@ll2 Qfinmpilcr. l. I. "Alli. “not All) nonllrol - _._.._..__, _.w .__ - a GIT I'YSBIfBG. PA. MONDAY momma. DEC. 13‘ HMS Mll9B ll 00.103883. On‘; Héndq. the Senate 3nd Hum-e ap poimlgd njoint coinmiw‘e tn'lnkeappmpn um aétinn on the (loath a! President Lin min'. Hr. Huckulew was Appoint“! id th'e Bunnie-and Mr. Btevenn in she Home, {or Ilennhylnniln. , In _ In tlhe Sum-10, Mr. Wilson preached 3 pumps: from 2.500 negrou in qhe District gramme... asking the? right m-voto. W“ ‘ ‘llrl Bangor Inlré‘duced I bulking!" than new large and of cotton—lnd rice land- Along‘ the Southern _coun. including the 8M llllbdl, (Inn Ih'icln than: muons more nimble in the ‘world, _ ’ > Mr: Wado‘intréduoed resolution rnqnuc ing the President to take such flop. ood comihg Mexican nfl‘nin "u will indicate the nomniud policy pud protect the honor )md iniquity of our gavel-11mph! ." v ”r, Cog-m introduced a resolution ro quosling the Prééidept to'inforn) Nu; Snnnte whotlm‘ the rebellion has been mippresae-d, courts rmwred, pout bales- reestablished, kc. . ' l‘n’tiae House, Mr. Blame introduced a klfiflhanfimbnm the loyal Stile: for ndvnn «in nude sud debu contracted iuf‘lnppon of the war 9 MlflPutlersoninh-odured a “ii" to nnnul ull political distinctions on account ofoolor. in the Dim-iel. of Columbia and' in the Ter- Tit Peri; 311'. Jenckei inlrmiucell {joint resolution proposing (but the President and Vice _l’ruugent qf the United Slam ‘be'elccwil by «lip-ct iii“- of the people. A ~ _ Mq Wfird introduced a bill to if" so]- dier-[who enlisted prior to {we 23.1803, haunt; land and money, to make them equnl’wilh thmwho enlisted nul'xeqfienlly.‘ Q Thfiddwn Slums lntroducgd ajoint res olution pmpofing nn nmegdgwnt. to the Con- 'union of the Unitqd Static. that all 1 mutinlml and flute Inn shill be eqqnlly ap rlim le 10 every ailinn, and nodisoriminu ‘lion, ibpll‘be made on accoupt of race or oolonf ' ‘ Mr. Want-on}: introduced a bill M pre venUl-e importation of foraign cattle. (on ucoodnl of tho‘caule plays») whiah was passed. . A it Mr; Van Horn intrndnced a resolution imtmcting the Committee on‘ F ireign ite rlntion’s to inquire into any rel ort what. meal-urea "my be neceuzry on' the part of the United States to restore the Mexican y-eoplejolt-he free and unrestricted right 40 chOO'iP their own form of government, . On "l‘uesdny, in the Senate. Mr. Davis of fered ;‘rmlution for the restoration of the Imbau cmpuc in every State. . The joint resolution for a committee of fifteen. to report upon the eligibility of Southern members, came np. flr. Howard demended the yeufind nays. Mr. Doolit ,tle opposed the relo'lution, ind gave Thad deus Stevens, the father of the measure. lome’ "hind ripe." ll'e proved Stevens to he'hostilo to President Johnzon, and then ileclfired it. to be the duty of Congress and nt the people to support the President in Lin policy 0! reconstruction: The resolu on in: adopted after striking ant the'iut (n mnterinl)clanse. ‘ . ‘ ‘n the' House, Mr. Raymond you re leu credentials ofthq mom in Tennessee: Theddeus Stevens interposed I point of order. which the Speaker oyer mled. After In animated discussion, the credentials iere referredgto the committee up the Confederate States?» A resolution “was adopted totinvite the Tennessee member! to nests in the Home -—:it the speciul request, it is said, of. Pgeai dgnl'Jolius‘on. ‘ ‘Qn‘ Tuesday, in the Senate; Mr. Stewart proppeed amendment: to the Gomtitution ngninat the secession at any State. and against the usumptionoi mirehel debt by the United States. . -. Inflhe HonleJlr. Knykendm introduced I hm, which was referred to the.committee, on Military nfl'uirs, extending the benefits. nfthe bounty land not. of Much 3. .1865. ti): all ”Mimi, sailors and seamen n'f the Union, who pervhd In the Ma war of 1361. , thumsworlh iuuoduoed resolutions to give gthe negro equal rights with the white’ mnfin‘yll the Smog, Mr. Ghanler op posed mém. fie dmial that. the black "19““! fqunl of the white. h was useless fo; the Republicans, as a pnluicul jobrlo cominhe the agintion. 11. wouldV‘Only prove fnul to the negrw ‘ ‘ Mr. Apcom moved that the resolutions be llid o'n thqhblehnd called the year. and mp. The House‘ refused to lnble_them— {an 49. guys us. The remlutions here ro {crud to I whet committee. Who ‘ will say now that the Republican in not a nagm fart},- I ‘ ' .v On Thursday. the deal!» of Senator.‘ Col hmu, 5f Vurmont, was annlounoed in both 3,10qu, mid tile mun} resdlytiym adbpu-d. ' Bqlh Home! agreedto ndjann from the’ 20mm! 9609 me to the 9th (at Jul-w:- l W'“ ‘ ’9.“ "'_Z 3 who wlnlle men and women pl Wuh lnmn Ire. unless the Executive in tel-poses. I: Ilia mercy oftbo radial crew which not 1 doping!» In Congress. and therefore, be. m 9! that utter helplessness, we are pre-’ M In m ;ttemped any amount of hu: ‘ miliuiou of whip”, and corresponding ele inliuu pf blanks. But we lllgll he luv- PM j(_ ("widow Johpsén does not. inning ”with neat. you-rs at the Districuhnll bWfifm they no Ilmgk,” We feel Inn that he rill inurpoup'hi- Mo. if uaeé be nhundnd times, In defenm pf popular gelfigoyemmept by use white mae.— World. > ‘l'“ country will he slid to inn: that. Bel-t Butler ha- mignpd hit Major my. comma-icy. and that. it but bin ”and, It would has been much bener fun» plumb: at 1.)»: country had he never be» lppointod: " ‘ ~ ‘ / ”W. W. Wolf. Fag“ Sharifl‘of York my, diet! onfl‘nadlty. evening In», pi; ter 9 promoted mump- 36 m 3my rap-thy- m Ind I fnilhful other, Dr. Emil]. Nth-anon will yerfouu the da [ismf Wilma“ the Governor pin“ [in an mm: by imintmem. The Fraud II 11.: ml Harlot. Tlio Lam-um Inlalliguur. in In uticle on the ”Tun vol." hand. up: The fnpd My which-n lucmpt in to be muh to ocnnt out Dunc-n. the Sonswr elect. in the 16th Dmlnct.’h bein shown up nlnjdmn momi‘qfl‘tal mafia! nrnr it In}. ll party. your nu mob baht-ed and unblmh- ‘ in; fund. attompu-d I! (bone winch ha" been reputedly eluded within the Inn. foul: yearn. The ballot-box lm limo-t oqmo to he: mockery. Wu do not think the emu-1! being mldo to cheat Mr. Duncan out. 0‘ his mtmn’nucm‘ed. W»- cnn Icarce lv brlipve 1: mail)!» (h n! a majority 01 the Senate will/lend lbemselva a path: la so open and lune u lumd. 'fhc. Patti/4 d- Union cnncludn In article {an {be ume nuhjrct wilh the following: Comment upon quell baref‘ncvd Mtémpls at Irv-m! by the lend": of the "grand morn] idea“ puny. vould be supelfld’oul. But; ‘- his us any say. um htiul den-yoga»; who have hérowfirre Khan-ed and no now luhozing m dabuse the ballot-box wiih negro lufl'nge must. be numbed M. an timu. He Ibo would mint. Ibo mango Ind 10'" the chuck! at American ciunmbip, will not’only unl‘bullqt-boxeu (and mike fake elgcfion returns, but he will {oh ya grind motpa. ' ~ ' n - - ————-~——o-----«~—-«- = The Presidcyl'l Policy. - The York Gazelle layu—We beliav'e the who}? ‘of President Johnson is to pufwe ‘ such a conm u to prevént ll: Open ruptdro 1 with Cobgré'u. which in' clparly opposed lo ‘ his crinse'rvutiye‘nnd Cnmlihnionnl mens pres, so is to rrtniq his t-fi‘mienéy and abili ‘ I] to carry out hid i'efloratinn. poiiky. ’ Ho fim, moans tn have the “{an Con grvssmvig and Smatora admins: . and then th‘use (:1 the oLhPr ueceded Stun-310 follow. We horn-me ‘tlmt he understands how to handle [tip refractory Coupe“. and have grvnt l-npes‘thnt he shall thaw his ability lo cnn’y out the [principle-45nd measures enunciated in his meuuge. which, wé Ire rc-j-uiaml In find meeting our vig—ws, and challenging ,our apyrovul in so many pur ticuhm. . -‘ ' ~ I= The‘ Lion': Shara—New ‘Enulnnd claims and gets the "(lion’s share" iliiJhe prmnl (imgn‘ss, lojn'dge by the mmpnsltion of othe Sennle‘ cnmmjuen. Note the follnwi ing list of the clmirmch '6! the impofiunt committees : ' _ ManufwturOs—Spmgue. of Rhode Hand Military Amara—Wilson, of 'Mussuchu sens. . ' F‘ Furoign Affairs—Sumner, of Manchu um. .\. - ' " annro—Fmsonden. of Mnino. Pout. omen—Dixon. ofLL-nnecuunt. ‘Clairhl—Clurk. of'h'ew [lumpahira J . District of Culuinb‘ia~D:xon,-of Counec tlout. ' \ It. looks like the Yankees taking charge of the whole gbvernment; The middle States and the grmt West are of no acobupl. Gr ut‘ I)'-nnofth Y k ' e ”..': .:..jm tees! “ 'fi-yentworth, oi Illinois, has intro duced a bill in !Congresa to piny Mrs. 4Lin-‘ eoln the full salary of her husband had he lived out his term. This will bojust. one hundred thousand dollars outol’the’l‘reasuly in addition to an equal amount which will be dug President. Johnson for the tune time. A: President Lincoln’s estate wan vnlhed n! seventy-five lhouamd dollars. this donation looks like a very “steep" aflair. J" A fiDuring the war them were 5.400 In difins in the servige of the guverumelgt.— News Item. _ ind” without doubt. that, 5,400 Indians did more real service Tor the‘ government ‘ than nll'thp tens.ol‘ thouunds of nifige‘rs, that drow'v rutioni and pay. during they". Wliy does not. the party of “great morpl ideéu'f demand the right. of suffrage for ‘llem’ If the nigger'aright to ’vnte is based on his having fought. for the Union.-the In din'ns can claim the name right on ‘an equal or hotter basis. 11' the niggnr’s right lies in his character of “manhood," why deny the same right to tho Indian, whose “man hood" is undoubtedly superior. If the non of the "cursed Hurt! shill h‘uve niece” to the ballot box, why shall righteoin Shem'u son he told to omndihaclt I—Shqma‘ upon the hue inqonslst'ency, the pnrhl nd higplr rifthéfllle hypocriq. of Abolitio isn‘t! ' - Q‘The oountny (€ll rljnico toLg-nrn this morning tint the PrPsi-lcnt has named it consistent with the public l:|f-,ly‘t.o restore throughout. the loyal‘ States the writ. of flu beur Corpur, suspended during I a two yam push—Ned York Tribdue. Cerlkinly the coulltry doe: reg] ) on at this i glad news. But how muohogr. ter would the rejoicing be, i the fun atinism (for Iwhiéh thcl Ilnlmu i; in nkreat degree. ro i_urwmaihle,) which rondeted the annulling .of that precious bulwark of liberty necessa— ry. had been amntluared and destroyed in its infancy. The country could hotter have done without I". the gnoJ that. Abolition ism ever‘ldid or pron‘aised or hoped to do. i rather than‘ hue been deprived I'm one i shortduy of the rights gumnteed by the, great writ. « ‘ -‘ , ' A - o o o—- v——r—- IQ‘The Sixteengh Omarouianni dish-Rut of Pennsylvania has no represgnhtive‘asr y‘et in Congress. Mr. McPhersonjefuned to lace-eillnerxhe name of Mr. Cofl‘rnlh or & Kmnti on hi: roll. on the ground that neither bad the Gmu-rnor’a certificate. He also positively declined to cal? the Mme: 0( several gentlemen who had the Gover nor’s certificate. Mr. Mcfhenon in con gislent-.-verg.—Agc. ' _‘ . fin is Quid that. an; Emperol’ Napoleon has midyened a letter dixeot to the Secre tary of 'Sllle..uking our government to reoégniza the empirs of Mnimili-nv u the governmoht d! faqlo. The Secretary of State in “155ng in pnparjnz hil reply. -r—~-”“".—"—" _ . [9-1: in “mm“: reported It Walling- WU!“ [Braid 1 Johann will withdray (her PimbioctE‘Goumon. tho military farce, and the” gems of the Fregdmen'a Bunnu from dune Southom Slate: usoqh as they have Iduyted the Constitution“ Kmendmant. given the ne'grpu— Illa right to mtily in the mum, In}! have npudilwd the debts incuqed‘fnr vm- purposes. 38in?” tlge opening of Git-grass 30 loss than 40 amendment: to the anslinztion' hue been [numbed by r’ndjcal member- in the Ben-Fe Int! lion”. 1! it pmiblc for m Constitution or “19 Government to simd the» wpefled and persistent Imam of the Dinnionisu ‘of the 10-odled Republican party in and out of Congress? 3’6er Grant had an interview with the Pmidant on Tuesday. tad communi cated the multof his obscrntions in film 3009;. Gwen! Grunt believes um lb. people of the 809 m an honosuud time» is {ln} note-shat filaments": to th -0100: , , ' ‘ “1‘ um: Ill." ‘ The gm! War—6omm! Benjamin Fl. glut! g gun“! Ballot-. 010 bmommc Bethe). Fun Fuh-‘ fir: A.—_—.. 1 enuml thé Powder Boat, cm: : sorry fig! are in 13;: "upon o: Lieu k ”Tm 0:116:13 lD’Th‘ -,,,, ‘ran . e _euerl In- an um pay 0. Dem-tn “a. role of a “Bottlc Imp." in bi- reference to‘ ID-rslm.?'j—.“"‘ '32:“: “”u‘; Butler's ”Pd“ “3 “nu“. lid" 0‘ “0 Math-72,16 "mmlrmg hum. After ranting eight [undou- gm. tun-nu f . ’ A on the until, «my. 1064. Butler «36- mm. mm... ''u """m ~ . 1 h- Inuit-t graphed Stanton that. Gruernl Gnntmeed ‘° “" lath last eight or u- wont». J 75." tun have no further fem bf Lea being rein- 3::"" :5“ h' '“1 "”9 “’ "u" "“ “m"m' forced by Belureglrd, II he htd'put him emfmh plenum-3.11-7 .__. salt pretty well zeroes ermything in that' .4 0:22:33,“ :fliflnfiji‘m’ r"; ‘t'm .ectinn. At that very time Bnnnregnrd and much nil-1b!» pmp-nyuuu ..EZILL?» :uaby' had calieoted his divided forces in North “UV-lbw}: «Hunt-I. All. wow-m «nun-If and South Curolin, Ind two day: nftor- l ”I“ '°‘ 5‘ "" "" “W” I" “b ward I'o-ll on Butler, thruhed hiq), tnd 'l‘". “up“ ~ ~ mu . ”a. ~ . ' 'l , dme gun autumn tho tom of the .... ...,“ ~ :...°3""mh’c...m.r,°,'.,m....£.7fi.bi Appomuttox ‘.“F' the Jnma; whernt Gen— "mm-fay“. Th}. llttlo,glrll m mu, m lurk, era! Grit. with n quiet-Imam that in re- . “n” “f‘m' "‘ n" N u" 1"“ 'm'” “m . t ‘ [Mflaulhln nougntnurmiutho public! (mining. observes: . “mum: in m. rm liupfl'ho mm, or vacuum “Hi" "my. thwgli. in a main-13f great ne- will a olend rill manual w- mm: In tho pent. curvy. am a mplady Mm (firm fulun ap- Bo—aquw—u mu.- an inn- gsru II M (rattan: again! [Le/.mnd a sf :1 had tau m a Int-u. am u'wpu. Canary. battle. Ml, :corkad.” ‘ to. m. .m open u «want, r. I. no in mm. The public are utitfiod to tan this jwk~ m"' “1"." '"l hw dnw, stripped of his pltunue, over m 1 Punch, winch can picture him to life. with his great sword and high4opped bobu, “corked” up in Ijunk bottle A Freedman on lulu. Jim—Look a hen. Su‘mbo. you has had deg light ab Freedom shine on and illuminnle dnt wool, head df yourn. Displnin din qua-tion. What am 3 Butler ! . ‘ Samba—(with flignity.)—llas you‘serhed in one oh de first families ob dé Nerf. ‘(vie big nfitmpg maker in Lowell.) Ind don’j kuov’v am, I'll tell you din ORPP, but de next time go to do Freed‘man’s Bum. (de second dgawer from de Lap.) (0 git your questions haswereal. A butler am de man what waits on de üble und pours dc wine mil ob da bottles. . . Jim— (thibiting his iiories.)~Yuh. nig pvr! You is fist fight rwrong dis time, for Gm. Grant said, do odor day. dnl Butle‘r am de man what went irito dc bold: lu‘uelfi an’ gnt “cnrked up" tight! Snub—(grinning rebponsiye.)—Dal.’l de truf, nigger. but (lat was chayune 'Butler. de dog man, what got his-elf i‘nto dz“. scrape. ’h‘peo‘ do ugly old squin'treye will slaylin (lat. bottle till de bottle is busted by de goneral bustificntionl Aml the “coining men!’ parled,leaéh to ,‘ eomi‘iiue his proapect for lhe mast. eligible hen-roost. , . fiWa understand, from our Bwlon ox. clmngfil. 4' that 'since Grant’s repoi-t, the "corked up" liptler has bun overwhelmed with boxes of‘l'nl‘bnnic pills, supposed to be infallible in hit complains. . a“? Any, Charlny. I'll be! you a dqzah segnrs that you can’t tell me why Beaure gard, when in from of B--rnlud:l llun‘lrgd, was like a second in a prize 'fiuht?” ' “I'll take Illa bet. Becauseme was But ler’s bottlrlwldvr !" @Why was the frat/1y Bauer “corked up” at Bgrmilda Ilumhed! " ‘ Bxause he was “small Leer.” 4 Why Butler went into the "bottle”, at Bvrufutlu Hundrfl]. ' .- : Théxe were no Lye: in it. . 3Tb}: report which was outrentL short time since that “corked-pp” Bullar wan to succeed General Terry m Command of ihe -zv.roopa in Virginia. seems to have érnled l . .‘ . . ‘ ‘ que I lively mam In that Slate. The !feelmg ci-enled_ may bejudged by the fol- Towing regolutinn which was introduced by Mr. Unfit, ol'_l\'orl'olk, in the Legislature ofthnt Slate : ‘ L Whernu. It is currently repmtod and génenlly beliva. that. the celehmmd un dlhmstic General. B. 1". Buller,‘iu about lo “k 8 obs ~ ‘ rge 0’ ”H 3 ' Wllh paw?!“ "“I"an ( F e ‘ ~ Pflrtmen ~ Item. 1 ."mmfllnarv; them-or, ”.1 “-I PNfl'uMum ...... . ‘4 . 'lhac WI v : I'"" My m ‘ “01rd nYSc - m ‘ v ""9“" In» ‘‘ n fi "" “1m Ind 'm' Dlwctn ‘m In the mm u 09v mu- ‘ro- "n munch; ~ . I'm-ml lhcnix "' 'l'- . ivnlad amOng c‘l, INSSWY be im'medihzely {fill M the Juififficiffimw in m. .34';11‘.2‘.’.""”" Kl 6 w. ' an! m 1” In ’,, ’0 . up“, .h _ pm.- dam-um] “Oldie” It‘d uwfiifllu‘ orphan! 0| In; “I" Mum-2:; llwnahup. "tr rho s;.er I Inn-Em, In éd to the ""1"“; c; cfiu’wfl‘be dispatch $1?“--um1-‘......35';°""! of wpmmfl’nflm‘ffr ‘ [ln I“ . ' 1 Mi. .... ,h . Mum... to ra peuple to secrete or Bury lb 'jé‘quesung the M. rm... “2:s;Jfiumlnr “fit-586‘: 35:,“ng n. 5, ——._- e" Plate. “'Enly-fiv. Ebro)” y mummy,” "11. delq g u Cluck’ P' 15" S' ' - *-——~'-.. “‘“tfliurmu "U" ”WI-I1 Ihnll h. “h “‘f "or, “Inner ‘ bi“ h. 7on \; “and “‘"rmum m beheld ~ ‘ 'Wflm—J p, .._ , pm} mg an 1 1. 'l. ‘Mflllry w '"LHANHHhS : ~ "’9 Cans-“mtg“, uw ‘ 0 amen “gnu-ed to Mm“ llle 3,1506.» ...,ch ”Wayne. nl‘ (u - mfike voter: inltea "he?“ .“’""’-‘il- nI-i “hm":m °‘ 'Eb-cummituenl'inmthu WP“ hm: the ha; 0“ . "manual" u 4" run... ... u. a mm. b '5 °;.~vreeenmaon in W..w- m: .:r'rwwm mum” .‘f 3" beQn/mfldo ] ~ dv “"‘l fine: wihblo MI 5” V’ ”I! Inch m...“ “huh- 'l'; “old by the . - ..'“ “mama. lieu-u MIMI“ In" in“ mln Beech L 3g Sermon °f ‘san Wu d 2%?" {WWW mun- :fi:f"'"“""l’": 11;.:,..._ . . , 4n 4, ~ -=- In ‘ e ' Th“ d""‘° politician r» "‘ runny.'.’.'.':"",,.,l;l';' mm“ “$311113? ”h“? ”'"' ~ .A . 1106!, u part Of I snugly “Menu". un a"; Inn, 1.. “I. I” "W“thnymmfl moral .I. '9 Greed of the ram. ”Inn-nun: mln "'o‘ ”fit-rum, ...-n nn” “‘o‘! “gm Lanny. um not. Dnly 0?! b I ‘ ”HON uxwwmmmwm‘ggymw 5; culgl be “llOlea to to“ “$7lO. of , “403)”?ng -Mn _ .T - En-al ma 3 a '°‘°- A! New! "“8" «l the Sow J. ~ “mm" 9' “'- 3A.... has a ’-r It n Hummus?!” T“ Nrticu] .- l°°""°""-Ilfloul Hui-5:1. his...” “we"! :2 ch. '. 9:1 sun-plug {all} I] I. ‘ lows-13m“ ' " ‘l, ou the on. I,“ ' Vi :f, “.0 “NH _ micro um, .- flu (a. ll all he made Voter: and t’ on. they Panama-D.,“ “'in. 00mm 9mm; 1w: ’ Yankees be thus . ‘ m'l'fiwfl' om“, Tmmru—s n-liuhel‘l mm“. ‘ ' . mwhmm mu! ' jewel-2MB: Hal-"h for: :fiw..rgq.qllnll 33m1“, .. : . man 06 sfi-‘ l “ “3”; Com _.|[ .‘ ' i ‘ mum“ - ll ranger I . 5 "fly My. , , , the "EM 0' Hanna: ‘l 1 t;0h"""'“"a lhrnen. [M m’ “myhnlonlnw Pinter: '0 V“ 11. {I , an: a! Yflnicee Emmi" cm" -—H u MeEmma, U ? “‘3 same “flabex. l ".1?“. L." Nth»,- A IhU'y New York, ENo ....._________ L I mung“ I Duh-mgr“? , i 6‘" binary Edna-uh, Mum, mi 13".; :hllocg, WI ‘ ; T:n:.u N!u,.;.mo’ " “'m'ml nee offic 1' "ed and 01'!ch Kobe . "for (In Mien—ln. f‘lflnr m," Muted. n... n, 315.010..” I l-hne- in M- hand: “ P""0! 11.. m» drn ”-1.... ”f 355.000.; ""‘W of , h In from u. an.“ » .pPM'rhl-Im,.g Hog dam of In - TIM Knead" Co . ‘ Inn] the an u°"""""‘ “W u. mum“. ‘ for m. ‘ “MY mu “tn. The r.. II I “"1”- mean u, ;- I’Ond’ fur lb- “! the monument ii‘éoanupletodm "'ncul “on. elm‘ The "fl 1“ I“! “l"! "W I lntsh-d “cumin: In II” 0n"... ' h'o o hunt-,5., - a“ “fish :1 .:.. 1 To m“; l n“ ”W“ win-m... "m‘ . w . parry ”'"Wyk’y Omani“? ' “both". 8800 m” "' (hunk-rt on an fi‘The Dnylnslown‘ Dmnmu in to active gubernatorial campaign. as we Di S21)8 Hrreflcer "we are in favor bf a noisy .‘ mign—emplmfimllx noily. _ Bring ouii‘ big guns and the Lula guns. and stir the hearts 99 the iwnp‘m. Whether we h a long of 5 short than M conduct. the u paign in. lhreo‘lhings mus! be done be we can hope m‘ weer-ed: ’ x: 2. To awake-n mur peel-he to n senql the importan“ 47f the (hvemnr’a elrct 3. To get fill out vmera to the polls. I —-——-——»~o - .- v~ 1 —-—- fiGmrp Krimpr. at JrfiZ-mn cow was arrested h fewdp'cy}; ago for p gmnurfeit greenback. TM; is the 3 individual ‘lng about. a year ago Im . unuly lay! an 'to dating and mist. in Llll rénaf I nn'mlier of Democrats In that Clarfld-i 'oountkn for diiloynlty. nmnunl of labor in too great for hix by it lie ulcauedeii in Inning I Damn tog-n from his bow: mil Inmily sud in} united in"! none GM}; prison. guy-m. aid that. mom; prmniael t. wry ya, at Washington this winter. -I dye-hot rich shoddyitu us proprin in than toshow 06'. that being the 0‘ "filtering pI-ce" in winter. \ film-fig. Gen. Morris, of the army, and commandant It Fort We died on Tuesday morpinx. aged shout " ’.lur ‘ . | ---——- —- «coo - 77‘— . Milan is An ugly split In the Fe Bruwzrhond in New Ym-k -one party porting (bl. O‘lfihony not! the other Roberts. They "spying tome bud :- mind. can», ' 4 _-_.. ._..... _._.—.... ;‘ fl-Th-ddcnq Runn- is no longer ' 'mnunf glu- Commune on Wayland I a. in. however. Claim-n at Hulk-mi lon Arrow-“0m: , ‘ . I'D-Blurb] «ad;- on (mo p... as ot 4.C." witt Rpm, 1r ear oa{•. BOBBIE STOlepA an. by hon. In M.- (mm Jam: F Curran. cu Ila-h amt, an Thanh, ugh: mm. [ln In drucribed u N}; ha}. high, 14 yam-y on, m‘: Inn on In“ bin. {at pacing walk. Ind pie-M! rit'flng porfi‘. 11. In bum-d Illh flu lONIP C under the mam. Ind ipc dam in tin Penmylnpll nom rum ”dueling m: 1i: manna Cumpgny of Yuri. (H. A Picking, Dag” Agony) ‘Hcll o!"- . mind of.“ In; the her-O, lE] 3“ fur 111:! Mun-I commie- all!“ final. , ' TIIE NEW nAILROAD.—'Ine lurvl ”II pmpoud Ballr'uul from Net Oxford to Wrighhn'ille bu hon-ll cmnpluo-i by Mr 1‘ am, chit engineer. nmmit n point on tho Geuylburg null-wad nut New Oxford. 111 l rum lion 5 lb. north rid. of lb. Pigeon Bills, hoping in the nu, or m Turan'ko to York. At um pm. u'cmm the Cm’hma mug thy mickeu Bridge, Ind lb. Nulihurn Cunlr-l milrnu! non-Mb. “ammonia-running IN!!!) I}! the Turnpike m Wrfinmnn. Tho mm innit! to 1.. good 05:, Ind 01 lifihl’rflu. ; DROWNED.‘—I'bo Chm‘mnburg Spirit. o!,WodneudAy up! :—ou 'l'uudny night hut, I nun Mined Jnlln snydor, from Adam: ennui]. IL‘IHOI' by walls. fell into lhu cro‘k u the Wotan and or “uhingmu Slreat'.‘ HI» crieu for min-nee brought m at “.0 mldrnll or' the loulily In the Ipu‘, bql baton winum ...-u be ”Glued the un furlunalc nun run eon-so. ,‘4 I'm: .aufl'vsncno spmxo seem in ho alumna . Npuuxiuu nu rapidly. The vulniyhigllly upuln-n o! 1:] Icw'nliflc mm. Dr. Slum, of Wuhingl-m‘ .tho {lgni'ly phynicifn of the bu Prev-Men! Lina In, In Bulldog tho ||rihug l‘mllll’lflm bot-eel: [ln Vichy “but, 0! France, Ind am of Gethruhurg. n. 1,": ‘ ' A . “Them npringi uf Vichy an the moat cafebmtm‘ filial in. carqunle-lj utm- on llm globe. and an unlremulx uul. Tm'y um ummged duun‘ the "mum by lufl'urarn mm Kuhn-y. L'ruum . Illwuuul-Ic, And Gout, amazes, [rum every country of the world." ’ ll: farmer In”: “In ull‘lnnm cities we lul dam Mai-nun which an cumhlu hv [lu- ndluimutmliun q-l' [lum- rune-H n IMoh lmlyull mln‘nm u the ounostiluvnu u! the Heliphurg 'l‘". Then Juliana Ira cal-waded to an the nml ur artificial Vichy win-r. Omen who urn wealthy. proud to Well] and an the waters [rah hon: the women. . “To Inch. Un- pre-tence or MCI) .1 hpring-lmh'rlc‘l. In lnmu mpucu. ...! wmn-u In lITIIKIS. lo (In hmud Vida; u-tn-r—wuuld he I ran! 'trouurn ln-vu" "Imm chimed In you fur (lu- npvcmu-nn of the Internet“ to me, and mu like «run we wire in win: II :mung my ln‘eud. thou: can um um; «I m- lpyhcahun “ ' ‘ . rusmnunm‘ “alumna—he new or rum;- 0! Pcnmyhnuu Cullen propose tnzerecl I building {or the Iminl plural" the I'relnnwry Departxnong M will no doubt proceed wulh ull duirod wurk u mun u tha' novel-my means lh-ll haw Inn-n “gun-d ~qu‘ a enm mnuic-tion on sewn] ngbjwu, we melee: run: bean on "vile—ll Min": We hung lac-led Don I Cullm. and A Pronntnry School ‘l‘ e lVl'n-g. number at madam rm mun shunt. H). The expelmtura of much «tn-lam rill "(anu- 5250 wutully. Thus. then 3! brought. into lbe chant]. and expanded here (or ufiidu nf produce ranted In the county. nr brought Ina-c for lnlo .537 .300 over] your If In much u! the nnuual‘circulm'on were vithdnwn {mm the cunt], ll wwhl be felt It once Now, "All. numb-wt or the am: drill! wuduuhlrl. Iva mm Inn-a In maul expendituro or snow man county. ! am tree wmy that more u but "will" iukrut In the county Mm mm-h importance to 11:. county in n l-uuniuy pohn of vlevu “my: echooln, and thinly! it bathe mun-It nf due peopl. of the mat, to fun-r And nuppnn them. ml 10 oneonmgn them by lonl Ind by deed. The “mm! uf Trance: prupou tn one: 111 Additional banding muffin-um In muumu 'ono hundrad pupil»: at. Inn-L." a preparatory nunuulmuin: tho NIL-m um: Hm numb" 0! pupils will bodaublnd. {myriad nann umdxlnunl mm be furni-lml for them. for we Ink (In people of Um manly In 'llll In Unit work—ln .53! by mail vunu lII] by the" money. w '11." Hl. Imrk uuy ha urliul furl-rd All" 111, the many whlch In cuntrihmad to ma urrctlou of such I building. ll only [mm-d. and cums: bmk Agnin in mount farm, IN in ”pull mu- unl our I‘llfi. NORMAL SCHOOL -—)lr. Georg. Sum. the County Suprimwdwt «(Cum-mu sclmln n! Cumberlanl county, has whim-. 1! {circular in ran-n! to tho uuhlillulwfl at n Sunni-X !clwol for lllill dhtrlct, lo the Baht-u} Diflé‘or- n! lho urenl bun-«glu- nnd mun-Illin- of Culnherlnul, Adan-u, Franklin, Fuftuu, Mord, llanlmxdou and lllnir manual. In thick I» say: _ up ye lEZI ‘ ?lIAT.—A fcv (hp in, IQ won the ndpk-nt o! a “vital Inst—no Io- thnn kg at Llpu‘l Bowling Ak- To ll] that it u- very 800, would be glly win! "vb-u, mid woman: 1‘ npvu being told M It. m lulln’l, But m. was Inn-thins urn-amount“ Io Imppnnchnbu u to mm from the an»: alt drink-r- um Idmisuirn um it In the m: “Hem: may but on: hut-ad. ; It. Loner. though In "printed blot”. ll) hit M; M , lump- lut mum, film! common-3M. unluoml has, ' (or II burl Int- aka. m u;:,,hmmfi.mm:?,;‘m§fmg m. Singular Death—A few woekn ainoe. Mr. . “a; mum Wilt-kw "WNW“! Christin: Zunmermm, of Muhoning mun !nuu—wlm. long my I- ...'.g us fill mdimi‘i “hip. Uulbnn county, while engaged in anon, mums-m mmu.m “in”! Skinning I mule. Much had died of glan urguémulm'ulm. . ~ ders.‘ cut. himwlr m the thumb. A len ' ldlys :lu-r thmaore inflamed. which mu followed by 'ab-ceuez forming in «lutferem pan- of the body. These um followed by levers vomiting and dimhma. A fever of I typhoid character then set in, accompl nied by bloody dun-than. The abscesses which had closed were now reopened—bit face Mnme very much swollenmud both 93%: become completely clued up. A few day: before his death he became delirium. which continued until he breathed his last. The disease of the animal was undoubtedly innocuhted into his ”Helm—Carbon Daw cral. 1 E! I nil No KM- HUBIO.—WI In 1!!!an0! In Horn. I'ltu'l, “1 mm, New rut. hr a. moving my main z— “ ’fil Sup-ct to Think Cl Bun- ;” “Wdfi, my little 0., Fun." “no flay Lon H. 811“ n In: ;" “Com a“. “kiln, Inn ;U "My Junh'l on u» Bunk-Ink! ;" “n. Nation'- Jubnn 3" "Esau clam" IM “Pam Canaan Polh‘" We supp" Mr. Wu": In ha tho most sue-innate pom-bur ln‘uu [lliad anu- Cart-in is k, this is In dun-t in quire ovorythlng that m, be and tr bib lino—and. band-I, au- :11 order: rm. a. tin-team In! prounplneu. ' :2: In gran-.1 Huh: In. mid. ham-um In 'Wm WM.» John "puma. for w. 114 ‘3l:. new hipurchlud 21 mmvoo-llud In Hun. ix- Mn ton-hip, from John an”. n :21 so .... m. -. ’ ILuu-huhl punch-0d anther wood lot In Cumin-f -l Ilaml tar-Hp, Lon .m Thompson—lo ms: “3 In Wm~ ‘ I.‘ '.llechn, “tanks [or Inn. I.!..Olnuiu, ,‘P' Inn-Inhauo-(Mh mtmmgumus. L «barn-roman. ~ I‘l. t '.wumh forflc hind“ wnflgdn‘lqhnnfll hmu‘btl-tbu 'ummbmmmmsmu. f." OIL—Wok": (with Ila-mt W um flu 111. m-tmw-di-rmPkMlllMmpiq ‘ «omit-dodgy. {tummy-3w. flu he muss-ugh m mum. In. W pi l um-Inl-MNIWQWUIW ‘ TH! SCIENTIFIO- AIBRICAN.—Por lo chnnics, lu‘u-ntorl lad limit-clan”, the ‘ 86mm: American {I me but periodic“ in the country. ll ii the Insert of its cl”: in the, has the indent circulation, _ud is more nbly conducted thnn my timilnr publication. It in publhhed woolly; eontciu sixteen page: of Vilnubla reading nutur, and I number of the most finely executed mnhlnicnl engraving. Everybody having n pmticnl, pub-lied or scientific tendency or tum would have it.— It coutcins I full record at the prom” oflhe country in the urn-uni Iciencu. It 6115 5 that which no other journnl doc: or an sup ply. ~"this (Hugs are $3 per year; $1.60 for six mbnthl; ton copies lor 525. Published by In“ 8 00., HQ. 37 Punk Row, New Yuri; city. The pnblilhen 3190 let .- ngrnu tor procur- Jng Eltentl for Ill" inve‘mionl. ‘Scnd tar I specimen copy, which will be sent Inc. I ‘ THE SA'FETY LINES-AND BRIDLB.—A: I meeting at the fiddle Ind 11-Irneu make“; ofLancnner clty and county. htld 0n Manda), Notelnber run, the followng preamble And relolnlionl Inc unanimously ndopted : ' Wine“, The nelnlneu, pnm-r an-l "('te of Dr. Hartman’s Sulnly Bridle And Linerlmvo been publicly demnustrued in the presence of flow one !housnnd to fifteen hundrrd horse men nnd horse owners lo Ilwlr enlire latishc. lion. nml sinm- it was proud} Al ”the .\lillersT. nlle llurau Exhibinun un lour of the mud Vision. and mmfirund kickers nnrl Hummus, that with the Snl'elyllridle unA Linea n ii ul terly impuazible‘fur a hon-e tuber 10 kids or run away; lhvrel'ure . Resnlved, Thu} we, (the Smidlz-rs of Lam-as ter county, Pa..)rheliv\'o thc Saki; llridlc and Lines uccomplnsli all “:4 e\'cu mute |h.m is clnimed by. the p ltmlee, in annealing horses from kicking and running “my. ‘ Resolved, Tlmtd‘n'rie’w or the shore lacts, weGeu-m it our l9gilimnleduly,hokh indii idualtl t! and culleclirelylx to exert nll hun‘nrnble means at once in introduce the pnleul Bridle and Lines, buczi‘uge, lu dpiug to, we in it great mensure prevent all arfideuu with horses, while vuth the old defectivn- bridle we put in great jmgfiirdy hoth line and limb. . Resolvrd, [lint lu-renfler wu manufacture ho other but Snlety Bri lles. unless P‘pet‘iflil’ ordered. 5. ; I|.llAllEß‘an‘ll, ’ .3 11. SCHAEFFER, . _ . B. YEGKER, A 4 A. “HEY. ‘ . ‘ A. .\l. BRUBARER, - ‘ _ J “11-S Mcl’llAllA Township nr‘lnniiiiidual RI hts iu Alum: county :1» sale by . £ ' REEDER & BRODBENT, It. 2‘ ‘ Gettyuburg, I‘s. ‘ of the roots for CHRISTMAS AT E. 11. MlN.\‘ll:ll'S.—Slr. Minnigll, opposite the Lulheranf Church in Chnmheuhunjg slrv- t, h‘xu Llid in an unusual ly large as§srtnwhlul Ullristmnnniclei. He has evvrylhinz in the Toy. Confection and Fruit line, with I hulruu-«l Rookshgunws, and giy‘qunnht, ofolher llllllgp,enlirely “tun nn lnerons Io mcminn.” “in him u cull, mid examine \v hat lelmv fur sulc. You cnu'l help but find Fomt-lhin‘g tu plane you. ' Tetychers who Idesira to make presents to their ac! olara will fluid it lo their advantage to lee Mr. Minnigh’s go | d}, and loan his terms. " GRAND "OP —A CI-tillion Party Ii" come of! 11. the than“! Untol, in I.mlntu-u,un Sat Yen‘- Ivo ning. Amy time Ix “pvt-lad. - 1 CO‘HLIJOS P‘AB‘I‘Y .—Tbn “Blue Cm Aumhl’" VIII 3‘" I Cnlilhun ['nrly. in the uld Udl Yell-nu III“, In this pJ-ee, on Chant-nu vvemug.‘ Tiny anticipato- I'nnd meet):- I ANOTHER “ALL .—A um»: n.“ in nnmum‘u (or en. £sth hat. I! Cort-IV: llutgl, on "us Nonnhil. All In invihd, ml 1 guy u-m promnul . . mum m flinmmmrs. Fifty years ago, the British governm‘nut Ind valuable colonies in tha West. Indies, where an immense lamount. «if l'rOpical pro ductions "werg grown by the regulated labor of happy, nn'd contgnted negro aluveu. A few year-Hater, England. il': 3' fit of “philan thropy,” nbnlished? slu’vex’y in all her do pendgncies, 'and tin: malt has been a steidy and rapid d ‘ liué in lime production of her Wed. Indinipouéspions and a still mare fearful degenéracy of the negro race. At prnént. Ihom wands, the most favored by nnture’ of any portion of Hi» earth, scarcelv produm mr‘nugh lnfiuplli] the men gre wants of the firemhed boingsyho in hibit. ”mm. Of_tl|l‘a rem". oI the experi mrnt. ihe London S'amlan! says: , “Sudden emancipatinn," we are laid. “exeinpted him lrom the daily nxneqsity ot lnbor before he ilhld agquirell lhme in stincts and denim of einlintinn wl. eh might lmveptml‘ullteil him to labor for the snke of gratifying them. He has ‘qumtwl down in illlenee‘u and iensnnl indulgence wherever hind, ;wut plentiful; nml sank hack to the batbaiism.'the sensuality. the henthenism and {tiperitiliOu-I of bin hire fatherx. Title remtts of the West Indian Gavel-non leave; no‘ dmibt on the mind of hay ii’npnninl pe‘nnn that. emancipation has fulfilled none of the promises which were 10 confldnntly—lnnrie by its advocates. It. _ has not‘mzide‘the negro u better, a wider, ' scarcely n happier man. He ismore brutal [find less uwtpl thnn he was as a slave; he 'I in further from dhb‘lerel ofthe white man: . he is more unvnge, more vicinne. lees amen able to reason. len grateful tor kin’dncse', [less sensitive to 'religiuus influences. and in levery wnv a woke iman than the V’ll‘fllnlfl shave of 1800. Emancipation hits not given as security against hegro rebellion. I i The mvnge melting“ of the race are Invnge IRVhefol'P, and bleak out, in outmgm which remind us rather of; the fury of the [must of prey. which some accident has relem-ed from the. tmner'a duolpline, and sent hack to his mtuml career 0!! carnage, than of the crimes of human beings gnu-led by wrong or exci ted by hope into rebellion und bloodshed. The negroa Ire committing great atrocities. Oi’coune; and Win horrible t 9 think that lEngliah wumen'lud children should be at their mercy ; but there in nothing “rungs lnrnnmtunl inithe tact. Tue nil-l bout is only acting afterthe manner qf his kind. and nothing remains in us but to crush him :- speedilan in can." | To the smile blag: of men. and. 10 some ' extent, the nub men. are we indebted for the win which but drenched our own land lin blood A-and the result can be no better. God forgive them ! . _ I filmy of the Southern Co ngreumeu have left. Washington for their homes, ma omen us about to follow. , ‘Two-thirdl of the Sulfa: In". [stifled {he Couuitutiond Amendment Ibolishing flavor, in 1.11:. Quilted Sum. ‘ . seed. Gum. bu ordered ,tho dit oblrge of I“ ci'ililns not. employed a cloth. from the ”my. ‘ ‘1 an in‘Pilkbm‘b. on Hands? do ttoyed prove"; ulna) 9t “00.0004 ‘ SPECIAL NOTICES. 4* ) LIPS—HEALTH—STRINGTH LIFE—BIA LTH—STBKNG TH. Ll FI—BEALTH~BTBEI‘GTU nu anu'r anxcr’nnnnnr. - DI. Jun Dunnu’l CELEBRATED SPEf‘IFIC PILLS, Prepun-d (mm treazriplion of Dr. Jan Delt- Ilm. ChlJPhylicinu of !he Hoapiul. (in Hard on Huribohien of Putin. This invaluable medicine in no lmpoeltion, but is unfailing in the cure of Spermalorrhm or Seminal Weaknesl. ‘Every species of Genl. tab or Urinary liratibilily, Involuntary or flight]! Seminnl‘Emisnionn from whatever cause produced, or however levere, will be Ipee-lily xeliéred and the organ restored :o heultby nction. [lt-ad the following opinion: of “nine!“ French phpiciunl: ' ‘ “We have used the Specific Pills prepared by Garnncicre & Dupom, No. 214 Run [.lme but from ‘he prucriptlon of Dr. Jun Del-- mum, in our prii'nle practice 'in). nunform Inceeu, and we believe there in no other nod icinr so well calculnted to cure I“ person! ruleriug {rum Involunury Emil-ion- or uny other weakness «f the Sexual Urgnnl, whether caused by a ”dummy mode at |i\'iug,excelseo, or abuse. ' R. A. [shunt-um, M. D. G. D. [mu-um. I. D. Jinx Ll LIUCIIII, 1!. D Paris. Min- Mb. 1863.9 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEH‘S. The Genuine‘l’ills are sold by all the prin cipal Druggisls Ib-ouglmuuhe World. Price Una Dollar per Box, or Six Hum for‘Firc Dollars. » Gmucunn a; Dcrox'r. Sole Proprelors, No. 2“ Rue Lamb ml. Paris. One Dollur-encluaetl Do any :uuhnriseal Agent, will insure a box by (return mail, securely sun-led lrom all observation; si'x bpxes {or llro dollars. ' -‘ Sole Genernl Agents 'for America, .050“ a. MUSE-ZS t 00., ' ' 27 Corll‘nndl 51., N. Y. N. B.——Fronc\|.Gennnn‘Spnnish and English Pamphlets, containing {all pnnicnlnra and di. reclinna for me, sent trpe to every nddrepa. Qec. 18, 1305. M _ - ’ THE mm \l‘ ENGLISH REMEDY Sm" JAIKI (‘unxu'a‘ Gun-mini) FIIALI PILLS. Prvpnn-d !‘mm n )Irncriptinn of Sir J. Cl ‘rLe. Al. D., I’hysi'cinn Extnwnlinnry Io lhv Queen. This.ilwnlunhle medicnw in nu faihug in the cure" o! all thou- p-iufu| “"fl dangeruus dxs- mes to nhich tluve gnunle con stitution .5 subject. “moderates all exceucs and remou-i nll obstructions, an] n. spew]; cursl may be relied on. f ’l’a Mnmrd Ladies it is peculiarly suited"— 11. will, in n shun time, bring on the monthly peliod with rogyl.||:ily. Each bunk-[price One Dollar, bears the Gm'ernmvut Stamp of Great Brimi‘n, to pre vent c nunlerlmu. (harlot—Th SP Pills nlmnld am he Inks-n bv Females during the rum rum-n: lon-m (_u Pregnancy, us they are sure to bring 0n M's cnrriage, hm at nur qth'er time they are «19. h- ull mus ul'Nermus nml Spinal .\ fl‘ocllgms, Pains In the [Link and l.imlu,'l-‘u'.igue o’n slight. exorlinn, l'nlpimlion nl‘ the llvnrt, llyalelirs, null Whiws, llu-se l'illslgvlll elk-cl. a (‘IH'P whéu all nlher mmns lmn- luilul; and ullhnuph n poverlul remedy, du not can“ ll ll‘oll,(‘z|l0nll‘l, nntimuuy, or an; thug huruul Lo the (unstim- Uun. . _ Full dirpclions in th p Implant nrnund‘euch package; Wm 11 suould be ran-fully presern-d. ’ so“ by all llrugzmln. Sula Agent for the United Sum and (‘nnmlm Jun )thES, 27 Gnrtlnndt “L, REY N. B.—>“l,00 3nd qusmgu slumps enclosed 1:: Any nullmrizml .\gunt', will insure n hmlle, containing .30 Pl“:, by rumrn rmul. Sol-I h; A. D. linehler. ‘ ’ [Dem 18, 18155. I} DR. \I.\RSIL\LI.’:J CATARRH SNUFF This h‘null‘lms tlmroughly pru‘vell iulrlflo he the host nrlicle knoun lur wiring the cumin, (‘old in'the Urn-l and llendnche. It hu’a heel: fuund nn exculleut remedy in many ruse-s of Son: l-Zyeu. pmfm-as has llcer. rcmuvml by it. and Heuring has Often been gmtly Imprmu-l by its use. In. l‘rngmnt and ngrnonhle. nn l nuts nl - uum to the du‘l heavy puius cnllsml by disease: hl the hrml. The musnliun- u‘tor using it are lleliL'lnrHl ;lml invigorating. .lt open-t and pu rgm— outullubttructinna,atrrngth ens the glnmls, unit given a healthy action to the puts nlrurtvd. ' More than Thirty Yenn‘ of sale and use of "Dr. anshull's Guturh and llr-udnche Suull‘," bus proved its great value [o'r ull the common diseases of the hand. and at this mum-M stand: higher than grer I-elore. ‘ his recommended by mail; of the but phy sicians, and I! used with treat success and sntistnction everywherg. Bad the Certificates of Wlmleswle Drug gists in 1554: The undersignen, luring for mnnv yurs bum nrqnxinzed with "Dr. Mur slmll’s-Cattarrh nnd Hendnche Sinfi'," and sold it In our wholesale iradewheerl’ully stntr. that we believe it to be equal, In every rapt-ct, to the repommutdnlinns given of". for the Hire of Camrrhnl .\fl'ections, and that ii, is decided ly the best nnic‘le we have ever known for all common disaasés of the Head, ‘ . Bun & Perry, B )uuu; Rerd, Austen 3 CO., Bunion; Brown, Lumsou t (‘o., Moaloy; Heed, Cntlul 00., Boston; Seth ,\\'. Fun'mmswn; Wilson, Fairlmnk & CO., XML-mu; Heuahsw, Edmund l C 0... Busjon; H. 11. Hay. Portland, "h: Barnes; l‘iuk,’N9w York; A. B. 8 D. Sands, New York; Mepbrn Pou & CO., New York; Ismel .\linor .\"Go., New York; “CRES anu & Rubbing, .\'uw Yank ; A. L. Sranll .! 00.. New York; .\I. Wall'll. Glow J: 00., New Yurk; Bush a Gale, New York. ' 7 For sale In All Drugyns. Try ii. Dec. 18, 1865. I] ‘ Bhuvumu's 91an INFLEENZA, DIPTHERIA.—In inflamma tory Iffeulions, when no bleeding is permitted, I lree use of these Pills mun modifiel zhe alarming ”uptown, Ind “Craefel'flfice' “cord iyg to the directions. "sunny quickly onion, and cerl'ninly nolping is Linked in ““8325” dreth'l Pilli. For no“, influenza, dipuna-ii,’ pain oflhe held, dizziness uud 31mph”, no meclicinq can be compured to them. In ery upeln, fever and nguo, ”null-pox, and '11: 11l the diam” of childhood, their use inwru l speedy recovery of health. They pzbduco then result:- limply by taking from the Mood its impnfitiel, luring Til-IS VITAL FLUID FREE, to l'ié a'wenk “locality” go reco '8! it: proper And nosinuy “lhtnt”'bt hula). BRANDRRTH‘S PILLS have nfllnlty for the SUBJECT MATTE“ UF DISEASE, and cause its CERTAIN EXPULSIUN FROM. THE BODY. Dec. 13. lm . DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMEXT. Died at Group—"what n puny and- “(crap ing éhild 1 saw his: week! But. now, ulna! h is no more. Such II! !he enumeration of two gentlemen'riding down town in the uh. Died oficrbup l how flange! when Dr. Tohiul' Veneuu Lillian! h n certain can, if aka: in time. Now, mounts, we upped to you.— n is not fer.> the pulp, pin and pm“ we nuke, bu: for the uh of {our inn-n: child that. now lies plsying a you re». Group in I dutngeroul diam“; but in Dr. Toblu' Ve nefiun Linimenv. in time,nnd it in robbed on“ “non. Always keep it. in the home 3 ydu mu] not want it b-nighcfor to-momw, no telling when—hm. smodlwith this Ihimeut you In propuul, let It oom- whn it till.— l’rtce only 40 cents 3 bottle. (Mag 56 mm lundt atrcet, New York. 80166] All ”mum-L Doc. 18. "I IYIAND an! PROF. I. 184108, I. D., Deal“! and AIM“, formerly of Luann, Holland, in locaml ,M No. “9 PIN 8 Snack, PHILADELPHIA. when par. noun unlined 'lth dinne- of the lin or KAR, 'in be scientifically "cued And WM, 1! enable. N. B.——AB’l‘lFlClAL EYES inserted .wilhont pun. No clause: made for mum“. “on. The modlcnl many is influd, u a In: no and ln hi- mode of treatment. ’ July 11, was. 1, , A I In! Dr. R. Hummus Tonic an AI . :2!sz to: 3015153 sud OAM ;- u on t is!) fin: .~ Jun 25 lacs. ” 'V. " ’ A BLEBSXXG ‘ I‘o WOIIHI. If every wonnn only knew what I bloulu‘ to Mr, oopoelully in her pocnlhr complaint, In Endur- Rudy Relief, by how much you“ 1119 lam-ring! of her In be dimilkbed. All women no uecelsurfly subjected to lm'uluri ties more or lan dangerodl in their nature, and it who very little someiimel to product those irregularitiel Men in the names} om) "rouge“ constitution. You no out of the worm room into the open air; you go mad... ly from tho‘eold ouur ulr into >1 too. over hniod ; in either one your pores are rlolomly noted up, and you “catch u culrl." :A lup preallon innuniiy occnu chrome Imhrpcnn. bl. ditchnrge. The whole body quill-u in consequence. Every avenue of life teem! clogired 1:15. Your vitality appears to in on the point of grin-union. You Infloriulenuo pain. Your are proomucd in opirit,_wuk,- nerroun, rude" and unhappy. You can do nmhing ‘Wllh Inmfncnion. ~Yon nro nlru u: tired ofyonr life. Hui. 'ol] con be relieved of nll thew distressing sfliploms very easily.— Yon übe restored to hum: Jun in soon it! you fine. Your henduchu. your hyugrica, your vomiting: of bloc-l, yunr dreudml poiiw in tho Imnll oi the buck und in the limbs, it? ull the” chuructenze your one, can be gum:- rid of by simply rubbing well the Ipiue, buck. Ind hipl lith Ridwny‘u Ready Reliel, nod Mklng'some oi lhdwnyla Pills on going to bin! in night. Do ihis,und nil irreiznlurity will! ”use. You W.“ upcrijenc; I delightful mass of compnntiru ease the v ry first Lima you: c ummenee the rubbingl‘unfl the second time will I 0 chum you thntnou uilllm-ver he with nul. u 50 con: bottle of Bondy llo'iiui‘ in the home under any circunpefnnces. It in, and {night to be. every Imm ”(in cunfideutinl cum pnnidu. _Sulill-y druggiau. * N. B.—Svrrnnulox or mu )1 "an. Hume 11, Ilhnuws. hmu'uuaxuss Ccuuu. Newnrk. N.J., Oct. 10,1813 Dr. Radwfiy—Yonr Pills and [trendy Relief lmre cured my dnng‘htcr'a lilo. In June but she vat eighteen year: of age, and {or/thnn) months her memes~ were suppressed. She wo‘ul-I frequentlx vomitbloo LsulY-red ;rrrlbly _irnm Hendwhe, ahd pain in the small of [Mr hawk nndihighs, nnd hm! frequent flu offin ‘erics. We (Luminance?! by giving her six of ‘ your Pills every night, umbrabbed tlm [Lady 1 Reli‘ fon her spine, lmck mul‘ M)”. “Sc con-V tinned this lrevant one Week, when In our joy she wns rleieved of her difficulty“ She is now tell and regulnr, nud has been an ever iince. Your: very truly, ' ' J. G. "000303. Your Pills cured me of Piles that l levl n - sum] was ruined by overdésmg with drastic pills. ‘ Dr. RM‘I'F‘J"! Fills are told by drngfism and smrc-kevp'rn m 25 Ha. per hl. MI lx-t -tor; for advice nyldrmsml lo Railway 1: “0., HT .\lniduu Lane, New York, hnl luau! wivb nulun— liun. - [Deg 11. 2w I.YO\"S PERIUDIGM’; Buom’ The final Funk {lam-11y fur Ifreju’urilkt: Th 6" Drops an- a yrio-n‘lifically COIIIp-illlldL ell fluul pn-imrfiun. and 'n-m-rllmn any Pillar l'nwdera mi .\'mlrums. Bving li llilll, Ilmr' action is dim-rt nu‘l poailiw-, rmnlcnn‘; Lhrm ai nimble, sliced} and certain-specific for tiny rum 0! allplwtmttioaa mal suppreminninf nature. '1‘li“|l'[)(l[lulll'lly is anHCltEll h; lhu he: that over l1)0,00l)botllcsnrc annuall) mldl and I-unauulvd by the ladies of th- Unitech Status, everi' onvu!‘ whom 3pm] in lllcslrulllq val. terms of pram «If their great men". 'l‘lu-yi. are rapidly Liking tlm rluce of uvrry nl'her' F: Imm: lirmedy, an 1 an n-0_n.~i.1.1-rvd, by all aim. know nngln ul ihvm, as [he stilmt,snfe-'r.audl moat infallible premlmlion in tin: I‘orl-l, In!" the cure or all female cmnplninls. the u-mm'al‘ of all ohslrncliuus ul' "allure, and Ill» pram”. tnn ol lmnllh, rogulmil) and strength. EA; pliL-i! (lirevliun! filling when _lhey may he used, and explaining wh- n and why they rhnuthUl. nor could not be. med without producing effects conxrai'y tn‘nxuure'a chum-n. lmur. will he found carefully fol-lgd nruunJ eat-h boule‘ wlth the written signalui'e ofJuuN: L. Lynx, without Illll‘h nmw nru L't‘nllluu. I'm-pared hy Dr. Jun)! 1.. LYON. It: I illmlwl Street, New .Hu‘en, Dunn, who can be com-- nullod filhl-r pfl‘flulln‘h ,orW-y mnit. (oncl(Hiu¢ Fhllllll') cuncbnnug all prim“ diacum nn-U frnule wgnkueues. 86M by Druggius unwary.- wham- «- C. U. ULAHK GIL, Gr-n’) Agent: [or U. S. mu] (7: dns. Nov. 6, .8435. 1y . - ‘.n».__ TI-ZRRWLH lIISULUSURRQ. Suns-rs run Tlll .\IILLIos !——A must nlan— bio and wulxdexlul puhlicnuun. A vmrk of 400 paws, and 30 colored Euyryvinw. 1111. HUNTEH'S VAUE MMIUN, an original um) papulnr Hemline (m Mum and Worn-In, llwir I'huioloyy, ‘F-‘lnctinnarnnd kit-inn! :liqor lrrs uierery kind. with Nucr-Fuiling Rum-dies Tm their schdy cure.’ .Tlue practice ul I)“. HUVI‘KI: In: Inn“ bn en. and still ll.lln'!01lllll ed, hm. .u the earnest suliriuuion ;ni mum-mus pt'f‘DllF, he has been induced to O‘Xll'n‘l his medical usefulness ihrongh the medium of hi! “VADE MECL'M." It 15 n volume lhnl. L-lmultl _be in limb Ind, o! i-verymmily in the hind. nq n prewntire of rum rim-a, or us :3 guide lor 4h: ulluimion of mu- uf‘the mou “um! and ‘dvslru’ctivv scourge: lhntever visited mnnkind. One copy, lecnrely enveluqml, will in' forum rd .e-n I've at postage Io any/pun of the Emmi Sums for' 50 cum in l’. 0. Mumps. Ad 'rus, post pnid, Bil. HUNTER, Ni). 3 Division St... New York. [Sept. 25._ U TO CONSUMPTIVES. ‘ ‘ »'l'h undersigned hiring hr'en restored to, onllho in n‘l'cw weeks by n wry lilnpll' mun. dl,uil¢r hufiflk sullerrd “feral years. wnth a (mere lung ntfecgion, and that. dnmxl disuue Conshmptm'n—iumnxiu-Is to mike known to his fellows-Maud the nu- lpa of cure. ' To nll who desire it, he vnll send a copy of the prescription used, [free of thing-q] mix the directions for prepnriuz and nsiug‘ tho mmr, which they will find u sure cure for Unr acuvrmx, Arm)“, llnnxcumu, Coummpmzna, PIP. The only object of the wlwrlisrr in arml ing !he prun-riplmn is :0 hem-lit lhe ulll‘ct-«l. n'nd sprawl informnlion which he conceives to he inv-duah‘le, and he hopes every lull'crrr null try his remedy, no it will cost than: nothing, and nuy pron n bleuing. _« . _ Panic: fishing the prrvcriplion._wlll please Admire“ IIEV. E'IWA RD A. WILSON, Willinmshurgh, King co., New: York. Oct, )6. 3m ¥ . ' ’_‘“.F - ‘ DR. H: ““9335“ lODfl-NE WATER. A 1” lluwuu Human". ' A Fun. Gum of ludlnl in end! ounco ohuer‘ discolored jut/mu! a 101 W!!! The mou’l’ownwn [lllme Ann Ind Bumlknv'l knnwn. Scuon‘u, SAM-Rut! x‘ Cucus, “awn-nu, Col-annoy and ‘nm‘ In, Chronic and ligredjury piDMrEd, an uncut by in an, M lhouuncln can tulily. Circulm. unl Iroe‘ l’rive $l.OO p‘érlmule or 6;»: ss.om Dr. H. ASDERS i 00.,» Physicmnl and Chemisu, 4:8 Brandi-q, Xew York. fluid by Dmggiau genenlly. ‘ [Sum 25‘. an EDITOR Off“!!! COMPILEB: Dun Si ;—Wilh out permission, I wish on any lo the readers oi your p-pwn, that I uilv send, by reign; mailvw All who liih innit} g Reclpaywith full dlrectloul for making a 'nling 3 simple Vegetable Biulm. that will or fectuall’j remove, in len dnys. Pmplufiflmchea. 'l'tnhli‘rgcklu, And I" lmpnriliu o! the Skin, aging the game loft, clenr, unooth nnd bath 1: u . ; 1 will also nail frée lo thou having Bum “MO, or Bare l-‘q'ces, limple direction Ind inlonnatiun that will cunhlo‘ than to sun-t s lull gruwlh of Luxurinnt Hair, Whhken, at q lonnnche. in len than thirty it”. All nppliontiona lllsWQl’Od by ram mg“ 'llhont churns. linprfllnlly yuan, ' f 11105., F. CHAPNAL, Chef-lot: ” Nov. 30. 3m 8;” Brandishlev York. TO DIE IN A BAD CAUSE u thou who lull in the rebol'nnkl undoubt mfly do, in foolish. But on the other hand DYEING FOR A GOOD CAUSE ll thou who are who and prudent enough to randy the dorm" of mint: with . : canmpomrs mm om, 1 us doing our] day, in every Cigy or thg B. nlon, u eminently prailcl'oglhy. This pen-c. !n‘l revqlnuon is going on thmughout $1" [hole had, Ind thnn bounty Ind union, “.:. pl“: houelfneu Ind luconurulty. [sunken lured by J. OBISTADORQ,NO. 8 Auto: Hausa New York. Sold by Druuiau. Applied b; all Hui: Duncan. ~ pin; 8. lm VERY VARIETY AND STYLE OFLJ P 31211130, null] 21mm! It low in ‘ us .0m $8013“ 00110113ch0. .' 9 sad km your ordeu. . - ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers