LlhMt ff_"tt' Li _ APPLES l! lllflS Cllllfll. ‘ ~' ‘A frirnd in ll). pounuy. 1,1. F. I. P., .nho bu s.ooo‘gpplc Trees in' out in at: charm. trim tint he in much pleased Ilth our «flirts to ham the very but vsrieo tie. at Trad-4m". shade and evergreen-1 planted; mid desires to udd‘tlio weight 0! “ 11in oxporieneo to our racommi'nduiom in .npld Wtho Ile The list he acad- u’l embnoeo mt‘of the Variotiel given inihe Agricultural Column of the China: mo _ ‘veelu Igo.‘.nml lune-u novenl yum-lilo ‘ additionavfiefi all concernecllhould rmke ;I not. of it. Those intending to plnnt_Ap pie Trgn hereafter should 'prélerve this - paper. Ind consult 'llll! article in making \ their ulectiom. They cannot well go nails: in any of the kinds menlionad, and the lint. itcanlive enough tor the largest in chub, Our friend'reoommendl: ' /Fur Snowmen—Caroline Red June. Bed Astrachnn. Emily Joe. Kenic-k Calling or A Summer Codling, Early‘ Bane-i, Eirly - Ripe. Summer Peurmuin, Summer Queen, Yemen: Bqugh,‘ ‘Su'mmer Pippin. Red‘ Si. Early, Ind Early Whilé—l2 varieties. ' ‘ Autumn.—-Maidqn’a Bluqh, Lowell. Pum mp Royal, Fugue. Orange, Fall Pippin, Gru'enaugen, and Portrr—B varieties; and for Sweet Apples, the Paradise. Bululey. Gold Sweets, Butter Apple, Sweet Pear mnin, lmpeyriul Sweets. WuLeerelon, 'l‘ul‘-' mun Sweets. ‘nnd Ladieu’ Sweets—9 varie- What—RWl’l szn. Winter Pear: rmiu, Swe l .RBmanixo: Golden Rusxen, King of Tgmpk‘im Cofinty. Yellow Belte flayerandy Applb. Tulpehgcken, fiald win. R'hodl; Island Gneenihg. Northern-$5131, _chk’l Pleasant, Smifil’s Ciderg Red Cum dn. York‘Su-ipes. thnson’s Fine Winter, Goideu' Pippin. Rambo, Smoke!) mu», Rox bu‘ri Burnett. Pittaburg Pippin. Wineénp, Molhfll. Flushing Spitzenberg. Elopus Spilun’berg, Canada Reinett. Swaar. Wag oner, While Bulhflower, While Doctor, I‘mock, and Bullock ~Plppin—32‘gulie‘ ties. " ’ .V The Bullock Pippin, he says. on nccount ofita lgrge size, productweneu, and very , yeldy sale. deserves Ipice on .eyery planta .tion and in every orchard. ’ We are very. much obliged to H. F. M. P. {or the above list, and doubt not. that it: publicntion will ln-ad to the planting of fiapy ‘a good Apple Tree where, withuut. 11 poor one would luwe been plxced. . “And a everfi little helpé” in the great walk of ’ ;InoVulH—a work to wlnch this col - iimn‘ of our pupt‘r is earnestly devoted.— tEdilar wailzr. , [O% 1.1118. "Hears. Guynn s'. Rally ha've cdmmenc pd preparation: lor the erection-of two gel-o Mme Kilns in this phce. We Ire “ltd 9,, thisgglad of 61(er additional facil ity aflhrded for yuuijxg' more lime upon the land: 91' this phunlp Every bushel placed upon the aoil ll sure to plnce. in the long run. one dollar i_n the packet. of film ing-met. and goea‘lo luv towards increasing ‘he agglgé‘gete of prosperity and wealth. ‘ Hurxy‘up {he lens. gentlemen. The noun they‘nre in opomtio’ix, the sooner you will make money by selling, and the [arm a; bi buying. your lime. , , ' All men have learned the value of lithe when appliedfito the-soll’fland the great. peed now is'en edequate supply. ~Messn. Guynn & Reilly arev‘therefqre dolng a good “day by‘ ”accusation of more Kilns,-for '9 an sure that it. Will rm all round.— (1%!» Compiler“ \ I ' finsing Boops'and Shycs Too Much; hie; mistaken notion that coating the leather thoroughly with granite or water prt'mf blocking keeps the teat dry null warm. The feet of every peréon in health perepire more or less—the exhulutions from the feet alone usualty amount to sev eral spoonfuls of‘wuter dnily. Il' this—be ponfiued by having the les'ther saturated nithpil; or Vurnlill bin-king. or by wear ing: tight India rubber,;oger-el|oa, the feet‘ ere kept damp and chilly; and the moisture tends to rot. the leather. The better wu‘y is to u‘ot grouse boote or shoes at all, excep} to occasionally put on elsliglil surface coil. pf oil when the feet are likely to be expos ‘ed to much water, tp shed it 05'. We have not for several years greased our boots at ~allrexcept one coat on_tlu bottom: 'wlxn .pei, end a pair usually gives us over I. y ll yesr’s 'wnr. . We keep a light pair of rub ber ugdnls. which are' only worn when walking or stnndiug on vyet ground, and m remoyed on going into the house or of fice. It il-edecided luxury. as well is pro poti-ve of health, to, keep two peirs of socks, in use, and change them the latter part of the day, when these on the feet nr’e dam}?- 3d by peri 'rstion. A minute’s tlme spent in‘cheugin?will odd much to one's oom fort‘for the rest of the day and evening:— Bemember that‘it is the dunpness from the (cot themselves thet usually keeps the feet cold. It is the confining of this in the leather thit !eeds to the supposition that rubber thou Ire injurious t 6 boots. when kept oonttently on the feet. The varnish Ind waterproof blanking: are generally 9! more injury that: benefit to either. leet pr leaked-. 431”. figmuhyriu. ‘ Everhart% Influx muss. a goun_o_r_u_9_vq_A§9 5 91353;“: auxin, BALTXIORE, 31D. \3_ , I‘M! Home is on 9 direct. line between the Northern Central and ’Bnmmoxe' Ind Ohio Mead Depots. I: has been refined‘nnd com~ [9mm] err-aged for the convenience Ind the ”attainment at gneeu. . 'Nov. 20, 1865. .‘f . ambushed 1850. anon 05 REMOVAL. . N LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., Mouth“, he: ‘leuo to notify their "fiends, customer; a} :13. pnhlw morally, am they My: mu {rang No. 151 Franklin great. to Mangofiiéus tour-Imry Wat-change. H _.'308 BALTJMUBE STREET, Wen Bowaéd Ind Liberty, where they will 7:? ch: future conduct thy “Wok-1k Buui gnu, ”;on h: '. -- rflou'uyfll'rinninga, ‘ «Furnishing Goody. ‘ ‘ Ferfvmen',Boli9nh . . b 4 ' stationery, uglier], ' ~ ‘ To”. go" Qt. mm mm!» the “tension of [city and gm”; .1, “erg, fooling confidedtrm' digit ’in” 3,9“: findluxpenu in pglceg um! ”‘53.. W n A! - y mil yi r 9991” prong t. “M” MI- 533:“! ‘ 2 A ;2. at, ‘_{AVBEIOE D. 01sz t 00.. ”7;" n-, to! “tinny; urges Badman. mm. 1889- . .. :r. , ugh}; I in; Nb“: ‘o}o3.‘ 95.113 9921935i9mfl3 Ghmfrt‘, ‘ “a 31.00». 1 mi onus" I an at n: 5“. . SURE Ihlidw {or cknm, Ind t rah”: A from Sorrow, Ps'm I Diane. E ‘ Brym's Life Is, { n'mlyy vuonn , ’ m ndmiztedcto b. the 83:8? n XLY not. 1 CINE for gene”! nu, Purifymg the lvod and ale-uni»; the syncfn truly: all {upon . _ 4 BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS.» ’ regulate thofiwmuh, Live: snd 3mm So. crellunl, which in the chin: uuu oCNen' l- 3 nan, Giddinug, Dimnou g! Sight, Hound: ; flick Stomach und'other k ndredcomphinu. ' Hundred'l of Corliflcuel un be Shown. Thqhnvbbcn nsedbythonmngl with uncceu BRYAYS LIFE PILLS, are Jdlpfed tor nil ages and constituflnm.- They im- compoaed oi the‘hctire ‘principln of lien] Ind Roou. culled trom our fields uni fares“. The} are mild but ceruun in their openlfon—prbducing neither cramps, gnping, pins or urknen. f They nu; be when by :11 sizes, nuts or conditioul' without. fear. , BRYAXIS LIFE .PILLS, Cure Headache. BRYANS LIFE I’ILLS.ICure Sick Stomach. BRYAN‘S LIFE I’ILLs. Cure Giddipeu. BBYAS'S um PILLS, Pnrume Blood. A Box of BBYAS‘SrLII-‘E PILLS will con but TWENTY-FIVE CENTS,’ aha-will accomplish all that is represented. The] are elegantly put up by the proprietar, the; humor of BBYAN'S PULMUNIC WA FERS, a medicine long and lnvorubly known to the A‘nwncan Natiog. ‘ lt'you wish BU-an'fbife Pills, and~ cannot get. them ofyourdugggist, don’v. tnke n‘hy other, but I”!!! Twenty-five Cents in n hatter to. the propriewr. and you will gév. themb} relnri of mail, post-paid. Address, ‘1» ‘ ‘DR.-J. BRYAN, ’44! Broadway, New York. I’. O.L Box 5079. Dealer: min be spppliéd by Demnl Burnt-3,} 00., Whylesdlc Agu‘um, New Yo‘rk. / ' iGLAD. NEWS! ‘ 1 ran TIII uxlol‘runn.. , \ HEY. CAN BE USED WITHOUT _DETEG s’I‘IQXLmd do) not. interfere with bnlineu pursuits! and NO CHANGE 0!" DIET IS NE CESSARY. ’ A . ' Bell’s Specific Plll3 Are warrantéd in all cases, for the Speedy And Permanent, Cure of SeminTxl Weakness, Ureth r-sl and Vuginnl Dischanzos, Glehj, Sexual Disc-Meal Emissions. Impotence. Grniml sud Nervous Debilizy and discuss of the Bladdqr und Kidneys. , J , They are adapted for male or fenivxle, old oF' ymmg, nnd are the only reliable known {in the cute b! all diseases arising From lI YOUTHI-‘UL ”DISCRETION. 1‘ In all Sexual Qléeuses, as Gonorrhea, Stric 'e, Gleet, mud in all Urinary and Kidney ‘plnimsfihey act like a cliurm. Relief is '{enccd by taking I single box; Ind from \six boxel generally effect a cure. 1 boxes containing" 60 pills, Price One nix boxes, Fwe Dullnfi; also, in cantnlning {our of the small, Pr’lce I\wt co L expe 'x lour‘l x Sold x Dullnn o l large boxes, ~ ThreqllMllur Pri‘y'ute 0h- hrs to Gentlemen guly, lent lree on receipt 0 ‘ direcled envelope and stump. Il yqu need the ills. em. out. lxis advertise ment for relérence, ml i'yuu‘ vunuut prouure than“: of) our druggls do not be imposed on by any other remedy, but. closé the money i 9 3. lener‘sto . Dll. J. BRYAN, Com: l Box 5079. 442 Bro: \ and may will be sent. 0 you O. lei-ration, by returq 111 11, post-p x ot the money. ' ' Dealers‘ supplied b_ Drmns‘ JBA \ \Vbulesule Agents. haw York. - a IMPORTANT TO LADIES { Dr. Harvey’s ,Female P 111: ' IH3 most. infglllilflc' and popuinr rel [fl evér known, for nll.discnm ol the few iscx. They have hectfiusud iu nmny thou: ‘ uses with unfailing succbsa—and may br [Tied 011 in evpLy cage for whith they an commended, 15nd particylurly in all cases I '2 ing from ‘ lOBSTRUCTION, on STOPPAGE OF NATU .no malncr from what cause it nrises. They ;ofl'uczusl in restoring té‘henlth all who nre {faring from kaness and chiiity. Uu E Disclnrgss, Neqmusness’,’ Jun. ht: Jun, ‘ they “Act.“ke a'Chnnn." In strengthening sistem. Thousand} of ladies who‘ have fever! (or years and tried Varioulyolher it dies in min, ogre n n-neWIII of their health Isuength wholly to the efficacy of. ' rm. HARVEY’S FEMALE PILLS. ; They are perfectly harmless on the sysi ‘_nmy be mken at any time Will} perfect an" I but during the guriy stages 9f Pngmmncy !shonl-l nob be tukanpqr n mlicarmge mu; {the result. .They-‘nu‘er pause nny sickn pain or uistress. Each box cuumiua 60 pi ‘ Prise One Dbllar. ' _ 1 Im. HARVEY'S GomEx‘mus,‘ ‘ a remedy for specinl‘ cases. fuur’dczrees strong er tllqn'lhe übpve; Price Fiye Dollars per box A Private Circular to Ladies with fine una tomical engravings, sent free OQJeceipt of di rected envelope and‘ stump. _ fiCuL this out. il'yon desire Dr. Harvey”; Pills, n’nd if,)'ou cannot. procure them of you! druggist. do not take any other, for some _dealers WhO‘ale unprincipled [will reccmmend other Feumle Pills, they can mnlie '3 large; profit on—but enclose the money and send di rect to ~ _\ DRr .L BRYAN; Consulting Physician, ' Box 5079‘. t 442 Broadway, .\‘eiv York and you ‘will regain them post-puid securely sealed Irom‘obaerution, by return mail. Deolerl mpplfed by Denna Barnes & Co. Wholesolo'Agenu, New York. . " The Private Medical Adviser. ‘ (Exclqs' ely for Ladieq) 1 N inimlunble has of 100 pages, by Dr A J. Harvey, published for the- benefi: oi the sex. . ‘ .‘ 0n ‘teceipt of TEN CENTS, it will brunt pou—puid, in u sealed envelqpe, 1.0111 who ap ply for it. Address . , ‘ ‘ DR. JJEBYAN, 442 Bmdwny, N. Y. Box 6079. ‘ Manhood ! THIRD Eamon, me Thousand—loo _ pages, by Bourn- E. BILL:M. D. A onu lion, addressed to youth, the married, lid those Coxnururma Shannon. Sent by mail post-paid) On receipt}! TEN CENTS. A cure ful pgrnaul ohhiu "null book has been a. Boon 1'!) n: Argue-rims“ ha: and them-min from a life (if misery, find an u‘ntimeiy grave. It iron: on .the evil: ononlhiul Indiscrezion, Self-Abuse, Seminal Weakness, Emissions, Sunni - Discus“, Genital Debilily, Log. of Power, Nervousncsa, Premature Decay, impo tefice, to; km, which un’fil tbs suffem {tom fulfilling the Obligation! of .\i'urring'e. ' ‘ Addreu, DR. J. 88.4 N, \ , Consulting Ph sicinn. “ jjflox 5079. 442 Brondway, A ew York. AX». )4. IRRK 1, . ' ' Wateiesiand J dwell-y. rl, CHANCQS FOR SL—anu A‘l' Low 0) szafil—ymmooo Watches, Gluing, Lock uu, ‘ , Bracelets, Set: of Jewelry, Gold Pym, km. to. To be dinponed of a} ONE DOL AB club, without regud to n] e. not to be p_nid for unfil you kno‘mwjauvytm In to recent. ‘ \ \ ' ‘ . 109 6016 ginning-cue “whet!“ ’ 4 I ~ “99". x $5O «a $125 509 Salve:- Wltchu, hub, 20 go 35 looooGold Pen: tsilrucnepach ‘ sto ' a 100.10 Sew Ladiei' J even-y, (us-K aqned,) each, \3“ 10 ‘.And I} large ggsoumenl of Jewelry 0? {€ny !descg-ipgion tqr lsdiel' and genu’ wear, wig. ; in; in who from S 3 to $25 each. The Tnethqd “of giapmipg of thesef'goodl It 011;, bogus, ‘ench irnl follows; ‘ ‘ _ 1 . dan’prwu‘ps mining an “new “‘l‘ ‘in pyica are plnccd in SEALED EXVI-JLUPES and \yen lake‘s, $41,: of which will bk‘ent by luil lq my ”1‘ t 0...“ teceipl of Pri‘ . One ,Crftifix-Ate 25 9e u. five {0; SI, 'J‘H'ere "9' no BLASKS. "205111.13!“ se; LhaVALUE of your tummy. Gig-pub." lith particul gggngy. gage», LJ. HARPER a: co, : . ' flaymdwx s'9“":wa ' E- - mum ' lANOS'HJI' in‘ mi nfiwould‘rflpeth P an, WJWWSHEWM been mum. ' ANUS of Ihe following manually}, or lhou a! “he: nuke, u duirec, n the imn pouihle prion: “ \_ CHICKBRING l SONS. \“_ BECKER BROS. ‘ ‘ HAZLI-I‘l'ON' BROS. “was nos. ‘ ' 080. snug. , A. I]. UAHLK ECO. . STEINWAG l SOXS. ' - 'fi-Psrt'wulu “Lennon " fimtotbo u. lecfion o! Pinon; Ind than go selected, In ud tion‘ to th- manta‘cmren' gun-Mu, tho “do: are par-dud by nu. L 31330): t Bum": ‘ ABINE'I‘ ORGANS AND MELODIANS. - T e Krecenl imptovemenu In then hum” menu re wall Mto fully qumns uyingflxey‘ are FA ‘» ‘UI’ERIOR yo nuy'rlher nuke. One q of the bi”: evidence: of t :‘h- merit in, than thpix; imp wements tre “uric-Nod by omin makers. I'll new “31¢, four Mopm'm, haven I Sub-Ba. nnll~ocuve (Joni-let, making h In ; inxuungen elpeflally adapted to Chutch Ind : Subbmhfichool p {in-El. ‘ ‘ . DESCRIPRE CIRCULARS ’ 1 will he nut by mail t \pénona desiring thnn. ‘ l’iuuou tuned regulisrlyfx I’ianon taken in ex- ‘ chi-n 33. . \QETEH. max-r 2, ‘ i No. 30 East. Mfikec Sh, York, Pu. June 12,1566. 6m _ N‘otlons and Cont tions. 1 A WORD TO THE P‘EQRLE 0F WN AND . QOUNTRY. ‘ ‘ 3 fee-‘ ‘9 ly ‘ HE subscriber keeps A Notion and Cm '7 tiomu'y Store on Outline street, he Opposite the Railroad Station, Gettysbur ‘ where be In: constantly on hand, CANNES, fiUTS, Figs, Raisins. Lemonsrornngesh kg; Tobacco: ou Segurs of’all _k'iuds; Packet-R Booki, Suipendgru, Neck Tie» Collnrg, &c.; Soups and l’erfumenei; also some GIIUL'E RIES, Sugars. Outlet-l, Rice, with the difl‘erent Kinds of Cracker». Ice-cold 'MEAD n ml]~ ‘ times. He invited cununr from‘ town and ‘ country, and sells at small proiiu. l LEWIS STBOUSE. , Aug.. 7.1865. ly ‘ ‘ EAR TUE DEPOT. _ ‘ N ‘ HANOVER, .YOBK 00., PA. The undersigned would respectfully inform his nunn'rous friends and the public generllly, that. he has loud '.he Hotel in linnover, neur the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah «Kohler, and will I}; Ire no efl‘ort‘to conduct. it Zion mariner that. will give general satisfaction. .1 His table‘uill have the heat. the markets can «ife d—his chambers are spacious and com for?§ble——nnd he has laid in for his har'n lull - stock of choice wines and liquors. There is fumbling iur horses filblChed to the Hotel. It will be his ecnsmnt endeavor to.rend‘er the ‘iullest safislnetioo to his gueslspunlking his house as near u. hume to them as poksiblew- He asks a. share oi the public ps'rounge, de lermined is he is In deserve a large put. of it. .Ilemeniher_ille Railroaq llouse, uenr Ilia De,- pol, Hanover, Pu. A. P. BAL'U'JER. , Oct. 2,1863. tf _ i Bargains! Bargains! TEW’ FALL AND WINTER GOODS. h FAHSESTUUK BROTHERS have just returnad from New York a“ Hula.- delphm will! one of the lilies). Etuc ’ui’new Full and Winter Gpuds gver oficr'ed lo the citizens at Adams cnunty. They Were pur clmsed bciore the’ lute ri~a in goods and will be 3012] u toms] ending prices. The unusuully great. demand tor kuods ufevery description fur the Suutheru market, will undoubtedly cause n. fuuhcr risu in the price of goods. \\ c there fdre ndviae ul} ilmt " L Qtinz Physician, dwny, New York. ecurtrf‘rom ob \id, on receipt. k I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Our st‘ockd’ Lndies' Dress “Owls is com ‘ 1171-19, consiau‘ng” of“ French "19_'if‘_‘_’“?j."j"‘3' for welding and other blacksmith purpose! For sate by June 19, 1665. ly‘ Estey’s Cottage Orgafis RE hotpnly unexcclled, but they are ab- A solitely unequalted, by any other Read luazrumeim. in the country. Designed express ly for Chanches nnd Schools, they are lound to be eqizslly well adapted to the parlor and dmwlng ‘oom. For sale only by 1 . g E. M. BRUCE, ‘ No.lB North Seventh SL, Philadelphia. . gum, BRADBURY’S PIANOs, and ‘a complete assortment of the PERFECT 5 E‘- LODEOX. 1' [oa. 2, 1865. 1 R, P. Bayley & 00., g . EALERS 3! ; ! CHL A, GLASS & QUEENSWABE, PLATED WARE, FINE CUTLERY. v 2 __ casrons, 150., '.No. 6 Huovn Srnn'r, nu Batman 51., ‘ BALTIMORE, MD. 1 ; GLASSWAREz—TumbIern, Goblcu,Wil‘les, Luge", Flasks, Blk. Bottles, Candy Jun, De cunters, Pres. Dishes, Fruit Bowls, Salts, Obs-f mars; Cantor Bottles..Ker:Lamla. Ker. Chim n'e'ys, Lnnternl. tc. QUEENSWARE :——Plates, Fl 3! Dizhel, Dcep do., Covered do., Covered Butters, Tu Pots, SugnrsHClenms, Bowls, Pitchers, Chambers, Basins and Pitchers, Map, Synltoom, Ten‘ Sfln‘, TuiYéL Sets, kc. . I . CUM. STONEWARE z—Jngs, Jars, Pitches, Milk Paul, kc“ ’ , [May 1, 1865. 11* 'HOwgd Assomatxou, ' HILADELPHIA.'PA.—Diacusea or the P Urinary and Saul-Ii Systems—new and “Liable treatment. Also the BRIDAL CHAM BER, an Essay of tanning IndJnerucxion, tent in lealed enfildpel, free bf charge. 4d: dress Dr. J. SKILLXN HOUGE'I‘ON, Howard Auociuiou, No. 2, South: Ninth Sue”, Phin delphia,Pa. ‘ ‘ [Och 2, 1866. Iy. an sublcriber m Jom'a- "mm WEST- T ERN LANDS, whicfi he 'in Ind. {or one or more FARMS in this county. The [Andi "(well localgd, and vqry desirable for hmn ing. MyapphuLlm desired. JAUUB BRINKERBOFF. ‘ ‘ Gettynbnrg, April 3, rsus.’ u " ' ' \fi—T—h’firA—‘ow‘ -———~——-§a-—.._.... \ Pxomre Frame. 41 A A‘GREAT‘urkly u! PIGTUhE FRAMES, fut: phin ind cénrex gin-sec, for “lo M. Home}! Drukuud Varim, Store. Jun 268865. " - i ~ I \ :_,,.__ ————~———, hie st receiyedl neyggu at UV “01:"ka to'whick we mama. 9mm 9i<bwmy EVA-5091‘? it .80?! J .V "L: '2‘ 'n - :2 . MEI} An ‘_ Railroad House, P. m PYFE‘R, Cii, cénl Yard, Fredei’ick “‘1: m; Western Lands. = Wfflm Goods! HE PLACE TO GET THEM ' ~‘ ‘1! HANOVERI— e henby inform the citizen: of York Ind Adams counties, that we hue eaublished, It flue Mullins: corny of‘Centre Squire and Balflénore ttreet, HANOVER, formerly occu pied by C. B. u 1' I‘. Win, I Bunch Store, {thy principal! business houses being located ‘l}:er York and York, P 1.,) whete we will keepgt all timv-u a rexular nw‘rlmeut of Dry, Uomfitic Ind Funcy GOODS, nlao, It “ell le lectcd damnment or CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, CASSINBTS, CUTTINETsiand UDHDURUYS; Chlnl, Glass and Queens-ware, Lndiel’. Mlues’ and Children’l SHOES; Ilsa, I him" and lull nuanmont of all kinds ol CARPET, Flour and Table Oil-‘cloth: ; We have nllo established in rooms ndjmuing the ‘Cculrul Hotel, I CLOTHI‘NG STOKE, where we will keep constantly'on head A well telected naso'lment oi Ready-made Clothing. of the latest. styles, and I full uwrtment ol Gentleman's Furnishing Gouda, such 1: Huts, Cups, Boots, Shoes, etc" which we will lelljt reduced pricel. s , " AI our mom) in. and lllel will be, “quick ules and smell profit..." we hape to’receive o hare OP the patronage of lowh nnd coun try. Our connection with the large wholenle houses in New Ybrk' (my and York, mehere are nlwnyl stored an glensive stock of goods, which we sell at wholesale end retail, enables us to lupply our old friend: and ”uh of our new customer! as will give us a call, with the very beat marketable gobdo. at. lower rues than can he purchased snywhere in the State. Call and see lur yourselves. JUS. LEBACH ll BRO. Hanover,June.26,lB6s. 1y 100.000 bush.,Gram Wanted. YEW FI,RM_ AT THE ' ULD WAREHOUSE. WM. E. BIDDLE' & CO. would iniomf the pu lie [lint they hare leuaethe Warehouse on t e corner‘of Strmlon street find the Rail mud. i Gettysburg, where they will carry on the GR IN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in gill its hr nch‘ea. The highest prices \nll ul- Wstys be pn . lor ‘ WHEA RYE, " ‘COB. (EATS, ~ ‘ 4 UL YER & TIMOTHY SEEDS, ‘ AXSEED, SUMAC, . HAY & STRAW; Dried Fruit, N-u'tn, S-- u, Bums, Shoulders‘nnd Sides, Pot-nuts, 'wilh rerylhing else in the country produce line. ‘ 0N HAND, F 0 SALE, Cofi'ees. Sugars, Molasses, Sy upsfl‘ous, Spices Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, usturd, Starch, . Brooms, Buckets. Blncking, B shes, Sonps,l to. Also CUM. Ull.. Fish ('i , Tar, Ital,— FISH of allvluuds; NAILS AND SPIKES; Smoking and Chewing ’l‘obuccoa. They are always able (oxalipuly s 5 t rhte‘ nrticle of FLOUR, with the different kl ‘.g d' FEED. . " ‘ ‘ Alsu, GROUND PLASTER, with GUAN‘D ‘ and other fertilizers. WUOAL, by th ‘ bushel, lon. or car loud. ‘ ‘ l ‘ ‘ Their Unrs run to Baltimore susd him twice I week. und they will he happy to curry goods either way at moderate ehiirges. Murketurcn, country merehnnisl and others, will find it to their ndmntege to p-ill’Ouch this line. I They ask a shnre of the punllic‘s custom,and willqmre no ellurt to lender antisluction 10 till, sellers or bunrs. , ‘ , W3l. E. BIeLE'JI CO. 'Ai‘g.22,1864. tf . . 1,. Coal, Lumber,~ Stoves, &c. HARLES ll‘ ISUEIILI'IR ' C “'oilld rrflmcll'uhy inlnrm !be public that he wxll'conliuun- the busimss lately con duck-i l, the limb ufbbczuls .9; But-Jlh-r, at the o‘d “31:11., curnqr ol‘ Curlisle and liuilrm‘ld struts. He Will‘he prepurrd tn lurnislx "HIE I‘m-251‘ QUALIFY Or‘ (JUAL, , Inuit-Hr) Yuricly ol LUMBER, in: Indmg Doors, Shutters, Sad), .tc. .\lslu. awry ninety of Cnokiuu Su)\‘r~z,xlnlvula whirl! me lll(‘ u ' NUBLE UUUK, RUYAL t‘UHK,’ \\ FILLING ’I‘U.\'. W.\\'lllH]Y. i’lllM‘l'l RUYAL, ()1:.\.-\\l|€)'l‘.\l; I'UUK‘, &c. ~ Alw, PARLUH, lrleNG ' “HUN, .5 \LUUX ARI) SHOP S . T O V I'} S . Also. every variety of TIN AND SHEET [RUN WARE. In umfvcturul h. Lin: has: wink: men. Also.HOLLOWW;.\|li~lutr\ur,' variety, including u SupH‘lOr :Irlile- ot’ ennui; lied work. Indeed every v..riel_v at KILL-hen \Vure will be kept constantly on hand. Aieo,the lur-hnnuxi"USIVERSALCLOTHHS \\'RL\'(SER,”lur which [n.- u: the sole agent in the cuumy. " lh- is uls'o the ugr-nc fur Wheeler &.Wilsou:s Sewing Machines-« Ilia bust in use. ‘ April 10, 1565. 0. 11. UL'EHLER. . Clothing. - ‘ EORGE ARNOLU has now on hair! the G lnrgrst stock of'llEAl) \'-\l.\[)E CLOTH [.\G in town.(-Ollsisxiuguf mums AN!) ur'sx- NESS COATS, ‘uf u-ery'uw-timon, UVI-ll: COATS, in great vnrix Iy, Muukey Jm keh, VI ;sts, Paulalouus, Shir's, Drawers, Gloves Ind Ilolierv. Hawk! 0! them. ' My best. clothing are mostly of my own man ufacture. and wxll tbs wax-muted well made, and well trimmed. , , $019M!“ with a large stock of. Cloths. Cas \eLs, Jeans, Drilliugs. Shining, Flannel, &c. Beaver Cloths, Doe Skins. Over Coatings 'imminza in great variety. all of which \uld as cheap as um cheapqat. Call si- l Al 5 and 'l will be l._, and sea I m. Gutysbu . Oct. 9. 1865. 3m sh Supply. NEW GOODS. A. SCOTT & SONS have jun received nuther fine assortment of‘ NEW GOODS, cunSL ing. in p.lrt,of Cloths} Cnasimerea. Cmssiuets, Kentucky Jenna,‘nnd‘ Tweedn. for Gentlemen wear. Also, a fine nasortmenl of ' ' l LADIES' DRESS OODS. . ‘ Our stock has been selectm ilh great only! and we are prepared to sell u cheap no any; other establishment in the coun! '. We ask the public to give us a cull an 'udge for‘ themselves. We defy competition, th 13 to quality and price. A. SCOTT _& NS. ‘ Sept. 11,1865. . \ I ' Fresh Arrival. ‘ I ATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. , , . COBEAN Jr 00. havejust received End opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS nnd‘ SHOES, for Summer wear, which they arel selling in very low prices considering the; times. The latest styles a! Summer Hats and Cups, of every description and price. I Boots and Shoes, of superior make. and, m warranted tom, alwa}! on hand. 7 Work made to order and repairing done on shortha- Lice, by experienced workmen; Also, HARNESfi‘MAKING, carried on in 11) its branches. Persons want ing anything in this line wulgld do We” to calla “Don’t forget the old smud'in Chambers burg Itréet, if you want Bumping. COBEAN a; CRAWFORD. June 19, 1865. ‘ "Globe Inna = YOIK 53., NEAL Till Inflow), ETT YBB U RG, PA.—The underulgned G Would moat respectfully inlorm his nu merous lrlendn‘nnd the public generally, that he him purchased that long established and well known Hotel, tho “Globe Inn,” in York urect, Gettysburg, and will spare no efi'orl. to conduct it. in a manner that. will not detract from its former high nputntion. His table hull hue the best the market ckn nfl‘ord—hia chamber: are spacious and comfortable—and he has laid in lor h‘is bur I full stqck of wines and liquors. There is large stabling n'ynched to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten tlve honlen. It will be higconslnnt endeavor to render lhe lnllcat nutlufuction to his guests, mxking hil house as hour a home to the-m In possible. He uh} share of the public’s pl tromge, delefmined Is_ he is lo deaervcs large pain of it." Remember, Ihe“Globe lun" la in York “reel, but nun the Diamond, 0: Plfizlic sqme. ' SAMUEL wow. ; April}, mu. u, 3‘ For Sale. “mum HILL PROPERTY, on A )hrth‘ creek, with 46 Acre: of ii 1: nice Granite undovl Banal), 5 mild mt. ot Gcwwmg. . ,- - ‘ . = 630116! “How: u Getty-burg, Aug. 14. 1365. ". , AGO, Afiow Root, Corn Butch-Bioo-lonr ‘ museum, :9: m. u m. flaming? tn; Sam. I . ~ ‘ 5 ‘RMTW' ' HALL PROFXTS & QUICK SALES. ' J.' L . SCH l C K would mpoc‘fully u, to the citiunl 0‘ Ge»- lylburg sud ticinlty, Hl9! he in now Nuoiving n. hi: ”on t splendid STUCK 0? SPRING GOODS. Tho stock consist: in put of Fancy nnd Staple DRY GOUDsLor evgry damipuon. SILKS, ' nuzmaxquz, . CHALLIES, DELAINES,‘ ‘ - BOXBAZINIS, , ALPACCAS, LAWNS, CALICOES, of t“ qndilieg And choices: styles, which M" be sold in PRICES TD DEFY COKPETLTXUN. FURNISHL‘iG GOODS of MI kindn, including Sllk', Linen nd Cotton Hmdkmhim, om”. Stockings, he. Aim, n spieudid nuomnegt ef'BXBBONS, Luce: :pd Edging, Umbrellu'und ansols.- - My stack of WHITE GOODS will be found full ad complgtc, and customers may rely upon nlwnyl getting good good: It the low": possi ble prices. . Gentlemen will find it to then udvgnugu u: on]! and examine my flock oi * CLOTHS, - - CASSIMEBES Ind ‘ . VESTIXGS, or I" qualities and choicest. styles. April 24, 1835.» ‘ 4.1., L. scmcx. New Goods !mLarge Stock! DIEROHANT TAILORING. - JAcqgs & Bno. havejqn geceived from the cities 3 large stock 0! goods for Gentlemeh’s wont, embracing a variety of ULUTHS, CASSIMERES; ’ \ VESTINGS, Cassinets, Jeans, km, with many other goods for spring and‘summer Wear. They are prepared to'mnke up garments at the shortest. amine, end in glue very best man ner.‘ The Fashion: are regulmly received, and clothing mnde in nny desired uyla. They od ways mnke neat fits, whilst their sewing‘vis sure to be substantial. Thcfi ask a continuafice of thy public‘s pn tronug , resolved by'good work- Ind moderate charges to en‘rn it. ‘ Gettysburg, April 'I, 1862 ' ~. NeW‘Bakery ! . Ewmxrt zmcz-tn, mchnnicnl Bak- N ers, Soul]: Washington street, hnlt square from the Eagle Hone), fiET'I‘YSBURG. Pu.—, Constantly on hand, the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, {’RETZELS. kc. l‘er sons gishinggroéh Bren‘d will be :erred every morning, by leaving their name! and residence: a! the Bakery. 'Every gfl‘on made to plense drive us a cull! ' [April 20, ’63. tf Good Things from the Cxty ! ”um; the 1 to the and Salli Hominy, Lemons, V many in the , Gin pppasne and all highul . ...._ ~_ ,V {UTHING f‘; AMiFunxrsmxu STORE, at me )grth Hum Curuer of the fiamond. The uihsvriber ir constantly in we ipt'offresh good: frugm the BllSlt'H! cities. llis'stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is one or the lurgeit and most ’nttractire. as Well as the chenpest eatnhlishmeut n." the kind in the cmuury. Ydu fill there find COATS, PANTS Ah'D VESTTS. [mule up in‘ the moat fzwhmnnhle styles, and of the beat mutt-rials, of all sizes and priced, for men and lmys.-- lh-ntlemi-u's lurniahing‘goeds of every dost'rip tion, \Vonl Shirts; Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and .\lnrino ffihins, Merino, “'uol nnd CI-HOI! Drawers, H‘osieuoferery drsuiptinn Buclbskin. Merino :‘nml Cutton‘ Gloves, Hand- Ler- hi- ts. Neck Ties}. Crnvnts, Linen and Putter Collns. ”ANS, Civil, Bums and Shoes. Uiu hrcll‘us‘ Trunks. Vallwes, Carpet Bags. Clorhes“ nnd shoe Bl'ushcs.lH.gir and Tooth Brusheu, Shoe Bl raking, Il’ut‘iket and Dressing Combs, lrnry Cumhs, Watch”, Clocks and Jen rlry, GilllS‘ Pistols, \fioliui In‘d' Violin Strings. Smips‘nnd l’crfumeiiies, Stationery of all kinds, l’uvkct Knives, Smdking and Chewing Tobnca :0, l‘ipes, nn extra humility offing". 'ln hict,‘ hi: stuck embraces everything usually found in A first clues furnishing store. I invite the attention of all tn new: and see for thumelvee, n: lam determined} to sell good: iofier thnn any other estuhlishu'uenlin the country. Don't forget the place. Corner 0! York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHUF l". ‘ July (.1864. _i , * ~ ‘ Noah Walker 8x CO., CLOTHJEFB, MASHINGTON BUILDIXG, i’6s Ayn 167 Burnt?“ Sfljl‘l‘, ‘ keep conupnuy om hind u'lsrge And well as- sorted flock of All kiindl of goods at moderate GEM They sfipply avatar-Ion; tho finest. to‘the lowest priced srticlel,‘ either rend] made or made to ‘meunrejw Iny pan of the opuntq They keep also 31‘: extensive utockpf FURN- ‘I l Gent. 1 1 1 _ wings, as we In nil matted-flock ot READY MADE mama éooos. . >Bnltimioro,Feb.23.\LBB4.‘ \ :7 ~ ING GOODS, qlmbracing every uticle of gn's Undeé-vou. A 130,, HILI‘I‘AR! I CLOTH nd "anyway of Nilimy ' Trim- - Adams ~ nunty MUTUAL FIRE INSU ANCE COMPANY. Ixcnnrqunn, ncn 18,1851. ‘ ' Omens. President—Gear e Swope. Vice Pmidentimnel R. Rnl 11. ‘ Secretory-D. A. Bnehler. Tmanrer-«E. G,‘ Fnhnestock. Executive Committee—Robert Hchr , An drew Hevnuelmhu, Jacob King. Human—George Swope, D. A. Bneb er, R. )lcCurdy, l. Eiehelberger,»B, R. Russell, G. Fnhnestock, A. D. Bnehler, R. G. McGrcnry, Geuyshnrg; choh King, Stmben township; A. Heintzelmnn; Franklin; Wm. D. Hilnes, New Oxford; Wm. 8., Wilson, Bendersville; H. A. Picking, Slmbnn township; John “’Ol - Lntimore township; John Picking. EH"- rßerlin ; Abel 'l‘. Wright. Bendersville ; Abdiel F. Gitt. New Oxfold; Jas. H. Marshall, Hgmo iltonben township; John Uunninghafn, Free dom township; John Homer, Monnuoy town !hip;'Wm. Ross White’, Liberty township. fiThis Company is limited in its Opere tibns to the county of Adams. It has been in operation {or more than 15 years, and in that Period has made but one nssessmtnl, having paid losses by fire during that period amount. ing to $13,088—56,769 of which have been paid during the’hst two years. Any per! n desiring In inc-mnoolcn'o-epply to any chic Above unwed Mknlél‘ffi for further infornmiér.r fi-The Executive Committee meets It the‘ ofliee o! the Godwin], on the last Wednesl edgy in evvq month, II; 3 o’clock, P. 11. ‘ 06.16.1865. 4.: . t '- 1' “FAQ?” Hi}? 8 Call! .. fl; 77,1 1 (Che—“fl lée’lo o "0" ‘mm P 1 1‘ on win :pr me lrtic e o wi 1 5T Amhr’otnfé, mclififhfm ”3.2%; sinking Tobacco. Cigm, Im, go ‘28:?“ 5: n uuxrfms ‘qmnnmh Max:3ls“. :' union's Oonleedommh Mes-bf . 4'“.9,1_65. ?‘ " ‘ .: ‘_m.“ ‘.2‘l 1 _ - L .11.. ‘ ,: Twist—“T:2s4":ll2'3.l;};{67’l“":7fflim , \ ' ‘ ' ' Stan ebraker’s . ‘ Great Remedy for Colds. NW3, 3058 AND CORN‘ ‘ ‘EL‘L'S PECTORAL ~ : LlN:1 x L N ‘l‘; l ‘ mnsnmo canon!“- FOR IVA.V 012 BEAST. - ‘ EJPEOI’ORANT! fi-WARRANTED I‘o CUM: Rheum-mm, ‘ A Remain Age.» prepay-ad mmm the n" . Sprulnl, Swellrd Jolnu. Sore Throat. Fronfd gem. demand ter 3 prompt Ind uh Amide - Feet. Pn‘uon. Old Sore: and Bruises, Fresh full all Ynhnonury Disorder-f If properlvuwd Cuts, CWIP; Numpl,Telu-r, Pain: in the Limht‘ n I"! give lnstnnt n lirf in almost' an}, lb and Buck, bwcrny, on Mun or Benn, Su-ldle 0r nun, and will prove In eflecmal cnre In I Cod-r Unlls, Distemper, SCH-“sh", th-v 0“ majoritv of the following use. of nflu doubt Borg“ und Mules, and 11l Dueuel requring tle THROAT AND LUNGS! such II Golda .Iu Lnernal llemedy. . . eufihhgv Asthmatic Tondenulel. Whooping The attenunn of the public I: respectfully Cough, Soreness of the Breast. ind Bronchhl directed to the above Preparation. as being” Afl'eclionl. one of the be.“ and most elficncious exgemnl, When we a,“ wmmfhf‘d mnnnfwdnrlng remedies. 11°“ in “39. Th” W 353 bend “Po“, the Expectornul. for our home caneumptlou It. “19 mum?” 0‘ lboufludl 0‘ Perm“ ‘h°‘wu not. onrintemion nor our dulrew pnhlt hue “39d !l- _ , _ ’bcfore the public as n “cure-m," nor to punk From ”N mt Imonntoffiopd "M mem liah a long list or testimonials u an evidenéc has done in all uses {berg-In u. Inn been used, ofltn curative prop’ert’l’ei, but the demand {O3. Ind !ht' frtqurnl applicant)“ nude ‘0! It, ”1° It being so grentnnddecldedl, on the incrénqe.’ pruprielor has been induced to place 1! before in induced. “a,“ (“g compelled n. “‘3 PW‘ the puh‘lic, and let hound upon ill 0‘"! good pure it on a lunch lu'ger lenlo. and lien 10 "I‘ll"; “0W”! ”'1“! 1n "“1 “'9 where 1‘ !' establish ngenciel throughout an. lectlofi 0. used. it will recommend itself. All he ask. II n", comm]. a fair and impartial trial, and if “red accord'l A” we ask in [lnt lbole tlm‘l nfllicled mu ing to directnunsrngnd no hem-51,110 {burgh—l 8"" n I f," lrinl, that. it may Pm" it: mull: Hnnng such nnhmued confluence in nu cura- “damage, or" other preparation: of. “all“ live powers, he lungdlrecged his Agents lo'rn- urine “0' being emphyed. “Ind the "105'! i“ A" “”5” ”m" “'l' EM"; The price too throw it within the reach or mun is used with M 5 Miler“. ”‘9 l'°'“' ““h 9 all living In” 25 and 40 cents a botzlo.. poruon 01 it: outta“ up on returned to uni ’ V 'F_ A em. ’ rm ‘ ‘ g 1! will be kind I sure remedy for Rhombus-1 39118 W 0 ' syl‘lup l: - .E Q . . , "m,- m m: .\msr lamcw'r. I‘LhASAM‘ AID !Lm, nprmns/SWelled Jumu. km, ,I" .“ Fl-‘HCH‘V l-“l , . v. “i” “"3”: “3M” 'l' K*‘m“ “1 : x” {2.53” {2‘ 52513331; ce of e in vet Irie ' ' . '._‘ ll is also an infulhblc cur-afar many dineuel ! Tf‘fr-—'n6:";33II9PMMIEB Vebtl‘." “fir!“ u Hones, such .. mm. sum. Swelllpfly 5:; ’53:; g; ,3“! M mm m" ° 3*; Spuins. Uld Sores, Scrmcha, (1011-tr and bud- ‘ ;unlrlilminflc firing"! -oml;"'m'sl":r'fl‘:w"=‘l‘d dle Gulls. and all diseases requmnz an “a . l ’c . ""1 l n" lernnl remedy for Horses Ind Cattle, il hill 110‘ upcnente, p enunz aromatic: am "up!" [‘9' equal. ‘ , | tln-llrl‘mtfis uffilmmseh‘es cnnnot [At-[fungi theu' This Liniment lbould be in the hands of every fznnily, particularly where luv" Ire - children, as San: TIM-081.. firmlvlinn,‘ Cxonpul Quincy, &C., are diseltel that curr) many phil —drep to their maven. Thu Liuiment \rill'be‘ found I sure and Ipeedy relic! 'in every L‘lidv wing: it. is applied in time. A: ling Linimcm is unnamed to give satisfaction in All uses. no one can risk anything in trying ib—nnd it one bottle is used you will never be withoul it in the Imam—so purchnsq I bpizlo and be convinced uf the than above. " ' onsruxn CATTLE ‘ P. u w‘ _Dr _H s; hive your Horses STUNEBRAKER‘S HORSE AhD CATTLE POWDERS. it’ you want fine and healthy horst-s, and'Yuu are surp to ban lhom. A snfmsure m d rpuvdycure furCuuzha, ('ulds,l)islempers,Henes;lli-te-huuud,‘v\'orms, Buns, .\cnrvy, km, in llyrs'u, Luastof Cud, Black Tongue, em, in (‘nuh-. fly the use of thrse POWDEHS the a‘ppetin of the Horse i-z improved, ttll dcrnngemrnts uf the Digestive Urgnus are rorrecleuhhnd the sluggishness on the nnim ll dtsnppenrs, hq be coming lively uud spirited. ll when: the skm, guing the hair a sleek unil shining Ip penmnce. Ths- grrnt superiority" of these Ponders UTl'l' ull utlihrs ll‘lsfts lrmu tlie tin-t th It tin-y nrc cmnpounvied hf m-tlicines thin. have luxuliw, tonic and pur.t‘_\in7_ prep-rues. The laxative remou‘s nl'. Itupurztirs hum thn stuumt h nml 'huu't-Is ; the tonic adds flew tuna and vigor lo the system of the hour, by whivh the appetite IR \\ uniforlull‘v imprm’enl. nml the gluinyiug medicines t‘onhiuwi in them ch nuae the Muod from all impun- matter, In'l gin I healthy and \iguroua circulation; they also impruvc the Wilhl, and are I sure irrmentivg 0! Lung Fever, Yelluw Witter, l-‘uuulier. Luna of \m-etite,’nt|l umu) min-r diseases incident to lilr llnrse. ' it is alto tnvztlunhlc as I (‘ondilion Powder ior tutu-s, in. rras‘mg the fluw of milk and pro vxuxing diécase. All yawn: on him ('oth slinuhl tbk tur STUSEMUKEIL’S NURSE 8 CA l'fl‘l‘l‘i POWDERS, as it is \‘ny important through the winter that. the) should be used tn iii-prove the «mndJionaf the cow. They hun- nu cqutll for hittcemug mule, us they give them in appetite“, lllfl Joust-u their hide. by which thry Lhnve lullt‘h faster. at low- Also he” or ypiwd. KEY. 'Hune Fowler: {ire A pure preventive of HUG CHOU-IRA, inn! "1‘? partix ulurly mhwted t 0 the di~easeslo which [logs are :0 hnhlc— :fichmsC-xughsJflcers ot lhc Lungs and Liver— mmii L: them to improve mnrh I'm-ter. 'l'ho'y should he “std ‘in the bogirning to bitten Hugs, us much teed. may he sail-d. These Ptmdcrsvwill be f~und muih strung" than most. ponders. now in use. um] a: (hr 3]" e. lime the must pnwnrt’nl tunic ever undJur Bones and Cntlle vf any kind. AH [wrsnhl are inriicnlnrly imiud to try these i’uwdcn, knuwing the) Will Continue to use them. Rail Made to fCome 0n! offlm’r Hull: (0 Diehl AT, now“ AND .\wUSE . ' .pxmslynlnx'rozu We invile the attention a! the public'to the above preparation, n 3 bring om of [ht-mun cfl'ccluJl prrpurntmns ever introduced. lot the destruction of the thaw vermin. We wnrrant ll 5 HEAD DHUT FUR “ATS! TI; it—ouly 'l5 cents u hm. WSoid by dealan and country atom keeper: gout rally. ‘ Aug. 14, 1565., on: EXCISE IMPROVED Sl'l’l'lß . . . PHOSPHATE 01 LIME, No. 27 X. Frénl Street, Philadelphia, and .\'o 14 Bowl)’: “‘hnrt. BALTIM 0 R E . .' The snbu-riber begs leave to iutorm Dealers and Cunsumors that he is now prepnred i 0 furnish .\lOlH) PHILLIPS" GENUINE IM PROVED :CI'ER PHOSPHATE 0F LIME, in any,quurrtiliea. . The universal satisfac‘lion tliia article has given during the [nut faur years; [my In In creaaerl tbedemnud that I have bun cumpcllrd lo greatly enlarge my capacity (or its manu facture, and have l-ern indawcd to cambliah a brunch huuse in the city of Baltimore. [trust that I will be able to fill all ordeu during! the season. Yet my rule iajir-t comejin’t mud. “Prico‘ in Philndulphirsuo per ton, 20cc lba. in Baltimore “me price; freight Iron: Phila delphia added. ‘ .Discount 40 Deplerl. ' A fi'l-‘or inle by W. E. BITTLE & CO., Get tysburg. ‘ B'ALTIMORE, 310 R 0 PH ILLIPS. Sole Prbprlewr a DA! Manufacturer. Mar. 20, 1305.; \ ‘ 828. Hoop Skirts. ,628. HOPKINS’ ‘f 0"]! MAKE " OF 8001’ SKIRTS, are gotten up éxpgculy to meet the wnnu of "in cuss runs. They embrace In complete/uranium! of all the new and desirable Styles, Sites and Length, for Ladies', Ilisul’ and Children, and ure In. perior to all other: made in point of 5) mmelry, Finish and dnmhiliy ;bdlw madeol the [inert tempered English Steel Springs—with Linen finished Covering, and having all the metallc laslenings. immovably secured, by improved machinery. They relgin their Shape and Elu. ticiLy-to the lash-Ind Ire warmmcd to give entire'satisfncliou. Also, conslautly in receipt of full lines of good Eastern .\lude SKIRTS, M. very low prices. skirts made to order. nllexed and repaired.— Whole-nlO andt Retail, at. Mnnufnclory Ind Sulen Room, No. 628 ARCH St..above 6th, PHILADELPHIA. Terml Cash. One Price Only! k 1521,1864, 4111 South-out 69mg! of (he .biamondA End Baki more meat? nearly opponiae the Shroflico, 1 .. unrrvssdna, PA. . Every delcription of work eieputod in thy neat nylon! tho at. ‘ ; ”can, ms. :1 i ‘ HE flnl account. of Willi“: Wen, Ggmm - tee.pf tba [armband «me, of Dn nmeho'n, (Lunnit-J bu been filed, ‘3, (hi (3011“ of Common'Pleu of Adams “Dun": Ind ,will 39 confirmed by the inn] Court; on the 27th DAY OF DIEEHBFJ: Ni..\"l‘,'.uuleas came be sho’wn 1.0 the Canary. ' new! nusuzr, My, 7 Nov. ,2}, was. «- i Etonebraker’s Stonebmker’s Moro thips’ mu rum: 4? yummcwanws DEPQTS, Cannon’s ‘ a‘aLE wo,nxs, Notice. peculiur functions or have llne denim-l elf—ct, uulc‘n Ihe bowel; are kept moderately "pt-u. To produce this: gentle plug-alive; no tux-cg:- mry and such only ought. to be used that cun not intvrfcre mm the nnthchniu'ic employed. The ndvnutuges We cle Mr (his Syrup nre:' ”I. “A power 01 DESTRUYING 'AND EX PBLLING \VURMS! . ' 2d. It: mild nperient effect. npon‘th‘e bowels. 3d. Its pleasant taste nnd odor ure mlv-m -Imm libssess‘d or duimud by very lew Verm ifuges. , . 41h. ha harmless; influence-upon 1h!- system. mnsrquemly nu injuriuus «ma. “3" reqult {rum its uu- hlmufd len- milieu! l‘uu‘u no Wurmd, [ml an upp rum Ilisvu-c. nri-I’nvz Irnm' mum ulh'vr uukuuuu cum-u, “hirh id frown ml} the case. Tho constituent: of this Syrup nnd its flfccu are known In mnny Plush-mm, wlm IH‘l‘ nun usingil in lhcir pr, CUUL' w u Luge cucuL. Price 25 cents n boule. ~ The; Greatest(Liniment ;n Use. PILLS WHITE O'Lf—T/at Blumblt. Club B u! mos!’ I'melm/mj 19,11 um! I‘J'Unnmlru‘ Lmuum/ m I'm—A pom-Hui UlntL’illhla Gu'u pound tor the Speon‘y (‘ure of Illn-umzuism. Slruim. Spr‘inz. “’mllhls, .\nmhnhd ()9 ”It: Limbs, Pro~tml l-‘m-l -n-| Ilnmh. .\'l. Vin. Smi dlr‘ 1; dis. I’ull-I-‘HI. "in! I] rm". "ml-IN. Swell-nasnr Ml km! um! in luv. Hurv lii:- (uh-e for \rhivh an H nhr II"lliHII i 4 .u qnlic'nhh-I enllu-r m .\l tll on Bruit l’rl- e 2“! ('x-n's n hm. Hit—‘ll:”prv-pnmriuu, \vhirh I‘ whim] with In. iill’ lw mum! tn hp mu- of ”I" M‘- ost am! at Ihr a hn- limo mu: u] the llloal reliable .np [-liwnimm ennui. . " aniug 'lul-n rmpln} (Nl_ H-Iv em'mi 'clyl‘ since “'3 intuuhwtiuu nnJ Ira-hm: sn'isliru} uf ils‘n mmli -l |>rnpquil's,lye p'cummcml‘i! “ilh. lln~ ulmn-l rmnfiJu-ntv, k'mwiug I’m! no um: “I“ hr- -li-.nppmn'r-lun i 1: un; “‘l5. out its ugh“- mlyiiun a while ll .inu ”'7 n 1 Iln- L'ullfilh (em-y 0! cream, (‘Ouldilliilg nn‘hiuu - Ifl-miu-‘n but, on ‘hn cunuury. \\iH_ be [my] luurw plum-Am l‘um umrr“ xv. ~ ‘ Ball’s Alterativt‘, R (‘QNIHTiOV l’u“ DEBS! ‘ I'IIR NURSES. PATTI‘J’. .\' SWINE 2') rPh')! r. p'nlu-r, (tr firv [-ulu r- lur SI Tlu- mmrrwa mllr ul‘ lhrw l'uwd- r“ during the slum p uind (hwy 'nm: hm-n l-cfurc I'2o' puldic. is a mum-inn mmnmxoc pf lhu-ir an- (I. In:pvllali‘_\',nund the dA L'ldvd benefits. derh‘rd from ”r if we. , " . 'l'm-y urc uunfidcnlly recomnu-mlt-11-nm on'y us :1 )‘rHi-uliw, lull. :3 n urnpl-w- are 1' r nll .liw sr- nu nit-It In IM- “(HAVE I‘HA' or lll)’7,'~os LIL-E of Awhile, (‘01::le llcu'w, Yellow “'szL-r, DisH-mpcr, Blunders .\‘L-., M. ll_\‘_tlu‘:r l|~\-I|lrllur~r-'.~ .\pp ll‘u'hlvnlur'n e'l. .11l m~ranucmeuL~ :1 Iln: mgreliw ”mum cnrn'r'td summing :lu- sun. nn-l ,3‘\in,:,lu lhg- (qxu n slaqk mnl :lunin; :u-pmuum-o', .uvl m-x} He u ed with per «wt «My nl .I‘l limit”, as it Iguumlus no In; gvliulta \micll mu iujnro a hour, “In. ther Sn k or \u‘ll. ( The) Urdu g lhn- hu-nlhm. nm-uruus‘hy (‘jvclmg fr M the Mfr ("$l3 ‘CI)|"'Ill-|lrd mnltrr, or that. formatinn \vhi'cli so am r- h clugs them. mus»: n Ughnness‘h hr. a hing. und In; their peculiar u-‘lxun [in HM! pin, llny Nine lhp mncu- nu-mlnunw m r.» Il‘ln‘ its n mrul ;dmu u-‘mm, thus equ .liz'ng lhr uiw-ul nnn u! the Mnm' n'nd tesluriug‘lhc diulech-l "as 13 to Illnhnnlurvll in". 1 v For Jan “ing an (19‘ IM, Ill'r inn‘ul'mHl', nls PUSHCariIIK puzulmr prnpcrue- in menus- Mme qu lulu} 0f "MK in Cows, ”with, uk 'lg limnl nn impurmm‘e‘u-Id vnlm- “hi-h ‘ahé-nhl place them wathiu lb: lusuds 01 n“ In ‘h-rrslml. w . 'AH dunno! to 7‘ Lll the 110;: E;- subjerh M CJughs, ["lL'Pr— iulln: [.ungq nml Liwr. and an a general purifier of tin: bluoal VH: gunmh’luo 'ln-ir eflirn'y it once Luirl) erl. f figs—Sold at Genyahurv by AID. Huehlm‘, Arvin-wry. find bx “Higgins uml Stun-Reggi u’s _rcm-rn !y. Ask fur .Ml'd l'relumunn‘. . Propar- n 1 LXL'llh-hl‘ly In) W. I). lh-U, .\.mthe cnry (Gradunlquf thJ’hiJudz-lyhiu Guilt-gr of l’uarmncy,) West Washington. M... ”Ag"!- lowa, 314., - . ' \[UCL 16, 185%. 1; - Forw'varding Business. CULI‘ & EARNSHAW’S LINE. A\'l.\'(} purl-Imam] the Warehonsn am]! H Pun: herelolore invucd by Samuel Hcrhnl. the undtr-ligntd tkao plemure In announcing to the public that war “11l run A . LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Bnhhnoro an r)‘ Week. The, are prepared to convey FreiJu eilbrr way, in unyqunutity: Theywillultend,“ delirtdfiolhb mnk‘mg of purchases in the city. and deliver inKthu goods promptly at Geztynburg. Thoir‘ ‘ can run to the Wan-haul: u! STEYEK SON k SONS, 165 North Nomad ”mt-t, (nan Franklin) Baltimore, where height will' b. received at hny lime. Thay invile‘tlx'e “tenth: of the puhlic to their line, mum-ing Ilwm mall: the, will !pne no rflvn to accommoduo a); who may patronize them. A . Having purchnged the buildip‘gc and lot on the Northeast corner of Ruiqund and Non Wulhinglon Imm, Gettyubnrgdbeir Dcpo ‘ will remmn there. Any person havingbuigr hell in the {urwnrding line In: respectfully in: rited to can. CULP & BARNSHAW; , Aug. 7, 1865. _ No Humbug. . EMGVAL. ‘ HOLTZWORTE ALWAYS AHEAD. THIS WAY FOB. BARGAINS.—JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH by. just returned from 1116 City will! the inrgeat and must complete unort ment of HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS - AND 8110 mm: ha been brought to, n this town tlnce the war. Bis nook l. not only complete, but is GOOD Ind CHEAP embracing every variety 0! Boots Ind Shoe: for Mn and Boys, whilu the Lndies will fill everything in their line, from the finest Gslter, to the heaviest Shoe. Childreu'l Shoe. of gyery description, in great. variety. Also. Lo: (1121’ Hon, fine quality, and Children’s HI", ofnll styles and prices. Aldo, Trunks, Car ?" 5.3,, Valisu, Umbrella, Gloves, Stock» in", Tobacco, Ciznu, and Notion. on our) description. . - .‘ @Dou'L forget ‘th- plnce, South-e 9“ Car. or the Diamond, Gen sLux-g, Pu. M JOIIX L. HULTZWOBTH. é April 10,1885, :1 g ' a 4 Meats! H3833}. :- I , YSON & 00. Img now in full would 1n ennui-lament for the uh “nun“ apa‘Groceriu, on the wt lids o Igimon nun, sin doorman“: «my; y- a? _Oeuylbunr. Pfllflfinßle uni“ MI?" 5 Tueular, Thursday am} Saturday May," and PURKJ'EAp. LAID, gm, on 'lgnlndl Wednudnysnd {flan-mom! j: I'3s!th will nlwuyn bo‘fonnd the b.“ «an cnn§&g. 1 cured in thil maker. ' upt. 25, I _. »‘ --+-.——~+ « —-—+————-—r»-—'vw~% . 311 m 'l9" can? Immunflniflfl .9’; Wuhan to; . 34mm» ‘ ~ nuueq’jg _ ”phat-3,19%? ”mama; El El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers