.le'é lan City I’m: any: um (Lo ladder: decline in path, butter, out. Ind ‘othcr produce. in gxoiting slum in agriéul tunl circle! in thn_neighborhood. We '.in the followiugiquohlionu : Bauer ”e. per lb., egg: 25¢. per dot, poutoei fie. per bushel. oth 150. per bushel. rye 30¢. per [Mi-he). harl'ey 25¢. per bushel. flour 83.50 pu- bbl.. pork (live) 61¢. per lb. 11 the cm]: shady coming? ‘ . fi’fln Virginil L gimme hnn rope.)- ed ll: nuqnt formerly giu'n “1““ diviskn of the Stud by the formation at Wed. Vi.- 3min. fiGc-n. Lee is reporhd to‘huo laid thug thp rebellion fuiled by reason ‘0! din greemenu among the laden. _ H'A flowing petroleum well has been struck by I New York company on Duck creek} uur Mariam, Ohio. .' Q'Alexander [LSteplwns bu déclinetl being a candiddle’tor Senator from Georgi; =I fißrigndiu 6mm! H-uk'qm in I conductor onrtho New Yufk Cantu! nil msl. - S'The clmlem I)!“ been importation Von Cruz. Mexico, by uh» anch troops. TEE MAnKm'z-a'. GET 1') SBUllU—Snvumr upf. .... BIN £0 8 50 4 75 .... 1.80 lo I 00 l 70 lo I so Flour lug F10ur..." Whitc Win-at ,Red When... ‘C0rn............. EEO unlckwheut. ... Timothy Seed Flux 5eed...... (Jover Send BALTIMORE—mev LAST F10ur.... When! R 39..." C0rn.‘..................... (mt! ..............,.’...... (710\'(§i--5ced..‘_......... TimoU-y-aced.......... Hogs, per hund........ Hect’fimlk, per hund 11ny......... ............... Whiskey MARRIED. 0n the mm in'... In, Bonnuglltnwn, by “KW. 11. A.slmrh,Ml.JU.~El‘.H n. mummmm I\A’l‘E, A. LITTLE, both or Mountjux luvyn~ ship, Adams county. ‘ , (In the 7th inu., by“ Rev. D. 'l‘. Curnnhnn, Mr. JUMN’K )IvUULLUIIH w Mus ELIZABETH CUM‘IAN, all of Gellytburz. ‘ Un Hu- lth insh, .u. the :esideqqe of the bride’s mower“ .\lra. Emmet Diem, by Rev. LI. K, \liner, \lr WILLIAM F. SAULHR. m llcid lvrphurg, w Miss ELLXE L. DIE‘HL, u! Buller tuwuslup. ‘ . DIED. , . _ ”Obit-nu, nuucos 3 cenh per line for-,5” 0v” luur linen—cash to_ nucou:pun}_uulice. (’in the 16111 of Kori, In Lee count), “1., DAVID HSCEL. formerly of ‘.in county, in the 491]: yn-nr of hisngc. . . . Uu Fridd) lust. u. we Alma-house, MARY VIUKJ'IY, M. M. ndvnnred age " In ILnIL-rguwnnhip, on the llth inst.,E.\l\lA J‘JLIZ \liii’l'u. )muuuu duyuhtd‘r of Ueurge null Suphm Isluchuugh, aged 1 martmouths nnd 2'l (in) s. ' " . 0n the Min inat., JOH‘I W. “'RQLEY, son of John Flo‘ser, 10f Stmbu'n mummy» ngcd 9 \enl’n 3 mnnthq and M Jan. ‘ ' . ‘ Ballroad Elecnon. 71‘1"“: Annual Elm-Linn for a l’ruidnnt Ind Tux-h c .\hmtgen lor the Geluulmrg Kail ruml. “all be bold or. the offiw ot' the C-nupnny, lu [hr second story of the l‘naengur Depot. in the Ilorough of Gettysburg, nu tho' SECOND MONDAY 0|" JANUARY next, (JuuuM-y ‘B, hum) m. 1 o'clock in the unenmun. A! the sums lime nnul place !here will he held the .regulur annual meeting ol‘ IheZSmckhulderl. . DAVID WILLS. Sec'y. Dec. 18,1865. td Jury List. for, January. Guum Junz. (‘.m- slung—sH. J. Stnhle, (Foreman) Henry (hrhwh. : - z . fliglnl.lnd—Josep‘l J. Kerr. - . ' ’ (igrnmuy -Juhn U. Byrrulohn Dioh]. Butl- r—larzlr‘l llricker, Ednarfl Sta‘lr'y, Jacob lhlfl'enspvrucn , wading—Lewis Chronister, Michael Alwine. John l.."l'nugl|inlfvugh. . ‘l..uimnre-.-J.~.cuh Hnyhcrger, Cyrus Albert. 'l‘) hint—PlN”) Cuoley. ~ llumiltun—Jubn M) urs, Jacob 'A'ehler. Noumplnnmnit—Jacob E. Miller. - Timon—Henry Felly. Sr. . Mennnen—rHL-nry Burner, Bil-tun Griest. ()xfyrll—llcnry‘J.‘nhn. *‘ ' - . llumingtou—l’eterj‘rey. ’ ‘ Bexrwick—Uyrus W‘nll‘, Jacob Hq'll. ‘ ‘ 'i Glxnun Jun. ‘p ~ Oxford -Jumea Robinson, Jr. . Union—Amos Baaelmre, Abr-th un Rife. lla-uding—4cumehus Myers, Andrei Emu, Wm. 0. Beck. - ' ' Cumberland—« Wm. Ron, Wm. Er Myers. Geo WelkerL . ' Mounlplensnntf—‘Dxmiel KohhrflincentO'Bold, Alexander Litile. _- ' > _ Gettysburg—John W. Tiplon, Joseph Wible, John Willa, Ed’wurd Mom-hey. ' j " ‘ Slmban—Jncob L. Grasp, WIn.,L. Thomas. Huhlingtorr—JAdnm Wclgle, Emanuel Neug‘el, Lynne .\lyers. ' “)lenuHen—Solo‘mou' Hargmm, John 3. Ron'- 5 man. A , 'Couowngo—Amhrose Kline. ' Butler—Solomon Urner, Nninh Miller. Germany—Wm. Dultem, Jesse Icket. " Liberty—Frederick .\lclntire. ' x Freedomdoshna Brown. Sr. Highland—hue Hemer. Hu— 'ilmua-LPner'Holfheina, Samuel Miller. ;lummonb-n—Roben Wlunn, mix. I'. Reed. Lulimore—Abram Zigglar. . ’ Dec. 18,1865. , ; Hanover B. Rafiroad.‘ NE TA .E—On and Inner Firidny, Nov. “Hi, 18 5, passenger trninl ob thg Hun over "much nilraad will leuye sifullows: FIRST TRAIN, (which makes connection with three train: on the Northern Central lluilrnyknt the Junction.) will league Hunover at 9 00 s', it. for Your, Baltimore, Burl-burg, Ind lntemmdiate'utntions. fi‘Thli trnin returns to hoover I! 11 fl. and "dyes It Gettysburg“ l P. H. SECOND TRAIN leaves Hanover at 1:0 P. IL, nnd arrives It the Junction at 3.10 P. l, connecting mth the Nail Train South, which Arrives at Baltimore at SP. H. Pulsengeu by this Train For York lay over at tbs Junction until BJ2 P. 31. ‘ Passengers leaving Baltimore (or Hanover, Gvuyaburg, and Liulepzown, wilt take cube: "1e “nil Train 3!. 9 A. IL, or the Past Line a: 12.101’. )1. , JOSEPH LEIB, Agent. Dec. 18. 1865. * I P you wish u prim ”tide of Chewing and 1 Smoking Tobncco, Cignu, to" go to NJ}. INN IGH’S Cuntectionery, in Oklahoma": ”net. ~,__¥ .- F you vial: Onngu. 'Lomonn. Raisins, Fig, l or Duel. go to h". H. NINMGH‘S Conn? onéry. in Chamber-bum meet. ANDBILLS; POSTERS. 86.. done in tho :imt “mun stylus st the GUIHLEB unite, Gettylburg, , . AGO, Arrow Root, Om Sunk, Rice-flour and gel-tin, {or his u Drnaounwa nu “ONLA ~ A 110! with I nice Assortment of flu Quad 3.) to x. H. lINRIGE’B 00 our; " Autumnal: meek, afoul ’in r you um: fresh Almonds, Psln Kata, mm]. .Wnlnuu, mum. Como-at; amp-n, ta. (0 to‘ Bali. IMIGH’ commoner}. in mammary-tn». . RP anysacna. PAH-The Winter Senior: 1' of this Institution I!!! commence JAN UARY Nth, 1866, and will cominue thirteen ‘ weeks. For punicul-n‘ ladnu 3 H. L. BAUOHEB, D. D., ‘ Pnuldnnt of Pt. College. PH Rn. Okll’fiHßEllAß‘l‘. nd u! on a r unto De ’t. Deeds, 1335? a: r'p r, P ' ‘ 031""qu Rum-u. Bun} ' Doc. 9, 1885. ‘ N Election lor Director: of um Bait, to Ah‘serve for the ensuing war, will be held u. \ e Bunking Home, on TUESDAY, JANU ARY 9th, 1866, It 1 o’c!ock,’l". N. T. D. CARSON, Calder. Dec. 18, 1865. St ' 1331‘ NATIONAL. BANK OF GETTYS BIRG.—Notice it hereby given to the . mekholden of~the FinL Nation-1 Bunk of Gettylbnrz, am an election lor sevon Diréc~ ton, to ur‘u one year, it" be held I: the Banking Home a! fluid Institution, on TUES DAY, «he 91!: an of JANUARY, 186$, :11 o’clock, P. I. Dec. 18, 1863. 3t N ELECTION will he llt'ld In. Ihgj’nhlic A School llouse in _andersville, ml the FIRST SUNDAY l.\' JANUARY, 1866, be tween the pours of l and 4 o'clock. P. BL, lo} mevurpose of elvctinx olfi-‘ers at the “Adams Counly Agrit'ullnml Su’ciey,” tog the‘ensuing year. By order of Ihe board. “'3l. B. \VILSON, Sec’y. '_Dec. 13, 1865. td : ' ACOB MORTORF'S ESTATE.—LetIen of ' ndminiutnition- on the estate of Jacob Hortorf, fate oi linuxiugtrm locuship, Adams cqunty, deceased} having Men granted to the“ undersnwmd, residing in‘ Tyrant! town- Ihip, be“ hurrhy gives notice to all persons in debted to paid tdLI‘IN: to make immefl'me pay. ; ment, and thou having clniml against the aume ‘ '.O present them prupt‘riy authentic «ted for let tlerne‘ut. (.h‘ultuig W. iIAiiMAN, Adm’r. i Dec. 18, 1865. 6L ' - ' j ..... 2 00 90 2 D 0 ...... l 75 to 2 00 ....Y. 6 50 w 7 00 8 50 w 9 00 1 'l5 lo 1 L 6 ' 90 to 93 [‘o lo 84 48 '.o 53 ’. Horsemen, Attention! A CHANCE I‘o um; MONEY RY .runs-9 HAujnus’s 7 7510 8 ‘2 3 501.0 3 "lb 12 no has so I!) 00 1013 00 '9 30 1020 00 ‘2 30 w 1 31 rATENT§AFETX KIIIULE AND LINER. Ty: most un-lul invention of the we, patent cd or. 7, 1565. Any runaway ("Hm-king horse in lhe Wurld can be driven lay It with use. $l,OOO tutu-it ull'vn-d by Dr. Hartman for Every lafilure he nukes In nmnugin‘g such nuiumla. .Suddlers of Lmucutcr make no olhcrbzidle. - - . _ .‘l'owuship-or I'ndhidu‘nl Riglhi in Adams county tar .ulc by ' , ‘ ' [HIEUER Jr BRODBENT, . Gel-3 aburg, l‘n. $5 will [’lrclmsv nn ludihduil lilgui. , _ Dec. w, 1565. :1." ‘ . . ' , {HE Commissioners nl Adams enmity hue by give unlice thzu'lhey Im've (ind upon the fullo“ in): time:- for the [gal-ling ul‘Appwls fur the screw; lsnrulffihs cm! 'l‘uwmlups of Adams cmluty,xl.t xhc utficc ol _thn (.‘runty (.:qu miusumers, in Gchydmrg‘ \mel am! where ill-y \ull nttrnd 401 nm! Appmls. Imlwecu the llouri‘l-F 9 n'clockWL .\l. and J o'clock, P. 31., orcm'h dd], us Lulu“: The Apia-uh, fur thlysl-urg, (‘um‘mrlnan Gunning, Link-stun n, Uxturd, lhmnuulun, Lulimuré, and Hunmlnubun. on TUESDAY, the lqih dufi' GHANUAHY 111-.\i: . Fur Franklin], Stratum,” .\h-mxllen, Butler, Noumplezmim. _\lunp:jay, “ighlmm. and Con. ounogn, on \\'HD.\'EBUAY,- lue ”lb duly of JANUARY nun; . For Bending, Hamihon, Liberty, Tyrane. :llniou. Premium; lit-mick 601, and Hclwick (11., on THURSDAY; the Emu dny uHANU AR)’ next. A By orhof‘the Commissionars, .Dec. 18, 1865. Id 4......_. fi._ a‘ Begxster’s Nance. OTlChis hereby given to all [leg-Merl nigd OIIM‘I' persons concerned. that. the Ad ministration Accuunu herr-in-fler menlioned will be presnuted u: the Orplmn'a Court of Adam; coungy, for-confine uzion and nullownnce, on MONDAY. the lblh day ol JANUARY, 18!:6, IH. 10 o'clock, A. l[., viz :' . ' 248. fi‘he first account. of Andrew Bib. finger and John linuuger, Executor: of Jacob 'B (linger. deceased. ‘ ' 249. First nnd final acpounl of Daniel S. Diehl, Atlmxniflrawr ofSamuel Sadler. dec. 250, Theg'nccoun', of Benjamin Muinun, Administrator: 0'! the estate at]. C Albert. smiled by Samu‘el B Miller, one of the Ex ecuwrg 0! Benjamin Maliun. damned. ‘ 251. "(be but and 'fimnl nccoum. of-Daniel Drum-hacker, Administrator of 'the estate o 'Susmg Kt'efl'f. late ovat. Carroll. Illinois, ap-l' lonuerlv offidnma county, deceased. ‘2-32“ The first. quil final account. of Hon. Muses McClean, Administrator of the esmxe of GyOpleori, (hcuaml, Embracing alm an ‘nécnuht of sales of heal 13min u'mde by him M auai-nvy in hm fur he heirs. 253. The first and final Emu!“ pl John , Human-y, Admiriistmtpr with” the will an ~ nexml 0! Martha Lee-per, late on Liberty lp. , SAMUEL LHALY, Register. Beglster’s Office, Gettysburg, } . « , ;__D_ece “3135511305. «1* . ICIIAE‘L UNGER'S ESTATE.-—-Letters Bf testamunlury on {he‘l'Slllle of Michael ngu, lute of Union tnwushlp, Adams ciiunly, _dN‘Pnicd, hm‘fiig bocn granted to the under ;ignod, residing in the same township, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate In a: nke immediate pnylnent, and those having clnims again.“ lhe snmo to pre sent thqunopcrly nuihenticnled fbr setlle mun: ‘ JEREHIAB UNGER, Ex’x. Nov. 20, 1865‘ ‘ m" i ILERU‘S COD LIVER OIL JELLY, ny proveii hy the Academy 0! ”edit-inc.— l'o: Coughs, Colds. Bronchill md Tuberru- In: Consumption, Scrofuh an}! General De bilicy., The mom. mnld.,blnnd ammunition: turn: in which God that Oil can be uged, and with more benefit ”cured—to the patient. by A single wupooufnl of thlthlly, thnn by don ble the quantity of the clear or unjellified Oil. For‘lule by all drluuills and by E. ii. TRLTI-IX,WbolesuloDn gyisl, ‘ - Na. 1:. Beckin'mu SL, New York. Aug. 29, 1865. 3:21 " THE undersizned would moat relpectfuny ’ inform the purblicjbnt he continue: the . BLACKSHITUISG BUSINESS, a: his shop, lutelyj’hilip Dwrspm’l, adjoining Troxel‘a pnlut' .~h7»p, in East Middle we“, chysbnrg, where he- will at all time. bo pre pared to do Black-milking work to Carritgel, Buggies, Wago’ns, kc. That. ho hum! ho! to do all jobs at the kind will not be questioned by‘those who hue I knowléfige of his long experience I: the”bnslness.‘ Come on with your work, and you will be snisfied when‘you mu lt "my—and for which he will receive (3th or Gouuuy 'Prn.l‘uce.] ‘ , ‘ . ADAM _HOLTZWORTEL U", 30, 1805. tf ~ Revenue Stamp < P In] denomination consunlly on blnd 0 .‘ad for nle the First Nations! flunk of Geflyllmrg. GEO. Anx’om, Guam; .. Géttylbnrg, Nov. 14, 1864. r BLANKBCLHE‘EKS. NOTES A)! D » “a ‘A. K Printing of every descrip tion “my Ind prompt! , uecnted n th coximmm aflico. ’ ° NEW mick of ‘ “ ~ GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, a mad with upecinl our. ad warnnud good tin. Myers, jun milled Ind for sale n ' ' J. BEVAK'S, ’Oppoliu the 'Bnnk. Gettylbnrg. 1" you will: Toy ngou, Buggiel, Guru, Wheelbarrow: lid Drums, go to I: H. NEIGH'S Confectionery, in Chambcnbnrg “not. Ma's PLANTATION mnvns,’ one Hannibal Tonic, u Dr. R. uumn'a m Blon- ‘ " Pennsylvania College, Bank Election. Elect! on. G 20. ARNOLD, Cuhier Notice. Notice. Tax Appeals. .1. M. WALTER, Clerk Notice: To ConsumptiveB. Blacksmithmg. . a Valuation 'and Assessment for 1886. N purl-lance of In Act. of Au‘cnbly puud the 17th day (”1111”, 1842, the following Sutu ment In hereby published' by the Commissioners of Adm" county. which exhibit: the nmonnt, deaaflption And ulna of the Bed tux-t Prroonll Property. Tndl'l Occupulon 3“ Protection, and. liable b) the lever-l Act: of Aucnbly 0! thin Comnonwullh : ' > a: m ‘ . mg ms. 35] 5;..3-‘50051190; 9 5 ‘ 5" ‘33-’43: :;(==-z-{22:;gg'gl mil 3 ' . can asu‘37‘ya’s3l332 453:;a—amizg' g‘ Bonoooutn 1 255 2g§fbff=zg§afigg ZoEjtamgFE .- ‘lovumu. , 29-: anr;?§§ 395.51: ;gg;9;;x3o4 g -- ‘ ' 1‘3".» 'figw;§=:‘sgfi'figgglzmfigsr‘ss's ,5 ~ Ea— ;="§:'-‘§:3[ 15%;:E'ééit-53; 55’ :' .__; . 4145‘; __'='.L°_:l_':£: ;;_; Gutntgnri............'.....;331168' «357(21904154333 6750 3200' 630‘ 1810 $37,00 Cumhuhnd....m........,.-.., 240070 10314 y uma‘ nao “.114 301.05. 1,00 Germany....:... .......;.. .. . mm 0392, 15900 3435 ...... 15157 2.00 0xf0rd...........................- 159910 10672. 59929} 0425 ...... ......' 2830 12.00 Huntingt0n.........,,,mm", 202193! 2658-85 2:868. 10805' .. '3030’ 7.00 Laumm......,,....._,...',m, 14622101186): 1393:; 5540‘ 20131 2,00 Hamiltonbln 2132331 175051 137114‘ 1230.4 .147; 7‘oo' Smb-u.................. ...... 219086111597; 30719, 3510' ._..... ......l 1765 3.00 Pr-nknu.:..................... 252094! 20209 10070: 115201 :4... ......‘f’ :33; 4.00 11en110n......,,,mm;,,,,,,._ 190310 v 11474! 10131? 0130‘ ...... ......$ 2770 5.00 Re1ding.......... ............. 228016' 10907' 22015‘ 4010 - :-.:.. ' 2723' Hum1t0n........................ 201020! 13807! 25930‘ 5020’ 2M5: ...... lonn£pleuut,..,.;. 179400 21068' 200431 4305‘ 3702' any..." _zzono} 9049' 03900, 2953! 2031' Tyr0ne.................A......... 103857] 10147! 3000, 45:0! ......, xsso‘ can...".,,_,,,,___,.__,,,,,,, 197459 0487. 31120 333: .....4 non 3.00 Bauer"... 109003‘1514211300-1‘ 0:55 2170 N0untj0y........................ 1842-)"' men 7036‘»l 4460 ......) 2449! Prved0m......... 368420 50389 7300 33055 soci 3.00 Lmeny..................:....... 115-0551 9977; 7705 482i] 9*o' I'oo 8erwick1p...................... 90050; .0035 1014:. 3420 i ! ......! ms} 1.00 1k’rwickb0r................,... OMB!» 2525 12.03- 4333 i . ......l 1085; Lnt1e510wn.................... 6.44:. 3075 23208 610.3; .__"i 1279: 6.00 umills- 83530. 02.17 12,012 2:130; ......f 8554 Total, “740:9avasmauosewzizsi 67:0 3200! G3O, 4..-9330.593100 Aunt-J. It. Walter, Clerk ‘ Decvmber “.8, 1565. 4: Public Sale. HE lubscribt-r, inunding to more West” Twill sell at Public Sula, on Ilu- premium, on HONDA Y. the Isl. day ofJANUAIIY. 1866, M 9 o'clock. A. 51., THE VALUAIHJ.‘ FARM on which he now résides, shunted between the Gettuhurg null Littlentnwn rondshnbom 2 miles from Tum-y -ipw Currull culiuty, lid , nnd adjoining lands of gleriing Gun, Jnrnea and Robert Knox, and thers. This Farm contain; 20'! ACRES. more o'r less, qnilrr goirl fencing, land lnid 00' in conveuient figlds. and in a high state of cultivntum, it luring had om 25.000 bushcla oi lime thereon within the Inst few yen“.— Thin Farm is well muered, having two never iniling springs in water near thefioor. There is an excellent youngflrchurl 0 tier; \‘nriea ty of fruit, trees, with pehch. peanhpricot, ‘ plum. and other trees.‘ Thx-re is n sulficien“. i quantity at Woodlnud, also n large quantity oi’ excellrnt mmdow land. ‘The gm» improvementsconeislolnilough- 5.3 a . nutrllwolliug HOUSE, n Luge 51; P: - ‘ Wenthcrbonrdcd Bun, with Corn vii-«’3‘: Crib, Lurge Wagon Shed, Smoke House. Dog House, am) nli‘necessnry out~buildi§gs. Aim. at the same lime and pince.l ivill sell TWO WOOD LOTS, cuntxlining {lnch Four and u llaif Acres, more‘br less; sit‘nnlcd near 8211’: Milk Any pvréons wishing to view the pro perly, can do“ sent my time. ’ l'ossessinn piien the first day of April.— Terms made known on day or‘ sale. . Dec. 4,1865. ts“ K ‘ Desirable Property T PRIVATE SILK—The subscriber ofl'crs A in Private Sale. the property on which be men: iy rv-sidedi consisting of A “new or“ LAND, silunle in'Cumborlilnd tnwnship, Adunl county, adjoining lands of Emanuel D. Kellcjr, Henry Bult, John W. Weigle, and others, containing 19 Acres, more or less, about. one-half being‘legnm “endow; The improvements nren Two-stury Log ‘_‘”? HOUSE}, Low Burk-building, I ‘one- my!) story Log Home, Spring Home. Lug Bun. ‘vnh Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, flog Pen, km, {in} wells of excellentr wntrr. with pump: in th'em, n‘ good Apple‘On-hurd and other chowe frui'. Slick ’propertirrnre rare, and persons wish ing to buy should not miss this «bu-neg.— Thoae wishing to View it are requested to call on the uubiériber, residingin Gutysbnrg. ‘CORNELIUS DAUGHER‘I‘Y. Oct. 20,1865: ~ ,' .. ' A Valuable Farm T PRIVATE-SALE.-—The subacrilger,‘ Ex ecuwr of Joaeph llemler, decoused,ofl‘cn at Prim": Safe, A FARM, situate in .\inuntplensnnt township, Adams county, Pun, thrcc‘milvs east of Gd.- ].yaburg. near the rum] lending to Bounuph town. adjoining iitnds of Abraham Reuvér, John Cressflohn Rommel, and others, contain ing 173 Acres, more or less, of patented hind, nhont 30 acres in timhhr, with n suifi ,iency of meadow. The improvements are n Two-awry Fi‘uinc liUUhK, with Back-bl:ildin',j,Bnnuke House,two nary Stone Spring {louse with n , never-failing Spring.'a Lug Burn, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, with no Orchard ofchoice fruit. It is in I good state of cultivation and well watered with uéver-l‘niling Water in neari) every field. - r ‘ ' Persons wishing to View the Farm will call on Joseph A. Hemier, residing thereon.) ' GEORGE HEMLER. Sept. 11, 1‘865. ti Executor. ,[ Laches’ Oyster. Saloon.’ RE, undersigned !ms the ple'nauré of an- T nonncing to his frien‘fia that, in cunnoc you with his QONFECTIUNERY A.\'D 101-: CREAM SALOON, be 11.13 opened an , ~OYS'PER SALOON, with A SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. Ladies and Gentlemen‘vxsiting this Snloon will find the accommodnfious ull they could denim. Oysters will be served up in .ny style and In nauperio: manner. Cull and Ice. ' , 3 JOHN GRUEL. Nov 8, 1865. . If Pictures! Pictures! BVI MUMPER fining purchned Samuel 7 Wavev’n PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, is prepued to “my; work in bi: line equal (a In] bumblisbmen in the Slate. ll‘ you desire a good likeness, finished according to tbelntcat lmproumeml in the :11, call 1:11.th above long-established Gallery, in West Middle sweat. Gem-slung. [Janz 9, 1365. Beeves' Ambrosia FOR. THE HAUL-The On'giaal and Genuine Amlmm‘a in prepued by‘JnALLnl‘Rxlus, and is the best {lair dressing mid prenrmtive now in use. It stops the finir filling out. causes it to grow ”nick and ;ps’e'Tenu it from turning prematurely grey. It eradicate- dan drutf, cleanses, beautifies anti render: the heir um, glouy end curly. Buy it, fly it. end be convinced. Don’t be put. off with e spurious article.~ Ask for Beevn' Ambrosia and take no other. For Sade by Drunk“ and Deolen in Funny Good! everywhere. Pfice 75 mm per Bottle—4B,oo p‘er doten' Added! REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, ’B3 Fulton St, New York City. Oct. n. 1885. on Something for Everybody 0 BUY AT DR. R. HORNER'S T n DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— “Wind I fine cuonuunc a! up uni Medicines, I’mns Medicines, - aflfionery, Fine] Dry Goodl, Confections, Groceries. Notions, TOBACCO, BIGARS, to. In. 13, “64. . 'fl'kAC‘flNG AflENTION.—Tha “pa-log Picture: taken at MUMPER’S SKY. 'l' GALLERY. on West Middle sh, In numting nukes-nu attention. Good jndxu prgmonnu than! superior to Any ever taken in thin plum. Call and e'xunhi to: your-elven. Jul. 18,1865. ALL "Id lee (be molt buntifal lupu -0 nut 01;: gEWRLBX, much u nap in top: A _ , B o 1) finger Blug‘, Locke" Obdgl. #O., .g J. aha s, , Opposite m Bank, Guyana. ‘ l? A VALUABLR l-‘ALHL—‘l‘he under. Jigned, hy virtue of the last will and tea tnment of Micheal Petry, lute ol Cu'rrull coun it ‘, Hd., deceased, end of the Order of the Dr phans’ Unurt for said Cnrroll county, will alter the Real Estate left by said deceased free and l clear ofthe dower right ofhis widow, at Pub ? lic Sn'e, to the highest bid-let, on the premises. i on SATURDAY, the 23d d-tx ol DEGEMHER, ”65, at l'o’clock, P. M. Said Real Estate is 1 situated in Carroll county, .\ld , on the Turn ‘ pike rohl lending tron: Westminster to Union town, three and n in]! miles from the former, and the some distance trim) the hitter piece, and contains 201 ACRES, 3 Roads and 34 Perches of Land, more oi- less, rf which 30 acres are cnvered with excellent Timber, con sisting of Black and-White Oak. Hickory, and sonic Chestnut, the residue is cleared 15nd,“: it fine state of cultivation, very productive, ‘nnd enclosed with good fences, of which a great purl. is post. and mil. .The buildings on this property hzt‘ve all been erected within the lust. sixteen years, and consist of a at," commodious Two-story Log Wes- _.gwf ; " therbonrded HOllSE,uith a Busc- a ,3 ”fl , mcnt story, Frnmc think llnrn,loo "1‘26 feet long by 45 feet wide, With ‘twu \\'ngou Sheds null Corn Crih attached, “'.Nh House, Cnrrinue “onse, “‘00: House, Dry House and fluke-oven, Cave with Smoke llunse over it, and n Hog House. There is A Wt-ll ol excel lent Witter near the dwelling with n l'nmp in it, l!nd there is n Cistern at the U urn or ruff ficicnt capacity to hold one hundred and fifty (nnr barrels of water. There are 2 Apple Orchards on thismropetty of choice vnrit-ties and other Fruit Trees, nlso nn excellent Quiltf ry of Limestone of superior quality. | This property is susceptible “advantageous division lnto two pnrcels, for the renson that the 'aforeeuid Turnpike rmd runs very nearly through the centre of it, audit is well wotercd hy Meadow Brunch, which passes through it. Tue Terms or us are as follows, viz;— OJe-thirdm purclmse money shall be psid by the purchaser or pur'chtuers to the un dersigned on the day of sale. or upon the ratification thereof by the Orphnn’s CJurt aforesaid, nnthLle residue shall be pnid in two equal payments. the one to he. paid in one your, and the other in two years from thadsy ol sale, nnd to be secured by the notes of the purchlser or purchasers with security to be .apprbved of In; the nndersugned, bearing in terest from the def“ sn’e. SAMUEL NULL Pcnons wishing to‘view the above property before the day of Exile will plensé call upon the undersigned. one of whom resides thereon, or upon their Attorney. residm: in Westmins ter, .\ld. (“THARINE PETRY, Exrcuuix, JACOB PETRL Executor. ‘ ‘J ‘J. Bnumgardner, Attorney. Wm. Brown, Auctioneer. Dun-. 11, 1505. u ' k T PRIVATE SALEw-‘Tbfllbflfififl offers A big Real Esmte at Private Sale, cousin ing of-the followin’g: No. 1. A FARM, situate in Frmklin {own zhip, Adams coun‘y,about 4 miles south of Culllown, adjoining land. of Arnold Linn, Peter Henry, Amol Dievhl, and othenmnmuin ing 236 Acres, more or less, about 60 being cleared, and the huhmce first rate Timber, )ocust,-chesnut, rock oak, black oak,and white oak. There II a constant slrcum through the farm, with I good‘ my mill size, and water in an the fields hut one. The im- '1“ proveml‘nu are a Two-story Log 3:? i ' uonsn, Sumrfifi Kitchen. Smoke J? l"! House, Bunk Burn, Wagon filled... - x;;< and Corn Crib. Hog Pen. and other ouLb‘unid iugs. There is an excellent spring 11‘. the floor. and two young Apple Orchards on the property. ’ ' No. 'l. A TRACT OF LAND, about iof 3 mile east of the abovehadjoiuing Peter fluke nnd Victor Mcllhenny, containing 52 Acres. more or less.'ahout. 30 acres. being in good Timbl-r’. Thefimprovemcnla his A one “2; um! I! hnif spory Double Log HOUSE, my: Slab!e,Smoke[Eouse, ands Wellflouse. with A prime wcllo! waterin it. Also a spring am] a fine young Apple Orchard on the place. Persons wishing to view the pmpgrty are ”11:93:01! to call on the fibucriber, rhqding on AO. l. ‘ The property will be laid on only terms, and divided to wit pin-churn. GEORGE DAYWALT. No'v. 20, 1865 r nesmr‘nw, REAL ESTATE—The Inhecriber. in nding 40 decline farming. WI” offer All. Publiofisue, on TUESDAY, the 261 h of DECEXBEB. 1865, u 2 o'clov'k, P. 51., HIS VALUAHLB FARM, situated on Big Pipe Creek. Gui-roll county, um, Idjaining [ends of John Waist, Jacob Marker, and others,’ on the road leading from Weiet's Mill in the Littlenown Pike, containing .over 200 ACRES OF LAND. The improvements 'h‘ consist nfunbsmmial Tue-story “'45; ' arose House, mu. Kitchen; I'}, "1] large Stone Bern, Hag House, 2. ';g.‘~\ Spring Bounce, Smoke House, Dry House mud Bnk‘e Oven. Wagon Sheds, Ind all other on buiidinga, built. of stone, in the best manner: There in In excellent Orchard of choiceJi-nit on the place. There is also about 43 acre! of good Timber-land. The Fern: ii under excel lent fencing, the land is rolling, but not hill], and all well limed ; 3 Pump at the barn and In the kitchen door, and e never-failing Spring at the spring house. A Person desiring to view thnpremiees. vyill be cheerfullyshewn ‘hesume by the subscriber, living on the piece. ‘ ~ ‘ ”The farm will be ofiefld ht Print-B Sde, qn euy \ermr, until the 26m. a RTerpsu-conunoduiug Ind made now: on flay otsnle, when an Plu’will he uhE‘an. _ A _ JACOB EBB; Dec. n, 1865. ‘u C I: 0 O ) x s . Now on hand CLOCKS in great Variety, from funnies or the highen reputation in the country, .ud "maxed good lime-hem". Cull on J. BEVAN, Opposite the Bank, Gguyiburg. URI SILVER WARE and ‘ SILVER PLATED WARE. of the Very beat qulicy, a new umnmemjun melted. Cd] Ind In it. I. BEVAN, . -oppolm the Bunk, Gettysburg., F you with linguiim PM: To: i Boob. Nenpnpen, or {'Vovaln, 3.11513. NNIGH'S Confettionery, in Clan-bent)“: um; ‘ swam. “Am-n. ABRAHAM muss, 4,4 'SAML‘EL wow. Comnfiissioners Execuors’ Sale Two Properties Public Sale 1:111M1=21E1 The Oldest 391 but: GINGY IS THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA.— This Agency baring Qperior sd vantages. on show lore, sad Inner . grsin sud urn-ing Farms and other properties {or sde to persons _desirinz homes, business sites, km. in this buntilul Ind ferfile stley “'1 lens prices than my other establishment in [be Ynlley of Vir ginia. Our ofiice beinglouted in the town of HARRISONBURG, near the centre of this garden of Virginia, and beihg in direct com nnnlmiou by stage and otherwise vilh sl most every pm oflhe Valley. persons seeking homes here, can hare better (“amic- for looklag at and selecting such‘properlies as may um the uriou tute- and nuns of the nu merous purchuers. We would respectfully invite the Attention ‘ of purchasers to the PROPERTIES we have on hand for sale, bsing confident we can oe commodste the most whimsicsl on such terms on «not be offered n any other office in the Valley. Our properties nnuo in qusnlily from (25) TWENTY-FIVE ACRES, T([)m§2soo) TWENTYJIVE HUNDRED AC , ‘ Ind in PRICE. at Inn» 9 ($3) THREE DOLLARS TO (380) SIXTY DOLLARS PER ACME, ‘ Ind contaip some of the very best grazing'nn'i grain FARUS in the Ynlley, 3nd some of the most plenum nd bmulilul lac-111i" in the anley. Our town lots. busineu sites. and ,townJesidencu, In not. surpuud in the Valley. ,_ Tlmnrtnvlccouomnxu. Anyonewnnt ing inPormfliou, can have it, it any [trollerly üboutwhich they may inquireén our ndvcr tisemenu by writing to us fin- s «analoguel containing prices, llilf‘riplifi' lists, kc. These lands and other properties he in Rock inghnm, Pugo, Shenandmh, Warren, Anguqm, Ruckbridge, _Pundleton, Hardy, Randolph, Al bemarle. tu.‘ ‘ Give us a call and you canffizom the nnmnr on: properliu‘ we have for 5510, be accommo dated on the best of te'rmn, before you leave for your home. A We Ire M. all times prnparcd to convey person“ to look It. lunds lying in Ihe county of [lockmghmm free nfclmrga. Address,. J. D. PRICE & CU., , No x and} um Building. llnrrinonburg,mocklugu um cm, \'n. . A Dec. 4, 1863;. 3m ' Virginia Lands in Mark at. . RTHUR L. ROGERS. ‘ ... , __‘ _ ‘ - REAL ESTATE {\G'ENT, MIDDLEBURG, LOUDUN COUNTY. VA: llnving nn extensive ncqulinmncc with the people and the Land of the Piedmnnz Section of Virginia, In celelimted‘ as a fine “6'3“ Country,” [will pay particular «Ht-mien tn the‘ PURCHASE AND SALE OF [ti-Ll]. ESTATE, in lhlaVregion‘, besides prnclicing lnw in the Conrls of London and l-‘nnquier. a! sun undionzed to sell name of-the most deaimble Farms in this part. of the Slate. and will correspond promptly with persons wishing to purchagg, or take plenlurejn sliow‘v ing the-1e Lind": to them, it they give me n cu“. Q‘Plhu and Surveys furnished when de sired. Address, AKTllUll‘ L. ROGERS, Attorney in Luw, Middleburg, Luudou cm, Va. Rzrzuficzs.«—John Janney, Esq , Leesburg, \'n.; Gen. A. Rogers. Hiddleburgr, Yn.; John A. Spilmun, Esq., James V. “woke, Beth Wur reulon. Fnuquier county, Vn.; A.‘ K. Phillips, Frederigaburg, “L; finds 12. Smith, Esq“, Nexus :3, V..x.; Ur. Hen-Hy, R. Wellfurd.Wm. H..\lacfarll-nd. Esq., Richmond, VIL; Messrs. L. I’. Bayne & 00., Messrs. Hamilton Enter J: C 6,, I. Nevet' Stelle,-Ihllilnnre; Md. fliddleburg, Vu., Oct. 16, 1665. 3:11 Carriage-making Resumed. ‘HE war being over, the undersigned hnvé re~umed the CAIIIIIAGE-MAK‘NG BFSINESS, at. their old mud, in E mt “indie street, GETTYauunn, where ‘hey are again prepared to put up work in the mos! fashionable, substaminl,,and supe rior mynncr. A in: of new and second-hand ’ CARIHAGES, BUGGIES, &C., on lund, which “my ml! disuose~ o! in tho lowest prices; mud all orders will be supplied as promptly and sut'lsfncmrily as toasible. ‘fi‘REPAIR/INE} done with dispnlch, nnd nt‘cheypest rules. A large lot of new and old HARNESS or. hand for sale. . «I . "Thankful for the liberal 'puronage hereto for: enjoyed by them, they solicit. and mill en deavor to dcsen‘e a large sh u-e,ih the fnluAe ’ _DANNER & ZIEGLEE. July 10, 1865. 1! Grand Mass Meetmgq, NOT for political purpoqee, but. {or pur poses of comfort, during the coming Winter, will be held at. the new 0115 A? CLOTHING, ' HAT AND CAP STORE ‘ . 0F THEODORE C NORRIS, on Chambershurg street. Gettysburg, one door East. of Buehler'l Drug Stare, angry day during the lull. ' He has on hand Boy's Jukets. . . Boys’ Coats, Boys' Hats and Cam. ‘ , Men’s Fine Cloth Coats Men's Sack Coats, ' Men's English Wnlking Coats, , ' Men's French Suck Coats, Men's Un-I'Uonls a! all kin-in Blné‘k Paints and Fancy Pants, in incl. every dest-ription of Gem's Fu‘rniahing Goods. Being A new beginner, and determined tc sell as cheap :3 the cheapest. he rqipéclluily soliciu a portion of public patronage. smil fied Chm he can plbmsc the most fastidious. Alan—The latest stole ol Gcnziemen'a HATS and CAPS, cpnstantly on hand. THEODORE C. NORRIS. Oct. 33, 1863. Gettysburg Railroad. ‘ I " r-rv-fi‘rvr‘r“ calm -.=_rrr3,‘t(f‘**lmr...fim .4": ‘l‘! ‘4 Lo-un-uu—o ‘ _ HANGE 0F CONVECTIOXS.—On And M'- , ter Monday, November 20Ih, 1:565, Paa senger Trains will leave and arm-e nt Getty!- burg. and nuke connections. 3.! follows: FIRST TRAIN will leave Gettysburg M. 7.45 A. .\l., with pasicngers for York. llnrris burg, Plliladelphin, Baltimore, and tlw North um! West, arriving at Hanover Junction with out change of cars, at 10.25 A. It, connecting wilh‘the Post Line South on the Northern Cen tral Railway, In'd IrriVing at Baltimore at 12.30 noon. Also connecting with Hall Train from Baltimore north, nrnving in >lhrr‘iiburg «it 1.20 P. M. Arriile at. Gettysburg 1.10 P. 31., with pauengerai from Harrisburg. York, Baltimore and Washington. SEI‘OND TRAIN ‘will leave Gettysburg at. 1.20, P. Y., arriving It Hanover Junction u 3.15. Ind connecting with mail ll'uln South. Arrive at Bulfimare .u 5.30 P. M. Arrive n: Getlysburg n 6.”: l’. 31., with‘pnssengors frmn Philadelphia, Harrisburg and the North and West. and also with pullengen from Baltimore and Washington by the last line’ north, which leaves Baltimore at IZJO noon. Passage" can [gave Baltimore in the Mail Train at 9 .\. .\l., und arrive in Gemsburg at, 1.10 I". 11. 0r lure B-ltimora in the fan: line :1 12.10 noon. and arrive in Gettysburg m. 8.15 P. I. But one chingevof can by the fin: Imin, either way, viz: at Hanover Junction. .Sl'he fut "no on lb; Northern Con‘nnl will not Itop In my local stations; «up: York, Hano ver Junction md x’urkwn. Connections cer tain. B. !aCUBDY. Prea't. . Nov. 27,18C5 . Dobbins’ . Emu-mo 'SOA P, suns Luzon, » » suns mm, .' f _'. suns HONEY, l ' ' - , suns cmrmzs, A SAVES sun, ' . Axo anus woxnx. ‘ 11% 1’!!! son ton. new “war. Sold by grocer: .nd Itoukoppou through out oily flood-cry. \ A ' wane-ruin put )1 J. B. HOBBIES} CO., . 10'! Sentim- street, below Che-um, , \ PHILADELPHIA. W: 11.13% ‘3! ~ . FILL Ind up an lip Who! Toy: C «a rm, Ania-sq: 3. a. ummaus f“- ‘7 Colluuouory." (“Wm nun. ' ’ t , \ By Picking. ‘ xornnn mocnunmx. . A HIGHLY IMPORTANT. unnl, the American people heveunfl‘ond under a four ye-r'l Ill’, during which time they hue been bnrlhened 'in: be", tam end lfequenl. drefm . . Ann wanna. The avenues of lrl-‘lo hnd be come diurnnged. and the price 0" Rom”, Phr ticulnrly CLOTHING, hnving renehed e high standard, causing In my I: purim to become week in the knees, Ind u, to himlelf, when shall Ibo-lo tbmgn end? - ‘ - Ax» wanna, Many n wen-to-do man, who In former time: walked the unpeu in Broad clolh, and who now,in connrquenee of the high pricu, lan been ,compelled to go noon: in rage. compllining piuously of Ibis Ind state at khingl; ‘ Nul’, Tinnou. 1, Fn my." B. chnxo. would issue my PROCL UK TIOX, flying lo :11 people Ihzxuhe nvenuel of trade, at hum. so m u I am concerned, here been opened, and I an: doing business on a PEACE BASIS “ fining jun returned from the City, I um now opening the largest and best. selected uncut of Clothing ever banht Lo Gettysburg, unbuc ing all the MATES? STYLES FOR MEN AND BOYS, Among which are 699 fining Dreu Ind Buni neu Cum, Cloth. Cusimeze. Silk, Suit: and Comm qurDms tad Bzuinou Pants. of every-me. qu‘lity and size, Under Clothes 0! cv‘erv deacripdbn. Mn. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Embracing Glorcs,'oollnr3, Neck-lies, Sus penders, “mini, kc. Aha. MH‘IUNS LV’ ENDLESS VARIETY. and! u \‘mlius, ACl'nrdnuN, Violin Strings, Clocki, linir um! Clylln's “rushes. Cuunha, [Liners and Ila-n Strum, Null, Sp’ertncles Cunu, l’cn Knives, Pencils, Pens, and Domi nmu. ‘ Also. TIIUSKS, CARPET SA‘CKS. UMBRELLAS, TUBACUU, samns. - nnd indeed n link- of eurymingwill he found in this Store. lining made our pun-h m-s tor Club, and M. u favorable Lime, we are pre pared to sell cheap. '- REHEHIIEYXTIIE PLACE. If you .le-ire to have a gnarl filling suit, del' m gum] mllorial, an" and A-xunim- fér yourselves, and SAW-J HONEY. 7///' SM. I‘, Ha). ~ .F. u.’ PICKNG. .low 8; Woods, I ._ cm-rvsnunc. _ k ‘ DrnL-r~ m , ‘ HATS, mm, mum‘s. sums. nusmn‘, 'GLUVES, NUT! LV‘". [INNER-WEAR, b‘IHNI'S. & VABU‘IT I' GOODS. HATS .\.V'l) CAPS.-—‘l.lxvl\" llua. Wool lluta, l"ur llm. Sherinhn, ”I‘SIJI'U'. l'» sane l)erllv.F.u|3!:nnd Duller llnu, Amherst, Ivan hoe, \kasburz and Dllpout Hats, Star, Fe fiber and Stitched ll m, all kinds of soft, wirebrim, and stiff-brim Nuts. for mun and boys. SMinen Caps, Plush C.lp'. Seal Cups, l’ur C-lps. slo cnm, Picayune, Commodore and Enamelled Cups, (lmnt. Hilhhnd. Scotch, Glengary and Felt. Cups, .\lilwwkee, Pionlacr, Excelsior and Genius Cups. A greu V’ll'iclyl ol' Cups for men; buys and children. BOOTS AND SllUESs—Meu’s Thick Wued éoom, Homecmade Thick Boots, Officeri" Book French Calf Duals. Yuuth's Thick Bums, Youth'a'ls'lp Bouts. Boy's-Heavy Boots. Child‘s Copper-tipped Boat-x, Men’s ml lloy's Bro. guns. B.Lluuomls and Gai.era, Bumloes nnd Gums. ' ‘ Women's nnd Children's Morocco Boots, Bnlmornln, Gaiters, Kid Hoots, Slippers,Glove_ Kid Shoes in variety. Buskiné, Polish Boots, Anklels. Buckle nud Congress Guilt-rs, Bulfo loos, [infill-era, Arctics,Felts,&c. Ofchildren’s shoes the bust assortment and grentest vnrielq~ ever opened in Gettysburg. ‘ nonoxs, “mun aoohs, &C.—Win dow Paper, Window [Hindu (Jurrinme Whips. Lnshe’s, Violins, Bows, Strings, Bridgrs. Rosin, kc, Trunks. Cnrpet Sucks, Ladies’ llnslreu, UmbrcllasJ’uckel Book~=,l.md PencilaJlnzorl, Soup, Slrops. Brushes, ll iir Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Combs, Segue, 3w . &0.,&c. Shirls}meers, Collars, Neckties, Scmfs, Comforts, Buckskin Gloves, Kid, Merino, Threw ind Silk Gloves for ch'ldnn, India; and gentlemen, Buckskin Gloves for boys, Pocket Handkerchiefsfiu:pvndernawuo! H :uds, Opera Hoods. Soulags, Wool Shula, Merino Wool and Culton Hosiery in variely for men. women and children, Skirt. Braid, Mending Cotton, Corsets. Chenille, 'l'hresd, Spool Cot ton, .\luchiue Conan, km, kc. Uur dexermimuion is to sell our goods at the very lowes,‘ market prres. We flute; ourselves that we have goals that run be rerommgnded and will give satisfaction to customers. HOW h WOODS. ’l‘O 'MERCH,\NTS.—-We lmv our Boots, Shoes und Hm, in large quantifies, and will sell them to xix-alum m. a very small "drum-can munumc'urers‘ prices. ROW & WOODS. ' Oct. 30, 15.6.3. ROUTZS EEC= Horse and flame Powders. ' H ”5,0,;- Thh pr: mum: _ ~ 'r‘ ‘I- 3‘; long and mar-bl}: (52' \N‘.“- f.) known, IHI um:- >- ':‘ 531,1 ‘3‘ y o"th rdnvlgorula . ;- ‘ -' brokcmdorn Ind " { )uwwphlm‘l homes, . 7 ‘ by strewn-min: " um! cl’cuminx ”no I ' Mom-ch nud inla , A ' a (men “'5: mains- h h A sure m w“) .7 :4. , .. . ~ .. Nuw” ~ - [MI unlnml, Inch * \' ELLOW “" I- TER. II E A V E COUG HS, [ll THIIPER. YA \‘IJRS, l-‘OL'NDEI Unis 01-- APP! 'X'I'I'E AND VITA‘ RSI-21:6 Y,&c.< I' use improve! 'u win-l. (neman the nun-aw gin a smooth run glen: skin—lr mum‘urms t h nuscr-ble skeleton hone. In I“ disenc- o! Brine, Inch u Con'hl, then In the Luv, Lircr, .<3 " ‘ .‘g #6.. 01L! Article A . lean-specific. ~‘, g " -.' ' By putting from. K‘N-fiuf v ' " , , gig-bu! I pinpcr ‘ , a ' I piper n l ; b. i blrrelolnfll the ——.= n ‘- 212 then Mien“ "o .15 g % runner-diam "N- -< v -_~~ or unduly pan-med. If given in time, I certain menu": and cum fot the Hug Cholera. Price 85 Outs par Paper, or 5 Pnpen tar 8L mun 1:! - 7 S. A. FOITTZ 8:, BROS n- m noun“ PIER AND “mom: DEM. no. no Min 81;, Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Damian um Sanchez-en thmgh out the Unmd sum. . Fér sale by A.‘D. Buflller, Gettysburg; Lnughlin h Buzhfirld, Wheeling Vn; C. 01 Beuderk 00., Puwbnrg; Johann, Holloway t Comlen, Phlludelphi‘. ' Dec. 11,1865. u. . Buggies 8a Carriages. ms WAY! THIS. WAN—Tim under. T fiignrd is englged In the Carriage-making buuineu, in West Middle street, near Geo. Lit tla’a. old “on “and, Gettysburg, nnd invite: all whn may need anything in his line to give him I call. He puts up, in the var, neat manner, Falling-top and other BUGGIES, and all ihe dill'ercnt. style: a! CARIIIAGES.- With t full knowledga of the'buiiueu, and _: determination to give natilmclion. the public Mu rely upon his john 'bemg good. dc will rnaavm to de‘aerve A llrge Ihue of _pa twinge, Ind hope: to receive it. . REPAIRING dons M the Ihornn notice, Ind on most rouonable tugs. #Counfiry ' be '.ka in ex Inge or 'Ol- . 9mm m" ‘. mus. E. umsmn. [ Gumbnrg, Nov. 5, 1885. 6111' OLD, SILVER, STEEL, nnd abhor GBPBC'I' A 0 L B 8 , to "it 11l ml, alwnyl on hand. Ind and to light. J. DEV/AN, . Opposite the Blnk,'om‘ylbug. . summon. Gold a sum. mum: Humour 01113? 5 ' mun ATTRACTION I ' * Gnu-r a:xs.xmx I Wuchu, Clocklflbulnl. Diulond Blnxl, 30- lodemn, Sun :5 luhinu, Pin”, to. 9x: MILLION DOLLARS WORTH To fill manu- or, u > ‘01“: nonLuz‘nAcßH: Within“ regnrd to Yuma] flat to, if! ya“ let until you know vb.“ yo! no". resolve! SPLENDID LIST 01’ ARTICLES. ALL I'o II 1 SOLD FOR ONE DJII'AiL‘SAU-ll 100 Clock: (French) 8 and 21 d -y cloch. rnug'g lroms mlo $350 oscl. 100 Pinups, of the but mu- _ . nflctura. . 33. to 500 “ ‘ 150 Saving Nachinu, of tho best. manufacture, 50 u 150 " 250 Genu’Guldflunticg-cua . Watch", ' 60 to . 150 “ 250 Ludiu'flold nml Ennm'rl Huntinmcau Watch", 33 to 500 Gent's Hunting-cue sll- . vet Watch-s, 85 to ‘ 200 Diamond Ring 50m 5000 G?“ YattNock Chaim. 4 to 3000 “ Owl 8 Nu! Bran-tie“, 4 m 5000 .11! nn‘fi! Gold Bncelou.‘ G to '2OOO L l “chin-y Ohllnl Ind Guard Chains, 510' 12000 Selimi’m In Gold Broo‘chel,4 to 5000 Uor4l,opnl and Emetlld ” Bronnhes, ‘ 4 to 6000 Mcuniq. hymn J: Flo:- e aim? Eu Drops, 4 to 7500 Cuml. U‘ml, & Emerald Q E |r_ D'rops, 4 to 4000 Culil'alfnm Diam'd Brenn- ‘ pins, 2,70 to 3000 Gold Fob and Yes! ‘ -. , WMrh-kcyl, . 1,501.0 4000 PM» and Vest Ribbon- ‘ Riillefl‘ 3 to 5000 Sets SuliuircSlcevq-buh la n, .\‘m la,&c.. . 3to 3000 (MM Tuimhlu. Pent-" 1. 4 M lan) M) .\Huinluro Lockets, 7,50“) 4000 Minimum Locket-Jug": Spring. ' 10 to 3000 Gal-l 'l‘qolhp'lckl, Crou- cs, hm,‘ ‘ 2to 50% Plnin Gold Rings, ‘4 to 5.04 m Chane-l _ ". ' 4 w 1 HM) Swm- :3. 1.5 L Sig'g Rings,2,so lo 10")" (‘nlif‘n Dnmvm I Bingw, >2lO 750 d SH: th-A’ Jewelry- ‘ J 33. .mrl (hhl. GM? 5114 Lylu‘s' Jewrlryu Guano, l'.- ll", Upd n9l , mum stones, 10000 Guld Pena Silver Exten- ‘ sion Huldél’l 3 Pencil]. 4to IQOOO Gnld Pens and Gold Haunted Home", 6 to 5000 Gold Penn and Gold Extension Hol-ien, 610 5000 Lndies‘ullthel Buckley» to 5900 Lndieu' Gill 5 Jo! [hit Burn & Built, b to 5000 SilVar Goblet: & Drink ing Cups, 5 to 300) Silver Castor/q, 15 to 2000 Sin-er Fruit, ond Ind ' anan ukeu, 20 to 5000 .101. Silver Tea Spoonl,lo m 10000 “ Tubro Spoon‘l _ ‘ - 20 ‘0 awl Forks, In consequohge or the great stagnation of tmde in the Manufacturing districts of Prue. and Englmd, a l-rge qunnmy of nimbl- Jewelry, originplly intended for the E Iropun mullet, has been sent off fqrs Ale in thin bonn try, an! MUST BE SOLD AT ANY SACRI— FICE! Under these circumstances, HAM“.- TON k CO.,‘lcLinz as Agentsjor the principd Burcpenn Manufacture". have reiolre I npbn 6 GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTIOIJ Subject to the'follqwinz rozuluionu Certificate: of tbe- nrimu Iniclu In in: put into envelop", "sled up. Ind mind; sad when ordered. nro when out without reprd to choice. and sent by mail, thus, giving I“ - !nir 'clmuce. 0n rece‘pt of the certificate, you'wil! lee wbu you Are 'vo have, my! they: I: it n; your option -Iu lend the dollar and uh mo‘ nrti:le or not. qurchuvu may thus obuin a. Piano, Helodeonfiewing !Imchine, Gold Wuclg— Diamond Ring. 9r any so: 9f Juwnlry on out list for ()flrDuLun. , - ' ’ snxn 25 news FOR CMICHE. In all lrnnsuclionq by mail, we aim" chug. for forwnrdina the celiificxues, {nylng poungu, Ind doing the Maine .25 can“ ouch, which must be :uciosenl whexuhQ cerufiunu in «at for. Five ccrxificmths will be sent for 8!, eleven for 5!. thirty rOl $5, liny-five for $lO, and 100 for $l5. ' AOENI‘S.—We want agent! in story [on nndmounly in m country, and thou acting n: such will be Allowed lOcean on every car- LificMo onlvreul by them, provided their reinit umce nucun'a to Sl. Agent; wlll gallon 25 cunts for every uertiticno, an 1 remit 15 can“ talis,ouherin cinliur pastugwhunpn‘ Agent: remitting at once. $3O, will be entitled In I. beautiful Silver Watch, and lilo 200 cartil hnten. i ‘ . ‘ Please write your Name. Town, County and State plainly, and addro-s gll’orderl h . HAMLTON & 00.. Agents for Forcignh America Haunt-clam Salesman, 36 Liberty u- / P. 0. 80147873, NEW YORK. Nov. 27, 1865. 3m ‘ NLESS YOU WANT I‘o .- [HI 8A V E ION I Y I on ad! how (cut-telling are the Hi}! of War! Now that Peace bud been restorel the unlnrnl qr‘yin. llow long! flow dnrl How are we I live! “:ill the ambit...“ prices for llm afieuariewr life never daéline? From xlue remole corner of Adilll' county, in the sun 11l but rulpermls town of Fttirfi :l l. comes the yélcgme rue-swinger with riding; of better days. 3 . ‘ ‘ War: to mm Pmmnua . DA NNER & HELUS have just. rel-ml"! lrmn the alumni emu, (hnvlnz allowed their stock or gnodagp be very much ndaccd wall.- iug for a decline in measarkeu.) The than“ length arrived, they nailed tllcmsolvu of the opportunity, humened to the city, and um: um: prepuea lu supply the «mm of the needy—v Our stock 0! L‘ADIRS' GOODS is bum [bun ever belore. Thu! for the GEVTLKNEN in nu tal-passed. Toenumemuwould bempetflnom. “ QUICK SALES Am 1) SMALL PROFITS." in our motto. Our woek b «ing would! will: care, we here use". that we «,0 enabled to sell to cheap. :nd we mink cheupgr, thnn can be bought. anywhere clue in the own I'.- Claw buyers pnrlicularly, will Kim! 11. ‘0 “mil “'in. Inge u give us} call beta! purchulng clap whero. \ ' fi'Cunntl-y produceh‘ken l 3 exchanze {or Goods. Thunkml for p.lll. fun" we hope to mcrit a conunnnncr of the “ma. - anion II {main-ble. mprm'es the quail” onhe'lnuk. 1: Lu been [woven by .0 (ml mperlmrm lo lncmn- [he qua my on mm: Ind c-uun many pt? um ind make the huucr firm and fleet. in fattening tank-. 1! gives them In appetite, locum lbdr I. I de. um makes them thrive , Dunn; sums.” N0v.6,1885. u ~ ‘ . : Reduction! 'denctic'm!‘ g‘ N and mm- Novemher'lu.'lNs,'m Ml lowing redn'ecl scale of prirelmigfo n upted'ai Who “EXCEQSIOR” SKY“ ,T, GALLERY. vI: ‘ ' ' Vignette Photographs, per d0z'n..........84 oo “ .. n .3 3’25‘ « 1 n .......4.. l‘ 70 ' ’ ' s 2.1 l 'l5 L 15 Cute: do We. nr plain, per dozen It a u u u‘ u . “I U 11 '' 41 ..... ,1 . nor on) uni-run. 7?: Vignqual, lingle copiu, 40c. u: 3 form...“ 00‘ Cute: do Vim, o; phin, linglc cupie‘l,3se._.v.~ or‘ !0r..........'..........................:........1x or, ‘ln Mditinn to the jnbove every picture um be LeMly Laud without extra; chain. *— There is a future in the shot; a; which I I'ilh to direct specinl amminn, VII: 1 will make four Vignclm, or three plain plan." from the 6m ugguive. Newton h. Wu A rule not to rank. leu thnn In: of on. and lonr of an other. ‘ ~ I take this opportunity to thunk the ohlull of Gettysburg md the pnhflc gummy, [or the "it nun". pagronuge astound co m “81v crlaior," lines in esublinhmnt, and hr by urict uumion to buinou, coup!“ dull the 1 ndvnnuge at over tgn yam “Islam Pnctice of the m, to merit a manner“ mum. ISAAC G. ”son,“ , . K Buoceuor to xi. Eln- onus: Baa: . Nov. “1,1085. Gclmbnrg, PI. ‘ ,; For Sale. . q CHOICE mm, 1. 4n 1.. "am. neighborhood or omm. burg—Buildings Md [und‘ goal. ~ ‘ GEORGE ARNOLD. Getty-burg, Aug. 14, um. ~,,a.,;~„R 'lO - .00, u so u a It 10 ll Don’t Read This TO “ 20 " 10 " LIE (22 a ~ 10 " CEI 10-' l,- a u a ' u H) u EMI a .1 10 n u u ‘0 II no a am FIZ2 10 " 10 " 10 " 11 " EMI 5.0" 56,“ NIP-L ama
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers