiulflmmitteé gar—inn inued - ‘ringi'ng Addren tojhe exhogrlcx o'f thé Commonwealth—such ui .’Alldt‘ésl 31:45! It'iolighu us to give'plnce bo— olnor 'a'n'J chunk-driving diieclly at the 13%;; Mfuuing to the marrow to 2 rgnch l. ' ' ‘1 I ‘ ' ~ " "th éddifell eip'quel in a few words the uluboads'offh'efiéuderu Ind ediwrl 9f the {upublici'n puny 'du'r'ling the Int. cuppiigli ——their‘prmm dnbfu-h‘nig effort: for negxo . .1 ~ k :ufl'ruggum‘i pegro eggalily—and {heir u'l lmmtanim for I gonsolixduted government. ‘ In vloy of this. the A’Jdrmf urges ongn fulia'n’. immplly nnd efllcien'l y. ’Well and timely urged! Aguinul. flhe ruinuus plqta bf nvéro madman 'lhe white people of t‘fis 'muntry‘éunnot. org-nize a day too soon ‘ :We “19¢!”er join our voice‘ to that of e ‘Commmeo. ‘ . ' \' Democrats, Here and everywhere. go to york a} once. ma organize in your save nl Xoculiliu—org-nize for the Union. the Cén nitulion, and the films Race! ‘Do thi lwall—l’l‘lck'm .it—nn‘d the day will‘loon be buifl‘ ,' " H ‘ ‘.' 41mm 0" 'l'll'l: 0310“,}1‘10 FIAT! mun. Nilll‘l‘llll- Duoc‘u‘né Sn" Gonnnn‘ Rom“. } i ‘ ' 'Hunzsnvma. Feb 9.1866. [a (‘h chfa‘cy of Penfiania :~’ ' ' The'even‘ts ‘ofl the l 1. political gtnv‘iu Ere yd fresh ii) your mint 5. i-Xou dpyognced your unequivobnl en doueinent of clad-restoration Law-gui- Ident Johnmn. und denounbéd the doctrine or: negro Infiragg. ' ' Your opponent: Iflirmed their support pf the President. and evajdcq the ilsue up on the question of tum-age. ' A powarfu} orgnpiption, Jarga ofllcial‘ rulronngo Ind an upscruhulous ua‘e 9! iron y. uncured to than: tba victory. ‘ The record of ‘he past month lll‘ipl the [mark from thé face on)“; v'i'dlorn. . They; trees with Herinion the deola‘red Policy bfthe President. They heve placed the Government of the‘ Constitution in eheyancereyd i?! legislative and executive ‘.’unetiog! ere gull-pad by a cube! of men, ylio, in obedience ta caucus, gown-n the nation thia’uéh‘ the foirn‘a p? A directory. A ’l‘he‘ ifihl‘of am; State to regulate the qualifications of its electors is denied ; ‘the twin of the people of the District of Colum- Pie in o'verriydllen,~ end by In almost unani moul vote. The Republican party in Con l . . green and, the Sum Legislature'eccmd to Use 9".” «fuel Ifwlitical tighui with‘the yhite man. ‘ ' . The initlnl step toward; I vyar of faces-bu been “Ron. and: oogaolid'atqd governmfieg! logma up in the qisinnce. . ‘ ‘ : ’ Th 9 gays}; of the Praide‘ntyupnn them gain!) "'6 our cardinal doctrines. ' lln apa ‘ iuing'him we vindicate theni. ' 1 I—.ll. . . ‘ . ‘ Orgunga in even {190% ’l‘lgd oorqer q{_ the Snmmonwulth. ’ . ' Orpnise to sushin the Bulitieng, tq aminuiu- your principles. to reigore tile Vniop. Co :vih‘diqate the supremacy of yofig' ‘fnco. apq'm wig; inn? 59mm) obliviori an men {who have been false to the Union! lulu-é ab'iholr pledges: fall‘s _t9 the initincts nf'ihéilf blood, and true Jamie 10‘th maul ‘nm thluhrhlfu die hohr. I ‘ ‘ I By order'of' .um ngaocntig Sute Central- Conmiueé. Wain! A. Wguucl. : gummy-no net-on! Ix “muss. § 1 finding. ‘ho country to“ 0! 01d Berks. )1- long been under the control of the Ro—‘ ' blie'ins‘; but on Pride, week the Dem- Enoy rallied. :3. ‘the municipal election ind mndé'i'élee‘n eweep‘ol‘ the city. ’The ‘wbolo‘ palm-use eity'ticket'tgu' elected‘ Mention-Rye! over two hunilred. Thin ehowl file'inly 'thit the pophlir=’tide hen lnrned'n'g‘alnit the fan-ties €5O uje now in batten The people lee {it} feel that they are not It to be. ennix'n't‘edtlny longer with the man of the government. *Roedifig he long been e black spot on the fair e't edlehoon of toe Gibrelur of Democracy.- plfl Berk“: now white All over. Luneaem' smith. first gun for the eueceu of the _f-vuu men’s ticket ;" hel- litter city of IMF!“ fun-eh with n cheering “lute. H 3391: ii He'itinod to go the whole round of a hood it“ Iféiuylvuh. Look out for Doin- J'Mnti'o tfiqi’dqr th'u you! So It” tinfo -3m “xii-5:3." ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 'Gen. Gay] is §imop Casmeron‘s mug {of 00;!!an A} Simo'n I's ono'ofth'c 39351:- .» _ndiésh, Géury Inn-Pb.) (.00.. Q 0 fig. Popdliliéu'friond- of Pruid'ohl Johnna p 5 $317!; affine finder thnt 'voéd pile? En '3‘ '1?- e‘nialé ”@9414?" " ' ‘ ”hiya. Stevens ha and. I who: min; 390995 quill-t Pruidenc Johnnéli. '.g'iu‘w if 8 king of Enghnd. some out» huh-go. Incl acted alga ‘Prenident hu. ii’yould bu. eon. himhi- gem: " b ‘-‘ ' .~.‘—-—-——9¢v—-————< #lfie'wmvwiog °-; 93*? iirsnsza char-cu}; of 4mm? moon. ... Quin}: 'od by (lie Hob. George Blnqrqft. in “.33. 'n'ou'u Hill brnemmsiu, lat Moi-Ad”, I-l - ' ‘LLILJ—ALM’J‘J“¢~ ...- _ ' “ “ 7" ' ' _ E .1 “spotted um pigo‘Pmldegi't If” g m tfijniwgbwnunéam’en onus .m“u&m‘ n._A--A. :g.‘>‘. 121===1 , ‘ g runnnr mu; , I. McClure. of th‘e Ch'ambc-tsbnrg Repository. ler, Edoclded pattizanas her in. hu too much ‘ ' Immune}: to endorse the one-lid“! legislno 19, an i tion McConnughy in lo {and offhbbllng in. .Rudwhn the Col. My: tn regard to the :Jury Bill recently pmed by the Senate: “'9 notice (bu I bi" hll passed the Son ate by n atria party vote. changin th‘e , mnnner ot-elécttngjmwin Adam, {'mk.’ Montgomery an! other countin in the thaw. It nmyidéo fut the election of two Hurqummlmonen in etch county em hrncgd In the bill, who shall be elm-en al are Inspector: of elections. so u wensure °.'.'.° of pitch party. Ind they are charged II“. the selection bl jurors Instead of the Sbehflnnd Commissioners. ' We do not doubt that the new Iyltem mono-pd 12 “mod one; but we submit that if ll 0 9004707 Democrat: counciad at «In gaod jar 'Uuion comma. 'Tb’at there hue been arme- In the holoction ofjlgrie‘: ifthe conn -4- to which'the hill “applied 9 feel'well fuured; but it ia'the name nbua’e that. pre vaill‘in Ill'strong COUI'HIEB on eilltervnide, ln n great orlou rte ree.gnnl the name reme edi would work mil throughontthe State. f Independent of the objection all tntelli geut'men [nun-cherish to_ special nnd‘ in hnrmohioup legi-l-u’ou lelxtting to the ad‘ mlntntrauon ol'Just‘toe, we think it of more *tlmn doubtful propriotg to enforce, Inns up’nn‘nmmmlty which the mnionty refuses to scam; anul‘we would enrnvstly appeal to the Union members of both branches to Mom the proposed reform for the entire Sm». Granted that. abuse. may be l'wu marked in Union countws, still the fmt ltlmt. the‘new mpuure is lit-signed to he a ‘comtil'ete gunr‘autee again“ lutufe wrougl. fit: a concluslVe argument that. it Ihould not be denied to Any. ' ' ’ Will Mt-Conaughy. ul'ter this, penigt in ,excluding Franklin oountyxfrom the‘Bill? It be bnl bad influence enough to hue it. passed for Adnmn,.he ought to' haze infln. ence enough to have it pound for Frnnklin 'nlnq. [l he bat not, he ought to say to.— Will he do either? . TBAI'I'OII KURT “GET OUT,” A delegation 0! members of the Legisin (are of erginin- all of then) dutinguinhed men—Waited :fip'on President. Johnson on Monday lush and Selivered an address.— The Prefix-lent replied It length—and in upeakinguf the “Radicals" in both sections. North and South, med this language: ‘ I‘do not intend to say anything personal; Wm: know as well as I do. that at the ' ginning of.rhe recent gigantic itrhzgle between the different sections of the coun~ try,‘there were: extreme men South and there were extreme men North. I might make useofa homely'tigure, which is come t’imea a good as any other. even in the il lustration of great and important questions, and any that it has been a hammer at one end of the line and an anvil at the other. 'And this grout government, the beat the ‘ world ever saw, was kept upon the anvil. and it has been hammered amce'the rebel: hon, and there seems to be a disposition m' jcnatinue the hammering until the govern ment shall be dettroyed. I have opposed that lyetem ulwaya. and I dppoee it now.—~ The government. In the assertion of itu pow eru and the maintenance of the principleal of the Constitution has taken hold of one' Faittreuxe. nnd.wlth the atrong arm of phys- ‘ ‘icnl power, has put down the rebellion.— Now, as we g‘w‘ing around the circle ofthe Union. with a fixed and uni‘tlterable deter mination to stand by,“ i! we find the coun terpart or the duplicate of the same spirit‘ that played to this feeling and these persons in the South. this other extreme; which istandn in the way, must get out of it. and' :the government multJtaud unshuken and tunmovedpn it: basil. ' . .' ilt irvery evident that unless Btevens‘, :Suinner. and the rest of the brood of ob—l _ntruotioniau atop the "hammering,” which ' is so dustutefhl to “that man at the other: \end of the Avenue," they will e&§n find themselvu in an awkgard position. ‘ 891.0112” "8. muons. ‘ The Bedford Guam, one of me ablest ‘oounhy paperé‘pubhnhed anywhere. has the ‘follow:ng,§-euohant little article undgauhe shove he: : ’ . , The battle-mrred white men who on liuled during the tint two years of the war, have petitioned Uongreu for an equalia ”ion of bounties, thnt is. to gram. them the same bounty paid without: who entered the ser— ‘vice at laxer periods“ But the windy patri l‘ots in Congress cannot find time to consid .er the claims of white soldiers” Thq ever lasting new i: of paramount importance, ‘in their estimation. lie mustbe legislated y for in the first plnoe. Be mun have 3 “Ci vii Righu Bill," a “Manhood Suffrage Bull,” ls‘Trnedml-n’s Bureau Bill," and a thous and and one plher bills. 110 must have approprinlxom for whoolg, for his military gmtection and for his general maintenance. ut, II for the soldier with a White akin, he cam Hit. The Jegialatron for the negro, at the‘preoent session of Congress. involves already an appropriation of twenty million: per ann'um. whilst not one cent has been voted to the crippled and physically bro. ken down heroe'a. whose valor an’d foilitude Mona eouldg have given/ freedom to the ' bla’ck mm. 'Let the soldier citizens of the country turn their ntyéntion toward Wash ington and lee that 90ngreu intermils long enough in in blaclsx (ever, to do than: jun- I “Bi: —-———————t-~«bl (JAN you swannow n 2 ‘ W's behe’ve there ure'l good many well-i meaning men in thig State, who hue hero? coffin voted the Repubiiogm ticket under the bone“ impression that they were vo ling to mainnin nndmnpport the Union.— Thoy had no Idol. tbul. they were voting to place the‘ negro on an «mm, with them ulvu. It Lbe'y were culled upon tomor row to mm on the qua-tint: of negEo-nuf- Inge. way would vow again! it: The-o menu; deceived and chested. Item no 1012345: be denied that. was 35217,“:ch up 1-1 1‘: Anna-o maul-Imus"! It. in the determinntion of thunder: mt Gumbo Chairman ghall vbté. that'he all!“ aft in the jury-box and hollofice and enjoy all the privilege: of the white nee! White men. le‘ us nu any! Nd moot, then u tho‘viul point, and reward. them for their treachery mad their infamy when' the next election come“ W . . . . ooneervetieee oonunue m fine feather over Ad!“ (”'9 “"4 GM 6m'"‘d"" cor-t the men. re-eflrmetiou of his oouelilution mpondem 'mmS “P Bloom-burg, 00' v el pnnciplee by the President. and have de lumbb county, ~uyu "4}. the 1m term of, tel-mined to_ etnngthen him. by all the a...“ in m- comr- .‘. m ... Wt sansrghm'r- “$333323; - ‘ ee 1) ‘ by u" Goezmonwuhh again“ Chutes ”Fk' ‘ in order the: the wine of the people may >e member of en election boerd for tofu-ms be unmieuhbly heard in support of the 1 the vote, of Wm. by, en tut-god duel-tor. , poeition which, the Executive has mined: ' , d , ti -4 ' ~-"““."“’""."“ ‘ glgtzaatongfilzdgxf grmflif fi-The Connecncut Rspubheene do not. - 3 . .3 g_. enter the cennu in the; saw in a very ’ur] formed A verdict of ‘gmlty’ .33me de- 3 . . ‘ tumble frame of mud. At a Hartford mam, Blane place Judge 151 mm neme , l d l S baide Kin‘g‘l Ind Gilmoxe’e." meeting ‘9. c act . c ““9. to the “to u-. n ' ... a , Convenuon. reeoluuone endomng the Pree- tithe York Pm: very propcrly re limh that HeGonmghy’l bill for the dil {ranéhiumonl'éliuerten “contain: a un- . um. numuox thit the act odengqe'u, by 1' Inthorily of wliiéh’ Dawn In unphswd "ind he walkod into hi'l pine, In 'of no force or uli'dity, in pi’uoribi'ng tho‘qinllfi- ' utiém of «leek—mm? ‘r' ' ‘ x V _ _ . _ . . g “ ' 3.1m:- pum um!“ agar} fur-minded an 13‘ ‘.The Right Bavbrend John ' _méig'gly m ujme “gm. '‘: “ ' "'r Ififlfigfigfi'fif’wy ‘3‘ 9“”“3“‘°“m W,‘ . . - »—.——-.4.‘Q.-———-—-—‘ - financing: of mu. gm. lost in-lih flak-Widen; rim. adam- Pus fqegfnflefunowuorfiloithoplflm. 'lidemgrbtnn. ' r A ’ 'l'lll: l - mm nnmc. ‘ [cool-Ilen- l‘optcd by the. Connecticut Nearly tuelve .. illions ot dollhrs is'thel . Wm “In-“Ol- -~ ‘ stints.“ of Ike 1": -men's Barents ofitel We POP, hereunderthe ”taxation-M mm. awn“ we .. _. ~ g "5,; am, goo, in [ted by the Democratic State\ConVntion of the fsc- of the fact .thtt ‘ here is staple em- wzhzfiu‘ixghpn the “h ”pi“; 'ted . ' ‘ ( . ?'°’.“‘.°““‘ "'e 9““! ’°’\°’ " IStstesM no $35333, it“. 03.1 - ". mllmgto work. Tm" tution to doterfirne who shell be eligible to equal to the entire man» who fighter mfingafimjs A right. be tbe United Qtstes Qnui l 1005ng and spy-«mining to The Sale at 'B4 is to be employed Istwh.snd that any and 11l attempts upon clqthing. feeding. “d 3‘ tilie part of Congress to force upon the peo. ‘ p e of my State or States any class he citt blacks 2'l” manifest ll zens thereof. as entitled to the rights of by declining work. But suffrage. are violations of the spirit ‘snd portinn’of it will n’evcr find. its way beyond ’ Her 10': the (msaitsiaign end infringements the fingers which ere entrusted with its '3 e"I o ‘ s' " si n use. and it. will therefore be about equally “(ng‘igztoéraizitnfl 3‘3; :au'gh? divided between white .tdlers and block t the Union and establish forthcm. ones. If the General Government is going arste Government. was in its in vade-m» Hemmer-um :It:fi:'::.f§:‘;;:':ezz: at free schools. public hospitfis, and‘uy- ‘. bi were then. as they lums lor poverty, we suggest t ist there is thprmf; and bfling by sniple room tor its benevolence Among r Leg' lettuce declared thousands 01 its helpless citizens who have . 39%;”:3“. 3“? 32" had the misfortune to be born white. ‘There etersirn£i:n t: are sickness and misery among the honest therefore said poor within the limits'of this city which sll_the prisi are at least. ss worthy of relief out of the "‘3 to Mild public treasury as the distresre'of the {reed reten negroes. But instead ofgetting such relief fresh burdens are to he saddled on the Nor thern laborer. that they indolent negroes oi the South may hove plenty to eat and nothing to do. ,Tho Freedinen's Bureau bids {sir E 6 be.one of the most gigantic and expensive, B|, it is the most unoonstitution: al. of all the schemes of the radicals forep pressing and taxing the lsborrofthe people. We trust the rumor that President John son means to veto the hill enlarging its power: may prove corrects—‘Age. .‘ ,_,_ ‘.'-» «~ A—‘—- T The Republic.- Party Budd-(n lip- ' The New York Herald of Monday says the outrageously radical measures ot'Sum her and Steven. are braking up the Repub lican party. «man ‘could have ruled the cotintri for the nextjentury had it. been properly managed. Jigbleoted Lincoln over 'MoUiellun in 1864 became all the soldiers end the friends ofthe soldiers gave it their votes; 'but now we sdo thatmll the great Generals like Grant, Sherman and Thomas, have declared against Ilthe radionl policy in their reports, and that: the soldiers are in: dignnnt at. the efforts ihndo for inuiediate, universal and unconditionalnegroéufl'rage. The result will be the organization ’oi'a'l new conEervative party thut will annilfilnte the, Republicans. l L i The only military ti: :1 who endorse Sum. nor and Stevens in their crusade against the President iii-e Ben Butler and‘ Girl Schurz. These are all the soldiers, if they may be called soldiers,: that. the Republi.‘ cans now retain in their party. . ‘ _a.——-‘...0 —._ .... n l- ‘boarlnn’nt and hauling-t or Q We“ Johnson. ( A special communicate: to the Cincinnati ammonia! the informetvbn that on Monday night a mass meeting of‘ Radical Germwns' was held [at Chicago. whfieat resolutions were adoplPd declaring if the «lutv of Con gress to impeach and punish -Preaident Johnson. and recommending “abolishing, entirely, the Executive branch of the=Gov-‘ ernment as now oonstitued, and substitu ting therefor on Executive Committee.” to be appointed by Congas-res in the Repub lic of Switzerland. _‘ ‘ "These Radical: miAht have been engaged in much better businFes.- Let the Attempt be made to impeach and punish President Johnson for seeking to make his Adminis“ tration conform to the requirement.~.l ofthe Constitution, if they want lo see utorm rais ed by the people oithiq country. The red icals have gone about“ far with their {evo lutionary schemes” the people are‘ willing they shouliL go, and they will back the President up in arrel'ling these Ichemea.— Ohio Statesman. / ‘ Tan In} WILL! " ‘ ne-The New York Tribung of Monday has along letter {rain its special {weekly correspondent at Wishiugton. in which President. Johnson is roundly abus‘od for his trentment of the negro delegation which waited upon him recently. The negroes are held up gs ‘pitterns ofall that is decent and intellectuvl, and are lauded in propor tion to the abuse heaped upon Mr. J'olm son. He has mortally oflended the rudicals by his notion- upon that occasion, and no terms are too contemptuous to he applied to him by them. The corresponilent of the Tribune gives hiu‘t up u hopq‘leasly in league with the opponents of' the mica! Republicans., Good for JohnsonJ—oud good foi- the Country; “In Mr. Bancroft}: memorial oration on Mr. Lincoln, It Washington. on Mon day, he alluded to the view: of the lane}- upon nmimpomnt subject. thus : ’ In 1857 he avowed himself “not in favor ot" whet he impmperly ballad “negro citi zenship,” for the Connituuon discriminetes between citizens Ind electors. Three days before his death he declnred his preference that “the elective franchise were now con lerred on the very intelligent 011 m: color ed men. nn’d on ‘hosle of them 'who served our cause u soldierm” but In. wished it done by 1h Siam Menuhin, and: It: never harbored tic thought of exacting it from a new gourmmt a a condition of m rmgndmn. » J‘he' Word- we hue “elicited are very significant. eml Ire oommended to the no tice of Eadie-la here as hell I: ehewhero. ' ‘ .'.—.T‘ - .——————— the headliner Inulfigancu' condenses the negro equehty question into a nutshell, saying: "no man iboie not. prepared to admit the negro to t e bullet-box. to theju ry-box, to office fluid to entire social Ind political equali‘y. can "consistently vote the Republican fiioket in my coming election. No one an any longer deny that the Re publican party in fully commuted to negro ,equnlity." ' . ~ ".'.—4. o p—— . “old-s of the Benson-elven. Wunnmrox, Febnuyy 9th, watt—The ident was titled down, and Poatmuter Cleveland wu blood for ndvocating them. The Goad-31 flavloy' (Radial) deleguea vote chann. Prod: the my thing- looked ill would mm the. libs Republican in um Sm no getting things in uh-pe to be very handsomely whippég next April. ' l 4 3u . l '- e cell - \ i.to (item a. game. es. a_ ‘ caption to Shine so on ~ - \ Mof the Um , l are now, memhe their conventions -t _-e"l said pretended acts . 39W mid, and solemnly Pxp a -( 'to the Union, and their u maintain the Conltitutio \ [States are of right entitled t- t lnges and powersol States hclo 1., ' exercised by them previous to int n 1 ed aots’of secesfiun. ‘ Resolved, That the Legislatures of re 30- called seceded Ststee. in adopting .the amendment. to the Con-titution otthe Uni lted btates permanently abolishing the in stitution of slavery, exercised the highest [and most. importantduty devolving upon i‘he States of the Fed": Union; and the Democracy of Connecticut hereby assert. thnt the Government of the United States, in accepting the acts of said seceded‘ States and proclaiming thereby a fundamental al ztemtion ofthe organic law, have in the inoel solemn manner recognized nuoh States as ‘ members at the United States; and all at } tempts upon the pert oHJongress to prevent l the representatiin of said States in the ’councils of the UnlOn are deservmg ofthe severest repreheueion ol' the peeple of each and every State. ‘ Resolved. By the Democracy offlonnecti leut, that the distinguished citizen now oc cupying the Presidential chair. by his ear nert efforts for the rcitoration of the Union ' upon its proper basis—by his manly and ‘statesmaolike position in oppo'snion to ne ‘ gro nutfrage—by his resistance to the insane and unwise efihrts ore Congreaeional major ity. who seek to deetroy the Constitution of our latheru by mischievous amendments— 'lms deserved well of his country; and a. courageous perseverance in the coune so taken willphce the name of Andrew John non high upon the roll of renown. and sec -ond to none of the great statesmen who have illustrated the annals of the Union. Ruched. That it is the duty of the Suns tors and Representatives of this State. in' the Congress of the United States, to devote their tune. their tnienta, their energies to the best interests of theirconstituegts; to' so far as possible, relieve them from but densome taxation; to cause the army and mwy o! the United States to be reduced. as man as prncucable, to a peace. establish ment; toiusiit upon suohajust apd economic ni administiatlon of the goyernment as mil restore the country. at the earliest moment, to its former prmipemy and greatness; to attend to the interests of that class who formed tha’ government—the white Imm; and rest satisfied. that in his prosperity the Alrionn lace have a sure guarantee tur their weifure. . , , " A few days since In Indianapolis, a negro got dfunkaengag'ed in a row in a niggeror- 1 (ms, kept. by atnnfolored wench—wsis kill. ‘ed by another igger and laid out; in a, back room waiting burial. The nuts, not. having the fear of Howe. Thad Stevens” Sumner. or the ghost pf John Brown iué their eyes, made a feast 9n the child of Ham, and in the language 9f the Indumn- . polis Herald— ~- . “When the coroner arrived a! the house; it was iound that both eyes had been eaten {o'm by the rats. and the niost of the flash ‘oi the light side of the face gnawed ofi', leavifig‘ the bones bare, thus unenxaifying the n Xuruily disgusting appearance at the corpse." 7 A ~ I I We Ippenl to Congress! A sacred object ihu been molested by copperhead rats.— lAnd thatal luflianupolis where theabblition ht: had such a majority in 1864! Let the Tats be destroyed L Let Sumner, Anna Dick .inson. Howe, Stevens, and other smaller dogs 1:: the abolition kennel. hark. 7 bet Congress uppmpriate nineteen thousand milhou dollars for rat terriers and a rat pol lector. Let the vermin be wiped out be fore they have another meeting to rat-ify some other “man Ind brother” of African descent. Let the churches be draped in mourning-let those who will not hangout black rags or bunches of wool be mobbed and businegs given them to do no more for ever. Let a vigorous law be pessed against rats. Give the niggers United States bonds exempt from taxation and make the rats pay the interest! Here is an insult to Con-' greats—to John Brown: and also to the late martyr. Perhaps the rats had orders to mutilate the b‘ody a la Booth, from Stanton: Letit be inquired into. Let a. committee be nppmuted to go to Indianapolis to sit' on rots—we mean the nigger, ind let that com mittee have a train of cars. steamboat and stores at government experfiie. And let the mayor of that city he hung for allowing rate to dine from the flesh of one of our prosrrous nltion’s dusky figure heads.— Sen Curl Shun:~ down there to report. Send Butler there to blow them up. Send Cgrtis there to steal their cotton. Let the rate be destroyed; and then reconstructed. ‘ for here iqdisgmce most deep and' damna ble on the American people! Declare In-' disna under martini law—for there is in that state so much "Disloynlty" that even ‘ rats have ca'ught the infection. and like-the present Congress, seem bound to dissect 1 the nigger. Oh you wicked. impious rut: ‘ filmy dare you f—La Crone Danacrul. [8"Wo heve always contended that the real design ofthe Abolitionists in inaugura ting the late lamentable civil war. Wu no more the freeing of the negro then u a means to accomplish. to them. a higher end more impel-tent object. viz: To change the republican form of our government. Some of their own men begin to admit the: this inhe design of the puty leaders. Mr. Ray mond. the other do}, when {he conatitu tional amendment providing for a new hen lie of represenution, Will taken up; in Con gress, rroeeeded to eddrese the House et greet ength. He stated that this pmend— ment In but an initial step of whet the committee on reconitruotion propoied to talte in that direction. He thought the people Were entitled to know the whole progremtne of thete emendmenu. .We Ihould know It once._if it was proposed to an extend the powers of the generel govern ment over the Suites I 0 ea to deetroy State right: altogether. The people were enti tled he know the rest 0! the echedule, for it was known that (lii: mu axle; to remand the man Government of the Untied Sum. In conclusion, Mr. R. declared that the course of the radicele in Congress lnwurde the Southern States we the greatest outrsge of the pestone thousand yenle. These usertione, true as they ere, did not come lrom e “Gipperkeud.” but from Mr. Raymond, now e Republican member of the House of Bepreuentives from the city of New. York. mud editor of the principal Republic“ peper of thet city. Mr. R. probably oontuhutfl more to the elevation of Lineoln to the Presidency then any oth er Inleldel member“ of his pertj. but seem to be too honest to and Stevens. Sum ner. 'and the like, to change the fundamen tel principle. 01 our government. = _ ‘ 3 ' -—————o-.——-~_ fl-Why don’t the abolition pnpers pub lish Senna! Cowan'l Ipeech in support of o Prelim-It'- Reawnlion Policy 1 The, no append m "in rmident aid hispolicy. " _.———-——d.o>‘ ——o 4—. ATTENTION! mxam-‘ss! , TOWN AND COUNTY A {‘ ammo Fo}! DANAom—A 13110 meeting . - ' iguwn by label Inn-lam mu bold )n'mo -"'—’—"'—' mon man momma but. "in: WE. {war-.3: wgm maxim. mm mm. . * 3 Eu. 9'. . .nunka , LEGISIATL'BE-The 53.“ Senate h” W "“0“ “u. handful” we]: $1131fi333$ sbulm mow the Geglpm Bulkudfompany a; w” mum-1m ‘4 me p l R “I“. tnhm preremd schk. bahov mounts. , _ “om, .n., u. 0"“ ”L MW“ “9‘ ‘ Both Houses hive) paued - 5m npfiwpflnfln; ' ' w {or the roller 9? (31mm ‘ ' On Tuesday. me uppi- Samar. (Mean-why) presented a petition Irmq «than! Adam wan ty. asking for a change 123 an license 1;“ of the Commonwealth. A I Also a ldpplement to m m aw u} not to appropriate certain linen Ind-i penalties In I-‘nnklln. Adam. Somerset And Fulton counties, to establish law Übnna at the respective eoumy ‘ lea“. Ahb, on Wedne-day. dz peuuom Imm clu uns dAdpm- county. paying {cl- coppemuon [or annuity reg-on o!_ the destruction b! promny by the armies during the ham; of (scanning. maempnueduuuwmmoe upon.“ bank: In‘t‘he state a tax of one per cemum upon the par-value o! the caplml flock, and vxempx mid stock from all other taxation. Aw. an ad dmomfl tax of firebfourthx of one per centum upon macros recelpm'or «All mnmml and trum pomtlon computes that are not lluhle to n tux upon income \undoir existing laws. It. also ex empt: real dune frommnuou forming purposes, exucpt the hull, mm' In: Impound by the art. of May 15m. 18m, pledged for the redemption or me loan created bysafidugs ‘ ' The Bouoe nu Impala nanny Ilmnu mu. Both Knuqes have passed arouo‘llmon m pnx-nrs a painting 0! the battleof Gem'ubnrgror the State Capitol. " . ‘ ‘ On Friday,both Home‘s adjourned over m'l‘uns day. the mm of Feb. Inst. ‘ . What A hborloul time thvy hnvn of It at. Hurtin burg. to be sure—and than no pail-1y purl .100! Whnt a wince MoCounnghy mambo making for the public good! To minke“: ls unuuah to make Jab Stuart’s Victim- blubbo-r. PROF; MAYER'S THIRD LEUl‘URE—suhy-ci “Flye"—-wax delivered in the College Chapel on Monday eve-11mg but, an vrowded hummus mum]. “was. like its predet‘mmhhlghly imam-sung [Pu-oughout. the Vch flue experiments 0? courae adding no little mar-Ito. ’ - ' The Inn. Lecture of un- course will be dollvon‘d this eyemug, at the lame Mac". on "Fume."— Thcre are many among our town-people who have not enjoyed either of these intellovt‘uul treats, and as this I: the Im. chance. théy fiuld avull themselves 01"“. col—first geiting yuurfickcu from Dr. 8. Homer or (:01. Buuhlcr. ‘ FATAL SHOOTING AFFAIR—A shooting cane occurred at the “Three Mile House," in ilnltimore county. Md., on the 4th instant, which resulted in the death of Andrew )ltOnfmigun, wail known nbout Hanover and in the lower part of this coun ty—lnuieed, we understondthut his nunlly resided in Mountplemmnt wwnshiguome tiniougo, and muyyot. Mr. Myers, who tired the fatal shotl is also 391 d to have formerly resided in this county. The t‘ollowmg facts in regard to the truglc amm nre fromvthe Baltimore Gazette: ' “It appears that three men. umn’ed M'Gunni gum-Smith and Boyipun, came to Mr. .‘iyurs' house nhont noon nn‘d demiindcd something to drink. Underlntimldntien Mr. Myers guve it to them. They returned a lot-ond [timer and again demanded liquor. which Mr. Myers refined to give them. They then declared they would Brim: it themselves, and one 0! them. M'Gunnlgnn, drew a large bowie-knife, with which he threatened to kill Myers it hcdid npt germit tin m to lmye liquor. and ‘thus compelled him to yield. About two o'clock they returned again. Mr. Myem'hud by this time securely rammed his doors and windows, and seeingtheir riotous dluponitlon refused to ad ‘mit tin-m. The threé then become very violent and threatened to break open the doors and u-nr down the house. and drawing their knlvm rom menced an assault upon the houzw, declaring they would kill the lnmntm. Anion named liuflngwu and Mr. Henry, the burkeeper’, were in the house at the time, and the assisted in keeping the doom and windows closeti Mr. Myen begged M'Gnn nignn and his party to desist. warning them at the same time thuthé would defend himself it they persisted—having in the meantime sent for the mistnnce of an Dml‘l‘l'. The assailants hnd sur ceeiied in mutating open the window and door and were Just ent!ring with their wenpdns. drawn, when Mr. Myers and Mr. Henry tired. One bull took effect in the hood of Smith. not wounding hiinghowever, eeverclynwliiié the other shot in titctaed a dangerous wound in the grain of Ai'Gun higan. Smith and Boymun Were arrested and lodged in Towwntowu Jail. Mr. Myrrh, with great considerution‘ for the wou‘nded condition of M'- Gunnigan, had him conveyed to a room in hin own house. and sent tor medical attendance. M’Guri nigan died on Monday lust tron: the efforts of his injuries. An inquest was held over his remains by Justice Smushury.‘the jury. utter atull investi gation, declaring that said, A ndrew M‘Gnnnigxm came to his death by a ball tired from a pistol in the hands of Oliver 0 Myers. which indicted a wound in the abdomen. causing internal hemor rhnge, Which woe the cause olhls _denth wind the said jury mrthcr find that the mid but} was tired hy the mid Myers in heir-defence. The remaining parties'ure now confined in jail at Towsontown." | THE LADY‘S FRIEND.—The March number 'of thin "magazine Is on our mum “The Impend ' tug Ruin," a fine and QXpmwe steel engrnvlng. ‘ Illustrative of I story 91' the name name. lead: 011‘ the number. The double colored stgel meou Plate In ahennufhl one, and yhe ill-adso- are such “ as ladies at good mus can went. The literary I comema are excellent. Price *2503 ymr; Zooplel $4.00: 8 mph-s (and one gratis) 'l6, New 11 the I time to get up clubs for 1m gpeclmcn numbcn for this plirpmewm be sent. [or 15 cema. Addmn i nuoox & Pamsox.3l9Wadnu( 3L, Philadelphia. ‘ TOTAL ECLIPSE Ohli' THE MOON.—Mnrch in (melanoma: as did January, with nlghu made beautiful by a mu moon. The aluminum tell: an that on the evening of March 30th there will be IL total eclipse of the moon. :l‘he tine will be very “Namibia for observation, an I'. begins m five min utes past nine o'clot‘k, i- 5: Rs mm at. twelve ininntes past ten,and begins todin‘ippenr at. “my one minutes past, eleven. n isvisiple throughout. the United States. , COMING BACK—We are inrorn'ned that l num~ hero! persons who moved from thin mien . yen; or two ego tome "(ni- WeatJ’ have become fired ehd ‘dinguued Marthe: oouniry.nnd con template ramming here some time next. Spring. After All, the Told Keyntona" ie‘ihe best yet! If 3 living cenuothe made here,“ cannocbemnde nun where else. and igepresume these 'persona have experienced this to a hag—{Hanover Spectator. mamrnox—me “ Grape Vine D'baiing So— ciety" will give an exhibition m 0W Vine School Home. in Butler township. on Thursday evening next, the mad of rennin-y, There will bupoech ea, «up. dlnloguu. And other mun-sting por formances. Admin-ion incenu. A lutewrn out. is expected. ’ “NT, commenced In". Wednesday, The un non continue: about {any d 331, tannin-Ling on mm: Sunday. In the Catholic and Epucopn: churcflg‘u the pound :- observed with mung and prayer. , "Harry Cameron. Who was arrested In Schuyl kill county. for stealing nirhll’d Mummert'l horses. Ma made sown! attemp'ts «a break cm. of our County Jail, but in each one his plans were discovered 5 little cob soon for him. bum-t by Bhefll Reben. 0! hi) mllmt, Mr. David Mun: dorm Gamma h evidvnuy nil old Jull bird-4)! the kind cousldered “bud w kmp." . a-‘l'hq folloylng gentlemen were. on the mm mm. elected omcenz at the “neunllcn Agricultural Club a“ President—Hiram Grlmt. Vice Presidents—Josiah Orient, Jacob I‘m". Wm. 8. Cut. ‘ Secretary—F. W. Cook. Treasurer-Wm. Yeahs ' B'mm. John 1;. Dawson has our‘flumkfl for : pamphlet gory of the able Ipeech he neeml)’ ‘3' “voted lln the House at. Wuhgngwn. Hon. H. mm or u» m, an: our than!“ tor Legal-um tavern. “mum diagram. pan! ot the county will confer t. favor by Inhrmgng u: of any nutter! or gnu-en chum ocean‘s their reapoctdve loan a. New York 50m mun-punt" Idverflnexnenh coming in on an Mme“ by discord. an'en'g room, gentlemen—gnu don't like the kind or W ya: on’er. awe m {nan-med M Wear] School-house, in Handler: townnhlnm 6W ”Y “I'o on rum-m,- mm Inc. We have not learned him the an originated. . ' EYE AND EAR! PRO! J. ISAACS, M. D., Oculilt and Aurlu, formerly of Lnyden, Holl-nd, is loaned 11. No. 519 PINE Street, PHILA DELPIHA, Where p", lODI nmlcud um. dines-cl of the EYE or EAR, will be scientifically crested bud cured, if curable N. 8.-—ARTII"ICIAL EYES lnlerud V .withont pnin. I.“ chargu mpde for any] 143. q-Wm. Anthony. In Hanover. mt 11.53.31“, ,‘tion, The mfdlcsl Imm, 2: invimd, “by ed a near Wm»; sixteen hundred and W bu no secret In lain mod. of "gun.“ - pounds: 1 July 11,1866. 1; ’» . ... ~ #3l:. John Findley, wpdcly known I a bridge bunder. (11.11.11: Lover Ohinulord tmnuhlp. York county-08 mm lily-gedflymlmonmmd 21 am. ’ DEHONOLOGY.-Rev. )1 r. Conn-r will dollYPt hum-lumen “ Hematology," in this 93909.01: the evening at “101 m: 0! March. {or [he benefit 0! the Method!“ Sabin“). school. ‘ Wax-lea Herman, colored. for runny yam-a} redder)! of mn phwe,dled at, York on mean} lmL. axed £3 yuan. “The President will vew lhe."Freed men’l Burenu" bl”. Right. He mll not. pul hi- ugmlure to the "Equal Rights" lull. Right.|gnxn.-Putriollt Union. . iomil 0n the 13th lnuL, by Rev. W. R. H. Deatrlch. Nr. WILLIAM F. \h . of Meuulh-n tuwmhlp. w Mu- ELMHM J. W AhNEll, or uuucr lowu ship. nu? county. _ , On (In: 12th lmL. |n this plaqe, by Rev. W. R. H. Danmch Mr. L. A. B. 13513“) . 0H)» luglon, \‘u., to Mrs. him” a Mc-CLELXAN. at Gettysburg. In Bondemmp. Jan. mm,“ “fin” Im. .1. Y. Road Mr. JUHN BEAMEE tu nu MARY A. EWING, both ol’Adunl county. ‘ . Un lhv 9th XML, lw lh'v. RachelanlnMr. ADA! r. Bu 'KEfi. 0r muowr, w m.- xmmum' KRAFT, o! dums county.‘ Feb. 6. by m-v. Mr. Hma‘cnrmugn. m the AIM Elfin" (‘HARLDI BEAM a» Mrs. mum. DIED. 33.01)“:me notice- 3 cents pn-r llne'tor an over {our lungs—«uh to mumpauy notice. k On Saturday momln ' Fri}. 10th lu‘ Mount. plenum! wwmlhlp. 31:55:th unlcns EkLm the (Lid 3 on: of m: ngv. In Ufittynburg, on (ha 10:): Inst” MARY JANE Guuxuox. Maud about a: years. On Tun-lav morning Im. at me Alma-hum, m. uguu {Luau-211.}; nu advanced age. (In Frillnv last, up. the Alma-hum“), )I}. HENRY asI-LXYISR; lu un- 91x! year at m- age. Q, , THE MARKETS. Gettykiburg Flour Rye F10ur..... White Wheat Red when". C0rn............ Rye............. ME Buckwheat. Timothy Seed Flax 5e0u1...... Clover Seed Halttware Flour.. \V11en1.............. u... R;e....................... C0rn......:................ 01,113 ............ Clmer-5eed............. Trmuuny-5eed.......... Hogs. per band. Beef Guile, pertund Whiskey. SPECIAL _ No’l‘lCHS. D’R. TOBIAS' VENH'IAN LINIMEXT More testimony; This Is to certify that for th_e Inst fins years! have used in my family Dr. Tobin-5' Veniuan Liumu-m, nnd in'every instnhce have fond-i it. fully equal to hip recommendmiong. I hnvé found it to give nl - instnnmneous relief in cases afloolhache, croup, bilious colic. abre throat, pain in the chest and back,‘nnd rheumnlism, and 1 cheer fully recommend it: trial to every 011’: ufilicfsii with any of the above nume’d dxépnses. JAMES H. Wumn Hartford. C9nn.. Oct. 16th, 186.1. Sold by all dragging. Jumce, 56 Court.- lsudt 3%., New York. . [FOIL 12, 1866. lm BRANDRE I‘U'S PILLS Costiveness, Dm'rrhem-Thcy are taken up by the absorbuntl, and carried into the circu lstion. through which medium they-tire con~ re) ed to every pnrt of It“; body. . It; the puin uli'ccts the joints. n single dose produces rennrkahie hencfil. And the same rule, applies to eogtijrmhn. diarrhea and dys entery ; thdugh with the last named they met; be required night and morning for lonte duye baton decided relief is obtained. *ln nfl'eo tionl of the lungs', throat, heal and pleuriay, the relief is certain; the excretory organ: throw ofl' with ease the piilegm,und'the breath ing become: freer. ‘Squtsmbdic asthma is of ten cured by n ringle dole. , Feb. 12, 1866. lm * . LYON‘S PERIODiCAI. DROPS! I The Great Female Remedy fur lrreyularr'tiu. _ Tneue Drops are a screntilicnlly compuund ed fluid preparation, and belterthnn nuy Pills, Powders or Nostrnmn. Being liquid, their notion is direct and positive. rendering them A relrnhle,‘ speedy end certain specific for the onto 0: till obstructions and luppressiono ul noturr. Their pnyulurity is rndicuted by the fact that orer 100,000 bottles ure annually sold and contained by the ludies~ of the United States, every one of whom speulr in theatrung eat terror of praise of their great meriu. They are rapidly taking the rlnue ot every othej Female Remedy, Ind are considered by all wh know ought 01 then“ no the surest, entest, and most infullible ~preparation in the Worldhlur the cure ol‘nll female‘compluints, the removal ofall obstruction: of nature, and the promo tion 0! health, regularity and rtreugth. I-Lx plicit directions stuting when they may he used, and explaining what and why 'they should not, nor could not he need nfith‘out producing efl‘ecta contrary to nuture’a chosen laws, will he found carefully folded arohnd eerh bottle, with the written signature o”qu L. Lvosr, without which none are genuine. , l'repnrod b Dr. JUHN [..LYON, 195 Chapel Street, New Lawn, Oonn., who run he run sulted either pernonolly, or by mail, (e‘hclouing minim) concerning 11l private direnree and femule Ive-knees“. Sold by Druggiets every where. C. G. CLAKKA 00., Gen’l Agents tor (1.5. and (Innudufi Nov. 6, .865. I]. ‘ ’ TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES Senna you we Mnuox !-—A moat valua ble sud wonderful publication. A work of 400 pug", Ind 30 colored Engnviuge. DR. HUNTER’S VADE ,lEGUM, In origin-l and popular treatise on Man Ind Women, their Physiology, Function, nod Sexmul disorder. of o“er kind. with Never-Failing Remedies. for their Ipeedy cure. The “notice of DR. HUNTER hue long bt-en, Ind nil] I|,unbound. 9d, but at the «men solieimtion o! numeronl ”none, he he: been induced to extend his medlcll ulefulnou through the medium of hi “YADE MECUK.“ It is I volume that should be in the hundl of every [11:1in in :he land, u a preventive of ucret. ricer, or u A guide lor the nllevi-tion or one of the non ovlnl Ind deltructive lcourzol that. our vilited mankind. One copy. securely enveloped, will b. forwnrd. ed free of Wit-go to my pm oflhe United Sun- for no can" in P. 0. lumpl. Addren, poll p'uid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Dinsion Sn, New lurk. [Sept 25. . 1y * “a.-. i , TO DIE lbl‘A BAD CAUSE u then who lull in :53 rebel nnkl undoubt ed], 90, in foolilh. But on the othor hand DYEING FOR A GOOD CAUSE u those who no vise And prudent. enough to remedy the defecll of astute with ‘ CHRISTADORO'B HAIR DYE, “(doing our] day, in every City of the U nion, in eminmdy pnilewonhy. This P“"°' tul revolution in going on throughout the whole Ind, Ind thnl beluty ind hnrmony WP“ pint. homelineu ltd jncougrnily. Inn-afic lnied by J. CRISTAIJOROJO. 6 Astor flan“, New York. Sold by Drnzghu- Aprhed by I.“ Ed: Drone“. [XII 3- In A monovan' ULIASM‘ A cleaning syrup or the nut. deed" n 4 thorouhshnctu.and one leam to "edict“ chronic complaint,“ ell dinette“ le B-dny’e Renonting Retake-l. M In, men despair whatever hi: Illuunl, oz with our the’fmlllm when he he made to. our. lunrelfhy other modiclne. A: long In M wey'o Rowlvent can be procured he in all! certain of- cure. From one to II: bottles of‘ this utmotdiuiry aymp,nimple u it la MA ”I! u Meter the mun delicate to “he, Illy ":Ith every dlicm‘of a uhroulc, conultnx tionl, or awfulou ”ulna, without mud: to how long or how deepirv'ro‘gh'd it may have become in the ”nun. here’lh ‘n‘q neceulty 30" ”tort-inllotheindiscrimihnte'clte'r‘lt . lg mel. mercury, quinine. lodide, cox-olive m 1... mete. nreenic, und the host of mlnernl poflo'Hl‘ which commute th'. buis of no 'meny Eof‘t’ho' urupurillu Ind alter-tin mlnnm of' th" day, for Radwny'l R-‘uovnlng Reuben! II I nub-mum- (orthem all. The deformejend an ; firm cripple—yea, even the repnllln le‘per. Ilth hi: body covered with frightful tom and: mnning ul(~ers,nnd himaelfn walking ekeleton. ol putrefacliun—have been perleclly cured Ind, renqvutad, or made new again In it new} by 5 Hudway’l Resolvenl. for nll lkin diseuel,_ for all diaena- n pl the blood, whether the mint b 0 lu-ruditnry or the reanlt of thoughtlessneanp Ln disease: arising hum the "entire 1250.01; mercury, quinine. indine, or she-k : ’9'. new. lulmu disenun of every ~Mud, for milks, erg. ' sipelas, ophthalmil, Itch; for enact", liml’lv. wnsling uvmy of the body; lor vile humor! e” notes of every delcriplion; {or chronic rhu— nmtielu. gout. end neumlgin; for dyspepsm and general debility ; for roltiug uwny old!» house and flelh; fur snlt rheum, Icnld heudr white fiwelllngl, and sore loge; for did-(new generated by thelxmull-pox, Idenelu,yellc-.-:' fever, chilh and lever, and so_ on, lhdwny'e Rodovuring vaolrem i: A perfect, norer- ml— !pecmc. It may he relied upon villi Ilhe ulmost confidence, and may be mken by tho dzlinlh-sl person email): Suld by Dfuggiau. ' Feb. 19. "11. ' THE GRE \T ENUMSH’ REMEDY. Sm Jun Dunn's Cnuuturuu Frau“ PILLs. Pnpared frum n prvn-rilnlinn of Sir ‘ Ulnrke, 3L 1)., Phflicim Eumnrdmury lo | v ng-rn. 'l'lns inmluAble medicine is un failing in the um 01 .uIl Hum- pninl‘ul um] dnngeruus dis-mes to uhu'h _Nw Irlnnh‘ cun niluli’ou Ia subject.‘ It mum-Huh! All exrwgel and remows an ohiuucli-ms, and as “no“! cure u'my be rolled ‘on. - ' . 'BOUmSfiO ‘ 350 19010200 18550195 y ’l‘; lining-d Lmhu It is pwnlidrly pulled.— ' In will, In In hhorl time, bringon the mummy period “ill: regularity. ' ‘ Each bqule, print One Dollar, hem lho// ‘Guvermnrm hump of Ure’ul Britkin, Lo 13rc- . lunt cmnlerlens. ' ‘ U.\cl-on.-Th.se Pill: should not he taken :by Female: during the nu" um: xox'lui cl Pr‘ognnncyyai they are cure 30 bring on Mil- ‘ ‘ curring, hm av. any other li'ne may Ira sale, I In all cases at Mr‘wun and Spinul Afleclionlm , PM!" m the Buck anerimba, Pnliuue on High! . . exertion, Pulpit-Won uf lhe Henri, H 3 stall", ’ and \V’lnlel, these Pill! wull effecj a cure when nll, oxher menul have lulled; and nllhough‘g . 1’ pow erlul remedy. do nut mum 11 iron, unlomel, ‘nnlimuny, or in; thug; hurllul to the constitu l|ou. \ . 350(0300 17310200 60010650 8 50 'lO 9 00 2 00 lo 2 0’: 85 w 87 ’II to 80 . 49 to ,6! 7‘CO to B’oo 4 25 to 4 50 13 00 to” 50 10 00 £OlB 00 1'; w 1018 no 2 '2O w '1 21 Full directions in the pamphlet Iround'uch pneknge, which should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druugma. Sole Agent lorum United Slnlel and Canada. ‘ , Jufl Moms, 27 Cortlnn‘l§B:.,N’. Y. ' N. [lr-$l.OO and 6 flown: Hump: ant-{med m any nulhurmd Agent. wnn inlure a battle, (‘OHHIHHHK 50 mm, by "turn mm]. SUM b] A. D. Buchler. ' [Dec. 18, 1565. l] DR. MARSIIALL’S (‘ATARRII SNUFP This Snnfl‘lms thoroughly proved iuelftoho the hen unlicle knoun 'lor cunn'g lhg Unlnrth, Cold in \he Hand and lleudnche‘. ll hul he“: found un excrllent remedy in many when 0! Sure Eyes. Dentin-s: hm been rempved by 11, and chnng laud olun been greu'lly improved by us use. ' ' I! in lrnpruut mg agreeable, Ind mud In- IMDMTI um“- lo the dull hnxy pnim cuuud by disease. ul‘ the bend. The‘u-nsulium utm using it are delightful Ind invigorlling. l!- opem and purge: outullobstructium,urcngth-’ ens the glands, and give» A healthy action to lhv [.nru uffectml. ' ~ More than Thirty Yenru' of Ifll!‘ and use of “Dr. Marshull's (Inland: and llnulm he Snufi," bus provcd‘its grunt mlue fur all this commbn disc-men 0! 1h! head. and u this mum‘nc stands higher lhun ever Lelore. , his recommended by [may of the hut plug sicmns, and in “sled gin: great lucueu and, amurucliun efrryWher’l. - Read the anifirnes of Whore-nu Dl'llK “him in 185-5: The undenigum), hm‘iny [or many yea: bren ’quiuted willl ”Dr. Mur shall'a Catatrln mril‘llemdm-lw Snufl'," and laid it. in our wholrmlfs lrbde.cheer!'ully shut. Ihu‘ wg-hrjleve iv. tn be equal, In very lupect, to the recummcrdmioua given of it for tho euro 0! Caunrrlml Afleclngus, and that iti: decidad ly the best arm-la .weJuno ever known for I“ common diseases of the fluid. ' Burr J: Perry. Boston; llevdpAuston & 00., Baum]; llrowu, Lzquu J: Cu, Boston; liegd. (tuner 6: (‘O., Boston; Seth “I'. Fque, Ito-ton; Wilson, Fun-bunk a 00., Roman; Ueualhuv, l'J-hn‘md k '30., H moo; H.‘ g!. Huy,’l’urlluud, Mn; 15anch a Park, 3:- ‘4’ork; A. M. t D. Sullds" New York; Syfifi/u‘l l‘uul & 00.. New Noxk'; lsmel Mount 00., New York; McKen oou & Robbins, Sm York L.\. L. Sconll t 00., New York; \l. Word. Close a: 00., New York; Bush .1: Unlc, New York. - ‘ For sale by all Druggilu. Try it. Dec. 18, 1365. l) ‘ . ‘ ~ LIFE—II EALTH—“S’I‘RENGTH Li FE—d RAL'I‘HrSTRHS ( H'H. Li I“ E—HHALTII--STIIENU'I‘U. THE GREAJ: FRENCH REMEDY. , ‘Dn. Juu Qnuyuu’r ' CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS, Prapnicd {mm A preuriplion of Dr. Jun 001.. mum. C‘uiefi’hylicinn of the Hospital du Norfl‘ou Lnriu‘oiliare of ,Pu'u. Thin invulughle igedicinc‘il no imyomion. but is.unfniliug in the cur: of Speruntorrlm or Sabin i 1 Went-nos}, Ever, special of Gui. ml or Unnu-y lrmtibility, Involuntary or Nightly Smuinnl. Kink-fig: {mm wh-uver cause produced, or how r cavern, yilt‘ be Iyeedily relieved and the orpnl renal-ed to healthy z-cllon. , Read the following opinion! of eminent French physician-z i y “We have used the Specific Pill- prepnr‘d by Gnrnntiere t Dug-out, No. 2|; Rue Lou hard, from the prrlcripiion at 'Dr. Jun Delu mnrre, in our yrimur primes with unllunu menu, and we belie" rheroxil no out" ined ioine to we" calculi-led to cure 11l perlonl nufl'ering Irum Involuntary lmiulonl or In] other wenkucn uflhe Sung] omin, whether caused by u sedencnr, mode oilliviug, cue-nu, or Ibuse. R. A. Enunrnll, M. D. __( ‘ G. D. unnml, I. D. _ hut Luann-3,11). ' Paris. my 511», 1863." BEWARE OF COUNTEBFIITS. f The Genuine Pill: m lold by I" the prin cipll Draught: .hrolghom [ln Forld. 9:ch 0n: Dollu per Box, or 8i: Bonn for Fin Doll-n. ‘1 ‘ l' (human a; Daron, Sole Propreton,= No. 114 line Lombard,P-ril. ‘ . Ono DollAr en cloud to n] mlhorlud Agent, will inlure ; box by return mail, ucnrcly senled from nll own-Hon; 3|: .bum (or I” dollnru. . ' Bole General Agent: "lor Austria: ‘. 030 w G. 110588 110., 1. 27 Mesh-alt u., N. Y. i N. B.—Frgncl, German. tip-nigh tulnglbl‘ lephlf'l, confining in“ particular: Ind! dh‘ "mom for no, In; in. h "It, “drab. A. D. Buehlcr. Agent for Getty-burp Dec. 18, 1885. I, ' ‘ EDITOR OF THE COIPILER: Du: Silt—With your pemiuion, I will! in ny u? the render: of your psper. um. I will and, by return mail, to all who Wm! ugh»; I Bocipe, with {all direction- for n-kjgflgy . using a. linpl. Vegan bu Balm, my: : efv factually umqve, in ten d-yl, Pimplu,Blo , Tun, Incklu, :nd :11 lupuritiu of tho Skin,- lening the ume non. clur, smooth sud. bun tlful. lwill nlao mail {no to those having Bald Head‘s, or Bare Fit”, simple direction sad lubrmtion that will emhle men in am a! lull growth of Luxnrhm Huh, Whhhn, M launche. imlcu Linn ihlrty dun. ' All spégliutiou 3::l'oflld' by my: It“. with“! ”10.. scan 1 am, . mos. r. CEMPIAR’, Clio-id, J Non”. an ‘B3! macaw-1,3" York.
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