Wain! $- gamma . Ink Charm“; “In“: Emlyn sum: .‘..§u...«0. m"... ...a r * »We hue iepeuuy learned of n verv lim- " A. hem Sorro'. 1’1“)an Difim . re use pl. ad cheep proper» of linking Chnm- .‘ . H I ! HF" .\aneflm’clly from n mien. Bryan 8 Llfe Tins! ”84:2(izottllrfiflml (11,“.be from lound . Imlnr I'm-ruin, . ~ I'rrvmnn 'nndi ,' ‘m “wilted "1 I‘lh ’ WWW": of 1318, {within 39510:”:122 I CINE for generhlhule.aP2§i?:nzAt.::téf XEDI- ‘ dhuolgr- chi-Sumo, and produces mob other ““0““ u“ ”"9“ ("firm imphtit and “d chemical chlpge, by “Image to we “.1 ‘BRYAN'S WE PILLS L ”PM”, II ;o prevent the pucticulvwork- . "Wk“ "'9 s”""‘¢hfm'ef ill—J liim a 8 33 °‘ ”from” while Lhejuice pruned ;mflunn which-n the «hint cam «:33 °' “3,” apples in nénfli u myopia a. 3132:“? gimp-s «Sign: “33:“ ‘ c ‘nuc an cum-kin ' “ ' TbeJmpe “‘3‘- dirt‘ctly from the pneu. in-g Hundred; of Certificate} :Tdbfgpmm' ' (o a. finer, cop lusting oresuuuble‘oo; shout Theyhayabeenvnedh h n . “um a foot deep by In; inches square. filial mini A ' fill ." v H "fun." mm Ineceu. umnpure of pulverized chucoal ehd cieun ' gr. “1,. Ma Ht? 8 Lil-E. PILLS' neg-h or fine greyrl. about hulfaud-lmlf.- Th 2- m! k" I" as“: ‘“"."°“’m""°"’ 4 “50.1”.” of atyuvieyut imbibe box be»! Hen . “Sugpoam of we lulu-e principke of: @39l} :5 filled with the filtering materinlflfmuu. ‘ The”? cull'ed "mm our firm. Ind} wad the bpitom ol the box In ;nrfouléd'opeution- gym] ’3 mild‘ bl" «run; ‘in WWI .‘VIUI fi'fejlolel. ' ‘ I Wine or lirfidurul’l‘gfizflmfl crmpt, gnqu. ‘ Mfg; 311;; mg!“ gran}; [1:11:15 Elliot in}: (Incl, lens 6r cohditionz 33:“: its?“ by El pd ‘o‘.“th “m atmospher: :ficapqr -i {musk-s LIFE PILLS. Cure fiemh’che. _ ' I RYAN’S MFR PILI '4 f‘ . “the quantum; or roll chum no 3132' Pin V‘ ' ' ' in": 8"“ 'B")me- Sggfflzltctzgo 'ha. “59d [mgprégnj’t BR¥23P§ {l:s} ;;Etg, gaitafiggfgfizd . mne ‘ ' ' ' '- ' the cellar a vylule, prnégefh?fct‘i§hn§;3i A ”M of BRYAN s M“: PILLS will can but flnvor of the linporled ur cle. with the ad. “ml in': N T Y- F ' V 14,0 E N T s , 3“?” 3'! be!” it ““1"” more health hem-S The aréiiff'lx'zzii"“u ”M u ”pregame-L . 5g , w xle m post. duel not exceeg u‘vo} lhe inflenior :4; ‘hlgi'lfiil'u‘p H 1 ‘1; proymmr, gnultnw‘gdbom‘ where "mien ere plan-U FEES, in medicine burr-3:1 lei‘gru‘hiflck WA, on; “mint champagne of: the commpn- '.to the American Katie; y no“ 'for ‘fm ‘3 “(mot be bought m this market' If you wish Blrnn’s Life Pills And cannot. h" ' an “'lO or three doilura a bottle, get them ofyourJrugglsLdon‘Hn'ke l 9' Lens genuineness and purity are very “but "nd Twenty-fire Ce'nu in n bu“! m m" guntxoneble, to say We least. . l proprietor, and you will "cl. lhev‘byclinm the mail, post-paid. Afidresg, . urn of ‘ 1 D 33 . ‘ D442l Broadwgy, Ngw York. Jrfifggjbom en cm can uan ) din-d h 'De I CO., Wholesuli AgelliL, NefiyYorxfifu Dunes & Hogg in thc Orchard. QM nelghbor, in Western New York. {rainingfiie fruitpro of mother, remarked hit the Mid must go in very good order. “The secret is not in the nail,” John replied. with I twinkle in his eye, "but. on it. DJ ion m‘those grunters there} My pork rmp me fifty cents a. and-englnt in guhnand the balance in (5311... I began to plum my orchaxdjrn yun ago with hogs, "3d ainoe that time I have bad no‘ trouble mth wormy truit, 4;)“ch on a general thtng. don'tfnll from the tree unless some thmg in the matter with them. The angfle worm end curoulio lay their eggs in he fruit and the apples drop early. '_l‘he pigs devour the lppled, end by September every inund up to is gone and l‘ have but. fair fruit left. 'Ffle crop of insects (or the néxt Your in dean-aged by the pigc.‘ They root. ‘hp ground I: der the trees, keep the soil‘ loose, manure the land some, and work over that manure I spread. The apple» help the pig! end the pigs help the gpuleu'."_ Cheap lode of Feeding Harm. ’ J. Fish, of Bildwinsvillq, N. Y.. writes to the Rqrul New‘Yorker. lliut he hast; lame, five years old. which infrequently let to lhoneighbors. Hin labor in cpnéiderubl 1n the morning he feed! in bushel haskpt 5 cut- out; “raw; moiblemhil Mthyater; «how: in four quarts of sham, 'mixes thor oughly, and feeds. A! nobn gives straw nguib, and Uni or fouri'quurrs of show; clear. ‘At. night, mixes hay .uénd straw—- cqun'l pails o! each—cute a hanketful and IDLXOS shorts again as in the running. Feeds:an all Lin! pomlo and npgle' pa _rings, cabbage leaves, etc., to hum [{iq horse is free from couuh, liveiy. 'he’nh :y and (at; and this plnclice hé is confident amig- hiq? 50 per cent. tlm post of keeping in hone _l is usual way. This is an impur: gum. item in these days of high load. ’ - How to Huh Corn Bmld. _ The-Louisville Journafipublishos the fol iowing'reeipe for making qorn bread : Corn BreaJ.-—The corn“ crop the present year bone of almost unp‘xnru iled abund ance. Other crops in some {nuts of the country have been‘compnratively light. but the corn crop has almost everywhere turn ed'out bountifully. 'l‘here willibe corn in the land. therefore. enough for man and bent. We shall hue cum Inéeazl. conse quently, provided we can keep;on the right side of the cooks. and get them to makeit, which it is not always eusy'JO do. Corn breed, if it is properly made—hand upon this everything depends—is the best, most palntable and wholesome bread that can be placed upon the table: It requires some skill. considerable hrt, to make it Well. and the absence of this in its manulucture is pht real reason why mnu'y persons fail to appreciate properly corn bread. 1!. re quire; the proper kind of porn—Stile white sweeta—to make good corn bread, and the meal should be fresh every day or two.— Then it requires an egg mid a little milk, end some other fixings. A little sweet po tato imdaroves it, and perhaps a pmull quan tily‘of our also. We have eaten it when it he: been voted by all (t the tsbleequal to pound-cake, and a good deal lighten;— The real merits of corn bread are not. zen rrnlly appreciated, becausg it is so often lmdlymmde and made out of poor materi uls. ”some Indy will send us a recipe for making it we shall be happy to lay it before the public. "Ll— m»-~ _.__..—- 1 Lung Protector. , A very absurd fashion requires men, while testing {our to eight thicknesses on do“). around most of the upper part of the body, to leave an oren ple in lrontuf tlue' lungs, for the disp uy of; their white linen bosons and gold studs—it they havelhenri This front of the neck” and» upper chest is tho very pert that should: be most cml‘ully guarded from changes of temperature. for thslungs lie just back of and under the calls: hone. As we cannot oomPel the cor rection of the fsshions, by any thing we may 5., in the unfuhionnble Americas Agricul nm'u. let. us give onr’sntidote. one which hss to our certain knowledge proven ellic» pious in several instsnces. ‘There is s spo pies of salt leather. somptimes reel “Uhs wais'Hkin, but usually 9 sheepskin imits. tion. which is sold slmfast everywhere for 25 to 50 cents per skin. ~ The im’itntion an. swers ss well Is the realghsmois (pronoun ced shsmniy.) From ‘ e smaller end of the skin cut off s piecs. Put strings on ‘ etch norm, to fasten it sround the ncék and snist. This kind of‘lenther is‘ so open that one can blow a light out through it, ”(1 this amount it is valuable to shut hp“! {3.1, Ind at the same time not. retain pirstims. It can be wsshed when soil £37m. ssme ss flannel, except that the suds and rinsing wster should not be quite so hot ss for flannel. : l'o Stop chghug. 4:13“ inn-tion of the throat may be re- ' lie 5] dppipg a litgleilhick blippery elm pg, or)», lacking I mean of gum arubim—l film articles coat over the wucuu mem-' hm. .nd'preyenl. fthe irriulign of the aim! e {e 6 are orie: held in the $415!. 'ezddtflfiwcdpm friclde down the‘ throet. will allay coughing. The best cough medicine to: children. one which we hue M for several 3mm with entire ntisfae. [309. 'u the following: Mix In A vial equnl parts of pnrworic, cuslor oil, and syrup or page, A in drops of this Iw‘ullowed, {ml not washed dowp by vote; or other gird, will almost. alwaysi soothe s copgh.-- 1 .peu the dose as olten as the coughing returns. From one-fdnnh to one-half I. peepqonlhl. or even e whole teupoonfnl.’ W hp guen when n lgeaer quantity dope. ”HQ“: 4 lageflow we! a fill 499'" mppoducel In emuum. Children snby' M to cough: Ihould at very light Iq'p-l 'm m! indeofl- nu children show-eat? anew-p, md unwier fond. at night. then‘ gs morning or noon. The above mixture‘ In] bnepgepy, pnjund {gadv angered, on it.‘ you. . wan-mun if 'lsva rked. ll P”! impugn than airfid of mineral medi- ' pim‘gthnulglxhey [mrttkel (reel, of com. , no. I.i is I mil; n . wknow shut. m iflfaieyll 95"!“ “pgeZ-blefl fltyhn m likg’ A new r?— PUBIIY M’s BLOO'D. .._.— ~ I'll! 033“”? Xlfllclll 0' TI! “ll GLAD‘ N E W 8! '63 TH] UNIOETUNKTI. HEY C S BETJSED WITHOUT DETEC- Tloxjyld do nobimuwfew with businesl pursuits, and NO CHANGE 09 D 18? 15 NE CESSARY. '.l. - ‘ . { Bell’s Specific Plll5 . Are vnrranted in nll cases, (or the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Seminal W‘cakmss, Ureth rnl and V..ginnl Diachuqel, Gleev, Sexual Disenaea, Emissions, Impotence. Genital and Nervous Duhilily and diienses of the Bladder pm! Kidneys. . .Thcy uré udan-‘i for male or female, fill] or young, and are the only relinhle known or the cure or All diseaneq arising from. . YOUTHFU L “DISCRETION. [n all Sexual Disenses, us Gonorrhen, Stric lure, Gleek, und in all Urinary Ind Kidney complaints, they on likan charm. Relief is experienced by taking is single box; uni! lrom [our :6 six boiqn gnnpnlly “Tee: it (Sure. Sold in boxed containing «a pilln,‘Price One Dullnr, or six boxes, ‘Five Dull us; also, 'in lurgg bows, cqnluining [our of the Imnll, Price Three Dollars. ' ~ . l’i'ivatg Circulars to Genflomqu only, sent free on receipt of directed envelop? I\‘nd nump. If you need the Pills. cut out. his Advertise mam. for reference, and i‘you cannot wocure them‘of) our druggist do not. be impoge‘Lon by nny olhcrrremedy,‘bul enclose the money in a latter to ' - x UR. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physic‘nri, Box 5079. 4:2 Broadway, New {pl-L“ u‘nd lhay will he not Logan secure tron! lub pggmtion, by return mail, post-paid, on receipt or the money. ‘ Dealers sippijed' by D-mns [laurel £OO., Wholesale Agegu, New York. IMPO RTAXT T 0 ILADI ES Dr. Harvey's Female PlllB, . 1 HE magi. infallible and popular remedy ‘ T ever known, for .all diseases at the ienmle ‘ sex.‘ They’lmve been uSO-l in many thousand cases with unfailing success—mud mu be re lied on in every case lor which they «re re t-ommended, uud particululy in nil casé\nris ing frqm - . \ DESTRUCTION, on STOPPAGE 0i? .\'ATL' I‘E no mutter from whalcnuao it arises. They nr efi'ectual in restoring to health all who are :uf— f fen‘ug iroin kaneas and Debility, Uterine Dis‘chmrged, Nervousneu, km, km, are... and they ”Actlike a Charm.” in strengthening the system. Thousands of ladies who have sui l'eled lor y are and tried Vnrious otherhemc dies in mi , owe a. renewul of their mm. and strength w olly to~the_efliuncs~ of i ‘ DR. .\RVEY’S FEMALE PILLS) ' They nré perleetlyhurmless on the tyltom, may beukon M. any, lime will! perfect I'ni'ety 5 but during the euly stages of Pregnancy they. should not. be tukenmr 2| miscarriage may be the maul}. The} neger cause any lickuesa pain or distress. Each box contains 60 pills, Price One Dollar. ‘ ‘ ~ Im. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, a round; to; special cases. four degrees strong. or than the ngb'pve; Price Five Dollars per but. A Private; Circular to Ladies with fine um tomécul engravings, sent. he on receipt of di rected envelope And stand). ‘ mm. this out. if‘ypu desire Dr. Harvey": Pills, and if 3.011 cannon procure them of 50m dmzuiat. do not take any other, for some dealers who me u.\pliucipled.wi” rcccmmend other Femnle Plll3, they 'cnn nuke u. large! profit. on—bul enclose the money and send «li .rect t 0» DR. .1. BRYAN. Consulting Physician, ‘ 'an 507;). . 442 Broadway, NW Yérk. and you wifl receive them poal-puid sewn!) sealed lrom obse‘rmlion, by return mail. \ Del-len Igpplied by Deums Barnes 8 Co. \thleaale'Ageuta, New York. The anate Medacal‘idviser. (Exclusikely for hiding) N invaluable “entice of 100 pagesflu Dr A J. Harvey. published Tor the benefit of the sex. ‘ On receipt of REM CENTS, It will be sent pou—p-ld, in a sealed envelope, to all who up ply for it Addreu’ DR. J‘. BRYAN, 442 Broadway, N. Y. 80: 5079. ‘ - ' Love and Matrimony. ' NY lady or gentlem’u sending me an ud- A dressed envelope and stamp, till receive lull directions for gaining sne nflecliom of the oppoaite sex, find which will enable them to marry happily—{lrrespective of wulth, tge or bounty. Address, IRS. ”.\ng LEMOIILE, ~ 1 Harlem P. 0. Rev Yo‘rk City. Errors of Youth. . GENTLEMAN who Inlet-ad for your: from Afiv‘oq: Ind Genital Debility, Nightly Em p, and Seminal Wuhan, the run" ofyoulhful indisanvjon. and came ne‘ar end lng’hil dun ln impel!" misery, will, for the nke of‘lnflering man, lend to any one ufl’fiewl, the simple mun: med by him, which e acted a cure In A few weeks, that the failure of nu merous medicines. Send a directed envelope md lamp and is wlll can you nothing. Adan". ‘ EDGAR TREHAIX, Station L, 128“. Sr.., New fink Cizy. Manhood x BIRD EDITION, F“! The nud— T pufidiy Ron-I's. BILL, 315?). A c 122 tion, addreued to youth, the married, and ;hou Connrynxc annual. 5.9; h, nuil pan-paid, on repeipt of TEN CENTS. ' A. euro. {3l pérqsnlof this Ingnll Ill?“ bu bgpu ~ 330. I'o rat Anqnzg, “d u and thouunda lrum a life of misery. and an untimely gun, It treats on the evil; pfa'outhlul quiscruion, SprrAhnu, 545 mm) 'flukm‘lfl. fimiuions, Sexual Bitmap, GaniHl ppbflilvg you or power, Hermann, Brena-tulle may. Impo tenée, tci, ta, winch any! ,trleJulfeur frgm fulfilliqg the Oblign'fiqnl of .\lnrrinzp. ' Angry-I, - DB. I. BRYAN’ ‘ Dawning Pfiytlcinq. { Box am. $4l Bum-rm Eloy Foil!- Asm .19- am .1: - ‘ ‘ Forwarding Business. , AVA M I ‘ . . . 1 w - Li:- “M“ '4' .- f“ ',- P. (Firm; 5: '. f “<8 ~«.~J5~..w.m CULP k EARSSHAW'S LINE. IIAS'ISU purchased the Wurchouu and Cnrl heretofora owned by Sauna-l ller'uat, Ihe undersigued Luke pleasure in Innonnclng to lhe public that [ht-V will run 3 LINE (W'FREIGHT CARS {romGettysburg thnltimorr every week. They are pupae-i to convey Freight either troy, in my mummy. Theywillotwndfifduirednotho inkling of pun hnseo in the vity. and delireh ing the goods promptly at Gettyubnrg. Thnir curl run to the Wntehome of STEVEN SON & SUNS. 165 North Howard Itmt. (nut Franklin.) Bultlmpre.'where height will be received at any lilllc.‘ The) invite the attention of the pnhiic to their line, assuring than: that they will spur; no Ifl'urtlu accommodate all who may patronize thpm. Having purclmged title'iuliidingl Ind lot on the Nogtheut corner of Rlilroad nnd North \Vn-hington atrreu, Gettysburg. their Depot. wiiiremmn there. Any per-on having busiv neu in the forwarding line are-respectfully in film! to anl. CULP it EARXSHAW. 'AUg.7,1805. , ' v . 100.000 bush. Gram Wanted. YEW FIRM,” Tm: h . . ... _ UL!) WARE-now“. W“. E. BID'DLE k 00. wouhl inform the public that they [lure leased the Warehouse on the corner of Mrullon street ttud the Rail road, in Gettysburg, where they will curry on the GRAIN AN!) HIUUUCI-TJBUSINESS, in all in brunchei. (The highest/twice: Will ul wuxs In: [mid tnr . WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, > CLOVER 8 TIMOTHY SEEDS, l-‘LAXSM-ZI), FUMAC, . MAY 5: STRAW; Dried Feni‘, Nuts, Snap, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with fit‘erything else in the country produce line. ' ‘ ' ON HAND, FOR SALE, , | Cofi'ces..Sugars, Muluscs, Syrupa, Te-la, Suites Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, .\lustnrd, Starch, ll;ooms,_l3ucketi, Blacking, Brullnes, Sonpi, kc. Also COAL OlL,‘ Fish Oil, Tar, kc.— l‘lSll of all kinds; NAILS AND SI'IKES; Smoking and Chewing Tobnccos. They are always nhla [0 supply In first mtg article of FLOUR, with the dlfl'crent kinds of FEED. ‘ Also, GROUND PLASTEB, with GUANOS and unhcr fertilizers. WCUAL, by the bushel, tan. or car load. . Their Cars run to Baltimore AMT buck [wire a week,und they will be happy to I'ylrry-gounls either way at moderate clmrges. Mnrketmen, nounlry merchqnls, and others, will find it in their advantage to [mxrumzc this line. They ask u shnre oNhe public's custommud Will spare no (11911. to render snisluclion {0 all, sellers or bugcrs. - WM. E. BIDDLE & CO. Aug. 22,1864. tl‘ . ‘ K ‘ Farmers of. Adams, TTENI) TO YOUR INTERESTS! THERE IS .\'UI‘HING [LIKE AOOUD PLUUGH !—The undersigned lakes thisluethod of informing the Farmers of Adams county that be h.” hwn appointed am Agent for the sale nt the CELEBRATE!) PATENT IRON CENTRE STEEL MOLDEUARI) I’LUL‘UH, muuulactured in. Pittsburg by ”-I” and Spucr. Among the ndrantziges whirl: [his I’lohgh has are. that it run" rasr, will not thke, makes the best kiln! of work, and Is durable l)t‘_\\)ll‘l all other Plougha. lt lms bin-u ll:t‘ll iu thi< ‘ cunt.) for seven-l wars, and in all cases ;zireu ‘ {he highest .smiJJctiun. Those who durlre in first we Plough cannot make u mistake in i purchasing this. It is guaranteed an every l iusl‘nnce. i All inquiries will recéivc prompt nnswuafi hybeihg nddrencd to the subscriber, at New Chaimf‘l’. 0., Adams counly. Pr.‘ 1 PHILIP DUNUUUE, Agent. ‘ \ CERTIFICATE T'ue nnrleriigned. having used the “Iron Cenlre Slut-l \loidhmrd Plough," m.ln'lf.|c tnrel‘by Hull £18110“, l'iushnr‘g, bénr cheer ful testimony to its yplue, lii-ing satisfied 0: ils superior qualifies, “a do not hesimlc tc recom neud m use by all f-n-nwrs. Gen. 'l‘. Hudson, \ l’l-ilip We-n‘cr, J. Upton Neely, K John N, (fiml’t, ' W. T. Huffman, “JIJ. My)“, John H. )1 jar. y ‘ i Aug. 23, moo. tf \ . l Great Attraetlon ‘ BRINKERIIOI-‘F’S CHEAP CLOTHINfi A \‘D l-‘UltXlSlllNG STORE at the Non EastCo er of the Diamond. The subsrrlher is constei ly ‘in receipt offreah good: from the Eastern citls. His stock of .‘\ RB“ YJIADE CLOTHING intone of the rgest and most attractive, at well its the cheat est establishment of the kind I in the country. ’ou will there find COATS, PANTSAND VES' :, made up inuthe most fnshionnble styles, 6‘ of the best materials: of All sizes nod price for men and boys.“ Gentlemun'a lnruishing gods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Musl Shirts, Hickory Shirts and .\lerino Shirts, erino, Wool and Cotton Drawers" Hosiery of~- ery description Buck-skin, )lerino and Cotton loves, Hund kerchivls, Neck Ties. Cmmts, Lin ' n‘itnd Piper Gullars, Hats, Cups, Bonn and ‘ 303. Uln brellns, Trunks..Valices, Carpet ling Clothes. and Shoe Brushes. Hnir and Tooth rushes, Shoe Blocking, Pocket and Dressing t mbs, ivory Combs, Watches, (flecks nnd Je lry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Skin I,‘ Soups and Perfnmeries, Stationery of all kind Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobnc co. Pipes, an extre quality ofSegon. In foot, 3 hi: stock embrace: everything nsnnlly found in I first class furnishing store. I invitedhe attention of nll to come and see for themselves,, as [am determined to sell good: lower than 3 any other eamblishmentin the country. Don't forget the place. Corner at York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHOFF.’ July 4, 1864. Coal, Lumber, Stpves, 82c. HARBES H. BUEHLER C Would respectfully inform the public that he will continue the business 1:“er con ducud by the firm of She-d: & Buehler, at. the old and. corner of Cnrlisloynd Rniquld suede. He will be prepared to furnish THE BEST QUALITY OF GOAL, and every variety of LUMBER, including Doors, Shutters, Snah, he. Also, every variety of quking Stoves,|_ong whcanre the , NOBLE COOK, ROYAL COOK, WELLING TON. WAVERLY, PRINCE ROYAL, ORNAMENTAL 000 K, to. .Allo, PAR-LO 3, DINING ’ noun, 3 \LOON AND SHOP . S T ‘ O V E S . Also, every vnriety of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, manufactured by the but work man. Also, HOLLOW WA RB otevery urioty, including a nuperior ntlcle’of enamelled work. Indeed every luiely of Kitche'g Wu-e will be kept conslnntly‘on hand. , . 3 Alan, the Ieanmed“UNIVERSAL/CLOTHES WBINGER." {or whit-Ir. he in up sole ngent in the county. . ,r' i He in nllo the Agent for Whgégr & Wilson'- Se‘wian Machines—the ban in Me. A April 10, 1865. C. ERUEHLEB. 638. 3009‘ Skirts. ‘ 628. UFKINS’ ‘- OW2? MAKE " OF 300? SKIRTS. nre gotten up expressly Lancet. the mum of “I“! cums mini. The, embrace I complrge Isaonmenl of 11l the new nnd duirahle Styles, Sizes and Length, for Ludien’. Miun' And Children, and are an perinr to all otheu made in point of Symmetry, Finish nnd dunbility ; being made of the fine“ tempered English Steel Springs—will: Linen 'finished Con-ring, and havingrnll the meulic Installing: immovnbly secured. by improved machinery. They remix: their Shape and Elna ucity to the last—and are warranted to give pntiro saligfawliun. Also, conamntly in receipt of full line: 01 good betel-n llndo SKIRTfl, u. very low prices. skiril made to ordel‘, nltetod Ind rep-ind.— Wliolesaie nnd Betnil, nu lanufncmry ind Snles Room, No. 628 ARCH BL, thou 6th,. fiIIIiADELPHIA. ‘ WToI-nn Cub. One Price Only I Aug. 21, was. 4:1: ‘ Give Him a Call! ‘ ' THE plus m obtai- p [infect ghmognphm, , ‘.v “mm-g mfg}? Wmmg I ‘ ‘ ;9-9138”: .. ‘. I'9 .. No Humbug. Human. R numzwonm ALWAYS AHEAD ”HHS WAY 'FUR BARGAIXS.—JOHK L. HULTZWOBTH bu jinn returned hon the ('ity willuhe ingest. and most complete wort monl ol HATS AND CAPS, BUUTS AND SHOES,Ih-L [nu been brought w,“ this (on since the war. His Mock le not only complete, but is 6001) Ind CHEAP embracing every variety 0! Boots Ind Shoe furJlou and Boys, whilst the Ladies will find everything in their line, from the fine» Guile! to the heaviest Shoe. Children's Shot-I 0! every description, in great. variety. Alto, La diu’ Hull. line quality, and Children'- Hats, ofsll "flu Ind prices. Moo, Trunks, Car p“ Bags, Valilea, Umbrella, Gloves, Stock ing], Tobacco, Cigmymd Notions of every description. H’Don't forte! lhn place. South-cut Cnr of the Di:lmond,Gull,\sLurg, I’ll. _ Jonix 1.. uouzwomu App! 10, 1863. ll ' New Goods 'l‘ P A I B F I H L D . A . BANNER 8 SHIELDS lune just ruched from Philadclphla I fresh supply ofGoods, which they Ire brepnred to sell at. the LOWEST CASH PRICES. The u trnl‘mn ofixhc public. is particularly called tc our line assortment of . READY-MADE CLOTHING. Knowing the difficulty heretofore experienced to procure nrlic'ms iu‘lhis line by our custom ers we hure determined to spare no etfon to accommodate them, an} all other: who mny rzu‘or us with I call. We shall endeavor to render satisfaction both as to quality und price. We have In; excellent assortment of BOOTS a SHOES, ‘ which We are selling VERY LOW. 'Also, Drugs, Perfumery, nntl Yancy Sonya, in great. variety. l’ntent. Medicines, Oils, Paints, the. In tact We have everything usually kept in a. first class country store. All we ask is that the ‘public will give us a call, as we feel cqnfi dent. Mm they wrll go uwny Satisfied that it. will be to their interest to come ngain and huy lhrir 209 d; when: they can get them to the best advantage. ' " WCounn-y produce taken in exchange for Goods. BANNER & SHIELDS. Aug. 21,1865. tf Bargains !‘ Bargains ! EW FALL AND WINTER GUUDS‘. FAHNHSTUCK BRUTIIBRS have just rcturucd from .\'pw York and Phila delplnm with nne oi the largest stocks of new Full and “'imur Guudi e‘v‘err ofl‘crexl to the citizens 01 Adams county. They “are pur rlmsecl in lugru the lute ri:e in goods and will be sold at corrrsl ouding'prices. The unusually great demand lul’ good: 111 every desqriptlon {or the Suulhcrn nmrkcl, will uqdoubtci‘lly cause a lanl-l-r risr in the price ufgoods. We‘vthere fun: mum-nu tlmt ‘ . NOW 15 ’l'lllL'l‘lllEfl‘O BUY. ~ Our stock of Lndics' bless (lbods is cdm plue, consisting of French Neriuoes, w-fy cheap, nll,wuol Poplin'n, all non] l’laida. De~ lninca—Sht-IJmnla' l’l-lida, Calicoes, Ging lmms, Plum UhgllufiobilrgLCloths fur Ludies’ Clmks, nnmunlly low, Silks and all the latest EUIES of Dress Goods. CLOTHS. Cgssimcn s, Cnssineu. Tweeda, KPnLuL-ky Jenna, kc. tor .\len's Wear. FLAMVHLS—Ihe [xi-gm! mock H‘H’ brought '.u lhi; InurLel, and cheap. Also, a large us sorlmeut ot ll]o.xk'l‘rim:mngs, Shuwls, Hoods, 13:.l-uurals,nnd in Inc! A full aud_complet,e :u -snrlmenl of all kin-ls of Simple and Fancy Goo-ls. Uur stuck Inning been purchased low. W 0 my again- BUY \ UUH FA LL 3: WINTER GUUDS .\'OW anlug rcplrniahv-l our étovk in H“ its de paruxn uh, u e nrc [svach to supply u hulewr may I 2 want. d in our km of buszuuns ut prices thu: dcly Eulnpetilioa. Call at the Red Frnul. I“.\U.\ESTUCK BROTHERS. Sept. 4, 18535. Pianos. [.\NOS ! Thé nndrrnigned would respect ? "I!” inluru‘. the public! Hm! he run funnish HANDS of the fulluuing manul'uclun-rs,,ur those of other make, it dosirec, at tho lu“ cs! pu-esihle win-=2 0151‘ KHRING 3t SONS. ' ’ DEXTER HIUIS. " ‘ ‘ ".\ZLI'Z'I'UV BRUS. H.\!.\'llS Imus. GED. hTEt'K. ’ A. H HAHN-I & (‘O. . STH.\\'\'AG & SUSS. [kg-ri'arlicuhu mmnion is given to the so iection of l’inngu; and “hen so selected, in ad lion to the mnnufilclurcra' gunrnulee,lbc l’inuoi are yuurunlwl 111/ nu. . _, - Mksux .1; mum CABINET ummxs AND MELODIAX'S 'l'_he X‘e‘ellt impruw-meuls in there iii-Imi menu nre such as to luilvaarrnnt saying they urel-‘AR SUPERIOR. lomuy other make. Uni: of the hen minimum; of their mem is, Hm. tho-i: improvements are imit :led l._v oilmr mukera. The ucn’ Style, four slop organ, have a Sub-Bass and Uctuve Couplct, mnkiqg it un instrument esgieciélly ndupled lo Church and Sabbath Scimul puns-uses. DESCRH’TIVE CIRCCLARS will he sent by mail to wagons desiring I.lmm. Pianos tuned regularly. Pianos taken in ex change. \‘ PETER BENTZ, ' c No. 30 East Market Sr.., York, I’s. June 12,1565. 6m Fresh Confectionery AND m: CREAM SALOON. , The subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Gettysburg and vicinity that. he has a. Uu’nl‘rctionery Establishment, one door-cnst of the Eagle Hotel, on Chunbereburg street, to hich lie would invite their attention. I \ nkex. Candles, and every description of Con ctions, together with Nuts. Oranges, and all kin s of fruits, alunys on hand- , ~ Puni 6:, public and private, as well u fumi lies, will e lurnislicd with all kinda of anesJ, lce (21mm, in pyramidal turn or otherwise.) and other rc eshmenta at their houses, upon short notice. \ ‘ Haring spent . life-time It the business, he flutters himsell th in: nnderstnndn it und'tluu, he is able to render mire ntiafuetiun. Cell and see his 0- fectlonery. April 24. 1865.. 1! JOHN GRUEL. . \New Skirt in 1865-8. HE GREAT INVENTIO OF THE AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS. 4. ". BRADLEY'SI New Putcnt DUPLEX ELLIPT (or double) SPRING SKIRT.—Thie invon'tio consists a! Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Re- ell Steel Springs, ingenioudy braided lighglfu - firmly? together, edge to edge, making the to best. I most flexible, elastic and durable SElin- ver. used. They seldom bend or bran , like he Single Springl,nnd cuneequc-nlly preserve we . perfect and beautiful Shnpe more than twice at: long on my Single Spring Skin lint ever In: or an be made. ' The wonderful flexibility end great comfort. and pleusure to any 156, veering the Dunlex, Elliptic Skirt will be Olperienced punicnlnrly‘ in all crowded Asnmbliel, Opens, Curl-gee,l Rullmld Cure, Clmn‘h Pevu, Arm Chain, for[ ”lumen-do and House Drew‘s: the Sklrt rnn , be folded when In use tooccnpyn small place In sail, and conveulanlly u n Silk or Yusliu Dress. . A Indy luring enjoyed the pleuure, oomfo: t em! great convenience of wenrlnz the. Duplex Elliptic Steel Bmin; Skin for aningle day will never alien-rd: willingly dispenfle with “lei; use. For Children, Mines and Young Ledlu, they no euperiur to all othen.’ The Hoop: are entered will] Z-ply double twisted thgend “'ld Will we" twice as lung :- the tingle y-nru covering whlch u haul cu ull‘ Slngle Steel Hoop Skins. The Ihree bottom, rod: u even Skin nre alto Double Sual,nnd twice‘br double ooveml to prevent the cover ing from wcnring ofl' lhe code when dragging down 2min, “one new, #O., kc" which ”I?" are constantly Whitest In when in ll"- All are made 0! the new and claim; Oo'dp‘q Towel, nnd are the best quality in every pm ' giving to the wearer the melt. gracetul Ind I petfect Shape possiflpfind are unquestionnbly Ihe lighten, most mirnble, comformhla and economic-l Skirt ever made. WKSTS, BRADLEY & CARY, l‘ropnewn of the [mention mud Sole Nanujnctnrfl’l, 97 Chamberemud 19 Ind 81 Reade su.,New York. FUR SALE in all first-clan Bmm: in this city, and lhroughom. tho United State: and Canada, Hanan do Cuba, lexico, South America, and tho Wen Indies. . 19‘! ' r u: n m:3 «mm. §im3 "PM 5 .9 a: (or 913.31, ms. 35 ~ F'O II 'l‘ z ’ S «Luann gum and mu gmm TheaaPowdm will smug“:- en 11:12st ud Inuldna, dame than from cumin mmer, ud bring them (0 nhenlthysutz. They In: "I sure preventive of Lung Fem, and a certain remedy for nll Diseases incident to the Home, such as Glan den, Yellow Wan“, Din ! e m p e r, Foan d e r , H a I. v o l, SlM—Hing, Cough, Fo ur a: (e an V 532 Encr zy. kc. , In poor low—spirited animals, it in: the l‘nbst benedcid elect. ‘ The use ofthem improves the wind, strength en: the Appetite, and gins to the Horse a. flag, smooth and glossy skin—thus im wot: ing the uppeamncg, figor Ind spirit. 0} this noble animal. ' The pmperty.tbis Powder possess»: in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, give. it an Importance nnd value which should place it in the hands of every pcnon keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has prawn: that it will increase th’e quantity of Milk and (3qu twenty per mum, and make the Butler firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them nn appetite, loosen: their hide mm! make them thrive much faster. A . H O G S . in all Diselses of me Swine. such as ‘ Q?“ ~_ ; _:_. Coughs, Ulcers in 4&7 1.511: the Lungs, Liver, ' ‘\‘ ’f ‘27}‘3 » :c. hml'f putting \‘w‘v—‘P‘x‘ rum :1 a paper < _ - In: a sugar of ”gem .1 ‘ ‘1’“) ow end in a M- (773‘ 155‘; “a rel of Swill, the N'?‘s;\ above Diseases can‘bg cum! or until-fly pm vonu-d. By using thinowden the 110 g (thlc‘ni can be preveuwgl. Pricg 25 cts; or Paper‘. or 5 Papers forsl. ARV-D KY B.‘ A. ESETZ 8; BBQ; A‘l'\ WHOLESALE DRUG I In. 116 Franklin For $512 by Dnu throughout the ['nil For, sule hé A. D, Luugblin & Ihhhfinl; Bender 5.: Cinl’ihsbu‘ & How-len, l’hilmlelph boy. 23. 18134. Ly Globe Inn. \ 1 mm: nu, xmt Tu: nuuosn, ~“\ I ETT Y s 1: U-RG; l’A.—The .unior,ig;.€d\; G \muhl mnst'respggtl'ully inform his n [- mcruns lriends and the public genomily, that he has purchased Ihnt long established :m-l well known lion-l, the “Globe lnn,” in York gin-ct, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to conduct it in a _manner lllzll, will nnt detract {rum in fornier high reputation. llis tuble «ill have the best the marl“ can‘nll’urd—his chambers nre spacious and comfortable—and he hns laid in lor his ban-a full stack uf wines nml liquors. There is large stnhling attached to the Hun-l, which will be attended by Allen tire hustlers. It will be his constant cudenrox to rrudcr the lullcst sntiaful‘tinn to~his guests, making his huuse us near a home to than as 'lo39lhll'. He asks n. slmre of thel‘nuhlic’s [-u -"ammo, dclormincd ns he i: to desune IL Luge p-xrl of it. l‘wmcmlwr, Ilu‘“Glohe inn" is in York sum-t, hut nexu- the Diuum ill, or l'uluic aquure. / ”'“""' ” ' " April 4, 1864.- Lancaster’ Book Bindery. ‘ EOiLGE “‘IANT, , BOOK BINDER. LSD BLAKE BOOK ‘IANUIAC’I'UIIIIL, Laxuasnzn, PA Plain and Ornnmmlul Biting, of every dc scrimiuu, executed in nib mos; substantial and uppnn ed st) les. REPSBESCIS E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L. I’exper, Huh Lannater County Bank Samuel Shock, Eq., Columbia Bank. Samuel Wagner, quq York Bunk. William: “'ugner; ['3qu York County Bunk. T. D. Carson. Esq., Brink of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, 15314., Pruth'y oanucasle‘r co., Pa Geo. C. Ha“ thorn, Esq., liegiater “ “ Geo. “'h‘rtsou, Esq., Recorder , “ “ April 15, 1801 ' ~ Now Bakery ! EWI'ORT & ZIEGLER, Mnhfinical Bak- N ers, Soml‘.’ Washington street. hull .qunre from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Conslundy on hand, the best at BREAD, CBACKEHS, CAKES, PRETZELS' &c. ..l‘cr lons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaning their name; lndresidencu! n: the Bakery. Every efl‘on mnde to please Give us a call! " [April 20, ’63. tf I. K. Staufi'er, ATCHMAKER [JEWELEK No. 148 North SECOND sweet. “v ' corner of Quarry, PHILADEL-fl PIHA. An assortment. oi WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, constantly on hand, ' SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESESTS! fi'Repniring of Watches and- Jewelry promptly “tended to. - . Dnc. 12, 1864. 1y ~ _ Everhart’s - A RANKLIN EQUSE, . F coun o! 5913;935:335:5z swan, BALTIMORE. MD This House is on 3 direct line between the Northern Central Ind Baltimore pnd Ohio Rail road Dopou. I! ha: been refitted and com fortably amnged for the convenience and the enwmnmont of guests. 0cL81,1864. tr, { . , mething for Everybody BUY A? on, R. HonNßß's‘ I DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— ust ope ed I fine assortment of ° Drugs nd Medicines, PI ' -t Medicinal, " ‘_‘ tionety, Fancy Dry Gooda, , ‘ , Confection, Geocuiea, ‘ Notions, TOBAGCO, ~‘ CARS, to. Jun. 13, 1864. Revenue 8-: up I" In, denomination _éon any on hand Ind for sale at the First ' Haul Bunk m Gettynbnrg. GEO..-\RX\OL I Cashier. Gettylbnrg, Nov. 14, 18M. 4 EXCKLSIOIU . _ 1 . EXCBhSIOB ‘ EXCELSID ‘ l! The Excalyiol Waking Mfichine in the - . t' in the World, Cgll and quaint. it It om}:— ‘ Uflico ,1! III: E'celtio; Skytligw Ggitf‘ré ‘ TYSON ann‘r gs. 1 Albums ! :14 B U I B H - , ALBUMS“: nu received A Inge Ind buntifql snort.- ment of Phgwgnphic.Alhnm-, wbtch we oEer below on, prices. 7 use; workings. Doc. n, 1582. ' ._ » ‘ - mature Frame. Gaun- "ring of chwas' mass, A with phi: and convex plates, for ale 3 mainprugnglenfley Store, , , figs _lB. my. ' ‘ ‘ - New Good; z—Large Stock! ERCHANT TAXLOBING. PI . ‘ JACOBS t BRO. ave just received from m cities n lugs flock of goods for Guntlemen'i won, ombncinz I variety of ' CLUTHS, ‘ ‘ - - OASSIMEBES, VESTINGS, Canine", Jeans, km, with mun; om: goods for (pl-ing and manner wear. They are prepared to mike up garment! It the shortest notice, and in the very best man ner. The priou are regularly received, and clothing made in my desired style. The] :1- waya mnkc ucnt fita, whim their sewing in “to to be substantial. They uk l continuance of the public’l pg. (rouge, resolved by good work and moderate charges mean: it. ' Gettysbutg, April 'l, 1862 Stonebmker’s snvs, norm AM) coun L “N 17 u E x r l QWARRANTBD I'o CURE Rheumatism. Spruitfl, Swellrd Joints. Sore Throat, Frosted Feet, Poison. (Nd Sores uud Bruises, Fresh Cuts, Corns, .\lmnps, Tolter, Pains in the Limbs and Back, Swat-Hy, on .\latn or Benst,Buddlc or (‘oilnr Gulls, Dustemper. Scratches, 80.. on Harm und Males, and fill Discuses requu'ing an External Remedy. ‘ ' r'l‘hc attentiun of the public is rcapectfully directed to the ahove Preparation, us being one at the ‘.vcst and most efficacious extelunl remedies now in use. This fact is based upon the testimony of thuusnuds ol perloua who have used it. From the rust nmonntnf good this Llniment lms dune’in all cases wherein it has brén used, and the l‘nquenl upplicfllion nmde for it, the pruprielor has been induced to place it before [he public, and let it slum] upon its own good mama, knuuing that in every case where it it used. it will recommend ltlelf. . All he asks in u thir and lnlpnrlinl rrinl, und'if used accord mg to Muslims. nnd nu benefit, no churgm— llnving such unlimited confitlfiice in its cura lirc powers, he lula directed his Agents to re turn] the money in all cases where Una Lini ment is used with no benefit, the bolllo Mlh a porulm ol its contents to be returned to the Agent. It will be found a sure remedy for Rheuma tism. Spy-ulna. Swrllcd Joints, km, nnd in Inct,_ lor nll ilmt he claims 101' it, it. excels any arti cle of the kind )0! tried. ' II is also an infnlhhlu cure for [min diseases of Nurses, such :3 Kicks, Snnge, Swellinga, Sprnins, Uld Serra, Scratches, Collar and Snd~ (lle Hulls. and all clisensrs rcquiiing nu ex ternal remedy [or “one: an: Cattle; i! has no equal. ‘ ~ This Linimcm should, be in the hands of “My family, pnrficnlnr'ly where “ATP are children. ns Sou: 'l'lironi. Scnrlcxinn, Cronp, Qlllm'y, kin. are diseases lhnl. cnny mnny l hil qlu-n to their KIHVL‘s. This Linigncnl null be luund a sure and apt-Pay relief in t-n-ry cnsu “In-re it is npplird in limo. Asllns Liuiluenl. is wurmnled 10-giw‘rnlisfilclion in nll cases. 1 no one run risk nnfihiug in lrging il—nnd 11l one bollle is aged you nill never be \i-i'lllo mi il in the [mum-Lu) pun-has; u. bolllu and Le couuuced of llm incl: nbovc. I iPOT. :3, Id. rekeepen , Stonebraker’s Soluble Pacific Guano. ORSI-Z .\XI) CATTLE ‘ OIIX S. [till-23H & (1)., . H ' PUW l) E RS ! J -\\’tmt.r:s.\t.r’. .\st- tn'THL mus-rs rot “Ypynurllotso‘ S’l‘HNl'llißAKl-ER'SNURSE3 Till-Z l'.\(‘lr It? ”HASH t'nlll‘.\.\l’. .\XI) CATTLE l'UlVllEllS. if )0" “full. line' 71 Soul/I .\'lrH-I, [LII/mm". _ and healthy IIOI’St‘S, and you are sure to llll\'(“ The Sula/Jr [liq/i4- Grimm mpmmcs I'erlwiun them. A sail-aura m depeulycure l'ori‘ntuhs, Ihnmu in :I'f-pt-nnmel-, mlorl nnd t‘mnposillun. t‘olds,l)istetnpers, llexues,Hide-hound,ll’un‘us. , The \ulut- .it all Gunman {ind Sttptr l'hoaphhln “Ms. .\'eurvy, km, in Horses, Loss of Cud, ' ut Lime, ul‘nhzttpver n:trnt~,«lrpv-mis, n.- in well 11l lek Tunfllfl‘. em, in (‘uttle. I iUIU“ n, uptih the per cent. of .luummlu .\'ululrle by the use oi these l'UWllEllS the nppelilt‘ ' (‘hoap/mlr and [Lou I'hr-arl: I.'r n," ler they eup ot' the Horse i» impru\‘e-1,,n1l dorungvur-Mts of lulu. 'l his litmxm ilifl-‘ra Irum l‘vrtni .u onlr the Digt-sliH' Uignns me ill-nuclei, imd thoiin the net that it‘ eu- unit-a less .lmumniu. hit} all ;;iehuess til the“ unitu ti lilo.” pears, he he- . this dim-route iu .\llttnttltizt 1~4 mote thnn [mule coifixiig lively and “t-pirited. it. softens tltq'ttp hy the lac! that it contains Minn-st donut akinfyitiup the huir n :leqlt and shining up- i m- mtlt'll Soluble nmt lioue l'hnsph Ilt- "thistle. pextruneo. Tile grent superiority of these . 1 his Ilill' r. nce makes it ndurulllrfzrlihz'rr. u it]. l‘oudersyrrr nll othtrs urisn-s trout the Li'- t : all the nethity ut l'truviun quiuu. Mtho ugh that they ‘ott'e mmpoun-ied t-l' Ju' tlleiues' th it ‘ the price of this (llmun i“ only one-hull the have huntit~ tunic um! jtllriiltlilg pmptrttee. l prife ot Peruvian, nunl is not higher :h tn the The lnxzttivekigmoves uli impurities tum the I huper 'l'uoSplmtr's at Little, yet it t'outuim, ml stumm-h tut-l ho\\‘els; the tonic. llllllS no“ tont-l is pron-u by nunli sis and inapeetimr. null] and vigor to I“er of Ihe'hutse, by \\ llll'll ; more of ammonia, “lab/(Rum lque I'lmaplmtr, the appetite I: won 'erl'ully improved. and the ; thnn is found in the best of them.‘ lleuce itt pnrilying tut-divine“ ~ntniued in them ('i- ausu ’ u-onomy nud intrimie \‘xtlde must remlrr ll m tl.e blood from ull impure mutter. uml gin-. 1; ul jert ol’greut interi-at ‘o lurmera generally. healthy and tigoroua di(etti:.liun; they also. We math lurmirs to who especial unlit-e. improve the wind, uud nrm‘n suxe prt-t'cntix‘elilmt the uni-.iuuus upon «Inch we lune the m hung Fever, Yellow Waller, Founder. Luu‘ ngt-m-y of thisflnnuo are tlmt every eurgo is ul‘Appt-tite, Mll with)" other disease» iueideut reguhnly inspected find amt]; zed by Dr. Lie tu the Hurae. \ hug. whose authority in wet: tultlura l 8 pum lt is also invaluable as a Condition Powder umunt. . - ~ ior Cows, increasing the flow ot mllk mu] pn'l This angement nfl'ortla us and consttmtrl venting disease.‘ All ptrsons (milling cows a protection: ltDl hml in the plm'h'nre of lettihz slmul-l Mk fur S'I'HNEiIRAKI-IK'S “Wish? .‘t'ers gem-ml”. It Inn-t than he noticed glint. C.\.i"l‘l.E PUWDERS, as it is wry important the phmphntes 0t '“lia(;“.”]0' nre not tultwrnl, through the “‘lllll'l' that they should lrc\“lsttl but earthy l'ltusphxtzes,.which i.- grt-utly to‘ its to improve the rendition of the eou‘. “‘o‘ i utl\.ttit.t;.:-'. have no equal for fatteniu‘g cnttle, us thtyglt‘e~ I The following is n suu.nutry‘of unulytris of them mi hppt‘tilE, and loosen thiir hide, by waist Cargo: , . which they thrne much fuzter. , Llluutute. . . ' l 0 per cent. ’l‘heee l’u-A den are, is ultra prerenl’it‘e n! (I‘vgamc Comh'tible Mottorfiil i'l '{ -‘ HOG UllULl‘lliA, and are purlieulnrlfi‘ xulupte-l g Entity Mutter, , (:0 38 “ “ to the dist-“es to which Hugs are :u linhlr— Yielding Ammauln. 3.40 I“? rent. :ueh HS CoughsJHcers oflhe Lungs and Lin-r— Sum/l], l'husplmte of. Lime, [7.07 u u ‘euurit 1: them to imp’r-ne much faster. They Hone I‘Lugl‘hule ul Lime, 21.21 a ~- fihuuld be used in the beginning to fnuen K'lfl’” “h. by Hogs, as much iced Inn; be save-l. These . . -‘ u.-(‘L’[t[)\' J: MEl]|,_ l'owders will he found tnmlt stronger tlmi - Gnueml l'roduee [tr-"jug , most, powders now in use, and a: the sums I July“), 135; 4111 Cettyibu ' time the most powerful tonic eveh used lor ‘ “K ’- llorsea and Cattle of any kind. All persuus‘ ‘ ' ’ x are ;articulnrly invit' dto try these Powders, ‘ ~ . Hosqmm’gs. ‘_ knowiuu the) will continue to use them i EM’I‘H" ”1““)ng M" “l ‘- a . _. ' 1 I'UQSI’IIJ TE 0! LIME, Wll um A‘l’ MANUFACTURER'S [)EPOTS, Ko. 27 .\'.Je'rout Sheet, l’hilildelphiu, Ild No. . N llouly‘s \\ hurt. ,BALTIMOIVB. ' yslourg ; ; ('. U. ollouuy 111111111Miii SAMUEL \\ ULF [la]; Made lo Come Out 14/ lluir ”01:: lo DIG! , Stonebrakefls r AT, ROACH AND MOUSE R E .\'T H-R‘M {fl A‘TORI ‘We innte the attention a! the public in an: above preparation, as being one of ihe must ell’cciu-il prepnrntmns evvr introduced. for the dtsururlivn oflhe al-ove \"ennin. We warrant. il. a DEAD SHOT FOR RATS! It] il—Ouly 2:3 can: u. bur. @Sold by dculcra and country “one keeper: yum-rally. ‘ Aug. i 4, lacs. 6m j . Great {Sale F WATCHES AKDJJEWELRY. L- $1,000,000 WORTH! To be disposed of at 0)": Don.“ each, unli oul. regard to value, not to he p.-id lcr until . you know what. you are to main, l BY A. 11. BOWEN & CO., (Agents [or the Mnnulnc!uren,) No. 36 Bunny Stan-r, .\'xw You. grind the following list of Articles to be sold for ONE DOLLAR :‘—- ‘ 100 Hold Hunting-nu Woubu, ml: 912—5 on 100 -> Womb“. nfiounyln, -‘ 15 on an H miel‘ Gold Which“, 4‘ in on 600 Bllrcr Witch-l. ‘ etch $2O no in 85 no mmt-ulcvuliug'tclulm,“ hmmfioo 5500 mm- Ctlil'urnlo diamond Piul. “ sontoin on m Cultural- alumni! uni-dull», '~ 5 00 to In no woo Ilium-r! Revolnw I’llu. 0‘ son In 10‘” NOO Culihrni: Dim-ml nnd omm: ‘ . oiled (huf- vurfpim. n" Ixyiu, " Inotolo 00 moo Noon-la lud' Emblrm l'uu. l‘ a o. to 10 go 2500 Gold Band Brunei-11. unwind “ lanto In w 3000 Id Ind bionic “molar, H aontoln on NI: Con-u Bwnchn. “ Bnotoln on wear-Imam]... u canon-o mma'wneiwwu. ; u lanolin «mama Pin, nuplmdld ”I". “ 2oninlo no Milena!" Sloan Baum. “ 3notolo 00 comm-duo." mutton-Clank. H 8 on colooo woo 81.." Balkan, plain. Ind .ng-d, ‘I '9: on b s o loODOnl-l-nlmnvad Kim, N 25°on on musical. richly "xx-"d. U a 901010 99 “No In!- [Alla’ Jw ry, not M mm nylon. “ oontoli .0 mmummseum-p, 0 Sonic 800 whilflnnommndo, " 45°qu moo Gold Pou- ml Gold noun. h' 15 no to 25 no ”0030!: Jet Ild Gold Pin url hr l Dmpa. In.“ stylus, nry rich, " 600 to loot‘ W 00“ Thimblec. Pencil). 1:2,, “ 4onto 0 oo‘ lmGolde “Munroe-u. “ 500% 8001 km --~ It Ebonybuldorl, _ “ lento 100 Thin entlu .list. of henunful and rnluublo good: will be cold for On Donn each. Cer tificatn 0! I“ the shore articles will by placed in envelop". Ind unled. Thole cnrelopu no can by mail, on ordcred, without rp‘gud to choice. 0n the rennin: of the certificate you rill see who: you are to have, ood then it]. n ma; option :9 land i 339 Dollnr Ind “to tho riicle, or not. ' , Viva certifies“: can be ordered for 31 l \n [0:32 ; thirty for 35; 111-W's"? ‘o’ ‘10; we hundred lo: 515. We will lend o ‘eruflcaw on tho melp: or 35 cents.— ‘lnkd to whom we 00'" special tonal; ‘~ for one certificato and our cinn- A. H. BOWEN & CO., 33 Beekuun Street, 11. E. is . m ' H 910 II snd v L. mule ' 439;)“ u‘ L. Ind 25 cu . hr with te .. . P. 0. Box 4271. Hg, 12, 186§. m UPIHOB '8“ CAL? BOOTS—Ind S by good “risen, ulcqul to say min: malnund- bean, in neoind nd "14 .9th 9y . W 8 M 93. rate 31.4 .v on BEAST. Noah Walker I: 00.. CL'o'x-nljns, WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 up IGLBALuuon Brunt, hep constantly on Ipid 5 but In! lofl u.‘ lorted flock of .11 kinds also“: In pom =1 The, lnpply order: for the _lmt to tho love-t priced udclu, alum My, 111. or made to manure, )0 In] part of the pantry. EE The, heal-o u nun-lic ”09k ”FURN ISHING 6. DS, onbnelng every ‘articlo '9! Gentlemn'l Under-wear. Also, lILITARI CLOTHS Ind every Variety of Military ‘l'rm- mingq, as'well as in assorted Itock oI‘RBADY lIADB MILITARY GOODS Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864 New Goods! Chegp Goods! ‘HE PLACE TO GET THEM ~ , \ IN HANOVER!— Wc hguby lnlonn the enigma of,Yoi-k and Admin counties. that we have enuhliuhed, It the southeast corner of Centre Fqunre nnd nullimore-urecl, HANQVEB, formally occu pied by C. B. a T. ’l‘. Win, a Brunch Store; (the principal business houses being lac-Md in New York and York. Pa.,) where we will keep‘ at all tlmt-a a regular nwlorlmant 0! Dry, Damn-sue and Fancy GOODS. Ilsa, n well u lected nssnrunent 0T OLOTHS..CASSIMEBES, CAS‘SINETS, CUTTINETS and COR QUROYS; (.‘lnnn. Glass and Queens-wire,Ladiu'rmsul' and Children's SHOES; also, tin and lull Mani-tuner): of all kinds OI CARPET, Floor and Table Oil-cluth. “'9 have also established in room! mljmnlng tlw Clmrul Hotel, I CLOTHING STOP-E. where we will keep constantly on hand n well. selecmd also-uncut 0t Really-mud: Clothiu. 0f the Intent styles, and A full assortment of (lentlomen's Furnishing (inmls, such nu lhll, Cups, Boots, Shoes, 6:45, which we will sell at reduced prices. ' As our motto isLnud nlwnyl all! M. “qulck miles and small prufitl,” we hope lo tact-he N share of the patronage of town and coun try. Our bonnevllun “ill: tln- large “huh-ml? human in New York City llnll York, l’n.,wlnre ure always stored nu utenme stock of goodu, which file uvll nt wlmll-sule ulld retail. eunuch us to supply our old l‘r.rndu and um]; of our new customers as lill gin- us to. mill, with the \ury beat marketable guuda at ’lowt-r rules: lllun mn he fiurulmsud uuyth-ru in Ilie Slate. Cull und at‘t.‘ lur yoursvlws. ' ' JUS.~[~.EIH(‘U & um) "unmet, June 26. 1813.3. 1; \ , ‘ y The suhsl-riher bc—ga lenve to lulorm Dalian 'innd Cnansnnnerb\llnnt he is no“? [turned to 'fnrnisl: 1:930 ~PHILLIPS ,HSU ME ”I. PROVE“ SUPEBXHU§PUATE 0? LINE, lu uny mummies. ‘ The universal nqllafiuetlon this article bu given during the pulsar years, has no in creased thedemaml that 1 lane bun compelltd lo gmnlly‘cnllrge my capa-ity‘lor m Innu fucxuremud have been induced l 0 ulublllh A branch bu'll-le in the city of Baltimore“ “nu tlmtvl will he nble‘lo fill all ordé I during Ilia lensnn. Yet my rple it fin! tank“ mud. Price in Philudql'pbis $OO per wn,\"o(.o lbl. ln~HnllimoreFllme price, {night luifi’pllu; delpllifl uddx‘d. - _ Din-aunt tq Dealen. \ 0 nay-r 3: sale by w. E; mmz I: CO., t 1 tyllmr‘g. ‘ . 110110 PHILLIPS; Sole Proprittor and Mnnulutunfi . “ar. 20, was. a. .. .__ ..l - , - ”WM Bone Flour, NADUl.‘l‘l£llA'l‘l-2DL ' ~ U ‘ lannc‘rcln n in‘ BUSTON )IILLIXG AND NANCEAU‘I'UBIXQ . , CUHPANY. ' The value of unburnl, unulullanlod Bone, ii well known. When reduced to the condi tion at Fwn, it in u lullvo u I! dllulved with acid. and is In boner, beam. 11. ml” all la l’hmphuel. lu superiority our the common Ban Dc" is two-fold or non. MI . I con’amnmulion nought forln wall: for the lul. hulleemury, and in destined to flu n-I‘ ulna to Bdne u - fertilizer, Ind work 1 nvolntlon‘. In lti use. Th 9 BUNK FLOUR in mud. only; hy the Ib‘t‘fic Ccmpnny, and is brndcd I“: then undo mark, which in the gun-glue of ’ ‘ cu. -‘ ' m ”mm JQH! s. REESE t CO., —1! Sun”: Stu-cl, Bum-on, General new for “wind. Del-n». and the South"; Sula. at nlO r . l a" mommy a; man, Gemini Product Dale", Ju‘y m, 1365. 4m chytbnrg. 11l nlucrlbor‘ In: none nimble WBBl. T E“ LANDS, whtch he will lab I" ad. or more FARMS 39 this cognl'y. Th 9 land. ‘3".- '2l:]! {sing "a: «Eugnbll kt km. a . r I leg on uyo . g ’m: "JACOB stunner». '2 Gettysburg, Apr“ 3. 1865. U 1 - Pictures! Pictures! EV! NUMPBR having gunk-aid Ban"! . L Wavei'l maroon l GALLERY. lg . prepared to execute way]: in his ”uracil! M, u, eambliuhmenc in the Saw. 1! you ‘ . : good likenemflnhid iceordlutotlg ‘ improvement! In ‘Lc m, an 50' th' 'hol-Oltlhnlm 0411"}, in V 0“ ‘ -’ meet, Gama-rs. \ [Jam ”WWW-g I BALTIIOBI,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers