Win: or m comm. Tho Conn.“ in published every Monday morning, by Hun? J. Sung, 1t 82 00 per unnum if paid ltr'wtly m Amman—s 2 59 per annual if not paid in dance. No snbtqripoion dlgoantinued. nnleu at the option of the publisher. until all urwgéu are psld. , onnnsuxnn inserted at the usual plea. Jon Flinn-ma done with nontneu and } nil-pitch. ’, 1 = - ‘ 071'th in South Baltimore screetmeufly oppo'auo melon’Tinuing FAtabliuhm ‘ t 1 -—“Colyu.n Pam-um; OFFICI" cm the 35;. 9302’333302M’L EA’RD ‘~ ' J. C. Neely, : ‘TTORNEY AT L_\\v...mniculn m - A tion paid to collection of Fe ‘ions, 01“,, III! flack-pay. OMCE In the S. E. corer of the Dinmongl. ‘ z Gfietlf-hn'rgplpril 0, mos. tr I . D. eMcConaughy, ‘1 TTORN’EY AT LAW, (olficenne doqr was! A.“ Buehler'a drug and book sturé,rClrnm- Hahn Pg "ream Arron”? um Snucufiok ion Pnlnn nu Plums. Bounty Lunq War rsnu, Buckqmy arupondcd Claims, In! all other claims against the Governmrntu \Vflsh~ inz'on. D. (3.; alsoAmericnnflluinmiu E gland. anl Wurrnnulumued nnd suldmr bongbtmnd bizhelt‘prices given. Agent: engngudfin lu cnting warrints in lawn, lllixmi‘l sinii an“: wespenLSmes . WApr to him pencil-12y 03‘] letter. ‘ -’ efiysburg, Nov. 21, 's§. ’ .- Edward B. Buemer, TTORNEY Al‘ LAW: will {:Ailhlun} nn_d A Pmmplly «Item! 1.0 n” busl‘urnm-ni’rualud to him. He apt-“ks the German lumping.— roam at the sum- pluce,ih South Buliimore strict, ncM Furney's drug store, and nearly opprmte Dunner k Ziegler's stage. " ' Gettysburg, Mam-h 20: La'w Partnér‘sh'ip V Aumymx I: .1. n. wmm.‘ \ ,' »‘ , .\TT'um-as AT LAE, “2H prnmplly nut-m! in :1” Mg” hu‘i «as ("thnn-d tn Lhrm, imluling nu pt'murin m Reunion-r. lluunlv, Bagk Pay. and Ir“ other claim! «gains? the Unilell SIM-rs nut! Slate (Burrmmrnu. ' (mirt- In \‘orth \Vl‘il (Jorncl ofl)inmond,. (;eHyihuru. l'w‘rin'u. I April 3. 1230.). ll ‘ . { Doctpr Q. “g. Benson. ‘ OFI‘H'H M lhr [Who :1 Honvr. (frnmro’nm, formf-rl'x'm-(vu; i’wl b" Dr. Killivr,’ ' LI’I‘FLHF'IIH'N, PA. - ‘ ' June \‘3, \fl‘i'y. if N. 1‘ Dr. J. A. Arxtnistrcng, A YING' rrmm’m! 'rum Yew s';le m. fork I I tmmlfi, MM hM’i'n: lurntrd M Nimb— loun, Adult» M mm. 4114*! hi- prr-fl-p-h-wl urncu m the publn‘n [Judy IH. ‘li‘r. Cm v Dr. (J. W. C. O’Neal’s' FFI'TE uh.llme:liug.x. rl. mmmn‘nn. O limnrn ltd Hugh s’rcels,uc:u l’ruslvylrrinn Church. Hen. ugh-” 1:, PA. ‘ ' 5‘ {Mn 30, 15613. If Dr. D. S. Pefl‘er, a BlN!l‘T.\l'H‘.\ }{,-.}~!n!;|d vunu'v. continues A the p mum of his prntonxun m ull II: Hun-hug. vnl‘ “mil?! reupm-Hul_w innu- all p-rmvu fiflhcm?wth‘nny 0M alflrrdin': dls efinfilllivl‘!'\llv’(“ll1fllllllll“|t A ~ Uzi. 3, L 864. [f . _, J. Lawrence (Hill, M. D. -\ ‘ ‘ AW his offixe mm ‘g\\_ ”(f 11 am mun mmWfW Lmhryrn'n rhnrvh h" -*-" :’ C‘lnvanrghlr": :mM.MId om‘neue Ph-erx'e sk‘r, wh‘re those/whining '.vlgnve .|.1;.-I>§ntnl Open-ion ;ue'muned AH“ ruspévtfu.”y invited to :n' Thu-:anmum ‘1)”, H‘hrnm', Rm’. (3. l’. Krgn'x H. I) . Rev. (1. L, HuuL-‘uot‘, l). D., Rev. hot I .Im‘olfl, Rum. li. [4. Szmvur. \ (telly-slung, Ayn! H,‘53. ' " Removals. THE undersi'zncd.hcingllu- nnthzfrizml fletson‘ '7 In nyukr rmnuvnls intu Ewr Hymn (‘emc trry, hope: [lnn surlx us I’dxntcmplntu the ruuim'n] m the roxmim of doucusun] rolaltit‘t‘m-r [fiends w‘lll nV‘ul lht-nueh‘v! of llri> amsun m'lheyrur to in 7'- it dune. Rmuu\'nl.~lxm.~ulc V‘ll'd p‘ron‘tnc“ ...:ex ms low, nnd luuemfl‘t' spared m ph- 150, _ fPrJHaI: 7121 mm. KPt-qwr of H 1? fii-p-elvry. ‘ mm. lE. '6O 11211- Iware and Groceries. < 711115 duIQV-uhcrs lmvc ‘_ins! rt‘llll‘HE-I fmm.’ V [llO ri'ios will: in illnm-nst‘ snmly ('1 HARDWARE $1 URUCERH'JS. which ll £3lan yflrrm: Al the” old 2mm! m “nh'mnre surfi; at price: losuil film hum-s. Uur'suwk ( uuuiah‘ in pm! Hi ‘ " 1;1711.m.\u MA'I'ERIALS. ' . (‘AHI'IINI'I-ZR'h 'I‘UULS. ' . v . BLAK'KSXH'I‘H'.‘ TUUIS. , ' mum meus , §HUH nxmxus. . \ ‘ CABINET MAKER S-TUUIIS. ’. a HOUSEKEM‘IJi'n" PIX TUBES, ALL KINDS (3F “(OX kc. G RUPERIES (IF A LL ~KH\DS\ UILS, PALVK‘h. (in, .M: Thue 151 m gli-le moJu-h-Ii in the nevernl drpnrunenu mrmh nu'd abore'hutwhu: can be bud fit. this Store.— Every thus of .\h-chnn‘u-s can he xu't'nmmbdmcd here with tools and I]ntiltl§!¢,nlt¢ Huuwkvcp'ers can find Holy mLirlmiu tin-1r lino. (;n‘n- us n on”, in “e nre lurcp'lred (u 50!] #5 law tur cash as any huuscput 0(1le (shy. ' JU'H. 11. DANXER, .‘ DAV“) ZIEULHR. Golgyabnrg, Mn? 16, 1861. The Great Discovery ’_ OF Tdh‘. .\Gl'll—[nllmummory and ('hronic . Rhoumuli‘mi can llv run-d by “sin! ll 1..~ NILLHR'S (WCLHIHLYI‘EL) [HIEUMATIU .\HX ’TUHE. .\{zuly pmmiucnt citizens of this, nnii the udJoiping counties, have [smiled to its great-Utility. Its‘succeu in lilxelm‘acic aL'ec~ trunsfhu been hitherto unparalleled by any xpemfic, intrnduqed to the public. Przce 50. cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and filnrekvopers. Prepared only by 11. L. IIILL‘ER, ‘ngolesale and Betail‘Druggigt, Enst Berlin, Admins county. Pm, denler in Drugs, Chemicals, r“)ils,'Vrirnish, S (nits. l’nlutSs, hyé-slufls, bot- L.:lcd Oils, Essefnces nnd‘k’l'iucnurcs, Wiuduw ;Glnss, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c., aw“; RA. D. Bmebler is the A'geut in Gettys §urg tor “ H. Llifliller’s Celebrated Rheumatic mun." ‘ [June 3, 1861. tl‘ Still at Work. HE underéignéd continnés the' .i ‘, . CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its brnéctxgs, at his 91:! stand, m East. Middle street. Géfiysbprg. ,-_ . REW WORK'mudo to qrder, nngi - ‘ ' aEE A I 12.1 x G done promptly and n lowest pric’es. ‘, 3 Two first-rate SPRIXG WAQ'ngS and u SLEIGH for “It: JACQB '.OaKEL. 1 Dec. 7, 1863.‘ Sale Crying. A W. FLEMMING continues tpe bushing , of SALE DRYING, and solicit. thocon. tinned patronage of the public. It bhil tion; "In! andeuor 60 give “amnion. Change; moderate. Besipence in ~Breckim-idge street, Gott‘ysbug. ' P. S.—- ela a lic-onset} Auctioneer, under the Tax st of the Unitet! Eugen. Nov. 24', 1802. ~ ‘ . ~ ‘ Wahted. \ ‘ 1 FARM in dams countyw which I will ’ exchn'ngefichoice, West Lands, at g. \ air price. ” ’ _GEO. ARNOLD. aAug. 7, 1885. ‘ ‘ ‘ ____ DbEauWish ‘ 0 pregerve n coop likeness of ypumlf, .yogir children, or your Meade"? go at once :9 upl‘PEn's GALLERY, Chg beat 9}“; {Hikejcojmgy 5b gecure gm, clua pl¢tfll§lv ' , A. Few 7-30’5 TILL in} Bank! Ind for sale u 1: MRS"; S turning BANK or GEflYgg‘URG. ’ ‘ ' ‘ ’GEO; AREDLDflpqhipn Mil”. Gt “ u u r" I I a i: 1:1 BY H. J. STABLE 48th Year- The Oldést Real Estate AGENCY IN THE \~ VALLEY or VIRfiLYIA. This Agn‘ncy having nuperior ndmntn cs. ctm RIIOW more. and, In Her qnin apd a fling" Fnrms and othcrpropenios [or sale to per In. desiring Ilolueg. husineu sites, “to, irr t 's‘ bentuilnl and femle Valley m le~s price.- thn m); mhn-r e'xmblishmom in the Valley of. Vir giniu. ()ur offic eLt ing lovnled in the town of: UARRISUSIH'RG, "our the centye of this} ;mnlun M Hrgmiu, And Imng in direct com-l mummtinu iby stage :nn-l othvrwxse with nF-‘ mm: («my mum fifths.- anlr‘}. p: rem:- sebki‘ng h‘omys lu-rv.‘ mn have firmer J'u'ilniu 10:] looking vitnnd.'zv'lt‘vtl’n;.nlx('llprom-Hiec M ma)"i suit the \‘armu’s Imm: and umnna of the num .merou! pnzjchnaers. ' l “'l- would rcs‘pm !fullr invin- Hm «(n-nt'wfi’ n! pun-Inner: to flu- PRUI’ERTIFH we havel on hand for sully, being} rnnfiddm wv (‘.m ,nc-l ('riilnuodnte the mast whimsical on such terms f M mnuut he ufl'en-d in any oljwr utfice in the‘ Valley. .Unr pruperliei rang-o in quantity from (25, 'l‘“'i-INTY~I-‘IVJ-J , ACRES, TO (2500) ’ T“ ENT‘fY-FIVEJH'VDRED ACRES, 1 ,r and in PRH'E, :n :rum (5:) Tuner, npmum ’I'U mu) SIXTY ,noLLAns PEI: ACRE, nnd‘conlnin Home 0f thr- n-ry Ina: grxuing nni 1, grain FA HMS in the Yam-y. and come of the‘ mast plenennt mm lmmleul lm'nmicq h the] Yum-y. Uur town 1.15. business .siwa, find ' um‘n rcaidcucqs. nre nul surpnssi-d in the w Valley. ' - \ 'l'xuxn v’zm’Avcouumu'l-wn. A'nyono wnnt ing: informnlion, ode have it. it nuy properly ulmut “lliLh they nmy mquiu: in our nrher fist-mum's hy writing to In fnr n «Mulognv, mu 1 ’in 1);: pricvs, His- nprivv livs,‘ kc. Thy“: [.:.nd» nhll "th pxum-rliw he in Rock ingmnu. Pam, Shonnhviuuh. W In: In, .\ugu mi, km kl.’ri«.’-_rg:,:l'c-ndie.tuu, Hard}, lhmdulph, Al bcumrle. av. , ‘ (me In? "11” um! ypu cnn rrgm the numér om luuperlifa we lmvr tur :ulr, he accommo d-nlyll un the hot uf zehu-[lwlurc you leave I‘m \um homo.» W - :ne n 1 nll xixnes [lrflptlrwl 1,0 4 unwy ;u rams" lo louk nl Innd~ l\ ing in the «1 in'; m li-wknlglmm. MW , t charge. Ad-lmss, J. I). ‘l’Rll'li .\z “0.. . N.) 1 my] 3 l.:|\y}3uwlzlu. ,_ H'Trrisnulmrg, iiuuhm-Ahum cu“, Til 131-121, leaf». 3m ; ' , Farm at PriVata Saleq ' ‘ ,\'.\LUABM‘I FARM, “ilh gmM M,. 1X improw-nn up, and pl'xme limlu-r. fin; upmnwhmh lIJEL' kwu din merovl lilntk ’‘ " !u-ml uml‘Uomwr Urr, in [Lumltuulmu town. ship, Adv-mu county, hr ‘.Lh‘. For hirlher panic-uh” mhlrcsa _ D.,8. M'SHHLL. . “'ny'nosbom , l‘xnukliu 1:0,. L'n‘ Nov. 27, 12:05» am : . . , FAIR ”7‘ mm THE nmEI-‘n' w‘ i 11 arm: “RI-JILV rflfirrzlni— The mgmh'ers of "Tm: Hymn: Wanna $O - purpose hqldmg n Fmr‘fwr thu [mm-fit of Ever (hem (fa-meter) «mm :imn i." Uu- munih 0! [mu-my”, !Sfifi‘find (huh-- all who Mel nu imam->l. In the Hunter 10 give {ln-m smh con- Hipuliuils ml they Infiy see fit. A [urge \ja‘ne 1y cfmm-Irs. are bg‘iug nude fur's:ll:, ha). in uldi‘r m rouliz If! much money as pnssfi-Iouu: of the cuterpri-P. it is nocgqsnry’to increuac Ille lie: of nrli-les tor E-tlt. In ;mh'r to do (In: money ‘nnd goods-sire rtjquirrd. Any “mount. at mnney. at any mi. km suitable !ur Sale nt lhu- Fair. “‘l“ be acceptable. . Nuvifi', \mii). . . ‘ ' . Notlcp. . flfim’. undersigned. .-\‘llli|mruppninh d by‘ the‘ Urpluuh ('mm of Av'flms mumy, to dis [mw 01. lee oxf-vpnonq Lu the .\ccoum. ut‘ Bob on “Mk-ughy .uu] .\lmllmm ller’rinz. Admin izlrnmrq or «he (‘slzltc qr Andi-Hr .\ly'nn. de (L-uscd, hon-by gin-u umhe uh.” he “ill :nan It) lye duties m hi: ~Lul umunnlvu-nl, On 'l'l'hfibAY, ULCEMIH'IH Hllh,l\. 1)., 1:405, at In u'clm—k, A. .\l.,_ H! hi~ oH|<-c,.iu (h-llgsburg, “ht-u and whcw all Imm. :4 Running? u mm. , w. A“ !)L..\QAX, Am 1 or. My. 27, 1865. ml ‘~ Auditor’s Noticel K ‘UE Auditor appointed by thé Orp'lmn's l (‘oun of Adam: county, to uscellluin, km, Iheah‘uncenuulx made h_\ Joseph J. Smilh,. l-Iu- M Uxfiord township, Adnms mun—Cy, do u-uscd, intestate, to his children, will muet xlll porous him-rested, fur the wupose of hii‘ up pu' linwm, M the olfice of .\l. a: W. \lcCle-m. ilEse'l.\‘l-llrg..(vn TUESDAY. Ine lmh duty Lf UijEUI-zlmm, 1395, at m u’chwk, A \I. ~ WM. MLULEANfAmIitor. ’ Ngr. 27, 1865. Cd - J. thl'ce. ' HE sunb=crihel‘,nvx Amfilnr Appointed ‘hy ‘ 1‘ “Ir yl'plmn‘t (‘nnrt of Adonis cnunty, to nuke uhsrrmuuou 0| I‘m 1m!“ er. remniuiyfih the h'mds or \licmwl I-lbersule. Adminislr-to‘r of Solumbu Eherwlu,‘ deceased. among credi tors an ! i-nrties l'umh-«l thPrplly, mu attend to Illne duties of mid :Ippuinunenl, on MONDAY, «he lath ikly ot DECEMBER, 1563. an. the oflice of M. 8: \V.;.\lcUleun, in Gm.) burg, of which all pexsous ime‘restml will mim- take notice. ‘ MUSE§ MCCLEAN, Auditor. Nov. 27, 1865‘ Id ' - * .1 Notlce. . . 0 thp heirs and tegal‘reprewnmfivet of T Joseph ;. Smithfldtc 0| )xl'ul" .uwnship, Adams count}, Pm. deceased. Xnthe Orphnn's Court of Adams county, nfurezmid. Notice is herebyxiven that. a Rule hM _boen gmuted‘upon the ”lies interested in the rent estate 0! Joseph J. Bmifh. deceased, to he and Apppnr-nt'au Orphan a (hurt, to He held at Grttxshnr‘z, on WEDNESDAY, the 27”: of DECEMBER next, to m ccpt or refuse to accggf. the said real egthte at the valuation ma 9 thereof, or to show cause u by the name should not be 5010, if not accrpted. ~ - ‘ ’ADA‘M REBERT, Sheriff. ‘ Nov. 27,1363. 3:. Notlce. ‘ - DAM CA.- MYEKS’S ESTATE—Letters A of Administration on the estate or Adam A. flyerb, hue of Huntington cownah-ip. Adam! p‘oungy, decmflgd, having been granted to Ithe under§igue , residing m the Tmeiown- Ihip, be hereby gins notice to I] persbns indebted to nid osmte to make immediate payment, and thoge hnvinz chin“ Ignuinn the same to prvsept them properly Inthentiuud for‘gettmmgnc.‘ ‘ ' , I‘ETER MYERS, ofP., Adm’r. Nov. {3’ 1865. s: _L..~—_.-.L——-——‘ _._. ._...._.___._ ~i wNature. ‘ EORGE BPANGL§IWSESTATE~L2UQN G “administration on ghe astute of George Spangler, late of Tyrong township, Adams coumy, ,deceued, having begn gunlod to the “detained, residing? in fitmhrn town ship, be hereby givés noticetq all pefsonl in debted to said astute to make imp‘ledulle pay ment, sud those having claims 329 mm the same to present them properly untienqucd for set uemenL KI'ETER MA ‘KLL . , Adm't. Um. 23, 1865. tit” ‘ Mn'fin'finnou 31171538 9: 91a 1 Hammad Tonic, u Dr. '3. 11min“ , nSporo. ‘ .__ ‘ § Manama ans muss for «10 :3 W; P“! snd Yum, Sm ‘ ~- A [@Emmfi _.‘ ‘ / ; A Valuable F: ... ‘ AT- PRIVATK SA LlL—The “ban ibof, Ex ' center of Joseph Hemlerfiece sed,offcn atd’rirme Sate, . A FARM.simuteinMountpleMafit ownship, Adam! count’y, Pl,, three mac: or: of Get tysburg, mm: the road leading to Bonnugh. town. ndjnining hn‘dx.’o{ Ahrahn v Reurer, uhn (Jrcss,.lohn anmel/smd other ,contnid i X 73 Acres, more or less, of pate Med land, uh I! .30 «ages in timlwr, with a su niency of men w. The i_mprm"éments are 1.). u Tun lnry-FqnmnflOUSE,with _.le Buck-Mn Illngvh'mo‘ke Hmhe,tw’o- :Qflfl [blur’v Stun rpli‘ng House with n '7’" « - l nuyor-tmlmg pring.a Log Barn. W-t’ 7 (fornCrihs, wit. nn Umlmrd nfchoh 1!. IS in aguu egm- of dultivutio watered mu: new , Juiling water ‘ cw-ry field. . ‘ Persons wiibing to 'éw the Farm' on Jug-cub A. Howler, re ding dzereu‘ " (SEQ. ‘E HEML Sept. H. L 965. t 1 Elf ‘ y = l i ’Desirable Propu AT PHI VA'I'E SAUL—The suhsl ' at Private Sal». the propertyj he wwnlh rI-sided chnsiyting or‘ A TRACT OF LAND. xlillhm- ln Cu ‘to'wnshin, Adam‘ county, mljmniug Emanuel D. Keller, Henry Bn't, Weigle, and (Ht-Pm, containing 19 A: or less, about ohe-hnlt‘ hemg elegnw "hr: improvmncnls nrmm Two~stnry Log ink? 'vt‘sn. Ln: Bark-building, a one- $1.1: " Loy: Home, Spring Home, Lug 11th Wagon SIM! and Cngn (Inh. ling ~ , two wells of? excellent wntr-rf'with ‘ them, n good A'pple Orchard and ~ fruit. ' "' [mmynt' other ch‘ 5111-!) pm ing. to buy Those wishim on the subscri ti‘t-sAnre rare, and 'persona wish x_uhl not miss this .chancrn— Vin-w itfire requested to cull asidlnzin Gutyehurg.’ FELIUS DAUGHERTY. 0ct..20, 13.13 Reglstm NUT}CE i; llereln gin. L ollmr persons condu mini~‘Lmlion Accounts lu-ru. will be prosmn.d n: the Urp .r\d-Im=‘ruum3 ,fon-nnfirm Itinn n on M ElJVl'.>l).\ Y, 1h“ 27th s]“) m Imin. NI lU (I'l'lovk, A. .\L. “7.: r 241. The find ncmum‘urlwémrd Administrator of Kim 9mm: glf Jack Knmh. [Mia of Menallcn tnwugthip. Ad: tummy. door-used. , . § 2 P 2- Thvrd‘ nm‘nui'n hf. S. R ESvhmur-kor. )Crwcnl'hy Mike :14 MAI :untlfzislumeirl of lihz nhNh Sim-n!" rger. deceaw . 28. The arbour-LN Juhn 11. B-zumanrd nor. Adnmuszrauur bf the estate 0! John Tn L~lvr. dqmqlwd. - V ‘ 2H "l‘lw lir~l m-Munt nTJnn. L. Smith, AflmlnlP-H‘MUI ul Jan-ph J. .\'miih. Ili'c'nl. 2L3. 'l‘lmrfirab .muuum. nl Amuivlu E. Gruup, Avlunnmrumx of the es to of (izmrge ‘A. Gmop. drcensotl. 'T . 240."1‘n9 fil‘hl tux-hunt ol Eliznhe h Gu hrucht: Athmuistralrlx oi the ammo 0! 31:0. C‘ Gn-hn-chi, (lucphrd. ‘.‘47. “w account 0! Francis Coukon. Ex ecuuv of Archllulvl Harrell. tit-ceased. ' ’ SAMI'EI. LILLY, [KI-‘klsttl'rl Th .:ism’s omm, m-u_v_-burg, I .\'uwmber 27, ISIS?) 14* J Grand Jury Rapgrt, . r ‘0 Nb Humorfble ”It‘Jllllgl‘S at the (‘uurt of‘ J_ Quarter Seasions of Alums count) : i ll Tm' Gmnd .11: y attending the prom-ht sea-"t stun, Inning n~ifed the Jail and Alms House, I te-ln-ru‘ully rrpotlbtlutt 1h?) touuiithe Jnil xu n gum! and (In all; cundttiun, under the super-1 , intrudenw o! Sheriff Hebert. tum Emily. They Ltke pleasure .nlio In stutmg that. the r Mms House hu ldmg:~ are m cumfurtnble com I dtiiml. but “I“! the cugk slut“: insuifirienl for I the Making: depart'nént. \\ e tound the 1 nt-umueuu at tin.- izwnlinls and infirm inmntes I, I m-h pruvided for. and the entire inalllulion I ,‘uuuntes‘tiug the gum! care, kind Altem‘ou, nhd prutledt. management. of the Steward“ Jonas t Juuufs, uud fnmily. ‘ I All at whimja respectfully submitted. 1 1 ‘ . WM. mu‘muan, Foremanr I ; .\'uV. 27,1361, 3t. ‘2 Gram and Produce. Wanted. HE undersigm-d huving purchnfied the in- T terest of .\lyers dz Wlerman. Forwud'mg and Cdmmiseiou Merchants, in New Oxtnjxd; Adams county, {VTfiml respectfully notify {he furmprs mad the public gent-rally, that he in cnnlilme the business a: the old smnd. nt he de‘pot in LhaLplncP. The highs} market pr ce wgll he paid for WHEAT, RYE, CORN, 0A 3, HARLEY. CLOVER and TIMUTHY SES 5. Fllul'ngcq kc. ' AI-n, G I’.\.\'U,‘PLASTER,‘SALT, LUMB R. and COA L, coustqnuy kept on hnnd for 5 le, lngflher with ngemfnhhqnmem of FAMI Y GROCEHIrS._ DAVID HUKE', Nu» 27,1965. 3m , Notlce. , I / onGAer. swomrs ESTATE-Letting RI (:1 administration on the estate of Morgan 11. awope. late of the, Borough of Lmlrsmwn, Adams countx, decen’sed, Inning been [”san to the undersigned, residing in Germany town ship, he hereb‘y gives notice to all persons iudealcd to said estate to make immedi'ne payment, and those having cluims against the' slum Io pregent them pruperly authenticaled for settlement. JOHN A. SWUPE, Adm'r. Soc. 20, 1365. at!" ALLY FYCKES'S ESTA TE —Le:ters of ad- S niiuistmtion on the estate of Sally Fickea; late 0! flumington iownship. Adams county, decenaed, having been granted tuthe under signed, residing in Oxford township, be here by gives notice to all persons indebted to said unite lo make immediate piyugent, and those haying claims against the same to ma sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. JOHN HENRY MYERS, ' N 0.5,. 20,’ 1805. 62..» Administrator.‘ LIZABETK MARTIN ’S ESTé‘EE—Letten of “ministration on the e no? Elin bem Martin. law Kot Liberty towalhip,‘ Adam. county, doce‘paed;hnving.beon granted to flag undeniglied, residing in' the lune mun-hip, he hereby gives notice to all persons Indebud to mid auto to. make immediate ' mun, nnd those having clnims against wartime to menu“ them properly authenticated for set tlement DAVID MARTIN, Adu’r._ Nov. 21, was. 6: . . , . ' Everhart’s FRANKLIN OUSE, - coun: or ovum a nun}: "um, -‘ BAL ions, no. Thin Home is on a dirg¢t line be‘ween !he Northqrn Donna) and flimote :nd Ohio 11:11er Depots. It has I: 'n refined find com f‘m-‘N! "ringed for the convenience ma tho entertainment ol (nun. nov. 29, 1865. a - —W'——-——‘M F You wish a prime truck of Chewing Ind 5'30““: Tab-ecu. .Cipn, tc., go to B. H. [SHOWS Contouiqmmjn Chunbgnbug “mt. _ ‘ AWE: AND; mum-w wumm. TYS_BURG—, ‘PAq MONDAY, CIDEC. 11, 1865- C'M gm: Shed, 9 fruit. and we“ in nearly mm KR, { utor EMI “H Legnteei and [but the Ad‘ 'u-r mentiuned ~’s Court of ”Immune, "BIKER, 111 I II Notice. Notice. "mini 13 Iran! AND mu. PXITAIL." Public Sale Or VERY DESIRABLE . . . '_ REAL ESTATE The subscribers, Executor: of Adhm Gil bert. late 01 Carroll county, deceased, by vir tne of In Order of the Urph‘o's Court of Car roll county, will expose at ,Public Sale, on the premises. on THURSDAY, the let :13] of DE CEMBER, 1865, at 10 o’clock. A. .\‘l., therßenl‘ Estate of said deceased, situate, lying and ad joining the corporate limits of the Cily of Westminster, Cnrroll county, Md. a short dis~ mnce lrom the W'esu‘rn .\i-l. Railroad. Said Real Estnle contains, by recent survey, 203 ACRES 0F LAVD‘ more‘or less,not surpugsed in fertility nnJ productive-nos: iii any final Estfite in said county. and will be sold' in [NH eels, as follows. to wit: ‘ ‘ LOT No. [contains 94 ACRES OF LAND, mare or less, with the improvements thereon, VIZ: & large -and commodious ‘ ’ui Two~storyStonek lv‘rnmolJWELh- , 335' l “£O, with five rooms, short an< 3,3,,“ sachand kitchen on the first floor, 2'l“} ~- ‘ > and six rooms on the second floor, with mi out-kitchen; calculmted for two families; a large new Brink Burn, 80 by 40,Sprjng lion»; and n neverfniling spring of ,yvuler’ near sni-l dwelling, with pipes lrom said coring to the Imm ynnl, Hug House. Carriage- llousu, Wagon Shed, «ll'oaul'llanse, Pnultry ‘lluuso. Smoke House, am; good Urchunl of choice fruit, 'eaduw, and 213 acres of esct-llr-nt thriving fidlnnd, und “inexhaustible Q-mrry ofsu ‘ Building Szonc. which is now very demand. The whole is enclosed by ll lencing. ‘ ~ . ' W. 2 i-ontnin 25} APRES OF "Fl'l‘ll with heavy Timber, 'slich Black Oak, Hickory and Chest ml commencing on the Cunn m We‘slmiml‘er to lhe .\lill " Van Bibher, adjoining This-Lot will be small Lots of from sun, With snimble ‘suhsln. LOT 2 LAND, n. 'asfli’mer \ ‘nul, &c.,silu» ty Road ieadi» [ioquexly owneL ‘land of 104 mm {surveyed and laid ‘ two to five acres, us 5 limes or ruuds, «kc. ‘é ] LUT No.3cmlmins ’27} . [This Luv. is iumwd tic-(Ween i {County Hand and the Uniom ;Rond, framing on said Turnpl. Perches. This Lot wiii‘uiso be sun hid ofi‘ in Sill't“ Lots. trom two to fn isome Tunber and servrnl line Springs \ (or on nus Lot. i - 0 LUT No. 4 cmimins 56} ACRES OF LAX {This Luv. is locum-d bu the ens! side of the ;Whtminsler and Unknown Turnpike Rand, .fmnling on mid Turnpiiul ilmivl 55 Perth-'ll, nnd bounding on 1h!- (fuu il)’ Rnud.lo.uling "rum sun] Truninlw Rum! m A. Winters' .\lh'l, ' County Rand rallied and known ui the Sul -1 Rniil running (hr-Huh mid Lm. This 'in Also In- surn-qu nmi LAM oii' iulu Lois, from mu m fivg'ur mmc Amos, it. .\ very superigr Sunni-hole ii on l' :IluL ISM” .1 “’1 “lily ,lhls Lat. l' A PI |[ ‘ Imfl'h“,..lf'd:lh 4 .l’yrsnns u 1:. ‘Timlu-rl'tnll Itch). ,ou Josy- “5.911572; ‘1'”: nu the premi~os, me in {:mu'xnu the .:n { TERMS OF SAM-1.. :pun'hase money shall he px 'nr pun-[lasers l 0 1h". Ilnrlvre 10f sale, or upon the ratificnlim Urphnu’s Cum-L Mort-s'“, 'uud two equnl 1m) Inenls. .thc one pa; .\enr, and the other i_n lwn )oan in of mic ; the Credit p-u‘mvnls to he an All? Bn'uls. Nun-s m" Sing'e Pulls of ”It. .chuser or puthusi-rs, “I'." sex urHy, to be’ Eprow-d by the undersigned, and bmmng im cs; Item the day of Eula. 2 _ JOSEPH BYERS, J ESSE ‘ .\I Y EKLY, , Exorntur‘s of Adum lebert. I 1.1. Hnnry floppe, Aurtioncer. Dec. 4, 1865. ts -- ~ Home nni Luis will be an ihe «lay ofémle. . ' U": \‘in-w 1h:- ground; and tzu- my of 3.11:, mil cxll n! the Ewrutura, rm .1- "u v ill take gnu". plaus- Public Sale. HE subscriber, intending to,rfiove-West, T will soil at Public Sale, on Ihc premhes, on MONDAY, the 131 day ui'JANU.\fl\',lB66, at 9 o'clock. A. 31., x ‘ v‘ THE \‘ALUASLEJ‘ARM on which he now reside, situated between the Gemsburgnnd Littlestowu ronds, about 2 miles from Tangy toirn, Carroll col ty.~.\ld.‘, and mljuiuing lands of Sterling Gulliuhnmes 41nd Robert Knox, and others. This Farm contains 208 ACRES, {gore or less, under good fencing. lu’ndjnid off in convenient fields; and in a. high state of cultivation, it having had ovei 25.090 bushels oi lime thereon within the lust few years.— Tliis Farm 'is well watered, lmrmz two neve'r {ailing springs M water near the door. There is an exceliéut you'ng_UrclmrJ of every vurie ty of fruit. wees, with peach. pear, apricot, plum. and other t'r'ees. There is A sufficient quantity bi Woodland, also a large quantity of excellent meadow land. The 'x ~ unproveuients consistol n Rough- {a} Il I. cost Dwelling nouns, a large: 21"}: i" » Weatherb'onnlcd Burn, with Corn .34: "‘.‘ vy'vi Crib, large Wagon Shed, Smoke House, Hug House, and all necessary out-buildings. Also. athbc same lime and pluce,l will sell TWO WOOD LOTS, containing eucb Four and a. Half Aém. more or less. situated near Sell’a Mill. Any persons'wishing to view the pro perty, can do so at any time. Possession given the first. day of April?— Terms made known on day or sale. , SAMUEL‘ .\'ULL. Dec. 4, 1865. ts* -. Bounty Tax Notice. ERSONS owing Bounty Tax in Oxford mwnship are hereby requested to muke Immediate payment. All who fail to puy by the FIRST 0!“ JANUARY next, will have FIVE PER CENT. adde'd to their amounts. By order of_Scboo‘. Board. . P. A. MYERS, Sed’y. Nov. 20. 1865. td Notice. , - , ICHAEL UNGER'S ESTATE—Letters testameiiiary on the estate of Michael Ungerglntevof Union township, Adams county, deceased, hnvuxg been gnnted to the under signed, residing in the suns torknship, he hereby gives notice ti) all persons thed to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having'clnims against the «me to pm. sent them properly authenticated foxy settle. meat. - JEREMAH UNGER,E;'I. Nov. 20, 18355. 8!." , . Notice. Y wifg, Virginia Wilson, his left my bed ' Ind bond without. {:3l mass, and all person 5" notified not true her on my account, an I will not be accountable for Any debt: or contnctl she Inn, make: F. J. WILSON. Nov. 27, 1885. , Estray Sheep. AKE to the premises of the spbscriber, in Eendifig township, Atkins county. Ibuut the m of Sepumber, u. old laws, all white. No punicutu math. The owner is rcqnaued to profe property, pay chugoulnnd uh It nay. SAMUEL “ARCH. Nov. 27. 1865. 8!. , “013 nm. POSTERS, gm, «min an E ion Inactive nylo at the OOIPW .cc, (halibut-g. . , ‘ ~ F REAL ESTATE—The undersigned, O Heirl o! 'Mngdclena Murkle,.de'censed, mil offer ht Public sue, on the premises. on SATURDAY, the 1611; at DECEMBER, 1555, at i 2 o’clock,M., the VALUABLE FARM, h“:- uau-d in Myers' District, Carroll county, ad joining lands of Jos. E. Hahn, Joseph Dutro, ,and Adjacent to Wiest’a, fcrmnrlydlaus‘ Mill. The Farm cpnbtins 105 ACRES, more or loss, ‘principally Limestone Land ; a splendid Spring ‘in. {he ibouse.‘ Silver Run, a never-failing stream, run; through the Farm. Aim. Emu!» 4i) nchs ul'guod Timber. The Farm has been Wei} limcd treqncntly. ThFru is n thriving- Orchard of choice young fruit trees on the; place. The improvements are n ' -' i huge DWI-Hing HOUSE, with MI ,3; 3 _ ' necessary Outbuildings. Agarge a“. L . new Bunk Burn. 9‘ll ‘l‘; Persons wishing to View. the prqfigrfifwn evil on Mr. Lewis Ca.baugh, residing on the {:IM e. ’ l’owrsdon given on thl. 1": day oprril next. Terms (3455 and m ldc knrm '1 on lhc day of sale. \V.‘ E. BITTLH, ‘ WU. RH‘TASEI, . ‘HHZEKIHIJHI‘TLE, JUHV‘ IHTTLE. Heirs‘of Magdalen". Murklc, dec'd Den. 4, [865. 18* ' , Two Propertles T PRIVATE SALE.——Thesuhsrribev ofl'vrs A bis‘ Real Estate at Privme Sale, nonmal- Liug of the following: /‘ , No. l. A FAR“, situate in FrnnHin town- I ship, Adams coun 3', about. 4 'milvs south of ’Cnshlown, adjoining lands of Arnold Lives, ,9 Pum- Henry,;\mos Dish). and others, conmiu ; ing 236 Acres, more or lESq. about. 60 being *clem-d, and the hnluucc fiaéfi' nu: Timber, { lqcust, cut-aunt, rock‘onk, black oak, and white ”yak, There 18 A constant strcnni through the - farm, With a good snw mill gun, and Water in {all the fields but one. The hu- _ '_,:. ;‘provgmenls are a Two-story Log 1'11“ E 7 g u : HUUSE,.Summcr Icm heu,Smuke v 7: :g" ;Jlouse. Bunk Brrn, Wagon Shedd'agy 1 any Corn, Crib. 30g Pen. and other uuL-bulm ‘ings. ’There is“ M] ”cellenl spring a: the ‘ doom-and two young Apple Orchards ou the property. ‘ No. ‘2. A TRACT OF LAND, about iof n mill» past of the Move, ndjoining Pelei ane and Victor Mulllwnny, contnining 52 Acnw‘, ‘ or less, about 3Uvncms lat-ing in gnud -r. The improvements nrr‘ n one ‘3']. hail storv Double Lug lIOI’SPLHQ: '¢l:\(,kellousc,xind:l Welnlousp, ~ wellul wvuerin iv. Alnon spring mg Apptu Urchurd on the place. lung to new the prnpery are ‘ on the subscribvr, resnding OF LAND. have numod Turqpike bin] 66 ,7 ml and “ilh ‘ and n Pergola requested to on No. 1. The propprty » mid divuleu to sun .\'o'v. 20, 1863 Vlrgmm. Lands . AR'I‘HUWL. ROGERS. - ‘ REAL ES‘ MIDDLEBCRG, LUUIHIN (IL liming an cqensgve acquaiumnnc people mud the Lund Qf the Predmuut of Virginia, so cclohmted us a tim- Cuuntrr,” [will pumerHc'zhr “Month, .1110 I’I'RCHASE AND SALE 01“ Rl2. ESPATHQH Ihii rl‘gion, l:esifles'pr.~ct‘icmg law in the ('mms of London and Fauquier. WI um uulhouir-d‘tu 'scll min of the most. Animb‘e annfin Llui part of lbé Slam, and will corresf'ovud,prnmiuly with pcraOHS wishing (i; purchase. or (aka plmsurc in show * thé=e lands to them, il'lheygivn me am". “Phts and Survey furnished “hen de- Addrosa, ARTHUR L. ROGERS, ' M‘Law, Midtlluburg, Coudou CO., Va. «bird pn'rt nf the by ”u pun-huge: "‘1 on the day "HEFQF by Ihe residue in ’ in OH9 :be day Rn"; Va; Gen. Spilnyln, remon, F‘nuql. Frederu-kaburg, Alexandria, VII.; 1. d. M-wl'nrl-Lnd. Esq., L. P. Bnyne & (‘o., M a (30.. I'. Seven Stella, . Middlvburg, Va" Oct. h Ladles’ Oyster _ HE underslg‘nfid his the pt nounéing to his frionds (but, mm: with his CONFEUTXUNERY . (EB/8"“ SALUUN, he has opened an \ UYS’I‘ERSALOON, with n. .' SEPARATE DEPARTMENT LADIES. Ladies and Gentlemen "siting LhL Saloon will fiud the accommodations all they could desire. Oysaers will be served up in any 5251:: and in u superior, manner. Call and see. 2 JOHN GRUEL. .\'m'. G, 1665. If ’ EVI .\[URIPSR having purchased ‘Snmuel Weaver’s PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, is prepared to execuve Work in “is line Pqnal to any establishment. in the State. If you desire a gpmltlikeness, finished nccording to Lhelntcst imprOVz-monts in tlekrt, call M. the above long-established Gallery. in West Middle street. Gettyshurg. [Jam ‘4, 1665. Reeves’ Ambrosxa ‘ FOR THE HAYES—The Orfymal and Genuine Ambrosia m pyegrnjccl by J. ALLEN Runs, 3nd in the best hau- dressing and preservative now in use. It stops t‘Je hair falling out, cause: it to grow thick and.prevenls it frbm turning prematurgly grey. h eradicate; du drufl', cleanses, beautifies and rvnders the hair so", glossy and cufly. Buy it, fly it and be convinced. Don't be put of? with a spurious uticle. Ask tor Reeves’ Ambrosia and Lake no other. For Sule by Drugsisu’ and Denlera in Fain cy,Goods everywhere» Price 75 cent! per 80y1e—36,00 per doxeu' Addrm BEEVES' AMBRUSIA DEPOT, , 62 Fulton St.,‘Ncw York City. Oct. 16, 1885. on Something for Everybody O BUY AT DB. 8. HORNER'S DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— Jupt opened I. fine nuortment of_ Drugs and .Iledkéinea, Patent Medicinal, Stationery, - Fun-y Dry Gaodl, Gohfecfionl, ; _ ~ Grocetkn, ' ~ ‘ Notionl, TOBACCO, SEGARS, ac. ’in). 18,1864. m A _.__..—.1... UERU‘S COD LIVER 01L JELLY, Ip proved by the Auden; of Medicine.— For Cough, Calds. Brbnclninl and Tubercu lur Conuummgon, Scrofula 9nd General De- Nlity. The man mild, bland Ind nutrifions farm in which Coil Liver Oil can be used, and with more benefit mum! to the patient/by l lingloMupoonfc-l of this Jelly, than by dou ble tho quantity of the clear or unjellified 011. For tale by all drumius and by E, E. TRUEX, Wholesale Droggist, N 9. 15 Be‘ekmn 5%., New York. 4.2;. 28, 1865. an ADIIB'DRBSS nuances, 3n you w, Lacy. “ . wflxcx's./ . , . 1 .. _ J y/ g a ’. g I ;z A“: _ i. ‘ # ‘ It; Public Salé he SIM on oalsy terms, 'vhnsm'n. "MEI-1 DAYWALT. Market. ‘lS.—‘John Junney. Esq , Leeaburg, Fingers, Middlebum, Vll4 Julmd. James V. Brooke, )squ Wm ‘ cuumy, Va.; A. K. Phhlips, a; Fruncns L. Smith, B:q., Rewrly, R. \VelllurdJYnu. Richmond, Va; Menus ‘srs. Humihon Easter ~l_timure. Md. limb. ”in: .011» me of an connec- ICE Pictures ! Pictures! To Consumptives. TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR #electtb Dottrg. Aim-Honk tuna can forgo l chnln, No math!)- por'u- cu: sever, Though Ajnx try to rent In Quin, » It: llnh are strong,” "or. The bonds she m-kon u. nus; broku, By hour of mm below, Though scandal makes me "In! Itroko. lu Nu yet strung-r grow. AM if In love those bomfi no sealed; Then all onrlh’a uh: 1:5 "in. For in u)“ lie there hicuncplled x The key um open me Click]. ' Should grin! o'umh um bilp’im hora, AM storms nrnund him blnw, Aflncmn's band will wipe the tux, And qu'ful hid him go" ~ The .waol'utjnyl that. ..m: can 3|", Do from Joanna Row. Jon that nuke {or m vbllo n- H", A henvon horn balnw. ‘ - ‘l’hon In nfleclion land your hearts; Tu burn that “mm for Jun ,' , And Mum {rum “:Ith [fields you wt, Team. will your gnu Inlay. ugly-burg. PI. ‘ ghofct @istéllan/y An amusing story [has been told of his in terview erereorngll. , The king. bearing that. the raptor of Ti conderoga was confined in one nfhi< primn ships. and Ahi’it he was a man of [mark nnd irfluence in the colonies, dett-rnunrrl to mulie A trial of his éomtnncy. Aocnrdfi‘iglv he had him brought. into his presence: set before him the übatirdity and infallible overthrow of ma rebotlion,‘lhe irri-siQtuMe power at the mother country, etc. ' C ,1, AHen,”suid the king. ”ifyou will ya home, antl‘llke n loyal subject. (no your niflmxnm there to bring my- rebélllou-i childn-n to a sense of their wickpdnesa and fully. taller talking with the Privy 003130.11. I hn‘vu de. cide-d to make you a prospm ottpn thnusnnd urres of valuable 'lnud In the calcium."— “Ynur Majority is wry liberal.” said Elhnn Alipn. “Your mwjmly rmninds‘ mi- nf a dark mmplexioned personage who rank our blpsser! Maslvnup mm a high place; and promised him all the kingllmns the (‘.ll‘lh If he would full dmm and Worship him.— lut theuid sonumlrol-nwned no mom of the kinglinmq of the earth Linn your Mnjt'sty own: or the cplonies.” ~ Spccnlalon and High Prim. There is no possible‘ excusn fur pI'PPnnL prices, and \boy man he accounted far only upnn the ground that. appcglwlqrq nrv cun lrnllmg the markets. As «n xllusxmtnm, take domestic comm ghouls. ‘ The wine at“ coltnn is nearly one-half lmvm- thnn lb was whnn guld was at. the highest quantum. other Pxpcnnés :1r9.cex1,.-linly no hmvivr then; yet. consumers have 10 pay the old figure {or their goods. Cm tms, by reason or the high [um-ea about by the speculators, me rr-np. ‘\ harvest of yrofih A .\'.-wlxury states that a mill at (hut place ‘vidonrl last work of twenty vl that the mill has 'glour dollars in We lust. {Bur whole concern‘cost un- Thera is nb reason exceptional cue, \thtrmllls of va \Jmmeme pwlils AGENT, ‘\'A. ill the ~tinn {on bxou ' l. .'lx ‘ I .10 ‘1 ~ ‘tth. qimx. "‘x url. ‘ ‘nuos to '1 ins.- W Dr. q i mg u. no port pal-2} niechwd (L \ five per cent... . ed half a millio\ years, although um 1y half that. amount. why this should be ‘ and the mfnrence is. thm England are now rolling 1);. at. the expense of conuumer} Religious Persecution in Mia), The “test oath” in Missouri conA cause‘ much trouble among all a‘em. tions in that State. Recently, the [tax Rush, a talented Methodist clergyman. a tinned at. Plattehurg, undertook to preach without “swearing" and win arrested. He was brought before a mnzintmte and was arraigned with all the apparent solemnity of law, his accuser. it is nlleged,"heing one of that sort of modern men or politicians who are hflllcted with "radicaliuln on the 6 :tin.” 'xA letter from that place. «Jr-scrib in the income nttrnding the examtnzttion of tin accuae‘d. «aye: Mr. tunh,_d_efended his own case in a masterl nd impressive manner. asserting thet he wn Id prove recreanhzto lfin calling if he did not reset) the gnfipelrthough pri wna. stakes a I faggot» throntenesl him at every utterance that the persecution of Christiens was no cw thing, and that the command of Christ cgo into all lln' world and preach was as hi in nM as in' the dawn of Nero and Cali; it. He took up the new Constitution and owed'i’rom the hill of rights that his right - worship God according to the dictates of 'x awn con science, Wat‘s one of the Inalienale rights. For twohonrs he held his nudie o speli~ bound, inveighing against a tymn v (hut would disgrace any country in any a 9'o! the world: There WPrB. ham-var. pres it a small number of radix-It: who noem pleased at having a victim to torture. and threatened that if Mr. Rush may not put in jq'l, they would have Governor'Fiet‘cher salad up a squad of aoldiers to do duty at the churches, and preventmny but radicals from preaching. At the conclusion of the argument the examinin justices required the prisoner to give bongin the sum atone thousand dollars foryis uppeannce at the next term of the Circuit Court. /’ , in . _ An Importer Exposed. B/ [The German calling himself De la muse, who figured conspicuously u n witneu In the Win Cour: Martial. quail/:4 to haw» ing teen Win murder Federal prisoners and representing himself a n/greu gnnd lon of hfsyeue, and who. in 4b. moon» mandation of member: ot/Congreu. nu appointed to I clerkship’jn, the Interior Department, «:9 diachdged from LhaLpo amon on um um nth/lever!“ ofllcen and men of the Seventh New York Volunteers having convinced )flr. Harlan that he is an imposter and a ;windlcr, Ind a downer from that regiment. . ——<v 74- «...—.a— “‘3. confirmed Bachelor and the folv lowing argupient again“ matrimony : Calico is; swat promoter a! lumen. . If young men with to accomplwh my thing l‘oi moment, either of ban} or hand, they must. keep clear of the institunqn, entirely. A pair of meet lipa. a pm]: waist, swelling chest, 0. pressure ‘of two delicate bands, will do as much to unhinge a w :3 three fawn. lb. measles 3 lug. .3”: ,( whooping gouh. - p-ir otlockjays. uni.) hydrophobmu, and the doctor’s, ML, No_ 11- Wrtmn for Thu Compiler Alfred-n. Ethan/Ellen. ; hum: Lauder may-m. 1m Emil“: omm 11, no load uh.“ Tho Badford Gama. which awfully Ib abiumltmm saying mfihing upromdiom public bpinion prior tq the ma! of John P. Bend, Jr.. has, in ib- hit lunatho fonowiu‘ account of the m mum' in which John Gate; 115 conductpd himself in the case. No man, who read: h, and in. mi] be ‘u‘genly‘ road. ‘oan fnil to ram! thg \CQuhe of Mr. Gun ”most unprofessional an’d (li-graceful. Sgriuus as thephmrgan made are. ”‘l2:,qu no doubt of their entire trughfulum The Game lays: . ‘ ' The most conspicmzu pm borne In the trial of young Reed. was that taken by Jnhn Cessna. E'q., one o! the counsel fdr tho prOsomtinn. From the time of the killing until the moment, 0! *cquiunl. liken bloodd bound in pumtit ol [l}! quarry, he was upon the track of the Remit When the fun! shot was firedd hc-crnck ntthe pieitol brduflfl him in “at‘ the douh." rind after young Reed haul surrendered himselt to the Sher ifl‘. he' mnrchml to the jail M the hand of: mnh. um! with the from of his malignant heart hnil'n‘g nwr at h?“ mnmh, yelled like an in'cnrnn'e devvl. "Hang him! hang him !" Whnn the cnrnnor's inquest was held upnn the hndy of Creme, lip wrul befitie (heju-rv a: enamel (DUI huravywd lhtm infmmr «y llwflud— ing Inc (lair! l. a phmamling without parallel in nlLthe annals ul' juriqnudenoe. When the men came up nLSi-ptombrr amsions. he resorted to fill the exmdinntn ofthe pow fogger’u trickery, to ohtnin a continuum» ; moving to qu Ish' the army ofjuroh. though the jury hzul “.an (lrmyn in tho- Mme mnfi. ner ln‘r n hundred previous capital cmramnd finally swoirriug (ha ('He nfl' hy,m’:kgug an ufiid-{vig In the “hi-non nl Impmhu'nt, wit. haw-a. ‘ And jn~t lr re, log 1H lonk "I thiq nflid nvimf Mr (:Niflnfl. \Vnfind him swear- ing tbgl. "John \Vlllianm" "-——--7 How saw.” ".\‘lr<.‘M S Hahn," "Wm. J. Damp bell.” "Li'zie ang nnu Lzzie Gordnn" wr-re “m'nt.'r'i:\l mHm trial of thn CAMS-"4‘ Upon th‘s mnh 0" .\lr, t‘x-«m. the Court continua-I the trial to .\'.w’nmhm tsepgionm .\'uw, um om-nf Lheii' mitnwsscs. except Jnhu Williams, Ilul Mr. Counu produce M. the trial 'l:t~t work though he had Hired mnmhn‘time in whmh m have merit hrnuuht hers. We are mthrnwd that whou (Ir-mm made his oath. J‘nhn Wnllinn‘s wnu‘ nnt. Mr “way. nngl 'th'u he :Ippen'rml null testifi‘tl Int-tore the Grund Jury at, :fuptmnlwr awn Sim“: Wm: J.C;tmpbel!-wu in attendance at the triul, last. Week, but. this important. mtnms “Uh not oven called to the stand by Mr. Cminnv Whv Mrs. “aka. -—Hmv~ sun- u_nd thc- two Ltzzivs we)» not farthc'mh ing. is, doubtlv‘fl. hv-ht knnwn to tha "with am” who more that leir testinmny was ‘.‘mntur‘ml to it [rind of the can.” But the blacked. page in a” the dark history 0! thin man Coumt‘s connection with_ this R-wl cusp, is yvt to be written. Contempt for the mt’flfillf‘fll of the tt-llow's itnlugnity and pity for Iliom who must. Fhfll‘c him 31mm“. ' idmusit constrain us to forbflll'.‘ Yet, why slimilil we houilzite (0 (all Chu ttuth Olm ceriiing a crt‘aturo. wlin fnin would blackon unll blu~t tho rcputution of (“Mora with Lilsolmml? illad till the Evidence chili-ed by the defehm, lweh admitted by the‘Coui-t, the. criminality «_ii [)OOI‘ (House would have been considerably relieved by the revelation of the [hut that he bo-liovml. tlmt u: an oili cvr, lw had the right to kill John P. Reed, Jr. Whi'nl syn-<- Crouhe this false iiml bloody notion? Let in: see: Wu quote from tho bill of excnirlionn sealed by the Court to tho counuel fur the doll-nan ; , “'l‘he cnu'nscl for the defence .otl'nr to prnte that Cmusn‘ flflll‘ ho would kill Ri-eil, if ever he returned to lledt‘nrd; that ho: had authority to kill him; that he wail not no:- inz blindly. but that JOHN Cl-h'SNA hld tnld him that. he would'not he hurt I! he killéd liimu‘ Couiisial {or Gom'mnnwenlth object : olvjrcliom ill‘lll‘nt’d hy the Court nntl hill 0! excpptimia qoalpd." The evidence which the defgnoo‘intended to produce under this proponition. math“ or Bmm; five witneu‘ses, all respectable and Awnl‘llly inmi. who wcm maily to HWNII' that Cimim, at various tiuins. ii'i October, ISO-L untl zit latt‘r perinda‘di-clured that he would! kill Need. it lie eveP returned. and wilt-u| munch-led not-to do so. that- he would my"! "I know what I am doing; [am not ncting‘ blindly ; .l [mm a right to kill him :" Ind at least one of thene Witnesses would hug. sworii that Grouse mid to him thiit John Caiann h'ul told him that he could kill thg Reo-‘d boys and he muldn't ha hurt forlk~ ‘ “(a will giiie the teatimmiv of this witnm as taken down by cnuim‘l for the defence at a priv‘nte examlii'ttion ot 'tnt~qles.~ W is as follows :/ l . - “Alter‘th’e ’election Inst fill (l M) I was talking to John P. Reed. Sr.. at: unineu nenr his other; Jmobflmaso pigs“ while we were talking. towurds‘l the Wash] gton Hotel; I 'afterwai-dmmet Grouse. on the same day. Hemlc’ed me whnt' Reed d (Hull about. him. I told him ho had a said anything; tlint we were talking about. business. 11:: said he believed Rubd halt ‘ said something about him, that he‘wu not pleased with him. that he had heard mm of the threats tlmt he (Croufie) had made nhout‘his boys. He axid he had thrfiatenad. . to kill them. and that he would kill them yet. I told him he should not do so; that! he might get itfto dgficalti'u. He uid, no. \9 wouldn’t ; that he nrver man! into anything]. ‘ 7 ’“"“"qu1 "A‘ir this muuntebank had gunmntoad him my pumty. if he killed Raul; dmionuriug 4‘\ at the vxpense ol' the reputatinn 0! I m Whose guilt, or innocent». was yumhm“. tnhhslyad T Nay. mhre. What ’3. $9 in ho'ugilt. (for tongue cunnnt utterajmt do- ‘ » iptinn of such Infamy) of the Ohm“ - wh Hill in the pewjnat behind you. liking the “mental «me from magnum cup in nh‘ch you drink, spiritual fellomhipb with .h u and who, nevertheless. find! it in hit Kurt to demand you; bland, even though he do“ it in the garb of his rofeuiou 2 What. : libel upon thé iegfl? profeuiou! What rdugmce to the pOIH-imi arennlifi What a shame to the church of the week and lowly Jesus! Tne petm‘ogger. g tho mountebmk and waltypomwullcombmad in one nature; who alum dnocn'oa than”. hbls manned, the contemptabh Mink”, thé, unuuorable bawneu of a. compound». vileuthin; - ‘ _a t y i fink good story in told about “IQ 8". Babe” J. Bruckmydge, who wuwmpmry chairman 05 the .Bwlumoro Connuuon but year, Ind the late 'l‘hnmas FuMulhalLof Kentucky. Both «inning to‘ «twin 9 raputution in early “to. manure-J, has» «uh Henryfihy. und, olconuo. [M M» wont of it. A lew yea“ ulqrmrda. {be two meta-me Inner hem on one at hum :omuy apnea. The lawyer excl-M250 the dw‘me :‘ “gun-m. n. up an» unlucky day when we m mini-nine Great-m I 11. drove lu'e .u: the bottle. and {a}; with pulpit, Bob; but. I’ve uuoh . dent"); fight dour“: my an gun youjmw to m" I . bum: for «I. yum-m . Sm. Con lemma ‘hu appojmed : he to “dining we Ego-idem the Jam Dun.‘ fir. May“ I mum-ad “'ooonqu M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers